
What does it mean when in a dream. Online Sun House Dream

Works in the country, in the spring garden

General interpretation

Specialists consider people who see sleep in a dream, able to comprehend the secrets of the unconscious, endowed with an enlightened consciousness and able to control their lives. The ability to see such dreams is far from everyone, it is a lot of favorite people.

Often, non-clear plots that require explanations appear in dreams. How to solve them? Interpretation will depend on the items seen: where, with whom and how much you slept.

Sleep in nature - To pleasant.

Modern dream book It believes that such a dream means to keep a double life. You are hypocritical towards a decent person, experience because of this. Seen in a dream Happy sleep - to.

Family dream book Speaks about a friend and advises to prepare for unpleasant events.

Dream Veles. I am sure that such a dream will tend good life prospects if the person experienced positive emotions.

Dream Interpretation from A to Zselects a warning about the secret treason of a loved one in the plot of this dream.

Dance Deniz Lynn He considers this dream by the need of an organism in an additional rest. Also sleep indicates changes.

Opinion of esoteric and psychologists

They believe that this dream is playing a life situation in a dream. If you see, it means that in real life the danger will not affect you: you have already experienced it in your dream, other life reality, reports the site "The Secret World".

Driving a dream in a dream - a unique possibility of programming life events. This ability is specially trained in courses of conscious dreams.

How to embody seen a good scene of dreams? To do this, after waking up several times to "lose" sleep events in your mind, consolidating them. If you saw sleep in a dream with a sad finale, simply create event finals with the end. Gradually, you will gain the ability to control your life through dreams.

Incredible facts

You have long parted, sighed freely and continued to live, forgetting about the failed novel. How suddenly one day you saw your former guy, her husband or wife in a dream.

Does this mean that you still have not survived your parting, or is such a dream has a more depth meaning?

Dreams about the former, in fact, are among the most common, and are much more common than dreams about the current partners. Moreover, they are not necessarily suggesting that you are still interested by them. So why are the people you have crossed out of your life continue to appear in your subconscious?

There are some probable explanations for this phenomenon.

Former partner, as a rule, is some kind Your character lineor the quality and memories associated with this person. It may also be a symbol based on your honest memories and feelings to it or to it.

But the former can also reflect bad habit or failwhich you are experiencing at the moment, returning some kind of problem and repetition of an unpleasant situation.

If you still have the feelings for the former, sleep symbolizes the remaining attractions To this man. He can personify your desire or desire for something that is at the moment unattainable.

If you endured the former, or he threatened your safety, sleep is bad choice, regret or negative experience from which you can not go out.

Example 1.: The girl saw in the dream of the former guy. In her memory, he remained a man who has changed her in the past. In real life, she collided with the situation when she was deceived by one of his friends.

Example 2.: In a dream, the girl saw a former guy and began to run away from the house. In the present, she realized that her current guy had many negative qualities characteristic of her former guy. She felt that she would need to try more to find the one who had a different character.

Example 3.: Woman in a dream saw, as it comes into the house of the former husband, and she was told that he wanted to marry another girl. In real life, she lost confidence in the current partner after repeated skirmishes and quarrels. Former husband in a dream became a reflection of the fact that she stopped feeling love, a sense of security and devotion.

In general, the Son on the former represents the qualities and emotions that you felt in the past. The usual dream about your former does not necessarily mean that you want to return to the former, and more about how you assess yourself in the current relations and romantic life.

What does the former mean in a dream

There are several psychological reasons why you can see former partners in a dream.

1. You have left feelings for the former

Do not be afraid, because it is not necessary about romantic feelings. Often such dreams mean that you want to put a point in the relationship. Perhaps you are feeling guilt or try to internal work your past relationships.

2. Are you worried about new relationships

The likelihood of the fact that dreams about the former will appear when you tie a new relationship with someone. You compare two partners to make sure that this time everything will be successfully. Your psyche is trying to figure out all the advantages and cons of the new chosen one.

3. Sign of more serious problem

In most cases, dreams are symbolic, and not literal. Your feelings are aimed at restoring after what happened. Therefore, if you see the former in a dream, think about why the relationship failed, and what could be done differently. When you understand everything, dreams will stop appearing.

4. You have left feelings for the former

Although there are many reasons that are not related to your feelings to the former, this may also take place. You need to honestly admit to yourself, would like to return to the former partner, and how you will build relationships.

5. This is connected with you, and not with former

Some experts believe that the former represents part of you. You may have given yourself too much in past or neglected. It is difficult to analyze your own behavior at a time when you were with your former to make the necessary changes.

6. You are afraid to burn again

Most people are very difficult to survive failed relationships, due to the fact that the fear of repetition arises, especially if the gap was painful. Sometimes sleep can even be a way to understand that new relationships are developing in the same way. You can also change the development of your new relationships in the wrong direction.

7. Former - you will part with you

As it was possible to understand, former can symbolize completely many things. This can be one way with which your psyche tells you that you suppress some part of yourself, and you need to understand yourself.

In this case, the reunion with the former will only aggravate the problem. You need to first establish relationships with you before building a new relationship.

8. You are trying to forgive the former after the gap

If the relationship ended painfully, and you had no opportunity to discuss everything, sleep is trying to create for you the opportunity to forgive your former. If you want that dreams stopped appearing, forgive the former reality.

9. You miss life with the former

Dream interpretation interprets dreams of former as part of your last Lifewhich you lack. It may not be a man himself, and the house where you lived, the case you did, or the place you often visited.

10. You do not feel happy

It can also be noted that the former in a dream is a symbol of the fact that something in life will feel something upset. There is something, with which you need to part to go on.

When the former was dreaming

What you see your ex-in-sleep can mean a lot of things. Pay attention to when you saw a dream about a former beloved, partner or spouse.

Sleep after a recent break

If parting with the former recently happened, you can be under great impression after the end of the novel. You can think a lot about this man, and the appearance of it in a dream is not surprising. It does not mean that the partner suits you, but simply indicates that he or she takes all your thoughts, and you are trying to get used to the situation.

Dream about former if you are new relationships

If the dream of the former you saw after you had a new relationship, your subconscious is trying to understand whether the new situation would be for the better or worse compared to the previous one. You are thinking about the positive and negative aspects of your relationship.

Sleep about the former if you have long been in relationships

Sleep about a former guy or a girl when you are in a relationship with someone, can confuse. What can he mean?

    You are in happy relationship. If at the moment you are in happy and harmonious relationships, then most likely, you are trying to solve some questions remaining from past relationships. However, a bright dream of former can also say that you are not fully satisfied with these relationships or there is some sexual incompatibility.

    You are in unsatisfactory relationships. This is a completely different situation and suggests that the current relationship does not satisfy you, and it seems to you that the former was more interesting and exciting. When you think about past relationships, you should figure out why they did not work out, and also think about these relations and the reasons why you feel so.

See in the dream of the former husband

Former husband is an important person in your life, so dreams about former husband Very common. As a rule, they appear when we render until the moment that causes us to look at their internal emotions.

Dreams about the former husband can symbolize what you are not fully happy in the current relationship. However, it is important to understand that each dream includes many details, on the basis of which you can judge your true feelings. When a dream analysis is also important to know whether you broke up peacefully and relatively calmly, or the gap was hard.

If you break up a lovely, the dream says that you lack some of the components of your relationship with him, or that your current partner does not satisfy some of your needs.

What dreams former husband

    If you dreamed that you prehemenellifrom the former husband, you want more intimacy in relationships.

    Dream that you returned to the ex-husbandAnd the relationship has been settled, says that the point is put in your relationship.

    If a former husband wants to you returnHe can actually look for you, and you are waiting for a meeting with him.

    Sex with ex-husband It may hint at your impulsiveness, because of which you cannot build relationships with other people.

    Kiss with ex-husband suggests that you tend to hide your feelings. If a former husband kisses you, you will find a romantic adventure or acquaintance. Sleep sulitoving new novel, but his fate is unknown.

    Drunk husband In a dream, warns of your frivolity. Son says that you need to be careful, otherwise your reputation may suffer.

    Wedding of former husband Sulit changes in personal life, and maybe even the resumption of relationships with a former husband. In general, such a dream has a positive value.

    If you saw in a dream former husband with a new wifeYou can wait awkward situation. You need to think about your actions to avoid unpleasant consequences.

    If husband hugs you in a dreamYou lack love and proximity to reality. If you hug a husband, then your former husband suffers from loneliness.

    See former husband young - You will have friendly relationships with him.

    If you see how former husband crying In a dream, this suggests that you can contact him for help, and he will help you in solving the problem or with understanding will react to your question.

    The death of the former husband In a dream, it says that it is time to act and start a new relationship.

Sleep about the former wife

A dream about a former wife for a man can have a different meaning depending on what behavior demonstrates the former spouse. If she ignores you, passes by, it can mean cooling your feelings to it.

Love dream with a former wife, including hugs, kisses and bed suggests that your feelings have not yet completely disappeared. However, sleep may also mean that you may have a close relationship with a woman you have been known for a long time, but have not experienced serious feelings.

Dreams about ex-wife reflect your emotional state. It is important to know the details of sleep. If a former wife in a dream becomes your beloved, this is a symbolic dream that reminds you that you need to pay attention to your emotions in real life.

As a rule, such dreams arise during periods of emotional difficulties in the current relations.

What dreams former wife

    Sleep Ob. treason of ex-wife It suggests that you need to move on and think well over what you want in life. A dream of a former wife often occurs to fill out the emotional emotion you worry. According to the Eastern Dream Intercourse, the treason of the former wife promises a meeting with the enemy, which you do not suspect or who consider your friend.

    If in a dream you have sex with my wifeYou will have to face a difficult solution at work or in a different business. A pleasant satisfying sex can also be simply the personification of what you finally let go of the past and are ready to devote yourself to new relationships.

    Quarrel with ex-wife in a dream symbolizes your internal struggle. Even if in your life everything seems calm, the conflict can come from your family member or friend.

    When in a dream you see that you have child from ex-wife, We can say that in reality you will encounter problems that you can overcome.

    Dream that wife wants to return you In a dream, it means that in reality you encountered a difficult situation in relationships or not satisfied sexually.

    If a former wife pregnantThis promises a new beginning, a new project or ways with which you can express yourself. If your child, you subconsciously want to return to the former. If the child is someone else's, then you completely recognized that the relationship has come to the end. Such a dream can also be yours from fears or disappointing other people by you.

    See in a dream wedding of ex-wifewhich marries the other means to put a point in your relationship with the former spouse and her family. You need to move on and search for a new life companion.

    Death The former spouse foreshadows big changes in your life.

Sleep about the former guy, a man

Sleep about the former guy since the times early Youth Related to more free, less burdened relationships. Such a dream returns you during the time when the responsibility of adulthood or marriage did not interfere with the spontaneity of the novel.

You need excitement, freedom and viability, which is missing your current relationship.

If yours ex-boyfriend ignores or offended You in a dream, then this suggests that you need to continue your life and stop thinking about your former.

    If former gives you advice About your current relationship, listen to the message that gives you in a dream. In fact, this your subconscious tells you not to repeat the mistakes that you made with a former guy. Your former can apologize for their mistakes, which means you need to understand what you are looking for.

    If you see in a dream former in the storeThis suggests that he returned to the ranks of bachelors and is in search of a new partner.

    Former makes you massage. You need to weaken the protective behavior that you have developed as a result of past relationships. You erect around yourself a wall or protection. You need to learn re-trust people.

    If former gives you a soft toyYou need a partner who could calm you and take care of you. Also such a dream may say that your past relations were immature.

    If you dream to hit to hospitalYou still can't survive the gap. There were unresolved questions that still suffer from you. However, if the former is discharged from the hospital in a dream, this means that you completely released the relationship. If you see the former doctor's suit, you humble with the end of your relationship and could recover after them.

    Dream that you gone from the current relationship with the former, indicates that your current love cannot be compared with your former partner.

    Sleep that the former you kidal, suggests that he still emotionally holds you and has some psychological impact on you.

    You and your former Care for sick child. This dream means that there is something that still keeps you and your former together. Perhaps there were some unfinished cases that you did not discuss. It is also possible an option that sleep is echoing with your current situation where you are stuck in some kind of problem with the current partner.

Sleep about a former girl or woman

The appearance of a former girl can be interpreted differently depending on the emotions, events and symbols that met in a dream. In general, a dream about a former girl is the qualities and emotions that you have experienced in the past.

When such dreams appear very often, our brain tells us about the need to return this person. Often such dreams are repeated when the relationship ended painfully and unpleasantly.

You may be angry or wandered about the failed novel and try to work out these problems in a dream. This often happens when two people tear the relationship not in an adult, trying to calmly talk to each other. As a result, all emotions are moved to the background, and we return to ordinary life. To cope with emotions, our brain sees dreams of a person and situations that were not solved.

    A meeting With a former girl in a dream promises a new acquaintance or romantic relationship.

    Kiss The former girl in a dream - it's time to let go of the past. Your problems that originate in the past prevent you from acting.

    If you see a former girl pregnant, there is a possibility that any irreconcilable differences will arise in these respects.

    Wedding The former girl means that the past remains forever, and you are ready to go ahead.

    Playing former The girl can mean both trouble and surprise. Perhaps you yourself do not expect other people are ready to help you.

    If a former girl wants to return in a dreamThis can reflect your real desire to return the beloved, as well as memories of the former love that you can't let go.

Sleep former girl guy

If you see in a dream former girlfriend Or your partner's wife, it talks about your insecurity.

You compare yourself with her, feel that part of it is psychologically or physically still present in your relationship. Sleep reminds you of what you should not make the same mistakes that led to the rupture of relationships.

Dream former wants to return

Dream that you returned to the former Or he wants to return to you, does not always reflect the actual situation. Such a dream may appear in response to major changes in your current relationship.

If you want former the guy returnedSleep reflects your real desire to return it. If you are alone, it may mean that you miss relationships and want to feel welcome.

When in a dream you really see how spend time with the formerThis reminds you of upcoming major changes in your current relationships. Your subconscious tells you think about the past and try to understand the differences.

You can spend different time with your former: hugging, making a massage and even kissing, and, as a rule, it all has the same meaning. A dream says that you need to relax and get rid of mistrust to start meeting again. Your mind is trying to heal, recalling you about good times.

At the same time, a dream in which your former misses you, wants to return you and confesses to love can mean that you miss certain things in your old relationship, but not by the person himself.

Kissing with former in a dream

What dreams dream in which you kissing with former in a dream? Interpretation can be different depending on the plot.

If you dreamed former belovedThis may mean that you are not satisfied with the current partner. Probably, misunderstandings and quarrels with the current partner will arise.

If the kiss occurred between you and former friendHe promises pleasure, pleasant events or changes for the better.

Sleep about kiss with former lover It warns that you need to avoid impulsive frivolous actions, otherwise they will lead to unpleasant consequences. You can also get unexpected news from it.

It is worth paying attention to and how a kiss was. If you kissed you on the lipsYou still miss past relationships. Kiss in the forehead speaks of the remaining offense, and kiss on my cheek Hinting that a former beloved is not holding offense. A passionate kiss It may indicate both the resumption of relationships and problems in an intimate plan.

How did you feel after a kiss? It also matters. If the kiss caused you depressed mood, in the depths of the soul you want to make up. A good mood After a kiss hints at the fact that for you this novel remained forever in the past.

Former naked in a dream

To see a naked former in a dream does not always have an erotic meaning. Often, such a dream is only a reminder of the past and promises a meeting with a person who has not appeared for a long time in your life.

According to Freud's dream, a dream about your former who appeared in front of you naked, talks about your dissatisfaction, or about the lack of proximity in relations.

If you interpret such a dream by Miller's dream book, then the nudity of the former indicates strained relations. Perhaps it is difficult for you to relax, be yourself in the presence of a partner.

Also naked former in a dream can threaten you spotted reputation. Be careful not to the surface of your past non-residential deeds.

It is important in which context you saw your former beloved nude.

    If the former you saw naked on the street or in a public placeYou can wait for unexpected cash difficulties.

    See former naked in the shower In a dream, promises attention from the opposite sex.

    View of the former Nagishom on the beach Specifies to your jealousy.

    Dead Naked former may mean that litigation await you.

    Former bare beloved, which crying, promises you wealth and good mood.

    If the former you see naked and wounded or patientYou need to pay attention to the state of your health and do not expose yourself unnecessary risk.

Former drunk in a dream

A dream of a drunken former beloved can be a warning that you are waiting for unpleasant events, collisions, misunderstanding with others.

This is especially true of dreams, where a drunken former behaved inadequately, aggressive, climbed into the fight or swore. In this case, you will have to solve problems in relations with loved ones.

At the same time, if you saw a drunk former spouse or guy benzle and in raised mood, We can say that you can easily handle with any difficulties that have arisen.

    If former swear in a dreamYou are waiting for family proceedings or quarrels.

    Former fell asleep drunk - In your current relationship there was cooling.

    Wants to kiss You are drunk - you are waiting for a meeting with an unpleasant person.

    Former holds in a dream - Get ready for disappointment by your current partner.

    If former drunk and pour tearsPerhaps he is looking for your support, waiting for your help in connection with the situation in which he got.

Former looks into the eyes in a dream

There are several interpretations that your former looks into your eyes in a dream. The most frequent explanation of the look is deception or temptation. However, it is necessary to take into account the circumstances at which you see your ex.

One of the versions, the view of the former guy may be a harbinger of troubles that are connected with your past.

On another interpretation if you meet a look With the former, the temptation awaits you, in front of which you will be difficult to resist.

In the case when you take a glance, It can be said that you feel the feeling of guilt and are not ready to forgive the former lover. If your chosen one is glad, the chances of returning your relationship are very small.

If you dream, as you look into the eyes former girlShe wants to renew the novel and seeks meetings with you.

Sleep about former with another

Mark all the feelings that you experienced during a meeting with a former with a new girl or a former boyfriend. For example, a former can marry or just start meeting. Experiences that you appear reflect your true feelings for it / to her.

If there was a conflict between you and your former beloved, you are not ready to move on.

Pay attention to this dream if you are going to marry or marry. In this case, the dream personifies you yourself and how much you are willing to let go of past memories and start new life. Perhaps incredulusity and jealousy prevent you with you in this matter.

By dream Miller A dream about former on the other suggests that you are unhappy with yourself or your personal life. Getting rid of excessive gullibility, you can build new relationships.

By interpretation of Freud., such a dream can fill a quarrel with a partner if you are in a relationship. You need to trust your new sweetheart and stop comparing it with the former.

Version dream Vangu Trucks this dream as the desire to gain his true love.

Kiss former on the other It has a positive value. You either renew old relationships or a surprise and pleasant acquaintance awaits you.

Former dies in a dream

Dreams of death can be frightening, especially if they concern the people with whom you were closely familiar. However, it is not necessary to worry, as such dreams symbolize your willingness to let go of the past and open yourself a new love.

Depending on your current situation in your personal life, a dream about the dead is the exact opposite.

    If you happy in new relationships, the dream that the former died, means that you completely let go of the past.

    If you unhappy, Sleep means that you want to return in a wish time. Death as a whole symbolizes the complete end.

    The dream of the death of the former suggests that your feelings for him or she completely died. Sleep is a figurative representation of how you let go of the past and ready to move on, dedicating yourself to new relationships.

    If you see former in the coffinThe period of difficulties will soon end, and you will begin life in a new way.

    Unexpected strange end Former warns that you have to make a difficult choice that will affect your future.

    If you dream death deceased former husband or belovedThis marks the permission of the internal conflict, relief after a hard period.

Interpretation of dreams: Former

Former makes a sentence

If the former gives you ring or make a sentence, such a dream hints at that relationship with a former partner allowed you to feel mineral and satisfied.

Sleep marks the end and start a new stage in life. You are ready to finally leave your former in the past. What he makes an offer, and you can choose to say "yes" or "no," says that the power is on your side.

Former changes you in a dream

The dreams of treason on past partners symbolize the lack of confidence and security in the past and current relations. You may suspect your real partner in treason, and sleep strengthens your conviction. However, the fact that the exorbitant is a change in a dream, suggests that in the depths of the soul you do not believe that your current partner changes you.

Sex with former

Sexual dreams with the participation of former reflect what prevents you from starting new relationships. If you are in stable relationships and see a dream about sex with the former, then you want more passion with your current partner.

Get a gift from the former

Gifts from former partners in a dream reflect our need for attention in your real life. Pay attention to what gifts are given to you, and it will tell you what attention you need.

Former trying to kill you

In this case, think about what exactly led to the end of your relationship with the former. When we see dreams that our former partner wants to kill us, it means that we feel guilty for what they did in the past. You may have changed or may be filled with this person, because of what conscience was tormented. Did he be angry with / she, when the relationship was the end? Or maybe a former partner applied physical strength? Then sleep is a reflection of the past.

Former pursues you in a dream

The abduction in a dream suggests you about what you need to deal with your past cargo that remained from previous relationships.

Quarrel with former

This dream indicates you for some problems in the past, allowing you that you can better cope with your current situation. If you are still alone and are not in search of relationships, your subconscious mind reminds you of the causes of your loneliness.

Former hurts you or kills you

If your former partner never applied physical strength, such actions in a dream have symbolic meaning. They reflect how he / she killed a part of your feelings and hearts.


If you dream how your former guy or the girl fell into a car accident or were shot, such a dream says that the fate of a former partner still cares you. If similar events, in fact, took place in the past, it reflects your inner fear that prevents you from opening your beloved.

Former sick in a dream

If you dream how your former partner is sick or in the hospital, you care for him / her, such a dream reflects your attempts to cope with the gap and heal yourself. The disease symbolizes your mental pain.

Former crying in a dream

What you feel in a dream is important in interpretation. You feel revenge or sadness when you see how he or she cries. You can also sense pride and happiness due to the fact that this person misses you, or you want to return to it / her, as you do not want to see him or her tears.

If you see in a dream former girlfriend or wife Your partner, it says that you compare yourself with the former. Sleep reminds you of what you should not make the same mistakes that led to the rupture of relationships.

Former comes in a dream: the value of the week of the week

Interpretation of sleep about the former husband, a guy or wife, a girl in many respects also depends on the day when the dream had dreamed.

Dream Interpretation in the House of Sun is a collection of the most popular dreams. Interpretation of dreams in dreams is carried out online using a rubricator and search forms. A convenient search for describing the image or sleep symbol is immediately in all dreams. In the dream house of the Sun houses are presented free dreams of famous psychologists - Freud, Miller, Meneghetti, Dreams of Providsez - Nostradamus, Vangi, as well as Muslim, Assyrian, Slavic and other dreams online.

Today nineteenth lunar day

In the 19th lunar days, heavy and frightening dreams can dream, but you should not be afraid of them, dreams also absorb ... >>

Dream Miller

Miller's dream book in the House of Sun is the most popular of all famous dreams, in its composition has about two thousand interpretations. Miller's dream book is considered one of the most accurate and complete. This dream book was first published at the end of the 19th century, but now, he did not lose its relevance and acquires new and new fans.

American psychologist Gustav Hindman Miller believed that the set of characters that we see in a dream was not accidental. It is an encrypted code, solving which you can predict some of the events of the future. After analyzing the individual combinations of objects, phenomena and events in dreams of different people, Miller was a single interpretation scheme, which was based on Miller's dream book.

Miller's dream book contains 2125 dream interpretations.

Dream of Freud.

Freud's dream book in the House of Sun - Dream Interpretation of the famous Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud; One of the most interesting and unusual dreams. Becoming the Bestseller of the 20th century, today Dream Dream Freud is still very popular.
Exploring its own dreams and comparing the content of dreams with free associations, Sigmund Freud opened their unconscious content and described a number of mental techniques that comply with the images of dreams with their hidden meaning.

Freud's dream book contains 472 dream interpretation.

You can not sleep at sunset: I will not live for a long time.

Dream Vangu

Wang Dream Interpretation in the Sun House - Dream Interpretation Widespread Predictor, Bulgarian clairvoyant Vangu. Justice Vanga believed that there was an important place in the fate of people's disintegration. Dreams are connected not only with the lives of individuals, but also the fate of entire countries. Wang's dream book contains both interpretation concerning the personal destiny of a dream and interpretation, predicting the future of states and even the planet.

Wang Dream Dream will help you learn more information about your inner world.

Before you take advantage of the interpretations of dreams from Vanga's dreams, we recommend you to get acquainted with her biography of the above.

Dream Vanga contains 79 interpretations of dreams.

Dream Nostradamusa

Nostradamus's dream book in the house of the Sun is a dream book of a famous astrologer, a doctor, the alchemist and the Nostradamus, who lived in the 16th century in France. One of the main features of the interpretations contained in the dream book of Nostradamus - forecasts are made on a very far future. According to Nostradamus, each person sees dreams relating not only to his personal feelings, desires, thoughts, but also social, natural phenomena, the destinies of the country and the planet.

Nostradamus's dream book contains 68 interpretations of dreams.

Dream Interpretation Loffa

Loff's dream book in the house of the Sun is a dream book a famous psychologist David Loffe. According to David Loffe, for each person is characterized by their symbols and scenarios of dreams, which are due to the nature of the dream, his life experiences that occur with it events. And therefore, a similar sleep, seen by different people, can be expanded in different ways. The basis of David Loffa's dream book is not a symbolic, but an individual interpretation of dreams.

Loff's dream book contains 273 dream interpretations.

Assyrian dream book

Assyrian dream book in the house of the Sun is the transfer of the publication of Assyrian dreams made by A. Oppenheim, Assyriologist of the Institute of Oriental Studies at the University of Chicago, USA. The source text of the Assyrian Dream Interpretation, written by clinox on clay signs around the 1st millennium BC, is located in the British Museum, in London. Residents of ancient Assyria believed that through dreams people can communicate with the gods and receive messages from them. In order to systematize the values \u200b\u200bof the symbols of dreams, special collections of interpretations were created, which amounted to the basis of Assyrian dreams.

Assyrian dream book contains 53 dream interpretations.

Dream Khasse

Dream Dream Hasse in the House of Sun - Dream Interpretated Medium Miss Hasse. Dream Dream Hasse is based on various knowledge - folk observations, modern and ancient esoteric works. According to Miss Hasse, the likelihood of dreaming is different and determined depending on the number of months and the Phase of the Moon.

Dream Dream Hasse contains 1948 interpretations of dreams.

Dream of flowers

Tsvetkova's dream book in the house of the Sun is a dream book writer, artist, doctor of physico-mathematics, occultist and astrologer Evgeny Petrovich Tsvetkov, who professionally explores dreams for more than 25 years. Tsvetkov's dream book is based on associativity inherent in people of Slavic origin. And so this dream book may be most clear and close to the spirit of Slavic peoples.

Tree Dream Interpretation Contains 818 Dream Interpretations.

Electronic dream book

Electronic dream book at the Sun House - Dream Interpretation in the electronic version available online. Interpretation of dreams in electronic dream interpretation online.

Electronic dream book contains 1120 interpretations of dreams.

Muslim dreamnik

Muslim dream book in the Sun House - Dream Interpretation, containing the interpretation of dreams from the Muslim Encyclopedia A set of knowledge translated from the Persian language. In the Muslim dream book, the phenomena of the external nature and the inner, psychological world of Muslim is affected. In the original book, they are divided into sections and are located in accordance with their dignity (from a Muslim point of view). Most of the interpretations of Muslim dreams reflect the inner world and Muslim's mentality, but many interpretations rise to universal, universal concepts.

Muslim dream book contains 149 Dream interpretations.

Slavic dream book

Slavic dream book in the House of Sun is a dream book of the Slavic peoples in Europe: Eastern, Western and South Slavs. Slavs include: Russian, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Bulgarians, Hungarians, Serbs, Chekhov and many others. Slavic dream book is based on the knowledge and traditions of Slavs.

Slavic dream book contains 236 interpretations of dreams.

English Dream

The English dream book in the house of the Sun is a dream book compiled by an outstanding astrologer of the 18th century by Ziedel (Morrison). This collection of interpretations of dreams endured many publications, and is one of the greatest works of astrological art of reading dreams. English Dream Interpretation is very valuable from the point of view of astrology and will be useful to everyone who wants to deepen in understanding supernatural phenomena. England has always been known for the independence of the church, the Freedom of the Word and R.D. Morrison devoted his life to the study of astrology. His merit, first of all, is that he carried this science into the people. The first circulation of the English dreams was sold in less than one day. Today, the English dream book is considered the most accurate both from the point of view of astrologers and ordinary people who dream of knowing all sleep secrets.

The English dream book contains 497 interpretations of dreams.

Dreams from Thursday on Friday always predict fate. Friday is considered a special day: Jesus Christ crucified in Good Friday.

Family dream book

Family dream book in the house of the Sun is a universal dream book for each family member. Family dream book contains detailed interpretations Symbols of dreams, especially symbols associated with family life, symbols that foreshadow success or failure in life.

Family dream book contains 2476 Dream interpretations.

French dream book

The French dream book in the House of Sun is a dream book, compiled by an unknown author. The age of its creation is approximately referred to the times of the Middle Ages. French Dream Interpretation - Collection of dream interpretations - is the source of many later dreams. For example, it is known that the French dream book was involved as a source when drawing up one of the most popular in our time dreams - Dream Miller.

French dream book contains 418 interpretations of dreams.

Esoteric dream book

Esoteric dream book in the house of the Sun is a dream book, composed by Elena Anopova. Esoteric dream interpretation will help to penetrate his own inner world, open the secrets of the subconscious and develop the hidden potential. Based on the interpretations proposed in an esoteric dream book, it is recommended to develop their own sensitivity and learn to determine the meaning of sleep by relying on intuitive knowledge. Undoubtedly, the esoteric dream book will help you with this.

Esoteric dream book contains 1277 Dream interpretations.

Love dreamnik

Love dream book in the house of the sun - a collection of interpreting dreams about the relationship of a man and a woman, a romantic love relationship. Love dream book was created in the second half of the twentieth century. All interpretations in the love dream book are devoted to the beautiful theme of love. Love dream book will help you understand your feelings.
Love dreambook allows not only to interpret one or another image seen in a dream, but also helps to clarify the personal relationship between lovers or spouses. With the help of a love dream book, you can not only realize the mistakes that may have done in the past, but also to avoid various troubles in love, it is possible to build plans for the future.

Love dream book contains 735 Dream interpretations.

Dream Longo

Dream Longo in the House of Sun - Dream Master of White Practical Magic, People's Healer Yury Andreevich Longo. Parapsychologist Yuri Longo is the author of many books in magic, folk medicineas well as the popular Dream Longo.
A distinctive feature Dream Longo is that interpretation is based on both the esoteric base and knowledge of psychology. In his dream book, Longo was able to combine parapsychology and traditional science, thereby creating a unique system of interpretation of dreams.

Dream Longo contains 454 dream interpretations.

Intimate dream book

Intimate dream book in the house of the Sun is a full interpreter of dreams on an intimate topic. Intimate dream book contains interpretations of dreams, in which the subject of intimate relationships appear, intimate symbols.

Intimate dream book contains 524 dream interpretations.

Dream Azara

Azara's dream book in the sun house is one of the most vintage dreams and assemblies of the interpretation of dreams on Earth. Azara's dream book was created by the Jewish people in ancient times and is still relevant. According to the legend, the Azara dream book began to be created when Joseph interpreted the prophetic dream about cows and ears of the Egyptian pharaoh. This event became historical for the whole Jewish people, it entered Torah, and in the Bible. Azara's dream book still help people learn the meaning of dreams and their importance for their future life.

Azara's dream book contains 241 dream interpretation.

Dream Kananita

Channel Sauce in the House - modern option Interpretations of the famous ancient Greek "Book of Dreams", the original of which was used for the prophecy and divine revelations by the Christian Great Martyr Simon Canonite.
To interpret dreams using a dream channel dream, you must write in detail immediately after waking up. In this case, the interpretation of sleep will be the most accurate. All interpretations of dreams in the dustpiece of the channel are characterized by the fact that they are very positive, without fatalism, with faith in tomorrow.

Channel Dream Interpretation contains 1747 Dream interpretations.

Ukrainian dream book

Ukrainian dream book in the house of the Sun is one of the popular modern dream books. In the Ukrainian dream book, many folk beliefs of Malorussessia were embodied. Ukrainian dream book was compiled by the famous Ukrainian folklist writer Nikolai Konstantinovich Dmitrienko. Over the years, Nikolai Dmitrienko studied culture, original folklore of Ukraine. It was this information that served as the basis for creating a book interpretation of dreams.
All interpretations of the Ukrainian dream book are built according to a special principle that the author himself revealed. This principle was named Dmitrienko "Linguistic". The meaning of this principle is that all interpretations in the Ukrainian dream book are the result of a linguistic analysis.

Ukrainian dream book contains 743 interpretations of dreams.

Children's dream book

Children's dream book in the House of Sun is an amazingly touching and kind dream book intended for the most important little men - boys and girls.

Children's dream book contains 448 interpretations of dreams.

Little dream book

A little dream book in the house of the Sun - Dream Interpretation, compiled by Vladislav Kopalinsky (real name - Yang Stepher) - the famous Polish encyclopedist, the author of several monumental works. The little dream book Kopalinsky is, in fact, a unique synthesis of all information about dreams that have accumulated humanity over the long years of studying this aspect of being.
The small dream of Kopalinsky is a dedicated part of the "dictionary of symbols", in which various verge of human being multifaceted: folklore, astrology, mysticism, literature, alchemy. The main difference between the Kopalinsky's little dream room from other popular dream books is that it is based on the principle derived by the author himself. The interpretation of dreams from Kopalinsky is akin to the association, it is imposed intuitive and very harmonious.

The little dream book contains 54 interpretations of dreams.

Get up with bed face to room and step on the right foot. Then the day will be calm.

Russian dream book

The Russian dream book in the house of the Sun is a dream book, which is based on the ancient language of the symbols of the Russian people. This language contains wisdom and observation, transmitted from the century to the century, from generation to generation.
Russian Dream Interpretation - Universal Dream Interpretation for people of any age. With the help of Russian dreams, any person has the opportunity to decipher its dream. The Russian dream book will help explain the secret symbols and images, solve confusing phenomena and events taking place in your dreams.

The Russian dream book contains 192 interpretations of dreams.

Dream "Food"

Dream Interpretation "Food" in the House of Sun is a collection of interpretations of dreams, symbols or images of which is the food, all kinds of food. Open the mystery of your culinary dreams using the interpretation of the dream "Food"! Culinary dream book "Food" will help reveal the secretions of dreams, in which foods appear and all that is connected with them. Dream Dream "Food" is able to interpret the most exquisite and delicious dreams!

Dream "Food" contains 282 interpretations of dreams.

Chinese dream book

Chinese dream book in the house of the Sun is a dream book, composed by Zhou-Gong - the son of Jusus Wen-Wan, one of the founders of the Justian dynasty (11th century BC). The author of the Chinese dream book Zhou-Gong is a great authority in the field of traditional assignment systems, one of the four authors of "cyclic transformations", "Zhou-and", the main gadavaya and philosophical book of Chinese culture.
The interpretation of the Chinese dream book is psychophysiological nature and proceed from the fact that dreams, with the help of images and symbols, report taking place in a person's life. The Chinese dream book is usually printed in calendar almanacs and enjoys great popularity in Southeast Asia.

The Chinese dream book contains 1377 Dream interpretations.

Dream flower

Dream interpretation in the house of the Sun is a dream book containing interpretation of symbols of flowers and plants seen in a dream. Flowers are usually considered an excellent mark of beauty and heyday, and with the help of the dreams of flowers, you can find out what exactly the dream symbols of colors about the future say.

Dream interpretation contains 65 interpretations of dreams.

Wedding dream book

Wedding Sun House Dream Interpretation - Collection of interpretation of dream symbols associated with marriage, wedding theme. If a wedding dress has dreamed, a wedding bouquet, a wedding feast - a wedding dream book will help to interpret sleep symbols.

Wedding dream book contains 27 interpretations of dreams.

Dream Veles.

Dream Interpretation Veles in the House of Sun is small Velezov Dream Interpretation, which is based on the information contained in ancient treatises, on the works of famous mediums of past centuries, on the works of modern mediums.

Dream Velles contains 1230 interpretations of dreams.

Dream interpretation by numbers

Dream interpretation in numbers - numerological dream book in the house of the sun. Dream interpretation in numbers provides interpretation of numbers and numeric combinations encountered in sleep symbols.

Dream interpretation in numbers contains 241 interpretation of dreams.

Dream interpretation for women

Dream interpretation for women in the house of the Sun is a collection of dream interpretations, specially intended for women. In the dream book presented symbols of dreams, taking into account the fact that the dream dreamed of a woman.

Dream interpretation for women contains 291 interpretation of dreams.

Dream of men

Dream of men in the House of Sun - the interpretation of dream symbols that have dreamed of a man. Dream of men contains many specific symbols that are characteristic of male dreams.

Dream of men contains 318 interpretations of dreams.

Ancient dream book

Ancient dream book in the house of the Sun is a unique allegorical dream book Ezopa. The ancient Dream Interpretation of Ezopa is based on the interpretation of individual emotions that are associated with childhood, as many postulates of folk wisdoms, quotes from speeches of significant historical personalities, symbolism of literature and folklore.

Ancient dream book contains 246 interpretations of dreams.

Large dream book

Large dream book online, carries the interpretation of dreams and treats a wide variety of characters. Interpretation of a large dream book is supported by many years of author's experience in the interpretation of dreams, so a big dream book is undoubtedly one of the most accurate dreams of modernity, because contains a large number of Interpretations of images typical for our time. Although it should be noted that there are also symbols of earlier history periods.

Large dream book contains several thousand interpretations, it will help you get the most accurate idea of \u200b\u200bthe symbols of your sleep, because Contains the most complete information on interpretation and explanation of dreams.

Use a big dream book just. Enter the name of the symbol of your sleep in the search or use the alphabetical pointer. The author of the Big Dream - Siberian Healer Natalia Stepanova.

Large dream book contains 3682 dream interpretations.

Dream Interpretation Interpreter Dreams

Interpretation of dreams by dreams, the most convenient way to decipher the value of your dreams. In this you can help the dream book - the interpreter of dreams. People always wanted to look into their future, and one of the ways to implement this desire is the interpretation of dreams. And all because it is believed that in dreams there is information about the coming, it is enough to decipher it.

In ancient times, the interpretation of dreams were engaged in priests, in our time they can make interpreters of dreams - people who devoted most of their lives to study dreams. They were noticed that most images in our dreams are similar to each other, so for convenience, images of dreams and their interpretation began to combine into separate collections of texts - interpreters of dreams that are now called dreams.

Of course, no one prevents you from considering that dreams do not deserve one hundred percent trust, but no one interferes from curiosity from curiosity. Perhaps learning what your dream means, you look at your life with other eyes.

Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretator Contains 4078 Dream Interpretations.

Dream interpretation of dreams

The study of the values \u200b\u200bof dreams and their interpretations of mankind began to engage a few more thousand years ago. As a rule, the dreams were interpreted by shamans, predictors, priests or sorcerers - i.e. Those who possessed mystical abilities. In our time, even scientists are taken to interpret dreams - psychologists, doctors, psychoanalysts and other researchers of man. For example, many famous dreams Compiled by people who dedicated themselves to science, and it should be noted that their interpretation of dreams often correspond to reality.

Thanks to them, it became known that the correct interpretation of dreams depends on the very dream. For example, it is very important to dreamed a dream to a woman or a man, an older or child. It is also important time in which the dream has dreamed.

This dream book gives a generalized interpretation of dreams, which is most often mentioned in other dreams. Interpretation of dreams from dream interpretation is never concrete. The same symbol can be interpreted in different ways. Therefore, so that the interpretation of sleep was the most truthful, pay attention not only to the overall meaning of sleep, but also on its details. This will help to solve the secrets of your dreams. Dream Interpretation, and the interpretation of dreams in it is provided free of charge in online mode, so to obtain the most accurate interpretation of sleep, use interpretation of interpretations from several dreams, comparing several images.

Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Contains 3705 Dream Interpretations.

Dream Interpretation Alphabetic

Dream Interpretation Alphabetic - Dream Interpretation from A to Ya. The person does not have the abilities that he does not need, so if people see dreams, then it means for something necessary.

Dream Interpretation Alphabetical, is not limited to interpretation of the characters that you see in a dream. It helps to express feelings, feeling, understanding the connection of what is happening in a dream with real coming events. This is a dream alphabet and different from dreams, which give brief interpretations of dreams.

So how is your dream most correctly?
The main thing, when interpreting dreams, always remember that the key to deciphering our dreams is always in ourselves.
Author of dreams on the alphabet of Melnikov I.

Dream Interpretation Alphabet contains 2240 interpretations of dreams.

Modern dream book

We bring to your attention a modern dream book. It is known that human progress completely changes the worldview and thinking of the individual. For this reason, the dreams of earlier periods of time can not take into account objects, concepts and phenomena, which man uses the twenty-first century. This flaw is fixed in modern dream interpretation, the interpretation of the dreams in which corresponds to the current time.

Interpretation of dreams in many dreams are often opposite to their meaning. Some dreams offer to interpret dreams straight, as dreamed. Others interpret dreams. And the modern dream book is no exception. However, as always, the correct sleep value is somewhere in the middle. Therefore, if you wish to understand your dream, you need not just to understand the meaning of the symbols, but also try to penetrate the deeper reservoirs of dreams, where there is no division on well-bad.

The symbols of the modern dream book are often similar in the meaning of vintage dreams, but still, in our days, the interpretation of dreams to a greater degree psychological significance And accompanied by recommendations characteristic of the current time. And so ... Modern dream book to help you!

Modern dream book contains 1187 interpretations of dreams.

Islamic dream book

Islamic dream book is an interpreter of dreams, based on the interpretations of dreams from sacred for Muslim relics of the Quran and Sunna Ibn Sirin. In addition, the interpreter of dreams contains interpretation from the work of the followers of the Prophet Mukhamed, namely Imam Mohammed, who is the famous scientist of the east of their time.

In addition to the interpretations of dreams, Islamic dream book on the Holy Quran and Sunne Ibn Sirina, contains instructions for the correct analysis of sleep symbols, it shows examples of dreams that come true. Islamic dream book will be useful for any Muslim interested dream interpretation.

If in a dream, the belonging of the elevator (home, organization, etc.) is not specified, then the dream highlighted day fears and concerns of the dreams, dependence on the circumstances, hopelessness in a certain situation and a banal "fall" (elevator witching, the cabin flew down, but. ..

The value of dreams (interpretation of dreams) here! The most complete dream book online on the site "X-archive". It is based on the most famous and popular online dream books, therefore is the most accurate. It entered: Dream Miller, Dream Vanga, Great Dream Interpretation, Dream Juno, Dream Freud, Christian Dream Interpretation, Muslim Dream Interpretation, Vedic Dream and others. With antiquity, the meaning of dreams and their interpretation was interested in wise men, astrologers and ordinary people. Interpretation of dreams and predictions and now one of the most relevant requests! Find out what importance is your dreams, which means dream symbols, and how they are connected with your subconscious (with your secret desires)! Learn to determine the meaning of dreams without a dream room and see the prophetic dreams at your own desire. The lunar calendar of dreams will tell you when dreams come true, and special techniques will allow you to get rid of bad dreams and nightmares! Get interpretation of dreams for free!

What does see dream in a dream (according to the Christian dream book)

Sleep (sleep in a dream) - you can sleep an important event. Imagine that you wake up and immediately turn on active activities.

Meaning of sleep about half (from the book Nina Grishina)

Sleep in a dream - go to bed in a dream - deception. Sleeping to see yourself in a dream - great surprise. Another sleeping see - calling for vigilance. The villain of sleeping see - do not be the beasts in yourself.

Sleep in a dream to see a small vellis dream book

Sleep is very bad, for you can stop; Sleeping dreamed - an obstacle in affairs, illness, laziness; sleeping - close misfortune; On the grass to sleep - joy, carefree life.

What symbolize visions in the dropped dream (psychotherapeutic dream book)

Sleep - seizing himself in a dream. Death. Some sides of the personality, an individual, such as conscience or faith, should be awakened. Another visible sleeping. The symbolic destruction of the other, the desire to avoid its influence. Around all sleep. Stage of individualization and personalization. It happens that I see in a dream. Procopic sleep can actually be associated with the fact that the individual, when something happens, believes that it has already seen it, although in fact this sleep was either no, or it could be interpreted differently. This means the unconscious desire and desirability of events taking place in the future. The individual can affect the events of the future itself that they goes precisely in the direction desirable for him.

Sleep in a dream to see in night gold (interpretation of esoteric dream interpretation)

Sleep - if the sleeper is aware that he sleeps and sees a dream, then you must try to consolidate this condition and learn to "order" dreams. That is, before falling asleep, I must say to yourself, for what question you would like to get an answer in your understandable images. Sleep in a dream means your readiness to work with dreams, to the practical use of information obtained in this way.

We analyze the vision in which the dream has dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist A.Megetti)

Sleeping (sleep in a dream) - sleep in a dream - the situation that meets much more often than can be assumed - this image reflects the need for a delay, a respite, a pause when solving any problems.

Psychological analysis of sleep, where the state of rest (the interpretation of the psychologist D. Ruffa)

Sleep, sleep - often it happens that we see a dream that we sleep. But it is essentially, and there is a real state of the body when something dreams of us. However, in a dream to sleep and rest does not always mean the same thing. Status of sleep - one of the most vulnerable states of the body. At this time, we are unarmed before the alarms: the ability to self-defense is limited, not to mention the inability to take care of others. Dreams of this kind, they cause either a sense of relief and peace, or a feeling of violence. Important elements Interpretations of such sleep are answers to questions about how you wake up and who wakes you.

What symbolizes seen sleep (idiom dream book)

What dreams sleep, sleep - "wipe" - be late, skip an important event, an event. "Fall forever" - death. "Sleep and see ..." - hard to desire; "Go to bed" - to remove yourself; "Sleep deep, disobedient sleep" - insensitivity, implaying; "Wake up" - "awaken to the new life."

Meaning of sleep about sleep-dump (Dream of black magic)

Son Matryshka - Frequently Repeated Sleep Matryoshka - indicates a dead end, wrong and endless spiritual self-knowledge on the way black Magic. See Separately Matryoshki Sleeping Effect in Psychoanalyt. sl.

What does dream sleep meaning with a date of birth (for seasonal dream book)

In the spring to what dreams in a dream, a non-dust sleep - your body requires a rest you cannot afford.

In the summer, something dreamed of a disobedy sleep - to see himself in a dream sleeping to death.

In the fall, what a nonsense sleep was dreaming - to a severe, long disease.

In winter, what a dreamless sleep is dreaming - call for caution.