
Pulling lower back at 9-10 weeks. Exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint will help you recover quickly


At this stage, the development of the embryo ends, all vital organs have already formed. The cardiovascular system continues to work actively, the brain develops at a high speed. The sex of the child is still difficult to determine. At this stage, the embryo is already fully transformed into a little man, his bones and joints are fully formed. The baby can change position and lie down as it suits him inside the bladder filled with amniotic fluid.

Since the fetus develops at a high speed, the pregnant woman is in an emotional state, her mood changes dramatically, and tearfulness appears. All these changes occur due to the increased amount of hormones in the blood, this leads to weight gain, weakening of soft tissues, and the thyroid gland also increases. Do not be upset, because toxicosis begins to gradually recede at this time, increased fatigue is less felt. By the end of the 12th week, toxicosis completely disappears.

What does a woman feel at 10 weeks pregnant?

  • The uterus reaches such a size that it simply becomes cramped in the small pelvis, because of this, the expectant mother may feel heaviness in the lumbar region.
  • Since the ligaments of the uterus are in tension, there are periodic pulling pains in the groin.
  • The expectant mother is gaining weight about 1.5 kg.
  • There is frequent urination.
  • Sometimes a woman can be tormented by insomnia, even nightmares.
  • Discharge from the vagina, but if they are bloody, then in this case you should consult a doctor, as this is the first symptom of a miscarriage.

Development of the child at the 10th week of pregnancy

At this time, the fetus passes to new stage development - fetal. Now his height is about 30 mm, and his weight is 4 g. At the stage of 10 weeks of pregnancy, the organs are all formed, and at other times they will grow and develop. The baby already looks like a little man, the muscles of the face are mobile, he can already frown, swallow the amniotic fluid with his mouth, his eyelids are lowered. The tissues of the nose and ears are well formed, the rudiments of teeth begin to form.

The brain is actively developing, the cortex and basal ganglia are also being formed. The baby's heart beats about 150 times per minute. At the 10th week, the bile ducts and intestines are also formed. The skeleton and joints continue to develop. The immune system is being formed. The kid at this time can already move, clench and unclench his fists, wave his arms, he can frown.


As a rule, at the 10th week, a woman already knows that she is in a position. But if for some reason you have not yet registered, then you definitely need to do this. Since at this time you must definitely pass the tests that the gynecologist prescribes for you. At this time, it is necessary to pass a urine test, blood test, they also take blood for sugar.

When conducting tests at such a time, experts pay great attention to blood sugar levels, especially for women over 25 years old. They also pay attention to overweight pregnant women, or to those whose relatives have diabetes. Studying the tests, the doctor analyzes the level of testosterone in the body of a pregnant woman, since in this position it can be greatly increased.

In addition to all tests, at the tenth week of pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe an analysis for hCG. As a rule, such an analysis is prescribed if there is a suspicion of a threatened miscarriage. Thanks to this, it is possible to determine whether the pregnancy is proceeding well and whether there are any deviations.

Also at this time, a woman should give an analysis for a biopsy of the fetal villi. It is usually prescribed to detect timely detection of genetic abnormalities in the development of the baby.


Ultrasound is not performed during this period of pregnancy, as a rule, such a procedure is prescribed for the 14th week of pregnancy. But an ultrasound examination may be needed at this time to clarify the term and to confirm the uterine pregnancy.

When conducting an ultrasound scan at the 10th week, you can clearly see the fetus, which is already very similar to a little man. The size of the baby resembles a plum, only with knees and ankles. You can also see how the baby bends his knees, waves his arms and moves his legs.

Discharge and bleeding at this time

If, in the tenth week, vaginal discharge has an uncharacteristic appearance and smell, especially if blood has appeared, it is immediately recommended to consult a doctor. Light or milky-colored discharges that have a uniform consistency are considered normal. Discharge of a purulent type, green, curd or bloody, also with bad smell indicate an infection or threat of miscarriage

Basically, at this stage of pregnancy, a woman may be disturbed by candidiasis, colpitis. But not normal vaginal discharge may also indicate the presence of microorganisms such as: gonococci, chlamydia, Trichomonas and others. If the disease is not detected in time and treatment is not started, this can adversely affect the development of the fetus or even lead to its death.

Discharge of bloody or Brown at the tenth week, most likely, indicate the onset of a miscarriage. Bleeding becomes more abundant and is accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, the pain is similar to sensations during menstruation. In this case, it is urgent to call an ambulance, timely medical care in many cases, the pregnancy can be saved.

It should be borne in mind that spotting spotting at such a time can be observed after an examination by a gynecologist or after sexual intercourse. There is also a chance that you have cervical erosion, uterine tissue is damaged and bleeding, and there is no abdominal pain.

I have a stomachache

Abdominal pain in the tenth week of pregnancy is considered normal, you should not panic too much about this. But in order to avoid unpleasant surprises, consult your doctor about this.

But, if the stomach hurts in the lower part and has a cramping character, this is the first sign of a pregnancy failure, so in this case, call the doctor immediately and try to move less. You cannot avoid hospitalization, since we are talking about saving the future baby, because he can now be in great danger.

Lower back pain

For a period of 10 weeks, a woman may be bothered by lower back pain, but if swelling, headache, fever, cloudy urine appear, go to the hospital. In this case, the doctor prescribes the delivery of tests. Most likely, the cause of this phenomenon is pyelonephritis - a common disease in pregnant women that requires hospitalization and proper treatment.

The cause of lower back pain at this time can be kidney stones. In this case, there is a sharp pain radiating to the groin, caused by renal colic. Usually, the treatment consists in taking antispasmodics, and after the expectant mother is prescribed a diet, according to chemical composition stones.

Colds and fever

At the tenth week of pregnancy, the mother's immunity is greatly weakened, so it is very easy for her to become infected with viral diseases. The most common is the common cold. Especially dangerous is the winter-autumn period, at which time, as you know, viruses are too active.

10 weeks of pregnancy is no longer such a dangerous period for a cold, which cannot be said about more early dates. But this does not mean that you should not worry and self-medicate, since during this period almost all medications are prohibited. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor for help, as he understands better what drugs will help you get rid of a cold. If the cold is not so serious, then you can do without folk remedies, but their reception also needs to be agreed with the doctor. The only thing you can do yourself is to observe bed rest, drink tea with lemon, milk with butter and honey, rosehip broth. Only drinks should not be consumed hot, let them cool slightly before drinking. To prevent colds, avoid contact with sick people, do not allow drafts in the apartment. It is also recommended to walk more in the fresh air, ventilate the room before going to bed. Dress according to the weather, because now you are taking care not only of yourself, but also of your unborn child.

Nutrition at 10 weeks pregnant

To the question of nutrition at this time expectant mother needs to be taken carefully. Of course, the diet should be balanced and contain all the nutrients and vitamins, as the baby must be provided with everything necessary. During pregnancy, a woman must eat a lot fresh vegetables and fruits. They not only have a positive effect on the health of the unborn baby, but improve bowel function and help avoid constipation. Meat, fish, milk, cottage cheese are a source of calcium that you and your baby need. It is undesirable to use strong tea and coffee, it can even be said to be harmful! Also banned are fatty, fried, too greasy, smoked foods. Try to eat less sweets so that your blood sugar level does not increase. An excellent option is considered separate meals 5-6 times a day, it is better to eat often, but little by little. Steamed dishes are very useful, and food can also be baked. It is recommended to refuse late breakfasts, eat about 19 hours before bedtime. If you are hungry, you can eat an apple, dry cookies, eat light yogurt or drink a glass of kefir.

Alcohol at 10 weeks pregnant

As you know, alcohol is a highly toxic substance. It causes the greatest danger to the fetus when it is actively developing in the womb. As you know, in the tenth week, the laying of all the vital organs of the baby is completed, but his brain continues to develop rapidly. No doctor can give you a guarantee that drinking alcohol at the 10th week of pregnancy will not have a negative impact on the health of the unborn baby, since alcohol can hit one of the main organs of the fetus, and the baby will become crippled before birth.

Some experts argue that alcohol can be consumed only in small quantities, for example, it can be dry red wine in a small amount, but still, the authoritative organizations of the WHO, the institutes of pediatrics and gynecology, argue that alcohol is strictly prohibited during pregnancy. Since the consequences for the baby can be severe and even deplorable. Each woman has individual characteristics of the body and how alcohol will affect the development of the baby, no one can say for sure, because there have been cases when absolutely healthy children were born to mothers who abused alcohol during pregnancy. But still, you should not take risks, because the health of the baby is more precious than anything in the world.

Is sex possible in the tenth week of pregnancy?

The question of having sex during pregnancy worries almost every woman, because this is a serious issue. Experts say that it is possible to have sex for a period of 10 weeks, but only if there are no contraindications, and there is no threat of miscarriage. Since you are in an unstable emotional state, intimacy is even useful in this case. Since you experience positive emotions, this has a good effect not only on you, but also on the unborn baby. As the saying goes - if the mother feels good, then the baby experiences positive emotions. But still, it is recommended to consult a doctor so as not to worry that you can harm your baby.

But if you are still worried about toxicosis at this time, it is recommended to refrain from sex. But if everything is in order, this does not mean that you can do it very often. Also, do not try new poses, choose the one in which it is convenient for you, it is worth remembering that you are still in a position that limits you physically.

tea tree oil during pregnancy
During pregnancy, a woman's life appears a large number of prohibitions. After all, many medicines, products and other products can harm both the expectant mother and her baby.

Of course, it is not recommended for a future mother to get sick, but you will agree that few people succeed. The reason for this is reduced immunity.

Many women are prescribed No-shpu during pregnancy. Most often this happens in the early stages, when there is a real threat of termination of pregnancy due to uterine hypertonicity.

Pain in the back and lower back in the second trimester of pregnancy

Is back pain a sign of pregnancy?

Is lower back pain a sign of pregnancy?

Lower back pain

Headache during pregnancy pills

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Self-medication can harm you and your baby!

10 weeks pregnant

At this stage, the development of the embryo ends, all vital organs have already formed. The cardiovascular system continues to work actively, the brain develops at a high speed. The sex of the child is still difficult to determine. At this stage, the embryo is already fully transformed into a little man, his bones and joints are fully formed. The baby can change position and lie down as it suits him inside the bladder filled with amniotic fluid.

Since the fetus develops at a high speed, the pregnant woman is in an emotional state, her mood changes dramatically, and tearfulness appears. All these changes occur due to the increased amount of hormones in the blood, this leads to weight gain, weakening of soft tissues, and the thyroid gland also increases. Do not be upset, because toxicosis begins to gradually recede at this time, increased fatigue is less felt. By the end of the 12th week, toxicosis completely disappears.

What does a woman feel at 10 weeks pregnant?

  • The uterus reaches such a size that it simply becomes cramped in the small pelvis, because of this, the expectant mother may feel heaviness in the lumbar region.
  • Since the ligaments of the uterus are in tension, there are periodic pulling pains in the groin.
  • The expectant mother is gaining weight about 1.5 kg.
  • There is frequent urination.
  • Sometimes a woman can be tormented by insomnia, even nightmares.
  • Discharge from the vagina, but if they are bloody, then in this case you should consult a doctor, as this is the first symptom of a miscarriage.

Development of the child at the 10th week of pregnancy

At this time, the fetus moves to a new stage of development - fetal. Now his height is about 30 mm, and his weight is 4 g. At the stage of 10 weeks of pregnancy, the organs are all formed, and at other times they will grow and develop. The baby already looks like a little man, the muscles of the face are mobile, he can already frown, swallow the amniotic fluid with his mouth, his eyelids are lowered. The tissues of the nose and ears are well formed, the rudiments of teeth begin to form.

The brain is actively developing, the cortex and basal ganglia are also being formed. The baby's heart beats about 150 times per minute. At the 10th week, the bile ducts and intestines are also formed. The skeleton and joints continue to develop. The immune system is being formed. The kid at this time can already move, clench and unclench his fists, wave his arms, he can frown.


As a rule, at the 10th week, a woman already knows that she is in a position. But if for some reason you have not yet registered, then you definitely need to do this. Since at this time you must definitely pass the tests that the gynecologist prescribes for you. At this time, it is necessary to pass a urine test, blood test, they also take blood for sugar.

When conducting tests at such a time, experts pay great attention to blood sugar levels, especially for women over 25 years old. They also pay attention to overweight pregnant women, or to those whose relatives have diabetes. Studying the tests, the doctor analyzes the level of testosterone in the body of a pregnant woman, since in this position it can be greatly increased.

In addition to all tests, at the tenth week of pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe an analysis for hCG. As a rule, such an analysis is prescribed if there is a suspicion of a threatened miscarriage. Thanks to this, it is possible to determine whether the pregnancy is proceeding well and whether there are any deviations.

Also at this time, a woman should give an analysis for a biopsy of the fetal villi. It is usually prescribed to detect timely detection of genetic abnormalities in the development of the baby.

Ultrasound is not performed during this period of pregnancy, as a rule, such a procedure is prescribed for the 14th week of pregnancy. But an ultrasound examination may be needed at this time to clarify the term and to confirm the uterine pregnancy.

When conducting an ultrasound scan at the 10th week, you can clearly see the fetus, which is already very similar to a little man. The size of the baby resembles a plum, only with knees and ankles. You can also see how the baby bends his knees, waves his arms and moves his legs.

Discharge and bleeding at this time

If, in the tenth week, vaginal discharge has an uncharacteristic appearance and smell, especially if blood has appeared, it is immediately recommended to consult a doctor. Light or milky-colored discharges that have a uniform consistency are considered normal. Discharge of a purulent type, green, curdled or bloody, also with an unpleasant odor indicates the presence of an infection or a threat of miscarriage

Basically, at this stage of pregnancy, a woman may be disturbed by candidiasis, colpitis. But not normal vaginal discharge may also indicate the presence of microorganisms such as: gonococci, chlamydia, Trichomonas and others. If the disease is not detected in time and treatment is not started, this can adversely affect the development of the fetus or even lead to its death.

Bloody or brown discharge in the tenth week is most likely indicative of the onset of a miscarriage. Bleeding becomes more abundant and is accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, the pain is similar to sensations during menstruation. In this case, it is urgent to call an ambulance, timely medical care in many cases, the pregnancy can be saved.

It should be borne in mind that spotting spotting at such a time can be observed after an examination by a gynecologist or after sexual intercourse. There is also a chance that you have cervical erosion, uterine tissue is damaged and bleeding, and there is no abdominal pain.

I have a stomachache

Abdominal pain in the tenth week of pregnancy is considered normal, you should not panic too much about this. But in order to avoid unpleasant surprises, consult your doctor about this.

But, if the stomach hurts in the lower part and has a cramping character, this is the first sign of a pregnancy failure, so in this case, call the doctor immediately and try to move less. You cannot avoid hospitalization, since we are talking about saving the future baby, because he can now be in great danger.

Lower back pain

For a period of 10 weeks, a woman may be bothered by lower back pain, but if swelling, headache, fever, cloudy urine appear, go to the hospital. In this case, the doctor prescribes the delivery of tests. Most likely, the cause of this phenomenon is pyelonephritis - a common disease in pregnant women that requires hospitalization and proper treatment.

The cause of lower back pain at this time can be kidney stones. In this case, there is a sharp pain radiating to the groin, caused by renal colic. Usually, the treatment consists in taking antispasmodics, and after the future mother is prescribed a diet, according to the chemical composition of the stones.

Colds and fever

At the tenth week of pregnancy, the mother's immunity is greatly weakened, so it is very easy for her to become infected with viral diseases. The most common is the common cold. Especially dangerous is the winter-autumn period, at which time, as you know, viruses are too active.

10 weeks of pregnancy is no longer such a dangerous period for a cold, which cannot be said about earlier periods. But this does not mean that you should not worry and self-medicate, since during this period almost all medications are prohibited. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor for help, as he understands better what drugs will help you get rid of a cold. If the cold is not so serious, then folk remedies can be dispensed with, but their intake also needs to be agreed with the doctor. The only thing you can do yourself is to observe bed rest, drink tea with lemon, milk with butter and honey, rosehip broth. Only drinks should not be consumed hot, let them cool slightly before drinking. To prevent colds, avoid contact with sick people, do not allow drafts in the apartment. It is also recommended to walk more in the fresh air, ventilate the room before going to bed. Dress according to the weather, because now you are taking care not only of yourself, but also of your unborn child.

Nutrition at 10 weeks pregnant

The issue of nutrition at this time the expectant mother must be taken carefully. Of course, the diet should be balanced and contain all the nutrients and vitamins, as the baby must be provided with everything necessary. During pregnancy, a woman must necessarily eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. They not only have a positive effect on the health of the unborn baby, but improve bowel function and help avoid constipation. Meat, fish, milk, cottage cheese are a source of calcium that you and your baby need. It is undesirable to use strong tea and coffee, it can even be said to be harmful! Also banned are fatty, fried, too greasy, smoked foods. Try to eat less sweets so that your blood sugar level does not increase. An excellent option is considered separate meals 5-6 times a day, it is better to eat often, but little by little. Steamed dishes are very useful, and food can also be baked. It is recommended to refuse late breakfasts, eat about 19 hours before bedtime. If you are hungry, you can eat an apple, dry cookies, eat light yogurt or drink a glass of kefir.

Alcohol at 10 weeks pregnant

As you know, alcohol is a highly toxic substance. It causes the greatest danger to the fetus when it is actively developing in the womb. As you know, in the tenth week, the laying of all the vital organs of the baby is completed, but his brain continues to develop rapidly. No doctor can give you a guarantee that drinking alcohol at the 10th week of pregnancy will not have a negative impact on the health of the unborn baby, since alcohol can hit one of the main organs of the fetus, and the baby will become crippled before birth.

Some experts argue that alcohol can be consumed only in small quantities, for example, it can be dry red wine in a small amount, but still, the authoritative organizations of the WHO, the institutes of pediatrics and gynecology, argue that alcohol is strictly prohibited during pregnancy. Since the consequences for the baby can be severe and even deplorable. Each woman has individual characteristics of the body and how alcohol will affect the development of the baby, no one can say for sure, because there have been cases when absolutely healthy children were born to mothers who abused alcohol during pregnancy. But still, you should not take risks, because the health of the baby is more precious than anything in the world.

Is sex possible in the tenth week of pregnancy?

The question of having sex during pregnancy worries almost every woman, because this is a serious issue. Experts say that it is possible to have sex for a period of 10 weeks, but only if there are no contraindications, and there is no threat of miscarriage. Since you are in an unstable emotional state, intimacy is even useful in this case. Since you experience positive emotions, this has a good effect not only on you, but also on the unborn baby. As the saying goes - if the mother feels good, then the baby experiences positive emotions. But still, it is recommended to consult a doctor so as not to worry that you can harm your baby.

But if you are still worried about toxicosis at this time, it is recommended to refrain from sex. But if everything is in order, this does not mean that you can do it very often. Also, do not try new poses, choose the one in which it is convenient for you, it is worth remembering that you are still in a position that limits you physically.

no harm to human health. However, you need to understand that the reaction to any substance for each organism is purely individual, and it is necessary to start any herbal treatment very carefully.

All experts are of the opinion that pregnancy can manifest itself individually for each woman. This can be affected by chronic diseases, genetic problems, lifestyle and environment.

A woman's responsibility in relation to her pregnancy often becomes the main reason for the birth of a healthy child. At the same time, it should be understood that during pregnancy you need to not only lead and observe the right lifestyle, eat in accordance with all the rules, but also undergo certain examinations.

Healthy full sleep has always been the key to excellent emotional and physical well-being of any person. It is this state of affairs that is the most important factor in the favorable course of pregnancy.

There are times when a young mother becomes pregnant for the second time just during breastfeeding. She just recovered from giving birth and is preparing to become a mother again.

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Back pain

3 - 5 weeks of pregnancy

In the week of pregnancy, the signs in most women are mild, changes in her body have just begun, the symptoms of the onset of pregnancy are not distinct.

All the sensations during the week of waiting for the baby are associated with a rapid increase in the blood of a pregnant woman of progesterone and chorionic gonadotropin. Under their influence, the work of most of the internal organs and systems of the woman's body changes, the metabolism changes.

If a woman has toxicosis within a week of pregnancy, this means that it will drag on for a long time and will be quite difficult to proceed. The breast of a pregnant woman at week 3 also changes significantly. She can become rough and sensitive even before the delay, when a woman writes it off for premenstrual syndrome. In addition, the breasts begin to grow. Also, at 3-5 weeks of waiting for a child, you can already apply a test that will show a positive result.

During this period, the laying of the organs of the embryo begins, and if any failure occurs, then the malformations of its development will be quite large, and perhaps even incompatible with life. The shape of the embryo, by the end of the week, resembles a sickle, although it is already possible to understand where its back is, where the tummy is, and where the arms and legs are.

In the week of waiting for a baby according to the obstetric calendar, it is impossible to diagnose pregnancy, but on the contrary of conception (5 - 7 according to the obstetric calendar), ultrasound is quite informative. At the week of waiting for the baby for an ultrasound, the size of the embryo already allows you to see it, and by the end you can even see how its heart beats.

back pain during pregnancy

8 weeks pregnant

At the 8th week of pregnancy, the size of the embryo already reaches 14 - 20 mm, and the weight is rapidly approaching 3 grams.

The fetus at the 8th week of waiting for the baby continues its own development at great speed, because it is extremely necessary for him to go through the entire evolutionary path in a few months.

The heart of the embryo becomes more complicated and becomes four-chambered. Also at week 8, the fetal heart begins to establish communication with large vessels. The rudiments of arms and legs begin to acquire fingers. The fetal intestine lengthens so much that it sometimes protrudes into the region of the umbilical cord. The stomach begins to shift into the abdominal cavity, nerve fragments begin to appear in its muscular layer. At the 8th week of waiting for the baby, the salivary glands begin to form in the fetus.

Also at the 8th week of pregnancy, the embryo begins to move.

At the 8th week of pregnancy, a woman who is waiting for the birth of her own baby may begin to have problems with sleep, constant weakness. Walking in the fresh air will help to correct this situation.

In addition, a pinched sciatic nerve may await a pregnant woman at week 8. Sharp jerking pain in the lower back, thighs or buttocks occurs due to the fact that the growing uterus begins to press on this nerve.

10 weeks pregnant

The 10th week of pregnancy is the period when the baby completes the moment of great organogenesis, all its organs complete their own formation.

A woman at 10 weeks of waiting for a baby begins to get very tired, she can sometimes be disturbed by weakness and palpitations. In addition, a woman waiting for an addition at week 10 may be overly irritable and suffer from depression, or may fly with happiness. These mood swings are the result of hormonal changes.

The tummy at week 10 is practically invisible, but the increase in the size of the uterus is already making itself felt frequent urges urination, and a tendency to constipation.

At the 10th week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus is already about 4 cm, and the weight is about 4 grams.

From about the 10th week of pregnancy, it is possible to record the electrical potentials of the fetal cerebral cortex.

At week 10, a woman expecting a baby may notice that she is aching, pulling her stomach and lower back hurts. Pain can be associated with both a banal pinching of the sciatic nerve, and with a decrease in immunity. Due to a decrease in immunity, all diseases at the 10th week of waiting for the child begin to appear. Therefore, lower back pain at the 10th week of waiting for the birth of a baby may be associated with osteochondrosis.

12 weeks pregnant

Week 12 completes the first trimester of pregnancy. The size of the fetus during this period already reaches 6 - 7 cm in a sitting position, and the weight is 9 - 13 grams.

The fetal heart already makes 110 - 160 beats per minute. His knock can be heard through a special device called a doppler, and not just on ultrasound.

The fetus at the 12th week of waiting for a child is already able to raise and lower the chest when breathing, he knows how to close his eyes, open his mouth, move his fingers. The skin of the feet of the fetus at week 12 is already gaining sensitivity. The fetus begins to suck on its thumb and swallow amniotic fluid, which is subsequently excreted in the form of urine. The fetus at week 12 begins to actively move and roll over inside the amniotic sac.

The production of progesterone at the 12th week of expectation of the child completely passes to the placenta, and now it is she who is responsible for maintaining the pregnancy. The corpus luteum, which previously performed this function, begins to gradually fade. If a woman expecting an addition to the family was tormented by early toxicosis, then at the 12th week of waiting for the baby, he should retreat, because his main "culprit" was the corpus luteum.

At 12 weeks of expectation, the uterus becomes wider by about 10 cm and, not fitting in the hip area, it begins to rise into the abdominal cavity. Due to the increased volume of circulating blood, in a woman who is in an “interesting” position, her pulse begins to quicken and her blood pressure rises slightly.

At week 12, a woman who is expecting a baby begins to show a dark line from the navel to the pubis. Sometimes pigment spots appear on the chest, neck and even face. This is quite normal and should go away soon after delivery.

If at week 12 a woman who is expecting the birth of a baby has a pulling stomach and lower back pain, then she should start wearing prenatal bondage. He, of course, does not completely eliminate back pain, but it will reduce it.

13 weeks pregnant

Basically, all the sensations at the 13th week of expecting a baby are associated with an enlarging uterus and a change in the hormonal background of a woman.

Toxicosis at the 13th week of expecting a child should completely recede, the woman becomes calmer, and her nutrition ceases to be a problem.

At week 13, pregnancy becomes already noticeable, but only to the woman herself, who ceases to fit into her usual things.

Although 13 weeks of pregnancy is considered a fairly calm period, however, spontaneous miscarriage and miscarriage sometimes occur.

Pregnancy 13 weeks lower back pain

Many women at the 13th week of waiting for the birth of a child begin to complain that their stomach and lower back hurt or pull. Unusual discharge may also appear. All these symptoms are quite suspicious of abortion, so you should urgently consult a specialist.

But pain in the lower back can also be for another reason, for example, because at the 13th week of waiting for the baby, the posture and gait of the woman begins to rebuild, a deflection appears in the lower back.

The fetus at week 13 is already quite active, it is constantly exercising. The facial features of the fetus are already formed, there are rudiments of milk teeth, there is a swallowing reflex. The fetus at week 13 is already able to recognize the tastes of what it swallows, it does not like the smells of foods with a sharp taste.

The size of the fetus at 13 weeks is about 7.4 cm, and the weight is 23 grams.

20 weeks pregnant

At 20 weeks of waiting for a child, the fetus already reaches a size of 14 - 16 cm, and weighs about 260 grams.

At this stage, changes affect mainly the surface of the fetal body. His skin begins to thicken and become four-layered. On the top layer of the skin, patterns should soon appear that all people have on their feet, palms and fingers.

The fetal heart beats at a frequency of 120 - 160 beats per minute. It can already be heard by a specialist with a stethoscope.

The uterus of a woman at this stage of expectation of a child has already risen to the level of the navel and continues to strive upwards by 1 cm per week. The woman's uterus is already starting to prop up internal organs, put pressure on the diaphragm and lungs, as a result of which a woman may experience heartburn and shortness of breath.

In addition to various infections that a woman can “catch” during pregnancy, varicose veins can lie in wait for her.

Many women believe that back pain, at this stage of waiting for the birth of a baby, is associated with a threatened miscarriage, but this is far from the case. Of course, back pain at the 20th week of expecting a baby appears in conjunction with the fact that a woman’s stomach is pulling and has a cramping character - this, of course, can indicate a threat, but in most cases such pain is in no way connected with the fetus. There can be several reasons for back pain. Most often, not only the lower back hurts, but also the back, and such pain occurs due to the fact that the load on the spine increases and the center of gravity shifts.

35 weeks pregnant

Starting from the 35th week of waiting for the birth of the baby, the fetus begins to gain 200 - 220 grams weekly, but even at 35 weeks it is already quite strong: the weight of the fetus is approximately 2400 - 2600 grams, and the height is about 46 - 47 cm.

At the stage of expectation of a child at 35 weeks, the weight of the fetus is quite impressive in relation to the place in which it has been all these weeks. At 35 weeks, the fetus becomes quite crowded, and it no longer has its former freedom of movement. His somersaults at 35 weeks are more like rolling.

At 35 weeks, the fetus already has rather long nails with which it can scratch itself.

At 35 weeks, the fluff disappears in the fetus and the buildup of adipose tissue continues. Now it is growing most actively in the near-shoulder region.

At week 35, a woman who is soon expecting an addition to the family has lower back pain and insomnia. For this reason, it is essential to wear bondage, walk before bed, and sleep in a well-ventilated room.

36 weeks pregnant

36 weeks of waiting for the baby is the final one, after which the pregnancy will be considered full-term.

At this stage of pregnancy, a woman's feelings begin to come down to a growing sense of pregnancy fatigue and a desire to give birth as soon as possible.

The only thing a woman needs to limit herself to at 36 weeks of waiting for a baby is sexual contact.

As a rule, in most pregnant women, starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, an excellent appetite begins to appear. But, nevertheless, at the 36th week of waiting for the birth of a child, food should not be excessive in calories, and some foods should not be consumed at all.

If the pregnancy has been going on for almost 9 months, the woman periodically has pain in the abdomen, it aches, it pulls, the stomach has become hard, but the tone of the uterus appears only briefly, for about half a minute, and there may not be pain, then these are training contractions.

At this stage of pregnancy, the fetus is almost ready for childbirth and takes the starting position. The amount of amniotic fluid during this period of pregnancy does not exceed 1.5 liters and the fetus becomes very crowded in the uterus. The presentation formed by this moment, most likely, will remain until the birth, since it is already difficult for the baby to turn around.

The fetus at 36 weeks already weighs about 2.7 kg, but the weight of the fetus, of course, can be either less or more.

Pain during this period of pregnancy of one nature or another is present in all women expecting a baby. If we take into account how much weight a woman has to carry with her in position, it is not surprising that she has back pain, lower back pain, her legs get very tired, pregnancy hormones begin to relax all ligaments, and therefore some women begin to suffer pain in the pelvic region. In addition, a woman may experience swelling.

38 weeks pregnant

The growth of the fetus at 38 weeks of expectation of the child is approximately 48 - 50 cm, and the weight is approximately 3100 g. No special changes, except for an increase in their own dimensions and the last "delay" of the work of the organs, no longer occur.

The fetus simply continues its own growth and intensively prepares for birth. At 38 weeks, the fetus is extremely crowded in the uterus. His legs may already protrude beyond the edges of his fingers, and he periodically scratches his hands or face.

Very rarely, someone gives birth exactly 40 weeks from the date of the last menstruation. Delivery can begin 7 to 14 days earlier or later. It depends only on when exactly fertilization occurred and on the degree of maturity of the placenta and fetus.

A fetus at 38 weeks of expecting a baby slows down weight gain. During this period, there is a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid, physiological oligohydramnios begins to develop.

Almost all women have harbingers of childbirth at the 38th week of waiting for a baby, but even if there are none, it still does not mean anything. Often, second births begin without any special signs of their approach, and primiparas may not understand that their well-being has changed due to an early delivery.

Childbirth at 38 weeks is considered urgent, that is, it occurred at a normal time.

At 38 weeks, a woman preparing to become a mother often has back and lower back pain and pain. It pulls the lower back in the vast majority of cases due to the very fact of pregnancy, because a large, heavy belly redistributes the load and the muscles of the back and lower back get too tired. Such pains are not terrible, although they are extremely unpleasant. The expectant mother, who has canceled back pain, needs to do special exercises and wear bondage. These measures, of course, will not completely eliminate lower back pain at 38 weeks, but they will significantly reduce them. And after delivery, these pains will completely disappear.

In addition to the fact that the expectant mother at 38 weeks has back and lower back pain and pain, she also faces insomnia. In order to eliminate it, you must constantly walk before going to bed and sleep in a well-ventilated area.

Breast at 38 weeks of waiting for a baby also makes itself felt. Most pregnant women already have colostrum, which constantly stains underwear.

If the stomach at this waiting period for the baby has not yet dropped and rests against the ribs, then the expectant mother has problems in order to bend over or even see her own legs. For this reason, it becomes impossible to put on shoes on your own.

Naturally, the intestines and stomach also do not have enough space, as a result of which some discomfort after eating, heartburn and nausea are possible. A woman will feel less sick if she starts eating small meals and lies down a little after eating. Pregnancy makes the intestines rather lazy, and by the end of it, as the tummy lowers, the problem only gets worse. Constipation at this stage of pregnancy can cause the development of hemorrhoids, painful enlargement of the veins with the formation of nodes in the anus, and hemorrhoids in pregnant women are very difficult to treat.

Vomiting and diarrhea at this stage of pregnancy can be caused by several different causes, for example, vomiting and headache can be due to high blood pressure, vomiting, diarrhea and heat are evidence of possible food poisoning, but loose stools, in a completely normal state, sometimes happen immediately before delivery. In any case, these symptoms require the attention of a specialist.

Increased pressure, swelling and protein in the urine can be a sign of a serious complication of pregnancy, preeclampsia.

Colds at this stage of pregnancy and later require increased attention. If a pregnant woman catches a cold, she has a runny nose, high fever, cough, then she should definitely consult a specialist, because it is necessary to be cured before the birth, otherwise you can infect the baby.

Before childbirth, herpes is of great importance, we are talking about genital herpes. An exacerbation of a herpes infection will put a pregnant woman in front of the need for a caesarean section, i.e. natural delivery in this case is strictly contraindicated.

Back pain started at 9-10 weeks

girls what to do? (


And why don't you lie with this? I, too, kept walking, waiting for it to resolve itself, then I couldn’t walk in the middle of the street, I got up, then I crawled out of bed to get on my feet, it hurt so much. It didn't dissipate unfortunately. Now if my back hurts, I'd better lie down, it won't get any worse.

Unfortunately, I keep forgetting to tell my doctor about this. (

And I didn’t say it on purpose. she offered to lie down for every fart, even when everything was fine. So I chose not to tell her much. And in vain, it was necessary to say everything.

I don't want to call an ambulance. Although I'm studying to be a doctor, I'm scared of doctors :)

Yes, write! There are many of us here!

Well, I myself am already all impatient what the doctor will say, what can this be?

Wow! We would have put the doctor on the preservation without explanation. She lays down for any reason.

It just doesn't hurt you much. I was in so much pain that I didn't need to listen. I could not get out of bed, roll over from side to side, too. And on the street it shot through the sciatic nerve so much that she could not step on her foot. So it also probably depends on the nature of the pain and probably on the place. I had a pain in the area of ​​​​the priests, just in that place the sciatic nerve is located.

No, I don’t have it now, I had it in the past B. It was a threat, then I was in the hospital, the floor of the ward with the same symptoms lay. Now I would rush to the hospital at the first symptom, taught))

I'm sorry, I was at the dacha, I couldn't answer from my cell.

I had a pinched sciatic nerve. I was blown away in a short jacket. But the fact that this cold was tied to pregnancy is for sure. I have been in this jacket before in the cold and after that this winter I went and nothing ever got sick. Pregnant women seem to have a predisposition. In the maternity hospital, while I was lying with this, several people in the ward changed.

What appeared first, pinching or a threat, does not matter here, the main thing is that it either already exists or it will appear from pain, inflammation. In any case, you need to be treated and not wait for it to go away on its own or from self-treatment.

I just want to hear good things :)

This loin will drive me crazy soon. At the sixth week, hypertonicity was put on ultrasound and I had pains in my stomach and lower back. I lay in the hospital for 2 weeks, they gave me magnesia and papaverine in injections. At.

Even before the birth, there was a pinched sciatic nerve, worried from heavy loads on the back, easily tolerated aching pains that radiated to the leg. Well, actually without features. During B from the 20th week, it could sometimes shoot through from long ones.

A week ago, I was threatened (detachment) at an ultrasound scan, they prescribed Utrozhestan, tranexam, valerian, but I replaced it with magna B6 with the permission of the doctor and viburkol for pain. A week later, I did an ultrasound control and my detachment did not go anywhere. The next ultrasound.

Hello everyone. I am 39 weeks old and today it began to pull and, as it were, whine, hurt in the lower back and a little higher. Periods passed, especially when I went to the toilet in a big way. Never had any problems before.

Hello to all! Girls help with advice please, I have a bend of the uterus to the right, I got pregnant without problems. Only for several days now the lower back has been hurting, not an acute pain, but noticeable. When I lie down, the cherk passes for some time, and one day the pain.

Today is exactly 39 weeks, since yesterday it hurts the lower back. Not regularly contractions are painless. But still the cork did not leave and the stomach did not fall, although the head was already low. who gave birth after this? :-)

It's just pure hell. Yesterday I spent the whole day on my feet and my lower back ached (where the kidneys are), it ached so that I could hardly unbend. She came home and went to bed. So now I woke up and it didn’t get any better.

I can hardly move around the apartment. I can not sit for a long time - there is a feeling of discomfort. Again began to torment heartburn with belching, especially at night. Plus the second day hurts the lower back. And already so-and-ak I want to quickly go to the Maternity Hospital, and the baby is active. and no cork discharge even.

I didn’t have time to get enough of the first hair, and here it is on you! For the second day already, my lower back has been pulling, and I don’t know if it’s worth sounding the alarm, or is it quite normal? not.

Lower back pain for the week

the fact is that somewhere from the 9-10th week of pregnancy I have physical activity pain in the left side of the lower back. The doctor says that this is the tone of the uterus. But I don’t feel that she is in good shape, her stomach doesn’t hurt, she doesn’t pull, in general, there are no pain sensations. The left side of the lower back hurts when walking or when I do some things, in the morning there is no pain at all, as soon as I sit down or lie down, the pain immediately disappears. The tone of the abyss cannot be lost from the fact that I sat down? They prescribed magne b6 and papaverine 2 times a day. I don’t know how magne is, but papaverine definitely doesn’t help, the pain doesn’t disappear anywhere (when the stomach pulled at 5 weeks it helped perfectly). Is my situation so terrible, as the doctor says, and is the reason really in good shape? Has anyone had something similar?

thanks for the answer

Easy pregnancy, do not get sick))

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The highest happiness on earth for a woman is to become a mother and give birth to a new citizen of the world. For the sake of this, girls are ready to endure inconvenience and all sorts of restrictions, health problems and painful childbirth for quite a long time. On the other hand, the reward for such dedication is incomparable and far from accessible to everyone. However, each week of pregnancy brings new, often painful sensations for a pregnant woman. Therefore, it is important for her to understand what is happening to her and whether it will harm her unborn baby.

In this article, we’ll talk about why women in the 10th week of pregnancy have lower abdominal pain. But before moving on to this issue directly, attention should be paid to the processes taking place in her body during this period, and the developmental features of the fetus. When a woman has a better understanding of what is happening at the 10th week of pregnancy, it will be easier for her to navigate her feelings. It will also be easier for her to determine which of them is the norm and which is the deviation.

Features of the development of the fetus at this time. What is already formed?

Pregnancy at week 10 is full of pleasant events and unusual sensations that occur due to the growth and development of the fetus. At this stage of development, the embryo is practically formed - the baby has all the vital organs, its cardiovascular system starts up, and the brain begins to develop incredibly actively. At this time, a faceless embryo is transformed into a full-fledged fetus - all its joints and bones are formed and work. It occupies a certain position inside the bladder with amniotic fluid.

A rather high rate of its development provokes an unstable condition in a woman. emotional condition, manifested by sharp mood swings and extreme tearfulness. This is due to an increase in the amount of hormones and the size of the thyroid gland, as well as the weakening of the soft tissues. The fetus is already acquiring a human appearance and losing its tail, the heart is pumping blood at a speed of 130-150 beats per minute, the intestines, bile ducts and rectum have almost completed their development. The fetal liver is still developing. The fetus already has arms, legs, even fingers, ears and a mouth that is very active, constantly grimacing, swallowing and spitting out amniotic fluid.

What is the weight and size of the fetus at the 10th week of pregnancy? Weight is 4-5 g with a length of 30-40 mm. It is during this period that his teeth are laid. Therefore, the expectant mother needs to give preference to foods rich in calcium at this stage of pregnancy (that is, eat cottage cheese, milk, sour cream, cheese, etc.). Also, the girl should increase the intake of iodine in the body, since it is already beginning to accumulate in the thyroid gland of her baby. And how to replenish iodine reserves? You can take "Jodomarin". Usually prescribed two capsules per day. But, of course, before taking it is worth consulting with your doctor. If you do not like pharmaceutical preparations, then add foods such as sea ​​kale, seafood (mussels, shrimp, etc.).

Uterus. What is happening to her now?

The uterus of the expectant mother at week 10 noticeably increases (approximately the size of a grapefoot), rising above the pubis. When probing, its hardness is felt. At the same time, it continues to grow in size. At this time, the uterus becomes so large that it begins to put pressure on bladder and causes a constant urge to urinate in a pregnant woman. It is especially difficult for a girl with such a weakness of the bladder during coughing and sneezing.

Ultrasound at 10 weeks. Why do they do it and what does it show?

At week 10, you need to register with the antenatal clinic and start taking the first tests. The most important of them are general analysis urine and blood, blood for sugar and ultrasound. According to the results of the tests, doctors will monitor the condition of the fetus, how it develops and whether everything is going as it should. I must say that ultrasound at the 10th week of pregnancy will not yet give much information. The weight of the fetus is not yet so large that everything can be considered in detail. At this stage, even the sex of the child is not yet visible, but to clarify the term or in case of a threat of failure, an ultrasound scan may be prescribed, and this will allow you to save the pregnancy if the deviation from the norm is detected in a timely manner.

At this time, the fundamental laying of all organs and systems is completed and the risk of any anomalies is significantly reduced. Various factors that until recently posed a serious threat to the embryo are now not so dangerous for it. Ultrasound at this time helps to track deviations from the standard of development in order to take timely measures to normalize the process. At ten weeks, ultrasound can reveal a congenital malformation, as well as various chromosomal pathologies. Therefore, every woman who is worried about the health of an unborn baby should undergo this study during such a period.

What are the feelings of a pregnant girl at this time?

According to the sensations of a woman in the period of 10 weeks, one can understand that something special is happening in the body. First of all, hormones seriously make themselves felt - you constantly want to sleep, fatigue and emotional instability increase sharply, early toxicosis is possible. A woman becomes weak and vulnerable, feels a decline in vitality, absent-mindedness and self-pity. Do not be sad - these are just features of this stage of pregnancy, and they will soon pass, giving way to others characteristic of the next leg of the journey.

An increase in progesterone levels causes the muscles of the abdominal wall to relax, which allows the body to accumulate cozy fat at the location of the child, which will protect the fetus from many problems. At the same time, the breast swells, and Montgomery's nodules may appear around the nipples. Also during this period, the volume of blood increases. Severe heartburn often occurs, and gastric juice, penetrating into the esophagus, affects it and causes a very unpleasant burning sensation in the affected area. Many develop unaesthetic age spots. Pregnant women need to be very careful about how they feel in the 10th week of pregnancy. Nutrition during this period should be well balanced. It is advisable to consult a doctor during this period on the topic of diet.

Pain in the abdomen at this time. Possible reasons for this condition

You can often hear complaints that the stomach hurts at the 10th week of pregnancy. The reasons for this can be very different - from natural in this state to various pathologies that threaten the further course of pregnancy. If the discomfort manifests itself in the constant urge to urinate, then this is due to the increasing pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder and is considered an absolutely natural phenomenon characteristic of this period. If at the same time you experience discomfort in the lower abdomen and even a burning sensation, this is all normal and there is no reason to worry.

Many women experience minor pain in the 10th week of pregnancy. This is a norm or a pathology - only an experienced specialist can determine. The task of the patient at this stage is to carefully monitor her feelings and the nature of the pain that occurs in order to describe them in detail to her doctor during the next scheduled examination. Listen to how this pain manifests itself. After all, by her character, a lot can be said about the state of the pregnant woman. If at the 10th week of pregnancy the lower abdomen hurts and these pains are pulling, localized in the inguinal region, then most likely this is a sprain of the ligaments of the uterus, which is absolutely natural in such a situation.

Constipation is the cause of pain. What to do to overcome the problem?

Sometimes the cause may be banal constipation or excessive accumulation of gases. Such pain quickly passes by itself, one has only to relieve the intestines. If the stomach pulls at the 10th week of pregnancy due to difficulties with stool or digestion, this is not dangerous for the baby, and this situation does not threaten the expectant mother. Intestinal imbalance may well manifest itself as pain in the stomach, as well as in the hypochondrium. When you feel that your stomach hurts in the 10th week of pregnancy, pay attention to where exactly the pain is most strongly felt. Pain in the upper abdomen can be a disease of the stomach - due to malnutrition.

In this regard, it would be useful to place special emphasis on the nutrition of pregnant women. To avoid bloating and gas accumulation, it is better to eat vegetables and fruits not raw, but baked, stewed or boiled, and also try not to abuse peas and legumes, which can cause the 10th week of pregnancy lower abdomen hurts. Take care of your stomach, load small portions of food into it so that it can process this fuel quickly and efficiently and not cause discomfort to your body.

Get more vitamins and nutrients, eat fish and meat - this is a storehouse of proteins, as well as more vegetables and fruits for good digestion. Provide the body with calcium and fish oil - all this is useful for both mother and child. Eliminate from the diet White bread and buns and pasta and white rice and you'll be out of trouble. Refuse fatty and spicy foods, sweet and salty foods. Eat food five to six times a day in small portions, do not have dinner after seven o'clock in the evening, and drink a glass of kefir or eat apples at night. Proper foods and a healthy diet can solve many problems in which the lower abdomen hurts at the 10th week of pregnancy.

When is it urgent to go to the doctor? Anxiety symptoms in pregnancy

But not all pains are provoked by gastrointestinal problems, and this should not be overlooked. Why does the lower abdomen ache during pregnancy? Unfortunately, there are various pathologies that, due to the inattention or careless attitude of a woman to her special condition, lead to sad consequences, up to termination of pregnancy and loss of a child. Of course, such cases are quite rare, but who will be pleased with the statistics if he fell into these insignificant numbers? Therefore, monitor your condition and do not hesitate to disturb the doctors, because not only your health, but also the life of the unborn baby can be at stake.

If there is a pull in the lower abdomen at the 10th week of pregnancy and there are sharp and significant pains - cutting, pulling, throbbing or cramping - consult a doctor immediately. Such symptoms can warn of the threat of spontaneous miscarriage. Especially you should be alerted by the appearance of spotting. Be vigilant if there are pains, burning and itching in the genitals with frequent urination - this may indicate a urinary tract infection. As soon as there are abdominal pains, discharge at the 10th week of pregnancy, do not postpone the visit to the doctor and do not reassure yourself. After all, delay can end very badly for the fetus and for the woman herself.

What dangers await women in a position at this time?

When the 10th week of pregnancy comes, a woman faces many dangers. And many of them are associated with abdominal pain. What features and dangers at the 10th week of pregnancy can become risky for its normal course? If, against the background of sharp pains, similar to contractions, any discharge from the genitals appears, this is already a rather serious danger signal. When a sufficiently abundant spotting appears, it is necessary to call an ambulance, and not fight with your home methods with bleeding. Even if the selections are insignificant, but have unusual view you should definitely consult with your doctor.

At this time, light discharges or homogeneous milky ones are considered safe and beyond doubt. If they are curdled, they have bad smell or vesicles - possible infection. When cramping pains occur in the lower abdomen and there is an intense discharge of blood from the genitals, such symptoms are very characteristic of the so-called incipient abortion or abortion in progress. If bloody or brown discharge appears, a pregnant woman needs immediate hospitalization - only the speed of reaction can save the life of an unborn child.

Also, during the period of bearing a baby, women often suffer from candidiasis (thrush), colpitis and infection with chlamydia, gonococci, Trichomonas and other bacteria that are very dangerous during pregnancy. It is by no means impossible to ignore uncharacteristic suspicious discharges, since pathogens of such diseases that are not detected in time can manifest themselves as an intrauterine infection, which is extremely dangerous for the child and can disrupt the course of its development and even lead to the death of the fetus.

Dangerous discharge at this time

Early bleeding is not uncommon. But it is necessary to distinguish the usual daub from serious bleeding. If, with sharp pains in the abdomen, abundant bright red, brown or bright pink discharge appears, we can talk about an ectopic pregnancy. This pathology is characterized by pulling pains in the lower abdomen and spotting. This is very dangerous, because the egg does not enter the uterus, but the fallopian tube. And if the pathology is not detected in a timely manner, then it can provoke a rupture of the tube by a growing egg. Most often, this dangerous situation manifests itself precisely at the 10th week of pregnancy (if it has not been identified earlier) and can threaten the life of a woman. In this case, immediate hospitalization is already half the success.

A small conclusion

Many dangerous moments await a woman on the way to her female happiness, but all of them will be successfully overcome, if only she will carefully and responsibly treat her high mission and her health, as well as the health of her unborn child. There is no need to be heroic and overcome pain, you need to see a doctor in time, because in some cases, delay can be fatal. If you feel discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, do not be too lazy to go to the doctor, because the stakes in this game are too high to neglect your safety.