
Saint Rev. Angelina Serbian. Prayer from Angelina Tropear Angelina Serbian in Russian


Angelina's mother, as she is loved by her Serbs, one of the most revered in this the people of Holy Women. The circumstances of the life and feats of Holy give us the grounds to consider it a patronage of both families and women's monasses. For us, this holy is also unique in the fact that all Orthodox Christians of the Russian Church Tradition with the name of Angelina, they are considered her heavenly patroness. Currently, Holy Angelina Serbian is the only Angelina in Russian Personal.

The Holy Angelina was the daughter of the Orthodox Albanian Prince Arianit from the Elbasan Territory and the Prelimenas of the Glorious Christian Ruler Georgy Skenderbega. Residents of those edges were mostly Orthodox Christians, and the Fatherland of them was famous for the victory of faith and weapons. Angelina grew and brought up in piety at the court of his father. The name of her mother did not come to us, but it is known that she was a woman of God-fearing and noble and raised her daughter in gospel virtues. From children's years on St. Angelina, the finger of the Field of God, who prepared it to the upcoming feats and tests.

In those days, the Serbian extension of Despot Stefan Blind, the second son of Despota Georgy Brankovich (1427-1456) came to Albanian regions. In 1441, the Turks sharpened Stephen along with his elder brother Gr Grong in the dungeon, where both blinded. For the death of their father, Serbia, for some time the most younger brother Lazar (1456-1458), and then the blissful sufferer Stefan became despot.

Two months before the fall under the blows of the Turks of the Serbian capital, people were slandered by Stephen and expelled him from their fatherland, so he experienced many misfortunes and needs on a foreign land. Righteous Stephen went through wake to his sister Katharina, and then arrived in the city of Dubrovnik in Dalmatia and from there he had already set off in Albania to gain safe refuge there.

Prince Arianit in fraternal accepted Stephen. The stay of the Serbian exile was at a party so much that he became for the prince's family as a relative. The noble prince of Angelina's daughter with all his heart loved the blind Stephen and asked the parents of blessing to marry him. Parents gave their consent and blessed young. Wanting the whole soul to divide the fate with a noble exile, in 1461, Angelina married Stefan in the chadder. From the brought blessed by God, they had the light of the sons of George and John and daughter Mara. When the children were still small, Mohammedan attacked this Christian country, and Stefan with Angelina had to run with children in Italy. Here Angelina comprehended another test: October 9, 1476, the righteous Stefan moved to the Lord. Soon, God glorified his worship: a mysterious light began to appear above Stefan, and his body turned out to be awesome.

Left widow with three children, Blessed Angelina needed the very necessary for life. The widow had to taste the bitterness of the orphan fraction on a foreign land. Movesing care about children, she requested help to the Hungarian king Mathics Corvin, who graciously gave her and her sons the city of Kupinovo on the Sava River. Taking with him the netted remains of his spouse, Angelina got through Vienna and will be up to Kupinovo and there in the Church of the Holy Apostle and the Evangelist Luke put on February 15, 1486 of his spouse Stephen. The Hungarian king gave the older son of Angelina Georgy Titul Despota and some lands, but Georgy soon refused them in favor of his younger brother John, and in 1495 he accepted monasticism with the name Maxim. In 1502, the young despot John died. Holy Angelina with Maxim, taking with him the power of Stephen and John, moved to the Nasha Governor John Radulu. Here Maxim was Cahotonisan in the Metropolitan of Vlagosaplansky, reconciled the Voyage Radules with Moldovan Voivod Bogdan and, together with his mother, made a lot of good deeds in those edges.

A few years later, Angelina returned with her son to the Sirm region, where Blessed Maxim became Metropolitan Belgrade and Sremsky. Together with the mother, they erected the monastery of the crashbed in the name of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin. Saint Maxim suffered from Belgrade his Episcopian Department, thus updating, thus siresk archbishopia. Soon - January 18, 1516 - he moved to the Lord and was buried in Crushvedol. So righteous Angelina was destined to relive her husband and both sons, which the Lord glorified his saints in the face.

Having retained his worldly name, the St. Angelina adopted the monastic defendant in the obstacle of the Lord near her, and completely indulged Prayer, mercy and the care of temples and monasteries. This decent imitation of a Christian, spouse, mother and a nun for their works and good deeds was lovingly nicknamed in the people of Angelina's mother. So, agreed on the godly and holy, she rehearsed from his works and peacefully moved to the Lord on July 30, 1520. Rev. Angelina buried in the same female monastery, and later, after a few years, her holy body was gained intense, moved to the monastery of the crozhedol and was put into one cancer with the relics of her son of St. Despota John.

In 1716, the Turks burned the saints and the miraculous relics of Saints Brankovich, along with the monastery of the crucible. Only the left hand of Holy Angelina remained. Saint soon after the phenomenon of its miraculous relics, he wrote one of the collisters of the crucible. July 30 (August 12, N.St.), when the Serbian Church celebrates her memory day, in this holy monastery there is a big holiday and a confluence of the believing Orthodox people. The memory of the Holy is also celebrated on July 1 and December 10 in the old style.

Many seems to be that Angelina - the name is at all at all Orthodox. But one Holy Angelina is in the church. She was the Serbian princess, married the blind and part of life lived in exile. And her husband and two sons are also glorified in the face of saints. What was this family?

The fate of Angelina Brankovich, who belonged to the genus of the rulers of Montenegro, was severe doubly: in his personal life - she survived her husband and both of his sons, and in public - in her eyes her homeland was under the rule of the Turks.

She was destined to live in the hardest for the period - at the beginning of the 15th century. A little time passed with the famous and infamous (June 28, 1389), in which 25 thousand Serbs and their allies were broken by the forty-fighter Turkish army. After the battle, the Turks have suspended expansion to Europe for several years, but Serbia is first partly, then completely lost its freedom - for five centuries.

Angelina's husband became the last Serbian despot (this title, taken over by Serbi from Byzantines, means "sovereign") - Stephen Blind, they married in 1461. One of the bishops familiar with Stefan, described him as a man of mighty, great growth, who kept with dignity, smart and serious, who knew the Bible well. And the blind Stefan was not at all from birth ...

The fate of his and his family is very difficult. When his sister Mara was forced to gave to the Harem of the Turkish Sultan Murada second, and Stefan went to Turkey after her, he was suspected of plot and in 1441 was blinded with his elder brother.

By the way, this is the most Mara, the queen Serbian, the only one of the women who pulled into Earth - the Greek "Monastic Republic". She came to the island to convey the shrines captured by the Turks in. According to legend, the queen on the island did not allow the Mother of God, which monks honor the patroness of Athon. Mara obeyed, handed the gifts to those who accompany her moels and sailed.

But back to Serbia. Stefan blind ruled Serbs is not long. Soon he was slandered, and the prince was forced to flee from anger of compatriots. Angelina shared his wanderings with her husband. Hiding from the massacre, the family ran first to Albania, and then for about 10 years, the spouses lived in Italy. In exile, their children were born - Sons Jurand and Jaovan, daughter Mara.

Before his death in 1476, Stefan did not write will, but tried to ask for support for his family in the residents of the Sicilian city of Ragusa, where they lived then: "I see that my close is close. I will not grieve about my death, but I am sick about my Angelina and my children. The testament is nothing to write to me, I do not leave my own silver, nor gold or populated estates. I assign you before God, before the crust of the Virgin and the saints of my Angelin and my children. What you do for them, then God will create for you. "

Angelina remained alone with three children on a foreign land ... In 1486, thanks to the support of the Hungarian ruler, she was able to settle in the village of Kupinovo in Hungary. There she suffered a coffin of her husband. The legend states that when the coffin carried to the temple, hunchback was healed, born for many years. The relics of the despot Stephen blindly turned out to be awesome ...

Unusual fate of the sons of Angelina.

Senior, Jurand, still young went to the monastery. At first he ruled Hungarian Serbs, and even managed to marry - on Italian Isabelle, a relative of the Hungarian Queen Beatrice. But the marriage did not last long: broke out due to differences in faith.

In 1497, Jurand adopted heavily with the name Maxim. Political power moved to the younger brother Yovan. But that rules just a few years and died in 1502. Subsequently, he was ranked sainted. The heirs of Jaovan did not leave: he and his spouses Elena Yakshich, the non-famous relatives of the Russian prince Vasily III, were born alone daughters.

After the death of Jovana Angelina and his son Maxim moved to Valahia (now - the area in the south of Romania), taking with him the power of Stephen and Yovan. Maxim was destined to manage the Church of Valahius for a short time. When it was necessary, he performed and diplomatic functions; He managed to reconcile the princes of Valahia and Moldova; He founded the first typography in Valahia.

Later, Maxim will become Metropolitan Belgrade-Sirmsky and will build a famous Krushvedol Monastery, where in 1516, and will be buried.

The monastic post took And Angelina, in addition, with all his property, called the "Mother Angelina" - for the meek and patient temper, the construction of temples and charity. In the same year, she sent her defender Evgenia to Moscow Prince Vasily III, asking for taking care of the abode and churches of conquered Serbia. Moscow Prince did not refuse to help.

At the end of the life of Angelina became the last man of the women's monastery next to Crucessol and peacefully died in 1520. Power SVV. Jovana and Stephen, the Saints Angelina and Maxim were laid together in the Crashing Resident. However, it can be said that the misadventures of the family did not end this: in 1616, the Turks burned the monastery together with the relics of Holy Angelina and her family members.

Only the left hand is preserved - it is stored in the restored monastery. Cruzhedol is located in modern Serbia, in the region of Frusk-Mountain, called another Serbian Athos for the abundance of old monasteries.

The relics of Rev. Angelina Serbian. Monastery Cruzhedol, Serbia

Today, any pilgrim can go there, see the preserved old frescoes, pray and remember the mother Angelina - a man of extremely severe fate, but amazing resistance.

Tropear prep. Angelina Serbian, voice 8

In you, Mati, I know, herself in the image, we enjoy Bo Cross, followed by Christ and, hes, taught the prescription of the flesh, trick, to adjudic on the soul, the things seeless. Toky and the angels will fune in, Rev. Angelino, your spirit.

Kondak, voice 8

Like: a swift of the governor:
Võzhnyago belly Wanted to ensure that the lower food thoroughly left the Esi, and the wealth of yours was wrecked by the poor, and the heavenly wealth of the friend of Esi, and in the death of us consecutive, and your wonders, all of Angelino, sources. Holy Assumption is honest, written: rejoice, Mother Prchvalny.

Religious reading: Angel's Day Angelina Prayer to help our readers.

Memory: July 1 / July 14, December 10 / December 23

Daughter Prince George Albanian and Spouse Stephen, King Serbia, Holy Angelina has undergone expulsion at the Turks (XV century) along with her husband, and divided all the difficulties of life in Albania and Italy. Two sons of their, Saints Maxim and John, brought up in the spirit of truly Christian. By the death of a spouse, adopting monastic stop, Holy Angelina devoted himself prayer, charity and temple construction. The faithful wife, a kind mother and a perfect Christian, she truly deserves the name of the "Mother of Angelina", which the Serbian people awarded it. Her miraculous power is preserved together with the relics of her righteous spouse - St. Stephen and their pious children of Maxim and John in the monastery of the crash.

Holy Angelina prayer patroness in the arrangement of family life, in family needs and sorrowers, in the pious education of children, her wife and mother are praying for the gift of virtues of maritime and motherhood.

Tropear Righteous Angelina, Surbskaya Despotissa, Glas 8

In you, Mati, I know, herself in the image, we enjoy Bo Cross, followed by Christ and, hes, taught the prescription of the flesh, trick, to adjudic on the soul, the things seeless. Toky and the angels will fune in, Rev. Angelino, your spirit.

Kondak Righteous Angelina, Surbskaya Despotissa, Glas 8

Võzhnyago belly Wanted to ensure that the lower food thoroughly left the Esi, and the wealth of yours was wrecked by the poor, and the heavenly wealth of the friend of Esi, and by death we are sanctified, and your wonders, all of Angelino, sources. Holy Assumption is honest, written: rejoice, Mother Prchvalny.

Prayer first righteous Angelina Despotiss Serbian

Oh, Rev. Angelino, Mati Our kind and freezing, Pomping us, by your disobedient. You have a mother of our good, sorrowful lives on the earth elderly, Obacheu with the help of God, victory in battles bravely tied up and your soul into the light of the kingdoms of heavenly joyed. Your homely church of Christ is decorated and gilding your saint spouse Stefan and the Sons of John and Maxim. There were also the heart immeasurably large and compassionate to all in trouble. Therefore, the pious Serbian people called you the best of the words given by God - Mother. Yako, you are Mati all of us, Serbs, yours, who, in more than a lot of sinchshit, I love you and read and take care of you for help.

Kaya Bo Mother of the Children of his happiness, is it and will sin the bearer? No, but wisely punishes them, love does not break. Therefore, you, Mati our kind, punish us from Heaven, Beach God, but do not leave us without your love. The hand of the Pravda of God is punishing us, and the desire of love is to strengthen and return from the paths of unwonded to the path of truth and good.

We pray to you, Mother's kind, with your prayers to succeed to us the blessing of Heaven: the sick health, weak strength, desperate hope, hungry bread of pressing, hazardous chad, with shelter and consolation, and everyone who prayed to you in the great grace of your asking. But even more give us, Mati Our kind, the benefits of the heavenly souls of purifying, strengthening us in the fulfillment of the commandments of God, leading us to good and leading from all the evil. For it does not run from the evil in the world of the world, how to run away from him in a different world, it is not clear here from the dirt, how can we be where they look at what you can do.

Pomping us to die in the world, I am, and you are dead to the world, the benefits of the benefits are incredit and ever. Let and our good to Heaven will be, so that our Hearts were on Heaven, and not here, the appearance of everything is rotting and disappears, the appearance of the thief stealing, and mole and rzhen jerse. Through it all the forces to our own for the benefits of this world, for the handful of the grocery of the earthly farm, we will take the southeries with you, the fact that you are helpful to us, Mati is our good. It's somehow a little worn, although I will give little to the Lord through you, the bride of his heavenly, the same is the help of your helping the innumerable benefits of heaven, others will strengthen us on a narrow path of salvation, and hundreds of deaths will appear.

Truly the soul, our all sins are refused and poor virtue, the merciful Lord is a preparation of medicine - repentance. Yes, it will be born in us, although a small part of that truth is repentance, Yezh Lord brought Esi, Mati is our holy. Revive the divine in the souls of our warm tears, I am also poured on every day about the day of Serbuste, and URAMUMEM DAMPLY OF OLD DISTRICTS Before God, he forgives our debts, it sincere and tearfully ask him about forgiveness.

Together, Mother Our Angelino, Crucessing Holy Nigalia, and Pomopic, we can escape from all slands, in order to once with your prayers to the Lord, they entered the peace of the kingdom of heaven, the idea of \u200b\u200bWSI is graciously gliting by the holy of a single and inhabitant Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now And confessed and forever. Amen.

Prayer Second Righteous Angelina Despotiss Serbian

Oh, the Great Hall of Christ and the Preslav Mati is Angelino! You have a soul in the heaven with the throne of God's prestigations and the gloriousness to him incessantly crawling, referring our siery and grieving and praying for us to the Lord, and let us put us on the path of truth and piety, which we can and we are in the conclusion of our lives in Fatherland Heaven to climb and with you God worship. She, Rev. Our Mati, Zerishi from the sky, Skofully Time is a serious godless Nasta and soul our sorrow will be performed. Straightening the Saunyukovo, to bear the helpful, the Tokmo God is united, I also hope for him and he is ashamed to him with the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit now and are also confessed and forever. Amen.

Please be sure, Reverend Mother Angelino, and honor your holy memory, you boils for us of our God.

Prayer righteous Angelina Serbian:

  • Prayer of Righteous Angelina, Despotissa (Queen) Serbian. Daughter Prince George Albanian and Stefan's wife, King Serbia, Holy Angelina has undergone exile at the Turks (XV century) along with her husband. By the death of the spouse, adopting the monastic stop, the saint devoted himself to prayer, charity and temple construction. The faithful wife, a kind mother and a perfect Christian, she deserved the name of the "Mother of Angelina", which the Serbian people awarded it. Holy Angelina patroness in the arrangement of family life, in family needs and sorces, about children, she prayed wives and mother about the gift of virtues of married and motherhood

Akathists Angelina Serbian:

Life and scientific and historical literature on righteous Angelina Serbian:

  • Righteous Angelina, Despotissa (Queen) Serbian(Life) - Ieromona Ignatius Shestakov
Read other prayers of the section "Orthodox Prayers"

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Angelina in adult life

Angel Day Angelina. When is Angelina?

Girl's Angel Day with the beautiful name Angelina can celebrate on the Orthodox Calendar:

July 14 (July 1) and December 23 (December 10) - celebrate the date of Blessed Angelina Serbian (Brankovich). This is one of the most revered Serbian saints, because her life is connected with this country and its faith.

Announced Angelina, as his short name, girls should pray for this saint and have home icon with their holy:

Angelina is an excellent female name that happened from the man's ancient Greek name Angelos and of course indicates the "Angel". The name of Angelina celebrates four times a year: July 14, August 12, September 12 and December 23. But it is your Angel's Day to celebrate that day that follows after the date of your birth. The Holy Patron of Angelina - Rev. Angelina Serbian.

I have two girlfriends with a very beautiful female name Angelina. This is the name of Greek origin. The girl's Angel's Day with the name Angelina can celebrate: July 14, August 12, September 12 or December 23. If you can not decide on the date of the celebration, then choose the date that follows after your birthday.

The good name is Angelina, and the phrase "Angel Angel's Day" has a certain interesting effect of the girls who are lucky to possess the same name, celebrate their Angel's Day twice a year - July 14 and December 23.

Angel Day for Angelina

Angelina - the name is unusual and rare. Despite the fact that it reminds the word "angel", in reality it is only a coincidence. The name has an ancient Greek roots and means translated from the Greek "Blagovets, Messenger." How to call Angelina briefly?

For the owners of this name there are many interesting abbreviation options: gel, Angela, Angela, Angel, Lina, Eel, Ange (from English), Angelika. Angelina and Angelica are different names, but they have the same nature and originate from the same ancient Greek word "newsstand."

The name is church and has its holy - the patronage of Angelina.

Blessed Angelina Serbian (Brankovich)

Angelina's name patronizes Holy Angelina Serbian. In the life of Holy Angelina Serbian was the wife of the Serbian king and the daughter of Albanian Duke. For a long time, running away from Turkish persecution, has lived with her husband in exile. After that, in about 1510, he accepted a tonsure in the nun. With the assistance and support of the Grand Duke Vasily, the Church founded the third, where he served until the end of his days the prissther.

Name Day Angelina

Angelina has several days angel. Most of the names have a few name. This is primarily due to the fact that the church name refers to several saints. For example, Elena can mark as many as sixnings per year, in honor of the martyr Elena and the Martyrs of Elena, the daughter of the apostle Alfeya, the righteous Elena, Queen Serbian, also in memory of the equivalent queen of Elena and Olga, the Great Equal-Posant Princess (after the baptism of Elena), and Rev. Helena Diveevskaya.

However, the Angelina is different. Angelina's days of an angel - four times a year, but they honor one holy - St. Angelina Serbian (Brankovich), Queen Serbia. As a rule, in order to determine when to celebrate the name of a particular Angelina, you need to choose the nearest date of the birthday. This will be the day of Angel Angelina. According to the Orthodox calendar, or named, the Angel Day is worth noting 4 times a year:

These are the days of the memory of Rev. Angelina.

How to celebrate Name Day

Since the name day is celebrated on the church calendar, Angelina Angel's Day is worth starting with a hike in the temple. In order to accomplish the honors of the righteous Angelina, the Serbian government, you need to put a candle and pray. The masterpiece looks like this: "We please you, Rev. Mother Angelina, and honor your memory with Holy, you are praying for all of us Christ of our God."

Famous Angelines and Angel Days

  • Angelina Vovk (September 12) - Soviet television and radio support, actress of cinema, deputy.
  • Angelina Jolie (July 14) is a famous film actress, screenwriter and director.
  • Angelina Guskova (December 23) - an UN expert, a Soviet radiologist, Dr. Honey. Science, professor.
  • Angelina Zolovetsevskaya (July 14) - Cavalier of the Order of the BKZ, participant of the Second World War.


How to congratulate Angelina Happy Angel? What to gift?

Many noted that, having such an angelic name, Angelina does not differ by an angelic character. Name carrier often have temperamental in nature, there are stubborn and very wayward. Despite this, Angelines are capable of love strongly and sensibly. They seem to live in their unique world with their own ideas about everything. Therefore, the gift must be selected with caution that meets the expectations and ideas of the birthday girl.

Give something connected to the hobby gels, something for the soul. You can also try to give something to home. After all, love and home focus are very important for these girls. Like any girl, Angelina loves attention. Therefore, the celebration can be modest, but gifts must be very personal, and all the attention should be taken only to Angelina.

Be that as it may, give a gift from the soul - and you won't lose.

Angelina: Angel Day for the Church Calendar

Angel's Day has long been considered an important celebration. A few centuries ago, a beautiful and tasty table was covered in this holiday, baked cakes and registered caravas, went to communion to church - in general, celebrated almost like anniversary. Angel's Day, as a rule, is celebrated in the sacraticles (at the date of memory of the patron, in honor of which a person is named). For each Orthodox name, only one holy is honored, but there may be a few name. For example, Angelina, the days of an angel of which are celebrated 4 times a year, has one patronage - Reverend Angelina Serbian.

Choosing the baby name, it is very important to know, in honor of which holy you call it, because it is believed that it is very much affecting the nature and on his fate. There is another important nuance: the name of the child during baptism does not necessarily comply with the one that is written in the birth certificate. If you have chosen such an option, then the name is baptized, you need to store in secret from all. Such a maneuver can save from damage and evil eye. Now let's try to figure out what days Angelina is celebrated.

Angel Day and Rev. Angelina

Angelina Serbian rose in the Orthodox family of Albanian Prince Arianit. At the young age, she married the blind king Serbia Stephen, and in marriage they had two wonderful son and daughter. The life of Rev. Angelina was full of sorrows and disappointments. The husband died very early, and she had to wander very long to wander in search of refuge with two sons and relics. The children of Holy Angelina died also pretty early. The entire balance of life, the Orthodox Christian spent in the women's monastery in prayers. The St. Angelina was very predicted to God and the whole lives preached Christianity.


Angelina's name, the days of an angel of which are celebrated several times a year, happened from the men's ancient Greek named Angelos. It is easy to guess that it is it important "Angel", that is, the messenger. In various European countries, Angelina's name may sound differently: Evangelina, Angelina, Angelina, Angelina, Anteline. We can briefly call Lina or gel briefly.


Many Mama likes this name, and they call so their daughters, hoping that they will behave like God's messengers. But Angelina, the days of an angel of which are celebrated in honor of the Serbian saint, is not at all a pretty and obedient, but soon, even on the contrary. Girls with this name most often are very militant and stubborn. They really like to command, and, as a rule, they always achieve their own. They do not tolerate the shortage of attention, and in order to at least somehow draw the gaze of their relatives, ready for everything. However, the attention of Angelina is only needed to once again asserted. In help and support, these girls need rarely and usually perceive all the advice and recommendations in the bayonets.

Very great advantage of the baby named Angelina, the days of an angel of which are celebrated several times a year, is its independence, because for girls it is a big rarity. Ask for something for her much more difficult than performing everything. Angelina loves the house and comfort, frequent hiking is not for her. It is very hard for it to transfers and travel. Angelina does not immediately adapt to the new place, and at this time she feels defenseless.

Angel Day affects character and fate

It is interesting for why girls with such a wonderful name have such a complex character. Some philosophers believe that it is connected with the names. Angel's Day Angelina, for example, is celebrated on July 14 (according to old style on July 1). On this day, on the month of Ramazan, according to Islamic teachings, "Night of Power and Prejust" is celebrated. Oddly enough, the girls of Angelina, most often really very powerful and powerful.

Angelina in adult life

Love for her above all. She appreciates comfort, comfort and care. Angelina is very jealous at its essence and does not tolerate rivalry. It is impossible to call it and too purposeful. In case of explicit defeat, it will quickly go to the shadow. Angelina is, as a rule, a creative man with a very vulnerable soul. It can be closed, especially if she had a difficult childhood. On Angel Angel, Angelina must necessarily leave it at least alone alone so that she could enjoy the loneliness.

How and when to congratulate on an angel?

Angelines do not like surprises too much (perhaps only from very close people), so do not try to surprise this girl too much. Your attention for it will be very pleasant and unexpected. Angelina Angelina Day on the church calendar celebrate on July 14 and 30, on August 12, as well as on December 23. It is these days that the memory of Rev. Angelina Serbian is honored.

Mandatory Angelina on this day you need to visit the church, put candles and confess. If possible, it is preferably the next day and compete. You need to know the prayers of your holy and at the right moments to contact her for help. It is believed that a patron, in honor of which a person named is a keeper angel who will help him all his life. Be sure to pronounce the words of thanks to St. Angelina Serbian on Angelina's Angel.

The date that symbolizes the name day can be selected one and marked as the second celebration. For example, from all four days, in which the memory of Angelina Serbian is worshiped, one can choose one, the most important on December 23, and celebrate the name day on this day. But most often the same date is selected, which is closest to the birthday day of the birthday.

All prayers of the righteous Angelina Despotiss (Queen) Serbian

Memory: July 1 / July 14, December 10 / December 23

Daughter Prince George Albanian and Spouse Stephen, King Serbia, Holy Angelina has undergone expulsion at the Turks (XV century) along with her husband, and divided all the difficulties of life in Albania and Italy. Two sons of their, Saints Maxim and John, brought up in the spirit of truly Christian. By the death of a spouse, adopting monastic stop, Holy Angelina devoted himself prayer, charity and temple construction. The faithful wife, a kind mother and a perfect Christian, she truly deserves the name of the "Mother of Angelina", which the Serbian people awarded it. Her miraculous power is preserved together with the relics of her righteous spouse - St. Stephen and their pious children of Maxim and John in the monastery of the crash.

Holy Angelina prayer patroness in the arrangement of family life, in family needs and sorrowers, in the pious education of children, her wife and mother are praying for the gift of virtues of maritime and motherhood.


Tropear Righteous Angelina, Surbskaya Despotissa, Glas 8

In you, Mati, I know, herself in the image, we enjoy Bo Cross, followed by Christ and, hes, taught the prescription of the flesh, trick, to adjudic on the soul, the things seeless. Toky and the angels will fune in, Rev. Angelino, your spirit.

Kondak Righteous Angelina, Surbskaya Despotissa, Glas 8

Võzhnyago belly Wanted to ensure that the lower food thoroughly left the Esi, and the wealth of yours was wrecked by the poor, and the heavenly wealth of the friend of Esi, and by death we are sanctified, and your wonders, all of Angelino, sources. Holy Assumption is honest, written: rejoice, Mother Prchvalny.

Prayer first righteous Angelina Despotiss Serbian

Oh, Rev. Angelino, Mati Our kind and freezing, Pomping us, by your disobedient. You have a mother of our good, sorrowful lives on the earth elderly, Obacheu with the help of God, victory in battles bravely tied up and your soul into the light of the kingdoms of heavenly joyed. Your homely church of Christ is decorated and gilding your saint spouse Stefan and the Sons of John and Maxim. There were also the heart immeasurably large and compassionate to all in trouble. Therefore, the pious Serbian people called you the best of the words given by God - Mother. Yako, you are Mati all of us, Serbs, yours, who, in more than a lot of sinchshit, I love you and read and take care of you for help.

Kaya Bo Mother of the Children of his happiness, is it and will sin the bearer? No, but wisely punishes them, love does not break. Therefore, you, Mati our kind, punish us from Heaven, Beach God, but do not leave us without your love. The hand of the Pravda of God is punishing us, and the desire of love is to strengthen and return from the paths of unwonded to the path of truth and good.

We pray to you, Mother's kind, with your prayers to succeed to us the blessing of Heaven: the sick health, weak strength, desperate hope, hungry bread of pressing, hazardous chad, with shelter and consolation, and everyone who prayed to you in the great grace of your asking. But even more give us, Mati Our kind, the benefits of the heavenly souls of purifying, strengthening us in the fulfillment of the commandments of God, leading us to good and leading from all the evil. For it does not run from the evil in the world of the world, how to run away from him in a different world, it is not clear here from the dirt, how can we be where they look at what you can do.

Pomping us to die in the world, I am, and you are dead to the world, the benefits of the benefits are incredit and ever. Let and our good to Heaven will be, so that our Hearts were on Heaven, and not here, the appearance of everything is rotting and disappears, the appearance of the thief stealing, and mole and rzhen jerse. Through it all the forces to our own for the benefits of this world, for the handful of the grocery of the earthly farm, we will take the southeries with you, the fact that you are helpful to us, Mati our own. It's somehow a little worn, although I will give little to the Lord through you, the bride of his heavenly, the same is the help of your helping the innumerable benefits of heaven, others will strengthen us on a narrow path of salvation, and hundreds of deaths will appear.

Truly the soul, our all sins are refused and poor virtue, the merciful Lord is a preparation of medicine - repentance. Yes, it will be born in us, although a small part of that truth is repentance, Yezh Lord brought Esi, Mati is our holy. Revive the divine in the souls of our warm tears, I am also poured on every day about the day of Serbuste, and URAMUMEM DAMPLY OF OLD DISTRICTS Before God, he forgives our debts, it sincere and tearfully ask him about forgiveness.

Together, Mother Our Angelino, Crucessing Holy Nigalia, and Pomopic, we can escape from all slands, in order to once with your prayers to the Lord, they entered the peace of the kingdom of heaven, the idea of \u200b\u200bWSI is graciously gliting by the holy of a single and inhabitant Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now And confessed and forever. Amen.

Prayer Second Righteous Angelina Despotiss Serbian

Oh, the Great Hall of Christ and the Preslav Mati is Angelino! You have a soul in the heaven with the throne of God's prestigations and the gloriousness to him incessantly crawling, referring our siery and grieving and praying for us to the Lord, and let us put us on the path of truth and piety, which we can and we are in the conclusion of our lives in Fatherland Heaven to climb and with you God worship. She, Rev. Our Mati, Zerishi from the sky, Skofully Time is a serious godless Nasta and soul our sorrow will be performed. Straightening the Saunyukovo, to bear the helpful, the Tokmo God is united, I also hope for him and he is ashamed to him with the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit now and are also confessed and forever. Amen.


Please be sure, Reverend Mother Angelino, and honor your holy memory, you boils for us of our God.


Prayer righteous Angelina Serbian:

  • Prayer of Righteous Angelina, Despotissa (Queen) Serbian. Daughter Prince George Albanian and Stefan's wife, King Serbia, Holy Angelina has undergone exile at the Turks (XV century) along with her husband. By the death of the spouse, adopting the monastic stop, the saint devoted himself to prayer, charity and temple construction. The faithful wife, a kind mother and a perfect Christian, she deserved the name of the "Mother of Angelina", which the Serbian people awarded it. Holy Angelina patroness in the arrangement of family life, in family needs and sorces, about children, she prayed wives and mother about the gift of virtues of married and motherhood

Akathists Angelina Serbian:

Life and scientific and historical literature on righteous Angelina Serbian:

  • Righteous Angelina, Despotissa (Queen) Serbian(Life) - Ieromona Ignatius Shestakov

I decided to buy the icon of St. Angelina may encounter difficulty. On one, it is depicted in royal clothes and with the crown on the head, on others - in the monastic closure holding the temple in his left hand. Is it a holy or different, and how to choose an Angelina icon? This variety is associated with the life of holy - long, complete contradictory events, deprivation and suffering. The righteous Angelina Serbian (Brankovich) lived in the XV century and came from the Albanian sovereign family. In 1461, she married Stephen Brankovich, Son of the Serbian sovereign George. He was blind, but not from birth. Stefan was forcibly blinded in Turkey along with his brother, where they two went to support her sister, forcibly taken into the Garem of the Turkish Sultan, and where they were accused of conspiracy. She loved the sufferer and with the blessing of the parents married him. They had three children. However, Soon Serbia was attacked Turkey, and Stephen with Angelina and children were forced to flee to Italy. There he died some time. Widden, she decided to take the monastic stop and serve the Lord. Last lifetime, others called her Mother Angelina for meek temper and trouble-free help. Subsequently, she became the progress of the Cruzhedol Monastery, where he lived for many years and went to the Lord in 1520. After death, her body remained uncovered. In 1716, the Turks burned the temple where the power of the saint was resting, only her left hand could be saved, which is kept and now in the crucored monastery. The power and icons of the saint are worshiped as miraculous.

What helps an Orthodox person of the icon of St. Angelina?

Angelina's name in Greek means "Newsletter", and the saint's memory is celebrated three times a year - July 1 and 30 and December 10. The Orthodox Icon of St. Angelina must have home to all women wearing her name. For them, she is a heavenly patroness and the first assistant, as well as for Angelica. What helps the righteous mother Angelina Serbian? Before the Russian Orthodox icon, pray and asked to improve the material situation, on the resolution of all possible household problems. The Christian icon of St. Angelina Serbian, or rather, the holy herself depicted on it helps in creating and strengthening the family, in the deliverance of Torzhi, the cure of spiritual wounds. Prayer facing holy helps to get rid of despondency and fill the heart with hope. Christian icon placed in an icon corner, daily remind you of a high feat of this Orthodox woman, who shared all its burden with her husband - injury, exile, was supporting him in any situation.

Where better to buy Angelina nominal icon?

If you decide to purchase an Orthodox icon of St. Angelina, there are several options for this. One of them is an online store specializing in selling icons. Here you will find a variety of design options icons - embroidered in various techniques, decorated with amber and other semi-precious stones, in precious salary and in ordinary wooden frames. If you are familiar with embroidery techniques, then you will enjoy the idea to embroider the icon of Saint Angelina beads or a cross do it yourself. Make it simply due to the many finished sets containing all ready for work.