
Dreamed the late grandmother alive in his house. What dreams of a deceased grandma is alive, why did she dreamed? Interpretation of famous dream books: what dreams of a living dead grandmother

House and plot

Falling asleep, a person cannot predict what kind of sleep will offer him this night of his mind. For example, what dreams grandmother and not alive, and long dead? Most often in dream books write, that this is to change the weather, but is it so and what to expect from such sleep?

In the "Russian dream book" a dream, in which sleeping sees a deceased grandmother, is pushing like good sign. Such leading suggests that in the near future this person will find his place where he will be good and calm. To idle such a dream, foreshadows an ambulance or marriage, and people of family adding offspring. Although, as in any dream, it is impossible to lose the type of little things.

Since in many interpreters the grandmother symbolizes wisdom and maturity, it is necessary to listen to her speeches. A dream with a grandmother, which died earlier, acquires a different meaning if she spoke about something. It is believed that everything that said dead in a dream comes true. If the granny says, then it is necessary to listen to it and try to use the information. Communication with old people promises an obstacle in affairs and changes in life, and as a person will choose from them, will depend on his wisdom and the ability to trust the advice of loved ones.

In many countries it is assumed that the appearance of dead parents or grandparents in a dream testifies to the new stage of its development. These changes will play an important role in the dream of a dream. The main thing is to "turn on the desired intersection."

It is important to remember, whose granny dreamed of, mint or dad. This will help find out which side "blows the wind", and on whose line to expect important events. It would be especially good to ask an excluding person a question, the answer would help solve many problems.

The mental state of the ancestry is also plays an important role. If it is sad, then changes in life will not be pleasant. Joyful old woman, promises pleasant changes and good news. Restless - threatens the danger, angry at the dream - there is an occasion to think about the correctness of their actions. The crying grandmother warns that in the near future it is worth waiting for undeserved offenses from close parents.

At the same time, you need to pay attention to your emotions. If a person was pleased with such a meeting, it means that all problems are safely allowed. Accordingly, if not, then there is no good to wait in the future, but putting efforts in a dream, you can change something. To do this, you need to return myself to this event and "lose" a meeting anew, changing emotions.

If you dreamed that the old woman fell ill and died, this is a sign of bad news. To see her in the coffin of the dead - to make rash actions that will affect relationships with loved ones. To swear with the ancestry, it means to get under the poor influence of a foreign person. Although it is worth considering that any dream in which sleeping saw a deceased grandmother, he foreshadows him longebly.

What can be a dream in which a person communicates with the dead grandmother? First of all, changes, both good and bad. Very often the dead to play for the change of weather and bad weather, especially if you kiss the deceased. Just see - to the execution of secret desire or unexpected help in a difficult situation. The subconscious factor may be affected. In this case, the old woman will sympathize with the inner contradictions of the dream. For a young girl, it will mean dissatisfaction with your appearance, insecurity. For a guy, doubts about own power and consistency. Mature man, about the missed opportunities and "in vain" lived years.

If you continue to understand the "Debries" of the subconscious, then it should be borne in mind that old age is wisdom. So the inner voice can simply try to reach your owner, to convey some very important information. In this case, it will not be superfluous, and simply analyze the recent events that could cause anxiety. Maybe the dream behavior was not always in the framework of decency, and there were situations that require more careful consideration?

It is important to remember that the appearance in a dream of a grandmother, which died, first of all, can say that she wants her to just remember. Put a candle in the church, distributed alms or remembered in a family circle. After all, no one knows what the person awaits after death.

Of the above described above, it can be concluded that the appearance of the dead grandmother in the dreams can bring both good and not very change. But the outcome of events still depends on the person. After all, sleep is only a warning that should not be neglected.

Dreamed grandmother who died - the right interpretation of a dream.

What dreams the deceased grandmother in a dream

Our loved ones who moved into the world of others, even after death continue to take care of those who remained on this earth. For this reason, when they want to warn about something important and meaning, they come to our dreams.

What is a dream, if a deceased grandmother dreams of Vangi

Most likely, a similar dream is a reflection of your sadness and loss pain. Dream Interpretation Grandma warns that it does not bear any information about your future.

At the same time, if after death has passed enough time, then such a dream foreshadows changes.

  • A young girl after such a dream can prepare for a quick marriage.
  • If you saw your grandmother alive - she wants to remind you of the unfulfilled promise.
  • If two grandmothers came to you in a dream - this indicates that they protect you.
  • Very bad is a dream, in which the deceased calls you. This dream may be a harbinger of death, especially if you went to her call. If you did not obey - it means you will be able to avoid danger.
  • To see the deceased grandmother and grandfather in a dream - it means that in the near future you will have serious troubles. Most likely, you will be asked to provide financial support.
  • A dream in which the late grandmother is smiling, indicates that you are bad influence.
  • Talk with deceased - to a series of trouble and loss.
  • If in a dream, the deceased gave you money - it may be a harbinger of early death. In this case, it is very important that you took what she gave. If you refused, despite the troubles, you will be able to get out of the current situation with dignity, or overcome the disease.
  • A dream in which grandmother, on the contrary, asks you about material assistance, foreshadows material wealth and happy life in the future.
  • Hugging your grandmother in a dream - it means to be strong and healthy to the oldest. If she hugged you - you made some serious mistake that you can still fix.

Did the grandmother you kiss you? Deciphering sleep by Dream Khasse

The dream in which you kiss the late grandmother can have different meanings.

  • If you have dreamed that you kiss her live, it symbolizes what your current love remains unrequited.
  • See the dream in which you kiss a grandmother lying in the coffin - it means that you will soon be free from unpleasant obligations.
  • If you saw the grandmother kisses someone else - be prepared for the fact that you will soon have to spend significantly.

Sleep about the dead grandmother in the dream of Mega

  • If you dreamed of a dream in which my grandmother asked to eat, she thus makes it clear that you had no unfulfilled obligations in front of it.
  • The dream in which you fed a deceased jam or other sweets is a warning that someone wants to deceive you. Girls thus grandmother warns that the partner wants to simply use it in his own interests.

What dreams of the late grandmother? What warns about?

Most often the arrival of deceased relative in a dream is a favorable sign. Her words need to be perceived directly, just like advice. Doubts to anything. Did the late grandmother dream? So her soul wants to warn you about something. And the value depends on the circumstances. Dream interpretation will help.

Dream late grandmother alive

If the old woman is affectionately talking to you - listen, it is behind this and came. She just sees that you have to be in a short time, and tries to warn. The conversation proceeds in a good setting, did you wake up with pleasant sensations? Great sign! Soon you will fall into very favorable conditions and can significantly improve your life. If you remember that Granny told you, perceive directly. These things will be important in life. If the old woman swore, it means that you do something wrong. Most likely, you have a conflict with conscience. Think what can cause discontent of the late relative, and correct. Angels to be angry with nothing. Double the late grandmother in tears - will be subjected to undeserved persecution. She mourns your bitter fate.

Hug a deceased grandmother in a dream

The image value will also depend on the circumstances. If you hug an old woman with a joyful feeling, wait for excellent changes. You will be happy and generally happy. Even those who are full of problems, after such a dream can be permeated with the spirit. Nevzpectors will be dispersed like morning fog. If it seems to you that the old woman is sick, you have a chest on your chest from the meeting, it means that there are adversity in front. Need to prepare. Pull anything. The deceased grandmother is dreaming, it means that you will be sent tests. Relative came to warn you.

What dreams late grandmother dead

Believe the long-headed old woman - to the change of weather. If you survived then the grief that was during the real death of it, then you are waiting for a loss. It will not always be someone's death. But something will leave your life that you really appreciate. It may be love or work. What is more important for you. If, in your dream, the old woman suddenly came to life and feels great, it means that the loss will be wrapped with happiness. What will leave you have long been talked to your own, and does not benefit your soul. You will suffer, but with time you will realize that everything happened correctly. Something more, more important will come to the place of lost value.

The late grandmother prays

If you see that the old woman in the temple appeals to God, it means that there are difficult times in front. She specifically appeared to support you at the critical period. Bold. Your guardian angel will help you cope with all troubles. But if, praying, the old woman turned to you and smiles affectionately, then wait for pleasant news. Following the difficulties, rainbow prospects and wonderful events are coming. Your grief will be fleeting. You will then even laugh at your experiences, consider them who do not have much importance. Grandma in a dream came to encourage and bless you! Pray together with the old woman - to spiritual growth. You will work to work on the development of your inner world.

Dream Interpretation: What is the dream of a dead grandmother? Interpretation of a dream

What dreams of the grandmother deceased? This dream can be both a warning and blessing. Each source has its opinion on this. However, for its correct interpretation, all its nuances should be taken into account.

Werez Dream Interpretation: The Dead Grandma and Grandpa

This dream is unfavorable. If the Dead Grandpa and Grandpa are shot in the house where they lived, someone from relatives of a dreaming on their line will arise large problems associated with health.

Sonnie Grishina

As a rule, the late grandmother and grandfather come in a dream to meaningful events and ceremonies.

Symbolic dream book: why dream of a deceased grandmother

Unlike other late relatives, grandfathers with grandmothers come in dreams in the most difficult, can be said, critical moments.

Modern dream book

What dreams of the grandmother deceased? This dream foreshadows the acquisition of a quiet pier, in which a cutting will be able to find a shelter from the storms of life. Lonely this dream foreshadows the establishment of a personal life, but those who are married, he can fill the replenishment in the family. When the dead grandmother is still dreaming - it is a bad omen. The dream speaks of her illness or even death. If the grandmother gives a dreaming advice in a dream - serious changes in life are waiting for him. However, only from the ability of a person to remove and lavish depends on, they will be positive or negative.

When, in a dream, grandmother accounts for a coloring as a small child - in reality, he should be watched by hasty decisions and ill-conceived actions. Sleeping can very much about them. Grandma can also dream that even in the most difficult situations, a person will be able to find a way out thanks to his wisdom. If the tears flow to her face, then in reality, a dreaming should be expected by family quarrels and bitter offense.

Dream book Vanga: what dreams grandmother deceased

When a man in a dream sees the late grandmother of the gentle and the patient - in reality, he needs to beware of injustice. If it appears in a dream with other dead people, this dream is the foresight of a terrible global epidemic or catastrophe. If she says something, then the words need to listen carefully. Perhaps they are hidden a warning or way to solve the problem.

Miller's dream book: what dreams of a grandmother's deceased

When the sleeping sees his deceased grandmother in the dream and talks with her, he will have to make serious attention to his health and very strictly controlling his tends. If the deceased in a dream looks very vigorous, cheerful and lively, it says that the Glowing incorrectly built his life. Most likely, in the future a person is expecting fatal misses, which will negatively affect his further fate. When in the dream, the deceased grandmother asks sleeping something to promise to her - the deterioration of the affairs should be expected.

Dream interpretation 21 centuries

When a person in a dream is visited by a deceased grandmother - there is a serious change in life in his life. The meaning of this sleep is reduced by either caution, or to blessing. A good omen when the meeting with the late grandmother in a dream occurs on some cemetery.

What did the deceased grandmother dreamed of?


Alka Ivanchenko

Remember, the soul needs the dead in your attention, if possible, to visit the cemetery and it is advisable to bring apples, put on the grave

Alexey Rovenkov

when the late relatives, the scenery, the dialogs are always different, and the meaning of one, you need to remember about their good deeds, that's all, you don't need to go to the grave, put the candles, make the fences, to care for the graves, it's not necessary for the graves, they are not needed the minds are completely indifferent where and how they are buried, even though they are reworked for fertilizer, it is important to them what memory about them remains, people are kindly remembering about them, whether anyone will be sweeping on them

If in a dream you died relatives say that they want to eat some kind of dish, ask food, money, then this is a question "why don't you work, don't bring income?" For they have income in the invisible world from us if we honestly work, but If you ask salts or see salt, then this is a question "Do you have a conscience?"

Cemetery, coffins, graves, funerals, corpses, morgue in a dream is a hint that life is short and need to work, earn capital in the invisible world

Erika Scott.

It is not always a pleasant event in a dream of a deceased person, even if it is a relative or a familiar friend. As the dreams say, dreamed of a deceased grandmother in most cases carrying a positive omen. And the deceased grandmother in a dream, promises joyful changes.

What if you dream of a deceased grandmother?

Most dream books, treating sleep with the participation of the late grandmother, say that the tears spilled in it turn around happiness and success in real life. There are, of course, exceptions, but sadness and loss in dream often foreshadow positive emotions in real life. If, in a dream, it is necessary to talk to the grandmother, which has long been dead, it can be unfinished. The smallest details of sleep and emotions may be crucial, which are experiencing a sleeping person at this time.

Seeing the late grandmother in a dream, many people are concerned and interpret such a dream incorrectly, impressive by such a plot. The view is common that the late man is trying to convey to the sleeping person some kind of message "from that light". Sometimes, this is true, but in most cases the interpretation of sleep depends on many circumstances. So, to see the late grandmother, which in the very alive - to longevity.

Sometimes it happens so that he dreams the lively late grandmother. If this happened shortly after the funeral, it is possible that it is due to emotions and experiences associated with loss close man. It is likely that in this way the subconsciousness expresses the feeling of guilt in front of her for any misdeed.
Many dreams are a trading sleep with the participation of a dead grandmother for unmarried girls as a forerunner of the early acquisition of family happiness. Owners of their own business and business people such a dream promises successful deals and fruitful negotiations.

If the grandmother appeared in a dream, not one, but, accompanied by another deceased relative, is a sign of patronage and custody. But the dream with the participation of dead grandmothers and grandfather foreshadows the trouble, new responsibilities, the need to provide someone help and support.

Too frequent dreams, in which the grandmother of the deceased should be alert. This is a sign that a relative is trying to convey something, perhaps to get from the sleeping person to fulfill his obligations.

Analyzing sleep, it is important to recall related details. So, if a meeting with a grandmother happened in her house, it can symbolize longing for homemade Utu. And the feeling of loneliness. To see the grandmother next to the house - not good, perhaps a close person will be sore soon.

What does foreshadow?

By the dream of Freud, the late grandmother symbolizes the matriarchy and the feminine. Accordingly, if she appeared in a dream to a young man, this is a sign of his insecurity, because of which his relationships with women do not add up. The late grandmother, which appeared in a dream to a young girl, promises her experiences on a personal front caused by doubts in their own beauty and charm.

To see in the dream of the grandmother's funeral in clear and sunny weather - to family well-being, and in cloudy and rainy - to the troubles of family members. A dream in which the sleeping man sees the grandmother's face in the coffin, has a different interpretation. Some dreams are aligned with money profit, while others characterize such a dream as a sign of serious quarrels between spouses and in love. These tights can even lead to divorce or parting.

Conversations with a dead grandmother in a dream - a sign of danger. It is important to listen to the speech of the deceased - most likely, she seeks to warn about the misfortune or unpleasant turns of fate.
The late grandmother who dreamed in a dream may foresee the diametrically opposite events, depending on its behavior, the surrounding and emotions of the Sleeping Man. If the dream does not cause negative emotions, most likely grandmother wants only to warn about some important

Dead grandmother dreamed of lively

Dream Dream Died Grandma dreamed of lively Dreamed, why dream of a dead grandmother dreamed in a dream? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a deceased grandmother dreamed in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online Sonnikov Sun houses!

Dream Interpretation - our deceased grandparents and grandparents are the mansion

They come to us in a dream in the most critical moments of our life. See add. Examples in the article "How to interpret dreams? ").

Dream Interpretation - Grandma

Grandma is a symbol of the female start or female genital organs, but with a certain color.

For the girl, she symbolizes her fears in his unattractiveness and fear stay without a sexual partner.

For woman grandmother symbolizes fear of losing sexual attractiveness.

For young men, grandmother symbolizes his fear to be insolvent.

For a man, grandmother symbolizes his sadness about the missed opportunities.

Dream Interpretation - Grandma

To dream of his grandmother means that your life experience will help you to get out of a difficult, perhaps a dangerous situation. Tears on the face of the grandmother who are withdrawn to you foreshadow undeserved resentment, a quarrel with loved ones. If your long-haired grandma advises you in a dream, wait for changes in life. From your ability to lavish depends, these changes will be positive or negative. If you dream that you have become a grandmother, it means something unexpected. If you have children, watch their health status.

Dream Interpretation - Grandma

To see his native grandmother in a dream if she is currently alive, is a sign of receiving news from her. Sleep also means that if you have to pay money for the work you have done and you are currently experiencing because of this, then you have nothing to worry about. You will definitely get this money. Seeing your grandmother with you next to bed - an omnation that she approves your plans that will be successfully implemented. If in a dream you will meet your grandmother and this meeting will be completely unexpected for you, then in your life there are many difficulties and obstacles in matters and you will be able to need extraneous assistance or advice.

Dream Interpretation - Grandma

To see his grandmother, which has already died, then finding finally a quiet harbor in the raging ocean of life. You are waiting for a marriage if you are idle, or the addition of the family. If you have seen your already healthy grandmother, it indicates its illness, and perhaps death. Grandmother who scolds you, as in childhood, then you will make a challenged act, which you have to regret.

Dream Interpretation - Grandma

A) if you had a grandmother, you will have difficulty in life and overcome them will be not easy, but it will help you good advice.

B) To see the grandmother in a dream - the coming impotence, weakness.

C) You met the grandmother - a sign that for some kind of work will get much less money than you assumed and what you should.

Dream Interpretation - Grandma

Grandma - a symbol of an old wise woman.

This is a wise, mature aspect of your I.

American Indians with love called the land "Grandma Earth", honored her as a living, conscious being.

This sign can relate to your own grandmother and to her talents.

Dream Interpretation - Grandma

To see his grandmother in a dream, but not to see her faces, but only to assume that this is your grandmother - to weighty material support from relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Died, Deader

to see in a dream living of her deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother-to deliverance from difficulties and problems. Seeing live close people dead, meaning that their life will last. A dream in which the dead beats a dream, means that he made some sin. Who will see that he found the dead man, he will soon grow rich. If the dead you see in a dream makes something bad, then he warns you from doing this. Seeing idle deceased to marry, and married deceased-to separation with relatives or divorce. If the deceased you saw in a dream did some kind of good thing, then this is a sign for you to and you do something like that. To see in a dream of a deceased person alive and testifying that he is alive and everything is well-indicated by a very good position of this person on the world. In the Qur'an, it is said: "No, they are alive! It's a lot of His Lord." (Sura-Imraran, 169). If the dreams hugging and talking to the deceased, then the days of his life will continue. If the dreams in a dream kisses with an unfamiliar deceased person, will receive the blessing and wealth from there, from where he did not count. And if he does it with a familiar deceased person, he will acquire the necessary knowledge or money left after him. Who will see that he enters into a sexual connection with the dead (dead, will achieve what has long lost hope. Who will see in a dream that the deceased woman came to life and entered into a sexual connection with him, will be successful in all his endeavors. To see In the dream of a deceased person silent, it means that he treats a favorably to a person from the world who saw this dream. The one who will see that the deceased gives him some good and clean thing, will receive in life something good and pleasing on the other side , where does not count. And if the thing is dirty, he may be a bad act in the future. To see the dead rich in a dream, it means that everything is fine with him. Welcome to dream dead-to Getting favored from Allah. If the died in a dream Nag, it means that he did not accomplish a blessing in his life. If the dead notifies the dream about his ambulance, he will soon die soon. The blackened face of the dead in a dream, suggests that he died without faith in Allah. In the Qur'an, it is said: "And those whose faces are black, (sound):" Are you not redefined from faith that you were accepted? "(Sura-Imraran, 106). Who will see that he, together with the deceased enters the house, And it does not come out from there, he will be on the hairs from death, but then he will be saved. To see himself in a dream Sleeping on one bed with a dead person, to longevity. Who will see in a dream that the deceased calling him to himself, dies like the deceased died . To see in the dream of the deceased Mazaz in the place where he usually did during his lifetime, means that he in afterlife Not very good. To see his namaz not in the place where he performed him during his lifetime, means that in that light he was prepared a big reward for the earth affairs. A dream in which the dead is in the mosque, reports that he is deprived of torment, for, a mosque in a dream, mean calm and safety. If in a dream, the deceased leads the prayer for those who far live, the life of these people is shortened, for they in their prayer follow the actions of the dead. If someone sees in a dream, as in some place, some of the dead righteous people came to life, it will mean that the people of this place will come good, joy, justice from their ruler, and they will go to the way of their leader's affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Grandma

Something good will be possible.

Talking to my grandmother - I will be able to do something good with you.

Dead grandmother - is in front of significant changes. Such a dream, blessing or caution. Very good if the meeting happens to her in the cemetery.

What dreams of a deceased grandma lively


Alexandra Login

granny warned, it happens, the dead are often dreaming, remember is asked
go to church, put a candle for packing, there is nothing terrible in it

Elizabeth Panchenko

it means not in vain came \u003d went to dad and ran into you

Ingul *

Since the deceased grandmother said that Dad died, she knew that he would die ....

Aleksandr is me

The meteorite will fall into the territory of Russia, in the district of Moscow. Moscow meteorite.

When, in a dream, we are a close person, especially the dead, it brings to certain thoughts and can not do without a dream room. Sleep interpretations will be many and to choose the right, in relation to your situation, you need to pay attention to the details of the dream. In a dream, see the late grandmother - it is likely that it is both the wisdom of the lived years, tips, warmth, support and the most pleasant memories of your childhood and youth. On the other hand what dreams of grandmother? Surely show the disease, old age?

Such ambiguous interpretations have a vision of a lively and dead grandmother in a dream, whether it is native or not. Dream interpreters from different authors will help us approach the interpretation from different sides.

Star Sonnik

Home dreamy

Dead grandmother in a dream appears to awaken in you the desire for spirituality. It is time to appreciate everything you have: family, work, health, skills, knowledge, talents, environment, prospects in life and so on.

Large dream book

In a dream to see a living grandmother - get a reward for your work. If we talk to her, then get ready to meet with the difficulties that will have to "fight"; To see a dead grandmother in a dream - to remember the sorrow and to the change of weather. To see my grandmother is a patient - to understand your impotence and not can do something with it.

Assyrian dream book

Granny in a dream - a symbol of wisdom and care. Her image can say that your life lessons do not pass for nothing and rightly you begin to follow them in your life. It is also possible that you need to return to childhood needs and realize your long-standing aspirations.

Dream of Akulina Healers

What dreams of a dead grandmother: you will receive a valuable advice from a wise and adult. You should listen to the senior advice.

Dead grandmother also unequivocally asks you to remember her, and if she is live - then to spend it. Sleep about a deceased grandmother can also be a precursor of cloudy weather and rain, cooling.

Dream Interpretation Catherine Great

What tells this dream book: Grandma foreshadows difficulties in the near future, they will be difficult to overcome, but the participation of relatives and the council will serve a good service. Another interpretation gives this dream book: the grandmother live can talk to you and ask something. It does not need to be perceived as a guide to action, if only she does not repeat it from time to once. Just visit her and tell her this dream.

Dream Interpretation Frothy

Dinking grandmother talks about the upcoming difficulties in life, whose resolution will come soon, but not without the council and the participation of acquaintances. Often, a meeting with a grandmother (not only, but in general) means an understated fee for your work. ? You are unable to change something in the current difficult situation. And you will see tears on her face - wait for a quarrel with relatives. If the grandmother dreamed of a girl, then she is waiting for a long love. And to see the grandmother a guy - wait for him to break into a personal life.

Autumn dream book

Dream Interpretation: Dreamed grandmother, but faces not to see it, it means that we wait for noticeable material support. Dream interpretation about the house of Grandma says the following: you are given memories from childhood, there is a feeling of guilt. Drove it (or remember) will become easier.

Spring dream book

See grandmother dream interpretation as a sign of back pain. She is also at an important period of life when the choice is difficult to do, but it is critical. Also, the dream book says that the blessing and warning may be unclear and only real circumstances will show what the dream itself was actually.

Summer Dream

Dream Interpretation: The deceased grandmother is lively, not interpreted in any way, except for help from the close and relatives, in which you need. The dead always attend us alive, we can communicate with them, they give us advice, ask meaningful questions and always warn.

Children's dream book

Dream dream "Grandma comes and looks at the child with ukore"? Apparently he goes to sleep on an empty stomach. Remember how the grandmother has launched from you - and you eat? Did you get everything? Supplements do not need? Sleep interpretation is very simple and even humorous. So let the child be angry with a grandmother, but he eats well. Especially for the night.

Dream of the 21st century

What will tell dream interpretation: Grandma who deceased, came in a dream and started a conversation - this suggests that the planned company is crowned with success. It should also be waiting for important events and changes in life. Such a dream can be simultaneously caution and blessings. So it is better to always have a couple of plans about the reserve - in case A and the case of B.

Most the best way - If a grandmother appeared in a dream to a cemetery - it is only good change.

Dream interpretation for family

Family dream book with the interpretation of dreams "Grandma" always shows ambiguity and some kind of ambiguity of the entire vision. He says that the dream "Grandma" may mean that your experience will help you to get out of the most difficult situation; Tears on her face will tell about the insulted and a quarrel with loved ones; To dream grandmother live and talk to her - to favorable achievements. From your flexibility, it depends on what these accomplishments will be.

Modern dream book

The dream "grandmother late" will only lead to great joy and promotes changes for the better.

Dream Dream of the Apostle Simon Channel

Hug a grandmother in a dream means to understand your powerlessness and take it or receive an incomplete fee for his work.

Female dream book

He dreamed of Granny in a dream - you could not avoid difficulties, but with a good advice you will overcome these difficulties.

Dream Miller

Sleep "Granny" has the same interpretation: difficulties, advice and after everything is normalized.

Intellone dream

The dream of "grandmother" says that you, what is called, "predining" at work and you will receive half of the resultant. But it is best to look in relation to the days of the week.

Dream interpretation for brothers

To see the grandmother's Duby, then soon you will find your pier, where it is easy to get and heal is quiet. Allegorically says that married and married is worth waiting for replenishment in the family, and unmarried and unmarried - wait for the wedding.


Grandma in a dream comes for two reasons: to warn about anything or bless some enterprise. In any case, this is a positive sign that promises a positive outcome only if it is presented in a dream in good light. Even if she has long died, nothing wrong with this dream will bring. Another thing, if the grandmother has caused you in a dream, complained - in this case, wait for dissatisfaction with life, inconvenience, trouble. There are always two options for action - either to accept good changes and thank for it, or prepare for difficulties and stock advice and support from relatives.

A person wakes up with a heavy feeling, who will see the dead man in a dream, even if it was a recently deceased beloved grandmother. Let the consolation serve that dream interpreters, deciphering, what a man who left the left of his life is unanimously given the opposite interpretation. Dreams of death, with rare exception, contain bright signs - tears turn into good news, loss - positive changes, revise the vital position.

But the chatter with the dead grandmother, getting gifts should alert - not good it. It is also necessary to keep in mind - an inconspicuous piece of sleep can radically change its value. Therefore, referring to the interpreter, remember everything, it would seem insignificant, moments.

Like alive

We have a difficult attitude to the whole associated with death. And when the deceased grandmother dreams, we are upset, we try to understand than such a dream is due. Signs, interpretations, read in dreams, soothe, give some certainty.

I had to see in a dream a newly dead grandmother, who dreamed like a living - it causes tears and warms warmth. We miss the left, and such dreams help us to survive losses, stretching bitter parting.

In a dream, they saw a living grandmother by the late man - from the soul wish her kind health - they say, such a dream promises a long life with a donent.

The deceased, which are seized in a dream alive. Such a dream generates anxiety and uncertainty. Many people think - to bad news, bad weather, illness, early death. However, see how famous dream interpretation explain what the deceased grandmother is dreaming, which seemed like alive. You can see - they are less categorical, pay attention to many favorable moments.

If the deceased grandmother dreams of alive, then perhaps there are reasons to feel guilty to her. They have everyone, we are not accustomed in relation to each other.

Seeing a dead grandmother in a dream shortly after the funeral, many understand it is due to the experience of loss of loss. However, it is necessary to take into account the following - dreams. Any dream of a deceased grandmother is interpreted as the news of the upcoming changes, the girls have a dream of a quick marriage, and businessmen long-awaited responsible negotiations.

Sometimes the grandmother dreams along with another deceased relative. What a relative is dreaming depends on the circumstances. The deceased mother dreams, the dream book foreshadows the disease, brother reminds someone from relatives is waiting for help from you, compassion. According to the dream, the father warns - the cases you started can ruin the family.

Close to relatives who have left lives, appearing in a dream, urge more closely to their actions so as not to cause a family reputation damage. Perhaps someone is preparing to strike on the honor of the name, the blurred dirty gossip - the dream book calls to be alert.

Immediately both dead grandmothers visited you in a dream, in the dream, this is a sign of strong spiritual patronage, protection. What dreams grandmother with the dead grandfather? He always comes to additional troubles, new responsibilities. His appearance in the dream can mean, soon someone will need your help, maybe financial participation. Often the dead grandmother with grandfather together shot in front of important ceremonies.

If the deceased grandmother dreams constantly, it is alarming. Once the old woman in a dream always asks something, it means that in the dream, you have unfinished affairs, unfulfilled obligations. You want to stop such obsessive dreams, make a list of unfinished cases and start steadily to perform them. The result will feel immediately - just do not throw this work halfway.

In addition, you can torment the remorse of conscience on the relationship that did not exist during the lifetime of the resentment. Last life It is impossible to fix it, so it is better to stop worrying about this. What to wonder why the deceased grandmother dreams so often, better leave the past, take care of living. Surely you have elderly relatives who need help.

By Dream Freud, grandmother personifies the feminine. If an adult man sees it in a dream, it says about sadness on the missed opportunities, not everything happened in life as I wanted. A young guy in a dream dreamed of a deceased grandmother - a dream book tells, the guy doubts his abilities to fulfill complex work, feels inconsistency in relations with women. What dreams of these dreams girls? By dreams, the young lady is afraid of his own imperfection, doubts his appearance, his own female charm, is experiencing, suddenly no one will love her.

It all depends on the details

In a dream, some events often occur, try to memorize them. For dreams there are no random details, items, settings - everything carries information, mysteriously reflected in real life.

If the house of the dead grandmother was dreaming - the dream book explains, you lack warm, constant support from loved ones. Babushkin House, at least in a dream, gives confidence - you are waiting and loved. The old woman entered his house, it means that soon get rich. However, by Miller's dream book, the house of the dead grandmother can dreamed not to good. Perhaps a relative for her line will happen dangerous disease. Dream interpretation urges to ask the health of relatives and, if necessary, to assist them. Do not forget about your health - you too are her direct descendant. By itself, the house of the deceased grandmother dreams are interpreted as a change of values, your worldview is influenced by events, can change significantly.

What is the dream of a grandmother's funeral? Mourning in a dream can carry the most different information. You remember what the weather was? It depends on the interpretation given to the dream book. Good weather - all houses safely, the family is waiting for prosperity. Bad - even if close in loved ones, it is soon, soon, alas, they are waiting for weightless changes.

If in a dream, the dead grandmother calmly lies in the coffin, the dreams give diametrically opposite interpretations - according to one, this is an ambulance foremage, in other unpleasses and failures. Especially sad, some dream books interpret: to see a deceased grandmother in a coffin in a dream, means the fulfillment of the worst concerns, the infidelity of the second half. For a girl, this is a loss of a loved one, for spouses - serious swelling because of the treason, which, according to the dreams, will bring to the divorce.

Communication with a dead grandmother

Especially important for interpretation has communication in a dream with a dead grandmother.

It is anxious to talk with a long dead grandmother, and it is easily explained by the dream book - he warns about the onset of the black strip in fate. All about what you think with fear can come true.

Why are we in dreams we see conversations? They warn about the possible development of events. A close man from afar takes care of your well-being, seeks to warn from rash solutions, give useful advice. Dreamnies are unanimously talking to these words should take enough seriously. It is not excluded, the mouth of the dead grandmother with us speaks our subconscious, which is ready to prompt us the correct interpretation of events, but being captives of stereotypes, we "do not hear" this voice. Only at night, through the image of a close man who took care of us during life, comes awareness of problems, sober judgments and loyal guesses. Life often proves her grandmother was not worried in vain, the grandson wanted from even big trouble.

Hugging a deceased grandmother in a dream, you, according to Miller's dream book, can expect longevity and health. For other dreams, the forecast is not so favorable. If you are now healthy, you can bother a little, but if you are already sick, then the state is alarming. Visit to the doctor, consultation of specialists, a complete complex of treatment is better prevention than treatment.

If the deceased grandmother hugs you in a dream, it means that recently the dreams made a mistake that will soon regret.

Great image of grandmother dreams are interpreted as a symbol of wisdom and care. It is easy to guess why the deceased grandmother is preparing, baked piers - wait for guests and try not to lose the traditions of grandmother's hospitality. Dead grandmother in a dream feed, give advice to improve your position, by the way, try to remember, even better, if you follow them. By dreams, crying in a dream grandma reminds to visited her grave, they remembered.

Kiss a deceased grandmother - ahead of unrequited love. If the dream dreams of a young woman, then the dream is absolutely indifferent to a man who is insanely in love, they have no future. Kiss the old woman in front of the burial, in the forehead means to free themselves from all obligations, feel - before the late the conscience of Chista. She kisses someone from relatives - to unforeseen material spending, loss of money.

Dream Intercoms claim us to usually give any items of the dead grandmother - well, to take it - bad.

To see a deceased grandmother in a dream, which gives you some thing, or, even worse, calling for me, promising to give values \u200b\u200b- an extremely unpleasant sign, perhaps the dream of a dream of a dream. If you were resistant to the temptation in a dream, it means that I will also even overcome enemies, illness.

The deceased asks for money - the family will live richly, together, happily. Requests something from clothes, it means a very joyful event ahead, you need to cook new clothes for all family members. Asked meals - the dream book explains, you have no provinces before the late, your conscience is clean.

Sleep, where the deceased grandmother gives money - foreshadows the loss of property, loss of the source of existence. The old woman gives her things, clothes, and you take it - you can repeat her fate. Often the interpretation of the gift depends on the fact that it was the deceased grandmother. The ancestor gives advice, and you do not mentally accept them, but hear how to realize them - carefully analyze, because of what it is said, perhaps it makes sense to follow the grandmother's advice to avoid troubles, as they did during her life.

Alarm characters

Despite the fact that the most important and informative moments of dreams about the deceased agencies should be discussed on the most disturbing dreams, their consequences and a possible confrontation of dangerous signs.

From the dream, I remembered how your deceased grandmother, as if alive, gets up of a coffin, you may be covered in a cold later. However, in itself, this action does not bother anything bad, the maximum, the arrival of relatives you have not seen for a long time, did not particularly bored. Maybe you will suddenly visit the old girlfriend.

It is more dangerous to talk with the old woman lying in the coffin, it can fill in misfortune. A great trouble is dreaming of how the ancestor rose from the coffin or a long time stood in a coffin.

Dreamed the deceased grandmother, which cried, lying in the coffin - Dream interpretation interprets, it is to a quarrel, swearing, spoiled relations, mental wounds.

Anyone who kisses a dead grandmother in a dream, you can regret. Soon the troubles will be sprinkled on it from all sides - failures at work, tensions of personal relationships, health problems. Miller's dream book tells her forehead himself, it means to part with someone from his loved ones.

A rather unpleasant dream - if the deceased grandmother calls for himself, she managed to lead a dream behind him - he is waiting for the same death as her.

A bad omen if the deceased grandmother had a cheerful, lively, smiled. This means, the dreams fell under a bad effect, risks a reputation, material losses. Perhaps danger comes from friends. While you underestimate it - be alert, resist the manipulation.

There are dreams that you want to forget. A terribly in a dream to give the ancestor of someone's photo - the one who in the photo will die. Go behind the late man - it means to go to death.

Some concerns can cause dreams associated with the apartment of a dead grandmother. Dream Interpretation claims, in the apartment you saw a deceased grandmother and grandfather - the diseases of their descendants will turn by severe consequences. Grandma lies in the coffin in own home - It is a dream of getting sick, and the cause will be the wrong lifestyle. Consider you warned.

One of the most terrible dreams is to see a deceased grandmother, talking to her, understanding how her body was thinned. Dreams do not expect anything good. As you used to say before, the dead day came for the soul of man. In practice, such a dream can turn into diseases - your and most expensive people, sudden obstacles that will interfere with the conceived. Life can turn under the slope. Dreamed a dream, where the dead grandmother had long come to life, but at the same time he carries the seal of death - to restore her grave, remember, put a candle to "deviate" the deceased.

A softer version of such warning is to see how the deceased grandmother is crying. The consequences of this sleep are not so catastrophic, you need to visit the grave, otherwise the health of loved ones, blood relatives of the dead grandmother will be at risk.

comments 258.


    So you need to beware of this date. Not anywhere to learn granddaughter on this day. I was dreaming three times. In the first predicted the death of the grandmother, a month later, a car was shot down. Then he was a dream twice with the exact date, they said if I go somewhere, I would not return back. I was sitting at home, there were very bad premonitions. But thank God survived. But the grandmother did not save, did not pay attention then to sleep ...

      • I could easily distinguish from reality, my grandmother came to say goodbye to me since I'm going to the army, I felt her smell as she smelled during his lifetime and hugged me, the fact is that she did not get along with us. If anyone knows tell me the answer.

      • The grandmother had dreamed, appeared outside the window was dissatisfied, then next to my mom under the blanket began to appear and snoring, they got up, and she disappeared, it was worth covering the bed next to his mother again appeared to be near the body and snore. It was terrible in a dream, in a dream there was awareness that she was not alive. What could it be?

      • I dreamed of my grandmother alive, she lay on the bed and asked her hands with cream, and I smeared. And she said that she had no belly every day without any reason. It all happened on the old apartment, where they used to live. In a dream, I saw my brother, with whom I have no need to see for a long time and do not communicate, he asked me to go to his birthday to a friend, I said to go. Also in my dream there was another sister, she was sitting in the kitchen at the table. We were going to eat, there were only pancakes and condenses on the table. And for some reason alcohol, where the grandmother was lying, I went there to pour alcohol to us. Here is such a dream if someone knows the meaning of sleep-write, I will be grateful to you!

      • Dreamed the deceased 1.5 years ago grandmother. Before that never dreamed. As if she walks and processes a bed, and I fell, I greet her hand. Her hands are soft. I say: Hello, grandmother. And she me: Hello. Then I see the coffin with the dead on the neighboring bed, and I ask my grandmother: why is there a coffin? Is it so possible? And she is not chance: they say, I do not know. Such a strange dream. Seek this explanation. Thank you.

      • To this night, my deceased grandmother had again dreamed. This time she did not greet her hand, as the day before yesterday, but as if I would go to the glass toilet, and there my grandson was worth it. I have 2 keys in my hands. I give these keys to hold the grandson. And I see through the glass, as the grandmother is suitable and, tonging to the glass and looks at us. I am very pleased to answer that all this can mean? Maybe I can prevent trouble if she approaches?!

      • I very often dream my grandmother, but breakthroughs and almost always I see her alive, young and joyful. But in a dream, I know she died. This time I dreamed that I opened the door to my mother's apartment, and she comes. We were in the bathroom, and I cried as much as never with happiness, that she returned, and my husband said: We are so glad that you have come back, everyone would come back. When I woke up I cried and here this pain in the soul from joy was and the tears were straight. Tell me, what does this dream mean?

      • Please tell me, my grandmother died, another 40 days did not pass, and it dreams that she was living and that I ask her - how so you died in my eyes, and now live, how to die so and go, and she I tell me, you will die and see.

      • I dreamed of great-grandmother, as if pretending to be that she was living, and I know that dead. And in a dream such a phrase another grandmother said this is her mother, but she is currently living. She told me: "Or maybe you're like we" go look into the mirror. I went and my eyes became completely black and I became breaking me ... I'm afraid.

      • Saw in a dream the late mother's aunt! But in a dream, she was living and sat on the bed, I walked asked how she was doing, hugged, kissed him in a cheek, she waved her head in response to me all as well. In her hands there was a magazine I took it and began to flip it! What is this dream?

      • Dreamed me dead year Back grandmother lively not satisfied with me did not let me in the entrance and said something quietly, and I cried. Please tell me what it could have to dream? Before that, she never dreamed of me. Thanks in advance.


        I did not see my great-grandmother in a dream! I first with my girlfriend and with unfamiliar people got into some kind of village, and we saw a stranger grandmother there. She said something. Then I said: Can I find my great-grandmother? And where? Searched for a short time. And not found. Tell me why it dreamed? I will be glad !!! Thanks in advance!

      • The late grandmother had a long time, I remember her very badly, I dreamed 2 times, the first time she called me on the cemetery, where the dead everywhere, and I walked for her, and the second time I was looking for her, despite the fact that I remembered her Alive, what can it mean?

      • Dreamed in a dream a long-time grandmother in her house. I stand at the door in the hallway and see how she is slim and behind the young one went past me and held at the side of which the tumor was distinguished from which she died. I asked her hurt her? She was very energetic passed by and his back, removing in another room, replied that of course it was painful. I, looking at her thought that she was very much reminded of my sister my sister. What is it?

      • Arina Zorin:

        I dreamed of my great-grandmother on the mother's mother, which I have never seen. She died again when my grandmother was 18 years old, respectively, even my mother did not see her. In a dream, I met her at the corner of the house (she as if she was waiting for me). Initially, I confused her with the other my great-grandmother, and she laughed in my face, and then started to taraturt without silent that I was not so. Not correct. Not like that. Should not be born. And your mother is also not like that. When I woke up immediately told my grandmother, described her appearanceAnd she confirmed that it was her mother. I somehow do not calmly after this sleep. Tell me what could it mean?

      • I dreamed that I sit somewhere and read the book with a sacred grandmother, and she listened carefully and says something left side. It is necessary to sit in the right side more convenient to listen, as I read her and suddenly I woke up, there was still a little girl, her I do not know, I am Muslim. What does this dream mean?

      • I do not know what. He dreamed of grandmother in the coffin (grandmother died half a year ago) I'm talking to her, they say, granny, you stayed, you will not accept you (I don't know where) you need to die ... And she answers "I can't help you, help me, strangle me ... "I answer that I can only slightly strangle that I don't want to take sin. And then, and then we cover the coffin with a living grandmother plywood sheet and put candles on it, flowers ... And I think everything is so to die so? After all, he himself can not give orders to his body for a day ... Do I need to say that after waking up I had a shock ...

What dreamed of the deceased grandmother (interpretation of a dream astromeryidian)

The deceased grandmother lively dreams of changes in life. If the grandmother smiles serenely and talks to you calmly - the changes will affect you with a positive way, if it is concerned about - get ready for the worst.

The deceased grandmother dreams is alive - if she gives you some tips in a dream - it is worth listening to them. He dreamed that her grandmother was crying was an unfavorable sign in many interpretations of dreams.

Live grandmother dies in a dream - if she is really alive and healthy, then sleep means that grandmother will bring you some news or ask for something. Do not neglect the help, because if she dreamed of you on the day before, it means that it really is something important for her.

To see in a dream that a live grandmother dies in a dream - be careful if your grandmother is at the moment. Sleep, unfortunately, predicts her death.

Meaning of sleep about sending (Russian People's Dream Interpretation)

You see your favorite grandmother, which has already died - this is a good omen. It promises you a quiet harbor in the raging ocean of life. Remember whether you were talking to your deceased grandma, and if so, then what exactly, your grandmother advised you to you - this is talking about future life change. But what they will be positive or negative - largely depends on your own smelling and the ability to solve complex questions in their favor. If you still idle and you dreamed of a deceased grandmother - it predicts you a quick marriage if you are already married - you probably wait for the birth of a child, adding a family.

Meaning of sleep about infrequent bodies (symbolic dream book)

Dead parents in a dream (deceased earlier in reality) - the arrival of them in a dream-haired man after his physical death has several aspects of interpretation. Among them: an attempt to psychological protection to neutralize strong feelings of loss, grief, loss due to what happened; What, as a result, leads to the harmonization of the psychic activity of sleeping. At the same time, the deceased parents (relatives) act as a binding element of human consciousness with the world, otherworldly. And in this case, the significance of their image in a dream is significantly enhanced. Our dead parents come from there in the responsible periods of life of the sleeping and serve as a sign of instructions, advice, warnings, blessings. Sometimes they become messengers about the death of the Divine itself and even take and accompany the person to the world of others (these are a fellow dreams about their own death!). Our deceased grandparents and grandparents are the mansion - they come to us in a dream in the most critical moments of our life.

What dreams of a deceased grandmother (dream book Catherine Great)

What an old woman comes, who seemed to visit you or met for a walk - the dream foreshadows you in the foreseeable time; It will be difficult to cope with these difficulties, but the good participation of loved ones, whose timely wise council will help you.

Dead grandmother - what dreams in a dream (dream of the XXI century)

In a dream to see or talk to her - what will be able to do something good, intended by you. The deceased relative is to considerable change. Sleep - blessing or caution. Very good if the meeting happens to her in the cemetery.

Interpretation of the Dead Grandparents from the Dream Dream Wanderer (Terentia Smirnova)

Is a critical period of life when the choice is especially complicated; Warning or blessing, so deciphering what is to you.

See a deceased grandmother how to solve sleep symbols (for family dream book)

In a dream to see his older relative means that your life experience will help you to get out of a difficult, dangerous situation. Tears on the face of Babuli with you are foresighted by undeserved resentment, a quarrel with close people. If she has long died and advises you, wait for changes in life. From your ability to lavish depends, these changes will be positive or negative. To see in a dream that you yourself have the grandchildren - means something unexpected. If you have children, watch their health status.

What dreams and how to interpret the deceased grandmother on the "Book of Dreams" (Sonnik Simona Channel)

See a relative - impotence, weakness

It promises receiving an incomplete work fee.

What dreams of a woman's deceased grandmother (by the dream book Natalia Stepanova)

To see in a dream that you are talking to your elderly relatives - perhaps you are waiting for difficulties that will not be easy to overcome. However, thanks to the good advice, you will handle these difficulties.

What does the decease come to? The forerunner of diseases in the family, the warning that all residents of the house should seriously take care of their health. The late grandmother can come before the wedding - in this case, this is a good sign. Walking to the young late as it blesses their union, warning from troubles and misfortune.

Interpretation states that hugging the deceased relative - everything will be fine in your life.

What dreams of a deceased grandma in a dream (Dream Miller)

Grandma - grandmother in a dream to meet and talk with her - means that you will have a meeting with difficulties that will not be easy to overcome. However, a good advice will help you cope with difficulties. What dreams the deceased grandmother in a dream is a symbol of wisdom, related (blood) communication, defender or guardian.

Sleep analysis, in which the deceased grandmother (interpretation of the psychologist Z. Freud)

The deceased, with which you had a good relationship in life - subconsciously try to return her image into the world of living. You can't accept the death of my grandmother and let her go. Also grandmother the deceased can visit before an important event. In this case, see the deceased relative - make sure that you are on the right track and are ready to succeed yourself, without any help.

Meaning of sleep about the bed (Gypsy Dream Interpretation)

Grandma deceased? If a deceased grandmother dreamed in a dream in a dream, and you remember her tips or ordinary words - this is a good sign. It is advisable to use the Council - it is through dreams that our dead relatives may inform us about the upcoming troubles, warning from making incorrect decisions or, on the contrary, to bless, approve the decisions made. Listen carefully and try to remember all the details of sleep - the situation, facial expressions, emotional state.

See the dream about the dead grandmothers, what does it mean? (Interpretation of Stewart Robinson)

When you see your grandmother - in reality you have to defeat all obstacles and minor difficulties, but it will not be easy to do it. But if in such a dream, not only grandmother comes in such a dream, and other relatives, then, in this case, people from the side will help you to deal with difficulties. What dreams helpless sick grandmother - says that soon you will have a period of powerlessness and weakness. If in a dream on the way you have a grandmother, then you know this dream predicts you a decrease in salary. Grandma joyful and satisfied dreamed of - great fade in everyday affairs.

How to understand the dream in which you saw the cleaned (interpretation of Nancy Vagaymen)

What dreams of a deceased grandmother, means that in the near future you will find it paradisein which you will get to get calm and take a break from the fuss. For a married man, a dream about grandmother means replenishing the family. And for unmarried people, it predicts family acquisition. If you dreamed of a grandmother, which in reality is still alive - this is a good sign. You can also call boldly good. But if the grandmother collects things or leaves somewhere, then the sign of such sleep is very bad. Predicts worsening her well-being. When she advises you something, then you should be ready for fundamental change in reality. The more pleasant vision about the grandmother will be for you, the easier it will be for you to get out of the most difficult situations.

Quite often in our lives there are cases when a person wakes up in fear of the doned. This is especially true of people who gave the kingdom of Morpheus with a terrible dream with a long dead grandmother. Many in this case are trying to forget the insane vision, the rest are chosen in search of a response. So what does the deceased relative want to say to their appearance, which wishes to warn, try to figure out our article.

What dreams of a dead grandmother dying

Do you dream that the poor old woman suffers and suffers? Expect an inevitable collision with terrible injustice. In this case, the dream book advises not to risk, do not participate in doubtful projects and do not invest cash in the affair to you. Such a rapid act can harm not only to you, but also to others, in no means of unnecessary people.

If the question is interested in: "What dreams of a deceased grandmother dying or sick?", Keep in mind that your entire career and the future will depend only on your decision. Remember this dream and do not make hasty conclusions, otherwise it can end badly.

Pay attention to whether your deceased relative wants to say anything. If she is trying to take a promise with you - be sure that there will be big problems and troubles in the near future, and your relative is trying to warn you and warn you from trouble. Therefore, be patient, because so much still needs to be survived.

What dreams the dying grandmother lying in the coffin? Such a dream does not promise anything good. Bad news, betrayal from loved ones, failure in affairs, career fall - about this, the ancestry is trying to warn you.

Try to listen to what your deceased relative says. After all, grandmother is a symbol of wisdom and maturity, so her words can be very important. This is especially true of those who have been trying to find an answer to the tormenting question for a long time.

What dreams of a deceased grandmother is a dying person who expects any life change in the near future? Here you should pay attention to emotions emanating from sleeping. If you feel pity, compassion, love - changes will benefit. If you are scared, you immediately want to leave - know that it will not be good.

What dreams of a dead grandmother dying, we figured out, and what means when the old woman recites sharply and gets up with bed. This suggests that all your problems and adversity will end soon, and you will finally be able to breathe full of breasts.

Emotions of the agencies

Friendly and cheerful grandmother talks about good news and a pleasant pastime in a circle of relatives or close friends. It also foreshadows a new successful stage in your life.

If the old woman is sad and looks into the floor - bad changes are coming in your life.

What dreams of a deceased grandmother enraged and angry? This suggests that you do something wrong in life.

If you see how the old woman is crying - wait for a serious quarrel with relatives. As a rule, disagreements will occur due to the ridiculous situation. Also, this dream may impose children's disease.

See a deceased old woman: trouble or happiness?

To see a grandmother with a person of someone else's person promises an unpleasant acquaintance. Do not trust the first oncoming and do not devote it to your plans for the future.

What if you saw a young grandmother? This is a sign of longing and despondency. Very bad if the old woman manites or calls you with you. This speaks about the upcoming accident, terrible illness or death. If you saw such a dream - go to church or visit Grandma's grandmother.

If you saw in a dream that your grandmother is powerless, and you can not help her anything - be sure that you will soon be awaiting powerlessness and tolembream.

If in a dream you go and see by a passing deceased old woman - this is a symbol of deception. Do not trust not a proven employer, otherwise your work is not assessed.

What if a deceased grandmother in a fuzzy and vague form is constantly dreaming? This means help from relatives.

If you follow the old woman - death is nearing.

Talking with a dead grandmother: What does it mean?

In other cases, these words can be fateful, so try to listen and remember them.

If you are sitting and talking with a long dead grandmother - a black strip will come in your fate. All you have been afraid for so long can come true.

And that such a dream means for lonely

If the deceased grandmother dreamed of a man - he regrets the missed opportunities and relationships. Unfortunately, nothing will be right.

What dreams of a deceased grandma girl? It says the feminine. Such a dream can mean insecurity, its sexuality and attractiveness, as well as about fear of being left without a partner in life.

If the grandmother dreamed of unmarried woman - she is afraid that he will soon lose his beauty and one will forever.

The old woman worries in a dream of a young guy? This speaks of his fear before work and relationships with girls. The coming relative warns that this fear is absolutely in vain.

Which foreshadows sleep with the dead grandmother in relations

Doubling the dead grandmother, which runs away from you? This means that in a short time you will part with your loved ones.

If the old woman dreamed of a pregnant woman - wait for heavy gods.

Grandmother appeared in a dream married man? This speaks about treason beloved.

For a girl in a relationship, this means constancy and stability.

Requiring and asking an old woman: What does such a dream mean?

If the grandmother constantly requires something and asks - you have a lot of unfinished cases that can lead to irreversible consequences. Actually, the old woman is therefore bothering you. Therefore, think and try to bring things to the end.

If the deceased asks for money - you will live happily and rich. Just try not to diliate your funds simply.

The old woman asks clothes and says that she is cold - ahead of the joyful news.

Grandma asks to eat - your conscience is clean before the dead. Be calm, nothing wrong with this dream foreshadows.

If the ancestor asks for you someone's photo - this person will soon die.

That if the old woman is trying to give something or give

It often dreams that the deceased grandmother wants to give any thing - this is a very bad sign. Such a vision means an ambulance or even the death of a dream.

If the old woman gives you money - loss of property and all accumulations.

Grandma gives you all your belongings? There is a possibility that you can repeat its fate.

Kissing and hugging a deceased old woman: to death or well-being?

How does this unusual dream explain the dream book? There is a deceased grandmother, which reaches you to kiss, "wait for big troubles and failures both in work and in love.

Do you kiss your grandmother in the forehead? Wait for parting with a close man.

Kiss the old woman in the lips - soon you have to know unrequited love.

What dreams the dying grandmother, which the dreams kisses before the burial itself? This dream means cleansing conscience to the ancestor.

If you hug a deceased grandmother - expect illness. Otherwise, this dream can be interpreted in the opposite direction.

If the old woman herself hugs you - soon you will make a mistake that will play a joke with you.

And how to interpret the dream in which the deceased grandmother lies in the coffin

If you are talking to the old woman lying in the coffin, - soon you are waiting for misfortune and failure.

If the grandmother rose and is in a sitting position for a long time - wait for serious trouble.

If the deceased old woman came to life and got out of the coffin - expect relatives that you have not seen for a long time.

The dead grandmother looks out of the coffin, calling you, and you go beyond her? This is a very bad sign. Perhaps ahead of a heavy disease or death.

If the old woman is crying, lying in the coffin, - soon you will quarrel with relatives.

If you speak with the deceased progenitor, and at this time its body breaks down and the defect is an ambulance or death.

Very bad if the grandmother carries the seal of death in a dream. After that, hurry to church and put the old candle for the rest.


Why is it often a deceased grandmother? This question is worried about many dreams. Perhaps you have not visited the grave of your beloved grandmother in the cemetery or did not go to church to pray for her rest? Think, probably the answer lies in this.