
The main character of Anime Attack Titans. Anime Overview Shingeki No Kyojin ("Attack Titans", "Invasion of Giants", "Attack on Titan")

Where to begin

Good day, dear aniboxy and guests of our site! In this article, you can learn all or partial truth about Anime "An invasion of the Giants". The first season of the cult series was released in 2013 and immediately had a huge popularity of the fans of the anime industry.

An unusual plot, dynamics and action, conquered the hearts of many. The basis of the series lay down manga Isayama Hudzime Shingeki No Kyojin. At the moment, two seasons of anime series came out. The third season invasion of giants is expected in 2018. The exact release date is still in question.

All the information shown below is taken from manga. Nevertheless, the author does not swear for her accuracy. If you didn't read the manga at all and did not look anime, please do not read this article to avoid spoilers. The article is written for curious and bold people.

IMIR and the world behind the walls:

★ The origin of Giagants
★ Great War Giants
★ World over the walls
★ Titanium progenitor strength and coordinate
★ Targets of the invasion of Bertholta Hoover, Rainer Brown, Annie Leonhart

Everyone remembers why the first season of the series began? With the fact that Erena's friend - Armert's Arleta teases for his faith in the fact that there is life outside the walls. And in fact - it is.

The history of the emergence of reasonable giants begins with IMIR FERIT. The young girl of the royal blood makes a deal with a demon, receiving power from him Giant grandparents. IMIR power was so much that with his help Eldia was able to capture another country - Marily.

But after the death of IMIR Fritz, her strength was divided between 9 Giants, then formed Eldy Empire. For many centuries, the Eldius empire led the war with Marily, almost completely destroying her nation and capturing his entire continental mainland. The Eldius Empire has once resorted to genocide, against Marlia.

One of the 9 titans could have "Coordinate", special force, which allowed to manage not only titans, but also by the memory of people. Soon, discord began in the country. IMIR strength was transferred from the ruler to the ruler, until he switched to 145th king family Fritzwho inherited the strength of the truth titanium. He is the first king.

From greed and desire to rule alone, the first king transfers the capital of the state to the island Paradis, without worrying about maintaining order in Old, than his ancestors were engaged over the centuries.

Previously swallowed Marli begin to rebel against the Eldians, thereby starting Great War Titans. Marlia is able to seize 7 out of 9 giants from Eldland and thereby refracting the course of the war in their favor. To defend, the first king, with the help of the coordinate force, controls the colossal giants, building them into three rings, thereby forming three walls: Maria, rose, tire.

The first king told the rulers MarliaThat if they try to continue the war, then it will use the power of the coordinates and will release titans from the walls. King Star Memory to all residents over the walls, replacing it with knowledge, as if the whole world was captured by the giants and there are no more surviving people except them. The only ones who are not subject to manipulation with consciousness - asians and family of ackermans.

Marlia, by itself, - very developed country: Electricity, cars, houses and all kinds of technical equipment, all this allows the Eldians to surpass. But under the island of Paradis, there is a huge supply of fossil and reflection, the Government of Marlia sends to the walls of his soldiers, with the aim of capturing the coordinates: Bertolta Hoover, Rainer Brown, Annie Leonhart and Marseille (who was eaten by IMIR).

Who are Titans?

Once upon a time, before the start of the main events of the series, a project was founded. "The destruction of mankind". Titans were created by the project participants from ordinary people. There is a well-known method of turning into an unreasonable giant. It is enough to put the Titan's cerebrospinal fluid to a person so that it turns out. But it remains in question how Mother Springer's mother became a giant.

Where did the sensible titans come from?

We now know that all Titans are people. The transformation in a reasonable giant is similar to transform into unreasonable. To get the forces of rational titanium and the ability to return the human appearance, it is necessary to dare the owner of the power of a reasonable giant. For example, Grisha Yeger "Father Erena, his son conveyed his power, turning him in an unreasonable giant and allowing him to eat himself." It is not necessary to absorb a person entirely. Enough to eat it spinal fluid. The origin of the giants goes back to antiquity and Imir Fritz, who was the first man-giant.

Why in the walls of Titans?

The 145th king of Fritz family, he is the first king, erected three walls: Maria, Rosa and Tire, for the safety of their people. Resorted to power Pratcher Titan, The 145th king ordered them to be built into the colony, covering himself armor. In the event of an attack from outside, the first king will awaken titans from the walls with the help of coordinate.

Brushless giant - who is he?

Zik Yegher. - He is the general of the detachment of Marlia, represented by Bertolt Hoover, Rainer Brown, Annie Leonhart and Marseille, who were sent over the walls to capture the coordinates. It is a hairy, animal giant and part-time, the only brother of Erena, from Grisha Yeger and Dina Fritz (Grisha's first wife).

What is in the basement of Erena?

This question interests many fans of the invasion of giants - what's in the basement of Erena Yeheger? In his basement, Erena's father hid three books. In one of them there is a photograph of Grisha, Dina and their Son Zika. On the reverse side Signed note that humanity, outside the walls - did not extinct. Books are most likely in the history of the world and Marry alone.

Some guesses and my assumptions:

Let me make a few assumptions. I want to warn that they do not have an accurate justification and you have the full right to do not rely on them, as on reliable information.
What did I read IMI on the canned bank that Rainer was surprised?
Everyone remembers the series of the second season Anime, where is the intestine in the castle of Utgard? IMIR reads on a bank with canned "unknown letters". IMIR was born and lived for a long time in Marlia, before her serum wolf and threw off from the wall. It is likely that a separate writing language is developed in Marlia and Rainer understood that the girl knows too much.

Why do they need Crista (Historia)?
The power of the giants was transferred from generation to generation. Frida Reiss is the sacred sister of Historia and the last coordinate carrier. Probably, Marli believed that the coordinate went to the sister Frida.


Every man-giant is given 13 years of life, after which his power begins to fade, and man himself dies. That is why the force is transmitted.

★ On the official website Anime mentioned that Imir is in love with a crime. As well as George Wada on Animagic 2014 confirmed that IMIR and Crysta - a couple.

★ Grisha's first wife - Dina FritzAs being an unreasonable giant, Earena's mother ate - the real, at that time, the wife of Grisha.
# Family dissolon, # jealousy, # criminal woofer.

Perhaps someone already knows this from manga, and for someone it will be a revelation. In any case, thank you for your attention and reading. And smaller spoilers in anime!

Japanese comics in Russia did not find widespread. However, lovers of this direction of the city of the rising sun can find bright representatives on the Internet. One of these is the "Attack of Titans". Characters as well general About the comic, will be covered in our article.

Attacking Giant

The style of this manga is officially considered postpocalyptic. And the truth is, if you look pretty much, you can find similarities with Hollywood blockbusters, often talking about the future, which will come soon. A similar fictional universe was drawn in the comic "Attack Titans". The characters of this project from among the few survivors swore to do everything to preserve life on the surviving land.

Fighting cannibals

Whoever wanted to enslave our planet! Starting from the people themselves and ending with alien races. Once the whole world was destroyed by huge titanium giants, two accounts dealt with peacewaves. For their defense, a city was built with colossal in height and relics with walls. For them hid the remnants of those who managed to survive in this battle. The outside world is in the power of cannibals. When they still destroy the last shelters, surviving remains to create an army of resistance to keep their nation ...

This is how the characters Anime "Attack Titans" became someone like John Connor from the third part of the famous "Terminator". It is noteworthy, in contrast to him, they still teenagers, but already showed the power and courage, which are capable of in this unequal fight.

For the first time with representatives of Humanoid, they met a hundred years before the events of Manga. At the same time, mass capture of the planet began. Residents of the towns built high walls and created weapons that could be destroyed by giants. It was allowed to go beyond the walls only specially trained soldiers.


Acknowledge the story described in this manga is quite interesting. In other words, it is not similar to scenario fiction. And although the plot is mostly fantasy, you gradually begin to believe in it. This is how the spectators' project was evaluated, encountered with the comic "Attack Titans".

The characters who became the main fighters are represented by teenagers. After the town walls were destroyed, Eren goes to the ferry to move to another safe place. Armin and Mikas are joined to him. Five years later, they become a watchdog's new built fortress "Rose". Once the giants attack occurs. Eren discovers the ability to turn into one of them. He cannot explain this fact, but helps to send the battle to another direction.

"Atak Titanov": the biography of characters

Eren Jagger

The purposeful, zealous, but impulsive and explosive character, which becomes such after the destruction of his family and at home. From now on, a young man literally pulls to explore the world to find any hook that helps defeat the giants. Destroy them is the first priority of Erena. In childhood, the boy saved from the slave trade Mikasa, who became his friend. Trying to understand where it is possible to be one of the cannibals. While Eren reveals the secrets of reincarnation, he learns to restrain his emotions and the power, which will undoubtedly affect the further victory over the enemies.

Mikas Akkerman.

Leading female character, semi-eviac. Earen who saved her believes not just a friend. The girl secretly in love with him, but he does not notice feelings, because it is absorbed by revenge. Mikas constantly follows Eren, cares about him and guards him, in every way hiding his love. A good fighter, a talented strategist, knows how to maintain composure.

Armin Mantle

The only one of the troika is physical weakness. He himself suffers from this, seeing his incompetence. Remies to friends. In rare cases, provides them with full support. Partly hates themselves, but keeps in Erena and Mikasi. If desired, it is chances to become a worthy fighter.

Diverse "Titanan Attack"

The list of characters is not limited to Erene, Mikasa and Army. Threesome, they simply could not get out on the battlefield with cannibal giants. In support of them, the creators of the anime supplemented the general list of heroes with several characters. All of them are very important for the plot:

  1. Rainer Brown. Key antagonist. Programmed by titans to return and kidnap Erena. A character with an unstable psyche, it can be seen how two opposites are struggling in it.
  2. Bertolt Gouver. His closest friend. It is a cowarder, prefers privacy. There are many oddities behind him, which pushes on the thoughts that he is a selected spy.
  3. Annie Leonhart. The girl seeks to get into the military police. It became one of those who were entrusted to destroy Erena. Passed the task, after which it blocked itself in a crystal, thus keeping information about the existence of the Giant Titans.
  4. Jean Kerstein. In love with Mikasu, rustically belongs to Erenu. Nevertheless, in many respects it agrees. Participates in confrontation with cannibals, a member of the intermarpter.
  5. Crista Lenz, a good girl who does not refuse to help others. The leaving from the notable family Rice, but was expelled from her in childhood, because he was an illegitimate child.

Standard Genre

The success of "Titanan Attacks" was so great that the publisher, the comic release, published a series of Romanov. Some of them were subject to adaptation. The production contains a full-length film and anime series.

"The best of everything that ever was created in this genre" - such headlines of the napli reviews of the manga "Attack Titans". Characters, place of action, the overall picture remain in memory for a long time. Not template, and the fresh plot is filled with a mass of riddles. The presence of humor dilutes the general atmosphere, which in separate scenes was very oppressive and spectacular. All fans of Japanese anime "Attack Titans" will definitely have to do!

I'll tell you a little about the main characters.

Eren Yegen (Yap. エレン · イェーガ) - the main character Stories. Eren seeks to destroy Titans and explore the world around. His philosophy is "The struggle - life, loss - death." At 9 years old saved Mikasa, the girl, whose family was killed by the workman travelers. He took only fifth place among the graduates of their group, since he has no special talents in the field of combat skills, but it compensates for it with great diligence and purposefulness.
Later, it discovers the ability to turn into a 15-meter titanium. Eren believes that this ability can be the result of injections that the father introduced him. In principle, the protagonist could not fully control the titanium called, but after long workouts received a wide range of abilities and absolute controls. ...
Mikas Akkerman (Yap. ミカサ · アッカー マン) - a child who was sheltered by the Yeger's family after the death of parents, an unofficially sophisticated sister of Erena, the main female character anime. Mikas - half Asian and the last representative of their race. Before she was accepted in the family of Yeggers, the mother and father of the girls died from the hands of the workers. In the same evening, with the help of Erena, Mikas returned himself freedom, killing one of the kidnappers who decided to sell the girl after the death of their parents. Mikasa's parents murder left an indelible mark in her soul. Mowers his scarf that Eren presented her.
Armin Mantle (Yap. アルミン · アルレルト Arumina Aruraruto?) - best friend Erena, physically and emotionally weak, although his strategic intuition has repeatedly saved friends and team. He considers himself completely incompetent and hates himself for what relies on others. According to soldier's standards, the Armin does not have high physical abilities, but strong in the tactics of the battle. Beings to lose the best friends of Erena and Mikasa.
Secondary heroes.

Erwin Smith (Yap. エルワイン · スミス) Also known as Erwin Commander. Former intelligence officer commander. Erwin is a deep and respected man. Despite the concern for their own soldiers, is able to sacrifice themselves without hesitation for the sake of the future of mankind. Leaves Erena to a reconnaissance detachment.
Hannes - Garrison security officer. He has bravery - when Titans attacked the wall of Maria, could not find courage to fight with Titan to save the mother of Erena, but he saved Erena and Mikasa, dragging them from Titan. Eren meets him several times before joining the intelligence detachment, and every time Hannes thinks about how Eren is changing over time. The same titan is alone as the mother of Erena.
Raiwe.Akkerman (Yap. リヴァイ · \u200b\u200bアッカー マン) Captain of the reconnaissance detachment, as well as the commander of a special detachment. Known as "chopper", rather cut and rude, respects the discipline, which makes it an impregnable person, however, appreciates human lifeBecause without disgust shakes the swollen hand of a dying friend to calm down in the last minutes of life.
SashaBlaus (Yap. サシャ · ブラウス Translation - Braus) Cadel 104th Corps, who took the ninth place among graduates. It is a comic character. It often behaves too eccentric, it happens inappropriately polite, extremely generous and responsive. Consumes a lot of food because he has grown in the conditions of Dich's deficiency. Often steals food from the dining room. He received the nickname "Potato" after a small incident: on the first day, upon receipt, the eating potatoes in the ranks was noticed, after which it was sent to run for five hours and linaked.
Jean.Krastein (Yap. ジャン · キルシュタイン) Cadets the 104th Corps, who took the sixth place among graduates. Says what he thinks despite the fact that aware negative consequencesAs it is the cause of shacks with Erenom, in addition to their strong difference in lifestyles, however, is an honest person.
AnnieLeonhart (Yap. アニ · レオン ハート) Cadet 104th Corps, who has taken the fourth place among graduates. Enters the military police. It is considered closed, apathetic, does not invest any effort, neutrally refers to training and disciplines. Instead, focuses only on providing a service in a military police for easy life. Right from the same village that Rainer Brown and Bertolt Gouver. During the defense of the Cost sent to the auriragard along with Mikasoy to protect evacuating residents. He is a female feature of Titan.
Titans- (Yap. 巨人) is a little known: they attack instinctively and, although they devour people, in principle do not need food and can survive due to the absorption sunlight. Filling out your stomach, Titans are strained in the form of a huge ball. In animals, Titans do not react at all. They have rigid skin and ability to regenerate, so they can only be killed by applying a deep cut into the base of the neck. The smallests have a height of 3 meters, and the largest famous titanium - colossus, - over 50 meters. Some titans are very similar to people, some head or torso can be disproportionately huge. It is known that Titan does not need food or water to survive. Their main source of energy is the sun, otherwise they fall into the hibernation.

Humanity Palo. Earth no longer belongs to people. For a hundred years, the survivors have been forced to keep their existence for three rows of giant stone walls, protecting them from the threat. The enemy of people is simply monstering: one day there were huge titans on earth and began to devour anyone who will come to hand. And progress was replaced by decadent - technology remained at the level of the nineteenth century, the strongest weapon of humanity are cannons that are not enough in a battle with a similar enemy. Would you like to live in such a world? I would not want. And the heroes of Anime Shingeki. No. Kyojin. ("Attack of Titans", "Invasion of Giants", "Attack on Titan") You do not have to choose: you either fight, or you will go for a snack Titanam ... By the way, 2 season of Titanan attacks online can be found on the site, in the best quality.

Brief information

Shingeki. No. Kyojin. was released in 2013 studio PRODUCTION I.. G., and consists of 25 episodes and several side scene lines. "Attack of Titans" - Anime is not quite common. The main purpose of its release was to raise sales of not very well-selling manga. The result exceeded all expectations. No one expects an anime such a loud success. By fame with the attack of Titans in 2013, no one could compete. Thanks to Anime, the company that produces manga finally was able to increase his profits for the first time in many years.

Apparently, not everyone liked this success. I saw with my own eyes that the "attack of titans" was recognized on the results of popular voting on the results of national voting, the most revalued anime in history. And, honestly, it is not entirely clear to me. Yes, in Shingeki No Kyojin there are a number of shortcomings, but also good features in this anime abound. Criticizing the "attack of titans" is almost also fashionable how to criticize. I am right sleep and see how some Hakeyer sits on the forums and screams such messages: "After all, it is mainstream, anime for cattle" . Although what to take with these, let them asserts. To be honest, "Attack Titans" is one of the few Anime, which I am without a thinking to a person who is not familiar with the anime industry and looking for what to see him.


Okay, the lyrics are enough, it's time to move towards the facts. Let's start with the consideration of characters. Their number is huge. First of all, this is due to the fact that people in that world are dying constantly, and new people come to replace them. However, it is worth noting that all secondary characters are spelled out well. There is no feeling that these are soulless mannequins that pronounce learned pattern phrases, and necessary only as food for titans. In anime, in which the psychology, a variety of heroes and their characters play an important role. In my opinion, "Attack Titans" is coping with this with a bang.

Secondary heroes are good. What about the main? There are only three of them, let's look at them in more detail:

Eren Yegen. He finds himself in the epicenter of events, when a huge colossus makes a hole in the outer wall "Maria". Titan sie eren's mother right in his eyes. Having risen by his powerlessness, Eren swore to destroy all the titans in this world. To do this, he entered the academy in which it is taught to fight with titans one on one with the help of the winch and swords system. Not even possessing a developed mind, due to their perseverance and courage (sometimes on the verge of recklessness), it manages to get into the ranks of the best.

What can I say: original and interesting ideas I did not notice in the main hero. Used type idealist, all forces trying to become stronger. Perhaps the only unusual thing that I would like to note is the gradual awareness of Eren that for victory over the monsters it is necessary to become a monster. Not only physically, but morally. It is very well displayed in the last series of the season. That is, over time, Eren turns out of a person with high moral implications in something beastly, and I liked it. But if you discard this fact, it can be easily seen that Eren is the usual "Aaaaaa kill all villains" A character who is inherent to pronounce all sorts of pathetic phrases during battles that are closer to the end begin to bother. Oh yeah, he sometimes begins to shy unbearable.

Armin Mantle. Friend of childhood erena. They dreamed together to get out of the walls to travel around the fields, seas and deserts. It has a developed mind, but physically inferior to his peers. Because of this, it was often an object of bullying, from which Eren and Mikas had protected in every way. Together with Eren, decides to enter the academy to fight titanis, and it makes it rather for the company than from the desire to take revenge.

Personally, the Armin seemed to me a little more non-standardthan Eren A particularly underestimation of himself a clever, who is constantly maintained and reminded of his genius. I think each of you in school was familiar excellent, most exciting because of the exam results, but always getting the highest score. Here is the army from those. But what I liked most, so this is how well shown contrast of Armin with Erenom: Sannity against hotness, fear against combat madness, mind against power. If Eren begins to seem to the murder, then the Armin remains much more humane.

Mikas Akerman.Summary sister Erena. After the bandits kill her family, and Eren saves her from death, Erena's parents decide to take Mikas to care. For this, it is filled with love and gratitude to Erenu, and seeks to defend him everywhere. Together with him enters the academy, where it becomes very quickly better due to its incredibly fast equipment ownership device for flight.

Mikas is very cool fits into the atmosphere of that cruel world. Of course, sometimes its behavior in relation to Erena seems somewhat fanatical, but it can be written off to the fear of losing the last close man. She speaks less than everyone, but does the most. Always respected such people. In general, from all the Trinity Mikas annoys the least.

As you can see, among the main characters, you will not find any superstresses. However, I really liked that as the plot not covered on one of them. Accent gradually shifts from one character to another. Damn, at a certain point, I generally began to think that the main character in Anime is not Eren, but Armin. There is a moment there in the plot, which turned out to be a complete surprise for me, and forced to make mistaken conclusions. I am sure that I would not be able to look behind the moral torments of Erena, so I would not be able to transfer an accent from one main character to another was fully justified, which is complemented by well-prescribed secondary characters. Do not be bored!


The plot can be easily divided into two parts - successful and vague. When viewed, I had the feeling that the screenwriters were sowhelmed from the success that they were frightened, and decided to slowly slow down the development of the plot. If approximately the middle it is just shot with bright and unexpected events, then from viewing the remaining episodes I have the impression that I look Naruto. I watched the first part of the series with an open mouth, swallowing a series behind the series. I watched the second part with an increasing bewilderment, because I did not understand how such a dynamic anime can be so slowed down. Events that used to fit in one series began to smear on three or four. The only worthy substantiation, which comes to mind: Studio felt the smell of money, and decided to earn money. And how is it easiest possible to do this? That's right, increasing the number of series and reducing the number of events. Quality suffers, but you can longer make a successful Tistle. It is a pity that everything happens more and more often.


Rovica in anime excellent.For any screenshot, it can be concluded that this frame is from the "Attack of Titans". When Anime has its own unique style Rivers, thanks to which you will not confuse him with anything, it says about the huge work done by artists. There are many characters, but their appearance is very different, and everyone has their own chip. Take the same Mikas with her scarf or Ani Lyonhart with her humpback nose. All characters are clearly drawn, the backgrounds are filled with small details. Especially I would like to note the animation during battles - it's just unmatched. There is a feeling that you are literally flying next to the hero.


Music is not inferior to the rice. OST lasts about two and a half hours, which is for anime from 25 episodes where it is not bad. From the opening, I still have goosebumps by body. The soundtrack to the "Attack of Titans" is one of my favorites, periodically listen to it at work.


In Anime simply elegantly weathered atmosphere. Everything, literally, everything is aimed at maintaining this atmosphere: ranging from a specific rice and animation, and ending with unexpected strokes. Not so often you will meet the situation when riversification, music and action so harmoniously complement each other. I did not leave the feeling of tension, it seemed that something unexpected would happen here. Here and there blood sheds, people murut hundreds, titans fall with cut necks. When viewing, literally immerse yourself in the atmosphere of that world, it seems that you are walking with the heroes between buildings and chop Titans, and that you come together with them every minute. Closer to the end of the feeling dulled, but at the moments of urban battles, adrenaline and rushing. Very rarely, I got similar sensations from viewing anime, the effect is comparable to watching the movie in the cinema in 3D on a huge screen.


I also liked psychological component anime. In the cruel world of "Attacks of Titans" you will see all possible mortal sins. People are different: Some strive to fight, do not spare their own skins, while others are clogged into the corner of fear, praying for mercy. There are those who are voluntarily taken for the hardest and dangerous tasks, and there are freebies, ready to hide for the very last series of walls. Especially sad when the briefs turn out to be in the ranks of the bosses. Oh, how I wanted Eren to demolish the head of the Second Wall Defense Head, who began to shoot the survivors from the gun, while hiding behind the walls at the first opportunity. And since Anime is able to cause hatred to their characters, it means that it copes with its task. Make a qualitative villain much more difficult than making a positive hero. Not many are aware of it.


Obviously, the whole thing listed with interest is enough to call the "Titanan attack" a worthy candidate for viewing. But there is a number of significant drawbacks in this anime, because of which it is subjected to harsh criticism. Firstly,as I noted, there is a sharp slow plot In the second part of the anime. How heroes on horses for a whole series run away from titanium, moving at the same time with arrogant phrase, can not not be infected. That's true, right as in Naruto: one hero speaks the phrase, then the camera runs over the other participants of the conversation within a minute. Then there is a small action, and again the camera runs along each hero, showing the changed expression of their individuals.

Second disadvantage i will call patheucy.This sins again the second half anime. Once events becomes less, the time being vacant is to fill something. Scripts decided this problem the most simple way: added a bunch of unnecessary chatter on the theme of high matters. All these Ponte and mental torments, besides irritation, did not cause me.

And, finally, sometimes in anime humor appears, which is completely none to the place.You are taking people into pieces here, and you jokes joke. For the first time I noticed it in the series about the camp, where the characters are trained by the skill of battles with titans. Yes, it is clear that in this way the creators of the anime are trying to make characters closer to the viewer. But jokes about, sorry, the perdeal look absolutely ridiculous. Thank God that in the future it is minimized.