
Genuine history of Lieutenant Schmidt. Interesting facts and questions than famous Lieutenant Schmidt


Schmidt Petr Petrovich

Schmidt (Peter Petrovich) - Russian political figure. Born in 1867; He studied at the Maritime School, served first in a military fleet, then in a commercial fleet; After the beginning of the Russian-Japanese war, he received at the beginning of 1904 to the Squadron of the Rodial, but on the road to the Far East, he had to return to Sevastopol. Here he was appointed to the destroyer. Watching propaganda among the sailors and officers, Sh. Called himself an off-party socialist, condemned the Social Democrats - for their insufficiently attentive attitude to the requirements of the peasantry, and the socialist revolutionaries - for the terror, to which he was certainly negative; Stood for the Constituent Assembly, elected by the Universal Vote; defended the constitutional monarchy. October 20, 1905, during the funeral in Sevastopol of civilians killed during the demonstration, he uttered a political speech that gave him wide popularity. On November 7, he received a resignation, but remained in Sevastopol. On November 8 - 10, severe fermentation began on the cruiser "Ochakov". The cruiser sailors led negotiations with Sh., And when, on November 13, 1905, fermentation broke out, then Sh. Was in his chapter. Battleship "Panteleamon" and several other vessels were stuck to the rebelled cruiser. November 14, Sh. He turned to the Emperor's sovereign demanding the Constituent Assembly and the statement that the fleet ceased to obey the ministers. Commander-in-Chief of the Black Sea Fleet Chukhnin exposed revolutionary ships to firing the shrapnel. Sh. Threatened for each executed or killed sailor to execute in a prisoner officer, but did not fulfill this threat. According to the indictment of the court, Sh. The fire was answered by weak fire; For other information they did not answer them at all. In any case, Sh., Avoiding bloodshed, did nothing to defend its demands by armed hand. On the "Ochakov" cannonade a fire was produced; The surviving part of the crew began to flee on boats. Sh. Was captured and devoted to the Naval Court. On the court, Sh. Tried to soften the punishment to others, took all the blame on himself, expressed full readiness to undergo execution. Not a single witness to the court was allowed. Sh. And three sailors were sentenced to death and on March 6, 1906 are shot on Berezany Island (near the city of Ochakova). Excerpts from the autobiography of S., written in prison, printed in the "our life" of 1906, February 11; The indictment - in the "right" of 1906, | 11. V. B-c.

Brief biographical encyclopedia. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, the meanings of the word and what is Schmidt Petr Petrovich in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • Schmidt Petr Petrovich
    (1867-1906) Lieutenant of the Black Sea Fleet retired, head of Sevastopol Uprising 1905. ...
  • Schmidt Petr Petrovich in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE:
    Petr Petrovich, Russian revolutionary, Democrat, one of the leaders of Sevastopol Uprising 1905. Born in Odessa in the noble ...
  • Schmidt Petr Petrovich
    russian politician. Rod. in 1867; He studied at the Maritime School, served first in a military fleet, then in a commercial fleet; ...
  • Schmidt, Peter Petrovich in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    ? Russian politician. Rod. in 1867; He studied at the Maritime School, served first in a military fleet, then in commercial ...
  • Schmidt. in the illustrated encyclopedia of weapons:
    Model 5 - 1. German Automatic 6.35 mm caliber gun. 2. German gas or starting ...
  • Schmidt. in the encyclopedia of Russian surnames, secretions and values:
  • Schmidt. in Encyclopedia Family:
    Among the people who glorified Russia are the name of Lieutenant of the Black Sea Fleet Peter Petrovich Schmidt, the head of the uprising on the cruiser "Ochakov" in 1905 ...
  • PETER in the biblical dictionary:
    , Apostle - Simon, Son (descendant) ions (Ioan.1: 42), Fisherman from Vifsaida (Ioan.1: 44), who lived with his wife and mother-in-law in Kapernahum (Mat.8: 14). ...
  • Schmidt. in 1000 biographies of famous people:
    Otto Yulievich (1891-1956). Soviet scientist, specialist in mathematics and astronomy. Joined the party in 1918, he worked as director of the State draft with ...
  • Petrovich in the literary encyclopedia:
    Velko - prominent modern Serbian novelist and poet. He took an active part in the national movement in the Hungarian Serbia, edited a number ...
  • Schmidt.
    Otto Yulievich (1891-1956), a public and statesman, scientist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1935) and the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (1934). After 1917 one of ...
  • Schmidt. in the pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary:
    (Schmidt) Karl (1819-64), German teacher. Supporter of the anthropological approach in pedagogy. He was Protestant Pastor. From the 1850 teacher of history and ancient languages; ...
  • Schmidt. in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
    (Schmidt) Arno (1914-79) German writer. In novels ("Stone Heart", 1956; fantastic - "republic of scientists", 1957) - Critical understanding of the problems of modernity. ...
  • Petrovich in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
    (Petrovici) Emil (1899-1968) Romanian Language. Proceedings of dialectology, linguistic geography, history, onomastics, phonetics and phonology of the Romanian language and Slavic ...
  • PETER in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
    old Russian architect 12 in. Builder of the St. George Cathedral of Yuryev Monastery in Novgorod (started in ...
  • Petrovich in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Petrovics) - the present name of the Hungarian (Magyarsky) Pethi poet ...
  • Peter Saints Orthodox Church in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    1) St. Martyr, for the confession of faith, suffered in Lammadcake, in Deciyevo persecution, 250; Memory on May 18; 2) St. ...
  • PETER in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    sv. The apostle is one of the most prominent student I. Christ, who has enormous influence on the subsequent fate of Christianity. Right from Galilee, Fisherman ...
  • PETER in the modern encyclopedic dictionary:
  • PETER in the encyclopedic dictionaries:
    (? - 1326), Metropolitan All Rus (from 1308). Supported Moscow princes in their struggle for the Grand Due to Vladimir. In 1324 ...
  • Schmidt.
    Jac. Yves. (Isaac Jacob) (1779-1847), Orientalist, one of the founders of the Monglave, Acad. Petersburg. An (1831). The first introduced the study of Mong. Yaz. And ...
  • Schmidt. in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    (Schmidt) Helmut (Helmut) (r. 1918), Federal Chancellor of Germany in 1974-82. In 1969-74 min. Defense, H-Wa and Finance in Pr-ve ...
  • Schmidt. in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Fed. Bogd. (1832-1908), Geologist, Paleontologist and Botanist, Acad. Petersburg. An (1874). Tr. By stratigraphy silica ...
  • Schmidt. in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Sigurd Ottovich (r. 1922), historian, felling. Deat. Science RSFSR (1989), Acad. RAO (1992), Dr. East. Sciences, prof. RGUGU (since 1970). ...
  • Schmidt. in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Petr Yul. (1872-1949), zoologist, prof. Petersburg. S.-H. In-Ta, Scientist Secrets. Pacific Pros of the USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1930). Issh. ichthyofauna quiet ok., ...
  • Schmidt. in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Peter Peter. (1867-1906), Head of Sevastopol Estay. 1905, Lieutenant of the Black Sea Fleet retired. ...
  • Schmidt. in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Otto Yul. (1891-1956), scientist, state. The leader, one of the organizers of the development of sowing. mor. Ways, Acad. (1935), Vice-Pres. Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1939-42), Acad. ...
  • Schmidt. in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Johannes (1843-1901), it. Language, in. Ch.-k. Petersburg. An (1892). Tr. In the field of Indoo-Eulation. languages \u200b\u200band compare. Yaz-knowledge. Put forward (at the same time. With ...
  • Schmidt. in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Wilhelm Mateus (1883-1936), Austra. Geophysician. Tr. on turbulent stirring and heat exchange in the atmosphere and ...
  • Schmidt. in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    (Schmidt) Wilhelm (1868-1954), Pater, Austra. Ethnographer and linguist, one of the founders of the cultural and historical school, the head of the Vienna School in ethnography. Had tried …
  • Schmidt. in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    You. Vl. (1886-1938), polit. and state figure. In 1918 secrets. WCSPS, in 1918-28 People's Commissar, in 1928-30 deputy. Previous SNK ...
  • Schmidt. in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    (Schmidt) Arno (1914-79), it. writer. After 1949 lived in Germany. In novels ("Stone Heart", 1956; fiction. "The Republic of Scientists", 1957) - ...
  • Petrovich in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Petrovich (Retervici) Emil (1899-1968), Room. linguist. Tr. According to dialectology, Lingv. geography, history, onomastics, phonetics and phonology Rum. Yaz., In the area ...
  • PETER in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Peter "Tsarevich", see Ilyok Muromet ...
  • PETER in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Petr Raresh (Reetru Rares), Mold. Lord in 1527-38, 1541-46; Conducted the policies of the centralization, fought against the tour. Iga, supporter of rapprochement with ...
  • PETER in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Peter Lombard (Retrus Lombardus) (approx. 1100-60), Christ. Theologians and philosopher, prest. Scholastics, Bishop Paris (from 1159). He studied at P. Abelar ...
  • PETER in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Peter Honorable (Petrus Venerabilis) (approx. 1092-1156), Christ. Scientist, writer and church. Worker, Abbot Klyona Mont. (from 1122). Spent reforms in ...
  • PETER in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Petr Damiani (Retrus Damiani) (approx. 1007-1072), church. leader, theologian, cardinal (from 1057); Formulated the Regulations on philosophy as a maid of theology. ...
  • PETER in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    "Peter Great", the first armadios. Navy; in the ranks from 1877; prototype grew Squaded battleships. With nach 20 V. Educational-art. Ship, ...
  • PETER in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Petr Amiens, Dressman (Petrus Eremita) (approx. 1050-1115), Franz. Monk, one of the leaders of the 1st crusade. After the capture of Jerusalem (1099) returned ...
  • PETER in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Peter II Petrovich Lesh, see Nesh ...
  • PETER in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Peter I Petrovich Lesh (1747-1830), the ruler of Montenegro from 1781. I achieved (1796) actual. Independence of the country, published in 1798 "Financial" (supplemented in ...
  • PETER in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Peter III Fedorovich (1728-62), Ros. Emperor (from 1761), it. Prince Karl Peter Ulrich, Son of the Duke of Hollytein-Gottorpsky Charles Friedrich and Anna ...
  • PETER in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Peter II (1715-30), Ros. Emperor (from 1727), son of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich. In fact, the state ruled by A.D. Menshikov, then Dolgoruky. ...

14 (27) November headed the rebellion on the cruiser "Ochakov" and other ships of the Black Sea Fleet. Schmidt declared himself the commander of the Black Sea Fleet, giving a signal: "Commander Fleet. Schmidt. " On the same day, he sent a telegram to Nikolai II: "The glorious Black Sea Fleet, Holy Staining Loyalty to His people, requires you, the sovereign, the immediate convocation of the Constituent Assembly and will not obey more than your ministers. Commander Fleet P. Schmidt. "

After throwing the Admiral flag on the "Ochakov" and giving a signal: "Commander of the fleet, Schmidt", with the calculation to immediately attract this to the uprising the whole squadron, he sent his cruiser to the "Prut" to free the Potemkinians. No resistance was rendered. "Ochakov" accepted the sailors-convulsion on board and walked around with them the whole squadron. From all vessels, a welcoming "HR" was heard. Several of the courts, including the battleship "Potemkin" and "Rostislav", raised the Red Banner; On the last it, however, was waving only a few minutes.

November 15 at 9 o'clock. The morning on the "Ochakov" was raised a red flag. Against the rebel cruiser government immediately start hostilities. On November 15, a sea battle began at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and at 4 45 minutes. The royal fleet has already won a complete victory. Schmidt, together with other leaders of the uprising, was arrested.

Death and funeral

Schmidt, together with comrades, was sentenced to the death penalty by a private naval court, held in Ochakov from 7 to 18.02.1906. Tradition of the captain of the second rank in the resignation of Schmidt, the military-field court was illegal [ ], since the Military Field Court had the right to judge only those who were in the actual military service. The prosecutors argued that Schmidt, allegedly, was preparing a plot, being another lieutenant in the actual service. The lawyers of Schmidt convincingly refuted and this unproved fact that from patriotic considerations of the Schmidt voluntarily joined during the Russian-Japanese war was considered to be subject to the military-field court illegally, since he did not subject to the state of health regardless of his patriotic impulse, the state His health is completely obvious, and his legitimate military rank - who has not existed for many years that the Chin of the Fleet Lieutenant, whose legend of the military-field court is not just a legal incident, but blatant lawlessness.

On February 20, a sentence was carried out by which Schmidt and 3 sailors were sentenced to death.

May 8 (21), 1917 after the plans of the masses were known under the influence of the revolutionary gust, to dig up the dust of the "counter-revolutionary admirals" - participants in the defense of Sevastopol during the Crimean War and in their place to reburo lieutenant Schmidt and his comrades, shot Participation in the November 1905th year of Sevastopol uprising, the remains of Schmidt and the sailors who were shot with him were by order of the commander of the Black Sea Fleet Vice-Admiral A. V. Kolchak in an expedited order were transported to Sevastopol, where their temporary burial was held in the Pokrovsky Cathedral. This order of Kolchak allowed to bring down the heat of revolutionary passions in the Black Sea front and finally stop all the conversations on the topic of exhumation of the remains of the admirals who died during Crimean war And resting in Vladimir Cathedral Sevastopol.

11/14/1923 Schmidt with comrades is reburied in Sevastopol at the city cemetery of communations. The monument on their grave was made from the stone that had previously stood on the grave of the Prince Potemkin - Tavrichesky armor, the captain of the 1st rank of E. N. Golikova, who died in 1905. For the pedestal used granite confiscated in the former estates and remaining after the construction of Lenin's monument.

A family


  • Medal "In memory of the reign of Emperor Alexander III", 1896.
  • In May 1917, Military and Marine Minister A. F. Kerensky laid an officer George Cross on the grave slab Schmidt.


The captain of the second grade of Peter Schmidt was the only famous officer of the Russian Fleet, who joined the revolution of 1905-1907. To explain the transition of the nephew of General Admiral to the side of the revolution by the class struggle, Peter Schmidt was "assigned" the rank of the Junior Fleet officer - Lieutenant. So, on November 14, 1905, V. I. Lenin wrote: "The uprising in Sevastopol grows everything ... The command" Ochakovoy "took the Lieutenant in the resignation of Schmidt ..., Sevastopol events marked the full collapse of the old, slave order in the troops, of the order that the soldiers turned into Armed machines, made them to the instruments of suppressing the slightest aspirations for freedom. "

At Court, Schmidt stated that if he really prepared a plot, then the plot would have won, and he agreed to head the uprising that was preparing the left and flashed without his participation in order to avoid sailors of all representatives of privileged classes and non-Russian and introduce a riot into a constitutional channel.


Since Schmidt Streets are located in several cities on different shores of the Taganrog Bay, journalists talk about informal "widest street in the world" (tens of kilometers) (official recordsman - 110 meters - is the street on July 9 in Buenos Aires, Argentina).

The P. P. Schmidt Museum in Ochakov was opened in 1962, the museum is currently closed, part of the exhibits was postponed to the former Palace of Pioneers.

Since 1926, P. P. Schmidt is an honorary member of the Sevastopol Council of Workers Deputies.

Lieutenant Schmidt in art

  • The story "The Black Sea" (the head of "courage") Konstantin Poist.
  • Poem "Lieutenant Schmidt" Boris Pasternak.
  • Roman-Chronicle "I swear the earth and the Sun" Gennady Alexandrovich Cherkashin.
  • The film "Postal Roman" (1969) (as Schmidt - Alexander Parra) - The history of complex relationships P. P. Schmidt and Zinaida Rizberg (in its role - Svetlana Korkushko) based on their correspondence.
  • "Lieutenant Schmidt" - the canvas Zherrikina Vyacheslav Fedorovich (canvas, oil) of 1972 (Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts)
Children of Lieutenant Schmidt
  • In the Roman Ilf and Petrova, the Golden Challenge is mentioned "thirty sons and four daughters of Lieutenant Schmidt" - fraudsters - Skimanovtsev who walkers around the outback and prompted material assistance from local authorities, under the name of their famous "father." Thirty-fifth descendant of Lieutenant Schmidt became O. Bender. The real son of Peter Petrovich - Evgeny Schmidt-Zavskiy (father's memoirs were published under the name "Schmidt-Ochakovsky") - was an Ester and an emigrant.
  • In Berdyansk, P. P. Schmidt is called the central city park, named after his father, the founder of the park, and not far from the entrance to the park near the DC them. N. A. Ostrovsky Installed a pair sculpture (works of Frangulaan), depicting Schmidt Sons Suns-sitting on the bench - Ostap Bender and Shura Balaganova.
  • In the film "Vodovozov V.V. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: at 86 tons (82 tons and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • "Crimean Bulletin", 1903-1907.
  • "Historical Bulletin." 1907, № 3.
  • Vice Admiral G. P. Chukhnin. According to memoirs of colleagues. Spb. 1909.
  • Neradov I. I. Red Admiral: [Lieutenant P.P. Schmidt]: The story-called from the revolution of 1905 M.: Will ,.
  • Calendar of the Russian revolution. From the "Rosehip", St. Petersburg, 1917.
  • Lieutenant Schmidt: Letters, Memories, Documents / P. P. Schmidt; ed. and preface. V. Maksakov. - M.: Novaya Moscow, 1922.
  • A. Sober. Lieutenant Schmidt. Memories sister. M. 1923.
  • I. Voronitsyn. Lieutenant Schmidt. Ml. Gosizdat. 1925.
  • Skash A. P. Lieutenant Schmidt L., 1925 (sister PPS)
  • Genkin I. L. Lieutenant Schmidt and an uprising on "Ochakov", M., L. 1925.
  • Platonov A. P. Rezind on the Black Sea Fleet in 1905 L., 1925
  • Revolutionary movement in 1905. Collection of memories. M. 1925. OB-in Polcotorzhan.
  • "Katorga and reference". M. 1925-1926.
  • Karnukhov-Crahov V. I. Red Lieutenant. - M., 1926. - 164 p.
  • Schmidt-Ochakovsky. Lieutenant Schmidt. "Red Admiral". Son memories. Prague. 1926.
  • Revolution and autocracy. Selection of documents. M. 1928.
  • A. Fedorov. Memories. Odessa. 1939.
  • A. Kuprin. Works. M. 1954.
  • Revolutionary movement in the Black Sea Fleet in 1905-1907. M. 1956.
  • Sevastopol armed uprising in November 1905. Documents and materials. M. 1957.
  • S. Witte. Memories. M. 1960.
  • B. Logy. Purpose. Novel. Kaliningrad. 1976.
  • R. Melnikov. Cruiser Ochakov. Leningrad. "Shipbuilding". 1982.
  • Popov M. L. Red Admiral. Kiev, 1988.
  • V. Solrettsov. Black hundred and red hundred. M. Milizdat. 1991.
  • S. Oldenburg. The reign of the emperor Nicholas second. M. "Terra". 1992.
  • V. Korolev. Bunk kneeling. Simferopol. "Tavria". 1993.
  • V. Shulgin. What we do not like them. M. Russian book. 1994.
  • A. Podberezkin. Russian path. M. Rau University. 1999.
  • L. Zamoysky. Freemasonry and globalism. Invisible empire. M. "Olma-Press." 2001.
  • Shigin. Unknown lieutenant Schmidt. "Our contemporary" No. 10. 2001.
  • A. Chikin. Sevastopol confrontation. Year 1905. Sevastopol. 2006.
  • L. Zhydrina, ftiishly. Guide to Memorial House-Museum P. P. Schmidt. Berdyansk, 2009.
  • I. Gelis. November uprising in Sevastopol in 1905.
  • F. P. Rerberg. Historical secrets of great victories and inexplicable lesions


  1. According to some reports, it was unexpectedly having received the inheritance after the death of the aunt for the mother, A. Ya. Esther, Schmidt and his wife and little Zhenya leaves for Paris and goes to the school of the auple of Ejen Godard. Under the name Leon Aer, the air balloon is trying to master flights. But the chosen company did not succeed, the family was aware of, and in early 1892 they moved to Poland, then in Liflandia, St. Petersburg, Kiev, where Leon Aer flights also did not give the desired fees. In Russia, in one of the indicative flights, the retired lieutenant suffered an accident, and as a result of the rest of his life, he suffered from a kidney disease caused by the hard blow of the Basket of the Aerostate of Earth. Further flights had to stop, the Schmidy owed the hotel. The ball along with the equipment to ensure flights, I had to sell.. "In the middle of the ball, during the respite in dancing, the senior transport officer" Anadyr "Muravyov, who danced with blue-eyed, blonde beauty - Baroness Krudenry, sat and talked with his lady. At this time, the Senior Transport Officer "Irtysh" Schmidt, who was at the other end of the hall, came close to the ant and, not to mention the word, rolled it to him. Baroness Cuuder screamed and fainted; Several people were rushed to her from near those sitting, and the lieutenants clung to the dead fight and, having strikes each other, fell to the floor, continuing to fight. From them, as from under fighting dogs, papers flew, candy, cigarettes. The picture was disgusting. The first rushed to the defending 178th infantry regiment, the captain of the Zenov, his example was followed by other officers who were torn to the fighting. Immediately they were arrested and sent to the port. When they were brought into the hallway, the large windows of a crystal glass of which went to the Kurgana Prospect, where hundreds of cabrs were in line, then Schmidt grabbed a heavy yellow chair and launched them into the gland. " By the assumption of Rerberg, this incident Schmidt arranged specifically to be expelled from service. A fragment from the memories of the headquarters of the Libava fortress F. P. Rerberg in the memoirs of Schmidt Schmidt for transport "Irtysh" Garalde Count The cause of the fight is presented as follows: "Lieutenant Schmidt, together with the senior mechanic P. went ashore and fell to the dance evening in Kurgauz. Schmidt here saw Lieutenant D., who in the days of their youth was the cause of his family drama. Since then, he has not met, but also did not forget his promise "Robust" at the first meeting. In that ill-fated evening, after many years, this meeting occurred, and when the dances ended and almost the whole public differed, Schmidt approached D. and, without long conversations, hit him in the face. " / G. K. Count "Essays from the life of a sea officer. 1897-1905 ".//
  2. , P. 166 Links

Birth early years

Born 5 (17) of February 1867 in Odessa in the family of the nobleman. His father, Petr Petrovich Schmidt - a hereditary marine officer, subsequently a counter-admiral, Gradian Berdyansk and the head of the Berdyan port. Schmidt's mother - Ekaterina Yakovlevna Schmidt, in Von Vagner, in Maiden. In 1880-1886, Schmidt studied at the St. Petersburg Marine School. After graduating from the maritime school, he was performed on the exam in Michmans and appointed to the Baltic fleet.

Achievement list

  • 09/12/1880 entered the junior preparatory class of the maritime school
  • 12/14/1885 Awarded the title of Gardenarin.
  • 09/29/1886 - graduated from the Sea Cadet Corps 53rm on the list and order of the Maritime Office for No. 307, was performed on the exam in Michmans and the appointment on the Baltic fleet.
  • In 1886, enrolled in the 8th Fleet crew.
  • From January 1/1887, Michman Schmidt began to execute official duties in the training and racing team of the 8th Flot crew.
  • At 1888-1889. - Schmidt (4th).
  • 01/21/1888 is deducted from office on a 6-month vacation "for a disease, followed by a transfer to the Black Sea Fleet due to the climate that is not suitable for him."
  • 07/17/1888 by the order of his imperial Highness General Admiral on the Maritime Office No. 86 was transferred from the Baltic to the Black Sea Fleet with enrollment in the 2nd Black Sea Fleet of its Royal Highness of the Duke of the Edinburgh crew.
  • 5.12.1888. The highest order on the Maritime Office No. 432 was fired on vacation, for illness, inside the empire and abroad, for 6 months.
  • In 1888, appointed to the Squadron of the Pacific Ocean.
  • In 1889 he filed a petition for the highest name: "The painful state deprives me of the opportunity to continue the service to your imperial majesty, and therefore I ask my resignation."
  • 10.03-10.04.1889 was a course of treatment in the "Private Medical Administration of the Doctor" Savay Mogilevich for nervous and mentally ill-tested in Moscow. "
  • 06/24/1889 The highest order on the maritime department No. 467 was dismissed from the service on illness, lieutenant (due to the violation of the officer code on the issue of marriage). He lived in Berdyansk, Taganrog, Odessa, leaving to Paris.
  • 03/27/1892 drawn up to the highest name "about enrollment on naval service."
  • 06/22/1892. The retired lieutenant of the 2nd Fleet of the Black Sea crew of the highest order on the Maritime Office No. 631 was defined in the service with the former Nichmann, with an enrollment in the 18th Fleet carriage by an officer on the built cruiser 1 rank "Rurik".
  • 03/01/1894 by the order of his imperial highness of the Admiral General for the Maritime Agency No. 23 translated from the Baltic Fleet to the Siberian Fleet crew. Appointed by the driver's head of the Ministry of State "Yangcheich", then the cruiser "Admiral Kornilov".
  • At 1894 and 1895 - Schmidt (3rd).
  • 12.12.1895. The highest order on the maritime department No. 59 was produced in the lieutenants, on the line, on the basis of Art. 118 and 128, kN. VIII of the Army Decisions, to continue 1892
  • Until 04.1896, the Staff Officer LD "Silacha", Transport "Ermak".
  • 04.1896 by the order of the commander of the Vladivostok port, was appointed by the driver of the Brandvachta, kannelian boat "Ermine".
  • In 1896-1897, the Vacan Head and Commander of the Rota Kl "Beaver". In overseas swimming: 1896-1897 On CL "Beaver". Last sailing in 1897.
  • 01/14/1897 Posted in Nagasaki coastal Lazare for treating neurasthenia disease.
  • On 20.02-1.03.1897, he was treated in the coastal climb in Nagasaki, then recalled in Vladivostok.
  • Until the end of August 1897 - and. D. Senior Staff officer LD "Reliable".
  • 08/30/1897 by order of the commander of the Vladivostok port of the counter-admiral of G. P. Chukhnin "... For anti-traditional acts regarding the ship's commander and for the same report, filed on August 23, Lieutenant Schmidt is arrested with a content on the Gaupvanka for three weeks."
  • In August 1897, he was written off from LD "Reliable" for the refusal to participate in the suppression of the strike and for the report on the commander N. F. Yuryev related to the poachers.
  • 10/28/1897 follows the order of the commander of the Vladivostok port of the counter-admiral of Chukhnin: "As a result of the report of Lieutenant Schmidt, I invite the chief doctor of Vladivostok Hospital V. N. Popov to appoint a commission from doctors and at the crew deputy to examine the health of Lieutenant Schmidt ... Act of the Commission to provide to me".
  • 08.1897-07.1898 M. Watched branch on the brandvachte of the Vladivostok raid.
  • In August 1898, after the conflict with the commander of the Squadion of the Pacific Ocean, he filed a petition about dismissal.
  • 09/24/1898 By order on the Maritime Agency for No. 204, Lieutenant Schmidt was secondally dismissed from the service to the fleet's stock, but with the right of service in a commercial fleet.
  • In 1898 he entered the service in the voluntary fleet. The 2nd Assistant Captain of P / X "Kostroma" (served 2 years).
  • In 1900, he moves to the service to the Russian Society of Shipping Company and Trade (Ropit)
  • In 1900-1901. Senior Assistant Captain P / X "Olga".
  • In 1901, he was appointed Captain P / X "Igor".
  • In 1901-1902 Captain P / X "Saint Nicholas", "useful".
  • In 1903-1904 Captain P / X "Diana".
  • 04/12/1904, according to military time, Peter Schmidt, as an officer of the fleet's stock, again called on a valid military service and sent to the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet with an enrollment in the 33rd Flot crew.
  • 2.05.1904. The highest order on the maritime department No. 541 was determined in service, from 03/30/1904
  • 05/14/1904 G. Receipt was appointed by the senior officer for coal transport "Irtysh", ascribed to the 2nd Pacific squadron, which in December 1904 with a carbon and uniform cargo came out after a squadron.
  • 06/12/1904 in rank for staying in the fleet reserve.
  • In September 1904, it was arrested in Libava for 10 days with the clocks, for the disciplinary act (the application of a public insult to another Fleet officer).
  • In 1904, consisted in the 9th fleet crew.
  • In 1904 - Schmidt (3rd).
  • In January 1905, he was written off in Port Said with TP for illness (kidney attack) and loss in Sevastopol.
  • On 21.02.1905, the order of his imperial highness of the Admiral General of the Sea Office No. 36 was transferred to the Black Sea Fleet with the Suscommunications to the 28th Flot Corporation.
  • On 21.02.1905, the Order of the Maritime Office for No. 36 appointed commander MM № 253 (in Izmail).
  • In August 1905, it returns to Sevastopol, where anti-government propaganda leads.
  • On 10.25.1905, a funk was happening to the rally with him, and he beats in cramps in front of the crowd.
  • At the end of October 1905, arrested for anti-government propaganda. During the investigation and conducted at the place of his audit service, it turned out that in 1905 he kidnapped the cash register of the Department of the Ministry of Labor (2 mm) entrusted to him, (more than 2500 rubles), deserted, drove around the cities, between Kiev and Kerch, squandering Casual money. Gave an explanation to his actions: "I lost the treasured money, riding a bike on Izmail." The estate of his uncle Senator from its own funds, Admiral V. P. Schmidt (1827-1909).
  • 7.11.1905. The highest order on the maritime department was fired from the service by Lieutenant.
  • 11/14/1905 Rises on the side of the Kyrgyz Republic "Ochakov" as the head of the rebel sailors, selflessly assign himself the rank of captain of the 2nd rank. In the evening of the same day at a meeting on "Ochakov", a whole series of offensive actions both at sea and in Sevastopol itself were decided: to seize ships and arsenals, arrest officers, etc. But did not take active actions of the fleet under the leadership of Schmidt. The next day, the rebellion was depressed.

Revolution 1905.

  • At the beginning of the revolution, 1905 organized in Sevastopol "Union of Officers - Friends of the People" in Sevastopol, then participated in the creation of the "Odessa society a mutual assistance of sailors of the merchant fleet." Leading propaganda among sailors and officers, Schmidt called himself an off-party socialist.
  • 18 (31) October, Schmidt headed the crowd of the people, surrounding the city prison, demanding to free the prisoners.
  • On October 20 (November 2), 1905 at the funeral of eight people who died during the riots, said it was known as Klumda Klyatva: "We swear that we will never give any incops of the human rights conquered by us." On the same day, Schmidt was arrested. .
  • On the evening of November 13, the Deputy Commission, which consisted of sailors and soldiers delegated from different generics of weapons, including seven vessels, invited Schmidt's retired fleet of Lieutenant for the military leadership, which won great popularity during the October rallies. "He mascally accepted the invitation and from this day he became at the head of the move."
  • 14 (27) November headed the rebellion on the cruiser "Ochakov" and other ships of the Black Sea Fleet. Schmidt declared himself the commander of the Black Sea Fleet, giving a signal: "Commander Fleet. Schmidt. " On the same day, he sent a telegram to Nikolai II: "The glorious Black Sea Fleet, Holy Staining Loyalty to His people, requires you, the sovereign, the immediate convocation of the Constituent Assembly and will not obey more than your ministers. Commander Fleet P. Schmidt. "
  • November 15, at 9 o'clock. In the morning, the red flag was raised on "Ochakov". Against the rebel battleship, the government immediately opened military actions. November 15, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the sea battle was established, and at 4 45 minutes. The royal fleet has already won a complete victory. Schmidt, together with other leaders of the uprising, was arrested.
  • Since 1906, Schmidt P. P. - Honorary Member of the Sevastopol Council of Workers' Deputies.

Death and funeral

Schmidt, together with comrades, was sentenced to the death penalty with a closed naval court, held in Ochakov from 7 to 18.02.1906. On February 20, a sentence was carried out by which Schmidt and 3 sailors were sentenced to death. 03/01/1906 On the island of Berezan shot, together with N. G. Antonenko (member of the Revolutionary Ship Committee), a driver A. Gladkov and Senior Bataller S. private traders. 8 (21) .05.1917 The remains of Schmidt and the sailors who were shot with him, along the orders of Kolchak, transported to Sevastopol, where temporary burial was held in the Pokrovsky Cathedral.

In May 1917, Military and Marine Minister A. F. Kerensky laid an officer Georgievsky cross on the grave slab Schmidt. 11/14/1923 Schmidt with comrades is reburied in Sevastopol at the city cemetery of communations. The monument was installed on their grave, which was previously lying on the grave of the Prince of Potemkin-Tavrichesky, the Captain of the 1st Rang E. N. Golikova in 1905.


Peter Petrovich Schmidt's name worn streets in cities: Vyazma, Berdyansk, Tver (Boulevard), Vladivostok, Yeisk, Gatchina, Yegoryevsk, Kazan, Murmansk, Bobruisk, Nizhny Tagil, Novorossiysk, Odessa, Pervomaisk, Ochakov, Samara, Sevastopol, Simferopol, Taganrog , Kirovograd, Kremenchug, Kamenets-Podolsky, Khabarovsk, Kharkov, Lyubotin. The names of Lieutenant Schmidt are embankments in St. Petersburg and the city of Great Luki, the Blagoveshchensky Bridge in St. Petersburg was named "Lieutenant Schmidt" from 1918 to 14 August 2007. Also in honor of Schmidt, the yacht "Lieutenant Schmidt" was named, the Lieutenant Schmidt plant in Baku. On the island of Berezan in 1968, Architects N. Galkin and V. Ochakovsky established a monument to the memory of the shooting leaders of the uprising. The P. P. Schmidt Museum in the city of Ochakov was opened in 1962, currently the museum is closed, part of the exhibits was postponed to the former Palace of Pioneers.

Lieutenant Schmidt in art

  • The story "The Black Sea" (the head of "courage") Konstantin Poist.
  • Poem "Lieutenant Schmidt" Boris Pasternak.
  • Roman-Chronicle "I swear the earth and the Sun" Gennady Alexandrovich Cherkashin.
  • The film "Postal Romance" (1969) (as Schmidt - Alexander Parra) is the history of complex relationships of P. P. Schmidt and Zinaida Rizberg based on their correspondence.
  • In the novel of Ilf and Petrova, the Golden Challenge mentioned "thirty sons and four daughters of Lieutenant Schmidt" - Safety fraudsters who seek subsidies from government agencies Under the name of his famous "Father". Thirty-fifth descendant of Lieutenant Schmidt became O. Bender.
  • In the film "We live to Monday", the fate of P. P. Schmidt becomes a subject of discussion in the lesson of history, which teacher Ilya Semenovich Melnikov (Vyacheslav Tikhonov).
  • One of the most famous KVN teams is called "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt."


Peter Schmidt was the only Russian fleet officer, who joined the revolution of 1905-1907. November 14, 1905 V. I. Lenin wrote: "The uprising in Sevastopol is growing up ... The command" Ochakovoy "adopted Lieutenant in the resignation of Schmidt ..., Sevastopol events marked the full collapse of the old, slave order in the troops, of the order that the soldiers turned into armed machines, made them to the instruments of suppressing the slightest aspirations for freedom. "

A family

Son: Schmidt, Evgeny Petrovich


  • "Crimean Bulletin", 1903-1907.
  • "Historical Bulletin." 1907, № 3.
  • Vice Admiral G. P. Chukhnin. According to memoirs of colleagues. Spb. 1909.
  • Calendar of the Russian revolution. From the "Rosehip", St. Petersburg, 1917.
  • Lieutenant Schmidt. Letters, Memories, M., 1922
  • A. Sober. Lieutenant Schmidt. Memories sister. M. 1923.
  • I. Voronitsyn. Lieutenant Schmidt. Ml. Gosizdat. 1925.
  • Skash A. P. Lieutenant Schmidt L., 1925 (sister PPS)
  • Genkin I. L. Lieutenant Schmidt and an uprising on "Ochakov", M., L. 1925.
  • Platonov A. P. Rezind on the Black Sea Fleet in 1905 L., 1925
  • Revolutionary movement in 1905. Collection of memories. M. 1925. OB-in Polcotorzhan.
  • "Katorga and reference". M. 1925-1926.
  • Karnukhov-Kratov V. I. Red Lieutenant, M., 1926
  • Schmidt-Ochakovsky. Lieutenant Schmidt. "Red Admiral". Son memories. Prague. 1926.
  • Revolution and autocracy. Selection of documents. M. 1928.
  • A. Fedorov. Memories. Odessa. 1939.
  • A. Kuprin. Works. M. 1954.
  • Revolutionary movement in the Black Sea Fleet in 1905-1907. M. 1956.
  • Sevastopol armed uprising in November 1905. Documents and materials. M. 1957.
  • S. Witte. Memories. M. 1960.
  • R. Melnikov. Cruiser Ochakov. Leningrad. "Shipbuilding". 1982.
  • Popov M. L. Red Admiral. Kiev, 1988.
  • V. Solrettsov. Black hundred and red hundred. M. Milizdat. 1991.
  • S. Oldenburg. The reign of the emperor Nicholas second. M. "Terra". 1992.
  • V. Korolev. Bunk kneeling. Simferopol. "Tavria". 1993.
  • V. Shulgin. What we do not like them. M. Russian book. 1994.
  • A. Podberezkin. Russian path. M. Rau University. 1999.
  • L. Zamoysky. Freemasonry and globalism. Invisible empire. M. "Olma-Press." 2001.
  • Shigin. Unknown lieutenant Schmidt. "Our contemporary" No. 10. 2001.
  • A. Chikin. Sevastopol confrontation. Year 1905. Sevastopol. 2006.
  • I. Gelis. November uprising in Sevastopol in 1905.
  • F. P. Rerberg. Historical secrets of great victories and inexplicable lesions

"Today there is a wonderful morning, I woke up very early, opened the window, smelling me in the morning, freshness and joy, and I thought about you. It's easier for me with a bunk about you, the Duma take sadness, give energy to work. Our fleeting, ordinary, car Meeting, our slow, but going deeper late in the correspondence, my faith in you - all this brings me out often to the idea whether we will pass without a trace for life, for each other. And if not without a trace, then what will bring each other: joy or grief? .. "


The revolution of 1905 brought to the forefront political life A lot of outstanding personalities, but even on their background, Schmidt looked unusual. First of all, because many of his acts looked simply insane. Perhaps it is not the best heredity: his cousin finished his days in the hospital, two senior brothers died in his youth from "brainstorming", sister Mary suffered from nervous seizures, who eventually brought her to suicide ...

Sea service on the Black Sea Fleet He began with the hysteria in the office of the commander of the fleet of Admiral Kulagin: "Being in an extremely excited state, the most inconspicuous things said." One of the reasons for the nervous breakdown was the behavior of his wife, a former prostitute, which stubbornly did not want to be transported. The young officer was sent to the maritime hospital, and from there in a long vacation. Coming out of the clinic, Schmidt was fired from service in the rank of lieutenant. And, having received the inheritance of deceased aunt, went to Paris, where he entered the school of the airplane. One day the ball suffered an accident, Schmidt hit the ground and got a chronic kidney disease ...

In the spring of 1892, Peter again asked for the fleet. Once at the Far East, he changed almost all the warships and did not get along. He managed to ruin the relationship even with the commander of the squadron counter-admiral Grigory Chukhnin, an old familiar with his uncle. In 1898 he got rid of a restless lieutenant, who secondly dismiss him to the reserve.

During the dating, Peter Schmidt and Zinaida Rizberg have seen twice

And in 1904 the Russian-Japanese war broke out. Because of the big losses of Sailors, Schmidt was again called on the fleet and appointed by the Senior Transport officer "Irtysh", which was supposed to go to the Far East with the Russian squadron. But along the way, in Egypt, he was written off from the ship allegedly because of the renal disease - in fact, the captain was tired of his outlet ...

Returning from Port Said to Sevastopol, Schmidt learns about the beginning of the revolution in Russia. And with his head, as in the pool, rushes to the class struggle. And in August 1905, in the carriage coupe, he will get acquainted with Zinaida (I) Rizberg. And beveling it with gentle, nervous, demanding letters.

"Is the power of belief and feelings in me? Is I hard? I'll answer the first question to you: yes, the persecution forces and feelings in me are a lot, and I can, I know, cover them with the crowd and lead to yourself. On the second I will tell you: no, I'm not hardy, but because everything I do is not a deaf, stubborn, hard struggle, and this is a fireworks, able to light another way for a while, but swelling himself. And this consciousness brings me a lot of suffering, and come minutes, When I am ready to execute myself for the fact that there is no endurance in me. "


On October 18, 1905, the troops shot a peaceful demonstration in Sevastopol, who came out to celebrate Manifesto Nikolai II "On Giving Rights". In her ranks was Schmidt, who was the next day he was elected a member of the Council of People's Deputies and made a speech in the city Duma. After that, not a well-known lieutenant began to gain political weight in front of his eyes. He performed almost every day, promised to give life for the people, cried himself and caused tears from the listeners. He was arrested, but soon released, fearing the excitement.

And on November 11, excitement began on the cruiser "Ochakov", not yet commissioned and stood on repair in Sevastopol.

His team - 380 people - assembled "with a boron on a pine tree", turned out to be a light target for revolutionary propaganda. On November 14, Schmidt appeared to the rebellious ship and announced that the city council appointed him with a new commander instead of the former who fled to the shore along with other officers. The sailors met these words Gromov "Hurray."

One of the participants of the assembly saw him in such a way: "Above average growth, on the species of 43 years 43, thin, Shahnin; Pale face and the needy cheeks gave him the kind of man who suffered a lot of suffering." What Lieutenant wanted, it is unclear so far. At the rebel meeting, he stated that he plans to raise the fleet to the uprising and make the king convene the Constituent Assembly. According to another version, it was going to separate the Crimea from Russia and become his president. On the third - to go around Moscow and Petersburg.

In any case, the chances of Schmidt achieve the goal were negligible. True, the rebels managed to capture in addition to "Ochakov" another 14 ships, but none of the officers did not stand them on their side; Ships could not even get out of the bay. In addition, officers managed to take away or spoil the castles on the guns. With weapons, fuel and products, the uprising was doomed to defeat. Understanding this, the rebels captured the port arsenal, the food reserves were requisitioned in warehouses, and at the same time they took hostages more than hundreds of officers.

At dawn on November 15, Schmidt ordered to raise the red flag over the "Ochakov" and give a signal: "Commander Fleet. Schmidt. After that, he walked around the Martvoce "Fierce" stood on anchor squadron, calling the sailors to move on his side. In response, only on the battleship "Holy Pantelemon", the former "Potemkin", raised the Red Banner. On the rest of the ships, the sailors were silent, and the officers called Lieutenant with a bandit and a traitor.

After completing the bypass, he burst out: "Circle slaves! Be cursed, slave city! Let's leave here in Odessa, in Feodosia, wherever!"

New letters Zinaide Rizberg he will write from prison.

"It's a shame to be torn away from life at that moment when she scored a powerful key ... In my box, in which I sit, you can only make two steps. In order not to suffocate, the air is punished with me through the pipe. Give me happiness. Give me even though A little bit of happiness so that I was Silen and you did not flop, did not surrender in battle ... "

The battle

He really did not give up in a decisive battle. And I acted quite competently: first of all, I demanded the vice-admiral of Chukhnin not to shoot on "Ochakov", threatening otherwise hanging on the rays of hostages. Then she hose from the attack from the shore with mine transport "Bug" - his explosion threatened the destruction of half of Sevastopol. And on the negotiations agreed only after the supad of the squadron from the port, and the faithful to the government of the troops from the city. However, the authorities were not going to talk for a long time. Kanoneck "Tercher" went to "Bugu" and managed to flood it. At 16.00 the squadron opened fire on "Ochakov" and other rebel ships.

You forgive me, my dove, gently, madly my favorite that I am writing to you so, tell you "you", But the strict, death severity of my position allows me to quit all the conventions

After the first volleys, the sailors began to jump into the water. Among the common panic locked in Kubrik, the officers managed to get out, threw the red flag and raised white. At least 40 rebels died, there was no loss squeaks among the sailors. The battle lasted only 45 minutes.

Spain Sage Lieutenant Schmidt tried to give himself for the fire, but was immediately exposed. He was transported to the flagship armadago "Rostislav", then in a garrison prison and further to the fortress of Ochakov.

Wait for court.

"I wrote to you with any opportunity, but these letters, right, did not reach, you forgive me, my dove, gently, madly my favorite thing that I write to you so, tell you" you ", but strict, the death seriousness of my position allows me Throw all conventions.

You know, what was the source of my suffering, "that you didn't come ... After all, you do not know that before execution, they give the right to say goodbye, and I would ask you, but you are not. It would be a terrible and last grief in my life ... "


The court of the rebels began in Ochakov on February 7, 1906. Public opinion was on the side of Schmidt, he was defended by the best Russian lawyers. They argued that the legend of his military-field court was illegally, since he did not at the time of arrest in military service. Or generally demanded his liberation from the court as an unbearable.

However, Schmidt categorically refused to examine. And on February 14, the long - more than reasonable - speech in his justification. He called himself a monarchist, said that he did not want a revolution and bloodshed. Suddenly admitted to the love of the main enemy: "If I managed to spend at least one hour with Admiral Chukhunin, we would fight for love for the people and we would cry together." The speech caused the protests from the accused sailors with "Ochakov" - they know that Schmidt monarchist, never let him go to the ship!

In the lieutenant prison, sister and Ida Rizberg visited; The latter, seeing the prisoner, collapsed on Nara with a scream: "Poor Peter!"

"Tomorrow you will enter me to join your life with mine and so go with me while I live. We almost did not see each other ... Spiritual connection that connected us at a distance, gave us a lot of happiness and a lot of grief, but unity Our tears in our tears, and we reached the complete, almost unknown people of spiritual merger into a single life. "

On March 18, Peter Schmidt was sentenced to hanging, and three more Ochavetsev - Sergey Parstechka, Nikita Antonenko and Alexander Gladkov - to the shooting. Schmidt had his throat, he asked her sister to send a medicine: "What, I will hang for sore throat? "However, Chukhnn has walked and replaced the hanging" shooting ".

On the eve of him, Zinaida Rizberg came to the chamber. After many years she will tell about it:

"Peter Petrovich was waiting for me by the window. When I entered, he came up to me, stretching both hands. Then he was noticed through the mousemat, clutching his head for his head ... From his chest, a deaf moan broke out, he lowered his head on the table, I put my hands on him and began to calm down. Until today's meeting, the thought of the death penalty was something distracted, caused by reason, and after a date, when I saw Schmidt, heard his voice, saw him alive real manloving life full of life, this thought was difficult to accommodate in my brain ... "

The execution took place on March 6 on the deserted Island Berezan, Mikhail Stranki commanded, Schmidt's childhood friend who was sitting with him at one desk. Going to the lieutenant, who stood before the construction of a soldier, he crossed himself and kneel. Peter Petrovich said: "He was better than his people aim right in the heart."

Last letter

After the revolution, the captain of the 2nd rank of Stranki was shot. Even earlier, Vice Admiral Chukhnn was killed: the revolutionaries opened a real hunt for him, in June 1906, Chukhnina shot the gardener of Akimov's gardener, who later became the Soviet writer-marinist under the pseudonym Nikolai Nikandrov.

Chukhnina buried in Sevastopol Vladimir Cathedral near Nakhimov and Kornilov. Schmidt executed them was buried on Berezan; His body was not given relatives. The popularity of the deceased was such that fake "sons" appeared in several cities. And the real son of Eugene did not accept the Soviet government, fought against her in the Army of Wrangel, released the memories of the father in the emigration.

The solemnly marked 20th anniversary of the revolution of 1905 raised the popularity of Schmidt to a new height: he was reburied in the Sevastopol Cemetery of Communards, the streets called him, the poems were devoted to him (Boris Pasternak wrote one of them).

New impostors appeared that Ilf and Petrov were comically beat in the history of "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt". It is unlikely that the authors would have allowed to joke so freely about other heroes of the revolution. But the Soviet Agitprop always treated the Soviet Agitprop: Putanik, loser, neurasthenik ...

So he, in essence, was. But this can not devalue his reckless courage - a lonely fighter with the system that our story puts so high.

And it can not devalue its strange, short and unrequited love.

Zinaida Rizberg: "On February 18, the sentence was read in final form and allowed us to say goodbye immediately, in the courthouse. I could get down to his hand ... He hugged me, hugged his sister and hurried ... a sworn attorney ... gave me the last Letter Schmidt ".

"Farewell, Zinaida! Today he accepted a sentence in the final form, probably before the execution of days left 7-8. Thank you, that I came to facilitate me the last days. Live, Zinaida. ... Love life is still ... I go to [ Death] Bodro, joyfully and solemnly. Again, I thank you for those six months of the correspondence life and for your arrival. I hug you, live, be happy. I am happy to fulfill my duty. And maybe I have lived for no reason. "

* On the shoulders of Schmidt shoulder straps with two lumen. These were relying senior officers. Submitting, Lieutenant Peter Schmidt believed that when he was dismissal, he would presurge the new rank, and even photographed with the relevant patterns. Not come true ...

Letters Peter Schmidt are published on the book Zinaida Rizberg "Lieutenant P.P. Schmidt. Letters, memories, documents" (M., 1922).

November 15 - the next anniversary of the Sevastopol events of 1905, in which she participated in the liberals of those times first, and then the Bolsheviks are not the unless Lieutenant Peter Petrovich Schmidt.
Honestly, I also dislike him in school, when the "first Russian revolution of 1095-1907" was "the first Russian revolution of 1095-1907," he didn't like me. I understood some sixth sense that this is not a "hero of the revolution", etc. And now, when so many different historical material has become available to the Internet, this dislike has gross into a particular dislike, mixed on pity for mentally unhealthy person and squeamishness as To the former officer of the Russian fleet, which has stolen from the ship's office of sailors and ultimately, who has changed the oath.
Reading about the events of those years, just a diva is given, - what is only idiots, as examples for imitation, our enlightened history teachers in our children's minds are disappeared! What a lie in the name of the propaganda of Marxist-Leninist ideas did not spread these pompolates from education.
In the cult film by Rostotsky's director, "We will live to Monday" (1968), the teacher is penetrating and very talented, as can Vyacheslav Tikhonov, broadcasted students: "The Chief of His (Schmidt) Dar is to feel someone else's suffering more acutely than his own. It is this gift that gives rise to rebels and poets. "

It is unlikely that I get objectively, without political addiction to express my point of view about this person, but still I will try.
Who is this person who after death turned into a revolutionary idol?
Russian officer who has changed the oath and military debt? Unfortunate, entangled in the non-seeing personal life, sufferers, a vain romantic, a frantic adventurer? Or is it still a fighter for freedom of oppressed mankind, "Petrel Revolution"?

Who is he, Lieutenant of the Russian Fleet P.P. Shmidt?

I will start with the fact that Petr Petrovich Schmidt is a hereditary nobleman, his whole male relatives from Petrovsky times was ships and fleets. His father is also Peter Petrovich, Council Admiral, the veteran of the Defense of Sevastopol, finished the service as the head of the Berdyan port. His uncle, - Father's brother, Vladimir Schmidt, - An even more successful fleet officer, full of admiral, also participated in the defense of Sevastopol, commanded the Pacific squadron, consisted in the Admiralty Council, was a cavalier of almost all orders, and in the Career final - Senator.

Almost for Dostoevsky.

An educated and well-read young man from childhood was dreaming by the sea and, universal pleasure, at the end of the Berdyan Men's Gymnasium in 1880 he received first to the Sea Cadet Corps, and then to the Maritime School in St. Petersburg. He was distinguished by large abilities in school, sang perfectly, musitized and painted. But along with these excellent qualities, everyone noted his increased nervousness and excitability. In addition to everything, nor looking at his German roots, implied in it, pedanotism, hard work and a philosophical mindset, in the school, the thoughts of the young man unexpectedly pick up not Hegel and Goethe, and the Russian anarchist Bakunin and the Narodolets of Lavrov (by the way, demolished marine officer). However, the cabinet and school authorities on the weird Cadet, and then the Schmidt's Gardemaryarina closed the eyes, believing that over time everything is formed by itself: the harsh practice of the ship's service has etched the Fleets and more dangerous inclinations from the Flot.
And in vain! In the dreamy-intellectual nature of the young Gardemaryar, the pesting ideas, housing, utopian socialism, were mixed in the air. Apparently without having changed his head from all this Leberal-revolutionary hassy of that time, plus family troubles - difficult relationships with a stepmother, inner loneliness, - a few nervous seizures happened to young Petrushi during her studies. This, in turn, caused the appointment of psychiatric examination with the subsequent very serious and unilent conclusions. But, thanks to the relationship of the Father, it was possible to lean.
Ultimately, in 1886, Peter Schmidt graduated from the school and entered the Baltic Fleet in the rank of Michman, where January 1, 1887 was enrolled in the Rifle team of the 8th Baltic Fleet crew. But the self-conception and extreme ambitiousness caused him a rejection by the officer team - and after 20 days (!) Schmidt was expelled by illness with a six-month holiday and transfer to the Black Sea Fleet.

Uza Gimenta.

On the Black Sea, the service also did not set. She walked to that act, who truly not only surprised everyone, but caused a real shock in all his friends surrounding him and his people close to him. For the twenty-first years of life, a nervous young man, thirsty of glory, feats, reorganization of the world and sacrifice in the name of high ideals ... marries Domnicia Gavrilovna Pavlova - a professional street prostitute, who had a yellow ticket instead of a passport. Probably, with the purpose of its moral rebirth. However, then it was fashionable among the liberal youth, having come down with the "Fades", try to save her. Remember the novel Kuner "Yama". The twenty-year-old Schmidt in some metropolitan restaurant became acquainted with her. His memories on this topic are similar to some nonsense of the crazy: "She was my years," Petr Petrovich told many years later. - It's a pity I was unbearable. And I decided to save. I went to the bank, I had 12 thousand there, I took this money and I gave it everything. Another day, seeing how many soulful rusties in her, understood: I need to give here not only money, but all myself. To pull it out of the bog, I decided to marry ... ". "Lost soul", however, little reminded the meek Sonya Marmaladov. Ignorant, small, with blessing requests and absolutely indifferent to the ideals of the spouse, it from the dishtop networks did not get hurried.
This marriage in the literal sense of the word killed the father of Peter Petrovich: he cursed his son, and soon after he died.
For the very original Michman, after marriage, the prospect of immediate and shameful exile from the fleet with a shameful wording "For actions, contradictory officer's honor" arose. But, despite the fact that there was a ropot in the cabins, and many former familiar interrupted with Schmidt the relationship, no reaction from the command of the fleet did not follow. He did not even demand an explanation from him, because the figure of his uncle, Vladimir Petrovich Schmidt, the Senior Flag of the Baltic Fleet, was rich for Michman Schmidt. Actually, greater punishment, than he made himself, it is difficult to come up with: even the revolutionary myth-making, making details, certainly noted that " family life Schmidt did not work out, "and vinyl a spouse of Lieutenant. Although, as in such cases, Ukrainians say: "Bachili's uchi shho".
Be that as it may, Dvornika Gavrilovna Pavlova, becoming his wife Peter Petrovich Schmidt, a year after the wedding, the Son gave birth to Yevgeny.
That's what he writes about his mother in his memoirs: "My mother was so terrible that he had to be amazed in inhuman patience and, truly, the angelic goodness of my father, who made a 17-year-old religious Yellow Jama on his shoulders."
Is it lies here the main reason for deep disappointment in life, spiritual donom, and, in essence, and the collapse of the personality of Schmidt? Sexopathologists and psychotherapists could answer this question. At least, it is impossible to deny that cardiac pain on the verge of a mental illness sometimes can push up the most unbridled deeds.
Shortly after this joyful event, the lieutenant reigned again. After was at the reception to the Commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Admiral Kulagin, he rolled the real hysteria in his office - "Being in an extremely excited state, the most inconspicuous things said." A straight line from Michman's headquarters was transmitted to a maritime hospital, where he was kept for two weeks, and at the discharge, the doctors strongly advised Peter Petrovich to seem good psychiatras. But the unpleasant thing was again jammed, and, taking a year-old vacation "for health amendment," Schmidt went to Moscow, where she lay down at Dr. Mogilevich's clinic. However, after passing the course of treatment, he was still forced to submit a report on dismissal. His illness was expressed in unexpected buses of irritability, passing into rage, for which the hysteria was followed with convulsions and riding on the floor. The spectacle was so terrible that the little Eugene, who once became an involuntary witness to the sudden attack of his father, was so frightened that he was bare for life.

Pacific squadron.

Fortunately, the grandfather left him something inheritance, and the grandson went to Paris, then in Italy. The inheritance, as it usually occurs, was quickly dotted, and as a result he turned out to be a contractor in a commercial bank. For such an excited-elevated nature as pp Schmidt It was very boring, and he asked back to military service.
Protecting the uncle helped, he was again accepted.
Schmidt served for some time in St. Petersburg, and again acquired a reputation as an officer of a smoking, non-discharge. The influential uncle came to the revenue again, having achieved the transfer of the nephew on the hydrographic vessel of the Pacific squadron. The "heroic relative" naively believed that the combat bonds of the fleet service in the Far East would change the nature of the nephew and his attitude to life.
The family went after him, but Peter Petrovich was only worse from this. My wife, all his reasoning and teaching considered to be saturated, he did not put it in the penny and discovered openly. In addition, Peter Petrovich had to be engaged in the economy and the upbringing of the son, as Domynicia to homely duties treated with the cool. The service on the Pacific Squadron lasted five years. And there, as before on the Baltic, Peter Schmidt showed himself an extremely non-advisable officer, nor on one ship, more than two months he was not delayed. He managed to join the conflict even with the counter-admiral Grigory Chukhunin (it was this admiral that will give an order about the arrest of rebellion lieutenant). Whether maritime service, family troubles or all together, oppressively acted on the psyche of Schmidt, but after a while he had an aggravation nervous diseasewhich overtook Michman during an overseas campaign. He found himself in the sea climb of the Japanese port of Nagasaki, where he was examined by the consultation of the squadron doctors. The attack was such a force that it was taken under the convoy to Vladivostok and locked in a psychiatric hospital. On the recommendation of the Consilium, Schmidt was written off to the reserve.
It was 1897 ...

Past tsusima

But the omnipresent and omnipotent relative of the incident with the "mental hospital" again jumped and achieved the Schmidt to dismiss without publicity. He arranged him on a quiet and profitable service in a commercial "volunteer fleet", and from there transferred to the "Society of Shipping Company and Trade". Schmidt became the captain of the steamer "Igor" for a short time, and then the captain of the "Diana" steamer, which was engaged in transportation of goods on the Black Sea. The wife remained with him, but the family actually collapsed: the loophole rumor looked around for Dobrick, and Peter Petrovich, fleeing them, was almost never visiting the house, he spent most of the year in swimming and smoothly living in the captain's cabin on Diana.
Nevertheless, his life seems to be relatively settled: the troubles remained on the shore and seemed distant, almost unreal. There was a real sea, the ship on which he was captain, caring for the crew, course, speed, the state of cars, the weather - the word, everything that he dreamed of from childhood, which loved and what could be done. During this time, Schmidt corrected his health, improved the authority, improved the financial situation and, it would probably be a successful, prosperous member of society, but ... it was taken away from him when, in 1904, the Russian-Japanese war was killed and he was called from the reserve to the actual fleet service.
Here, of course, the Fleet doctors contracted, a not very healthy person recognized the service at the Navy. Only the harsh need to replenish the losses incurred by the Fall officer corps at the very beginning of the war in the Far East may be an excuse.
For the third time, the Schmidt returned to the fleet, who was then under forty years, produced in Chin Lieutenant and sent again to the Baltic. He was appointed by the senior officer of the coal transport "Irtysh", who was preparing for the transition to the Pacific Theater of Military Action as part of the Ecadron of the Admiral Z. Lozhevlensky.

Transport officers "Irtysh" .p.P.Smidt in the first row in the center.

It is very hard: having visited the captain, the full owner of the ship and the crew, again go to whose submission. Yes, and the post of "ship dragon" was not at all for Peter Petrovich. The duties of the senior officer of the military ship enters the maintenance of strict discipline, and the lieutenant did not want to "pull up the nuts": he easily smoked at Diana, he read the books to them, and they were his named Petro.
The captain "Irtysh" believed that the senior officer-Liberal decomposes discipline on the vessel, and dreamed of getting rid of this eccentric fleeing him on his head in front of the distant ocean campaign. The oil in the fire was poured by an accident, which occurred during the release of "Irtysh" in the sea - when leaving the roar, the vessel rushed to the pitfalls, "she happened during the Shmidt Watch. And although his actions in a complex setting actually saved the ship, according to the ancient fleet tradition, "extreme" made a Watch officer. By the report of Captain, the commander of the squadron put Lieutenant under arrest.
The reasons for the punishment of the senior officer can be found as much as it is, for he answers the ship for everything at once, and therefore the recovery was poured on the head of the unfortunate Peter Petrovich, as from the nightmarish horns of abundance. The psyche once again could not stand it and the case ended in the fact that in the parking lot in Port Said, at the entrance to the Suez Canal, Lieutenant Schmidt was written off with Irtysh "for illness."
In the personal card of the English and Russian military seamans there was a graph: "Veneably". Is it possible to call bad luck what happened to the lieutenant Schmidt, distinguished by rare "non-optimity", which, perhaps, did not know the story of fleets. The officer is discharged several times to the reserve and each time restore and restore the service again.
Transport "Irtysh" in the spring of 1905, having passed through the Suez Canal and the Red Sea, caught up with the squadron in the Indian Ocean, took part in the Tsushim battle, was undermined and sank. The surviving team members hit the Japanese captivity. But ... without a "lucky" lieutenant.
At that time he was lying in the hospital in Port Said with a certain "chronic illness". On the mysterious write-off Peter Schmidt shortly before the death of the vessel, you can assume anything. Was the marina already mentioned mental syndrome, tropical disease, or again uncle tried ... But the fact remains the fact that the will of fate he escaped the death in the Tsushimsky battle, in which the majority of his ill-wishers threw.
The fleet "luck" lieutenant as if he kept him for the time being for a "a great mission." Schmidt returned to Russia and to continue the service was sent to the Black Sea Fleet.

Hot autumn 1905th.

The Black Sea Fleet then feverified the endless echoes of the epic on the battleship "Potemkin". Permanently manifested the excitement of teams of other ships. Council Admiral Chukhnin is probably not without taking into account the influence of uncle, appointed a Great-A-Aged (39-year-old!) Lieutenant commander of the detachment of two small dusties, based in Izmail. And now, the officer has already written off the mental illness three times, and recovered three times, with a rise in position and in the rank, the Danube from the Turks at the chapter of two small destroyers with a total number of subordinate no more than twenty people ...
Then there was such an order that the commander was ordered by all purchases and he had all the money. And the meal of the team of this destroyer was worth a hundred rubles per month. And here Schmidt commits a double crime. First, he, commander, in war time Leaves his ship and leaves for unauthorized abol. And secondly, it abducts all the cash funds of the Ministry of State - two and a half thousand rubles, huge money for those times. Where this money is going, unknown. There is an assumption that Schmidt lost them in Kiev on the run. Perhaps I decided to fix my condition. As usual in such cases, I thought that he would take this money, would go to run, won a million, returns - and no one would notice.

But there is another version.
He did not bring money to Kiev junction, because the Lieutenant met the Lieutenant with a pretty young woman, Zinaida Rizberg. The meeting had a huge impression on him, an aging lieutenant fell in love. With your head! On the ears! After parting, the correspondence began. Then people still wrote letters and even found some pleasure in this. Correspondence with the beloved lasted only three and a half months, but was regular and frank. Apparently, the dreaming of happiness, the "lucky" Schmidt lost (or he was stolen). And maybe it's cooler, he missed everything on his new passion ... This fact of the biography of Schmidt Soviet historians diligently accounted for.
After some time, he was detained, a consequence began. The documents opened these days show how everyone inexperienced in such matters, he embarrassed and justified, but how much he was remal, but still confessed in the embarrassment and desertion.
Here is a "specialist in foreign suffering"!
This time he was already threatened with a "yellow house", but Katorga.

By the way, in Soviet times, in the 70s, the correspondence between Zinaida Rizberg and Lieutenant Schmidt was based on the film - "Postal Romance", where Alexander Parra starred in the title role. I looked at this film at a completely kid, I liked it. But I do not remember what we were talking about, although I knew for sure that there was no one word about the disappeared sailor office.
Party power, not knowing how to buy young people, made a bet on romanticism. Even the term appeared - "Romance of the Revolution." There appeared a play about Schmidte, enthusiastic books appeared ... Yes, a lot of things appeared then ... Standard Pompsie Rod.

In general, he is removed from office, they are given to court. And this is a terrible shame: he stole from his sailors ...
When I collected the material on this article, I was unjustily surprised by the Almighty and Almighty Uncle, Vladimir Petrovich Schmidt. This is what it was necessary to have patience, what how many times to take the most active participation in the fate of your unbelievable nephew. And in this one, which has already become a senator by that time, uncle helped and stood up for his parsu. He personally made the prefinion to the nephew and pressed on all possible levers, achieving the inappropriate dismissed from the fleet in a quiet, without publicity.
In the fourth time!
So Peter Petrovich Schmidt in the fall of 1905 was without certain classes and special prospects in Sevastopol. This happened just on the eve of revolutionary events, when the sailor barracks and on vessels mature "Buz". After the publication of October 17, 1905, the royal manifesto on the date of focus of Freedies was demanded by clarifications, and they were told that they did not apply to them. At the entrance to the Sevastopol Primorsky Boulevard, a shameful plate was still concerned: "The entrance with dogs and the lower ranks is prohibited"; detained dismissal on the reserve of the deadlines; The families called from the stock with the end of the war have ceased to receive benefits, and the breadwasters did not let home, and each letter from the house acted on servants stronger than any revolutionary proclamation. All this to extreme glowed the situation in the city, and on ships, and the authorities, the faithful covenants of the old days, sought to "keep and not to bother", which led to the first clashes and victims.

On "Ochakov"!

In October 1905, Schmidt retired again with his head plunge into a revolutionary struggle. He wants to completely devote himself to political activities. This is his choice and the last chance for self-realization.
Perhaps an unrequited feeling pushed a non-good lieutenant for this, in all respects, an insane attempt to self-affirmation. It is probably the same desire to somehow distinguish him in the bunch of revolutionary riot. Let us leave these questions to psychoanalystics.
"I am waiting for a sailor in Odessa, who cannot unite without me, they have no suitable person," they wrote Schmidt to one of his associates. He has already entered the role of the leader of an irritable revolt, "Surtuk Robespierry".
Schmidt did not in any party. He generally avoided "herldness", for imagined himself a personality of emergency, for which all parties are close. But when political events boiled in Sevastopol, he, angry "injustices", joined the opposition and became very active. Being a good speaker, Peter Petrovich, participates in anti-governmental rallies. A strange figure of a thin officer has faced the attention of the public, and this oddity seemed to many of the special originality of the leader and the fanatical martyr ideas. October 19, 1905 He was elected to the Council of People's Deputies of Sevastopol. At the rally on October 25, 1905, in the ecstasy of the case, calls and the claims of punishment of the perpetrators of a peaceful demonstration, in front of the crowd of Schmidt, an unexpected psychic seizure was unexpectedly, but the manifestation of mental pathology was accepted for revolutionary obsession. However, the gendarmes did not confuse this circumstance and for sharpness, energy and radicalism of the speeches was taken under arrest. From under the arrest, a frantic rejection will send a message to the newspaper, exciting public indignation. Surprisingly, under the pressure of the "democratic community", Schmidt was released from prison. We released under the subscription and honestly to leave Sevastopol immediately! Oh, how cruel was the royal mode!
And here there is no unwinding merit, other levers included.
These speeches and the release on Gauptvatahte created him a reputation as a revolutionary and sufferer.
"Ochakov" was the newest cruiser and for a long time standing on the "crust" in the plant. The team collected from different crews, closely communicating with working and dissolved agitators of revolutionary parties, was thoroughly distributed, and among the sailors there were their influential persons who actually speaking initiators if not the rebellion, then at least demonstrative nonilities. This sailor tip is a few trousers and senior sailors - understood that without an officer they could not do. Schmidt just turned out to be "at the right time in the right place"! He was the only Navy officer (even if the former), who became on the side of the so-called revolution, and therefore it was precisely the deputation of the team of the cruiser "Ochakov" who went to the meeting of representatives of teams and crews. On the elemental rallies of the lower ranks, it was decided to formulate them at this meeting. general requirements To the authorities, and sailors wanted to consult with a "revolutionary officer".
They came to him on the apartment. Schmidt greeted each hand, sat at the table in the living room: all these were the signs of unprecedented democracy in relations between officers and sailors. After reading the requirements of Ochakovs, Peter Petrovich advised them not to be exchanged for small things (the sailors wanted to seek to improve life, service conditions, increase payments, etc.). He recommended them to nominate political demands - then they are listening to them seriously, and what will be "bargain" in negotiations with the authorities.
Completely fascinated by the reception, the sailors deputies went to their assembly, and Schmidt began to gass hurry.

He sews himself uniform captain of the second rank, and in all subsequent events, the captain of the second rank in the chains. In principle, this title was automatically supposed to him when he was dismissed into the reserve in the usual order, but with those circumstances, at what he was dismissed, his right to wearing the nurse was very dubious.
Schmidt is completely skilled. He is sure that before him a huge future. He is in a hurry to go to Moscow. He needs to be near Milyukova, the leader of the Party of Constitutional Democrats. Schmidt is confident that he will be chosen in State Duma And he will speak from her podium ...
In this ecstasy, Schmidt is on board the cruiser "Ochakov". Moreover, quite by chance! He probably did not understand how!
Then there was a general strike, and the trains did not go. Schmidt hires a cab driver on a yalik and sails to a steamer, which will take it into Odessa. Firstly, there are "sailors who cannot unite without it (!)", And secondly, I remind you, he has a subscription in gendarmerie and "honestly officer" with the obligation to leave Sevastopol. Schmidt floats past the cruiser "Ochakov" and pursuing him by chance. Apparently in the inflamed brain of the revolutionary, a recent meeting was overlooked at his apartment with a deputation from this cruiser. He remembered that the representatives of the team came to him said that after the sailors began to sabotage the execution of orders, the commander and officers in full force left the ship.

After all, the cruiser is a huge combat vehicle, to control which specialists are required, without them "Ochakov" it would be impossible to even withdraw from the bay. Unlike "Ochakova", the battleship "Potemkin" was captured in the sea, already on the go, but also there, the shooting of officers, the rebels left two, forced them to drive them the ship by force. At the "Ochakov" it was not possible to repeat - the officers managed to move ashore, and the team fell into a deadlock. In addition, "Ochakov" just came from the academic campaign and without serving fuel, products and water in a few days would turn into a metal mahuine with cooled boilers, non-working devices and mechanisms.
Therefore, Schmidt acted probably. Having risen on the side of "Ochakova", he collected the team on the shcantians and stated that at the request of the general meeting of deputies, he accepted the command not only as a cruiser but also to the entire Black Sea Fleet (!), I ordered to immediately notify the urgent telegram of the Emperor's sovereign, which was Immediately executed.
He signed a telegram like this: "Schmidt fleet commander." (!)
On the calendar was November 14, 1905.
Further, he continued selflessly straggle, or to dream. Crazy sometimes it is difficult to understand what they mean. He said that on the shore, in the fortress and among the workers "his people" only waiting for the signal to start an armed performance. According to Schmidt, the seizure of Sevastopol with his arsenals and warehouses is only the first step, following which it was necessary to go to the step and build the artillery batteries there, to block the road to the Crimea and thereby separate the peninsula from Russia. Next, he intended to move the entire fleet to Odessa, land a landing and take power in Odessa, Nikolaev and Kherson. As a result, the "South-Russian Socialist Republic" was formed, at the head of which Schmidt saw himself.
The sailor leaders were not resistant, but for them and the whole team went to the Schmidt, as the peasants were followed by the peasants for unknotely from where they came with the split "apostles" who were broadcast that they were opened in a sleepy vision, where everyone is waiting for happiness and universal prosperity.
Initially, he was accompanied by success: the command of Schmidt recognized the teams of two more destroyers, the port tugs were captured by his order, and the armed groups of sailors with "Ochakov" were part of the squadron who stood on anchors in the Sevastopol Court of the Squador, while sitting on them by boarding teams. The removal of the officers, the rebels captured them and took themselves to the "Ochakov". Having collected in such a way on board the cruiser more than a hundred officers, Schmidt declared their hostages whom he threatened to hang, starting with the oldest in charge if the command of the fleet and Sevastopol fortress would take hostile actions towards the rebel. The same Lieutenant wounded if his demands will not be fulfilled: he wanted to make Cossack parts from Sevastopol and from Crimea, as well as the army units that remained the oath.
From a possible attack from the shore, he covered off, putting a Mine Bug Bulk Bag between "Ochakov" and coastal batteries with full loading of marine mines - any hit in this huge floating bomb would cause a catastrophe. The power of the explosion would demolish part of the city, adjacent to the sea.
But by the morning of November 15, good luck turned away from him.
None of the armadios, except "Potemkin", disarmed and renamed in "Panteleimona", not joined me.
The fleet did not rest in, there was no sovereign from the shore, and the team of the Mine Cooperator "Bug" opened Kingstons and flooded the ship with a dangerous cargo, leaving "Ochakov" under the shovel of coast guns. Schmidt threatened to open fire on the barges with a flammable, stood on the pier to immerse in a terrible fire all Sevastopol. But did not have time. The canoner boat "Tercher", who was commanded by Schmidt's childhood and his classmate on the school, captain of the second rank of stories, intercepted and let the bottom of a few tugs with the Ochakovian landing.
The cruiser in response to this opened fire in the city, but he received a flurry of fire in response and after eight hips caught fire. In the current situation, like an honest person and officer, Schmidt would have to stay aboard the cruiser with sailors, which provoked to the rebellion, and divide their fate. Moreover, at all rallies, Schmidt shouted that he dreams to die for freedom. However, even before the start of the shelling at his order, the Okacov was prepared by a policeman with a complete reserve of coal and water. After the start of the fire on the cruiser raised the White Flag and Schmidt with their sixteen-year-old son, using the universal confusion, first - and it was proven documented - left the ship. They jumped into the water and swam to the Municipal City.
Schmidt on the Ministry of Economics hoped to break into Turkey, but the ship was damaged by artillery fire from the Rostislav armor and intercepted.
When examining the shmidt's ship, they did not find it, but later it was found under the metal flooring. Dressed in a dirty sailor robe, failed "Red Admiral" tried to give himself for nothing that understands the fire.


In the case of Bunte on the cruiser "Ochakov", the court was committed more than forty person.
And here for the first time in the history of Russia, the great power of liberal print appeared. Schmidt was declared a hero. Single hero! No longer about whom the liberal press did not mention. At best, they spoke: "Schmidt and sailors". The Cadet Party bought the five best lawyers in Russia, the loudest names. They defended only Schmidt. They said: the court was wrong and so on ... Ten people were generally justified. Some were identified for a short prison sentence, and someone was sent to Katvoa. Four people were sentenced to death. In the sentence, Schmidt the wording was like this: he "used the rebeling force to achieve his personal goals."
During the period of the investigation, Prime Minister Sergey Witte reported Nicholas II: "I have been declared from all sides that Lieutenant Schmidt, sentenced to the death penalty, a mentally ill man and his criminal actions are explained only by his illness. All statements are made to me with a request to report to your Imperial Majesta. " The resolution of the emperor was preserved: "I have no doubt that if Schmidt was mentally ill, then it would be established by forensic examination." But no psychiatrist agreed (!) To go to Ochakov to examine Schmidt. The Cadets were opposed: "How this is our hero and suddenly crazy! No, let him better shoot it! " And the examination did not take place.

Schmidt with several accomplices is nonsense officers, Gladkov, Antonenko, was shot on March 6, 1906 on the island of Berezan. Commanded by the shooting of Lieutenant on the sea corner, the commander of the canoner boat "Tercher" Captain of the 2nd rank Mikhail Stores.

By the way, during the process, publishers who were printed in monstrous circulations were insanely and sold postcards with Schmidt portraits. He is such, he is Xiak, he is in a white twentieth, he is in black kittel ... Schmidt, as if we said now, became the brand of the 1905 revolution.

Soon there were processes over the other participants in the Sevastopol armed rebellion. In addition to the Ochakovians, they passed: 180 sailors, 127 Soldiers of the Sapper Company, 25 soldiers of the Brest Regiment, 2 soldiers of the 49th spare battalion, 5 artillery soldiers and 11 civilians.

The sentence, and especially his execution, made a lot of noise. The case of Schmidt was covered in the American and European press.
More than others surprise the collective message of 28 officers of the Turkish army and the fleet on the execution on the island of Berezan in St. Petersburg newspapers "Rus" and "Path": "The unheard of the crime happened - the valiant lieutenant Petr Petrovich Schmidt Kaznen ... Full indignations, we, the following army officers And the fleet of the Ottoman Empire, which gathered in the amount of 28 people ... In our hearts, Lieutenant Schmidt will always remain a great fighter and a sufferer for human rights. He will be a teacher to our offspring ... With the Russian people, we join our cry "Down with the death penalty!" "Long live civil liberation!"
In for once, Turkish officers have woke up so humanistic gusts. (Interestingly, where they were treated during the Armenian Genocide in 1915 and in 1918. And it was not dictated to this passage disappointment from an unsuccessful separatist sealing, leading to the collapse of such a hated Ommans of the Black Sea Fleet and the separation of the former territories of the ports. Riddle ... But Frankly unceremonious invasion into the internal affairs of another state.)
The liberal press of Russia, as was customary, condemned the cruelty of the authorities, declaring the Schmidt with the conscience of the nation and the publish revolution.
Soon after the execution of Schmidt, the terrorists killed Admiral Chukhnin. He was buried in the Sevastopol Vladimir Cathedral, the tomb of the famous Russian Flotovodians.
In the same cathedral in 1909, the ashes of the Admiral and Senator Vladimir Schmidt, and the nephew did not reconcile from the "surprises".
His consolidated brother, an army monarchist, Port Arthur's defense hero, Vladimir Petrovich Schmidt, because of the shame, who wrapped on his family, changed the surname to Schmitt. In the overgrown after the October coup Civil War He fought on the side of the White Army and emigrated in the final. Its further fate for public history is not known.

Then the events of the fifth year were forgotten - there were too many others in Russia. The Great I. began scary war. But someone else's posthumous fame is the currency of politicians. In April 1917, Kerensky, speaking in Sevastopol, announced the solemn that Lieutenant Schmidt is the pride and fame of the Russian revolution and the Black Sea Fleet. Schmidt and shot with him on the island of Berezan solemnly dug out, put in silver coffins and were lucky, like Orthodox power, in the cities of Russia.

And then rooted in Sevastopol.
Then came new power, Bolshevik. And Schmidt was a single hero, a proud revolutionary ... That's it, such loved by Comrade Trotsky. And the new wave of Schmidt Glory is due to the Trotsky. When Trotsky became drug addiction, that is, the head of the army and the fleet, he ordered to raise the shmidt to the shield. And since he was the only revolutionary marine hero officer, the embankment of the Neva near the sea cadet corps and the bridge, which was called the name of Tsar Nikolai Pavlovich, were renamed the embankment and the Lieutenant Schmidt Bridge. It was the decision of Trotsky and Zinoviev, the party leader of Petrograd. Then the twelve (!) Ships of the Workers' and Peasant Red Fleet received the name "Lieutenant Schmidt". Maybe from there and first went the expression of the "Sons of Lieutenant Schmidt"?
Speaking at Sude Schmidt in his "Last Word" said
- Behind my back, I will have folk suffering and shocks experienced years. And ahead, I see a young, updated, happy Russia.
As for the first Schmidt, there was absolutely right: the suffering of people and shocks remained behind his back. But as for the "young, updated and happy Russia", the Schmidt was not destined to learn how deeply he became mistaken. 10 years after the shooting of Schmidt, his son, the young Junker E. P. Schmidt, almost one in one repeating the fate of his stepbrother, the volunteer went to the front and the hero was fought "for faith, king and fatherland." In 1917, he categorically did not accept the October coup and went to the White Army. She passed its entire path from the Volunteer Army to the Crimean Epopea of \u200b\u200bBaron Wrangel. In 1921, a steamer took Evgeny Schmidt from the Sevastopol Pier abroad, far from those places where in 1905 his father helped those who now walked his homeland and drove him himself to be alien.
"Why did you die, father? - asked him in the book of Evgeny Schmidt published abroad, - didn't you see your son how the millennial states are crumbling, dissected by the harsh hands of hired killers, the discerns of their people? ".

Political assessments of Sevastopol rebellion are very controversial, only the role of personality in a particular historical event is indisputable. The role of sober and intelligent or unstable and inadequate personality. And maybe, verson or uncomfortable, according to the sea code. After all, the uprising, if it ends with the failure, is just a riot.

As for the Schmidt's beloved, Zinaida Rizberg, then in February 1906 she was present in Ochakov in court in the case of rebellious lieutenant. When the Ronzhin Prosecutor read the conviction, and the Navivodsky's Naval Judge issued a decision: "Returning lieutenant ... to deprive the right ... And to subjected to the death penalty" (was replaced by shooting), the last love of the "Red Admiral" sown yawned and said The satellite that "was very hungry and wanted salmon."
Nevertheless, in a very mature age, she overturned a personal pension from the Soviet state. She was appointed to her as a "revolutionary comrades"! As a confirmation of his relationship with Lieutenant, Zinaida Rizberg provided written evidence, Schmidt's romantic letters to her.

According to Internet.