
Table setting: concept and essence. General rules serving

Garden do it yourself

Table setting - a sign of good tone and hospitality of the hostess, so it is very important that the covering table has emitted not only with delicious and soaring dishes, but also beautiful elements, properly laid knives and forks.

About this exciting, and certainly creative lesson and will be discussed in this article. Here you will find recommendations for the correct layout of the instruments, as well as the photo of the serving in different styles and colors.

Since ancient times, food intake was not just an ordinary occupation. Gathering the company for a large table, a simple seemingly dinner became something like a holiday.

At the table did not just eat the food prepared in advance, people communicated, shared news and their thoughts. As a result, such a concept as a table setting was born.

The correct and beautiful location of the devices and dishes gave the festive table a special kind, and with the advent of the first rules of the etiquette at the table, proper serving The table has become an integral part of any feast.

Moreover, at regular home conditions, it is not even in the etiquette. In fact, it is just nice when a special atmosphere reigns on the table.

But let's go to the basic rules that you will help to decorate a festive table.

What you need to know about the table serving

First of all, take care that all the dishes and devices are clean. To do this, first, all devices without exception should be wiped with a warm and wet towel, and then dry dry dry. Make sure that there are no spots from water on the instruments and dishes.

The tablecloth must be carefully mapped. The edges should hang from the table for 25-30 centimeters, so that the corners are a little hiding the feet of the table. Very many hostesses, in fear of the tablecloth covers it on top of the glue, however, according to the rules of table setting and etiquette, it is unacceptable if you take guests.

The number of devices on the table in each plate in different situations can be different. It all depends on the dishes that will be served during meals.

Well, the last "golden" rule is the location and type of instruments for each guest should be completely the same.

Proper table setting

Take a look at the following image:

The photo shows the classic table setting on the European etiquette. In the picture, all types of cutlery are posted as an example. Of course, the whole "set" you will most likely not need, so looking at this picture you can have the instruments as well, but leaving on the table only the necessary (depends on dishes).

For example, for the usual classic Russian dinner, it is enough to leave a piring plate for bread and oil, a spoon for the first dish, a plug for the main dish, a table knife, a decorative and soup plate, a glass of water. In each case, something can change, for example, in the case of the dessert dinner in the menu, it is worth adding appropriate appliances to the table.

Types of napkins and their location

Napkins are one of the most important accessories on a festive table. There are two main types of napkins - fabric and paper. Fissure napkins (large in size) are usually intended for location on guest knees (avoiding food to clothing).

Paper napkins are usually used directly for meals, and they must be located in the center of the table, so that everyone can be available. If the table is large, it is worth placing napkins in several places, so that each at the table has direct access to them.

By the way, the napkins can be placed on the table both in a conventional napkin, and performing original figures from them. Below in the picture, you can see the four most common features of the napkins. As can be seen in the photo, the beautiful table setting is largely depends on external view Napkins and their colors.

By the way, if the feast does not imply the first dish, then a beautifully folded napkin is worth it to be located on the plate of each guest, however, remember that in this case all napkins should be the same, and in the center of the table must be their reserve at the rate of 2-3 napkins per guest .

Table setting - Photo with examples

Above in the photo, you saw the classic version of the table setting, but absolutely not necessarily strictly follow these rules if more in your head are born interesting ideas. You can decorate the table perfectly different waysThe main thing is that the basic devices are located in the right places, and the rest is at the discretion of the hostess.

Separately, we note such a holiday as New Year. All the favorite feast can be not only delicious, but also beautiful.

There are generally accepted rules for serving the table, learn which is not so difficult, but surprise and please the loved ones will be nice. In this article we will talk about serving the table at home, consider visual examples and schemes.

There are many types of serving: Classical, Rustic, Scandinavian and a number of others


Beautifully covered table can turn breakfast into a small holiday.

The devices are added and removed depending on the cooked dishes.

Start with tablecloths. It should be clean, rejuvenable and suitable for style interior. For breakfast are allowed bright and muted colors.

Then set the plates. At a distance of 2.5 cm from the edge of the table, they put a serving plate, on it - the main plate, and then a deep bowl for cereal or flakes. On the left diagonally, there is a dessert plate with an oil knife, they also put stands for eggs on small sauces.

Next step - appliances. To the left of the main plate with clums up the plug, on the right - the knife (inside), a tablespoon, and then tea. Dessert devices are placed over a plate parallel to the edge of the table.

Table setting at home. Simple breakfast

Next - cups and glasses. A cup for hot drink put on a saucer and placed on the right diagonally from the main plate. A little further put the glasses. Their number is determined by necessity. Proper sequence: a glass for water, juice, then for milk.

In the center of the table placed a coffee pot, milkman, outlets with jam and saucer with fruit slices. Sugar sand is served in sugar with a special spoon, forceps are put for raffinad. It also arranges oils, paws and snacks.

Complete serving with napkins and decor. Fissure napkins are put on a diner plate or next to it, paper is placed only in the napkin. In the center of the table put small vases with flowers - they create a special mood.

An unusually covered table will be a pleasant surprise for your household and definitely will not allow them to miss breakfast


The table setting to the dinner involves a monochrome tablecloth in muffled colors or with a non-latch pattern.

It is reasonable to "start" in the house a few tablecloths: a small, for the large table, for the outdoor table (veranda), "Children's" tablecloth-oil

Plates put on each other in the following order: serving plate, basic, snack bar, plate (or bowl) for soup. On the left diagonally put a bread plate.

To the right of the serving plate put a knife for hot (edge \u200b\u200binside), behind it - dining room and soup spoons (convex side down). Left place for fork (cloth up). If you serve several dishes, lay 2 or 3 pairs of instruments. They are placed in accordance with the sequence of dishes: closer to the plate - appliances for the main dish, then for salads and snacks, further from the plate - devices for dishes that will be supplied primarily (light snacks and soups).

The dessert spoon and the plug are placed over the main plate, in parallel to the edge of the table, with a gap of 1 cm - the spoon with the handle to the right, the plug to the left. The oil knife is placed on the bread plate, the right handle, edge to the edge of the table. For all dishes that will be served in common plates, tongs are served to sauces - spoons.

Serving saucer is optional for a week. Some setting styles allow her absence (in the photo serving plate - lower, pink color)

Glasses for wine and water are abolished on the diagonal to the right of the main plate (for instruments) in accordance with the procedure for feeding drinks: closer to the plate - a glass of water, then for an aperitif, for the main drink, at the end - for strong alcohol. Bully below put a cup for hot drink.

At the edges of the table put breadmen and saucers. The center is placed tantice, hot dishes, salad bowls and snacks. Wines are served in bottles (rewarded in advance), the other drinks are in jugs or decrees.

Complete the serving to dinner with napkins and floral compositions in the center of the table.

The table setting at home completely depends on the menu and the sequence of feeding the dishes. The casual dinner does not require adherence to all subtleties, it is enough 1 set of instruments, a snack bar and a soup and 1-2 glasses.

If you serve dishes to eat hands, do not forget to put bowls with water to wash your hands and put enough napkins

It is not necessary to serve the table according to the requirements of Mishlen restaurants. Observe the arrangement, choose a beautiful dishes, do it as you like


Dinner is served by the same principle. The table is fascinated by a well-degraded tablecloth: for the official dinner, they choose a monophonic, for family or friendly - a tablecloth with a pattern or border along the edges.

Can be replaced with a round-mate serving plate that will perform decorative function

You can turn the glasses bottom down if you are serving the table in advance or outdoors. So make restaurants located on the street

The main, snack room and a plate for fish dishes are put on the serving plate. On the left diagonally is a place for a bread and dessert plate (it is served directly with dessert and fruit). For home dinner in a narrow circle, 1-2 plates are quite enough, for example the main and diner.

The number of devices is determined by the amount of dishes. The same order: right - a table knife for hot, behind it is a fish and snack knives. The tablespoon is placed over the main plate (if dessert is, the spoon is moved to the right knife, and dessert devices are put on the plate). On the left placed the forks: closer to the plate plug for hot, then fish and snackry. All dishes and snacks that are served not portion are served tongs and spoons.

In most countries on official dinners adopted the following procedure for changing dishes: snacks, soup (broth), fish dish, meat dish, dessert, fruit, coffee. Dishes change every 15-20 minutes.

Wine glasses and glasses are placed on the right of the main plate in the order of drinks: for water, for an aperitif, for wines, for strong drinks. The glass for the main drink remains on the table during the whole meal, the rest can be removed when changing the dishes.

For everyday dinner and meetings with friends are enough 1-3 glasses: for water, for wine or beer, for strong alcohol. A glass of beer put a stand to protect the tablecloth from the beer foam.

The center of the table is exhibited dishes with hot dishes, salads and snacks, closer to the edge of the table - bread, boat, jugs and bottles of drinks.

Napkins for dinner can be decorated with special rings or figure.

Table serving to dinner are completed with a flower arrangement and candles. Candles should stand in special candlesticks or stands

You can not restrict ourselves to candles, figures and colors - Make nameplates with names for each invited guest

Serving festive table

For a festive table, a classic full serving is used.

Pick up an elegant tablecloth, combine several options in contrasting colors or complement the serving with tissue tracks.

For solemn setting of the table at home use a festive service. The main, diner, then the fish plate and soup are put on the serving plate. For cream soup, a deep soup plate is served, for broth - a bowl. On the diagonal to the left they put the bread plate, dessert (it is served directly to the dessert and fruits).

The number of devices depends on the menu. Festive, as a rule, includes a complete set: a knife for hot, a knife for fish, a tablespoon, a knife for snacks, a soup and a plug for oysters (this is the only kind of forks that can be placed on the right). On the left lay down forks: for hot, for fish and for snacks.

Space lunch or dinner serving scheme. The tip of the knives should be directed towards the plate, the forks must lie to the cloves up, the spoons - the convex side down

Cutlery are located on the following principle: the farthest to the plate is for the first dish, the closest to the plate - for the last dish

Near the plate there are no more than 3 pairs of devices for basic dishes and snacks. The devices are located at a distance of 0.5-1 cm apart. If you need to submit the 4th pair, it is wrapped in a napkin and put on the edge of a serving plate.

Enclosing instruments, consider the menu. For example, if there is no fish on the table, there is no need to put a knife for her

To the right of the main plates are glads in the order of feeding dishes. They can be put in 2 rows, semicircle or diagonally in a row. The distance between the glasses is approximately 1 cm. As a rule, they first put a glass of water, then for champagne, wine, hereinafter - glasses for brandy and glasses for other strong alcohol.

Table setting at home involves the correct placement of hot dishes and snacks.

It is hot and served in the appropriate dishes (cheat, etc.) and placed in the center of the table. Festive setting necessarily includes a pitch - it is put on the right of the hostess. Devices for serving hot dishes are put on the saucer nearby, wrapped in a tissue napkin.

Then set snacks: meat is served on round dishes, fish - on oval. Followed by lettuce, menagnets, herring and saucers. Crossroads and seasonings should stand around the edges. If the table is large, there are several listings, suites, etc. Along the edges of the table, beverages in jugs and decrees. Alcohol is served in advanced bottles in advance. Champagne and some wines are put in ice buckets.

When submitting desserts to the center of the table, there are large dishes with cakes and cakes, fruit vases, closer to the edges - sugar bowls, milk, creaman and sockets.

In completion lay the napkins and decorate the desk with a festive decor. It can be flowers, candles, figures and thematic decorations. Seasonal flowers, leaves, fruits, wreaths, christmas toys, cones, ribbons, all sorts of figures and other decorations are coming. In solemn cases decorated the backs of chairs and chandeliers over the table. It all depends on the fantasy.

Preparing floral compositions for decorating the table, avoid colors with a strong smell - some guests can be sensitive to flavors

Children's table

The children's table setting has its own characteristics. The main thing is what you need to focus on - safety, rationality of approach and, of course, beauty.

First, decide on the topics of the holiday. Create a beautiful and fabulous atmosphere. Prefer bright colors, use for scenery balloons, Festive caps, corrugated figures on chopsticks, ribbons, confetti and other decorations.

The order of serving is the same as for an adult table: you need to start with a tablecloth. It is wiser to use not a tablecloth, but a beautiful oilbox - it is easier to put it in order after children's pranks. The edges of the oil can be higher than the seats.

The dishes and instruments should be selected based on the age of children: for the smallest paper and plastic dishes are suitable, for older children - shockproof glass. Cutlery must be safe.

So that the children feel comfortable at the table, he does not clutch her dishes. There are enough 1-2 plates: a diner and a deep bowl. The instruments for children are placed on the right of the plate, but if you can use a knife by age, the table is served according to the standard diagram.

Instead of glasses, use wide stable glasses, put them closer to the table center. Do not forget to stock napkins and paper towels

Since children can not sit at the table for a long time and will "squeeze", better serve snacks, cutting, canapes and tartlets. You can warmly cook baked potatoes, nuggets, pancakes with filling, mini-sandwiches and other similar dishes. For feeding, multi-tiered stands, dishes and deep bowls are used.

Attract the whole family to the table serving and create together beautiful decoration. It will make a holiday unforgettable and will give a lot of bright impressions.

Despite the difficulty, the table setting at home can be a pleasant and creative process, unless to invest efforts and patience into this occupation, but also to show ingenuity and fantasy.

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He graduated from the author's physico-mathematics and art school. Received a higher economic education in the direction of "Innovative Management". Freelancer. Married, actively travels. Interested in Buddhist philosophy, fond of transching and loves the Mediterranean cuisine.

The threads of gold and silver, which in the old days embroidered clothes, are called repetitive. To obtain, the metal wire was pulled by ticks to the state of the necessary subtleties. Hence, the expression "pull (breed) canber" - "engage in long-shaped work" or "delay the execution of the case".

Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the selected solvent is for the tissue itself. It is applied in a small amount on a small-wedge plot of stuff from the side of 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move to stains.

PVC film tension ceilings are able to withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water to 1 m 2 of its area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and quality of the film). So you can not fear leaks from your neighbors from above.

Special traps exist to combat mole. In the sticky layer, which they are covered, added females purses, attracting males. Adhesive to the trap, they are departed from the breeding process, which leads to a decrease in the population of moths.

If the first signs of carrying in the form of untidy rods appeared on the favorite things, from them you can get rid of a special typewriter. He quickly and effectively swips the fabric fiber lumpy and returns to things worthy.

The habit of "economically" to use the washing machine-machine can lead to the appearance in it unpleasant odor. Washing at temperatures below 60 and short rinsing allow fungi and bacteria with dirty clothes to stay on the inner surfaces and reproduced actively.

Remove scale and naughty with an iron soles are the easiest of the cooking salt. Pour a thick layer of salt on paper, heat the iron to the maximum and several times, slightly appropriate, swipe the iron on the salt litter.

Fresh lemon fits not only for tea: Clean the contamination from the surface acrylic bath, Losing half of the cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave, putting a water-water container and lemon slices for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt will be just wiped with a sponge.

A beautifully covered table creates a sense of holiday and comfort. How easy and just comprehend service secrets? It is enough to understand the basic principles for which the entire table etiquette is built. As a result, any celebration you can meet with a lightweight heart without excessive fuss.

Tablecloth - can I do without it

The tablecloth performs several functions at the same time:

  • decorates the table;
  • helps hide small defects on the tabletop that you do not want to show guests;
  • helps to enter a table in the overall stylist of the celebration;
  • he serves protection for expensive worktops, preventing scratches and random chips.

If the state of the table top is satisfactory, and its material is not afraid of random contacts with sauces and wines, you can do without a tablecloth. It can be replaced by Ranner - textile track.

If the room is decorated in the style of minimalism, then the table with tracks laid across the table will look harmoniously and at the same time festive.

Ranners can be put along the table in the center, in the location zone of the main dishes and decor. In this case, the track can be used in solo version or in a duet with a suitable tablecloth.

It is allowed to simultaneously use tablecloths of different shapes. At the same time, the lower web should repeat the form of the tabletop and form a filling of 20-30 cm for normal serving, and in solemn cases, close the tabletop feet.

Plates - Does it be sure to use a backbone

In order to understand what and where to put, imagine a place that takes guest devices like a rectangle. Close it with a napkin.

Depending on the type of dishes, the corresponding plates are selected. For bread, pies and snacks are used flat models of small diameter. They are located in the upper left corner of the napkin. For breakfast or lunch, the tea couple occupies this place.

It is convenient to eat from flat widespread dishes. In some cases, dishes are served in small portion pots, which were prepared.

Cream-soups and broths are conveniently consumed from deep spacious ones. And for borscht or Harcho, it is better to apply wide, but at the same time a deep plate.

In order for the hot bottom does not spoil the table or tablecloth, the festive options often use navigable plates (serving), located at a distance of 3 cm from the edge of the table directly in front of the guest. They serve to decorate and as a stand under hot. In addition, they help protect the tablecloth from random spots.

Sometimes instead of a mount plate, a large-size napkin is used or a neat mat that performs the same function.

Cutlery - Is it true that it may be easy?

Combined, at first glance, a combination of spoons, forks and knives permanently classified.

  • To the left of the plate is put to the forks to the cloves up. From left to right, guests will consistently take instruments designed for snacks, fish and meat. If some kind of dish is missing from this list in the menu, then the device is not necessary for it.
  • To the right of the plate are laid out spoons and knives. Again, following the same logic. In the direction from the edge to the plate are located: a knife for snacks, a spoon for the first dishes, a knife for fish and a knife for meat. If any kind of dishes falls out of the menu, the device is not constructed.
  • For dessert, the devices are put on a plate, directing the handle at the plug to the left, and the spoon is right.
  • In the right corner of the napkin, placing glasses for water and wines, glasses and glasses. They are built up "in growth" from high (left) to low (right).


If you cover a festive table using a backplane, then between it and dishes for the first and second dishes put a textile napkin. It will protect the lower plate from scratches, and the top of the slip.

It is not forbidden to lay the napkins on top of the snacks or plans to be left on the tablecloth.

In some cases, it is quite acceptable to put cutlery on the napkin.

You can use paper or textile models depending on the situation.

Rings, clips and cutlery holders help to create a beautiful composition and emphasize the solemnity of the event.

If you decide not to use a tablecloth and ranner, textile napkins will help designate a place for each guest and serve protection for the table top. At the same time, you will avoid excessive pompousness and laundry problems and ironing linen. With napkins to cope after the celebration is much easier.

Submission of dishes

Good sense also acts here. Each dish is supplied in such a way that each wishes can get it and try. Square and round tables are arranged in such a way that all hot dishes and snacks are located in the center.

  • Rectangular and oval countertops depending on their length sometimes need to be broken into separate areas depending on the number of people.
  • The first dish is served either already in plates, or in a t -ckite. At the same time, guests can take the desired number of dishes or the hostess distributes it. In the latter case, the sputcher is on the right of it.
  • Bread baskets are preferably distributed so that they are closer to the ends of the countertops. At the same time, when it is supposed to seen guests for one long table, you need to place several baskets with sliced \u200b\u200bbread and in the center of the table.
  • Salon and peppers are usually included in the individual set of dining room for guest. Saunces and Carnival are calculated by the number of persons.
  • Non-alcoholic beverages are served in jugs. White and red wine open in advance. Strong drinks bloom in graphics. Champagne is cooled and opens the host of the celebration immediately before spilling through the glasses.


Candles, balloons, live flowers, cones, spruce, can be used as decor. pine branches, small pumpkins, compositions, carved from vegetables and fruits.

At the same time, decor elements need to be placed so that they do not interfere. Imagine how the table will look like during the entire celebration. If some decorative branch It is capable of tipping a sprinkler or scratch the table, it is better to abandon its use.

For thematic feasts there are a mass of decorative elements. For example, the Easter in Orthodox culture traditionally serve painted in special stands. Images of rabbits are appropriate in Western culture. New Year's topics involves the use of evergreen plants, cones, Christmas toys.

Separately, you need to mention the nameplates. The holders for them can be purchased in the store, and you can make it yourself. In rustic style it can be cuts of branches, plugs from wine. For a children's holiday, it is appropriate to use miniature toys.

As you can see, the table setting at home is not at all the rigid arch of incomprehensible rules, understandable only to the aristocrats. This is a completely understandable principle of a comfortable and beautiful feast, where every guest feels comfortable.

Jul 24, 2017 Werri.

And the dusty of serving the table has a thousand-year history. Each era corresponded to its culture of feast. In addition, different peoples have existed their ways to decorate the table and feeding dishes that correspond to national culture and traditions. And today there are quite a lot of serving, so let's try to understand only the main rules for serving the table on the etiquette and its design.

The main elements of the table setting are: tablecloth, dishes, cutlery, napkins and different decor. To make all these items on the table correctly, you need to follow some rules, as well as a certain sequence in actions.

On the eve of the feast, decide on the amount and view of the dishes, napkins, cutlery, etc. - it will depend on the number and type of dishes, the number of invited, the occasion for the feast.

We serve the table on etiquette


E e choose depending on the type of feast, color Gamma. Dishes, interior of the room - it should be harmonized with curtains and upholstered furniture. Usually give preference to light shades. A snow-white tablecloth looks especially exquisite.

However, the tablecloths can be colored - monophonic or with a pattern around the edge. But keep in mind that too motley and bright tablecloths will tire eyes and distract from dishes on the table. If you use a dark tablecloth, choose the dishes of light shades.

According to the rules of etiquette, the tablecloth should be such a tablecloth to cover the feet of the table (rectangular or square), and its ends must even hang on 25-30 cm from all sides, but not to fall below the seat level.

They spread the tablecloth on the table as follows: open it, then take on the one side for the ends, raise, shake and sharply lower down. At the same time, a layer of air is formed between the table and the blasting - it facilitates further alignment of the tablecloth. Never stretch the cloth and do not pull it for the corners!

  • If the table is polished, undress under the tablecloth the oil.
  • Prefer fabric tablecloths, especially from natural materials - they will create a truly homely or festive atmosphere.
  • Whatever the tablecloth you choose, remember the main rule - it should be perfectly clean and rejected.

Cutlery and dishes

After the tablecloth is covered, proceed to laying the plates and cutlery.


Consider the etiquette of the displacement of the plates:

  • Snack plate - should be located opposite each chair and at a distance of about 2 cm from the edge of the table.
  • A plate for bread or pie - it put on the left of the diner plate at a distance of 5-15 cm.
  • If there are several dishes, you need to put a dining room under a snack plate.

In the process of a feast, when changing dishes, plates are replaced in a timely manner.


Table spoon and knife place on the right, and the plug is on the left. The dessert spoon is located behind the plate - the handle on the right side.

According to the rules of etiquette, first begins to use the instruments from the outer edge, replacing them with devices towards a plate as dishes shifted.

Try to abide by the distance between the devices and a plate, as well as between adjacent devices - it must be 0.5-1.0 cm.

Tableware for drinks

Glasses, glasses, wine glasses are designed only for one type of drink. The wine glass is located on the right, and for water to the left. Usually they are exhibited on one line, but no more than three items are. In the event of a complete setting, the dishes for drinks is placed in two rows.


Before serving, be surely thoroughly wash and wipe all cutlery - they should not be inclined and divorces. Polish them to shine with hard towels of cotton or multi-layer paper napkins.


They play an important role in the table serving. Options for folding napkins A whole set is a real art that can be said very much about. Let us dwell on the basic rules.

  • The material of the napkins is chosen depending on the type of feast.
  • For a festive table, tissue napkins (made of cotton or flax) are suitable, sometimes they can be replaced with paper - in this case they are put under the right edge of the plates.
  • The color of the napkins can be any - in tone tablecloths, candles or floral compositions on the table, although contrasting colors are allowed.

Devices with spices

They are placed at the final stage of the serving. Usually these devices are installed on special stands in the central part of the table. On the table must be salt and pepper, as well as in accordance with the menu - mustard, vinegar, vegetable oil And other seasonings.

Decor elements

The sibling of decorative decorations depends, first of all, from the occasion of the feast: business meeting, wedding, anniversary or birthday, New Year holidays and so on. And from the style in which the apartment has been performed. For example, it will be strange to look red napkins with turquoise color (You can read about this beautiful shade.)

For a sought dinner, it is better to stick to a neutral style in the design, and if close people or friends come to visit you, the design style may be more free.

The figurines of the bride and groom, pigeons, as well as objects in the form of wedding rings or hearts are suitable for the wedding table.

For the birthday, create bright accents With the help of the decor, and if the names in children - use the images of the characters of favorite cartoons.

On the New Year's table, there will be a beautiful composition of coniferous branches, christmas decorations, tinsel, candles, etc., as well as figures and souvenirs of New Year's subjects.

Decoration of any table, regardless of the type of feast, there will be flowers - bouquets or compositions of living colors, as well as floristic arrangements from dried flowers. However, when using them as decor, pay attention to some points:

  • make sure that no one of the invited allergies are allergic;
  • do not choose plants with a strong aroma, it will be mixed with the smell of dishes or interrupt it;
  • set the colors with flowers at some distance from cutlery and dishes, so that pollen or petals will accidentally fall into a plate of guests.


All decor elements should be combined not only among themselves, but also with a common interior.

Do not choose too high decorative elements - They should not interfere with guests to see each other and communicate freely.

Do not use too much decor - remember that in everything you need a measure.

The festive table should not only abound delicious dishes and delicacies. Try to arrange it original and correctly, because a beautifully served table is an indicator of your hospitality and good taste.

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Today, the table setting is a process that can accompany not only holidays, but also familiar meals in a homemade circle. It is not necessary to wait for the arrival of guests at all to get a beautiful dishes and a crispy clean tablecloth.

Especially for you website Prepared general recommendations For serving, which are designed to help beautifully decorate the table, save time and means and create a delicious atmosphere.


Elegant breakfasts on weekends become in many families with good tradition, bringing close to relatives and close to each other. To turn a career breakfast into a small holiday, a fairly beautiful service and the correct arrangement of serving items. And, of course, do not forget about the bouquet in the center of the table - a good mood for the whole day is provided.


Are you waiting for guests to dinner? For festive serving You will need several types of plates, cutlery and wine glasses. Napkins are no longer done here - prepare a beautiful tablecloth, which will emphasize the decoration of the table. You can also decorate the table with the help of a bouquet of flowers by placing it in the center: you certainly raise the mood for yourself and your loved ones.

Formal dinner

1 - a knife for oil;

2 - Plate for bread;

3 - guest card;

4, 5 - dessert devices;

6, 7, 8 - beverage glasses;

10 - Plate for the main dish;

11 - salad plate;

12 - Napkin;

13, 17 - Fish devices;

14, 16 - devices for the main dish;

15 - fork for salad;

18 - soup spoon;

19 - Cup.

Table serving to an official dinner is a kind of art. Without perfectly white tablecloths and rings for napkins do not do here. Properly placed dishes and devices, stylish decor And pleasant little things not only contribute to creating a good mood, but also help to express their attention and love for native or guests. And for the seating of a large number of invited use special cards - guests will appreciate.

Informal dinner

Table serving to dinner is a whole skill, and a harmonious combination of dining rooms and tablecloths, the correct location of the instruments and interesting decoration They will create a one-piece composition and will certainly be remembered to guests. Forks on the left, knives on the right, glasses for water and wine - items are not so much, but what effect. A color tablecloth or a path with a pattern will be appropriate here.