
Orthodox places of power. Holy places I have visited

Ornamental crops for the garden

To places of religious and historical memory - one of the forms of external expression of faith. The tradition of honoring sacred places that are memorable to the heart goes back to the times.

So, the patriarch Jacob, seeing in a dream a mysterious staircase leading to and standing on it, waking up, not only marked this sacred place with a memorial stone, but also poured oil on it (). According to the word of God, commemorative stones marked the place of the miraculous passage of the sons of Israel across the Jordan: twelve stones were taken from the bottom of the river and laid on the bank (), and twelve others were in the middle of the Jordan, where the feet of the priests were located during the crossing ().

There were many similar memorial sites on the territory of Palestine. All of them together reminded the children of Israel of Divine goodness, served as evidence of His mercy and love for mankind, and contributed to their strengthening.

Since ancient times, Christians have revered places associated with the ministry of the Lord (Bethlehem, Mount Tabor, Gethsemane, Golgotha). And this was pleasing to the Creator. So, for example, the glory of the birthplace of the Messiah, the city of Bethlehem, several centuries before this event was announced by the prophet Micah (), and the universal glory of Jerusalem, again, in connection with the ministry of the Savior, was proclaimed by the prophet Isaiah ().

Meanwhile, for all the importance of such a pious tradition as the tradition of pilgrimage, a huge number of names of glorious ascetics are known who, having devoted their lives to monastic exploits, abandoning worldly temptations and vanity, not only did not have the habit of pilgrimage, but also, fleeing in seclusion, did not leave the territory of the monasteries. , cells, caves.

Therefore, a reverently carried out pilgrimage, although pleasing to the Creator, is not a necessary condition.

Is shrine a source of grace?

Quite often, by shrines we mean either special geographical places (for example, sanctified by the feet of Christ, sprinkled with the blood of martyrs), or special objects (for example, associated with worship, such as icons, images of the Life-giving Cross ...). The range of these items may include personal belongings that belonged to the glorified.

The role of shrines in the lives of believers can hardly be overestimated. On the one hand, a person's familiarization with shrines (within the framework of a pilgrimage to holy places, through a reverent touch to sacred objects) can influence him subjectively, contributing to godly inspiration, the formation of a good religious mood.

On the other hand, shrines serve as special instruments of Divine Providence, means of transmitting the Divine. This should be seen as an objective factor in the influence of shrines on the lives of believers. Unfortunately, sometimes this position is interpreted in such a way that the shrines themselves exude divine grace, as if they are saints almost by themselves.

In order not to become a victim of such illusions, it is necessary to remember that the Source of grace, in the precise sense of the word, is not the object, but the Lord. And it is He (in this case - indirectly) that teaches it to believers.

A typical instructive example is the case of Elisha, the Old Testament prophet and disciple of Elijah.

Shortly before the capture of Elijah on Elisha became a witness. When he and Elijah had to cross the Jordan, Elijah took off his mantle and struck the waters of the river, which made them part (). This miracle enabled them to cross the Jordan on dry land. After Elijah was ascended in a chariot of fire, Elisha was left alone, but at the same time he got the mantle of a teacher ().

Elisha saw that after the blow of Elijah with his mantle, the waters parted along the smooth surface of the river. Returning, he decided to repeat this action. The teacher's mantle was in his hands, but when he hit the water with it, the miracle did not happen again: the waters did not disperse () (this is not reported in the Synodal version of the Bible; see Church Slavonic version).

Not receiving the expected result, Elisha prayed to God: "Where is God Eliin Affo?" (). Then he struck the water again with the mantle. This time the waters parted, after which he was able to cross the Jordan on the exposed bottom.

This case is explained as follows. Elisha justly associated the miracle performed by Elijah with the mantle. However, it is believed that he connected with her the miraculous power itself. But although God, for the first time, was pleased to show a miracle through the mantle, He was the creator of the miracle. And so that Elisha would not have even the slightest doubts about this, He separated the waters only after he had prayed ().

As you can see from the example, there is a connection between a miracle and a mascot. At the same time, it is obvious that not in itself the mantle, but God, through the prayer of its owner, manifested miraculous power through it.

Orthodox Holy Places of Russia. Pilgrimage tours, churches, monuments and religious sites of Russia.

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  • Last Minute Tours in Russia

A pilgrimage in itself is a very logical thing: you don't need to invent anything here, you just need to understand why and where a person wants to go. After all, a true pilgrimage is not just a round trip. The pilgrim not only and not so much travels in the usual sense of the word - he is present at some personal and necessary event only for him. It is necessary for the pilgrim to feel that all his thoughts and aspirations coincide with the upcoming journey.

Practical points

As you know, the level of accommodation facilities in our country is very uneven, which is directly reflected in the choice of hotels for pilgrimage tours in Russia. Most often they mean staying in inexpensive hotels. But sometimes it turns out that there are simply no such in the district: then there are either very expensive accommodation options, or overnight stay in monasteries or in the "private sector".

One of the most important practical points that must always be taken into account is the dietary habits (observance of fasts, Wednesdays and Fridays) and the organization of the liturgy. As a rule, the travel time is calculated so that the pilgrims arrive at the place in the evening, can defend the all-night vigil and spend the night. And in the morning - liturgy and departure. All programs are structured in such a way that there are one or two obligatory liturgy per journey.

Duration of travel

In terms of duration, all pilgrimage tours in Russia can be divided into one-day (mainly the Moscow region), "weekend tours" and multi-day trips - mainly from 3 to 7 days. The maximum number of days on the tour, as a rule, is no more than 12. Most often these are either routes on a motor ship, or a pilgrimage to remote regions of Russia, when the journey takes quite a long time - for example, Yekaterinburg, Tobolsk and Altai.

A good pilgrimage route should be logical and complete. For example, if a pilgrim decided to visit holy places in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg or Tobolsk, it makes sense to go on a complex journey that covers all the main shrines of the Urals.

Here is an example of such a route. The journey from Moscow to Tobolsk takes about two days, depending on the train chosen. Most often, it is supposed to stop in Tobolsk for 2-3 days and explore nearby attractions. Then - moving to Yekaterinburg by bus or train and exploring the outskirts of the city. In addition, it is not far from there to Perm, where the Belogorye monastery is located - a kind of "Ural Athos". Thus, in one journey, you can unite the Holy Places of the Northern and Central Urals, as well as "join" to it the entire path of the Royal Martyrs in the Urals and Siberia.

Where and when they go

If we divide pilgrimage tours by regional basis, then we can highlight the directions to which pilgrims most often go. This is, first of all, the North-West and the Center of Russia, the most developed part of the country, which was back in the Middle Ages, at the time of the emergence of Christianity and its development in Russia. A lot of pilgrims travel along the Golden Ring, Zadonsk (Lipetsk region), Kursk and Diveevo (Nizhny Novgorod region) and, of course, to the North-West region.

The North-West is not only Karelia (Valaam and Kizhi), but also the Arkhangelsk (Solovki) and Vologda lands, Pskov and Veliky Novgorod. Pskov is interesting not only for the Pushkin Mountains and Pechora - apart from them, many pilgrims visit the Talap Islands, where Father Nikolai Guryanov lived and served.

Most of the cities included in the Golden Ring of Russia are inextricably linked with the history of Orthodoxy in Russia: many shrines are concentrated in them, and almost every temple and monastery is an object of pilgrimage. The most visited cities are Alexandrov, Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov the Great, Yaroslavl, Uglich, Kostroma, Suzdal and Vladimir.

In addition, it should be noted and such southern directions as Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar and Arkhyz - recently many monasteries have been restored and opened there. Altai occupies a special place, pilgrimages there are inextricably linked with the study of the traditions of local residents.

It is difficult to identify the most favorable time for travel. In the summer they travel everywhere and for a longer time - from 3 to 7-12 days. In autumn and spring, as a rule, relatively short programs of 2-3 days are chosen. The only exceptions are major holidays: whether it's a weekend or not, of great importance does not have.

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A brief overview of the Holy Places of Orthodox Russia

All monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church have the same principles for organizing monastic life. But it is also worth noting that each monastery has its own history and spiritual image. This is most clearly and vividly noticeable in the ancient monasteries - Kirillo-Belozersky (Vologda region), Valaam (Valaam), Pskov-Pechora (Pskov region), Holy Trinity-Sergius Lavra (Moscow region).

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery The monastery is located on Bolshoy Solovetsky Island in the White Sea, and hermitages and deserts are located on other islands of the archipelago. Exactly geographical position in many ways affected the history of development and the fate of the monastery. The monastery was a kind of border fortress: it withstood the siege of the Livonians, Swedes and British, and from the end of the 16th century it was also used as a place of exile. After its closure in 1920, there was a camp and a prison for special purposes.

Flying over Kolomna

The relics of the monastery: the relics of the founders of the Solovetskys - Zosima, Savvaty and Herman (the gateway church of the Annunciation), particles of the relics of many revered saints, the relics of the Monk Eleazar of Anzersk (Holy Trinity Anzersky skete) and the Monk Job of Anzersky (Golgotho-Crucifixion skete). Holidays of the monastery: Transfiguration of the Lord - August 19, Saints Zosima, Savvaty and Herman - August 21, Cathedral of the Solovetsky Saints - August 22, Cathedral of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Solovetsky - August 23.


Monasteries: St. Danilov - part of the relics of the Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, Donskoy - the relics of Patriarch Tikhon, Zachatievsky - an icon Mother of God"Merciful", Novospassky - the icon of the Mother of God "Tsaritsa", Holy Protection - the relics of the blessed matron of Moscow, Novodevichy - revered icons of the Mother of God of Smolensk and Tikhvin.

Shrines: the relics of the righteous Alexy of Moscow (Mechev) in the church of St. Nicholas on Maroseyka, the worshiped "Kyi cross" with particles of the relics of more than 300 saints in the church of St. Sergius of Radonezh in Krapivniki.

Moscow region

Monasteries: Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Vysotsky Bogoroditsky in Serpukhov - the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "The Inexhaustible Chalice", Savvin-Storozhevsky in Zvenigorod - with the relics of St. Savva Storozhevsky, Joseph Volotsky, Resurrection in New Jerusalem - with a part

Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery

St. Petersburg

Monasteries: Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra - the relics of the Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, St. John's - the relics of the righteous John of Kronstadt.

Shrines: the relics of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg in the chapel of Xenia of Petersburg at the Smolensk cemetery, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Joy with pennies of all who sorrow" in the church in honor of this icon at Zelenetsky courtyard, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" academy.

Other regions of Russia

Altai Territory: Theotokos-Kazan (Korobeinikovsky) Monastery - the miraculous icon of the Mother of God.

Thank you for your help in preparing the material Yuri Akhmetovich Minulin (Pilgrimage service "Radonezh")

The article lists the holy places of Russia, healing people and helping to live with faith, hope and love.

Orthodox believers worship miraculous icons, ask them for a speedy recovery and resolution of everyday problems. The holy springs in the Krasnodar Territory are famous for their healing properties.

No wonder they say in Russia: "A holy place is never empty!" In every region of the Russian Federation - in Sverdlovsk, and in Novgorod, and in Yaroslavl, and in Tver, and in Rostov, and in Saratov ... and many other places, there are active prayed holy places - churches and monasteries that you can visit. Orthodox people have a place to turn in the hour of adversity - there are many places on the map of our country where you can pray, take an excursion, or even live as a worker or a pilgrim, if the monastery is accepted with accommodation. And sometimes God's grace can be found not in a huge church, but in a small chapel, as in the one in the Smolensk cemetery from St. Petersburg, where the relics rest and the icon of St. Xenia of Petersburg is located. Since 2018, Anton and Vika Makarsky have been talking very interestingly about the holy places of their native land in the educational television project "Shrines of Russia".

List of Holy Sources

The spring of Seraphim of Sarov in Diveevo

Seraphim of Sarov is the founder of the Diveyevo Monastery, where the Sarov spring is located. Healing water helps with various ailments, as well as strengthens health.

In the monastery you can pray and venerate the icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov. It is also recommended to come to the morning Liturgy, which takes place every Sunday. You can stay at a monastery or a hotel.

Women who want to get pregnant and have children, who are suffering, who do not have their own homes and who are weak, go to Saint Seraphimushka. The elder never refused to help, especially those who keep the word of God, constantly go to Church and live according to the commandments.

To write the article, information from the site was used.

Source of St. Sergius of Radonezh (Gremyachiy Klyuch waterfall)

The source is located in the village of Vzglyadnevo, and the Orthodox call this place "Malinniki".

The Reverend Wonderworker Sergius of Radonezh is the defender of Russia, the defender from the misfortunes and treachery of enemies.

Many believers make a pilgrimage to him, asking for intercession and help, as well as protection from witchcraft.

It's important to know: He should pray when a relative is in custody, hospital or on the road. Also, Sergius of Radonezh heals the possessed and gives them the strength to fight their passions.

The monk heals from ailments, educates children and protects them from evil people, helps with childbirth.

Spring ring in the Ivanovo region

The healing spring is named after St. Alexander Nevsky, who was famous for his purity of thoughts and righteous life. Nearby is the Temple, which contains the Holy relics.

The source saved people from terrible misfortunes, cholera and plague epidemics. Alexander Nevsky protects and covers entire settlements of the Orthodox, helps them in their hard work, intercedes before God for the sick.

You can come to the spring at any time and swim in the font. Many parishioners take clean bathing clothes (nightgowns, long T-shirts) with them to take with them.

Spring water has medicinal properties, relieves stomach diseases, gastritis, duodenal ulcers. But we must remember that everything is given according to the Orthodox faith.

The source of St. David in the village of Telezh

The source is located 30 km from the village of Novy Byt in the Moscow region, in a man's monastery.

On the territory of the monastery there is a small chapel named after the Monk David, who helps people, prays to God for the sins of others.

He lived in a monastery for many years, led an ascetic and secluded life. They pray to the Monk David for children and ask for help in their upbringing. You can also pray to wives for your husband, for the restoration of the family.

A visit to the source is allowed from 8 am to 9 pm. Those who want to get married or baptize a child come here.

The source of the Healer Panteleimon in the village of Kalozhitsy

The healer Panteleimon heals possessed, possessed people, as well as those who are engaged in magic, occultism, or resorted to the help of sorcerers.

You can dip in the spring and take some water with you. The water gushes with an open key and tastes good.

Arriving home, you should sprinkle the corners of the apartment with water from a source and put the Icon of Panteleimon on the iconostasis.

It is interesting: he is asked to intercede for those who fell into a sect or lost their minds. The healer Panteleimon protects virgins, sick children, frail old people.

Spring in honor of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God "Odigitria" (Vologda region)

The source is located in the direction of the Vologda – Kirillov highway.

There is a chapel on the territory where you can put candles and kiss the icon. Near the spring there is a font where you can plunge headlong.

Also, the Miracle-working stone, located near the source, is considered a Shrine. The Smolensk Mother of God should pray for healing from ailments and intercession. She is the patroness of all Orthodox families and orphans.

They pray to her and ask for the appearance of children, and she also heals women's diseases. The Mother of God "Odigitria" is the patroness of the entire Vologda region.

Holy spring of St. Mitrofan of Voronezh

Saint Mitrofan of Voronezh spent a lot of time in solitary prayer. Now there is a spring at this place - a sacred place.

Many believers received healing there from chronic and inflammatory diseases. Likewise, Saint Mitrofan heals infertile couples who do not have children.

Headaches, pains in the back and joints - everything goes away, one has only to plunge into the holy water.

Saint Mitrofan cures pneumonia, colds and even relieves fever. It is necessary to give the sick person a little water from the source and wipe his body with a cloth soaked in it.

Holy key (Spoon) in the city of Iskitim

In the small village of Lozhok, Novosibirsk Region, there is a Holy Spring. During the war, there was a prisoner camp there, and a spring was opened at its location.

It is said that prisoners "discovered" it with their prayers. Now many believers from different cities and villages make pilgrimage here to gain strength.

Those who come in faith receive healing. The holy key helps people with skin diseases, gives strength, strengthens faith, heals diseases associated with the stomach.

Miraculous spring in the village of Aleshnya

Located in the Bryansk region, the water heals purulent, open, cut wounds, postoperative sutures, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

You can wash your face with holy water if you have problems with your facial skin, or, for example, make homemade ointments based on natural herbs.

The holy spring also has a strong bactericidal effect on trophic ulcers caused by diabetes mellitus.

Likewise, water lowers blood cholesterol levels and lowers blood pressure. Families with sick children often visit here.

List of Orthodox churches and monasteries (miraculous icons and relics of saints)

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Stogovo

Once, an icon of St. Nicholas miraculously appeared right in a haystack. The locality and the village began to be called Stogovo. In the 17th century, a Temple was built, into which believers flock every day to venerate the miraculous icon.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, like Seraphim of Sarov, led a hermit life for many years. The Lord gave Saint Nicholas the gift of helping people. And now the Saint, hearing the prayers of the Orthodox, intercedes before God and asks for intercession for the entire Russian people.

Note: Saint Nicholas should pray if there are problems with buying a home, before a long trip, during a lingering illness. The saint helps orphans, mothers raising children alone, and gives consolation to the terminally ill.

The miracle worker protects people from witchcraft and sudden death, families from divorce and children from evil eyes and intent. The Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is truly a prayerful place, here you can bow to the relics and venerate the icon. It is located at the address: Moscow Region, Sergiev Posad District, Malinniki village.

Holy Mountain Pyukhtitsa (Crane Mountain)

Although this is not Russia, but Estonia, it is still a very popular place for pilgrims.

Even the guidebooks indicate this great place. On the Holy Mountain, which was called Zhuravlinna, there is a Temple named after the Dormition of the Mother of God.

The miraculous appearance of the image of the Mother of God converted many to the Orthodox faith and gave strength to fight against unclean spirits. Now Orthodox parishioners pray in front of a miraculous image in the Pukhtinsky Assumption Monastery and ask her for deliverance from illness, help in childlessness and help in difficult life circumstances.

Also, unmarried girls ask for a good groom and a successful marriage. In this Temple, people get married and venerate the icon of the Assumption Mother of God as their intercessor.

Monastery of Alexander Svirsky

The men's monastery, located in the Leningrad region, near the town of Lodeinoe Pole, is the abode of St. Alexander-Svirsky.

The pleasing of God, the Monk Alexander, lived almost his entire life in the monastery and always helped people. He, by the will of God, built the Temple in honor of the Intercession Holy Mother of God. Now pilgrims visit holy places and kiss the relics of the Holy Elder.

The Monk Alexander of Svirsky possessed the gift of admonition and instruction. Both ordinary people and the clergy came to him for advice - he never refused to help anyone. They pray to him when there are unresolved problems or difficult life circumstances, when a person does not know what to do in a particular matter.

Assumption Cathedral in Moscow

The Assumption Cathedral is located in the Moscow Kremlin. Today, services are held there on certain days. But for those wishing to worship the shrines, the entrance is always open.

In the Assumption Cathedral there is Vladimir Icon Mother of God, who helps to raise the peasants good harvest, is an intercessor for those who work on the earth, protects Orthodox Christians from gentiles and persecution.

Also, in the Cathedral there is the Nail of the Lord and the staff of St. Peter. Saint Peter protects people from hunger and poverty, helps to find work, to buy housing. Saint Peter should pray during Lent - he helps to cope with temptations and gives strength to resist evil.

Alexander Oshevensky monastery

The monastery is located in the village of Oshevenskoye, Arkhangelsk region. There are many Shrines on the territory of the monastery: stones bearing the footprints of St. Alexander, the Holy Spring and the lake, as well as the Halui River, which goes underground in one place and goes out in another.

There is also a well dug by Alexander Oshevensky himself.

They pray to Saint Alexander at the onset of war, as well as for safe trips and travels. Alexander Oshevensky heals people with blood diseases.

"Quick to hear" icon of the Mother of God

It is located on Mount Athos in the Dochiar Monastery.

The miraculous power of the icon heals the blind and puts cripples on their feet, helps with difficult childbirth, relieves cancer, rescues from captivity and covers children during the war.

Women pray to the Holy Icon of the Mother of God for the restoration of peace in the family, prosperity and resolution of internecine strife. The holy "Hurry to hear" intercedes before God for the weak and sick, lonely old people, invalids.

Also, "Skoroposlushnitsa" helps with natural disasters, floods, fires. She covers with her Grace and saves from sudden death.

Savva Storozhevsky (Savva Zvenigorodsky)

Wonderworker Savva Storozhevsky, Russian ascetic of the faith of Christ, patron of all suffering and defender of the fatherland. The monastery, named after Savva Storozhevsky, is located in the suburbs of Moscow.

All who pray to the Miracle Worker receive healing: he helps with cancer, chronic pain, kidney and liver diseases.

In addition, Savva Storozhevsky should pray for the resolution of any conflict situations. The old seer always helped people and gave advice, was a mentor to all sinful parishioners.

The Monk Sergei of Radonezh often communicated with the Wonderworker and shared his spiritual experience with him.

Matrona of Moscow

Saint Matronushka is the patroness of all women who want to have children. They pray to her, asking to protect the family from ruin, to be healed from an illness, to get rid of an addiction - Elder Matrona always responds to prayer!

Often they pray to her that the child would do well at school, ask for help and admonition before entering the university. In front of the icon, you can ask for blessings for marriage or divorce, for the purchase of housing or a car.

Small children should also be applied to the Miraculous Icon - Matronushka covers from sudden illnesses and early death.

Church of the Matrona of Moscow, located on Taganka, in Moscow. There are always long queues, and sometimes pilgrims wait for 5-6 hours to venerate the Shrine. You can come and pray at the Temple from 6 am to 8 pm.

Temple of St. Panteleimon

A small Temple named after Saint Panteleimon is located in Moscow, on Nikolskaya Street, but the relics of the Healer are in the Penza Intercession Cathedral.

Saint Panteleimon was a real companion, the patron saint of all the sick and needy. Having sold all his property, he began to help people, healed them and instructed them on the right path.

The Great Martyr Panteleimon heals incurable diseases such as cancer, diabetes, recovers from a stroke or accident, protects pregnant women from premature birth, protects babies from sudden death.

Pokrovo-Tervenichesky Convent

Located in the Leningrad region, in the small village of Tervenichi. The patron saints of the nunnery are the Holy Martyrs - Faith, Hope and Love.

On the territory there is a shrine - the Tervenic icon of the Mother of God, as well as a healing source. Pilgrims can stay at a monastery, work in a courtyard, or pray with the sisters. Services are held every day, the schedule can be found on the official website.

The Tervenic Icon of the Mother of God blesses all women who have decided to spend their lives in a monastic skete. She protects from devilish temptations, shelters from infidels, wars and attacks on the Orthodox faith, saves people from spiritual destruction, teaches with the Word of God.

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Chimeevo

The appearance of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God took place on a river in a remote Siberian village in the Kurgan region, in the Urals.

The miraculous icon protects Orthodox Christians from demonic attacks, children from witchcraft, and men from death in war.

It is important: the icon of the Mother of God covers monastic cloisters, people praying in solitude, Christians living far from civilization.

The Kazan Mother of God is the intercessor of all Christians before God! She asks every day on her knees for Russia and the Orthodox people. Thanks to her prayers, the Lord shows mercy and bestows grace.

St. Nicholas Monastery "Holy Caves" in the village of Pokrovka

The monastery is located in the Orenburg region, in the village of Pokrovka. In the "Holy Caves" there is a Miraculous source that heals those suffering from mental illness.

Thousands of believers come to the Nikolsky spring, asking St. Nicholas for a miracle. There is a swimming pool nearby, where everyone can completely plunge into the Holy Water.

Before that, you need to read the Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker, and then cross yourself 3 times. The Orthodox faith is the most powerful weapon against evil. It lifts the spirit of every person, strengthens faith in God and helps to do good deeds.

Sincere prayer addressed to God from the bottom of your heart will always be heard!

About the holy places of Russia, see the following interesting video:

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Today, when Russia, after decades of atheistic madness, is returning to its spiritual origins, it is gratifying to see millions of its inhabitants who have realized that the main path in life is the road to the temple. Evidence of this revived religious consciousness is the need to visit the holy places, which our land is rich in. Only the holy places of the Moscow region are fifteen hundred churches and twenty-four monasteries. Let's talk about some of them.

The main center of the country's spiritual life

According to statistics, annually the largest number pilgrims are received by the ancient walls of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in the town of Sergiev Posad near Moscow. It is named after its founder - the Monk Sergius of Radonezh, who settled in 1337 with his older brother Stephen on the Makovets hill, not far from the Intercession Monastery in the village of Khotkovo.

Soon, the brothers built a church out of logs, which they consecrated in honor of the Most Holy Trinity. Other hermits, seekers of the salvation of the soul, began to join them. A community was gradually formed, which was transformed into a monastery. With the holiness and purity of his life, Saint Sergius raised the monastery he had created to the level of the spiritual center of the Russian lands, which became the support of the Moscow princes. It is known that in 1380, it was here, going to the Battle of Kulikovo, that Dmitry Donskoy received the blessing.

After the blessed death of its founder, which followed in 1392, the monastery continued to develop and, despite the fact that in 1408 it was completely burned by the Tatars, it managed to revive and take a leading place among the religious centers of the state. His role in countering the Polish invaders led by False Dmitry is known. In 1742 Empress Elizabeth granted him the status of a laurel.

Like many holy places in the Moscow region, in the years following the coming to power of the Bolsheviks, the Trinity-Sergius Lavra was closed. It happened in 1920. Only a quarter of a century later, the government allowed the resumption of its activities, but to a very limited extent. The real turning point came only with the advent of perestroika and democratic reforms. Today, about two hundred monks save the souls within the walls of the lavra. An Orthodox publishing house has been established and is successfully operating in the monastery, and hundreds of thousands of visitors to the monastery have been received.

Holy places of Moscow region: northern direction

One of the most significant religious centers north of the capital is the Iosifo-Volotskiy Monastery, located sixteen kilometers from Volokolamsk. It was founded in 1479 by Saint Reverend Joseph (in the world, Joseph of Volotsk), who left a significant mark on the history of the Russian Church. It was built, like most of the monasteries of that time, of wood, but in ancient Russia monasteries often played the role of defensive structures, and for this reason it was soon surrounded by a stone wall.

The 16th century was the time of major transformations in the monastery. A stone church was built and consecrated in the name of the Assumption of the Mother of God, numerous household and outbuildings... In certain periods of the history of Russia, the monastery occupied a leading place in the spiritual life of the country. But in addition to its direct purpose, the monastery also played the role of a prison. Suffice it to mention that Tsar Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky was imprisoned in one of his cells. Many other historical figures were his prisoners.

Excursions to the holy places of the Moscow region often visit an interesting attraction located in the village of Darna, to the north-west of the capital. This is the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, built in 1895 by the architect S.V. Sherwood. Its appearance is striking in its beauty, harmoniously combining elements of ancient Russian architecture and late classicism. The red brick building is decorated with decorative trim made of white stone, which gives it a festive look.

The main shrine of the church is the grave of blessed Alexandra located next to it, whose honest remains were transferred here from the village of Onufrieva. Many come to the place of her burial, who considered it important for themselves to visit the holy places of Moscow and the Moscow region. Healing from ailments is a well-deserved reward for those who, with true faith and humility, turn to her in prayer requests. All the facts of miraculous deliverance from ailments are recorded in a special book, which is updated every year with new testimonies.

A village that remembers Dmitry Donskoy

Another place that is often visited by excursions to the holy places of Moscow and the Moscow region is the village of Spirovo, where there is a church built in honor of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos. The village is very ancient. Back in the 15th century, the Moscow prince Dmitry Donskoy granted it to Joseph Volotsky, who later became one of the most famous saints of the Russian Orthodox Church. The monk founded a monastery in it, on the territory of which the present church was built.

In 1825, the wooden building, which had become dilapidated, was replaced by a stone building, erected with voluntary donations from monastery pilgrims. Over time, a parish school for children from low-income families was opened at the church, and a few years later - and a zemstvo school. Among the benefactors who made monetary contributions here were the families of A.S. Pushkin, P.N. Vorontsov and V. Ya. Telegin.

In the same village there is one more place that attracts excursions to the holy places of the Moscow region. This is a nearby miraculous source of the Theotokos, equipped with a bath. Here the Monk Joseph originally settled, and from here he and his companions set off daily to work on the construction of the buildings of the future monastery. Holy places of the Moscow region with a font are not uncommon, but this source is widely known, first of all, for its healing properties and many cases of getting rid of ailments. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims visit it every year.

Remembering the holy places of the Moscow region, one cannot fail to note the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Volokolamsk district of the Moscow region. For its architectural and artistic features, it was recognized as an object of cultural heritage of Russia. Its construction lasted for almost thirty years - from 1865 to 1893. The style of the building of the temple, distinguished by its extraordinary beauty, is attributed by art critics to Russian traditionalism, which was very widespread in the second half of the 19th century.

Holy places of Moscow region: east direction

There is an amazing place in the Pavlovo-Posad district of the Moscow region. This is the Church of the Holy Trinity, built in the 18th century on the site of an ancient pagan temple, named after the ancient ritual games - Chizhi. The name of the Orthodox Church and the place of worship of the pagans gave the name to the area. It is known as the Trinity-Chizhi tract.

The church and the place where it was built are covered with many legends and are respected by both believers and supporters of the occult. In the "Encyclopedia of Mysterious Places of Russia" V.A. Chernobrova Chizhi are referred to as a geoactive zone and a site of anomalous activity. In the same edition, the facts of observation of various UFOs are given.

Not far from the village of Chelokhovo, Yegoryevsky District, Moscow Region, there is another unusual place. This is a huge stone, which, according to historians, was the object of worship of the ancient pagans. But later, when Christianity firmly won its position, Orthodox missionaries came to these places, and, consecrating a stone, as well as a nearby source, they built here first a chapel, and then the church of St. Nikita, the heavenly patron of this region.

When the famous church schism occurred in the 17th century, then, fleeing from the persecution of the authorities, Old Believers began to actively populate this place, and it received the name of the Abode of Peace. Nowadays, when the official church recognized the legitimacy of the Old Believers, and their traditions are also revered as blessed, many pilgrims come to these places, but, unfortunately, the form of worship here is often occult in nature, which is expressed in various symbolism that is not accepted in Orthodoxy.

West of the capital

In the Mozhaisky District of the Moscow Region, there is the village of Kolotskoye, famous for the nearby Assumption Convent, founded in 1413. The chronicle of the monastery contains two significant events: the acquisition of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God and the stay in 1812 within the walls of the monastery of Field Marshal M.I. Kutuzov. Its headquarters was located here shortly before the beginning of the Battle of Borodino.

The miraculous icon of the Virgin, kept in the monastery church, made the village of Kolotskoe as popular and visited as other holy places in the Moscow region. The healing given through prayers in front of her makes pilgrims flock here from all over Russia. In the difficult years of fighting against God, the monastery was abolished and its buildings were destroyed. Despite the great risk, the miraculous image was preserved by the believers in their private homes. Only with the onset of democratic changes did the monastery begin to revive and the holy image took its rightful place.

Miraculous sources

The holy places of the Moscow Region are especially popular these days, helping pilgrims to get rid of ailments or achieve any desired goal. Such places include, for example, miraculous springs. There are about a hundred of them near the capital. One of the most famous and, according to pilgrims, the most miraculous, is the source located in the David's desert of the Chekhov region.

It was founded by the Monk David five hundred years ago on the banks of the Lopasnya River. The monastery operates there to this day, and a courtyard is located ten kilometers from it. On its territory there is a church and a holy spring, equipped for the convenience of pilgrims with two baths. According to the testimony of many who have experienced its miraculous properties, it is known that its waters most effectively heal diseases of the eyes and digestive organs.

Other holy places in Moscow and the Moscow region have been glorified with extraordinary testimonies of the manifestation of God's Grace. Healing from physical and mental ailments attracts hundreds of thousands of pilgrims to them every year. Many such places are widely known, for example, the Savvino-Storozhevskaya monastery located near Zvenigorod. Its founder was the closest disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh - the monk Savva, who came to these places more than six hundred years ago.

Not far from the monastery there is a cave in which the saint of God lived, and next to it is a miraculous source. It is equipped with a baptismal font for men and women. Many who visit the monastery take with them bottles of holy water, as it is known that it helps with various ailments, and especially with heart diseases. In addition, the monastery is famous for its kvass and bread, which are hard to find anywhere else.

Three miraculous keys

Remembering the holy places in the Moscow region that help from diseases, one should also mention the amazing source, which bears the name of Gremuchy, located fourteen kilometers southeast of Sergiev Posad, near the village of Vzglyadovo. It fully justifies its name, since the springs that form it gush from the crevices of the slope, falling at the same time from a height of twenty-five meters. The noise they make is carried far and wide.

The source consists of three independent keys, each of which bears its own name - Faith, Hope, Love, and brings healing from a certain group of diseases. So, it has long been noticed that the first helps those suffering from heart ailments, the second - mental disorders, the third - female diseases. Scientists who conducted a study of the miraculous water noted that in its composition it is close to samples taken from the famous springs of Kislovodsk. But it should be drunk in limited quantities, since it contains a high percentage of radon.

By the way, when they list the holy places of the Moscow region that help to get married, they often mention the source of the Rattlesnake, or rather, the one of its keys that bears the name "Love". Unfortunately, there is no special book in which the testimonies of those to whom his waters brought family happiness would be recorded. And it's a pity, because in Russia it has long been customary to write down miracles bestowed by shrines. How many interesting and touching stories the happy brides tell in their notes!

Source in the Tyutchev estate

The holy places of the Moscow region are often associated with the names of prominent figures of Russian culture. One of these places is the estate located in the village of Muranovo, Pushkin district. Its history is closely connected with the names of Pushkin, Tyutchev, Gogol and Aksakov. On the territory of the estate there is a spring called Barsky. From time immemorial, all who were washed by its waters received healing from ailments.

In the first half of the 19th century, the estate passed into the possession of the family of the outstanding Russian poet F.I. Tyutchev. As a deeply religious person, he considered it necessary to build a temple on the territory of his estate next to the miraculous source. When the work was completed, it was solemnly consecrated in honor of the Savior Not Made by Hands. Since then it has become a tradition to make to the source religious processions accompanied by the rite of blessing of water. Nowadays, research by scientists has shown that this water has a high biological activity. The proof is the fact that the plants watered by her develop better than their counterparts.

Beneficial help in childbearing

Mentioning the holy places of the Moscow region that help to get pregnant, one cannot ignore the miraculous stone located in Kolomenskoye, popularly called "Goose", or "Maiden". There is a source next to it. For a long time, women have come here who dream of getting pregnant, but are not able to do it. Anyone who wishes to receive help is advised to scoop up water from a spring, sit on a stone and, uttering a wish to themselves, drink water. Then you need to tie a ribbon to a tree growing nearby.

Such a custom goes beyond the scope of the church charter, but practice shows its miraculousness, and, in addition, it is resorted to, as a rule, by those who could not get any other real help. This stone is located in the Moscow region, in the capital itself, prayers for pregnancy are usually offered up in front of the relics of St. Matrona of Moscow, resting in the Intercession Convent.

The smallest city in the Moscow region

Everyone who has a chance to visit the outskirts of the capital should not miss the opportunity to visit its many holy places. Vereya (Moscow region) is one of them. This is a unique city, in which many architectural monuments of the 18th and 19th centuries have been preserved. The smallest city in the Moscow region contains a large number of churches that have become its main attractions. The oldest of them is the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ, built in the middle of the 16th century by Prince Vladimir Staritsky. The history of the cathedral is closely connected with the events of the war of 1812 and with the name of Vereya's liberator from the French - General Dorokhov, who was buried within its walls.

Here, in the region of the district, the ancient Epiphany Church rises. It was founded in 1673 and, despite the fact that it was rebuilt many times, retained the stamp of Russian antiquity, clearly showing through in all the details of its architectural appearance. The most popular among residents of the city is the Elias Church located on Hospital Street. The earliest information about her is found in historical documents of 1629. The glory of the church was brought by the rich iconostasis, icons and frescoes made by the leading masters of that era.

Many are interested in the holy places of the Moscow region, helping to get married. One of them is located just in Verey. This is the Church of Constantine and Helena, which is located on Kirovskaya Street. It was built with donations from the Zenegin merchants in 1798. Once upon a time, its walls were decorated with colorful paintings, and the splendor of the iconostasis was not inferior to the best Moscow churches. During the years of total atheism, this splendor was lost, but the holiness of the church itself and the walls prayed for by many generations remained. For centuries, it was in it more often than anywhere else that weddings took place. Perhaps that is why in our days it is customary to offer prayers in the granting of marital happiness.

The story about the shrines of Vereya will be incomplete if you do not mention the Church of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, which was once part of the complex of the Spassky Monastery, abolished by Empress Catherine II, and the Old Believer Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. It is known that before the revolution Vereya was a large Old Believer center of the Moscow region.

According to data for 1902, the Old Believers accounted for almost half of the city's population. Such a significant number of them became the reason for the rejection of the idea of ​​building an Orthodox monastery here - there were fears of the influence of the Old Believers on the monks. Nowadays, when the official church has recognized the legitimacy of the Old Believers, many holy places in Moscow and the Moscow region happily coexist with their religious centers.

The saint who helps with financial turmoil

In addition to temples and churches, where you can find help in healing from ailments and the gift of family happiness, as well as motherhood, people often look for the holy places of the Moscow region, helping with money and bringing good luck in various business endeavors. I would like to advise them to turn with prayer to Saint Spyridon, Bishop of Trimifuntsky.

Being a convinced non-possessor in his earthly life, in the palaces of the Heavenly King he prays to the Almighty to bestow upon people not only spiritual, but also material benefits. There are many examples of how prayers in front of his image helped to get out of a difficult financial situation or achieve success in entrepreneurship. In the Moscow region there are no holy places dedicated to this saint of God, but his icon is not difficult to find in church shops or order via the Internet.

Faith is a Condition for Help in Prayers

Holy places in the Moscow region are numerous and blessed. There are more than a hundred miraculous sources alone. At the beginning of the article, data were given about one thousand five hundred Orthodox churches and twenty-four monasteries located on its territory, and about hundreds of thousands of pilgrims who visit them. These proofs of the revival of Orthodox traditions, which have been in oblivion for so long, delight the heart.

But when setting off on the way to a particular shrine, it must be remembered that the prayers offered up in front of it will acquire grace-filled power only on condition of deep faith and sincere religious feeling. Always, approaching a holy source, to miraculous relics or an image, you need to remember the words of the Savior: "According to your faith it will be for you."

Today, many travel agencies organize trips and excursions to places where the grace of God is plentifully poured out. Do not miss the opportunity to use their services and touch the world of higher spiritual forces.

Russia is often called the holy land. Judging by the number of holy places for representatives of different religions, then this is indeed the case.

1. Diveevo

Where is? Nizhny Novgorod region, Diveevsky district.
What is holiness? Diveyevo is called the Fourth Lot of the Mother of God on earth. The main shrine of the Diveyevo monastery is the relics of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov. The Holy Elder invisibly, but clearly consoles, enlightens, heals, opening the hardened souls of people who come to him for Divine love, and leads to the Orthodox faith, to the Church, which is the foundation and consolidation of the Russian land. Pilgrims come for holy water from 4 springs, bow to the relics and walk along the holy groove, which, according to legend, the Antichrist will not be able to cross.

2. Optina Hermitage

Where is? Kaluga region.
What is holiness? Svyato-Vvedenskaya Optina Pustyn is one of the oldest monasteries in Russia, located on the banks of the Zhizdra River near the city of Kozelsk. The origin of Optina remains unknown. It can be assumed that it was not the princes and boyars who built it, but the ascetics themselves by vocation from above with repentant tears, labor and prayer. The Optina elders had tremendous influence on the minds of people of various classes. Gogol has been here three times. After visiting Optina Hermitage, Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov was born. Leo Tolstoy had a special relationship with the monastery (as well as with the church in general).

3. Nilo-Stolobenskaya desert

Where is? Stolobny Island, Svetlitsa Peninsula, Lake Seliger.
What is holiness? The monastery was named the Nil Hermitage after the Monk Nile, who lived on the island for 27 years and bequeathed to build a monastery. In 1555, the Nile reposed and was buried on Stolobny Island. After the death of the monk, hermits-prayer books began to settle on the island near his grave, and they founded the monastery. Before the revolution, the Nilo-Stolobensky Monastery was among the most revered in Russia, thousands of people came here every year. In 1828, the monastery was visited by Emperor Alexander I.

After the revolution, the monatyr had a difficult fate. He managed to stay in a colony, a hospital, a prisoner of war camp, and a camp site. During archaeological excavations on the territory of the monastery, it was established that in the 18th century the largest workshop for the production of pectoral crosses worked here. Only in 1990 was the Nilova Hermitage transferred Orthodox Church, and in 1995 the relics of the Monk Nile were returned here.

4. Kizhi

Where is? Kizhi Island, Lake Onega.
What is holiness? Many believe that Kizhi is a beautiful temple somewhere in the North. In fact, this is a whole reserve, where everyday life and unique wooden architecture are carefully preserved. The center and main monument of the museum was the Kizhi Pogost with the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. It was laid in 1714 and built without a single nail and foundation. The most remarkable thing is that even in the Soviet years the shrine was not touched - they even left the iconostasis with one hundred and two images. The entire Kizhi ensemble is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. You can get to the island in the summer by rocket from Petrozavodsk and in the winter along the ice route from the village. Great lip.

5. Solovetsky monastery

Where is? White Sea.
What is holiness? Even in pagan times, the Solovetsky Islands were strewn with temples, and the ancient Sami considered this place sacred. Already in the 15th century, a monastery arose here, which soon became a major spiritual and social center. The pilgrimage to the Solovetsky Monastery has always been a great feat, which only a few dared to do. Thanks to this, until the beginning of the 20th century, the monks managed to preserve a special atmosphere here, which, oddly enough, did not disappear over the years of hard times. Today not only pilgrims come here, but also scientists, researchers, historians.

6. Trinity-Sergius Lavra

Where is? Moscow region, Sergiev Posad.
What is holiness? This monastery is rightfully considered the spiritual center of Russia. The history of the monastery is inextricably linked with the fate of the country - here Dmitry Donskoy received a blessing for the Battle of Kulikovo, local monks, together with the troops for two years, defended themselves from the Polish-Lithuanian invader, here the future Tsar Peter I took the oath of the boyars. To this day, pilgrims from all over the Orthodox world come here to pray and experience the grace of this place.

7. Pskov-Pechersky Monastery

Where is? Pechora.
What is holiness? The Pskov-Pechersky Monastery is one of the oldest and most famous Russian male monasteries. In 1473, the cave church of the Assumption was consecrated here, excavated by the Monk Jonah in a sandstone hill. This year is considered the year of the foundation of the monastery. The hill in which the Church of the Assumption and the God-made caves are located is called the Holy Mountain. There are two holy springs on the territory of the monastery. The peculiarity of the Pskov-Pechersk monastery is that it has never been closed in its entire history. In the interwar period (from February 1920 to January 1945), it was located within Estonia, thanks to which it survived.

8. Cyril-Belozersky Monastery

Where is? Vologodskaya Oblast, Kirillovsky district.
What is holiness? Kirillo-Belozerskaya monastery is a city within a city, the largest monastery in Europe. The gigantic fortress has repeatedly withstood the siege of the enemy - on its three-story walls, two cars can easily disperse. The richest people of their time were tonsured here, and the sovereign's criminals were kept in the dungeons. Ivan the Terrible himself favored the monastery and invested considerable funds in it.

A strange energy is felt here, giving peace. There are two more pearls of the North nearby - Ferapontov and Goritsky monasteries. The first is famous for its ancient cathedrals and frescoes of Dionysius, and the second for its nuns from noble families. Those who have visited the vicinity of Kirillov at least once come back.

9. Verkhoturye

Where is? Sverdlovsk region, Verkhotursky district.
What is holiness? Once there was one of the main Ural fortresses, from which several buildings remained (the local Kremlin is the smallest in the country). However, this small town became famous not for its glorious history, but for its large concentration of Orthodox churches and monasteries. In the 19th century, Verkhoturye became a center of pilgrimage. In 1913, the third largest cathedral of the Russian Empire, the Exaltation of the Cross, was built here. Not far from the city, in the village of Merkushino, lived the miracle worker Simeon Verkhotursky, the patron saint of the Urals. People from all over the country come to pray at the relics of the saint - it is believed that they cure diseases.

10. Balaam

Where is? Ladoga lake.
What is holiness? Valaam is one of the two "monastic republics" that existed in Russia. The time when the Orthodox monastery was founded on the islands is unknown. At the beginning of the 16th century, the monastery already existed; in the 15th-16th centuries, about a dozen future saints lived in the monastery, including, for example, the future founder of another "monastic republic" Savvaty Solovetsky (until 1429) and Alexander Svirsky. It was at this time that monastic sketes appeared in large numbers on the neighboring islands.

Unlike the Solovetsky archipelago, where the museum-reserve is the owner, on Valaam monastic traditions have been revived almost to the full. All the monasteries operate here, the monastery also performs administrative functions on the islands, and the overwhelming majority of visitors to Valaam are pilgrims. All over the island there are sketes, “branches” of the monastery, about ten in total. The incomparable nature of the Valaam archipelago - a kind of "quintessence" of the nature of South Karelia - contributes to the pilgrim's desire to move away from the bustle of the world and come to his place.

11. Pustozersk

Where is? In fact, nowhere. Pustozersk is a disappeared city in the lower reaches of the Pechora, in the Zapolyarny region of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. It is located 20 km from the current city of Naryan-Mar.
What is holiness? Pustozersk was the place where Archpriest Avvakum lived in exile in an earthen pit for 15 years, wrote his life and was burned. Pustozersk is still a place of Old Believer pilgrimage today and is revered by them as a holy place. A chapel and a refectory were built here, there are memorial crosses.

12. Rogozhskaya Sloboda

Where is? Moscow.
What is holiness? Rogozhskaya Sloboda is the historical spiritual center of the Russian Old Believers. In 1771, the Old Believers' Rogozhskoye cemetery was founded at the Rogozhskaya outpost, a quarantine, a hospital and a small chapel were also built here. Then, at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, two cathedrals were built at the cemetery - Pokrovsky and Rozhdestvensky, the Nikolskaya chapel was rebuilt in stone, houses for clergy and clergy, monastic cells, six almshouses and many private and merchant houses were erected next to the temples. For two centuries, the Intercession Cathedral was the largest Orthodox church in Moscow, accommodating up to 7000 believers at a time. By the beginning of the twentieth century, the number of Old Believers living in the vicinity of Rogozhsky reached 30,000 people.

13. Great Bulgars

Where is? Republic of Tatarstan, 140 km from Kazan.
What is holiness? Bulgar, one of the greatest cities of the Middle Ages, is today an important place of worship for the Muslims of Russia. In addition to the ancient ruins, the village of Bulgarians and the walls of a large mosque with a minaret of the 13th century remained from Great Bulgaria. The well-preserved Northern Mausoleum is located across the street from the entrance to the mosque. East of the mosque is the Eastern Mausoleum. The White Mosque is located near the entrance to Bolgar, at the South Gate of the Bulgarian Museum-Reserve. The architectural complex represents the building of the mosque itself, the residence of the mufti and the madrasah, and the surrounding prayer square.

14. Aulia spring

Where is? Republic of Bashkiria, Mount Aushtau.
What is holiness? Aulia is translated from Bashkir as “saint”. This source is believed to have healing properties. It flows for a little over 30 days in late May and early June and gathers tens of thousands of people every year. People bathe in it in the spring and drink sacred water, which, in their opinion, can get rid of kidney stones, as well as treat respiratory and stomach ailments. Spring water is said to acquire its medicinal properties only after May 15th.

The ascent to Mount Aushtau consists of two stages: the first is to reach the sacred source, the second is to climb to the top of the mountain, where there are three graves, in which, according to legend, are kept the remains of three Islamic missionaries from the city of Osh, who were killed in the 13th century by local residents. After repentance, these same local residents buried Sheikh Muhammad Ramazan al-Ush and his companions on the top of the mountain, on the slopes of which a sacred spring appeared.

15. Mausoleum of Hussein-Bek

Where is? Republic of Bashkiria, 40 km from Ufa.
What is holiness? The mausoleum is located at the Akzirat cemetery. According to legend, it was built in the XIV century for Hadji-Hussein-bek, the first imam on the territory of modern Bashkiria. The order to build the mausoleum was given by Tamerlane himself. Not far from the mausoleum there are several gravestones with inscriptions on Arabic... It is believed that the commanders of Tamerlane were marked this way.

The Hussein-Bek Mausoleum is one of the most sacred Muslim places in Russia. Just 10 km from this place there is another ancient mausoleum - the grave of Turukhan. According to some historians, he was a descendant of Genghis Khan. According to historians, Turukhan, like Hussein-bey, was an enlightened Muslim ruler.

16. Ziyarat Kunta-Khadzhi Kishieva

Where is? Chechen Republic, the village of Khadzhi.
What is holiness? There are 59 holy graves, ziyarats in Chechnya. Ziyarat Kunta-Khadzhi Kishieva is the most revered of them. In the 19th century, the village of Khadzhi was the birthplace of the Sufi sheikh Kunta-Khadzhi Kishiev, a Chechen saint and missionary who preached zikr ("remembrance of Allah"). Near the place where Kishiev's house stood, there is a holy spring, the water from which has medicinal properties. Those interested can also visit the grave of Kishiev's mother. It is located nearby on Mount Ertina, which the Chechens consider a sacred place.

17. Kala fortress of the Quraysh

Where is? Republic of Dagestan, 120 km from Makhachkala.
What is holiness? The mosque of the Kala Quraish fortress is one of the oldest mosques in Russia, it was built in the 9th century. Also on the territory of the fortress there is an ancient tomb and a museum. The fortress is located at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level.

Because of its appearance Kala of the Quraysh is sometimes called the Dagestan Machu Picchu. Koreishites, or Qurayshites, were considered the closest relatives and descendants of the Prophet Mohammed himself, therefore the Kala-Koreish they founded became the most important center for the spread of Islam in the region. By the 20th century, Kala Koreish had actually turned into a ghost town. Local residents claim that in the 1970s, two women and one man lived in Kala Koreish. These were the last inhabitants of the ancient city of the descendants of Mohammed.

18. Mausoleum Tuti-bike

Where is? Republic of Dagestan, Derbent.
What is holiness? The Mausoleum of the Derbent khans is the only mausoleum that has survived in Derbent. It was erected in 1202 AH of the Muslim chronology (1787-1788) over the grave of the ruler of Derbent Tuti-bike. In addition to her, her sons, as well as Hasan-khan's wife, Hyp-Jahan-khanum, are buried in the mausoleum. The ruler of Derbent Tuti-bike is a very significant figure in the history of Dagestan.

In 1774, during the storming of Derbent by the kaytag utsmii Emir-Hamza, Tuti-bike personally took part in the defense, was on the city wall, controlling the actions of artillery. During the siege of the city, she did not interrupt the prayer, and upon its completion, going out into the courtyard of the Juma mosque, where the enemy detachment burst into, she killed their leader with a dagger blow. Tradition says that the women, amazed at the courage of the women, fled the enemies. In the immediate vicinity of the mausoleum there is Kyrkhlyar ("forty" in Turkic). This is the burial place of Islamic martyrs.

19. Mausoleum of Borga-Kash

Where is? The mausoleum is located on the northwestern outskirts of the modern rural settlement of Plievo, Nazranovsky district of the Republic of Ingushetia, on the left hilly bank of the Sunzha, which is a spur of the Sunzhensky ridge.
What is holiness? Historians still disagree about how and why this mausoleum was built. Borga-Kash translates as "Borg's grave". According to one version, the mausoleum was the tomb of Burakan Beksultan, one of the main leaders of the Ingush in the fight against the troops of Timur, who invaded the local lands in 1395. Burakan did not die in the war with Timur, but died ten years later, which corresponds to the time of the construction of the mausoleum. The 600-year-old mausoleum is an important pilgrimage site and one of the most valuable Ingush historical monuments. Until now, inscriptions in Arabic have been preserved on the building of the mausoleum.

20. Ivolginsky datsan

Where is? Republic of Buryatia, the village of Verkhnyaya Ivolga. 30 km from Ula-Ude.
What is holiness? Ivolginsky Datsan is the main datsan of Russia, the residence of Pandito Khambo Lama - the Head of the Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia, a large Buddhist monastery complex, a monument of history and architecture. In the Ivolginsky Datsan there is the body of one of the main devotees of Buddhism of the 20th century, the head of the Buddhists of Siberia in 1911-1917, Khambo Lama Itigelov. In 1927, he sat in the lotus position, gathered his disciples and told them to recite a prayer-good wishes for the deceased, after which, according to Buddhist beliefs, the lama went into a state of samadhi. He was buried in a cedar cube in the same lotus position, having bequeathed to unearth a sarcophagus 30 years later before leaving.

In 1955, the cube was lifted. The body of the Hambo Lama turned out to be incorrupt, and analyzes carried out by scientists already in 2000 showed that the protein fractions have vital characteristics, and the concentration of bromine exceeds the norm by 40 times. Right there, in the Ivolginsky Datsan, you can see a magic stone. Near it there is an inscription: “According to legend, it was this stone that Nogoon Dari Ekhe (Green Tara) touched and left an imprint of her brush on it.

21. Nilovsky datsan

Where is? In the Tunkinskaya valley, 4 km upstream from the Nilova Pustyn resort in the forest, 10 km of the road on the Kholma-Ula mountain.
What is holiness? According to an ancient legend, the mythical god Khan Shargai Noyon, the head of the Khaats, sitting on the ridges of the Sayan Mountains, landed on this place. In honor of this, a small prayer house was built here in 1867. Subsequently, two wooden datsans were built here. On the territory of the Nilovsky Datsan there is a tower made of a long and smooth log with a round wooden barrel at the top. This design is not found in any of the datsans in Buryatia.

Local old-timers say that when the lamas converted the local population to Buddhism, they gathered all the shamans in this place and persuaded them to accept the Buddhist faith. All tambourines and shaman costumes were burned. They put sacred relics and silver coins in the barrel and raised it up so that the Buddha could see the gifts. The sand at the landing site of the Khan Shargai noyon is considered sacred. It is widely believed that sand taken by a man gives him strength.

22. Mount Belukha

Where is? The highest point of Gorny Altai. It is located on the territory of the Ust-Koksinsky district.
What is holiness? Many researchers correlate the highest Altai mountain Belukha with the sacred Mount Meru. In particular, the Russian philosopher Nikolai Fedorov tried to confirm this theory. Using a map depicting the sacred Mount Meru, dated to the 2nd century BC, the Turkologist Murat Aji supplemented the popular hypothesis. There were four oceans known at that time at an equal distance from Meru, and Belukha is equally distant from the Indian, Pacific and Arctic oceans.

Belukha is considered a sacred mountain among Buddhists, here, in search of the legendary Belovodye, Old Believers went to escape from the world. According to the beliefs of the Altaians, the goddess Umai, the supreme female deity, comparable in importance to Tengri, lives on Belukha.

23. Olkhon Island

Where is? Olkhon is the largest island on Lake Baikal. Located 256 km from Irkutsk.
What is holiness? One of the main places of worship is Shamanka Rock. The cave, located in the rock, is prohibited for women and children. There was once a Buddhist sanctuary. Olkhon is revered not only by Buddhists, but also by representatives of traditional Buryat beliefs. Shamans from all over Russia, and sometimes from abroad, gather on the island to conduct their rituals, rituals. At this time, shamans communicate directly with the spirits, and if you are lucky, you can find out from them the answers to your questions. The main thing at this time is not to look the shaman in the eyes, otherwise, according to local beliefs, the spirit can leave his body and move into an unwary supplicant.

24. Mount Barkhan-uula

Where is? Barkhan-Uula or Baragkhan is one of the most high mountains Barguzinsky ridge. The mountain rises near the villages of Baragkhan and Yarikta, which is 20 kilometers away.
What is holiness? According to the results of the republican-scale competition "Seven Wonders of Buryatia Nature" Baragkhan was recognized as the main Buryat natural miracle. Since ancient times, the mountain has been revered as a shrine by both Barguzin Buryats and Mughal-speaking peoples. Buryat mythology tells about the masters of the mountain dune baabai and Khazhar-Sagaan-noyon - the heavenly masters who descended to earth. There is also a legend that a noble khan from the golden family of Borjigins was buried on Barkhan-Uula.

There is also a legend about Soodoi Lama, a great yogi who chose Baraghan for his meditations. It is believed that the one who climbed this mountain will be associated with the mystical power, and the righteous can see the image of the Buddha on its slopes. Climbing the mountain is usually accompanied by the monks of the Ivolginsky datsan; a huge prayer service has been written in Sanskrit in honor of Baragkhan. On the Teptaehei plateau, at the very top of the mountain, there is an ancient and sacred stone structure Obo, which commemorates the spirit of the mountain.

There is also a Lamaist sacred sign, symbolizing the eternity and infinity of the universe. Nowadays, Buddhist prayers and rituals are held on Barkhan-Uula. Pilgrimage ascents to the top of the mountain are held annually. But not everyone can climb the mountain. To do this, you need to get the permission of the lama in the Kurumkansky datsan. Women are forbidden to climb Barkhan-Uula.

25. Merkit Fortress

Where is? In the south of Buryatia, in the Mukhorshibirsky district, 110 km from Ulan-Ude on the right bank of the mouth of the river. Tugnuy.
What is holiness? According to legend, it was here that the first battles of Genghis Khan with the Merkits, who once inhabited these lands, took place. From 1177 to 1216, the Merkits fought fierce battles against Genghis Khan and Khan Jochi until they were defeated.

The Merkit fortress today is not a fortress in the usual sense of the word. These are rocks on which elements of the former fortifications, recesses for signal lights, a well, observation platforms have been preserved. In the Merkit fortress there are two so-called "humming stones", which, according to legends, are able to heal a woman from infertility and bring good luck in love. Pilgrimages are held to the Merkit fortress, shamans and lamas come here. In 2010, Buddhist scrolls and tanka icons were discovered here, which lamas hid here during the years of persecution of religion. Since nothing can be taken from the mountain, the scrolls were examined and returned to their place.