
Ancient treatise: Chakra Muni. The essence of being

Vegetable crops

The essence of being.

The ancient esoteric work of Being the ancient esoteric work of Being (Sanskrit name of Chakra Muni) is perhaps the most ancient and revered from the human civilization that have come down to this day. The source of origin, which averaged humanity for thousands of years, is not amenable to scientific explanation. The treatise is inherently not a religious document, but nevertheless it had a huge influence of almost all theological teachings and religions of the world. This happened because the content of the treatise on a lot exceeded the level of knowledge of that time and was interpreted within the understanding of the knowledge of knowledge and truths in the document. The source of the appearance of this treatise is unknown.
With antiquity, several variants of the document texts are known. The ancient Indian source "Samaranga" tells about the texts of the moon of the fallen on Earth in the desert of Tar a few thousand years before the heyday of the kingdom of "Harapla", when the "Brahmi" treatise (who gave the name of the most ancient of famous Indian writings) became the basis for the formation of the religious and social structure of society (Early "yajur-veda"). This, approximately, 3.5 - 4 thousand years BC. It was this document that initiated the formation of a religious and philosophical flow, which is currently known as "yoga".
The first mentions of B. Ancient Egypt (Ero Pretch Cher) about the "testament of God Ptah" / Egyptian name / refer to the period of the early kingdom of Kemes, the Men / One Hephon Dynasty dynasty /, and tell about divine revelations that were known to the Egyptian priests for many more thousands of rains of rains before the foundation White walls / Ancient name Memphis - later the oldest capital of Egypt. If you try to spend simple calculations in time, then this is also about 4 thousand years before AD. The Egyptians considered the source of the origin of the text ancient deceased civilization. The treatise entitled "Fire Truth Rubrum" was also known and Sumerian civilization, or rather Prashumer, for a long time before the emergence of Assyria and Babylon, /T.n. The kingdom of Akkada. Ancient clay plates reported to us recorded by Clean end individual figures of the treatise and the version of origin similar to the Old Indian. Sumerians believed that letters "descended from heaven."
In ancient Tibet, the treatise of Chakra Muni is known from II - a thousandth anniversary BC. Texts apparently came from India or China. The heyday of Chakra Muni on Tibet refers to the 9th century BC, when the treatise practically contributed to the ageal of a new world religion - Buddhism. It is believed that Chakra Muni manuscripts had a significant influence on the formation of Buddhism, in particular, in Sidardhu Gautam (Prince of the Ancient-Plant Principality) as the founder of the Buddhist canon. But nevertheless, the manuscript himself did not enter the Buddhist Canon Gangeshur, although he received distribution on Tibet, as a revised treatise "The Kingdom of Dharma - the Lord of the Dead." In ancient China, the symbolic interpretation of the main provisions of the Treatise "Book Shu Jing" was given in the ancient fundamental philosophical work "Idzin" (Book of Changes). In the future, the main provisions of the treatise formed the basis of the main philosophical schools of the ancient China: Taoism (Laosza, Zhuangzi), Confucianism (Confucius, Manzi) and Mystov Schools (Motzza). On the territory of the Roman Empire at the beginning of the I - II century AD. The texts of the treaty were based on the basis of the religious and philosophical flow - Gnosticism, which in the II - III of the century was on the influence of the chief rival of early Christianity (Vasilid, Heraklean, Karpokrat).
In the entire history of mankind, one way or another associated with the knowledge of the meaning of the meaning in the texts, only the units of people were able to know the meaning of these instructions. In particular, in Buddhism they were ranked for Amitab - a living Budde. Now directly about the texts. Their exact number is unknown. Until now, it came only a few relative to ancient documents with different number of poems (sometimes rhymed, sometimes not, as a result, it is possible to speak only conditionally about verses). Semantic load in verses, on different languagesAlso different. Each variant of the text of the treatise, before reaching us, was translated from the tens of times. Not always translators could find the equivalent meaning of words during translations, some values \u200b\u200bare completely lost, the others have changed the meaning. So certain distortions of the initial text are inevitable, for example, in Sanskrit over 20 concepts of space, and in the present translation of them 4-5, which most of the values \u200b\u200breplace. This can be said about such terms and concepts, as a spirit, soul, field, mind, which are distinguished by a significant number of semantic interpretations of non-modern analogues. For example, in Russian water can only be called water, and either otherwise. On Sanskrite, it can be called Ar, Ambhas, Udaka, Udan, Kilala, Jala, Toya, Dharya, Payas, Vari, Salila, Hala. The modern translation into Russian is made in order to adapt the philosophical sound of the treatise to our time as close as possible.
Unfortunately, it was necessary to sacrifice the form of poems, some semantic interpretation, concepts in the text, replacing them with more affordable and modern for our time, spoken speech and terminalogium. The total number of texts in documentary sources (lists) ranges from a few hundred to 5 thousand. In a number of ancient lists, along with the texts of the treatise, post -tetext comments were attended by separate parts of the treatise, which created additional difficulties when selecting and transferred directly to the texts of the treatise. Of the total number of applications that have reached us, translated and interpreted (at the present level of requirements for similar primary sources) is not more than 20%. This text contains the first 60 texts. The logical passes are visible, it is probably the places of lost poems, but in general, all these texts are included in the first hundred. The treatise itself consists of some of the two parts - the main part of which is about 350 poems, and a special part, a volume of several thousand poems. The main part is as it would be a challenge of the basic principles of the universe and future goals achievable for knowledge of students. The special part, the greatest in volume, determines the practical ways to know and achieve the truths of the main part of the treatise. The story is waveled, while maintaining a constant relationship and carrying out the parallel between the person, earthly problems and global physical and philosophical concepts, problems, theories. This translation was made from Sanskrit, where the text was preserved the most integer, with a comparative analysis with the ancient Chinese version of the text.
Unfortunately, we still do not have access to the Tibetan manuscript "The Kingdom of Dharma - the Lord of the Dead", which is most famous in the scientific circles under the Sanskrit name of Chakra Muni and who, who ever has become less distortion. Naturally, in the early Buddhist manuscripts there are frequent references to the texts of the treatise, as one of the main sources of origin of Buddhism. But the bulk of these documents is located in closed books storage stations of the boudist monasteries and is not available to scientists. Before you start reading texts, you must remember that in front of you the scientific and philosophical treatise. It is a complex complex of esoteric knowledge and theories, the depth of which is so striking that modern scientists are simply not able to offer a relatively satisfactory hypothesis of their origin. It is possible that the meaning of the meaning in the treatise is somewhat different, and we are under the impression of our own modern theories, but there are too many coincidences. To our regret, Currently, science is not able to give at least one acceptable to all explanation about the sources of served as the basis for creating this work.

The essence of Being - Chakra Muni (some excerpts)

How empty in the cavity is deaf
Invoted abyss of frank
At the bottom of the silence of your mind
Learn the truth of the universe.

The wall of the thoughts closed the circle
Your dumb contemporary,
And in the emptiness the mind drowned,
Removing the days of the old shiny.

Through the cover of transparent power
Pin in the mind of the Creator beam:
Why did the power of the world worked?
Watch - on the end of the end of the end ...

But your thought is freezing without the oppression
And without support. The world of land
Stayed where there is no flight,
In captivity with life fate.

The world of Star is kept secret.
As an anthill is ragged,
Light closed in the causal connection
You should see her yourself.

Reset from subconscious chaos truth
Before the mystery of the highest way
After all, knowing the meaning of life
They should reappear.

There is a mystery of secrets from the Mirozdanya:
In the brain tomb, the power lies,
Digure and distance
She leaves the spark life ...

On the tip of mighty forces
Take off above the closed medium
To know the whole world of omnipotent
And the world is insignificant under it.

Inside the endless space
Supermost thoughts mummy.
Relate themselves with the same kingdom
Rethinking being.

You will be higher and stronger
Worlds whose will under your
You will see the Spirit of Ripening
And hear thoughts in humans.

Misty Spirit
Let it fall to you from the abyss
And revitalized the wilderness
Sinking thoughts - the gift is useful.

You extend your modest century,
In instit the experience of hundreds!
But even a wise man
Clemented against the term of the flesh.

From weekdays not tired
In the fruit-branch branch, be,
The world in surrounding is known
Continue in the clad path.

Do not suppress the instincts of life,
Give them clean mind
Harmony should be meaning
And the mind - the measure of everything.

Inside you and out of you
Two worlds - internal and external,
One in another moving
One in this eternal struggle.

Appreciate the flow of the fate of its
Owing everyone that he gives
Do not forget cyclical days:
Everything will become a rush, everything will go.

Nothing is ever in the world of this,
But death - immortality feature,
You do not disappear without a trace
Change the forms of life you.

You die in feelings, body
And part of the mind, but the spirit
Re-reborn for the sake of
Let the mystery of the word touches the rumor!

Already with its existence
You change the world of earth
All changes - for the sake of Knaging,
You generate the world of others.

And therefore, do not be afraid,
The end in the endless world is not,
But without a trace of work, do not hide -
Give life to others, give your light.

The Tree of Life is strong roots
Passions in the arms of fuss,
Look for harmony and remember:
You are the Creator myself for your destiny.

And let you are powerless before the sky
But loyalty in the heart Save,
With peace in thoughts, follow the goals
Fill the meaning years, days.

Let you neither first nor the last
In a number of people who went into the world,
But the thoughts that give rise to genius,
Does not see the ghostly wave.

Let the wisdom field silently,
The medium of stars and darkness dissolved,
All power - in you, yes not conditional:
The core of the Creator is given to you.

Wandering eyes between shine
Among the deep MGLL Heaven,
Understand that the world is very
And fragmented by the centuries all.

Multidian world, multiple,
In captivity in the time of a long time
In the chains of Movement without refund ...
Everything is predetermined.

All visible - only the surface,
But in the depths of hidden the essence,
The nature of time is eternity,
For all paths there is an eternal path.

Spiral space without border,
Where is the time - the lords with a sword,
Rushing in a wrestler ...
- Tell me, your dream about what?

Ring Times should be closed,
By connecting the end with the beginning!
Suddenly ... It all happened ... Completed:
AND new world exploded with heat.

Cosmos exploded, decaying
The world arose and Gus again.
Matter rushed, compressing,
To break back and glow!

So an infinite marriage
Everything comes back again
The wave is played with wave,
To repeat the reflection.

The circuit of the cycles of Mirosiednya
The mystery of mind is given,
To find the fruit of Poznan
He realized himself.

Still there is a mystery in the essence of the world -
No absolute void
In the void connection, the force is hidden,
More is more difficult for this ease.

All emptiness - Coupling particles,
Unity of the power of the Mirozdanya,
Source, giving birth moment,
Spiral world Poznanya.

From eternal subsoil flows
Any time, spaces of worlds,
Giving the sunny sprout
For galactic tents.

Inflatable frames of planets
Before the inevitable limit
Picks up the abyss abyss measures
To once again give birth to the worlds skillfully.

And in this abnormality is infinite
Time flux flies
Peschinca, with her unparalleled -
Your spirit that the abyss will conquer.

But to break out of captivity
And the neighboring world to know
Time is given, change,
To exist on earth.

Death comes to change life
But life for death is not always
Everyone should remember this
So as not to fug in the century.

The more density in space,
The less speed inside.
Here - the time of the slow kingdom,
There is a speed of dawn.

You can squeeze the space by force,
Arrow to pierce
And the thought of brave, lung
You can live in the new world.

Breaking the wall of silence,
Space space world - tent,
Where among the star rapid
Again an unknown bonfire.

Cooking is infinitely in the world
The fire is unable we blend,
And space is still wider,
For those who have chosen the way.

For everyone - your cencle,
Your experience and destiny your own
Their secrets of the Mirozdanya
Where part and the whole - outside the "I".

The deeper the knowledge of the depth
The thinner we feel the world.
Top brighter life time,
And the thought creates a beautiful feast,

Having rhythms, proportionality
In the chain of events and times
But maintaining the strength of loyalty,
Thought is aware that the spirit of the captive ...

All-framed unity!
The axis of life - Eternity is given
And even chaos desires -
The essence of a harmonious wave ...

You are part of the substance reasonable
The fruit of those who lived and live
And "I" yours - part of the power of the wise,
Not aware of the connection of the thread.

But to reveal yourself
And feel unity of communication
Open the world, the world is loving,
For the strength of a free break!

"I" woven from three started:
One thing - you yourself, like a center in the world,
The second is created by others
So that you realize them in thoughts
Yourself similar,
And the third "I" - what's above you ..

Know yourself
So that the flesh is subject to you,
So that the will expressed "I",
What is over you - the unity of halo.

When the shackles are falling down,
And "I" knows the power of accomplishment,
Then sadness will go away
Perfect will be feeling.

Limit of mind, know, no,
Through the will and decrease,
Arrow will send you thoughts light
Until every goal in aspiration.

And as the Creator of Fate People
His power that from the Spirit
You will know the kings
Over the horizon of eyes and hearing.

Not immediately, slowly comes
Possession of the power of immense
How light beam she breaks
The darkness of the abyss zipper instantaneous.

And this powerful salary
You will highlight the whole world around,
Let's comprehend the passions of the rim,
And grave advantage of evil ailment.

Faceless bodies
Nature of life deprived
You can suddenly move away
Mighty willow endowed.

Giving souls this force
Filling out the mind of the body
You will restore the connection with the ether,
Where the highest mind is waiting for you.

And, overlooking itself with the mind,
Break up with the past
And get your highest house
What the reserved was fate.

You like the phenomenon of being,
Like a drop in the ocean
Restal his own "I",
As the ocean, Rezy Tsunami ....

These first 60 katrenoes are entry into the main text of the treatise, which allows you to make an independent conclusion about the value of all intimate labor.


Once in a different measurement,
Calling the law of other worlds
You will drive a moment
And launch the spiral of the centuries.

You yourself will warm the worlds
Preregramonious at the beginning.
Worlds crystal to pore
And at sunset - darkness sorrow.

Giving birth ... you ask them
Heyla, growth, risen,
We will program a lesson
For learning to cognten

Giving birth ... you give and death,
But the opportunity to revive
For those who come to the cheer
And it will be a spirit awaken,

And know yourself and captive
To overcome cheer
Get out of the Verig Change
And the fruit of knowledge mature.

Conditions for all your
But the goal is one for time,
Fill the light of knowledge days.
He will surpass who is lit.

And if you leave the time
Paradiai Belfare,
That will get the limit of Poznan:
The end of the ends in yourself will find ...

And eternal in eternity alive,
Unprecedented and immortal
You will get in the soul
For knowledge and mind is forbidden.

No words at the beginning, only thought,
And this thought is the meaning of the desire,
What revives a miracle - life,
Source from the sea remember.

The source of mystery world
Fantasy game Creator:
So appears surf
And the first sigh, the end limit,

Where the beginning is started
For all times and all moments.
Otherwise, I didn't sound the word
In the words of deep revelations.

In the depths of times - silence,
Which combines the rhythms of the world
For miga mature sound
In the bottomless belays of the ether.

Mystery of Birth of Light,
Of that initial moment
That launches many summer
There is an explosion of spiritual creativity!

Fire love gives birth to the world
Worlds and the abyss of all time.
There is no words when the ether creates
That the strength of thought is created.

Creation is similar to destroying:
Unity is all embodied
Then beyond different opinions,
Everything in combination is grown.

Where something is there, there is something no,
Since time, then there is no time
Where are you? The medium of a set of planets ...
Where is the light? Where is he captured!

And light and darkness in the connection,
But to understand, we need time
To comprehend creativity.
For the Tree of Life you need a seed ...

No thought if no minutes
In which thoughts ripen,
But silently who knows it
And he says who is in a bunch of Put.

Once zipper rinse
Through the world, having fed the essence of love,
And the star march himself,
Futing the spirit of the world of Javi!

Gori forever all times!
Create worlds of universes wonderful,
Your spirit for this is born
Creator in the srices of emerald.

Continued katrenov
For the rhythmic echo katrenov, the originals of the text of the text from the Forum "Higher Forms of Consciousness" were used

That chaos truth that in you
Snake wrapped a flawed mind
Forced to swim by the sea Dum,
And gave shackles on fate.

Or a little more:

Your mind is able to perceive
Only chaoticism.
Because of him you are in doubt the cargo.
Your mind is a fragment of the whole consciousness, you are a person.
Melts a drop in the ocean of eternal bonds.

In the shakes of the Tisch Time
You see only illusory.
Inside you all the power of centuries,
All the knowledge, truth and liberty.

How to destroy that threshold,
What would you get out of the darkness of the Spirit?
How to gain a fruit
In the unity of vision and hearing!

Reality is hidden - load locks.
We zirm just that the eye is visible,
And the fact that it is not reachable
Opened synthesis of minds.

Cross the forbidden circle
Only the spirit of the sublime will be able
That in the universal dome sows
Without bill grains of their servants.

The path to the highest forces of all heavens
By initiation goes.
And the oath give you aim,
What you will not leave the world of miracles.

Only chosen by the whole world,
But do not regret anyone here.
Keep the heart of our secret,
After all, you came to a sought feast.

You are in three bodies at the same time
One for eyes available to everyone
The other is hidden not quite
But the third is true, nonsense.

The bodies of those - the spirit of the state,
Steps to the truth in yourself.
You will find everything here is Poznań,
To realize the limit of fate.

You like a novice, honor priests,
What is given to you for enlightenment.
And that this patience
Changed the will of the pride.

Polarity do not honor the kumir
They are borders on the way.
In harmony and peace
You will be able to find.

Eat in joy without moving
Sleep in the rhythm of the day, but the measure know,
Consciousness is not distracting,
Socia do not reject.

For the purposes of chosen to you,
The path should be clear in the light.
Volania should not
You will turn your way.

Navigate three bodies
Their sevenness, continuity,
Octaves, Rainbow Find,
Similarity, their inevenivity.

Sit down, lean in a cool volume,
And dedicated to you
Your will absorb will
And the Spirit will go to the top layer.

You will sit down, do not sleep,
And sray with closed eyes,
Priests and place and yourself
And the spirit of the heat with its lights.

But the spirit that hovers over the body
Unable to manage yourself.
So that the will see under the sight
Not a small way to pass your own.

Let the priest indicate a star
In the dark night sky
Approach her to himself, to the brow,
You will enter her heat.

Ecumenical darkness endless edge
Nastigny, expanding spirit
Absorbing everything
Billion forms, comprehend paradise.

You are part of the Mirozdanya system
And the universe is part of you,
So feel the good of the vagina,
About stars Space of furrow.

Feel the state of the measure
When there are no closed gates,
Give yourself to the arms of faith,
So as not to depend on the barriers.

You can be free everywhere,
Aware of things.
In any century detail
You can see without eyes.

Learn to own yourself in space,
Let the center be in a moment,
As the center of the universe in your kingdom
She will unite your world.

How in the shell of boundaries from thought
Moving deeper into
You are in the center of the world of the world all lifting,
Sign, rebellious by Miriad in the morning.

Switching the borders of spheres
And opening a new world
Overcoming any limit
After all, the multiced and ether.

The world is only perceive,
Spirit in the power spectrum change,
Create yourself how to play
In the worlds: from the end and before the conception.

Here's time to reverse! Worlds Creation
From spiritual spheres on the earth plan,
Earth, as essentially different!
Star - the basis of inspiration.

And the world that density is groping,
And the world, what the gate limit,
In the arms of the rainbow shining
Available will be for you.

And every time, having passed the threshold,
Stepping on the step swelling
You will feel your breath like rock,
That all boundaries blow down.

But again threshold crossing
Inhaling energy delight
You, thirst to know without quenching,
We again lead for knowing bargaining.

Library "Researcher"

Chakra Muni.

The essence of being

The ancient esoteric work of the essence of Genesis / Sanskrit name of Chakra Muni / is perhaps the most ancient and revered of human civilization that have reached to this day. The source of origin, which averaged humanity for thousands of years, is not amenable to scientific explanation. The treatise is inherently not a religious document, but nevertheless it had a huge influence of almost all theological teachings and religions of the world. This happened because the content of the treatise on a lot exceeded the level of knowledge of that time and was interpreted within the understanding of the knowledge of knowledge and truths in the document. The source of the appearance of this treatise is unknown.

With antiquity, several variants of the document texts are known. The ancient Indian source "Samaranga" tells about the texts of the moon of the fallen on Earth in the desert of Tar a few thousand years before the heyday of the kingdom of "Harapla", when the "Brahmi" treatise (who gave the name of the most ancient of famous Indian writings) became the basis for the formation of the religious and social structure of society (Early "yajur-veda"). This, approximately, 3.5 - 4 thousand years BC. It was this document that marked the beginning of the formation of a religious and philosophical flow, which is currently known as "yoga". Later, the texts of the treatise "Brahmi" had enormous influence on the formation of a number of Old Indian philosophical trends, such as Sankhy (Kapila) and Vaisheshika (Cano, Prashastapada), as well as the Upanishads.

By this time, the text of the Aktat was already known from the early Tharmal kingdoms of Western Gyindukusch and in the territory of Ancient Beloohistan (Eamsky Letters - "Sacred Book Dzian"). The basis of the ancient Persian sacred canon of Zoroastrians IAVESTII was the Supreme Divine of Fire (Persian Name), the Supreme Divine of Fire (Persian Name), set out by the Prophet Zoroastroy about 3.5 thousand years ago. But directly themselves, Ahuramazdi, were widely known on the territory of Persia and Central Asia, long before the appearance of texts of the IAVesti. Their appearance apparently comparable in time with the appearance of this manuscript in the territory of Ancient India. The first mentions in the ancient Egypt (the texts of the ER, Pretch Cher) about the "testament of God Ptah" / Egyptian name / refer to the period of the early kingdom of Kem, the Men / One Hephon Dynasty dynasty /, and tell about the divine revelations that were known to the Egyptian priests for many more Thousands of rain seasons to the base of the White Walls / Ancient name of Memphis - later the oldest capital of Egypt. If you try to spend simple calculations in time, then this is also about 4 thousand years before AD. The Egyptians considered the source of the origin of the text ancient deceased civilization. The treatise entitled "Fire Truth Rubrum" was also known and Sumerian civilization, or rather Prashumer, for a long time before the emergence of Assyria and Babylon, /T.n. The kingdom of Akkada. Ancient clay plates reported to us recorded by Clean end individual figures of the treatise and the version of origin similar to the Old Indian. Sumerians believed that letters "descended from heaven."

Antique Greek historian and philosopher Herodotus, Operating on the ancient Egyptian sources, tied the texts of God's Path with mysterious and ancient civilization "Atlantis", killed in the bay of the sea 8 - 11 thousand years ago. By the way, in the most Ancient Greece The texts knew as "the secrets of the Underground God of Aida" and they fell into Greece through the Minos kingdom, apparently from Egypt. The treatise had a great influence on the ancient philosophy of Greece, various philosophical schools and flows (Falez, Levkipp, Heraklid, Aristotle). In ancient Tibet, the treatise of Chakra Muni is known from II - a thousandth anniversary BC. Texts apparently came from India or China. The heyday of Chakra Muni on Tibet refers to the 9th century BC, when the treatise practically contributed to the ageal of a new world religion - Buddhism. It is believed that the "Chakra-Muni" manuscripts had a significant impact on the formation of Buddhism, in particular, in Sidardhu Gautam (Prince ancienthenepalsky Principality) as the founder of the Buddhist canon. But nevertheless, the manuscript himself did not enter the Buddhist Canon Gangeshur, although he received distribution on Tibet, as a revised treatise "The Kingdom of Dharma - the Lord of the Dead." In ancient China, the symbolic interpretation of the main provisions of the Treatise "Book Shu Jing" was given in the ancient fundamental philosophical work "Idzin" (Book of Changes). In the future, the main provisions of the treatise formed the basis of the main philosophical schools of the ancient China: Taoism (Laosza, Zhuangzi), Confucianism (Confucius, Manzi) and Mystov Schools (Motzza). On the territory of the Roman Empire at the beginning of the I - II century AD. The texts of the treaty were based on the basis of the religious and philosophical flow - Gnosticism, which in the II - III of the century was on the influence of the chief rival of early Christianity (Vasilid, Heraklean, Karpokrat).

Naturally, the interpretation of texts in Gnosticism and their philosophical understanding was given at the level of knowledge of their time, with a large adherence to mystical and ritual ideas and cults that have switched during the synthesis of ancient ancient ideas about the treatise. For the last two - three centuries, repeated attempts to transfer the texts of the treatise to European languages \u200b\u200band their understanding were made. Unfortunately, no attempt to interpret texts cannot be recognized quite successful. Nevertheless, the treatise had a significant impact on the philosophical views of a number of European thinkers (Bacon, Spinosa, Lomonosov, Voltaire, Spencer, Gekkel, S. Bulgakov, Jung). Since mankind is aware of this esoteric work, with his knowledge of the amazing, almost mystical, transformation of people. It was believed that the one who would personally know the meaning of the treatise, he knows the truth of being, he will open the world completely on the other side and he will acquire new abilities in the light of transfigured knowledge and new views on life, peace, meaning of existence.

In the entire history of mankind, one way or another associated with the knowledge of the meaning of the meaning in the texts, only the units of people were able to know the meaning of these instructions. In particular, in Buddhism they were ranked for Amitab - a living Budde. Now directly about the texts. Their exact number is unknown. Until now, it came only a few relative to ancient documents with different number of poems (sometimes rhymed, sometimes not, as a result, it is possible to speak only conditionally about verses). The sense load in verses, in different languages, is also different. Each variant of the text of the treatise, before reaching us, was translated from the tens of times. Not always translators could find the equivalent meaning of words during translations, some values \u200b\u200bare completely lost, the others have changed the meaning. So certain distortions of the initial text are inevitable, for example, in Sanskrit over 20 concepts of space, and in the present translation of them 4-5, which most of the values \u200b\u200breplace. This can be said about such terms and concepts, as a spirit, soul, field, mind, which are distinguished by a significant number of semantic interpretations of non-modern analogues. For example, in Russian water can only be called water, and either otherwise. On Sanskrite, it can be called Ar, Ambhas, Udaka, Udan, Kilala, Jala, Toya, Dharya, Payas, Vari, Salila, Hala. The modern translation into Russian is made in order to adapt the philosophical sound of the treatise to our time as close as possible.

Unfortunately, it was necessary to sacrifice the form of poems, some semantic interpretation, concepts in the text, replacing them with more affordable and modern for our time, spoken speech and terminalogium. The total number of texts in documentary sources (lists) ranges from a few hundred to 5 thousand. In a number of ancient lists, along with the texts of the treatise, post -tetext comments were attended by separate parts of the treatise, which created additional difficulties when selecting and transferred directly to the texts of the treatise. Of the total number of applications that have reached us, translated and interpreted (at the present level of requirements for similar primary sources) is not more than 20%. This text contains the first 60 texts. The logical passes are visible, it is probably the places of lost poems, but in general, all these texts are included in the first hundred. The treatise itself consists of some of the two parts - the main part of which is about 350 poems, and a special part, a volume of several thousand poems. The main part is as it would be a challenge of the basic principles of the universe and future goals achievable for knowledge of students. The special part, the greatest in volume, determines the practical ways to know and achieve the truths of the main part of the treatise. The story is waveled, while maintaining a constant relationship and carrying out the parallel between the person, earthly problems and global physical and philosophical concepts, problems, theories. This translation was made from Sanskrit, where the text was preserved the most integer, with a comparative analysis with the ancient Chinese version of the text.

Unfortunately, we still do not have access to the Tibetan manuscript "The Kingdom of Dharma - the Lord of the Dead", which is most famous in the scientific circles under the Sanskrit name of Chakra Muni and who, who ever has become less distortion. Naturally, in the early Buddhist manuscripts there are frequent references to the texts of the treatise, as one of the main sources of origin of Buddhism. But the bulk of these documents is located in closed books storage stations of the boudist monasteries and is not available to scientists. Before you start reading texts, you must remember that in front of you the scientific and philosophical treatise. It is a complex complex of esoteric knowledge and theories, the depth of which is so striking that modern scientists are simply not able to offer a relatively satisfactory hypothesis of their origin. It is possible that the meaning of the meaning in the treatise is somewhat different, and we are under the impression of our own modern theories, but there are too many coincidences. To our regret, Currently, science is not able to give at least one acceptable to all explanation about the sources of served as the basis for creating this work.

The essence of being

1. How empty in the cavity is deaf with the edge of the walls of invisible and immense, at the bottom of the silence of your mind your truths of the universe.

2. The wall from the thought of the circle was closed by a mute contemporary, a faceless of the emptiness around you are renounced from the days of Susiana.

3. Through the cover of transparent strength, disintegrated with the whole meaning of being, you will see the desert world, we see - on all the print end.

4. There is nothing under you, it is nothing here, everything is only there, in the dome of ideas in captivity Intrusted Nirvan.

5. The world is folded in a star void, as an anthill is ragged, the light is closed in the causal connection, you should see it.

6. Reset from the subconscious chaos of truths before the abyss of the highest way, here knowing the meaning of life they need to reappear.

7. There is a secrecy of secrets from the Mirozdanya: in the brain tomb, the authorities are capable of transforming through the distance.

8. At the edge of the mighty strength take off above the closed medium, and feel the whole world of all the world and the world is insignificant.

9. Inside the endless space, among the energies of the compressed in it, relate themselves to the SIM kingdom, rethinking being.

10. You will be higher and stronger than others, whose will under your, you will see them not even more and hear thoughts in people.

11. The foggy spirit of the grooved in the dust will decrease to you from the abyss and revitalize the wilderness of the darkness by a cluster of thoughts and hopes.

12. You will extend your modest eyelid eyelid into the moment the experience of hundreds, wise, but a man is consimed before the time of his own flesh.

13. From the nature, without renumbering, in the jackets of fruit, be, the world in surrounding is known, continue in the clad path.

14. Do not suppress the instincts of life, but preserve their purity, harmony should be meaning, and the mind is a measure to everything.

15. Inside you and outside you, two worlds are internal and external, one to another passing, one is in the struggle of the eternal.

16. In contact with the world, owning everything he gives, do not forget the cyclicality of the days: everything will be ash, everything will go away.

17. None ever in the world of this, but the death of immortality is akin to, do not disappear here without a trace change the forms of life you.

18. You die only with a soul and part of the mind, but the Spirit is reborn again with the earth, the path in thoughts leaving yours.

19. Already with your existence you will change the world, part of the substance moves, if I did not live, he was different.

20. And therefore, do not go, do not be afraid: there is no end in the system of the world, but do not strive to leave without use, give life to others, leaving the trail.

21. In the movement of the rapid flow of passions, in the arms of fuss, look for harmony and remember: you are the Creator of your destiny.

22. And let you are spent before the sky and before the wilts of others, with peace in thoughts, follow the goals, their meaning to filling days.

23. You have neither the first nor the last, in a number of people who have left in the world, but the thoughts flying to the abyss do not disappear for you.

24. Let a field of wisdom on the air, wandering among the stars and darkness, the core of energy and power, the ambulance will give you a meaning.

25. Wandering with the gaze between the Glows, among the deep MGLA heaven, understand that the world is multiployed, he is torn off the whole.

26. The world is many-sided, repeated, but the time captured it, in the chains of Movement without return, everything is already predetermined.

27. Which is flat - it is only a surface, in the volume of bodies and there are their essence, in the time of the time flying in eternity there is a measurement at the time and deep.

28. Spiral of space in a labyrinth, where time rules over everything, rushing in search of shelter, but the output will not find anywhere.

29. The universe circle closed the ring, merged at one end with the beginning, everything became defined and revealed the world of parts.

30. The cosmos exploded, breaking down, the world arose and died, the matter squeezing to pursuing, to rush again and glow.

31. And the endless turn everything is repeated again as reflections in the stroit of the sea of \u200b\u200bthe worlds double crazy row.

32. The circuit of the cycles of the Mirosiend can only be able to break, but the time of the universe is not enough to create such a mind.

33. There is still a mystery in the essence of the world - there is no absolute void, the power is hidden in an empty system, it does not find similarity.

34. All emptiness - particles of the clutch, their energy, by having rolled their attraction, the space bent the cut.

35. And where the dungeon of this force is unable to keep it, there are luminais, matter from nothing.

36. And stretching to the limit, again the emptiness is absorbed by everything that has time to create again, so that after squeaking again to start.

37. And in this abnormality is impossible, in the stream of time, the sister flies with it is incomparable, where you are destined to live.

38. But to break out of the captivity and the neighboring world to know, first people need time to exist on Earth.

39. Death change comes to a life change, but the life for a shift is not always, about this people need to remember, so as not to get out on the century.

40. The larger the substance in the system, the less speed inside, the fields of slowing down the time, the space protects life.

41. But if you squeeze the space by force and time to pierce, the fields here form a hole where the speed is only instantaneous moment.

42. The wall of silence is broken, part of the cosmos falls to the legs, and the mind will ascend to the stars, but he will not be able to know everything.

43. Cooking is infinitely in the world where the thought is shining the way, you see a hundred elbow, and millions are waiting in the darkness.

44. Cancer itself is not one, it is given for experience to appreciate the system of the world, both in parts and everything.

45. The deeper the depth of Poznan, the thinner we understand the laws of the Mirosiend, the laws of life on earth.

46. \u200b\u200bDevelopment of regularity, in the chain of events, affecting the system of the world evenly distributed to create.

47. The wholeness of the Axis is stuck, and chaos, seemingly wild, is harmonious for himself.

48. You are part of the substance reasonable, the fruit of those who lived and will live and "I" yours - part of the power of a wise, not aware of the connection of the thread.

49. But in order to re-open yourself and feel the unity of the connection of the unite your "I", I will understand him and will give him.

50. "I" woven from three started: One thing - you yourself, like the center of the world, the second is created by others, so that you realize them in thoughts, and the third "I" - instincts force.

51. Know yourself, so that the flesh suddenly become, so that the will of the will gained the will and all the flesh in the whole.

52. When the shackles succeed, and "I" knows the power of accomplishment, then there will be a circle of all bodies available to feeling.

53. There is no limit for mind, by means of will and decrease, you, as the arrow pierce the thought of those whose field is chosen for the target.

54. And as a vertex of their fate, the authorities in this spirit, you will manage people beyond the horizon of the eyes and hearing.

55. Not immediately, slowly comes, the possession of the power of immense, as the light of the beam she tries the darkness created by the shield limits.

56. From the relics of the brain outgoing, you, crushing the beam, will open our passion for yourself, the whole night consciousness will be the day.

57. The faceless bodies of a soulless circle of nature deprived of life, you can suddenly move, move according to the will.

58. And after developing force by filling out the mind of the body, you set the connection with the ether, where the highest mind awaits you.

59. And you bring off myself from myself to rise myself with myself, connecting the earthly "I", with what he hovers over to you.

60. You, as the phenomenon of being "I" my own created from a comprehensive "I" to replenish it after.

61. There is a mystery, waiting for an answer, where the womb, who gave everything here? Where is the entrance for fiery light that the whole explosion built all? 62. The well of darkness, which is included in the point where the density with the void, is the transition only to the world of other how the fish have a bubble air.

63. There is a voter mother, in the cover of the night, that the moment is waiting for the moment that b is open, for the outbreak of the emanations of the power, and the time of the world is run.

64. All initially and beless, everything is compressed by force and dark, everything is waiting for the beginning, without time lies in nothing.

65. There is no reason yet, bliss, no causality of events, and there is no to whom to suffer immensely once merged MiG and eternity here. ...........................

81. Seven levels of consciousness for the embodiment of the world are given to you in the cognition in the possessions of the element.

82. In the cycle of the world in the cognition of the fourth, you feel the world of the world where the bases of the Logos are hidden.

83 How can you get high in the snowmobile, just you can answer the question of the eternal question.

84. In the circus of circulating incarnations around the one who created the world, you are moving upstairs with hope, on the stairs going down.

85. The highest and worlds shine in the great womb gave life to the wheels of the Mirozdanya creating a system of sons

86. Seven sons, five of the highest spheres, the axis of the hierarchy of the Universe, for each sphere their lot, their own layer of matter and light.

87. Only on top of the beam, the beggar sees from the lower levels - blind, know the same way to the Lord of the servant, which gave him a vow.

88. Let the field of mind, will answer, the fire will not be burned with fire, will give free and energies, and faith in the path he is imposed.

89. Pass, learn and reset the cover of three, and you will see seven in the system, and in the dazzling-burning darkness, fly, realizing the forms of the seed.

90. Everything comes from two foundations, the Creator of the Spirit and Povyn & Mother, which gave birth to, all forms of peace and bans.

91. Rotating the Wheel of Worlds, turning through the forms of the world, the Lord is looking for the essence of the foundations, the kingdom that nature is cute.

92. Let three hundred million times dawn over the new world, and the same sunset of death, reasonable life will give experience.

93. And the medium of molten streams, the seas of fire, carrying death, will rise to the mountain sneakers of the Earth, who has acquired their tape.

94. Let the hard firm, cooling, out of the bowels throwing sigh, and life, born from the crystal, softens the shapes, carrying the fruit.

95. Worlds of water, fire and sushi, intertwined, giving life a chance, in the competition is a cruel or life in the sea to recreate.

96. The unity of the mind was contemporary, the Spirit was divided into battles, which would lie in the midst of the Great Brass, to grow decent to the gods.


352 That chaos truth that you walked to the snake of your mind and rings were forced to carry the shackles of the path given to you.

353 having worked those forces that inside within the limits of the seeming world are you only able to gain what is available, externally visible.

354 How to destroy the threshold, what would be to get out of the darkness of the Spirit? How to find Poznapy fruit and the way to find in the Heavenly Arch, the laws of higher? 355 We are not a zirim what is around, but what can see vico. And the fact that it is not reachable to us not to see the century of centuries.

356 Extinguish the Forbidden Circle We can only rising the spirit that would go to the Universe dome to the one who calls us!

357 Here, knowing the path upstairs, the path to the highest strength of the priest, you must give the covenant, on knowing that you will get here.

Only selected available then

What do you know in the temple of this,

But do not regret anyone here,

They are not available knowing it.

359 There is a body that is available to everyone. Other There are, whose light does not see, there is a third body of an energy of energies, a source of visible miracles.

360 The body of those - the spirit of the state, all the above rising, you will find here those Poznan, all - listed here.

361 You are like a novice, honor priest, which is given to you for enlightenment. And what would this patience changed the will of Pride.

362 know, extremes only distract, lead to thoughts from the way. In harmony with me and the world, just can make sense to find.

363 Eat in joy, not moving, sleep in the rhythm of the day, but the measure know, the consciousness is not distracting, there are no conceptions.

364 For the purposes of chosen to you, the path should be clearly visible to be, the desire should not be your way to turn your way.

365 Your goal is the first three body, their seven, as the rainbow burn, but only known them gradually, you can understand the highest! 366 Sit down, lean in a cool volume, and dedicated to you, your will absorb will, and the spirit will go to the top layer.

367 You will sit sitting sleeping, and the saint of yourself, and the place to see and the priests, and the light Spirit of the heat.

368 But the spirit that hovers over the body is unable to control itself. What would be able to fly having goals, not a small way to pass your own.

369 Let the priest point to the star in the dark night sky, an approach of her to him to the brow in you will enter her heat.

370 Universe darkness of the endless edge of the nastigny, expanding the spirit by the spirit of the forms of the worlds of other invisible swarm.

371 You are part of the system of the Mirozdanya and the universe-part of you, so feel the power of the night between the stars space of the furrow.

372 Follow the state of measure when consciousness can escape from under the control of the body and do not depend on the barriers.

373 You can move freely realizing the course of things without attraction of the earth and see the circle without eyes.

374 Learn to own yourself in space, let the center be in a moment, as the center of the Universe in your kingdom, she will unite your world.

375 As in the shell of the borders from thought moving inside from the outside you are in the center of the Small world of this touch, both outside you and in yourself.

376 Turning the borders of the spheres and opening a new world you feel the limit of the limit that the density has changed the ether.

377 But this feeling only, then the spirit of your changed the spectrum of the energies of the highest spheres and Nich, ascended to the new pedestal, having mastered the new vector.

378 and re-open the gates, those new entities and forces that you can see you then wandering between the shine.

379 And the world, that density is groping, and the world, which is the limit of the gate in the arms of the rainbow shining, will be available for you. 380 And every time I walk forward to stepping on the step up you will feel like the bound of the border opens everything.

381 But again the threshold to reciprocate energies and delight, in the Poznan of the World and you will see the new threshold. ................................................... ..

385. Let the dream and the reservoir let the basis of the feeling of the field where the Spirit is aware of themselves outside the body, the waist.

386. And the world, as the dream of the Welbid Spirit, will be very angry and feel, but know that the dream is a false, then the body of the world that should know. 387. You are invisible and mind in the confusion, but your mind will comprehend that you are one with a lying body, as a sword is raised from the scabbard.

388. And the thread, flowing string, like the Pupovina in the infant, connects the world of earthly with you, from the world of scenic.

389. So take care of her and honors, like a thin bridge over a hollow, the price of her life is not to dismiss, she is the keeper of your world.

390. Here the sounds of spheres have a color, here the will - wings for movement, here that the solid is only soft snow, here the light does not blind look and the darkness of the munually no.

The ancient esoteric work of Being the ancient esoteric work of Being (Sanskrit name "Chakra Muni") is one of the ancient and revered from the human civilization that have come down to the present days of the literary and philosophical treatises. The source of origin, which averaged humanity for thousands of years, is not amenable to scientific explanation. The treatise is inherently not a religious document, but nevertheless it had a huge influence of almost all theological teachings and religions of the world.
Obviously, the information block transmitted to people approximately for 3000 - 3,500 years BC and was to give people a fundamental knowledge about the universe, living conditions in the embodied state, exemption paths from false knowledge and knowledge of truth, achieving the goal of life and connection with Intelligence space. The source of its origin is unknown.
Createness of being.
The ancient texts of Chakra - Muni.
It is said that at the end of 1987 at the session of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the report of Academician RAS prof. Toporova (left of life on December 05, 2005. Delivery is 78 years old), dedicated to the "Chakra Muni" manuscript.
Science is not able to offer satisfactory decoding of this text. But in the concepts of higher knowledge, his informational content becomes clear, despite the distortions that could be made in the negligence process of numerous translations from one language to another. Obviously, the information block transmitted to people approximately for 3000 - 3,500 years BC and was to give people a fundamental knowledge about the universe, living conditions in the embodied state, exemption paths from false knowledge and knowledge of truth, achieving the goal of life and connection with Intelligence space.
The ancient esoteric work of Being the ancient esoteric work of Being (Sanskrit name "Chakra Muni") is one of the ancient and revered from the human civilization that have come down to the present days of the literary and philosophical treatises. The source of origin, which averaged humanity for thousands of years, is not amenable to scientific explanation. The treatise is inherently not a religious document, but nevertheless it had a huge influence of almost all theological teachings and religions of the world. This happened because the content of the treatise on a lot exceeded the level of knowledge of that time and was interpreted within the understanding of the knowledge of knowledge and truths in the document.
The source of the appearance of this treatise is unknown. Currently, there are several competing versions of the origin of this amazing work of human civilization. The most famous two of them are the protociary or Arcaim version and Egyptian or Atlantic.
The ancient Indian source "Samaranga" tells about the texts of the Luna-winged Tar and the shore of Ganges from the valley of the RA River, when the TRACHMA treatise (who gave the name of the most ancient known Indian writings) became the basis for the formation of the religious and social structure of society. Over the past two or three centuries, repeated attempts to translate text dams to European languages \u200b\u200band their understanding were made. Unfortunately, no attempt to interpret texts cannot be recognized quite successful. Nevertheless, the treatise had a significant impact on the philosophical views of a number of European thinkers (Bacon, Spinosa, Lomonosov, Voltaire, Spencer, Gekkel, S. Bulgakov, Jung).
Since mankind is known to be a mezoteric work, with his cognition, the stunning, almost mystical, transformation of people is associated with his knowledge. It was believed that the one who would know in general the meaning of the treatise, he knows the truth of being, he will open the world completely on the other side, and he will acquire new abilities in high-processed knowledge and new views on life, peace, meaning of existence. In the entire history of mankind, one way or another, the meaning of the meaning of the meaning in the texts, only the units of people were able to know the meaning of these instructions. In particular, in Buddhism they were ranked for Amitab - a living Budde.
Now directly about the texts. Their exact number is unknown. Until now, only a few relative to the ancient documents with different number of poems (sometimes rhymed, sometimes not, as a result of which it can only be said about verses). The sense load in verses, in different languages, is also different. Each variant of the text of the treatise, before reaching us, was translated from the tens of times. Not always translators can moglyate the equivalent meaning of words during translations, some values \u200b\u200bare completely lost, the others have changed the meaning. So certain distortions of the initial text are inevitable, for example, in Sanskrit over
20 concepts of space, and in the present translation of them 4-5, which are replaced by most of the values. This can be said about such terms and concepts, as a spirit, soul, field, mind, which are distinguished by a significant number of semantic interpretations that do not have modern analogues. For example, in Russian water can only be called water, and either otherwise. On Sanskrite, it can be called Ar, Ambhas, Udaka, Udan, Kilala, Jala, Toya, Dharya, Payas, Vari, Salila, Hala.
The modern translation into Russian is made in order to adapt the philosophical sound of the treatise to our time as close as possible. Unfortunately, it was necessary to sacrifice the form of poems, someone's interpretation, concepts in the text, replacing them with more affordable and modern for our time, spoken speech and terminology.
The total number of texts in documentual system (lists) ranges from several hundred to 5 thousand. In a number of ancient lists, along with the texts of the treatise, post -tetext comments were attended by individuals of the treatise, which created additional difficulties when reselling and translated directly text of the treatise. Of the total number of applications that have reached us, translated and interpreted (at the present level of requirements for similar primary sources) is not more than 20%.
This text contains excerpts from the katrens of the overall and special parts of Chakra Muni. The logical passes are visible, it is probably the places of lost poems, but in general, all these texts are included in the first hundred.
The treatise itself consists of both two parts: the main part of which is about 350 poems, and specially in the amount of several thousand poems. The main part is as it were for the table of contents of the basic principles of the universe and future goals achievable for knowledge of students. The special part, the greatest in volume, determines the practical ways to know and achieve the truths of the main part of the treatise. The narrative is carried out waveguide, while maintaining a constant relationship, and conducting parallels between man, earthly problems and global physical and philosophical concepts, problems, theories.
This translation was made from the Sanskrit manuscript "Chakra-Muni", where the text has been preserved the most integer, with comparative analysis with the ancient Persian and the ancient Chinese versions of the katrenoes. Unfortunately, we still do not have access to the Tibetan manuscript "The Kingdom of Dharma - the Lord of the Dead."
Before you start reading texts, you must remember that in front of you the scientific and philosophical treatise. It represents the most complex complex of esoteric knowledge and theories, the depth of which is so striking that modern scientists are simply not able to offer the considerable hypothesis of their origin. It is possible that the meaning laid down in the treatise is somewhat different, and we are under the impression of our own contemporaries, but there are too many coincidences.
To our regret, Currently, science is not able to give at least one acceptable to all assignment about sources that serve to create this work.
Wisdom is a picture dropping for a moment. The way to comprehend it is a vision. She sees the poet internal eyes, intuition, the sudden flash of which illuminates the divine picture of the truth for him. Read the attitude of the thought.
I advise you to read without thinking in words and concepts. easily. As if between the lines. Gradually, the point will open.
The essence of being - Chakra Muni
How empty in the cavity is deaf
Invoted abyss of frank
At the bottom of the silence of your mind
Learn the truth of the universe.
The wall of the thoughts closed the circle
Your dumb contemporary,
And in the emptiness the mind drowned,
Removing the days of the old shiny.
Through the cover of transparent power
Pin in the mind of the Creator beam:
Why did the power of the world worked?
Watch - on the end of the end of the end ...
But your thought is freezing without a neglence
And without support. The world of land
Stayed where there is no flight
In captivity with life fate.
The world of starry keeps his secret,
As an anthill is ragged,
Light closed in the causal connection
You should see her yourself.
Reset with Snarking Chaosistin
Before the mystery of the highest way
After all, knowing the meaning of life
They should reappear.
There is a mystery of secrets from the Mirozdanya:
In the brain tomb, the power lies,
Digure and distance
She leaves the spark life ...
On the tip of mighty forces
Take off above the closed medium
To know the whole world of omnipotent
And the world is insignificant under it.
Inside the endless space
Supermost thoughts mumina.
Relate themselves with the same kingdom
Rethinking friend.
You will be higher and stronger
Worlds whose will under your
You will see them do not
And hear thoughts in humans.
Misty Spirit
Let it fall to you from the abyss
And revitalized the wilderness
Sink thoughts and hopes.
You extend your modest age
In instit the experience of hundreds!
But even a wise man
Clemented against the term of the flesh.
From weekdays not tired
In the fruit-branch branch, be,
The world in surrounding is known
Continue in the clad path.
Do not suppress the instincts of life,
Give them clean mind
Harmony should be meaning
And the mind - the measure of everything.
Inside you and out of you
Two worlds - internal and external,
One in another moving
One in this eternal struggle.
Appreciate the flow of the fate of its
Owing everyone what he gives
Do not forget cyclical days:
Everything will be rush, everything will go away.
Nothing is ever in the world of this,
But death - immortality feature,
You do not disappear without a trace
Change the forms of life you.
You die in feelings, body
And part of the mind, but the spirit
Re-reborn for the sake of
Let the mystery of the word touches the rumor!
Already with its existence
You change the world of earth
All changes - for the sake of Knaging,
You generate the world of others.
And therefore, do not be afraid,
The end in the endless world is not,
But without a trace of work, do not hide -
Give life to others, give your light.
The Tree of Life is strong roots
Passions in the arms of fuss,
Look for harmony and remember:
You are the Creator myself for your destiny.
And let you are powerless before the sky
But loyalty in the heart Save,
With peace in thoughts, follow the goals
Fill the meaning years, days.
Let you neither first nor the last
In a number of people who went into the world,
But the thoughts that give rise to genius,
Does not see the ghostly wave.
Let the wisdom field silently,
Medium stars and darkness dissolved,
All power - in you, yes not conditional:
The core of the Creator is given to you.
Wandering eyes between shine
Among the deep MGLL Heaven,
Understand that the world is very
And fragmented with centuries all.
Multidian world, multiple,
In captivity in the time of a long time
In the chains of Movement without refund ...
Everything is predetermined.
All visible - only the surface,
But in the depths of hidden the essence,
The nature of time is eternity,
For all paths there is an eternal path.
Spiral of the space of infinity,
Where is the time - the lords with a sword,
Walk in the wrestler ...
- Tell me, your dream about?
- Time Ring should be closed,
By connecting the end with the beginning!
Suddenly ... it became all ... Completed:
And the new world exploded with the heat.
Cosmos exploded, decaying
The world arose and Gus again.
Matter rushed, compressing,
To break back and glow!
So an infinite marriage
Everything comes back again
The wave is played with wave,
To repeat the reflection.
The circuit of the cycles of Mirosiednya
The mystery of mind is given,
To find the fruit of Poznan
He realized himself.
There is still mystery in the essence of the world -
No absolute void
In the void connection, the force is hidden,
More is more difficult for this ease.
All emptiness - Coupling particles,
Unity of the power of the Mirozdanya,
Source, giving birth moment,
Spiral world Poznanya.
From eternal subsoil
Any times, spaces of worlds,
Giving the sunny sprout
For galactic tents.
Inflatable frames of planets
Before the inevitable limit
Picks up the abyss abyss measures
To once again give birth to the worlds skillfully.
And in this abnormality is infinite
Time flux flies
Peschinca, with her unparalleled -
Your spirit that the abyss will conquer.
But to break out of captivity
And the neighboring world to know
Give time, change,
To exist on earth.
Death comes to change life
But life for death is not always
Everyone should remember this
So as not to fug in the century.
The more density in space,
The less speed inside.
Here - the time of the slow kingdom,
There is a speed of dawn.
But if squeeze the space by force,
Arrow to pierce
Then the thought is bold, lightly
You can live in the new world.
Breaking the wall of silence,
Will reveal the space world - the tent,
Where among the star
Again an unknown bonfire.
Cooking is infinitely in the world
The fire is unable we blend,
And space is still wider,
For those who have chosen the way.
For everyone - his cencle,
Your experience and destiny your own
Their secrets of the Mirozdanya
Where part and the whole - outside "I
The deeper the knowledge of the depth
The thinner we feel the world.
The brighter of the life of times
And the thought creates a beautiful feast,
Having rhythms, proportionality
In the chain of events and times
But maintaining the strength of loyalty,
Thought is aware that the spirit of the captive ...
All-framed unity!
The axis of life - Eternity is given
And even chaos desires -
The essence of a harmonious wave ...
You are part of the substance reasonable
The fruit of those who lived and live
And "I" is yours - part of the power of the wise,
Not aware of the connection of the thread.
But to reveal yourself
And feel unity of communication
Open the world, the world is loving,
For the strength of a free break!
"I" woven from three started:
One thing - you yourself, like a center in the world,
The second is created by others
So that you realize them in thoughts
Yourself similar,
And the third "I" - what about you ...
Know yourself
So that the flesh was subject to you,
So that the will expressed "I",
What is over you - the unity of halo.
When the shackles are falling down,
And "I" knows the power of accomplishment,
Then sadness will go away
Perfect will be feeling.
Limit of mind, know, no,
Through the will and decrease,
Arrow send you thoughts light
Until every goal in aspiration.
And as the Creator of Fate People
His power that from the Spirit
You will know the kings
Over the horizon of eyes and hearing.
Not immediately, slowly comes
Possession of the power of immense
How light ray she will try
The darkness of the abyss zipper instantaneous.
And this powerful salary
You will highlight the whole world around,
Let's comprehend the passions of the rim,
And grave advantage of evil ailment.
Faceless bodies
The life of life is deprived
You can suddenly move away
Mighty willow endowed.
Giving souls this force
Filling out the mind of the body
You will restore the connection with the ether,
Where the highest mind is waiting for you.
And surpasses yourself with the mind
Break up with the past
And get your highest house
What the reserved was fate.
You like the phenomenon of being,
Like a drop in the ocean
Restal his own "I",
As an ocean, skid tsunami ....
There is a mystery, waiting for an answer,
Where is the womb, giving everything here?
Where is the inlet for fiery light,
What is the explosion of the world to build?
Dark Well, which is included in the point,
Where the density with emptiness is merged,
There is a transition only to another world,
How fish have a bubble air.
There is a vigorous mother in the cover of the night,
What is waiting for the moment to open
For flash emanations
And the world time to run.
Everything is originally and beless,
Everything is compressed by force and dark
All waiting for the beginning
Without time lies in "nothing."
There is no reason, bliss,
There is no causality of events
And no - who suffers immensely,
Once merged MiG and eternity here.
Seven levels Porony
For the embodiment of the world
Given to you in cognition
In the possessions of the element.
In the cycle of the world
In cognition fourth
Feel the eye of the world
Where the basics of Logos is hidden.
How can you high
Climb the clothes
Only you can answer yourself
On the question of eternal.
In circuits of circular incarnations
Around the one who created the world
You are moving upstairs with hope
On the stairs going down.
Great Velia
Energies of higher and worlds
Gave life to the wheels of the Mirozdanya,
Having created a system of sons
Seven sons, five higher spheres,
The axis of the hierarchy of the Universe:
For each sphere, your car
Your layer of matter and light.
Just on top of the beam of the beggar sees
From the lower levels - blind blind.
Kee down the way upstairs to Lord,
The servant, which gave him a vow.
Let the mind of the mind respond,
Fire is not burning opalit,
Will give free and energies
And faith in the path he is imposed.
Pass, know and reset the cover three,
And you will see seven in the system.
And in dazzling and burning darkness
Fly, aware of the shape of the seed.
Everything comes from two bases
Creator Souls of Spirits and Povyn
And mother what gave birth
All forms of the world and prohibitions of the face.
Rotating the wheel of worlds
Riding the forms of the world
Vladyka is looking for the essence of the foundations,
That kingdom that nature is cute.
Let three hundred million
Zarya will go over the new world,
And the same sunset death,
Reasonable life will give experience.
And the medium of molten flows
Seas of fire, carrying death,
Rewrite mountain sangs
Earth, who has acquired his hard.
Let the hard firm, cooling
From the bowels throwing sigh,
And life, born from the crystal,
Softens the shapes carrying the fruit.
Worlds Water, Fire and Sushi
Intertwined, giving life chance
In competition cruel
Il life in the sea to recreate.
The unity of the mind contemplated.
The spirit was divided for battle,
To in the midst of the Great Barn
Grow up worthy to gods

At the end of 1987, at the session of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the report of Academician RAS prof. Toporova (left of life on December 05, 2005 at the age of 78), dedicated to the Chakra Muni manuscript. Below is a brief excerpt from the four-hour report, published at 1723.0/wap2.html. Science is not able to offer satisfactory decoding of this text. But in the concepts of higher knowledge, his informational content becomes clear, despite the distortions that could be made to it in the process of numerous translations from one language to another. Obviously, we have the information block transmitted to people in the process of channeling. This happened approximately for 3000 - 3,500 years BC and was to give people a fundamental knowledge about the universe, living conditions in the embodied state, the ways of liberation from the false knowledge and knowledge of the truth, achieving the goal of life and the connection with the intelligence of space.

When deciphering "Chakra-Muni" used: "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "". The decoding text contains references to the relevant sections of the specified works that will help you understand the information contained in the skins. If these links are not enough to understand the essence of the issue, You can use the local search engine based on the site placed on .

"The ancient esoteric work that came to us the essence of Being (Sanskrit name" Chakra Muni ") is one of the ancients and revered from reached to of our days of literary and philosophical treatises of human civilization. The source of origin, which averaged humanity for thousands of years, is not amenable to scientific explanation. The treatise is inherently not a religious document, but nevertheless it had a huge influence of almost all theological teachings and religions of the world. This happened because the content of the treatise on a lot exceeded the level of knowledge of that time and was interpreted within the understanding of the knowledge of knowledge and truths in the document.
The source of the appearance of this treatise is unknown. Currently, there are several competing versions of the origin of this amazing work of human civilization. The most famous two of them are the protociary or Arcaim version and Egyptian or Atlantic.
The ancient Indian source "Samaranga" tells about the texts of the Moon who came to the desert of Tar and the bank of Ganges from the valley of the RA River, when the TRACHMA treatise (who gave the name of the oldest of famous Indian writings) became the basis for the formation of the religious and social structure of society. This is different estimates, approximately 1.5 to 3.5 thousand years BC. Perhaps this document marked the formation of a religious and philosophical flow, which is currently known as "yoga".
Later, the texts of the treatise "Brahmi" had enormous influence on the formation of a number of Old Indian philosophical trends, such as Sankhy (Kapila) and Vaisheshika (Cano, Prashastapada), as well as the Upanishads.
By this time, the text of the treatise was already known in the Bactrian kingdom and in the territory of Ancient Beloohistan (Eamsky Letters - "Sacred Book Dzian").
The basis of the ancient Persian Holy Canon of Zoroastrians "Avesta" became the "Covenants of Ahuramazda" - the Supreme Divine of Fire (Persian Name), set out by the Prophet Zoroastroy about 3.5 thousand years ago. But directly the "Cape Ahuramazda" themselves were widely known on the territory of Persia and Central Asia long before the texts of the "Avesta". Their appearance, apparently, comparable in time with the advent of this manuscript in the territory of Ancient India, although the estimates of the antiquity of the Persian variants of the katrens are controversial. This manuscript is referred to this for the first time in 331 BC, when the Persian version of the katrenov is listed in the list of books of Zoroastrians, burned by Macedonians when taking the city of Sudah.
Many scientists believe that the Arcaim civilization of the Southern Urals is one of the ancient places of the formation of this manuscript at the turn of 3-4 thousand years BC, where he could be brought to the territory of the ancient India and Persia Aryan tribes. In the middle of the IV millennium BC Well organized generality of Aryan nomads moved to the West and South, towards Europe and South-West Asia. In all these regions, their main opponents became different civilizations of the so-called. Tripolian culture. The center of the Aryan community was the territory of Arkim civilization with a partially already settled population concentrated in the cities of the Bronze Age. It is on the initial homeland of Katrens of the Eastern River River (Volga) and the foothills of the north of the Caspian Sea, the majority of the Old Organic peoples indicate: Hetta, Persians, Vedic literature of India, even the legends of Etruscsk. The intensive distribution of katrenov coincides with time and movement over time to promoting Aryan tribes through the territory of Asia and Europe. At the same time, speaking of the Arkim civilization, it should be noted that in fact the Arkim himself is only the largest city among dozens, if not hundreds of cities located south of r. Ui occupies mainly watershed of the Urals and Tobol rivers. That is, it is here about the ancient densely populated civilization bronze Age.
The first controversial mentions in ancient Egypt (the texts of the "Ero Pretch Cher") about the "will of God's will" (Egyptian name) belong to the period of the kingdom of Kem, the fifth dynasty of Jedcara Isaei and tell about the divine revelations that were known to the Egyptian priests for many more hundreds Rain seasons to the base of the white walls (the ancient name of Memphis). If you try to spend simple calculations in time (relative to the texts of "ER, Pretch Cher"), then this is also about 2.5 thousand years before AD. The Egyptians considered the source of the origin of the text ancient deceased civilization. The weak link of this version is the lack of direct quotes from the document "Covenants of God Ptah" on the territory of Egypt earlier than 3-4 V. BC, i.e. Advance to the throne of the Ellen dynasty of Ptolemyev, because The referenced links to the ancient Egyptian text "ER, Pretch Cher", can not convincingly prove it. Perhaps this indicates that the way of hitting the katrains in Egypt was still through Small Asia, and in time it is not earlier than the Ellen conquest A. Macedonian.
The treatise entitled "Fire Truth Rubrum" was known for the Assyrians. Ancient clay plates reported to us recorded by Clean end individual figures of the treatise and the version of origin, similar to the ancient Indian, but brought "on the sword of the Hittites". The appearance of this treatise in Babylon is apparently comparable in time with the advent of katrens on the territory of Bactria and Persia.
The ancient Greek historian and the philosopher Herodotus, relying on various sources, including Etruscan, Persian and, apparently, Egyptian, tied the texts of God's Path with the mysterious and the oldest civilization of the Atlantis, who died in the Pochinsky of the sea 8 - 11 thousand years ago.
By the way, in the most ancient Greece, the texts knew as "the secrets of the Underground God of Aida" and they fell into Greece through the Minos kingdom, or, apparently, from Egypt or Asia Minor, or from the territory of Europe itself, through Aryan colonization. The treatise had a great influence on the ancient philosophy of Greece, various philosophical schools and flows (Falez, Levkipp, Heraklid, Aristotle).
In ancient Tibet, the treatise of Chakra Muni is known from the II - Millennium BC. Texts apparently came from India or China. Chakra-Muni flourishing on Tibet refers to the 6th century BC, when the treatise had a certain impact on the emergence of a new world religion - Buddhism. It is believed that Chakra-Muni manuscripts had a significant impact on the formation of Buddhism, in particular, in Siddarthu Gautam (Prince of the Ancient-Plant Principality) as the founder of the Buddhist canon. But, nevertheless, the manuscript himself did not enter the Buddhist Canon Gangeshur, although he received spreading on Tibet as a revised treatise "The Kingdom of Dharma - the Lord of the Dead."
In ancient China, the symbolic interpretation of the main positions of the Treatise "Book Shu Jing" was given in the ancient fundamental philosophical work "Idzin" (Book of Changes), where an attempt was made to build on the basis of the concept of katrens of a certain model of the world in the binary coordinate system. In the future, the individual positions of the treatise formed the basis of various philosophical schools of the ancient China: Taoism (Laosza, Zhuangzi), Confucianism (Confucius, Manzi) and Mystov Schools (Motzza).
On the territory of the Roman Empire in the I - II century AD. The texts of the treaty formed the basis of the religious and philosophical flow - Gnosticism, which in the II - III of the century was the influence of the chief rival of early Christianity (Vasilid, Heraklean, Karpokrat). Naturally, the interpretation of texts in Gnosticism and their philosophical understanding was given at the level of knowledge of their time, with a large adherence to mystical and ritual ideas and cults that have switched during the synthesis of ancient ancient ideas about the treatise.
Over the past two to three centuries, repeated attempts to transfer texts of the treatise to European languages \u200b\u200band their understanding are made. Unfortunately, no attempt to interpret texts cannot be recognized quite successful. Nevertheless, the treatise had a significant impact on the philosophical views of a number of European thinkers (Bacon, Spinosa, Lomonosov, Voltaire, Spencer, Gekkel, S. Bulgakov, Jung).
Since mankind is aware of this esoteric work, with his knowledge of the amazing, almost mystical, transformation of people. It was believed that the one who would know in general the meaning of the treatise, he knows the truth of being, he will open the world completely on the other side, and he will acquire new abilities in the light of transfigured knowledge and new views on life, peace, meaning of existence. In the entire history of mankind, one way or another associated with the knowledge of the meaning of the meaning in the texts, only the units of people were able to know the meaning of these instructions. In particular, in Buddhism they were ranked for Amitab - a living Budde.
Now directly about the texts. Their exact number is unknown. Until now, only a few relative to the ancient documents with different number of poems (sometimes rhymed, sometimes not, as a result of which it can only be said about verses). The sense load in verses, in different languages, is also different. Each variant of the text of the treatise, before reaching us, was translated from the tens of times. Not always translators could find the equivalent meaning of words during translations, some values \u200b\u200bare completely lost, the others have changed the meaning. So certain distortions of the initial text are inevitable, for example, in Sanskrit over 20 concepts of space, and in the present translation of them 4-5, which most of the values \u200b\u200breplace. This can be said about such terms and concepts, as a spirit, soul, field, mind, which are distinguished by a significant number of semantic interpretations that do not have modern analogues. For example, in Russian water can only be called water, and either otherwise. On Sanskrite, it can be called Ar, Ambhas, Udaka, Udan, Kilala, Jala, Toya, Dharya, Payas, Vari, Salila, Hala.
The modern translation into Russian is made in order to adapt the philosophical sound of the treatise to our time as close as possible. Unfortunately, it was necessary to sacrifice the form of poems, some semantic interpretation, concepts in the text, replacing them for more accessible and modern for our time, spoken speech and terminology.
The total number of texts in documentary sources (lists) ranges from a few hundred to 5 thousand. In a number of ancient lists, along with the texts of the treatise, there was post -tetext comments on individual parts of the treatise, which created additional difficulties when reselling and translated directly to the texts of the treatise. Of the total number of applications that have reached us, translated and interpreted (at the present level of requirements for similar primary sources) is not more than 20%.
This text contains excerpts from the katrens of the overall and special parts of Chakra Muni. The logical passes are visible, it is probably the places of lost poems, but in general, all these texts are included in the first hundred.
The tract itself consists of a two-part: the main part of which is about 350 poems, and a special part, a volume of several thousand poems. The main part is as it were for the table of contents of the basic principles of the universe and future goals achievable for knowledge of students. The special part, the greatest in volume, determines the practical ways to know and achieve the truths of the main part of the treatise. The narrative is carried out waveguide, while maintaining a constant relationship, and conducting parallels between man, earthly problems and global physical and philosophical concepts, problems, theories.
This translation was made from the Sanskrit manuscript "Chakra-Muni", where the text has been preserved the most integer, with comparative analysis with the ancient Persian and the ancient Chinese versions of the katrenoes. Unfortunately, we still do not have access to the Tibetan manuscript "The Kingdom of Dharma - the Lord of the Dead."
Before you start reading texts, you must remember that in front of you the scientific and philosophical treatise. It represents the most complex complex of esoteric knowledge and theories, the depth of which is so amazing that modern scientists are simply not able to offer a relatively satisfactory hypothesis of their origin. It is possible that the meaning laid in the treatise is somewhat different, and we are under the impression of our own modern theories, but there are too many coincidences.
To our regret, Currently, science is not able to give at least one acceptable to all explanation about the sources that served as the basis for creating this work. "

Next publishes the text of the translation "Chakra-Muni" into Russian. In the original text of the translation of some katrains, changes were made in terms of the alignment of punctuation marks, which made it possible to more accurately express the meaning contained in them. The need for these changes has become completely obvious during the decoding process. The reader will be able to make sure if you compare the texts with.

The ancient esoteric work of Being the ancient esoteric work of Being (Sanskrit name of Chakra Muni) is perhaps the most ancient and revered from the human civilization that have come down to this day. The source of origin, which averaged humanity for thousands of years, is not amenable to scientific explanation. The treatise is inherently not a religious document, but nevertheless it had a huge influence of almost all theological teachings and religions of the world.

How empty in the cavity is deaf
Medium wall invisible and immeasurable,
At the bottom of the silence of your mind
Learn the truth of the universe.

The wall of the thoughts closed the circle
Your dumb contemporary,
Faceless emptiness around
You are renounced from the days of Siagia.

Through the cover of transparent strength
Disrupted the whole meaning of being
You see the desert world
Bridge - on all end print.

No terrestrial support
There is nothing here, everything is only there
For the dome of ideas in captivity
Life without knowing Nirvan.

The world is complicated in star void,
As an anthill is ragged,
Light closed in the causal connection
You should see her yourself.

Reset from subconscious chaos truth
Before the abyss of the highest way
Here knows the meaning of life
They need to reappear.

There is a mystery of secrets from the Mirozdanya:
In the brain tomb, the power lies,
Capable of distance
Material transform.

On the tip of mighty forces
Take off above the closed medium
And feel the whole world of omnipotent
And the world is insignificant under it.

Inside the endless space
Among the energies of compressed in it,
Relate themselves with the same kingdom
Rethinking being.

You will be higher and stronger
Others whose will under your
You will see them do not
And hear thoughts in humans.

Misty Spirit
Let it fall to you from the abyss
And revitalized the wilderness
Bustle thoughts and hopes.

You extend your modest century,
Look at the instant experience hundreds.
Wise, but a man is speced
Before the time of your own flesh.

From nature without renumbering
In the jackets of fruit, be,
World in Surroundings Critty
Continue in the clad path.

Do not suppress the instincts of life,
But keep them clean,
Harmony should be meaning
And the mind - the measure of everything.

Inside you and out of you
Two worlds - internal and external,
One in another moving
One is in the fight eternal.

In contact with the world
Owing everyone that he gives
Do not forget cyclical days:
Everything will be rush, everything will go.

Nothing is ever in the world of this,
But the death of immortality is akin to
Do not disappear here without a trace -
Change the forms of life you.

You die only soul
And part of the mind, but the spirit
Reborn again with earth
The path in thoughts leaving yours.

Already with its existence
You change the world yourself,
Part of the substance moving,
If I did not live, he was different.

And therefore, do not be afraid:
The end in the system of the world is not,
But do not strive to go without use,
Give life to others, leaving the trail.

In the movement of a rapid flow
Passions, in the arms of fuss,
Look for harmony and remember:
You are the Creator of your destiny.

And let you are powerless before the sky
And before the will of others
With peace in thoughts, follow the goals
Their meaning fightering days.

You have neither the first nor the last
In a number of people who went into the world,
But thoughts, dear in the abyss,
Do not disappear for you.

Let the field of wisdom on the air,
Wandering among the stars and darkness,
Core of energy and power,
Warning will give you and meaning.

Wandering eyes between shine
Among the deep MGLL Heaven,
Understand that the world is very
He is torn entire time.

Multidian world, multiple,
But the time captured it,
In the chains of movement without refund,
All here is already predetermined.

Which is flat - this is only a surface,
In the volume of tel and there are their essence,
At the time flying in eternity,
There is a measurement up and deep.

Spiral space in a maze,
Where time rules over everything
Rushing in search of shelter
But the output will not find anywhere.

The circle closed the ring,
Merged at one end with the beginning,
Everything has become defined
And the world has reached the world.

The space exploded, decaying
The world arose and died,
Matter squeezing
To break back and glow.

And endless black
Everything repeats again
As reflections in the stroit of the sea
Worlds double crazy row.

The circuit of the cycles of Mirosiednya
Only may intelligence
But the time of the universe is not enough
So that the mind can be able to create.

Still there is a mystery in the essence of the world -
No absolute void
In the empty system is hidden force,
Similarity she does not find.

All emptiness - Coupling particles,
Their energy they
Having rushing an attraction
The space was curved inc.

And where is the dungeon of this force
Unable to keep it
There are formed shining,
Matter from nothing.

And stretching to the limit
Again absorbs emptiness
All that has time to create again,
To start starting after squeezing.

And in this abnormality is infinite
Time flux flies
Headband with her is incomparable,
You have been destined to live.

But to break out of captivity
And the neighboring world to know
Initially, people need time
To exist on earth.

Death comes to change life
But the life is not always a shift,
About this people need to remember
So as not to fug in the century.

The more substance in the system,
The less speed inside
Fields slowing down time
Space protects life.

But if squeeze the space by force
And time to pierce
The fields here form a hole,
Where the speed is only an instant moment.

Breaking the wall of silence,
Part of the cosmos falls to the legs,
And the mind will be ascended to the stars,
But he will not be able to know everything.

Cooking is infinitely in the world
Where, thinking the way,
For a hundred elbow you see, you see,
And millions are waiting in the darkness.

Coon itself is not one,
It is given for experience,
To estimate the system of the world,
Both in parts and everything.

The deeper the depth of Poznanya,
The thinner we understand
Mirosiednia laws
Laws of life on earth.

Development patterns
In the chain of events, painting,
The system of the world is uniform
Distributed to create.

All-consuming unity
Axis life pierced,
And chaos that seems wild
Himself is harmonious for himself.

You are part of the substance reasonable
The fruit of those who lived and will live.
And I am yours - part of the power of the wise,
Not aware of the connection of the thread.

But to re-open yourself
And feel unity of communication
Unite your you
His understanding and will give him.

I woven out of three started:
One thing - you yourself, like the center of the world,
The second is created by others, so that you realize them in thoughts,
And the third I - instincts force.

Know yourself
So that the flesh was subject to you,
So that I gains the will here
And all the flesh in the whole collected.

When the shackles are falling down,
And I know the power of accomplishment,
Then there will be a circle
All bodies available to feeling.

No limits for mind,
Through the will and decrease,
You, as the arrow pierce the thought of those
Whose field is selected for purpose.

And as a vertex of their fate,
His authority given in spirit
Will you manage people
Over the horizon of eyes and hearing.

Not immediately, slowly comes
Possession of the power of immense
As light beam, she tries
The darkness created by the shield limits.

From the relics of the brain outgoing
You, crushing beam,
Other digest the passion,
All night conscious - will be the day.

Faceless bodies soulless
Nature, deprived life,
You can suddenly move away
Move according to will.

And after, developing force,
Filling out the mind of the body
You set a connection with ether,
Where the highest mind is waiting for you.

And tearing off from yourself
You rabid yourself with myself,
Joining the ground i
With what he hovers over to you.

You like the phenomenon of being,
I created my own
From a comprehensive me
To replenish it after.