
Scary photos of war in Chechnya. Unknown photos of war in Chechnya

Landscape garden design

In Chechnya, Russian troops fought at the kings when the Caucasian region was only part of the Russian Empire. But in the nineties of the last century, a real slaughter began there, the echoes of which they still do not subside. Chechen war in 1994-1996 and in 1999-2000 - two catastrophes of the Russian army.

Backgrounds of Chechen wars

The Caucasus for Russia has always been a very difficult region. The issues of nationality, religion, culture always rising very sharply and were decided not in peaceful ways.

After the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the influence of separatists intensified the influence of separatists in the Chechen-Ingush ASSR on the basis of national and religious hostility, as a result of which the Republic of Ichkeria was self-proclaimed. She joined the confrontation with Russia.

In November 1991, Boris Yeltsin, then the President of Russia was issued a decree "On the introduction of a state of emergency in the territory of the Chechen-Ingush Republic". That's just this decree was not supported in the Supreme Council of Russia, due to the fact that most places occupied opponents of Yeltsin.

In 1992, the third of March, Johar Dudaev said that he would go to negotiations only when Chechnya receives complete independence. A few days later, the twelfth number, in the Parliament of Chechnya, adopted a new constitution, self-exploiting the country with a secular independent state.

Almost immediately were captured by all government buildings, all military bases, all strategically important objects. The territory of Chechnya completely passed under the control of separatists. From this point on, the legal centralized power has ceased to exist. The situation was out of control: the trade flourished by weapons and people, there was a drug trafficking on the territory, the bandits robbed the population (especially Slavic).

In June 1993, the soldiers from Dudayev's personal security seized the parliament building in Grozny, and Dudayev himself proclaimed the appearance of the "sovereign Ichkeria" - the state that he fully controlled.

A year later, the first Chechen (1994-1996) will begin, which will start the whole series of wars and conflicts, which are perhaps the most bloody and cruel throughout the former Soviet Union.

First Chechen: Start

In 1994, the eleventh of December, the Russian troops three groups entered the territory of Chechnya. One was part of the West, through North Ossetia, another one - through Mozdok, and the third group from the territory of Dagestan. Initially, the command was entrusted to Eduard Vorobyev, but he refused and resigned, referring to the full unpreparedness of this operation. Later, the operation in Chechnya will be headed by Anatoly Kvashnin.

Of the three groups, only Mozdokskaya was able to successfully reach the Grozny - the remaining two were blocked in different parts of Chechnya by local residents and partisan fighters of militants. A few days later, the remaining two groups of Russian troops approached Grozny and blocked it from all sides, with the exception of the southern direction. Up to the beginning of the assault on this side, access to the city will be free for militants, it later influenced the siege of Grozny federal waxes.

Storming Grozny

On December 31, 1994, the assault began, which took many lives of Russian soldiers and remained one of the most tragic episodes in Russian history. About two hundred armored vehicles, which was almost powerless under street fighting, entered Grozny. Between the Roths was poorly delivered, which prevented coordinating joint actions.

Russian troops were stripped on the streets of the city, coming down to the cross-fire of militants. The Maikop Brigade Battalion, which advanced to the center of the city, was surrounded and was almost completely destroyed with the commander - Colonel Savin. The battalion of the Petrakuvsky motorized rifle regiment, who walked to "Maykoptsam" to the revenue, in two days of battles numbered about thirty percent of the initial composition.

By the beginning of February, the number of storms was increased to seventy thousand people, but the storm in the city continued. Only the third of February, Grozny was blocked from the south side and taken into the ring.

The sixth of March, part of the last detachments of Chechen separatists was interrupted, the other left the city. Grozny remained under the control of Russian troops. In fact, there are few things left from the city - both sides were actively used and artillery, and armored vehicles, so Terrible was practically lying in the ruins.

The rest continuously went local battles between Russian troops and militant detachments. In addition, the militants prepared and conducted a number (June 1995), in Kizlyar (January 1996). In March 1996, the militants made an attempt to beat Grozny, but the assault was reflected by Russian soldiers. And Dudaev was eliminated.

In August, the militants have repeated attempted to take Grozny, this time she succeeded. Many important objects in the city were blocked by separatists, Russian troops suffered very large losses. Together with Grozny, the militants took Guders and Argun. On August 31, 1996, Khasavyurt Agreement was signed - the first Chechen war ended with huge losses for Russia.

Human losses in the first Chechen war

Data depending on which party is calculated, differ. Actually, it was not surprising and so it was always. Therefore, all options are provided below.

Losses in the Chechen War (Table No. 1 according to the headquarters of Russian troops):

Two digits in each column where the loss of Russian troops are indicated - these are the two investigations of the headquarters that were conducted with the difference per year.

According to the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers, the consequences of the Chechen war are completely different. Some killed there are called about fourteen thousand people.

Losses in the Chechen War (Table No. 2) of militants according to Ichteria and the human rights organization:

Among the civilian population of Memorial, he put forward a number of 30-40 thousand people, and the secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation A. I. Swan - 80,000.

Second Chechen: Main events

Even after the signing of peace agreements, it was calmer in Chechnya. All the militants filled themselves, walled trade in drugs and weapons, people kidnapped and killed. On the border between Dagestan and Chechnya was alarming.

After a number of kidnaps of large businessmen, officers, journalists, it became clear that the continuation of the conflict in a more acute phase is simply inevitable. Moreover, since April, small groups of militants began to prove the weak points of defense of the Russian troops, preparing the invasion of Dagestan. The invasion operation was led by Basayev and Hattab. The place where the militants planned to strike, was in the mountain zone of Dagestan. There combined the small number of Russian troops with an uncomfortable location of the roads, for which they will not throw reinforcement very quickly. On the seventh of August 1999, the militants switched to the border.

The main shock force of the gangsters was mercenaries and Islamists from Al-Qaida. For almost a month, there were fights with varying success, but finally, the militants were thrown back to Chechnya. Together with this, the bandits conducted a number of terrorist attacks in different cities of Russia, including in Moscow.

As a response, the twenty-third of September, a powerful shelling of Grozny began, and a week later, Russian troops entered Chechnya.

Human losses in the second Chechen war among the Russian servicemen

The situation has changed, and Russian troops have now played the dominant role. But many mothers did not wait for their sons.

Losses in the Chechen War (Table No. 3):

In June 2010, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs brought such numbers: 2,984 killed and about 9,000 wounded.

Losses of militants

Losses in the Chechen War (Table No. 4):

Losses among civilians

According to the data that was officially confirmed, over thousands of civilians died in February 2001. In the book S. V. Ryazantseva, the "demographic and migratory portrait of the Northern Caucasus" is called the losses of the parties in the Chechen war in five thousand people, although it is already about 2003.

Judging by the assessment of the International Amnesty organization, which calls himself a non-governmental and objective, then there were about twenty-five thousand people who died among the civilians. Consider can long and diligently, only on the question: "How much did the Chechen war died in the Chechen war?" - It is unlikely that someone will give an intelligible answer.

War Results: World Conditions, Chechnya Restoration

While the Chechen war was walking, the loss of equipment, enterprises, land, any resources and all the rest did not even think, because the main people always remain. But the war ended, Chechnya remained in Russia, and there was a need to restore the republic from almost the ruins.

The huge money was allocated on - Grozny. After several assaults of whole buildings there almost no left, and at the moment it is a big and beautiful city.

The economy of the republic was also lifted artificially - it was necessary to give the time that the population was mastered with new realities to be rebuilt with new plants, farms. We were needed roads, links, electricity. Today we can say that the republic almost completely out of the crisis.

Chechen wars: reflection in films, books

Dozens of films are removed on the events that took place in Chechnya. Many books issued. Now it is no longer able to understand where fiction, and where the real horrors of war. The Chechen war (as well as the war in Afghanistan) took too many lives and went through the "rink" on the whole generation, so the remaining not seen simply could not. Russian losses in the Chechen wars are colossal, and, according to some researchers, losses even more than ten years of war in Afghanistan. Below is a list of film, which most deeply show us the tragic events of Chechen campaigns.

  • documentary from five episodes "Chechen trap";
  • "Purgatory";
  • "Cursed and forgotten";
  • "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

Many artistic and journalistic books describe events in Chechnya. As part of Russian troops, for example, fought the famous writer Zakhar Prilepin, who wrote a novel "pathology" precisely about this war. The writer and publicist Konstantin Semenov published the cycle of the stories of "Grozny Stories" (about the storming of the city) and the novel "We were betraying our homeland." The roman Vyacheslav Mironova "I was in this war" is dedicated to the storming of Grozny.

Videos are widely known, which were made in Chechnya Rock musician Yuri Shevchuk. He with his group "DDT" has once performed in Chechnya in front of Russian soldiers in Grozny and on military bases.


Chechnya State Council published data from which it follows that in the period from 1991 to 2005 almost one hundred and sixty thousand people died - the militants and the peaceful population, and Russian soldiers were included in this figure. One hundred sixty thousand.

Even if the numbers are overestimated (which is quite likely), then the volume of losses is just a colossal. Russian losses in Chechen wars are a terrible memory of the nineties. The old wound will be hurting and stuck in every family that lost a man there, in the Chechen war.

Student! People with a weak psyche is better not to read this post!
These are the very soldiers, Russian native boys, about whom the abrasion of Shevchenko said that they are not Russian, but Yeltsinsky.

The original is taken by W. uGlich_JJ. in the Tukhcharskaya massacre (18+).

1. Forgive platoon

It was on September 5, 1999. Early in the morning of the Chechen gang attacked the village of Tukhar in Dagestan. Commanded by militants Umar Edilsultanov, he is Umar Karpinsky (from the area of \u200b\u200bthe carpinka in Grozny). Against them was the platoon of senior lieutenant Tashkin from the 22nd Brigade of Internal Troops: Officer, 12 Soldiers-conscripts and one BMP.

They swallowed on the dominant height over the village. In addition to soldiers in Tukhchar there were 18 more policemen. They were dispersed in the village: on two block posts on entry and in the local police department.

One of the blocking posts of Dagestanis was right next to Tashkina, at the foot of the height. True, Russians and Dagestanis almost did not communicate and did not interact. Everyone in itself. Muslim Dakhhaev, the head of the local police department recalled:

"Upstairs, at the height, the position of the internal troops, and below is our police post. They are two posts - as if they existed separately. The military for some reason was not very interested in contact with the local population and with the local police. With suspicion treated our attempts to establish contacts ... There were no interaction between the police and the military. They buried in the ground and guarded themselves ".

They buried in the ground and guarded themselves ...

Umar had about 50 people in the gang, all Wahabbit - fanatics, leading jihad. Fighting "for faith," they hope to get to the paradise. Unlike Christianity in Islam, Paradise has an erotic meaning. The man in paradise will have 72 wives: 70 terrestrial women and 2 Guria (special virgins for postal sex). In the Quran and Sunna, describing these wives with all the details are repeated. For example, here:

"Allah does not let anyone in paradise, not marrying him at the 72nd Wives, two will be virgin (Guria) with big eyes, and 70 will be inherited from the inhabitants of the fire. Each of them will have the enjoyment of the vagina, and he (men) will have a sexual body that will not be descended during the copulation " (Sunan Ibn Maja, 4337).

But to heaven to the vagina Muslim, still need to get. It is not easy, but there is a sure way - to become a shahid. Shahid falls into paradise with a guarantee. He is forgiven all sins. Shahid's funeral often pass as a wedding, with an expression of joy. After all, the deceased, consider, married. He now has 72 vagina and eternal erection. The cult of death and illuminated sex in the untouched brains of the savage is serious. This is already zombies. He goes to kill and he is ready to die.

Banda Umar is part of Dagestan. The campaign to the paradise vagina began.

One of the militants walked with a camcorder and removed everything that was happening. Film, of course, terrible ... Already three lifetimes made it on it.

Left - leader (Umar), on the right - one Arab from his gang:

At 6:40 am, the militants attacked the village. First, the long-distance (from the height) block post, then the village police department. I quickly took them, and went to the height, where there was a platoon Tashkina. The fight here was hot, but also for short. Already at 7-30 BMP was chopped from a grenade launcher. And without its 30-mm automatic gun, the Russians lost their main trump card. The platoon left the position. Turn on themselves wounded, they descended down, on the block post to Dagestanis.

The post was the last hearth resistance. Chechens attacked him, but they could not take. He was well fortified and allowed to defend some time. Until the help comes or the ammunition will not end. But with this there were problems. Aid on that day was not foreseen. The militants switched to the border in several places, Lipetsky Riot police was surrounded in the village Novolakskoe, all the forces were thrown on his salvation. The command was not to Tukhchara.

Defenders of the village turned out to be thrown. There was no ammunition for a long battle in Tukhchar either. Soon, parliamentarians from among local residents came from Chechens. Let the Russians leave the station, otherwise we will begin a new assault and all over. Time to think - half an hour. The commander at Dagestanis Lieutenant Ahmed Vaddiev at that time had already died in a street battle in the village, Jr. Sergeant Magomedov remained for the elder.

Commanders of the Dagestanis: Ahmed Vaddiev and Abdulkashim Magomedov. Both were killed on that day.

After hearing the ultimatum of Chechens, Magomedov offers everyone to leave the post block and hide in the village. Locals are ready to help - to give civilian clothes, hide at home out. Tashkin - against. Magomedov - Junior Sergeant, Tashkin - an officer of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Tashkin is much older in rank. There is a conflict that develops into a fight ...

In the end, Tashkin agreed to leave the block post. Heavy solution. On this, the organized defense of the village ceased. The defenders crashed into small groups, hiding in attics, basements, in corn fields. Further, everything depended on good luck, someone was lucky to leave, someone does not ...

Of the Dagestan militiamen, most could not leave Tukhchar. They captured. According to some data: 14 people from 18. They were driven into a village store:

And then took to Chechnya. From there, from Zindanov, their relatives and intermediaries of months have already bought them.

The commander of the police officers Abdulcassim Magomedov, who insisted on caring from a block post, died. Did not wish to give up and was killed in battle. In Tashkina's plot of 13 people survived 7. They were covered by local residents and helped to go to their. Tashkin himself and with him four soldiers were blocked in Saraj at the local resident of Chelavi Gamzatov. They were offered to surrender. Guaranteed life or pumped with grenades. They believed. Leaving, Tashkin gave Gamzatov a photo of his wife and daughter, which he wore with him ...

Photo from the local school museum. The same shed (with a burnt roof) - in the background.

Another (sixth) prisoner Chechens took in the house of a local resident Attic Tabiyeva. It was a contused and burnt mechanic-driver BMP Alexey Polangaev. Finally, Alexey gave a Dagestan woman to a soldier's token and said: "What will they do with me now, mother? ..."

This monument is standing today on the outskirts of Tukhchar in memory of the six dead Russian soldiers. Stella, Cross, barbed wire instead of a fence.

This is such a "People's Memorial", created on the initiative of village residents, primarily teachers from the local secondary school. Neither the MO RF, nor the federal authorities participated in the creation of a monument. The relatives of the dead did not respond to letters and did not come here. The information was gathered by local residents in grains.

There are mistakes on the monument: grammatical (from the point of view of the Russian language) and actual. The place of birth Tashkina is indicated as the village "Valyazka":

In fact, this is a turn of Barnaul. There the future commander studied at school. And he came from the neighboring village of Krasnärka.

Also on the monument is incorrectly indicated by one of the dead:

Anisimov is a guy from Armavir special forces (Natich detachment), he also died in Dagestan in those days, but else. They fought at the height of the "television", 10 from Tukhchara kilometers. The infamous height, where, due to the mistakes of generals in the headquarters, a whole detachment of special forces died (including from shocks of their own aviation).

In Tukhchar, there was no special forces, there were ordinary motorized rifles. One of them, Lesha Parabin, a gunner of that very BMP at a height, was outwardly similar to Anisimov.

Both accepted terrible death, over the bodies of the militants were aburred and there. Earned themselves to the vagina. Well, and then with a light hand of one journalist, a confusion arose, which moved to monuments and memorial plaques. The mother of Special Forces Anisimov even came to the trial of one of the militants from the gang of Umar. Watched video with a rig. Naturally, she did not find her son there. The militants killed another guy.

This guy, Alexey Parainn, in that battle was well shot from BMP. The militants had losses. 30 mm Automatic cannon projectile is not a bullet. These are torn limbs, and even in general will refill. Paranina Chechens executed the first during the violence over the prisoners.

Well, what on the monument instead Anisimov is not so scary for the people's memorial. At the height of the "TV" there is no monument, and ordinary Anisimov from the "Vyatich" squad is also the hero of that war. Let him remember him so much.

By the way, since about May 9 ... Here is the emblem of the detachment "Vyatich", where Anisimov served. The emblem is invented in 2000s.

The motto of the detachment: "My honor is loyalty!". Familiar phrase. Once it was the motto of the SS troops (Meine Ehre Heißt Treue!), Which was a quotation of one of the Gitler's sayings. On May 9, in Armavir (as in Moscow), they certainly say a lot about how we store traditions, etc. Whose traditions?

2. Bright holiday Kurban-Bayram.

After Chechens took six Russian prisoners in the village, they were taken to the former block-post on the outskirts of the village. Umar on the radio told militants to gather there. The public execution started on video in all details.

Muslims have a holiday Kurban-Bayram ... This is when the customs cut the rams, as well as cows, camels, etc. It is done publicly, in the presence (and with the participation) of children who, from childhood, get used to such pictures. Night cattle is made according to special rules. An animal first cut the throat with a knife and wait until blood comes down.

tabuk, Saudi Arabia. October 2013

While blood is merged - the animal is still alive. With cut the trachea, the esophagus and arteries, it scrolls, chips blood, trying to breathe. It is very important that when an animal neck is directed towards Mecca, "Bismillahi, Allah Akbar" (in the name of Allah, Allah is great).

Kedah, Malaysia. October 2013. Agony lasts long, 5-10 minutes.

Faisalabad, Pakistan. Kurban-Bayram 2012. This is a photo from the holiday, if that.

After the blood merged, the head is cut off and start the carcass. A reasonable question: what does it differ from the fact that every day happens on any meat processing plant? - the fact that the animal there is first stunned by the current. Further (cutting throat, blood drain) occurs when it is already unconscious.

The rules for the preparation of "halary" (pure) meat in Islam do not allow the elasty of the animal when slaughter. It should expire blood being conscious. Otherwise, the meat will be considered "unclean."

Tver, November 2010. Kurban-Bayram in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Cathedral Mosque on Sovetskaya St., 66.

Conveyor. While they cut there, other participants of the holiday with their rams are tightened to the mosque.

Kurban-Bayram comes from the biblical plot about the temptation of Abraham (Ibrahim in Islam). God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son, and specifically - to cut his throat and burn on the fire. And everything to check it (Abraham) love for yourself. Abraham tied the son, put on over firewood and had already prepared to stir, but at the last moment God changed his mind - said (through the angel) to sacrifice the animal, not a person.

Michelangelo de Caravaggio. "Abraham Sacrifice." 1601-1602
It is his son cuts if that.

In memory of the temptation of Abraham in Islam (as well as in Judaism), every year a ritual animal disease is produced. Since in both cases they are cut without stunning, in full consciousness, then in a number of countries (in Scandinavia, Switzerland, Poland) were banned as ill-treatment of animals.

lahore, Pakistan, November 2009. If you think that this slaughterhouse is wrong. This is the courtyard of the local mosque on the day of the holiday.

Peshawar, Pakistan, November 2009 And to cut the throat camel is not so easy.

Finally, the butcher has a particularly successful knife. Bismillahi, Allah Akbar!

rafach, Gaza Strip. 2015. Public observation of slowly expiring blood animals.

In the same place, 2012 is a rare frame. The cow, was doomed to slaughter, broke out and put on the horns of his tormentors.

3.Pranine Alexey.

Tukhchar, 1999 year. Russian prisoners are assembled at the block-post, then remove to the street. Put on the ground. Some hands are connected behind their backs, some have no.

The first executed Alexey Paranina, a member of the BMP. He is cut into the throat and leave to lie down.

Blood floods everything around.

Alexey was seriously injured when BMP undermined, burned. He does not resist, it seems that without consciousness. I cut it this fighter in black and with a beard (who is still not known).

Starting to cut, the killer leaves somewhere, but soon comes again

And begins to cut the throat the victim is already capital

Practically begging Alexei.

Alexey Parabino, 19-year-old guy from Udmurtia. Finished vocational school to the mason, had to become a builder

This is his native village Retriever Tizhma 100 km from Izhevsk. This is not the 19th century. This is a black and white photo that the modern Izhevian photographer Nikolai Glukhov, being in these places.

4. Tashkin Vasily.

After a paranine, the second militants executed Starley Tashkina. The killer sat down at him with riding, there is some kind of struggle there ...

But soon the lieutenant also cut the throat.

Chechen operator with sadistic pleasure removes the death of the officer.

The killer's face, who cut the throat Lieutenant, is not very clear on the film, but heard that those surrounding turn to Him by name Arbi, in the process he is served a knife there more ... So he is in the crowd of viewers after the execution of Tashkin.

This Chechen was then found. This is a certain Arbi Dandayev from Grozny. Here it is in court (in a cage):

At the trial of his lawyers, by the way, tried very much. They said that the defendant repents in the deed, everything realized, understood. They asked to take into account his heavy "mental injuries" in the past, the presence of young children.

The court gave him a life sentence.

The officer Tashkin, whom Arbi stabbed, then criticized some Internet analysts. For stupidity and type cowardice. Why did you give up, lay down under the knife and put people ...

Vasily Tashkin is a simple guy from the village of Krasnärka in Altai.

In 1991 he entered the school of explosives in Novosibirsk, from 1995 - in the troops. In those years, officers packs fired from the army, penny salaries, life, housing. Tashkin remained to serve. Vanka-Rights of our days ...

On the oath in the school

The village of Krasnoyarka Topchikhinsky district is about 100 km from Barnaul in good (by local standards) road.

Beautiful places.

The usual village, huts, carts (the photo below was made in this village in the summer of G.)

Dagestan Tukhchar, where it is completely good stone houses, looks like, rich ...

In the fall of 1999, Tashkina was sent to Tukhchar, to guard the dangerous area of \u200b\u200bthe border with Chechnya. And he should have done it with extremely small forces. Nevertheless, they accepted the battle and 2 hours fought until the situation was running the ammunition. Where is the cowardice?

And that before the captivity ... One Englishman, a member of the Anglo-Board War of the beginning of the 20th century, wrote:

"I'm crazy ... On the other side of the railway, the rider appeared, he called me and waved his hand. It was less than forty yards ... I handed my hand with my Muzer. But I left him in a locomotive booth. There was a wire elevation between me and the rider. Run again? But I was stopped by the idea of \u200b\u200banother shot from such a close distance. In front of me stood death, gloomy and sullen, death without his careless companion - a chance. Therefore, I raised my hands and, as Mr. Jyrrox fox shouted: "I give up."

Fortunately for the British (and it was Winston Churchill) Buras - civilized people and did not cut the pharynx captured. Later, Churchill from captivity escaped and after multi-day wardings managed to get to his.

Was Winston Churchill with a coward?

5. Neparatov Alexey.

Killing Anisimov and Tashkina, Chechen ordered to get up to ordinary lipatov. Lipatov looks around. To the right of him - Tashkin's corpse, on the left - scrolls, pouring the paranin with blood. Lipatov understands that he is waiting for him.

Cut the prisoner by order Umar had a certain Tamerlan Khassaev from Aula Dacha-Borzoy (with a knife in blue T-shirt).

But Lipatov began to actively resist and Hassayev was only injured him. Then the fighter in black, who killed Paranina came to the help of Khasaev. Together they are trying to finish the victim.

Tied struggle

And suddenly the bleeding of Lipatov was able to rise, escaped and rushed to run.

Alexey Lipatov is the only prisoner who did not cut the throat. Chechens fell behind him by shooting after. He was finished in some kind of ditch, shed out of automata. According to the testimony of Mother Lipatova, when her son was brought to his native village Alexandrovka under Orenburg, the military was forbidden to open the coffin: "There is no facial." So buried, without opening.

Regional authorities allocated to parents of a soldier Matchmaking, 10 thousand rubles.

The date of death is indicated on September 6, 19999, a day later. On that day, the militants were given the corpses to the head of the village council of Tukhchara and he took them on a truck for the nearest blocking of the federal forces (the Gezelle Bridge). In the reality of Lipatov and his comrades were killed on September 5.

What happened to their son - the parents of the soldier did not say. They learned all only in 2002. When the militant Khasaeva and parents caught the trial. In full silence in the hall showed a video of the executive execution. "Here is my son!". - cried at some point Father Lipatova.

Tamerlan Khasaev.

Khasaev in court was remal as he could. He said that he just began to kill Lipatova, but did not unhappy, because I could not psychologically. " I could not slaughter a soldier. He still asked: "Do not kill me. I want to live. " My heart began to beat the heart and it became a bit bad».

In addition, Khasaev said that, as a result, he had an indication by threats. But what threatened, he is shy to say.

"And when they cut, did not hesitate?"Prosecutor asked.
"I was threatened to do what they do with a woman"Khasaev replied.
"That is, you say that you wanted to recover? - the judge revived. - Do not be shy, we are all doctors here..

Of course, the criminal jargon from the mouth of the judge does not adorn the Russian court, but he received his Hasaev. He was also given a lifelong. Soon after the sentence, he died in prison. He began to beat the heart and became a little bad.

6.Kufman Vladimir.

After Lipatova, a series of ordinary Vladimir Kaufman came. One of the militants named Rasul pulls out Kaufman to the glade and requires him to lay down face down. It is more convenient to cut.

Kaufman begging Rasul not to kill him. He says that it is ready to give the wounded flooring of BMP, which "hides in that White House."

The offer does not cause interest from the militants. BMP gunner they have just stabbed. Almost beheaded by Alexey Paranina's corpse (the head holds on one spine) lies nearby. Then Kaufman promises to show where "hidden weapons." Somewhere in the mountains.

Tightening time bored raid. Kaufman ordered to remove the belt and start their hands behind the back. He understands that the end. "I don't want to die, do not kill, good people!", "He shouts. "Good, kind. Belousha! "," The cameraman of the camcorder with a strong Chechen accent says gloatingly.

The struggle is tied. Two other militants are poured on Kaufman, trying to break hands.

They do not work. Then one with a swing hurts the sacrifice butt on the head.

Kaufman stunned and Rasul begins to bring blows to him with a knife in the head.

In the end, when the pixed had already lost consciousness, he was cut her throat.

The guy was 19 years old.

The militant Rasul, who cut the throat Vladimir, did not find. According to one of the versions, he died later during some kind of special operation, as the sites of Chechen separatists reported. Here is his photo:

But they caught two assistants Rasul, who kept Kaufman before murder.

This is Islan Mukayev. He climbed Kaufman's hands.

And wagaps. He kept his head when Rasul cut her throat.

Mukaev received 25 years, Vagapov - 18.

The soldiers killed by them buried thousands of kilometers from Tukhchara, in the native village of Alexandrovsky in the Tomsk region. Large old village on the shore of Ob ...

Everyone as everywhere (village of Sela - 2011).

Vladimir Kaufman grew up here. He received his surname from his grandfather - the Miscellaneous German German, who was exiled here under Stalin.

Mother Vladimir Maria Andreevna on the grave of his son.

7. Raineev Boris.

Saving Kaufman, the militants took over Boris Erdneev, Kalmyk, who was at Tashkin in a sniper platoon. There was no chance of Boris, his hands were tied in advance. The video shows how one of the Chechens holds Erdneev with one hand for breasts.

Erdneev looks horrified on another hand of Chechen. In it - a big knife with blood traces.

He is trying to speak with the bill:

"Do you respect Kalmykov?" - he asks.
"Very respect, ha ha, - the Chechen for the scenes is gloatingly, - lie down.

Sacrifice to the land.

Chechen, who killed Boris Erdneev, later found. This is a certain Mansour Razhaev from Grozny.

In 2012, he received a lifetime.

During the execution of Razhaev, the camera was not embarrassed at all. But at the court he did not really want him to be filmed.

According to Rajaev, before his death, they offered Boris Erdneev to accept Islam (Kalmyki - Buddhists). But he refused. That is, Erdneev repeated the feat of Evgeny Rodionova, who also refused to accept Islam in May 1996, during the first Chechen war. Refused - and he was cut off his head.

It was here in the forest under daubomut.

There still three prisoners killed with him

The feat of Eugene Rodionova received a rather wide publicity, in many temples in Russia there are icons in his honor. The feat of Boris Erdneyev is much less known.

Boris Erdneev on the oath

Photo from a stand about him in his native school in the village of Artesian in Kalmykia (270 km from the capital of the Republic of Elista).

8.Please Alexey.

He was killed last. This was done by the leader of the gang of Umar. Here comes to Alexey with a knife, sucks the sleeves

Captured's hands are connected, besides, it is contused, so Umar can be feared. He stands on the prisoner and begins to cut

Why starts to swing a semi-cured head up and down, so that it is already barely in the body

Then let go of the victim. The soldier begins to ride on the ground in the death agony.

Soon he has been bleeding. Militants Choir shout "Allah Akbar!".

Alexey Polagayev, 19 years old, from the city of Kashira Moscow region.

The only city guy from six dead. The rest are from the villages. Army in the Russian Federation - Worker-peasant, speak correctly. To serve go, who has no money.

As for the killer, Alexey - Raster Gang Umar Karpinsky, he did not appear before the court. Did not live He was killed in January 2000 upon the release of militants from the environment in Grozny.

9. Epilogue.

Russian-Chechen war 1999-2000gg. It was for the preservation of Chechnya and Dagestan in Russia. The militants wanted to separate them, and Tashkin, Lipatov, Kaufman, Parabin and others became on the way. And gave their lives. Officially, it was then referred to as the operation on "guiding the constitutional order".

17 years have passed since. Long term. What's new with us? What about the independence of Chechnya, with constitutional order in Dagestan?

In Chechnya, everything is fine.

By the way, what's on his head? Crapping takes, but some is strange smoking. Where did he take him at all?

After the victory over the militants in 2000, the dictatorship of the father and the son of Kadyrovy was organized in Chechnya. What it is, you can read in any history textbook in the section "Feudalism". The specific prince has complete independence in his lotion (ulus), but consists in vassal relations with a higher prince. Namely:

A. Pulls him% of income;
B. puts his private army against his enemies if necessary.

What we observe in Chechnya.

Also, if you still read the textbook of the story, it will be written there that the specific system is unreliable, because of her Kievan Russia collapsed, Arab Khalifat and many who else. Everything is built on the personal loyalty of Vassal, and she changed. Today he is for some, tomorrow - for others.

It is clear that they are there soon will be kissing the camera ...

But who will fight for the third time in Chechnya, when Kadyrovskaya Despoys will announce officially about the exit from Russia? But this will happen on the second day, as Putin and Kadyrov goes out to feel the threat of their power. In Moscow, in the power structures, he has full "goodwires". And he is on the hook. There a lot of things have accumulated.

For example, this monkey:

Who will believe that Nemtsova ordered him the driver of one of the approximate Kadyrov for 5 million rubles? Itself personally, right for your money. And good drivers earn in Chechnya.

Or this character:

He killed Colonel Budanov in 2011. Before that, I learned the address, followed half a year, got fake documents for another name for another name, to hide in Chechnya. And the pistol and a stolen a foreign car with left numbers. Allegedly acted alone based on hatred to all Russian servicemen, who in the 90s killed his father in Chechnya.

Who will believe in this? Before that, he lived in Moscow for 11 years, on a wide foot, he sledged with money, and suddenly he cried. Budanov was released in January 2009. He was convicted of war crimes, deprived of awards, ranks and served 9 years from the 10-year term. However, in February 2009, Kadyrov publicly threatened him, saying that:

"... his life in prison. Yes, and this is not enough for him. But life lifetime will make a little ease of our suffering. We do not tolerate insult. If the decision is not accepted, the consequences will be bad. "

This is Kadyrovskaya Chechnya. And what in Dagestan? - Everything is fine there too. Chechen militants from there were knocked out in 1999. But with local Wahhabits it turned out more difficult. Shoot, explode so far. Otherwise, life in Dagestan goes to her! Bardak, mafia clans, dotations. Like everywhere in the Russian Federation. Constitutional order, Cho.

In an interethnic relationship for 17 years, something has also changed. With all due to all due to the residents of the village of Tukhchar, who hid the soldiers of Tashkina and the memory of the dead, the general attitude towards Dagestanis in the country was worse. A vivid example: from 2012 in Dagestan, a call to the army was stopped. Do not call, because they can not cope with them. And it begins here:

Or this:

This is, by the way, the defenders of the Motherland (cancer which). Polite people. And which with a raised finger - this means "no God besides Allah." Favorite Islamist Gesture, incl. Vahabbit. It serves to express their superiority.

However, the Russians can not only put cancer. You can get riding:

And you can lay a live inscription on the rain. 05th region, i.e. Dagestan.

What is interesting, in most cases finding participants of this failed is not so difficult. They actually do not hide. Here the photos of "riding" in 2012 laid out on the Internet some Ali Ragimov to the group "Dagi in the army" in classmates.

Now live in St. Petersburg calmly, Sharia respects.

By the way, he has there in the photo from the army - Chevrons with a lizard.

These are internal troops, the Ural District. The same explosion that died in Tukhchara. Interestingly, the guys on which he is sitting will go to defend Tukhchar next time? Or may Ali Ragimov somehow?

But the live inscription 05 Dag on the Place in the military unit No. 42581 in the Red Village laid out a certain Abdul Abdulhalimov. He is now in Novorossiysk:

Together with Abdulkhalimov, a whole company of his Dagestan comrades respired in the Red Sil.

Since 2012, Abdulhalimov no longer urge. Russians do not want to serve with Dagestanis in the same army, because Then they have to craw out with cancer on the barracks in front of Caucasians. At the same time, those and those are citizens of one state (so far), where rights and obligations are the same for all. Here is such a constitutional order.

On the other hand, Dagestanis did not call for the army and in 1941-45. (due to mass desertion). There were only small formations from volunteers. Dagestanis did not serve in the royal army. There was one volunteer equestrian regiment, which in 1914 he entered the Caucasian Native Division. This "wild division" from the Highlanders in the First World War was actually no more than 7,000 people. So much scored volunteers. Of these, Dagestanis are about 1000. And this is all, on the 5 millionth army. As in the second and in the First World War, Chechnya and Dagestan's recruits were mainly sitting at home.

Why is it so happening with the mountaineers, constantly, for more than 100 years and with any authorities? - And that's not them army. AND not them state. They are kept in it by force. If they want to live in it (and serve), then by some of their rules. Therefore, the funerals come to the beggars of Krasnoyarchi, Alexandrovka. And apparently, and further will come.

Destroyed and turned into ruins the city, thousands of dead residents, huge losses for such a survey of Russian troops. This assault has some high-ranking generals called unprepared and may have been right.

From the borders of Chechnya to her capital, the united group reached almost no problem, but the city itself surrounded only from three sides. The Terrible was included without the support of aviation and on armored vehicles, almost helpless in the conditions of combat on narrow streets. The terrain of Russian fighters did not know - they were given only outdated plans and fuzzy aerial photographs - and even then in limited quantities. There were no cartridges to machine guns, closed radio communications, too, all negotiations were intercepted by the militants.

"Grozny Take two landing regiments," said Pavel Grachev Minister of Defense. As a result, the storming of the city lasted 66 days. Komsomolka turns one of many tragic pages of the first Chechen campaign.

This was terrible on the first day of 1995. This is the merit of those who did not storm the city of the military, but numerous art-rods and raids of aviation, which continued the last week of the past year. During these shelling, several thousand people died.

The presidential palace, the defense of which was led by Aslan Maskhadov, decided to take from the skill. The fighters of the two battalions of the Maykop brigade under the command of Colonel Ivan Savin, reached him without resistance and decided to meet New Year's Eve nearby - near the station.

Maskhadov turned out to be cunning. With the onset of darkness, Chechen militants beat the first and last cars in Echelon, cutting off the rest of all the ways to retreat. Then there was no longer a fight. Shot. 85 fighters died, 72 were missing. Colonel Savin and all the leadership of the brigades died, and the remaining fighters the next day left the Terrible small groups and alone. Almost all the equipment was lost.

Uploading unsuccessful results of the first assault attempt, federal troops changed tactics. Now they took the city quarterly. This tactic will eventually bring success, but Russian fighters will be boring more than two weeks in the street partisan war.

Maneuverable landing assault brigades with the support of aviation and artillery disposable house house, militants retreat. Our military was forbidden to hold apartments of ordinary residents, but this was done by militants. They were not always regretted inside.

The most terrible rumor of that time: Grozny had to take by January 1 to make a birthday present to the Minister of Defense Grachev. The surprise was clearly failed - even after the last date, the scales of the scales albeit alone on the side of the Russian army, but very slowly and with serious losses.

Grozny stormed the second time for incomplete one and a half months. At the end of November, this was done by local militia, opponents of Johar Dudayev. That assault turned out to be failed, and the forces of militants may have subspeted.

Proponents of the theory of conspiracy believe that the militants knew about the upcoming storming. Mol, the authorities of Chechnya warned in advance the inhabitants of the city that moving around the Terrible December 31 and January 1 should not be destroyed all the moving goals.

How fierced were fighting, it is possible to judge the damn city damn. Even the most holy places did not survive, shelling, which is not accepted even during the most bloody battles.

Conduct the evacuation before the start of the assault failed. Make it quickly during the battle either did not work. A significant part of the Grozny residents remained within the city to the end of the campaign. It was not easy to survive under air strikes: I had to hide in the basements and there is from the case to occasion.

In the precipitated Grozny was not up to the real funeral. The victims of the dead civilians were often buried in the courtyards of houses where they lived. If there was someone to bury.

The city was on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe. Even, perhaps, on the ears in it: electricity was not, gas and water too.

By the middle of the month, the Russian military managed to minimize the losses among the local population, and, that is also important, to take the presidential palace. By that time, the airport was already controlled by federal troops, but Chechens could leave the city from the south.

However, they did not hurry wherever to leave. New Year's assault is the first example in the modern history of Russia, when women rose to the side of our opponents. Women who many years later will carry out terrorist attacks in the country's major cities.

By the beginning of February, the united grouping of troops increased contingent to 70,000 people. At the same time, a group of "South" troops was created, which, finally, completed the formation of the ring around the Terrible. The militants understood that you need to try to negotiate.

On February 13, the commander of the Armed Forces of the EGM Kulikov and the head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Chery Maskhadov concluded a temporary truce. Following the exchange of prisoners of war, but the cease-fire mode was constantly violated.

The last district of the city, in which the militants sat down, took March 6. It was Chernorechye. The militants sessions were led by someone Shamil Basayev. The city has completely passed under the control of the Russian military.

Officially, for two with a small month, 1,426 soldiers of the united grouping of troops were killed, more than 4 thousand were injured. Military losses Moscow considers more serious - 7,000 dead. The number of victims among civilians, according to various estimates, from 5,000 to 30,000 people.

The international community responded to events in Grozny unequivocally. "An unimaginable catastrophe", "said OSCE. "Pure madness" - Germany Chancellor agreed Helmut Kohl.

After the Terrible fell, the war in Chechnya finally became partisan. There were still big battles for small villages, terrorist attacks in Budennovsk and Kizlyar, the elimination of Dudayev and the new presidential elections, and the first Chechen Khasavurtsky world will end. It all ended exactly how it began: de facto independent Chechnya with de-Yura not recognized by any independence.

On December 11, 1994, the President of Russia was signed by Boris Yeltsin Decree "On measures to ensure the legality, law enforcement and public security in the territory of the Chechen Republic". The combined grouping of the Armed Forces of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs entered the territory of Chechnya. So the first Chechen war began, the photo of which is waiting for you further.

Despite the fact that officially combat operations Army of the Russian Federation began in December 1994, in November, the first Russian soldiers were captured to Chechens.

Dudayev militants pray against the presidential palace in Grozny

In January 1995, the palace looked like this:

Dudayev's fighter with a gun-manufacturing gun in early January 1995. In Chechnya, various types of weapons were collected in those years, including rifle.

Dressed BMP-2 Russian Army

Namaz against the background of a fire that arose due to hitting shrapnels in the gas pipe

Young action movie

Field commander Shamil Basayev rides a bus with hostages

On the eve of the new 1995 collision in Grozny were especially cruel. Many soldiers lost the 131st Maicopian motorized rifle brigade.

The militants are shooting from the upcoming Russian units.

Children play in the suburbs of Grozny

Chechen militants in 1995

The area of \u200b\u200bminute in Grozny. Evacuation of refugees.

Gennady Troyshev at the stadium. Ordzhonikidze in 1995. The Lieutenant General was led by the United States of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Chechnya, during the second Chechen war also commanded Russian troops, then the commander of SCWA was appointed. In 2008, he died in the crash of Boeing in Perm.

The Russian military personnel plays the piano, which remained in the Central Park of Grozny. February 6, 1995

Crossing the streets of Rosa Luxembourg and Taman

Chechen militants run into shelter

Grozny, view from the presidential palace. March 1995

The Chechen sniper seized in the destroyed building is aimed in Russian servicemen. 1996

Chechen negotiator enters the neutral zone

Children from the shelter play on a ripped Russian tank. 1996

An elderly woman is pierced through the destroyed center of Grozny. 1996

Chechen fighter holds automatic during prayer

Russian checkpoint of the Sovmina, 1995

People who remained silent after the bombing of the Terrible, prepare food on the fire in the middle of the street

The people are saved from the combat zone

The CRI command stated that at the height of the conflict, up to 12 thousand fighters fought for her. Many of them were in fact children who went to war after their relatives.

Left - wounded, right - Chechen teenager in military uniform

By the end of 1995, most of the Terrible was ruins

Anti-Russian demonstration in the center of Grozny in February 1996

Chechen with a portrait of the leader of the separatists of Johar Dudayev, killed as a result of a missile shelling on April 21, 1996

In front of the 1996 elections, Yeltsin visited Chechnya and in front of the soldier signed a decree on the reduction of military service.

Pre-election agitation

On August 19, 1996, the commander of the grouping of Russian troops in Chechnya Konstantin Pulikovsky highlighted ultimatum militants. He suggested peaceful residents to leave Grozny for 48 hours. At the expiration of this period, the storming of the city was to begin, but the commander was not supported in Moscow, and his plan was Torn.

On August 31, 1996, agreements were signed in Khasavyurt, according to which Russia has pledged to bring troops from the territory of Chechnya, and the decision on the status of the republic was postponed by 5 and a half years. The photo shakes each other's hands General Swan, which was then plenty of president in Chechnya, and Aslan Maskhadov, a field commander of Chechen militants and the future "President".

Russian soldiers drink champagne in the center of Grozny

Russian soldiers are preparing to send home after the signing of Khasavyurt agreements

According to human rights defenders, up to 35,000 civilians died during the first Chechen war.

In Chechnya, the signing of Khasavyurt agreements was perceived as victory.

In December 1991, the ex-president of the Chechen-Ingusk Republic, the former general of the Soviet Army D. Dudaev announced the creation of the Republic of Ichkeria and the exit of it from Russia. Since the summer of 1994, the fighting between the "production" militants and the forces of the opposition returned in Chechnya. December 9, President B.N. Yeltsin signed a decree "On measures to curb the activities of illegal armed formations in the territory of the Chechen Republic".

Photographer V. Pedigayev. Commander of the Joint Group of the Federal Troops of the Russian Federation in Chechnya General - Lieutenant A.A. Romanov (in the center) and head of the main headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Chechen Republic A. Maskhadov (left) during the negotiations. Chechen Republic. June 16, 1995. RIA Novosti

Two days later, part of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia entered the territory of Chechnya, and on December 31, bloody battles began for Grozny. Using aircraft and heavy weapons, the combined group of troops (OGS) gradually expanded controlled territories, squeezing the militants to the mountains. In June 1995, the part of the militants seized hundreds of people in the hospital in Budennovsk (Stavropol Territory). For the sake of saving lives of citizens, the Russian government agreed to start peace negotiations with representatives of Ichkeria.

However, negotiations were torn in October 1995, and military actions continued. The conflict has become a heavy test for Russia and its strength structures. In the eyes of the world community, Russia's authority suffered a serious damage. Inside the country, anti-war moods intensified. In August 1996, taking advantage of the lack of clear political instructions to the Command of the EMD from the Russian leadership, the militants captured Grozny. Under these conditions, the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin decided to conduct peace negotiations. On August 30 in Hassavyurt, an agreement was signed on the withdrawal of troops and "freezing" of Chechnya status for five years.

Photographer V. Vyatkin. Parameters of a separate artillery division of the 247th Stavropol Regiment of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation at the forefront. Chechen Republic. November 1, 1999. RIA Novosti

Incessant terrorist acts, attacks, kidnapping turned the south of Russia to the front-line zone. In August 1999, Chechen militants invaded Dagestan and captured several villages in border areas. As a result of the military operation of the North Caucasian Military District in August-September 1999, the main part of the militants was eliminated.

Photographer I. Mikhalev. Russian military serviceman before starting hostilities. Chechen Republic. May 12, 1996. RIA Novosti

In September, in September, the militants carried out a series of terrorist attacks with hundreds of human victims, blowing up residential buildings in Buynaksk, Moscow and Volgodonsk. In October 1999, a counter-terrorism operation began in Chechnya. During the winter-spring period of 1999/2000, the troops created by the decree of the Russian Federation of the United States of the United States Troops (forces) (OGM (C)) displaced Chechen extremists to the south, cutting off the mountainous areas of Chechnya from the plain part of the republic.

Photographer H. Bradner. Moving the militants towards the presidential palace under the fire of artillery. Grozny. Chechen Republic. January 1995. Photo provided by J. Butler (United Kingdom)

February 7, 2000 was liberated Grozny. The Russian troops faced the task of eliminating numerous groups of militants in mountainous areas. The enemy introduced the tactics of the partisan war, acting in the territories of both Chechnya and the neighboring republics. As a result, the operation is not legal armed formations of Ichkeria were defeated. However, battling battles continued for a long year.

Photographer Y. Pirogov. Russian servicemen who died in battles. Area Airport "North", Chechen Republic. January 10, 1995. RIA Novosti

The counter-terrorist operation mode in Chechnya was canceled only on April 16, 2009. According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, all over the period of hostilities in 1992-2009 without the return loss of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other powerful departments in Chechnya were killed and dead over 8,500 people, prisoners And missing - 510 people, wounded - over 70,000 people.

Johar Dudaev congratulates his guardian on Independence Day. Chechen Republic, Grozny. 1994.

Column armored vehicles enter the Terrible. Chechen Republic Ichkeria. (Otherwise the Chechen Republic). RF. December 12, 1994.

Chechen women during the anti-Russian action in front of the parliament building. Grozny. Chechen Republic Ichkeria. (Otherwise the Chechen Republic). RF. December 15, 1994.

Photographer Eric Buva. Russian soldiers say goodbye to the dead comrade. Chechen Republic. The Russian Federation. 1995.

The separatist rests during battles. Grozny, Chechen Republic. The Russian Federation. January 1995.

Photographer Y. Tutov. Russian servicemen in the break between battles. Chechen Republic. January 12, 1995. RIA Novosti

Photographer N. Ignatiev. Engineering reconnaissance of the railway canvas on the bridge through r. Terek. Chechen Republic. January 1995. Photo provided by J. Butler (United Kingdom)

Photographer christopher Morris. Chechen militants in the basement of a residential building. Grozny. Chechen Republic. RF. January 1995.

Soldier federal forces in breaks between battles. Grozny. Chechen Republic. The Russian Federation. January 1995.

Russian soldiers during the storming of Grozny. Chechen Republic. RF. January-February 1995.

Crossing parts of the Russian army across the Suna River. Grozny. Chechen Republic. The Russian Federation. February 7, 1995.

Photographer Y. Tutov. Presidential palace. Grozny. Chechen Republic. February 17, 1995. RIA Novosti

The consolidated squad of the fighters of the Tyumen riot police, the gathering, the Ural Rubop holds a counter-terrorist operation in the combat zone. Grozny. Chechen Republic. RF. April 1995.

Sergeant Misunov. 7th Guards Vdd. The surroundings of timeta. Chechen Republic. The Russian Federation. 1995.

Tankist Alexey Stepanov. 7th Guards Vdd. Under the Chateau. Chechen Republic. The Russian Federation. 1995.

Photographer Oleg Klimov. Cablepost of federal forces. Grozny. Chechen Republic. May 1995.

Photographer Eric Bouvet. Russian soldiers. Chechen Republic. The Russian Federation. May 1995.

Photographer Eric Bouvet. Russian soldiers. Chechen Republic. The Russian Federation. May 1995.

Photographer Eric Bouvet. Russian soldiers. Chechen Republic. The Russian Federation. May 1995.

Photographer Eric Bouvet. Russian soldiers. Chechen Republic. The Russian Federation. May 1995.

Photographer Eric Bouvet. Russian soldiers. Chechen Republic. The Russian Federation. May 1995.

Photographer Eric Bouvet. Russian soldiers. Chechen Republic. The Russian Federation. May 1995.

Photographer Eric Bouvet. Russian soldiers. Chechen Republic. The Russian Federation. May 1995.

Life on the streets of the city. Grozny, Chechen Republic, Russian Federation. May 1995.

Photographer I. Mikhalev. Soldiers of the united grouping of the federal forces of the Russian Federation at the prival. Chechen Republic. May 25, 1996. RIA Novosti

Photographer V. Pedigayev. Delivery of weapons by illegal armed formations. S. Zandag. Chechen Republic. August 16, 1995. RIA Novosti

Photographer I. Mikhalev. Russian soldiers before starting hostilities. Chechen Republic. May 12, 1996. RIA Novosti

Photographer S. Gutsiev. View square minute in Grozny. Chechen Republic. May 15, 1996. RIA Novosti

Commander of the Chief of Chechen militants, terrorist Shamil Basayev during the hospital seizure in Budennovsk. Budennovsky district. Stavropol Territory, RF. June 19, 1995.

Photographer Alexander Nemenov. Russian soldier. Chechen Republic. RF. 1996.

Photographer D. Donskoy. Meeting of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin with soldiers and officers of the 205th motorized rifle brigade of the federal forces of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus. Chechen Republic. May 28, 1996. RIA Novosti

Child on the street of the world. Grozny. Chechen Republic. RF. August 1996.

Photographer - Thomas Dworzak. Punishment for drunkenness according to the laws of Sharia. Grozny. Chechen Republic Ichkeria. (otherwise the Chechen Republic). RF. August 1996.

Photographer I. Mikhalev. Member of illegal armed formations during battle. Starindryslovsky district of Grozny, Chechen Republic, August 14, 1996, RIA Novosti

Government Chairman of the Chry Shamil Basayev presents a nominal pistol Joseph Kobzona "For Support CSD". Grozny. Chechen Republic Ichkeria (otherwise Chechen Republic). RF. Summer in 1997.

Pupils of the Military College of Sun Chry. Unrecognized republic Chechen Republic Ichkeria (otherwise the Chechen Republic). RF. 1999.

Photographer: Vladimir Vyatkin. During the entry into the city of federal forces. Gudermes. Chechen Republic. The Russian Federation. January 1999.

Photographer: Oleg Lastochkin. Residents of the village of Znamenskoye Nadturek region, which is in the combat zone, leave their homes. Chechen Republic. RF. October 1999.

Photographer O. Lastochkin. Mi-24 combat helicopter barrage over the location of the Russian troops. Chechen Republic, October 16, 1999. RIA Novosti

BMP-2 crew at the road to Grozny. Selo Samashka. Chechen Republic. The Russian Federation. December 1999.

Photographer Yu. Kozyrev. Russian paratroopers reflect the attack of Chechen militants, hitting the ambush near the centurica. Chechen Republic. December 16, 1999. Photo provided by Y. Kozyrev

Photographer Yu. Kozyrev. Remove of the wounded battle. Tsentroy district. Chechen Republic. December 16, 1999. Photo provided by Y. Kozyrev

Photographer Yu. Kozyrev. Remove of the wounded battle. Tsentroy region, Chechen Republic. December 16, 1999. Photo provided by Y. Kozyrev

Photographer Yu. Kozyrev. Paratroopers after battle. Tsentroy region, Chechen Republic. December 16, 1999. Photo provided by Y. Kozyrev

Photographer A. Kondratyev. And about. President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin among fighters of the federal forces of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus. Chechen Republic. December 31, 1999, RIA Novosti

Photographer Yuri Kozyrev. Russian soldiers in the break between battles. Grozny. Chechen Republic. The Russian Federation. January 2000.

Photographer Natalia Medvedev. Consolidated detachment of the 2nd separate brigade specials. Shatoysky district. Chechen Republic. RF. February 2000.

Fighters of the 101st special brigade of the prompt destination of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The inscription on BMP - "Let it not right - she is my homeland!" Grozny. Chechen Republic. February 9, 2000.

Primary platoon of the guard Lieutenant Kozhemyakina D.S. Shortly before the battle at the height 776. Shatoysky district. Chechen Republic. The Russian Federation. February 29, 2000.

Photographer Sergey Maximishin. The child is played with a cat on one of the locations. Grozny. Chechen Republic. RF. year 2000.

The 45th Separate Guard Regiment of Special Purpose Patrols in the Mountain Bass River Gorge. Chechen Republic. The Russian Federation. March-April 2000.

Photographer V. Vyatkin. The death of Sergei Timoshin, a military personnel of the 6th company of the 10th regiment of the fall of the Russian Federation. Chechen Republic. April 1, 2000. RIA Novosti

Photographer V. Vyatkin. Rest after a combat operation. Chechen Republic. April 1, 2000. RIA Novosti

After the assault, the village of Komsomolskaya. Chechen Republic. The Russian Federation. year 2000.

Photographer V. Vyatkin. Special operation of the Division of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation to identify and destroy the basic camps of Chechen bandforms in the mountain gorge r. Bass, Chechen Republic. April 1, 2000. RIA Novosti

Photographer V. Vyatkin. Operation of a special reconnaissance unit of the 45th regiment of the fall of the Russian Federation to identify and destroy band formations in the mountain gorge. Bass, Chechen Republic. April 1, 2000, RIA Novosti

The militia from among the local residents at the parade in memory of the dead Dagestan soldiers and local residents during the invasion of Chechen militants. Village Agali. Tsumadinsky district. The Republic of Dagestan. RF. October 2000.

Reid of the Special Force Group of Airborne Forces In the vicinity of the Baas River. The surroundings of the villages of Hatuni, Kirov-Yurt and Makhketa. Vedensky district. Chechen Republic. The Russian Federation. October 5, 2000.

Part of the photos are taken from the book: Russia's military chronicle in photos. 1850s - 2000s: album. - M.: Golden Bi, 2009.