
Why a person needs to eat. What is food and why do we eat? Ask yourself a question - what is food for you

Ponds in the garden

Our body is a very difficult structure, where many processes occur every second. To maintain all systems and processes in the body, energy, building material, nutrients are needed. All this we get from food, which absorb during the day. But so that everything worked correctly and is cooled, it is very important to eat right.

Why do you need to eat right?

Puting power to be considered as a lifestyle, and not a diet for weight loss. Healthy food supports youth and beauty, prolongs life, because the body comes to the body, nutrients, vitamins and trace elements required to provide processes in all structures. The disadvantage or excess of any elements first leads to temporary problems, then to the development of diseases and premature aging.

Healthy nutrition will help bring the weight to the norm, get rid of diseases and prevent their development, restore intellectual and physical energy. In other words, the right food is the road to a healthy full-fledged life.

Proper nutrition for a week

To begin with, we clarify what proper nutrition for the day. Such is considered a set of products consumed during the day and containing a total of approximately 1/2 carbohydrates, 1/3 of proteins and 1/5 fats. The total caloric content should be from 2200 for men and from 1900 kcal for women - depending on the daily activity and characteristics of each body. Also, healthy nutrition should contain all the vitamins and trace elements needed by a person.

To conveniently plan your menu proper nutrition For a week, below we offer several options for each of the meals. Try to make different combinations of dishes, do not repeat one name more often than two times a week.


Breakfast is the main eating, charging energy for the whole day. The food must contain a lot of calories and give strength to start a new day. Porridge on low-fat milk, muesli. Add fruits, slightly cheese, green tea or fresh juice. You can delete or replace products that do not like, instead of porridge, for example, omelet or boiled egg.

It is necessary to have breakfast necessary, otherwise there will be a strong sense of hunger, which is not broken by snack, and the mood will deteriorate. If in the morning you are not used to eat and a piece in the throat does not climb, get up early and make charging, she will wake up appetite.


At about 10 am. You can eat one or two banana. They are calories and easily thicken a slight feeling of hunger.


Fish or meat, boiled, sometimes fried. You can use a barrel, vegetables or pasta. You can eat soup. The main thing is not to use the system first - the second is compote, otherwise the stomach is overloaded and the metabolism slows down.

Afternoon person

An hour in four, probably wants to have a snack. Eat fruit, drink low-fat yogurt or kefir. You can eat dried fruits or nuts.


There is no heavy food for dinner, so the meat is not suitable. Fish with porridge. If the porridge no longer climbs, you can make a salad of vegetables, reflecting it with olive oil. Dinner need three hours before sleep, no later!

Before bedtime

The dairy drink is best suitable: ryazhenka or "snowball".

Not necessarily strictly follow what is stated above. You can change your menu as it will be convenient. The main thing is to remember that food meals ideally should be six, and small portions; It is impossible to skip breakfast; Dinner need no later than three hours before sleep; Heavy and fatty foods should be as small as possible; You need to consume a lot of fluid. And to make it convenient to draw up your menu, here is the list of necessary and useful products:

Porridge - supply fiber.

Vegetables - eating raw or cooked on a pair, can be prepared in the oven, but the vitamins will remain smaller.

Fruits - they can eat as much as you like, but do not lean on bananas.

Fish: buy only fresh, not frozen. Cook for a couple, bake in the oven, not need to fry. Fish need to eat at least four times a week.

In addition to fish, we need other seafood - shrimps, squid, sea cabbage etc.

The meat is best red, such as beef or lamb, a little liver. Cook in the oven or for a couple, you can boil.

Poultry meat: chicken breast And turkey without skins. Cook, like everything else, not fry.

Nuts are only B. fresh formotherwise they lose their favor. Seeds are also not salty and not fried.

Dried fruits will well replace the usual candy or cookies to tea.

Efficiency products help digestion and learning. Cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream and kefir, yogurt, etc.

Cheese should also be low-fat. Only buy cheese, and not a cheese product.

Such products contain everything you need for proper work organism. But if there is a strong desire to eat anything harmful, it can be done. In small quantities it will not hurt.

Here is a list of harmful products that you need to exclude or eat rarely and little:

white bread;

canned juices and fruits;

milk chocolate and all sorts of bars with fillers;

mayonnaise - it should be completely removed from the diet;

creamy oil - its consumption must be minimized and buy either in farmers or guests;

sausage and sausages: their composition is a riddle, it is better to eat normal meat;


sugar: if it is not completely eliminated, then we can drive up to 3-4 teaspoons per day, including sugar contained in the products of your menu.

Proper nutrition for weight loss

Proper nutrition is a key to success towards a beautiful figure. If there is a healthy food day after day, the body is normalized, the work of all organs will improve and, of course, extra kilograms will disappear. Diet will help B. short time Get rid of excess weight, but as soon as it end and the usual way of food will return, all kilograms will return with the same speed with which they disappeared. But if you start to eat right and take it into a habit, the excess weight will go slowly, but it will not be right and no longer.

In fact, the proper power menu to reduce weight is no different from the above-described principles of the preparation of a healthy diet. To improve efficiency, it is better to exclude all products from the list of harmful. It will also be good to do fitness or sports. Drink more fluid, do not eat salt. The main thing is to make the right nutrition of your lifestyle and not retreat from it as soon as the result is reduced by weight will be achieved.

In order to look beautiful and not to gain extra kilograms, it is not necessary to argue yourself with hunger and diets. You can eat tasty and diverse and stay in a good mood. The main thing is to make the proper nutrition of your lifestyle and sometimes pamper yourself with something harmful, but very tasty.

Almost constantly, from the first to the last day of your life, man eats. The process of eating and digesting food allows it to continue its physical existence. From food, it receives those necessary nutrients, as well as vitamins and mineral supplements, without which its internal organs will not be able to function.

The process of continuous nutritional need is due to the fact that metabolic processes are constantly going to the human body. Part of the cell cells is formed, part - collapses. For new cells, building material is constantly needed, which the body gets along with food. As an example, you can bring red blood tales - red blood cells. Every month in the process of metabolism, 7 million erythrocytes die and as many blood cells should appear.

If we consider food as chemicals, then it consists of organic and not organic compounds. Their components falling into gastrointestinalsubjected to hydrolysis, digested. Part of them are absorbed into the body, and part - is derived from it. Restoration and preservation of human body cells, energy acquisition so that a person can live and move is possible only under the condition of nutrition and obtaining everything necessary for the livelihoods of the body through blood into which the necessary substances comes.

In addition, there are indispensable components necessary to ensure the functioning of the human body, which it can only get through food. These are some amino acids and fatty acids, adaptogens, vitamins and mineral supplements. As part of organic compounds, they perform certain functions that other elements cannot instead.

But man is not careful that there is. It is important for it. The correct feedback is important to get the amount of food needed and sufficient for the normal functioning of the organism. Overeating leads to obesity and premature aging. In this case, each person's body, which is a unique combination of cells and atoms that form a physical shell, needs a unique food diet. It is important that food is suitable for your needs.

Food quality determines the quality of human life. Therefore, satisfying its physiological food needs, you should follow the rule "better less, yes better." It will be the key to your health and longevity.

I am very curious and inquisitive. Every day I think about every different way, but here power theme Interested in very much, because seeing every day people whose figures are far from a normal state, it becomes unable to me. Always arises the same question "they do not see anything? How can they not notice themselves, their kind? How so ????. Living in such a society is not cool at all. After all, I always want to look around, admire the beauty of this world, but it does not work, because people are part of this world, it is impossible not to pay attention to them.

Today I would like to talk on the topic, why do you need to eat?

Most people, coming to the refrigerator, think completely about the wrong, for example:

  • So me eat tasty?
  • It is necessary to quench the hunger
  • I need to eat to not die from hunger
  • I need to eat something to get rid of depression
  • I have stress, I want sweet!

Here are the problems that most people are worried when they are suitable for their refrigerator or go to the shopping store. None of these people think of their health, no one understands why you need to eat. Everyone on the mind of the thoughts about the tasty, from depression, from stress, but more often of course just about taste. I saw something delicious, taste receptors stirred, too, I also want.

It is very similar to animals that eat, just to survive, following self-preservation instincts. But we are with you people who are able to think and we are capable not only to think, but also to study, analyze and make decisions.

So why do we need to eat?

Of course, too, to survive, but there are several nuances that really need to be considered. Everyone knows, food is different, both in appearance and chemical composition. Let's figure out first in categories foods.

Fruits and vegetablesBasic function these products, supply to our body of vitamins. Minerals are also contained in these products, but the main purpose is supplied vitamins.

Skin Food, this is different meat, eggs, dairy products, main function protein food, the supply of the protein, which in the body is split into amino acids and then used for restoration and creating muscle tissues. In fact, amino acids have a lot of functions, but they still confine themselves to several. Let's call this feature BUILD! By the way, in protein products a lot of minerals and most often fats come from protein products.

Carbohydrate products, And these are sweets and cereals. Strong function these products, supply of energy. All processes occurring in our body need energy. The car is also not going without fuel.

Water, This product is basic. We are 80 percent consisting of water, all processes occur with the participation of water. The metabolism, cooling and much more.

In essence, we need to eat to get the material and energy, so that the chemical processes in the body have never ceased to work, it is correct, and we were alive. Everything is simple, however, you need to think wider. It is necessary to distinguish carbohydrates, simple and complex. Also distinguish fats, harmful and useful. Quality protein and poor quality.

You now need to rebuild your thinking when you think about food. Do not think about food, as about solving all the problems, but to represent food, like a source of material and energy so that you can live your life in a tone so that your body is beautiful and functional so that you can just do everything you want! After all, food, this is not a solution to all problems and not a stimulator of your receptors, food, it is an opportunity to create, create, not only some things, but also your life, what you see it in your head, in your dreams.

After all, if you eat right, you will be nice to look at yourself in the mirror, you will look normally. Other people will be able to communicate with you and interact. Your life will become diverse, because you will be capable of everything, there will be no restrictions in your life. Your illnesses will be traded from you, unless of course you did not start everything.

Between all stresses and depression arise due to improper nutrition. Of course, it is not worth missing your attitude towards around the world, but the food plays an important role. Your stress resistance depends on a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins.

And in general, all diseases arise in humans as a result of the wrong nutrition. Our body is very strong and very cool with you, it is capable of everything. It is only necessary to give him everything you need.

I hope now it became clearer, why do a person need to eat?

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Each person feels a feeling of hunger daily. But everyone comes to this in different ways. Explicit worstles sometimes eat more than the body, and get pleasure from food, and some ascetles eat only as the feeling of hunger and they have a sufficiently small portion. Many have a question, why does a person eat? Let's look at how food affects the body that it gives and why nutrition is so important for a living organism.

Construction material

Our body is continuously updated. Some cells die, they are replaced by new ones. The speed of their recovery directly depends on the form of cells and the intensity of metabolic processes. Heredity, lifestyle, condition plays a big role ambient and the nature of human thoughts.

Our body is fully updated, excluding nerve cells, on average for 4 -5 years. Some fabrics are slower, other faster. Disposal of dead cells gives energy some part of the material for the construction of new cells, but the main building material These are substances entering with food. That's why you need to eat a person.


Organic substances of the foods eaten with oxidation are released by chemical energy. Thanks to her, we are moving, support the necessary body temperature, so to speak.

But this energy did not appear from nowhere. Green plants get it from the Sun (photosynthesis reaction). Animals, using them or other animals in food "grown meat." It turns out that our whole food is a gift of the sun, and people in nature are sunny.

Influence on the psyche

Probably you noticed that the food gives joy. So nature took care of self-regulation to ensure the preservation of life. If the stomach is empty, then you feel discomfort and start looking for food, sanking hunger, feel pleasure. The method of "whip and gingerbread" is a classic option, that's why a person eats.

Studies of scientists have shown that animals are obtained the bulk of positive emotions thanks to food. The scheme "Hunger - saturation" for a person works well, too, but people have many more joys who are not known four-legged.

But the influence of food on the psyche is reduced not only to pleasure. Eaten products carry and various thin energies. They cannot be measured by conventional devices or see an unprepared person, but they do not have to doubt their existence. People with extrasensory abilities, yoga and some children feel these fields and even see. Vibration data have similarities with human energy centers and interact with them. These centers are called chakras, and quite a lot of them.

Each chakra under normal conditions performs its highly specialized function similar to the internal organs. All emotional states of the person are associated with the oppression or excitation of the corresponding chakras.

Any food necessarily carries a certain energy. It affects chakras, and this is directly reflected in our psyche. The human body is built of food, and his mind and feelings also depend on it.

So you learned why there is a person.

The main task of food absorption is not aesthetic purpose and satisfaction of taste addies, but the need to maintain physical form. If there are any diseases, first of all change the diet to improve the overall well-being. This is due to the fact that the power mode and the chosen diet is a successful recovery.

Food consumption includes the process of exchanging and energy (in motion, breathing, thinking, sleep). The more a person spends energy throughout the day, the higher the caloric content of the dishes eaten daily. Food is "fuel" for the human body. Also energy costs depends on the age of a person.

It should be noted that the amount of food consumed must correspond to physical characteristics (age, gender, weight category, health condition, etc.). The disadvantage of food leads to the exhaustion of the body, and the overeating is negatively reflected at work internal organsThe digestion process is disturbed, the load on the cardiovascular system increases, the body weight increases.

It is very important for a person to carefully chew food, since otherwise an insufficient amount of saliva is distinguished. This leads to an increase in the load on the stomach, deterioration of the digestive process and the possible overeating. It is advisable to chew food slowly to step up a gradual sense of saturation. The best digestion contributes to the use of a fluid that softens food and makes it easy to pass through the digestive paths.

It is also very important to eat at the same time, as the organism is usually focused on rhythmic work. Eating at different times makes it rebuild and constantly adapt to the new regime.

Tip 2: Proper nutrition is not so difficult as you think

Many people want or plan to start to eat healthy food, but few of us actually do it. If you want to develop healthy food habits, find out as much as possible about proper nutrition - then a few tips that can start in a positive key are given.

There is a "sneaky", but a successful way to improve meals. You can add various products to food rich in nutrients. If you have children who are picky to food, you can make it secret without their knowledge. For example, add 1/2 cup of white bean for pasting baking. All your family will eat healthy food and will not notice the difference.

  • I like meat, but want to reduce the amount of consumption of it? Then just eat meat very small portions. You can use red meat to add texture and taste with porridge or vegetable dishes. Chinese and Mediterranean cultures have been doing this for a long time, and they have lower chances to experience heart disease.
  • Are you a chocolate amateur? And you can't refuse it? Then this advice is for you. Choose a chocolate dark grade instead of white or dairy. It has been proven that dark chocolate helps reduce blood pressure. Buy chocolate, which has at least 70% cocoa. But do not abuse chocolate, as it also contains a lot of calories.
  • Cocktail is a drink that is also easy to cook. Consider ingredients that will add nutrients to the cocktail. Try mixing components such as omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids or cocoa powder to get a good measure of antioxidants. These two components will give a cocktail a good taste and give more nutrients, the presence of which is favorable for the immune system.

There are many healthy recipes that are just waiting to try them. Approaching creatively and experimenting in the cooking process, you can cook protein bars, dried, dried fruits and other healthy snacks. You can also quickly and easily prepare delicious healthy oat pancakes.