
Poem twelve block summary and analysis. Essay Analysis of the poem of a block of twelve (12)

Decorative Cultures for Garden

Blessed who visited this world
In his moments fatal,
He was called upon by allblag
As a interlocutor on the feast,
He is their high spectacle viewer ...

F. I. Tyutchev

The poem "Twelve" Alexander Bloka (1880-1821) was written in January 1918 simultaneously with "Scythians" and
article "Intelligentsia and Revolution", in which he called: "To all my heart, listen to all consciousness
Revolution. "The block at this time sincerely believed in the" great goals "of the revolution, that she was called to" remake everything ".
"To arrange so that everything becomes new: to lie, dirty, boring, ugly our life has become fair,
clean, cheerful and wonderful life. "

Long before the revolution, the poet premeditated her, propheted in his verses, wrote about whether "how rizels in the heart of anger", and
"The maturity of anger is a rebellion." And he watched this rebellion in the 1905 revolution and foresaw in the coming riot
"meaningless and merciless": "There is Russia, which, breaking out of one revolution, at the same time looking into the other
maybe more terrible. "

And this "terrible" revolution with a "red cock!": (Arson with landlords), with violence, robbery, self-dresses
takes the unit and sanctifies the name of Christ.

The block perceives the revolution as a natural phenomenon, which, like the wind, blizzard, a bore, does not have the goals and directions.
This is a natural will, which, for the time being, buried in the most deep seams of folk life and, like fiery
lave, broke out of the bowels of the earth, destroying everything in his path. This element of the revolution is depicted in the first part of the poem.
symbolically in the form of wind, blizzards, storms, sweeping by the poet's poster figures of "Streshnogomir" bourgeois
verity ":

"The bourgeois - the soil under his feet is defined, like a pig - DANGER: Family, Capital, official position, rank, God on
icon, king on the throne. Pulling it - and everything will fly upside down. "

The dying world is the "lady in. Karakule", "Burzhuy", "Comrade Pop", "Vities" (writer), which is uncomfortable under
wind revolution. Baryn slipped, bourgeois "in the collar stubborn nose", Pop is awesome, Vitia prophesies to Russia's death,
their Russia, whose symbol is faded dog.

The blizzard was played - the element of the people, like the Space ("Black Evening, White Snow"), was played.
in two contrasting colors: "black malice" and "holy evil". After all, the revolution not only destroys the old world, but also
wakes up the bottoms (collection in a public house). The block sees the revolution in its tragic contradictions and is trying to understand her
meaning: Whether the revolutionary element bears only destruction or tends to creation. This block solves cleanly
artistic means.

The action of the poem develops in two planes: cosmic and earthly.
Space plan: "Wind, wind - for God's light"; But the same wind and on the streets of Petrograd: "Wind, wind! On
the legs are not worth the leg. "On the one hand," we are on the grief to all bourgeois world fire ", on the other hand," you
fly, bourgeois, a groove, drink the root for the gap, a black-rob ".

The essence of the revolution block showed through one episode, which is symbolic. Petka with comrades from Krasnogvardeysky
patrol, intending to deal with Vanka (there was a Vanka, and I became a soldier, "and I was choking Katku from Petruchi), inadvertently
killed Katka. This self-person accomplished spontaneously, under the influence of natural feelings: love, jealousy, "black malice",
hate bourgeois. Red Guards are in the power of these elements. Revolution gave wayover, opportunities
drive personal scores:

You have on your neck, Katya,
Scar did not heal from the knife.
You have under your breast, Katya,
That scratch fresh!

Remember, Katya, officer -
He did not go from the knife ...

It turns out, and earlier this happened, the events seem to be repeated and become symbolic.
The inadvertent murder of Katki was dictated by the natural jealousy, it is justified by class hatred - because Katka has passed into
hostile camp, to bourgeois:

In lace underwear went -
Whether in go, go like!
With irritable officers -
Beculture, wad!
Gheetters gray wore
Chocolate Mignon ejala ...

Consequently, the bourgeois is to blame, therefore, according to the logic of the Red Guards, you need to take revenge on all bourgeois - and arise
natural robbery, reprisals ("goes now Goleutb"):

Put the email
Today will be robbery.
I'm a knife
Lane, striped! ..
You fly, bourgeoi, a bobby! .
I will drink the roof
For the gazne
Chernobrow ...

Twelve Red Guards (patrol, designed to bring the revolutionary order) unguarded, are subject to
unpredictable feelings and actions. Yes, and externally, they resemble criminals:

In the teeth of the cycling, the cards will take
On the back, you need a bubnu ace ...

it is on the one hand, and on the other -

How did our guys go
In the Red Guard serve -
In the Red Guard serve -
Buoyed head folded -

These are our guys dressed in ripped ribs, ready to give life for so far they are unclear the goals of the revolution - but full
decisivity to inflate the "global fire".

These great purposes they resemble Petrich, who can not recover from their grief after the murder of Katus.
("And the poor killer does not see a very person.") And then comrades remind him of revolutionary duty:

- not this time,
To nurture with you!
Potted will be burden
We, comrade dear!

And Petruch aware of his duty, his personal tragedy burns out in the fire of the revolution, he imprints his step in motion,
which gradually acquires the direction and the goal, which is transmitted to the march organized in the rhythm. If the rhythm is first
chapters chaotic, unorganized, in it, as it were, the element reflects ("there was a blizzard of Oh, the blizzard, oh, blizzard"),
folk rhythms of chastushki, patchworks, urban romance are used, then in the XI chapter - organized rhythm:

In O'chi Barya
Krassna Fla'g (two-way kernel)
Measured booty.

Thus, the bright Wolnitsa turns into a musically organized will:

In the distance go to the holding step ... (/ - / - / - /)
(four chorea)

However, in the last, the XII chapter, the wind, blizzard, darkness, anxiety and fear, "the growth of which is pronounced ninth
the rally on the ghost and shots "(Relig. Philosopher Florensky). The old world in the image of the PSA" rigid wool ",
"hungry", "rooty", "begging", "shelivoy", "cold" and, finally, the "hungry wolf" does not lag behind
red Guards, he settled firmly in their souls.

And who is ahead? "Who is waving a red flag there?" Name is named only at the end of the XII chapter, after a long wait of the rhyme
to the words of the dog - roses. This Isus Christ.

It goes ahead of 12 Red Guards (exactly 12 people consisted of a Red Guard Patrol) - the Apostles of the revolution.
He, inaccessible to the eyes and bullets, in their souls as a symbol of people's sufferings, a symbol of holiness ("in a white rose whitewash"),
the symbol of what "the latter will be the first."

The image of Christ is justified and artistically. Needed a symbolic figure that binds space and man while
at the same time in the sky and in the soul of every person. Christ, as it were, closes the poem, connecting Macromir S. Mikromir.
The transformation of the black element in spiritualized harmony and makes up the fact that the block called music ("Listen to the music
revolutions! ")

Alexander Blok heard the hum of the epoch, fully surrendered to the elements of the revolution and, using the Rhythms of the Epoch, political vocabulary, language
streets, People's Talk, recreated "Always a short revolutionary time, when the rigid revolutionary cyclone
produces a storm in all seas - nature, life and art "
"Today I am a genius," the block appreciated his work.

The poem "Twelve" was written by A.A. By block in 1918 and inspired by revolutionary events. Already in the winter landscape, the poems will emphasize the contrast of black and white, the rebellious element of the wind transmits the atmosphere of public changes. The lines in the first chapter of the work sounds ambiguous: "There is no man on the legs." In the context of the poem, it can be interpreted as literally (the wind knocks down the travelers from the legs, the ice under the snow is slippery and cunning), and symbolically: everything has become spinning into a new era, life supports are lost.

The perception of revolutionary contrasts by the simple people is shown on the example of the image of the old woman, which is experiencing that such a huge flap was found on the poster, and there are no cloth for the guys. Frozen bourgeois at the crossroads, Pop sad, lady in the doodle falls on ice, writer with long hair It turns out about the death of Russia, and the vagabond wants to know what ahead.

Centrally the second chapter becomes an image of freedom without a cross. The poet shows the anarchic mood of the soldier of the revolution, ready to "Picture ... to the Holy Rus." The chopped syntax of the poem, the abundance of dialogues and replicas successfully transmit fragmented sketches from the life of that time.

In the third chapter, folklore motifs characteristic of soldiers' songs are heard. They are transmitted and the people's perception of the era: for the "sweet live" it is necessary to fold the buyne.

In the fourth and fifth chapters, the central becomes an image of a slutful Tolstomordinian Katka, who used to walk with an officer, and now with soldiers. In the sixth chapter, the Red Army team kill Katku: human life The revolutionary era becomes a barrier coin. In the seventh chapter, twelve soldiers again go a revolutionary step with guns in search of enemies. "Only a poor killer does not see a person at all," writes A.A. Block. This image of an impersonal person echoes the manner of the main character in the story E.I. Zamyatina "Dragon". There, the soldier of the revolution, ready without hesitation to shoot the bourgeois face, also loses the human face. He seems to disappear in the fog, and only a form (boots, chinel, cards), an empty shape, free of content remain instead. Soon it turns out that Petruch who killed Katka once loved her, and he killed a girl with a glory, from jealousy. So, under the revolutionary impulses, sometimes purely personal problems and deeds are masted. But Petruchu no one condemns: "Not this time is now." The revolutionary era of permissiveness, as convincingly shows

A.A. Block, imposes a footprint to the souls of people. In the vortex of revolutionary events without a cross, sometimes erasing the edge between good and evil, justified by cruelty and criminal act. The unsightly image of the rebels in the finals of the seventh chapter of the poem is drawn as a kind of warning: "Put the empty, now there will be robbery! Lock the cellar - goes now Golutba! "

In the ninth chapter, the bourgeois at the crossroads is compared with the hungry dog. Having lost the wealth and privileges, the whole class of Russian society was at a crossroads.

The blizzard gradually enhances. The rhythm of the poem is constantly changing, reflecting the changeable character of the era described in it. Through the agitation slogans of the first years of Soviet power, sadly audible copyrights are clearly audible: "... and they go without the name of the saint all twelve - in the distance." Everyone is ready, nothing is sorry ... ". In the poem, religious motives clearly audible. Twelve soldiers of the revolution are liken to twelve apostles. The red flag in the last master is called bloody. It is him that Jesus Christ is carrying, which "and for the beluga is invisible, and from bullets will be unharmed." Christ in a bloc poem is not in a terns of a crown, but in a white wedge of roses. He did not leave the sinful fighters of the revolution, it can not be killed or destroyed, thoring crosses. Twelve soldiers pave a new historical path for Russia. And Christ is still heading him. Thus, drawing revolutionary events in their rebellious, contradictory and largely tragic atmosphere, A.A. The block still blesses Russia on her new way and hopes that a new wreath of roses will bring her happiness and prosperity.

    The block met the revolution enthusiasm and ecced. A person's close to the poet wrote: "He walked young, cheerful, cheerful, with shining eyes." Among very few, then representatives of the artistic and scientific intelligentsia, the poet immediately announced ...

    Alexander Alexandrovich Blok, his poetry chanting patriotic feelings and sentiment, who created a delicious image of an excellent lady, who received ambitious recognition in life and had a loud success in the weaker sex representatives who ...

    The poem A. A. Blokok "Twelve" was established in 1918. The poem was born as an inhale-new rush, harmoniously whole, but many images are unclear to the poet itself, which only proves the complexity and depth of the work. The poem was printed in the newspaper ...

    Russia is destined to survive flour, humiliation, separation; But it will come out of these humiliations of the new and - in a new one - Great. A. The poem of Alexander Bloka "Twelve" was written in the first winter after the October coup. In the country gradually ...

In the "Twelve" poem, the block wanted to achieve the truthful image of post-revolutionary time with all its contrasts, the tasy, confusion. In the 12th chapter, the mixing of intonation reaches its apogee: here there are echoes of all the rhythms that sounded in the poem, summarized by the literary, book-style finals. The breath of the "Twelve" as it may pick up the whole world, and from the apparent chaoticness there is a living picture of the era.

The first string of chapter is alarming: ". . Although they go to the holding step ... "On the poem, we know, from whom the detachment of the twelve Krasnogvardeys is" on the back b it is necessary to the Bubn Ace! ", That is, these are bandits. However, they "go to the Holding Step." The phrase brings the power, the state with criminals. But perhaps the author wanted to express the idea that in order to create a new world state, power, strength, power, capable of protecting and strengthening already conquered.

The next line is one of the most controversial in the work: "Who else is there? Come out! " Who are afraid of "twelve", who is Unnamed, who says the Red Flag, who "walks a quick step, burying for all at home"? Is it possible to agree with the thought that the presence of the Isus of Christ intuitively feel the Red Guards, with anxiously throwing the nights of the night unrequited questions: "Hey, respond, who goes? .." In response to them "Only the widow is a long laugh in the snow". Probably, if you perceive the image of Christ as hostile, then in an ethical sense. Yes, he, indeed, represents the threat of the resurrection of such overthrown by the new morality of concepts, as a sin, conscience, repentance. And in this respect, the permanent refrain sound "Revolutionary Keep a step!" Looks like a spell. The epithet "invisible" in relation to the image of the enemy is emphasized that it does not belong to the world material. In the poem, it is not shown, with whom you need to fight the Red Guards, not the bourgeois, that "the collar bites the nose", and not with a lousy dog:

Disturb you, peeling,

I tossed by a pin!

Old world, like a piped dog,


It is clear that the listed images do not give birth to the heroes of fear. And the danger in this context is the one who worries the soul of heroes with its commandments. Running from the lips of one of the "twelve" SPAC makes "comrades" literally flinch: "Petka! Hey, do not deceive! " And again as a barrage plot sounds: "Step hold revolutionary!" Heroes feel fear before whose gaze they constantly feel that they are afraid to see every snowdrift: "Who in a snowdrift - come out! .." Isus came down to the ground to save her from the "twelve", try to wake her He dwells in a spiritual hibernation, to warn the holy faith and holy Russia from the capture. He is the enemy of the Red Guards, and they are so afraid of him throughout the whole action of the poem, shouting to maintain your own spirit:

-Who goes with a quick step? ..

What does it wave a red flag there? ..

What else there?

Come out? ..

It is from fear that heroes from their rifles in the Holy Rus, and the finals of the poem - and in the Lord himself:


Fuck-Tah ...

But then the question arises why Isus goes "ahead - with a bloody flag", symbol of the revolution? True, M. Voloshin said about this: "The Red Flag in Hands of Christ? There is no blasphemy junction in it. Bloody flag is a new Cross of Christ, the symbol of its current crucifixes. "

The figure of Christ was interpreted as a symbol of the revolutionary, the symbol of the future, pagan Christ, the old-supplied "burning" (the name "Isus", and not "Jesus" was from the Raskolnikov), as a superman, as an embodiment of eternal femininity, as an artist's Christ ... and Until now, as at the beginning of the century, some wish to see the head of Christ, but Lenin, and the feelings of believers insults the phenomenon of Christ "under the bloody flag" ahead of all those who personify the godless revolution. The poet and himself definitely cannot explain the role of Isus: "That Christ goes before them - undoubtedly ... It is scary that again he is with them ... and you need another ...". There is a feeling that the block really listened to the "music of the revolution", trying to hear the revelation in this humule, write a voice, and the awareness of the meaning of heard had to come later. There are no records in his diaries that predict the creation of the poem, and there are only those made after it writing an attempt to comprehend, explain the emergence of the image of Christ.

What does the word "ahead" mean - at the head of the detachment or away from him, at a distance? Maybe such ambiguity of interpretation arose, since the block did not know the answer himself? He blindly surrendered to the elements of inspiration, the elements of time and asked himself: "Why is he? I do not know ... I'll look around - and see that he ... " This "climb" corresponds to the fact that the blizzard is that "do not see a very friend / for four fees!". Therefore, it seems to the author that "little, bent", and then suddenly, in a few words in the diary, already "huge.". "" The tragedy of the artist "consisted in the impossibility of finding an adequate image to express his thoughts and feelings. Renal and antithesis: "Behind the hungry dog<...> Ahead - Isus Christ. " The rhyme is emphasized by the syntactic parallelism, which allocates the eternal opposition of Satan and God.

As any truly great work of art, the poem "Twelve" will always be interpreted in different ways, to open our new and new faces to us. This is also due to the fact that through concrete images and times of time the author touched the widest philosophical and historical and moral and ethical problems covered by the glow revolution. And the finals of the poems with the History of Christ the Hope of Christ leave us hopefully for salvation, to the presence of that miracle, which allows you to live on, despite all the tragedies of time.

In the twentieth century, Russia passed through a lot of tests: state coups, change of power, revolution for the revolution ... Remember time dictated its conditions and required changes in public and political life. For the decision of many of the urgent, "the ruler of the Dum" - literature. Talented treated the revolution in different ways. Some did not take it and left their native edges, while others remained and craving for change for the better. Alexander Blok assured that it is necessary to listen to the revolution with all his heart and consciousness, for him she - "the music that the ears should hear."

The history of the creation of the poem "Twelve". Recognition of the poet, criticism

The work was written after the February and the Block itself admits that the poem was very fast, because he wrote it, being in anticipation of change. At first he wrote separate stanza, and then collected them into a single composition, and eventually wondered how little in her was crossed out. It is curious that the poem grew up with only a few words ("I'm a bandwidth, the band"), for which 8 stanza instantly appeared. We stood the pleasure January days, and this mood of the poet carried through all his work. The poem of the bloc could not be preserved to the present day, because the author in a death delirium demanded that the wife's love of Mendeleev's love burned his brainchild, but she did not. Alexander Alexandrovich VMIG turned into an enemy of the people and poets, for which Nikolai Gumilev made him a sentence: the service of the Antichrist, the secondary and execution of the sovereign.

Events occur in winter in Petrograd. Veins a blizzard, through which the cry is heard, scream. On the night city, a detachment of twelve redarmeys is moving - the so-called wrestlers with the old world, which mercilessly shoot and are destroyed in their path. One of them, Sensual Vanka, kills his girlfriend Katku and subsequently worries her death, but comrades order him to gather forces: "It's not current time to nurse with you." The detachment warns citizens about the upcoming robbery: they will eradicate everything that reminds them of the old world. They forget about God, marching "unnamed saint" and praying Petke remind you that there are already "blood" girls ", and therefore he should not be expected to help the Lord. However, in the last, twelfth chapter, it appears: "In a white wedge of roses ahead - Isus Christ." Who is - the Savior or the destroyer, - the answer block does not give, therefore the meaning of the final of the poem "twelve" is interpreted in different ways.

Image of Jesus

The appearance of Christ in the final is an unexpected phenomenon, because in Holy Rus, it was already pounded several times and removed the cross. It took a hundred years after writing the poem, and literary crituals still consider this issue and put forward a few guess. Jesus heads the detachment of the Red Guards and leads them in new world - Criminals became saints. Other researchers believe that this is the apostles marching a revolutionary step under the leadership of Peter. Mikhail Voloshin assures that the image of Christ in the "Twelve" poem is introduced with another purpose: he does not save a detachment, but, on the contrary, he tries himself to hide from him. Pavel Florensky drew attention to changes in the name Jesus - in the block he "Isus", but should not be naive and assume that the typo is admitted by chance. The detachment is headed by an antichrist, who is also omnipotent, invulnerable "and for the blizzard invisible."

Composition of the poem

"Twelve" is the answer to the music of the revolution heard by the block, and the work of the work is achieved by a clear rhythm. The poem is not similar not to the previous works of Alexander Alexandrovich, and the poet seems to be in search new formthat he successfully succeeds. Tradition march Later in his work will continue futurist Vladimir Mayakovsky. The poem consists of twelve different in the form of parts that are interconnected and constitute a single whole. If you analyze the poem "twelve", you can reveal a dot between the stanza, which inserted editors after the publication - obviously, the censors considered it necessary to lower some places. At certain points, the narrative part goes to the background, and the actions are described in dialogues and monologues. Rhyme is a non-permanent, and in some episodes it is not at all, often the action interrupts the shooting - "Fuck-Tah-Tah!"

Features of the language in the poem "Twelve"

At the very bright symbolist of the twentieth century - Alexander Bloka - a turning point came in creativity. The poet, who previously wrote poems about women and love, begins to be interested in new topics, and the onset of the revolution finally convinced him to rethink the motives of his creativity. Very unusual - the block wrote it in a rustling of expectations, passions and collected the urban folklore, not disregarding even the spaciousness and grave vocabulary. The phrase "chocolate" minion "fed" belongs to Mentereev's love. Prostitute Katya at the block - "Tolstomordinous", the lantern - "Elekstric", Junkers - "Junker", and Rus - "Tolstoza". The author exceeded the flavor of street life, but, having conducted a full analysis of the poem "twelve", you can reveal the winged phrases. Stanza "... wind, wind - for God's light!" Soon became the proverb.

This is a mysterious number - twelve ...

Delighted in the history of writing the poem, you can reveal some contradictory moments. There are some numbers in the history of world culture, the peculiarity of which was noticed by ancient people: one they brought good luck, others are misfortune. The figure 12 is the personification of the cosmic order and is found in European, Chinese, Vedic and pagan cultures. Since Christianity preached in Russia from the tenth century, interests the sacred significance of this number from Christians. So, 12 is the number of apostles of Jesus, 12 fruits of spirit, 12 knees of Israel; At the base of St. Grad, there were 12 gates and stones, which is also very symbolic. Also, everyone knows that this figure is often found not only in religion, but also in the daily life of a person. 12 hours last day and night, 12 months a year. IN Ancient Greece And Rome precisely such a number of basic gods to the Olympus.

Twelve - the figure is truly unusual and mysterious, but the block itself Alexander warned that the poem is very symbolic, and any symbol and hint can be interpreted in different ways. Perhaps the point of this number in the poem is very realistic, because at the time of the revolution, the Krasnogvardeysian patrols really numbered 12 people.

Two worlds in the work

The confrontation of the former and new time is the main theme of the poem "Twelve". The block saw in the revolution "deliverance from spiritual swamp" and sacred believed that sooner or later it should happen. The old world was not destined to exist with his standings - for the sake of change the company is ready to bring sacrifices. The poem begins with a blizzard, which is a coupness way. "Wind, wind - for God's light!" - Against this wind of change, which seemed not only to Russia, and the whole world, not everyone can resist. Twelve red-Armenians go through a blizzard, not afraid of anything. The old world is powerless to the coming new, and the harbingers of the revolution are the same uncontrollable and uncontrollable.

Democracy or anarchy?

Twelve Red Army teams are the main images of the poem "Twelve". They are irreconcilable to the old stands - they go, and they are not all right. They are a reflection of the true face of the revolution, which sweeps everything in its path, as well as the blizzard. Red Guards warn the inhabitants to lock "empty" and spy cellars, because "today there will be robbery." Similar exclamations symbolize anarchy, but not the struggle of the proletariat for best life. They despise the old world, but what can offer in return? Destroying, they are not ready to build. They do not say: "We will build our new world, create!" Analysis of the poem "Twelve" will be allowed to see the death of the country in the events. The unnecessaryness of the revolution confirms the old woman, which, envy the poster "All Power - the Constituent Assembly!" Is amazed, why it is needed. From such a huge flap, it would be possible to sew a portcloth for the guys, because in the current hungry and cold times, when "everyone - it will break, breed", the state needs to take care of the well-being of the people.

Even the church is deprived of their former power. Alexander Blok depicts the ass, which, if earlier, "belly went ahead" and shone a cross, now just like everyone else, conquered by the Red Guard, and they turn to him "Comrade Pop". The new power is not needed by the church and faith, and the Red Guards are calling for a palpist in the holy Russia from the rifle.

Victims for what?

For the revolution, the life of one person means nothing against the background of the worldwide blizzard. When one of the twelve redarmeys named Petka accidentally kills his girlfriend Katya, he begins to do without believing what is happening. In the eyes of eleven others, it looks like weakness, because it is not to relax in such a place important momentwhen the fate of Russia is solved.

Katya is a symbol of all human defects, anti-heroines, which walks with junkers, falls into any in bed. She "Ghetra Gray wore, chocolate" Mignon "fused" and, in general, was an atypical representative of the Russian woman. Perhaps the poem of the block is written in confirmation that such as Katya really must be sacrificed for the sake of revolution.

Chaos or harmony: What will win?

The old world is negligible, and he can no longer exist. He is about to collapse. The author compares it with the damn PSA, which stands behind the bourgeois, pursing the tail. The struggle lasts for a short time: the dark future has already passed, but is it visible? What awaits people after this blizzard? Krasnogvardeys are still more destruction, because it is impossible to consider a bright future built on blood. By producing the analysis of the poem "Twelve", it is impossible not to notice that at the end of the storm calm, and the revolutionary people go to the future "Holding step" accompanied by some in the "White Wheel of Roses". This is Jesus Christ. His sudden appearance promises salvation and the hope that the horrors of destruction will be removed, and the people will have enough forces to overcome in the revived Russia. It seems that harmony will soon be revived from Chaos. Kid happy life Ready to kill and die themselves.

Disappointment in change

The revolution of Alexander Blok can be compared with the elements, which, although he cleans the world, but still has no ability to create. The old destroyed, but a new, built on the blood, is no better. Once the block, Alexander waited for the revolution, believed in her, said: "Those who are filled with music will hear the sigh of the universal soul, if not today, tomorrow"; Later, disappointed in the changes occurring, stopped hearing the "music revolution". It can be concluded that it is impossible to build anything new through the destruction - it is much better to preserve and improve the fact that it was constructed for grains for many centuries.

Let us analyze the poem "Twelve" - \u200b\u200bthe greatest poem of the 20th century block. Thom of the people, the historical fate of Russia is organically merged in verses of the block with the theme of the revolution. The anthem of the revolution was the poem "Twelve" (1918). It was the conclusion of the entire entry trilogy, the whole "novel in verse", although it is not formally in it. The block expressed its attitude towards the revolution in the article "Intelligentsia and Revolution" (1918). "Remote everything. It is so that everything becomes new to false, dirty, boring, ugly life our has become fair, clean, fun and fine life. "

However, when it would seem, the obvious correlation of the content of the poem with real historical events, "twelve" is a symbolistic work, not a political. The poem sounds themes and motives of "entering trilogy": the indomitable element, the "terrible world", the hopes for the "transfiguration" of the world and man, the struggle of light and
Darkness. Twelve Red Guards - this is the "Apostles of the Revolution" (as they are traditionally called), and the symbolic designation of the mass, rushing to a new life, the path to which runs through violence, innocent blood (robbery, pogroms, killing Katki).

The first chapter (exposition) of the poem begins the symbolic landscape set down in the black and white color scheme:

Black evening
White snow..

The author emphasizes the universal scale of the blizzard, which walked "in the whole world, and color contrast indicates the irreconcilability of the opposing parties symbolizing light and darkness, old and new. Against this background, a person appears (there is no man on the legs), the image of which is not specified - this is a person captured by the elements of the revolution (often in addition to the will).

In the exposition (1 chapter), the main images are presented - the symbols of the poem: the element (wind, blizzard, black sky, white snow), the old world (burzhuy, comrade pop, lady in Karakule, old woman, tramp).

Many of these images will be through the poem. In the second chapter, new heroes appear - twelve Red Guards. Rhythm verse changes, becomes marching. New heroes are characterized by the author very contradiction: people participating in the revolution are very far from ideal:

in Tsygad's teeth, the card will take
On the back b it is necessary to the Bubnov Ace!

Among them, you can meet the criminals and Golitbu, for which the slogan "Grab of the Lost!" Appeared attractive. But for the author, the social characteristics of these people is important, and the "Element of Folk Bunt" itself, aimed against the evil:
Revolutionary keep a step!
Before the enemy is not a dream!

Against this background, a love plot (Vanka, Katki, Petrukhi relationships) is developing, whose dramatic voltage is tragically resolved in the sixth chapter (the climax of the poem). "The murder of Katki is the only event of the poem - symbolic, it is associated with the" black anger of armed people aimed at the "old" world. It was not by chance that at that moment "revolutionary call" "revolutionary hold a step again sounded again! / / Restless not sleeping the enemy! ", Committed violence and arbitrariness briefly called the Hero's experiences: Very soon, succumbing to the persuasion of Petruch's comrades had fun and took part in the violence over the bourgeois. This rapidness with which a change takes place in the mood of the hero, indicates its moral immaturity. For Petrochi, there are no moral limits when it makes a cruel crime.

The eighth chapter (development) of the poem draws a terrible picture of the pogroms:
I'm a knife
Band stripe! ..

In these lines - the fall of human, horror, blood, arbitrariness.

In one of his diaries, the block recorded: "Destroying, we are still the same, the slaves of the old world. (1918). Obviously, the pictures described saw the block as an attribute of the "old" world, not leaving himself. It is not by chance that in the ninth - twelfth chapters appear new images: "Bourges" at the crossroads (crossroads - the symbol of the dissolution, on which Russia turned out to be), a lousy dog, the next relentless detachment. "Old" and "New" are still inseparable.