
Glass fiber reinforced polypropylene pipes. What is the advantage of glass fiber reinforced polypropylene pipes? Glass fiber reinforced pp pipes


Plastic pipes are a modern replacement for old heavy metal pipes. Such lightweight plastic pipes appeared not so long ago, but they quickly gained a solid position among other pipes in the plumbing market.

When choosing a material for a pipeline, you will probably give your preference to plastic products, however, it will be quite difficult to choose a specific option, because they can be made from many various materials: polyethylene, polypropylene, etc. In this article, we will consider in detail the advantages and disadvantages of polypropylene pipes, comparing them with analogues.

Characteristics of polypropylene pipes

The PPR pipe has a number of distinctive characteristics, but the main one is the lightness of the product, which is provided by the raw material - a thermoplastic polymer with the lowest density (0.91 g / cubic cm) among similar materials.

The rest of the characteristics determine the scope of these pipes:

  • The working temperature of polypropylene pipes is from -5 ° C to + 140 ° C, so they are perfect for organizing heating systems, hot and cold water supply, but only indoors. When laying the water supply outside, it is better to use cross-linked polyethylene pipes, which do not deform during cold snaps down to -50 ° C;
  • Plastic does not corrode, which was a big problem metal pipes, in addition, the plastic water supply is guaranteed to last at least 50 years;
  • The ppr pipe has a smooth inner wall, which significantly increases their throughput, and also prevents them from clogging;
  • Plastic pipes are completely inert to most chemicals;
  • Polypropylene pipes have a wide range of different diameters;
  • Installation of PPR pipes is carried out using special fittings, also made of polypropylene. Pipes are welded into fittings with a special apparatus, which you can purchase at an affordable price.

Types of polypropylene pipes

In total, there are 4 main categories of polypropylene pipes:

  • PPH- polypropylene pipe with high strength, but low resistance to negative temperatures. The main area of ​​application of such pipes is the laying of a cold water supply system on an industrial scale;
  • PPB- polypropylene pipe, for the manufacture of which polyethylene is additionally used. The result is a robust tube that resists low and high temperatures... More often used for laying underfloor heating systems;
  • PPR pipes are made from a special polymer that includes ethylene molecules. Such a mixture allows to achieve special tensile strength, therefore such pipes perfectly withstand pressure surges. Pipes are excellent for laying cold and hot water supply, but the water temperature in them should not exceed 70 ° C;
  • PPS-pipes are resistant to high temperatures up to 95 ° C. These pipes are often marked with a red stripe.

Reinforced polypropylene pipes

One of the significant disadvantages of polypropylene is its high coefficient of thermal expansion. This is especially noticeable when building heating system where polypropylene expands under the influence of heat so that during their installation it is necessary to install compensating loops, which is quite inconvenient.

Manufacturers have long taken care of this drawback by releasing a reinforced polypropylene pipe.

Pipe PPR reinforced there are also different categories:

  • PN20-the pipe is reinforced with fiberglass. When making polypropylene pipes, the manufacturer adds a layer of fiberglass to them, which is later baked into two adjacent layers of propylene. Thus, a reinforced structure is obtained, which is used when laying hot water pipes with a large number of joints. Such a pipe also has its drawback - a limitation in the width of the diameter, the maximum size of which is 63 mm;
  • PN25- polypropylene reinforced with aluminum. The principle of reinforcement is similar to the previous one, but aluminum sheets and profiles are used here. The cross-section of such pipes can be up to 100 mm, but their installation is more difficult and requires stripping of the aluminum layer.

Polypropylene pipes are environmentally friendly; in many properties they show themselves superior to steel ones. They are more technological, their price is lower, they do not need to be protected from corrosion, the process of connecting them into a pipeline is much less laborious, and their service life is much higher.

They are mainly used for heating fiberglass reinforced or aluminum polypropylene pipes. This is due to the fact that the temperature of the coolant in heating systems can reach 100 degrees Celsius. At such a temperature, unreinforced pipes laid on clips will linearly lengthen and sag, which requires the introduction of expansion joints into the pipeline.Glass fiber reinforced polypropylene pipes, have a coefficient of linear expansion five times less than unreinforced. Their sag is much less, which allows the clips to be installed at a greater distance from each other.

Historically, the first reinforced polypropylene pipes were pipes reinforced not with fiberglass, but with a layer of aluminum applied over the surface. Their price is slightly higher compared to unreinforced ones. But they have one inconvenience - before installation, such pipes must be stripped of aluminum, and this is quite painstaking work that increases the assembly time of the pipeline. For pipes reinforced with fiberglass, the reinforcing layer is recessed into the structure, which does not require such cleaning before joining them.

Reinforced polypropylene pipes, price which are approximately the same as those coated with aluminum, have greater thermal resistance, since there is no metal in their structure. In view of this, they can be insulated with energy-flex or k-flex tubes with a wall thickness slightly less than pipes with aluminum.

In the warehouse of the organization, there are fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes available. Outside diameter from 20 to 110 mm.

Polypropylene in the construction industry is used for different tasks. However, the most useful and demanded area of ​​its application is the creation of pipes for heating and water supply systems.

It is from polypropylene that plastic modern pipelines are assembled. Fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes are especially popular, since the reviews and their characteristics are truly unique.

Purpose and application

Technical polypropylene samples are used to assemble mainly civilian pipelines. By itself, polypropylene has excellent properties, as well as good feedback... It does not react to corrosion, has a high working pressure and is very durable.

In terms of strength, this material is a cut above all other building polymers. However, strength is also achieved due to the rather impressive thickness of the pipe walls. For polypropylene samples, their thickness can reach 6-7 mm.

The only problem with such products is that polypropylene is able to expand due to thermal stress. In this case, the pipe not only increases in size, but also loses a substantial percentage of its rigidity.

It was to eliminate such problems that polypropylene products inside with fiberglass were invented. Their peculiarity is that there is a reinforcing layer of fiberglass inside the pipe. This is a kind of rigid frame for the pipe, which will hold the polymer in its normal state.

Products with aluminum reinforcement are also produced. They are also good and fit to perform. various works that are associated with the installation of pipelines. However, aluminum is not as reliable in limiting thermal expansion. But welding of pipes made of polypropylene reinforced with fiberglass in this regard is much more reliable.

It is worth noting that the developers have a special marking for fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes. The labeling is designed to make it easier for customers to do their job. Products made from ordinary polypropylene are marked with PP.

The PPR indicator is already a marking of a reinforced pipe. And PPRS is a polypropylene model that is reinforced with the latest development in this area. In their manufacture, a special copolymer is used, which qualitatively improves all the properties of the product.

Characteristics and properties

The characteristics of the glass fiber reinforced polypropylene pipe are its main advantage. Which, however, is quite natural.

PP pipe reinforced with fiberglass is able to withstand heavy loads. First of all, welding takes into account the increase in the rigidity and ductility of the product. Fiberglass works here as a stabilizing frame.

The operating temperature limit is also significantly increased. PPR tube reinforced with fiberglass can be operated without problems at temperatures from -50 to + 350 degrees. Moreover, in the specified range, the size and welding of the pipe will change only slightly. The average thermal expansion is only 1 centimeter per meter.

With an increase in the working marks, the pipe will lose its rigidity, but only slightly. And the most important thing is that the inner reinforced layer of fiberglass threads will not allow it to burst even if the critical indicators are exceeded.

The technical characteristics of the fiberglass reinforced pipe also allow their use in outdoor pipelines.

When working with ordinary materials, it is not recommended to use standard plastic products outside the building, since after several cycles of freezing and thawing there is a high chance of damage. But the plastic pipe reinforced with fiberglass does not expose such restrictions.

Another big plus is that PPR pipe reinforced with fiberglass is mounted much easier, the welding is better than its aluminum counterparts. When trimming models with aluminum reinforcement, they need to be further cleaned, calibrated and remnants of the metal sheet removed.

Fiberglass is introduced into the product by extrusion. As a result, welding provides a completely monolithic material that lends itself perfectly to various manipulations and is easy to work with.

Advantages and disadvantages

Based on the properties described above, we can highlight the main pros and cons of polypropylene pipes with fiberglass reinforcement.

Main pluses:

  • Durability;
  • Corrosion resistance;
  • The minimum indicator of thermal expansion;
  • Increased structural rigidity and overall strength;
  • Simplified installation process;
  • Versatility;
  • Wide operating temperature range;
  • The price of a fiberglass-reinforced pipe, although higher than other polymer products, is still quite acceptable and justified.

As for the disadvantages, these products also have them and relate more to the diseases of the majority polymer materials this type.

The main cons:

  • With direct and prolonged contact with sunlight, the polymer begins to break down;
  • Linear expansion of this type of product is higher than that of metal.

Types and differences

There are several main types of such products. Each type has its own markings so that the welding corresponds to its working pressure. The higher this indicator, the stronger the welding, the more reliable and expensive the product.

  • Products with PN-10 marking can withstand a pressure of 10 bar and are used for equipment mainly in cold water supply systems. Price PPR pipes fiberglass reinforced PN-10 is equal to 0.7-1 dollars per 1 m.
  • PN-16 pipelines withstand a pressure of 16 bar and are used for equipping heating and water supply systems. The price of PP pipe reinforced with fiberglass of this type is at the level of 1-2 dollars per 1 running meter;
  • Products labeled PN-20 are considered the most popular and demanded. It is used to create circuits in underfloor heating systems, stationary heating systems, etc. These pipes are sold for 3-4 dollars per meter;
  • Polypropylene pipe PN 25 reinforced with fiberglass withstands pressure from 25 bar, is used as the main element for assembly central systems heating. The price of a PN25 pipe reinforced with fiberglass is 4-6 dollars per 1 meter;
  • PPRS pipe reinforced with fiberglass inherently a separate species is not, but it would be a mistake not to include it here. As mentioned above, a high quality polymer is used in its creation, which significantly improves its performance. These products are very durable, resistant and elastic. Capable of dampening noise and vibration. You can buy them for $ 4-8.

It should be understood that the price of fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene products is largely determined by their thickness. A segment with a diameter of 16 mm will cost 2-2.5 times less than a similar one with a diameter of 40 mm.

Welding of reinforced (PP) polypropylene pipes (video)

It is very easy to find polypropylene pipelines in the store. They differ from other plastic products in matte color with wall thickness. Reinforced samples are also distinguished by the fact that a line of a certain color can be seen in the center of the wall in the section. This is the reinforcement layer.

The color of this layer and of the polypropylene itself will tell you little. Each developer uses his own technologies and in this regard, the standards are almost not unified. However, be careful and remember that before you buy fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes, you need to make sure that they are reliable.

The fact is that many manufacturers are trying to save their resources, therefore they produce products from recycled materials. It is quite obvious that in terms of quality they will be inferior to the original products. It is better to refuse to buy such products.

Make sure in advance that the seller has all the sales authorization certificates. The presence of documents almost always guarantees that you are buying truly branded products that will serve you for more than a dozen years.

The increase in pressure is not critical, however, it reduces the possible duration of their service life. At the same time, the manufacturer can no longer guarantee their normal operation.

Pay attention to the diameter of the product, as well as the thickness of their walls. For example, polypropylene products reinforced with fiberglass 40 mm in diameter are more likely to be used for laying the main branches of water supply or heating.

However, it will not be profitable to buy it for the equipment of the entire system. For such purposes, samples with a diameter of 15-25 mm are better suited.

Remember that polypropylene products are of serious thickness. Therefore, a pipe with an outer diameter of 20 mm can have half the nominal size, which will certainly affect its throughput.

More recently, mainly traditional or steel were used for. But the appearance of polypropylene products has significantly shaken the leadership position of metal products. Fiberglass-reinforced pipes began to be strengthened especially in the market. Why do consumers increasingly prefer these kinds of polypropylene products? What are their advantages? And are there any fundamental disadvantages? For your attention, not only the answers to questions asked, but also the main subtleties of choosing pipes reinforced with fiberglass.

Benefits of pipes

Polypropylene pipes reinforced with a fiberglass frame have a number of advantages that make them attractive for use in a heating system:

Disadvantages of pipes

The disadvantages of polypropylene heating pipes with fiberglass reinforcement are much less than the advantages, but they should not be overlooked either.

  • The coating of products can be damaged by ultraviolet rays, so it is not recommended to install them in an open space - it is advisable to install pipes in solid foundations: in the floor or walls.
  • Pipes reinforced with fiberglass are characterized by low resistance to internal pressure - according to this indicator, they are inferior to similar polypropylene products with an aluminum frame.

Advice. To prevent fiberglass pipes from deforming under high pressure, mount them using as many fasteners as possible - if the product is not firmly fixed, it will simply sag.

  • The external rigidity of the fiberglass frame is slightly less than the rigidity of the aluminum frame, therefore such pipes are not very resistant to severe mechanical damage.

Since the popularity of reinforced pipes is growing at an incredible pace, some unscrupulous manufacturers use low-quality fiberglass in order to reduce costs and increase production. In order not to fall for the trick of such manufacturers and not to lose your money, be sure to ask the seller for quality certificates of the offered polypropylene products.

Pipe selection: dimensions and pressure

Even the highest quality pipes will be able to fully demonstrate their merits only on one condition: if they are correctly selected for a specific heating system. And for this you need to consider two critical parameters: dimensions and pressure - they directly affect the conditions in which this or that product can be used.

Polypropylene pipes and fittings

So, given the inner diameter, there are three functional groups of pipes:

  • for central or autonomous heating systems - with a diameter of 20-50 mm;
  • for risers - with a diameter of 10-75 mm;
  • for underfloor heating - with a diameter of 16-90 mm.

Most commonly, standard heating systems use pipes with an inner diameter of 20-25 mm. The maximum outer diameter can be up to 1200mm.

Advice. When deciding on the specific indicators of the outer and inner diameters of the pipes, take into account the throughput of the heating system in which they will be installed.

As for the pressure, here you should pay attention to the marking of the pipes - it makes it clear what the maximum pressure of the system can withstand specific reinforced polypropylene products:

  • PN-10 - 1 MPa;
  • PN-20 - 2 MPa;
  • PN-25 - 2.5 MPa.

Important! Do not buy pipes marked PN-6 - they are not suitable for the heating system.

As you can see, fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes are a worthy alternative not only to the usual metal products, but also to many innovative products. They are easy to install, environmentally friendly, resistant to very high temperatures and have a solid service life - these qualities make pipes an ideal material for organizing a functional and durable heating system.

Polypropylene pipes and fittings: video

Polypropylene pipes for heating: photo

As you know, for the arrangement of pipelines hot water or heating systems, the use of standard polypropylene or polyethylene pipes is impossible, since plastic is not able to withstand the required temperature load.

However, the use of more traditional products made of metals and alloys (copper, steel, etc.) is also undesirable - they are quite expensive and are too heavy, making it difficult to install and repair the circuit. In this case, a modern solution comes to the rescue - fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes that combine the lightness of plastic and the reliability of alloys. It is the RVK pipe that has such characteristics.

Pros and cons of polypropylene products

Advantages of conventional polypropylene (PPR) pipes:

  • low cost - the price of such products is much less than products from metals and alloys;
  • strength;
  • low weight - polymer products are much lighter than similar metal products;
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • chemical neutrality to most aggressive media - acids, alkalis, oil and gas products, salt solutions;
  • no threat of corrosion.

Disadvantages of simple pipes:

  1. A small value of the upper temperature threshold - polypropylene pipes begin to melt when they reach 175 ° C, and soften when the temperature in the system rises to 130-140 ° C. At first glance, this should not be a problem, since the operating temperature in the heat supply system is characterized by values ​​of 90-95 ° C; however, when two parameters are combined - high pressure and high operating temperature - the damage received by the pipes from the coolant becomes more significant, therefore, the risk of pipe damage increases.
  2. The tendency to expand significantly with increasing thermal stress. To a greater extent, this concerns the length of the product: the length of the pipes increases greatly, wavy lines appear on the surface. This is not only ugly, but also carries the threat of depressurization of the circuit or damage to wall or floor coatings, up to cracking of fragile materials - plaster or cement.

This problem is not solved in the usual ways, even the installation of expansion joints is not quite effective. The most logical solution is the use of fiberglass reinforced plastic pipes... Characterized by all the positive properties of high-molecular compounds, and in addition to increased resistance to high temperatures, these pipes can be used in almost any heating circuits and hot water supply systems.

Comparison of pipes reinforced with glass fiber and aluminum foil

To strengthen plastic pipes and give them thermal stability, two types of reinforcement are used:

  • aluminum foil;
  • fiberglass.

In this case, the aluminum plate can be used in different options: in perforated or solid form, act as an outer cover or be located in the middle of the product, between the polymer layers. Fiberglass is always placed inside plastic reinforced pipes.

It should also be noted that the aluminum reinforcement allows the products to withstand more pressure within the system, so if the working pressure is not known or is too high, this is the best option.

Features of Foil Reinforced Pipes (designated PPR-AL-PPR):

  • increased rigidity of products, resistance to mechanical stress and all types of deformation;
  • thickness of the layer of reinforcing metal - 0.1-0.5 mm (fluctuates depending on the size of the pipe section);
  • the way of joining aluminum and plastic is glue, the quality of which determines the quality of products;
  • excellent tightness that does not decrease over time.

Installation of pipes with an aluminum layer is associated with some technological difficulties: before soldering or welding individual elements the metal layer at the ends must be cleaned. Failure to comply with this recommendation will lead to a rapid loss of the integrity of the structure - due, first of all, to the separation of the polymer and metal during heat treatment, in the second - due to electrochemical deterioration of aluminum.

Against the background of the problems listed above, polypropylene pipes with fiberglass seem to be a more acceptable solution:

  • the reinforcing material is quite similar in nature and characteristics to the base polymer;
  • there is no need to clean the ends before welding or brazing;
  • During the heat treatment process, the glass fiber and the alloy not only do not delaminate, but, on the contrary, form a stronger bond.

Based on this, a fiberglass-reinforced pipe is in most cases an ideal solution for the design of pipelines of various technological directions.

Characteristics of glass fiber reinforced products

As you might guess, such products have three layers: two polypropylene and one reinforcing, consisting of the same material mixed with fiber fibers (glass fiber). Due to the almost identical composition, such a three-layer construction is almost equivalent to a monolithic one.

Features of glass fiber reinforced polypropylene pipes:

  • complete absence of the threat of corrosion;
  • excellent smoothness of the inner surface of products, resisting the accumulation of deposits and, as a result, the occurrence of blockages;
  • increased mechanical strength of products;
  • no threat of longitudinal or transverse deformation with an increase in the internal temperature of the system;
  • chemical and biological neutrality - both to aggressive environments and to waste;
  • low hydraulic resistance, therefore, the value of pressure losses is reduced to a minimum;
  • good noise reduction;
  • do not in any way affect the properties of the supplied water, therefore, they are absolutely safe for human health;
  • long service life - with correct installation and operation - at least 50 years.

With regard to the dimensional characteristics of glass fiber reinforced pipes, the following diameters are most popular:

  • up to 17 mm - used for underfloor heating;
  • up to 20 mm - for domestic hot water pipes;
  • 20-25 mm - such pipes with fiberglass are used for heating in rooms common use and when installing sewer risers.

To fix pipes of a smaller diameter, plastic clips are quite enough; for products of large cross-sections, it is necessary to use clamps.

Fiberglass pipe installation

The connection of such products is carried out in the same way as for conventional plastic pipes.

There are three ways to bond products:

  1. With threaded fittings.
  2. With the use of cold welding (that is, a special glue).
  3. Thermal welding (brazing).

The first option is made in the following way: the end of the pipe is pulled over the fitting of the connecting element and crimped in a circle with a mounting nut. The connection in terms of reliability (strength and tightness) is not inferior to the third method, it is permissible to use it even when designing pressure-type pipelines. The only drawback is that if you apply excessive force when tightening the mounting nut, it can simply burst.

In the case of cold welding, the adhesive used provides a quick joint creation, but not reliability. During installation, an adhesive composition is applied to the inner surface of the polypropylene coupling, then the end of the pipe to be connected is inserted there; the connection is held motionless for some time so that the glue has time to harden.

When welding with welding machine heating of the surfaces of the ends of pipes and couplings is carried out; after bonding, they form a single polymer mass. Such a connection is the most durable and airtight.

In general, the use of fiberglass-reinforced pipes is quite justified, convenient and profitable from an economic point of view.