
Liberting as a method of psychological correction. How is the occupation

Vegetable crops

Based on the responses, the priority literature genres should be determined and the number of books required to read. This information may also be useful in the event that liberting will be assigned as auxiliary technique.

Development of reading system

In the process of selection of books for the client A.M.Miller recommends complying with the following principles:

  • Availability of presentation
  • Spiritual proximity of the main character reader
  • The maximum similarity of the described situation with the circumstances in which the client is located

The last condition is of particular importance in the case of a personal or interpersonal conflict.

During the courses of liberting, the client is recommended to keep the reader's diary. An analysis of the records made in the diary helps to penetrate into the specifics of the subjective interpretation of literary works, which is based on personal perpetual perception, and can be useful both for diagnostic purposes and to assess the results of the correction. To improve the effectiveness of therapeutic impact, clients are recommended to summarize the read material.

If the library is chosen as a fixed assessment, then reading books should be performed in compliance with the established sequence of topics and the subsequent workshop of the material read. At the same time, it is recommended to pay attention to special editions, as well as the literature of a biographical and ideological nature.

Classes in the group

When forming a group, the level of readiness and reader preferences of each participant should be taken into account. The group should include from five to eight people. Especially for them should be selected for the volume of artworks, which will be read on group classes. After that, the discussion should be conducted, during which the structure of interpersonal relations will be revealed, the relationship itself is determined to the very reading process, and in adversant customers may be interested in literature. All this will allow the participants of the group to voice their personal problems and experience in indirect form.

Non-specific psychocorrection processes

Psychocorrecting processes used in liberties are conventionally divided into specific and nonspecific.

For non-blind processes, the latitude and the general nature of the impact on the person in general and on its specific characteristics, which include the following are:

  • Calm
  • Pleasure
  • Confidence
  • Mental activity

Purchase peace of mind and internal equilibrium to the patient helps correctly selected artistic and journalistic literature.

The source of missing pleasure is a book with interesting, rich events of the plot. They are useful to people who have lost the ability to feel pleasure from life and feeling the separation from the surrounding world as a result of immersion in their personal problems.

The feeling of self-confidence is best manifested after reading the biographies and autobiographies of great people, as well as books in which heroes are worthy of the most complex life situations.

Increased mental activity stimulates most of the existing literary genres. It in turn is a source of healthy mental reactions and contributes to exemption from experiences that suppress and injure.

This method of liberting is often used in addition to the main methods. As a rule, nonspecific liberties involves reading simple books known to a wide range of books that guarantee a clear and deep understanding of the problem. For this purpose, books impregnated with ideas of humanism and spirituality should be selected from among art and journalistic works.

Specific processes of psychocorrection

The specific correction processes include the following:

  • Control
  • Emotional study
  • Workout
  • Conflict resolution

They are intended for a narrow-controlled impact on the identity and its specific mental processes - thinking, activity, feelings.


Control over specific mental manifestations can be carried out through their strengthening or attenuation. The gain is achieved by repetition and detailed playback of each process. Weakening is achieved by analyzing or displacing other memories and emotions. This approach can affect the state of the individual in the experiences of various intensity.

The control process itself is composed of several stages:

  • Awareness of the situation
  • Understanding the mechanism of impact on the auto and heteropsychio factors
  • Awareness of the role of your personality in the formation of this state
  • Awareness of your attitude to the problems of paramount importance

Reading books whose heroes are outstanding personality, the client involuntarily identifies their emotional experiences with its own. This helps him to understand personal features deeper, to realize his own mistakes deeper, look at her life with a look of another person. The book provides a client with a unique opportunity, being alone with himself, thoroughly analyze its emotional state.

Emotional study

The main purpose of emotional study is to help a person openly show his emotions and compare them with the emotional manifestations of other people. Of course, this process occurs when monitoring and supporting an experienced psychologist.

This technique helps the client to learn how to act and react in a particular situation, avoiding too aggressive or, on the contrary, too weak emotional reactions.


In the process of training, the client reproduces the dialogues between the heroes of the book and possible alternative actions (in comparison with the actions of heroes), taking into account their own characteristics of character (shyness, hot temper, etc.). As a result, he receives knowledge about alternative ways of behavior and experiences of the surrounding reality. In this case, the client is not subjected to condemnation from the side and the traumatic estimated approach.

Conflict resolution

At the conflict resolution stage, it is necessary to synthesize the effect obtained during the control and emotional study, with the skills acquired during the training.

Reading works, the plot of which is close as possible to situations from the life of the client himself, helps him see a possible way out and correctly respond emotionally. In many cases, this allows the emotional conflict to zero.

This type of psychotherapy is characterized by high intensity and requires the active participation of the specialist. The psychocorrector is a list of books, the most relevant for this client and their respective individual problems and personal characteristics. These books should stimulate the understanding of the character of the problem, the reasons for its occurrence.

Before starting classes, the client receives a small instruction in which it is indicated that it is from the proposed list of literature requires its special attention that you can skip what to compare with personal experiences to make sure the practice. After reading the book with a book with him, a conversation is held, in which the following questions are discussed:

  • What turned out to be the most interesting from the read?
  • What practical benefit did you get?
  • What caused distrust or made doubt?
  • What remains incomprehensible?
  • What is the client's attitude to individual characters?

Application area

Liberals are used not only as the main method, but also as an auxiliary process. In the second case, it contributes to solving specific narrow-proof tasks - correction of relations between parents and children, correction of behavior in emotional failures, etc.

Another beneficial function of the library is the ability to use additional material for discussion in a group or on individual sessions with a psychologist.

In addition to the applications listed, this technique can also serve as one of the ways of indirect diagnosis, which is very important in psychotherapeutic practice.

Schepina Yu. S. Group No. 08/02 "Practical Psychology in Education"

Liberting. Essence, techniques, features of impact.

Blitchers are a special corrective impact on the client by reading specially selected literature in order to normalize or optimize its mental state.

Correctional reading is aimed at certain mental processes, conditions, personality properties: modified - for their normalization, normal - for their balancing.

The correctional impact of reading is manifested in the fact that certain images and related feelings, desires, desires, thoughts learned using the book, fill the lack of their own images and ideas, replace the alarming thoughts and feelings or send them to a new channel, to new goals. Thus, it is possible to weaken or enhance the impact on the sense of the client to restore its mental balance.

The method of liberting consists of several stages:

1.Same preparation of the psychotherapist / psychologist.

It includes the compilation of its own library recipe (literature lists and special acquaintance with books from a correctional point of view). First you need to take several genres of 2-3 names. It is necessary to make a brief annotation with extracts for both separate sections, chapters and on separate books, in which the most important, bright themes, thoughts, challenges of chapters, works, personal characteristics of the authors are recorded. At the beginning of work, this will help the novice library to pay the client's attention to the appropriate texts.

2. Orientation in the possibilities of libertile and its genres.

During the next conversation with the client, a number of questions are set. For example, "name five your favorite books"; "What books made the greatest impression on you? Why?"; "What have you had the greatest impact?"; "What authors do you think are most similar to you?"; "What are the characters of what books are most similar to you?".

3. Suiting a list.

Next is the preparation of a list of literature, big and small. Even if liberting is used as an auxiliary method, the presence of such lists allows you to adjust other impact methods.

4. The development of the reading system.

Genres, priority directions and number of books are determined. At the same time, the following principles are taken into account: the degree of availability of presentation (the degree of complexity of the proposed book); The hero of the book should be a client "on the shoulder"; The maximum similarity of the situation of the book with the situation in which the client is located.

Accounting to the latter principle is especially important in the psychological conflict of personal or interpersonal nature.

During the library, the client leads a reader's diary. Analysis of diary records often discloses the process of subjective interpretation of artistic works based on perception as active beneficial activities and can be used for diagnostic purposes for an objective assessment of the process and correction efficiency.

In the case of using the library as the main method, the reading system with a certain sequence, theme, read-reading, is assumed. More attention is paid to biographical, ideological, special literature.

The advantages of liberties are: the diversity and wealth of means of exposure, impression, duration, repeatability, intimacy, etc.

In group form, the group's library is selected according to the degree of readiness and reading interests.

Psychocorrection processes in liberting can be divided into nonspecific and specific. Nonspecific processes are characterized by breadth. The versatility of its impact on the entire personality and on specific changes in general, mainly through the entire person. This is calm; pleasure, joy; sense of confidence, faith in their capabilities, satisfaction with itself; Common mental activity.

1. Success. The client can calm specially selected journalistic, fiction. The reading of such literature leads to the client in the state of peace, peace.

2. Fuel. People with problems feel separated from the world with their problem and are limited to getting pleasure from this world. Reading a good book, especially if the book is quite complex or dynamic, gives the client the necessary additional pleasure.

3. Such a confidence, faith in their capabilities of the client arises when reading the biography, autobiography, memories, letters of outstanding people and reading books, where characters with difficult fate nevertheless come out of the dignity of a fairly difficult life situation.

4. The caressitum of literary genres can cause high mental activity, which stimulates normal and protective mental reactions, suppressing negative, which contributes to the disappearance of traumatic experiences.

This type of library is used as a supplement to other methods used in working with this client. Usually, nonspecific library includes a certain, well-known list of small books, quite simple, guaranteeing a clear and easy understanding of the problem.

From the works of fiction and journalism, books penetrated by the feelings of humanism, softness, kindness, intelligence, are selected.

For greater efficiency, clients are recommended to summarize read books, chapters, write a resume "to improved" options for books or chapters. Depending on the client's problem, a psychologist either recommends the client a strictly defined set of books or only limits and draws the client's attention to a certain area of \u200b\u200bliterature.

Specific correction processes are characterized by a narrower special focus on the identity or for some mental process: specific feelings, activities, thinking. They are more simple, specific and easier are adjustable. This control, emotional study, training, conflict resolution.

Control over mental processes is carried out by increasing them with reproduction, reproduction of parts or weakening by analyzing, withdrawing by other memories, emotions, can change the impact on the identity of both in conventional and strong experiences.

Control can be divided into several degrees:

    understanding its position, the effects of hetero and autopsychio factors;

    understanding the role of self in the development of its condition;

    awareness of its true relationships to the vital major problems.

Reading books whose heroes are bright extraordinary personalities in tragic non-standard situations, the client can identify the experiences of heroes with their own, to understand many personal features, to realize their mistakes and look at their life through the eyes of a person from the side. The literature gives the client the opportunity that no one can give, even the most experienced psychologist - thoroughly, not in a hurry, in an intimate setting, to know, understand, learn to analyze and, therefore, control their emotional attitude and reactions.

Emotional study. The main value - helps a person to show personal emotions, compare them with the emotions of other people with the support and correction from the psychologist. This allows the client to learn more optimal reactions and actions, helps to avoid too turbulent, weak or modified emotional reactions.

Workout. Losing in the imagination of the dialogues, alternative (compared to the works of the work) behavior, given its features (not enough experience, shyness, etc.), the client receives knowledge about alternative ways of experience, about other possible forms of behavior. At the same time, no one condemns him, he avoids an estimated approach.

Conflict resolution. This is a kind of synthesis of control, emotional studies and skills obtained as a result of training in applied to a specific life situation. Reading books, the plot of which coincides with the regulations of the client's life, allows him to see the possible ways out of the situation and emotionally respond to them that he sometimes leads to the resolution of emotional conflict.

Analysis of the genres of literature in terms of their ability to library:

Special literature on medicine, psychology, psychotherapy, pedagogy, etc. It is of paramount importance, as it is able to give the client the knowledge, which is especially important to him for stimulating the reassurance, control processes, etc. The authority of this literature most often puts it at the head of other genres. Therefore, it is desirable that this literature will be represented in the Bibliot-therapeutic Recipertarium to be quite numerous works.

The main tasks of this literature are to give sufficient knowledge to the proper optimistic orientation, eliminate the incorrect ideas about themselves, orient in the process of overcoming existing disorders, stimulate the general activity of the client, etc.

Scientific and popular literature. Performs the same functions as special, but designed for less trained readers, for people with not a very high cultural and educational level. Its task is to give the most general idea of \u200b\u200bthe complex areas of knowledge on those problems that the client experiences.

Philosophical literature. Her destination is to help the client get a more solid, a versatile understanding of themselves, about others, about the world as a whole. Understand the inevitability of the difference between a certain conflict between the external real world and the internal subjective; Meanwhile. What may have to be, and what is. This understanding brings soothe, meeting many customers. A literary criticism, journalism, history of literature, history of philosophy can be attributed to parts of philosophical literature, etc.

Biographical and autobiographical literature. The bright personalities described in it, their outstanding achievements and vital difficulties help the client faster and better understand themselves using the identification method. Often they act more than fiction, because real facts and real events are described. Brief bright biographies are most effective, 50-70 pages.

Documentary literature due to its factory, and a reduced mitigating factor of artistic creativity is very strongly affected by many people.

Classic literature. It has the enormous features of the most different impact and therefore is characterized by the complexity of practical application. It is recommended to use small works, avoiding the most popular, since certain associations are associated with them, difficulties (like: studied at school), which have to overcome.

Humorous and satirical literature. Teaches a client to a wider and objective look at life. The essence of humor is the detection of funny sides in any phenomena and the transformation of them. Humor allows customers to more freely express themselves in difficult situations of the most diverse nature, teaches communication techniques, makes it possible to strengthen self-confidence, stimulates positive emotions, whose deficit is very relevant, etc.

Aphoristic literature. The most clear images in it, honed ideas, paradoxical, contradictory, but always committed in their completion categorical images spread the borders of the client's horizons. Such literature is easily absorbed, helps to make order of mental activity, the dynamics. The client, reading such literature, gets used to the calmer to treat extremes, contradictions, meets the pearls of human thought.

Folklore, fabulous literature. In folklore, the experience and worldview of the whole nations, peoples, generations are accumulated. During the centuries-old oral existence, the work of folklore passed a special selection. Only those fairy tales and myths have been transmitted, which took most people and who satisfied the main mental needs of people. The presence of ideals of good, truth, justice, simplicity carries a huge psychotherapy charge. It is used in specific work with children for the awareness of difficulties, to improve contact with parents, in women's therapy, etc.

Scientific fiction literature. This literature differs from any other way out beyond the usual, characteristic, ordinary. Around to extremes, some properties of a person, situation, relationships, fantastic literature makes it possible to better understand and accept the extremes of their sensations, feelings, stimulates the activity and imagination of the client.

Detectives and adventure literature. Detectives and adventure literature occupies a special place in the library thanks to a number of its features, such as popularity, lightness, cycling; Generalization of many ordinary life phenomena. The client is the same victim, many ordinary phenomena are also condensed for him.

In a business, much attention is paid to negative feelings, training intuition. Of great importance is mystery as a way to maintain interest. Detective prompts the reader to risk, analytical thinking, resourcefulness, allows you to turn it off from a real situation and include in fantastic, where the client is experiencing a special sense of security.

Dramaturgy. When reading the play, the client often accounts for a greater degree of identifying himself with the acting person than when reading the book. The play can teach the client to dialogue, communication rules, especially those who experience the problem in personal communications. The play leaves the client more freedom for creativity, independence, development of imagination.

Pedagogical literature. It is widely applied along with special scientific literature to correct the formation of various qualities from parents, teachers, people who have problems with people under their generation.

Legal literature. It gives the opportunity to the client to deal with the causes of many types of misconduct, both their own and others, evaluate the degree of deviant of behavior.

Non-productional literature. Such literature can give a very valuable material due to the possibility of transferring the experience of high professionalism into practical psychology, household situations.

Random literature. In the process of diagnostics, books are detected, which made a special impression on this customer for one reason or another. Such books are particularly diagnostic. The client, analyzing the reasons for their high impact with the psychologist, can come to aware of their own problems.

Blitchery is a psychotherapeutic method that uses literature as a form of correction of the patient's mental state. This is a treatment with the help of the book. The patient associates itself with the hero of the work and the situations in which he falls. All feelings and experiences of the hero becomes personal experiences of the patient. Thus, unresolved conflicts and problems are revealed, the patient receives aware of their reasons, finds ways to solve.

The history of the appearance of liberties leaves the roots in the times of Ancient Egypt. In medieval Europe, Lekari used books as a cure for the soul. However, the status of science liberting received only at the beginning of the 20th century. For the first time, this term mentioned the American psychologist S. M. Crothers in 1916.

In Russia, the first practical steps in this direction were made only in 1927 by the psychoneurological institute of the city of Kharkov. At the same time, the main effect of the methodology was seen - recognition by the patient's problem and the search for solutions with the help of examples from books.

Application areas, goals

Bliturpia arose at the junction of 4 sciences: medicine, psychology, psychiatry and library affairs. But she found its application in various fields: psychology, pedagogy, working with children, difficult teenagers and elderly people. The technique is used in psychiatric clinics, rehabilitation centers, orphanages, schools, nursing homes.


  1. Teach a patient with positive thinking, remove negativism and pessimism from consciousness.
  2. To teach honestly and freely recognize your feelings and problems, while not experiencing fear, guilt and shame.
  3. Help the patient find alternative ways to solve problems and exit deadlocks.
  4. Stimulate imagination and positive emotions.
  5. Help climb over trouble and look at them on the other hand.

The main plus of liberties is the absence of obsessive instructions, there is only a general meaning and each reader takes exactly what he needs.

Methods of libertine

Correction method

A distinctive feature is the lack of reference to any mental processes. This method is aimed at correction of the client's life situation, but it does not occur deeply interference with the psyche. The method acts superficially and gently, shown to people with light disorders and complaints.

His goal is to replenish the lack of own images and patient behavior scenarios. It is used for patients with a lack of own ideas about life situations, low self-esteem and disturbing thoughts. Preference is given to a slightly product of the entertainment genre.

The result is the identification and awareness of the patient of its emotional state, finding resources within itself.

Psychocorrection method

The method is characteristic of what affects the mental state of a person affects deep processes and painful states. In this case, the patient is a person who has lost the joy of life, depressed, burdened with heavy experiences.

What happens to man when using the method? There is control over the manifestations of the psyche. The patient is aware of what is happening and its role in it. In addition, it begins to openly express emotions and compare them with the emotions of others. It acts more adequately, avoiding extremes (too strong and too weak emotional reactions). The patient reproduces the number of the hero in the imagination, scrolls the scenarios of possible events. The result is an adequate response to the situation, its rethinking, reduction to zero of the internal conflict.

Types of liberties

Reading out loud

During a session, one of the patient group reads a separate chapter or episode out loud, then a discussion and analysis read. Also possible reading over the roles, dried by audio recordings. In this technique, the therapist does not apply to specific problems of those present. He only picks up episodes so that it agrees with the problems of the group. Each participant conducts its own parallels, makes conclusions.


Patients retell individual episodes from the read work, express their opinions and vision. Sometimes the retelling is derived from the name of the heroes, from their point of view. The roles of heroes are distributed among the participants, and the retelling is conducted on behalf of each of them. It helps to look at the situation under a different angle.

Writing your own works

This may be an essay of own stories, individual scenes or poems. Sometimes participants are invited to come up with the future for heroes, thus changing the storyline. After that, the work is read out loud in the group, and analysis is discussed.


This method makes a patient or a group to try yourself as artists-illustrators. Participants can draw illustrations as a product as a whole and to separate parts. You can depict the heroes, their relationships, separate scenes. Illustrations can also wear a figurative, allegorical character. This library method serves as a way of indirect diagnosis.


This method is the nature of the homework and offers the patient to identify himself with the character. As a home task, the patient is invited to read certain excerpts of the work and carry out the parallel between themselves and the hero, appreciate the possibilities, compare the characters and situations. When meeting with the therapist, the patient sets out the essence of the hero read from the position. It significantly expands perception, helps a person to put himself in place of other people.

Home reading, followed by discussion

The method suggests weekly meetings of the therapist and the patient. The therapist selects literature, and offers a patient reading individual parts of various works. Then there is a discussion read. Here can be used contrasting, parallel or selective reading.

Staging - Expromatte

In this case, patients play small excerpts from the work without memorizing roles and rehearsals. Each participant plays a role and represents the character exactly as he sees it. Different participants have one and the same character will be completely different. This setting assumes many options: Participants may change roles, it can be changed to change the plot, played a new script.

Library for children

The property of a children's psyche is to identify himself with a positive hero. Such a feature helps to adopt a positive behavior model, which facilitates the problem of the therapist. Almost every child is inclined to reflect on the behavior of the hero and evaluate its own behavior. Nevertheless, children sometimes do not see the face between good and evil due to their age. The task of the therapist with the help of children's works to acquaint the child with these concepts.

Small children are very often not aware of the connection between the act and its consequences. Thanks to the library, the baby learns to see this connection, learn responsibility. The child often owns emotions, sometimes fear. In this case, the therapist selects literature so that it can calm the baby, set it up for positive way.

Pros of this method

  1. A young patient does not require special training.
  2. The therapist is not difficult to choose a product for a specific kid problem.
  3. The constant contact of the therapist and the child is not required. Having received a recommendation, the child can read independently or together with parents.
  4. Unobtrusion technique. Here, no one criticizes, does not scold a child, he independently recognizes himself and his problem in the hero and the plot.

Library for elderly

Most seniors, as well as young, has their own problems and difficulties, it is:

  • Family troubles.
  • Health problems.
  • Dissatisfaction and depression.

In addition, the elderly people have their own characteristics. They do not like change and painfully perceive new information, they often feel awkward, comparing themselves with others. For this reason, the old men almost always suffer from low self-esteem. All this adversely affects the psychological state, such a person is depressed and depressed.

In this case, the treatment of the book becomes almost the only "refuge". As a rule, the elderly prefer serious "life" works, such as: "Tale of this man", "How Steel hardened", etc. In addition, they love to read Russian classical literature, philosophical or spiritual works.

Lamb methodology, exercises

The basis of the method is a systematic reading in order to improve the psychological state of the patient.

How is the occupation?

Main steps:

What is needed for holding?

First, the psychotherapist should be well prepared. This includes familiarization with books from the point of view of the correction of the problems of the patient or group.

Secondly, the therapist must be aware of the problems of the patient, its condition, literary preferences, the cultural level. Based on this, the specialist is a list of references.

Third, the leading necessarily selects the reading technique. This may be: role reading, maintenance of a literary diary, analysis and discussion in a group, etc.

Attention! When selecting a group, the therapist takes into account the disorder of each patient, its circumstances are a cultural intellectual level. The group includes participants who have similar problems.

Exercises that are used in liberties

  1. Drawing up letters. The patient can write a letter to anyone or anything (to a friend, enemy, relative, therapist or to himself). Here he can spill up all his feelings, thoughts, pain and insult, desires and fears.
  2. Writing poems without rhyme (Sykweins).
  3. Writing a literary work in prose. It can be anything, from the story to the novel or detective.
  4. Writing an autobiography. At the same time, the patient as honestly describes his life and experiences.
  5. Reading out loud. Such classes can be carried out with both patients and a group. Here they read a separate chapter or episodes, then a discussion takes place.
  6. Discussion of the work by the Dolphin method. Participants alternately turn into the sense of the work, then to situations from the life of each of those present. It is important to connect the plot of books and the real experience of the participants.
  7. Role reading. This method is most suitable for working with plays.

Examples of application techniques, results

Example number 1.

Tatiana 28 years old. He suffered from dizziness and a light form of neurosis. The method of therapy is a parallel reading of the poems of Akhmatova and prose Turgenev, art historical literature. Alone read the works, made statements.

Result - status stabilization.

Example number 2.

Lydia is 35 years old. The method of contrast reading a fairy tale and classic, fantasy and literature on archeology was used. Also used to read the favorite works of Pushkin and Jack London. She was engaged in parallel reading of two works, one of which required a deep work, and the second was easy for perception.

The result is an improvement in relationship with others, overcoming passivity, implementation with additional incentives, an increase in motivation.

Example number 3.

Alexander 30 years. Diagnosis - chronic depression. Also, the patient survived a number of tragic events that aggravated its condition.

Approached Esenin's poetry, which led to rethinking his own life, finding causes, mistakes and failures. There was an awakening of creative abilities.

Library: diagnostic and therapeutic potential. Koloshina T.Yu. Video

On November 21, 2017, within the framework of the open lecture, "Master of Psychology, a seminar was held on the topic" Blitchelpia: diagnostic and therapeutic potential. " Liberty is the direction of artherapy, based on the healing influence of the word, i.e. self-expression through creative essay. Yeminar held Tatyana Yurevna Koloshin - a clinical psychologist, a candidate of psychological sciences, one of the leading art therapists of Russia.

Library books download

Blitchers are expressive therapy, including a story or reading specific texts in order to heal.

It uses the human attitude to the content of the book.

Blitchers are often combined with written treatment (drawing therapy), the effectiveness of treatment has been proven.

Liberting as a method of psychological correction

Library is a method of psychotherapy that uses therapeutic and supporting reading effects. It also serves as the development of a human person. The therapeutic method is often confused with the usual reading, developing information literacy, rather than ensuring healing.

The goal of therapy by reading the book to reflect, with which a person faces. Reading can help remove accumulated. Blitchers can lead to restoring pleasure from life, improving personal satisfaction.

The process is oriented, first of all, on the emotional perception of the selected work. The rational component is also important. The direction of the method is to provide a positive impact on the psychosomatic state of a person, strengthening mental stability, equilibrium. The reading in itself also helps to develop fantasy, creativity, critical thinking, communication skills, creating a new endoicest in the human brain.

Methodology, authors, history of development in numbers

Liberty takes their roots in ancient Egypt and Greece. Already at these times, people believed in the healing force of the written text. For example, Socrates argued that the treatment of the word Returns mental harmony. Aristotle discovered that the rhymed speech was able to beneficially influence the mental state of the person (it is considered the founder of poetic therapy). His successor was Friedrich Nietzsche.

Other famous names related to the development of liberties: Gerhard Danzer, Nossrat Pesheshkian, Benjamin Rush, John Minson Galt, etc.

Chronology of the development of liberties in Russia:

  • 1836 g - reading, as one of the methods of psychotherapy, mentioned in the publication "General therapy" (I. E. Dyakovsky).
  • 1916 - The foundation of the department of biblibsychology in the Pedagogical Institute of Geneva (N. A. Rubakin).
  • 1927 - the introduction of the term "libertile" in the general public (M. P. Kutanin), the use of this method for therapeutic purposes (I.Z. Velvovsky).
  • 1967 - Opening of the 1st Cabinet of Blochetia (I.Z. Velvovsky), the technique becomes an independent discipline.

How and with whom it works

The libertical process is focused on the rational and emotional perception of the work.

The practical importance of bibliofsychology is the management of stress, relief of mental stress, catharsis, understanding of the situation, reconciliation with it. It is primarily an impact on the psychosomatic state of a person, psychological resistance is intensified. Secondary reading helps to develop communication skills, which has a positive effect on the development of the personality as such.

The effect of the library falls under the category of expressive therapy, to which also refers (treatment of visual art), dramaherapy (theater treatment), etc. To enhance the effect, supporting creativity, self-consciousness, these therapeutic approaches can be combined.

Blochetia is used to treat various dependencies, injuries. Recommended for people who left their natural environment and forced to adapt to changed living conditions (sanatoriums, prisons), severely ill, disabled, etc.

Situations in which the treatment of a book word helps:

  • sophisticated situations, children are, for example, moving, a new school, new classmates, in adults - family problems;
  • crisis periods - divorce, death in the family, severe illness;
  • mental problems -, depression, dependence;
  • in preventive purposes Blitchers are held in orphanages, nursing homes, support groups, etc.;
  • physical defects in a patient.

Estimated results

An important indicator of the evaluation of the efficiency of the library is the patient's interest in reading. If it is reduced, it is possible to judge the deterioration of health status.

There are various typology of effects and functions of the therapeutic method:

  1. Information functions. Reading gives information, increases the level of knowledge while reducing fear of unknown. This feature is inherent in the scientific literature.
  2. Educational function. Reading brings views and opinions that increase education.
  3. "Mirror" function. The reader compares the views of the author with his eyes, on the basis of this comparison, changing its own opinion.
  4. Identification functions. The reader finds an example or identifies himself with a character.
  5. Cleansing function. When reading a book, psychological cleansing (catharsis) can occur. To achieve this effect, it is necessary that the work can perform such cleansing, and the reader was ready to experience the catharsis while reading.
  6. Aesthetic function. The book acts on the reader aesthetically.
  7. Relaxation function. Ensuring relaxation, relaxation.

How to choose a book

The library tool is a book, but not every. It is not about reading a random book, it is necessary to take into account the uniqueness of each reader (gender, age, education, life experience ...), its current situation.

Before applying the library, it is necessary to establish the goals to which it will be directed. Bad choice of book can have a negative impact. Treatment should help a person adequately cope with a difficult life situation, compensate for negative changes in the psyche, overcome the crisis, therefore, to achieve complete rehabilitation.

List of books for preschool children

Libertic literature for children readers:

Examples of teen books

Libertic literature for adolescent readers:

  • "I was 12 years ..." (Natalie Schweigffer). The real story about the girl who was sexually violent. From 12 years old, her own father mocked her, intimidated her. Over 5 years, Natalie experienced hell before gaining courage and escape with the rest of the family. Topic: Sexual violence of children.
  • "Confession of the model" (Martina Koprzhivova). Open recognition of a young successful female model describing his career path from almost childhood, through a difficult publ of this day. Theme: addiction, disorder of food behavior, psychosomatic problems.
  • "Cool outsider diary or as I won bullying" (Eric Kang Gale). Eric was a normal boy to the 6th grade, but for some inexplicable reason, a group of classmates made it an outsider. Even his best friend spoke out against him. Topic: bullying, friendship, school.

Examples of books for adults

Libertic literature for adults and elderly readers:

  • "The man who was sazed by trees" (Jean Zhiono). The story is told from the point of view of a young man who sent on a journey through the deserted French alpine corners. Topic: internal determination, meaning of life, clear, unshakable happiness.
  • "365 short stories for the soul" (Bruno Ferrero). A number of good stories of the popular author Bruno Ferrero. Topic: Relationship, friendship, victim for others.
  • "Dance as fast as I can" (Barbara Gordon). Autobiographical recognition of a successful emancipated woman, scenario and director of New York television, which mobilized all the forces of his personality to live without drug addiction. Topic: depression, abuse of sedatives, relationships.

Summing up

Library is a supporting psychotherapeutic method, during which therapeutic effects of reading are used. The goal is to determine the internal human problem.

The mechanism of liberty is the use of appropriate works that simplify the consideration of the patient's situation from different sides to assist in finding the right decision. The work must comply with the human life situation, the character in the story should solve the same problems as he.

Especially children are important that the hero of the book corresponds to them by age. It goes without saying that stories should end positively, give the patient hope, chance, motivation.

Through the text, the patient must gain self-imminent, realize that he is not alone, that the same fate has suffered many others. For example, autobiographical stories are suitable, the authors of which themselves suffered a dangerous test of the test, returning back to life. Properly selected text can increase the patient's confidence in itself, affect the emotional state, develop a person.

"The methodology of liberties is a complex combination of bookbake, psychology, psychotherapy, psychocorrection," wrote V. M. Mezishchev.

Blitchers are a special corrective impact on the client by reading specially selected literature in order to normalize or optimize its mental state.

Correction reading from reading is generally different directionalfor those or other mental processes, conditions, personality properties:

· Changed - for their normalization;

· Normal - for balancing them.

The correctional impact of reading is manifested in the fact that certain images and related feelings, desires, desires, thoughts learned using the book, fill the lack of their own images and ideas, replace the alarming thoughts and feelings or send them to a new channel, to new goals. Thus, it is possible to weaken or enhance the impact on the sense of the client to restore its mental balance.

Liberal methodology and libertical recipe

The liberting methodology can be divided into several stages:

1. Self-director.

It includes the compilation of its own libertical recipe, i.e. literature lists and special acquaintance with books from a correctional point of view. For a start, several genres of 2-3 names are taken. Over time, it is recommended to expand the recipe by genres and the number of books. It is necessary to make a brief annotation with extracts for both separate sections, chapters and on separate books, in which the most important, bright themes, thoughts, challenges of chapters, works, personal characteristics of the authors are recorded.

At the beginning of work, this will help the novice library to pay the client's attention to the appropriate texts. It is advisable to have most books in a separate library so that customers can easily find this book in the absence of it. In addition, in such books you can allow the client to mark the marks in the fields, which facilitates the diagnosis of the client.