
Spruce Glamor Globes Description Seedling. Spraychable spruce Glauca.

Vegetable crops


Spruce Spiny Glauca Glauca Globosa (Picea Pungens Glauca Globosa) -

dwarf form. The height is 1.5 - 2m, the diameter of the crown 2 - 3m. Annual increase of 8 cm per year in height and 10 cm - width. The young plant Crown loose and wrong, later becomes a binary or spherical, very dense. Shishki. elongated form, brown colorHanging. Ripen and fall the bumps in the first year. To soils undemanding. Frost resistant. Lives a spruce spiny "Glauca Globosa" to 500 years. Enough drought-resistant, resistant to smoke, gas, dust and soot.

Trunk and shoots: Dwarf birefront variety spiny. Crohn The first years of life has a slightly indisposed spherical crown, without a clearly pronounced trunk. With age, most copies are formed by the main trunk and by 30 years they can rise to 2-3 m. In this case, the crown can be both symmetrical and asymmetric. Maximum height, in climate conditions middle strip Russia reaches 3-5 m. Lives up to 500 years. Short shoots, rigid.
Needles / foliage: The needles are thickly located on the shoots, silver-blue color, bright, very prickly, not completely radial, slightly sickle form, about 1 cm long.
Fruit: Cones stretched shape, brown, hanging. Ripen and fall in the first year.
Soil requirements: It has low requirements for soil and moisture.
Lightness: Spreeless glaucoma spruce Svetigubiv.
Drought resistance: Enough drought resistant.
Frost resistance: Winter hardy. USDA zone 2.
General adaptability: Resistant to smoke, gas, dust and soot.
Purpose: Spreeless fir "Glauca Globosa" - a very popular variety of spiny small gardensFor single and group landings on the lawn and on the mountaineering. It is also used for urban landings.

Landing and care for spiny Glauer Globoz

It is impossible to allow soil seals and moisture. A landing place should be away from groundwater. It is necessary to make a drainage layer, in the form of sand or broken bricks with a thickness of 15-20 cm. If ate is planted with groups, then the distance for high firings should be from 2 to 3 m. The depth of the landing pit is 50-70cm.

It is important that the root neck was at the ground level. You can prepare special soil mixture: Sheet and ferry land, peat, and sand in a 2: 2: 1 ratio. Immediately after landing, the tree must be abundantly pouring 40 - 50 liters of water. It is advisable to make fertilizer (100-150 g of nitroammofoski, Korniner 10 g per 10 l, and the like).

Fir do not like dry hot weather, so they need to water once a week in the hot season, about 10-12 liters. Cut out shallow loosening (5cm). To sprinkle 5-6 cm with a peat around the trunk with a thickness of 5-6 cm, after winter, the peat is simply stirred from the ground, do not remove. Fir can be planted in winter.

Approximately 2 times in the season you can make fertilizer for coniferous plants.

Usually ate do not need trimming, but if they form live hedge Pruning is allowed. As a rule, the branches of patients and dry are removed. Best pruning to spend the end of May - early June, when the period of active inacciation is over.

To protect the decorative forms of ate from autumn and winter frosts, they can be littered.


An evergreen small shrub, at a young age with a loose, asymmetric, later with a widespid-shaped or flat 0 round, with very densely located branches, crown. Needle needles, thick, not completely radial, slightly sickle, silver - blue, 10 - 12 mm. Length and 1 mm. diameter. It reaches a height of 1.5 - 2 m. And the width of 2 -3 m. Annual increase in height 8 cm., In width - 10 cm. Light trim, to soils undemanding, grows on all moderately dry, fresh soils, from sour to alkaline. Frost-resistant, does not suffer from late frosts, it takes drought better than other types of firs, tolerates a certain level of air pollution, resistant to city climate, as not sensitive to dry air and heat. It is used for landscaping small sites, parks as a single plant or other coniferous and deciduous plants.

Landing fir spiny "Glauca Globosa"

Fir spiny "Glauer Globes" should be planted at outdoor places. Plants grown in the container before planting must be thoroughly pouring water. The landing pit should be more container 1.5-2 times. With the close running of groundwater or heavy soil, it is necessary to arrange drainage from the ceramzit or gravel layer 20 cm. Fill landing pit It is better for a mixture of removed soil and peat in a 1: 1 ratio. It is desirable to add a complex mineral fertilizer in the ratio of 5 grams to the mixture. per 1 liter of the mixture. This transition layer will contribute to better germination of roots into the soil. Root neck plants should be at the ground level. Planting a plant thoroughly shed water. It is advisable to climb the ride or peat. When planting a plant with a lounge of land, it is necessary to make a stimulator of the root formation (corneser, radio, according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Wintering fir spiny "Glauca Globosa"

Frost-resistant grade. But, in the early annestrial period, when the bright sun shines, and the soil has not yet been eliminated, the young plants are possible to burn burns. To prevent solar cuts of the plant, it is necessary to "be pronounced" in January-February with a spruce vegetable or agrofluorine. You can remove the shelter after the soil fell out. Make it best in a cloudy, windless day.

Water care spiny "Glauca Globosa"

In the year of planting the plant is more often watered, because root system compact and is not able to independently consume moisture and nutrients From the soil. In subsequent years, it is preferably 1-2 times a week to produce in a dry season, especially for young plants. In order for moisture to evaporate from the earth's surface slower, you need to make mulching with pine bark or chip (layer 5-7 cm.), Then watering can be done less often - when dried up the top layer of the Earth. Spring (April - May) feeding can be produced by nitroammophos (30-40 g / m2) or complex mineral fertilizers For coniferous plants. In the fall (October) it is necessary to make potash-phosphoric fertilizers. With the damage to the plant with fungal diseases (fuzariosis, spruce spruce), the processing of fungicides (Topcin, Ordan) is necessary. Treatment repeat after 7 - 10 days. Preventive treatment against fungal diseases - in April Bordeaux liquid 1%. With damage to plants in pests (Hermes, spruce gallicle) it is necessary to treat insecticides (actar, confident). Processing twice with an interval of 7-10 days.

Pruning fir spiny "Glauca Globosa"

Since this variety ate is slowly growing, and the most widely acquires a colon-shaped crown that forming regular trimming is not required. Plants leave to grow naturally, trimming is needed only if the shoots are damaged. In this case spend sanitary trim. In some cases, the second strong escape close to the top of the plant can develop, and it can compete with the main stem. It is important to remove the growing leader's competitor to prevent it from forming a split trunk, which can subsequently break away, injure the plant. If necessary, you can form a vertical escape, toning it to the peg.

One of the most popular plants used in landscape design - Spruce spiny "Glauer Globes". This plant is known since 1937, when it was brought by a selection path from the seeds of the spruce. In 1955, the plants were for the first time on sale, after which they became the regulars of urban parks, gardens and squares.

Spruce Glauer Globes is widely used for decoration by landscaped designers of Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia. It is often a decoration of the central and honorary places of the city - Alley and Parks of Fame. Blue Beauty, unlike happy eye of urban residents throughout the year, giving scenery magnificence.

A spruce "glaucoma" is a dwarf tree, in the first years of life is a plant with a spherical crown. It does not have a clearly pronounced trunk. Only after about 12-15 years old, the main escape appears, which forms the triangular form of ate "glaucos of the globe", and it changes a spherical view of the pyramidal. If the plant does not cut, then in all its lives it reaches a growth of not more than five meters, has a triangular crown to three meters wide at the base. However, the shape of the ball is most popular and most often used in landscape design. This form is achieved easily, since the spruce spiny "glaucoma" is superbly a haircut, for which they loved by designers.

Considering that the tree grows very slowly, growing up for about 8-9 centimeters in about 8-9 centimeters, the form that it was given during the haircut will remain for a long time. This plant lives up to 500 years. The needles of about one centimeter long is very thick on the shoots, so the tree not only has an elegant blue color, but also very fluffy. On the branches are formed elongated cones that resemble new Year decoration And they give elderly.

Landing and care

Given that this plant is a magnificent decoration even for small household plots, a spruce spiny "glaucoma" is always on sale in specialized stores. The tree is not particularly demanding to the soil. The crown of such a decorative Christmas tree does not break under the severity of snow. Fir corner-resistant, resistant to urban dust, dirt and soot. Saplings are best acquired by the already prepared for landing, but it is possible to grow the church by himself, putting seeds. However, there is a chance that the growing plant will lose its magnificent silver-blue color - it is still preserved at half the seedlings grown from seeds. The tree does not require special care and feeding, but still it is recommended to clean the crown from snow in winter to avoid the formation of a naked on needles, as well as to wash the plant for summer period From dust to preserve his decorative blue view. Fir spiny "Glauer Globes" may be susceptible to pest attack, such as spruce solar, cored, spruce leaflet. Special remedies and constant preventive treatment of the plant will help to get rid of them.

Fir spiny "Glauca Globosa"

(Picea Pungens "Glauca Globosa")

General characteristics

Dwarf form of blue spruce. A slowly growing plant, with an annual increase of about 8 cm. In the ten-year-old age reaches a height of 1.0 - 1.5 meters, the crown diameter is about 1.5 meters. The needles are thick, white-blue, about 1 cm long. Crown in youth asymmetric, later spherical, with very densely located branches.

Cryers 6-10 cm long and 3-4 cm wide, cindergic. Immature - greenish yellow, mature - light brown, with rhombic scales. Cones hanging, ripening and falling in one year.

Optimal conditions cultivation and rules

Demanding of soil fertility. On moderately moistened soils, it develops better, but does not endure the convergence. Transfers drought better than other types of firs. Svetolyuba. High frost resistance. Well tolerate trimming. To maintain a rounded or squat form of the crown, it is necessary to delete vertically growing return shoots. In arid weather, an additional watering and sprinkling in the evening is necessary. In the first year after landing it is necessary to shaping in the spring

Methods of breeding

Spank the fir tree with a heel. The shower is better to spend in spring - in late April - early May. When using growth regulators, it is possible to shine in the fall. Cutting cuttings in cloudy weather from the middle part of the crown of trees with age from 5 to 10 years, preferably from the northern side. A sharp movement down the twig of 6-10 centimeters long with a part of the old bark and wood. Before planting the "heel", slightly cleaned with a knife, removing chevy and irregularities, but you can not damage the bark. For better rooting, the cuttings are kept in a solution of growth regulators during the day. Cuttings rooted on a plot or in greenhouses. The cuttings are planted in the soil obliquely at an angle of 30 degrees to the surface of the soil at a depth of 5-6 centimeters. Duration of rooting 1.5 - 4.5 months. The cutlets first formed shoots, then roots. Sometimes for the first year only Callyus appears (in the end of a yellow-willed color cutter) and only for the second year - roots.


It looks great stony gardens, in containers, in single and group landings. Separate attention deserves a strambed form of ate Glauca Globosa. Such an original blue bowl will decorate any garden.

Blue beauty, or spruce spruce, came to us from distant North America, where she mainly grown in high mountains At an altitude of several thousand meters. In Russia, he was introduced in 1858 in one of the botanical gardens and today became the favorite of all exhibitions, it is also often used in landscape design. Frost resistant, not demanding of the soil, light-headed - such unpretentious plant You can plant almost in any corner of your site. Modern dachanks, this spruce conquered a dense and dense crown, a noble tint and incredible beauty. Blue spruce can live 400 -500 years. Read more about what kinds exist and how to care for them, read further.

Spiny glaucy fir has 3 main types, actually blue spruce and 2 of her dwarf varietieswhich are called spruce glaucos and spruce glaucy

Elo glaze

Picea Pungens Glauca. refers to the family of pine, height adult tree Can reach 20-30 meters, Crown has a cone form. The needles are distinguished by a special county, in length can reach 3 centimeters, covered with a layer of a wax flyer, which gives the needle unusual color. On average, for the year, a young escape can grow by 30 centimeters height and up to 15 in width. The cones reach a length of 11 centimeters.

Spruce Glamor Globa

A dwarf species of ate, which is characterized by very slow growth, so when buying, keep in mind that the height of the plant will be a little more meter Somewhere in 20 years. Just as higher representatives of the spruce, the glaze is not demanding of the soil, frost resistant and will not give you special troubles. In the first years, move a young seedling from straight bright rays in early spring, And after the tree is strengthened, these measures will not be needed. In the form of a spruce glauca or Picea Pungens 'Glauca Globosa' has a ball shape, and an adult plant, if it is not trimmed, the width will be more than in the height, the ratio of about 3 to 2. Do not forget about moderate watering in summer time, especially if your Christmas tree is located on the sunny side.

Wood glaucie conic

Picea glauca f. Conica is also a reduced version of the big blue spruce, the height of the adult plant can reach 4 meters, diameter 2 meters. This variety was brought from Canada, so you can also meet the name " Canadian fir" The needles are soft, in contrast to the main species. The average increase in the year will be only 3-4 centimeters. Glauing Konica telebital plantso highlight her the corner away from direct sunlight. The transplant to the ground is made from spring to late autumn. The young plant will better cover the winter and during the first spring rays. The miniature view of the seedling often confuses, and many, buying a small pot blue fir, try to grow it at home. Unfortunately, this species requires low temperatures in winter and at home just will not survive.

Landing ate glauco

Eugene glaucie is a light-loving plant, but it will grow well in both shaded places, so choosing a place, focus on the wealth of sunlight so that the soil is not constantly wet. Avoid landing in a possible area of \u200b\u200bflooding groundwater. If you want to protect the tree from possible flooding, then use drainage. To the soil, this type is unpretentious, better if it is moisturized loam. Problems may occur only when landing into limestone. Replane young shoots in the spring, in April, so that they have enough time to grow to winter.

I dug up the hole for a new tree, do not forget to add land from the coniferous forest to it, then the tree will come true faster, the roots will better absorb trace elements, since the soil brought will be rich in microcrises.

Wood glaucy, care

Like all ate, blue handsome is not demanding in care. The main rule is not to overflow and do not cut the ground. Overflow is terrible by rewarding the root system, and drought the lack of water for further development. In the summer, be sure to water the trees once a week. Glauca perfectly tolerate frosts even to -35 ºС. Do not forget about feeding plants once a year for the first few years, special compositions are commonly used for conifers.

Young seedlings for the first two years protect from the rays of hot spring sun, which can simply burn the needles, and also cover the beauty for the winter and additionally mulch peat.

Diseases and pests spruce glasses

A spruce, which does not require frequent watering and processing, and simply pleases the owners with its natural beauty, still needs attention. Little pests can cause great damage and coagulate wood. The main problems that gardeners may encounter, it is:

  • cobed tick. In your victims usually chooses dwarf species Plants. If you have noticed a thin cage on the needles and yellow spots on the needles, then the tick has already begun on your plant. To cope with this problem, use acaricidal comprehensive preparations;
  • stem pests. A characteristic feature of their presence is the formation of small holes on the tree bark and in its trunk. It is necessary to act immediately without delay, since small bugs can destroy a small tree. To get rid of the unintelligible guests, treat infected places insecticidal preparations.
  • aphid. The failure is located on the lower branches and the tree cortex, to notice the green pests in size in 2 mm is sometimes difficult, so they are armed with a magnifying glass or glasses. It will help you to get rid of aphid, a soap solution will help you to handle infected places so that soap does not fall on the roots. Also remove damaged branches.

Possible diseases:

  • Mushroom Rhizosphara Kalkhoffii.. The first bell is the yellow needles at the end of summer, which over time they can have fun or become burgundy. Then the needle is poppy. To combat fungus, use system fungicides.
  • MushroomKabatina.. This type of infection causes gradually withering the upper escapes, leading to a complete drying of the tree. For the struggle, multiple treatment with systemic fungicides is also used.

Wheel glaucy in landscape design

Probably, a spruce of glaucos can be called one of the most popular plants in landscape design. The noble blue-green needles, its dense structure and ease of care allow us to use it in fact everywhere. Living hedges made of ate will create a pleasant shade and separate one zone from the other. The site will also win more than high and dwarf views of this perennial Plant. The main thing is to take into account future growth so that they do not interfere with each other and did not create an additional shadow on light-affiliated neighbors.

Glauing Globes in the form of blue balls will look great on the lawn and along the driveway. You can also easily plant dwarf trees on individual vases and change their location. The shape of the ball will have to be maintained, but since the fir grows very slowly, it will be necessary to do it often.

You can easily meet the blue fir in the city center, even urban parks and arborets are decorated with cheeks, since the plant is steadily for urban pollution.

Wood glauca, photo

Blue fir does not change its needles, so in winter, and in the summer it looks equally beautiful.

Wood glauca, video