
Money tree: how to attract money. How to put a monetary tree at home

Garden do it yourself

Money is very important thing. Especially when they are not Erich Remark

Forget the word "no". In browse finance, the most important is the mood, the desire to see them, love. Are you ready to become a secured person? It means it's time to meet money Tree on Feng Shui.

Archaic Chinese teaching will share with you a part of his millennial experience in mobilizing wealth, will tell the secrets about how to put it right and much better put a tree to attract material well-being.

In all variety vegetable world There is one small tree that has an impact on cash flows. It is it capable of changing your life financially. Meet: Podtomanka Tree, well-known under the names "Cotillaon", "Medvezhye Ushko", "Crassus" or "Money Tree Fen Shui".

Female. Unpretentious plant, with a prime character, simple departure. Small size, with original leaves, small, fleshy, in form similar to coins.
But just put the purchased plant on the window is not suitable. In order for the success of the money to the owner, it is necessary to learn more about Crasus more.

How to plant a live mascot

Feng Shui recommends not to buy a ready-made plant (it cannot be bought for money at all). It is necessary that the money tree absorb your energy to felt the sincere care of the owner. According to the rules of Feng Shui, Tolstanka needs to be planted:

  1. Fomb from the adult tree a leaf or a stalk (ideally, if you do it secretly without asking permission).
  2. Before planting a car of money talisman to the ground, hold the process in a glass with water for several days (so that he can go roots).
  3. Press the pot in advance. It should be wide, shallow. The color of money according to the rules of the Feng Shui is a metal and land. All gamma brown, black. Red or burgundy. Silver or gold.
  4. Important advice: before planting, activate the pot. Put several coins on the bottom of the vase. It is best to use the money of the country in which you live. It is desirable that there are six (for awakening magic numbers).
  5. To plant a plant, buy in advance land (ordinary soil for cacti). But it is better to make it yourself (mix large sand, peat, turf, leafy land in proportion 1x0,5x1x1).

Where to put a tree according to the rules of Feng Shui

For the growth of financial well-being is responsible to the south-eastern side of the apartment. . It is possible to determine it using an ordinary compass.

The Chinese teaching allows us to divide the sector not only the whole house as a whole, but also separate rooms. You can designate the area of \u200b\u200bfinancial well-being in any suitable room.

The south-eastern area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment or the central room is an ideal place to habitable the cash tre.

We decorate the wealth sector

First of all, free this zone from unnecessary things - finance energy needs to be circulated freely, without obstacles.

The place where the fat manner will stand, place in green, purple or blue-blue tones.

  • Wood. We need a tree in this sector. You can put wooden furniture, stand, or a table on which the talisman will be located.
  • Water. The revival of the finance zone on Feng Shui is well promoted by water (or its images). You can put a small home fountain there (water flow will help the growth of financial flow) or aquarium with pretty gold fish. Did you decide to limit the paintings with water? Know that water images should not be aggressive (typhoon, floods, powerful waterfalls simply "melt" future money).
  • Wind. It is necessary that the richness tree felt the movement of air and strengthened their own streams. It is best to hang in the area "Wind Music". Please note that no metal objects should be there (in the design of the musical and air talisman too).

Ideal will put a pot on a red napkin with a hieroglyph of richness on Feng Shui. Tree decorate with red ribbons, on the trunk or twig hang several Chinese coins. The thickness does not tolerate dust - often wipe her leaflets, and the entire money sector.

Valuable Tips from Masters Feng Shui in Video

We grow the mascot of wealth

ProcedureWhat the plant wishesCouncil
WateringThe monetary plant does not like to drink a lotWater the land only when it is dry (best in the evening)
PodkordI am pleased to take classic fertilizers for succulentsAdd nutrients to a pot after each watering
TemperatureDoes not tolerate extremes (heat, cold, drafts)The usual average temperature, comfortable for humans. Need to put a pot away from batteries, cold glass
ClimateFastener feels good at high humidity From the dryness of the air will help to get rid of the presence of a number of water source (or just often spray the leaves with water)
LightingPrefers scattered light (not scorching)The perfect place tree is a window. Otherwise, add additional light sources. Do not forget to regularly rotate the plant with different parts to the light

But the main condition is to surround your precious pet with sincere warmth, care and caress. Touch its leafs often, talk, talk about how the day went, advise. "Relive" him! And protect monetary plant From his bad mood. Female feels all! From irritability, bad thoughts of the mascot owner, she can circle.

It will pass a little time, and you will feel how it will react to you. With loss of money slightly wake. When Crasusla begins to grow rustling - a financial flow is in a hurry. And sometimes (unfortunately, very rarely) the money tree flourishes. This is a reason for joy! You will soon wait for a huge fortune and sharp financial takeoff.

If you think that wealth is the wing of your favorites, you are mistaken! Open the financial channel, to attract finance is quite accessible to any person. It will help you in this crack or money tree. The main thing is to put it in the right sector of residential space - in the southeast zone.

Plant called Pretty or Crassula Not everyone, but the money tree is familiar with almost everyone. But this is a single succulent plant, which flower focuses for the busty, unpretentious character. Call this plant cash tree Due to leaves similar to coins. According to the hair dryer, the tree can, with the right location, correct the financial position. The accumulation of wealth occurs in the fleshy leaves, so you need to follow the condition of the tree so that it is full of strength and health, then the financial condition will be supported.

Money Tree, or Crassol, or Fat

Properties of money trees

It is believed that the rounded shapes of Tolstanka contain positive energy and an element, neutralizing emotions and words carrying the negative associated with a lack of finance. The fat man is harmonized by the atmosphere of the dwelling. It is believed that the plant in the house needs to be brought as a process and, taking care of him, loving it, grow a monetary tree. Only then can be obtained from him.

Landing and reproduction of money

The reproduction of Tolstanka occurs with the processes or leaf cuttings, which, after a pair of drying days, need to immediately root into the ground. A more reliable, but long reproduction method is the establishment of cuttings before the appearance of roots into water.

How to plant a monetary tree (soil)

Plant the money tree is better in the earthy mixture for cacti, which includes a ferry land (1 h), sand (1 h) and leaf land (3 hours). You still need clay, brick crumb, ash and humus. Mandatory device of a good drainage. The cultivation of money tree is also in universal soil, as it is not capricious and can carry a dismissive attitude towards itself. But it follows that it is a living organism, and you want to benefit from it.

Money tree flowering

Money Tree Pot

The fat man is a large tree and the root system may not keep it in a pot, which will lead to its fall and damage. The pot for money is better to use a fairly deep and heavy, but commensurate with the size of the plant. Crasusle is transplanted as it grows every 2-3 years.

Cash care at home

Watering a cash

How to water Tolstanka? Tolstanka in the cool part of the year to water, you need not getting involved. If it is in winter on a cool windowsill, it is almost no need to water. Be sure to be under the pot heat-insulating layer, so that the pot does not come into contact with a cold window sill. If you are fat and water strongly in the cold time, they can rot the roots. It is necessary to water in the warm season, only when the upper layer of soil is drying in a pot.

Lighting for Crassus

Prefers the sun, then the bush will grow strong and beautiful, the plant is pulled out in the halftime. Of course you need to beware of too burning and bright rays of the sun, which cause burns. Therefore, Tolstanka is best dialed or installed in summer on the eastern and northern windows. Share the strength and strengthen the money tree, if you place it in summer on or terrace.

Video about growing toastyanka


Do not contain in winter Tolstanka in the warm room, as it will grow, it will be good, but the lack of lighting will lead to the increase in long elongated shoots, which will have to cut, and this is an excessive waste of the plant forces, so place the money tree in a cool place to resist, While little light.

Tolstyanka ends with the first days of March, now it can be filtered using fertilizers for cacti.

Humidity indoors

Do not forget to wipe a wet cloth from dust leaflets of the plant. On warm days you need to spray them slightly sharpening from the bright sun. It does not prevent the plant to arrange a shower, but before that it is necessary to cover the film in the pot in the pot.

Formation of money trees

The fat man will grow ugly if mistakes in care. It stretches, branches become thin and long, the leaves remain only on the top.

In the conditions of the apartment, it is difficult, unfortunately, to surround the money tree with ideal conditions, so the tree is necessary for the formation from the very beginning of its growth. The error is the wrong pot of the pot. With a large volume of land, the plant stretches up, and the rod root down, which makes the plant thin and weak. Replanting the plant, you noticed that the root is long, then you need to shorten it a little and put in a new pot.

Money tree at home

How to crop money

While the monetary tree of centimeters fifteen in height and does not start branches, you need to pinch up the top small two sheets, and you can and more (there should be at least two leaves of large on the branch) to later begun branching. Wait for the appearance of two pairs of leaves, if this is not, then disconnect again.

The formation of Tolstanka can be started and later. Even if the tree is large, you can cross the branches, but at the place of the plug, unfortunately, hemp will remain. Therefore, they advise you to begin to form a tree at a young age.

Money tree and Fengshui

Is it worth buying a money tree

Everyone wants the money tree to make the magic talisman in the house, attracting financial well-being and money. Then grow it yourself, starting from rooting a cutlery or buying a very young plant in the store. An adult fat man, purchased in the store will not give the desired effect.

Where to put a monetary tree at home

The location of the money in the house is also an important aspect. The zone of wealth is considered to be a southeastern road. Attraction in the house of financial success is enhanced by the activation of money. It is carried out like this: when planting the plant bursts into a pot of coin, it can be, both Chinese and our money. You can spend the activation to be carried out in another way - three Chinese coins are tied up with a red ribbon and hang them on the plant. You can use both ways to activate immediately.

From the first day of staying Tolstanka in the house, you need generously to sink it with compliments and talk affectionate words. The money tree will be reciprocated if you see that it grows and develops, which means you will always have money.

Learn how to plant a money tree to attract money so that the energy of this home plant worked for you. Fatty, if you believe the signs, attracts cash flow into the house, but for this you need to follow several rules.

A money tree, a fat manner or Crassus has long been considered a plant that should be in every home. Its thick fleshy leaves seem to resemble large coins. Perhaps because of this similarity, Tolstanka and began to be considered a monetary plant.

However, alone alone proper care behind the plant is not enough to increaseincome. It should be put correctly and speak it, and then comply with the ancient signs of wealth.

Caring for Tolstanka and the correct treatment of it will help to establish a connection with the money egregor from the esoteric point of view. People are connected to it, which comply with the rules of this energy informational entity. Monetary signs, including challenges about room plants, are included in their list. If you wish to connect to the egregor of wealth, try starting with Tolstanka.

How to plant a money tree to attract money?

Consider the Phase of the Moon. Like your income in the future, it should grow.At the descending Moon, Tolstanka is not planted, like any other plant - it is bad sign.

The best day of the week in order to plant this plant - Wednesday.

The fat man does not highlight the energy of wealth by itself. She spends her through himself. Therefore, it is better to take a progestion of this plant in people whose level of income makes you envy. They will not lose their own, and the cash flows opened by them will go to your home too.

In order not to share your success, you need to separate the process yourself without giving foreign hands to touch your plant. But, if there are no such people or they do not want to share money, you can purchase a process. Do not take an adult plant if you need a money tree to attract money. We'll have to grow it from the process.

Magic Money tree can be enhanced by landing with affirmations. Pronounce them only in the present time, without a particle "not" - the universe does not perceive it, as if he does not hear.

You can say something like:

"I attract money, I get rich, my income grow."

It is desirable that no one distracted you during the landing of the tree.

Conspiracy when landing of money:

When planting a tree of wealth, it is worth putting several ordinary coins on gravel or clamzite, which is laid on the very bottom flower pot. Coins must be the same nominal.

You need to spread them to the coat of arms upwards, saying a conspiracy at each coin when landing a money tree:

Let the village grows in the house, I will bring a lot of money. Coins, I will be squeezed in the Earth, I will bring a big salary to the house. Rich will give a generous, in money I will not feel more care. May it be so ordered! Yes, three times performed! On the key locked! Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, you can plant a plant and start watering, which can also be accompanied by a plot. The same conspiracy on coins can be repeated every time you decide to put a coin in a pot with a plant. But only provided that they will be hidden in the ground.

Conspiracy on a monetary tree when watering:

Conspiracy on a monetary tree is read during the watering of the plant. This can be done immediately after landing. But at any other time you can talk to Tolstanka so that she brings profit.

Watering a plant, say:

, You grow, and in richness to bloom. Amen."

Water for watering should be pushed on silver or gold. For about three days, it should be soaked with the energy of precious metals and profits. Iron coins are also suitable, but they are much weaker than gold and silver. Do not use the decorations to charge water, they contain the energy owner, which is not always positive.

Money tree to attract money - signs and customs:

On the question of how to plant a money tree, in order to have money in the house, will answer folk signs, customs of the teachings of Feng Shui and other beliefs. So, the colors of wealth, the Chinese consider green, red and gold.

In order to strengthen cash flows, you can choose a pot of one of these colors. An adult plant can be tied with a ribbon of one of these colors. The pot can be put on a red tablecloth or a napkin, under which the coin is lying.

Strengthening the energy of the plant will help Chinese coins of wealth.

To do this, you need to bury the "treasure" in a pot with a flower consisting of three coins. They must lie up hieroglyphs up.

Coins Feng Shui, nodules of happiness and other Chinese wealth amulets can be hung on the plant - it will bring you a profit. You can take the usual coins that are in the go where you live.

Near the adult and consistently attractive capital of plants can be put in a dragon statuette. He will protect your wealth, protecting against the evil eye and registerings of enemies.

Owl will help to fight the transit, but will not make you whining.

Chinese lanterns, candles and figures Feng Shui can stand near Tolstanka, reinforcing its energy.

No fiery money with water. Keep the rich tree away from its sources.

If you have a fat man and a room fountain or a picture with a waterfall, place them away from each other. Water struggles with fire, and cash flows will be "fused" water energy.

It is impossible to place Tolstanka near the cacti.Signs about cacti say that they protect the house from energies that do not characterize it - may not miss the cash flow. Spines and curly flowers are not combined with Tolstanka and interfere with cash flows.

If you know how to plant a monetary tree and attract money, this is not enough. It should be aware of the traditions of plants and other items in the house. The south-eastern sector of the house or apartment is responsible for material wealth. Tolstanka and the rest of the monetary symbols in this part of your dwelling the same place. But if there is a toilet or corridor, put the plant where much light is, regardless of the side of the world.

The magical properties of money trees are manifested only when behind the plant is careful with pleasure. In a loving family, the fools contributes to increasing income. If you do not like plants, and care for them is anxiety, and not pleasure, it is better to choose other methods of witchcraft.

With a tree of wealth will have to talk, to give him time and attention, and then your income will increase. Do not forget to wipe the dust from the leaves, it makes it difficult to flow the flow of cash energy.

The cracks blooms extremely rarely, the cool climate is not too suitable. But if he bloats, it foreshadows a significant profit. Of course, it blooms only with perfect care.

Only one person should do care - a monetary tree has a good memory and can only make contact with one owner. Do not worry about what you will not be able to go on vacation - this plant must be watered all times a few weeks.

In general, the fat man can really help to establish financial affairs. It is kept both in homes and in office cabinets.

But in order for the tree of wealth to reveal all its potential, certain rules should be followed - mainly from the teachings of Feng Shui and Eastern Folklore. For a larger effect, the plant can be discussed during watering and landing.

Attract in your life wealth and well-being can be not only with the help of rituals. In everyday life, we surround us the usual things and items that activate cash energy and help get rich. For example, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, an invaluable help in this has an ordinary room. "Money tree.

This is a modest plant, like a magnet, attracts wealth to the house. In addition to Tolstanka, there are other indoor flowers that are able to attract cash flows, such as cyclamen and a marant. They are combined by general features, namely, the leaves of a rounded shape, resembling coins - a symbol of wealth and well-being.

Feng Shui, artificial analogue is also capable of becoming a strong activator of financial well-being. For this reason, you can choose a decorative monetary tree of coins, stones, beads or other materials.

What monetary tree on Feng Shui is better?

When choosing a cash talisman for home, it should be remembered that the real tree acts more efficiently than artificial. A man who once again does not want to worry or spend time on caring for a flower, a symbolic figurine of a tree is more suitable. Such a talisman will not drown and will not die.

This living money tree can heat and reset the leaves from improper care. This feature testifies to the upcoming large spending and a possible period of lack of money. Therefore, it is very important that the fat man feel good. Optimal option - Get the trees of both species - indoor plant and artificial analogue.

You can make an artificial money tree with your own hands or purchase in the store or on the market. It should be remembered that in one room it is impossible to keep them - cash talismans should be disposed of different rooms. It should also be borne in mind that a monetary monetary tree made independently has a stronger energy.

Sometimes the talisman is made in the form of a money tree from banknotes of large dignity. Such a product can be presented, the anniversarier or a close relative for a birthday. A gift symbolizes prosperity and success. Below you can familiarize yourself with the master class for the manufacture of decorative money from coins, different materials and banknotes.

Well-groomed fat man - a guarantee of money well-being

Artificial tree with pebbles instead of leaves or a wing tree from beads can be purchased in the Shui Feng Shui store. It perfectly attracts wealth and does not spoil on time. It is only necessary to ensure that it is correctly located. But behind the living room is needed special care. Its leaves should not be covered with dust, shrust and fall. Otherwise, the prerequisites for ruin are created. This plant should not dispel, so as not to provoke huge waste of its owner.

At the bottom of the pot, where the tree of wealth grows, five coins of the state should lie, in whose territory you are currently living. This will provide a permanent increase in your material well-being. You will have promising acquaintances, favorable circumstances and new sources of income. At Christmas, the coins must be removed and rinsed in running water. This is done to update the power of the talisman and.

Master class - how to make a monetary tree from coins with your own hands (video):

Another video dedicated to making money from coins

Where better to put a money tree?

Money tree from coins, as well as the plant, is endowed with a special meaning, and therefore it needs a special place. On Feng Shui, the Tree of good luck should be located in the southeast sector of the house, that is, in the zone of wealth. An excellent place for this talisman is an entrance hall - in this room the way the cash flow will be opened best. In order for the effect intensifying, put a large monetary bill under the tree.

"Money is a very important thing. Especially when they are not "...
Erich Remark

Forget the word "no". In browse finance, the most important is the mood, the desire to see them, love. Are you ready to become a secured person? So it's time to meet a money tree on Feng Shui.

Archaic Chinese teaching will share with you a part of his millennial experience in mobilizing wealth, will tell the secrets about how to put it right and much better put a tree to attract material well-being.
Folk signs argue that Crasus is referred to as a monetary tree because of its leaves, similar to coins. In fact, the secret lies in their unique energy. They instantly absorb all the most useful substances, scrupulously keeping them in the leaves. The gift to accumulate all the valuable they transmit to their owner (if he sincerely takes care of his pet).

Female. Unpretentious plant, with a prime character, simple departure. Small size, with original leaves, small, fleshy, in form similar to coins.
But just put the purchased plant on the window is not suitable. In order for the success of the money to the owner, it is necessary to learn more about Crasus more.
How to plant a monetary tree on Feng Shui to attract wealth:

How to plant a live mascot
Feng Shui recommends not to buy a ready-made plant (it cannot be bought for money at all). It is necessary that the money tree absorb your energy to felt the sincere care of the owner. According to the rules of Feng Shui, Tolstanka needs to be planted!
With a tree before landing, you need to talk and ask for protection and well-being, as well as promise that it is you will always care for him, in the future always talking to a tree.
Fomb from the adult tree a leaf or a stalk (ideally, if you do it secretly without asking permission).
It is believed that a presented money tree will not bring good luck to her new owner or a donor.
Before planting a car of money talisman to the ground, hold the process in a glass with water for several days (so that he can go roots).
Press the pot in advance. It should be wide, shallow. The color of money according to the rules of the Feng Shui is a metal and land. All gamma brown, black. Red or burgundy. Silver or gold.
It is necessary to plant (like all plants) on the growing moon. Day Resetting - Wednesday.

Important Council: Before boarding, activate the pot. At the bottom of the vason, put a few coins of the same dignity with the coat of arms up. It is best to use the money of the country in which you live. It is desirable that they were six or eight (to awaken the magic of numbers).
When laying coins it is useful to peer: "Coin to a coin, leaflet to a sheet"And then read money conspiracy on them: "To grow you, and I have to bloom in wealth. Such is my will. May it be so!"
To plant a plant, buy in advance land (ordinary soil for cacti). But it is better to make it yourself (mix large sand, peat, turf, leafy land in proportion 1x0,5x1x1).
Transplant to a more spacious pot if necessary. It is not worth a small plant, which has just crushed the roots, perched in a big pot, let them face in a small one, then transope the pot more, so the money tree grows several years.
Sorceress on a money tree:

Where to put a tree according to the rules of Feng Shui
The effectiveness of Feng Shui money depends largely on its correct location in the apartment.
For the growth of financial welfare, the southeastern side of the apartment is responsible for the South-Eastern side - the wealth sector on Feng Shui - it is there and it is necessary to place your money tree. It is possible to use it with the help of an ordinary compass. Per reference point can be taken entrance doorAnd you can traditional compass definition of the parties to the light. Use the way you are more pleasant, more convenient. Also, do not forget that when determining zones in an apartment or a plot, you should stick to one of the method you choose.
The Chinese teaching allows us to divide the sector not only the whole house as a whole, but also separate rooms. You can designate the area of \u200b\u200bfinancial well-being in any suitable room.
The south-eastern area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment or the central room is an ideal place to habitable the cash tre.

We decorate the wealth sector
First of all, free this zone from unnecessary things - finance energy needs to be circulated freely, without obstacles.

The place where the fat manner will stand, place in green, purple or blue-blue tones.
Wood. We need a tree in this sector. You can put wooden furniture, stand, or a table on which the talisman will be located.
Water. The revival of the finance zone on Feng Shui is well promoted by water (or its images). You can put a small home fountain there (water flow will help the growth of financial flow) or aquarium with pretty gold fish. Did you decide to limit the paintings with water? Know that water images should not be aggressive (typhoon, floods, powerful waterfalls simply "melt" future money).
Wind. It is necessary that the richness tree felt the movement of air and strengthened their own streams. It is best to hang in the area "Wind Music". Please note that no metal objects should be there (in the design of the musical and air talisman too).

Ideal will put a pot on a red napkin with a hieroglyph of richness on Feng Shui.
To turn your Tolstanka in a real symbol of good luck and prosperity, decorate it with red ribbons and coins, and then it will become a real monetary talisman Your family.
The thickness does not tolerate dust - often wipe her leaflets, and the entire money sector.

We grow the mascot of wealth
Crasusus is enough unpretentious plantShe does not impose special capsies in care. For successful growth of Tolstanka, it is necessary to know the minimum of simple rules:
What the plant wishes
The monetary plant does not like to drink a lot
Water the land only when it is dry (best in the evening).
It is impossible to pour a thickness, can heat the roots and the plant will die. But even in this case, you need to save the money tree: break out the process and put in the ground, after a while you will get a new tree, for which you will be better to care for
I am pleased to take classic fertilizers for succulents
Add nutrients to a pot after each watering
Does not tolerate extremes (heat, cold, drafts)
The usual average temperature, comfortable for humans. Need to put a pot away from batteries, cold glass
Fast woman feels well with high humidity
From the dryness of the air will help to get rid of the presence of a number of water source (or just often spray the leaves with water)
Prefers scattered light (not scorching)
The perfect place tree is a window. Otherwise, add additional light sources.
Since this is a plant with rather dense branches, turn it out from time to time to the light of different sides. So your money tree will evenly develop.
The form
Form a krona
So that the fastest can have a beautiful form, you can form a crown, fixing still non-devented branches at different angles. To do this, they are tied to a wooden peg, attract to the main barrel or, on the contrary, move away from it using the strut.

But the main condition is to surround your precious pet with sincere warmth, care and caress. Touch its leafs often, talk, talk about how the day went, advise. "Relive" him! "
And fencing the monetary plant from your bad mood. Female feels all! From irritability, bad thoughts of the mascot owner, she can circle.