
Vanga - biography, photo, personal life, predictions of the clairvoyant Vangelia. Biography of Vanga - how she lived and when the seer died Year of birth of Vanga

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Do you think that Wanga was a prophetess from God or vice versa? I saw terrifying prophecies in which she said that if we do not believe in the Lord, everything will end in a terrible way. All her prophecies have come true! Thank you in advance.

Grandmother Vanga, whose real name is Vangelia Gushterova, was a famous clairvoyant from Bulgaria. Her last prophecy, before her death, in 1996, concerned Romania and was as follows:

“I am too young for him to come to me, so I convey this message that came to me from Above. Let it be open in January, on the 24th day, 2005, and, at the most in a month, be given to the person I am talking about. If it fails to reach him, let her be given to those around him. To the joy of this world, the promised peace will come to Romania. The whole earth will rejoice at his birth. God will protect him in a place that is far from the place where his ancestors rest until his time comes. He will be endowed with power from Above. Earth, Water, Fire will help him. With his coming into this world, everything that was built on lies will be destroyed. All this will happen in 2005. He will be the foundation for humanity. The first to recognize him will be people from his people, the people from which he came. As a reward, he will bring these people to the highest degree of perfection in the entire world. This people will become a real model for all the peoples of the earth. He will not come on a living horse, but on an iron horse, which he himself will lead. "

Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of Bible prophecy will recognize this as tangled plagiarism in complete departure from God's prophetic plan. The Messiah is Jesus Christ, and He has already come, and not to Romania, but to Israel. He will return to earth, but not to be born, because this already happened 2,000 years ago in Bethlehem. Obviously, Wanga read the book of Revelation (after all, she, being blind, knew how to read), but she did not even have an elementary understanding of the prophecies.

Her granddaughter, Kasimira Stoyanova, wrote about Vanga, and it is clear from her stories that Vanga received messages from evil spirits, since God's angels do not come and do not transmit messages that contradict what is written in the Bible. Vanga said that when she was talking with someone, she saw next to all the dead relatives of this person. Summoning the dead and communicating with them is a vile practice that is strictly forbidden by God.

Wanga asked people who came for the prophecies to bring with them a piece of sugar, which they had at home for at least several days, and on the basis of which she could predict the future for them. Such methods were used by fortune-tellers and sorcerers, but God's prophets never turned to anything like that.

Vanga agreed with theosophy and promoted it, and this is the heretical teaching of Helena Blavatsky and Nicholas Roerich, completely contrary to God's teaching.

If Wanga were a prophetess from God, she would preach the Word of God, and all her prophecies would help to strengthen and proclaim the Bible's message for the salvation of many people through faith in Jesus Christ. This message is absent from her prophecies, and a departure from the truth of Scripture gives us full reason to consider her a false prophet. We should not rely on her prophecies, even if they are partially fulfilled, as it is written:

If a prophet or a dreamer rises among you and presents you with a sign or a miracle, and that sign or miracle about which he spoke to you will come true, and moreover says: “Let us go after some other gods, whom you do not know, and we will serve them”, - then do not listen to the words of this prophet, or this dreamer; for through this the Lord your God tempts you, in order to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Follow the Lord your God and fear Him, keep His commandments and listen to His voice, and serve Him, and cleave to Him (Deuteronomy 13: 1-4)

It is not right to go to sorcerers and fortune-tellers, like Wanga, to find out the truth. God doesn't allow us to do that. He said this:

When you enter the land that the Lord your God gives you, then do not learn to do the abominations that these peoples did: you should not be with you who leads his son or daughter through the fire, a soothsayer, a fortuneteller, a sorcerer, a sorcerer, a charm, summoning spirits. , the wizard and the questioner of the dead; For everyone that does this is an abomination to the Lord, and because of these abominations the Lord thy God drives them out from before thee. be blameless before the Lord your God; for these nations, whom you are driving out, listen to diviners and soothsayers, but the Lord your God did not give it to you. (Deuteronomy 18: 9-14)


The controversy about who the great prophetess Wanga was, even after her century, did not subside. Some of her fans are seeking canonization. And some church hierarchs, on the contrary, consider her a witch. But, interestingly, even they recognize her gift. Relatives and friends, Vanga's acquaintances said that Vanga regularly went to church, received communion and confessed, sent donations to monasteries.
She called herself "the great sinner."
Time will judge.

But, without any doubt, Wanga was a great person.

43-year-old Metropolitan Nikolay of Plovdiv, one of the most authoritative theologians, a graduate of the Moscow Theological Academy, in his archpastoral epistle to the faithful declared the world-famous prophetess a witch, and her gift - devilish.

This was done in response to the appeals of the compatriots of Vanga and the bishop's governor in Petrich Angel Kochev to the Patriarchate with a request to canonize Vangelia Pandeva-Gushcherova.

During the life of the great prophetess, the Bulgarian church seemed to consider Vanga to be its faithful child. She regularly visited monasteries, made large donations to them, confessed, received communion. Even the temple built by Vanga in Rupite, which the church considered non-canonical in form and murals, was still consecrated during her lifetime, in 1994.
They buried Vanga, too, in a Christian way - several priests were buried, they put a cross on the grave.

Why is it now, 16 years after the death of the church, is conducting a massive attack on Vanga?

The fact is that the popularity of the prophetess after her death did not melt away, but is growing, overgrown with legends. And on the eve of the end of the world, promised by the Mayan calendar in 2012, the veneration of the blind prophet turns into hysteria. And the Vanga foundation, created in Bulgaria during her lifetime, turned, according to the church, into an occult organization.

The attack on Wanga began in the year of her centenary. First, a book by Hieromonk Vissarion from the Zograf Monastery on Mount Athos was presented in Sofia. He called her loudly and sharply: "Vanga is a portrait of a modern witch." In the Russian edition, the word "witch" was softened by replacing it with a softer "witch". The book, written as a scientific study, was initially certified by the church as the private opinion of a theologian.

The book caused a storm - in Bulgaria Vanga is revered, her godchildren there are several hundred, and there are tens of thousands of people healed by this woman or those whom she helped with advice.

People come to her grave in Rupit as if to a saint - with their prayers and requests. They say that they are being fulfilled - admirers of Vanga keep a chronicle of posthumous miracles. Recently, national television conducted a poll, according to the results of which Wanga was named among the most popular personalities.
She is a brand of Bulgaria.

And suddenly the theologian from Athos declared her a witch! Indignant letters poured into the patriarchate. People called Wang a saint and asked to be canonized.

So who was Wanga?


From a scientific point of view, Georgy Lozanov was seriously involved in the phenomenon of Vanga, her abilities, forecasts.
But an unambiguous answer as to how and how Wang makes his conclusions and predictions was not received and Scientific research The Institute of Suggestology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, headed by Professor Lozanov, did not give any definitive conclusions.
According to Professor Lozanov himself, he remained in the dark about the real nature of Vangin's forecasts.

On the one hand, Lozanov was firmly against the uncritical acceptance of Vanga's predictions, and on the other, he did not reject that the percentage of fortunetellers' guessing significantly exceeds the border of chance. But the professor does not give any serious explanation as to why and how this happens.

Georgy Kirillov Lozanov (Bulgarian Georgi Kirilov Lozanov; July 22, 1926, Sofia - May 6, 2012, Sliven, Bulgaria) is a Bulgarian teacher and psychologist who developed in the 1960s the suggestopedia method used for accelerated learning of foreign languages.
In 1966 he became the founder and director of the Research Institute of Suggestology of the Ministry of Public Education of Bulgaria.
The Institute became most famous due to the fact that Vanga became one of the objects of its study.

Georgy Lozanov

Here are his own words, very contradictory in places:
“... Vanga was the object of research of our institute. I have tested some of her predictions. I challenged the gullible acceptance of her predictions, their uncriticality. I believed that it should be investigated, as well as other naturally gifted people around the world.

I sent my co-workers to record her sessions. Over time, we made a lot of notes, which later, during searches, remained with the police.
I never disputed the identity of Wanga, did not say that she was a fraud.
She was a man of the people who believed in her predictions. There were even many cases when she guessed right. If I rejected something, it was in order to prevent a thunderstorm that hung over her.

When they demanded a conclusion from me, whether she guesses, I wrote the information, they are preserved in the state archives.
Then I told Todor Zhivkov that Vanga was not guessing. But still, I told him that if he guesses 5 times, I - 8 times, then she guesses 12 times. Her predictions do not come true with a fatal guarantee, but still she guesses more than we do.

According to his statements to foreign journalists, the percentage of Vanga's guessed predictions is about 80%, which significantly exceeds the boundaries of chance.

As mentioned above, the professor and his group did not give a clear answer to the question of why, after all, Wanga guesses so much.
Newspaper "Slivenski novini" from 31.05.2010.

Rozhen Monastery. 1992

Associate Professor Jordan Peneva (was a member of the commission on anomalous phenomena, which studied, among other things, the gift of Vanga) was shocked by the scale of her foresight:
- "Vanga was brilliant, her capabilities were simply immense. Any scientist can be a specialist only in a particular field. And she knew everything about everything ..."


Vanga's unusual abilities began to manifest themselves by the beginning of 1941, when she was 30 years old. In April 1941, the second time she was "visited" by a "tall, fair-haired, mysterious horseman of divine beauty," who told her that he would be by her side and help her make predictions about the dead and the living.
Stoyanova, Kr. "Wang". with. 55.

Indeed, Vanga herself argued this:

“I remember today as the day of April 6, 1941. A man on horseback with a lit candle in his mouth appeared to me at a source and said to me:
“I am St. John Chrysostom, the war will soon begin and you will be the first fortune teller in the world and will tell people about their dead or disappeared loved ones. "
Angelova, V. "Prophet Wang, the only one ...", p. 6.

Soon after that “another voice began to be heard from her lips, which named with amazing accuracy the locations and events, the names of the mobilized men who would return alive, or with whom some misfortune would happen…”.
Stoyanova, Kr. "Vanga", p. 56.

From that time on, Wanga began to often fall into a trance, receive more and more visitors, find lost people and things and talk to the "dead".

On May 10, 1942, she married Dimitar Gushterov, on the categorical order of the "forces", despite the fact that he was then betrothed to another woman (Maria from the village of Kryndzhilishcha), and even told Vanga about it himself.
Angelova, V. "The Prophet Wang, the only one-way between nebeto and zemyaty". S., 2006, p. 7.

After the wedding, they went together to Petrich, from where her fortune-teller fame spread everywhere. Despite the fact that the “forces” predicted Vanga that her husband would protect her as much as “the shadow of an eagle with outstretched wings protects”, Vanga's family life was unhappy, she had no children, and 5 years after the wedding her husband Dimitar fell seriously ill (in 1947), began to drink very heavily and died in 1962, barely at the age of 42.
Angelova, V. "The Prophet Wang, the only one-way between nebeto and zemyaty". S., 2006, p. 7.


Let's try to figure out who Wanga communicated with, who gave her information, what is the nature of her "patrons."

According to relatives and people who knew Wang closely, she really often spoke about the voices that dictated prophecies to her. The seer, it seems, was just a mouthpiece. But for whom?

First, consider the information man-given who lived (maybe) the longest time with her, this is Krasimira Stoyanova, Vanga's niece and her sincere admirer, and later we will consider other important evidence.

We quote a text from K. Stoyanova's book "Vanga", which contains detailed description"creatures" with whom the "prophetess" communicated and from whom she drew her extraordinary information.
By Krasimira Stoyanova:

-What are these creatures who communicated with Wanga and often visited her house?

“In her opinion, they have some kind of hierarchy, because there are“ bosses ”who come less often, and usually when it is necessary to report on some extraordinary events or upcoming major cataclysms.
Then Vanga's face becomes pale, she falls into a trance and a voice that has nothing to do with her voice begins to be heard from her mouth. It is very strong and has a completely different timbre. The words and sentences that come out of her mouth have nothing to do with the words that Wang uses in her ordinary speech. As if some alien mind, some alien consciousness infiltrates her in order to communicate through her mouth about events fatal for people.

These, the creatures with whom Wanga communicates, she calls her "terms" - most often "great strength" or "great spirit", but this should not cause our skeptical smiles; these names should be taken quite conditionally. However, we still do not even have terms for them.


Stoyanova is wrong here. The truth is that in both the Old and New Testaments, God gives us enough "terms" and descriptions of these unclean spirits. But, of course, such "terms" are very revealing for fans of Vanga. And the truth remains the truth, regardless of whether we like it or not. Ms. Stoyanova's attempts to find a cover behind the veil of science are unsuccessful, since, as has already been said, science is primarily concerned with the material, not the spiritual world. But where science is silent, God says. And whoever has ears to hear - let him hear.

She just chose words for herself that were closer to her concepts and understandings. This "voice", which conveys information to her, must also be taken conditionally. It sounds in her, in "my head", as Vanga says, and she understands him and answers him mentally. How this happens, she herself cannot explain, but this communication occurs easily and naturally; she cannot cause it and cannot stop or avoid it.

Wanga explains that these "points" or "forces" are usually in the air because "the earth is unclean." Perhaps there is another explanation, but according to her concepts, this is a pretty solid reason. "
Stoyanova, Kr. "Wang". S., 1991. 122.

Wanga confessed to her niece that the spirits sharing information with her tormented her. And what was that perfume? “Oh, these forces, small forces that are always by my side. But there are also big ones, their bosses. When they decide to speak with my lips, I feel bad, and then I feel like a broken one all day. Maybe you want to see them, are they ready to show themselves to you? " ... I was extremely shocked and screamed loudly that I did not want to "
"Vanga is clairvoyant and healing". with. 11-12

Vanga confessed: “When a person stands in front of me, all deceased loved ones gather around him. They themselves ask me questions and willingly answer mine. What I hear from them, I pass it on to the living. "
"The truth about Vanga". with. 99.

Krasimir Stoyanov. Vanga's niece

Vanga's niece Krasimir Stoyanov writes:
- "About the fact that Vanga is a witch, and her gift is not from God, conversations around her have been going on all her life. They hurt her aunt most of all ..."
“My gift is from God,” Wang said to her niece. "He took my sight, but gave me other eyes with which I see the world - both visible and invisible."

Wanga said, “What I predict, good or bad, cannot be changed. Human life written once and for all, and no one can change it. What I see, however terrible it may be, cannot be changed. No one can escape fate. "
K. Stoyanova. "The truth about Vanga".

- "Every earthly being, the Earth and the Universe are subject to one, strictly defined cosmic rhythm and order. Violation of this order, even to the smallest degree, leads to large, sometimes fatal consequences, for which mankind will sooner or later pay a high price. ... "
K. Stoyanova. "The truth about Vanga".

In addition to the "spirits" who are Vanga and which she called "small forces", "large forces", in last years she begins to communicate with another species of inhabitants of the invisible world. She called them "the inhabitants of the planet Vamfim."
Krasimira Stoyanova, talking with her aunt, repeatedly asked her about this mysterious planet.

Here is what Wanga told about the visits of mysterious aliens from this planet to her:
“I've been seeing them for about a year now. They are transparent. They look like a reflection of a person in the water. Their hair is soft, like duck down, like wings. Very often, when I return home, I find them in my room. I talk to them, not yet reaching the gate, I hear drawn-out and slow, very melodic sounds, as if the choir is singing psalms. They say that they come from the planet Vamfim - the 3rd planet from the Earth, at least, as I hear it.

For what purpose they arrive - I don't know. Sometimes one of them takes my hand and leads me to his planet. I follow him. I walk on the earth (but this is not the earth!), Strewn with stars. As if I'm trampling them. Those who drive me move very quickly, in jumps. They leave and come back. Everything on their planet is very beautiful, I just can't describe it. "
K. Stoyanova. "Vanga: Confessions of a Blind Clairvoyant".

And more about Vamfin, from another book:
"1987. I've seen them for about a year. They are transparent. They are dressed in clothes like armor that shine like fish scales. (…) They tell me that they come from the planet Vamfim, or so I heard that this planet is the third from the Earth. They don't tell me why they come here. These creatures or aliens, I don't know what to call them, are very strict. When they speak, their voices sound like an echo. There, with them, on their land, everything is very well organized, and there are a lot of people working there. These creatures tell me that I am their most direct connection with the Earth. They communicate with units of people on our planet. They control us. "

Stoyanova, Kr. "Wang". P. 120.

End: PART2

Baba Vanga is an internationally renowned Bulgarian clairvoyant with a unique gift for foreseeing the most important events in the world. The biography of a clairvoyant is considered the most mysterious among all famous people of the last century, since there are no confirmed events in it. However, Vanga's predictions are still an unsolved phenomenon, according to the popular press. Fans of Vanga's gift find new evidence that the prophecies continue to come true with incredible accuracy in modern world while skeptics argue otherwise.

Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova was born on January 31, 1911 in a family of Bulgarian peasants Panda and Paraskeva in the territory of the modern Republic of Macedonia. The newborn did not receive her name right away, as she was very weak and her relatives did not believe that the girl would survive. Immediately after birth, she was wrapped in a sheepskin coat and placed under the oven, where, two months later, she began to cry for the first time. This became a symbol of the fact that the future clairvoyant has grown stronger and will live. Therefore, the girl was immediately christened in the church and gave her the name Gospel, meaning "bringing the good news."

Until the end of her life, Wanga remained religious. The clairvoyant urged people to believe in, be kinder and wiser.

At the same time, Vanga interpreted biblical parables in a peculiar way and invented her own prayers. The prophet loved to retell to journalists the legend of the flood and Noah's ark. According to Vanga, the famous ark was ten steps from the clairvoyant's house, and the woman could touch the warm tree, which Vanga really liked to do. Fans of Vanga's prophetic gift interpret these stories in different ways.

Personal life

Vanga's personal life, like the entire biography of a clairvoyant, has no official confirmation. It is known that the first clairvoyant love of the 20th century overtook in the House of the Blind. Then Vanga was even ready to marry her chosen one, but all plans were changed by her father, who urgently returned the girl home.

Vanga's only husband was Dimitar Gushterov, who married a blind soothsayer in 1942. Then Dimitar took his wife to his hometown of Petrich, which was located on the border of Bulgaria, Greece and Macedonia. The couple lived for 40 years until the death of Dimitar, who passed away due to years of drunkenness and its health consequences.

The children of Vanga are also one of the most interesting counts of the biography of the soothsayer. It is known that the clairvoyant was childless, but during her life she adopted two children - a boy Dimitar Volchev and a girl Violetta. The seer raised her adopted children as worthy people, they were given a good education and a "correct" start in life.


Vanga's departure came on August 11, 1996. The clairvoyant predicted her own death a month before what happened. The cause of death of the great predictor was breast cancer, which began to progress rapidly in the last months of Vanga's life.

Wang accepted her own death with a smile on her lips. The clairvoyant urged the whole world not to mourn her, since the load that Vanga had to carry through life is unbearable.

The achievements of the fortuneteller for humanity are highly appreciated in modern society. In honor of Vanga, a museum dedicated to the seer was opened in Petrich in 2008, and in 2011 in Rupite, where the clairvoyant lived in her last years, a statue weighing 400 kg was installed.

Fulfilled predictions of Wanga

Some of the clairvoyant predictions that came true appeared on the Internet in 2001, without primary sources indicating the authorship of Vanga. Skeptics argue that the Vanga phenomenon is a falsification initiated by the Bulgarian government and special services in order to attract a tourist flow and, accordingly, financial injections.

According to popular sources, over half a century, Wanga made 7 thousand predictions that came true. In addition to World War II, the clairvoyant predicted events in Syria, Nicaragua and Prague. In 1943, Wanga predicted a fiasco in the war with Russia, to which the German Fuhrer only laughed, which was in vain.

Vanga (Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova), nee Dimitrova. Born on January 31, 1911 in Strumitsa (Ottoman Empire) - died on August 11, 1996 in Sofia (Bulgaria). Bulgarian clairvoyant and soothsayer, healer.

Vangelia Dimitrova, better known as Vanga, was born on January 31, 1911 in the city of Strumitsa (formerly Strumnitsa), which is now in Macedonia near the border with Bulgaria and Greece, and at that time belonged to the Ottoman Empire.

Her parents were peasants.

Father - Pande Surchev.

Mother - Paraskeva Surcheva.

The name was given in accordance with the Bulgarian folk custom, when they go out into the street and ask the first person they meet. At first she was offered the name Andromache, but it was rejected by her relatives. And the second person he met called the name of Vangelia - translated from Greek (Greek Ευαγγελία) means “good news”.

From an early age she was accustomed to work, was distinguished by hard work until the end of her days.

Surprisingly, from an early age the girl was occupied with a strange game: to look for hidden objects with a blindfold. She also loved to do various things blindfolded, including playing with dolls. She herself later said that it was a kind of sign from above.

With the outbreak of the First World War, Vanga Pande's father was mobilized into the Bulgarian army. Mother died when Vanga was three years old. The girl grew up in a neighbor's house. Returning after the war, the widowed father remarried.

In 1923, Vanga's father lost land plot and due to financial difficulties, the family moved to the village of Novo selo in Macedonia, where her father was from. There, at the age of 12, Wanga, when she was returning home with her cousins, lost her sight due to a hurricane, during which a whirlwind threw her hundreds of meters. She was found only in the evening, covered with branches and with her eyes clogged with sand.

There was no money for treatment, as a result, Vanga went blind.

In 1925, she was sent to the House of the Blind in Zemun, Serbia, where she spent three years learning how to cook, play the piano, knit and read Braille. Due to difficult life circumstances in the family - during the fourth birth, her stepmother died - she returned to her father's house in Strumica to help take care of her younger brothers Vasil and Tom, as well as her sister Lyubka.

Vanga first attracted public attention to herself during the Second World War, when a rumor spread in the vicinity of her village that she was endowed with supernatural powers and clairvoyance and could determine the whereabouts of people missing in the war, whether they were alive, or the places of their death and burial. This was facilitated by the fact that on the eve of 1939, Vanga caught a bad cold when she stood barefoot on cement floor while awaiting the disbursement of an allowance for the poor, and being emaciated, she was unexpectedly able to recover from a severe form of pleurisy.

According to Vanga herself, she owes her abilities to some invisible creatures, the origin of which she was not able to explain. Vanga's niece, Krasimira Stoyanova, said that Vanga spoke with the souls of the dead or, in the case when the dead could not give an answer, with a kind of inhuman voice. After each such session, Wanga said that "I feel bad, and then I feel like a broken one all day," and "I lose a lot of energy, I feel bad, I am depressed for a long time."

In 1941, a "mysterious horseman" visited Wang for the second time, after which she began to manifest supernatural abilities. Vanga's first predictions concerned male front-line soldiers - the girl told her family about their whereabouts and foresaw whether they would return home alive or not.

One of the first titled visitors to Vanga was the Tsar of Bulgaria Boris III, who visited her on April 8, 1942.

Vanga had the ability to determine the diseases of people with great accuracy and predict their future fate. Often she sent them to healers or doctors who could help these people, and often she did not know these healers and spoke of them like this: such and such a person lives in such and such a city.

Vanga was supported by the Minister of Culture of the People's Republic of Bulgaria and a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party Lyudmila Zhivkova - daughter of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the BKP, Chairman State Council People's Republic of Bulgaria Todora Zhivkova.

The seer made her predictions on a piece of refined sugar, on which, before visiting Vanga, every visitor had to sleep through the night. Statisticians have calculated that during the period of the clairvoyant's activity, people brought her more than 2 tons of refined, which indicates that she helped more than a million people.

In 1967 she was registered as a civil servant. From that moment on, she began to receive an official salary of 200 leva a month, and a visit to her cost 10 leva for citizens of socialist states, and 50 dollars for citizens of "western" states. Until that moment, Vanga received people for free, accepting only different gifts.

For the last 20 years of her life, the woman received visitors in the Bulgarian village of Rupite.

In 1994, at the expense of Vanga, according to the project of the Bulgarian architect Svetlin Rusev, the chapel of St. Paraskeva was built in the village of Rupite. Due to the non-canonical nature of both the architecture of the building and the wall paintings, the chapel was not consecrated by the Bulgarian Orthodox Church that is why they simply say about the building “temple” without specifying its belonging.

Shortly before her death, Wanga reported that the Earth was visited by alien ships from a planet that sounds like "Vamfim", "the third in a row from planet Earth", and another civilization is preparing a big event, and a meeting with this civilization will take place in 200 years.

Vanga had a good attitude towards theosophy and the "Living Ethics" doctrine of N. K. and E. I. Roerichs. Candidate of Philosophy, Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) cites the testimony of Vanga's niece, Krasimira Stoyanova, who wrote that at a meeting with the writer L.M. Leonov: “Vanga had inspiration then, and she spoke about events that were fateful for his country. She communicated with the long-dead clairvoyant of Russian origin - Helena Blavatsky. We've really heard amazing things. " Gumerov also cites Stoyanova's testimony about the visit of Vanga by the Roerichs' son - Svyatoslav: “When Svetoslav Roerich visited Vanga, she told him:“ Your father was not just an artist, but also an inspired prophet. All his paintings are insights, predictions. They are encrypted, but attentive and a sensitive heart will tell the viewer the code. "

Vanga considered the Saint a prophet and described his image as in a painting by N.K. Roerich.

Vanga's personal life:

In the House of the Blind in Zemun, she met a blind young man from a wealthy family, she was going to marry him. However, their wedding was upset by her father, who, after the death of her stepmother, forced Wanga to return home to help raise her younger brothers and sister.

In May 1942, Vanga met Dimitar Gushterov, who was serving in the army, from the village of Kryndzhilitsa in Petricheskaya okoliya. Vanga predicted to Dimitar Gushterov, who came to her house to find out the names of his brother's killers, that he was her betrothed. Despite the fact that then he was going to marry the first beauty from his village. But after the words of Vanga, he decided to radically change his life, abandoned his bride and married a blind prophetess. Together they moved to Petrich.

Life with the "saint," as Dimitar called his wife, turned out to be simply an unbearable burden for him. And he drank heavily, died in 1962 from cirrhosis of the liver. Vanga was inconsolable and after the death of her husband she never took off her mourning.

She had no children of her own. She adopted a boy Dimitar Volchev and a girl Violetta, whom she raised and gave a good education.

Vanga died on August 11, 1996 in Sofia at the Lozinets clinic from cancer of the right breast, having refused treatment and surgery. According to rumors, the clairvoyant accurately predicted her death a month before what happened.

Before her death, she uttered a strange phrase: "There will come a time of miracles and a time of great discoveries in the field of the intangible. There will also be great archaeological discoveries that will radically change our ideas about the world since ancient times. So it is predetermined.".

Despite the fact that the woman lived quite modestly, in the last years of her life, Vanga's fortune was estimated at millions of dollars. After the death of the prophetess, among the property, which, according to Vanga's will, was completely transferred to the state, there was neither money nor jewelry that grateful people gave her.

In 2011, for the centenary of the birth of Vanga, her statue weighing 400 kilograms was installed in Rupita.

In 2014, Bulgaria solemnly celebrated the 20th anniversary of the opening of the temple (the chapel of St. Paraskeva built at the expense of Vanga).

Wanga (documentary)

Wanga - quotes, statements, thoughts

♦ Oh! - Thomas is unfaithful. Oh, what a great spirit it is! - I am He. We are He. We are He who goes into the world again, as He promised. All the apostles are now on the move, they all descended to Earth, for the time of the Holy Spirit has already come. But the highest mission fell to the Apostle Andrew. He is the preparer of the ways of Christ in the commanded land.

♦ When God comes, a difficult time will come for unbelievers. Drinkable water will only remain in the mountains. Christ will give water to people from a full jug, but dry on the outside. The Antichrist will moisten the jug on the outside, but inside it will be empty!

♦ In 2024, an era of peace and prosperity for a thousand years will be established in Russia.

♦ Fighting for peace does not have to be armed. If you breathe good thoughts into people, you will take a serious step towards achieving peace. Many leaders of various countries have focused their efforts in this direction. There is no other way out. You need to treat each other with kindness and love in order to be saved. Everybody be saved. Together.

♦ The body dies, but the soul remains, and you look, no matter how Herod comes. If he comes ... He ruined fourteen thousand souls! And if suddenly there is a war? What will we do if they come and begin to destroy the people? We must pray. But people don't listen. They destroy each other, kill, whatever they do, in order to destroy each other.

♦ If we do not understand simple truth with our minds, we will be forced to understand its inexorable laws of the cosmos. But then it will be too late, and the insight will cost us too much. People come up with new laws - they sew clothes of a new style. But it will still be a long time before we create a strong fabric.

♦ The anointed one in white robes will come to Earth again. The hour is near when the elect in their hearts will feel that Christ has returned. First He will appear to Russia, and then to the whole world.

♦ Humanity will witness God's signs in the sky, large parts of the land will be swallowed up by water, only those places where God's temples are located will God save.

♦ Humanity is on the way to insanity, it is something that will finish it off. And this thirst for power, this violence - but how is it: yesterday's criminals rule people today? Deception, perversity, godlessness, the fact that people cling to evil, but oppose good - all this will come back to haunt us.

♦ Explore me, experiment, study with instruments and apparatus. Do you want to explain what I am doing? How can you explain this when it is God's handiwork?

♦ My gift from God. He deprived me of my sight, but gave me other eyes with which I see the world - both visible and invisible.

♦ If you give in this world, then you will have in Heaven. If you have two apples, large and small, give one of them. You will get the same in the next world. If you have not given anything in this life, and there you will not receive anything.

♦ Strengthen your faith in God, love each other and be kinder, because without this you will not achieve success in anything. Although with difficulty, the bad in Bulgaria is giving way to the good. Do not hurry. Heaven knows best in what order events should follow. There are other laws.

♦ There is another, more perfect, higher mind parallel to the human, human mind. This mind begins and ends in the universe, He is eternal and infinite, everything is subject to Him.

♦ And no matter how you start these conversations about people, about the earth and disasters, the end will be the same, and all because if there are laws, they are commanded to follow them. This is how everything is arranged in nature, and in human life, however, how many of those who understand this?

♦ Knowing and understanding prophetic dreams and prophetic dreams, you can change and fix a lot in your future destiny. And only the dates of birth and death cannot be changed, because each person lives in this world exactly as long as it is predetermined for him from above to fulfill his mission of staying on Earth.

♦ In a prophetic dream, you receive a warning and you can still avoid trouble ... dreams sent from above make it possible to understand yourself and your surroundings in advance ... Understand - and act.

♦ The Spirit of God feels like a thickening of a field, a heavily heavy space. It envelops a person, flows into him from all sides, creates pressure on his brain. Pressure is not uniform, but point, targeted, affecting selected points and areas of the brain. This pressure can be incredible.

♦ Stars are just like people. Some are about to lose, spend their entire supply of energy. Others - to still live and live, radiating light and warmth. And the planets are like those kurkuli-grips of the human race, which they only do: they draw energy from others. So why wonder that stars, planets, peoples and people have such different fates.

♦ Each nation, person has its own star, which saturates it with luminous energy. However, there are exceptions. Some peoples do not have a star, but a planet. So: the new teaching ("white-white as snow") will create new conditions (everything will become white-white like milk), under which these peoples will not be able to survive, at least spiritually. In an atmosphere unusual for them, they seem to suffocate. A people, a person who has a planet instead of a star, or - what is the same - an extinguished star, will go out himself, like a candle in a too strong wind.

♦ It is necessary to reread the New Testament more often. Do you know where it comes from and what the name itself signifies - the New Testament? Covenant means a contract, an agreement. Condition to be saved. This means - union, union of God with man. And to live according to the New Testament - to live according to the New Union with God, according to the canons of the teachings of Christ.

♦ How many books have been written, but no one will give a final answer if they do not understand and recognize that there is a spiritual world (Heaven) and a physical (Earth) and a supreme Power - call It whatever you want, which created us. To understand the Bible, one must be spiritually advanced. Only then will he be able to perceive and understand the highest knowledge. God will reward him and give him strength and help him so that he can understand how it all happened.

♦ From Christmas the day starts to grow. And the sun warms up more. Remember, Christ is the Savior for Christians. He is our God, the true God. What a wonderful holiday this is! What songs are sung all over the earth so that the human soul may have fun. How many good customs the people have, the Bulgarians. Decorated Christmas tree, doesn't it remind you of an Easter egg? Read more often the Bible, chapter thirteen of the Gospel of John.

♦ Believe, faith is everything, not wealth, money and pleasure! Eh, if people could see that there, in the next world, they would not dream of wealth, there would be no thieves, no murderers, no traitors.

♦ The main reasons for many cataclysms are in nature itself, and in many respects, scientists are to blame with their endless experiments. A lot of people began to think about the earth, to speak fashionable words. They arrange different symposia, conferences, congresses, but the people and nature suffer.

♦ In these books, they compete who will cheat more from whom. Well, not all, there are very smart people, but few of them. A genius is not a genius ... but once it is determined from above, once a person believes and works, sooner or later he finds the right answer. There is an answer to any question, only, of course, you need to know how to ask a question and what answer you need. And if you don’t decide in your entire life, then you will ask your question, and there will never be an answer to it.

♦ There is “big time”, just “time” and “times”.

♦ All natural disasters and social upheavals were predetermined by the influence of stars, planets and comets.

♦ Rarely does a person live in affinity with their planets and stars. People are blind. And even when I warn them about the fateful day, they are reckless and frivolous. Thousands perish under the millstones of fate. Like a hare flying in the headlights under the wheels of a car. But it was only necessary to wait a bit.

♦ Man was created by God, and not at all from a monkey, as they say in books. This is nonsense. An animal cannot turn into a person, and a person cannot become an animal.

♦ Paracelsus became a great healer because he healed the body, soul, and Spirit of the sick person.

♦ Nine-tenths of our health rests on the ability to think correctly. A person's thoughts are his health. A healthy body has a kind mind. Where there is harmony, there is health. He who is jealous complains about his health. He who is jealous, thinking that no one knows about it, will not wait for mercy from God. Health is close, if it has not fallen low. If you are kind, health will come. Not only honey and joy heal, but also thoughts. Health is free thinking. Whoever owns himself will not get sick. A healthy person has a healthy mind. To be healthy is to forget grievances. Health is not in the hands, but in the head of a person. The first wealth is health, the second wealth is thoughts, the third wealth is honey, but as without stotinka there will be no left, so without thoughts and honey there will be no health.

♦ To get rid of ailments and ailments, one must become a very kind and sensitive person. The earth expects from us gratitude for the fact that we came and live on it. We pay the Earth's debts as rent. Everyone pays.

♦ Neither herbs nor harmony with nature give the desired effect if a person does not strive to maintain his mental health at the highest level.

♦ Do not grumble against the suffering that befalls you. Suffering is a cleanser like, say, a jacket that will be dirty if not cleaned.

♦ All diseases from vanity. Look more often at the starry sky, and the harmony of space will help the formation of harmony in the soul.

♦ Water, washing away diseases and adversities, must be running. It is necessary to draw it from a river or spring in silence. To pour water three times means to enlist the support and help of the consubstantial and indivisible Trinity - God the Father, the Son of God and the Holy Spirit. Pouring water seven times means washing away the sins from which all diseases and misfortunes occur. They pour it nine times in order to cultivate the nine Gospel beatitudes in a person. The energy of the planets also feeds the human body. Water is a good conductor. It is charged with the energy of space and the bowels of the Earth. The icy water drawn from rivers, springs and wells for Christmas is especially powerful. New Year, Baptism and Meeting, as well as water taken from natural natural sources on Good Thursday or Friday, on Ivan Kupala. The power of the water consecrated on the eve of Easter and on the first day of August, which is popularly known as the Wet Savior, is great. It is good to go for water in the early morning. Preferably before sunrise. This kind of water is called "unpolished" and "not drunk".

♦ Different people visit me every day. I help them, but they leave me their illnesses, their sometimes unclean thoughts. This burden is heavy for me, so I start to put things in order, and it brings me relief.

♦ Morning dew is a summer miracle. In the morning, plants secrete a lot of healing substances, which is why it is so useful to wipe with dew not only for the sick, but also for the healthy, for prevention.

♦ Water is the world, after each bathing you seem to be reborn, both body and heart are cleansed, wash more often, do not run away from water, it is health.

♦ Only honey has been given the great mystery from above to push the tiny framework of a person's life in the world, because every drop of bee honey carries blessed clots of life-giving and healing energy of the sky, the sun, and the entire universe.

♦ And Aristotle knew about this miraculous property of honey. And also, like Pythagoras, he believed that only the kindest and best souls return to Earth for a new existence. And the souls of those people who, during their lifetime, fully tasted nectar and ambrosia - a honey-bearing Greek drink.

♦ Hippocrates often used various honey mixtures to heal the sick. Everyone has heard about the "Hippocratic Oath", but the whole mass of it healing recipes forgotten.

♦ If we were to smoke, the Lord would put a pipe on our heads.

♦ Do not overeat before. Foods are now so tainted with all kinds of chemicals that they can be poisoned. In addition, eating plentifully is burdensome on all human organs. The Almighty would give us two stomachs if He could assume that we will eat so much. If they asked me what to sow in the fields, I would say: as much rye as possible. People should eat more rye bread to stay healthy. Today, more than ever before, the importance of rye in the diet is great. It is necessary to drink herbal tea more often. Reduce the fat content of your food. Those who are healthy should gradually reduce the proportion of meat dishes, and it is better to give up meat altogether. Eat boiled rye and drink at least once a week clean water... This is what will give a person the strength to cope with various diseases. Do not smoke. Tobacco is a leisurely, voluptuous killer. He acts for sure and kills in cold blood. Go to bed early - at 22 o'clock, and get up early - at 5-6 o'clock. It is during these hours that both the body and the brain rest best, the nerves calm down, and muscle tension relaxes. Make purity a cult. No need to wash very much hot water use homemade soap best.

♦ The secret of the future of earthly civilization is kept by the Egyptian pyramids. It is there that the key to absolute knowledge is left.

♦ Supermind begins and ends in the universe, He is eternal and infinite, everything is subject to Him.

♦ The dead often help and protect relatives from trouble. Good sinless spirits have the right to visit Earth more often.

♦ Why are you afraid of death? She is so beautiful. I see her in the guise of a smiling young woman with loose blond hair.

♦ Souls living in the other world are thirty years old, they are at the age of Christ. They have sight, hearing, taste. Some of them help the living. And the best come back to Earth again.

♦ Many people ask: "Tell me, who was I in a past life?" I answer: “Who said that you had past life? " Others ask: "Who will I be in my next life?" I tell them: “How is it known that you will have a different life? Think better about the real one, about how to become better. "

♦ Reincarnation exists, but it does not affect all souls. Only the kindest and best return to Earth.

♦ Souls are reborn, and I myself am on Earth for the fourth time.

♦ Do not think that you are free to do whatever you want, nobody is free.

Many domestic celebrities turned to Vanga for help.

Bedros Kirkorov said that she cured his leg and predicted the glory of his son: “I visited Vanga in my distant youth, when Philip was four years old. and injured my leg. Not broken, not stretched, but hurt all the time. The doctors already wanted to operate on me. Vanga reassured me: "Don't worry, my health will improve soon. You have good energy, you just need to release it." And she taught me to massage clockwise After her advice, the state of health improved: the leg no longer bothered. I did not specifically ask her to share predictions about my family. She was the first to talk about it: “You have a son, and he will be very famous. I see him at a height - grief and he has a metal stick in his hands. "I thought that Philip would become a conductor, but it turned out that the mountain symbolized the musical Olympus, and the stick symbolized the microphone."

Zoya Boguslavskaya, a widow, described the meeting with Vanga in her book “Prediction”: “As her revelations continued, it became more and more unbearable for me that a being endowed with such an exceptional and dangerous gift lived in bleak conditions of poverty, deprived of light and impressions. she promised me something amazing. "You will be a very successful person ... one day you will cross the ocean ..." in the semi-darkness of the hallway. Suddenly the blind woman held my hand. "They say you have stoves there, in Moscow, that work without firewood, on electricity?" she said quite casually. ". Boguslavskaya bought a powerful heater in the electrical appliances department of GUM in Moscow and handed it over to Vanga with her Bulgarian friends.

The actress recalled: “She said:“ Don't wear heels, and everything will be fine. ” we went to the city of Petrich, on the border with Greece, where Vanga lived in a summer house. From time to time, Vanga took something out of her pocket and sniffed. I thought that sugar was not important to her, but what she is sniffing now , and there is doping that connects her with the mystical world. Later, the secretary told me that it was ordinary toilet soap, it was just given to Vanga, she just liked its aroma ... I felt extremely uncomfortable. I thought: why should I all this is needed that, in fact, Wanga can tell me something that I don’t know about myself? But it was too late. my back and told me not to walk in heels, and everything will be fine. completely different, nobody recognized me. I returned as a calmer person. "

The poet said: "It was a wise peasant woman with a good aura. Vanga tried to help me. I came to her when my son was ill ... She advised me to quit smoking. And I quit ... I came to her when there was a difficult situation with my sick child. Vanga gave me some advice. Listened attentively, received hospitably, was very friendly. Alas, not every advice can help. Vanga did not give the impression of a charlatan. She was worldly wise. A good wise peasant woman, with unique abilities. And in Russian there are grandmothers in the villages who have unique abilities and strength, they speak illnesses. Vanga had a good aura, she was a kind woman who tried to help people. "

The image of Vanga in cinema:

2006 - Vanga: Prediction (documentary by V. Vikulin);
2007 - Russian sensations: Vanga - a prophecy for Russia (documentary film, NTV);
2009 - The world will split in half. Vanga warnings. Secret signs (TV-3);
2010 - What Wang was silent about (documentary);
2011 - Secrets of the Century: Wang. The world visible and invisible (documentary by E. Kruglikova);
2011 - Vanga (documentary film, NTV for the "Face-to-face confrontation" program);
2011 - Wang is back! Secret archive of the soothsayer (documentary, NTV);
2011 - Sincere confession: Vanga (documentary, NTV);
2011 - The second coming of Vanga (documentary, NTV);
2011 - Wang. The world visible and invisible (documentary, Ostankino);
2011 - The whole truth about Vanga (documentary, REN TV);
2011 - Russian sensations: Confession of Vanga (documentary, NTV);
2011 - Face-to-face confrontation. Velikaya Vanga (documentary, NTV);
2011 - The Wanga Phenomenon (documentary);
2013 - Vangelia (biographical series produced in Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria, Belarus), in the role of Vanga: - Vanga, a soothsayer (in old age); - Wang (middle age); - Vanga (in his youth); Daria Otroshko - Vanga (at the age of 12); Christina Pakarina - Wanga (at the age of 7);

2014 - Real Wang (documentary, Mainstream TV Company);
2014-2015 - Know the future. Life after Vanga (mainstream production);
2017 - New Russian sensations: Vanga. Prophecies 2017 (documentary, NTV)

Prophecies of Wanga

In early 1993, Vanga seemed to announce that the USSR would be revived in the first quarter of the 21st century and Bulgaria would be part of it. And in Russia many new people will be born who will be able to change the world.

In 1994, Wanga predicted: “At the beginning of the 21st century, humanity will get rid of cancer. The day will come, and the cancer will be chained in "iron chains." She clarified these words in such a way that "the medicine against cancer must contain a lot of iron."

Wanga stated that they would invent a cure for old age. It will be made from the hormones of a horse, a dog and a turtle: "The horse is strong, the dog is hardy, and the turtle lives a long time."

Fulfilled prophecies of Wanga:

It should be noted right away that the documented prophecies of Vanga, which have come true, have not been confirmed. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that they were simply attributed to her retroactively.

It is believed that Wanga predicted the death, and then, the death of the Indian leader Indira Gandhi.

Predicted the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the collapse of the USSR.

She predicted victory in the 1996 presidential election.

Vanga is credited with predicting the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States, as if she prophesied that "the American brothers will be pecked by iron birds."

Vanga predicted Topalov's victory at the World Chess Championship.

It is believed that she predicted the death of the Kursk submarine. However, people who knew Vanga personally say that she did not give predictions about the death of the Kursk submarine.

Unfulfilled prophecies of Wanga:

There are many known cases when the prophecies attributed to Vanga did not come true. For example, she predicted that in the final of the 1994 FIFA World Cup "two teams starting with the letter B" would fight, but only Brazil reached the final from all countries whose names begin with the letter "B".

Wanga allegedly predicted that the Third World War will begin in November 2010 and will end in October 2014.

Allegedly, Vanga was broadcasting: “2010. The beginning of the World War. The war will begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014. It will start as usual, then nuclear weapons will be used first, and then chemical weapons.

2011. As a result of the fallout of radioactive fallout, neither animals nor vegetation will remain in the Northern Hemisphere. Then the Muslims will start a chemical war against the surviving Europeans.

year 2014. Most people will suffer from ulcers, skin cancer and other skin conditions (a consequence of chemical warfare).

2016 year. Europe is almost deserted. "

However, according to the testimony of Vanga's close friends, she never predicted the outbreak of World War III and the subsequent end of the world.

There are clearly recorded prophecies of Vanga, which turned out to be erroneous or did not come true. For example, in the late 1980s, several children disappeared in Volgograd, two correspondents went to Vanga, who told them that the children were alive and would soon be found, but they were never found. The story of 1991 is known, when during the war in Croatia, Soviet journalists Viktor Nogin and Gennady Kurinnoy disappeared - Vanga said that both were alive, although it later turned out that they were shot on charges of espionage.

Often, in search of sensations, journalists spread myths about Vanga and her predictions.

A well-known myth is about the "alarm clock for Gagarin". When the actor allegedly came to Vanga, she told him, “Why didn't you fulfill the wishes of your best friend? Before his last flight, he came to your house and said: "I have no time, so buy an alarm clock and keep it on your desk. Let this alarm clock remind you of me." After that, Tikhonov allegedly became ill. Subsequently, Tikhonov allegedly said that after the death of Gagarin, he, grievingly experiencing the death of his friend, forgot to buy an alarm clock.

However, Tikhonov himself said about this: “Can you say in one word? Lies! I beg you, write: there was nothing of the kind. I didn’t promise Gagarin any alarm clock! Yes, we didn’t know each other. I only saw him from a distance at official events, nothing more. "

Ex-president The USSR denied that he was with Vanga and that she allegedly predicted the collapse of the USSR to him. Gorbachev said that “even before my coming to power, her forecast that“ Mikhail would come to rule ”was transmitted, but he immediately noted that“ all this is, by and large, nonsense, ”since he is“ very critical ”of“ psychics, clairvoyants and the rest ”and does not trust the seers.