
Psychological proverbs with an explanation. The meaning of proverbs in our life

Decorative trees and shrubs

The literate and self-respecting person characterizes a beautiful figurative speech, especially if he relates well to his native language and draws inspiration from Russian folklore. Such a speaker can always be interested in others, and listening to him more than once.

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People having scantary vocabulary, on the contrary, it is much more difficult to get the authority of the audience, so you know the language on which you speak and understand the wisdom of ancestors, the collected centuries just need to everyone. Often, a person uses phraseological units for decorating speech, sometimes not even noticing it in order to more accurately express their own feelings, sensations and thoughts.

Meaning of expression

For the first time this sustainable expression was fixed in 1853 And listed in the explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language Vladimir Ivanovich Daly. The phraseology was attributed to one of the sections of a dictionary called "Many - Little".

As a rule, this phrase refers to a modest, not striking, rather a non-stubborn person, or a small subject, which can be very valuable, interesting, worthy of attention and respect. So many people talk about people of small growth, but possessing a lot of good qualities and a special value for society.

What does the word "spool" mean

In tsarist Russia, the standard (weight measure) is so called for weighing precious metals. It was equal to 4.26 grams, so the most common girks at the time to measure the mass of silver and gold weighed precisely so much. At that time, it was a very small measure of weight, but it possessed especially valuable qualities.

In addition, in Kievan Russia, the spool was called a small coin of gold, whose weight was 1/741 pounds. BUT B. last years It reached 1/96 pounds.

When the Great happened October Revolution Such weights weighing the new government rejected and replaced the new ones that are used to this day.

Explanation of the proverb

The meaning of such an expression is that it is not necessary to judge the outer shell on the nature and value of the object, because you first need to look into its "inner world". Often to judge the "dressing" - the point is very ungrateful, and even harmful.

It can be argued that the task of this saying is to emphasize the value and importance of the subject, not by its physical strength or large dimensions, but in its significance to others.

Synonyms sayings

It's funny that as an ironic antonym of this phrase, the popular expression "Mall Klop, and Wallow", meaning the opposite meaning of the proverb about a spool that does not need to be explained.

For students

School program often offers tasks to description such phraseologism like "small spool yes road"It happens that it is necessary to find synonyms, antonyms of this phrase or write an essay on the theme of folk sayings.

Then the student should state the case from his own life or come up with a situation where the meaning of such an expression reveals and convey its understanding of the phraseologyism.

It turns out that this wise proverb can be used in any area. human life And completely did not lose its relevance to the present day!

"Genius, spirit and nature of the people manifests itself in his proverbs" (F. Bacon)

Folk proverbs and sayings Part of the spiritual heritage that received us from our ancestors. This is truly the golden storehouse of folk wisdom accumulated throughout the centuries. They cover almost all sides of our life, so it is very useful from early childhood to acquaint your baby with proverbs and sayings, to memorize , Rass their meaning, where and in what cases are applied, learn to resort to them at each other case.

Russian folk proverbs and sayings.

Life live - not the field go.

There is a saying on Echorka.
Talking-flower, proverb-berry.

Not knowing the broth, do not fall into the water.

Life is given to good deeds.

Red Speech Speak.

We hope for God, and not bad.

Without corners, the house is not built, without a proverb it is not a pall.

Wet rain is not afraid.

Small, yes delete.

On someone else's kat, pleased with his villain.

Who on the milk it is happening, he blows on the water.

Cowardly bunny and pencils - wolf.

There would be a lunch, and the spoon will be pleased.

Standing of the century Book Grow man.

His land and in the handstone of Mila.

Ahi yes ohh will not give sovereigns.

It does not work out.

Once lied, and in the age of the liar became.

Mother highly wakes up, but a little beats, the stepmother is laughing low, and it hurts.

On the native katch and pebbles are familiar.

Better than ten to blame forgive than one innocent execution.

Where pine adult, she is red.

Look at someone who does not make good anyone.

Without root and wormwood does not grow.

The sting of acutely, but the language of acute.

Without a friend on the heart of the blizzard.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

There is no friend, so look, and there are so bearing.

Liar - always incorrect friend, will envelop you around.

Roda side - mother, strangers - stepmother.

Where to live, there and hear.

Meet the clothes, and follow the mind.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

Stupid one bird that is not nice.

To visit to go - you need to led to yourself.

Bed trouble, and food food.

On someone else's side and spring is not red.

Any man of his happiness blacksmith.

On someone else's side and Sokol is called Crown.

God will extinate, God and dries.

Child learns without people.

Thunderstorm hits a high tree.

Altyn Silver will not lie ribs.

Do not get rich in deception, but you will eat.

Going for a day, take bread for a week.

Love to ride - love and sosochos to carry.

What is hurt, such is on her and shirt.

Himself ruins, who does not like others.

It is better to be silent than to lie.

We do not know how to sew gold, so Bay Hammer.

Giving hand does not look at.

Kaba knew where he fell, here the straws fired.

The eyes are afraid, and the hands do.

Summer works for the winter, and winter - for the summer.

Who cares for children, he sheds a tear then.

For the scholars of three are unaccustomed, and they do not take.

In crowded but not mad.

What goes around comes around.

Prepare Sani in the summer, and the cart in winter.

Who knows a lot from that much and asks.

Get up early, digestively, it will be true.

Maybe somehow before the good will not bring.

Master's business is afraid.

Play, play, yes, you know the matter.

He graduated from the case - Goulai boldly.

Without difficult, do not pull out the fish out of the pond.

Envious eye sees far away.

Health cannot be bought - his mind gives.

Case time, fun hour.

Little day before the evening, if there is nothing to do.

Who does not work shall not eat.

In the summer you come down - in the winter you will not be enough.

Skillful hands do not know boredom.

Patience and a little effort.

Love to ride, love and sosochos to carry.

It will be a day - there will be food.

Human labor feeds, and Leng spoils.

After trying together, it will not be cargo.

Beware from troubles until they are.

Craft drink is not asking, but feeds itself.

Bel snow, and the legs are trampled, the black poppy, and people eat.

Child, though crooked, and father's father cute.

Not an ax that has a carpenter.

Do not sit back, it will not be boredom.

The day is bought to the evening, if there is nothing to do.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Without a case to live only the sky to smoke.

Put the idleness, do not postpone the case.

Do not rush to the tongue, hurry the case.

For all things, I will try skillfully.

Would hunt - will be a job work.

On the dress, they meet, in the mind they escort.

Letting learn - always useful.

And the power of the mind is inferior.

Smart went - some word tell me, the fool went three say, and he himself like him.

The smart head has one hundred hands.

The mind is good, and two are better.

Without a sun, you can not stay, without a nice you can not live.

What is the mind, such and speech.

In a smart conversation of the mind, it is in a stupid to lose their loss.

Know more, but speak less.

Stupid kitchen, and smart all fishing.

Krasnaya Bird is stump, and man teach.

The person is unaccustomed - that the ax is inaccurate.

Dunno lies, and Zica runs away.

Want to eat Kalachi, so do not sit on the furnace.

From the window of all the light do not look back.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Alphabet Science, and the guys beech.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

A friend argue, and the enemy gives up.

Do not recognize a friend at three days, find out three years.

Friend and brother - a great thing: do not take away soon.

I was a friend, I drank water - wealthy honey.

There is no friend, so look, but you will find, so take care.

New friends are on, and old do not lose.

For a friend, seven miles are not a gossip.

Without a friend of the orphan, with another family man.

Seven one is not waiting.

Horse is familiar with the grief, and for the trouble.

With the sun warm, with the mother is welcome.

There is no such friend like a native mother.

To which the treasure, if in the family of the way.

Bratsk love is better than stone walls.

Bird is glad spring, and mother's baby.

Izba children's cheerful.

The whole family together and the soul in place.

Maternal endless woman knows.

Maternal anger that spring snow: and much falls out, but soon melts.

At cute cataty a lot of names.

Grandma - one only grandfather is not grandson.

Good daughter Annushka, Ki praises mother da grandma

From one furnace, yes of the ease of Kalachi.

And from the good father, the sheep is beamed.

Bird in the nest until autumn, and children in the house until age.

From a bad seed, do not expect a good tribe.

Capricious as a child ugly in the years.

All are equal to kids - and guy, and girls.

Izba children's cheerful.

Picture of the artist Peter Breygel called "sayings".

Pattern of the artist Peter Breygel (1525 / 30-1569) called "sayings". The name speaks for itself, in the picture shows more than two dozen diverse instructive sayings. Here are some of them: beat your head about the wall, led each other behind the nose, pour beads in front of the pigs, stick sticks in the wheels, sit between two chairs, watch through your fingers, and others. Where in the picture is depicted, what a saying is looking for yourself.

Guys, we put the soul in the site. So
what you open this beauty. Thanks for inspiration and goosebumps.
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We often use proverbs and sayings in our speech, without thinking about their origin. And it happens that one saying was transformed with time completely into the other and even gained different meaning.

websitecollected 34 proverbs, the continuation of which you could not even guess.

Proverbs with a forgotten continuation

  • Every family has its black sheep, and because of the freak, everything is not in favor.
  • He is looking for truth, yes, it is not doing anything.
  • Leopard change his spots, a stubborn - Duby.
  • Seven one lunch Do not wait , and bold and one eats.
  • Master's business is afraid and another master is the case.
  • We live, chew bread, and sometimes we sat down.
  • Keep your head in the cold belly in hunger, and legs warm.
  • Your eyes - diamond, and someone else's glass.
  • Behind the sea fun, yes someone else, and we have a grief, yes.
  • And the blind horse is lucky, if the sicker sits on the road.
  • Salmon full mouth, there is nothing to eat.
  • From oats horses do not growand the goodness is not looking for good.
  • Like water off a duck's back, so with you thin.
  • First guy in the village, and the village is two courtyards.
  • Affectionate calf two dirt sucks, and cheerful and one is not given.
  • The morning is wiser than the evening - grass straw greener.
  • You never know, while God sleeps.
  • What was, then passed; what will happen, then will come.
  • God is not without grace, cossack is not without happiness.
  • Brewed porridge - do not regret the oil.
  • Passed fire, water and copper pipes, yes, I got to hell in my teeth.
  • An attempt is not torture, and the demand is not trouble.
  • Friend is known in trouble, how gold on fire.
  • In a lot of water crowd - water and will be.
  • Where is thin, there and breaks, where bad, there and goes (Option: where fat, there and glad).

Proverbs with the newly acquired continuation

Some proverbs are not found in official collections and dictionaries. However, today they can often be heard in everyday speech or see in various articles on the Internet. And since the proverbs belong to folk creativity and they cannot have a strictly fixed author and the date of creation, we added to the list and new versions.

  • The apple never falls far from the tree, but it rolls away.
  • A rolling stone gathers no moss, and under rolling does not have time.
  • Down and Out trouble started, and there is close and the end.
  • Taste and color All markers are different.
  • Seven troubles - one answer, the eighth trouble is quite nowhere.
  • Moscow does not believe in tears, to give her business.
  • On offended water bearing and on good themselves ride.
  • And fish eat and bone not suppress.
  • The bold bullet is afraid and the panties and in the bushes will find.

Why not all proverbs are known in full?

Find and collect proverbs and sayings - the lesson is quite time consuming. And especially if we are talking about their original form. After all, such statements refer to the oral folk art.

When researchers create collections of such statements, they are often faced with their great variability. Including this in the famous work of V. I. Dalya "Proverbs of the Russian People", where there are several versions for, it would seem, the same statement. And that's why.

  1. People living together and at one time reduce the proverb to a certain part of it, because the interlocutor understands the context. In addition, oral speech, as is known, always strives for brevity and simplicity. Accordingly, over time, the continuation is forgotten and, of course, is lost.
  2. The change of proverbs (abbreviation or, on the contrary, the "rate" additional part) may also occur among a certain group of people. For example, among students, artisans, soldiers, etc. Updated proverbs become part of the subculture of these groups.
  3. Proverbs are emotionally painted statements. At the same time, sometimes one part of the phrase only enhances the expressive color of another part, but does not carry an additional meaning. And as unnecessary, it also cuts down, and then it is forgotten.
  4. Proverbs and sayings, like the language itself, easily adapt to the peculiarities modern life. Therefore, it is possible that some sayings, on the contrary, acquired additional parts and the shades of meaning later. So it is possible that some of the above proverbs are already modern folk wisdom.

And what unexpected continuations of proverbs and sayings do you know?

Proverbs and sayings for schoolchildren. Wise thoughts for children and adults.

Proverbs and sayings are also of great importance in teaching schoolchildren by the Russian language, while important both their form and content.

In shape, this is the burning manifestation of a native word, who flew straight from his lively deep source - eternally young, the ever-developing soul of the people. This is the folk wisdom itself.

In proverbs reflected all aspects of the people of the people: home, family, public; His needs, habits, his look at nature, on people, on the significance of all phenomena of life.

The proverb by the fact that it is also good that in it almost always, despite the fact that she is short, there is something that the child should be understood: it represents a small mental task that you need to guess.

Proverbs and sayings widely entered the use of Russian man.

The moral meaning of proverbs can sometimes be deep for the child, in this case it is necessary to take the proverb, in which two meanings: one is an external, picturesque, affordable for a child, and the second is an internal, inaccessible, for which the external serves as a picturesque shell. For example, the proverb "Kui Iron, while hot" can be explained to children only on the outside. And the deep meaning they realize later.

Proverbs are excellent material for fixing spelling rules in the lessons of the Russian language. In the literary lessons

reading the proverb can bring a peculiar result of the main thought of the reading work or the characteristics of a positive or negative hero.

On the basis of the proverb, in which any moral installation is enclosed, an oral or written composition of students can be built.

Forms of work in a lesson with proverbs a lot - it all depends on the creative approach of the teacher.

Eating in oral speech proverbs and sayings makes a speech of a child brighter, more expressive, more for example, so the study of this topic in elementary school is simply necessary.

03/10/2016 11/19/2019 by. Mnogoto4ka.

Proverbs and sayings - it seems that this is something of deep childhood, from a colorful reading textbook for junior School. And, at the same time, they remind themselves every day, even if no one says them. Because they are life itself, its reflection. If you want, "formulas" of life that explain: if you do it - it will be so, but this happened because ... After all, in proverbs - folk wisdom. Experience of generations not dependent historical eranor Fashion, nor from the political or economic situation. The only thing that depends on this experience is the time that enriches, fills it.

What is the difference between the proverb from the saying?

We contain experience and wisdom in pure form you can call the proverbs. This is a short saying, instructive in spirit and having a complete meaning. For example: "without difficulty caught and fish from the pond."

The saying is something else. It is rather a sustainable combination that expresses some thought, the concept instead of any word, or a distinguished often repeated, recognizable phenomenon: "As two drops of water", "like snow on the head," "neither upheat, neither to spend Either a pen describe "...

So it was originally, so the most vintage proverbs and sayings appeared. After all, there were times when even the books were a huge rarity, and everything that man had had his own mind and speech.

Then, when literature, stamp, even television, storage wisdom began to replenish the "author" proverbs and sayings - the winged phrases of the heroes of your favorite films, the taking turns in the texts of the books ... But the meaning of the proverbs and sayings in our life remains the same: a hint at a crossing, consolation In trouble, a reminder of what you can not forget ...

Proverbs and sayings with deciphering their meaning


And Vaska listens and eats. (Quote from Basni I. A. Krylova. The meaning of the saying that one says explains, extracts, trying to "reach the Vaska", "and Vaska misses everything and does everything in his own.)

And nothing has changed . (Quote from Basni I. A. Krylov. The meaning of the saying is that in spite of all the conversations and promises on any case, nothing but the chatter is not done.)

And where soup, here and us are looking for us. (Russian proverb, means that a person is trying to strive to where well, where the full, rich life.)

And the Lark just opened . (Quote from Basni I.A. Krylova. It is said when in fact everything was much easier than people thought and did.)

And there at least the grass does not grow. (The meaning of the saying is that the man who said this phrase expresses full indifference to what will be after his act or any situation, and to those who will suffer as a result of his actions.)

Maybe, I suppose. (The meaning of the saying is that the person talking to her, nothing wants to undertake himself to improve, or correct the situation, but simply waiting as a situation will develop on herself, without his participation. I will say honestly, a couple of times in life, so But only a couple of times ....)))). In many cases, such an attitude leads to poor consequences.)

Diamond and in the mud to see. (Proverb means: no matter how you did not look, but if you are a worthy person, then people will appreciate it with respect for you.)

Appetite comes with eating. (They say in the case when there is no hunt to do any case. The meaning is that as soon as you start, so the desire to continue to continue myself.)

April with water - May with grass. (The meaning of the proverb is that if there is a lot of rains in early spring, then all plants and cultures are very good.)

Baba with WHO - mare easier. (The meaning of the proverb is that if you get rid of unnecessary people, or situations, then everything will be only better.)

The grandmother said. (The meaning of the saying is that a man of bobbin and incomprehensibly explained the essence of what is happening, or incomprehensibly outlined the situation.)

Bar request is a strict order. (The meaning of the proverb is that if you depend on a person, it is impossible not to fulfill his request, since you depend on it.)

The trouble is on the village, the field of the Swan on the table. (Russian folk proverb. Means that if on the Table of the Swan (this is a grass grade), then there is nothing to eat in the villages and there is nothing to eat.)

Poor Cousin is poor and song. (Previously, in Russia, the groom sang a song with praise to imagine all his merits before the bride. If the groom was greedy, then at the wedding he sang a song with all praises, in response to his greed.)

Poor to gather - just ribbon. (Russian proverb means that the poor man is very easy to gather on the road, because there is nothing to take.)

The misfortunes are tormented, let the mind teach. (Russian folk proverb. Means that when the trouble came, it is certainly very bad, but from each such situation it is necessary to draw conclusions to prevent the repetition of trouble in the future. Troubles teach a person, draw conclusions, analyze each act to not have any more trouble.)

Fug from smoke and fell into the fire. (Russian proverb. Means that if you thoughtlessly hurry and hurry in a difficult situation, you can only worsen the position.)

Without water - the earth is a wasteland. (So \u200b\u200beverything is clear without deciphering.))) Without water, nothing can grow and survive.)

Without a year week. (The saying says when very little time passed, or the age is very small.)

To live - only smoke the sky. (The proverb says that every person in life should do what he is best. If a person does not do anything in life, then such life is deprived of a special meaning.)

Without money, sleep is stronger. (Russian proverb. Means that a rich man is difficult to save his money, there will always be able to take them away. And if there is no, there is nothing to select.images)

I married me without me. (The saying says when a person was absent on any action or event, and they decided others for him.)

Without a port, but in a hat. (A saying about a person who wore a new beautiful thing, along with old ugly pants, shoes, or other bad old clothes.)

Five minutes Master. (Saying about a person who is about to win his own business.)

Without salt, the curve table. (Russian proverb. Means that without salt, most of the dishes of Russian cuisine will not be delicious.)

Without stupid and horse does not run. (Russian folk proverb. Means that there is absolutely everything in life make mistakes. But smart people do conclusions and more such mistakes do not allow, the stupid people do not teach mistakes and they stumble again.)

No effort is not award. (German Proverb. Means: To succeed in any case, you need to try.)

Without a bitch, without landing. (The saying says when any business, or the event has passed successfully and good. In general, it passed as it was necessary.)

Without Trinity, the house is not built. (Russian folk proverb. Means that in any case you need to thank God for the fact that everything works. Trinity - in Orthodoxy it is: God-Father, God - Son and the Holy Spirit.)

Without difficult, do not pull out the fish out of the pond. (The most famous for us, the Slavs of the Proverb. Indicates that in any case, if you want to get the desired result, you must try and make efforts.)

Without corners, the house is not built, without a proverb it is not a pall. (Proverbs occupy a very important place in the life of all the peoples of the world. Without proverbs, humor, the teaching of the younger and simply communication of people would not be so bright and interesting)

Crazy head - the feet of the Paguba. (Russian proverb. Means that those who do not think of their actions does not think about their details, spends much more physical and moral forces in the process of their execution.)

Bay Galka and Crow: I will kill your hand, you will kill the falcon. (Russian folk proverb. The meaning is that in any case you first need to diligently learn and train to achieve high results.)

Take care of dreams to dreams, and honor - fruit. (The proverb means that as well as nice to look at a person in clean good clothes, it is also nice to deal with a person whose reputation is at a high level. And if from the very beginning of the life path you know how a bad and unreliable person, then have a deal Nobody will be with you.)

Keep like a zenitsa of an eye. (Means to carefully protect and protect, as the most valuable or yourself.)

Take bull for horns. (The saying means to act quickly, determinedly assertive and can even be brazen.)

Take in the work mind, not a hump. (Russian proverb. Means that in front of any case you need to thoroughly think over all your actions and will make a plan to make more difficult hard work as possible.)

Beat a fool - sorry for a fist. (Russian proverb. Means that it is useless to even punish a person who is not able to think adequately, to understand the words of others, listen to wise people.)

Good intentions paved the road to hell. (It means that even the most kind and good endeavors that are not prepared are not thought out, or are made with ignorance, can lead to sad results and can harm situations, or others.)

Near the king - near death. (Russian People's saying means that the power is a dangerous and difficult nosha.)

God lives in an honest heart. (Japanese proverb. Means that a honest and kind man God always helps in all matters.)

God will not give out, the pig will not eat. (The proverb means that he speaking her hopes for good result Cases, he believes that everything will be fine in the end.)

God sees the truth, so it will not speak soon. (Russian proverb. Means that it is not always the payback for bad things comes immediately, but sometime it will come.)

God works by God. (The proverb about the fact that in life is successful those who do something does, work, and not idle.)

God shelma metitis. (In the long-standing "Shelma" called those people who quietly harm others, slander, shivels and intrigue against good people. Means the proverb that how many people do not make evil to another mesmer, anyway, in the end, everyone will know who this scoundrel. The truth will always be revealed and the punishment will come.)

Rich inquiries, and wretched joy. (Russian proverb. Means that most poor people envy rich. If a rich person has some trouble, then the poor is almost always rejoicing this.)

Rich emanates face, and poor clothes. (Russian folk proverb. Means that rich people are worried about their safety and safety of capital, and there is nothing to be afraid to lose and lose, except that there is a danger of breaking the only pants.)

God is a gown, and Cesar - Cesarean. (The phrase is spent by Jesus Christ. Briefly means that everyone has his own, everyone according to merit. Everyone gets what he shoulded.)

God pray, and to the banks of the Great. (The proverb means that it is not enough that you ask the highest strength to help you in your case, you need to make efforts yourself, for success in it.)

Afraid like the features of Ladan. (Ladan is a wood resin with a specific aroma, which is used in the church, during worship. The unclean power is afraid of the aroma of Ladan. When they say this proverb, this means that the one who speaks, is very afraid of anyone, or something else. . For example: "Our cat Vaska is afraid of dogs, like the damn Ladan." So the cat Vaska is very - very afraid of dogs.)

A big heart. (Saying. So they talk about a very good person.)

Big ship - big swimming. (The proverb is referred to as a farewell to a talented man, as a wish and prediction to achieve great success in the case, to which he has a talent. The proverb also means recognizing the fact that success will be achieved.)

The brothers quarrel with each other, but defend themselves from others. (Japanese proverb. Means that if the misfortune came from outside, then native people must necessarily help each other, defend and come to the rescue, despite the way they are among themselves.)

Breat - not to wind with a chain. (Russian proverb, means you lie very easily. But is it worth it?)

Every dog \u200b\u200bhas his day. (They usually say how to encourage, or in support, after the defeat, or failure. Means that victory will come in the future, luck and the point of which they say, will be completed in favor of the speaker.)

Be my wife at least a goat, if only gold horns. (Russian folk proverb. They say when they want to marry the calculation on a rich girl. It doesn't matter how it looks, just rich.)

Paper erased everything. (It means that you can write everything that you want, but not all that is written is true, or can be done.)

I would be pool, and devils will be. (Russian proverb. Means that there will always be people who make dirtyness, bad things and evil.)

It was time, yes later. (Russian proverb. Means that every case or event is your time. If you missed this time, then the second chance may not be. While in life there is an opportunity, you need to use it.)

In the swamp quietly, but live there. (Russian proverb. Means that the place is quiet at first glance, it may not be quite good and pleasant in the future. Or at the first acquaintance with a person, he will seem good to us, but in fact it can be very evil and bad when you know it better.)

In the head reddenly sown. (Russian saying. So they talk about a stupid man who does not want to think and think about their actions.)

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better. (Proverb, not requiring decryption, is always better at home. Images)

There are no kinship in the money, in the game is not without tricks. (The proverb means that in matters with money friends and relatives can become rivals, you need to be attentive.)

In the house where you laugh, happiness comes. (Japanese proverb. Means that laughter and joy attract happiness to the house. So you smake together and rejoice even the trifles.)

In the fist, all fingers are equal. (Russian proverb. It says when a certain group of people makes a common cause. Also talk about a good cohesive team at work, or in the army.)

In it, God's spark. (The saying is talking about a very talented, smart person who is an unsurpassed master in his business.)

There is no truth in the legs. (Usually they say, offering sitting down. Means that it is meaningless to stand if there is an opportunity to sit down.)

In one ear flew, to another flew out. (Means that a person is not at all interested in what he is talking about. He did not even remember, or did not want to memorize everything that he was told, or what he was asked about.)

In one and in the feast, and in the world, and in good people. (The saying about the poor man who constantly walks in the same clothes, because there is no other.)

In the joy of relatives a lot. (Armenian proverb. Means that when you are fine and you are a successful person, then there are always many people around you. And when on the contrary?)

In Rogozh, get dressed - from people to renounce. (The proverb that if you dress in dirty torn clothes, or have a sloppy look, then people are unlikely to communicate with you normally.)

In the hometown and the walls help. (The proverb means that in his hometown, everything is more convenient, everything turns out, everything in its places, everything is calm, pleasant and pleased with the eye. The native home gives the strength and energy to a person in any case, including during recovery. )

Every family has its black sheep. (The proverb means that in almost any team, or the community of people, can not be all good, will definitely be bad personwhich makes bad actions.)

In crowded but not mad. (Russian proverb. They say when he is glad to shelter a man. Means that they are happy here and never offended, and comfort goes to the background.)

Still waters run deep. (Such a proverb about a secretive person, who seems to be a quiet and modest, but capable of acts, and the actions, not always good, as they mention the devices)

In someone else's monastery with his charter do not go. (The proverb means that if you came or came to anywhere, where you are just a guest, then you should not impose your rules, orders, norms, and should respect the owner and its rules.)

In other people's hands, a hunk seems more. (A proverb about an envious person, whom it seems that others are better.)

To be fooling around. (Saying. They talk about a person who does not do anything, or does the case specifically bad, or pretends to do less.)

Your speech Yes, God in the ears. (Russian proverb. It is said in response to a good wish or pleasant wordsso that this is good come true.)

Everywhere is good where we are not. (The proverb says people who believe that they live badly, poorly, they are not lucky. They always think that absolutely everyone around live better than they.)

Great Figure, yes the fool. (Russian proverb. Means that in life it is very important to be smart, little sense of strength, if there is no brains.)

Live and learn. (The proverb means that a person is studying throughout his life, acquiring new knowledge, life experience and wisdom. It says after any event that gave a person knowledge or life experience.)

The rope is good when long, and speech - when short. (Georgian proverb. Means that there is nothing to chat too much and unnecessary, you need to say briefly, clearly and in the case.)

Let's go back to our branches. (The saying says after the conversation retreated from its essence and the talking was carried away by the fact that it does not apply to this conversation. It is spoken in order to return to the main essence of the conversation or discussion.)

Spring red flowers, and autumn - snaps. (The meaning of the proverb is that the nature of the nature is beautiful with flowers and blossom, and autumn is beautiful and useful, because in the fall most harvesters and autumn feeds people.)

Takes off the eagle, flew in a blue. (Proverb about a person who arrogantly boasted what he had no, or he can't do it.)

Apparently invisible. (Means a lot, a large number. Example: "In the forest of berries apparently invisible.")

Wine has been deposited, it is necessary to drink it. (A saying about that if the case began, then you need to try to bring it to the end.)

Wilails on water written. (The saying say about the situation when they give unrealistic promises, or the situation is incomprehensible. Have you tried to write for a fork on water? The same, that's the situation.)

In a dream, happiness, revealing bad weather. (A proverb about the interpretation of dreams. Its meaning is that if a holiday or wedding dreamed, then in real life wait for trouble.)

Water drops behind a drop stone sharpening. (The proverb means that in any case, if you are patiently and stubbornly, you will go ahead and do not give up, you will achieve your own. Even the water over the years has stacked stones.)

WHO scattered, and two nerdes. (Russian proverb. It is said about officials and employees who steal at work.)

Wolf legs feed. (Very popular proverb. Means that if the wolf does not run, it will not achieve food, and a person if he does not try and make efforts to achieve his goals, it will not receive a good result.)

Wolves fear - not to walk into the forest. (Very popular proverb. Means that in any case, despite the seeming difficulties and fear of failure, it is necessary to find the courage to make concrete steps, otherwise it makes no sense to try it out.)

Raven old does not dawn out for nothing. (Russian proverb. Therefore, it is necessary to chat less free, volatile, to say a lot of useless speeches.)

Eight grives to the ruble lacking. (Russian proverb. Means that it is not enough eighty kopecks to one ruble. That is, they say when a person asks too much from others and exaggerates its capabilities.)

We are all people, we are all "people." (The proverb means that every person necessarily has its drawbacks, small "sins" and weakness that a person is not perfect and not necessary to strictly judge him for it, if he does not cause it harm to other people.)

Everything is swear, the flour will be. (Russian saying. They say when they want to support and cheer in difficult moment. The time will pass, the old troubles will be forgotten and everything will work out.)

All those performed by you will come back. (Japanese proverb. Means: The world is designed so that you will definitely return everything that you did in life. I did good deeds - you will get good from others, worked evil - evil to you will definitely return.)

All causing everyone - to sit in fools. (Russian proverb. Means that it is bad when a person constantly pleases and inferior to others to the detriment of himself. Such a person is usually poor and no one respects it.)

Everything has its place. (Armenian proverb. In my opinion, everything is very clear - everything should be a clear order.)

All his hands roll. (Saying about a person who does not work for anything.)

Drops do not assist. (Russian proverb. Means that any business cannot be done well and efficiently if you are in a hurry and hurry.)

Meet the clothes, and follow the mind. (The proverb means that the first opinion about a person is formed by his appearance. The final opinion about him will be on him after it is recognized better, based on its inner world, its communication, the level of intelligence.)

Any truth is praised, but not everyone affects it. (English proverb. Means that a person always wants to hear only the truth from others, but he does not always speak it to others. That's how the lies come true.)

Everything "Neta" is stored since the summer. (The proverb means that if the summer is not surfing with food and firewood, then in winter you will say "no". Everything needs to be prepared in advance.)

Every thing is good. (Russian proverb. Means that the result is important in any case.)

Winning with losses on some sleigh ride. (Russian proverb. Means that today you can win, and tomorrow with the same situation to lose, despite the wonderful chances. They also say when the chances of 50 to 50, when it all depends on how life orders.)

Come out dry from water. (The saying says when a person managed to get out of a very difficult and difficult situation and unharmed, without moral and physical damage for himself and loved ones.)

I drink a seagull - forget melancholy. (Russian proverb. Means that when bad things can not panic, hurry and make rapid acts. You need to sit down, calm down, drink tea and then life will tell you how to be further.)

Slised from the finger. (The saying is pronounced when a person says information that has no arguments and evidence.)

Gallop in Europe. (So \u200b\u200bwith humor, I called my essays by the Soviet poet A. A. Zharov, after traveling in Western Europe. This phrase is spoken at the time of the short-term trip to some place.)

Where the devil will not be able, there will send the Babu. (Russian proverb. They say when a woman made a stupid and rapid act who brought the problem.)

Where two, there is not one. (Proverbs talk about the team of like-minded people, about people who make a common cause and help each other.)

Where you can not jump, there you can climb. (Russian proverb. Means that there is nothing impossible, and there is always a way out of any situation. You just need to hurry, but to think your head.)

Needed where was born. (The proverb talks about a person who successfully implemented his talent in the terrain where he was born, bringing the benefit of his native country, the city and the people around.

Where to sit down - there and you will tear. (The proverb is referred to a person who cannot be used for its purposes, it is impossible to incline him to any actions that he is not beneficial.)

Where is the mind, there is a lot. (Russian proverb. Means that when it is well thought out, a clear plan is drawn up and everything is provided, it will definitely be success in this matter.)

The eye is small, and he sees far away. (The proverb means: do not judge a person in appearance, and the judgment on his inner world and abilities.)

Eyes are afraid, and the hands do. (It is said in the case when when you need to do a difficult, unfamiliar case, which seems difficult, but it is necessary to do it.)

Plow deeper - more chew bread. (Another proverb about labor. Attach efforts and work well - there will always be a good result.)

Looks in a book, but sees a fig. (Russian proverb, means inattentive reading, inability to correctly understand the meaning of the written.)

Talk without doing that writing on the water. (The proverb means that the empty chat is not benefit, but only spends time and strength.)

Talking the truth, do not remove your legs from the tears. (Turkish proverb. Stirrup is a device in which the rider holds legs, sitting on a horse. The proverb means that if you tell the truth, then be ready to run away, for the truth may not please all and bring the danger to someone who says it.)

They say Naobum, and you take the mind. (The proverb means that a smart person should correctly analyze everything that he is told and choosing the necessary information.)

Gol on fiction of the cunning. (Poor man from his poverty is always resourceful and ingenious.)

The girl is driven by the girl, and herself will not go away. (Russian proverb. Speak when a girl is in love with a guy, but pretends that he is indifferent to her.)

Leopard change his spots. (The proverb speaks of a person who does not change in his actions who does not want to be corrected or rethinking his life principles.)

Mount onion. (The saying is referring to the crying person, when the tears pour him about something insignificant and not worth the tears. As if tears from the bulbs, and not from grief.)

Corregious head. (Saying about the ever-twenty, sad man.)

Lip no fool. (The saying says a person who chooses for himself in life all the most expensive, elegant and valuable, and also requires a lot for themselves in any life situation.)

Goose pig is not comrade. (Usually they talk about completely different and incompatible people who cannot find a common language and be friends. Goose is a very militant bird, but a pig simple and unpretentious, that is, they are very different.)

Give him an egg, and even irradiated. (About a very lazy person, for whom others do others.)

Gave God Denek, give and a piece. (Proverbs say, hoping that life itself will take care of a person by the power of the case.)

They do not look at a given horse's teeth. (The proverb means that when a gift is given to you, then you should not express discontent if you don't like a gift, or you expected something more.)

Two and in the field are fighting, and one and the furnace flashes. (Russian folk proverb. Means that together is always easier and more interesting to do everything than one.)

Twice step on the same rake. (Russian Popular saying. So they say about a person who makes one and the same mistake several times. Because when you step on a rake, then the wooden handle has a forehead. People who make one and the same mistake twice, get twice "from life on the forehead "Because they do not want to draw conclusions from their mistakes.)

Dehly trade - tar and stink. (The proverb means that every business has its advantages and its disadvantages. If you decide to do this case, be ready to enjoy the advantages, but also take disadvantages.)

Do good and wait for good. (You will get the same thing that you do to others. Made good - you will get good, I did a bad thing to others, life will return to you the same thing.)

Business before pleasure. (The proverb means that it is not necessary to get involved in entertainment and idleness. Most of his time wisely will devote their studies, work, family and the development of their personality.)

Money does not smell. (The saying of one famous Roman emperor, after he introduced a tax on paid toilets in Rome. He was trying to convince that this money was lying in the toilets, for which he objected to this great quotation.)

I lost money - I didn't lose anything, I lost time - I lost much, I lost my health - I lost everything. (The proverb means, the main thing is to take care of your health and appreciate your time. Health and time can never be returned, and money can always earn again.)

Money is loving. (The proverb means that the money is found from those people who consider their money to keep order in money and their financial affairs.)

Keep your head in the cold, the stomach is in hunger, and the legs are warm. (Russian folk proverb describes the principles of the right lifestyle: always think your head, be calm and not hot, do not eat and wear good warm shoes.)

Hold on the mind, if there is on what. (If life gave you the ability to think about, you always need to think what you are doing, you say and what you do.)

Children punish shame, not a whip. (Proverb says: the punishment should give children the opportunity to understand why their act is bad so that they realize their guilt, they made conclusions. And the belt and stick will give only pain, but there will be no mistakes.)

Cheaze Fish - Cheap and Ear. (If I bought a poor-quality thing, do not wait a lot from her.)

Chew money in someone else's pocket. (Proverb about a person who does not appreciate someone else's, but appreciates only his own.)

For whom labor is joy, for that life - happiness. (The proverb that if a person likes to work, or engage in a loved one, then his work will surely bring him both spiritual joy and secured life.)

Spread to tears, but do not beat about the mortgage. (Proverb teaches: Prove its rightness with words and arguments, but never argue for money.)

We wish good - good and do. (Proverb. Want to be happiness in life, do good deeds and welcome to you doubly. This is the law of life.)

Good fraternity is better than wealth. (The proverb means that faithful and reliable friends who will always help in any situation, much more valuable for any money.)

Good news is not lying on the spot. (The proverb means that good news is always very quickly distributed among people.)

Good cook first the soul in the boiler puts, and then meat. (Proverb means that good man Always makes his job qualitatively and with joy, so that his result of his work was pleased with other people.)

The extraction of the catcher is not waiting, and the catcher is waiting for it. (Proverb about labor. To achieve results you need to be stubborn and hardworking.)

Trusted goat cabbage. (The saying say in the case when a person entrusted a valuable thing or information, and he stole her, or used for his personal gain, without the consent of the owner.. You can not leave the goat with a cabbage, otherwise he will eat it. So with people, it is impossible to trust it thing, or information unreliable person.)

Road spoon to dinner. (The proverb about the situation when it is very necessary for a certain thing that is now here, but it is not there, although at another moment it is not necessary for anyone.)

The income does not live without hassle. (The proverb about what to be rich is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Wealth is not only a beautiful and luxurious life, but also a heavy burden, in which there are difficulties, barriers and danger.)

Friend is known in trouble. (Proverb about friendship. When it is difficult for you and need help, then in such a situation and it turns out - the real one or not. Accordingly, the price of friendship is visible.)

Get your friend, but you will find - take care. (The proverb means that the real faithful friend is not so easy to find in life. And if you are lucky and you found such a friend, then apply it.)

Other times are another life. (French proverb. Means that there is nothing constantly the same. Absolutely everything changes in life over time.)

Other times are other morals. (The proverb means that over the years people relate differently and react to the same things, actions and events. Over time, everything changes.)

Others do not judge, take care of yourself. (To condemn the other, this is a very ugly occupation before judging by others, look at yourself, which you reached.)

Friendly forties and goose drag. (The proverb shows that friendship and mutual execution is a big power. When people unite and help each other, they are able to do anything.)

Fool fool sees from far away. (The proverb is stated in a joke, the fool here is in mind, even probably not a stupid and stupid man, but a non-standard. The meaning is that a non-standard thinking person will definitely attract the same, "not from this world.")

The fool is studying on his mistakes, and smart on strangers. (The proverb in my opinion is understandable. If a person sees other errors and makes the right conclusions for himself, he is smart. And if it makes the mistake that others have committed to him, or makes one and the mistake several times, then - a fool)

Fools did not write the law. (The proverb means that a person who devoid of normal logic and adequate perception of the world acts as it will be pleased with and how he wants, even if it causes harm and pain to others. He does not think about the consequences.)

The bad example is infectious. (The proverb means that very often a person repeats the bad actions and the habits of other people, especially for children.)

Smoke without fire does not happen. (Russian proverb. Means that nothing in life is just like this. Once there has been a certain situation, it is not by chance, but there is some reason for its occurrence.)

Once lucked who would believe you. (The proverb means that if you were caught in the lies once, then you can hardly believe the word and trust.)

If the water is not going for you, you go beyond water. (Georgian proverb. Means to get something in life, you need to go and take it. Sitting in place and not doing anything, you can hardly get anything.)

If the mountain does not go to Magomed, Magomed goes to the mountain. (Means that if you want to get something or achieve something, then you need to take the initiative and make efforts to achieve your goal. "It is unlikely that the Mountain will come to you.")

If long to suffer, something happens . (Means that if it is stubborn to continue to do some matter, then it will definitely be the result. But what will be the quality of the result obtained, this is another question.)

If you want to be happy - be it. (One of the phrases of Kozna Prutkova. Means that happiness in your hands and it depends on ourselves, and not from circumstances. We ourselves can create happiness.)

It is a pity, but not like yourself. (The proverb that man is much less regrets about the misfortune of other people than about her.)

Life experience is more reliable than a turtle shell. (Japanese proverb. Means that man's life experience is invaluable. Thanks to the experience, a person begins to understand how to build his life correctly.)

Life is given to good deeds. (Proverb about what we are born for. Do good others and it will definitely return to you.)

For two hares, you will not catch one. (The meaning of the proverb is that when you want to make two things at the same time, or to give time to two events right away, then most often you will not succeed or the result in any of the cases. It is better to concentrate on some one thing.)

Over the mosquito with an ax, for a fly with volat. (The proverb speaks of a person who is incorrect and ineffectively makes any business that, with a different approach, can be made much better and more efficient.)

Healing like a dog. (The saying means that the wound healed very quickly, or recovery was very easy.)

Kneading and put in the mouth. (The saying speaks of a very lazy person, for whom others do all the work.)

Earn a lot of money - courage, save them - wisdom, and skillfully spending them - art. (The proverb means that earning money is not easy, but even more difficult to skillfully dispose of them to benefit and joy you and your family.)

Make a fool to God to pray, they hurt themselves. (The proverb speaks of those people who are too zealously suitable, make and say more than it is necessary for a successful completion of the case.)

Caught Winter to go in a summer dress. (Slap about the poor man who has no winter clothes.)

You will be healthy - you will add everything. (The proverb that the person can achieve any goals and success, if life has awarded him health.)

Healthy, like a bull. (Say says about a strong person with very good health.)

In winter, without a fur coat is not ashamed, but cold. (The proverb about what is necessary to have warm winter clothes.)

Know more - Speak less. (The proverb in my opinion is understandable and means: absorb useful information, knowledge and information and do not chat the question of what you can not say, do not hang out what you do not know.)

ZRA in the root. (Means - look into the most essence, seek the essence of the question, and not its consequences.)

And in the mustache does not blow. (A saying about a person who is not worried about anything, or does not take any action towards a specific situation.)

And wolves are full, and sheep are intact. (Proverbs talk about the situation in which all parties remained in a profitable position and are satisfied with it, no offended and affected.)

And the bear in captivity dances. (The proverb means that when a person is deprived of freedom and choice in life, it is very easy to break his psychologically.)

And sad, yes no mind; And young, and holds the parish. (Proverb about the mental capabilities of people. Some seemingly experienced and lived, but not those who are not mastered mind and wisdom and have not achieved anything, but others, despite the early age, are already wise, smart and purposeful.)

Both Shvets and Reaper, and in the Duda, playing. (Proverb about the wizard - a universal, who understands many professions and does any work qualitatively.)

It is not worth it. (The saying says about the case or situation, for which it makes no sense to try or make efforts.)

From the curve logs do not make a dream. (Polish Proverb)

From a small cloud there is a big rain. (Polish proverb. Means you need to take into account absolutely all the little things in any case. Even of something small can get a great success or a big trouble.)

Search for a needle in a haystack.

Search wind in the field. (The saying says about the case when it is useless to search for anything, since the chances of finding what you are looking for is zero.)

To the soft wax stamp, and to the young - learning. (The proverb means that it is necessary to learn as much as possible. Parents need to send children to study in adolescence.)

Each person is a mystery. (The proverb means that every person has his own way of thinking, his thoughts, secrets, cunning ideas that make us unlike each other.)

I can and shave. (The saying about a person who does his job is not very good, lazy, or does the case without having talent and necessary knowledge.)

The book is not a plane, but for the thieves of the lands will take. (The proverb means that reading a book, a man mentally travels together with the heroes of the book and with the help of the book he learns a lot about what has never seen.)

Books do not speak, and the truth is affected. (The proverb means that through reading books we learn a lot of new and interesting.)

When you do not know how to write, they say that the feather is bad. (The proverb is referred to people who always blame other people or circumstances in their personal failures. Although it is most often to blame for themselves, because of their mistakes.)

When the cancer hangs on the grief. (The saying about the situation that will happen to unknown when, soon, or very unlikely. Cancer will be very difficult to whistled on the mountain, it means that this situation has a very little chance)

When the conscience was handed out, it was not at home. (Saying about unscrupulous, brazen, rude man.)

Scapegoat. (So \u200b\u200bthey talk about a person who was made the only guilty, for that misconduct, which made several people. Or there was a situation where people or property suffered, and in order to punish someone, looking for a "scapegoat", on which all the blame for this.)

To whom, and the blacksmith to anvil. (Proverbs say when discussing a feature of any work.)

A penny ruble coats. (The proverb about what needs to be careful about what is given to you in life. Without a penny there will be no ruble, so do not scatter mindless money nor the gifts of fate.

The root of the teaching of the town, and the fruits of his sweets. (It is very difficult to learn and extract knowledge, you need to try and be patient, not everyone succeeds. But the one who learned and was able to acquire knowledge, he will have a decent, beautiful and interesting life further.)

Red Bird feathers, and man - teach. (The proverb means that animals and birds decorate their appearance, and the person decorate his knowledge and mind. How would you not dressed beautifully, but if you are a little and nearby person, then you hardly like a good people.)

Brevity is the soul of wit. (The meaning of the proverb is that in any business and the conversation itself is a short, but clear and understandable information, which is said in the case and reveals all that you need to know about the case.)

Who owns information - he owns the world. (The proverb that valuable information, knowledge, valuable secrets in the hands of smart people bring huge advantages over those who do not have this information. If a person has the necessary information, he will surely achieve success in affairs.)

Who will come to us with a sword, he will die from the sword. (Russian proverb. So they said Russian warriors and warriors about the enemies who attacked Russia. Means that everyone who attacks our land will be defeated.)

Who pays, then the music orders. (It is said that in a certain situation, the one who pays for everything or who takes responsibility for themselves.)

Bought a cat in the bag. (A saying means that a person bought a fake, poor-quality goods, or a thing that is much cheaper than it is paid for it, and if he paid money, and did not receive the goods.)

Chicken on laughter. (Saying about a ridiculous man who looks like a ridiculous act, who will make even chickens who do not know how to laugh.)

The gentle word is not worth anything, and the other gives a lot. (Proverb about the strength of a good word. Specified good word another will definitely return to you.)

Light on riser. (The famous Russian saying. They say in the case when only remembered a particular person, he immediately came immediately. I personally, very often it happens.)

It is easier to withstand a storm, than human meanness. (Polish proverb. Means that there is nothing worse and more unpleasant than meanness committed by people.)

The forest will give birth to the river. (Meaning of the proverb, it seems to me that there are several options. My version is that almost all rivers begin in the forest. That is, the origins of the river go out of the forest, from nature, on the banks of rivers always forest.)

In the summer we will not stand, so do not warm up in winter. (Proverb about work. To get the result, you need to work hard and make efforts. Do not prepare in the summer of firewood - it will be cold in winter.)

In the summer you will carry - in winter with a sum of the silence. (Similar to the previous proverb. "With a silence," means you will be poor and hungry.)

Down and Out trouble started. (The proverb about that it is very difficult to decide to start a difficult matter, but it is worth finding the forces to start it, then it will go easier and better.)

A fly in the ointment. (The meaning of the saying is that one small bad act, or a small bad word, can spoil any good deal, or any pleasant situation.)

Lies to salvation. (The saying means that there are such moments when the ownership, a person saves the situation, another person and makes better for everyone. Such situations are very - very rare, but they are.)

The horse will learn about ride, and man is in trouble. (Proverb. If suddenly the trouble happens and need help, it immediately becomes clear which friends and relatives will come to the rescue, and who are not. So people know. Well, a horse ... And the horse will know how well and endlessly She can ride.)

Better bitter truth than a sweet lie. (The proverb means. What is most often better to learn the truth, whatever it is, how it turns out everything is much worse and more difficult.)

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. (Russian folk proverb. They say when there is the opportunity to take less but now and is guaranteed than waiting for something more, but there is no guarantee that you will wait.)

It is better to see the fool and ask some nonsense than not to ask, and the fool stay. (Folk wisdom. Means that if you want to understand something in school or in work, you need not to be shy and ask the teacher, if something is not clear to you. If you are silent and shy to ask, then I will not definitely understand anything and not Thread.)

It is better to die standing than to live on your knees. (English proverb. Means that it is better to take death, proudly calling himself a man than to humiliate and be a slave, voluntarily extinguishing himself to moistle.)

Love is blind. (One of the most popular proverbs. Means that if a person is mil, then even if he has a thousand flaws, they do not notice them and love it anyway.)

There are many people, but no man. (Proverb. It says more often about the group of people who have no positive human qualities, such as: kindness, compassion, desire to help others.)

Mal, yes delete. (Proverb about those who have already from early childhood has good abilities and talent, despite their early age.)

Small spool but precious. (The proverb emphasizes the value of a small, simple, inconspicuous, but very important. Detail called "Spool" is very small with sight, but no system will not work without it. Very small, but such a necessary thing. My primary school teacher told this proverb When a little growth student responded well a lesson, at the same time stroked the student on the head.)

Less people - more oxygen. (The saying usually say when a person leaves, whose presence is undesirable, or the person you don't like. Also speak in a situation where a large number of people will create only difficulties and will interfere with.)

The world is not without good people. (The proverb means that in life there will always be good people who will support and help in a difficult moment. If you deserve them, they will definitely appear and help.)

My home is my castle. (English proverb. Means that almost always a person is most comfortable, convenient and safe in his hometown.)

Young years, yes old mind. (Proverb about a man who despite his young age, very smart and wise in thoughts and actions.)

Well done against sheep, and against well done - sheep himself. (They talk about man. Who demonstrates its strength to those who are weaker than him. Once in front of him a stronger person, he immediately becomes cowardly and submissive.)

Young - green. (Means that in the youth lacks restraint and wisdom.)

Young - yes early. (A saying about a person who used to show the ability and talent for something.)

Young - toys, and old - pillows. (Means that in the youth full of strength, zador and desire for active life, and in old age I want to rest more.)

Young - on the battle, and the old - on the Duma. (Means that in my youth a lot of strength and desire to apply this force, and over the years it comes wisdom and the ability to morely approach cases.)

Youth - Ptashka, and old age - a turtle. (The proverb that in the youth is a lot of strength and energy, and in old age power and energy decrease.)

Silent means consent. (If on asked question The man in response is silent, then the Slavic peoples believe that a person gives an affirmative answer, or agrees.)

My hand knows. (Saying about the wizard of his case.)

My hut with the edge, I do not know anything. (Ukrainian folk proverb. Means indifferent, cowardly attitude to any actions or situations when your help is required to others.)

Husband and wife, one of Satan. (Russian saying. So they say about spouses who are united by one goal or way of life, which always together and their actions are the same and beliefs are the same.)

Husband has grilled pears . (The saying says when the husband left his wife.)

On the belly school, Shelk, and in the belly shoe. (Saying about the poor man who spent the last money for expensive clothes.)

On gold weight. (Saying about anything very valuable, extremely necessary and very expensive. So you can talk about people (an example "such a blacksmith for gold weight is valued.")

On all sages of pretty simplicity. (Russian proverb. Means that all people can be mistaken, even very smart and experienced. Also even an experienced and very smart person you can deceive.)

On the soul of cats scream. (The saying means that a person is in a very serious psychological state, he is hurt, it hurts, he is experiencing something, or he is ashamed for his act.)

On beauty, every rag - Silk. (The proverb that almost any clothes goes to a beautiful person.)

I breathe on incense. (They talk about a very sick person, or things that is about to deteriorate or break completely.)

On the catcher and the beast runs. (A saying means that the person who is very necessary for some kind of business is coming to a person or meets on the way.)

At dinner - all the neighbors, and the trouble came - all apart like water. (Proverb about acquaintances and friends who are next to you when you are successful and generous, but as soon as help you need you, then they all disappear somewhere.)

On the pike in the river, so that the crucian do not sleep. (The meaning of the proverb is that in any case there should be an explanatory leader who does not give to relax by its participants, otherwise the case may end to no avail.

On someone else's loaf, your mouth do not spoil. (The proverb means that it is not necessary to take what belongs to you, it is better to do everything to be honest or to have his own, and not think how to take away from the other.)

On someone else's kat, pleased with his native villain. (When a person is far from home, it usually pulls home and remember the cute heart moments associated with their native edge.)

Audacity second happiness. (The proverb about the fact that brazen, gross people are easier to walk in life, they are not worried about, they do not come only how it is comfortable and they wanted to do with the rest. But is it happing?)

We feed bread, and we will make it yourself. (Russian folk proverb. So they say about a very lazy person who is used to do nothing.)

Fit a pig in the earrings, it still gets up in the dirt. (A saying about a slurry, an inaccurate person who manages instantly stain, or spoil new clothes.)

Forcibly MIL will not. (The meaning of the proverb is that as you do not try, and if you or your cases, suggestions, or words do not like others, you never please this people, you will not like, or they will not deal with you.)

He began for health, and cumshot for her. (The proverb means that a person in a conversation, or in a verbal dispute, changes the content of his speech to the opposite, or not relating to the case.)

Our song is good, start first. (The proverb says in the case when a person did the case, and then it turned out to be wrong or in vain, and everyone will have to do again. Means that everything needs to redo.)

Our regiment arrived. (The Russian saying, says at the time of replenishment, arrival of new people, reinforcements in the army, or the help of new people in business.)

Do not run run, but come out on time. (French proverb. Means: To make any business in a timely manner or not be late, you need to correctly count on time. Sometimes late can deprive the man of the biggest chance in his life.)

Not in horse food. (The proverb literally indicates how much you do not eat, but still thin. Often they talk about the situation, when a person cannot understand any information, some kind of science, that is, he does not have enough intelligence. Also say, if a person can not "It's achieved. Examples:" I wanted to learn to physics, but I could not, not in the horse food. "" Vasya wanted to raise a bag weighing a hundred kilograms, but not in a horse. ")

Not all cat. (The meaning of the proverb is that not all the time it will be easily and good, and always "do nothing" will not work.)

Not all pines in the woods of ship. (The proverb about what is not the same in life, it happens good and bad, high-quality and poor-quality, pleasant and unpleasant.)

Not all that is gold that glitters. (In relation to man, the proverb means: it is not necessary to draw conclusions about a person only in his appearance. It often happens that a person is attractive and seems so cute, but in fact it turns out to be evil, false and dangerous, and on the contrary. Therefore, judge A person in his affairs and attitude to others. This proverb was initially used in the assessment of gold, when they revealed a fake, and then began to apply it in relation to people.)

Not to all birds to tick the nightingale. (Proverb about a person who has no talent, or in his business is not as good as other masters.)

Do not do other things that you do not want. (I made someone painfully, you will get a little later twice the pain, helped a man, good will return to you doubly. This is the law of life.)

Not for knowledge, but for the title. (The Russian saying, refers to a person who went to learn to get a diploma, but his knowledge is not only interested.)

Not knowing the broth, do not climb into the water. (The meaning of the proverb is that if you do not know all the completeness of information about any matter or situation, then you should not hurry to hurry into this case, or to rush to solve the situation.)

I do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. (The proverb means that the most valuable in human relationship is friendship. You will spend friendship. One hundred rubles spend and there are no them, and faithful friends will always come to the rescue in a difficult moment, will be careful and will support when you feel bad, and even you can take the same hundred rubles.)

Do not shut off. (Russian saying. So they talk about a worthy person. Means: not simple, not stupid, tricky, strong. Lyk - Wooden bark, from which lapties sewed in the old days.)

Not caught, not a thief! (The proverb means that if you do not have an obvious evidence of the guilt of another person, then you can not consider it a criminal until you prove this specifically and irrefutable.)

Do not have a different pit, he himself falls into it. (The proverb means: evil that you do without a reason towards another person will definitely return to you, but twice as many. This fact is confirmed by many years of life experience.)

Do not roast bitch on which you sit. (Proverbs say when a person himself his actions or words can harm himself.)

Do not solono bumping. (The saying means "to remain with nothing", "not get what I wanted, or waited.")

Do not rush the tongue in a hurry. (Do not speak in advance, or brag about anything. First do it, and then tell about what I did.)

Do not break the immature fruits: they will hurry - they will fall. (Georgian proverb. Means that in any business you do not need to artificially rush the events or hurry, you need to do everything on time.)

Not happiness of man, and man happiness creates. (Polish proverb. Means: to achieve the desired, you need to apply effort, with your actions you need to bring "your happiness", it does not come.)

Not there purely, where they sweep, and where they do not grow. (Simple and at the same time a very wise proverb, means that in the cultural, developed society of smart people, always cleanliness and order, life is more comfortable and joyful.)

Do not respect, but a person in his truth. (Belarusian proverb. Means: a person is assessed by his mind, knowledge and actions. If a person is honest, kind, helps others, then such a person will always respect and read others. The liar, the deceiver and the hedge are hardly anyone will trust in life, Even if it is rich or influential.)

No forest without a wolf, no village without a villain. (The proverb means that among people is not only good, there are necessarily bad, nature is so arranged.)

Never make a mistake - you will not achieve anything. (Spanish proverb. Means that a person in mistakes learns. His mistakes that a person understood and corrected, give invaluable life experience and result.)

At night, all cats are sulfur. (German proverb. In the dark, human eyes seems gray to human eyes. The proverbs speak in a situation where it is very difficult to find something necessary or someone necessary, due to the same.)

Needed how the dog is the fifth leg. (Saying, means extra, unnecessary, interfering.)

The promised three years are waiting. (Russian folk proverb. Means that very often a person promises something, but almost always forgets about his promise. Therefore, if you promised something, it is very likely that the promise will not be fulfilled.)

Burned on milk blowing and water. (Russian proverb. Means that one who was wrong or failed, becomes cautious and prudent in all matters, because it is afraid to make a mistake again and repeat the "bitter experience".)

Oats do not walk behind the horse. (Russian folk proverb. Means that if the horse wants to eat, she goes to OVI, and not the other way around. So in life, efforts must adapt the one to whom it is necessary. No need to do anything if you do not ask about it. A Already if they ask, then you yourself think, do it or not.)

Sheep without udder - ram. (Folk proverb, talking about a person who has no education and he is not a specialist.)

There is safety in numbers. (Russian People's Proverb. Means that when people help each other, they are easier to cope with the work, enemy or difficulty than one. One person without the help of friends, comrades and just good people are rarely successful. Create reliable friends and always help people If you are asked, and you have the opportunity to help.)

One pant steers, other Karaulit. (Say says when one pant is refilled in boots, and the other over the boot.)

One world of Mazana. (The saying is applied when they talk about people who unites common feature character, similarity, or a common goal.)

To be at the right time, in the right place. (A saying means a happy case that helped in a case, just because at the moment you were in this place. If it were in the other, it would be different.)

He and the chicken will not be offended. (They talk about a very good person.)

He will not die from modesty. (Such a saying speaks of a very brass, or a braveled person.)

From boredom for all hands. (Just talk about a person who has learned to many professions and can do almost any work efficiently)

From the apple tree apple, from the Christmas tree - a bump. (Belarusian proverb. Means that every person must deal with the business in which he is the most talented and succeed. If the shoemaker is a bake of bread, then it is unlikely that something is good.)

Open the door in myself - and others are open. (Georgian proverb. Means that it also wants to open and honestly to an open and honest person.)

Stick about two ends. (A proverb about the situation that will have at the same time two results - something will be fine and profitable, and something bad and unprofitable. Example: "Purchase of cottages is a stick about two ends, fresh air and your fruit is good. But it is necessary to work much and hard on it, it's of course bad. ")

The bad is the soldier who does not dream to become a general. (The proverb means that it is bad, if a person does not seek anything, does not dream of success in his business, does not achieve success and good when a person strives for the better, to more, strive to be the best in his business.)

For business and reward. (The meaning of the proverb: All things in life necessarily have the result and consequences. Bad affairs necessarily, sooner or later, will lead to the answer and rules. Good things will definitely be rewarded.)

Repetition is the mother of the teaching. (Proverb means: to learn and remember need knowledgeIt is necessary to repeat the lesson, since the first time the material is quickly forgotten. And only repeating the studied, you can forever remember it and then this knowledge will serve in life.)

Under the lying stone and water does not flow. (The meaning of the proverb is that if you don't do anything to achieve the goal, it will never be reached.)

Channel everything to face. (The famous saying about that a beautiful, charming person is any clothes.)

While the thunder is not born, the man does not cross. (The famous Russian proverb. Means: Russian man begins to eliminate the problem or dangerous situation only when this danger or problem has already brought real trouble. But it is almost always possible to prepare in advance, to envisage and eliminate these troubles before they appear.)

After us at least a flood. (A Russian proverb about people who are indifferent to what their actions will lead much later, the main thing now to get your benefit from these actions now.)

Hurry up - rush people. (The famous proverb reminds that the hurry most often leads to bad results. Always make decisions calmly and thoroughly thinking.)

True my eyes rolling. (The saying says when the truth really does not like a person, but she really is really not going anywhere.)

Forewarned is forearmed. (The proverb means that if a person got a warning about something, then in a normal situation, it should use time correctly: draw conclusions, take action, or will be prepared for what it was warned.)

Have a finger in the pie. (Saying. Means active participation in any work, business or event.)

As a cow saddle.

Bird - Will, man - peace. (Belarusian proverb. In my opinion, this proverb has the right to exist two interpretations. Choose what you like:
1) Bird for happiness needs freedom from the cell, and the whole planet is available to man.
2) Bird for happiness is needed freedom from the cell, and the person most for happiness is necessary for the world and there was no war.)

The work is not a wolf, the forest will not run away. (Family Russian folk proverb. So they say when they do not want to do work now, or a person will dissuade himself to do it. In general, this is an excellent excuse, so as not to wash the dishes.)

Work up to sweat, so eat in hunt. (Russian folk proverb. The one who works efficiently, or makes its business - will definitely receive a result in the form of a worthy payment.)

Work with a light. (The saying says when a person likes what he does. He works with the desire, joy and enthusiasm.)

Risk is a noble thing. (Proverbs say when they want to justify the risk in some kind of fact. Very often, to succeed, you need to go for risk.)

Motherland is a mother, able to stand up for her. (Each man should be able to defend his land, his home, his relatives, people living with you near. This is the concept of homeland.)

Groves and forest - all of the world of the beauty. (The meaning of the proverb is that it is necessary to take care of the forest, he is the beauty of the earth, the source of many necessary resources, as well as the source of life for many animals and birds.)

Hands itch. (The saying about a desire to make a favorite thing as soon as possible.)

Russian man rear mind strong. (Russian folk proverb. Means that the problem is always the wise problem comes to mind much later than it was necessary when solving it.)

Brooks are somewhat - rivers, people will connect - force. (The proverb shows the strength of the merger of people. When a lot of people are united together, they will solve anything on the shoulder.)

The fish rots from the head. (A popular proverb. Means that in any public or political education, in the army, or in the enterprise - the problem, the lack of discipline, corruption and the Bardak due to incompetence, greed or evil actions of their leaders.)

Stretch in the gun. (The saying says that the person who is to blame for something, or did something bad.)

With a needle dressed. (The saying talks about a man dressed in beautiful clothes that he really goes.)

With the world on a thread - naked shirt. (Russian proverb. Means that if a lot of people will gradually become a little money or things, it will be a significant amount of money or things. They usually say when everyone together want to help a friend, neighbor or relative in trouble.)

With a bad bush and a berry empty. (Belarusian folk proverb. Means that the "fruits" of any work or case depends on how you will try.)

With craft will not disappear. (French proverb. Means that if you are talented in something, then your talent will always help you earn if you use it.)

Himself, and wants to look a peacock. (A proverb about a person who is not his clothes that does not fit him.)

The most expensive seems to be what your work is invested. (The proverb that each person considers the most valuable in life what he has achieved his work and its efforts.)

Pig is never satisfied. (Proverb about a person who is still not enough in life and which is always unhappy with something.)

Its sore hurts. (Proverb about the Egoist, to whom it seems that he is much worse than the rest.)

His land and in the sorrows of Mila. (The proverb means that the Motherland always seems to be a man best)

Its shirt closer to the body. (Russian proverb. Means that own interests and well-being are more important than the interests of other people.)

Business before pleasure. (The proverb means that if any business successfully decided, you need to relax, relax, gain strength for new things.)

Today is the feast of Mountain, and tomorrow went with Sumy. (French proverb. Speaks about those people who spend all the money without a balance without thinking what will happen tomorrow.)

Seven one is not waiting. (Russian Folk Proverb. It says when one person is late, and most are forced to wait for him. Also say, when one person creates problems or inconvenience large quantity other people with their slowness.)

Seven spans in the forehead. (So \u200b\u200bthey talk about a very smart and intelligent man. Pond is an old Russian length of length. That is, literally means high forehead.)

Seven Fridays in the week. (The saying says a non-permanent person, about a person who too often changes his intentions and opinion.)

Seven times will die - one revenue. (The meaning of the proverb is that before anything to do, carefully check and think well, slowly, whether you have learned everything.)

The heart is bleeding. (Usually they say when they are worried about the mountain of other people, or when being upset because of some loss.)

Sits like a cow claw. (Saying about a person who is not to his face his clothes.)

Sitting on the stove, do not earn and on the candles. (About labor and laziness. You will be idle - you will be poor, you will be stubborn and hardworking - you will succeed.)

Strong wins one, who knows - a thousand. (The proverb means that with the help of knowledge and science, any business will be much more efficient and better than without them.)

How much wolf do not feed, and he looks all in the forest. (The wolf does not exchange freedom for anything, it is very difficult to tame, it always pulls into the forest. So and people: if a person wants to leave somewhere very much, or something to change something, then it is not to retain something and not to dissuade.)

Sticking the heart. (The saying is applied when some matter is made against the will, when you do not want to do it, but you need or cause circumstances.)

Miser pays twice. (The proverb means that often a person saves where it should not be done and subsequently this savings costs more than more expensive. Also often people buy cheap and poor-quality things that immediately break or come into disrepair, you have to buy again.)

Follow the good - climb the mountain, follow the evil - slide into the abyss. (The proverb brightly shows: what will happen to a person, depending on his actions. Good will raise you, the evil will lower it to the bottom.)

Too many chefs only spoil porridge. (German proverb. It says when it is important not to overdo and do everything in moderation.)

Words are good when from the soul. (Spanish proverb. The proverb means that when a person sincerely says good words, then they sound differently and especially pleasant.)

Word is not sparrow: It takes out - you can't catch. (The proverb teaches a man: if something said, it means that they are responsible for his words. Also, if you want to say someone's bad and offensive words, I think a hundred times, whether it is worth saying. Then the situation can never be corrected, or to do Bed.)

Resin - not water, brand - not hello. (The proverb about what to swear is bad.)

Snow is the root of cormalice - a warm casing. (The meaning of the proverb is that the snow is for plants shelter from frosts. There will be no snow in winter, winter harvest and plants can freeze.)

Dog ate. (Russian saying. Means that a person has acquired a lot of experience in something, achieved mastery, and knows a lot about it.)

The Council with people will never harm. (Belarusian proverb. Means that if it is very difficult for you to make a decision, then you should consult with more experienced and wise people. But after listening to their advice, the decision to take anyway.)

Forty on the tail brought. (Popular saying. So answer the question: "How did you know from?", When you do not want to disclose your source of information.)

Thank you in your mouth. Thanks for bread not flasher. (Proverbs say when they hint about paying for the service provided.)

Hid the ends into the water. (Saying. Well hid the truth, disguised so that he could not know.)

Sleeves. (The saying says when a person does some matter very poorly and bad. Example: "Our footballers played" Sleeves, "and lost 3: 0.")

Stara Proverb, but about a new one palls. (Means that old proverbs are always relevant, even in our modern world.)

An old friend is better than two new ones. (The proverb teaches to appreciate the friendship, proven time. There is nothing more valuable than a friendly mutualist, tested by life. New friends still have to prove that they are worthy of the words of a friend, like you.)

So-Syak (The saying says when they make some matter of poor quality and without effort. Example: "Our footballers played" Soak "and lost 2: 0.")

Such people on the street are not lying. (Saying about the master of his case, about valuable personin which other people need.)

Such a master will tear off everywhere with his hands. (A saying about a person who is very talented in his case and other people need in it.)

The talent is easily not worth a penny. (The proverb that even if a person has abilities, but he doesn't appreciate him, nor, nor his ability. Success like hardworking.)

Patience and work will be pulled out. (Proverb about the value of such human qualities, as hard work and excerpt. Stubborn, hardworking people, bringing a matter to the end, be sure to succeed in life.)

Only fools head buys firewood in the rain. (Spanish proverb. They talk about a person who does unreasonably, does not think about his actions.)

Heavy in teaching is easy in battle. (The proverb means it is difficult and difficult to learn something - either, or acquire knowledge, but when you could learn everything, or learn how it should be, then you will definitely achieve success, or victory. You need to remember once and forever: before trying to do any one The case, you first need to learn everything that will help make this thing very good.)

Everyone has their own skeleton in the closet. (This means that everyone has their own sin, a deed or deed, for which he is very shameful and he repents in what he did.)

Who has what hurts, the one says. (The proverb means: if a person in conversations with different people constantly discusses the same thing, then it means it strongly worries in thoughts.)

Mind without a book, like a bird without wings. (The proverb means that the one who does not read books is unlikely to be able to acquire full-fledged knowledge.)

A clever head, but a fool got. (Proverb about a person who seems to be not stupid, but makes hopeless, stupid deeds.)

Smart to the mountain will not go, the smart mountain will work. (The proverb means that a clever person will find the most correct and effective solution Situations.)

Vintage is not from dew, but from sweat. (To get the result in any case, you need to make efforts, work.)

Truthful baby's mouthpiece. (The proverb means that often children due to children's naivety, they say simple, understandable, but at the same time the right decisions, or the truth, because they still do not know how to lie.)

The morning is wiser than the evening. (Russian folk proverb. Means that in most situations you do not need to rush, make decisions "with hot", you do not need to hurry, you need to calm down and think well. As a rule, if you go to bed, then the situation will seem differently in the morning and the decision taken Thoughtful, it will be much more effective.)

The scientist drives, unaccustomed follows. (The proverb means that the competent person will always manage illiterate people. The same who has not studied and does not have knowledge, will only fully work.)

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness. (The proverb means that knowledge give a person the opportunity to learn all the depth and beauty of life, allow you to have more opportunities, the life of illiterate people, as a rule, dim and dull passes in poverty and hard work.)

Facts - stubborn item. (Proverb, written by an English writer Elliot. Means that the truth will be considered what is visible by the eyes, which is visible and obvious to everyone at the moment.)

The sea bit paved to light. (Proverbs talking about a boastful person who in words the hero, and in the case nothing is capable of.)

Bread - everything head. (Means that bread is the main product in the life of people. It is necessary to take care of bread carefully.)

Good mind wear will not add. (The proverb means: no matter how you did not look, and smart people will evaluate you for your mind and your actions, and not at the expensive appearance.)

Good glory of people collects, and bad people accelerate. (Belarusian proverb. Means that good deeds attract people, and bad things are repelled by others.)

Want a big spoon - take a big shovel. Want to eat honey - bees raw. (Proverb about labor. Attach efforts and your work - you will get a reward and result.)

Want to eat Kalachi, do not sit on the furnace. (Similar to the previous one, you want to live well, it means you need to make perseverance and work.)

Want to know a person - give him a loan. (The proverb means that if you give a person to debt money and he will come to return debt to him, it will become clear - he is a decent person, or an ordinary deceiver.)

I want - half I can. (The proverb means that if a person has a desire to do something, he will always find ways to do it. Life will definitely tell me.)

Lights on both legs. (The saying can be heard when they are discussing a bad worker who is lagging behind the student in studying, or what an unsuccessful case.)

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. (The proverb means: about all matters are judged by their result. For children: if the owner of the chicks, he cared for them, made up effort and his work, then in the fall of all chicks there are big chickens and cocks, that is, there will be a result. So in other cases - If you make efforts to be stubborn and hardworking, you will definitely achieve success.)

A person lives a century, and his works are two. (A proverb about what a person has reached in his life. If you did good deeds and achieved success, it is still very long and well to remember and say people.)

A person will be born, and his fingers already bend to him. (The proverb means that almost every person is characteristic of the very birth of the desire to become rich, have money and all sorts of good.)

What would do the child who do not take, just not crying. (The meaning of the proverb, the fact that the person does anything makes anything, just not to deliver the hassle. Most often this proverb is talking about people who make stupid, funny acts to comment on their antics.)

Through strength and horse does not jump. (Means that in everything you need to know the measure.)

What's in the forehead, that in the forehead. (Russian saying. They talk about a person who cannot understand and figure out what they explain.)

What's in your mouth, then thanks. (The proverbs said in ancient times, when they thanked people or life for delicious food.)

What to face, then colors. (The proverb about what you need to wear clothes that is suitable for a person and looks beautiful on it.)

What will be born in the summer - in winter it will be useful. (The meaning of the proverb is that it is necessary to carefully apply to the summer crop, as it will feed people in winter.)

What is written in pen, do not cut down the ax. (The proverb means: if what is written on paper (law, order, complaint, etc.) entered into force or read by other people, it is very difficult to fix it, change or cancel.)

What goes around comes around. (The famous Slavic Proverb. Means: How will you treat the case at the beginning, then you will get in his end. If I tried and did well, the result of any case will be good. If I did something poorly, bad or did wrong, then the result Accordingly, it will be deplorable.)

To eat fish, you need to climb into the water. (The proverb means, the result can be achieved, only accompanying efforts and your work.)

Slave cat, whose meat ate. (Russian folk proverb. They talk about a person who stole from another person, or hurt him. And when he learned to anyone, it was very frightened.)

Alien hen turkey looks. (Proverb about envy, when you envy another person.)

Other children grow rapidly. (The saying means that when there is no own children, it seems that others are growing quickly, because they do not see the problems with which their parents face every day. To raise their children, you need to deal with many troubles every day, so it seems that they grow long.)

Stockings of the new, and heels goals. (Proverb about who instantly spoils new clothes.)

Whose cow was at first, and yours would be silent. (Means that in a certain situation, it is better to get better than something to speak not to the place and not by time. It is often said in a situation where a person is obviously guilty, but trying to justify, accusing others.)

Step forward is a step towards victory. (It is not necessary to disclose anything. This proverb should be a motto in all your affairs.)

Murder will out. (It is said in a situation where someone is trying to hide what it is clear, or will definitely be known.)

These are only flowers, berries will be ahead. (A saying about any matter or event, the consequences of which are not completely visible to the end. That is, the most important results and events from this case will be later.)

I reversed it, and he learned me. (The proverb about how a person for good is responsible for ungrateful and betrayal.)

I'm not so rich to buy cheap things. (The phrase of one famous person. She wanted to say that he buys only expensive and high-quality things that would serve him for a long time and reliably. The cheap things are usually poor and very quickly fail.)

I am not me, and the horse is not mine. (Saying say when they want to show their innocence to the situation, do not interfere, etc.)

The apple never falls far from the tree. (The proverb means that children are very often similar to their parents both in character and in the actions.)

Language without bones. (Saying about a person who knows how beautiful and talk a lot.)

Tongue to Kiev will bring. (The proverb means that a person who knows how to speak properly and beautifully, will always find what he needs. We are talking about specific placeand about success in any business.)

My tongue is my enemy. (The proverb is said in the case when a person bothered something "superfluous" and his words in the end, hurt him, or expensive for him.)

Teach your grandmother to suck eggs. (The proverb is told a person who is younger and inexperienced, but trying to teach older and experienced in business, or in life.)