
How to get out of your comfort zone. What do we get in return

Basics of garden composition

You've probably heard more than once that a person needs to get out of their comfort zone for development. So let's take a look at what a comfort zone is and why you need to leave it.

What is called the comfort zone

There are several answers to this question:

  1. In science, the concept of "comfort zone" is associated with anxiety and implies a certain type of personality behavior, accompanied by a low level of anxiety.
  2. For example, you are cooking dinner, watching TV, reading a book. All of these activities do not make you feel uncomfortable, anxious, or anxious. They are familiar, you do them automatically. It is these actions that make up your comfort zone.
  3. This is the "my world" in which everything is familiar and understandable, stable and predictable. That living space, being in which a person leads a habitual and suitable way of life, feeling confident and safe.
  4. The comfort zone is a psychological state expressed in a sense of satisfaction with life and a reluctance to change.
  5. Each person has his own "fortress", his own comfortable world, determined by age, behavior, habits and everyday needs.
  6. The comfort zone can also be considered as a certain stage of life that has come, as it happens when growing up, or which a person has reached by making certain efforts and surrounding himself with comfort.
  7. Living in a comfortable space, a person is happy and it is difficult to accept the fact that this happiness can be fraught with danger.

Why the comfort zone is dangerous

Long stay (closure) in the comfort zone is fraught with a stop in development. Moreover, over time, a process opposite to development begins - degradation.

It is enough to realize this fact in order to understand the seriousness of the situation and take measures to change it.

How to know that you are "stuck" in a comfortable space

To do this, it is enough to analyze your own emotions that arise when you think about changes. For example, a change of place of residence, work, travel or the need for a new acquaintance. Think and track your emotions. They can be different: interest, joy, surprise or anxiety, anxiety, fear.

Having negative feelings is a sign of being stuck. The stronger the emotions that arise, the more firmly your comfort zone holds you.

The feelings that arise determines the further behavior of a person:

  • negativity provokes resistance, protest, a desire to abandon the new, to leave everything as it is;
  • positive emotions contribute to the acceptance of the new, adaptation to it and further development.

As a motivation for change, we will give several arguments in favor of leaving the comfortable space.

Benefits of Leaving Comfort Space

  • Choice

You can only speculate and fantasize how life would have turned out if you had acted differently, choosing a different life path. Perhaps your fortress would be better, more comfortable, or vice versa.

This will never be known, unless you experience it personally - for this you need to step out of your comfort zone.

  • Developing the ability to take risks

History teaches that a person owes great achievements and bold discoveries to risk, going beyond everyday life and hard work to achieve goals. Try it!

Perhaps you are a designer, you read about bold new trends and you have some ideas. You thought about bringing them to life, but found a dozen "buts":

  1. but will I be understood;
  2. is it necessary, is it interesting to someone in our time;
  3. but will I have enough strength?
  4. Believe me, you should not be afraid to take risks, because you can always return to old positions.

Let's say you have your own small business and don't mind expanding it. But for this you need to build new connections, meet and communicate with strangers, and you do not like this so much. “An old friend, better than two new ones,” says the proverb. But this does not mean at all that it will be so. Plus, old friends stay with you. But the comfort zone will expand significantly.

You have been working alone for a long time, you need helpers. But how to trust unfamiliar people, where to get the strength to introduce them into the process? It's better to do everything yourself. Let the income be less, but more reliable. The age-old question: "A tit in the hands or a crane in the sky?"

A risk, especially a justified one, always brings some benefit and does not always imply the loss of previous achievements.

  • Victory over laziness, complexes and fears

Too lazy to think, make decisions, change something, because everything is not bad anyway. And even if there is something to change, then a person finds dozens of reasons to justify his inaction, saying in excuse: "I have enough" or "I need a little." Laziness prevents you from leaving your comfort zone.

Personality problems or complexes: Low self-esteem leading to insecurity and discomfort, attitudes and prejudices. Those rigid frameworks that you have erected in order to protect inner peace.

For example, you do not dare to change jobs, being content with a low salary just because you doubt whether you will cope with other responsibilities, whether you will join the new team.

Complexes, like laziness, keep you from leaving your comfort zone.

Mistakes: which of us hasn't made them? It is generally accepted that being wrong is bad. Let's look at the misses from the “other side”:

  1. Any failure, oversight is a kind of lesson, knowing which we gain experience.
  2. Only by trial and error is one destined to understand oneself. It is yours or not, whether it is necessary to "go" in this direction or it is better to refuse.
  3. By analyzing your failures and mistakes, drawing life lessons from them, you become wiser.
  4. Overcoming your complexes, laziness and fears, you conquer the force of attraction of your comfortable world and move forward in development. Perhaps you yourself will even find the answer to the question of how to get out of your comfort zone.

How to get out of a comfortable world

  • You must realize and accept, agree with the importance of quitting.

Until you understand the significance of the change, it will not budge. This is the main condition for leaving the comfort zone. The exit from the comfortable world should be gradual and prepared.

For the overwhelming majority of people, leaving a comfortable world is associated with a certain discomfort: emotional and even physical. For many, this is stressful. In order to reduce its destructive power, it is worth preparing yourself for such a change.

  • Change your daily routine from time to time

It's great if you live according to the regime. It helps you to tune in, concentrate on your activities and save energy.

Periodically (once a week, for example) choose a day when you can change the routine without big losses to include something new in it. This is the most affordable and easy way to let change into your life and overcome your fear of them.

  • Meet new people

Meet and communicate: with neighbors, new employees, random travel companions. Each person is a special world, recognizing which we make new discoveries, which means we develop, and with this your comfort zone expands.

Thanks to new acquaintances, the comfort zone is expanding, its boundaries are weakening.

  • Find yourself a new occupation

Go to courses that you have long dreamed of graduating, to some club, real or virtual, but certainly interesting to you. Get creative. Try to do this regularly, and your life will be filled with new content.

  • Practice small trips

These could be weekend trips. Choose a destination and route, collect the necessary things. You will receive a lot of new impressions, expand or even leave your "fortress" for a while, realizing that this is not at all scary.

  • Take on new responsibilities

We spend most of our time at work. Try to add variety to it:

  1. take part in the implementation of a new project;
  2. volunteer to take on some responsibilities.

Do this by setting a goal to succeed. It will be a rewarding start to your career and development.

  • Go in for sports

Do you play sports? If not, it's time to start by choosing the optimal, pleasant and useful look for yourself. Already exercising - increase the load. You will have a reason to be proud of yourself.

It is not so much the records that are important, but the process itself, which allows you to feel the strength, energy, so necessary for the transition to a new level.

  • Expand your menu

Over time, we get used not only to a certain daily routine, but also to monotonous food. Discover a new world of flavors. Now it is so accessible: just use an Internet search, fill in a query in the search box and buy everything you need. This is not only interesting but also useful. And at the same time you will get the experience of learning new things.

  • Set new goals for yourself

New aspirations should involve a change in environment or personality, both externally and internally. And don't just dream, but act by determining the time frame to achieve the planned. This will teach you how to plan and implement your plans.

  • Strive to learn new things

Get information from books, the Internet. This is a great brain training and an opportunity to expand your horizons. Doing only what you like or what you are already familiar with, what you already know how, you limit yourself. Try to do something new and maybe you will like it, become a part of you. And you will wonder how you did not know this before, you lived without it.

New knowledge helps to expand the boundaries of a comfortable area, helping to get out of it.

  • Improve your hobbies

Let's say you are already passionate about something. Try to bring something new to your class:

  1. grow flowers - make compositions from them;
  2. collect stamps - take part in a thematic exhibition or quiz;
  3. have an apartment (cottage) - start repairs. We assure you, you will learn a lot of interesting things.

Whatever you do, try to get ahead in your studies by setting new goals and realizing them.

Practice and very soon it will become easier for you to decide on the main thing - to change the usual course of life, decide on drastic changes, get out of your comfort zone. To do this, you need to take only 3 steps.

Exit Algorithm

  1. Set a goal. You should be well aware of why you need it, for what you are willing to take risks.
  2. Think about specific steps towards achieving your goal. Set aside time for each step.
  3. Strictly follow the outlined plan, constantly reviewing the process.
  4. It is worth remembering that when you leave your comfort zone, you are not immune to some manifestations of emotional discomfort. They are natural and even necessary, as they allow you to mobilize all forces for new achievements.

How to minimize inevitable losses

How to get out of your comfort zone and save what you already have? To protect yourself, you should:

  • Planning drastic changes in your life (change of country, city, profession, lifestyle) up to 35-40 years old.
  • Act gradually, in stages, in accordance with your plan.
  • Support yourself with praise for your smallest accomplishments.
  • Always remember motive and purpose.

Now you know how to get out of your comfort zone. This is the only way to develop a personality. Outside, there is a growth zone - a place where miracles happen.

The stability that reigns in the comfort zone is not as good as it sounds. This is not only a cozy nest, but also fences with signs. By abandoning the well-worn rut, habitual thinking and proven actions, you will discover a lot of new things.

The comfort zone is a living space in which we feel safe. Usually this is not a physical, but a psychological framework, going beyond which is associated with discomfort.

We build our comfort zone out of habits, patterns and stereotypes. We are comfortable living in a predictable world of our own delusions, but the longer we are in it, the harder it can be to step out. Any unusual action is frightening and frustrating. We forget that not only troubles await us in the outside world, but also exciting adventures, discoveries and unexplored sensations.

When we live, as they say, "on autopilot" - this is staying in the comfort zone. We mechanically repeat the usual actions and know exactly about their result. While the hands are working, a person is dormant, for whom it is dangerous to constantly stay in a closed circle - habitual work - habitual rest. Our personality is degrading under such an established regime, and we must not allow this to happen!

Signs of getting stuck in the comfort zone

Learning new things is always associated with going beyond the comfort zone. The risk zone is a space where unpredictable events can happen to us, but it is necessary to go out into it in order to develop. In youth, we easily expand the framework, but the older we get, the more difficult it is to give up rest.

A healthy person who stays in the comfort zone for a long time dooms himself to degradation. What are some of the signs that become stuck? Let's say you are faced with a new situation, or just imagined that you could get into it. If fear becomes a reaction, know that it is urgent for you to get out of your home. Remember that reactions to new circumstances can be completely different: curiosity, anxiety, pleasant excitement, even joy. But the fear you have experienced is an absolutely destructive feeling, and it clearly indicates a reluctance to leave your comfort zone. Fear forces us to hide from the problem, to pretend that nothing is happening, to resist change. If we decide to expand our comfort zone, the actions must be completely different - adapting and accepting new circumstances.


As Neil Walsh said, real life is outside your comfort zone. The first and most important step on the path to reaching true life should be the awareness of hanging in a deceptive balance. It is important to admit that we are stuck at a dead center and have stopped developing. This happens very often: there is a usual job, a boring, but well-established relationship, an uncomfortable, but own apartment. All this can simultaneously cause dull irritation and remain unchanged, because we are afraid to break through the established barrier behind us.

Tight cage

The bear at the zoo was kept in a small cage where he could take only four steps. For days he walked back and forth, measuring his living space. Visitors said that they felt sorry for the bear and believed that he dreams of freedom and space. Then the zoo expanded, and all the animals were moved to spacious green enclosures, and even a pool was built for the unfortunate bear. When the "lucky man" was transported to a new habitat, he continued to count the usual four steps in a tight carriage. And finally he was released into a large enclosure. The bear looked around, stepped carefully, then again ... He still took four steps forward and back ... The bars that bound him existed now only in imagination, but they were in place and turned out to be too strong. The bear still measures its comfort zone, not paying attention to the free space around.

Awareness of the absence of boundaries is the path to freedom. Let's admit that we ourselves have fenced ourselves off - it's time to expand the boundaries. We offer a five-step program for getting out of your comfort zone.

Five steps to liberation

Step One - Problem Statement

Any path begins with a choice of direction and the first step. We need to decide where we want to go and why. The tasks can be very different. For example, you understand that you have communication problems, you cannot contact new people and this constrains you. This means that you should get to know each other as often as possible, initiate communication and make it familiar, that is, comfortable.

Step two - What and how much do you want?

The next stage is the specification of the task. Determine the deadline and the result. Usually the result can be measured by numbers, facts, estimates and other clear criteria. This will help you understand how well you have completed the task. You should also outline an action plan.

If you decide that your task is to overcome difficulties in communication, you can focus on the state of confidence in new acquaintances, but this result cannot be measured in numbers. Therefore, we propose to establish a certain number of acquaintances per month. You may not immediately feel comfortable with your new lifestyle, but progress will definitely be observed. The trick of the technique is that you switch from experiencing your own state to working on the task and gradually develop the desired skill. Any new skill requires an effort, so let's get to work.

Step three - work

Perform planned actions in a planned manner, without deviating from the plan. It is best to write reports to yourself on a daily basis and analyze the results of work.

Step four - More work

Yes, working on yourself is not easy. Prepare to face challenges on the way to expanding your comfort zone, and you won't be able to achieve results overnight. Do not try to jump quickly to the desired level. Sometimes it works, but more often the already familiar stable feeling of fear arises, driving you back into your comfort zone. Do not try to bite off too large a piece, move towards the goal slowly, mastering at each new frontier. This will take time, but the result will be sustainable.

New habits are consolidated within 21 days, and we will need the same amount of time. It is necessary to achieve a feeling of comfort at each new stage, then we will be able to "trample" for ourselves a large and convenient field for balanced existence.

Step five - Development of "new lands"

One day we will definitely understand that yesterday's risk zone has become a comfort zone, and new territories can be explored. This will be a victory.

Keep driving!

We managed to overcome a certain border that hinders our development, but this does not mean at all that the time has come to rest on our laurels. Yes, we have expanded the framework in which we can live calmly and not be tormented by fears, but the situation will surely repeat itself if we do not learn how to easily leave the comfort zone. It is important to learn not to feel fear when meeting a new one. Psychologists offer us the tools to develop this habit.

Start changing your daily habits. Take a different route to work, change your daily routine, choose a store you don't normally go to, and buy a new set of groceries.

A proven way to get out of your comfort zone is a new acquaintance.

Would you like to attend any courses, trainings? Are you interested in a certain area of ​​knowledge, but you could not break the usual rhythm of life, so you avoided communicating with strangers? Overcome your fears and start connecting with a new circle of people.

Perhaps you once wanted to learn how to paint, breed aquarium fish or weave lace? Mastering new skills is a great way to expand your comfort zone.

Once you wake up, get dressed and go on an unplanned trip. Let it be a neighboring city, a remote area of ​​your city, or a park that you have never been to - it doesn't matter. You are guaranteed a fresh experience.

Change your clothing style. It is useful for girls who do not get out of their trousers to wear an elegant dress. Men who are accustomed to jeans and sneakers will feel new in a classic suit. You will be surprised to see how the mood depends on the clothes. Rearrange furniture in your home. Come up with "refreshing" situations for yourself, and implement the ideas.

Why leave your comfort zone?

And really, why? A measured life without any shocks, the usual little joys, planned holidays with a well-known menu and entertainment program. What's bad about it?

Imagine driving on the Autobahn. Such a long, very good road with no surprises. You have left point A and are heading to point B. You have a decent, reliable car, along the edges of the road there are fast food cafes with the same set of food. You are listening to music of your choice. From time to time you see exits to cities, but you do not need to go there, you are going to point B. If you decided to turn off the highway, you would find yourself in an old city with a medieval castle, or you would suddenly open up a blue lake overgrown with lilies. Or maybe, on the street of a strange city, you would meet the person you have dreamed of all your life? In those places that you have not visited, strangers live - they rejoice and grieve, cry and laugh, each has its own story with joys and despair. Maybe you could help someone and change their life for the better? You never know what could have happened if you turned out of your way. But why? You know that you are moving in the right direction.

And if you imagine that this is a highway - life with two mandatory points for everyone? Maybe it’s worth getting out of the booth to find out what the spring leaves smell like and hear what visitors to the village tavern are talking about? There, in life, it is interesting!

In fact, human development is practically impossible without the so-called "magic kick". You need a stimulus to trigger changes in life! Because in a comfortable state, where the scenario of life is known in advance and every day is similar to the previous one, the desire to change something does not arise by itself. In such a state, the need to set goals, achieve them and develop is lost, and this is nothing more than the beginning of degradation.

An interesting feature is that the desire to leave the comfort zone most often arises in those people who, in their essence, were not in it.

For example, perhaps the most common desire of people at the present time is to take care of their own health and force themselves to start running in the morning. (This is a way out of the comfort zone.) But if you "dig deeper" and look for the reason why it is almost impossible to allocate time for sports in the morning, it turns out that a person simply does not have the necessary free time for this! And this is not because you want to sit on the Internet in the morning for breakfast or for some other reason. The fact is that a person simply does not sleep his daily rate, or sleeps exactly as much as the body needs to recuperate. And it would be worth, on the contrary, to enter the comfort zone, and not leave it. Because you can always get out of it ...

There is another reason - this is a misunderstanding and use of the expression "comfort zone". If a person is unsuitable for work for personal reasons (for example, low wages, far from home, an inconvenient schedule, a difficult team, etc.) and he wants to change it, but does not take any action, then this is not a way out of the comfort zone. (what kind of comfort it is under such working conditions), and perhaps a reluctance to act and look for another job for some reason.

Being in your comfort zone is really necessary so that you can grow and improve.

Just as a car engine cannot operate without fuel, human development is absolutely impossible until there is a necessary supply of energy. There can be no talk of personal growth or leadership training if the person has not met their needs for food, sleep, health, safety, communication.

A very striking example of the importance of staying in a comfort zone is observed at all kinds of festivals. In most cases, master classes of various topics and directions are held at such events. But, having barely arrived at the festival, people first of all set up a camp and prepare the place where they will come to rest and spend the night.

For each person, the needs for comfort will be different, depending on many factors. But referring to Maslow and his pyramid, the primary needs are: food, sleep, water, etc. When these needs are satisfied (a person eats normally, sleeps enough, etc.) a new level of needs arises: security, stability, confidence in the future. , and the primary needs have already been met. Further, when a person feels safe, he directs his attention to the development of the level of friendship and love. When there are friends and love in the family, a person has a new horizon for realization and growth - respect among others, self-respect, recognition. And only after all this does the need arise for the realization and development of abilities.

Returning to the concept of "comfort zone", now the question arises: when to leave it now, and is it necessary? When a person has replenished his resources, has sufficient energy and strength, has achieved a maximum at this level, then this comfort zone in which he was, as it were, becomes overfulfilled. And there is a desire to go beyond this zone and move to a new level of development, leaving the old one. This is a process that occurs on its own, and there is no reason to speed it up (only in exceptional cases).

How to get out of your comfort zone

How to get out of the comfort zone is a question - a mystery for many people who torment themselves being in the wrong place.

Hello my dear readers and visitors, today I would like to discuss with you an interesting question - how to get out of the comfort zone. I would like you to also join the discussion and express your point of view.

The comfort zone is not in itself a conventional place, it can be said to be certain events, actions, places in which it is comfortable, familiar, stable.

Many people may disagree with me, for example, about work, but this is a double-edged sword and we will all drag out our own truth.

Today I would like to tell you about my vision of this very zone and to judge how to get out of the comfort zone.

I think it will be easier for you to understand me if I first write to you from which side I look at the comfort zone and from which I will start.

FEAR is an emotion that drives you into a framework, which does not allow you to calmly and without hesitation choose what you want and do it accordingly. Fear controls people's lives and prevents them from stepping into unknown places.

In the life of every person there are several paths of development, which everyone chooses for himself based on habits, conditions, opportunities. Someone can afford to change jobs every month, move from city to city, travel and develop.

Someone is afraid to step around the corner of the neighboring house beyond which he has never been.

Why it happens? Fear is an emotion that subconsciously controls the steps and thoughts of people, but you can and even SHOULD fight against this, otherwise there is a risk of living a life that cannot be called life.

Let's talk about some of the possible fears and so-called comfort, after which we'll talk about what will give you a way out of your comfort zone and whether it is worth going beyond any boundaries and zones at all.

A person has a lot of different fears, for example, fear of loss, replacement, deprivation ... based on these emotions, one can single out the fact that it is more habitual to stay in a familiar place and do the same thing every day, they are used to this, why change something and something to learn.

Work - home, home - work ... A well-known scheme. They pay little, the boss does not appreciate, there is no time for a family, it takes a long time to go to work ... I think these complaints are also clear to many ...

And change it ???? No ... What do you mean, no matter how bad the job is, but at least some pennies are paid ... No matter how little time I have, I somehow manage to relax and spend time with my family ... Work gives at least some kind of vacation 1 month a year, you can lie on the couch in front of the TV and let the bones lie down ...

A sea of ​​reasons can be thought of so as not to go beyond any framework ... There would be a fantasy and questions would be asked. Somehow I recently came across information that in a person, information is genetically embedded, as in other animal species - instinct ...

That is, the reptilian brain controls your emotions, keeps you in fear, shows aggression, everything that, in fact, does not need to be shown so strongly in our time, but nevertheless, genetics has not gone anywhere and instincts have haunted us from the distant times of inception. life on the planet.

And so, you can just try to conduct an experiment.

You love to dream, you think, but if I was then, if I was this, I would like this, I would like this ... Well, this is great, your brain is working, desires are working, fantasy and all that are on, everything is fine and continues to you please.

Try to include reasoning about your dreams. Even if not dreams, but just judge - moving to Moscow from a small town ...

As soon as this idea was born immediately thought, it would be cool, cool, cool, exciting ... But as soon as you start looking for opportunities in your head specifically for moving, then how magically something slows you down.

You start to come up with excuses: no one knows me there and I am no one, there is nowhere to live, I have no money, I may not find a job, but how am I going to go from a small town, who needs me there at all ...

Congratulations to my dear readers, your REPTLE BRAIN is working properly ... It is more comfortable for him to keep you in a zone where you are used to, where it is warm and cozy. Even if you have a small salary, an old house, a wrecked car, but this is comfort for this part of the brain.

Why? Because he is not tuned in to some kind of work, he is tuned in to survival instincts. If you are 30 years old and you are still alive, then your reptilian brain has completely brought you under control in whatever situation you are ...

Any cataclysms in his life are not at all important to him, the most important thing for this part of the brain is survival ...

Based on these habits, you can put a lot of things in their place:

  1. They pay little, but we can survive
  2. I want to change the city - but here there is a home and a habit, you can also come up with an option about a beautiful view from the window to the forest, or the river, as well as arrange the river as a good place for fishing.
  3. Old wrecked car - carries the ass, why do I need another
  4. Read books, develop, play sports - why load yourself with things that are not interesting to me
  5. Make new acquaintances, connections - why, I have a couple of friends with whom I can have a drink on a day off

Are these the limits of each person? Is life about excuses? I disagree with those who say so, it's not you, it's your instinct ...

You will not live if you cannot control your brain. Not far from the information about the reptilian brain, I came across an interesting idea that we have two types of desires - the desires of the brain and the desires of the body.

The body wants to take a walk, to move, but the brain can say - take a rest, take a walk, run, you will always have time to swim, but today I am tired, I just need to lie in front of the TV.

How to get out of your comfort zone ??? - Learn to control your brain. We are intelligent beings, full of ambitions, decisions, ideas ... But what hinders to bring all this to life?

I don’t know, but something inside is slowing down and discouraging ...

If I had succumbed to such excuses a couple of years ago, then I would not have a blog, I would not be able to do certain things in Photoshop, I would not understand how you can make money on the Internet, in fact, I would not know anything at all what can I do now.

But, I was lucky, then, despite my fears, I went further, took a step, published the first article, followed by the second, third and realized that it was not so scary as it seemed ...

More precisely, it was not me who understood this, but those very instincts of survival that do not really like something new and unknown ...

Why do fish spawn in the same places from year to year? Survival instinct ...

Why do herds of animals walk the same pastures year after year? Survival instinct ...

Why go where you don't know what, it's cozy here, we all know, despite the fact that people will catch a fish in these very places, and hunters will shoot animals, despite their instinct ...

Nature has laid down a certain algorithm in every living creature on the planet, but only a person has a mind and may well make prey out of an animal in a cunning way, but he himself remains essentially at the level of survival and not life ...

I agree that these instincts were needed sooooooo long ago, but in the 21st century everything that we do has become more of a hobby than an instinct for survival.

Fishing for the sake of rest, hunting for the sake of interest, to satisfy your male ego ...

(I do not want to offend anyone in any way) ...

But think a little deeper - we are all under the control of a certain algorithm, under the control of a habit, of what we were interested in before entering adulthood ...

How to get out of your comfort zone - first you need to subdue the brain, the reptilian brain of instincts, which blocks all possibilities. Take control of it and instantly opportunities will open before you, a whole world with more than 7 billion people ...

Any point on the planet will become reachable, any ideas can begin to be realized with your efforts ... Conquer the fear of the new and start doing something ...

It's scary - tell yourself that it was scary to change a light bulb for the first time, it was scary to get behind the wheel for the first time, go to a job interview, do an unknown job on the orders of your boss ... But you did it, even thanks to instinct, because you had no other options ...

But the fear went away as soon as you did something new and noticed that nothing bad happened, it even fit into your comfort zone ... So the whole world, any point on the planet, our entire immense planet can become one huge zone where you will be pleased to be , walk, watch, develop and do good, good deeds ...

Isn't it fear that keeps us going? Aren't instincts controlling us? But everyone can begin to control their emotions, fears, instincts ... Fight them and independently decide how best to act in life and how it will be right ...

There is one interesting thought - “do not regret what you did in a certain period of time. If it seems to you that you could have acted differently, know. COULD NOT"

So, do it so that no one and nothing could control you, especially, our children, who have it, who will have it, copy the behavior, fears, emotions of their parents ...

So maybe it is worth showing the child an example that there is nothing impossible and terrible in just living and not existing ...

Getting out of your comfort zone is not difficult, it is important to realize what is holding you, what are you afraid of and how to cope with it. But also, of course, to understand the very meaning of the comfort zone. Naturally, this is not only a comfortable sofa that perfectly follows the contours of your body.

For today I have everything, I hope you understand the message of the article, I would like to read your opinion on the comfort zone and speculate about the way out of it, options, solutions and ideas.

Hope for your feedback. Thank you all for your attention, see you soon, bye - bye.

Best regards, Sergey Vasiliev