
Interesting about the block. Alexander Blok - interesting facts from life


The brilliant poet of the Silver Age, an adherent of symbolism Alexander Blok lived a short, but full of creativity life. His poems, poems and dramas know the whole world. He is a prostatenitarian "unheard of change in Russia", who saw them at the beginning of the last century.

All the shocks of the first years of the twentieth century were held through the soul of the poet, they made a confusion, changed his worldview, but could not destroy his desire to ideal. "Neither the need, nor censorship, nor friendship, nor even love him with him; He remained such as wanted to be " - I wrote the wife of Alexander Alexandrovich Love Dmitrievna Block.

He madly loved Russia, her great story And culture, looking for an excellent lady devoting her creativity.

By the past 28 November, the 133rd anniversary of the poet's birth, I propose an interesting selection of facts from his biography.

1. Alexander Blok was born in 1880, significant for events. The population of St. Petersburg approached the million. Magazines "Electricity" and "Airplant" began to go. In the salt town, an electrical exhibition earned, on which the intelligentsia could be fed up with new wonders: XIX century: telegraph and telephone sets, phonograph, "electric cannon". Artillery officer Pyroatsky let the first transport on the basis of current. Another officer Mozhaisky, developed the airplane project, the Kibalchich revolutionary was a diagram of a reactive aircraft. A year later, Kibalchik was executed for participating in the queuy, and his project was buried in the gendarme archive. In Tomsk laid the building of the new university.

All hotly discussed the upcoming expedition to the North Pole, in the newspapers they wrote about the Holodomor, and the universal atmosphere was heating, soaked in an alarming spirit. And in 1880, the Pushkin Holiday was first celebrated in Russia.

The brilliant poet of the Golden Age of Russian Literature was a measure of the work of his colleagues on Peru a turn of the XIX-XX century.

2. About his family Alexander Alexandrovich said this: "Hospitality of the old manner, Duma - bright, feelings - simple and strict" . It is in such traditions of humanism, respect for the culture of "ancestors", high concepts about the debt, honor, ministry and contempt for all the petty, vulgar, insignificant, mercantile and the future poet was raised. The atmosphere of the Beketovo house (Grand A.A. Blok on the mother line was the rector of the St. Petersburg University), impregnated with the ideas of humanism and liberalism, the spirit of poetry and art and was brought up Sasha.

The parents divorced him early, but the son was called the Father's name - Alexander Lvovich Blok, a lawyer, Professor of Warsaw University. With a small child, he grew surrounded by a caring mother, adoring his grandmothers and aunts. "Golden Childhood, Christmas Tree, Nobility Ballet, Nanny, Pushkin ..." - Wire later A.A. Block in the "Retribution" poem.

3. In his autobiography, he writes: "From early childhood, I remember the lyric waves constantly running on me, barely connected with someone else." . Most of the whole block loved Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Polonsky. And his first literary experiments were imitative.

4. At 11, Sasha went to the gymnasium, took it immediately into the second class. it educational institution produced a depressing impression on him. When the native houses asked that he was most struck at school, he replied: "People". And in the diary he led from 14 years old, it can be read detailed description Sad walls and poor teachers.

5. relative A.A. The block was the famous poet and translator M.L. Lozinsky, who not only watched with interest on the literary development of the nephew, but also often helped him with advice. Young Sasha even released his "Bulletin" - a handwritten magazine, which placed his poems, translations, essays, interviews with homemade, simple humor, made it with "fun pictures" from other publications. A total of 37 rooms (from 1894-1897).

6. In 1897, Sasha fell in love for the first time, resting with the mother of the German resort town of Bad Naphima, in Ksenia Mikhailovna Sadovskaya. It was married woman, the peer of his mother (38 years old), a magnificent pianist, a passionate fan of Wagner's creativity.

Mother in the letters of relatives reported: "Sashura, we cared here with great success, was captivated by a lady, the mother of three children and the actual statistical adviser ... It is funny to look at Sashura in this role ... I don't know whether it will be a sense from this courtship for Sakhura in the sense of his adulthood and will he be More like a young man. Hardly" . Nevertheless, after parting, they corresponded for some time.

A.A. The block devoted her cycle of poems (the reader can see the initials KM). And the woman herself did not even suspect that in the bloc lyrics, she became the first beautiful lady. The secret of Ksenia Mikhailovna was opened by a doctor who treated her from spiritual ailment when she was already in old age. It seems that nerve disorders - transitional diseases, full shocks.

So the mother of the block Anna Andreevna was also subject to them: it was repeatedly treated in a mental hospital, discovering the tendency to suicide (3 times tried to commit to herself) and suffering from melancholic seizures. Despite his bad heredity, she had the formation of tastes and the nature of the Son a great influence, and its excessive sometimes guardian played a negative role.

Alexander turned out to be not ready for spiritual shocks that fate prepared him. He entered the adult life refined and infantile young man, reflecting on high matters and prone idealize others.

7. In 1898, the block graduated from the gymnasium and received a certificate in which there was only one in mathematical geography, six fours and five triples.

At this time, Alexander places his passion to the theater. Back in 1896, a private theater was organized in the Betovskoye Manor, the private theater was organized, where the young talent performed roles himself. This hobby swallowed it completely.

He gladly declared monologues of Hamlet, a stingy knight, Don Juan, poems Zhukovsky, Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov, Apukhtina, Majkova, Tyutchev, Polonsky, Mitskevich, Goethe. Others predicted to him an acting future.

However, in the same year, the block enters the university as a native father, he chose a legal direction. And in 1901, he was transferred to the Historical and Philology Faculty.

By 1898, the block is experiencing a new passion. Love Dmitrievna Mendeleev, the daughter of the famous scientist-chemist, struck his imagination. She also fond of the theater often participated in the Chessy performance. Here, in the role of Ophelia from Gamlet, she conquered the heart of the poet:

When in silent, gloomy, dark Hall
The shadow of Ophelia is mine.
And, poor Hamlet, I was fascinated?
I waited for a welcome sweet answer ...

The whole cycle of "Hamletovsky" poems and lyrics about the beautiful Ophelia we will find in the work of Alexander Alexandrovich.

8. 1901th - a turning year in his literary fate. He became interested in the poetry of Vladimir Solovyov, and mystical phenomena acquire a conscious outlines in the lyrics of the block: "Until now, mysticism, which was saturated with the air of the last years of the old and first years of the new century, was incomprehensible to me; I was disturbed by the signs that I saw in nature, but all this I considered "subjective" and carefully protected from all " . Now the events of personal destiny, he checks with what is sent over.

At this time, the block studies an antique philosophy, comprehends Plato.

Vl. Soloviev

The idealistic perception fully seizes them, and such earth Ophelia receives other characteristics, turning into a symbol of eternal femininity - an excellent lady carrying the mysterious light of new knowledge, feelings, illness.

The young poet expressed his feelings in the poem

Antimony you. Years pass by -
All in the appearance of one sighting you
The entire horizon in the fire - and clear unbearably,
And I'm silently waiting, - longing and loving.

9. In 1903, the wedding of the block and the love of Mendeleeva took place. The relationship of lovers make up a large cycle of lyrics: "Visions", "Vorozhba", "Witchcraft" (1901), "accomplishment" (1902). However, happy family life did not work out.

The unit preferred free relationships: Madly loved his wife and worried his hobbies with other women, for example, actress N.N. Volokhovah, which is dedicated to the "Snow Mask" cycle (1907), and then L. Delmas, gorgeously playing Carmen.

The cycle of poems dedicated to this heroine, the reader will find in his literary heritage.

As the ocean changes color,
When in a puffy cloud
Suddenly the light flashed, -
So the heart is under the dreaming singe
Changes the system, fearing sigh,
And blood rushes into the lines,
And tears of happiness lingering breasts
Before the alert carmensites.

N. Volokhova and L. Delmas

Yes, and the love of Dmitrievna is experiencing strange feelings for Andrei White, to a friend and comrades in the poetic workshop A.A. Block.

10. In 1907, the block is experiencing a mental crisis, which was reflected in his work: "Behind the coffin", "Mary", "Friends", "poets", "She, as before ..." He feels his loneliness - Mother lives Far, the wife indulged in free love (after all, he himself let her go!), And on returning to his native monastery, it turns out pregnant. Alexander takes this child, solving: "Let the child be. Once we do not have, he will be our common " .

In 1909, love gave birth to a baby who lived only 8 days. Yes, and Russia is experiencing difficult times. During this period, the spouses travel in Italy, touching the beautiful, living in the realities of modern. And more and more often the poet attend thoughts about his great destination.

Then there was France, where the poet rethinks Russian history and reality. "My Russia, my life, together to be laughing? .." - increasingly asked the poet with such questions.

11. In 1913 on the eve of the First World War, the poet did not leave the poet: the storms were harvested, Rasputin fired. The inevitability of change was reflected in the poet:

He is listed - this rod iron -
Over our head. And we
Letim, fly over the formidable abyss
Among the thickening darkness.

And then the topic of retribution comes - and the poem is called that the block wrote over 10 years.

12. Oddly enough, the October coup accepted the block with all his heart, having heard the revolutionary element in the wind symphony. The preceding cycle of reflection on the fate of Russia in the regnurscasters was reflected in the new lyrics of the poet.

His "poems about Russia" enthusiastically took the public. Whether the aspirations of the poet were justified, it's hard to say. His famous poem "Twelve" (1918) still causes various interpretations.

13. Last years Life family hearth resumes. The block becomes a faithful husband. He is trying to find himself in the new life of the Soviet state under construction. From 1918 to 1920 It works in various commissions, organizations and departments. However, barely leads ends meet. Raw douseties undermined his health.

By 1920, many ailments struck his body: asthma, cardiovascular insufficiency, nervous disorders, the last blow of fate has become a qing. The block is simply hungry, and the immunity that could not cope with the binding inflammation of the lungs. In 1921, the brilliant poet died.

14. Almost mystical death of the block gave rise to many curvotors. The versions were expressed that he was poisoned, the doctors argued that the poet ruined the endocarditis, there was a suggestion that sexual diseases led to death. And the diagnosis of the block itself was, of course, prophetic: "The poet dies, because he has nothing more breathing."

15. The block was buried at the Smolensk cemetery in Petrograd (St. Petersburg), in 1944, the poet was reburied on the literal walkways (Volkovskoe cemetery).

How little we know about the life and work of those great artists words that have gave us so many wonderful works. Today we will try to look at the fate of Alexander Alexandrovich Blok, operating the facts from the biography ...

Block - the most "romantic" poet of the Silver Century

Romance lies not so much in poet verses, but in his pull to beautiful and elevated feelings. So, he read his works before the demaths itself, however, noted that all women, with the exception of His Libe for him, are the same, because real love cannot be changed on mimolement hobbies and passion. And this is only a small part that they can say interesting Facts From the life of the block about this amazing man.

Lived short but saturated life

On August 7, 1921, the chief poet of the silver century was died of heart valve inflammation, Alexander Blok. To talk about his works - too, they need to read. Alexander Block was born on November 16, 1880. I lived a brief, but rich life (died when he was only 41), permanently attacked the glory of the genius and one of the brightest poets of the Silver Age. His works: dramatic, poems, poems cycles - still shrouded critics, symbols, signs, hints, penetrating his works, make them relevant today.

Curious facts from the life of A.bloka:

1. A few months before their death, the poet, as usual reading his poems in a large dramatic theater. Before his performance, Chukovsky took his performance, saying a lot of good things, after the block itself read his poems about Russia.

As his contemporaries remembered, the atmosphere was too solemn and sad, and someone from the audience breathed almost a prophetic phrase: "This is some kind of commemoration!". It was his last performance on the scene of this theater.

2. In February 1919, the block was arrested for a day and a half. He was suspected of collusion against Soviet power. But then the word Anatoly Lunacharsky was shouted for him, and the poet was released.

3. The block was married to the daughter of the famous Chemist Dmitry Mendeleev. They were familiar since childhood, the scientist was in a friendly relationship with the grandfather of the poet. The feelings for Mendeleev's love were so elevated that Alexander Blok was afraid to spoil them for a long time, to rub the carnal relationships. It is its image that lay down the "poems about the beautiful lady".

4. Alexander block attributed a novel with Anna Akhmatova. However, after the death of the poet, Ahmatov, more than once in his memoirs, returned to this topic, dispelled all the rumors about the "monstrous passion to the block."

5. Before his death, Alexander Blok has been delirious for several days. Almost in an unconscious state, he only recalled one thing: whether it was left by the instances of his poem "twelve". The poet wanted to completely destroy it.

6. Perhaps the most famous poem of the block "Night, Street, Lantern, Pharmacy ..." on Leiden Street in the Netherlands is captured in the form of a monument - it is written on the wall of one of the houses within the World Wall PoEMS project.

7. Asteroid 2540, which was discovered in the 1971st year, gave the name of Alexander Blok.

8. If you believe the questionnaire that the block filled in one of the sanatoriums, where he had to relax, he had a passion for beer and ice cream.

9. The first verses Alexander Blok wrote at a five-year-old.

10. Many works of the block could never be born, and the years of the life of the poet itself will noticeably reduce if it were not for the case. The poet was friendly with the artist Sapunov, and at the beginning of April 1912 the artist called him with his friends on holidays in the fishing settlement. The block makes it a company. Fortunately. In one of the nights, friends went to ride a boat. But the boat turned over. Sapunov drowned because he did not know how to swim. Block, by the way, did not know how to swim too. Therefore, his fate could be the same, be there.

Hidden romantic

The first love that the most famous romantic in the world happened to him in 17 years. In addition, the object of his love was not a peer or a girl younger than him, but Ksenia Sadovskaya, who was 37 years old at that time. Despite the difference in the 20th years, the passion that loved was tested, stretched over long four years. Only after the 4th year, carried out in separation and communication only in the correspondence, the unit finally decided to complete the relationship.

However, Ksenia herself did not know how deep the feelings of the young poet were. So, interesting facts from the life of the block illuminate the moment, supporting its evidence in the form of a huge stack of letters filled with gentle and sad verses dedicated to the Sadovsky. Ksenia herself learned about these letters only, being on her deathbed.

Strange view of love

The fact is that, despite the huge love for his only wife - he did not sleep with his wife. As the poet himself put it, he could not consider it at the same time the ideal of beauty and behave like a "crazy" girl. In their relationship, on the initiative of Alexander himself, a certain framework was established, which were limited only to communication and spiritual proximity, excluding the carnal joy and the "animal" passion.

Maybe this is for this reason, just a few years after marriage, the love of Mendeleev lost to Andrei White, the feelings of which were no less elevated, but were more related to obtaining physical evidence of love.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok (1880-1921) - Russian poet, publicist, writer and even literary critic. Studying Russian literature, it is impossible not to remember this person. That is why we have prepared for you the most interesting facts from the life of Alexander Blok.

1. Alexandra Father (Alexander Lvovich Blok) was a lawyer, and the mother (Anna Andreevna Beketov) was the daughter of Rector of St. Petersburg University A. N. Beketov. After the birth of the son, their marriage lasted just a year and they diverged. Mother married another person, but nevertheless left her son Sasha's sachet Father's name.

2. At the age of 16, he madly fell in love with a woman who was older than it for 21 years. But from this, in the end, nothing came out.

3. In 1898, the block enters the Faculty of Law of the University of St. Petersburg, but after three years everything was transferred to the Slavic-Russian branch of the historical and philological faculty.

4. Alexander Blok wrote his first verses while being a five-year-old boy.

5. Grandfather Alexandra Bloka (Beketov Rector) was a close friend of an outstanding scientist. And what is the most interesting, in 1903 the poet married the daughter of a scientist, i.e. Love Mendeleev. In his first book of poems, the "poems of an excellent lady", he devoted them to her.

6. And despite the fact that the spouses experienced strong love feelings to themselves, the block still walked on the side, and he did not sleep with his wife. He believed that Lyuba is the ideal of beauty, and therefore he could not treat her as some kind of "crappy girl." Therefore, their relationship was only spiritual, without bodily animals. Probably why love and fell into an embrace to Alexander White. But after the First World War, there were no such rods, and Alexander was a faithful husband to the end of his days.

7. At one time, Lyuba Mendeleev toured with Meyerholde's troupe. And despite the tremendous love of the block and breaking relationships with his lover Andrei White, she turns a new novel with an artist by the name Dagobert. Their novel lasted for a short time, but left a huge imprint, namely pregnancy. When love came to her husband, he confessed to everyone and wanted to get rid of the child. But the block itself, said that it is not necessary to do this and they will raise together as common.

8. In 1909, the misfortune happens, which Alexander takes off the rut. Namely dies the father of the block and the child of love with Dmitrievna (at the age of eight days from the family) from her previous novel with Dagobert. Oddly enough, Alexander himself experienced this death even more than the spouse. The poet wrote a poem "to the death of a baby."

9. There were rumors about the vicious bond connection with Anna Akhmatova, but after the death of the poet they were refuted.

10. The block could die 9 years before the deadline. One of his friend (artist Sapunov) called him on vacation in one fishing village. To his regret, the poet was forced to refuse, because of the impossibility of going. Later, he learned that the boat on which Sapunov sailed was laughed, and he drowned, because he didn't know how to swim. Alexander also did not know how to swim, so he could also go to the bottom.

11. The block did not like Soviet power and simply did not accept it, but despite this, the Soviet government itself was constantly appointed Alexander for some positions in various committees and commissions. The block simply looked around, saying that "I drank me."

12. Due to the high loads, he developed cardiovascular disease and asthma, and in 1920 the qing began. It would be possible to go to Finland, to pass treatment in a special sanatorium. But in the exit abroad was denied. As a result, when all the same managed to achieve permission, it was already late. The disease has greatly progressed and soon the poet died.

13. There were many different rumors about the cause of the death of the poet, up to the fact that he was poisoned or that he died of a venereal disease due to indiscriminate sexual ties.

Very brief biography (in two words)

Born on November 28, 1880 in St. Petersburg. Father - Alexander Lvovich Block (1852-1909), Professor. Mother - Alexander Andreevna, (1860-1923) - daughter of Rector Becketova. In 1898 he graduated from the introduced gymnasium. In 1903, the block married Mendeleev's love, daughter Chemist Mendeleev. In 1906 he graduated from the Slavic-Russian branch of St. Petersburg University. He died on August 7, 1921 at the age of 40. Buried on the Volkovsky cemetery in St. Petersburg. Main works: Poem "Twelve", poems "Stranger", "Night, Street, Lantern, Pharmacy", "On railway"," On the field of Kulikov "," Scythians "and others.

Brief biography (detail)

Alexander Blok is one of the greatest poets of Russia, playwright and literary critic. He was also one of the brightest representatives of the era of symbolism in the literature. Alexander Blok was born on November 28, 1880 in St. Petersburg, in the family of a lawyer and professor of Warsaw University and the daughter of the Rector of St. Petersburg University. The parents were not long together, as soon the mother of the bloc once married. The future poet was brought up in the family of his grandfather, known at the time of the rector of Andrei Bettov.

To write poet poet pretty early, at the age of 5 years, and more serious creations were published in 1900. In 1903, his work was already printed. Then, he married Mendeleev's love, daughter of an outstanding Russian Chemist Dmitry Mendeleev.

In 1906, the block graduated from Slavic-Russian Faculty at St. Petersburg University. In 1916, the writer called on the army of the Tabelchik. Upon return, he joins the Theater and Literary Commission.

The writer was greatly influenced by the poet, a religious thinker and philosopher of the XIX century - Vladimir Solovyov. The block loved experimenting with the poetic rhythm and tried to invent new forms. The first compilation of the poet was called "poems about the beautiful lady", written under the influence of first love and start family life With love Mendeleev. Subsequent poetic collections were more religious topics. Late block poems are full of hopes and despair regarding the future of Russia.

In order to understand and comprehend the October Revolution of 1917, the writer wrote the poem "Twelve". In 1919, he was arrested on suspicion of anti-Soviet conspiracy. However, shortly after interrogation, he was released. In 1921, the poet fell ill and filed a petition for a visa visa for treatment abroad. The visa was denied and August 7 of the same year, he died in his apartment in St. Petersburg from the inflammation of the heart valves. He was only forty years old. Before death, he deliberately destroyed some of his records.

Alexander Blok was buried in Petrograd at the Smolensk Orthodox Cemetery near the relatives, but in 1944 the remains were postponed to the literal walkways on the Volkovsky cemetery.

Video brief biography (for those who prefer to listen)

Alexander Block was born on November 16, 1880. I lived a short - died when he was only 41, but a rich life, permanently attacked the glory of genius and one of the brightest poets of the Silver Age. His works: Dramatic, poems, poems cycles - still embroodied by arms of critics, symbols, signs, hints, penetrating his works, make them relevant today. We remember the most interesting milestones of his life.

A few months before their death, the poet, as usual reading his poems in a large dramatic theater. Before his performance, Chukovsky took his performance, saying a lot of good things, after the block itself read his poems about Russia. As his contemporaries remembered, the atmosphere was too solemn and sad, and someone from the audience breathed almost a prophetic phrase: "This is some kind of commemoration!". It was his last performance on the scene of this theater.

In February 1919, the block was arrested for a day and a half. He was suspected of collusion against Soviet power. But then the word Anatoly Lunacharsky was shouted for him, and the poet was released.

The block was married to the daughter of the famous Chemist Dmitry Mendeleev. They were familiar since childhood, the scientist was in a friendly relationship with the grandfather of the poet. The feelings for Mendeleev's love were so elevated that Alexander Blok was afraid to spoil them for a long time, to rub the carnal relationships. It is its image that lay down the "poems about the beautiful lady".

Alexander block attributed a novel with Anna Akhmatova. However, after the death of the poet, Ahmatov, more than once in his memoirs, returned to this topic, dispelled all the rumors about the "monstrous passion to the block."

Before his death, Alexander Blok has been delirious for several days. Almost in an unconscious state, he only recalled one thing: whether it was left by the instances of his poem "twelve". The poet wanted to completely destroy it.

Perhaps the most famous poem of the block "Night, Street, Lantern, Pharmacy ..." on Leiden Street in the Netherlands is captured in the form of a monument - it is written on the wall of one of the houses within the World Wall PoEMS project.

Asteroid 2540, which was discovered in 1971, gave the name of Alexander Blok.

If you believe the questionnaire that the block filled in one of the sanatoriums, where he had to relax, he had a passion for beer and ice cream.

The first verses Alexander Blok wrote at a five-year-old.

Many works of the block could never be born, and the years of the life of the poet itself will noticeably reduce if it were not for the case. The poet was friendly with the artist Sapunov, and at the beginning of April 1912 the artist called him with his friends on holidays in the fishing settlement. The block makes it a company. Fortunately. In one of the nights, friends went to ride a boat. But the boat turned over. Sapunov drowned because he did not know how to swim. Block, by the way, did not know how to swim too. Therefore, his fate could be the same, be there.