
Thousand rubles - for atomic rocket mines. The mystery of the death of the Russian canoner boat "Donets Cable Cabling Project 1274 Inguri


The Kamchatka Transport Prosecutor's Office completed an inspection on the fact of the collision of the "Donets" vessel with a submarine, in September last year. The captain of the vessel is found guilty of violating the rules of swimming and fined.

Recall the circumstances of this incident. PC "Donets" (OOO "Fisherman") worked in the coastal log mode: at night she was on the fishery, the next day he returned with a catch to the city. On September 21, he was waiting for another flight. At about 2 o'clock in the morning, he left the pier No. 10, located in the Mokhovaya Bay. At this time, a nuclear submarine (APL) "Holy Georgy Victorious" stood in the bay. From her to the shore was less mile.

In 02.10, there was a touch of seater and submarine cases.

Fortunately, none of the members of the carriages of the vessel and the APL suffered. The submarine received light damage.

"Holy George Victorious", like all Soviet atomic submarines, has two corps. Ballast tanks are placed between them, with which the boat is immersed and pops up. As a result of the incident in the tank of the main ballast between the corps and from the outside of the board, the submarine formed a crack. Repair work on the restoration of tightness tightness cost about 27 thousand rubles.

It is worth emphasizing that the APL was preparing to enter the sea. This forced the military to carry out repairs in a short time. If they had more time, then the submarine would certainly arise in the dock, which is much more expensive, and these expenses would lay on the perpetrators.

"Donets" turned out to be stronger. Damage to the body of the body and welding seams in the area of \u200b\u200bthe strike (at a depth of 0.4 m from the waterline), it was not detected.

How could a collision occur?

According to the crew members of the Sein, the events developed as follows. The clock watch on the bridge was carried by the 2nd Assistant Captain and the Watched Sailor Steering. They did not observe any denoting lights on a submarine. The boat did not affect the screen of the radar station. When the fishermen still saw a submarine, it remained 100-150 m. The steering was given the "right to board" team. However, given the speed of the vessel movement (5 nodes per hour), it was not possible to avoid touching the COP body.

However, this story sounded not too convincing. As fishermen told from another vessel (MRC "Feed"), which at the time of the incident was moving the oncoming course, the yellow flashing fire burned on the submarine. He looked at a distance of at least 5 miles. Visibility was complete. The APL was clearly observed visually and displayed on the RLS screen.

Maybe the instrument was faulty on the "dont"? The check showed that the means of communication, observation and navigation were in good condition.

As a result, after evaluating all versions of what happened, it was concluded that the cause of the incident was the inappropriate organization of the Watchman and Judging of the PC "Donets". In particular, the watch was not exhibited on the watch.

The Kamchatka Transport Prosecutor's Office opened against the captain of the ship K. Gaidamovich Administrative Case under the article "Violation of Swimulation Rules". The case is considered by the administration of the seaport of Petropavlovsk. The captain is fined a thousand rubles. In addition, on the presentation of the transport prosecutor's office, it is attracted to disciplinary responsibility.


Artillery of the main caliber

  • 2 (2 × 1) - 203-mm / 35 guns of the Obukhov plant;
  • 1 (1 × 1) - 152-mm / 35 guns.

Universal artillery

  • 6 (6 × 1) - 47-mm / 25 five-gravel giek guns;
  • 1 (1 × 1) - 37-mm / 20 five-gravel giek gun;
  • 1 (1 × 1) - 63.5 mm landing gun of the Baranovsky.


  • 2 (2 × 1) - 381-mma;
  • 8 anchor mines.

Simplicate ships

In a number of sources, the canoner boats, which were built for the Black Sea Fleet, are highlighted in a separate type - the type "Zaporozhets". But in fact, they did not differ much from the first two boats like "Korean" - "Manjura" and "Korean".

History of creation


The Donets canonere boat was built according to the drawings of the previously developed boats like "Korean". Which, in turn, were a successful continuation of the development of the boats laid by the type "Beaver".

Prerequisites for creating

In the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, the Russian Empire won a number of victories in battles and already seemed to force Turkey to surrender, but at that moment in the Marmara Sea England introduced his squadron of Vice Admiral Hornbi as part of six armor. At that time, Russia in the Black Sea was not a strong fleet and had to make concessions. As a result, the victorious war ended with a humiliating diplomatic defeat.

Seeing the reasons for this defeat, the weakness of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, in 1881 at a special meeting under the leadership of the Grand Duke Alexey Alexandrovich, was considered the first version of the 20-year-old shipbuilding program to objened the fleet. Subsequently, the program was adjusted several times and not always for the better. But in November 1885 followed the order to build six gunboats.

Building and testing

Although the order to build a boat was issued on November 22, 1885, the construction began only in the spring of 1886 after the signing of the contract with Ropit on March 12. And on January 18, 1886, by order No. 14 on the fleet and the maritime department "Donets", as well as the rest of the gunners under construction on the Black Sea, were enrolled in the fleet and received their names.

On November 18, 1887, the boat was descended for water. After the slope of the sediment, the nose was 1.47 meters, and the feed is 1.9 meters. During the tests, "Donets" was able to accelerate to a speed of 13.3 nodes. To fully bring the ship to readiness to join the system required for another year. Only in the summer of 1889, Donets became commissioned, the last of the same type of canonerean boats.

Design Description


Corps of the Canoner Boat "Donets" on Shepel.

Premises for the commander were in a stern on a residential deck - salon, cabin, bath and galuin. Opportunted officer cabins, cabins and buffets from them to the machine department. Immediately there were cabins of boatswain and conductors. The lower ranks slept in hammocks in the nose of the ship. Also in the nasal part on the deck under the semi-grandfather, washbasins and galuins were located for the rest of the crew. Kambuz was in the central superstructure.


Chief Caliber

A cardus 203-mm guns of a Obukhov plant with a length of 35-caliber barrel on the Vavasser-Dubrova machine.

As a guide to the main caliber on the "Donets", two automatic 203-mm guns of the Obukhov plant with a length of 35 caliber barrel were installed. They were installed on the machine tools with the central pin and they were located on sponsons at the level of the upper deck for the semi-bug.

Another main caliber gun was one 152-mm tool with a 35 caliber barrel length, which was installed in the stern. It was installed on a swivel platform on a banquet - it made it possible to preserve the high pylor of the boat feed and thereby reduce the flooding of the wave. The gun was mounted on the Vavasser system with a central pin, which in turn was made by Putilovsky.

Universal artillery

On the gunner boat there was six revolving five-graffiti 47-mm rainflash giek guns with a length of 25 caliber barrel. Two guns were located on the semi-minister, two more on the wings of the bridge, and the last two on the special venues of the stern part. The guns were installed on the conical iron stands.

To support the landing land, the airborne 63.5-mm Baranovsky gun with a length of a 19.8 caliber barrel was envisaged. It was stored in a disassembled form on the upper deck. The gun could be fixed, removing pre-or without installing the wheels in advance, iron hill in the layers, which were worn into a plank on boats or boats.

In addition, on the gunner there was one revolving five-grade 37-mm giek gun with a length of a 5-caliber barrel. She could be attached on a mine boat.


The boat had two superwater 381 mm torpedo apparatus. They were on two sides of the Taranne Forest on the residential deck. The ammunition was six min Whitehead.

Also on the boat there were eight anchored mines. Their production was carried out with a minefather.

"Donets" had one combat spotlight with a diameter of a mirror 600 mm.

Modernization and re-equipment


  • The boat was removed for the previous weapons and a new one was installed:
    • Two 152 mm cartridge guns cante with 45 caliber barrel
    • One 120-mm cartridge gun can with 45 caliber barrel
    • Four Sneakening 47mm Girl's gun
    • Two machine guns "Maxim".

Communication, detection, auxiliary equipment

  • 600-mm spotlight was replaced by 750-mm;
  • A 2-kW telelagraph of Telefunken system with a 200 mile communication range has been installed.


  • Replacing all tubes in boilers;
  • Steam machines are renovated and adjusted.

Ship design

  • Deck protection was strengthened in the area of \u200b\u200bcars and cellars.


  • Installed one 47-mm anti-poorer tool.


  • Installed one 76 mm anti-aeroeroplanted gun in the nose part of the boat.




1917 year

History of service

Peaceful time

In the spring of 1891, Donets and the same type with him, Zaporozhets participated in the hydrographic expedition under the leadership of Spindler I. B. on the Black Sea. On June 24, 1891, upon returning from the expedition, the boat took a place in the practical squadron of the Otin's Sycada.

Together with the squadron "Donets" came out from the Tenndrovsky raid to Sevastopol, where he arrived on June 30. After that, all the ships went in stronment Feodosia. On July 7, the ship participated in tightening with the stones of the Museum "Izmail" in Feodosia, whom the squall disappeared from the anchor and threw out on these stones. On September 3, 1891, the squadron returned to Sevastopol and already on September 9th all ships, including "Donets", were brought into an armed reserve.

In 1892, the boat spent all the navigation in foreign hits for the Mediterranean Sea. During this time, the following cities of Greece were visited - Pathos, Poros, Piraeus and Corfu. Also, the ship went to the Italian port of Bari.

On November 9, 1892, the canoner boat entered the Navarino Bay, where the crew visited on about. SPACTORY The grave of Russian sailors who died in the Nobarin battle. After that, the boat went to the Piraeus.

On November 15, 1892, the captain of the 2nd rank of Iretsky was introduced by the Greek queen Olga Konstantinovna and Prince Georgi.

On December 18, 1892, the diving team from the boat tried to save the greek sailboat with 400 tons of rye, which was driving from Taganrog. But without the help of port services to close the hole and pull the ship with stones failed, and the next day the ship was broken by a storm.

On December 27, 1892, a telegram was received from the command, in which it was necessary to arrive by January 20, 1893 on the island of Corfu and pick up the Great Princess Alexander Petrovna from there. After completing the instruction, Donets returned to Piraeus.

On April 10, 1893, Donets went to Poros. There, two weeks happened intensive combat training. In addition, on the initiative of the commander of the boat, the buildings were examined on the shore, which belonged to Russia since the time of Noginsky battle. On April 24, the boat returned to Piraeus.

On June 8, 1893, at 6 o'clock 50 minutes in the morning, Donets went hike in Greek Islands. For 11 days, the campaign was visited - Athos, Mitilene and Smyrna. June 19, the boat returned to Piraeus.

On June 22, 1893, the canoner boat moved to Faleron Bay, where many foreign ships were sent to participate in the solemn opening of the Corinthian Channel. The opening ceremony took place on July 24th. Due to the low sediment, Donets became one of the first ships of these channel. On July 26, the boat made an opposite passage through the channel. And on July 28, at 10 am, the Greek Queen rose on board the ship. During the visit, she thanked the crew of the boat for the service and wished the happy way to home. On the same day, Donets served home to the Russian shores.

In the summer of 1910, Donets as part of the Squadron of the Six Minor Rights, Main Transport "Danube" and Mine Cruiser "Kazar" arrived in Kherson.

In November 1911, with a pass through the Bosphorus on the side of the "Donets", which was heading to Piraeus, was transferred to the "Uralts" the cast-iron cross, which was intended for the installation of Russian sailors in the Chesmensky battle of 1770 on the fraternal grave. But the boat was not able to reach cheama and in the fall of 1912 he handed over the cross back to Uralets.

In the fall of 1912, Donets was part of the Russian squadron of the Golden Horn in Constantinople to protect the Russian embassy in the city. On November 9, 1912, the boat was sent on a campaign along the coast of the Marmara Sea. Here the carriage crew had to calm the Greek population of small coastal cities. After completing the task, the ship returned to the Golden Horn bay. Standing on the raid in the Turkish capital on the Donets, as well as on other Russian ships, the teachings of the team for artillery shooting and the landing of the landing on the shore were held.

On February 20, 1913, the boat participated in the events on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the House of Romanov. Celebrations continued for three days.

World War I

"Donets" at the time of the beginning of the war was in Odessa. In mid-October 1914, he entered the defense detachment of the North-West District of the Black Sea.

First flood

Attack on Odessa with the image of damaged ships. From the German press.

On October 16 (October 29), 1914 at 3 o'clock 20 minutes of the night in the Odessa Harbor because of the Vorontsov lighthouse, two Turkish police officers entered. They were identified as the enemy ships too late to catch something to save the "Donets".

At 3 o'clock 25 minutes from the destroyer Gayret-I Vataniye A torpedo was released from a distance of no more than 80 meters. As a result of hitting and explosion, the boat received damage to the nasal boiler room. The ship began to quickly gain water and sow a nose. "Donets" began to sink the fallen on the left side. As a result of flooding on the boat there were 30 dead and 12 wounded.

This is how the damage to the boat in a special study of KP is characterized. Pubyrevsky:

"Torpeda" (charge weight 112 kg) fell into the left waterpower, destroying it with Kingston flooding of the nasal artillery cellars, refrigerator of the desalination and his refrigerant kingston, as well as with the donkey of its pumping, pipeline and valves, and the hole in the trim, stretched on the left On board from the keel to the upper deck ahead of the nasal boiler room between the Spanmost No. 65-70. As it turned out with the subsequent rise of the boat, the dimensions of the holes with the lists of the sheath and the splits were 14.63 meters along a length of 11.58 meters ... "

Pubyrevsky K. P.

Lifting from the bottom

On October 28, 1914, work began on the "Donets" raising, which lay at a depth of 9.5 meters. The first thing the boat was examined by divers. They found that the ship lies at the bottom at the bottom of 2.7 meters with a roll on the left side of 14 °. After that, all the tools were removed from the Donets that were fully feasible. Then, under the boat, 26 cables with a diameter of 217 mm were stretched, which were fixed on two sections of the floating dock. These works ended in 21 days.

On November 23, 1914, at 10 o'clock in the morning, the drainage of the stuck in the dock sections was launched. At 14 o'clock, the nasal part of the canonry was separated from the bottom and soon the upper deck was over the water. After that, the divers were embedded by a breakdown, the truth for it it took them as much as 6 days.

On December 5, 1914, Donets were departed into admiralty bucket, where they began to bring all the intricate holes. After that, the rescuers started pumping water from the boat housing. Only in the evening December 7, 1914, the ship acquired a positive buoyancy and on December 8 was introduced into the dock for repair work.

Service after repair

Sleeping from the Turkish torpedo in the board of the canoner boat "Donets" with the plaster superimposed on it.

By the spring of 1915, restoration work and modernization on the gunboat were completed. After that, "Donets" at the end of 1915 moved to Batum to support the advancing Russian land forces. Here the ship entered the Batumian squad.

On February 5, 1916, the bombardment of the positions of the Turkish troops at the estuary of the Arhava River took part in the detachment. Including fire with the "Donets" two coastal batteries were suppressed. For the fight, the boat has released 17 152-mm and 26,120-mm shells.

On February 15, 1916, at 7 am, Donets, together with Kubanz and the Docherti, the "rapid" came out of Batum in the direction of the estuary of the Abu Vice River. At about 10 am, the boat opened fire on the slope of the nearest mountain is disturbed by Turkish tags. By 17 o'clock, shooting stopped and went back to Batum. During the day, the ship made 72 shots of 152-mm, 27-120-mm and 109-75-mm shells. February 16, 1916 shelling was repeated.

On July 5, 1916, the boat participated in the conventionation of Tigris transport, Rockcliff, Friendship and two barges. At the mouth of the Shah River (head), not far from Sochi, the convoy was subjected to a torpedo attack from the German submarine U-38.. As a result of the Rokcliff attack, he jumped ashore, and the canoners and destroyers could not find a submarine.

On August 12, 1916, Donets was in Odessa. On August 13, the squad, which included a boat, came out of the port and headed at the mouth of the Danube to support the Russian-Romanian troops. On August 14, the ships arrived in Reni and from there they went to Turtukai. But they succeeded only to a sylinder, because Turkish fell under the onslaught of Bulgarian-German troops. On August 26, the evacuation and sylldaries began and on August 27, after the leaving of the population and the export of all valuable, the ships were fired by the city and the close to him approach. Total "Kuban" and "Donets" released 295,52-mm and 120-mm shells.

Up to the beginning of October, the boats continued to work on the coastal goals with adjustment from the shore on the phone. It was very effective help. By the end of September, the front managed to stabilize. In the period from September 1 to October 1, the canoners were produced 1079 shots from 152-mm and 202 shot of 120-mm guns. And by September 16, the ammunition was completely consumed by the ammunition for anti-aircraft guns at the cover of the Chernodovsky bridge.

On October 12, 1916, the boat under the fire of 203-mm Bulgarian guns moved away from the drafts downstream. And on October 13th arrived in Brailov.

From 4 to 7 November 1916, Donets, together with Kuban, participated in the support of Russian troops in Isakiz. During this period, 1500 152-mm shells were spent. On November 27, 1916, they covered the retreat of the allied troops on the left bank of the Danube. And the next day they fired to be left to Tulch.

Canoner boats "Donets" and "Kuban". 1916.

On December 9, 1916, Donets again participated in Art Breaker Tulchu. On December 13, the city was again fired by the boat with the support of the "Kuban" to cover the passage of the caravan Romanian barge from Reni in Izmail.

On the night of December 29-16, 1916, Donets was fired by the coastal field artillery when moving from Kilia to Sulun near Tulchi. As a result of the shelling on the boat, 2 people were killed and injured. In this case, the damage to serious boat itself did not receive.

In the spring of 1917, the Donets continued to carry the service near Tulchi. But by November, the boat was already relocated in Izmail.

On January 18, 1918, with a shootout with Romanian batteries, "Donets" received three hits of 75-mm shells above the Waterlinia. These ingress of serious damage did not bring.

From January 21 to January 24, 1918, the boat participated in the support of defense Izmail, but its effectiveness was low, because There was no adjustment from the shore. After leaving Ishmail "Donets" participated in the defense of Kilia-Nova. Martial steps with the participation of the ship continued until February, when the boat with two Supreme Sitters "Kuban" and "Taings" went to Odessa.

After the fall of Odessa, in March 1918, "Donets" fell into his hands to the Germans. But soon it was transferred along with the "Kuban" of the Ukrainian Power of Hetman Scoropads.

In the years of civil war

In November 1918, the boat moved to the White Guard forces, and in December 1918 she was already from the Anglo-French interventory. From April 1919, Donets was part of the sea forces of the South of Russia.

But all these transitions from hand to hand almost did not affect physically "Donets", because He stood in Odessa with faulty machines. By December 1918, he did not have a single person from the crew members. And he continued to stand in the port and rust.

On April 3, 1919, the French brought out of the port and took all ships to the Tetrovsk braza, which was still afloat, but they could not move independently, among them there were "Donets". There these ships were simply abandoned. At the end of April, during the storm "Donets", disrupted from the dead anchors and threw the "chemis" across the coarse. Although the damage received by the boat was insignificant, but due to the fact that there was not a soul on it, she soon sank.

After the civil war

On November 28, 1921, the Donets canonerer boat was raised from the bottom of the GosSudpoman. After that, the ship was departed to Sevastopol, where he stood in reserve until 1928. The Commission recognized the restoration of the boat inappropriate and passed it on a layer in the Comgosfund. Where "Donets" and was disassembled for metal.


The exact data on commanders and the timing of their service on the Donets canonere boat failed to find in open sources. The table below shows the names of people and dates when they were mentioned as a boat commanders in various sources.

Monument to those who died in the First World War

Memorial Memory of the dead members of the crew of the Canonere Boat "Donets". Photo of 2011.

Even during the First World Voons in Odessa, a monument was established by 30 dead members of the crew of the Cavalonian boat "Donets".

In 1989, a group of historians of the Navy found a monument. They cleared it from garbage and put in order. But after that, about the monument again forgotten because of the collapse of the USSR. The monument nobody visited, part of the anchors who were frayed the burial territory were stolen.

But in August 2006, to veterans-submariners from the "Association of Sailors-submariners named after A.I. Marinesco, "two residents of Odessa appealed with a request to draw attention to the abandoned monument to the crew" Donets ". Veterans at the rally on October 28, 2006 turned to the public and the urban authorities asking for help in its restoration.

  • Lapshin R. and Pakhmurin Yu. Black Sea "Cossacks". - 2012. - 34 p.

Gallery of images

In the "Military Statistical Review of the Russian Empire" for 1850, dedicated to the Kharkiv province, it was said that earlier Seversky Donets was shipping from the borders of Kursk province. In 1736-39, during the war with the Ottoman port, with Zmeiyev, that in 40 versts from Kharkov, to the mouth of Don, the river was supplied and everything you need. The extermination of forests on the shores led to the sandbabs, crossed and changing the river bed, rains were washed away into the river from the steep right bank of the trees, squiggings, stones, and building dams for mills hurt navigation. The state was interested in making the river shipping and even, as it was written, "there is a all-time all-time amount". But the privacy of the owners of mills

And now for 250 years, the Donette remains conditionally shipping, it is necessary to make some efforts and, it would seem, ships on the river.

After building a Lugansk foundry plant, it became necessary to deliver coal from the fox beam there. The director of the plant K. Gaskova actively addressed high instances for the money for clearing the bed. Began to learn the question: Is it possible to ship on the Don? Commissions, specialists, the death of Gaskina, the war with the French ... went time, and the state did not have money.

But in 1818-19, the power of private interest was not the engineer, not any seating, but the headquarters of the mine in Lisa Beach V.P. Vogulsky. He built two seaworthy vessels and lowered them into Rostov, for which he was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir 4th degree. Judging by the fact that these vessels were no longer mentioned in our regions, and they were nautical, then, obviously, Vogulsky them somewhere in Rostov and sold them. In subsequent years, Vogulsky became a senior doctor of the Lugansk Foundry Plant.

The passage of the vessels of the Vogulsky and his followers who conducted small Budairs and rafts with the forest along the Don, mainly to the Lugansk foundry, found a new problem. This is stated at the disposal for 1820, which the chief director of the Russian Empire reports sent to the Governor of the Slobodsko-Ukrainian province. He was very displeased by the fact that the owners of Melnitz strongly obstructed the passage of the rafts and ships to the Lugansk plant, and Konstantinov's landowner did not miss the trials and rafts at all, which damages the plant for 1000 rubles. The order required from the owners of the mills to arrange a gate in dams for the passage of ships and not to prevent their passage, otherwise such dams will be broken.

In the meantime, a merchant of Paramonov with residents of Borovsky began to build barges for alloy vegetables in Lugansk near Lisichansky mine. The manager of the mine headquarters-captain Sokolov reported this to the Board of the plant and asked the Administration for the construction of a barge for the mine. The resolution was obtained, and Barza was built. It was loaded with 2675 pounds (43820 kg) coal and successfully sparkled 8 days before the Lugansk exemplary farm. The question of the delivery of the barge back - against the current.

To organize towing traffic, it was decided to buy a towing steamer in England. Such a steamer was built in Liverpool. He was called "Donets". It had a length of 36.6 m, a width of 6.7 m and a precipitate, according to a contract, not more than 0.61 m, was provided with a steam boiler worked on anthracite, and two steam machines with a total capacity of up to 55 horsepower. Disassembled on the part of the ship "Donets" delivered from Liverpool to Rostov. There, he was collected and on October 10, 1840 were lowered into the water, but Don unexpectedly covered with ice. With the beginning of navigation on April 24, a steamer with a barge, which was loaded by a cargo in 164 tons, began movement against the flow from Rostov to Lisichansk at a speed of 10 km / h. Downstream steamer was moving at a speed of 21 km / h and overcame 800 km to Rostov in 40 hours. But the steamer was not deprived of the shortcomings, and the main sediment was up to 1 m.

Unfortunately, the hopes of the mining department on the establishment of regular transportation of coal from Lisican mines with the help of a towing steamer were not justified. The ship was sent to Rostov, where he transported passengers and private goods for three years between Rostov and Taganrog, towed the court at the mouth of the Don. In 1844, Donets was transferred to Kerch to provide a message between Kerch and Tamani. During the Crimean War, when the Anglo-French vessels landed the landing in Kerch, the crew "Donets" on May 12, 1855 destroyed his steamer, so as not to get the enemy. "The enemy does not surrender our brave" Donets "- this was the end of the short life of the steamer.

Although there was a work path of the Lisichansk steamer. This cargo ship was built on the request of the Lugansk Foundry and Lisichasque cast-iron-smelting factories in June 1867. Built in Lisichansk, and he cost 3765 rubles. 73 kopecks. More than once he became a stranded, he got holes, repaired and again drove the cargo. After the next breakdown, Lisichansk was decided to write off. But the procedure turned out to be long. In February 1871, the plant prepared a certificate for the write-off, in which it was noted that for two and a half navigation seasons the ship brought income to 4,000 rubles, which was more costs for its construction. Only in 1873, 6 years after the accident, a permission was received for write-off. However, in six months, the next commission found that not all costs for the repair of the vessel were taken into account: did not take into account the cost of candles, nails, suit, sala, ropes, ropes, resins, tin and other materials and tools in the amount of 2392 rubles. 81 and 3/4 kopecks. We decided to pay off at the expense of the treasury. And in 1877, again, some official, looking through the magazine of the Mountain Department, discovered inaccuracy in numbers. Regular commissions, checks and explanations. Former mining chief
MM Letunovsky, who was preparing the numbers, carried out a reprimand. It was already July 1881 - 14 years after the accident "Lisichansk". Here's how in Tsarist Russia, I was kept a state penny - even a quarter of a penny.

But after these failures, the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking the Donets to the ship supported D. Mendeleev. He visited in 1888 in the Donbas, thoroughly studied the results of previous studies of this topic and outlined his opinion in the work "Future strength, resting on the shores of the Donets." The scientist assumed the industrial future of the Donbass if there were ways to transport products. The simplest way could be shipping in Seversk Don. Mendeleev pointed out the reasons for braking and plans to solve the problem, offered to begin with a small one. The scientist understood: "Melko swim" we even seemed to be liked. " The situation is exactly as now, when officials and entrepreneurs are interested in large projects, from which you can upset well: "Nowadays the projects with millions of expenses, yes, especially with concessions, ... to make fun to these millions, others would become Treat themselves on them yourself, the conversation would have a big, controversy, interest.

The idea of \u200b\u200bD. Mendeleev supported the hydraulic engineering N.P. Pubyrevsky. In 1903-1904, he conducted a detailed study of the riverbed and proposed a project to restore shipping using a large number of gateways. In 1911-14. We managed to build only 6 gateways. Further work was interrupted by the First World War. And today shipping on the bottom has small volumes, and even then only below - gateways require major repairs.

But in 1972, an outstanding event was held in the shipping history of the Seversk Donets, which are not remembered today. This is the final part of the water path of transportation of "superneck equipment", as was facilitated in the documents, for Severodonetsky "Nitrogen". Regenerators and converters Weighing about 140 tons, a height of up to 40 m and a diameter of up to 6 m were delivered from the shores of Baltic to the city of happiness along the water through the Neva, Ladoga, Svir, Onega Lake, Channel Volgo Balt, Volga, Channel, Tsimlyan Sea, Don. Further was planned to carry land, for which it was necessary to reconstruct and build new roads and bridges, to transfer the power lines - huge costs.

Severodonetsk route designers risked to transport equipment from Don to happiness on the Don. Cleared the riverbed, on the bottom overloaded the cargo per thousand and two three hundred dolon barges with a precipitate 90 cm, and the towing heat shoulder pulled them against the current up to happiness, where the berth was built.

Summer in that year turned out to be arid while the preparation was preparing, the river Ombrella, so they were able to reach only to the imposition of the Donets. Mityakinki. While you wondered what to do next, rains began, and the level in the river rose. Rank to raise equipment further. Did not reach the berth about 200 meters due to the shallow water. Someone suggested overlapping Donets. At first it seemed unheard of audacity: no projects, calculations and necessary equipment. But people tanned the idea. Four hours two bulldozers poured homemade dam, after which the river level rose by one and a half meters.

It describes only the most significant episodes from the history of shipping in the Seversky Don. I hope that the story will be continued.

Sergey Kalenyuk

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Page 21 of 25

Court of maintenance of the basing system.

To courts of providing the basing system primarily include: Cable Courts

(KBS), killets (kil), port icebreakers (PTLD), port (raid) towing (RB) and floating barracks (PKZ).

The main purpose of the CBS is the gasket, rise and repair underwater cables. These vessels serve cables not only for military purposes. The construction of the CBS for the Navy of the USSR was produced in Finland.

The rapid development of the Northern and Far Eastern regions required the creation of a large CBS (BKBS) for the development of the system of extended underwater communication lines. This CBA was designed in the late 50s at the shipyard of Vyartsil on the TTC Navy of the USSR and under the supervision of his specialists. The ship's carryingibility was determined in 2,400 tons of cable and in 270 tons of other cable equipment. Complete displacement of the BCBS reached 6,810 tons. BKBS was equipped with two nasal 20 ton winches and two mobile winches. BKBS equipment allowed to work at depths to 2,500 m.

The main energy unit is twin, diesel-electric provided the speed of more than 15 nodes. The head of the BKBS was built in 1962 and received the name "Ingul". In just 1978, 8 BKBS was built on this shipyard. Moreover, the last three had increased lifting capacity already at 2,800 tons of cable and a slightly larger displacement.

Inguri cable vessel, built in Finland for the USSR Navy in 1978 ... Main characteristics: Standard displacement 3 770 tons; Full 7 031 tons; Length - 130.4 m; Width 16.03 m; Precipitate 5.22 m; Power 2 x 2 150 liters. from.; Speed \u200b\u200bspeed is maximal 15.7 nodes.; Navigation range - 4,000 miles on 13 nodes; Autonomy of swimming 30 days; Crew 188 people.

After the construction of the BKBS, it was decided to build small CBS (ICCC) for laying and repairing submarine cables in the inner seas of the USSR. The ICCS PFS.1122 was designed and built on the same shipyard (Vyartsil). The load capacity of this vessel was more than 700 tons, and complete displacement reached 2,455 tons. The ICTA was equipped with two 10 ton winches. The equipment made it possible to work at depths up to 1,000 m. The head vessel. PR.1122 "Emba" was built in 1980, and until 1987 built another 5 μb. The last two had a greater 10 m long and complete displacement of 2,400 tons.

Small Cable Ship of Project 1122 "" Donets ""

For reception from the shore, transportation, productions and samples of the raid equipment, special vessels were created with powerful crane equipment - killets (kil). In fact, these are nautical and relatively high-speed floating cranes. All Kil post-war construction for the USSR Navy was created in the GDR

The first Kil Avd.706 was built on the shipyard Neptune in 1955 on the TTC Navy of the USSR. This keel had a nasal crane with a lifting capacity of 75 tons, complete displacement of 1,256 tons, and the speed of the total stroke of more than 11 nodes. The depth of the work was allowed at 40 m. In just 1959, 10 kille of this project was built. The next project of Kil had already a feed truck with a lifting capacity of 115 tons. Displacement increased to 3,150 tons. The depth of the work was allowed to 300 m. The Kil-1 head killeter was built on the same shipyard in 1965. In just 1976, 10 keels were built on this project.

Kil-25 film vessel project 419. It was laid on the shipper "Neptune" in the port of Rostock (GDR), factory No. 149/1244, launched on January 17, 1969, entered the USSR Navy 30.08.1969 entered in the Black Sea Fleet. Main characteristics: Displacement: 3151 tons; Dimensions: length - 87.3 m, width - 14.8 m, precipitate - 5.01 m.; Full speed: 13.2 knots; Sailing range: 4000 miles at 10 nodes; Power plant: diesel-electric, 2 shaft, 1770 hp; Loading: 65 tons; Crew: 45 people.

Since in many cases project numbers for all vessels built abroad,

appointed after their adoption of the Navy, it was very often a construction number of the head vessel used as a project number. It was widely used in their Obuhyda design specialists, and the higher authorities later we were legalized. Therefore, Kil-1 in a wide use of the project number 145, which actually corresponded to the construction number of the head vessel.

In the mid-80s, the construction of the last series of Kil Navy of the USSR PR 141 began.

The maximum carrying capacity of the feed crane equipment was 150 tons, the total displacement reached 5,250 tons. Unlike predecessors, this keel could provide basing (short-term) autonomous underwater vehicles weighing up to 70 tons. Thus, this keel could be used to some extent as a search rescue ship. In total, until 1991, it was possible to build 9 kille of this project.

Developed conceptual draft cable ship
The conceptual project of cable shippers 5 branch of the FSUE "Krylovsky State Scientific Center" was developed within the framework of the Federal Research Institution "RGMT 2009-2016" developed a conceptual project of a multi-purpose cable ship with a modern integrated control system to ensure underwater work on laying cable lines and underwater work in the sea .

The main task made by the Krylovsky SSC was the development of documentation of the conceptual project of the cable vessel, an analysis of the existing national and foreign scientific and technical and technological nesting for technical solutions, a complete set of equipment for cable vessels and related systems in terms of the experience of designing, construction and operation of cable vessels.

During the work, the design documentation of the conceptual project of the cable vessel was developed. Clarified the appearance of cable ships for the seasons of Russia and the Arctic. The main design solutions are substantiated. A list of component equipment has been prepared. Calculations of the loads of masses, stability and non-optimability, hurdity, fuel consumption on the main modes of the cable vessel are carried out.

Proposals were prepared for inclusion in the feasibility study of the creation of a domestic cable ship and suggestions to the principal technology of construction. The technical task is prepared for the development of the technical project of the cable vessel. Methodological solutions and modern trends applied in the design of cable ships and equipment for them and the study of the global technical level for the proposed technical solutions are revealed.

During the development of a conceptual project, the main characteristics of a large cable vessel were determined. The length of the vessel is 133.5 m; Width - 21 m, sediment - 6 m, displacement - 10274 tons.

During the development of a conceptual project of a cable vessel, his appearance was formed.

The icebreaker vessel, has a developed superstructure, in which hangars are located to work with cable, technical and residential premises. In the upper part of the superstructure, there is a main chassis and a platform of admission to Ka-27 helicopters. In the aft of the superstructure, there is a duplicating chassis bridge with cable accessories.

The vessel is equipped with a set of cable equipment providing an automated cable laying from the vessel's forage and the cable repair from the nose. Also provided a set of equipment providing and used in the process of cable work in ice conditions.

Two main cable tanks and two backups are provided for storing the fixed cable, the total mass of the loaded cable reaches about 5,500 tons. The main characteristic feature of the cable tenak is its waterproof. The need to create a waterproof storages is due to the conduct of test work of the cable by filling the tenaks with water.

The developed cable vessel, in contrast to foreign analogues, is distinguished by the ability of work in an ice environment, the coastal zone of the Arctic shelf of Russia, as well as the Far East. In addition to the elevated class of ice reinforcements, a cable vessel, which ensures not only the possibility of carrying out work in the ice environment, but, if necessary, hidden formulation of special equipment. The presence of developed technological equipment and a sufficiently large amount of premises for team and service personnel, if necessary, allows the use of this vessel as a research and development, in a number of options as a diving and, if necessary, a storage vessel with appropriate additional equipment.

The peculiarities of the developed cable vessel are distinguished from typical cable vessels, in particular those offered by foreign companies and give it a statute "not having analogues in its class". The work was carried out within the framework of the FDP "Development of Civil Engineering 2009-2016" on the basis of agreement No. 167-52 / 12 dated July 30, 2012, concluded between the FSUE "Krylovsky State Scientific Center" and OJSC "NII" Atoll ".

Text: Press Service FSUE "Krylovsky State Scientific Center"
Illustration: Press Service FSUE "Krylova State Scientific Center"