
English Bulldog - the nature and standard of the breed. English Bulldog: Description of the breed, character, care, how to choose a puppy.

Garden buildings

Elimination of courage and fighting character - bulldogs have a long history, where their predecessors performed on the arena, participating in the grazing of bulls.

What are the bulldogs? In our time, most of them either disappeared, either on the verge of extinction, and only three of them are popular. Existing varieties of bulldogs with a description and photo will be given in a detailed review further.

The overall history of this group of dogs can be traced in the depths of the centuries mOLOGO DOGS - Film Pins, belonged to the well-known Greek family of Molley in ancient Athens. Indeed, the English Bulldog is considered a member of the unavailable fun - harass the bulls: the dog was joining the bull's nose and did not let go until he fell from his feet.

After the ban on such cruel entertainment in 1835 there is a transformation of the use and education of the breed. Bulldog becomes rather a companion than a formidable beast. However, the charisma appearance and genetics remind of times when cruelty and a dead grip was appreciated.

All bulldogs have general feature: slightly split muzzle with folds (bum). The name "Bulldog" is translated from English as the "Bull Dog". This is a well-developed intelligence, they are stubborn, patient, friendly belong to other pets. All varieties of breeds of bulldogs are ready to stand up for themselves - the fighting past is affected.

Contemporary Trio: Photos of Bulldog breed varieties

Popular views of modern bulldogs - and. Gallery with photos of varieties of breeds Bulldogov opens a representative of the new light .


Breed is a unique, relative of old English bulldogs. Released to guard and hunt. Growth 50-70 cm, weight up to 58 kg.

Currently, two types of this breed are distinguished:

  1. Classical (Jackson type). She has a guard instinct.
  2. Standard (type Scott). These Americans are used in the hunt.

American Bulldog - leader. It does not tolerate competition, the dog is Grozny, but a devoted family. He loves children and will gladly play with them, but they should treat him with respect. Writhing a similar pet needs to be solid to be able to complete the detring of the animal.

Puppies with distrust and hostility are meeting strangers. They must be accepted from the first days to the calm perception of strangers. When the puppy is growing up, he will already be able to assess the behavior of people and distinguish negatively.

Important! In the standard of this breed, it is written: "The protection of the owner in any situations, even at the cost of its own life."

The problems of "American":

  1. Allergy. It may arise for some of the products, must be clarified by the breeder. It may be necessary.
  2. This problem is serious, right up to surgical intervention. Detection of the disease is possible only with computer diagnostics.


The breed of bulldogs - the photo with names is impossible to imagine without the English gentleman. It is from him that all other bulldogs are formed. Unperturbable, calm, slightly lazy. Dress it is not easy. One of the features of the breed is stubbornness (ie, I understand the team well, but I'm not sure what I will do). But if there really is a threat of danger, then it immediately manifests the determination and speed of the reaction.

Growth 40-50 cm, weight up to 25 kg. It has short wool, care for her and claws is simple, but it is necessary to spend it regularly. Mandatory with a wet napkin or disk wipe folds on the face. On hot days this procedure is produced daily.

Attention! It is necessary to wipe the zone near the tail so that the microbes are not going on the skin (it is very pressed and deformed).

English Bulldog can not be flipped, as the dog is prone to obesity.

English Bulldog Problems:

  1. Short respiratory tract. The consequence is exposure to colds. They do not like overheating, hot weather is contraindicated - they begin to breathe wheezing, a viscous mucus is formed, there may be a laryngeal sweep.
  2. Fast fatiguability. According to the anatomy of this animal, the entire load is not on the muscles, but on the bone. The dog eats a lot, moves little, which leads to obesity. As a result, fatigue and shortness of breath appear.

Important! For mostly, the puppies appear as a result of the cesarean section (they have a too big head).

British bulldogs come in, they The dog has a wonderful quality - the ability to listen.

Bulldog needs daily physical exertion, but he is hard and does not like to show strong activity. Therefore, a leisurely walk through the park with an older owner will benefit. Dogs are patient, perfectly belong to children.


Varieties of bulldogs decorates decorative breed from France. Main advantages: good nature and dedication, as well as progress. This dog has amazing wrinkled eyes and big standing ears. Morner square and massive. Height 30 cm, weight up to 14 kg. Despite small size, in case of danger, it will fight for the owner to the end.

Problems of the French Bulldog:

  • third-century disease (surgery);
  • allergies (dermatitis, combing);
  • strong snoring.

This breed many positive sides:

  • little barking;
  • loves children;
  • does not take up much space in the apartment;
  • benevolent to outsiders.

Attention! Teeth require cleaning every week, during the cold season it will take warm clothes.

Frenchman is not aggressive, playing, no molting and unpleasant odor. Therefore, families with children with pleasure acquire such pets. We definitely need airwalks, but in winter it is not long, it has a bad heat exchange.

Disappearing (disappeared) and rare bulldogs


Real representatives are considered disappeared. They had a very aggressive character, originally displayed for bloody battles.


The breed appeared in Switzerland. Height 46 cm, and weight up to 30 kg. Color is mostly red and brown. Dogs with a priest and friendly character. Well refer to children and other animals. This breed is not recognized by FCI, but is quite popular in his homeland.


Very rare breed. Height up to 60 cm. Confused with American because of appearance. These dogs originally served on plantations, so they are excellent wigs. These are unpretentious and sports animals, without any health problems (sometimes - eye disease).


The name went from nomads from Spain. In Spanish "Alano" translates as "Bulldog". Initially, they took part in the battles, and in the future they began to be used as a guard or shepherds. A modern representative of the breed has an increase of up to 58 cm and weight up to 40 kg.


Brought this breed in Brazil. Initially, these dogs were shepherds. Campieiro could return even a bull in herd. Weight up to 45 kg. Official recognition has no.


Little-known breed. She was bred in America. Growth comes to 65 cm. Interesting eye color in this breed (amber or blue). There are puppies with multicolored eyes.

All breeds of bulldogs combines a common image - They are a symbol of courage and devotion.As a result of long-term selection, aggression does not show aggression, very cool, smart and obedient. These qualities make the Bulldog family popular among dog breeders.

Additionally, read the video about the breed Bulldog:

Breed English Bulldog enjoys great popularity among all the peoples of the world. Proof is the fact that it is this animal that acts as a talisman of many sports clubs and organizations. This is not surprising, because the English Bulldog dog is the most memorable representative of the combat breed of animals.

The history of the breed English Bulldog is rooted in the distant 16th century. Then the main purpose of the elimination was dog battles, so popular by the British. Bulldog breeding was difficult and stretched in time, which is due to their rather complicated behavior in "Amur Affairs" and for a short time Life. Animals of this breed were used in dog battles, where they showed unprecedented cruelty, grip and resistance. Extremely successfully bulldogs showed themselves in the hunt and guard.

Description of English Bulldog.

Animals of the described breed must have certain standards of appearance, proving cleanliness of origin. These include such characteristics:

  1. Weight no more than 23 kg.
  2. The wool is dense, adjacent to the skin and without any curls.
  3. The color is monophonic, uniform and bright, without any inclusions.
  4. Elastic and strong leather.
  5. The presence of skin folds on the head and face, characteristic suspensions from the lower jaw to the chest.
  6. Very large diameter of the skull.
  7. Convex cheeks and low-planted rounded eyes.
  8. Short muzzle with thick lips and massive jaws.
  9. The physique is strong, muscular and native.

Character of English Bulldog

Very good-natured, calm and balanced, bulldogs will become wonderful pets country house or apartments. Phlegmatic character provides the safe coexistence of English Bulldog and children, and will not cause the inconvenience to the owner. English Bulldog and the cat is a very dangerous combination, if you take into account the body weight of the dog and its fighting instincts, the representative of the Feline family may suffer physically.

Animals of this breed do not need intense physical exertion. They require a certain care concluding in regular cleaning and cutting the nails, washing the folds under the tail and on the face, cleaning the ears and teeth. If the Bulldog participation is involved in exhibitions - it is worth taking care of more thorough care and grooming. The feeding of the English Bulldog must be balanced, high-calorie and easily digested.

English Bulldog training is a difficult and time-stretched occupation, requiring patience and perseverance. Teams The dog remembers long, but hard. Educating English Bulldog is better to provide professional trainers, as it requires a sufficiently high degree of dedication and time spending.

English Bulldog is a fairly interesting breed that has its own characteristics. First of all, interest causes the story of the transformation fight PSA In a decorative dog. How did this happen, what changes breed have undergone and for whom can Bulldog be coming as a pet?

Being a purely English breed, despite its harsh appearance, bulldogs have some features of a true gentleman. However, the emergence of such qualities did not occur immediately.

Initially, Bulldogs were used as animals for harding. At that time, bloody spectacles had tremendous popularity, and bulls were entered into their number. Hence the name of the breed - Bull (Bull) and Dog (dog).

When the breed originally appeared, it is unknown, but it has been established that its beginning of the breed takes from ancient breed, now not surviving - Staroangali Bulldog.

But there are additional information that by the beginning of the 17th century there was a allocation of Bull-Dogs among other dogs, called mastiffs. On the border of the 17th and 18th centuries managed to find a mention of this breed, as a hunting dog. They, along with mastiffs, are recommended for hunting for boars.

Scientists still can't accurately determine which breeds of dogs participated in the appearance of this breed, but the majority leans to the opinion that it was a battle British dog, and Alano - a daugh-like dog.

Being dogs for fighting, bulldogs did not deserve respect, as a breed, as, however, and their progenitor - Staroangali Bulldogs. They wrote about them, as foolish animals having sluggish reproduction and early aging. Now it is impossible to check whether these statements were true, but when the first standard of the breed appears, all in one voice said that bulldogs were inseparable.

Naturally, the ban on cruel entertainment in the form of animal trafficking, the law about which was released in 1835, could not not affect the further fate of bulldogs. True, dog battles were then not forbidden, but bulldogs did not have the qualities required for them - speed, flexibility. Then lovers of dog fights began to look for the opportunity to remove a new type of battle dogs. Bulldogs crossed with terriers, as a result of which a new breed appeared - Bull Terrier. At the same time, no one carefully cared if the English Bulldog was preserved in the original form, or not.

The first pair of English bulldogs, consisting of roses and crib dogs. It was their names that were the first in the tribal book of the club of dogs of England. In 1859, English Bulldogs first took fate in the exhibition.

Due to the fact that other types of bulldogs began to appear, differing from not only with dimensions, but they were considered at the exhibitions as one class, there was some confusion. It was then that the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a club of bulldogs appeared and develop a single standard. And already in 1864, such an institution appeared, his motto became the phrase "dead grip". Later, other clubs of these breed were organized.

Today, English Bulldog is officially recognized by the felinologists of the breed of dogs, which has several different standards.

Description of breed

In the photo English Bulldog in a hat

The appearance of the English Bulldog, it should be noted extraordinary. For someone, his face may seem funny, but this, at first glance, good-natured dog, there is a fairly strong, outstanding jaw, with a number of open teeth. They can be seen even with a tightly compressed jaw.

Skin folds are the echo of those distant times when the bulldogs went to the ring. It was they who appreciated the necessary maneuverability and defended their eyes from the bloody stoves poured.

According to the adopted standard for bulldogs, the following features are characteristic:

  • Representatives of the Breed of the Corenastrics, have wide shoulders and compact body type. The chest is quite wide and deep.
  • Head Bulldogs have a high landing, a square shape with a flat forehead. The muzzle is short, shiny, slightly bent up. The cheeks at the dog are round, elongated, enter the eye line. Between the eyes runs well-pronounced swelling.
  • Nose Middle Bulldogs have a large, like the nostrils themselves, has ferrous pigmentation. The nose of another color is considered marriage.
  • Lubs have a decent thickness and width, strongly omitted down. The ears have a high landing, they are small, in the form of a socket.
  • Eyes have a low location, rounded shape and small size, they do not go out for the contours of the cheeks, do not fall inside and do not protrude out. The color of the iris one is dark brown, close to black.
  • Paws Strong, have a developed musculature. Moreover, the front is more powerful than the rear, they have a little turned inside the position.
  • According to the standard stomach Bulldogs are tightened and should not hang.
  • Tail It is low, it is round, it does not have a cochroma, thickened at the base and more subtle at the end. Its normal position is at the level of the back, but not higher.
  • Coat Bulldogs have a short, abundant and seems hard. However, when touched, you can make sure that the wool is soft, silky.

Color can be different, provided for homogeneous, clean colors, the following combinations are allowed by the standard:

Black and brown colors are considered unacceptable.

The peculiarity of the structure of the body of bulldogs is the lack of proportionality. At the bulldogs of a small size of the pelvis and a fairly large head. The insufficient size of the pelvis makes it difficult for the delivery, so we bring the offspring of the Bulldog's female can only with the participation of veterinarians and most often by caesarean section.

Of course, such a structure could not not affect the health of the dog. They have a tendency to many diseases, most of which are hereditary. Most of all, the Bulldogs suffers from the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system.

The purebred pets have medium sizes - males in the withers reach 40 cm growth, weight ranges in the area of \u200b\u200b25 kg. The females are slightly lower and smaller.

English bulldogs cannot be attributed to long-livers, since on average they live about 10 years. But, despite all the nuances, there are a lot of people in the world who prefers exactly this breed.

Basic Bulldog Character

The long way of turning a purely fighter dog in a companion pet affected the character of Bulldog. Today it is restrained, calm dogs, distinguished by good behavior and excessive devotion to their family.

But the last quality definitely imposes some duties on the owners. Bulldogs just need attention, so they are not suitable for over-employed people who have no time to communicate with the pet.

It should be borne in mind that, despite its phlegmology, this breed has a tendency to dominance. The puppy must be immediately at the appearance in the house, explain who is the main thing here and periodically remind of it. As a rule, an adult pet is perfectly remembered.

Bulldogs are so tied to the family that they become its equal members. That is why the change of the family can cause bulldog irreparable injury. Possessing surprisingly developed intelligence, the pets of this breed can understand that they want from them.

It is important that Bulldog can become a friend not only for a person, but also for other pets. In addition, it can show exceptional patience when communicating with children or elderly people. But it should be borne in mind that bulldogs cannot manifest activities, playing with a child. For these purposes, it is better to start a more mobile and tireless pet.

In terms of socialization, it is very important to start raising the dog as early as possible. All the same non-stirred males in some cases can exhibit excessive aggression.

Many people will seem that the slow reaction of the pets is the expression of laziness or stupidity. But it is rooted. British Bulldogs prefer to think about everything before riding to execute the command.

Thinking and phlegmatic, bulldogs are excellent companions for travel. They can travel for a long time and this does not tire them at all.

How to properly care for a thoroughbred pet

Puppy breed English Bulldog in the photo

First of all, you need to take care of the state of the dog's wool. Bulldogs are already beginning to fully lift the bulldogs, so to accelerate this process, it is necessary to make wool with a special brush, thereby removing dead hairs, dust and other contaminants. In addition, this procedure is prevention, as well as a massage that contributes to the best influx of blood to the skin, thereby promoting the acceleration of the metabolic process. Do it need a couple of times a week.

If the pet relates calmly to such a procedure, then you can clean it with a vacuum cleaner. At the very least, many representatives of this breed are accustomed to such cleaning.

In hot weather, the skin of the dog can be slightly reduced with cool water, without using any detergents. Especially the pet will be grateful if this is done after walking. Bulldogs are prone to the slope, so you need to take care so that the wet pet is not on the draft.

In the autumn-winter period, the English Bulldog is not recommended. In warm time, you can do this once every two or three months. Bulldogs are contraindicated hot waterMaximum thermometer should show 36 ° C.

Do not use shampoos intended for people, only special detergents. After swimming a pet, it is necessary to wipe well and dry. Walking with wet wool can turn into a bulldog disease.

In winter, you can wipe the bulldog snow (just making sure it is clean), it is useful for skin condition. British bulldogs positively belong to swimming in water bodies and in summer time You can replace homemade washing on such a pleasant procedure. Naturally, it is necessary to do this away from people and avoiding places intended for watercraft of livestock.

It must be borne in mind that bulldogs are not swimmers, since their front of the body is much heavier than the back.

Today English Bulldog 200 years 9 months

Photo of english bulldogs

International name:Bulldog.

Country: Great Britain

Year: 1817

Height: 31.00 cm. - 40.00 cm.

Weight: 22.00 kg. - 25.00 kg.

Life expectancy (in years):10.00 - 12.00

Brief description

Bulldog - symbol of England, "True gentleman", conservative, impressive, slightly phlegmatic, recognized aristocrat. A wonderful companion that does not cause hassle that does not require physical exertion and long-term walks. Especially suitable people with a measured lifestyle living in apartments. Ancestors of the modern bulldog - serious travelers fighter dogswho did not live to the present day. Today, bulldogs are rather decorative, who do not possess the fighting qualities of dogs, and therefore perfectly suitable for life in the family circle.

Breed history

Bulldog translated from English means "Bull Dog". The fact is that initially in England such dogs were used as aradi. When the breed has arisen - it is unknown. For the first time, Bulldogs were mentioned in 1799 as boars hunters. Such bulldogs were hardy, absolutely fearless, very immune to dog pain. However, in 1835 in the UK, a law was adopted prohibiting animal trafficking. Bulldogs have lost their battle qualities, no one cares about the purity of the breed. In 1817, the Bulldogs of this breed were listed in the breeding book of the English club of dog breeding, which became the first standards of this breed. It is believed that all modern bulldogs occurred from them. In 1858, Bulldog King Dick was born, which began to be considered the best representative of the breed. According to the legend, Dick died from longing, four days after the death of his owner. The famous exhibition show of that time was also a bulldog named Michael Arkhangel. However, he was poured by a terrible fate: he was taken to Paris and during the siege of the city he was eaten. In 1873, the first dog breeding club was founded, which began to register purebred dogs. The first in the registry was introduced by Bulldog on the nickname Adam, whose breeder was the owner of King Dick. In 1875, breed lovers founded the club whose task was to preserve the purity of the English breed. In the same year, the standard was adopted to this day. This club received the status of a corporation, and is the oldest in the world in the world of the dog breeding club.

Exterior of English Bulldogs

Bulldog - choreny, powerful, low-speed dog. It has a fairly large head, large, muscular limbs. A square should be formed between the front limbs and the chest of these dogs, and the square shape should be head. The muzzle is short, wide, raised. Thick thick, sink, closing the lower jaw. The housing is strong. The neck is also very thick and strong. The back of the curved, the stomach is tightened. The tail is very short, low planted. The nose is wide, the ears are small, hanging, widely located apart. Wool short. Color can be different: tiger, red with white, monophonic red, fawn, brown, shattered (monotonous color with black mask). The color should not be black and corporal colors.

Health, disease

Unfortunately, bulldogs are prone to very many diseases due to changes that occurred in the process of transition of this breed from fighter to decorative. Increasing the head, increasing skin folds, shortening the muzzle, housing and paws - all this led to the fact that the body weight of the dog is not at its limbs, but on her muscles. Therefore, they are quickly tired, problems arise with the cardiovascular system. They need a lot of time to relax and sleep. However, due to such a passive lifestyle, they have a tendency to obesity, liver diseases. Bulldogs have very short respiratory tract, so they frowze and they often have a sword. Also, thanks to these features, they regularly catchy. Very sensitive to high temperatures. Often die due to sunshine. Begin to breathe often with heat and high humiditythat can lead to the enemy of the larynx. Another feature of the bulldogs are their difficult childhood. Basically, the puppies appear due to the cesarean section. The females cannot fully barrier due to the fact that puppies have large heads and shoulders, and in females a narrow pelvis. Bulldogs require special attention from their owners.

Require careful I. regular care. The wool at the bulldogs is short, so it needs to be calculated only a few times a week. It is necessary to pay for the folds of the animal, they must be wiped with a wet cotton disk, and from above dry. Otherwise, skin infectious diseases may occur in folds. Do not use shampoos, since there is a risk of allergic reactions. Wash the dog is not recommended. In the case of contamination, you can wipe the animal with a wet cloth. Bulldog's teeth need regular cleaning. Representatives of this breed do not like to move and walk for a long time, but you must motivate the animal to longer walks. The fact is that they are inclined to obesity, due to which heart and liver disease arise, so they need to lead a more active lifestyle. It is not worthwhile to walk the dogs of this breed into hot and cold weather.

Character and temperament

Bulldogs are friendly, sociable dogs that are requiring attention from humans. They are very tied to their owner, always try to please him. They cannot be subjected to such trials as the change of the owner, they can not survive this. These dogs are very calm and balanced. In addition, they are very smart and judgment. Before doing something, they will think first. Patient in relation to children. Beautiful companions. There may be aggressive, however, thanks to the right upbringing, this can be avoided.


Bulldogs need to feed with products that are easily absorbed and not cause allergies. If you choose the method of feeding dry food, then you need to choose feed for this breed, since when creating all the features of bulldogs are taken into account. Bulldogs should not give everything left from the table. This breed requires special attention in choosing a diet. Strictly prohibited such food such as: river fish, cottage cheese, potatoes, oatmeal, semolina, cabbage, legumes, sweets, pickled products, smoked sausages. From the croup you can give buckwheat and rice. Meat should be 40% of the total diet. Pork - under the ban. Bulldogs are not typical, so they often control their portions themselves. It is impossible to change the diet of the dog. New products need to be introduced gradually and be sure to observe at this time for the status of the dog.

Training, training

Bulldogs are very stubborn bulldogs. But to force it to perform commands should not be, otherwise, in subsequent, he can grow evil and aggressive. When training, use the promotion method. If the Bulldog will show aggression towards you, it should be stopped right away, you must show who in the house is the owner, since the Bulldogs are stories and prone to dominance. Bulldogs are not too trained, so this is enough if the pet will know the main teams.

English Bulldog (eng. English Bulldog or British Bulldog) Breed of shorthair dogs, medium sized. These are friendly, calm, homemade dogs. But they have a weak health and the content of English Bulldog are somewhat more complicated by the content of other breeds.


  • British bulldogs can be stubborn and lazy. Adults do not feel delighted with walks, but you need to walk them daily to keep the form.
  • They do not tolerate heat and humidity. During walks, watch the signs of overheating and with the slightest measures. Some owners put a swimming pool with cool water in the shadow so that their dogs can cool. This breed for content only in the house, no way on the street.
  • Short wool does not protect them from the cold.
  • They snore, hoarse, bullish.
  • Many suffer from meteorism. If you are squeaming, it will be a problem.
  • Short muzzle and respiratory tract are vulnerable to respiratory diseases.
  • These are increments eating more than they can, if there is a chance. They easily gain weight and suffer from obesity.
  • Because of the sizes and shape of the skull, the birth of puppies is associated with difficulties. Most are born with the help of cesarean sections.

Breed history

The first bulldogs appeared during the times when tribal books were not conducted, and if we were conducted, then people are far from literature. As a result of the history of the breed, nothing can probably say. All we know, what they appeared about the 15th century and were used for catching and retaining animals. The first was the Staroangali Bulldog, the ancestor of all modern breeds. Together with a dozen other breeds, English Bulldog refers to a group of mastiffs. Although each breed in this group is peculiar to, all of them are large, strong dogs with a brachycephalous structure of the skull.

The first term "Bulldog" is found in the literature of the 1500th century, and the pronunciation at that time sounds like "bondogge" and "bolddogge". The modern writing is first found in the letter written by ITON (Prestwich Eaton) between 1631 and 1632: "Buy me two good bulldogs, and send with the first ship."

English word "Bull" means bull and it appeared in the name of the rock because these dogs were used in the "Bloody Sports", the grazing of bulls or Boulins (Eng. Bull Baiting). The bull was tied and they launched a dog to him, whose task was to grab the bull behind the nose and press to the ground. The bull pressed his head and hid his nose, not allowing the dog to cling to the dog and waiting for her moment at the attack. If he succeeded, the dog took off a few meters up, and a rare spectacle was held without crumpled or killed dogs.

Entertainment It was popular among the population, and over the years of development, dogs protruding in Boulins acquired general traits. Corolous body, massive heads, powerful jaws and aggressive, stubborn character. The peak of popularity These battles have reached the beginning of the 18th century, but in 1835 they were prohibited by law on illness to animals (Cruelty to Animals Act). The law forbade trauma, bears, kabanov, cocks, bobs. However, the emigrants added to these entertainment a new light.

Despite slow maturation (2-2.5 years), their life was short. On the fifth sixth year of life, they were already older if they lived before this age. And Staroangal Bulldog cross with other rocks. The resulting dog is smaller in size than and she has a short face due to a brachycephalus skull. Although modern English bulldogs look strong, they far from their ancestors fighting with bulls. The short face would not allow them to hold the animal, and the smaller weight did not give them to drive.

The English club of lovers of bulldogs "The Bulldog Club" has existed since 1878. Members of this club were going to Pub on Oxford Street in London. They were also written the first standard of the breed. In 1894, they conducted a competition between two different bulldogs. They needed 20 miles or 32 km. The first dog, named King Orry, resembled Staroangali Bulldogs, was athletic and easy. The second, Dockleaf, less in size, heavier and was similar to the English Bulldog modern type. It is easy to guess who won, and who could not even reach the finish.


Probably there is no breed so recognizable as this. English Bulldog low growth, but surprisingly heavy. In the withers, it reaches 30-40 cm, the weight of males ranges from 16 to 27 kg, bitches from 15 to 25 kg. This is the rate of weight for animals in good shape suffering from obesity can weigh more. In the UK, 23 kg, bitch 18 kg should be weighed according to the standard of breed. In the US, the standard allows for males weight 20-25 kg, for half-green bitch about 20 kg.

These are very squat dogs, they are even called tanks in the dog world. They are pretty muscular, although often they do not look like. Paws are short, often curves. They have a wide chest, and the neck is almost not expressed. The tail from nature is very short, from 2.5 to 7 cm and can be straight, curved.

The head is located on a very thick and short neck. The head itself is massive, compared with the torso, both in the width and height. Their smooth and square skull is characteristic of the breed. This brachicefal type skull, that is, they have a short face. Some, she is so short, which is barely issued from the skull. The lower teeth are usually located farther than the upper and the breed is characterized by a snack. Although most breeders consider unwanted dogs in which the lower teeth are visible with a closed jaw, this is a common phenomenon.

The lips saved, form characteristic balls, the muzzle is covered with deep, thick wrinkles. These wrinkles are so numerous that sometimes the other features of the breed shadow. The eyes are small, recessed. The ears are small and short, are far from the eyes. Some are hanging, others have., Some dogs are directed forward, in other sides, may be back. The overall impression of the muzzle is between the threat and comicness.

Wool covers the whole body, short and straight, adjacent to the body. Feeling it is soft and smooth, shiny. Colors a lot and everyone has their fans. According to AKC and UKC standards, the perfect English bulldog should be red - tiger color. But, besides him there are: Pentess (red - white, etc.), monophonic (white, fawn, redhead) or sink is a monophonic suit with a black mask or black muzzle. Sometimes there are dogs of black or bodily colors, most clubs they are rejected (especially black). But, in character, they do not differ from ordinary bulldogs and perfectly appearing as pets.


It is difficult to find another breed, which would have changed in the past 150 years. British bulldogs have passed the way from an athletic and dangerous dog, an aggressive fighter to a lazy and good-natured companion. First of all, they are focused on family and people, want to be near her all the time. Some of them love to climb hands, like cats. It is funny and a bit hard, as they weigh not so much. Others simply should be in the room with family, but lying on the sofa.

Most tolerant to strangers and with proper socialization polite and friendly. Much depends on a particular nature, some love everyone and instantly hardened friendship, others are more closed and removed. They are rarely aggressive towards people, but can be territorial and have food aggression. Breeders even recommend feeding dogs outside the presence of children or other animals to avoid problems.

Watchdine qualities differ significantly from the dog to the dog. Some so lazy and not interested that they will not give the slightest signal about the appearance of others on the threshold. Others guard the house and raise noise sufficient for attention. All of them are united by one - they nailed, but not biting and only a tiny number of English bulldogs can be good guards.

Attention! Bulldogs get well with children, they are soft with them and suffer pranks.

But still you should teach a child to how you can not behave with the dog. With the exception of the aforementioned food and territorial aggression, most are fine with children, although not very playful. Although they are in principle not very playful.

Modern dogs get along with other animals well enough. The breed has a low level of aggression to other dogs and with proper training they quietly live with them. Even prefer the company of dogs. Some problems may be due to territoriality and large due to food aggression. Sexual aggression can be a small number of males in relation to the dogs of one sex, and the case can reach the fight. It is corrected using training or castration. Get with other animals, they have a low hunter instinct and they are practically harmless. Rarely create problems with other animals, especially cats. If a Bulldog with a cat is familiar, then he just completely ignores it.

For the fact that they are known, it is difficult to train and upbringing. Probably, it is the most stubborn of all breeds of dogs. If Bulldog decided that he did not want something, then it can be put on this point. This stubbornness prevents the study of new teams and fulfilling the already studied. No problem understand teams on obedience, but they rarely come to the end of obedient. Only experienced trainers who are constantly working with different dogs are able to prepare those to obedience competitions (offended).

But they have drying ones. Negative training and correction on them practically do not work, bulldogs fully ignore it. Positive consolidation is more effective, but often they decide that the treats are not enough to fulfill the team. Although this is not a dominant breed, they definitely define the teams of which person can not listen. And so stubborn, then they become completely unconditional. For this reason, the owner always needs to occupy a dominant position.

Another extreme is the low level of energetic. This is one of the most lazy leieboards in the world of dogs. Most of them prefer to lie on the sofa, rather than having fun in the forest. And they can sleep all day, overtaking even cats in this matter. Adult bulldogs rarely have playful, and you will not force them for a stick. If for most breeds the problem to ensure sufficient physical activity, then for the English Bulldog - just make it do something. Slowly fence behind the owner, here's the maximum. And the host loving jogging for them is real misfortune. However, they do not need it, as it leads to problems with respiratory diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Although there are also its advantages about it, they are great for living in the apartment. Families with low activity will be satisfied with them, and those who need travel and adventures better let them choose another breed.

Attention! They will not like them to those who are choppeden or squeaming.

They let droach, and they can be regularly found on the floor and furniture, although not so much as English mastiffs. While eating and drinking, they spray water, but most of all can irritate the sounds. Like other breeds with a short muzzle, bulldogs suffer from breathing problems and can produce strange sounds: wheezing, grunt and the like. In addition, they snore loudly and considering that they love to sleep, you are expected long and loud trill.

But that truly scaretings for squeamish people. This is meteorism. British bulldogs are letting gases often, a lot and silent. This can be affected by a diet, but finally not to defeat and few owners may say that their dogs do not let gases.


Non-futured, they do not need professional cargoers. But, some of them suffer from skin disease And then care is needed careful. Although there are no special problems with wool, as it is short and smooth, they can arise with skin on the face. Due to the large number of wrinkles, water, feed, dirt, fat and other particles get into them. To avoid pollution and infection, they need to be wiped at least once a day, but ideally after each feeding.


British Bulldogs possess weak health. They suffer from various diseases, and they leak are harder than other breeds. It is so serious that animal protection societies require changes to the breed standard, and even prohibit breeding. They just changed too much from the natural, natural form, which was at the wolf. Because of his brachicefal structure, the skulls suffer from respiratory problems, and problems with the musculoskeletal system in the legacy of nominal bones.

They suffer from genetic diseases, especially those affect skin and breathing. The content may be several times more expensive than the content of another breed, since veterinary treatment is in a penny.

The result of all these problems is a brief life. Although most clubs and sites declare that the life expectancy of English is 8-12 years old, research speaks of 6.5 years, in exceptional cases of 10-11.

So, conducted in 2004 in the UK, a study of 180 dogs brought average age at 6.3 months. Among the main causes of death were: cardiological (20%), cancer (18%), age (9%).

The shortened muzzle and the massive head led to serious problems. Bulldogs can not fill their light air, they often lack breathing. Because of this, they snot, hoarse, snoring and publish strange sounds. They are unable to long physical activitySince their lungs cannot send enough oxygen to the muscles. Breathing helps dogs to cool, and with this breed, too, problems. They are very sensitive to the heat, in the hot climate and in the summer months behind the state of Bulldog need to be monitored especially intently. They should have a lot of water and shadows, you can not keep a dog under the right sunlight.

Bulldogs are often dying from heat strike! They accompanied the secret, which makes it difficult to have a hard breath. The dog faints and can perish. It is urgent to deliver it to the veterinarian.

Air conditioning and ventilation It is necessary that the dog remains in normal form. Bulldogs are mostly sweating through the paw pads, and therefore they like cold floors. Like all brachicephic rocks, they easily overheat and can die from hyperthermia. The owner needs to remember this, and keep the dog in safe conditions.

The head is so massive that they cannot be born. About 80% of the litters are born with the help of cesarean sections. Wrinkles on the face must be cleaned daily, in order to avoid infections. And the tail can be so screwed into the body that the anus need cleaning and lubrication.

Their body is far from the proportions of the wolf and they suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. With incorrect feeding and loads, bones are formed with changes, often leading to pain and chromotype of age. Almost everyone suffers from certain diseases of the joints, they often develop already at the age of two or three years.

An even greater alarm causes a hip joint, which deforms the articular bag. This leads to more and discomfort, with severe changes to chromotype. According to the statistics of Orthopedic Foundation for Animals in 467 bulldogs observed between 1979 and 2009, 73.9% suffered from hip dysplasia. This is the highest percentage among all breeds of dogs, but some experts believe that the numbers may be higher.

Against the background of all the above, the cysts between the fingers seem harmless. Since when observed is found, and easily removed surgically.

Nov 11, 2015 admin.