
How to bring lice at home, and whether it is worth etching parasites kerosene and vinegar. How to get rid of the GDID on long hair

To help hostess

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 9 minutes


Such a disease as a pediculosis (or, in Russian, just "stitching") is known, unfortunately, many parents. And many are trying. Do not think that the lice appear only in children from disadvantaged families. The prospect of parents and their care for the hygiene of Chad, of course, will prevent many diseases. But the infection of pediculose can occur completely unexpectedly: sometimes it is enough just to sit at one desk with an already infected child.

What if the child brought this livestivity in his hair from school or kindergarten? How to quickly get rid of lice and noms?

Causes of pediculosis. Where do chrises come from?

  • Kindergarten and school.
  • Baby camps and sanatoriums.
  • Other public areas.
  • Use of other people's headgear, comb, towels and other personal homing items.

Chemicals to combat pediculosis are prohibited for use in young children. In older children, they apply in accordance with the state of health. But it is worth remembering that no remedy for lice does not raise the effect without manual removal of GDID .

To facilitate combing, you can use the mousse NIT FRI. It dissolves glides that are attached to the hair, which greatly facilitates the process of removing the GDID and lice. If you did not work out, you can contact the specialized Pediculse Assistance Center Lys Eway. The center guarantees their excretion in one day without the use of toxic drugs. The period during which it is on the market, a large number of positive feedback, provision of guarantees and free re-procedure talk about high efficiency and confidence in successful treatment.

And how did you get rid of the child from lice and gnid? Reviews of parents

- Both daughters picked up this infection for a couple of years ago. From the school one brought, and the second picked up. I was just horrified. I did not want to train chemistry. She resembled the forums, read about vodka, decided to risk. What to say - super remedy. Wrench drove immediately. The compress was held twenty minutes from the eldest, ten - at the younger. Before the moment, until a little bit of burning. GDID was performed for another week. Thank God, everything went. Nobody learned anything at school (the girls were most afraid of this), because they brought it very quickly. Cheap and angry. All GNIDs were filmed manually. Each strand was checked.

"The son brought this infection from school, also a daughter hooked." We are fighting for the second month. The hair in children is very thick, it is incredibly difficult to comb. The son in the end was just tonsured under the machine, and daughters made a kara. No other way. Tried both nittififor, and cranberries, and coffee interfered with henna - nothing helps. That's terrible! Bought Nude. The case went on amendment. There are no lice yet. Gits are combed every day, they are already less and less.

- Do not use kerosene, dust and dichloros! Just post the health of children (and their own too). Funds today - mass! Especially since no remedy with hair will not remove, all the same will have to be combed. Therefore, the most gentle as possible.

- Lice Guard helped us. Excellent set of shampoo and scallops. I did not even expect such an effect - dot, reptiles, immediately packs during combing. Brought out very quickly.

- Three months threatened on these lice! And the soap is degtyar, and dog shampoos from fleas, and Nude, and other means. Nothing! Wound! Daughter's long hair, thick. And the closer refused to face. In general, I first risked the vodka compress to do - the lice immediately came up. GDID was performed for another week. Passed the success of painting hair. Fortunately, daughter already allows age. They took the usual paint, Schwarzkop (flight). And that's it. Now everything is OK.

What do chiefs come from? Solely from contact with a person suffering from pediculosis, or from using it combs or headdress.

This may be another child or an adult, but the fact remains a fact - no other way, except for close contact, the lice is not transmitted.

Features of the treatment of the disease in children

The second inevitable question: how to bring the lush in a child? Moreover, it is necessary to do this as quickly and safely both for the child, and for parents, so that they themselves have become infected with lies.

Exterior of headwheat

It is impossible to postpone the treatment - these insects have a property quickly multiply and can cause extremely unpleasant consequences: from itching seats of bites on the head to peptic lesions of the skin and a serious allergic reaction.

But first you need to make sure that it is really lice. Switch is a very fine insect, its length ranges from 1 to 3 mm.

It dwells only on the scalp (about other species we do not yet talk), and from her bites on the skin there are minor swelling with a red point in the center, which strongly get down and make the child scratch this place all the time. If you carefully look at, then the lice can well be seen with the naked eye.

Nasels (eggs) in hair

The second sign of pediculosis is the presence of GDID (eggs) in a pair of centimeters from hair roots.

They are easy to confuse with dandruff, but if you try to remove the inclination from the hair, it is found that it is very firmly glued to it with a special substance that it highlights the eggs in the laying.

Having shot down, squeeze it with nails, and hear a characteristic light click from the bunting egg.

The main active substance in almost all such shampoos is permethrin - an effective insecticide, which is considered relatively harmless to the human body, and in insects there is a nervous effect.

  • Nok. It is one of the most popular, although there are limitations: it cannot be used for children up to 2 years and pregnant women. It should be applied to the scalp of the head for 30-40 minutes, and then wash off.
  • Veda and Veda-2 Also fairly effective means with a similar composition.
  • Biosim In the amount of 20 ml they are applied to the head, strongly foam and wash off after some time.
  • Pedilin Available in shampoo and emulsion. Penetrates through the chitinous shell and effectively destroys the lice.
  • Parasidosis Sold together with a special comb for combing lice and GNID, has speed - it is applied for only 5 minutes.

Lotions, sprays, aerosols from pediculosis

  • Medifox Lotion Gel Permendrine based, has a paralyzing effect on the lice. It is used for children from 1 year.
  • Par-Plus - Aerosol with two active substances: malathion and permethrine.
  • Nude - Spray based on silicone with a softer effect in comparison with other drugs; It is recommended for the treatment of pediculosis in children who have contraindications to the use of chemicals.
  • Paranit - Spray based on silicone; Destroys the lice in 15 minutes, but it does not work on the GDID. Sold in a set with a comb for combing NMID.

Lotions, sprays, aerosols from pediculosis

  • Be sure to carefully read the instructions for the preparation and its contraindications.
  • Some parents use several opposing agents at once - it seems to them that it will be more reliable, but the effect may be reverse: another means deactivates the effect of the first.
  • Anti-playing processing should simultaneously go through all family members.
  • At least two days after processing, it is not recommended to wash your head.
  • Before processing, it is necessary to isolate the skin around the scalp, simply burning it with a towel or bandage.
  • The child himself needs to wrap a white sheet or any white cloth so that they lies or the nice falling on it were clearly visible, and they could be destroyed immediately.
  • For combing, special ridges are intended, which are often included with the means, but you can do the usual frequent comb, having hurts a little cotton on it. So you will see the result of your efforts, and not a single lich or nice is missed by. To make it easier to comb out the GDID, it is recommended to rinse the hair with a solution of vinegar.

Folk ways of treatment

Perhaps the most popular people's way get rid of lice - chemern water. True, Chemeritsa is poisonous plantSo the remedy is quite toxic, but very effective.

After washing the head, the usual shampoo to lubricate the hair and the skin of the head of the head of the trumaic water (to do it better with a sponge or in rubber gloves), put a plastic bag on the hair, after half an hour, wash it out, wash my hair again and make hair.

Ninexil is also effective tool from lice. It is brewed with boiling water, after an hour, infusion is filtered and they wash them.

Delet as part of a tar soap or shampoo - traditional folk remedy: the foamed soap rubbing into wet hair, covered with a package and wash off after 15 minutes. With short hair, one procedure is sufficient, with long it will take several.

Can and today try to bring the lush in a child folk remediesbut does it make sense, because many pharmacy Is the various herbs and plants?

Methods of prevention

The main method of prevention is to avoid close contact "Head to Head". Little child It is difficult to explain, but teenagers must understand whether the widespread distribution of pediculosis has recently associated with the habit of doing selfie, where the heads often come closer. You also need to teach a child to never use someone else's comb and not to wear someone else's headdress.

To some extent, essential oils can be considered a prophylactic agent, especially geranium oil, whose smell is not transferred. Add a few drops of this essential oil into an ordinary shampoo, and girls with long hair can apply a couple of drops on the head, it turns out something like perfumes.

And, of course, a permanent, at least a weekly control, especially if you noticed that the child scratches his head. Although today it is not difficult to cure a child, it is not necessary to treat this problem without serious.

Now there is a discount. The drug can be obtained for 197 rubles.

Infection of lice is scientific name "Pediculas". This is an extremely delicate problem that you usually try not to advertise. In public opinion, it is associated with disadvantage and uncleanness, so many seek to eliminate it independently, not attracting attention. About how to get rid of lice at home, is described in the proposed material.

Podiculosis is called infection by the head.

Diagnose pediculosis on the following set of symptoms:

SymptomManifestationMechanism of origin
Strong itchThe patient constantly calculates the head, especially the occipital area and behind the ears. Itching is constant, does not stop at night or after washing the head.Insects crawl on the skin of the head, irritating nervous receptors. In the bite of saliva, lice falls into the epithelium and has an irritant effect.
Inflammation on the skinOn the skin of the head and along the border of the scalded part there are rashes resembling allergic. Sometimes they take shape of small papules with purulent contents.They are the result of sensitizing the patient to a specific protein, which is contained in the saliva of insects.
Pigmentation on the skinOn the skin of the head there are spots of a blue shade. A traces of calculations with baked blood crust are noticeable between them.Arrive after a long flow of pediculosis in the absence of treatment. Spots are developing at the place of calculations and rashes as a result of the decay of hemoglobin.

And in adults, and in children, sews are found in visual inspection of the scalp. Since insects have a small body size and a patronage color, notice them on early stage Defeats are quite difficult.

To facilitate diagnostics, it is customary to use the following algorithm:

  • from the bottom of the occipital region, behind the ears and on the temples to push the hair and inspect the area near the roots;
  • when the hair is detected at 1-2 cm from the roots of small milk-white bags, try to knock them down with your finger;
  • if the bags are firmly attached to the hair rod and are not knocked down, it means that it is no inclination, and human lice has.

Nicky are called eggs. According to their presence, the diagnosis of "Pediculs" is made, even if adult insects are not detected during inspection. Even one challenge will be able to make a masonry. The ripening of eggs lasts 5-8 days, after which the larvae nymphs come out, which immediately begin to actively eat. Three times overflowing, they turn into hawk individuals. Further pathological process develops rapidly.

Pediculosis is a consequence of close social contacts.

That is why children are infected more often, who are more degrees than adults, tend to violate each other's personal space. Sources of infection can be general binding items - calculations, hairpins, towels, bed linen. If the child "brought lice" from kindergarten, school or summer camp, treat the whole family.

It is possible to infect pediculosis in public transport in the "Hour Peak", with hugs, joint "Selfie". The lice is easy to hold on the water for a while, so sometimes they fall on the hair when bathing in pools or standing open reservoirs. Fortunately, outside the body of a person, they live quite shortly - no more than 2 days.

Fast way to get rid of lice and gnid for 1 day

Destroy adult insects and larvae - the task is simple. This, indeed, can be done in one day. Much more difficult things to go. His females are attached to the hair rod by a special adhesive secret, which is very hard to destroy. Even the dead and dried nits remained for a long time on the head, gradually shifting from the root as the hair grows.

In one day, get rid of the lice, and from the GDID can only in one way - the haircut is naked. For this, a polyethylene or an old sheet spread on the floor, gloves and the patient are put on the hands of the machine. Then the film or the sheet together with her hair is folded, placed in the package and is disposed of. The patient's clothing is boiled, the machine is thoroughly clean and wipes with alcohol.

How to cure pediculosis at home

Cerencing from pediculose can be less radical means. It will take a little longer, but will allow you to keep your hair.

Mechanical methods of struggle

Most ancient way Get rid of lice and gnid - to compose them. Previously, it was used for this frequent calcination, but now you can purchase a special comb with a special relief on long metal teeth.

The procedure is performed as follows:

  • the patient is conveniently seated with their backs to the sink or bath;
  • wash his head with shampoo and rinse with water, acidified by vinegar;
  • slightly dry the hair with a towel and, separating one strands, carefully clears the head, starting with the nape;
  • during the deduction from time to time, the ridge in water with vinegar is rinsed.

The advantage of the mechanical method is that it is suitable for absolutely all patients with pediculosis due to the absence of allergic reactions. With the help of scallops, you can save the lice in pregnant women and small children who have contraindications to the use of chemicals.

However, this method requires patience. The procedure must be carried out at least an hour and repeat several days in a row. After that, one month you need to continue to deduct after each head washing.

Medication method of deliverance

Alternative to long and painstaking deduction - modern pediculicidal preparations. In the absence of contraindications, you can use such means:

Title of the drug and formMode of applicationNecessary number of proceduresContraindications
"Nittififor", creamThe cream is applied to the roots of the hair and leaves for 40 minutes. Then the hair is rinsed well with shampoo, are counted with frequent ridge and dried. The drug kills adult insects, larvae and nis2 with an interval of 10-14 days Pregnancy and lactation;
age up to 5 years;
The presence of inflammation and wound on the scalp.
"Foxille", lotionThe means woven cotton swab or sponge, and the roots of moistened clean hair are abundantly lubricated. After 10 minutes the drug is washed off, the head is washed with shampoo. The drug does not kill the GDID.2-3 with intervals 5 days lactation and pregnancy;
Individual intolerance;
concomitant skin diseases;
the presence of a wound and calculations;
Age up to 5 years.
"Caralyate", shampoo and comb includedHair is moistened, the tool is applied to the hair, well foams and left for 30 minutes. The head is washed with a simple shampoo and dedicated to the ridge. The drug destroys only adults.2-2 with an interval of 5-7 days lactation and pregnancy;
Individual intolerance;
inflammation and wounds on the skin;
Age up to 3 years.
"PLUS", aerosolSpray sprayed on dry hair separated on strands, and left for 10 minutes. Then the head is washed with a simple shampoo. The tool destroys adult lice, larvae and nd.2 with an interval of 10-14 days bronchial asthma;
Individual intolerance;
Age up to 2.5 years.

Any pediculicide drug, regardless of its declared efficiency, you need to use at least 2 times. It is necessary to eliminate the accidental survival of any egg or individual capable of restoring the population.

Mixed method

The main advantage of such a combination is the possibility of getting rid of the dead GDIDs, which remain in the hair after normal washing and rinsing. In addition, not all means act on eggs, and the less they will remain, the easier it will cure a pediculosis.

We bring lice and gnid by folk remedies

If there is no suitable drug with a suitable drug, you can try the following recipes adapted to modern conditions:

  • Vodka compress. Hair is abundantly wetted by vodka, a plastic hat is put on his head and covered with a towel. After 40 minutes, the head was washed with shampoo and dried with a hot hairdryer.
  • Dust soap and acetic rinsing. Hair is well embedded with a lying soap, the foam is maintained on the head of 30-40 minutes under a plastic hat, after which the head was washed with shampoo. An aqueous solution of 9% vinegar (for 1 part of vinegar - 5 parts of water) hair is rinsed.
  • Vinegar with salt. 9% vinegar dilute with water in proportion 1: 3. Add 1 tablespoon with a slide salt with a slide salt. Apply the composition for clean dried hair and leave under a hat for 40 minutes. Rinse the head shampoo, treat the regenerating balm and dry the hot hairdryer.

Lack of folk remedies - aggressive impact on the structure of the hair. Their effectiveness is also not always predictable. Therefore, it is necessary to apply them several times with an interval of 5 days and take measures to restore hair.

Treatment of kerosene and turpentine

Kerosene or turpentine is ancient, but rather radical means from lice. Recommend them difficult, since their use is fraught with skin burns or eyes. However, they are really good from the lice.

To reduce the likelihood of burns, kerosene or turpentine is mixed with vegetable oil In proportion 1:10. The tool is applied to the roots of the hair, the head is covered with a plastic hat and wrap with a towel. Kerosene compress withstand over the night. Turpentine - about 40 minutes.

The use of kerosene and turpentine compresses is contraindicated to children, pregnant women and people with sensitive skin.

Means from lice and nnid for children

Vegetable oil and without aggressive additives in the form of kerosene helps well with pediculosis.

From it you can prepare a soft children's remedy for lice:

  • a glass of sunflower, soy, rapid or olive oil heat up to the body temperature;
  • pour into it a glass of vodka;
  • if the child has no allergies, add several drops of lavender or cloves to it.

The resulting composition to smear the hair of the child and put on it a plastic hat. To withstand 1 hour, wash the head of the children's shampoo and make hair with scallop to remove the incomes.

To very small children under 3 years old, you can lubricate your head with clean vegetable oil. It clogs the breather of adults and larvae, and they die. Since the oil does not act on the eggs of lice, such treatments need to be made 3-4 with an interval of 5 days.

Preventive measures

Unfortunately, only complete isolation from society will be guaranteed to avoid infection with pediculosis.

However, a number of preventive measures significantly reduces this risk:

  • restriction of contacts "head to head" with outsiders;
  • the use of individual towels, calculated, hats, etc.;
  • the use of bathing caps when using a swimming pool or bathing in open reservoirs;
  • harding long hair when using public transport in "Peak Hour";
  • compliance with the cleanliness of premises and rules of personal hygiene.

If the Chief is found from the child, you do not need to be shy to inform about this to the head of the children's team. Most likely, the infection took place precisely there, so all children require an urgent inspection.

After pediculicide processing, all households should change the bed linen and make a thorough cleaning of the house. At the same time, it is worthwhile to pay special surfaces - carpets, furniture upholstered, sofa pillows, bedspreads. Ideally, they need steam treatment.

Views of lice

How appear lice?

Naturally, the appearance of all three types of lice in humans can be prevented if you follow hygiene. But there are cases when chopliness does not protect against such "guests". Headdling, for example, it is easy to pick up during the fitting of the usual cap, if it approached it infected with the people's infected people. Bowl of all the headwash in the female head. Long thick hair is the most fertile soil for it. Yes, besides, it is precisely the girls to ask for a girlfriend of scallop to correct her hair. Therefore, you always need to be ready and know which folk remedies exist.

The pubic lice is transmitted during sexual contact, sometimes through bedding and other household items.

Symptoms of the disease

The most important symptom of pediculosis - strong itch.

Headworships dominate the hair of the head. Accordingly, a person will disturb itching in the head of the head, on the back of the head, behind the ears. The presence of the aircraft will testify the strong itch in the pubic zone. Write's wrench will be disturbed in the area of \u200b\u200btight fit of clothing to the body.

If you do not apply special medicinal preparations and folk remedies against lice, constant cheese can lead to the emergence of guncrows, boils and such unpleasant consequences. And open wounds, as you know, are an excellent place to get into the body of various infections.

Of course, a strong itch interferes calm holidayAs a result, a dream is disturbed, a person becomes irritable, loses appetite, it is difficult for him to concentrate at work.

Version Treatment with folk remedies

Recipe number 1. Salt and vinegar in the fight against nits and lshami

Agree, it is very unpleasant when you annoy the heads of the head. Treatment with folk remedies will help you quickly and efficiently get rid of them. Especially since the usual wine vinegar and cook salt can help in this matter. It will take 43 g of salts and a glass of wine vinegar. All thoroughly mix and add 5 g of strong alcohol. Hair first need to be washed, drown. Gauze to impregnate in the cooked solution and attach to the most affected places. Sticks need to keep on your head all day, but at the same time change the compress for a day. This tool not only helps to get rid of lice and nisid, but also calms the skin, reducing itching.

Recipe number 8. Mercury ointment as a means of getting rid of air

If you annoy the pubic lice, the treatment of folk remedies will help in this situation. Unlike the treatment of head pediculosis, it will have to get rid of hair. Then you need to thoroughly wash the body with the use of economic soap. In the affected areas, a 5 percent white mercury ointment should be rubbed. Instead, you can also use a 5 percent boric ointment or Londsid. Throwing these ointments is necessary twice a day for two days.

Also, do not forget to pay attention to clothes and bed linen. Things need to carefully wrap, and if possible - it is better to boil. It is better to dry things under the right sunlight, and then thoroughly stroke the hot iron, especially in the field of folding places.

The fact of the appearance of lice is impossible. Even in modern society, pediculosis is recognized as a shameful phenomenon. After all, if this is not done, the infection of the patient will be subjected to infection.

Signs and symptoms of the appearance of lice

Strong itching and the manifestations listed below may indicate "Uninvited guests":

  1. The heads of the lice set on the scalp. Insects of grayish-white color in size reach about 3 mm.
  2. Besters (pubic) about 2 mm long appear on the lobby hair. In reproduction, it is capable of moving to armpits, chest, mustache, beard, eyelashes.
  3. Write-wriests are found in the folds of bed linen or clothing. They are the largest representatives of the species and reach 5 mm. Plots of the body, most often in contact with clothing and bed (neck, blades, armpits, loins), are subject to their bite.

Pharmacy means against lice

Such means are usually applied to the hair for 15-20 minutes and are thoroughly flushed. Head processing should be repeated 10 days later.

Mineral oils (Clearol and Izopar) have an excellent effect in the fight against lies. Insect death occurs because of their disturbed respiration and water exchange. It does not have to talk about the toxicity of drugs.

The mask applied to the strand is withstanding about 20 minutes. The hair is cleaned with a rare ridge and wash off with a solution of vinegar, better apple.

Sulfuric ointment
Divorced warm water The drug with a cotton swab is applied to the hair and scalp. Cover the cellophane package, after half an hour, wash off with a solution of table vinegar.

Geranian oil
2 drops of the drug sold in any pharmacy are dissolved in a small amount of shampoo. It is recommended to withstand the mask on the hair for about an hour. After combing strands, the face is rinsed with a frequent comb. Re-rinse the hair with a solution with 2 drops of oil and 3 tbsp. Vinegar per 1 liter of water.

The most harmless ways of treating pediculosis are folk recipes. Some of them are so available and simple, which allows you to obtain the desired result with the help of ordinary products from the refrigerator or simple home remedies.

People who are held on the debt of the service in places of special clusters of people, must first of all protect themselves from pediculosis. The risk includes:

  • kindergartens and schools;
  • boarding schools;
  • prisons;
  • broadcasting points;
  • humanitarian missions;
  • field camps.

Pediculose prophylaxis includes:

The most reliable preventive fast way Elimination of lice will get rid of hair. The one who is ready for such radical measures to cope with the problem will be much easier.

Prevention of secondary infection of lshams provides:

  • washing things at a temperature not lower than 60 degrees;
  • withstands not to be washing items about 3 days in a tightly sealed polyethylene package;
  • inspection of hair of all family members and all in contact with the object of infection.

Video: how to save a child from lice