
Interesting events and holidays on April 19.

Decorative Cultures for Garden

This event that happened on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the Easter Week of 1917 in the Hall of the Merchant Assembly (now the National Philharmonic of Ukraine) was the epoch milestone of the national revival of Ukraine, one of the most important events initial stage Ukrainian revolution. All-Ukrainian National Congress became the first representative forum of Ukrainian movement in Ukraine, which turned the Ukrainian Central Rada (created in Kiev on March 17, 1917) from the regional to the All-Ukrainian Organization. The Congress, which was gathered by 900 delegates from political, cultural and professional organizations from all over Ukraine, as well as from Ukrainian Bessarabia, Dona and Kuban, resolutely spoke in favor of providing Ukraine with autonomous status within the framework of the future Russian Federal Republic and proclaimed the Central Rada of the All-Ukrainian regional representative body. At the same time, re-election of the Presidium of the Central Council took place. Mikhail Grushevsky remained the chairman, and his deputies were the radical Social Democrat Vladimir Vinnichenko and Social Liberal Sergey Efremov. From this point on, felt widely supported on the ground and anticipating the creation of a wide network of Ukrainian committees at the rural, district and provincial levels, the Central Rada began to be aware of themselves by the highest representative body of the Ukrainian people of those territories where Ukrainians accounted for most people. Consequently, its future confrontation and the fight against the Council of the United Public Organizations, the meetings of which already at the end of spring, representatives of Ukrainian organizations stopped visiting, became inevitable.

Today is the day of memory Methodius (about 815-885), preacher of Christianity, Archbishop Moravian, Slavic enlightener and creator slavic ABC, Senior Brother Kirill. If Kirill was one hundred percent humanitarian - he was educated at school under the imperial courtyard of Constantinople, and then worked as a Patriarch librarian and taught philosophy, and then even on a diplomatic service, Methodius was first a military, the ruler of one of the Slavic regions near the Fesaloniki. However, a brilliant military career satisfied him and he, in search of the meaning of life, decided to become a monk. But for a short time I had to stay with an ordinary monk, I had a sharp mind, organizing talent, besides, it was very devout - and he was prescribed by the Igumen of the polychorn monastery in Malaya Asia. Subsequently, the brothers united in educational activities - they translated the liturgical books to Slavic language, they themselves wrote the original works, preached Orthodoxy, speaking against the German Catholic clergy, discovered at the churches of the school, prepared students. The original works of the brothers are not preserved, but there is an opinion that Methodius is the author of the anthem in honor of Dmitry Solunsky. Brothers Translated the Gospel, Apostle, Liturgy, Official, Fragments of Husley and Celebrations. Methodius, together with the disciples, translated the Bible. With its activities, Kirill and Methodius laid the foundations of the original Slavic writing and literature, in particular Bulgarian. In Bulgaria, the Order "Kirill and Methodius" is one of the most honorable state awards. The name Kirill and Methodius wore a secret political organization Ukrainian intelligentsia in Kiev - Cyril Methodius Brotherhood (a member of the fraternity was Taras Shevchenko). The memory of Saints Kirill and Methodius annually commemorate on May 24 in all Slavic countries. Then the day of Slavic writing and culture is also celebrated in Ukraine.

Events of the day:

On April 19, 1943, an uprising began in Warsaw Ghetto, which continued until May 16. It was brutally suppressed by the regular parts of the SS. One of the leaders of the uprising Mordechai Anelevich in a letter to his deputy Izhaku Zuckerman wrote: "What we have experienced, surpassed our most brave expectations ... The main thing was the dream of my life: I lived before the day when the Ghetto's Jews rose to their defense And they led the struggle in all her greatness and glory. " One of the rebels of Aria Wilner noticed: "We are not going to save themselves ... no one will survive from us. We want to save the honor of the people. "

Jubilees of the day:

24 6 years since birth David Ricardo (1772-1823), English economist, one of the founders of the classical political economy, the main work is "the foundations of political economy and taxation." The follower and at the same time opponent Adam Smith. Supporter of labor theory of value. David Ricardo did not know about finance and economics: he was born in the Portuguese-Jewish family of exchange broker. Was the third of 17 children. Before his birth, the family lived in Holland. In this country, he studied up to 14 years. Then he arrived in London and began to help his father on the London Stock Exchange. At 16, he was already the right hand of his father and could independently conduct certain trade and stock operations. However, at 21, David refuses traditional Judaism, goes into Protestantism and marries the Englishman. For the family it was an annoying surprise. Father deprives him of the right to inheritance, mother does not speak; He is expelled from home. But by that time, David managed to earn and save certain funds (approximately 800 pounds), which allowed him to support him without extinct support. In addition, he was a talented exchange broker. Up to 38 years old David Ricardo becomes a notable London financier. In 42 he moved away from active activities, devoting himself scientific research in the field of economic theory. His condition exceeded a million pounds, he bought a large mansion in Gloucestershire and led the life of a rich landowner. In 1819 he was elected a member of the House of Commons (he bought a deputy, but then began to oppose such a custom). Often acted on economic issues. Seriously interested in the economy, David Ricardo began from 1799 after reading the book of Adam Smith's "Wealth of Peoples". Ricardo was a supporter of the concept of complete economic liberalism, an opponent of any state intervention in the economy.

87 years since birth Rostislav Ivanovich Dotsenko (1931-2012), Ukrainian translator and criticism. Translated the novels "Portrait of Dorian Gray" Wilde, "The Last Mogican" Cooper, "Thieves" and " Home»Folkner," Hoping Hope "Dickens, Collectors of the Story of Edgar O., Irish Small Prose.

Death anniversary:

Day of Remembrance Nikolai Kostomarova (1817-1885), Ukrainian historian, ethnographer, writer, public figure, one of the founders of the Kirillo Methodius fraternity (wrote its program documents "Book of Genesis of the Ukrainian People", "Rules" and two appeals). He graduated from Kharkov University. Adjunct Professor of Kiev University. Professor of the University of St. Petersburg, employee of the "Basis" magazine, editor of the collection "Acts of South and Western Russia". The huge scientific heritage of Kostomarov contains fundamental works on the history of Ukraine of the XVI-XVIII centuries - Bogdan Khmelnitsky, "Mazepa and Mazepins", "Hetmanhood Yuri Khmelnitsky", "Pavel Semi-bull" and others. Author of the collections of poems "Ukrainian ballads" and "Branch" , Historical drams "Savva Chali", "Pereyaslavskaya Night", the agent, fairy tales. Almost 10. recent years The life of Kostomarov lived in the village of Dedovtsy under Priluki (generic estate of his wife), where he recovered after the stroke. Contemporaries of the historian in their memoirs willingly talk about the Kostomarov-man, noting his phenomenal memory, and at the same time numerous "professorship" eccentrics. Living in Deadovtsy, Kostomarov loved to walk through the forest, collecting flowers that shoved in the loops and pockets of the jacket, or in a hat. Afraid of heat and quarreled with relatives for open windows; Contrary to the prohibition of doctors every morning poured cold water. There was a naughty food: it was necessarily demanded that the fish, before they were cleared and grilled, was certainly alive (the same was required when it was a chicken broth). On the slope of the years was very scattered.

Every year on April 19, in many countries of the world, there has already been a traditional beautiful spring holiday - the Day of Snowdrop (The Day of Snowdrop). He leads his story from England, where he was established ...

An employee's workman's day is impossible to find in the list of professional holidays of Russia. However, enterprises that utilize metal waste independently appointed as such date on April 19. On this day in 1922 ...

On April 19, a professional holiday is celebrated in our country - the Day of Russian Printing, established in 2014. According to reference books, "Printing" - a branch of production related to the release of printed products: book, magazine, newspaper, ...

Name Day April 19.


The origin of the name. Gregory is a strong male name. It appeared at the time of the formation of Christianity in Russia. His origin is associated with the ancient Greek word "Grigoro", which means "awake", "be vigilant", "not sleeping". Currently enjoys moderate popularity, newborn children call them quite rarely.

Brief form name. Grisha, Gring, Grishai, Grishuna, Grishuta, Grishuha, Griny, Grinusha, Grigoruska, Grigo, Growing, Grief, Mountain.


The origin of the name.Ivan's name (John, Yohanan) has biblical origins and Hebrew roots. Translated from the Jewish language means "God's favor", "God's mercy". In Russia until 1917 among the peasants, almost every fourth man was named Ivan. It also received widespread among other peoples of the world.

Brief form name.Vanya, Vanyukh, Vanyusha, Vanya, Ivanko, Vanya, Vanyuya, Vanya, Vanya, Vanya, Vanyatka, Ivana, Ivanuha, Ivanyusha, Ivanya, Ivasik, Ivaja, Ivasha, Isha.


The origin of the name. The name has a Latin roots and means "small", "younger", "insignificant", "kid", "modest". The origin of the name is due to the fact that in Latin families they were equally called both the Father and Son. In order to distinguish them, it has become to the child to use the prefix "Paulus". According to another version, the so-called boys who were born later than all.

Brief form name. Pasha, Pavlik, Pavlun, Pavlukha, Pavlusha, Pavlyun, Paul, sleep.


The origin of the name. Male name Peter occurred from the ancient Greek Petros and means "stone", "solid", "unshakable", "reliable." The surname of Petrov was formed from him, which is considered one of the most popular in Russia, the nickname of the Russian jester - Parsley.

Brief form name.Petya, Petka, Petjuna, Petrukha, Petranya, Petty, Petrusha, Petyusha, Petyana, Peter, Petra, Petran, Petrus, Perin, Petro, Pete, Perin, Petr, Pen, Peyia.


The origin of the name. The male name of Yakov is revered in many cultures and religions of the world. His roots lead to the Hebrew language. It happened from Yaakov (Jacob) and translated from Hebrew by the phrase "holding down for the heel", "next on the heels" or "defended the Lord".

Brief form name. Yasha, Yanya, Yanik, Yacia, Yakovka, Yakun, Yakuha, Yakusha, Jasham, Jashaw, Yashonya.

Signals on April 19

  • If the day is quiet, without wind - wait early harvest Sneakers.
  • Socialization began at Clains and other trees - warm weather will come.
  • Fog in the morning foreshadows dry weather until the end of the month.
  • If there is no wind - you can expect good harvest Grain crops.
  • If the crow clings the nest on the tree high, spring is possible a lot of flood.
  • If the chickens of the spring are early somewasy, the summer is bad, and the opposite.
  • If wild ducks build their nests at the water itself, then summer will be dry, and the farther from the reservoirs - the rainy.
  • Ducks in the spring flew fat - spring will be cold, long.
  • If Evtichiy is furious, the wind beats a peasant Mount: Colosuses.
  • Evtichia is a quiet day - to grain crop.
  • If today is windy - the bread will be bad.
  • Cutelessness promises a wonderful crop of bread.

Orthodox holidays April 19

  • The memory of St. Evtichia, Archbishop of Constantinople (582 years);
  • Memory of equal to the Apostles Methodius, Archbishop of Moravian (885 years);
  • Memory of the Reverend Platonide of the Sirskaya (308 years);
  • Memory of martyr 120 Persian (344-347);
  • Memory of martyrs Jeremiah and archigue of Ierhea (III century);
  • Memory of Martyrs Peter Zhukov and Prokhor Mikhailova (1918);
  • Memory of John's Sacred Martyrs (1934) and Jacob (1943) Boykovy, Presbyters;
  • Memory of the presence of the Sevastian Karaganda, Archimandrite (1966).


Alexander Pierre Francois Baeli - French composer.
Dates of life: April 19, 1785 - December 27, 1858.

Felix Blumenfeld. - Russian pianist, composer and teacher. Brother of the composer Sigismund Bluemanfeld.
Dates of life: April 19, 1863 - January 21, 1931.

Max background Shillings - German composer, conductor and public figure.
Dates of life: April 19, 1868 - July 24, 1933.

Vasily Damaev - Russian opera singer (lyrical drama tenor) and teacher.
Life dates: April 19, 1878 - October 11, 1932.

Germain Torifer - French pianist and composer.
Dates of life: April 19, 1892 - November 07, 1983.

Afraje Badalbek Ogly Badalbayyli - Azerbaijani composer, conductor, musicologist and publicist.
Dates of life: April 19, 1907 - January 06, 1976.

Alex Corner (Alexis Corner; Alexis Andrew Nicholas Corner, Alexis Andrew Nicholas Korner) - British rock musician, founder and leader of the Blues Incorporated Group.
Dates of life: April 19, 1928 - January 1, 1984.

Alan Price - British musician, songwriter and actor. It was the keyboard player in The Animals group.
Date of birth: April 19, 1942.

Jean-Pascal Farmer - French violinist and conductor.
Date of birth: April 19, 1947.

Valery Polyansky - Russian conductor and music and public figure, artistic director, chief conductor and founder of the state academic symphonic chapel of Russia.
Date of birth: April 19, 1949.

Sergey Rudnitsky - Soviet and Russian composer and arranger, head and keyboard player Lenkomovsky ensemble "Araks".
Date of birth: April 19, 1955.

Sergey Skachkov - Russian rock musician, soloist and frontman of the Earthlings group.
Date of birth: April 19, 1956.

Africa Bambata - American DJ, who, along with Kool Herc and Grandmaster Flash, is called one of the trinity of the founders of hip-hop music.

Tony Martin (Anthony Martin Harford) - British vocalist, known for work in the Black Sabbath group.
Date of birth: April 19, 1957.

Vadim Sorokin - soloist of the Russian group "EX-BB".
Date of birth: April 19, 1959 - March 6, 2007.

Anna Gerasimova, she is Umku- Russian singer, rock musician, poet, literary critic and literary translator.
Date of birth: April 19, 1961.

Oleg Chinakov - Russian guitarist, participant of the "Secret-99" group.
Dates of life: April 19, 1964 - January 12, 2016.

Roman Zhukov - Russian musician, singer and composer.
Date of birth: April 19, 1967.

Marionas Mikutavichyu - Lithuanian singer, television lead and journalist.
Date of birth: April 19, 1971.

Irina Nelson (Irina Tyurina) - Russian singer, songwriter and producer.
Date of birth: April 19, 1972.

Yuri Usachev - Russian composer, DJ and producer.

Pavel Sokolov - Russian artist, singer, dancer and musician. Ex-solser group "on-on".
Date of birth: April 19, 1974.

Harun Codzima - Japanese singer and actress, participant of the team A Japanese pop group AKB48.
Date of birth: April 19, 1988.

Memory days

Johann Peter Kellner - German organist and composer. The father of Johann Christopa Waiter.
Dates of life: September 28, 1705 - April 19, 1772.

Lord Berners. (Gerald Hugh Teutrite Wilson) - British composer.
Dates of life: September 18, 1883 - April 19, 1950.

Aikanush Danielyan - Armenian and Soviet singer.
Dates of life: December 15, 1893 - 19 April 1958.

Israel Vestev - Soviet Russian musicologist.
Dates of life: April 17, 1911 - April 19, 1993.

Louis Epplbaum - Canadian composer and conductor.
Dates of life: April 3, 1918 - 19 April 2000.

Benny Hill (Alfred Hawthorn Hill) - English actor, singer and comedian. The creator of the popular program "Show Benny Hill".
Dates of life: January 21, 1924 - April 19, 1992.

Rishar Anthony (Richard Anthony; Ibrahim Richard BTESH, Ibrahim Richard BTesh) - French singer of Egyptian origin.
Life dates: January 13, 1938 - 19 April 2015.

Levon Helm. - American musician and actor. He was a member of the band of The Band.
Dates of life: May 26, 1940 - April 19, 2012.

Niels-Henning Ersted-Pedersen (Niels-Henning Ørsten Pedersen) - Danish jazz bassist, also known as Nhøp..
Life dates: May 27, 1946 - 19 April 2005.

Greg Ham. - Australian musician, songwriter, saxophonist and flutist Group Men At Work.
Life dates: September 27, 1953 - April 19, 2012.

El Duche (Eldon Hawk) - American singer and drummer, participant of the group The Mentors and The Screamers.
Dates of life: March 23, 1958 - 19 April 1997.

Anatoly Kuleshov - Russian musician, Chormeister and back-vocalist of the Lube Group.
Life dates: June 18, 1959 - April 19, 2009.

Pavel Usanov - Russian musician, bass guitarist of the group "Lube" (1996-2016), founder and artistic director of the Rock Group "Counter Fight".
Life dates: August 11, 1975 - 19 April 2016.


1948 - I opened the first All-Union Congress of the Soviet composers in Moscow.

1980 - Brian Johnson officially became a new vocalist of the AC / DC group.

1980 - The 25th song contest was held in the Hague.

More about these musicians and events - .

Today, on April 19, the whole world celebrates the very first flower holiday - the day of the snowdrop, and on the same day in all parks of the world celebrate the march of parks, in Russia, employees of a fray processing industry celebrate their day, and today Ukraine celebrates the environment of the environment. April 19 Cuban holiday - Victory Anniversary in Playa Chiron

Holidays April 19, 2019

Snowdrock day

Every year on April 19, a traditional beautiful spring holiday is celebrated around the world - a snowdrop day. But the history of this holiday began in 1984 in England. Depending on the climatic zone, snowdrops bloom in the world since January and ending in April. At the beginning of spring and during the period of warm sunny days. In the UK, the bloom of snowdrops accounted for at mid-April, so the holiday was confined to this period - the day of the snowdrop.

Marsh parks

This year, the march of parks takes place on April 19th. Officially, the holiday march of parks is called - days of nature reserves and national parks, it is an international public action, which is held annually within the established day. The purpose of the action is to draw the attention of all residents of the planet, the media, authorities and commercial organizations to the problems of protected natural territories and provide them with real practical assistance in the preservation of protected areas. The march of parks every year passes in almost all countries of the world, including in Russia, hundreds of thousands of people take an active part in it.

Worker's Day of the Lockering Industry in Russia

In Russia, on April 19, there is a day of workers in a lamp-processing industry on the basis of an agreement, which was published by the Council of Labor and Defense of the USSR in 1922 on this day. But the day of the employee of the Locker-processing industry is not yet in the list of professional holidays of Russia. But enterprises that are engaged in the disposal of metal waste, independently appointed a date on April 19 festive in honor of the decision of the Council of Labor and Defense of the USSR, which was published in 1922.

Environment Day in Ukraine

In Ukraine this year, on April 19, the holiday is an environment. This holiday, according to the decree of the President of Ukraine, is celebrated annually every third Saturday of April
The holiday was conceived to celebrate one of the most important environmental movements in the history of the Stockholm Environmental Conference, which was supported by the initiative of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety of Ukraine.

Victory Anniversary in Playa Chiron in Cuba

United States after the victory of the Cuban revolution 1953-59. They tried to use political, economic and military tools to strangle the first socialist revolution in the Western Hemisphere. Airplanes with American pilots and Cuban identification signs on April 15, 1961, bomb strikes were inflicted on three Cuban airports. It was actually art preparation. Fidel Castro on a mourning ceremony on April 16 along the seven dead Cubans said that there was a socialist revolution.
After the events of April 16, the counter-revolutionary pro-American landing landed in Playa Chiron for the overthrow of the government F. Castro.

Unusual funny and funny holidays

We note this day on April 18, a cheerful smile and celebrate a funny holiday - a day of traveling smile. The cool holiday of the label reader is also celebrated on April 19, on the same day you can celebrate the day of the right to work.

Day of traveling smile

Remember today the words of children's kind song "" From a smile will be all light ... ", and friendship begins with a smile! Smile today as often as possible, let your smiles go on a journey around the world.

Holiday reader labels

Remember today, it would be difficult to live without labels - a graphic or text sign that is applied to the goods in the form of stickers, tags or coupons.

Day of the right to work

We have the right to work, but for some reason we love to rest more. This unusual holiday can be noted by shock labor, but at the same time do not forget today and on vacation.
Help Adam with Eve for hug.
The Lord is very upset about them was
And work appointed a car and curse.
And after the amnesty forgot.

Church holiday for the national calendar

Evtichiy Silent Yes Yerema

Day April 19 was given his name in honor of the Saints - Archbishop of Constantinople Evtichia, who lived in the 6th century, and in honor of the martyr Iermey, who died in the 3rd century for faith.
Our ancestors on the Day of Evtichia and Erema tried about the future bread crop. They watched the weather for this. On this day, there was a good lack of wind. The peasants said: "If the Evtichy is quiet, then there will be a harvest of early breads, and if Eremee will beat the wind, then he and the colosuse will knock."
Usually, apple trees bloom to evadichy, which were a symbol of maiden beauty and innocence in Russian folklore, so the bride in wedding songs was often compared with a tree in bloom.
The peasants on this day were respected by an apple tree, they walked into the garden to worship her and paint the trunk to protect against harmful insects, resting her fragile branches in the summer so future yield. On this day, it was supposed to bite the uroin apples - if, they remained from the owners until spring.
Name Day April 19. U: Grigory, Yeremy, Ivan, Methodius, Paul, Peter, Prokhor, Sevastyan, Yakov
Just on April 19 celebrated: Day of Science (USSR), Bicycle Day (Bicycle Day), Day of Employment Day of the Russian Federation.

April 19 in history

1903 - In Chisinau, there was one of the bloodiest Jewish pogroms in Tsarist Russia.
1906 - Pierre Curie died (R. 1859), French physicist, the Nobel Prize winner in 1906 physics, died, hitting the wheels of the carriage.
1935 - Founded by the sports society "Spartak".
1941 - US Senate support the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a Jewish state in Palestine.
1941 - Germans waters the flag with a swastika on Mount Olympus in Greece.
1941 - English troops invaded Iraq
1943 - the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant entered into account - one of the largest in the country, producing high-quality steel, varietal and leaf rental.
1947 - Party "Indian National Congress" agreed to the country section for India and Pakistan.
1967 - Konrad Adenauer died, the first Chancellor of Germany (1949-1963).
1970 - from the conveyor of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant, the first "Kopeyk" VAZ-2101 was descended.
1971 - launch of the first Soviet orbital station "Firework".
1995 - terrorist attack in Oklahoma City. The first large-scale terrorist act in the history of the United States, struck "the heart of America"
2000 - in Central Romania, the largest gold deposit in Europe is open.