
The meaning of Alexander Zodiac sign. Public and political figures

Fences, fences

Alexander Alexander's horoscope is a Greek name, meaning to "Defender". People with such a name is inherent determination, even sharpness. Sometimes they completely forget about the framework of decency, especially when they go out. But to influence Alexander with pressure - not the best way . By nature, Alexander is more introvert than an extrovert. He likes to dive himself, look for answers to questions concerning his inner "I". At the same time, Alexander is a living mind, he is inquisitive, loves to discover the new one. At the same time, he is afraid of failures and always doubts himself a little. When it requires determination, Alexander can fluctuate, experiencing doubts. Despite this, he possesses the power of will, which helps him gather at the right moment and do everything as it should. Some people, Alexander may seem a frivolous person who is not clearly critical. However, it is not. Alexander for himself is the strictest critic, just he independently defines the framework of the permitted and sometimes even comes out for them. However, the surrounding tend to forgive Alexander similar attacks for his charm. The carrier of this name appreciates friendship and values \u200b\u200bfriends that he is usually a lot. He loves attention, always plays the role of the company's soul. Alexander is more practical than the theorist. He likes to work more than learn. Often at school, he does not shine performance and good behavior. In the work, Alexander appreciates, first of all, fascination. He can achieve a lot, but only if what he is doing is really interested. But it happens that the promotion of the career ladder Alexander prevents banal laziness. Sometimes it is difficult for him to overcome and plunge into the work, he is distracting a lot and thinks only about how to return home and will do something cheerful. At the same time, Alexander is quite ambitious, seeks to express himself and get recognition. Sometimes it is possible to him not so much by hard work, how much due to luck and ability to like people. In his personal life, Alexander does not seek leadership, often under the influence of a stronger partner. The carrier of this name is usually tied to his mother, and even living independently, misses her warmth. Alexander - Romantic by nature. He is inclined to dream of love, is capable of crazy actions for the sake of his beloved. However, he does not endure the routine and is a little afraid of a serious relationship. As for health, Alexander should carefully treat nutrition and do not abuse fast food, as its stomach is his weak place. Sympticking forms of Aleksandr: Sasha, Sasha, Sanyu, Sashulya, Sashuta, Sanya, Sanyu, Sanyuta, Sanyusha, Alexanderushka, Alex, Aleksanya, Aleksash, Shura, Shurik, Shurochka. Alexander-Aries is very impulsive and unpredictable. May make rapid acts and easily comes out of themselves. However, at the same time, rather disposal and unlockamine. Alexander-Taurus calm, non-aggressive, good family man. Balanced, rarely truly gets out of itself. True, it is distinguished by some stubbornness, trying to stand on its end. Alexander-Gemini charming, but is inconsistent. Enjoying success with the opposite sex, loves attention, compliments. Do not strive for a serious relationship, loves and appreciates romance. Alexander-Cancer Emotionalen, sometimes even capricious. Does not have a strong character, needs support and even some control. Indecisive. Alexander-Lion has a strong character, determination, sometimes quite cutting. It is quite difficult to communicate with it, as it is inclined to dominate the partner. Alexander Virgo has a logical mindset. Appreciates in people decency, does not tolerate lies and pretenses. In communication with the opposite sex is indecisive, as it does not have sufficient confidence in itself. Alexander-scales strive for harmony, soft, charming. In relations, appreciates romance and understanding. Good husband and father, approximate family man. Alexander-Scorpio Emotional, loves adventure. Not constant: his mood can change several times throughout the day. Hot-tempered, easily comes out of myself. In life appreciates a variety, loves to travel. Alexander-Sagittarius shy, not very sociable. Having trusting, and because of his gullibility, it is often disappointed in people. He has its ideal of a woman and looking for the one that corresponds to him as much as possible. Alexander Capricorn good friend, faithful husband, approximate family man. To seek to find my second half and finding, remains devoted to her until the end of life. Emotional, prone to sentimentality. Alexander Aquarius appreciates friendship more than love. Knows how to communicate with people, knows the approach. Do not strive for leadership. Alexander Fish Wound, emotional, sensitive. Believes in real love and, finding it, remains faithful to his second half. She is inclined to depressions because of their sentimentality, which is sometimes excess.

Horoscope Alexander-Aries: Extremely contradictory. She strives at the same time as stability in life and completely independence. Passionate nature, impulsive, is distinguished by his own level in relation to the beloved. Slowing with Alexander-Ovant is hard, as sometimes it is rude, selfish, impatient to someone else's opinion.

Horoscope Alexander Taurus: Messenger perfect combination name and sign of the zodiac. It possesses the inner force, calm, balanced. It is distinguished by constancy in love and friendship, a wonderful father and family man. The only one negative trait - Excessive stubbornness with which Alexander-Tauries walks to the goals set. Zenit homemadeSo a woman will prefer with a soft character, a good mistress.

Horoscope Alexander-Gemini: It has extraordinary charm and halanery. He enjoys success in women, generous on compliments. This is the famous "Ladies' Loves", but Alexander-Gemini is inconsistent. Easy to converge with people and adapts to any atmosphere.

Horoscope Alexander Cancer: Overly emotional. Natura is weak, easily affected by someone else. Alexander Cancer lacks self-confidence, he is too minitive and careful. It is not easy for women with him, because he himself unequivocally understands what he wants, and his whims can be crazy.

Horoscope Alexander Lev: Unusually strong man both physically and spiritually. He knows his power to use, and this power attracts representatives of the opposite sex to Alexander-Lion. Do not accept criticism, in its judgments and statements there are cutting. However, it is capable of becoming a truly faithful companion of life.

Horoscope Alexander Deva: The main feature is decency. He is inclined to reflections, does not tolerate fuss and hasty decisions. His actions thoroughly think about, and always performs their promises. Unfortunately, the reflections of Alexander-Virgin can delay so much that he never decides.

Horoscope Alexander-Scales: Incorrigible romantic. He perfectly understands women, is able to predict their desires. In all, Alexander-Scales seeks harmony, so people give pleasure to communicate with him. Very faithful and gentle partner.

Horoscope Alexander Scorpio: Adventure lover. Natural is a non-permanent, changeing: in a few minutes it can go from a quiet state to the unbridled anger. It has excellent intuition, which is usually guided in life. It is extremely difficult to live with such a person, since the change of his moods does not allow to catch his true feelings and thoughts.

Horoscope Alexander-Sagittarius: Very closed man. Sometimes he is unnecessarily trusting than others enjoy. After touching, however, quickly "departs". All his life, Alexander-Sagittarine is looking for his ideal of women, often mistaken, and strong disappointment may forever make him stay by a bachelor.

Horoscope Alexander Capricorn: True family man. This is a reliable and devoted man, firmly attached to the family and the only beloved. Faithful friend, caring father. However, Alexander Capricorn is distinguished by some impressionability and even sentimentality, which he himself considers its shortcomings.

Horoscope Alexander-Aquarius: Above only values \u200b\u200bfreedom. This is a realist who believes more in friendship than in love. Communication with a woman for Alexander Aquarius is more important than intimate relationships. Stormy passions scare and repel it, so he will choose a humble and tactful partner.

Horoscope Alexander Fish: Expressive, easy to influence. It is capable of deep sincere feelings, on the most unimaginable actions for their beloved. A very wounded person is inclined to depressions. A woman who managed to understand him, he will always be true.

Numerological horoscope named after Alexander

In the life of Alexander, the number 6 and 9 play an important role.

Horoscope Six - the number of work, labor. Alexander throughout his life is experiencing craving for physical work. In addition, the six gives Alexander a sense of increased responsibility. It has progressive views on life, while striving to achieve respect and fame. Often Alexander occupies a responsible post. However, the six makes men with this name tough in achieving their plans and overly stubborn.

Nine - number of intelligence. As a rule, Alexander is easy to study, although he does not like to learn. The nine gives Alexander Power. Usually such men achieve success in life, but only by struggle.

The most happy will be Alexander, born 6 or 9 of the spring month.

What is proud I. beautiful name - Alexander. How many secrets and mysteries inside this name is hidden! Studying, which means the name Alexander, you can find out that the word "Alex" is interpreted as "protection", and "Andros" means "man". As a result, Alexander's name literally means: "People's defender", "courageous protection".

Alexander differs from other men fair and respectable character, strong health. The mystery of the name empowers the owner of a thin intuition and enviable purposefulness. To form all the advantages of Alexander, like a boy and future men, you need to provide him with freedom in reasonable limits and unobtrusively show your care.

A man or woman with a weak character and low self-esteem will not be comfortable in the company with Alexander. Such people should not feed the illusions about creating a family or friendly relationship with him.

A complex person will grow by Alexander, having patronymic: Semenovich, Borisovich, Vladislavovich, Dmitrievich, Nikolayevich, Olegovich.

Would you call the child with this name?

The origin of the name Alexander has ancient roots whose origins are found in ancient Greece.

Where did this name come from? Rus borrowed him from Byzantium. It happened long before baptism in Russia. Initially, the name was written as "Olgsandr", and the meaning of Alexander interpreted, as "like a leg like, the son of Druid." According to scientific interpretation, the heavenly creatures were melted, which exceeded a person like the gods.

The first famous owner of the name, Alexander Macedonsky, in the 4th century BC created a powerful empire. The name Alexander was worn and other bright historical identities: A. Suvorov and A. Nevsky.

The story of the name Alexander echoes the exploits of many legendary commander, courageous military leaders, powerful rulers and political figures.

For a long time, Sasha's name was fashionable and beloved, led in the lists of popular names and gained widespread worldwide. According to statistics, it was the most popular name of the 20th century, but in modern times ceased to lead, compared with other popular names.

Forms name

Simple: Sasha Full: Alexander Old: Alexander Affectionate: Sasha

The name Alexander hides in itself a strong energy, empowers his owner courage, confidence, perseverance and authority. Sasha differs from his peers with a solid slave rod. Characteristic of the name Alexander reveals the determination and factories of the man. Men with the name Alexander are distinguished by a living insightful mind, sociability, and nobility.

The psyche of Alexander is unstable, so it is inclined to flashes of anger and manifestation of irritability when communicating with others. Sometimes he even ignores the generally accepted standards of decency. Alexander is able to give a worthy opposite to the enemy if the force apply against it.

According to Alexander's characteristic, he is an introvert and failure in himself. Sasha tries to close from real life and finds a cozy salvation in his own subconscious.

Sasha has the ability to respond quickly to events and tries to avoid trouble. If he finds himself in a difficult situation, then the exit from it is instantly, but fearing condemnation, invents excuses.

The name Alexander is characterized by male independence and search for reliable refuge. His real face a man with the name Sasha shows only after actions that do not correspond to the norms of morality. In such cases, he asks for helping friends. Alexander highly appreciates friendly relations and adheres to an active life position. This man has a need for a strong partner throughout his life, and he is constantly needed by mother or wife.

Alexander - a strong, decisive and volitional man, but, despite this, is subject to doubt. He is afraid of unknown and often, without visible reasons, feeling a feeling of fear of failures.

Finance, Alexander applies carefully and prudently. He may reasonably invest his capital in the business, skillfully using money with the maximum benefit for himself.

The characteristic of Alexander determines it as a leader and favorite, but in life the owner of this name is not always able to realize its talents. Possessing excellent organizational and diplomatic abilities, Alexander may hold a leadership position in any field of activity and is able to negotiate the team.

Sasha do not like scientific research, but if it takes a mumbling to science, only for the sake of ambitiousness and satisfying your own ego. In his youth, he does not tolerate school learning, where it is necessary to obtain knowledge of coercion.

Character name to Alexander Artistic and Creative. Alexandra has all the prerequisites for creative activity.

He is suitable for professions: actors, director, entertainer, employee of radio and television, traveler, sailor or lawyer.

A man with the name Sasha is committed to independence, but he is cozy and in the company of reliable friends. He adores female warmth and needs care and caress.








Hot temper




Alexander Conductive Cavalier and remembers every detail, elegantly courting the beloved woman. Sasha will not forget to give a girl a hand, elegantly will help put on a coat, present a bouquet of flowers, sincerely gives a compliment.

But despite his gallantry and attachment to the opposite sex, he prefers to live dreams of love, and not enjoy real relationships. At the same time, Alexander Azarten in love.

The owner of Sasha's name is compatible only with a caring and peaceful woman who owns a strong temper. Sasha chooses such a wife who will provide him with reliable support and support, in the hope that it will always be nearby. He, in turn, is able to offer its chief of great responsibility and a sense of duty.

Family life with Alexander pays many difficulties in itself, but at the same time he is crazy about all children - not only blood, but also strangers.

Name name Alexander for boy

Alexander has ancient Greek roots. The name means "defending, a man." Nature laid awareness of himself in the role of a courageous and strong defender. Sasha is the most common and favorite name in Russia.

It has a strong energy. The meaning of the name gives the child to courage, perseverance, authority.

From an early age, Sasha is decisive, bold, wit and sociable. An introvert boy is often trying to hide from reality in his inner world. The child is gentle and sensitive, stretches to the maternal heat. He does not tolerate when he is forced to do anything. Hurting, silent and active.

What does Alexander succeed in?

In school, experienced teachers, if desired, can squeeze out of Sasha. With him you need to do individually and pay more attention to it.
The boy in school years shows himself a quick-tempered zadira, shows leadership qualities. Always actively performs orders.
Alexander has a tendency to any work. It can choose the profession of actor, director, military, traveler, sailor, lawyer, writer. He tries to prove himself everywhere at the highest level.

Rise up the Son in the spirit of respectful attitude towards people. Keep the location of the child under control, the circle of his acquaintances. Help the boy sign up to the sports section by sending its activity in the right direction.

What games will love Alexander?

An important place in his leisure Alexander takes on sports and reading adventure books. He loves to watch adventurous movies. I am pleased to play moving games. The child always independently finds her own lesson. Different with a neat attitude to toys.


Alexander Ukiv

What does the name Alexander mean

Translated by S. greek Alexander (gr. Αλεξανδρος) means "defender", "man" or "man" ("Alex" - Defender, "Andros" - a man).

(Analogs) named after Alexander

In Russian, this name can occur under various forms - Oleksandr, Lexander, Lyaksandr, and for a female analogue can be found not only Alexander, but also Lexandra, Lyaksandra, Oleksa, Alex.
The most popular forms of this name are: Sasha, Sashachka, Shura, Sanya, Alex, Sanyuha, Sashulya, Sashuna, Sandr, Shurik.

The origin of the Alexander

The name Alexander translated from the Greek means "defender", "guarding husband", "man", "man". In ancient Greek mythology, it was the second name of the hero of Paris - the son of Priama and Hugeba.
But the most famous carrier of this name was Alexander the Greatwhich in the 4th century BC created a great empire from Greece, Egypt, Persia and several parts of India. Thanks to this commander, the name Alexander spread across Europe.

There is such a legend that the mother of Alexander Macedonsky, the Olympiad, who was an excellent priestess and the Snake Lady, gave birth to a son from the Divine.

The boy grew uneasy, and many wonderful things experienced in his life. At the age of 12, Alexander was able to settle the stroke horse of Bucophal, which was not possible before anyone. The horse as if I would follow my owner and became obedient. At the age of 33, Alexander Macedonsky became a great conqueror. I was able to defeat many peoples and countries.

According to the legend, Alexander died of a curse: after he put on the crown of King Daria - he lost his memory and soon died.

Although Alexander's name came from Byzantium, but there is information that it was known in Russia long before the adoption of Christianity. But it was written differently - "Olgsandr" and marked "such a creation of the Son of Druid". The Legs of Sloven called heavenly creatures, it was believed that these creatures cost a step above a person in terms of development.

There is another Writing of this name - "Alekandr", it translates as the "carrier of spiritual power and power."

The story knows a lot of worthy men who were named Alexander: Prince Alexander Nevsky, Emperors Alexander I Pavlovich, Alexander II Nikolaevich and Alexander III Aleksandrovich. The name it was worn by many Macedonian kings, Kings of Scotland and Roman dads. In ancient times, versators almost never allowed this name.

If in the story you will meet the mention of the hills, whose name was "Sanka" or "Sasha", then the meaning of these names is different, and they were not derived on behalf of Alexander. For example, "Sanya" - meant "Sirot, adoptive son", "Sasha" - "admirable child", "Shura" - "born outside the Motherland".
In addition, the name Alexander is included in the list of Jewish names, as a tribute to Alexander Macedon, who showed nobility and mercy when conquering the Holy Land.

Compatibility named after Alexander

Incompatibility of Alexander

Compatibility of the name Alexander with zodiac signs

Alexander - Aries. Pretty contradictional personality. Strive for stability and independence in life. In love, passionate and impulsive, to his beloved belongs as the owner. The relationship with him is not easy - it can be rude, selfish. The opinion of another person belongs to skeptical.

Alexander - Taurus. Balanced, smart and purposeful man. He falls in love and for life, can become a good father and friend. Women prefers soft and good owners.

Alexander - Gemini. Popular in a woman, but constancy does not differ. Easy to converge with people, quickly adapts to any situation.

Alexander - Cancer. Emotional man, with a weak character. Due to uncertainty in herself, too much by the influence of other people. Women with him is not easy - he is capricious and sometimes he does not know what he wants.

Alexander - Lev.. Physically and spiritually strong man that the magnet attracts women to him. Does not tolerate criticism in your address and can respond sharply on it. In the family can be a faithful husband.

Alexander - Deva.. Decent and reasonable man. In making decisions, the fuss does not tolerate. But sometimes it can think about their actions for so long that in the end it will not make any decision.

Alexander - Scales. Romantic man loving in all harmony. People with him are easy to communicate. Good understands women, can be a faithful husband.

Alexander - Scorpio. It has good intuition, and in actions very often it is guided by it. Loves adventure. Character variable, often succumbes to the mood drops, so it's not easy to live with him.

Alexander - Sagittarius. Secretive and touchy man. To be too trusting, but at the same time the choice of life companions is suitable very scrupulously, looking for a long time, picks up for trifles, and, in the end, still mistaken in choosing. Due to often disappointed in women and can live a whole life by a bachelor.

Alexander - Capricorn. Approximate family man, good father and husband. Too emotional and impressionable. Adequately assesses himself and others, knows his shortcomings well.

Alexander - Aquarius. Careerist, a man for whom the work will always be in the first place. Friends he will also appreciate more than a sweetheart or wife. Does not like emotional and assertive women, as the second half will look for a modest and tactful girl.

Alexander - Fish. A too impressionable man if he could even be offended by a long depression. He loves much, even too, can go to the raised actions for his beloved. If you meet a woman who knows and accepts him as it is - will be faithful to her all his life.

Alexander Ovechkin

Character transmitted by the name Alexander

Alexander is always impressive by his greatness. Nature gave his wonderful qualities. Courage, factories, confidence and, in addition, also authority. Alexander just on the nature is written to manage and lead people.

A completely small Alexander is a brave, initiative and not by the years a smart boy. At the same time, Alexander is characteristic of both equilibrium and primeness and advanced fantasy and mobility. Sasha clocks can be enthusiastically drawing, and maybe a whole day run with friends on the street.

Sasha is an independent and responsible boy, it can safely charge the care of a little brother or sister, he always hobble them, comes up with games and classes.

Sasha is learning without special difficulties, if there is a perfection, it may even become the best student in the classroom. But usually he does not put such purposes, he has no big ambitions in their studies. Often in school years, Alexander loves dancing or sports.

Also, the balance of Alexander is manifested in the adolescence. This time lives them calmly, without special crises, depressed. Youth maximalism and complexes do not concern. He has no problems with an increased or understated self-esteem, adequately reacts to criticism and does not conflict with his parents.

Alexander has an amazing intuition and an outstanding mind. If the answer does not lie on the surface, he reread the mountain of books, surrounds all who can at least know about the topic of interest, but will find what is looking for. He is ready to stubbornly and for a long time to go to his goal.

Against Alexander is confident who knows the price of a person. He is purposeful and he has clear priorities in life. Often, thanks to all these quality, and also a congenital ability to find a common language with any person, he achieves everything in his life, which he wanted and what he dreamed of.

Positive features named after Alexander

The positive features of the character of Alexander include: responsibility, obligation, modesty, willpower. And although this is a born leader, it is characterized by modesty and unassumability. He will not boast of his successes, and will not talk about the problems and secrets of his loved ones and friends. Alexander can always be trusted in the most difficult situations and count on his help.

Negative features of the name Alexander

But, like anyone, Alexander has both cons, it is: hot temper, petty and inability to forgive. Despite its balance, Alexander can show a sharp aggression, because in anger he does not control his emotions.

With the full readiness of Alexander to help everyone and everyone can even go about monetary help. It is not distinguished by special generosity, sometimes the desire for savings comes to frank greed.

Name Alexander in Love and Family

In love, Alexander will go to everything, just to get the desired object and its reciprocity. If a woman still does not respond to him, Sasha will experience a long time, and the memories of failed relationships will remain in memory of his life for life.

However, if suddenly the relationship will lose the former charm and become in a burden, Alexander will not worry about spiritual experiences with his beloved, he will discern with her quickly, not Creven.
A special meaning Alexander attaches importance to the intellect of his beloved, he likes smart women with a sense of humor.

Very often, Alexander early marries, youthful love develops into marriage or long serious relationships. But it does not want to stop at this and constantly turns the intrigues on the side, and as a result, treason leads to the divorce.

But, if nevertheless, Alexander marries in more mature age, guided not so many feelings as reasonable, this marriage has every chance of becoming durable and happy.

Alexander is a wonderful family man, he managed literally everywhere: and raises children, and pays attention to his wife, and ensures the obedic existence of the whole family.

He loves Alexander to make rearrangements in the apartment, give up a momentous desire or change of mood, it will move the furniture, cross the wallpaper and change the style of the entire interior.

As with the permutations in the house and with many other issues, the decisions of Alexander Spontanes. He will not plan a family vacation in advance and painstaking. In an instant, he will be aspen with a brilliant idea, he will collect the whole family, sit down in the car and go to search for adventures, which is why the impression of Kuraza and a permanent holiday is created.

Alexander supports good relations with loved ones and relatives, with his wife's relatives. Usually Alexander is the most beloved son-in-law, they just adore him.

Sexuality of Alexander

Alexander's sexuality is more speculative. He is inclined to dream of love, instead of living her. In communicating with women Alexander Galanten, says compliments.

Alexander knows himself a value, loves the female fruit and strives for contact with them. He is not used to conquer them, believes that women themselves should seek his love. A significant part of the energy is directed to achieving other life goals.

In any case, he strives to be the best, no exception in this sense and sex sphere. Thirst for dominance and excessive vanity invariably move it to the vertices. Unlike others, it is not capable of emotional takeoffs.

At his partner, Alexander can cause a certain feeling of powerlessness, because, despite his great desire, she is never able to master them completely, in the hierarchy of the values \u200b\u200bof Alexander, the woman is not at the highest stage.

The concept of loyalty has no importance for him. His wife, if she is with him at one social level, enjoys the privilege of the queen, which reigns, but not rules. The main duty of a woman in his eyes is to be prepared on his first call to meet him in bed.

"Autumn" Alexander, walking down the street, may in a moment to fall as an assessing look of counter women, even if his wife is next to him. He is very affectionate and gentle and appreciates these qualities in his partner.

"Spring" Alexander - Loving, with strong erotic emotions, clearly separating love from sex. If he receives someone his love, then it usually causes a partner a strong feeling. His sex life is distinguished by spontaneity, he does not like to plan his sexual relationships. In marriage, he considers sex as a gift, rejection to his wife for her dedication and warmth.

Alexander Krivoshapko

Influence of the name Alexander on business and career

An innate sense of limitless responsibility for everything he does, and enthusiasm to his work helps Alexander to achieve high performance in the workplace and make a career. This is a born leader and manager.

Alexander enjoys great respect and sympathy in the team, he will readily come to help each needy.

Success is awaiting Alexander in commerce, design, journalism, administration. Most of the selected path does not have, Alexander will achieve the best results In any area and eventually reaches the upper stage of the career stairs. Often typing the necessary experience, it organizes his work and starts in an independent swimming. Own business has great importance for Alexander. It is now that he will manifest himself fully.

Influence of the name Alexander on Health

Alexandra usually sick inflammation of lungs or other respiratory diseases. It is often born painful children, but they can help with early hardening, in which case the child will grow strong and persistent man. The weak place of Alexander is a love of alcohol. In addition, Alexander is inclined to injury, accidents, sudden diseases.

Value of letters in the name Alexander

L.- Communicability, talkativeness, balance, intelligence, creative deposit, hard work.
E. - Communicability, chatty, ambition, impulsiveness, developed intuition, sincerity.
TO - ambition, impulsiveness, developed intuition, kindness, practicality, sincerity.
FROM - ambition, impulsiveness, balance, intelligence, practicality, secrecy.
BUT - activity, egoism, ambition, impulsiveness, creative deposit, sincerity.
N. - Communicability, talkativeness, creative deposits, pessimism, hard work, conflict.
D. - Communicability, talkativeness, developed intuition, equilibrium, kindness, independence.
R - activity, egoism, intellect, self-confidence, independence, conflict.

Numerology named after Alexander

Number of name 9.

The number 9 is the highest simple number, a symbol of success and perfection.
Ninecomnces are accompanied by luck, they easily achieve high social status and material success.

Nine possess a good taste, they have intuition and rich imagination.
Nine are smart, they are capable of, they have a wide range. People-nine are able to achieve brilliant results. Often - nines are famous and outstanding personality.
Nine are sociable and charming. Nine are dreaming and romantic. People with a number 9 are purposeful and stubborn, demanding, maximalists.

Nine in love, in the relationship of sincere, honest, give themselves completely without a balance. But the feeling of love quickly comes, quickly and leaves. To support stable relationships with nine, you need to feed them with romance, novelty.
Nine are smart, intellectual abilities of nine shiny.

Excessive dreaminess of nines can lead to conclusion from reality. Nine it is necessary to communicate, they need to share their impressions, thoughts. Nine can be strongly fascinating religion, hoaxes. Negative qualities of nines - bad financial discipline, waste, cynicism, egoism.

Signs name Alexander

Planet: Saturn.
Element: Land.
Zodiac: Sagittarius.
Color: Red.
Season: Spring.
Metal: Platinum.
Mineral: Alexandrite, Argillit, Chrysoprase
Plants: Gladiolus, lilac, chestnut.
Animals: Crab.

Name Alexander in other languages

english - Alexander (Alexander), Reductive - Alec (Alec), Alex (Alex), Al (Al), Ali (Ali), Ale (ale), Lex (Lex), Sandy, Sandie (Sandy), Zander, Xander (Zander ), Zandy, Zandie, Xandy, Xandie (Zandy)

nem.. - Alexander (Alexander), Reductive - Alex (Alex), Lex (Lex), Ali (Ali), Xander (Xander), Sander, Zander (Zander), Bavarsk. / Austra. Xandl (Xandle), Xandi (xandi)

fr. - Alexandre (Alexander), Reductive - Alex (Aleks)

span. - Alejandro (Alejandro), Reductive - Alejandrito (Alejandrito), Ale (ale), Álex (Alex), Alejo (Alejo), Alejito (Alehito), Jandro (Handro), Jano (Hano), Jani (Hani)

port. - Alexandre (Alesandre, Alesandri), Reductive - Alê (ale), Alex (Alex), Xano (Schau), Xande (Chanda, Shandy), Xando, Xaninho (Shaninho), Xandão (Chandan ), Xanxan (Shanshan), Xanxo (Shash), Leko (Leku)

iT. - Alessandro (Alessandro), Piedmontsk. Lissànder (Lisander), Venetsk. Lisandro (Lisandro), Lissandro (Lisandro), Reductive - Alessandrino (Alessandrino), Sandro (Sandro), Sandrino (Sandrino), Lallo (Lallo), Ale, Alè (ala), Piedmontsk. Sànder (Sander), Sandrin (Sandrin)

room. - Alexandru (Alexander), Reductive - ALE (Ale), Alecu (Alek), Alex (Alex), Sandu (Sanda), Săndel (Sendo)

weng. - Sándor (Shandor), Reductive - Sanyi (Shangy), Sanyika (Shania)

greek. - αλέξανδρος (Alexandros), decreasing and short forms - αλέκος (alexos), αλέξης (alexis), άκης (AKIS), Σάκης (Sakis)

ukr. - Oleksandr, Folk Forms: Olesya, Les, Reductive - Oleles, Olezko, Alesik, Oleoleko, Les, Lesko, Lesk, Lanes, Les, Sanya, Sanko, Sashko, Sasha, Sashulya, Sanya, Shurko, Alik

belorus. - Alyaxandr, Alyaxandar, Folk Forms: Lyakandra, Alesanda, Alekna, Alekhna, Reductive - Ales, Alek, Alekhna, Alik, Les, Lesik, Sanka, Sasha, Sasha, Shuryk, Oltsіk, Voltsіk, Aleh, Volsk

floor. - Aleksander (Alexander), Oleksander (Oleksander), Reductive - Alek (Alec), Alik (Alik), Aleksandruś (Alexandrusch, Alexandrus), Olech (Olekh), Olechno (Olechenno), Olek (Olek), Oleś (Olesh, Oles ), Olko (no matter)

cache. - Alexandr (Alexander), Reductive - Alex (Alex), Alek (Alec), Saša (Sasha), Lexa (Lex)

bol. - Alexandr (Alexander), Reductive - Alec, Aleko, Alex, Leko, Leco, Sasho, Sando, Sandy

serb. - Alexander, Aleksandar (Alexander), Reductive - Alex, Aleksa (Alex), Atsa, ACA (Ats), Azo, Aco (ACO), Atsko, Acko (Atsko), Leko, Leksa (Lexa), Lexa, Leksa ), Sale, Sale (Sale), Sandro, Sandro (Sandro), Saya, Sanja (Sanya), Sasha, Saša (Sasha), Tsaka, Caka (Tsaka), Cama, CACA (Tsats)

nID. - Alexander (Alexander), Reductive - Alex (Alex), Lex (Lex), Lexie (Lexi), Sander (Sander), Xander (Xander), Sandertje (Sandertier), Xandertje (Xandertier), Sanny, Sannie (Sunny), Sanne (Sanne)

dat.. - Alexander, Aleksander (Alexander), Reductive - Alek (Alec), Aleks, Alex (Alex), Sander (Sander), Sandi (Sandy)

swede. - Alexander (Alexander), Reductive - Aleks, Alex (Alex), Sander (Sander)

nor. - Alexander, Aleksander (Alexander), Reductive - Aleks, Alex (Alex), Sander (Sander)

isl. - Alexander (Alexander)

fin. - Aleksanteri (Alexander), Reductive - Ale (ale), Ali (Ali), Santeri (Santheri), Santtu (Santta), Santu (Santa), Saku (Saku), Sasu (Saska), Saska (Sask), Aleksi ( Alexy), Aleks (Alex), Ales (Ales), Alekka (Alek), Aku (Aku), Aksu (Aksu), Akki (Acques). Santeri is often used as an independent name.

irl. - Alastar (Alastar), Alasdair (Alasder), Alsander (Alsender), Reductive - Atty (Atti), Alex (Alex)

schotl. - Alasdair, Alaisdair (Alauster), Reductive - Aili (Islay), Ailig (Ailig), Ailigean (Ailigen), Sandaidh (Sandy)

Alexander Revva

Orthodox named after Alexander celebrates

Catholic named after Alexander celebrates

May 3 - Dad Alexander I, Saint, Martyr; Warrior Alexander Konstantinopol, Saint, Martyr

Famous personalities named Alexander

Alexander Volkov (May 27, 1948) - Ukrainian pilot, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR. Hero Soviet Union. His son Sergey is also a cosmonaut.

Alexander Zasadko (1774-1837) - Russian artillery officer, constructor and a rocket-based specialist, Lieutenant-General (1829). Born in p. Lyutnyka Gadyatsky district of Poltava province (now it is a Gadyatsky district of Poltava region, Ukraine) in the family of the Genesis of the Cossack (head of the head of the Zauzhskaya Snish Dmitry Zasalyko)

Public and political figures:

Alexander Macedonsky - Macedonian king, commander

Alexander Aphrodiysky (Alexander from Karia; End II-Start III century N. E.) - Philosopher-Peripatetic, commentator Aristotle. The student of Aristotle from Mitlenyan and was cooked, Alexander lived in Athens in the Roman emperors of Septimia North and Karakalle between 198-211.

From his comments to the writings of Aristotle are especially remarkable comments on metaphysics, for a long time known only in the Latin translation of Sepulved (Rome, 1527; Vienna, 1554, 1561) and only in 1847 those in the original in the publication of German Bonica (Berlin). Many of its essays exist only in Arabic translation.

Alexander Menshikov (1673 - 1729) - Russian State and Military Affairs, Association and Favorite Peter I Great, after his death in 1725-1727 - the actual ruler of Russia.

Alexander Suvorov (1730-1800) - Russian commander, generalssimus

Alexander Langeron (1763-1831) - Count, Military Affairs

Alexander Romanov, Alexander III Alexandrovich (1845 - 1894) - Emperor All-Russian, King Polish and Grand Duke Finland from March 1, 1881. From the imperial house of Romanovs. In the official pre-revolutionary (until 1917), historiography was called the peacemaker, the son of Emperor Alexander II and the grandson of Nicholas I; Father of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II.

Alexander Kerensky (1881-1970) - Russian political and public figure

Alexander Yaroslavsky (1959) - Ukrainian businessman, industrialist, banker, billionaire, one of the richest people of Ukraine.

Poets and writers:

Alexander Nobox (1157-1217) - English Theologian, Writer, Philosopher

Alexander Griboedov (1795 - 1829) - Russian diplomat, poet, playwright, pianist and composer, nobleman. Stat advisor (1828). Griboedov is known as Homo Unius Libri - a writer of one book, a brilliantly rhymed play "Mount from Wit", which is still one of the most frequent in Russia theaters, as well as the source of numerous winged phrases.

Alexander Pushkin (1799 - 1837) Russian poet, playwright and prose. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin has a reputation as the great or greatest Russian poet. Pushkin is considered as the creator of the modern Russian literary language.

Alexander Duma Father (1802-1870) - The world famous French writer, written by the adventures read with delight until now and are constantly shielded. The most famous works: "Count Monte Cristo", "Queen Margo", "Countess de Monsoro", trilogy about the Musketeers "Three Musketeers", "Two Diaza", "Joseph Balsamo (doctor's notes)", "Queen's Necklace", "Fencing teacher", "Robin Hood" and many others. Also wrote plays, fairy tales, travel notes, essays, autobiographical prose, historical chronicles and more.

Alexander Blok (1880 - 1921) - Russian poet

Alexander Belyaev (1884-1942) - Russian and Soviet fiction writer

Alexander Tvardovsky (1910-1971) - Soviet poet and public figure

Oles Gonchar (full name Gonchar Alexander Terentyevich), (1918 - 1995) - Ukrainian Soviet Writer, Publicist and Public Worker. One of the largest representatives of the Ukrainian artistic prose of the second half of the XX century. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1978). Hero of Socialist Labor (1978). Hero of Ukraine (2005 - posthumously). Laureate Leninsky (1964), two Stalin degree premiums (1948, 1949) and the USSR State Prize (1982).

Actors of theater and movies:

Alexander Ostyjev (1874-1953) - Russian and Soviet actor, People's Artist of the USSR

Alexander Dovzhenko (1894-1956) - Ukrainian, Soviet film director, writer, filmmature. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1950). Laureate Leninsky (1959, posthumous) and two Stalinist premiums (1941, 1949).

Alexander Row (1906-1973) - film director, author of many fairy tales, People's Artist of the RSFSR

Alexander Mitta (1933) - Soviet and Russian film director, actor and screenwriter.

Alexander Shirvindt (Ry.1934) - Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, theater director and screenwriter, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1989)

Alexander Demyanenko (1937-1999) - Soviet actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR

Alexander Pankratov-Black (1949) - Russian film actor, poet, public figure

Alexander Abdulov (1953-2008) - People's Artist of Russia

Alexander Domogarov (1963) - Soviet, Russian actor and movie actor, People's Artist of the Russian Federation;

Music figures (singers, musicians, composers):

Alexander Borodin (1833-1887) - Russian composer and chemical scientist

Alexander Vertinsky - (9 (21) Martha 1889, Kiev - May 21, 1957, Leningrad) Outstanding Russian pop artist, film actor, composer, poet and singer, Cumum Estrades of the first half of the XX century. Father actresses Marianna and Anastasia Vertinsky.

Alexander Bilash (1931-2003) - Ukrainian composer, teacher. The owner of the Order of the Labor Red Banner (1971), the Order of Friendship of Peoples (1981). Laureate of the Leninsky Komsomol Prize (1968) - for the cycle of popular songs and active promotion of Soviet music among young people. Winner of the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR N.G. Shevchenko (1975) - for songs (1971-1974). People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR (1977). People's Artist of the USSR (1990). Hero of Ukraine (2001). The author of the operas "Gaidamaki", "Ballad of War", "Znamenosha". The author of the music for the films: "Katya Katyusha", "Sleep", "Byrian", "in the Kiev direction", "Dnipro Wind" and many others.

Alexander Ponomarev (1973) - Ukrainian pop singer, People's Artist of Ukraine.

Alexander Krivoshapko (1992) - Ukrainian singer, lyrical tenor.


Alexander Ishchenko (1953) - Ukrainian, Soviet football player, defender, coach. Honored Coach of Ukraine (1998). Honored Worker physical culture and sports of Ukraine (2007).

Alexander Yagubkin (1961-2013) - Ukrainian, Soviet amateur boxer, four-fold champion of the USSR, three-time European champion, world champion and the winner of the World Cup. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1982). In 1978 he won the USSR championship among young men. The next two years won the USSR Youth Championship. 1980 became the absolute champion of the USSR. Later, Jagubkin won all possible amateur boxing titles, except for the Olympic Games. He became the champion of the country, twice the champion of Europe, the world champion, the winner of the World Cup.

Alexander Schovkovsky (1975) - Ukrainian footballer, Dynamo club goalkeeper (Kiev).

Alexander Serdyuk (1978) - Ukrainian Arrows from Luke, Bronze Camera Summer Olympic Games of 2004, participant in the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. Champion of Ukraine.

Alexander Emelianenko (1981) - Russian fighter on mixed martial arts;

Alexander Victoronesev (1981) - Ukrainian hockey player, defender of the club "Beybarus" and the Ukrainian team.

Alexander Ovechkin (1985) - Russian professional hockey player.

Alexander Ukil (1987) - Ukrainian Boxer-Professional, Olympic Champion 2012 in category up to 91 kg, World Cups: "Gold" -2011 (91kg), Bronze Champion of Europe 2006 (up to 75 kg), European Champion 2008 2008 ( up to 81 kg), champion of Ukraine, honored master of sports of Ukraine.

Alexander Matveyev (1989) is a Ukrainian footballer, the defender of the Vorskla club and the Youth team of Ukraine until 21 years.

Science figures:

Alexander Bell (1847-1922) - American scientist, inventor and businessman, the founder of telephony

TV presenters:

Alexander Revva (1974, Donetsk) - Russian Showman, comedy actor, TV host, singer.

Female form greek name Alexander - means "protector of people", "guarding". It gives his support for such qualities as confidence, perseverance, desire for leadership. These parties are developing in Alexandra regardless of education, it comes to this world, already endowed with them. The presence of "male" qualities does not mean at all that the carrier of this name is devoid of female attractiveness and charm. She loves to look good, getting compliments, often interested in fashion.

Alexandra is often unnecessary demanding to others, but if it learn how to find a balance between hardness and softness, this will allow it not only to have a large number of friends, but also to succeed in professional activities. If Alexander will try to dominate the surrounding, her personal life is likely not to work out, although she will certainly do a brilliant career. The marriage of Alexandra, who wants to subjugate her own husband, will be fragile and not very happy, as a rule, he quickly ends with full collapse, as the rigidity and desire to play the family the role of the leader like few people from men.

Even if Alexander will find the balance between the solid and the soft side, it is unlikely that its chosen one will be simple with her. She with incredible zeal gives his strength professional activity, forgetting, sometimes, about your sweetheart. However, despite this, Alexander can not be denied caringness, readiness to help at any moment and the ability to support.

Alexander loves his friends and appreciates, they are for her like a second family. She is pleased to communicate with women, and with men - and with all the common language is superb. Alexandra is generally very sociable, likes to get acquainted with new people, share his thoughts and impressions. Loneliness acts in oppressing. Alexander like open, sociable, good people. Closed, silent personalities scare a little and fasten. For the sake of their friends, Alexander is ready to forget about his own problems, which makes it an excellent friend, faithful and devotees. If it betrays - it becomes a heavy blow to her, which helps her hardness, strength and optimism. Last quality is another distinguishing feature of Alexandra, thanks to which she copes with life adversity.

Reductantly-ladies named after Alexander

Aeia, Aleksanya, Aleksash, Alekusha, Alecia, Alya, Lexash, Sanyu, Sanyuta, Sanya, Sasha, Sasha, Sashulya, Sashura, Shura, Shuren.


Strong, decisive, persistent, always knows what he wants, not afraid of difficulties. He hates when it is not taken seriously, as it is used to that the surrounding people consider it a smart and reasonable person.


It seeks brilliant success in the professional sphere, but not always happy in his personal life. She has few friends because it is difficult for her to trust people. I was not used to sharing with anyone with my own problems, no one guess that she had in the soul.


Cheerful, cheerful, always in the spotlight. Loves to receive compliments, to realize your attractiveness. Sometimes it tries too hard to please than cause dissatisfaction with some people.


For her, there are no little things, everything is serious and significantly for her. It often makes it yourself and surrounding too high requirements that can not comply with. Not everyone is able to get along with it.

a lion

This leader, with energy beating through the edge. He does not like to sit without a case, she needs to find some classes in order not to bother, as she hates boredom.


She doesn't like big noisy companies, she prefers to spend free time Behind a book or in the company of close friends. It has a tendency to accurate sciences, often its profession is associated with them.


Perfection owns the art of communication, has an excellent sense of humor, knows how to support a conversation on any topic. He loves to be the center of attention, but does not try to artificially attract attention.


It does not know how to trust people, so often suffers from loneliness. It has a rather controversial character that not everyone can understand. Externally calm, but inside - emotional and sentimental.


Loves to travel, discover new places, get acquainted with interesting people. Often he is fond of sports: aerobics, yoga, figure skating. It takes care of his health, bad habits, as a rule, has no.


Emotional and wounded personality that hides their feelings from others. It is painfully reacting to criticism and any remarks, suffers from the inability to trust people.


Diplomatic, pleasant in communication, friendly. She has many friends, buddies and comrades, as people have her openness and friendliness to her.


Dreamy, romantic, slightly shy. Looks more to listen than to talk. Often gets like dreams and memories, it can quite successfully try yourself in creativity.