
How to adjust graphics settings manually? Computer optimization Optimal graphics settings for wot.

Conifers in garden design

For a comfortable game and correct display of textures, World of Tanks graphics settings are required. If everything is done correctly, the game will be fun, and the percentage of wins will increase. Therefore, follow simple tips so that the WOT graphics settings help you complete combat missions.

Basic moments

For beginners, in order to perform optimal World of Tanks graphics settings, immediately after installation, you need to set up the client in such a way that it is displayed in full screen. After that, you can specify a resolution other than the original one. The maximum resolution should only be selected if you are using an LCD monitor. If everything is correct, then the image will not flicker and stretch. Otherwise, change the aspect ratio. Also in the World of Tank graphics screen settings, you can select low, medium, high, maximum and ultra image quality. Each item has its own set of settings. Those who download the game from a weak laptop should set the "3D Render Resolution" from 100% to zero and enable dynamic change.

You should not disable "vertical sync" as this will negatively affect performance. This can only be done if you have a powerful computer, so noticeable frame breaks appear in the picture. The same applies to anti-aliasing and triple buffering. When setting WOT graphics on weak computers, due to the inclusion of these parameters, fps drops sharply, that is, the number of frames per second.

Advanced settings

In the "Graphics" window, there is also a separate column with advanced settings that allow you to make the correct graphics settings in WOT more subtly according to the player's personal preferences. There you can choose between standard and enhanced graphics, allowing you to adjust the quality of textures, shadows, mud from under the tracks, lighting, water, and even the detail of foliage and the amount of grass on the map. All this allows you to set up World of Tanks graphics, similar in quality to a high-definition movie.

But there is also a fly in the ointment in this sweet barrel of honey - this is the notorious fps. And the better the graphics, the lower it is. The fact is that the human eye sees 24 frames per second, with a decrease in this number of frames, the picture flickers and twitches. For a computer game, normal fps is more than 30 frames. Better, of course, 50-60. But not every average computer can pull such numbers at maximum speeds. Therefore, high quality graphics in the game is available. mainly for e-sportsmen, VODs and streamers with powerful gaming hardware.

Therefore, the optimal graphics settings in WoT 1.0 are offered by the game client initially. These are the notorious standard optimal WOT graphics settings. And any player can play with them for his own pleasure. At least, if you want high detail, you can download not an SD client, but an HD client, even though it weighs more than twice as much as usual.

In WOT, the graphics settings for a weak computer mean, on the contrary, disabling any additional effects - smoke, fog, dirt flying from under the tracks, caterpillar tracks and other delights of game design. Moreover, many not entirely honest representatives of the gaming community can specifically remove some graphics settings using prohibited game modifications in order to gain a gaming advantage. This is often punishable by a permanent ban.

Therefore, graphics settings in WOT from professionals - trust the WOT 1.0 graphics quality recommended by the game client, optimally matched to your processor, RAM and video card. The replacement of the hard HDD with an SSD also affects the loading of textures, which will undoubtedly increase both fps and graphics quality. If you need to remove the graphics settings in WOT, then this can always be done in the game client by setting the parameters as you wish. Experiment and find the most comfortable option for you!

Due to the introduction of HD maps and new music, version 1.0 will be one of the most important milestones in the history of World of Tanks. Realistic graphics were born thanks to Core - our own engine that breathed life into game locations. With the transition to this engine, the graphic settings will be reset. Don't worry, we'll explain in detail how to set everything up. And today we’ll talk about how to make settings for your computer and how the automatic settings detection function works.

Be patient: there will be a lot of technical information (however, it is useful!). And if you don't like to read long articles, you can watch videos about game settings or use information blocks to jump straight to the questions that interest you. Go!

Automatic detection of graphics settings in tanks 1.0

The auto-detection feature is activated in two cases: when you launch the game for the first time and when you click on the "Recommended" button in the graphics settings. This feature evaluates the performance of a game on your computer using new algorithms for the processor, graphics card, graphics and system memory, and other system performance tests. After all these tests, the system determines the golden mean between a comfortable FPS (frames per second) and graphics quality on your computer and sets one of the ready-made settings: “Minimum”, “Low”, “Medium”, “High”, “Maximum ” or “Ultra”.

Important! Differences in performance between client version 1.0 and 9.22 may include autotuning results. As before, the highest quality picture for your PC will be set while maintaining comfortable performance. If the value of frames per second does not suit you, try to adjust the graphic settings of the client yourself.

NOTE: Please note that the old and new settings do not map to each other as the game moves to a new graphics engine. The "Minimum" and "Low" settings work with standard graphics, while "Medium" and above work with enhanced graphics.

IMPORTANT: The SD client offers the same set of graphics presets as the HD client, so you can enjoy the new maps even if you're playing with standard graphics. The only difference is that the SD client does not support high resolution textures.

How it works

The auto-detection system tries to find a balance between the best graphics settings and frame rate. Please note that you may notice changes in FPS after automatic detection compared to the previous version (we have already talked about this, but we will repeat because it is really important), since our main goal is to provide the highest quality picture with comfortable performance indicators. Essentially, a feature may offer an option that will result in FPS changes, but only if such changes are not critical to the performance of the game.

If you're not happy with your FPS after running autodetect, choose a lower graphics setting - this will significantly improve performance (for example, select "Medium" settings if the system offered you the "High" option). However, we don't advise you to switch from the improved renderer to the standard renderer if the autotune suggested it for you. You will significantly lose the quality of the picture, and performance can be tightened by adjusting the graphic settings.

Are you still unhappy with the result? Then change the preset settings as you like.

Manual graphics settings in update 1.0 WoT

Choosing a graphic type

With manual settings, you will initially be able to select the type of graphics: "Standard" or "Enhanced". Both of them are remastered in HD quality. The only difference between them is that "Enhanced" supports the full range of new technologies and effects.

NOTE: If, after auto-tuning, the game client prompts you to choose the "Enhanced" graphics type, we recommend using it. If the performance does not suit you, you can change the advanced graphics settings yourself, but we do not recommend switching to the standard renderer.

Advanced graphics settings in World of Tanks 1.0

Some graphics settings affect client performance more than others. By lowering the correct setting, you can achieve good FPS without significantly reducing image quality. We recommend starting with effects (anti-aliasing, quality of textures and objects, draw distance, lighting and post-processing). These are resource-intensive settings, and reducing them in most cases will help increase FPS.

NOTE: All computers have different configurations, and exactly the same settings changes can have different effects on different PCs.

Review the list below to familiarize yourself with each of the settings and see how they all affect the picture. Graphic settings are grouped starting with the most resource-intensive, so that you can understand which ones to turn off first.

Anti-Aliasing: Smoothes out rough, pixelated or jagged edges of objects using different technologies in Standard and Enhanced graphics.
- In Standard graphics, anti-aliasing is optional and is not tied to graphics presets.
- In Advanced Graphics, anti-aliasing is necessary to provide the best picture and is tied to graphics presets.

Texture quality: affects the resolution and type of filtering used. The higher the level of detail, the better. However, keep in mind that this setting is resource-intensive. Maximum texture quality includes HD textures in the HD client.

The quality of objects. The detailing of objects affects the level of detail (Level of Detail - LOD). For each object, several options are created with different levels of detail. The closer the player is to the object, the more detailed this object is depicted. This allows you to abandon highly detailed objects at a great distance, when careful rendering is not needed, and saves performance resources. At the same time, the higher the quality of the setting, the greater the distance from the player is the switching of object detail settings. This setting also affects the realism of tank tracks. On "Medium" settings and below, they are drawn in a simplified form.

Draw distance: affects the distance at which objects are displayed. This setting only applies to objects that are not critical to the game. For example, a monastery on the map of the same name will be the same for all settings, but the fences around the fields will be different.

Why is optimal draw distance important for your computer? On some maps, with a short draw range, the enemy may be behind a small obstacle - and you won't know about it until you shoot at him.

Lighting and post-processing:
1. Motion blur and post-processing are cinematic effects like vignetting, chromatic aberration, distortion, and film grain. They support the overall impression of the graphics.
2. We removed the quality of shadows from the "Basic" settings in update 1.0 due to a significant optimization of the mechanisms for their transmission.
3. The quality of lighting is extremely important for the overall perception of the image. Lighting interacts with all other graphic elements. Depending on the selected quality, the complexity of its calculations varies: it depends on some technologies (Screen Space Reflection, Global Illumination, God Rays, Lens Flare, HBAO, wetting effect and puddles).

Terrain and Water: The impact of water quality on performance varies by card type. Locations with a marine theme (Fiords, Fisherman's Bay, Calm) consume slightly more resources than those without water.

We completely redesigned the landscape: improved its quality, added support for tessellation, which was also redesigned specifically for "Improved" graphics. This technology will now work on graphics cards that fully support DirectX 11 (but will not be available with "Standard" graphics, since the landscape will be simplified to improve performance).

Small stones, caterpillar tracks, shell craters will get a geometric shape with additional detail. This is just a graphical improvement and will not affect the behavior of the machine.

You can turn off tessellation to improve performance in sniper mode and also to keep the technology from interfering with aiming.

Vegetation: the level of detail of vegetation affects the complexity of calculating the effect of wind on trees (there is no wind in the SD client). The higher the quality of the grass, the more it will be. You can lower this setting to increase FPS.

IMPORTANT: The cloaking mechanic works the same regardless of the selected settings.

Effects: allow you to set the desired quality of explosions, fire, smoke and other similar effects. This parameter can be useful in combat, since such effects suggest which enemy vehicles have just fired back (there will be clouds of smoke around them). When adjusting the quality of effects, keep in mind the benefits they provide.

Improved physics of destruction thanks to Havok Destruction technology means that objects can fall apart. If this functionality is disabled, detailed destruction will not be displayed. The setting only works with "Enhanced" graphics and is calculated on separate threads. You can disable this functionality if your computer's processor is not powerful enough.

First of all, the article will be useful to those players whose computer has weak and medium technical characteristics.

Over time, computer performance may degrade. Many factors affect performance. In this article, we will look at the main ones and talk about ways to optimize your computer.

Even an inexperienced user can easily set up a computer according to the instructions. However, some other, more advanced settings should be performed by an advanced user or IT professional. Instructions for advanced users are marked in the article with a special warning.

Driver update

Updating software (drivers) for a computer is a necessary and important procedure. Games installed on your computer require it to perform many actions: playing multimedia files, processing graphic effects, and so on. Even the stability of the network connection may depend on which version of the driver your network adapter is using.

Outdated drivers are not always able to correctly perform the functions assigned to them, which can lead to unstable computer operation. To update the software version for your device to the latest one, it is safest to download the required driver from the device manufacturer's website: such software will definitely be tested and optimized for stable operation.

The following articles describe how to find and update drivers both using the tools of the Windows operating system and independently:

  • Automatically receive recommended drivers and hardware updates

If you have information about the model of your device or laptop, then you can find the necessary driver yourself on the website of its manufacturer.

Websites of the most common manufacturers of computer equipment:

Windows Optimization

The performance of a personal computer largely depends not only on what components are installed in it, but also on how the operating system is configured.

This article describes solutions for the Windows 7 operating system. However, many of these solutions can be applied to other operating systems in the Windows family. Pay special attention to the sections "Defragmenting the hard drive" and "Cleaning the hard drive".

Swap file (virtual memory)

The paging file is allocated on the hard disk and is designed to improve the performance of the computer in cases where the amount of installed RAM is insufficient for its fast operation.

Checking the hard drive with the CHKDSK utility

A hard drive is a device that stores all the information on a computer, from the installed operating system to your favorite movies and games. Constant access to the hard drive over time leads to its physical degradation. As a result, the speed of reading from hard disk sectors decreases, and sometimes so-called "bad" sectors appear, which, in turn, leads to slow operation of the operating system and the personal computer as a whole.

Checking the hard disk with the CHKDSK utility will fix problems in its operation and can provide a significant performance boost if bad sectors are locked.

  • Microsoft TechNet Library

Checking Windows with the SFC utility

The SFC utility built into the operating system is designed to fix errors in the OS, as well as restore damaged files. Often, such a check will eliminate problems in the operation of system processes and fix errors in the registry of the operating system, which, in turn, will also favorably affect the operation of the computer.

Running the utility on Windows XP is possible only if you have an installation CD with an image of the operating system.

"Pure" booting an operating system is a mode in which a minimal set of programs and services is used to start it. In other words, the influence of other programs on the launch and operation of Windows is excluded.

Over time, more and more programs are installed on the computer, some are launched at Windows startup and actively use computer resources (RAM, processor, etc.).

If your computer is taking a long time to boot for no apparent reason, and the launch of the game takes too long, it's probably time to clean boot Windows. This will help identify a program or set of programs that is affecting your computer's performance.

Setting the power mode in Windows

If you want to improve the performance of your computer, then you can not do without adjusting the power mode. There are various power management schemes designed to both reduce the power consumption of the computer and maximize its performance (in this mode, the power consumption is increased).

As a rule, portable computers (laptops) need to configure the power mode. The software installed on the laptop by its manufacturer turns on the "Balanced" mode by default, which sometimes excludes the ability to fully use the computer's resources in games. If two video adapters are installed on the computer (built-in to the processor and discrete), then the "Balanced" mode uses a less efficient adapter to reduce energy costs, which will affect the quality of the game in the form of a low FPS value (number of frames per second).

To force the computer to make the most of its resources, you must activate.

It is necessary to select the power supply mode not only in the operating system settings, but also in special programs that are installed on the laptop by its manufacturer.

Setting the video adapter driver to use a discrete graphics card in the game

In the previous section, it was already mentioned that a lower-performing video adapter can be used when starting the game, and one of the options for how to avoid this was given.

Let's consider the second option.

The use of a discrete video adapter for the game can be set in the graphics card software settings.

Antivirus settings

Protecting the operating system from malicious software is an important security factor. However, if you want to improve the performance of your computer, then you should not set the most strict mode in the antivirus settings. This mode significantly affects the performance of the computer.
It is recommended to select the game mode (in some antiviruses there is a special profile, which is called “Gaming”).

Also, to exclude the influence of the antivirus on the operation of the game, it is necessary.

There are many antiviruses on the market that change from version to version, so it is difficult to describe all the settings for each of them. However, you can independently contact the support service of your antivirus for its correct configuration. Here are links to popular antivirus websites:

Checking your computer for malware

Even the most up-to-date antivirus may fail to recognize new malware in a timely manner. The virus disrupts the operation of the operating system, and in some cases it can also heavily load the video card or processor, which leads to a significant decrease in performance. Therefore, if you notice that the speed of your computer has decreased significantly in a short time, then it is likely that it is infected with malware. In this case, you need to check your computer with another antivirus.

The following utilities are great for such a check:

Most computers are equipped with an air cooling system, which has both pros and cons. One of the downsides: the draft created by the air currents draws dust into the computer. Over time, there is so much dust that the cooling system cannot cope with its function, which leads to overheating of computer devices. Also, dust is a good conductor of electric current, and its presence on the elements of the system (motherboard) board or other devices can lead to a short circuit, which can disable or completely disable any device.

To avoid this, the following precautions must be observed:

  1. Do not install the computer in dusty or drafty places.
  2. Do not block the air supply to the cooling system. Most often, laptops suffer from this, since air access to them is carried out from under the bottom panel. Placing a laptop on a blanket or simply placing it on your lap can accidentally cut off air access, which will lead to overheating of the computer.
  3. Regularly carry out preventive maintenance of the cooling system. It is advisable to clean the computer with compressed air cans or with a compressor. This method is much more efficient than using a vacuum cleaner. However, preventive maintenance with compressed air should be carried out in an open space, outside an enclosed space (home, office, etc.).
  4. Replace the thermal paste on the CPU. Also, if necessary, you can replace the thermal paste on the motherboard chipset and graphics processor of the video card.
  5. If the PC components are not cool enough, install additional fans.

This article lists the main ways in which you can optimize your computer, but this list is not exhaustive. You can find a list of articles on other ways to diagnose a computer and improve the performance of the game client.

In version 9.0, new graphic effects have been introduced into the game, designed to make tank battles even more beautiful and spectacular.

However, it is important to understand that these innovations will also affect the performance of the game. For this reason, the first time you launch the game after installing Update 9.0, each account will have its graphics settings automatically detected.

In most cases, this is enough for a comfortable game, but if you experience a drop in performance after installing the update, we recommend that you spend a few minutes fine-tuning the client manually.

  1. Select the graphics quality from those offered in the drop-down menu, or use the "Recommended" button - the system will automatically select the most suitable graphics quality for the game, based on the parameters of your computer. The values ​​of the "Graphics Quality" setting affect the settings of the "Advanced" tab. Select a value in the Graphics Quality field if you don't want to configure every option on the Advanced tab.
  2. 3D render resolution. Decreasing the value of the parameter can increase the performance of the game on computers with a weak video card.
  3. Select the size of the game window. If "Full screen mode" is enabled, then the name of the field changes to "Screen resolution". The mismatch between the set resolution in full screen mode and the current resolution of the monitor may distort the image. Increasing the setting increases the load on the video card and may slow down the performance of the game. You can reduce the load on the video card by adjusting the 3D rendering resolution.
  4. Enabling full screen mode expands the game to the entire monitor of your computer.
  5. Frame rate limited to 60 frames per second. It is used in case of jitter or lag of the image on the bottom of the screen relative to the top.
  6. When this setting is enabled, the edges and edges of objects become smoother.
  7. Vision angle. The usual viewing angle for a person is about 95 °. The smaller the angle, the closer the objects become, but the peripheral view is reduced. Does not affect game performance.
  8. A mechanism for adapting the color palette for people with color perception disabilities.
  9. Monitor refresh rate. You can view the monitor refresh rate in the monitor settings or its driver. Please note that the displayed values ​​depend on the current resolution of the monitor. Install monitor drivers to display supported values.
  10. If the set aspect ratio does not match the monitor's current aspect ratio, the image may stretch or shrink horizontally. The setting allows you to equalize the aspect ratio on monitors with non-square pixels.
  11. Here you can select a monitor for the game, if you have more than one connected to your computer.
  12. Changing the brightness of an image. Works only in full screen mode. Windowed mode uses the current operating system settings.
  13. The color filter allows you to choose the visual design of the game from the proposed options.
  14. Moving the slider changes the visibility of the selected color filter in the interface. The figure above shows the changes.

If you need more fine-grained graphics settings, go to the "Advanced" tab. Please note that most of the settings below are only available for the Enhanced Graphics renderer.

Some settings and their values ​​are not available for standard graphics.

Settings that significantly affect the performance / performance of the game are placed in a separate block "Significantly affecting performance". They are labeled 3–7 and 12–16 in the image.

Lowering or disabling these settings can significantly improve game performance.

Here it is important to pay attention to some points:

  1. By choosing from the two proposed graphics quality options, you predetermine the choice in the remaining categories in this tab.
  2. The quality of textures does not depend on the performance of the card, but it is demanding on video memory.
  3. The performance of the game with this setting depends on the power of the video card.
  4. The quality of the shadows is highly dependent on the overall system performance, affecting both the graphics card and the CPU.
  5. It is recommended to disable this option if performance drops in sniper mode.
  1. Here you can adjust the display of smoke, dust, sparks, flames, explosions, etc. All these objects depend not so much on the video card, but on the CPU.
  1. Various additional graphic effects: air refraction, bloom effect, etc. It strongly depends on the performance of the video card and moderately on the amount of video memory.

Items 8–19, 21 have little effect on the performance of the game, which means that when setting values, you should be guided by your own wishes for the quality of each element (water, trees, landscape, etc.).

Many users will benefit from item 20 "Dynamic change in the quality of effects" - automatic simplification of effects when system performance drops.

Enabling the option will allow the game to adjust to the speed of your computer.

The most popular game, "Belarusian miracle", the game of all times and peoples. As soon as they did not call the online game World of Tanks. And there were reasons for that. How could it happen that a game from a little-known Wargaming studio, located in a little-known country, gained wild popularity in a year? Nobody has an answer to this question.

By the way, "Tanks" still holds the Guinness Book of Records as the most successful game that has gained popularity in the shortest period of time. The success of "Tanks" has not yet been able to repeat any game, even from the most famous studios.

Minimum system requirements for World of Tanks

Website: Can you tell how many people don't get paid this way? We don't give exact numbers, but that's a big majority. But then there is also a large group of enthusiasts who pay us something, but not too much. And then there is a small group of "whales" who pay you a lot of money. And those who decide a lot, there are many non-payers.

Because he always values ​​us whether he can win for free or he can't buy the win. Our goal from the very beginning is to be free to win. We don't want you to press the button with your credit card and automatically win the game. But of course, if you do, you want to reap some benefit.

However, with each update, it becomes more and more difficult to "roll in tanks" as the system requirements of the game grow. Now, without the correct graphics settings, it is not possible to play normally and "bend over". Therefore, we will try to figure out which graphics settings in World of Tanks are optimal for successful battles.

So we focus on selling time. Play through the game at a certain pace. If you can mark seven hours a day, you will go fast enough because you will make many games in the game. But if you have a family, kids, work, other acne, you only have a few hours a week to play. Therefore, we suggest that you pay for this difference and move at the same pace as in the game every day.

Special mods to increase FPS

On the one hand, we want purchased items to be carried over, but we don't want people to buy in the first place. And if you look at our jeans, you will see that they are not platonic people, but they are really good players. In our game, the main abilities do not buy a credit card.

What you need to know about system requirements

System requirements in "Tanks" are not moderate. In order for the game to function at maximum settings, a very powerful computer is required. And the more powerful, the better. For a comfortable game requires an impressive number of frames per second. Without this, it will not be possible to conduct effective battles.

We can't release a new premium tank and then find out it's too powerful. We can't just weaken him because someone spent some money on him, but we can't leave him because that would create an unfair environment. So we're having fun with our most loyal players about our plans so we have reminders before we release content. This is where we can change this, or at least explain to the community why we think this will work.

In this way, all participants in the discussion come out of all the information available and do not receive any surprises. Site: you have a lot of crooked bases, on the one hand, beginners, who are the most, and then professionals who live with the game. How do you manage to balance one game for such different groups? We approach them separately because they need different things. Some features are global, everyone enjoys it, but sometimes it's just a fraction of the players.

The video card requirements are even higher. Ideally, the user should have an NVidia 1080. Then we can talk about high-quality and productive graphics. Setting the graphics in World of Tanks can load even a very powerful machine to the fullest.

No less requirements are placed on the processor and RAM. A comfortable game requires at least the latest generation Intel Core i3 and 8 gigabytes of RAM. Without this, the game will terribly slow down. And in "Tanks" a split second is everything. But the optimal graphics settings in World of Tanks allow you to somewhat reduce the load on the processor and RAM. Therefore, it is important to be able to properly set the graphics.

Add. effects in sniper mode

But for new players, this is a huge benefit, because the game will understand how the game works, it will quickly understand the strengths of this particular tank. So the new features are not just for beginners or just professionals, but we try to balance them and have something for every side in every update. How do you work with learning potential for you? This is a related art, there is so much interest in this period that people go to our own game. People here know more about the war than in North America.

General settings

Let's move on to the "Tanks" graphics settings. And the first section is called "General Settings". They also affect the graphic component of the game. Therefore, you need to be able to configure them correctly.

So, setting up graphics in World of Tanks begins. First of all, turn on the dynamic camera and horizontal stabilization in sniper mode. This is absolutely necessary for a comfortable game. But it is better to turn off the effect of optics, because there is zero sense from it, and the iron loads.

We need maps based on actual battlefields so people can crawl to explore further. We are trying to carry out some tricks in tanks of tanks, where is what they do, how it works. But really we are focusing on the tanks themselves. We avoid the conflicts themselves, and in the meantime we view and celebrate the power of these machines as the advances made by the machine. Website: Are you trying not to worry politically? Exactly, there is a lot of pain. But technology is interesting and exciting, especially for those people who care about technology and science.

Screen settings

They depend on the type of monitor you are using. These include screen resolution, refresh rate, aspect ratio, and other settings. For a comfortable game, you need to enable dynamic change, set the resolution of the 3D render to 100 percent and turn off Anti-Aliasing, also turn off. This is how we improve the performance of World of Tanks. The maximum graphics settings are not always good for this or that equipment.

Preparing a PC to run WoT

The technological advancement of these machines is impressive and this is where people can really get excited. The sheer amount of knowledge that our players, especially in Russian speaking countries and Eastern and Central Europe, have down to the smallest detail of the workshops is incredible. It's great, we help with teaching and honestly, sometimes our players also use us.

New games are released almost every day, and a computer is usually bought every few years. As you might have guessed, gaming requirements are on the rise these days, and subcircuits that are considered technological innovations at the time of purchase are starting to go away. However, even the latest titles can be played if we are able to adjust the graphics options available in the title options menu, starting with resolution and with various edge smoothing and advanced physics options.

The screen settings must be carefully considered, as incorrect ones can affect vision. Especially if you are still using an ancient CRT monitor.

Remember that the optimal frequency for such monitors is 75-85 hertz. If you have a modern LCD screen, then we leave the standard 60 hertz and do not bother. Proper screen setup will help you enjoy the game and not plant your eyesight.

True, then we have to give up the quality of some "water rides", but after all, what hasn't been done for more frames per second in an online shooter? In this guide, we will briefly describe the most commonly used options and we will try to evaluate their impact on graphics or CPU usage.

We haven't come across a modern game yet that doesn't allow this setting to be changed. As a rule, games immediately offer to play at their own screen resolution. It is important to note that changing the resolution often results in an increase in the number of frames displayed per second. This is simply caused by fewer pixels along with the effects the graphics need to calculate.

Graphics settings

Here we come to the essence. It is these settings that determine the quality of the image and the performance of the game as a whole. Immediately go to the "Advanced" tab and turn on the standard graphics mode. Set the texture quality to "High". This is quite enough.

Turn off unnecessary effects: grass in sniper mode, caterpillar effects, foliage transparency, dynamic change in the quality of effects and caterpillar tracks. You can play normally without these "beauties". Setting up graphics in World of Tanks is a delicate matter that does not tolerate excesses.

Unfortunately, there is another side to the coin's decision to reduce the resolution - the image becomes less sharp, the edges are more pronounced "stepping", and the texture is more blurry. Geralt of Rivia with the new Queen Skellige. Anisotropic filtering. This option is an extension of bilinear and trilinear filter defects. Without more details, anisotropic filtering allows you to sharpen and view textures from every side and from any angle without any visible loss of quality. This setting does not suppress the graphics card, and the differences between disabled and enabled anisotropy are visible to the naked eye.

All other sliders are set to the "High" position. In addition to water quality, landscape, details and additional effects. You can turn them off altogether. This will help improve the performance of the game several times over. This is the basic graphics setting for the World Tanks laptop. All sorts of "pretty" and effects for laptops are detrimental.

Therefore, this effect can also handle less efficient graphics. Antialiasing and other edge smoothing methods. The blurry outlines of objects are what give many players nightmares. Yes, everyone would like a sharp image of a surgical scalpel, but without a powerful graphics card, we expect compromises between performance and the quality of the displayed content.

Those last two values ​​were able to smooth out the image significantly, but the framerate drop was pretty harsh. He played characters. These technologies are distinguished not only by the effectiveness of depriving the image of unattractive "teeth", but also by the load they impose on the video card. It is impossible to hide that it is very effective, but how it works, i.e. generates a higher resolution image and then scales it to fit the screen, squashing our graphical sweatshop. It depends on the post-processing anti-aliasing, but it does not negatively affect the sharpness of the image. It also has the advantage of eliminating "stepping" during camera movement, so that even moving elements can maintain sharp and crisp edges at all times.

  • True, it smoothes the edges, but the image seems a bit smoother.
  • It loads the graphics card in the same way as above.
  • And then the next one, which should reach the owners of the most powerful graphics.
Vertical sync.

Why not use enhanced graphics?

The fact is that such improvements are only possible for computers with top hardware configurations. Most users can only dream of such a quality of settings. Not to mention laptop owners. If you do not have a top PC, then it is better not to even look at the settings for improved graphics.

It's not like keeping the number of frames displayed per second in sync with the refresh rate of the screen. Thanks to this solution, not only does it not linger, but the image is smooth and smooth. Textures and their quality. This parameter, which not only greatly affects the appearance of the game, but also its fluidity. And it largely depends on the memory of your video card. Holders of graphics cards with less memory should generally be satisfied with low or medium texture quality, while owners of stronger cards can safely move the slider to the "Ultra" sign without fear of a sharp decrease in performance.

The same applies to the type of downloaded client. There are SD versions - with normal resolution textures and HD - with high resolution textures. Which type of client to choose for a more comfortable game is probably not worth explaining. And so it is clear. Graphics settings in World of Tanks will be much better in the absence of high-resolution textures.

Geralt of Rivia admires the folklore of the suburbs of Novigrad. It's undeniable that a place filled with nice and even shadows - especially when it's dynamic shading - immediately takes on realism and hardly implies any modern title that will be devoid of realistic shadows in real time. Placing them on low-level settings will lighten the graphics card, but shadows aren't enough for shadows to only be seen at close range, they will still have frayed lines and low resolution.

Similarly - the higher the settings, the shadows are visible from a greater distance, and the edges are smoother. Some games also offer "Soft Shadows" which soften and soften the shadows even more. As you might have guessed, enabling them for weaker graphics will result in a significant drop in frame rates.

What else do you need to know?

In any case, medium settings are enough for a comfortable game. And some effects and "beautifulness" can be turned off altogether. Don't get fooled by graphic improvements like "Track Tracks". They only load the computer. Do not install any mods to improve graphics. It is proved that with them the performance of the game only drops. Do not use all sorts of "boosters" video cards. This is a direct path to getting a burnt video card.

The same scene with shadows set to Very High. surrounding occlusion. This is a graphical setting that makes shading even more detailed and precise. As you might have guessed, our graphics cards had to go through quite a lot to get all this data, so this is an option addressed to owners of more powerful cards.

Lighting including dynamic lighting. Like shadows, good lighting gives the world a real dose of realism, especially if the light isn't static. Dynamic lighting can break even newer graphics due to the need to calculate and generate effects in real time. Thanks to this, however, in games we see how the picturesque sunbeams break through the crowns of trees and light penetrates through various cracks and windows in buildings.

It would also be nice to clarify the capabilities of your video card on the official website of the manufacturer. Knowing its characteristics, you can experiment with the settings and customize the game "for yourself." But the main thing here is not to overdo it.

In any case, it is worth knowing the characteristics of your computer as a whole. For without this knowledge, it will be impossible to set up the game for maximum performance. And that is exactly what we are striving for. "Tanks" is a very capricious game. It requires an appropriate level of iron and fine tuning.

Tessellation itself simply breaks the polygons into even smaller pieces. However, this alone won't do much, so these fragments are subjected to many texture-encoded rendering processes, resulting in a rich, detailed, and realistic 3D model or surface.

As you would expect, the higher the tessellation, the larger the picture will be. Depth of field. This effect is commonly used in photography and film because it is nothing more than sharpening the image on the subject that is currently playing first fiddle on the stage. The background image of a character or object is more blurry and blurry. This effect is often seen in a lot of scenes, but there are also games where depth of field works in proper gameplay. As a rule, this effect is good for our video card and does not affect the generated frame rate.


All of the above settings will help you achieve the maximum frame rate during the game. Also, productivity will immediately increase, as the reaction will increase. Either action will take less time.

As a result, you will be able to "bend over" more effectively. Especially if you have a "pumped" gaming mouse with a good response. Without this, it will not be possible to successfully ride in "Tanks".

World of Tanks is by far the most popular online game in Russia and the CIS, as well as one of the most popular in the world. Tanks are loved by both young gamers and the older generation, who fell in love with WoT from the first one-shot. All of them scold the developers for what the world is worth every day, but still continue with pleasure to “bend over” enemy combat vehicles in daily battles and their fantasies.

As you know, an improved render type was introduced in World of Tanks not so long ago. If earlier, on a standard render, "Tanks" went on any vacuum cleaner, now it makes sense to figure out how to carefully adjust the graphics to the system's capabilities. This is what we are going to do with you now.

Minimum system requirements for World of Tanks

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon X2 2.4 GHz.
RAM: 2 GB.
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT/ ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT 256 MB.

As usual, we remind you that if your computer is weaker even than the configuration presented above, then it is better for you not to even try to run World of Tanks. Otherwise, you can lose your laptop or outdated system unit due to overheating.

Recommended system requirements for World of Tanks

CPU: Intel Core i7-3330 @ 3.4 GHz / AMD FX-8350 @ 4.0 GHz.
The amount of RAM: 4 GB or more.
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 2 GB / AMD Radeon HD 7850 2 GB.

If your PC is comparable or even exceeds the recommended requirements, then, at first glance, you can stop reading further and calmly run to sit at the helm of your favorite tank. However, do not forget that WoT is still an online game, which means that it requires a stable 60 frames in absolutely any situation during the battle. So, it will not hurt you to figure out what and where it is better to turn off (or reduce the quality) away from sin.

And, of course, for those who are between the minimum and recommended requirements, this article will be most useful. That is, those who have a processor more powerful than AMD Athlon X2 2.4 GHz, but weaker than Intel Core i7-3330, and a video card more powerful than AMD Radeon HD 7850, but weaker than NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660, and so on.

World of Tanks graphics settings

The following lists all the image settings in World of Tanks. Some of them affect performance more, some less, and some do not affect performance at all. We tried to briefly describe the essence of each of these parameters, as well as give advice on how to optimize them.

3D render resolution


In essence, this setting allows you to reduce the graphics resolution without reducing the screen resolution, which allows you to leave all interface elements in maximum clarity.

Despite the fact that the weakening of this parameter allows you to seriously increase performance, you should not forget that the appearance of the picture deteriorates just as significantly. Therefore, reduce the quality of the render only if you have a completely antediluvian device, and in this case it is better to just turn on the standard graphics.

Screen resolution


And here it is recommended not to spoil your eyes and never lower the value below the recommended value for your display. But if you play by connecting your computer to a modern TV, you can try setting it to 1280x720 - most TVs, unlike monitors, perfectly reproduce this resolution, even if their native one is higher.

V-sync and triple buffering

Performance impact: low.

V-sync limits the frame rate to the number of Hz of the screen, and triple buffering equalizes it to 30/45/60 in appropriate situations. These parameters have little effect on FPS by themselves. However, if the average frames per second is between 30 and 60, then it is better to turn both settings on so that the image becomes smoother.


Performance impact: the average.

Anti-aliasing makes the edges of 3D objects from the perspective currently visible to the player smooth. The technology used in World of Tanks is not known for certain, but, judging by the tests, it “eats” resources not so little, but not too much (7-12 FPS). Therefore, on weak PCs, it is better to turn it off.

Texture quality

Performance impact: average video memory consumption.

The quality of the textures determines the clarity of the appearance of all 3D models in the game. The higher the value of this parameter, the clearer their surface will be. From twisting the slider to the maximum, the game will not work slower, but a lot of video memory will be occupied. Therefore, if you have less than 2 GB, set the average value here.

Lighting quality

Performance impact:

Affects the gamma of the image, as well as the atmosphere of the image due to various dynamic effects such as a large number of light sources, sunlight, optical effects, deep shading, and more.

Even if your video card is quite powerful, but released many years ago, this parameter will affect it quite strongly. In the latest versions of chips from AMD and NVIDIA, the speed of working with complex special effects has been significantly improved, and the impact on performance in the case of them can be considered no more than average. We recommend that you set here average or low values ​​per sample, based on the information above.

Shadow quality

Performance impact: high.

Like in the vast majority of games, shadows are one of the most resource intensive effects in the game. For an online game, super-beautiful soft shadows are not so important, since all the attention of the players is focused on the battle. Therefore, it is recommended to set values ​​​​not higher than average here in order to win a dozen or two FPS at once.

Grass in sniper mode

Performance impact: the average.

Most players turn it off, regardless of the configuration of their computer, so that the natural growth of the landscape does not interfere with hanging enemies from a distance. And if you turn it on, then everyone (or almost everyone) will have an advantage, and you will have a random with salt. Yes, and you can lose a lot of personnel.

Extra quality effects

Performance impact: medium or high (depending on the "modernity" of the video card).

This setting affects the so-called particle effects: explosions, flames, dust and smoke in the air. The number of both the particles themselves decreases (the scale of explosions decreases, etc.), and the range of their visibility.

As with any special effects, the impact on performance depends on the "modernity" of your graphics adapter and ranges from medium (5-10 frames) to high (more than 10 frames). It is recommended to set the average value here or below.

Add. effects in sniper mode

Performance impact: the average.

As the name implies, this parameter is similar to the previous one, but is applicable only to the sniper aiming mode. Since in this mode the view is very limited, the impact on performance is about average, regardless of the video card.

amount of vegetation

Performance impact: average + average video memory consumption.

With this parameter, you can adjust the density of the grass and the distance it is drawn. In most games, vegetation on the ground has either a medium or high impact on performance. In the case of World of Tanks, it is average, because from every blade of grass here, fortunately, not a shadow falls. Therefore, if you want to add a certain number of frames, you can either turn off the grass completely or set the average value. But you can try high if your "machine" is powerful enough. All the same, the landscape without "bald spots" looks much more advantageous.


Performance impact: none or average (depending on the "modernity" of the video card).

Post-processing is cinematic effects that do not load the graphics card too much, like hot air or shading along the edges of objects. However, on outdated graphics chips, FPS can sag quite noticeably. Therefore, we advise you to reduce the quality at least to the middle if your video adapter is more than 5 years old.

Effects from under the tracks

Performance impact: low + low video memory consumption.

If you turn it on, then from under the tracks of your tank (or self-propelled gun) lumps of dirt, dust, snow and water splashes will begin to scatter. It looks nice and eats very few resources. Feel free to turn it on. If you are the owner of the so-called low-end PC, then we remind you that it is better to simply turn off the improved graphics rendering and there will be no such effects in the game at all, and the number of frames will immediately jump sharply.

landscape quality

Performance impact: high.

The name “Landscape detail rendering distance” would most accurately reflect the essence. At minimum values, even at close range, the ground is simplified. Because of this, you can not see any mound that is actually there, and shoot not at the enemy, but at this natural ledge. The trouble is that the Landscape Quality parameter is quite gluttonous, so if you cannot boast of a powerful PC, then you still have to lower it. But don't do it all the way.

Water quality

Performance impact: the average.

Water quality refers to the presence of waves in rivers and lakes, the effects of ripples when a tank moves along a ford, as well as reflections of equipment on the surface of a reservoir.

It is worth remembering that whenever you are in the water, you are vulnerable, and dropping frames can further aggravate the situation. Therefore, it is strongly not recommended to set too high values ​​here for any gaming system.

Decals quality

Performance impact: average video memory consumption.

Decals are, roughly speaking, textures on top of textures: traces from shells or caterpillars, dirt, leaves on the ground, and more. The setting affects their number, density and rendering distance. It should be turned on to the maximum only if you have at least 2 GB of video memory.

Detailing of objects

Performance impact: high.

Another insidious setting. On the one hand, it consumes a lot of resources, and on the other hand, it also greatly affects the image quality. Decreasing this parameter reduces the distance at which the 3D models of all objects in the game begin to become easier to draw. If you turn it to the minimum, you can win 15-20 frames, but even up close, most tanks, buildings and other elements of the environment will look terrible. Therefore, try to find a compromise by setting the slider closer to the middle if your computer is not very powerful.

foliage transparency

Performance impact: the average.

If you enable "Foliage Transparency", then close to the player, all leaves on bushes and trees will disappear, and remain only at a distance, where their density and number are much less. In this way, you can win 5-10 frames, and the picture will not suffer too much from this.

Tree detail

Performance impact: the average.

The same as "Detailing objects", only for trees. Since there are not so few of the latter in World of Tanks, it is recommended to set the maximum value here only to owners of high-performance systems.

Changing the draw distance

Performance impact: average video memory consumption.

All objects, except for tanks and artillery, will not be drawn at long distances if you set low values ​​here. This is highly recommended for graphics cards with less than 2 GB of memory.

Motion blur quality

Performance impact: low.

This effect, as they say, is not for everybody. It does not greatly affect performance, but if everything is really bad with frames per second or you just don’t like it, you can turn it off.

Dynamic change in the quality of effects

A very useful setting. Its essence is clear from the name: as soon as frames begin to sag, the quality of various special effects is immediately automatically simplified for a while.

For mid-range and weaker systems (based on the minimum and recommended system requirements of World of Tanks), this option must be enabled. Those who are absolutely confident in their “game monster” can leave everything as it is, but dying in the midst of a battle once again due to far from the best optimization of “Tanks” is still not a very pleasant prospect. So think carefully about this question.

Tracks from caterpillars

Performance impact: low.

If the "Decals" parameter is off, then tracks from the tracks will not be visible in any case. In general, this parameter does not significantly affect the speed of the game. So try turning it on.

World of Tanks graphics settings table

Once again, we summarize with the help of the table, but this time it does not contain a configuration close to the minimum system requirements. The reason, as mentioned above, is that on such a computer there is no point in poking around too much in the settings, but it's easier to put a standard render.

Click to enlarge

Thanks for reading! Come play World of Tanks at high settings on our main site, but don't forget to be outdoors more often!