
Wot team fight that gives. New game mode "Team battle

Fundamentals of garden composition

We present to your attention a detailed guide to the new game mode "Team battle", which became available with the release of update 8.9.

Team Deathmatch is a game mode where players fight in teams of 5-7 people.

Fundamental rules:

  • The maximum duration of a battle is 10 minutes.
  • Battle type - "Standard battle". Assault and Encounter are disabled.
  • Battles are played on the following maps: Lasville, Monastery, Prokhorovka, Rudniki, Ruinberg, Steppes, Himmelsdorf, Ensk, Utes.
  • Each team recruits vehicles no higher than level 8 with a total value of no more than 42 points. A tier 1 tank costs 1 point, a tier 2 tank costs 2 points, etc.
  • The standard team consists of 7 people. Teams of 6 or 5 people are allowed to participate, but in this case, for each absentee, the team loses one point.
We offer you a step-by-step guide to using the "Team battle" game mode.

Step 1

The battle modes menu is located under the Battle button! in Angara. By default, it has the "Random Battle" mode. Expand the menu by clicking on the name of the combat mode with the left mouse button. Select Team Battle.

Step 2

The window that opens will give you a choice: find an already created team (the Find button (1) under the “Search for a team” label) or create a team yourself (the Create button (2) under the “Create a team” label).

Please note: in the lower part of the window, you can select the range of vehicles on which you want to participate in a team battle (button with the image of a tank (3)). After that, you can immediately enter the battle by clicking on the Autosearch button (4). The program will start looking for an allied team that suits your needs, as well as an opponent team that matches your skills.

If you do not determine the range of vehicles involved, the auto-search program will select a command based on which vehicle you stopped at in the Garage.

Step 3. Search for a team

If you want to independently select an allied team that suits your needs, click the Find button under the "Search team" inscription.

In the window that opens, select the one that is not yet completed from the list of commands. If there are none, update the list (button at the top center of the list (1)). Here you can also select the range of vehicles on which you want to participate in a team battle (the button on the right above the list (2)), as well as find out the commander's personal efficiency rating (indicated opposite his in-game name (3)).

For their teams, commanders can set requirements for participating vehicles. To understand if your vehicle fleet suits the needs of the commander, click on the command. A list of members of the allied team will open in the right part of the window, the Take Place button (4) will appear in the free slots, next to which there will be a number indicating the number of vehicles suitable for combat that you have in your Garage.

Please note: the commander can "freeze" the list of battle participants (5), and you will not be able to become a member of the team without special permission. In this case, you can sign up as a volunteer (the Sign up button (6) under the list of allies). Subsequently, the commander will be able to staff the team by selecting fighters from the list of volunteers.

Step 4

After you decide on the vehicle that will participate in the battle, click the Ready! button. The battle will begin as soon as the commander completes the team.

Step 5. Create a team

You can create your own team by defining specific technical requirements for its members. To do this, open the Team Battle tab (see Step 1) and click the Create button (see Step 2).

In the center of the opened window - 7 slots. The first is occupied by you, the rest are free - they will be filled with allies you have chosen.

Note! Opposite the two lower slots are the lock icons (1). By pressing them, you can block one or both slots, thus reducing the set of allies to 6 or 5 people, respectively.

Opposite your in-game name in the slot is the Select vehicle button (2). Click on it to select the vehicle you want to use to go into battle. Above the Vehicle Selection button is the Vehicle Requirements button (3). Click it to select the range of vehicles in your team that you think will perform best in combat missions and be the most effective in combat.

Note! You can make the team you created invisible to search, so it will only be recruited by invitation. To do this, click the Make invisible button in the lower left corner (4).

On the top left in the "Team Staff" column, right above your in-game name, is the Team Freeze button (5). By pressing it, you will prohibit entry into the team of random players. Thus, only those players whom you invite will become team members (left column, "Invite players" button (6)).

The left column contains a list of volunteers - players who cannot independently become members of the team you created and “frozen”, but whom you, nevertheless, can personally recruit into the staff of the team.

Step 6: Inviting Players

To invite players to the team you created, click the Invite Players button (see Step 5).

In the window that appears, you will see two columns. On the left, you can select friends, players from a specific clan, or send invitations directly. After that, you can move the selected players from the left column to the right using the arrow buttons. After completing this operation, click the Invite button in the lower right corner.

Note! You can only invite players who are online. To display them, check the "Show online only" checkbox.

Step 7. Communication

The team leader defines a communication channel for it (voice chat). To do this, in the right column of the "Team battle" window, you need to click on the button with the image of a pencil. Now you can enter a unique name for your communication channel.

The right column also contains the team's text chat.

To use the function

Experienced players have been asking for something new, similar to tournament modes, for a long time. And so, the developers condescended to our wishes and announced a new game mode. Meet - Team battle!

What is a team fight?

The new mode will become available to players in update 0.8.9.

In its class, it will occupy an intermediate position between company and platoon battles. This will be the so-called 7/42 mode, which is used in tournaments. Players will be able to unite in teams of 5 to 7 people and go into battle against a similar enemy team.

Basic rules of the "Team battle" mode:

  1. The standard team has 7 players. But teams with 5-6 players are also allowed to fight. For each missing player, the team loses 1 point.
  2. Vehicles of 1-8 levels are allowed for battles. Points are distributed according to the level of the tank: 1 lvl. - 1 point, 2 ur. - 2 points ... 8 ur. - 8 points.
  3. The sum of points of all vehicles of a team cannot exceed 42 points.
  4. The maximum duration of the battle is 10 minutes.
  5. Battle types - "Standard battle", "Encounter battle", "Assault".

A distinctive feature of "Team Battle" will be the automatic selection of an opponent by skill. A special software mechanism will be responsible for this, which will evaluate the various indicators of the players and select an opponent of approximately equal class.

In addition, any player will be able to independently assemble a team, as in company battles, or use the auto-selection system, as in standard ones. The difference between the "Team Battle" auto-selection system is that, during selection, it also assesses the commander's skill and selects players with similar indicators according to the requirements for vehicles specified by the commander.

For those who do not want to be a commander, a similar team selection system will also be provided. You will be able to choose the team you will join yourself, or use the auto-search system, having previously indicated the vehicle on which you want to go into battle.

Pros and cons…

After the description, we can proceed to consider the positive and negative qualities of the new regime.

Let's start, as always, with something pleasant:

  1. Something new and that's good.
  2. The new mode will undoubtedly be of interest to many players, both beginners and experienced tankers.
  3. This is an excellent platform for preparing for cyber-sports tournaments.
  4. A new platform for mastering the skills of commanders.
  5. A good mode for rallying the team and training clan fighters.
  6. An excellent opportunity to practice playing skills on vehicles, develop team thinking, as well as raise your personal skill on a certain vehicle.
  7. Since the battle conditions will be almost equal both in terms of equipment and the skill of the players, the probability of victory will depend mainly on the tactical skills of the commander and team cohesion.
  8. Undoubtedly, there are many more advantages.

Now it's time to consider the disadvantages.

There are, perhaps, two significant drawbacks.

The first, and most significant, top-tech remained unclaimed. Where else to put this top technique? After all, nothing has changed for her. Top equipment is like a rare car: prestigious, but expensive to maintain and it’s a pity to roll out of the garage.

Second, no less important and offensive, far from all equipment in the "Team Battle" of levels 1-8 will be in demand. It seems to me that the setups will be almost standard and approximately equal to the tournament ones. This means that most of the equipment both rolled out and will roll out randomly and nowhere else.

And yet the introduction of a new regime is very interesting. And he will find his loyal fans.

And as always, in the end, good luck to you in battles, less deer, more bending!

Experienced commanders may not agree with me, because you can make a lighter team of medium tanks, but we focus on ordinary players, and this composition performs well on all maps. Tank destroyers are a very controversial figure in team battles. On the one hand, this is high firepower, but on the other hand, the PT forces you to initially play on defense and reduces the total amount of HP of the team. The tank destroyer will always be the first target for the enemy team, so don't take too many risks. But if you still want to try playing with the PT - Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger or just "borscht" with a 152mm cannon - this is the only and best option. Artillery self-propelled guns will be just a piece of garbage in the team, they are not even worth remembering.

Heavy tanks

Role in combat

Heavy tanks are the main firepower of the team. Having the largest margin of safety among all classes and a powerful weapon, they are able to perfectly "push through" directions or protect them. In a team fight for a heavy tank, the most important factors are its gun, mobility, and armor. I would like to make a separate emphasis on armor: this parameter should not be neglected, but it is also not worth putting on it to the detriment of mobility, since if necessary, it can play a decisive role in breaking the capture or occupying key points.

How to break through the IS-3, a Soviet heavy tank? A powerful gun, good mobility, rather strong turret armor with a rationally armored hull. Indispensable tank in team battles. Its penetration allows you to play on AP shells and not go into the negative, bulwarks allow you to perfectly tank damage with the side, and maneuverability - to get to key points on the map and most likely not be noticed. Its disadvantages are low visibility, a rather long reload time, long aiming time, which does not allow effective fire at long distances, and a small gun depression angle, which does not allow to play "from the terrain".

The IS-3 is best played as a group with other TTs. He can perfectly tank damage with a tower at distances of 60 meters, as well as deal damage himself. When playing with the AMX 50 100, the tank can perfectly absorb some of the damage, allowing the Frenchman to shoot off the drum and calmly drive off to reload. The gun and dynamics of the IS-3 are great for playing "swing" - quickly go around the corner, shoot and drive in. From all of the above, we can conclude that the IS-3 is great for team fights due to the fact that it is average in all characteristics, has an excellent gun, strong turret armor and good mobility.


T32, American heavy tank. It has the strongest turret on the level, excellent visibility of 400 meters and a good gun with a huge declination angle. The tank is average in all respects, so it feels good on any map. But its advantages are fully revealed on maps with elevation changes, such as Mines, Prokhorovka, Cliff, Monastery. In combat, it acts more like a support tank, unlike the IS-3. But if there are no other heavyweights in the team, then you can safely play in the first line, because we also have armor! An excellent view allows you to see the direction without the help of a LT, and a quick-firing gun - to consistently inject damage into your opponents. And remember: tower is everything! Try to play as much as possible at the expense of your tower and LHV.

AMX 50 100

AMX 50 100, French heavy tank. It has excellent mobility, good visibility, a powerful drum gun, but very low armor. The tank should be used to break through areas together with allies, or to support from the side, taking up a convenient firing position. It is worth remembering that during the reloading of the drum it is better to retreat to cover. The main thing is to deal maximum damage from one drum without taking damage yourself. To do this, you can shoot from behind the allies or support them from the side - it's up to you. AMX 50 100 - the main firepower of the team, so try to destroy it first. When playing on it, your goal is to inject as much damage as possible on targets and survive.

Alternative technique


Chinese heavy tank. Alternative IS-3. The style of play is not much different from the IS-3. The gun of the tank differs from the IS-3: the gun of the 110 has a caliber of 100 mm, the average damage and penetration are lower, but the rate of fire and accuracy are higher. Do not forget that the 110 has more visibility, but the dynamics are slightly worse than the IS-3. But still, 110 has no bulwarks, lower dynamics and average gun damage. These weighty arguments make the IS-3 a favorite.


IS-6, Soviet heavy tank. Alternative IS-3. Good armor, medium mobility, medium power gun. The hull has good all-round armor due to rational angles. But don't choose the IS-6 over the IS-3: a smart player will always be able to pierce the IS-6 head-on or the turret, so is it worth sacrificing speed in favor of controversial armor? In addition, the turret of the IS-6 is not as strong as that of the IS-3, the gun mask breaks through, which does not allow you to calmly play "from the terrain". The gun, although it has more damage per minute than the similar "BL-9", but we often have to shoot "golden" due to the low penetration of the AP, the accuracy and aiming time are much worse. So the choice falls on the IS-3.


T34, American heavy tank. Alternative T32. A powerful weapon, a strong turret and good UVN. When playing from a tower, a formidable weapon allows you to distribute "splashes" to enemies, while not taking damage yourself. If necessary, it can go behind the backs of allied IS-3s and push through the direction, or hide behind obstacles and effectively stop enemies. The gun, although it has the highest one-time damage on the level, takes a very long time to reload. The problem is that the T34 has low damage per minute and this can decide the outcome of the battle if he is left alone. T32 has 40m more visibility and better mobility. It's up to you to decide, but the T32 is needed in the team precisely because of its versatility, which the T34 does not have.

Possible technique


KV-4, Soviet heavy tank. It has excellent armor, but is not particularly useful in team combat, as it is very slow and almost all guns can penetrate it when entering the side or stern. You can take it if the team plays defensively and has a tank destroyer that can support the KV-4. In most cases, the KV-4 will only become a burden to your team due to its immobility.


Löwe, German heavy tank. It has an excellent weapon with good one-time damage, impressive size and medium armor. Very slow, which makes the team play on defense. The tower has a huge impenetrable gun mantlet, but weak "cheeks". Very weak in open areas, but can play "on the terrain". In most cases, Löwe does not play a special role, as there is T32, which is more versatile and does its job perfectly.


Chinese heavy tank. Can be a replacement IS-3. The tank has good armor, an excellent turret, but a very controversial gun. The tank should rather be compared with the IS-6, because they have almost the same guns. The accuracy is very low, long aiming, and what is very important - the rate of fire of the gun is lower than that of the IS-6. But there is another factor - "gold shells" have high penetration. They are cumulative! This is a very controversial factor: on the one hand, they are very penetrating, but on the other hand, some tanks have screens and this penetration is reduced to nothing. The lower armor plate is very cardboard and many tanks can easily penetrate it. Bad angles of declination of the guns do not allow to play "from the relief". Therefore, it is desirable to take the IS-3.

Object 416, Soviet medium tank. It has excellent mobility, good weapons, good visibility, and also has a low silhouette, which plays a big role on some maps. It can work perfectly both in tandem with AMX 13 90 and with bands, because the rear location of the tower greatly simplifies cautious peeking around the corner. Also, it has weak armor, which saves only from 13 90, and even then not always. And do not forget that the turret of this tank does not turn completely.

T69, American medium tank. It differs from its classmates only in its drum loading system and durability (1350 hp), which allows it to withstand the drum of the enemy AMX 13 90. It has mediocre armor, good mobility and has excellent visibility. During the reloading of the drum, you have to hide, so you need to play carefully so that you have the opportunity to leave the shooting position. It does not work well in tandem with AMX 13 90 (often it simply does not keep up with it). It has a rather small penetration for its level.

M26 Pershing, American medium tank. Large margin of safety, excellent and accurate gun, good mobility, excellent visibility. At the same time, the armor is completely absent and the style of the game will more likely resemble the style of the PT. Work from long distances or passive light. In the event that Pershing is thrown alone on the flank as a passive light, he will be able to illuminate the enemy earlier and leave unnoticed due to his speed. Also, Pershing has very vulnerable internal modules, frequent damage to ammo, fuel tanks and arson, which complicates the game on this tank.

STA-1 Japanese medium tank. The playing style is almost the same as that of Pershing, but due to the fact that STA has weaker speed and maneuverability indicators and rather large dimensions, it cannot play the role of passive light. But his weapon is superior to Pershing's and allows him to play PT style even better. Also, it is worth noting that the gun rises very poorly, this can be a huge minus on such maps as "Cliff", "Monastery", "Mines".

Possible technique

Indien-Panzer, German medium tank. He has almost the best weapon on the level, he can safely play on BB, shoot without waiting for a full report and at the same time not worry too much about reloading. But that's where its advantages end. There is no armor, mobility is mediocre, the ammunition is located right in the forehead, which greatly spoils the gameplay on this tank both in general and in Team Battle. But a very small chance of fire and the transmission located at the back allows you to take Chocolate or gasoline instead of a fire extinguisher. And although it will not be difficult to find a use for this tank in almost any composition, it will not bring much pleasure to play on it.

T26E4 SuperPershing, American medium tank. In the composition with strands, it plays the role of "Meat", since its screens can withstand third-party IS sub-caliber shells. At the same time, it has medium weapons, but since the tank is premium, and in team battles the profitability is increased, it allows you to shoot gold shells and not be afraid for silver. In principle, in good hands, he can play battles at the KV-4 level, fulfilling his role.

Type 59, Chinese medium tank. Absolutely versatile tank. can both shine and tank and damage while performing the role of anti-tank. Excellent weapons, the ability to shoot gold shells at no cost, good visibility and the presence of armor, which is very unusual for a ST at this level. But the tank is very rare. Once in a team fight, it is often difficult for him to work in a team, although he is capable of a lot in solo.

Light tanks

Light tanks in team battles play the role of scouts and support tanks. Due to their dynamics, they can quickly change position or direction and support allies. T1 Cunningham can be used as a passive firefly in directions where the allies did not go to see the enemies in time or capture the base.

AMX 13 90

AMX 13 90 French light tank. It has excellent dynamics, a deadly 6-shot drum gun and excellent visibility. In the first minutes of the battle, you should highlight the passing of enemy tanks and take a good position for further actions. If possible, support allies from the side or bypass the enemy from behind. After shooting the drum, you can passively shine or change direction. Indispensable tank in team battles.

T1 Cunningham

T1 Cunningham, US Tier 1 light tank. Indispensable tank in team battles. Among his classmates, he has the highest speed, and this is the decisive factor. Two T1s can be launched along empty flanks at the beginning of the battle and placed to "shine through" directions. If the enemy rush is noticed immediately, then there will be time to regroup and properly position all forces. T1 can also be sent to capture the base to divert the attention of the enemies, and while they turn around to break the capture, the allies can safely go to their stern and decide the outcome of the battle. Never underestimate T1! Always try to recruit the full squad.

Possible technique

Possible technique

Dear players,

Wargaming announces in World of Tanks new game mode "Team battle". The purpose of introducing this mode is to increase the professional preparation of players for tournaments. Fights in such battles will be held according to the tournament scheme.

Teams will be selected automatically with approximately the same indicator of overall efficiency. Thus, tankers will only be able to face an enemy of equal strength.

FAQ of the "Team battle" mode

We have collected all the developers' answers to questions about the new game mode "Team battle" In one place. Let's see them:

How are teams selected in this mode?
Teams will be balanced based on their ratings, which in turn will be formed by the esports ratings of each of the players.

What is the internal rating by which the teams will be balanced?
This is each player's personal esports rating (i.e. the player's rating in that particular mode). With the help of these ratings, the rating of the team during balancing will be calculated and compared with the same rating of the opposing team.

Will statistics for this mode be taken into account in general statistics or will it be separate?
The statistics of this mode will not be mixed with the random one and will be calculated separately. We're discussing ways in which you can see stats from different modes on the Achievement Summary.

Will the cards drop randomly? Will it be possible to choose a team setup for the map?
Initially, players will quickly get into battle, later we plan to add the ability to select maps and the corresponding team setup.

Will all cards from the random house be used or only those used in tournaments? Will there be different modes or just a standard battle?
The game will take place on the most balanced maps for this mode, mainly those on which tournaments are held. Initially, there will be standard battles, work is underway on a special, more “sporty” mode.

How will the “balancer” select players for a team that has fully automatic recruitment open?
Players will be selected taking into account the player's tanks, which he has chosen to participate in a team battle, and the requirements stated by the team commanders.

How will experience and credits be accrued?
Experience and credits will be accrued according to the standard mechanics, we plan that in general players will receive the same amount as in random battles.

Will there be medals? Will there be separate medals for this mode?
Yes, team battles will have their own unique achievements.

What happens if a highskill team enters the mode and there is no opponent of the same level for a long time? After a timeout, will he balance with a weaker team?
With a weaker or stronger team. The longer the wait, the more dissimilar in rating the enemy team can be picked up by the balancer. It is worth mentioning that this only works when critical timeout values ​​are reached.

In this mode, two teams of 7 players, equal in skill, meet. This format is the main one for most esports competitions.

Rules and Features

  • The maximum duration of a battle is 7 minutes.
  • The type of battle is "Attack/Defense": one of the teams must defend two of their bases, and the other must capture at least one of them or destroy all the defenders' equipment.
  • Battles are held on the following maps: Lasville, Monastery, Prokhorovka, Ruinberg, Steppes, Himmelsdorf (Winter Himmelsdorf), Cliff, Murovanka, Siegfried Line, Arctic, Tundra, Kharkiv, Lost City.
  • Possible lineups:
    — six Tier VIII tanks + one Tier VI tank;
    — five Tier VIII tanks + two Tier VII tanks.
  • Tier I–V and IX–X vehicles are not allowed in battles.
  • Fair selection of an opponent based on the personal skill rating developed for this mode.

With the release of version 9.7 in World of Tanks, it will be possible to create a permanent (static) team to participate in team battles. Data about such a command will be stored on the server.

The static team has its own name and emblem. It can include up to 12 tankers. You can join or leave a team at any time.

To get into the ladder, a team must play one rating battle. At the same time, the minimum number of players (team members) required to get into a rating battle is 7 people.

Before going into battle, the commander will have the opportunity to choose the type of battle: regular or battle on the ladder.

  • Normal battle - a duel in the mode of team battles between national teams or static teams. If there are not enough fighters in the static team, it is possible to use the search for legionnaires - players who join the static team only for the duration of several regular battles.
  • A ladder battle is a duel in the team battle mode between static teams. The type of battle must be confirmed by the commander. Battles on the ladder are available for squads that include only members of a static team.

Ladder games take place exclusively between static teams. The opposing sides are balanced based on the rating of the teams themselves, which is calculated based on the results of success in ladder battles, regardless of the performance of individual fighters.

Thus, when selecting an opponent, the success of the team's actions as a whole is taken into account - equals will meet in battle.

A distinctive feature of ladder battles is the ability to choose a vehicle before the battle. Within 30 seconds before the start, players can choose tanks suitable for the map and the attacking or defending side.

Global ladder

By fighting in ladder battles, a static team thereby takes part in the global ladder (team rating).

The global ladder is the distribution of teams by leagues and divisions based on the number of points earned in rating battles. Ladder points are awarded based on the results of battles. You can only move on the ladder by earning or losing ladder points.

The global ladder is divided into 6 leagues with 4 divisions each. Each division can have an unlimited number of groups. A group can contain up to 50 teams.

Promotion from division to division depends on the number of points earned in ladder battles. But even with a minimum number of points, the team will in any case be included in one of the divisions - in the lower division of the 6th league.

A static team can play against opponents from other groups/divisions/leagues if its rating allows it.

The global ladder is formed separately for each gaming season, which are held approximately once every three months. At the start of the season, the rating of all teams is reset. The results of past seasons will not affect the starting value of the rating.

Important! Ladder battles are only available during in-game seasons.

Create a static team

Creation of a team is available to every World of Tanks player. All you have to do is enter the Team Battle game mode, select the Play on Ladder tab, and then click the Create Team button. After that, you can send invitations to join the team to the players you are interested in.

You can send a maximum of 20 invitations at the same time.

A static team can consist of up to 12 people. Players in the team have different ranks:

  • team owner;
  • an officer;
  • private.

The owner of the team becomes the player who created it. The table below details the available permissions for all positions.

Position Powers
Team owner
  • Transfer ownership of the team.
  • Dissolution of the team.
  • Restoration of a disbanded team.

    Team roster management (adding/removing players from the state, changing positions of players in the state).

  • Team editing (name change, emblem, etc.).
  • Gathering a team for battles (ranked or regular battles).
  • The ability to switch between rating and regular battles.
  • Participation in battles (ranked or regular)
an officer
  • Gathering a team for battles (ranked or regular).
  • The ability to switch between rating or regular battles (when a player creates a team for battles).
  • Participation in battles.
  • Leaving the team
  • Accepting invitations to the team meeting.
  • Participation in battles.
  • Leaving the team

A team can have any number of officers and ratings, but only one player can be a team owner.

The player who has assembled a team is considered a commander and has the right to recruit a squad for a battle, switch between rating (battles in the ladder) and regular battles.

How a team moves from division to division

Based on the results of battles on the ladder, a static team earns rating points. The position of the team in the global ladder depends on the number of rating points.

The infographic below shows how static teams move across divisions.

New Rewards

For effective actions, the team will receive special medals, which will appear in update 9.8. Please note that all conditions for issuing medals require fights as part of a static team.

tactical advantage victory march Tactical skill covert operations For strategic operations