
The era is historical.


There are many different ways to periodize history. It is clear that all of them are conditional in nature, but the benefits of them are undoubted: going on a journey into the depths of centuries, it is not bad to have a route plan and a map, so as not to be lost in the world of events, discoveries, dates, etc. In any case, I am a little hope, to systematize my knowledge on the history of mankind, "decompose everything around the shelves" so that it is easier to understand the origins of modern events, carry out parallels and establish the relationship between different cultures.

To do this, I will use the easiest and general, which does not have clear boundaries, a way to divide the history of mankind to the next periods.

Primitive society - From the emergence of the first ancestors of a person before the emergence of cities, states and writing. This period is also called prehistoric, but I disagree with this: once a person appeared, it means that the history of mankind began, and even we learn about it not through written sources, but through various archaeological finds. At this time, a person mastered agriculture and cattle breeding, began to build houses and cities, religion and art originated. And this is already history, albeit primitive.

Ancient world - from the first ancient states, until the fall of the Western Roman Empire (5.5 thousand years ago - V century of our era). Civilizations of the Ancient East, Antique Greece and Ancient Rome, Ancient America. The amazing time in which writing appeared, science, new religions, poetry, architecture, theater, the first ideas about democracy and human rights, but don't all list everything!

Middle Ages (V -XV BB)- From the fall of the Western Roman Empire at the end of the ancient era, to the great geographical discoveries, inventions of typography. Feudal relations, inquisition, knights, Gothic - the first thing pops up in memory at the mention of the Middle Ages.

New time (XV in - 1914 g)- from great geographical discoveries before the beginning of the I World War. The period of the Renaissance in science and culture, the opening of the Spaniards of the New World, the fall of Constantinople, the English and French revolutions, Napoleonic Wars and much more.

The newest time- period in the history of mankind (From 1914 to the present).

Other approaches to the division of human history for periods:

formational, depending on the socio-economic system: primitive purchase system, slave-owned, feudal, capitalist and communist(what we were driven into school);

according to production methods: agricultural society, industrial society, post-industrial society;

- in terms of material culture development: primitive period, archaic period, dark century, antiquity, medieval, revival, new time, modernity;

under the reign of outstanding rulers;

in the periods of historically significant wars;

othermethods that may need me later.

Primitive society - From the emergence of the first ancestors of a person before the emergence of cities, states and writing. This period is also called prehistoric, but I disagree with this: once a person appeared, it means that the history of mankind began, and even we learn about it not through written sources, but through various archaeological finds. At this time, a person mastered agriculture and cattle breeding, began to build houses and cities, religion and art originated. And this is already history, albeit primitive.

Ancient world- from the first ancient states, until the fall of the Western Roman Empire (5.5 thousand years ago - V century of our era). Civilizations of the Ancient East, Antique Greece and Ancient Rome, Ancient America. The amazing time in which writing appeared, science, new religions, poetry, architecture, theater, the first ideas about democracy and human rights, but don't all list everything!

Middle Ages (V -XV BB)- From the fall of the Western Roman Empire at the end of the ancient era, to the great geographical discoveries, inventions of typography. Feudal relations, inquisition, knights, Gothic - the first thing pops up in memory at the mention of the Middle Ages.

New time (XV in - 1914 g)- from great geographical discoveries before the beginning of the I World War. The period of the Renaissance in science and culture, the opening of the Spaniards of the New World, the fall of Constantinople, the English and French revolutions, Napoleonic Wars and much more.

The newest time- period in the history of mankind (From 1914 to the present).

Other approaches to the division of human history for periods:

formational, depending on the socio-economic system: primitive purchase system, slave-owned, feudal, capitalist and communist(what we were driven into school);

according to production methods: agricultural society, industrial society, post-industrial society;

- in terms of material culture development:primitive period, archaic period, dark century, antiquity, medieval, revival, new time, modernity;

under the reign of outstanding rulers;

in the periods of historically significant wars;

From a chronological point of view, the story is divided into primitive, ancient, medieval, new, newest. This periodization, in the main features taken at the 19th century, is suitable only for Western Europe.

History of primitive society It covers the period from the moment of the occurrence of a person 2.5-1 million years ago (see Art. Anthroposocyogenesis) before the formation of the first states in Asia and Africa (8-3 thousand bonds). At the same time, in other parts of the light, the era of the primarity continued significantly longer. On archaeological periodization based on differences in material and appearance Labor instruments, the history of primitive society is divided into a number of epochs: Early (ended OK. 100 thousand years ago), medium (approx. 40 thousand years ago) and late (approx. 10 thousand years ago) Paleolithic, mesololite (8 thousand . years ago) and neatoly (5 thousand years ago; in its framework there are also an anolithic). Then they follow the Bronze Age (up to 1 thousand BC) and the Iron Institute, when primitive societies are adjacent to the first civilizations. For each region, the temporary frames of eras change significantly. In primitive society, there were no clearly pronounced social and property differences, the tribal system dominated (see Art. Rod, tribe).

Ancient world history He studies the existence of ancient civilizations (the ancient East, Greece ancient, Rome ancient) since the emergence of up to 5 V. n. e. The end of the era of the ancient world is traditionally considered a year of falling the Western Roman Empire (476). However, this chronological line does not matter for other civilizations (see Art. Chinese civilization, mesoames of civilization). With significant differences in the types of state device (from the Eastern Despoty to the Polis) in most of the ancient societies, slavery dominated (see Art. Slavery).

History of the Middle Agesit affects 5-15 centuries., the end of the European Middle Ages is considered to open America X. Columbus (1492). The medieval European society existed in feudalism. The term "Middle Ages" himself first used the Italian humanist F. Bjondo (1392-1463) to designate the period between antiquity and Renaissance. European Middle Ages is divided into early (5-10 centuries., So-called dark centuries), high (11-13 centuries) and later (14-15 centuries).

New history Call the period 16 - con. 18 V. The chronological border separating the new time from the subsequent era, some scientists consider the beginning of the Great French Revolution 1789-1799, others - the end of the First World War 1914-1918. The European New Time was marked by the epochs of the Great Geographical Discoveries and Renaissance, the spread of typography, reformation, counter-deformation and the first pan-European War (see Art. Thirty-year war). The most important process of new time was the formation of national states. Characteristic of this era of the form of government was absolutism. The newest history, according to some, covers the period from 1789 until the end of World War II, 1939-1945, and in the opinion of others - from 1918 to the present. European civilization joined the industrial era characterized by the domination of capitalism, world wars, the beginning of colonialism to the colonial system. The republic or constitutional monarchy became the dominant form of the state device.

Modern story He leads its reference from the end of World War II. Some scientists consider this epoch to be an integral part of the latest history, other researchers allocate in an independent period of development of humanity - post-industrial civilization. It is characterized by the processes of information revolution and globalization, the emergence of post-industrial society (see Art. Post-industrial (informational) society theory), "Cold War" and collapse of a socialist camp, large-scale pollution ambient, Fighting international terrorism.

Historical periodization is an indispensable thing both in science and in there are certain epochs that cover specific time intervals. Their names were invented quite recently, after the person was able to see in retrospective, to evaluate and divide the past events. Now we will consider all the epochs in order, find out why they were so called and what they are characterized.

Why is there a historical chronology?

This technique was developed by researchers for no accident. First, each individual period is characterized by special cultural directions. For each era, its own worldview, fashion, society structure, business construction and much more. Considering the era of humanity in order, you can also pay attention to the fact that each of them is characteristic separate species art. This is music, and painting, and literature. Secondly, in the history of mankind, there were really so-called turning points when moral changed radically, new laws were established. This, of course, attracted the change of the addictions that were manifested in art. Such changes could influence revolutions, war, scientific discoveries, the teachings of great philosophers and church figures. And now, before we consider all the historical epochs in order, we note that such a cardinal change our society survived quite recently. Scientific and technical progress completely turned our ideas about communication, information sources and even work. And the reason for this is the Internet, without which ten years ago everything was done, and today it is part of everyone's life.

Antique period

We will define the history of primitive society, since a single ideology at that time, religion or at least a writing system simply existed. Therefore, when the epochs of humanity in order are considered, begin with the ancient period, because at this time the first states, the first laws and morals, as well as the art that we study still appeared. The period began approximately at the end of the 8th century BC. e. and lasted until 456 - the dates of fall at this time did not only appear with a polytestic religion with a clear fixation of all deities, but also a writing system - Greek and Latin. Also during this period in Europe such a concept as slavery originated.

Middle Ages

Even when the School considers the epochs in order, special attention is paid to the study of the Middle Ages. The period began at the end of the 5th century, but the dates of its ending, at least about the approximate, does not exist. Some believe that it ended in the middle of the 15th century, others are confident that the Middle Ages lasted until the 17th century. The epoch is characterized by a huge rise of Christianity. It was during these years a great cross hiking occurred. Along with them, the Inquisition was born, which destroyed all opponents of the Church. In the Middle Ages there was such a form of slavery as feudalism, which existed in the world many more centuries later.


This era is made to allocate as separate, but many historians believe that the revival is, so to speak, the secular side of the Middle Ages. The bottom line is that in the end, people began to appeal to humanity. Some ancient rules and morals returned, the Inquisition gradually passed its position. This was also manifested in art, and in the behavior of society. People began to visit theaters, there was such a concept as a secular ball. Renaissance, as well as antiquity, originated in Italy, and today the confirmation is numerous monuments of architecture and art.


When we consider directly the era of human history in order, Baroque, although not long lasts, took an important branch in the formation of art. Below we will look at it in more detail, but so far we note the following. This era has become the logical conclusion of the Renaissance. It can be said that the thrust for secular entertainment and the beautiful rummaged to incredible scales. The architecturally elected style appeared, which is peculiar to pompousness and personality. Such a tendency manifested itself in music, and in the picture, and even in the behavior of people. Staged from the 16th to the 17th century.


In the second half of the 17th century, humanity decided to move away from such a magnificent idleness. Society, as well as the art that it worked, has become canonized and fitted for clear rules. Classicism began to appear in the design of buildings and interior. Live angles, flat lines, rigidity and asceticism entered the fashion. Theater and music that were at the peak of their cultural development were also subject to new reforms. There were certain styles that sent authors to a particular direction. Below we consider the epochs in art in order and learn more in detail, which represented classicism.

Romantic period

In the 18th century, people seemed to infected the beauty and unearthly fantasies mania. This period is considered the most mysterious in the history of mankind, ephemeral and original. A trend appeared in society, in accordance with which each person is a separate spiritual and creative personality, with its inner world, experiences and joy. As a rule, when historians represent cultural era in chronological order, one of the most important places is given to romanticism. During this period, which lasted until the 19th century, there were unique masterpieces of music (Chopin, Schubert, etc.), literature (famous French novels) and painting.


In parallel with romanticism in art, society itself was improved. When they list all the epochs in order, as a rule, enlightenment is put on classicism. Along with the development of science and art at the end of the 17th century, the level of intelligence began to increase in society at the end of the 17th century. This was expressed in the refusal of orthodox religious standards. Instead of sacred knowledge, logic came and bright mind. It greatly undermined the authority of the aristocracy and the ruling dynasties, which in many respects referred to the help of the Church. The Epoch of Enlightenment became the point of the birth of a new philosophy based on mathematics and physics. A number of astronomical discoveries occurred, which refuted many religious dogmas. The era of enlightenment touched not only Europe, but also Russia, as well as the Far East, and even America. During this period, serfdom was canceled in many powers. It is also worth noting that in the 18-19 centuries, women began to participate in scientific and government meetings.

The newest time

We briefly listed all the historical epochs in order and approached the 20th century. This period is famous for the flourishing of various numerous state coups and shifts of power regimes. Because from a historical point of view, this era is called since the beginning of the 20th century, one can say, society has become completely equal. Slavery all over the world has eradicated, clear boundaries of states have been established. Such conditions have become the optimal medium for the development of not only art, but also science. We now live in this era, therefore, in order to consider it in detail, just look back.

Brief results

After we submitted all the era of world history in order, described them, learning how our society was in one or another century, we turn to the study of the beautiful. After all, in parallel with the formations of laws and borders of the states, art was formed, which for many is the main defining factor for separating the history of mankind to separate periods. Below we will present an era in art in order, characterize them and can compare a clear picture of how our society was formed from the very beginning. For a start, we generally list the main "era", and then divide them into separate industries. After all, not always musical periods coincide in the temporary framework with the same periods in the literature or, let's say, in painting.

Art: Epochs in chronological order

  • Ancient period. From the moment of the emergence of the first rocky drawings, ending the 8th century BC. e.
  • Antiquity - from the 8th century BC. e. until the 6th century n. e.
  • Middle Ages: and Gothic. The first dates from the 6-10th centuries, and the second - 10-14th centuries.
  • Revival - the famous 14-16th century.
  • Baroque - 16-18th century.
  • Rococo - 18th century.
  • Classicism. Formed against the background of other directions from the 16th to the 19th century.
  • Romanticism is the first half of the 19th century.
  • Eclecticism is the second half of the 19th century.
  • Modernism - the beginning of the 20th century. It is worth noting that modern is a common name for this creative era. IN different countries And in various directions of art, their currents were formed, about which we will tell below.

What will tell the feather ... at the origins of the written speech

Now consider literary epochs in chronological order: the ancient stage (antiquity and east), Middle Ages, Renaissance, classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism, realism, modernism and modernity. For the first time, literary creations began to appear in Greece, Rome, as well as in these powers, the first writing arose. The antique world began to appear myths - about Hercules, about Zeus and other gods, about titans and giant birds. Later, the first philosophers, thinkers and writers appeared. This is Homer, Safo, Eschil, Horace. This genre is now referred to as lyrics, but often such stories refer to as a historic reliable source. The world of the Ancient East is famous only by its instructive poems. However, we will not forget that it was in this part of the world that the most important book of mankind appeared in ancient times - the Bible.

Middle Ages and Renaissance

There is no clear boundary between these periods, and it is not needed. Indeed, in years when Europe just started to form as a state system, people were not to art. The first manifestations of creativity in the Middle Ages strangled by the Church. Therefore, the literary inheritance that we got from those years is only the Knight Epos. Here you can call "Song about my Side", "Song of Roland" and "Song of Nibelunga". Several centuries later, rebirth occurs, and the world becomes well-known such names like Shakespeare, Dante, Boccaccio, Cervantes. Their stories can be called free, as there is no clear structure, and in the center of events there is a man and his feelings. This is the main characteristic of the Renaissance era.

Formation of strict canons

When we list the epochs in order, eyelids in the century, everything becomes in place, except classicism. It seems to exist outside time, space, against the background of other trends. From the moment the classic has become the basis for creativity of European authors, a number of regularities appeared in writing literary works. They clearly shared on satire, tragedy, comedy, epic, fable. It can be said that since then the boundaries of the creativity have been established, which we use today (pay attention to at least the cinema).

Sentimentalism and romanticism

These two currents seem to complement each other. They are famous for their novels, which are described by the experiences of the heroes, their mental state, tastes and interests. Among the authors of romanticism, these surnames like Balzac, Dickens, Hoffman, Victor Hugo, Sisters, Bronte, Mark Twain, V. Scott and many others are spelled with red letters. In the later years, the authors such as Oscar Wilde and Edgar Allan Po were worked out. Their stories are already deprived of sentimentality, but filled with deep philosophy.

Realism and modernism, as well as modern literature

At the junction of the 19th and 20th centuries, many flows appeared in the literature. In our country, they received the name of the Silver Age, others were simply called in accordance with the style of a particular work. Symbolism and decadence became the most popular. Representatives of these areas were the authors such as the faithful, Baudelaire, Rembo, block. In Russia, aquance was considerable popularity. His main representative was Anna Akhmatova. Since then, literature has become the most realistic. People refused internal experiences and illusions. Since the beginning of the 20th century and to this day, the authors describe any events from the most realistic point of view, given all the innovations of progress.


Now it's time to consider all the epochs in painting in order. We note immediately that they are much more than in the literature, because each of them we turn briefly and concisely.

  • Cave painting.
  • The art of ancient Egypt and the Middle East countries.
  • Creit-mycken culture.
  • Antique drawings and writing.
  • Middle Ages: iconography and gothic illustrations on religious topics.
  • Revival. Bright representatives are Michelangelo, and Vinci, etc.
  • From the 18th century, Baroque style appears in painting. Brightly expressed in the paintings of Caravaggio.
  • Classicism, which in visual arts was formed from the 16th century, was embodied in the works of Pussen and Rubens.
  • Romanticism showed himself in the canvases of Delakura and Goya.
  • At the end of the 19th century Impressionism appeared. Wang Gogh is considered a bright representative, and along with Him, Gaugugen, Lotrek Munk and others.
  • In the 20th century, the painting shared on the socially owned and surreal. The first course developed exclusively in Russia. The second conquered the whole world. It is clearly visible in the paintings of S. Dali, P. Picasso and other artists of this time.

Years to the new era.
4 thousand years. Combining small states in the Nile Valley. First pyramid. Sumero-Akkadian kingdom in Mesopotamia. Invention of clinopy. In the Valley of Indus, haratpian civilization arises. In the Huanhe Valley, a silk worm is bred, they smell bronze; A novel and picturesque letter appears.
2.5-2 thousand years. Minoan civilization. Assyrian state with the capital in Ninevei. The Phoenicians create an alphabet letter, open the way to the Red Sea. Tripolian agricultural culture in Dnieper.
2 thousand years. The Aryan tribes penetrate India, and the Greeks-Aheitsa - in Elladu.
1.5 thousand years. In China, the state of Shang (Yin) arises.
1400 g. The outcome of the Jews from Egypt under the guidance of Moses.
OK. XV century Department of Praslavyansky tribes from Indo-European unity.
XV-XIII centuries. The period of the Ahasey Greece.
1300-1200 Hitty opens the method of producing iron. 970-940 The rule of King Solomon, the construction of the Jerusalem Temple.
IX-VIII centuries. The first mention of the state of Persians.
800 G. The foundation of the Finicians of Carthage.
776. The first Olympic Games.
753. The legendary date of the founding of Rome.
660. The first emperor of Japan.
560 Buddha's birth.
551. Birth of Confucius.
489 - IV century. n. e. State of the Great Armenia.
461 Golden Age of Pericles in Greece. Construction of parfenon.
334-325 Conquest Alexander Macedonian in the East.
317-180. Maurev Empire in India.
264-146 Three Punic Wars of Rome with Carthage and the destruction of Carthage.
246. The beginning of the construction of the Great Wall.
146. Submission of Greece Rome.
73-71. The uprising of Roman slaves under the leadership of Spartacus.
49-44. Dictatorship Julia Caesar in Rome.
6 BC - 4 g. e. Probable date of birth of Jesus Christ.

Years of the new era.
I century. The emergence of Christianity.
OK. 29 g. Crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the orders of the Roman procurator of Pontius Pilate.
I-II centuries. The first references to the Slavs from the ancient authors.
132-135 The beginning of the scattering of the Jews around the world.
164-180. The plague devastates the Roman and Chinese Empire.
III-IX centuries. Mayan civilization in America.
395 division of the Roman Empire on Eastern and Western.
IV-V centuries. The introduction of Christianity in Georgia and Armenia.
476. Falling the Western Roman Empire.

The beginning of the Middle Ages.
482 Baptism of francs. The first kingdom of francs.
570. The birth of Mohammed, the founder of Islam.
630. Education of the Arab state.
End of VII in. Education of the Bulgarian state.
711-720 by the conquest of the Arabs of Spain.
732. Battle for Poitiers. Stoves the promotion of Arabs to Europe.
VIII - X centuries. Khazar Kaganat.
The first chronicle information about Novgorod.
G. Legendary date of the foundation of Kiev.
IXV. Education Kiev Rus.
The end of the IX is the beginning of the X century. Education of the Czech state.
XB. Education of the ancient Poly state.
1054 gap between Orthodoxy and Catholicism.
1096-1099 The first crusade.
1136-1478 Novgorod feudal republic.
1147 The first mention of Moscow.
1206-1227 The time of the Board of Genghis Khan. The emergence of the state of the Mongols.
1236-1242 Tatar-Mongol invasion On Russia and the countries of Europe.
1242 by the defeat of Alexander Nevsky German knights on the Church of the Lake.
Ser. X in. - 1569 Great Principality Lithuanian and Russian.
1325 The foundation of the Kingdom of Aztecs in Mexico.
1348-1349 Plague takes half of the population of England.
1370-1405 Board of the Great Emir of Timura-Conqueror.
1378. The victory of the Moscow troops over the Tatars on the river is now.
1380 Kulikovskaya battle - the defeat of the Tatars under the leadership of Dmitry Donskoy.
1389 Battle on the Kosovo field (the defeat of the Serbs by the Turks).
1410. The defeat of the Teutonic Order of the Polish-Lithuanian-Russian Reli (Grunwald).
1431. Burning Zhanna d'Arc to the sentence of the Inquisition.
1445 Bible Guttenberg. Start typography in Europe.
1453 Drops of Constantinople and Byzantium under the blows of the Turks.
1478 The beginning of the Inquisition in Spain.
1480 "Standing in Ugra". The end of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke.
1492 Exile Arabs from Spain. Opening America Columbus.
1517 Martin Luther opposes the power of the Dad. The beginning of the reformation.
1531-1533 Conquest of the Pizarro states of the Inca.
1533-1584 The Board of Ivan the Terrible.
August 24, 1572 Bartholomeevian night (Huguenot Massacre in France).
1588 The death of "invincible Armada" (Spanish fleet).
1596 Brest Union. The formation of the Greek Catholic ("Uniatskaya") church. 1604-1612 "Time of Troubles".
G. Liberation of Moscow by the militia of Minin and Pozharsky.
The election of Mikhail Romanov to the kingdom.
1620 "Fathers-Pilgrims" found the colony over the ocean, in New England.
The beginning of the bourgeois revolution in England is considered the beginning of the new time.
1640 The beginning of the bourgeois revolution in England. 1644 Manyzhura sews to China.
1654 The decision to transition to Ukraine under the power of the king of Russia (Pereyaslavskaya Rada).
1667-1671 The peasant war under the leadership of Stepan Razin.
1682-1725 The reign of Peter I.
1701-1703 War for Spanish inheritance. Strengthening England on the sea.
June 27, 1709 Poltava Battle.
1762-1796 The reign of Catherine I.
1773-1775 - The Peasant War under the leadership of Emelyan Pugachev.
1775-1783 War for the independence of American colonies. US education.
July 24, 1783, Georgievsky treatise on the transition of Georgia under the protection of Russia.
July 14, 1788 Taking Bastille and the beginning of the French Revolution.
1793-1795 Accession of Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia to Russia.
1812. The invasion of Napoleon's army to Russia. Borodino battle.
1815 The defeat of Napoleon in the battle of Waterloo.
1837. Goods in England Queen Victoria.
1853-1856 Crimean War. Defense of Sevastopol.
February 19, 1861. Cancel of serfdom in Russia.
1861-1865 Civil War in the United States between the North and South. Abolition of slavery.
1862. The union of Germany Bismarck.
1867 Creation of a two-room Austro-Hungarian Empire.
1877-1878 - Russian-Turkish War, Bulgarian's liberation, Serbs, Romanian.
1896 Coronation Nikolai P. Catastrophe on the Khodynsky field.
1904-1905 Russian-Japanese war. The death of "Varyaga", the fall of Port Arthur.
"Bloody Sunday." The beginning of the revolution in Russia. Manifesto 17 October.
G. First State Duma.
1911-1913 Revolution in Imperial China.
1914 Murder of Erzgertzog Ferdinand and the beginning of the First World War.
1917 February Revolution in Russia, the overthrow of autocracy.
1917 The victory of the October Revolution in Petrograd. The formation of the RSFSR.
1417 Education of the Ukrainian People's Republic and Soviet republics.
1918 Revolution in Germany, the formation of independent Poland and Czechoslovakia.
1918. End of the First World War. The beginning of the civil war in Russia.
1919 Versailles peace treaty between allies and Germany.
1919-1923 Kemalist revolution in Turkey, the wreck of the Ottoman Empire.
December 30, 1922. The formation of the USSR.
1929 The beginning of collectivization in the USSR. World economic crisis.
1931-1933 Great hunger in the USSR.
January 30, 1933, the establishment of the Nazis dictatorship in Germany.
1436-1939 Mistin of General Franco and civil War in Spain.
1437-1938 Mass repressions in the USSR.
G. "Crystal Night" (Rubber of Jews in Germany).
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. The beginning of the Second World War.
June 22, 1941. The attack of Germany in the USSR.
The Battle of Moscow - the first defeat of the Wehrmacht
The signing of the Declaration of 26 States to combat Germany.
1442-1943 Battle near Stalingrad. Fights in North Africa.
G. Kursk battle. Landing of union troops in Italy.
The landing of the Allied Troops in Normandy.
On May 8-9, 1945, the unconditional capitulation of Germany.
1945 The capitulation of Japan. The end of World War II.
1445-1946 Nuremberg process over Nazi military criminals.
1947 Adoption of the United States "Marshall Plan".
1448 The proclamation of the state of Israel.
1949 NATO Education. Proclamation of GDR, Germany, PRC.
1950-1953 War in Korea.
1955 Conclusion of the Warsaw Treaty.
October 4, 1957 Launch in the USSR of the first artificial satellite of the Earth.
On April 12, 1961, the first flight of a person in space. Yu. A. Gagarin (USSR).
1961-1973 War in Vietnam.
1966-1976 "Cultural Revolution" in China.
1968 Invasion of the military of the Warsaw Treaty in Czechoslovakia.
July 21, 1969 the first person on the moon (N. Armstrong, USA).
1975 Helsinki Security and Cooperation Agreement in Europe.
1980-1988 Irano-Iraq war.
1985 Beginning of "Perestroika" in the USSR.
April 26, 1986 accident at the Chernobyl NPP.
1991 Referendum on the fate of the USSR (70% for the preservation of the Union). Patch GKCP.
G. Belovezhsky Agreements and the collapse of the USSR.
1991-1992 Disintegration of Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia.
The beginning of the "shock therapy" in Russia.
1994 The beginning of the war in Chechnya.
The city of Russia and Belarus. The withdrawal of Russian troops from Chechnya.
G. Rubble (default) fall in Russia.
The bombardment of Yugoslavia Aviation NATO. Operation "Storm in the desert".
Long resignation B. N. Yeltsin. His successor is V. V. Putin.
The election of V. V. Putin by the President of the Russian Federation.
September 11, 2001 Grand attack in New York. Thousands of dead.
In the invasion of US and allies in Iraq. The fall of the Hussein regime.
"Orange Revolution" in Ukraine.
Catastrophic tsunami in Indonesia. Hurricane "Katrina" in the United States.
G. The crisis of power in Ukraine.

Some historical dynasties
Starting with the legendary Dzimm, the descendant of the goddess of the sun of Amateras, who joined the throne on February 11, 660 BC. E., 134 Emperor changed in Japan.
Starting from the Apostle Peter, the first bishop of Rome, executed about 65, on the Holy Prestrol, 344 dads were changed, of which 39 were not recognized ("antipaps").

The number of styles and directions is huge, if not infinite. The key feature by which works can be grouped by styles are uniform principles of artistic thinking. The change of one of the methods of artistic thinking by others (alternation of types of compositions, spatial constructions, plates of color) is not random. Historically changed and our perception of art.
Building a system of styles in a hierarchical order, we will adhere to the Euro-centrist tradition. The most largest artist is the concept of an era. For each era, a certain "picture of the world" is characterized, which consists of philosophical, religious, political ideas, scientific ideas, psychological features worldview, ethical and moral norms, aesthetic criteria of life, according to which other era distinguishes. These are the primitive era, the era of the ancient world, antiquity, the Middle Ages, revival, a new time.
Styles in art do not have clear boundaries, they smoothly pass one in another and are in continuous development, mixing and counteraction. As part of one historical artistic style, a new one always emerges, and he, in turn, goes into the next. Many styles coexist at the same time and therefore "clean styles" does not happen at all.
In the same historical era, several styles can coexist. For example, classicism, academism and baroque in the XVII century, Rococo and neoclassicism - in XVIII, romanticism and academism - in the XIX. Such styles as, for example, classicism and baroque are called large styles, as they apply to all types of art: architecture, painting, decorative and applied art, literature, music.
It should be distinguished: artistic styles, directions, flows, schools and features of individual styles of individual masters. Within one style, there can be several artistic directions. The artistic direction is consisted of both the signs typical for this era, and from the peculiar methods of artistic thinking. Modern style, for example, includes a number of directions of the bindings of the centuries: both postpressionism, and symbolism, and fusism, etc. On the other hand, the concept of symbolism as an artistic direction is well developed in the literature, while in painting it is very blurry and unites artists, so different stylistically, which is often interpreted only as the worldview uniting.

Below will be the definitions of eras, styles and directions, which somehow affected modern visual and decorative and applied arts.

- Artistic style formed in the countries of Western and Central Europe in the XII-XV centuries. He was the result of the centuries-old evolution of medieval art, his highest stage and at the same time first in the history of pan-European, international artistic style. It covered all kinds of art - architecture, sculpture, painting, stained glass window, book design, decorative and applied art. The basis of the Gothic style was an architecture, which is characterized by aspiring the winding arms, multicolored stained glass windows, visual dematerialization of the form.
Gothic art elements can often be found in modern decoration interiors, in particular, in a wall painting, less often in easel painting. From the end of the last century there is a gothic subculture, brightly manifested in music, poetry, clothing design.
(Renaissance) - (Franz. Renaissance, Ial. Rinascimento) Epoch in the cultural and ideological development of a number of countries in Western and Central Europe, as well as some countries of Eastern Europe. The main distinguishing features of the Renaissance culture: secular character, humanistic worldview, appeal to the ancient cultural heritage, a kind of "revival" of him (hence the name). The Renaissance culture has the specific features of the transition era from the Middle Ages to a new time, in which the old and new, intertwining, form a peculiar, qualitatively new alloy. The question of the chronological borders of the Renaissance (in Italy - 14-16 centuries, in other countries - 15-16 centuries), its territorial distribution and national features. Elements of this style in contemporary art are often used in wall paintings, less often in easel painting.
- (from Italian Maniera - reception, manner) the current in the European Arts of the XVI century. Representatives of mannerism moved away from the Renaissance harmonious perception of the world, the humanistic concept of man as a perfect creation of nature. The acute perception of life was combined with a software desire to not follow nature, but to express the subjective "domestic idea" of an artistic image that is born in the soul of the artist. Brighter everything manifested itself in Italy. For Italian mannerism 1520s. (Pontormo, Parmjanino, Julio Romano) are characterized by dramatic acuity of images, the tragedy of worldview, complication and exaggerated expression of poses and motives of movement, the elongation of the proportions of figures, colorful and black and white dispensances. Recently, it began to be used by art historians to designate phenomena in contemporary art related to the transformation of historical styles.
- Historical artistic style, having spread initially in Italy in Ser. XVI-XVII century, and then in France, Spain, Flanders and Germany XVII-XVIII centuries. Wider, this term is used to determine the ever-renewable tendencies of restless, romantic minigration, thinking in expressive, dynamic forms. Finally, in each time, in almost every historical artistic style you can find your "baroque period" as the stage of the highest creative lifting, stress of emotions, explosion hazardous forms.
- Artistic style in Western European art XVII - beginning. XIX century and in Russian XVIII - beginning. XIX, referring to the ancient heritage as an ideal for imitation. He manifested itself in architecture, sculpture, painting, decorative and applied art. Classicist artists considered antiquity to the highest achievement and made it with their reference in art, which was striving to imitate. Over time, he was reborn in Academism.
- Direction in European and Russian art 1820-1830, replacing classicism. Romantics put forward individuality to the fore, opposing the perfect beauty of classicists "imperfect" reality. Artists attracted bright, rare, extraordinary phenomena, as well as images of a fantastic nature. In the art of romanticism, acute individual perception and experience plays a major role. Romanticism released art from distracted classic dogmas and turned him to national history and images of the folk folklore.
- (from Lat. Sentiment - feeling) - direction of Western art of the second half of XVIII, expressing disappointment in "civilization", based on the ideals of the "Mind" (the ideology of education). C. Proclaims feeling, secluded reflection, ease of rural life " little man". The ideologue of S. is considered to be J.Z.Russo.
- Direction in art, striving with the greatest truth and reliability to display both the external form and the essence of phenomena and things. As a creative method combines individual and typical features when creating an image. The most long-term existence direction developing from the primitive era to the present day.
- Direction in European artistic culture of the late XIX-early XX centuries. Employed as a reaction to the domination in the humanitarian sphere of the norms of bourgeois "sanity" (in philosophy, aesthetics - positivism, in art - naturalism), the symbolism was primarily formed in French literature of the end of the 1860-70s., Later, received distribution in Belgium, Germany , Austria, Norway, Russia. The aesthetic principles of symbolism were largely sealed to the ideas of romanticism, as well as to some doctrines of the idealistic philosophy of A. Shopenhauer, E. Gartman, partly F. Nietzsche, to the creativity and theoretization of the German composer R. Wagner. Live reality symbolism contracted the world of visions and dreams. The universal instrument of comprehension of the secretion and individual consciousness was considered a symbol, generated by poetic insight and expressing otherworldly, hidden from everyday consciousness of the meaning of phenomena. The artist-Creator was considered as an intermediary between real and superitive, everywhere the outgoing "signs" of world harmony, prophetic guessing signs of the future both in modern phenomena and in the events of the past.
- (from FR. IMPRESSION - Impression) Direction in the art of the last third of the XIX - early XX century., arose in France. The name was introduced by the artistic critic L. Lerua, who was negligible with the exhibition of artists of 1874, where the painting K. Monet was presented among others. Sunrise. Impression". Impressionism claimed the beauty of the real world, focusing the freshness of the first impression, the variability of the surrounding. Preferential attention to solving purely picturesque tasks reduced the traditional idea of \u200b\u200bthe figure as the main component of the work of art. Impressionism had a powerful impact on the art of European countries and the United States, awakened interest in plots from real life. (E. Mana, E. Degas, O. Renoir, K. Monte, A. Sisley, etc.)
- The course in painting (synonym - Divisionism), developed within the framework of neo-simpressionism. Neo-simpressionism originated in France in 1885 and received distribution also in Belgium and Italy. Neo-Impressions tried to apply the newest achievements in the field of optics, according to which painting in visual perception made by separate points gives fusion of flowers and the whole range of painting. (J. Serez, P. Signac, K. Pisserro).
Postpressionism - The conditional collective name of the main directions of French painting to. XIX - 1st cent. XX century The art of postpressionism appeared as a reaction to impressionism, which recorded attention to the transfer of a moment, on the feeling of painting and has lost interest in the form of objects. Among the postimipressionists - P. Cesann, P. Gogen, V. Gogh, etc.
- Title in Evpouch and AMEPICANCEM ICCCTVE NA PYBEGE XIX-XX. The beneficiality of the benefits of the ICCCCTVA of the Paznx Epox will also have completed, and you have been able to use XyDelectful, OCNEFFAX, OPNAnTables and DEKOPATIVE. The utilization volume of the MODEPA also includes foams. This obyacnyaetcya ne tolko intepec to pactitelnym opnamentam in ppoizvedeniyax modepna, Nr and cama THEIR kompozitsionnaya and placticheckaya ctpyktypa - obilie kpivolineynyx ocheptany, oplyvayuschix, nepovnyx kontypov, napominayuschix pactitelnye fopmy.
TECNO CONCLUSION C MODEPLAY - CIMBLISM, CONTACTING ECTETING-FILOCOFCOKKOVA THE BASE FOR MODEPA, LOOKING NA MODEPNA NOT PLATICE PEAILISE CONTRIE COE. Modern had different names in different countries, which are essentially synonyms: AR Nouveau - in France, Specialization - in Austria, Yuggendistil - in Germany, Liberty - in Italy.
- (from fr. Modern - modern) The total name of a number of directions of art of the first half of the XX century, for which the denial of traditional forms and aesthetics of the past is characterized. Modernism is close to avant-garde and opposite to academism.
- The name that combines the circle of artistic directions common in 1905-1930. (Fusovism, cubism, futurism, expressionism, Dadaism, surrealism). All these directions combines the desire to update the language of art, rethink its tasks, gain freedom of artistic expression.
- Direction in art to. XIX - N. XX century, based on the creative lessons of the French artist Field of Cesanne, who reduced all forms in the image to the simplest geometric figures, and coloring - to the contrasting buildings of warm and cold tones. Cezannism served as one of the starting points for cubism. Cezannism also influenced the domestic realistic school of painting.
- (from Fauve - wild) avant-garde flow in French art n. XX century The name "wild" was given by modern critics to the group of artists who spoke in 1905 in the Paris Salon of independent, and was irony. The group included A. Matisse, A. Mark, J. Ruo, M. de Mistub, A. Deren, R. Dufi, J. Marriage, K. Wang Dongen, and others. Fovists brought closer to concise expressiveness of forms and intensive colorful solutions , search for pulses in primitive creativity, art of the Middle Ages and the East.
- intentional simplification of fine funds, imitating primitive stages of art development. This term is denoted by the so-called. The naive art of artists who did not receive special education, however, involved in the overall artistic process to. XIX - beginning. XX century. Works of these artists - N. Pirosmani, A. Russo, V. Selivanova et al. Inherent in peculiar children's interpretation, combination of generalized shape and small literality in detail. The primitivism of the form does not predetermine the primitive content. It often serves as a source for professionals who borrowed from the people, in fact, primitive art form, images, methods. Inspiration of N. Goncharov, M. Larionov, P. Picasso, A. Matisse.
- Direction in art that has established on the basis of the sign of antiquity canons and the Renaissance. He housed in many European schools from the XVI to the XIX century. Academism turned the classical traditions into the "Eternal" rules and prescriptions that have made creative searches, tried to oppose the imperfect wildlife "high" improved, brought to perfection of non-national and timeless forms of beauty. For Academism, preference is characterized by preferences of the stories from the ancient mythology, biblical or historical, those scenes from the modern artist of life.
- (FPANC. Cubisme, Cube - Kyb)) Nappy in the ICCCCTWER WEEW WORK XX VEK. Plentichychy language Kybisma OCNAFE DEFOPMATING and POLEMETING ARTHETICCIKE PLATICS, PLACTICHEKOM SHIME FOPS. The birth of cubism falls on 1907-1908 - the eve of the First World War. The poet and publicist G.Aapolliner became the undisputed leader of this direction. This course, one of the first embodies the leading trends of the further development of the art of the twentieth century. One of these trends was the domination of the concept over the artistic intrinsicness of the painting. The fathers of cubism consider J.Brack and P. Pikasso. Fernan, Robert Delone, Juan Gras, and others joined the flow.
- The flow in literature, painting and cinema, which emerged in 1924 in France. It greatly contributed to the formation of consciousness modern man. The main leaders of the movement - Andre Breton, Louis Aragon, Salvador Dali, Louis Bunuel, Juan Miro and many other artists around the world. Surrealism expressed an idea of \u200b\u200bexistence outside the real, an absurd, unconscious, dreams, dreams acquire a particularly important role here. One of the characteristic methods of the Surrealist artist is removal from conscious creativity, which makes it a tool, different ways Removing bizarre images of subconscious, related hallucinations. Surrealism survived several crises, survived the second world War And gradually, merging with the mass culture, crossing the transistaangard, entered as an integral part in postmodernism.
- (What is given. Futurum - BydyEe) Litepair in the ICCCTVE 1910-x. Otvodya cebe pol ppoobpaza ickycctva bydyschego, fytypizm in kachectve ocnovnoy ppogpammy vydvigal ideyu pazpysheniya kyltypnyx ctepeotipov and ppedlagal vzamen apologiyu texniki and ypbanizma HOW glavnyx ppiznakov nactoyaschego and gpyadyschego. Save XyDeightened Fytypisa Called LacticCeckogo Starting Starting Movement Design Site What's Your Details. Pycccaa Vepcii Fytypisa NOCIAL NAZ has a kybofytypism and there was an OCNA NA COEDINE PLACTICHECKIX PPINCIPOW FPANCYZKOGO KYBISKA AND EVPOPEKEKIXTEKTECHECHEKIXTEXTYSHAYPAYS.