
What are the health benefits of fresh tomatoes? What are the benefits of tomatoes, who can be harmed, tips on storage and delicious combinations

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There are a number of contraindications and hidden health hazards in these delicious fruits.

Tomatoes also have contraindications. Photo:

No matter what the Italians say, we have the most delicious tomatoes in the world, in Ukraine. But they should not only be loved, but also eaten with care.

In the midst of summer, it’s nice that you can eat a lot of salads, and the benefits of tomatoes are undeniable. They contain a lot of vitamins (A, B2, B6, PP, E, rare vitamin K) and acids useful for a healthy body (tartaric, malic and citric). But still, this beautiful vegetable can also cause harm, and considerable. There is a fairly large category of those who cannot eat tomatoes, and those (and most of them) who eat them incorrectly, causing harm to the body.

1. Allergy

With tomatoes (as with other bright fruits), you need to be careful with allergies. Some even ban tomatoes.

2. Gallstone disease

Organic acids are involved in the processes of digestion, activate the work of the stomach, pancreas, enhance the motor function of the intestine. But in the presence of cholelithiasis, they cannot be eaten - the situation can only worsen. Tomatoes cause a very strong choleretic effect.

3. Kidney disease

If you have problems with the genitourinary system, then you can’t eat a lot of tomatoes. Oxalic acid has a bad effect on water-salt metabolism. Boiled and canned tomatoes lead to the growth of kidney stones, if there is such a predisposition.

4. Diseases of the joints

Because of the same oxalic acid, tomatoes cause severe joint pain. so if you have problems with the musculoskeletal system, you can’t eat them either.

5. Smoking

Some researchers believe that tomatoes increase nicotine addiction.

6. Pancreatitis

With pancreatitis, green or unripe tomatoes are prohibited.

7. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

If you have a stomach ulcer and gastritis with high acidity, you should not get carried away with tomatoes. During the period of exacerbation, it must be completely excluded from the menu.

8. Hypertension

People with hypertension and other diseases of the cardiovascular system are also not recommended to pickled and canned tomatoes.

How to eat tomatoes so as not to harm yourself?

Of course, we are used to scrambled eggs with tomatoes, we like to add tomatoes to meat and fish. Sometimes you can afford it. But not regularly!

Tomatoes are not recommended to be combined with bread, meat, eggs and fish for those who are on a diet and strictly monitor their diet. The break between taking tomatoes and bread should be several hours. Washing down food with tomato juice is also not good. This is a separate meal. After eating, 30 minutes should pass.

Published: October 15, 2014 at 10:28 am

Since pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the pancreatic mucosa, with its exacerbation, patients are forced to follow a diet, which alleviates the symptoms. In addition, properly selected products allow you to completely recover from the disease.

Is it possible to eat tomatoes with pancreatitis?

Not all patients with pancreatitis know whether tomatoes or tomato juice can be used with pancreatitis. Most nutritionists agree that tomatoes can be eaten with pancreatitis, as they contain delicate fiber that has a beneficial effect on the activity of the digestive system in general and the pancreas in particular. It is also useful to eat tomatoes for pancreatitis because fiber allows you to remove cholesterol from the body, which is extremely important for a healthy pancreas.

But still, with pancreatitis, you can not eat green, unripe tomatoes, which contain many toxins. They inevitably lead to disruption of the functioning of the organs of the digestive system, primarily because they impede the process of digestion, putting a significant burden on them.

Fresh tomato juice is a healing drink for pancreatitis, as it stimulates the activity of the pancreas. With pancreatitis, tomato juice can be mixed with pumpkin and carrot juice, which increases the chances of recovery.

Fresh tomatoes can be consumed with vegetable oil, adding it when preparing a vegetable salad. Ripe tomatoes contain vitamin C, proteins, starch, fiber, minerals, and pectin. Tomatoes include such vitamins - group B, folic and nicotinic acids, vitamin K, therefore, in the treatment of pancreatitis using this natural product, you can also significantly strengthen the entire body.

Despite the positive effect of tomatoes and juice on the pancreas, nevertheless, with an exacerbation of pancreatitis, this vegetable should be completely excluded from the patient's nutrition menu. With pancreatitis, when exacerbations of the disease are not observed, you can drink 200 ml of tomato juice without adding salt. It is also useful to eat stewed tomatoes, in the preparation of which carrots and zucchini are often added.

Moderate consumption of tomatoes and tomato juice in pancreatitis will restore the impaired functions of the pancreas, removing all the inflammatory processes of its mucous membrane.

Regarding the use of fresh tomatoes in pancreatitis, nutritionists have not yet come to a consensus. However, it is obvious that industrial products cannot be used in cooking. This also applies to tomato paste.

For many, the question may arise: “Why?”. The answer, as always, is simple. In the production of pasta, dyes, preservatives, thickeners (modified starch), seasonings, including salt, are widely used, which has an extremely negative effect on the pancreas. Such a “recipe” does not even remotely resemble healthy and healthy food.

With a long absence of attacks of pancreatitis, you can gradually introduce tomato paste, but always home-made. You can use the following recipe.

You need to take 2-3 kg of fresh ripe tomatoes, wash. Cut into small pieces and pass through a juicer. The resulting juice (without peel and seeds) is poured into a saucepan and put on a slow fire. It will take a long time to cook, 4-5 hours, until the juice thickens. After that, it is poured into jars, which were previously sterilized. Roll up lids.

Due to the absence of spices, spices, salt, such tomato paste with pancreatitis can, occasionally, be eaten.

It's hard to believe, but just a few centuries ago, the tomato did not appear on our table: it was considered an ornamental plant and a plant ... poisonous! But today it is one of the most popular products on our table, it tastes good and is very useful.

Tomatoes: the beneficial properties of juicy fruits

Tomatoes are ninety percent water - the most important substance for our life. It is known that in the Far East, harem concubines got rid of unwanted pregnancies by refusing liquids for several days.

Tomatoes benefit and harm

In addition, the composition of this vegetable contains in abundance vegetable proteins and many vitamins, minerals, substances that have a beneficial effect on the body.

  • Tomatoes contain a lot of fiber - dietary fiber that stimulates digestion and bowel function. They not only contribute to the natural self-purification of the body, but also remove toxins, toxins and free radicals. This product is considered a diuretic, therefore it is useful for sick kidneys and bladder. It is rich in B vitamins, potassium and calcium, which strengthen the heart and blood vessels, reduce pressure, and also make the skin, hair, nails healthy and beautiful. Like any red fruit , the tomato is rich in iron - an element that is important for the processes of hematopoiesis and the transport of oxygen to blood cells. Tomatoes contain vitamins A, C, K, PP, micro and macro elements phosphorus, zinc, sodium, chromium and iodine. Magnesium has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieves tension and the effects of stress, makes sleep sound. Tomatoes contain a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from the effects of free radicals and prevents aging. The fruits contain a substance that raises mood at a biochemical level.

What are the benefits of tomatoes for women?

Tomatoes are great helpers in the fight against excess weight. They contain few calories, prevent hunger and give a feeling of fullness for a long time. The pectins included in the product lower cholesterol levels, remove toxins, and with them extra pounds.

Tomatoes have both beneficial properties and contraindications

These include allergies, gout, arthritis, kidney disease, stomach ulcers, cholelithiasis, gastritis, heartburn, acute pancreatitis. Thanks to lycopene, they reduce the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system, cancers of the lungs, intestines, esophagus and stomach.

Since lycopene is a fat-soluble substance, the benefits of tomatoes are increased when they are eaten with vegetable oil, sour cream or fat-based sauces. Lycopene is also remarkable in that during heat treatment, its beneficial properties are not destroyed, but rather increase. Only red varieties of cherry tomatoes are rich in lycopene.

Cherry tomatoes: the benefits and harms of tiny tomatoes

The benefits of cherry tomatoes are similar to the health benefits of regular tomatoes. The content of antioxidants, minerals, natural sugars in cherry tomatoes is higher than in traditional varieties. The benefits and properties of cherry tomato: Contains a portion of vitamin K, which in turn helps to better absorb calcium and normalize kidney function. Due to the content of serotonin, they increase mood causing an effect a substitute for an antidipressant. Very well compensate for the loss of minerals in the cold season. Chromium, which is part of them, helps to satisfy hunger more quickly. For which diseases is it recommended to use cherry tomato: For diseases of the cardiovascular system; Problems with the gastrointestinal tract;

Harm of cherry tomato and contraindications

Indeed, cherry tomatoes have a lot of benefits, as in principle with ordinary ones. Why are they harmful? Let's understand. Who is contraindicated to use? Patients with peptic ulcer, it is not recommended to use more than 100 grams per day even in remission.

As in ordinary tomatoes, they contain a large amount of organic acids, which can have an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, thereby making it difficult to recover from peptic ulcer; Suffering from impaired metabolism; Allergics to red fruits and vegetables; they should be abused by those suffering from gallstone disease.

How to choose quality cherry tomatoes

Buy with a delicious, juicy flavor - a sign of maturity. Ripened off the vine and plucked green practically do not smell; Do not take those in which the footboard area is broken or has an unnatural color, most likely they ripened already plucked, and there are practically no useful substances in them; Always choose beautiful tomatoes, ripe without damage and medium size. If you have the opportunity to cut a vegetable, look at the cut, if the tomato on the cut is juicy and the internal chambers are full, there is only one conclusion - it is fresh!

Having studied the harm and benefits of cherry tomato, we can make a bold assumption that they are really more useful, and practically not harmful to our body. But despite all this, I still remain a supporter of our regular, large and non-genetically modified tomatoes.

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Tomato: composition, benefits and properties of tomato, tomato in cosmetology

Senor Tomato from Latin America is now one of the most common vegetable plants on Earth. Although why vegetable, if botanists call its fruits berries?

Hypertension NO. Miraculous healing.

The bottom line, in general, is not this, but that many dishes and sauces cannot do without the participation of a tomato, even call it a vegetable, even a berry. But for a long time they considered it poisonous, and tried with it (not all , of course, and some irresponsible citizens) to poison someone objectionable. It is even interesting how this delusion was kept in the minds for so long, because for quite a long time in many European countries the use of tomatoes was banned.

And the stems of the tomato are poisonous, not its fruits. For Russia, the tomato was discovered by Catherine II, although the Senate most likely got an unripe vegetable, and he did not appreciate it, calling it tasteless. The mass distribution of the tomato in our agriculture began only in 19th century. And now it will be difficult to find a garden in which a tomato is not grown.

The benefits and properties of tomatoes

Treatment of the stomach and liver with tomatoes

Tomatoes, or rather tomato juice, help with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with constipation, which are frequent companions of gastric and duodenal ulcers. For gastric ulcers, fresh tomato juice is needed (without salt, 3 times a day after meals), and the exclusion from the menu of whole fresh, pickled and salted tomatoes. Such treatment should last two weeks, then a break for 10 days, and again repeat the treatment for two weeks. Even with a stomach ulcer, as well as with liver diseases and gallstone disease, the following remedy is good:

Knead 200 grams of ripe steamed pumpkin with a spoon, add a little butter and mix, then pour this mass into two glasses of freshly squeezed, slightly salted tomato juice. Mix again.

You need to take it twice a day, half an hour after meals for a week. Then a week break, again reception. And so 6 weeks of admission with weekly breaks.

Treatment of the cardiovascular system with tomatoes

Tomatoes are of great benefit in any heart disease, and they should be included in the daily diet and in the form of salads, whole fruits, and juice. Fresh tomatoes, as well as cooked ones, are a valuable remedy for all forms of atherosclerosis.

Treatment of beriberi with tomatoes

Avitaminosis catastrophically affects the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and appearance. With beriberi, which occur most often in early spring, a diet enriched with vitamins A, B1, B2, C, phosphate, iron and potassium salts is important.

All this is available in fresh tomatoes. In winter, it is possible to treat and prevent beriberi with this remedy. Sauerkraut brine and tomato juice are taken in equal proportions.

Half the amount obtained is added apple juice (fresh or canned). You can add a little sugar for taste. Drink the resulting drink daily for two weeks.

Treatment of burns and wounds with tomatoes

Tomatoes are a good remedy for healing scratches and abscesses. One has only to attach a tomato cut in half to the damaged area, the fresh juice of which has a good bactericidal and antiseptic effect. For burn wounds, you need to mix a third of a glass of tomato juice with egg white and immediately apply it to the resulting burn.

And on top is also a clean napkin with a fixing bandage. This will help reduce pain and speed up the healing process of the skin.

Tomatoes to increase male potency

Even Indian tribes used tomatoes to increase potency. Tomatoes really affect the functioning of the gonads. No wonder the French called them the apple of love - la pomme de l'amour.

Composition of tomatoes

The fruits of tomatoes are very diverse in chemical composition, because they also differ in color - they are red or yellow. They contain sugar, mineral salts, pectin, alkaloids, carotene, potassium and a large amount of vitamins - B, P, fiber, malic, citric and ascorbic acid. The latter, even when canned, is preserved in large quantities, and its total content is almost the same as that of tangerines and lemons. Due to the large amount of nutrients, tomatoes save from polyavitaminosis and have high healing properties.

Contraindications for eating tomatoes

You can not lean on tomatoes for people suffering from cholelithiasis, otherwise tomatoes, which are strong choleretic, can drive stones. The result of which is unpredictable if you do not know their size, and they will get stuck somewhere in the bile duct.

And stones can also grow if they have an oxalate or phosphate nature. People suffering from hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys are not recommended pickled, canned and salted tomatoes. Boiled tomatoes (in soups, for example), as well as canned ones, contribute to the formation of stones in the bladder and kidneys. You should be more careful about eating tomatoes if you suffer from the above diseases.

The stones will not grow overnight, but months will pass, and then do not be surprised where they came from if you are fond of what is just contraindicated for you. One more nuance: tomatoes are incompatible with bread, meat, fish and eggs. Between the intake of these products and tomatoes, you need to take a break of several hours.

Tomato juice

Tomato juice is recommended to drink after a meal in half an hour. It helps with all indications for the use of tomatoes for various diseases, as well as in cosmetic procedures. It is advisable to cook it yourself, since vinegar is present in store-bought tomato juice.

Tomatoes in cosmetology

The cosmetic properties of tomatoes were discovered by Europeans who began to use them in masks, lotions and creams. Nutrients contained in tomatoes are good for strengthening and toning human skin, making it supple and elastic and giving it a healthy color.

Moreover, you can use a tomato in masks for any type of skin. The easiest way to use it is to apply tomato juice on cleansed face with a cotton swab for 15-20 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. Only store-bought tomato juice is not suitable here, as it contains vinegar, which causes skin irritation.

You need to squeeze the juice yourself from two ripe tomatoes. You can add crumbled bread crumb or wheat flour to it for density. With dry and normal skin, a curd-based mask is very useful.

In 2 tbsp. l. fat cottage cheese you need to add 1 tbsp. l. tomato juice, a drop of salt and 1 tbsp. l. warm unrefined vegetable oil. To stir thoroughly.

This superb mask strengthens and nourishes the skin of the face, giving it an always healthy look with regular use. Dry skin causes many wrinkles. In this case, a mask with tomato juice can also help.

A teaspoon of any fatty cream is taken, half a teaspoon of sour cream or mayonnaise and 1 tsp are added to it. tomato juice. The mixture is applied to the skin for 20 minutes, after which it is removed with a cotton swab dipped in a tonic lotion.

The skin is simultaneously strengthened, cleansed, sagging and wrinkles are eliminated. It is advisable to use this mask for dry skin regularly - every week. For oily skin, tomato is also indispensable, since ascorbic acid in its composition perfectly tightens pores, making the skin more even.

The acid neutralizes the alkali that prevails in the protective film of oily skin, thereby eliminating excessive shine. Based on tomato juice, you can make an excellent lotion that reduces summer sweating of the skin. To do this, you need 2 grams of alum, 70 grams of melted or distilled water, 5 grams of glycerin and 30 grams of tomato juice. A tomato mask must be applied to the neck and hands.

How many tomatoes can you eat

The tomato is low-calorie, and it can be safely included in the diet, in the absence of contraindications, of course. Due to the rich mineral and vitamin composition, tomatoes are excellent helpers in the fight against excess weight.

Potassium salts contribute to weight loss, which reduce the ability to retain water by body tissues. It is useful from time to time to arrange fasting days on tomatoes. Tomato is a component of so many dishes, ketchup, sauces, salads, soups. They are fried, boiled, salted, canned and even dried in slices. For a true gourmet, his exquisite taste is just a godsend, with them you can show all your resourcefulness and ingenuity. I wonder what, under the guise of a tomato, they slipped the Senate during the time of Catherine II, that he called the tomato tasteless? When using and reprinting the material, an active link to the women's online magazine is required

The harm of tomatoes.

For all their positive qualities, tomatoes are an allergenic product. People who have food allergies should avoid tomatoes or consume them with great care.

You can not use tomatoes for people with diseases such as arthritis, gout, kidney disease. The fact is that oxalic acid in the composition of a tomato has a bad effect on water-salt metabolism. You can not eat tomatoes with cholelithiasis.

Stones of an oxalate or phosphate nature can increase in size and move, as tomatoes contain choleretic substances. Nutritionists say that you should not eat tomatoes at the same time as meat, fish, bread and eggs. Between the use of these products and tomatoes should pass 1.5-2 hours.

And don't eat them after dinner. The best time to take a tomato is the first half of the day. Some experts argue that excessive consumption of a tomato can lead to nicotine addiction. To summarize: Tomatoes. Benefit and harm.

You have read the pros and cons of eating tomatoes and it is up to you to decide what place tomatoes will take in your diet. What do you think of tomatoes? Your comments with questions and personal experiences are welcome!

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Tomato: the benefits and harms of tomatoes


Tomato is a one- or perennial plant of the nightshade family. We used to call the fruits of this plant tomatoes. From the point of view of botany, the fruit of a tomato is a berry, but in cooking, tomatoes are classified as vegetables.

Tomato not only has excellent taste, but also contains a large number of useful and healing properties. They contain a large number of various vitamins, such as B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, E, but vitamin E predominates to a greater extent. Tomatoes not only have a beneficial effect on the body, but also on our mood.

They contain the organic substance tyramine, which is converted into serotonin in the body. Thanks to this, they cheer up and help deal with stressful conditions.

Medicinal properties of tomatoes

Vitamin C13.7 mg

The medicinal properties of tomatoes are in the content of purines and their low calorie content. People who are overweight are advised to eat tomatoes, as well as those who suffer from diseases of the deposition of salts and kidneys.

Eating tomatoes is good for those who have diabetes, obesity or metabolic problems. Tomatoes also have choleretic and diuretic properties, so if you drink half a glass of tomato juice half an hour after eating, digestive problems disappear.

Tomatoes contain the antioxidant leukopin, which is a hundred times superior to vitamin E in its healing properties. It is used as an effective tool for the prevention of diseases of the cervix in women and the prostate gland in men. The healing properties of tomatoes are multiplied if they are cooked.

For example, tomato paste contains more leukopine than fresh tomato juice. This vegetable not only has useful properties, but is also very tasty. Do not forget that fresh tomatoes are better absorbed in combination with vegetable oil.

Since thanks to vegetable oil, the vitamins contained in the tomato are absorbed faster.

The benefits and harms of tomatoes

The benefits of tomatoes for our body are very large. The first thing worth noting is that tomatoes are red vegetables that have a positive effect on blood composition.

They not only replenish the blood with all useful substances, but also fight against the formation of blood clots. In case of violation of metabolic processes, it is recommended to use tomatoes, since, due to its medicinal properties, it helps to regulate metabolic processes, including salt ones.

In your diet, do not forget to include regular consumption of tomato juice, which retains all the vitamins and nutrients. To normalize blood pressure, it is recommended to drink a glass of tomato juice.

Pregnant women can eat tomatoes, but everything should be in moderation. A very noticeable benefit of tomatoes for those who are fond of smoking. Thanks to some of its substances, regular consumption of tomatoes breaks down nicotine resins and toxins, and also removes them from the lungs.

They will help your teeth get rid of tobacco plaque and normalize the taste. Benefits of tomatoes for men

Tomatoes contain a large amount of the antioxidant lycopene, and as you know, with its regular use, the likelihood of prostate cancer in men decreases. Also, the use of tomatoes has a positive effect on the work of the male gonads, so in moments of intimacy, men will feel at their best.

The harm of tomatoes. The use of tomatoes should be excluded from your diet for people suffering from food allergies. Because they can really do a lot of harm.

It is also worth limiting the use of this product for arthritis, gout, cholelithiasis and kidney stones. They can provoke the growth of stones and their exit from the gallbladder. It is not recommended to use pickled and canned tomatoes, as they can provoke an exacerbation of peptic ulcer or heart disease.

Tomatoes - contraindications

Despite the fact that tomatoes are very healthy and contain a large amount of vitamins, there are still some contraindications to them. They are not recommended for use in cholelithiasis, as they contain organic acids that can be detrimental to health.

People who monitor their health need to remember that tomatoes cannot be combined with meat, eggs and fish. It is also not recommended to eat tomatoes with bread, the interval between taking tomatoes and bread should be several hours. Tomato juice is recommended to drink half an hour after eating.

Calorie content of tomatoes

Despite the low calorie content of tomatoes, they are an ideal food with which you can make up for the loss of minerals. The calorie content of 1 tomato is difficult to calculate, since this vegetable is low in calories and contains 18 kcal per 100 g, by the way, the calorie content of fresh tomatoes is the same.

Tomatoes for weight loss

If you have a desire to lose a few extra pounds, tomatoes will be your good helpers in this matter. Eating tomatoes for weight loss, you will not only achieve the desired result, but also replenish your body with useful substances.

Many women are on various strict diets, exhausting themselves with hunger, which leads to dizziness and fainting. Their diets are so strict that they even wonder: "Is it possible to eat tomatoes on a diet?".

So, no need to rush to extremes, the so-called "tomato diet" will help you lose those extra pounds without tormenting yourself with hunger. To do this, during each meal you need to drink a glass of tomato juice, but you should also not overeat fatty foods.

If you want quick results, then arrange a fasting day on tomatoes. During the day, you need to eat only tomatoes, without adding salt and spices to them. But do not forget that such a diet should not be used for more than two days, as this can cause serious health problems!

How to freeze tomatoes for the winter at home

Freezing is the best way to prepare tomatoes for the winter, since it is during freezing that most of the vitamins are preserved in tomatoes than in pickled or salted tomatoes. For this purpose, it is best to use small tomatoes or cherry tomatoes.

Because of their small size, they freeze quickly. Freezing tomatoes is very easy, if you decide to freeze small tomatoes, then they need to be thoroughly washed and dried, then you can freeze.

Tomatoes - cut in half, put on a plastic tray and freeze. Then transfer the almost frozen tomatoes into special bags and freeze completely. Before freezing, be sure to check the bags so that there is no air left in them.

Frozen tomatoes have a very long shelf life; throughout the year, you can use tomatoes for soups, meat, pizza, stews, and scrambled eggs. When freezing, the skin of tomatoes coarsens, so it is recommended to remove it.

This can be done with boiling water, dropping tomatoes into it for a few seconds, or wait until they melt a little, then the skin will be removed easily. Thawed tomatoes are recommended to be consumed immediately, since with every hour of inactivity, they lose all their useful substances.

Tomatoes, of course, are rich in vitamins, trace elements and other beneficial substances. Both in terms of taste and dietary properties, tomato salad seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream is considered an excellent snack. However, this wonderful vegetable has contraindications. Who should beware and exclude tomatoes from their diet?

Fresh tomatoes are contraindicated in gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

suffering acute kidney disease should also give up tomatoes. Oxalic acid, despite the fact that it is present in tomatoes in small quantities, in acute diseases can act negatively and even aggravate the disease.

Oxalic acid, which affects water-salt metabolism, is harmful to patients polyarthritis and rheumatism

At gout Tomatoes should be consumed with caution (maximum 2-3 tomatoes per week), with an exacerbation of the disease, tomatoes should be excluded from the diet.

Sick urolithiasis in whom stones are of a phosphate or oxalate nature, as well as in those who have phenomena uric acid diathesis, tomatoes are not recommended, as the organic acids they contain can cause bladder spasm.

Tomatoes should not be carried away and cholelithiasis because they have a strong choleretic effect. Eating tomatoes can trigger an attack. As a result, there is a high probability of stones moving and getting stuck in the bile duct. If the stones are phosphate, then they can grow intensively from tomatoes, which will also lead to a deterioration in health.

Patients will have to stop eating tomatoes bronchial asthma and those who suffer allergic reactions.

Tomatoes are not recommended for women with amenorrhea(rare menstruation or their absence for 6 months or more), with painful periods, with abundant whites caused by gynecological or infectious diseases.

Attention! When taking sulfa drugs, tomatoes, as well as other products containing folic acid, must be completely excluded from the diet. When treating with anticoagulants, it is recommended to stop eating foods rich in vitamin K, since it is an antagonist of anticoagulants. Tomatoes are one of those foods.

Tomatoes, of course, are a valuable gift of nature, simply created to promote health. And if there are no specific contraindications of doctors, then you should not deprive yourself of the pleasure of enjoying dishes made from tomatoes. If there are such contraindications, treat the compilation of your menu thoughtfully and seriously.

Hello, friends!

Let's talk today about tomatoes: the benefits and harm to the body. Well, the benefit is probably obvious and undeniable, what it is, I will remind you.

Now the new season of fresh vegetables is just beginning, albeit still greenhouse and imported, but you really want these fresh vitamins after a long winter.

But do you know the harm that eating tomatoes and cucumbers together can bring? And many people love to make such salads. I myself learned about this not so long ago from the program "Conspiracy Theory".

Health benefits of tomatoes

The benefits of tomatoes, of course, are in the presence of a large amount of vitamins needed for the body, because of which these fruits need to be eaten all year round.

There is an opinion that there is nothing useful in tomatoes grown in greenhouses. But this is not so, it’s just that the conditions for ripening are artificial, and tomatoes do not always turn out to be very tasty, but all the values ​​\u200b\u200bcontained in them are present to the maximum.

  • vitamin C, beneficial for the health of the heart and blood vessels, its amount is comparable to the content in citrus fruits
  • B vitamins that act as natural antidepressants, improve mood and help fight stress
  • vitamins A, K, PP and E
  • glucose
  • fructose
  • potassium and magnesium salts
  • calcium, molybdenum, phosphorus
  • high iron content to help treat anemia
  • oxalic acid
  • fiber we need for normal bowel function and preventing constipation
  • lycopene (red pigment) is a cancer-fighting substance.

That is why tomatoes are good for health. After all, they

  • have a diuretic and diuretic effect
  • help fight germs and viruses
  • prevent atherosclerosis
  • stimulate appetite
  • reduce blood and eye pressure
  • lower cholesterol levels.

Tomatoes for gastritis with low acidity are useful, they increase the separation of gastric juice, they can be eaten with diabetes almost without restrictions, the use of tomatoes for angina pectoris and coronary heart disease is indicated.

Which tomatoes are healthier - yellow or red

Yellow tomatoes have almost the same properties as red ones. In terms of density, they will probably be harder and contain less acid, which reduces their harm when consumed, more on that below.

The benefits and harms of salted tomatoes

Surprisingly, the beneficial properties of tomatoes are preserved when they are salted, as well as when sauerkraut is sauerkraut. Moreover, it is better to salt green or brown tomatoes. I like to prepare just such, they do not fall apart after you fill them with boiling water.

Green tomatoes have all the micro and macro elements, acids that are good for our health, but you won’t eat them fresh. When salting, such an important element as lycopene is also preserved, and hence the antioxidant properties.

The harm of salted tomatoes can only be individual, for people with limited salt intake.

The benefits of tomatoes for women and men

Here is more information about lycopene. It is he who helps to prevent both adenoma and prostate cancer, which often appear in older men. So eat tomatoes be sure to avoid all sorts of problems.

And for women, tomatoes help in the prevention of osteoporosis, regulate metabolic processes in the body, so we can always remain slim and not get better, and beautiful, because tomatoes have a beneficial effect on our skin.

The harm of tomatoes for the body

Despite the high content of vitamin C, lycopene and other beneficial substances, eating tomatoes can harm our body in some cases.

Did you notice that when we cut tomatoes, liquid flows out of them. Here she is our enemy. This water contains a lot of acids. And in our stomach there is already a lot of hydrochloric acid and it does not need additional acids.

Therefore, with caution, you should use tomatoes when:

  • urolithiasis
  • stomach ulcer
  • gastritis with high acidity
  • pancreatitis
  • gout
  • liver diseases

And it is best to eat stewed tomatoes. Do not be surprised, but heat treatment not only preserves, but also enhances the beneficial properties of tomatoes, including the effect of lycopene is enhanced. And harmful juice can thus be evaporated in the oven or when stewing.

The combination of tomatoes with other products

It seems that in 2001, scientists came to the conclusion and found that tomatoes are still a fruit, and not a vegetable, as we used to consider them.

Perhaps for this reason, tomatoes do not pair well with other foods.

Tomatoes are rich in fruit acids, pectins, and antioxidants. But if you add other multi-component dishes to tomatoes, then digestion is more difficult.

You can not eat tomatoes with bell peppers, or with eggplant and zucchini, such nutrition can lead to chronic gastritis.

If you eat tomatoes with meat, the processes of decay and fermentation intensify, increased intoxication occurs, abdominal pain and nausea are observed.

Tomatoes don't go well with almost anything! They can be used only by themselves or with herbs! By the way, it is useful to combine them with nutmeg and parsley, which lower the acidity by 4 times.

We are especially accustomed to a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes. I want to talk about the dangers of such a dish.

Actually, this information served as a desire to write this article.

Cucumbers and tomatoes. Benefit and harm

Perhaps there are skeptics who do not believe in such beliefs, I have already heard reviews, they say this is all invented news, but they always ate nothing.

But this, according to experts from the above program, there is a scientific explanation.

We think that these products contain a lot of vitamins. And this is true, but they are only useful if they are eaten separately. Each of them is undoubtedly very useful. But in combination with each other, these foods turn into poison, which leads to heart attacks and strokes and harms the functioning of vital organs.

What is useful in cucumbers

There are few vitamins and fiber in cucumbers. They are 95% water, just like tomatoes.

Cucumbers contain minerals, this vegetable mainly improves the taste of food, and also promotes the absorption of proteins and fats, has a choleretic effect and improves intestinal motility. That's basically it.

Cucumbers can be eaten with any vegetable except tomatoes. The enzyme contained in them simply destroys all the vitamin C found in tomatoes.

But this is still half the trouble.

About the dangers of cucumber and tomato salad

  1. It turns out that they are naturally incompatible. Tomatoes are acidic and cucumbers are alkaline. Mixing them can lead to the formation of salts that are harmful to both the liver and kidneys, and disrupt the functioning of these organs.
  2. Tomatoes and cucumbers have different digestion times. Those. the enzymes that digest one food are not the same as those of another. And while one will be digested, the other at this time will lie dead weight and rot.
  3. And yet, according to the teachings of Ayurveda, tomatoes warm our body, and cucumbers, on the contrary, cool. And when eating a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, the body does not know what to do, whether to warm up or cool down, it falls into a stupor.

In a word, such a salad is a hard-to-digest food that is more harmful than useful.

When we eat tomatoes and cucumbers every day, our liver is working hard, problems arise with both the liver and the pancreas, chronic gastritis and pancreatitis, and excess weight.

The classic salad of cucumbers and tomatoes thoroughly affects our health.

This is the information I have for you today about the benefits and harms of tomatoes for the body.

My opinion: you can’t literally take this information that tomatoes with cucumbers are poison. At least in a small amount they won't do any harm. Indeed, they always ate them and everyone is alive at the same time. But on the other hand, I trust my body, but it doesn’t like eating together and I don’t like a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, I eat them separately. Maybe this is also a signal?

Tomato is the most popular product on the table of many cuisines of the world. In Russia, this vegetable, or berry, as botanists call it, is used in the preparation of sauces, salads, casseroles and snacks. It has a unique taste and satiety that allows it to be a complete part of the meal. And finally, the tomato is an adornment of any table: juicy fresh fruits, thick sauces or canned tomatoes are dearly loved in Russian as well as European cuisine.

Healers advise using tomatoes to treat diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, eliminate vitamin deficiency and even increase potency. But there are cases in which the use of tomatoes is limited or even prohibited. So, what diseases can not eat tomatoes?

Allergic reaction

Tomato is a fairly strong allergen, and therefore occurs very often. A pathological reaction to juicy fruits can occur in any person with a pathological formation of immunoglobulin E.

Externally, these processes are expressed as follows:

  • sneezing
  • runny nose;
  • weakness, weakness;
  • skin rash;
  • lacrimation.

As a rule, an allergy makes itself felt about an hour and a half after eating a tomato. But sometimes an immune system reaction may only occur after a day or two. In any case, it is necessary to take an antihistamine drug, as well as drink an enterosorbent. If desired, symptomatic therapy can be used, for example, headache tablets, nasal congestion spray.

How to deal with such a reaction to a tomato? It’s very simple: knowing what disease you can’t eat tomatoes with, and being aware of the presence of this disease in yourself, you simply need to stop eating tomatoes.


Tomatoes are very useful in many diseases of the digestive tract. But still there are exceptions to the rule. So, for which diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can not eat tomatoes? First of all, with the formation of stones in the gallbladder.

The fact is that tomatoes have a choleretic property, therefore, if oxalate or phosphate stones are present in the gallbladder, eating tomatoes can provoke an increase in stones and set them in motion.

Symptoms of an exacerbation of gallstone disease can range from abdominal pain and bloating to fever with vomiting and yellowing of the skin. One way or another, any of the described symptoms is unpleasant and can lead to a deterioration in well-being and health. Therefore, with gallstone disease, it is better to eat tomatoes in a very limited amount or refuse them altogether.


What diseases can not eat fresh tomatoes? Absolutely precisely - with pancreatitis.

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pancreas, and there is no unequivocal ban on the use of tomatoes for people suffering from this disease. However, doctors strictly prohibit the use of:

  • unripe tomatoes;
  • canned tomatoes;
  • store-bought sauces and ketchups.

All these products contain substances that can irritate the mucous membrane of a diseased organ, which ultimately leads to an exacerbation of the pathology.

But ripe red tomatoes, natural juice and stewed tomatoes can be very useful for pancreatitis. But, using them, you need to listen carefully to your well-being. And if one of the following symptoms occurs, the use of tomatoes should be stopped:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • abdominal pain;
  • weakness;
  • tachycardia.

Moreover, after the appearance of such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor for a correction of treatment. In the event that the development of the clinical picture causes a small amount of tomatoes, it can be concluded that the disease is not in stable remission. So, it poses a potential danger to humans.


Speaking about the disease with which you can not eat tomatoes, one cannot fail to mention gastritis with high acidity. Fresh tomato juice, as, indeed, the juice of almost any vegetable or fruit, can irritate the gastric mucosa.

If the pathology is in remission, you can afford to enjoy a juicy tomato, not exceeding 250-300 grams per day. In this case, it is better to peel the tomato and eat it as part of a salad seasoned with butter or sour cream.

Stones in the kidneys

What diseases can not eat tomatoes, in addition to those described above? It is important to name urolithiasis, in other words, the formation of stones in the kidneys.

There is no unequivocal contraindication for the use of tomatoes with ICD. Doctors strongly advise against eating salted, canned tomatoes, as excess salt may not be helpful for kidney stones.

It is also not recommended to use freshly squeezed tomato juice when stones come out of the kidneys, the fact is that such juice has a diuretic effect, and an increase in diuresis can most likely lead to the movement of stones and pain, and even blockage of the ureter.

Another oxalic acid contained in tomatoes can lead to an increase in the size of kidney stones.

Joint diseases

What disease can not eat tomatoes? The list can be replenished with a whole range of somatic pathologies associated with the inflammatory process in the articular tissue:

  • arthritis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • psoriatic arthritis;
  • gout;
  • Hoff's disease;
  • arthrosis.

The thing is that tomatoes contain oxalic acid in high concentration. This acid provokes severe pain in the joints, so it is better to completely exclude this product from your diet.

Some doctors recommend replacing red tomatoes with yellow tomatoes, after peeling them and seasoning them with oil. But it is important to remember that this method is not suitable for everyone, you need to limit the amount of product used to 100-200 grams.


Asking a doctor about what disease you can not eat tomatoes, you might be surprised to hear the most popular diagnosis in the world - hypertension. But do not completely exclude fruits from the diet. The fact is that only canned tomatoes are under an unambiguous ban. But fresh tomatoes, stewed tomatoes, as well as juice can even improve a person's condition.

As a rule, the exacerbation of the pathology does not occur immediately, it occurs gradually if a person regularly consumes salted canned tomatoes. The dangerous thing is that with a significant progression of the pathology, it will be difficult to get rid of hypertension by refusing salted and pickled tomatoes. In chronic hypertension, vascular damage occurs, which is not easy to eliminate, and in some cases even impossible.

The difficulty lies in the fact that few people are able to appreciate the taste of a tomato without salt. And salt affects fluid retention in the body, which, in turn, leads to an increase in blood pressure. The good news for hypertensive patients is that taste habits are easy to change: just try tomatoes with spices, sour cream or even sugar.


In the list of indications regarding the disease for which tomatoes should not be eaten, the doctors' ban also affected people with nicotine addiction. The correlation between tomatoes and smoking has a weak scientific basis, but in practice it has been repeatedly noted that people who regularly consume tomatoes in large quantities have a greater craving for smoking and less strength to give up the addiction.

Smoking can cause a number of diseases, many of which can lead to disability and even death. First of all, we are talking about the pathologies of the vascular system, the negative habit also affects the nervous, endocrine and immune systems.

Varieties and types of tomatoes

In the case when tomatoes are under a strict ban, it makes no sense to consider tomato varieties in order to compare the content of contraindicated substances in them.

But if the doctor told you what disease you should not eat tomatoes for, gave a ban only on some of their types, and advised you to limit the use of others, then you can try to figure out which tomatoes you can eat.

Under the ban fall cherry tomatoes - small juicy fruits resembling large cherries. Such fruits are more concentrated in terms of the content of substances, therefore, if we compare the result from eating a certain amount of ordinary large tomatoes and similar cherry tomatoes, the risk of adverse effects increases in the latter case.

The best choice are fleshy large tomatoes or yellow fruits. Tomatoes should be peeled by first making a cross-shaped incision and dousing them with boiling water.

Thus, recommendations regarding what disease you should not eat tomatoes for, a strict ban on doctors or a restriction on consumption always have good justification. In order to keep the disease in remission, maintain good health and a high quality of life, it is worth abandoning a food product that is potentially harmful to a particular person. Be healthy!

Now frightening articles are very common that tomatoes are very dangerous, contain a natural poison, and all lovers of tomatoes appear almost suicidal. In fact, everything is not so scary. Let's see if tomatoes are harmful.

Harmful properties of tomatoes

Opponents of the appearance of tomatoes on the table say that they contain a natural poison. However, it is worth remembering that natural poison is present in most plants, and it stays there until a certain time - while the plant needs to defend itself from pests. In other words, greens are really insecure. However, any fruit and vegetable is not safe if eaten unripe! There are no substances dangerous for a healthy person in red, ripe tomatoes.

Thus, it is possible to talk about how harmful tomatoes are only in the context of certain diseases - there are indeed conditions in which tomatoes should be abandoned.

In general, tomatoes are useful. They contain an impressive complex of vitamins - A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E, PP, H and K. In addition, if minerals are calcium, sodium, potassium. Magnesium, fluorine, chlorine, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, iodine, copper, selenium, chromium, fluorine, manganese, molybdenum and many others.

Who is bad for eating tomatoes?

It is worth noting that tomatoes are recognized as a natural allergen, so for those who suffer from allergies, it is better to limit them in their diet. This is exactly the case when the answer to the question “Is it harmful to eat a lot of tomatoes?” will be affirmative, even if there is no reaction to them yet.

Tomatoes can also negatively affect the health of people suffering from arthritis or indigestion due to the disruption of water-salt metabolism, which can provoke the use of tomatoes. In all other cases, you can use this product without fear.

This article about the benefits and harms of tomatoes is written for all lovers of tomatoes and products from them. I don’t know about you, but I learned about the beneficial properties of this nightshade berry relatively recently. When you go to the market, you ask questions not about the chemical composition of the fruit, but about its taste and freshness. Multi-colored salads, ketchup, delicious juice, preservation, stews, pasta and even jam, all this is not the whole list of dishes in which this juicy miracle is used.

I know people who, with the onset of the tomato season, simply do not get off their beds, where they grow red, yellow, brown, orange, pink vegetables of various sizes and shapes, to enjoy the tomato "blood".

Do not be alarmed if I sometimes call a tomato a vegetable, since 90% of the world's population thinks so, and I was sure of it, a few years ago, before I seriously got hooked on self-development, but in scientific terminology, a tomato is, of course, a berry .

In general, according to statistics, the tomato is one of the most beloved and frequently consumed foods, but for those who are looking for useful properties in food, the tomato has prepared many more surprises.

A tomato will gladly give a whole bunch of micro and macro elements, which successfully replace a number of exotic fruits. Although this nightshade culture has become more than native in our area, it can also be considered exotic, because it was brought to us from South America, during the reign of Catherine II.

Today, the tomato adorns almost any holiday table, and has also entered a number of dishes popular in public catering. However, there are many good things, so before you enrich your diet with a healthy vegetable, find out in this article under what conditions you can invite it to your refrigerator, and under what conditions it is not desirable and even harmful.

Tomatoes good or bad?

We will not delve too deeply into the chemistry of this fruit, but rather we will talk about what beneficial effects these berries filled with sunlight present to our body. What brings us an ordinary tomato benefit or harm?

The color of a tomato directly tells us what it has inside.. Fiber, pectin, lycopene, carotene- those are substances that color the fruit and tell people who can eat them and who can't.

The high content of vitamins A, B, C, E, K and various elements of the periodic table create a beneficial effect on the protection, purification and prevention of the human body.

Harm of red tomatoes

The red color of tomatoes, for example, indicates an excess of lycopene., which, by the way, is not very fond of allergy sufferers, therefore Allergy sufferers are advised to avoid meeting with a red tomato, but you need to eat tomatoes, it's just better to replace the red color with yellow, pink or orange, so it will be calmer.

For stomach ulcers, red varieties are also not recommended, but if you need to avoid the formation of a blood clot, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce appetite or increase male abilities, eat red tomatoes mercilessly.

The benefits of tomatoes

For those who quit smoking, red tomatoes or tomatoes, as they are also often called, will help remove toxins, remove nervousness and reduce the risk of cancer..

True, the benefits of tomatoes are sometimes overshadowed by the fact that most varieties of tomatoes, due to the high content of oxalic, malic and citric acids, can disrupt water-salt metabolism, and this can lead to the formation of stones, so it is advisable not to use for people with a passive lifestyle.

Those who have high acidity are also not recommended to hunt for red tomatoes, otherwise they will be tortured by heartburn, but other, “sweet” colors can be consumed very well.

Healing properties of tomato

Tomato juice- it's generally a product that contains such a number of all kinds of usefulness that even in some elements it surpasses such products as fish, chicken and milk. The benefits of tomato juice are such that it is prescribed even in official medicine and hospitals with a low content of vitamin A in a patient.

By the way, a lack of vitamin A can be checked by a six-second adaptation to an unlit room. If vision after 6 seconds of darkness does not "get used", then you need to replenish your supply of vitamin A and drink a daily glass of tomato juice with parsley. Well, we will talk about tomato juice and, so to speak, the benefits of liquid tomatoes in a separate article.

What goes with tomatoes

When you just think about the juicy, translucent fruits of tomatoes, about their tasty and cool grains, which pleasantly satisfy hunger and thirst, then there is a danger of swallowing your tongue.

There are a lot of options for using tomatoes in cooking, and this article did not aim to create a gastronomic map of tomatoes. However, the assimilation and combination of different products with nightshade berries, as well as the quality of tomatoes, is one of the most relevant topics on the Internet today. In this chapter, we will try to combine information about Signor Pomodoro and its interaction with other products.

Tomatoes are best combined with vegetable oil, vegetables, meat and fish.. The fact is that thanks to various kinds of acids, tomatoes do an excellent job with proteins and this combination is desirable. When preparing a material about tomatoes, the repeated statement about the combination of tomatoes with dairy products “smiled”.

Probably one wrote, the other picked it up and off we go) It just needs to be clarified. By itself, milk with a tomato will make your stomach, to put it mildly, surprised at such a brazen trick and believe that you will not be pleased with what he tells you!

It can even be said that milk is not combined with almost anything, as it does not allow food to be digested, enveloping its particles, and this leads to rotting of food inside the stomach. But sour-milk products may well form the basis of friendship with a tomato.

You can derive the main rule for combining tomatoes with other products. Do not mix tomatoes with starches and carbohydrates, then you will be fine.

Tomatoes are dangerous to health

The wild popularity of tomato fruits did not come to us immediately. At the beginning of its journey through Europe, the tomato was considered just a plant, and for some time even poisonous and dangerous to health.. There is nothing surprising here, because The tomato is a close relative of belladonna itself, known for its poisonous properties., and from the stems of a tomato, you can make a decoction to repel insects.

True, the Colorado potato beetle chews tomato stalks no worse than potato ones. So after all, this is Colorado, and for this they invented it so that he chews everything that looks like a potato!

An interesting story happened with tomatoes and J. Washington. One bad person wanted to poison him and decided to do it with "poisonous" tomatoes. George happily ate a dish richly flavored with tomatoes, smacking his lips, got up, said "thank you" and subsequently became president, and the poisoner, afraid that his plan was discovered, laid hands on himself, and still managed to die because of "dangerous tomatoes".

Tomato is useful and fashionable

Tomato as a food was known to the Aztecs, and in the fifth century BC, the Chileans were also well acquainted with "living sun". Having come a long way in eleven centuries, the vegetable came to Europe and there, among the Italians, got its name "pommy d'oro". In our area, the tomato first appeared in the Crimea and from there went for a walk among the people, thanks to the agronomist A. T. Bolotov and E. Grachev, who was engaged in plant breeding.

To date, the tomato has filled almost all the national cuisines of the world, delighting the consumer, first of all, with its taste. The beneficial properties of this culture, which are legendary even in official medicine, and which includes many dozens of subspecies of almost all colors of the rainbow, have become a pleasant addition to gastronomic pleasure, which grows by absorbing the best that our planet and the hot golden Sun gives us.