
Tincture of garlic of what fortress alcohol. The tincture of garlic from atherosclerosis. The benefits of garlic tincture.


The tincture of garlic cleans the vessels from cholesterol, strengthens the health of the heart, improves the metabolism, contributes to loss of unnecessary kilograms, helps with arthritis, sinusitis, rheumatism.

How to cook garlic tincture at home?

To do this, you will need fresh garlic, it is desirable not Chinese, a glass jar and alcohol (95 degrees). Grind 350 grams of raw garlic, fill it with 250 ml of alcohol. The jar tightly close the lid and remove into a cool place for 10 days. On the 11th day, the tincture is strained through the gauze, pour into a clean bottle and remove into the refrigerator. Keep the liquid for another 2 - 3 days in the refrigerator.

Hot influenza tincture

The main disadvantage of the capsules is a small amount of garlic essential oil, which implies the need to absorb a large number of them to get the amount of oil, which will give you a clove of garlic - from 3 to 6 mg of oil. Garlic capsules can be found from different manufacturers, including St. Bernhard, Jameson, Green Master, Terra Nova, Solgar, Bovea. Do not make a bet on low odor products, because it indicates the absence of valuable allicin. Numerous clinical researches Demonstrated low efficiency capsules devoid of specific smell.

Application: The tincture should be taken within 11 days according to the scheme, then 25 drops until it end (about 40 days). To do this, several drops need to be mixed in a glass of milk (50 ml), and drink before each meal in 20 minutes. Milk can be replaced with water.

Day 1 - Morning 1 drop / lunch 2 drops / 3 drops at night

Day 2 - 4 drops in the morning / 12:00 5 drops / 6 drops at night

A good option is the Forster doctor capsules available in two versions - only with garlic oil and in combination with hawthorn and white mistletoe. The second option is also suitable for children. Products are exempt from improvers and stickers - another criterion when choosing quality garlic additives.

Should we prepare it to ourselves or buy?

The introduction of garlic powder into drugs is a relatively new method. The spice is first crushed, and then dried. It is argued that garlic powder supplies allicin in the same quantity as fresh garlic. Three are varieties of powdered garlic preparations - stabilized allycine tablets, capsules with garlic powder and flavored powder, as well as tablets with a special, but light smell.

Day 3 - Morning 7 drops / lunch 8 drops / 9 drops per night

Day 4 - Morning 10 drops / noon 11 drops / 12 drops at night

Day 5 - Morning 13 drops / midday 14 drops / 15 drops at night

Day 6 - Morning 15 drops / noon 14 drops / 13 drops at night

Day 7 - Morning 12 drops / noon 11 drops / 10 drops at night

Day 8 - Morning 9 drops / lunch 8 drops / 7 drops night

The first type of allycine decomposes into sulphides, and the rest is stabilized to suppress fragrance. As a rule, for this type of tablet requires four accounts to meet everyday needs. Capsules that control the smell of garlic are usually difficult. Synthetic alanine is added to preserve allicin. A significant disadvantage of these drugs is the inability to determine the exact amount of valuable allicin.

Easy smelling tablets contain alina, alanase and sulphides, which are going together, forming allicin when they fall into the stomach. They are mainly available in the European market. The fact that they do not deliver allicin, but contributes to its synthesis, is the cause of contradictory attitude to their effectiveness, although many analyzes have already proven their value.

Day 9 - 6 drops in the morning / at twelve hours 5 drops / 4 drops at night

Day 10 - 3 drops in the morning / at twelve hours 2 drops / 1 drop in the evening

Day 11 - 25 drops in the morning / at twelve hours 25 drops / 25 drops at night

Cleansing this method should be carried out once every five years.

Alcohol garlic tincture - benefit

The tincture of garlic can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is preparing from the leaves or cloves of garlic, lined with alcohol within 4 - 6 weeks. During this period, the active ingredients of the plant dissolve in alcohol solution, thereby creating a therapeutic garlic tincture. Its most often used to clean the vessels, heart disease treatment, health promotion. Garlic probably contributes to a decrease in the level of "bad" cholesterol, normalizes blood pressure, regulates blood sugar levels.

Cooking garlic powder you will do yourself. It is best to use Bulgarian garlic to make sure that you will not lose your body of valuable allicin. Cut the carnation on slices and place them in a baking sheet on the baking sheet. The heat treatment in the oven lasts several hours at a temperature of not more than 80 degrees. Changing the color and structure of the carnation is the indicator of their readiness. Rub them into dust using a coffee grinder.

Black garlic is salvation from a variety of pains that a modern man complains about. Boldly say that this is the discovery of humanity. This traditional Asian cuisine is considered longer. The main difference between ordinary garlic and black garlic is taste. The second lacks a specific, acute smell and taste, but it is not deprived of any beneficial substances characteristic of garlic. The taste is pretty caramel, and the advantages are definitely prevailing for a second type, which contains allicin 10 times more.

Research The last decades proved that garlic is really able to reduce cholesterol and systolic pressure. In addition, it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which helps to struggle with many diseases. Many herbalists recommend using fresh garlic for treating colds, problems with stomach. Food additives or tincture of garlic are also suitable for the treatment of various ailments, because They do not contain preservatives and are absorbed more efficiently.

Black garlic is known as a means of normalizing sleep, liver, kidneys, bile and heartbeat. It is considered a tool that will greatly help on the problems of oncology. The technology of manufacturing black garlic is based on fermentation processes. The process lasts more than a month, most often about two months. Throughout this time, garlic is placed in special conditions with a temperature of about 70 degrees. During this period, garlic changes not only his color and taste, but also its antioxidant potential, increasing it ten times.

Easy trick to clean 20 nails for 20 seconds video

The price of three cloves of garlic is from 3 to 5 left. It is unlikely that there is a housewife that loves white garlic. Probably the imposition of 20 cloves of garlic in just 20 seconds it seems to you impossible. But we found a way to do it only twenty seconds, and only with the help of two metal bowls. Take a look at the video and you will see.

It should also be noted that garlic tincture cannot be taken during pregnancy and during lactation.

In 1971, UNESCO group discovered a unique recipe for the body rejuvenation in the Tibetan monastery. This recipe was timed to 4 - 5th century BC. The recipe "Elixir youth" was translated into all languages. The main ingredient is garlic.

Hair mask with garlic against hair loss

The properties of garlic as medicines have been known for thousands of years. And today they continue to offer solutions for many health problems and, despite the progress in medicine, enjoy a great tribute. Pets of garlic folk healers are often recommended as a means of combating strong hair loss. A successful formula here is a mixture of spoonful of honey, aloe juice and garlic juice. Before using it as a hair mask, take a spoon and mix with 1 egg yolk. After careful mixing, the mixture into the hair and hold out at least half an hour.

The benefits of the Tibetan "Elixir of Youth: Cleans the vessels from cholesterol and other deposits, improves the metabolism, dissolves the thrombus, prevents atherosclerosis (), warns and treats ischemia, hypertension, sinusitis, diseases of the lungs, also gastritis, gastric ulcers, hemorrhoids, dissolves tumors, Improves rumor and vision, rejuvenates the body. The recipe is used only once every five years. How to cook and take a tincture higher.

Garlic shampoo - recipe that we have to choose if you buy it?

Garlic shampoo can be prepared by adding a spoon of juice from it into yolk. Enrich the detergent with a spoon of aloe juice. Besides yolk S. washing agentsGumus and yogurt are also known. They are also successfully combined with garlic juicywhich stops hair loss and increases blood flow to the scalp. To weaken the sharp, specific aroma of garlic, home shampoos can add drops of beloved essential oil - lavender, rosemary, lemon.

There is a huge number of garlic shampoos, which promise to stop losing hair and clean the scalp from the fungus. If you have your own observations, share them with us! The essential advantage of the Tmin-shampoo with garlic is that a specific garlic fragrance was removed. Seboro invalid garlic also offers a solution due to its specific antibacterial effect. It helps to regulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands, which is the perpetrator number one for unpleasant seborrhea.

People with the problems of the stomach must be careful when using this Tibetan recipe. Before treatment, it is better to consult with your doctor. In addition, various reactions such as skin rash, headache, stomach pain can occur in the first menu. Such symptoms are associated with detoxification (), i.e. cleansing the body from accumulated toxins. However, if the symptoms are saved, or deteriorate, it is better to stop the treatment.

The option of its regulation lies in mixing the cube of crushed garlic cloves from one head in the desired amount of honey to obtain a cream emulsion. Apply it on the hair, where it should stand for an hour, and then wipe it in the usual way.

Alcohol infusion of garlic and brandy cloves, acidic at least two days in brandy is equally effective. The biggest disadvantage is the acute aroma of garlic, which remains even after the masks are washed away. Hair mask with garlic - relief from a heap of problems.

In unpleasant alopecia, you can remove the skin of the scalp head, and the condition of the hair can be significantly improved by direct rubbing garlic in the scalp. You can use garlic juice or garlic clove, cut into two in the middle, which is wiping directly. A good option - To absorb pre-sliced \u200b\u200btwo carnations in vinegar. Throw them twice a day daily. Only a few applications will notice the appearance of villi on the head.

It is worth noting again that for cooking garlic tincture You should use a glass jar (you can not use metal dishes). Alcohol must be 96 degrees (medical).

Strengthening health with garlic tincture

Garlic is excellent food to maintain health. It has antiviral, antibacterial, antioxidant properties. And no wonder it is considered to be a plant antibiotic. Garlic tincture can be taken inside and used externally, for example, for the treatment of fungal infections, such as mycosis.

Face mask with garlic in acne and other problems

Young people suffering from acne are useful for inclusion in their menu several garlic cloves and for regular manufacture of garlic masks. For them, we offer several proven options. Spoon of carrot juice, honey, talca or crushed white chalk spoon of fresh garlic juice and broken egg proteins. To avoid any drying, removal is carried out by cotton, impregnated with warm, soft infusion. Two parts of the fatty mass of alcohol - 8 parts are the ideal components of a mask for rotting leather lesions, rashes and acne. Marley sucks a mask and replaces it 2-3 times a day until complete recovery. This method helps to dry the skin and open the pores, as well as protect the skin from infections and contamination. You can also try directly pipping the kidneys with fresh garlic juice. It is extremely important to wash it in five minutes, as there is a danger to burn the skin. You can also apply a garlic wand that lasts fifteen minutes, and before wiped out the face, wipe it with apple vinegar.

  • When careing acne leather masks used 2-3 times a week.
  • It is used in layers.
  • Then rinse the skin with warm, then warm water.
For many ladies, the problem of bark of certain areas is known.

Home garlic tincture: Grind the raw garlic, put it in a jar, pour with vodka or vinegar (double quantity). For example, if you used 1 cup of garlic, then vinegar should add 2 glasses. Remove the composition in a dark place for 14 days. Shake the jar daily. After that, resolve, remove into the refrigerator for future use.

And here comes big garlic to help. Just wipe it into the bare spots in the evening before bedtime. The appearance of new hair on the open surface is noticeably in a few weeks. Incredible garlic is easily processed with unpleasant mushrooms. Antibacterial components in it are the safest killer pathogenic microorganisms responsible for fungal infections. Places treated with stubborn mushrooms are processed directly by wiping them with garlic tooth.

Another cuff effect is a mixture of chopped garlic, crushed sage and apple vinegar. The cache should remain on the site for at least 20 minutes, its final wash. For vaginal mushrooms with well-deserved popularity, the proven graveyard of garlic cloves entered into the vagina is used. After half an hour, the carnation can be changed. The course lasts five days or a total of ten garlic teeth. Before putting them in the vagina, it is necessary to pre-dunk them in the olive oil of half an hour.

Home garlic tincture can be used to treat viral diseases on the skin, ulcers, wounds. In addition, it is suitable for the treatment of influenza, colds, removal of worms, the destruction of streptococcus, the treatment of respiratory diseases, high blood pressure, purification of vessels and reduction of cholesterol.

Some characteristics argue that garlic tincture of fresh garlic can replace many drugs, and it is an excellent alternative. raw garlic. For her preparation, it is important to use only fresh high-quality garlic. It is not more than 4 weeks to insist garlic, optimal option 2 weeks. At the end of this period, it should be strained and removed into the refrigerator.

It is advisable to fix carnation with thread, which will greatly facilitate its removal. The method is healing only when the vaginal infection is not caused by sexually transmitted disease. Be sure to use Bulgarian garlic to perform the method.

A piece of garlic medium-size garlic oil is rubbed into the legs and remains at night. Ointment is suitable for use in the throat and chest with a donkey cough and legs and hands of painful corns. Garlic easily copes with mushrooms on the nails. The recipe is similar to the recipe described above. Mix two garlic cloves with 100 grams of high-quality oil. Before use, the mixture should remain in the refrigerator at least one night. It treats directly navigating claws. The use of the method should last at least a month to achieve constant removal of stubborn mushroom.

As with any medicinal product, caution should be taken with the use of tincture. Consumption of garlic in large quantities can affect normal blood coagulation, i.e. Enlarge bleeding time. It is not recommended to use garlic tincture before the operation. And if you are sick diabetes, then be sure to consult your doctor before applying. It can reduce blood glucose levels.

18.06.2012 © Site

Garlic has long been known as a universal healer, which helps to cope with viral and bacterial infections, fungus ,. In addition, this natural remedy stimulates the body's protective forces and protects the human body from infections, and according to the approval of folk renings also from. These properties of garlic are caused by a mass of active substances in vegetable - phytoncides, allicin, vitamins and other connections.

But, as it turned out, garlic can also be used for other purposes, for example, for rejuvenation. Tibetan monks knew about such actions of garlic, it was based on this product a Tibetan youth elixir was created - tincture of garlic on alcohol.

How does garlic contribute to the rejuvenation of the body?

The composition of the essential oil of garlic includes a powerful antioxidant - allycine, which has a general rejuvenating effect on the human body. In addition, this substance helps to reduce the accumulation in the blood and on the vascular walls of the "bad" cholesterol. It is this substance that becomes the basis of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels.

That is, with the help of garlic alcohol tincturing, the vessels are cleaned, so that you can suspend the progression of atherosclerosis, especially if we combine the reception of this product with a cholesterol diet, and positive changes in the lifestyle. And this is the best prevention of various serious diseases (, myocardial infarction,), which are hazardous to human life.

In addition to the effect on the exchange of cholesterol and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, another action of allycine was revealed in the composition of the garlic tincture on the vessels - it helps to relax the vascular wall, reduce blood pressure and improving microcirculation. In such conditions, the fabric begin to obtain more oxygen and beneficial substances, respectively, the aging processes slow down in them. This is especially well affected by brain cells. According to Tibetan Lekari, the tincture of garlic on alcohol brings clarity of thoughts and an increase in the inner tone of the body.

Also marked the beneficial effect of garlic "medicine" on the joints (some people after the course of rejuvenation noticed that their joints began to "creak"), thyroid and fork gland.

Thus, with the help of a garlic prescription youth, you can improve the health of health and prevent the development of heart disease and vessels. However, it is impossible to regard this means as a panacea. The elixir is not a medicine and cannot replace the reception of special cardiological, hypotensive drugs and statins (drugs to reduce cholesterol).

Recipe cooking tincture with garlic

This tool is prepared from garlic and undiluted alcohol. Garlic It is recommended to take a fresh, not enjoyed, not sprung and not touched. Only selected dense clean teeth contain the maximum number of valuable substances and benefit.

To prepare the elixir for the entire treatment course, it will be enough to take 300 g of garlic and 300 ml of alcohol. Garlic needs to be cleaned, rinse, dry and crowded. It is impossible to use metal objects in these processes, that is, it is recommended to clean the cloves, and the thrill in ceramic, clay or wooden stups.

Prepared garlic mass with all the juice elected during the crush process should be mixed with alcohol in dark glassware. The time of insteading the means is 10 days. Next, the tincture must be accurately strain. The liquid thus obtained should be pouring again into the dark glass dishes and insist for another 3-4 days. By the way, the tincture according to Tibetan monks every day becomes more healing.

The use of alcohol tincture

Tincture of garlic must be taken with milk room temperature (For one reception, 50 ml of milk) is 20 minutes before meals. Milk protects the gentle mucous membrane of the esophagus and the stomach from a sufficiently active garlic alcohol mixture. In addition, dairy products in some way reduce the specific smell of garlic "medicine".

The Tibetan Recipe Recipe Reception Scheme is as follows:

  1. First day: Morning - 1 drop means, lunch - 2, dinner - 3.
  2. The second day - respectively, 4, 5 and 6 drops.
  3. The third, fourth, fifth days - start with 7 drops, every time increasing one, and bring up to 15 drops for dinner of the fifth day.
  4. From the sixth to the tenth days, on the contrary, to reduce the dose of the received tool every time per drop, bringing to 1 drop for the tenth day.
  5. From the eleventh day and before the end of the elixir, it is necessary to take it 25 drops three times a day.
Day of reception Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1st day 1 drop 2 drops 3 drops
2nd day 4 drops 5 drops 6 drops
3rd day 7 drops 8 drops 9 drops
4th day 10 drops 11 drops 12 drops
5th day 13 drops 14 drops 15 drops
6th day 15 drops 14 drops 13 drops
7th day 12 drops 11 drops 10 drops
8th day 9 drops 8 drops 7 drops
9th day 6 drops 5 drops 4 drops
10th day 3 drops 2 drops 1 drop
11th day 25 drops 25 drops 25 drops

To repeat the course of such rejuvenation, Tibetan monks recommend every 5-7 years.


Garlic tincture with all its benefits can not be taken to everyone. In view of the content of alcohol in it, pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and drivers can not use the elixir of youth. In addition, such treatment is not recommended by patients with epilepsy and.

The reception of the Tibetan tincture is contraindicated at most gastric and intestines, in particular, ulcerative disease, colitis. Liver pathology, gallbladder, kidneys, bladder And the pancreas is also a barrier to start rejuvenation with garlic elixir.

Thus, the Tibetan prescription of the youth and purification of the body based on garlic is good to a tool For the prevention of atherosclerosis, improving immunity and anti-infection. However, before starting receiving this medication, you should visit the doctor and consult with him about the safety of such "treatment".

Video: How garlic cleans vessels