
Curd Easter and its meaning. Easter

Garden do it yourself

by Notes of wild mistress

Easter is the most important and joyful Christian holiday, which in 2015 will celebrate the day after tomorrow, April 12th. Before the end of the Great Post, quite a bit of time remained, so you should already think about the festive menu and stock tasty, original and proven recipes.

By tradition, the main characters and treats of the Orthodox Easter are Easter cake, cottage cheese Easter and painted eggs. However, every year the menu of this holiday increases and becomes more modern. The culinary book "Wild" hostesses offers the original selection of traditional and modern dishes for the celebration of the brightest holiday in the year - Easter.

Traditional Easter dishes


Easter cake - a special kind of ritual festive bread, which traditionally bake from yeast dough into pure Thursday, and on Saturday it is sanctified in the church. Cooking the crude is akin to some sacrament. His main feature is not ingredients, but proper technology Cooking. For the preparation of the grip should be taken exclusively with a good mood, then the cake will succeed in successful, and next year there will be all safe in the house.

The dough for the grip requires a careful relationship to itself and puts out in several stages, between which it fits. The dough is very capricious - does not like drafts, sharp drops of temperatures, loud sounds, and does not tolerate a rush. The bake of the cake can be only in a well-preheated oven, and during this process it is impossible to disturb them. Cake readiness can be checked with a wooden toothpick, on which the dough should not be. From the form, the finished cake is not taken out immediately, but give it to cool. This is perhaps all the basic rules that should be respected by preparing cakes.

Preparation of traditional cribs

1 bag (11-12 g) dry or 50 g of ordinary yeast mix with 500 ml of warm milk and 500 g of flour. Check out the opar and leave it. Yolks are scattered with 300 g of sugar, and whites are in a tight foam. Add yolk, proteins to the approaches approached, enter 200 g of softened butter and sweep the dough thoroughly. Then add 500 g of flour, finally slow down the dough, cover it and remove it for 1 hour to an increase of it in volume by 2 times.

During this time, rinse the raisins, dry it, sprinkle with flour and add to the rushed dough. Allone to mix all over and retain for 10 minutes. Molds Lubricate with butter, sprinkle with flour and fold the dough, filling the form per 1/3 volume. Leave the filled forms for 10 minutes so that the dough is rising in them, then send to the heated oven to 180 ° C by 45-50 minutes.

Prepare the glaze, whipping a mixer in a tight foam 2 protein from 100 g of sugar, which cover the finished hot cakes.

Cooking royal slices

50 g yeast Run into 200 g of cream room temperature. Add 600 g of flour, mix and leave the pampera. When the opara rises, add 15 yolks of the gripped with 200 g of sugar and 200 g of soft butter. Pour 400 ml of cream and put 600 g of flour, 10 grains of the pushed cardamom, 50 g of almonds and 100 g of washes and zucats. Mix the dough well and leave for two hours to climb in a warm place. Then pull it again, place it in the mold, filling them on 1/3 of the volume, pre-lubricating oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Give the test to climb, after which put them in the heated oven to 180 ° C for 45 minutes.

Cooking cottage cheese Easter

Curd Easter on a par with herbs is considered the main dish of the festive easter table. For its preparation, a special detachable passage is traditionally used in the form of a truncated pyramid, consisting of 4 slims. The curd mass pressed in it acquires the type of truncated pyramid, which symbolizes the crucifixion and death of Christ.

In addition, which Curd Easter is a symbol of Easter, it still serves as a delicious dessert. It can be prepared in three ways: cooled and compressed, custard and baked in the oven.

Cooking Curd Custard Easter

1 kg of cottage cheese wipe through the sieve, add 200 g of soft butter and as much sugar, 5 eggs, 1 teaspoon of vanillin and mix. To the resulting mass, pour 400 ml of cream and mix again. Put everything on fire, and after boiling, cook for 3 minutes, constantly stirring until thickening. Connect the curd mass with candied nuts, nuts and raisins - each supplement should be 100 grams. Lay out the dough for cargo (for a serum flowing) in the butcher of the shine gauze, which we send to the refrigerator for 12 hours. When serum stalks, remove the gauze and decorate Easter.

Cooking cottage cheese compressed Easter

200 g of cottage cheese Wrap a blender or wipe through a sieve, add 2 egg yolks, 100 g of a frost cream oil, 0.5 teaspoon of vanillin and 100 g of sugar. All mix, lay out in the form, and install for a day under load.

Cooking baked cottage cheese Easter in the oven

600 g of cottage cheese put under the press so that all the extra liquid leaves it, then wipe it through the sieve. 50 g Izya rinse, mix with 40 g starch and add to cottage cheese. Rastered 6 yolks with 5 sugar tablespoons Add to cottage cheese and mix. Add gradually on a spoon whipped to stable dry foam 6 proteins with 5 tablespoons of sugar. Baking shape Lubricate with cream oil, pour breadcrumbs, put the curd mass and send it to be baked at 190 ° C for 1 hour.

How to paint eggs to Easter

Egg is one of the main Easter symbols. The biblical legend states that Maria Magdalene approached the Emperor Tiberius and stated that Jesus was resurrected! Stretching his hand with an ordinary egg, said: "Now in your eyes it will flush, which will indicate a miracle of the resurrection." After a moment, the egg became red. Since then, one of the main ritual attributes of Easter has become a painted red egg, which has already become painted in different shades with iconographic and other images.

According to tradition, one-photon painted eggs are called painted paintings, with stains - stripes depicted on them - specks, painted by patterns - with pisels.

Natural dyes Yaitz

Traditional leek husk paint eggs in brown color, blocked cabbage meat in vinegar - in blue colour, turmeric - golden shade, spinach leaves and birch kidneys - green, infused on lemon juice Dry violet flowers or dark grape juice - lavender shade. And the welded eggs in natural coffee will get painting from pink to dark brown.

Festive dishes for easter table

In addition to ritual and traditional dishes on the Easter table, a wide variety of meat, fish and other dishes are served, which could not be used during the Great Post. Therefore, all sorts of sausages, buuned, burglaries and other meat delicacies are an integral part of the festive easter table.


Bujhenin can be prepared from pork, beef, chicken and any variety of meat that you like. For this, rinse meat, blot with paper towel, soda salt and pepper. Make in meat cuts that say chopped garlic and send it to the refrigerator for 12 hours. Then tightly wrap the meat foil and put it in the oven preheated to 190 ° C for 1-1.5 hours. Cooled buoyenin cut down with thin pieces and serve on the dish.

Baked pork with mustard crust

Pork chops on the rib is one of the most valuable parts of pork carcass, so it should not be forgotten to cook to the table on the bright holiday Easter. For this, a pork with a ribe part, dear spices cooked from finely chopped parsley, green basil, mustard, oregano, coriander seeds, garlic, olive oil, salt and black freshly ground pepper. In meat, make punctures, put it in the form and send to the refrigerator for one hour. Then wrap foil and send for 50 minutes to the oven heated to 180ºC.

Jelly eggs

Jelly eggs are a unique Easter treat. For their preparation, blank egg shell. For this, the eggs should not be broken, but on the stupid end to make a small hole through which carefully remove the contents. Then the shell must be carefully flushed and dried by setting down.

Further, everything is very simple: prepare the cold for your favorite recipe. Meat with vegetables finely grind and burst it out of traditional plates, but in eggshell. Then set the filled eggs on the stand of the hole up and send to the fridge for frozen. Before serving on the table, clean the shell and decorate the jelly eggs with greens of vegetables.


Delicious meat of red fish well diversified festive Easter menus. In addition, many celebrate this holiday in nature, and the baked fish on the grill will be an excellent treat. To do this, cut the fish with portion pieces and pick it up for 10 minutes in a small dill and extruded Lyme juice. Then salute, pepper, sprinkle with olive oil, put on the grille and bake for 15 minutes.

Here are such recipes you can cook on Christ Sunday. You can find a more extensive list of traditional and modern Easter dishes on our website.

We congratulate everyone with the coming bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ! Let the part of the joy that the whole Christian people will experience in Easter, remained with you for the whole year and supported you in a difficult hour!

We notice on long tables and a white dairy dish, like a pyramid form. It is Easter from cottage cheese - one of the attributes of this bright holiday. What is her story?

And, indeed, we often ask questions: "Why on Easter cakes and eggs ...", and what does Easter symbolizes from cottage cheese?

What is Easter from cottage cheese and its meaning

"Malko Skusted" on Church Slavonic or more familiar Easter Curd - this is a specially prepared cottage cheese with eggs, sour cream, raisins and nuts. In our time, Cuccats, chocolate, various dried fruits and other delicious things fall into Easter.

This delicacy has the shape of a truncated pyramid, which symbolizes the coffin in which the greatest miracle of the Resurrection of the Lord was accomplished. Therefore, on the upper side, as in Kulich, there must be the letters "the Holy", meaning "Christ Risen!".

Easter, traditionally prepared in a special wooden passioner, but now there are plastic. On the sides of this form, in which cottage cheese lay out, images of the cross, spear, canes, as well as sprouts and colors, reflecting the suffering and resurrection of the Lord are made.

According to another version, this form of the Passover is a symbol of Heavenly Zion, the unshakable foundation of the "new Jerusalem", the city in which "the Lord God himself is an almount - the temple of his and the lamb" (apoc. 21, 22). And Easter cottage cheese means Easter fun and the sweetness of paradise life.

On the festive table Easter replaces the Old Testament Easter Lamb and reminds that the time of Old Testament victims passed. The Jewish custom demanded a bloody victim, but Christ himself brought himself sacrificing on the cross, so the need for such victims disappeared.

In the last century, sometimes the Easter table was decorated with a lamb cooked from sugar or oil, although in some localities it was customary to serve on the table and a real roasted lamb.

Easter from cottage cheese history

Curd mass, like cottage cheese itself, is one of the oldest sacred eats associated with fertility and worship of fertility deities.

Numerous antiquity rituals, such as the spring rite of the greeting of the Earth, the first plowing of the field and others were carried out with the taste of cottage cheese and other dairy products, which had a symbolic meaning.

Cottage cheese is the best thing in milk, its essence, the most nutritious and useful for a person. And the rubbed cottage cheese with sugar, and even with the best cream oil was considered the highest gift of nature.

For simple man In the past, such a rich food was only available once a year, and therefore it was preparing for a long time and from the highest quality products.

With the adoption of Christianity, tradition gradually changed, and the significance of this symbol was lost in the pagan past. It remains the main thing - for Easter, as the most important Christian holiday, was given treats with special care and love. Curd Easter was sanctified in churches and were considered blessed food.

Up to 18th century, cottage cheese masses were rather liquid and prepared from a fermented acidic milk, which was collected by the whole village.

Starting from the 18th century for the preparation of Easter, hard cottage cheese, cream or butter, eggs, sour cream and sugar were added for taste. No cheap overseas products were added - nuts, zucats, raisins and spices.

Initially, cottage cheese Easter had a view of a truncated pyramid. In addition, it is a symbol of Calvary, such a pyramid is the strongest ancient symbol of the desire for perfection.

Almost all the most ancient crops are built, resembling a truncated pyramid. Even the legendary Egyptian pyramids were originally such a form. According to many scientific, unscientific, religious and mystical theories, it concentrates energy, and in orthodox meaning - Grace of God.

Easter is raw, custard (Greet) and baked. All these species are equally delicious. And most importantly, in any Easter recipe, it is thoroughly thrust through the sieve, and it is not once. And then your Easter dish becomes the most gentle and tasty.

Easter in 2018, Chief Christian holiday, established in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, celebrate on April 8. On this day, folk fellows will begin, and the basicities will be eggs, cakes and cottage cheese Easter.

In the Orthodox tradition, Easter is considered the "king of days." The main event of the festival is a divine service in the temple. Easter service begins on the night from Saturday to Sunday. During the Great Saturday and after Easter worship services, everything is sanctified in temples.

Cooked for a festive table. The first dish during the Easter meal is an egg that is cut into pieces by the number of people sitting at the table. After that, everyone gets a sliced \u200b\u200bslicer and a spoon of cottage cheese Easter. Then the table is put on the table and the rest of the festive food.

Each family has long been prepared for Easter their company specialties, which was based on Old Russian cuisine. There were various snacks, jellys, a liver glance, a nanny - Tomny buckwheat porridge with a raggy meat and a schuch, roast with a mushroom seasoning, beef with repoka, buckhenin in a hanky trunk with beer, duck with honey or a goose fried with juniper.

Keenes and shot were cooked, domestic tinctures and wine got. The wealthy hosts served 48 different dishes - by the number of days of the existed post. But besides family eats, ritual dishes were indirect attributes.

Kulichi. To this day remain the main symbol of the holiday. Since ancient times, they had to have a furnace of such sizes so that each family member would have enough for a piece for every day of the Easter week. In addition, it was believed that in a large amount of dough it is better to get out. Kulich bake in memory of how Christ had bought bread with students to believe in his resurrection. Kulich symbolizes the presence of God in the world and in human life. The sweetness and beauty of the Easter Holor express the care of the Lord about every human suice. Therefore, ready-made cakes are richly decorated with glaze, various symbolic inscriptions (letters of the WC) and a painted peashed. It is considered if Kulich was successful, then everything will be fine in the family. Therefore, a day, when cakes are curly, there should be peacefully and deceased in the house - then nothing disturbs the suitable dough and cakes suitable in forms.

Easter eggs - The symbol of the wonderful appearance of the resurrection of Christ. According to the legend, when Maria Magdalenine brought the egg as a gift to the emperor Tiberius Egg as a symbol of the Resurrection of Christ, the emperor, doubting, said that both the egg from the white did not become red, and the dead were not resurrected. The egg in the same moment became red. Therefore, although eggs and paint in different colors, traditional is red.

Curd Easter It is customary to do in the form of a tetrahedral pyramid - the personification of Calvary. If you do not have an assistant - collapsible wooden form of four slims, - use a small round form. The main component of Easter is the rubbed cottage cheese, to which creamy oil, sour cream or cream, eggs, sugar and all sorts of additives to taste. Easter recipes suits many: boiled inenequent, sour cream and creamy, chocolate and pistachio. Easter is present on the festive table as a symbol of the Old Testament Easter Lamb and reminder that the bloody victims have passed.

At this Sunday, Orthodox will celebrate Easter - one of the most important holidays in the Christian tradition. Nevertheless, many non-religious people on this day also eat eating cake and paint eggs in advance. We learned from the priest, what are the rules that are why the cakes bake for Easter and is it possible to celebrate this day?

Andrey Posternak

a priest

Easter, eggs and cakes are preparing from time immemorial, it is obvious that this tradition arose even at that time, when there were no Christianity, although we do not know about it and in detail. The Christian tradition has invested a completely different meaning in it: an egg is a symbol of life. A story is known, which entered the lives of St. Mary Magdalene - that she brought an egg to Emperor Tiberius as a symbol of the resurrection of Christ, the birth of a new life. Of course, we do not know the accuracy of this story, but it fixed it. And it is clear that the birth of a new life and a red color (as the color of the blood of Christ) since then will become an Easter color.

Easter in shape resembles the tomb of Christ, at least there is such an interpretation, but Kulich is a memoir about the prosphore, on the one hand, and on the other - about bread, which is consecrated on Saturday, a week after Easter, and called "Arthos" .
Kulichi, eggs and Easter are traditionally sanctified on the eve of the Easter holiday, on Saturday, or, less often, on Easter day, when after the festive service, the Artyos bread is always sanctified. For a week it stands in the temple in front of the altar on a special stand - analogue, during cross Stroke He is also worn around the temple. And a week after Easter, on Saturday, it is cut into parts and distribute believing as a prosperity that an empty stomach eating. It is Arthos according to its form that is a prototype of a crumb.

It is clear that all these three types of food are preparing from unimage products: Easter also marks the end of the Great Post. And on Easter, of course, there is no rigidly regulated tradition associated with church canons - what, how and when there is. The most important thing is that there were elements of not lean meal: cottage cheese, eggs, butter. And how to prepare these dishes there and in what proportions there are no regulation. There is also no unification in the egg coloring - they can be decorated as you like. So here the ingredients themselves do not play any role, the recipe can be changed and add something from themselves, there are no special requirements for these dishes.

How to eat Easter and cake and in what sequence, also not fundamentally, because there is no rules. You can smear Easter to cake, you can not do this, cake can be dry or not, it all depends on the recipe, and here everyone chooses its own. No unification in Russian orthodox church There is no, and in different arrival and communities to this are calm.

Orthodox do not mind that non-religious people also celebrate Easter, the main thing is that there may be respect and reverence to the existing tradition.

In the night of sobboty on Sunday ends Great post And all Orthodox Christians begin to deal with. After one and a half months of abstinence, Easter meal becomes, perhaps, the most long-awaited and abundant per year. In the old days in Russia, 48 dishes were standing on the Easter table - by the number of days of the Great Post. Of course, many such an abundance will seem excessive even on the occasion of the holiday, but there is a kushan, without which it is easy for Easter.


What means.When Jesus came to the disciples, he shared me with a meal. In memory of this, the apostles left the middle place at the table unoccupied and put a piece of bread in front of him - a symbol of what the teacher is always with them. From this custom, the tradition was formed to leave in the church with a sinky bread (in Greek "Artos"). Kulich and there is a kind of home arthosis. He is sanctified in the church and distribute believers. The top of the grinding is relieved to decorate the cross, a tern wreath or letters of the KH, stuck out of the dough, but never crucify. After all, Kulich is a symbol of the victory of Christ over death.

Recipe.Flour - 1 kg, milk - 1.5 glasses, yeast - 50 g, sugar - 100 g, oil - 100 g, eggs - 5 pcs., Salt, nuts, vanilla, raisins.

Half flour pour into a pan for a dough, add heated milk and yeast and put it in a warm place. When the dough is suitable, drive into it with sugar yolks, salt, stir, add warm oil, which remained some of the flour, part of nuts, raisins and vanilla. Separately add whipped proteins into the dough. Give the test to climb, then pour into the form by filling it on 1/3. When the dough doubles twice in volume, the cake can be put in the oven and bake.


● Kulich should be high, and the dough for it is lush. Therefore, you need a baking form with high edges and many eggs.

● After the dough is poured into the form, he is contraindicated with sharp movements and shaking - it can settle.

● Kulich oven is needed at a temperature not higher than 180 degrees - otherwise the top will fry, and in the middle the dough will remain raw.

● If noted that the top is still tightened, cover it with washup paper and continue bake cake.

● The cake is taken not to cut along, but across, covering the rest of the remaining part.


What means.Symbolizes Golgotha \u200b\u200b- the mountain on which Jesus was crucified. For cooking Easter you need an assistant - a special form in the form of a pyramid. Wooden assistants are considered the best, but you can do and plastic.

Recipe.Cottage cheese - 800 g, butter - 200 g, sugar - 1 cup, thick cream or sour cream - 1 cup.

Squeezed cottage cheese thoroughly scroll, add the oil and scroll again to a homogeneous mass. Then add sugar and cream. You can put raisins, nuts or vanilla in Easter. Move everything thoroughly and put on the refrigerator for a day.


● In order for Easter to be easily removed from the mold, the asshole linse wet gauze.

● If it is too lazy to wipe cottage cheese through a sieve, skip it twice through the meat grinder.

● For cooking Easter, good cottage cheese is needed, better home. If you decide to do the shop, before starting to cook, it is necessary to remove the excess liquid from it, putting it under the oppression.


What means.One of the versions, eggs painted in red, is a symbol of blood droplets of a crucified Christ. But there is another legend. According to legend, after the death of Christ, seven Jews gathered on the feast. During the feast, one of them said that Jesus will raise on the third day. The owner of the house replied that he would believe in it only if the eggs on the table would become red. At the same time, the egg shell blushed.

Recipe.Cherry juice - 1 cup, orange juice - 1 cup, sugar - 1 cup, gelatin - 1 bag.

Take several eggs with a solid shell, carefully make a hole from a stupid end and pour content. Wash the shell thoroughly. Prepare multicolored jelly. To do this, half gelatin will fill in red juice, half yellow and let you swell. Then heat the yellow and red mass separately, until the gelatin is dissolved, gradually adding sugar. Fill the jelly eggshells and put in the refrigerator. When the mass is frozen, clean the shell.


● You can paint eggs with ready-made dyes, and you can cook "paint" yourself. Long husk Coloring eggs in golden brown color, beet juice - in pink, nettle decoction - in green, decoction of walnuts shells - in yellow.

● Apply the pattern on eggs using wax or gluing to the shell before staining the figures cut from the tape.

● If you attach a thread to the egg shell of the dill or parsley, it turns out a beautiful imprint.

With the world on thread

Easter celebrate Christians around the world. However, each country has its Easter customs.

IN England At Easter, it is customary to serve a baked lamb and decorate the table of cookies in the form of Easter bunnies. According to the legend, before, the cookies had to do in the form of a barishment (traditional sacrificial animal), but in the hands of the inept culinary culinary horns accidentally turned into long ears, and the lamb became a pretty rabbit. Bunny everyone liked that, which became a symbol of the Easter table.

IN Canada There are no special Easter dishes, but it is in this country that is the biggest egg. Its dimensions 5x8 m, weight - 2270 kg. The giant egg is made of fragments of airplanes and can turn into the wind.

On the finnishtables Traditional Easter dish - mummies (sweet rye cake with malt). Bake with mums in sites cardboard boxes And eat with cream and sugar.

IN Czech Republicin addition to painted eggs, it is customary to give each other Baranges - Gingerbread Parade.