
How to promote your blog. How to promote a wordpress blog: useful tips and personal experience

Ponds in the garden

We have been saying for a long time that a blog can be used as a good tool for developing your own business.

Questions often come in my direction: How to promote a blog? What does that require? What about a personal blog? How to promote a corporate blog?

As a result, we have prepared an infographic that shows the most important points related to blog promotion. As well as a detailed article with a more detailed description. Which complements the infographic.

Moving on to viewing the infographic:

Important: If this infographic was useful to you, then we will be grateful for its distribution in social networks and not only.

How to promote a blog?

This article comes as an addition to the infographic above. The speech in it is detailed and detailed about how to promote a blog and get results from it.

To do this, you need to understand a number of important points and put them into practice.

Let's take a closer look at them:

1. The face of the blog

Or who is behind the blog?

This is extremely important, since in most cases a particular author is read.

- Html sitemap

- 404 page

- Correct setting noindex, no follow

- Good loading speed

- Meta tags (title, description)

- Tags (ALT, H1)

- Add site to Google Webmaster

- No duplicates

- No errors

- Add to Yandex Webmaster

- Availability of social buttons

- Presence of micro markup (bread crumbs, extended snippets)

- Correctness rel = canonical

- Normal encoding

These are just the basics to look out for when optimizing your blog internally.

It is worth setting aside time for SEO optimization of your blog, as this will give a good return in the future in the form of an increase in blog traffic.

4. Spreading

But just optimizing your blog isn't enough. It is necessary to make sure that they know about it.

Let's take a look at some of the options for attracting attention to your blog:

Guest articles

Everyone needs good content. Therefore, if you really create one, popular bloggers will gladly accept it.

In fact, the process is structured in this way:

- you prepare content

- offer them a guest post

- post it

There are many benefits at the exit, for example:

- influx of target audience

- recognition

It's not so fast to create good content, but if you make guest posts regularly, then only with their help you can promote your blog and yourself as a personal brand well.

The main thing is to give something valuable and beneficial to the target audience of those blogs where you will publish the guest post.

Guest blogging is very popular in the West, but its success directly depends on the quality of the content itself and the regularity of publications on new blogs.

A great tool for driving visitors to your blog. The main options for attracting:

- maintain your page / group

- do reviews in popular communities

If your content is good, then it will be constantly tweeted, liked, and favored. The main thing is to increase the reach of your pages and the popularity of your accounts. And to do it systematically.

Over time, they will give more and more traffic to your blog.

In almost any topic there are popular mailing lists in which you can either make an announcement or buy an advertisement.

Again, if the content is good, then the converting visitors from the mailing list can become your regular readers.


Forums are still very popular and have established communities. You can interact with forums and get a good flow of visitors from them.

The algorithm is simple:

- create a list of forums

- registering

- periodically announce blog articles on the forums

Many forums have sections that are created specifically for announcements. For many blog topics, forums can initially be one of the main sources of visitors.

Thematic sites and communities

There are many thematic sites. And also there are even more about thematic sites. On which, both paid and free, you can get an overview. What will give an influx of visitors to the blog.

The main thing is to do it constantly and systematically, then the result in the form of traffic and blog audience will grow.

Distribution plan

If you have a plan for writing blog articles. The distribution plan of articles must also be present. It is just as important and will make it easier to promote your blog.

The algorithm is as follows:

- create a list of resources for distribution

- topics and articles for distribution

- constantly post

Distribution is just as important as creating good content. At least at first. In general, for constant growth - it must be regular.

5. Interaction

You need to constantly interact with your blog audience. Namely:

- to conduct discussions

- encourage comment

- anwser the questions

All this is done with the help of comments on the article.

It looks like this:

Users ask questions and promptly receive answers to them from me. It's like a little free consultation that users love. Since they receive answers to questions that are important to them.

This is applicable absolutely for any blog topic, and as practice shows, it is worth using it periodically.

How to encourage comments?

Everything is extremely simple. Ask readers for their opinion, and ask them to leave in the comments!

6. Regularity

No matter how trite it may sound, people love stability and regularity. It's the same with blogs. It is necessary to publish articles on a regular basis, for its normal promotion, there is no way without it.


- publish articles regularly

- do not stop

- constantly warm up and hold the audience

Regularity is one of the most important points for a successful blog promotion. It often happens that authors just ditch their blogs and they get blown away quickly.

If you are planning a strong blog, then regularity is a must.

7. Testing

You need to test everything and regularly. Including many points on the blog. For instance:


- new types of material presentation

- new article types

- new directions

This is important so that your audience doesn't get used to it, as it can lose interest and leave.

Therefore, periodically you need:

- swap content types

- try other directions

New directions attract new audiences to the blog, and heats up old ones. Testing something new is always interesting, the main thing is to try, then in practice it is easy to see the result and draw a conclusion.

8. Result

Good day, dear readers of the site. Recently, more and more letters come to me in the mail in which people ask me about the following questions: "Where to start promoting a blog", "What to learn in order to properly promote a blog", "There is a mess in my head, I know a lot, but what to do I can't understand, help me "...

Yes, guys, I understand you perfectly, since I myself was in a similar situation when I just started keeping this very blog. Indeed, it turns out that way, now the Internet is crammed with thousands of sites and blogs in which their authors teach how to promote a blog, how to do this, this and this is how to do it right and how not to do it right, what to do and what not to do and etc.

You read and your head is spinning ... In short, beginners begin to cook porridge in their teapots ... They do not understand why they need to hawk ...

I also cooked it, not without it, but the more you study, the more experience you gain, the more you understand what needs to be done and what not, and in what sequence the blog should be promoted! This post will probably be the most basic on my blog in terms of promotion and for a newbie blogger, I advise just to read this post first, and then all the others that I wrote in a little over 8 months ...

Awesome, I've been blogging for 8 months already, but it seems like I just started. =) By the way, on the anniversary of the blog, I am preparing pleasant surprises for my readers, so as not to miss them ...

Now, of course, I will not explain to you everything in detail, what and how you need to do to promote your blog, I have already written enough posts on this topic. The purpose of this post is to show newbie bloggers the sequence of promoting a blog, that is, in this article I want to help these guys get rid of the mess in their heads and give a specific plan for action.

After reading this post to the end, you will understand what you need to study in order to successfully promote your blog ... Let's go!

So! Let's point by point, as I love! But first about the most important thing. There is no point in promoting a blog while it is not there, so you need to create a blog first, right? My free from scratch will help you with this. Go through it and make yourself your own blog.

OK! Blog done! Let's imagine that creating a blog includes:

a) installing wordpress
b) installing the theme and customizing the blog design
c) installing basic blog plugins (by the way, about them below)
d) other little things ...

And now everything is point by point, at the end of the post we will summarize everything, do not be alarmed if the porridge in your head is still cooking ...

Item # 1... Highlight your blog! How? Friends, there are already more than 50 million blogs on the Internet, made only on wordpress, and 80% of them (even more) all look the same ... Everything is like everyone else ... Design, navigation, widgets in sidebars, etc. You have to stand out somehow.

I have always advised everyone to highlight their blog with some kind of logo. A logo for a blog is the most important thing a budding blogger needs to take care of. Not about the quality of articles, not about some gadgets and tricks for the blog, but about the logo ... A person, after entering the main page of your blog, should have his image imprinted in his memory. If a blog does not have an image, then this is very bad, then it is a simple clone ...

You can't even imagine how important it is ... In some of my blog articles I already talked about this and will not stop repeating it to you! Don't be clones at last !!! ORDER YOURSELF LOGO FROM FREELANCERS !!! DON'T SPEND 1000 RUBLES !!! You can even order the creation of an entire header for a blog, you can generally create a whole design!

It is clear that a beginner blogger does not have money for design, but find money for a logo, find it ... From the very start of a blog, it should leave an imprint in the minds of readers ...

Item number 2... Create all the convenience for the user. Make your blog easy to navigate. All menu items should be clearly visible. The blog map must be present. I have implemented a blog map using the dagon design sitemap generator plugin.

How it looks like on a blog, you can. So this infuriates me, you go to someone's blog, which seems to be interesting, but you cannot see all the articles that are on the blog, you have to flip through the pages ... Convenience for the user reading your blog is the second thing you need to take care of ...

Feedback section with the FEEDBACK FORM, and not with simple contact information, e-mail, ICQ, skype, etc. Do not force a person who wants to contact you, strain, open mail, copy your e-mail, paste it, etc. ... People want to write a letter to you, why torture them with unnecessary actions ... The "About the author" page is obligatory must be present ...

Item No. 3... Install all the most basic blog plugins. I wrote a whole article about this - "". Of course, now a lot has changed, I removed many plugins, installed many new plugins ... Let me one of these days write a new post on this topic "Review of my blog's plugins", where you will read about it.

Item No. 4... Take care of your commentators. How? Make it easy for people to comment, so people want to leave comments on your blog, and DEFINITELY, thank them for that! Read this article - "", take a lot of useful information from it. In particular, I would like to highlight a few plugins that are simply necessary for every blog:

Comment redirect - congratulates the person with the first comment
Qipsmiles - inserts emoticons into comments
Subscribe to comment - subscribe to comments (mega important plugin)
Top Commentators Widget - displays TOP commentators in the sidebar
Easy Gravatars - Displays the avatar of the commentator

In general, the third thing every blogger needs to take care of is commenting on his blog. Remember this! In addition, take care of protecting your comments from spam. I used to delete 20-30 spam comments a day, it's tough! Tried a bunch of plugins but nothing helped. Put the plugin Invisible Captcha the problem is solved - not a single spam comment! I advise you to put it exactly!

Item number 5... Take care of your subscribers. A very important point that many beginners miss. The more subscribers you have on your blog, the higher the traffic will be. To help you my article, - "". In that post, I described just a few methods for increasing the number of subscribers, I will soon write a few more cool ways that many do not know about!

Item number 7... Take care of your blog's loading speed and protection. My articles will help you:

Item number 8... Make a sitemap.xml and robots.txt file for your blog. For many novice bloggers, I notice this mistake, they will make a blog and start promoting it, but there is no map or robot ... My articles will help you:

Item number 9... Customize the All in One SEO Pack plugin for your blog. Pay special attention to this. The title of the blog, the description of the blog, the keywords for the blog, everything should be written properly.

I did not write an article on my blog on this topic, there is a lot of information on setting up this plugin on the Internet, but how to select keywords for a blog, compose a description and a title, this is a separate topic ... By the way, you can read this article, - "", There I talked a little about this plugin.

Item number 10... Do a blog search. There are blogs on the network that already have 100-200 articles, but there is no blog search form, this is a mistake ... Remember this.

Item number 11... Learn to write optimized blog articles. This is one of the most important points that are listed in this article. These articles on my blog will help you write posts correctly:

Articles should be interesting and enjoyable for both readers and search engines. When writing articles, you must determine which queries you need to promote and which ones you shouldn't, you must also be able to analyze the competitors of the blog, 2 of my articles will help you with this:

Item No. 13... (google, yandex, rambler, bing, aport, etc.). After that, add your blog to various social bookmarking services (,,, etc.), this is necessary so that the search engines (search engines) quickly come to your new blog and make a note to themselves “ A new blog has appeared on the Internet "...

In addition, make an RSS broadcast of all your blog articles in various RSS directories. For this, the Rss Adder program is suitable for you. I wrote about it all in the same article about blog indexing, read advice # 6.

Item No. 14... After you have 5-10 articles on your blog, you can already make a good internal linking, I wrote about this all in the same article - "Internal optimization of a wordpress blog".

Item No. 15... After your blog is indexed, you will already be able to write optimized articles and the blog is overgrown with several dozen articles, then it's time to start tracking positions for some key queries (you can start tracking earlier).

In general, if you wrote an article on a blog and sharpened it for a request, for example, "how to cook meatball soup", then you need to find out where in Google and Yandex it (your article) comes out when a person types in that the same search engine "how to cook meatball soup." And after that, it is already decided whether it is worth moving higher or not.

To determine positions, I would recommend the site auditor program. I wrote about it in more detail here - "". There are many different programs and services, decide what to use for yourself.

Item number 16... So! You have learned how to track your positions for certain search queries, what's next? And then you have to decide whether you will move up in the search engines for these queries or not. Basically, of course, you need to advance, another question is how to advance? So learn. Much has already been written on the net about increasing positions, but I advise you to read 2 of my articles:

Basically, this is all a blogger should know at the initial stage! I'm sure you still have a mess in your head. OK! Then let's summarize everything. I advise you to take a pen, a piece of paper and make yourself (if you are a beginner) a plan. That is, a list of what you need to learn first! Do not rush from one to another, do not study everything at once and little by little, study exactly what is important, the rest is all then ...

1. Make a logo for your blog
2. Create all the user experience on your blog
3. Install all the most essential blog plugins
4. Customize blog comments
5. Take care of your future subscribers
6. Speed ​​up blog indexing
7. Speed ​​up your blog and protect it from hacking
8. Make sitemap.xml and robots.txt for your blog
9. Configure the All in One SEO Pack plugin
10. Do a blog search
11. Learn to write articles by evaluating competitors and honing them under the COP.
12. Install social media buttons on your blog
13. Add blog to PS and social bookmarks.
14. Make internal linking
15. Learn to track the position of your blog in search engines.
16. Learn to raise the position of your blog in search engines.

For now, that's all you need! Study, I will soon write a second article on this topic, we will continue ...

Well, how do you like the post? Did you miss anything by accident after creating your blog? Have you set everything up? So how are you doing? I would be glad to hear your comments on the article, as well as some advice, maybe I missed something anyway !!! That's all! Until next time! Till!

Best regards, Alexander Borisov

The younger generation increasingly sees their future in the infosphere, and therefore asks the question of how to promote a blog. The bottom line is simple: you need to post what is popular. This will be discussed in more detail in the article.

General principles

Even in the days of Ancient Rome, the popularity formula was derived: "Bread and circuses!" If bloggers do not give bread for sure, then everything is in order with the spectacles in the information environment.

That is why in modern society, in order to promote a personal blog, one should first of all attract attention to oneself. The simplest way is scandalous notoriety.

Unfortunately, you don't have to go far for examples - these are the sensational scandals with Kirill Tereshin, who pumped up his arms with synthol. In the video blog, the guy is gaining a frenzied number of views. At the same time, it sends greetings for a fee. And whenever interest in his person subsides, he makes another injection of information in order to attract attention.

He pumped synthol from his hands and inserted implants, after which he changed his face and went live with a statement that he wanted to make himself look like an alien. This is far from the only example of attracting attention due to a change in appearance.

Why is the popularity growing? The answer is simple - due to the number of citations and mentions of content that a certain person generates.

Why is this done at all?

It should be understood that, in fact, any blogger is either a seller of something (if there is any product of his own), or someone's agent (not in the literal sense of the word).

It's not enough to create a blog and promote it. After all, such a business should bring certain income. When the number of visitors is more than 500 people per day, all kinds of agencies offer cooperation and willingly deduct funds both for the presence of advertising on the resource and for clicks on the link to the advertiser's website.

The case when a blogger is an "agent" of some online store, just falls under the situation when the sale of links to the target audience, attracted to the resource of a specific person, is carried out.

Another thing is when the store is own and the promotion of its own products is carried out, but the above case is much more common.


And now many thematic Internet communities are happy to share their knowledge on how to promote a blog in LiveJournal or any other resource.

It does this by tracking incoming traffic to the page. That is, monitoring the keywords by which the visitor enters the blog. There are two options:

  1. To independently predict the number of visits with an increase in the frequency of mentioning "keys".
  2. "Borrow" statistics from competing bloggers.

Alas, the second method is the most effective and productive. Keywords, in turn, are of three types:

  1. High-frequency (HF) - the density of word mentions when analyzing blog statistics is very high.
  2. Medium-frequency (MF) - accordingly, there are fewer of them than queries with the highest citation frequency.
  3. Low-frequency (LF) - here and so it is clear, these phrases are mentioned less often.

These are sets of words, at the mention of which the search engine gives exactly a specific page as a result of the request. Large companies, promoting their resources, resort to HF, since they have the appropriate financial components to achieve their goal.

Bloggers prefer mid and bass because of little competition. Nevertheless, it is difficult to compete with large corporations on HF.


One of the oldest blogging resources is LiveJournal, or LJ, as it is most often called. Many modern bloggers began by rewriting other people's articles "for themselves", but they have long since gone away from this and are now resorting to the above methods.

There are a lot of promotion schemes. Every second person willingly shares their strategy with subscribers. One of them looks like this:

  1. An article is printed in a regular editor like Microsoft Word, key phrases prepared in advance are inserted, the text is formatted and brought to its logical conclusion. The content is then checked in some blogging editor, images are inserted and (if required) reformatted.
  2. The post is published in LiveJournal and added to social bookmarks (usually done using the Sapient social submitter), announced on a large information resource (like Subscribe) and in any blogging environment.
  3. With the help of the Send2Blog program, the announcement is sent to blogs in LiveJournal, as well as to social networks. An extremely useful tool that supports about 11 social networks.
  4. Next, you should enter a link to the page for collecting statistical data. For example, Liveinternet calls this function "add a slice", which indicates the address of the blog, as well as restrictions on incoming traffic (if any).
  5. After a month, you can collect the first fruits and analyze the keywords by which visitors most often got to the blog page.
  6. The most colorful, convenient and understandable phrases are eliminated from meaningless ones. Now you should invest in promotion according to these "keys". It is necessary to order a couple of articles on some appropriate resource, in which already selected phrases will be mentioned. You don't have to go far for examples, there are enough copywriting exchanges.
  7. Another way to promote your personal blog is to use projects to increase the number of external links per page. Resources like GogetLinks help you create SEO projects where members get paid to post a link on all kinds of forums.

These are the principles of promotion and promotion. All that remains is to plan and calculate everything correctly, and also not to forget to publish really useful and interesting material that will be popular among the target audience. High-quality content is one of the answers to the question of how to promote a blog on LiveJournal.


A completely new system launched by the founder of the social network Vkontakte Pavel Durov. Pages in the "cart" are called channels and are divided (informally, of course) into the following categories:

Author's - blogs with unique content that is presented to the audience of subscribers solely from the point of view of the owner. These can be unique reviews of movies, TV shows, books, merchandise, or music. The main thing here is a unique view of things.

Links are something like crossroads blogs, where links to interesting articles or other channels with small announcements are published, and the reader already chooses what he likes.

Thematic - posts with a narrow focus are published here, which, as a rule, becomes clear based on the name of the blog. Accordingly, the audience is attracted only from those readers who might be interested in the topic: sports, games, music or cinema. There are a great many directions of development.

Entertainment channels - all kinds of blogs with movie broadcasts and game playthroughs. It does not represent something particularly original, for there are a lot of those in any social network, and they are gradually beginning to emerge in Telegram. How to promote a blog in a similar vein will be described below, but it is worth noting that the audience of such channels is not particularly serious. Therefore, the key to success will be really high-quality content that can attract the attention of a subscriber for a long time.

"Dregs" - channels of illegal content. Alas, there are some. An honest person (both a blogger and a reader) has nothing to do in such an information environment. Promotion of such a resource will not lead to anything good.

Why Telegram is useful

Before telling how to quickly promote a blog in Telegram, it should be explained why the smooth “transfusion” of content from different social networks by popular publics is gaining momentum.

It's all about the so-called smart feed, due to which subscribers of publics do not see some posts (if the administrator does not pay for advertising). Thus, the business model of social networks is now built.

There are no smart feeds in the "cart", therefore subscribers will definitely see any post published on the channel. Moreover, it does not play a special role in the nature of the article: entertainment, advertising or informational.

One has only to type the appropriate message or dictate it in the audio recording mode and send it, the subscriber will see it as soon as he picks up the phone and enters the channel. The advantages of the new messenger are obvious.

Promotion principles

If you already have a promoted public in any other social network, then smoothly transferring content and subscribers to Telegram will not be difficult. After all, there is already a contingent, target audience and main topics. It is enough just to inform that the community is gradually "moving" to the messenger, and that some of the content is now published in the "cart". So you can promote your blog for free.

If you have to start from scratch, then you should resort to the help of catalogs or exchanges in order to “scrape together” the first hundred subscribers. Or just add to the channel all contacts from the phone book on your mobile device.

But further promotion of the blog for free is possible only by means of mutual PR. That is, to negotiate with the administrator of another channel on the placement of advertising, in return, the same is located in your own blog. Or, you can resort to "donate" methods and buy advertising.

You should not go straight to these methods, because hardly anyone will agree to mutual PR with a small number of readers. You can, of course, act by viral advertising and simply post a link to the community in the comments of various social networks. But it looks stupid and will eventually lead to blocking access to the public. So the method is, frankly, one time.

10 steps to success

To create a channel, you need to decide on the most important thing - what content to bring to the masses. Whether it will be a channel with news from the world of cinema and music, or politics and economics, it does not matter. The main thing is that the information is presented with taste, and the reader is always interested.

What should be done:

  1. Of course, decide on the topic. As they say, any beginning is always difficult, because for many, the first step is not easy.
  2. Create a channel. It is not that difficult, but if you have difficulties, use the help of any search engine.
  3. Come up with a name. Alas, problems are possible here too. After all, how to christen a boat, so it will float. If you have any difficulties with choosing a name, it is better to write down everything that comes to mind on a sheet of paper and choose the most attractive option.
  4. Description of the blog. This is necessary so that the reader understands the main topic of the channel and does not hesitate between the idea of ​​subscribing or scrolling further. It is mandatory to provide your nickname so that a potential advertiser can contact the business proposal.
  5. Set an avatar. The word itself is translated as "incarnation", it is a picture that reflects the essence of the channel. It should be simple and minimalistic, as well as comply with the laws of composition (symmetry and lack of congestion).
  6. Filling. This is the most interesting part - the first posts to be published, which are designed to attract subscribers to the channel.
  7. Invite friends. To do this, you need to know a few nuances. You should not use a mass invitation of all contacts from the phone book: firstly, Telegram has a limit of 200 people, and secondly, if someone presses the button "this is spam" and the messenger will prohibit writing messages to the "PM" and that how to promote a blog, you have to forget. This case should be treated more carefully - write each a personal message with a request to get acquainted with the content and (if interested) subscribe and invite friends.
  8. Call strangers. The above described ways how you can lure people to the channel: viral advertising, announcements in other networks and news resources.
  9. Directories. This is the name of all kinds of resources, where lists of publics and channels that may seem interesting are often published. The payment for such a deed can be either money or counter PR. There are directories where you can do this for free.
  10. Mutual PR. This is an effective way to attract members to your channel. It is recommended to look for blogs with the same number of subscribers and similar topics. Then the likelihood of a successful interaction will be higher.

After completing these 10 steps, it remains to please the participants with good content and think further on how to promote the blog. The methods and methods can be different: polls, contests with rewards, headings, broadcasts and much more. Anything that has enough imagination.


This platform is no different from anything fundamentally new. There are also many tutorials written on how to promote your blog on WordPress on all kinds of thematic resources. The main postulates are given below:

Interaction with readers is also an important point. It is this act that allows you to capture the general mood of subscribers and contributes to the further development and increase in the payback of the idea itself.

This is the key to success. And it doesn't matter in which social network the project is implemented. Active interaction with participants allows you to realize what subscribers want: "bread" or "circuses". It is impossible to understand how to promote a blog on Blogger, Twitter, Facebook or Vkontakte if you do not know how to attract the interest of those people, thanks to whose number advertisers pay attention to the community.

Useful literature

As mentioned above, there are many resources where experienced bloggers share valuable tips for promoting their projects. All sorts of clever tricks, life hacks and examples of plugins that allow you to monitor the citation index (TIC) and a lot of other ways how to bring a personal public to the "top".

These are easy to find with the help of search engines or advertising links that the author attached to his blog: "how I promoted the message board" or "take off from Google to the top 1", the names can be very different.

In addition to articles, there are also printed publications:


In summary, it should be noted that the very idea of ​​personal blogging originally appeared as a hobby. And only then, over time, it was transformed into the current way of making money online for young people.

In the book by Aliona Hilt, "How to promote a blog on Instagram" is a true statement: the main thing is to get real pleasure from the activity. That is, blogging should remain a hobby that generates its own income.

And the path to success already depends on the desire to develop in this area and not stop there. And it doesn't matter where the page is running: any social network has its own nuances, but the basic principles of development are the same everywhere - Vkontakte requires interesting and informative material, YouTube, in addition to the presenter's attractive appearance, requires skills in video editing.

In all cases, charisma, artistry, a sense of rhythm and the ability to "tasty" present material always lead to success. You just have to try.

Hello everyone! I hope there is no need to tell you, dear blog readers, that the question of how to promote a blog is certainly not worth it if you do not have your own blog or website. In this case, you simply don't have a business yet.

A blog is both your business card and your living room - the place where you communicate with your audience of like-minded people. It is here that those trusting relationships are built that lead in the future to the creation of a team of partners - like-minded people and not only ...

And already taking into account all these points, you will agree that the question of how to promote a blog, especially if it is young, is very relevant.

Moreover, the question of how to promote a blog is one of the secrets of information business on the Internet.

What is the point of blog promotion?

Our task is to make the blog become visited and read, or in other words, your blog should become popular.

If you have achieved this, then you have already done the lion's share of the work.

You already have your own circle of readers who spread information about you and your blog among their friends on social networks and more and more new readers come to you. So, step by step, your circle of like-minded people is formed who are interested in you as a leader and who are ready to learn from you, build a business with you or purchase those products (goods) that you recommend to them.

The more visitors to your site, the more people will learn about your internet business. This is the main secret of the Internet business.

How to promote a blog

And so, let's get down to learning what we need to promote a blog.

The first and probably the most important thing is to correctly form the very structure of the blog. As I have said before in other articles, everything that I write on blogs fully applies to sites. By and large, this is the same thing. And you need to start by drawing up the correct structure of the site. This is the first thing that search engines pay attention to.

Everything here is like in ordinary life. When guests whom you respect come to you, then you create comfortable conditions for them so that they would be pleased to be your guest. Likewise on the blog, the visitor should be comfortable. This requires that all the main navigation elements are in a place convenient for the reader. It should be accessible and understandable to both readers and search engines.

"Overcoming the difficult begins with the easy, the realization of the great begins with the small, for in the world the difficult is formed from the easy, and the great from the small." Lao Tzu

When you are just creating a blog (preferably already then), the main issues on which the question of the success of the promotion of both the blog and your business as a whole will depend in the future will depend. These are search engine SEO questions - blog optimization.

Although, if your blog is less than a year old, at this time it is in the sandbox of search engines, it is not too late to do that too.

For this you need:

Determine your niche in which you are a specialist and what useful knowledge you are ready to share with your readers;

By choosing a niche, you make up the semantic core. For now, you can ask the search engines how to do this, but in the future I will definitely write an article about this.

The next step is content creation or, as it sounds in ordinary language, writing articles.

This should be done much later, when there will already be more than a dozen articles and they will be optimized among themselves (internal optimization). That is, it is best to prepare blog articles in advance.

You can read about a tool for convenient writing and publishing articles for a blog here: "Windows live writer - writing to a blog from the desktop."

Also, a very important point in the promotion and promotion of a blog is the use of keywords and phrases.

How it's done?

You want to write an article on, say, how to eat well with split meals. You go to Yandex.Ru Wordstat and enter the phrase "separate power supply" in the search bar.

Then, in the tables that appear below, select those key phrases that are most suitable for your article.

And here I already suggest that you use the useful services of free promotion of your articles.

Set up automatic publication in social networks, i.e., you wrote an article, published it on your blog and it, or rather the announcement of the article, is automatically published in social networks.

Then you additionally publish announcements on such services:,,,

How to promote your blog with article marketing?

After the blog comes out of quarantine or "sandbox", I recommend gradually increasing the number of articles that you publish on your blog. Do this regularly, at least three times a week.

When you have created the semantic core, defined the sections of the blog, you have topics to write for at least six months.

And another tip, define your target audience. Knowing who your readers are, you can understand what to write. Write what will be useful to people so that they can solve their problems with the help of your articles.

How to promote your blog through the trust of search engines.

It is so arranged in search ranking that robots do not trust young blogs for the first six months or a year and at first look closely at them. Because there are a lot of tricksters on the Internet who artificially increase the "popularity of the blog". And such blogs are not good for people, so search engines first follow all newbies.

Therefore, it is quite logical advice. Your task is to inspire the trust of the robots. To do this, you need to follow simple rules.

How to format an article.

First, we decide on the topic of the article. Then we prepare the material.

Draws up the headings of the article and sections, and in the article we highlight them with tags
- for the title of the article and
- for the titles of the sections of the article. Here I also recommend inserting the keywords we have chosen.

Preparing pictures. Formatting their size to make it look good on the blog

After writing, we edit and check errors.

We enter the text of the article and the pictures themselves through the admin panel of the blog, in the section “Posts.” Tab “Add new”.

Try not to overdo it with keywords. It is enough to enter them 3-4 times if the article contains no more than a thousand or one and a half thousand characters and 5-7 phrases if the article contains three thousand characters or more.

Don't go overboard with tags. Maximum - twice right in the text and at the end of the article itself one tag.

Try to fill in the tags and attributes "alt" and "title" correctly.

The drawing itself is matched to the topic of the article. We save it with the name written in Latin. And in the article itself, the text that surrounds the picture should describe what is consonant with the name and the picture itself.

It is very important to correctly compose a snippet or a short description of what the article is about. The tag is responsible for this. It is important here to insert the keyword by which the article is promoted and briefly show what the reader will get by reading the article.

"Honey" for search engines or whatever they like:

When there are transfers;

Phrases enclosed in staples;

Correctly placed punctuation marks;

If the pictures have correct descriptions and links;

Graphic pictures;

When the article contains both underlining and highlighting.

How to promote a blog. Promotion strategy.

Be sure to register your blog while it is still young. Register your young site in Yandex and verify the rights to it.

Similarly, register your blog in the search engines Google, Rambler, Apport. Bing.