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A philosophical article on the topic: why you shouldn't play with magic or the stereotypical image of a young witch that has developed over many centuries around love.

Witches know how to love too

Over the centuries, people have formed a very peculiar image of a beautiful young witch. Judging by the films, retold facts, fairy tales and books, she is the one who takes the love of any man. She is the one who is always alone, and if she allows herself love or family, everything ends tragically. She is beautiful, strong, intelligent, cunning, passionate and knows what others have never dreamed of: in sex, in love and life. She is a dangerous enemy and a good friend. She knows something beyond, unknown and uncontrollable. There is always a mystery in it, the witch attracts, intoxicates, captivates.

A beautiful romantic image of a beautiful girl, a strong woman ...

Many girls see a witch Such... This image attracts them. They strive to get in touch with magic in order to become such a Witch, for which thousands of fans will sigh, who will be respected and listened to her opinion. They put this image on themselves and find themselves in another world.

No, the world does not change at all. It's just that when you proclaim that you are walking the road of magic, life begins to test you for the seriousness of your decision. In addition, a mechanism is triggered: if I come into contact with magic, then I am a Witch. The reasoning continues in the key of what I should be now and what to do for the young witch. “I am a Witch, which means I must be strong, domineering, rebellious. I have to take what I like, get the attention of everyone I want and influence the world as I like, and help, of course. " And sooner or later, such a witch makes a love spell.

Power plays with us, it tests us for strength. When a young witch announces her will, the Force gives her what she wants and looks at what happens next. And then everything goes somersault, the guy gets bored, but does not leave, and at best the witch has enough sense to make a lapel. Here he is a turning point in the formation of any witch. "You can do whatever you want"- said in many books on magic. Many perceive this as the most important of the text and forget to read between the lines: "... and for all your actions you will be responsible and pay your price for every intervention in the creation of the world."

If you take away love and make another person unhappy, sooner or later these actions will affect your life. Once I, too, had a choice to influence my guy or leave him alone and go to my destined happiness. And that was the moment when I stopped playing magic and the young witch. I did not do what the image of a witch in my head would have done. I did what my heart and my inner sense of justice told me to do.

I think that it was then that the Force wrapped its arms around me and stopped playing with me like with a blind kitten. Then I grew up and became myself - the One who follows the path of the Force. Life is different from movie templates, books, or retold facts. It is full of surprises and varied choices. Listen to yourself and you will understand where your road is and where you are real. Only by going beyond the framework of a stereotyped perception, you can cognize magic and its possibilities. You can know yourself, find love and happiness.

Someone is looking for power in magic, someone for love, someone for self-realization. But as long as you "play" magic, nothing will happen. There will only be an aging girl, divorced from reality with a bunch of complexes, loans and problems.

Do you want this ending? Understand yourself, magic is multifaceted, here you can find an application for all talents, realize all the possibilities and desires. Strength loves the worthy. Be that way and you can find someone who will match you.

The Love Witch, 2016, Anna Biller

Eric Shurgot reviews Anna Biller's Love Witch

In one alternate universe, America is forever stuck in the late sixties: clothes, cars, hairstyles and interiors typical of the swing and hippie era are everywhere. Among the variegated colors of this slightly eccentric world, costumed magicians, naked druids and sexy witches roam freely. Adherents of witchcraft not only do not hide in dark thickets, on the contrary, they everywhere emphasize that not a single current law prohibits their activities. Straight from San Francisco, in a provincial town, the enchanting beauty witch Elaine arrives. The girl runs away from the police and the ghosts of the past, and thinks of only one thing - about strong and eternal love with a man of her entire life, whom she, in truth, has not even seen. The beauty does not care about reciprocity, because she has a secret weapon against male composure - love magic, which she has been practicing for more than a year.

"Witch of love", review

Writer and director Anna Biller draws on the screen a bizarre universe in which the lurid kitsch of the sixties is cleverly combined with the clichéd Middle Ages. From the very first shots, the "witch of love" pounces on the visual system, like the Belgian lambic on the taste buds. Red drowns in rich blue, yellow dances with bright spots among poisonous green, and even black flows into this carnival of color in the most natural way. All this, coupled with film filters and cinematic techniques appealing to the aesthetics of the sixties, shoots out with its originality, instantly plunges into the atmosphere of the tape. There is something to marvel at - in the center of the city there is a shop of witchcraft and a Victorian tea room, where the play of the harp is constantly playing, in the forest the pagan rituals of sorcerers and witches are glorified, minstrels sing in gentle voices, and slightly eerie jesters dance. At the same time, rare hints of modernity are scattered throughout the film - a touchscreen phone, a car actual design, individual attributes of clothing. As if this game of attentiveness amuses the director no less than the visualization itself.

"The Witch of Love" is a satirical look at gender stereotypes, although this is not immediately apparent behind the colorful picture. Elaine's ideas about love are deliberately exaggerated, reduced to almost infantile quotations of tabloid prose. There are all the usual archetypes and stereotypes - a white stallion, a country mansion, a wedding dress. The witch hops exceptionally brutal men with her charms - a wealthy handsome bachelor or a determined police detective. The paradox at the same time lies in the absence of the need to conjure - Elaine is already beautiful, like a forest nymph. But her confidence that a man must certainly be enchanted, tying him to himself for the rest of his life, borders on insanity. Representatives of the stronger sex cannot withstand such powerful spells, they gradually go crazy and more and more disappoint the young witch: some with their depression, some with guilt, and some with feigned coldness. Without knowing it, Elaine becomes femme fatale in the life of those whom he wants to endow with boundless care and tenderness. It is not for nothing that her outfits are almost always monochromatic: the white peignoir seems to embody pure impulses, the scarlet dress hints at a burning passion, and the black dress hints at inevitable death, which is carried by the main character, a predator in the skin of a lamb.

Biller's first full-length film "Viva" was also filmed in the style of the pseudo-sixties, and one can even assume that the action of both films takes place in the same universe. Her language is the language of flowers and images, stained glass windows and paintings, tarot cards and grimoires, dreams and prophecies, sexuality and machismo. At times it seems that all this is the most natural kitsch, but the fact is that "The Witch of Love", although it looks like the films of the sixties, at the same time it does not look like anything at all

Biller's first full-length film "Viva" was also filmed in the style of the pseudo-sixties, and one can even assume that the action of both films takes place in the same universe. Her language is the language of flowers and images, stained glass windows and paintings, tarot cards and grimoires, dreams and prophecies, sexuality and machismo. At times it seems that all this is the most natural kitsch, but the fact is that "The Witch of Love", although it looks like the films of the sixties, at the same time it is not like anything at all. And the characters here are completely charismatic, bright, to match the picture. At the same time, in the film you will not find a single familiar face, and it is not surprising, given the penny budget. Samantha Robinson as Elaine is not just beautiful, like a wax doll, her emotions range from charming shyness to predatory aggression, not only the color of her clothes changes, but also her facial expression. I would like to believe that this role will be a breakthrough for the young actress, especially since the Western press noticed the film immediately after its release. Love stories are imposed in the teeth, and "The Witch of Love" shamelessly taunts them, like Christopher Moore over the fantasy genre - only without outright vulgarity.

She will not tolerate ridicule and small injections, eternal petty discontent and outright rudeness for years. Of course, I'm not talking about assault. I do not recommend anyone to raise a hand against a witch, for the sake of safety, not so much of their own life right now, but of life in a month, half a year, a year ... Well, of course, it is not safe for health, both momentary and globally of the future. Yes, that's it. For a short time, the witch will silently wait, giving her man a chance to change his mind and change something in the relationship. If this is a very beloved man, the period of time will be longer. But I would not count on so many years. And then everything will happen quickly and inexorably. Aloof look; thoughts are not about you, not here and not now. You are near, but you are no more. And you don't need to call her, beg and promise. Witches don't know how to come back. The past is dead for them, and in the future you are not registered, in her future. Because she did not register you there when she created this very future of hers. She doesn't love you anymore, and you yourself are to blame. You have forgotten that there was not a home queen or a funny goat nearby, and not even a glamorous chick. Nearby was a real WOMAN, for witches are all real women, otherwise how would they fly on a broomstick. How could they so easily walk through life through all the troubles and hardships. How they could turn their heads just by their presence. But the most important thing is how they could do magic so easily, and even in its most terrible varieties ... But now all this has nothing to do with you. You had your chance and you lost it, or rather missed it. Now you can only sadly watch from the roadside how someone else will rush after your ex who loves you, and how he will try ... to take your place. And maybe she will allow ...

Witches can't love, genetically? Let me disagree with you. They CAN love, and in a way that the heroines of soap operas never dreamed of. But that's bad luck. A rare daredevil will dare to simply attract the attention of a witch. And to "tame" such a woman ... scary though. Yes, in order to be a companion of a strong woman, you will not be able to be a weakling. She is smart and therefore will understand and forgive your mistakes and mistakes, and may even try to help fix it. She is generous, because she will close her eyes to your shortcomings, she loves you the way she is. She is wise, and therefore will tolerate your stupidity ... for a while. But she will not forgive you if you forget WHO is next to you and equate her with everyone else. And you get used to it, relax, forget and bet.

And the witch leaves ...

Even when she is no longer here, she can still be physically close for some time. But no longer yours, no longer with you ...

Don't forget, and don't make the witch leave. A little love, a little attention, a little patience - and this magical jewel will always sparkle and shimmer nearby. This genie will fulfill all your desires, even those that are just being born. This guard will save, protect and cover from all troubles and threats. But most importantly, this woman will love you. And her love will be larger than the whole universe, but warm and illuminate carefully and gently, for many years ...

One of the phenomena that holds this world together is love. Maybe for some this statement will seem frivolous. But it will only seem. If we take into account how much pain each person has to endure in each embodiment of his soul, regardless of the social conditions in which he may find himself, then love is the least of what each of us deserves.

This is the ultimate goal of everything that happens around us. Love is not only a personal phenomenon, but also universal. The entire cosmos is permeated with waves of love and in order to act correctly, without conflicting with Nature, we must learn to feel all of its manifestations.

One of the ways to use magic is to seek love. Since ancient times, many women have resorted to supernatural powers for help in order to win the favor of their beloved man and keep this love for as long as possible. In turn, men tried to attract indifferent girls to themselves, using various secret means. The most powerful and capricious energy is sex appeal. There are no other energies like her. United in love, she represents an invincible weapon.

If a witch wants to achieve love, then the first thing she must do is try to accomplish it without using spells and rituals. By itself, she is a magical creature, aware of her uniqueness. Her thoughts and faith come from her and have a direct impact on those around her.

A good witch must master the art of seduction. In order to get closer to the object of her desires, she does not need to resort to various eccentricities. Internally, a sense of harmony and balance does not allow her to become obsessed. However, the powerful intensity of feelings and their pressure are very useful and provide an opportunity to visualize their desires. At the same time, the concentration of the will of the witch can help her achieve her goal.

The first thing she must do is to penetrate as much as possible into the inner world of the object of passion. She must analyze the person in order to find the triggers she needs. The search for symbols, interests or work that are most significant for a person will make it possible to choose the right direction in influencing him with words or certain actions. A witch is not just a magician, she is a subtle psychologist. If she notices that communication has become tiring, then she will do everything to diversify it or change the emotional background. But, if suddenly there is a clash of interests, there is no need to waste time. This person is not for her.

But this is just flirting. And true love happens very rarely in the life of every person. This is the greatest magical and chemical effect of their cosmos on us. It is a catalyst for all types and forms of internal development, and if handled with care, with a certain amount of faith and courage, it can last a lifetime. Thus, we become as close to the universal processes, acting in accordance with them, as much as possible.

Love is one of the fundamental phenomena that appeal to us at all levels, both physically and at the most sublime. The entire universe is created out of love. The separated structures unite over time in order to give birth to new life. There are always higher principles for spells when love becomes a reason - in any of its manifestations. They should never be taken lightly.

But, if you fulfilled the desires of your heart and are completely sure that he (she) is exactly that part of your soul and this confidence does not leave you for many years, does not depend on mood swings, then a little magic may even be useful and fully justified. Magic, like setting in motion an absolute will, is possible when using a spell. Such a spell must necessarily be general. If a spell is aimed at seducing an individual person, then this is deeply unethical and even harmful, primarily for the one who uses it. If a person responds to a common call, then it is his or her choice. Thus, ethical problems are removed.

One of these spells can be found in literary sources. This is Jenny Cousin's Call of Husband spell. Some believe that it is perfect, since it is aimed at evoking the person they desire. This technique is one of the key in magic.

Because your mind is a landscape, wide and changeable,
It grows and dies every day of the year
Knows the flight of a bird and the sleep of trees,
So come and marry me.
Your body is straight and brown and smooth as stone
Your fingers are thin as water
Your eyes are quick and sharp
Your nerves speak and listen.
Your life is a wide river
I am the ocean and the rain for you
Your love for me is heaven and belly and storm
So come and marry me.

It is not the language in which this spell is pronounced that is very important, but its semantic load in combination with visualization and the willful effort of the speaker. Comparison of body parts with natural phenomena and the appeal to them is very important. This is what can affect those invisible energy strings that permeate our space. The perturbation of these strings can give rise to the music of love.

To feel cosmic love is the aspiration of any religious person or mystic. In this case, the witch is no exception.

There are many books out there that describe fast and accurate spells. But you need to know that using them is a great tool when it occurs in a wider context. The witch should know that true answers can be obtained not from the abundance of symbols and magical objects, but from the joyful acceptance of becoming a part of the spiritual Whole.

The witch's knowledge that she is only small man in a complex and vast Universe, and its goal is union with the Divine principle, are the main driving force of its magic. Many are looking for spiritual exaltation: monks, yogis and simple people... The positive witch is no exception, however, her methods are different. We all strive for happiness, both individually and collectively.