
Palm Sunday: History History and Traditions. Palm Sunday: Christ leaves the testament to the heirs of the death of a person in Palm Sunday

Build a bath

06:36 - REGNUM.

Today, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem - Palm Sunday. As we first talked, the path of Christ on Earth can be characterized as "one in the Warrior field." The characteristic is true about all things on earth. For the arrest and death, I also went alone, did not take anyone from the apostles and did not judge, since the "judges" could not figure out, to understand that the seed was already sown, soon the shoots will begin, which, however, will be aggressively complicated.

« Here, an hour comes, and it has already come that you will die each in your direction and leave me alone; But I'm not alone, because my father is with me" Whatever crowds, sometimes, did not accompany Jesus, he never really had helpers. There were students whom he taught until the last hour. And the entrance of Jesus in Jerusalem, from which many of the Witnesses expected more - the announcement of themselves by the king - ended exactly the same as before. Pretty traditionally dispersed merchants, thoring the business to them, pushed out of the temple and after, at a cleared place, began to be for the usual: heal and teach. The next day, continuing to teach people, the evangelists report, he told two parables. The first two sons: " One person had two sons; And he, coming to the first, said: Son! Go today work in the vineyard of mine. But he said in response: I do not want; And after, repenting, went. And coming to the other, he said the same. This said in response: I go, the sovereign, and did not go. Which of the two fulfilled the will of his father? ".

The second immediately following this about evil vineyards: " Listen to another parable: there was some owner of the house that the vineyard asked him, he fell to the fence, dug in it sharpened, built the tower and, giving him grapeters, he left. When the time of the fruit approached, he sent his servants to the grapes to take their fruits; Grapevarians, grabbing his servant, other knocked, other killed, and other broke the stones. Again he sent other servants, more than the former; And they acted as well. Finally, he sent her son to them, saying: the son of my son will be shaped. But the grapes, seeing his son, said to each other: this is the heir; Let's go, kill him and send it inheritance. And, grabbing him, brought out from the vineyard and killed. So, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what he will do with these grapes? " Both parables pounded the then showing religiosity, in fact, were reduced to one thought. You call yourself believers, obediently, in words they promised to fulfill the will of God, but in fact they only attached to the fruits that gave religion. And so used to feeding them from them, which did not let anyone who even obviously spoke from God.

Christ summed up his parables by the fact that i tell you that the kingdom of God takes away from you and will be given to the people bringing the fruits of his" Under the "nation" does not mean some ethnic group. It does not say that some people will be chosen to be chosen to be chosen to use patents to use the right religion. Any group of people who giving expected fruits will be the very people, and not those who once again say " i go, sovereign, and did not go" As stated in today's apostolic reading, " my brethren, that is only true, which is honest, which is right that it is clean, that kindly, that it is possessing that only virtue and praise, think about" It is collective, "fraternal": honesty, justice, the virtues listed by the apostle, are able to give these fruits. Not for that Jesus taught the apostles so that they after being glorified as saints and for this reason they would have to pray. He did not prepare the righteous, concerned with exclusively by their own salvation. He sowed the seed, which was to be gentle into the people, capable of doing the same cases that Christ worked.

Church today's holiday prescribes memorially reproduce the entrance of Christ in Jerusalem. The return of him to the city was a risky step, not approved by the apostles. If it were not for the death of a friend, he would probably hate some time. Rumors about the resurrection of Lazarus, confirmed by witnesses, added to Jesus popularity in the people, which, as mentioned, "Listen to him relentlessly". Therefore, despite the ongoing aggressive persisions of his religious leaders, they could not arrest him, and Christ was given out to be a week to continue to teach, and he took advantage of these days. Understanding the inevitability of his execution, Jesus, when he saw that it was time to leave the apostles alone, not afraid that they would differ on homes and forces everything: " True, truly I tell you: if wheat grain, surfactant to the ground, will not die, then one will remain; And if it dies, it will bring a lot of fetus».

Knowing how it will end, Jesus also understood that, while at him, students remain still unsuppostly, not capable of making decisions. But a little more, and together they will make his body, not apologize, but only together. But not alone apostles, of course, he prepared for it. Much of the fact that Jesus did his own on earth in the last days "For the people" (In. 12:30). The people also followed that he would not end with his death. Everything just started. "Vinogradari", promised to fulfill the work, did not cope, having hurried to get rid of the "heir". But instead of one heirs immediately became a lot.

As Palm Sunday is approaching, the signs become particularly important and significant. At this time, it is customary to make forecasts for almost a year ahead of the weather and future crop.

Lazareva Saturday

Another holiday, which is celebrated on Saturday of the Verbal Week, is the resurrection of Lazarus.

Jesus was sent to the news that his friend and companion Lazar from Viph is seriously ill, and asked to hurry. It was not clear why Christ did not hurry. And only after the news that Lazarus died, he tried on the road.

When he arrived in Belfan, then four days have passed since death. Native and loved ones were deeply sorrow. Jesus was diligently prayed near the cave, where they buried the climb.

He cried to God to make a miracle. After the prayer, the stone closing the entrance was pushed, and those present saw a wonder of the resurrection. 4 days ago Lazarus turned out to be alive.

Lazarev Saturday Christians celebrate from the IV century. Three and a half century, a certain canon of worship services was developed on this day. Haming during the service indicate not by a random miracle, but at an important symbol of strengthening faith.

After sunset, during the evening service, the Willow branches begin to sanctify. This is the beginning of the celebration of Palm Sunday.

Holiday Palm Sunday

As already written above, Palm Sunday on church canons begins in the evening of Saturday. But the main services and consecration of the willow are held on Sunday.

Among other things, this holiday personifies the awakening of nature after a long winter. No wonder the Northern Slavs chose the Symbol of this day by the Verq. The tree is a precursor of spring. As soon as the sun warms the air, the fluffy lumps are gluing. They give faith in fast warm days.

Orthodox Christians gladly meet Palm Sunday. How to celebrate this day in Russia? People of any age go on Sunday morning in the nearest church to consecrate the twigs of the Willow. Herculed parishioners are service, making prayers and participating in chanting. Upon returning home, it is customary to slide homemade with the wishes of health and grace.

Sanctified branches set next to icons, braid into braids, make chambers of them, nourish on outbuildings. A year later, on the eve of the new holiday, the will burn the willow.

If you know the exact date of the celebration, you can prepare in advance. How to calculate what Number of Palm Sunday will be celebrated in a particular year? To determine the date you need to know what day will be Easter. Exactly a week before the resurrection of the Lord, the entrance of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem is noted.

What do not need to do

Palm Sunday is a significant holiday for Christians. Any work on this day is undesirable. Some do not even recommend cooking. IN modern world Everything is much simplified. There are such services and professions that imply daily performance, regardless of calendar dates. But if there is no special needs in any matter, then it is better to postpone it.

In the old days, women were forbidden to comb her hair on this day, as well as the Annunciation. It is clear that now it is hardly possible. Although the owners of long curls can also be observed. Braided in braid hair covered on top of a gamble, may well do the day without combing.

What other prohibitions are on Palm Sunday? What to do is completely unacceptable, so it is to indulge. The end of the sixth week of the post does not imply a rich feast. A little wine lean dishescooked with vegetable oil, Fish is the base of the festive table.

Traditions of the holiday

The main and main tradition of the holiday is to consecrate the twigs of the willow. It is believed that they should be exactly as many people in the family. Some peoples from these branches are wearing familychairs. Their power is great. They protect the house from unkind people and fire, save from hurricanes and floods, from poverty, despondency and disease.

On the Palm Sunday, signs on the weather and the crop are particularly reliable. Generations are supported in families. It is especially important for residents engaged in agriculture.

Tradition to lay in the loaf coins from Belarus. Thus, it is possible to determine who will be accompanied by luck and well-being all year.

In some areas it is customary to invest consecrated branches in the coffin to the dead man. This tradition is rooted at the very beginning of Christianity. It is believed that thanks to the Verba, you can enter the gate of Paradise and welcome the Savior there. Among other things, the Willow tree is a symbol of life and awakening.

Traditional verbal bazaars. Especially love this entertainment children, as the main product is sweets. In addition, pleasant little things are offered for the economy and the same willow, assembled in bouquets and decorated with ribbons and paper angels.

A tree grown from a sanctified branch increases prosperity in the house. Therefore, bouquets brought from the church put into the water and carefully follow, whether the roots will not appear.

Ritals and customs

Many folk signs on Palm Sunday have long been turned into rites, customs and rituals.

If you live near the river, then try to lower your twig on the water. If she sails away from you, then in the near future is expected to add wealth in the house.

The branches attached to the roof will protect the inhabitants of the house from diseases and mental torments.

Children's shields in the holiday - the most common rite. With each blow, the wish of health is also screwed.

And here is another custom on the increase in wealth. With full ban on something to do on this day anyway it is still recommended to plant indoor plant With thick round leaves. If the flower hits and will grow violently - you can be sure that wealth will come to the house.

Rites on Palm Sunday are traditions going deep into the depths of centuries. Believe them, to keep whether - everyone decides for himself. For some of this - the principle of life, and for others is only a beautiful application to the daytime day.

Use of consecrated willow in traditional medicine

It was believed that a huge medical force was concluded at the Verba. The sprinkling of holy water increases it several times. How can you use twigs brought from the church to Palm Sunday? What to do with them to improve health? Here are some examples of the use of willow to therapeutic purposes:

  • Taking a decoction of branches, you can get rid of headaches, fever, temperature, insomnia.
  • Rhara rubbing in sore places eliminates rheumatic pain.
  • The infusion of willow on vodka will help cope with intestinal infections and disorders.
  • Leaves are able to heal wounds.
  • Swallowing of consecrated blurred kidneys helps with infertility.
  • Babies sleep calmer after swimming in the water, infused on the yav branches.

Verba B. folk medicine Used everywhere, where it grows, and enjoys well-deserved respect.

Folk signs

Folk Sights on Palm Sunday have long come to everyday life. They are transmitted from the elders to the younger and become part of our life.

Calm sunny weather promises a warm windless summer and a rich harvest. Strong wind promised cool weather.

Cold, but a clear day gave hope for the yield of the Torn.

Palm Sunday without frosts increases the chance for the abundance of fruits.

The number of blurred earrings also served as an indicator of the future harvest.

And on this day, it was customary to call for a loved one, and the meeting will definitely take place.

Every year, many centuries in a row, the church swallows the doors to everyone who believes in salvation. Palm Sunday is a holiday, symbolizing the power of faith, her revival. Verba branches and bouquets bring peace and protection to the house. Following the first sunny rays in the hearts there is hope for the best. And let this day be tatting a lot of sadness, it's all the same - he is the harbinger of Sunday's bright Christ and the salvation of all mankind.

Great post - Time deep grief. It is especially difficult to survive if the native man dies. Close in such cases are completely lost, because the event happened in special days, and it is necessary to do everything right and worthy. The church clearly regulates, as well, if a person died in a great post. But the people exist different superstitions and signs on this.

Folk superstition

The great post is exacerbated feelings and thoughts. A person is increasingly thinking about the soul and his actions. And therefore, often ordinary situations seem great tests. And death is perceived especially acutely and with deep sorrow. The time itself is the preparation of a person to afterlife, to life after death. Recommended be sure to confess, coming up and binds to make sins to be released.

In the old days they believed that the Lord calls for him most often in the great post. I even existed such a saying: "The snow melts, and people will leave for water." Modern ritual and funeral agencies also celebrate a large increase in visitors and buyers in March-April.

If the person is baptized, believer and gentle and confessed, preparing in this way to the afterlife, then his death will be easier at any time, and his soul will find peace and his quiet abode.

Especially grateful in terms of rescue soul was considered to die in Easter or at the Easter week.

Opinion of the Orthodox Church

The clergymen refute the special importance of death and funeral during the Great Post. During this period, the commemoration on the 9th, 40th days and the anniversary of death are not satisfied, and they transfer them to Saturday or Sunday of the current week. The exception is only Palm Sunday, when the commemoration is not conducted.

In the church during the post of Orthodox ordered memories every Wednesday and Friday. Saturday and Sunday - days to visit lunch about the rest of the souls of the dead. Do not accept orders for forties during the Great Post.

In order to pray for the deceased, in the period of the post there are special intimidated Saturdays. For the entire period of their post three:

  • saturday 2nd week;
  • saturday 3rd weeks;
  • saturday 4th weeks of the Great Post.

There is no specific date for them. They move on the calendar respectively and Easter.

Also before Christ, the Great Panhid, which is visited by those who want to interrupt the sins of their deceased relatives.

Easter week - special for remembrance of the dead. This is the time of universal joy, when the dead see Christ. During this period, Panhides and Dinner do not serve.

It must be remembered that in the church you can pray only for baptized in orthodox faith. For suicides, innovants and unresolved, alms are served.

How to make commemoration in the post

In the days of the commemoration, orders are ordered and serve as liturgia after the service. You only need to submit notes about the rest of the deceased enterprises.

The table for treatments should also be lean. Mean the deceased prayer before dinner or dinner.

At the very beginning, they serve Kutu - porridge from the grains. Also on the table must be launched pancakes. In addition, there must be soup, vegetable and cold snacks. The meaning of the meal lies in the commemoration and grief. Alcohol is not allowed. Pour the late glass of vodka, cover her bread and put next to the photo orthodox Church Not blessed.

The earthly church helps the soul of the deceased in the kingdom of heaven. According to the prayer of loved ones and relatives, it is preparing for the deceased, the corresponding fate: the hotter and sincere prayer, the better he will be in heaven. If a person died to the great post, then nothing bad or good for his soul did not happen. Much more important, as a person lived, as he prayed and performed good things.

Preaching the rector of the Holy Preobrazhensky temple of Kharkov Prot. Victor (Bourbel) on the holiday of the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem on April 9, 2017

Today we celebrate the great two-month holiday of the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem. Jesus during his earthly life was many times in Jerusalem, but never before that did not come to this city in such a way as this time. It was his last coming in Jerusalem before it was grabbed and crucified on the cross.

But on this day, when he approached the surroundings of the Holy City, accompanying his people and the multiple number of people who went to Jerusalem for the Easter holiday, and the inhabitants of this city, having heard about the approach of Jesus, came to him to meet him to welcome him with honors . They came out because by that time Jesus was very famous throughout the country and especially in Jerusalem. And everyone went out to look at this man who performed such things, said such words that no one could create nor say. People were delivered and rejoiced that they had such a prophet.

But there were also those who were not happy, and envied, there were those who denied all the wonders because of their own pride and the inability to see explicitly and recognize it as valid.

What did Jesus Jews waited?

Those people who went to see Jesus were seen in it not just a preacher, they saw their Savior in it from Roman rule. At that time, Judea was under the rule of the Romans, and all the people sought to free themselves from this slavery, and they thought that Jesus, who could create such wonders, is the one who is able to release them in such a human understanding, political.

Especially they were convinced of the last and most loud miracle, which made a big shock, is the resurrection of Lazarus, whom many knew personally, he lived in Viph and was a friend of Jesus. As the Gospel says from John, once Lazar fell ill, and when his illness came to irreversible forms, he died, being still young enough. When he was still alive, his sisters Martha and Maria sent a messenger to Jesus, to report that Lazarar was very sick and that Jesus came and healed him. But Jesus Medlil. But then he still went to Bethy. But before his arrival, Lazarar died.

When Marfa learned that Jesus was going to him, she went to him towards him. According to the Jewish tradition, when a man was dying in the village, it was the grief of the whole village. And even if people were not close to the deceased, it was considered to be right to come to the house of the deceased and mourn together with relatives and friends. So in the house of the late Lazarus there were a lot of people. When Martha went to meet Jesus, then many people followed her, thinking that she went to the coffin of his brother shed. Seeing Jesus, Martha fell into his feet, saying if you were here, then my brother would not die. In response to these words, Jesus said: It would not die your brother, just believing. Martha answered: I know that he will rise on the last day, in the overall resurrection from the dead. Jesus said this: I am a resurrection and life, so the believer in me if it dies, he will rise, and the victim lives in me will not see death. And Marfa replied: I believe that you are Christ, the Son of God, coming to the world.

These words of Christ were the revelation of the people about their deity. And when they approached the coffin, in which they buried Lazari, by that time the second sister of Maria came there, and Jesus, seeing that sisters were sisters, and he himself also sharpened. And commanded people to fall off the stone, which closed the entrance to the coffin. At that time, in the area they believed dead people into stone caves and bated a large stone to the entrance, these were some tombs. The deceased person wrapped completely from the head to the legs into a long cloth, anointing the previously incense oils, then they believed in the coffin.

The command of Jesus fall off the stone from the coffin led all those present in embarrassment, because they did not usually do this, only in rare exceptional cases. First of all, because for the Jews of that time, to touch the dead body was considered to be defiled. Moreover, Martha tells Jesus: Lord, the fourth day, as he lies in the coffin, will already be fatal, the body decomposes so that the smell here hear here. But Christ insisted that the stone was dug off, and standing at the entrance to the cave said: Lazar, the ridges won. And as the evangelicals describe, the deceased came out, accomplished completely funeral pellets, and became at the entrance to the coffin, so everything was horrified, not understanding what was happening. And Jesus ordered him, and this is a miracle of the resurrection of a man already deceased, the body of which had a decline in the law of our nature, made a very strong impression on people who knew Lazari and his funerals, and now saw him alive.

After this miracle, many people believed in Jesus as a prophet, and the elders, scribes and Pharisees, who claimed that Jesus was not a prophet, and false prophet. Moreover, seeing Lazarus resurrected, many who knew him who found out about this miracle, believed in Jesus as a Messiah expected by all Jews. This event became an apogee of the aggregate of all his miracles committed over the years of his sermon, and therefore many people, all together came out to meet him, as she approves to meet the kings, winners in the wars: they have twisted their clothes along the way that Christ was supposed to pass, and Who had no outerwear, they cut off the branches of the dates, welcomed Jesus, waving them, and also asked the way with these branches. And in one voice shouted: the son of Davidov was guarded, which is blessed in the name of the Lord.

But Jesus did not please this

However, such a meeting, Jesus was not proud of how many of us were proud of, he was not crossed in response to greetings, as we can navigate to people meeting us with the flavor, proud of our glory. And he grief, because he knew what would happen that after a few days, that the people who met his solemnly, like the king, will demand: CNICT, CELL HER!

A completely amazing picture appears in front of us. Why are the huge number of people who believed in Jesus Christ, whom they met, as in the Messiah, suddenly change their opinion so quickly, and suddenly began to ask for death and execute him? Probably because they were waiting for God's wrong thing that he would like to give them. They were waiting for Jesus what they wanted to them, earthly, temporary, tangible, what they need here and now, that he suggested their mind.

But Christ spoke to them about the eternal. He said: "My kingdom is not from this world" in. 18.36. And since his kingdom is not from this world, it means that the laws of this kingdom are others, the goals in this kingdom are others, the logic of staying in this kingdom of God is distinguished from the logic of their stay in our ordinary earthly life. That's why the people did not understand him. Having supported him when he entered Jerusalem, they thought that he would immediately raise the uprising and overthrow the Roman dominion, would be made by their king and would be their wonderful phenomena to produce bread and spectacle for them. What else do you need a person? Meal'n'Real.

Therefore, when Christ said that he did not come for this, but in order for everyone who lived forever, did not understand him, and they accepted him that they did not receive anything expected. And crucified it. And what?

For 2000, all nations learned about Jesus, and the benefit of the news of Christ reached us. But we saw the glory of him not only from the pages of the Gospel, we know him not only from the stories of our ancestors, priests, preachers. We know that he is God, the experience of personal life. We meet His Word with joy, because we know by yourself: everything that God says, brings a person good.

Nevertheless, unfortunately, and in our life there are periods when we renounce God, we become indifferent to it, aimlessly living, not understanding the meaning of their eternal stay. And it all turns our lives in vanity and in hell.

Why don't people believe now? Yes, for the same reason. Because they are looking for and demand from God is not the fact that it is inherent in the order of peace for the divine plan, but require what they want. And if they say: Lord, you will be the will of yours, - but the heart says: but not now. Now let my will be happy. And it flashes us the correctness of the purpose of our life.

But what to do? The person comes to confession, he understands the commandments tries to abide by them in his life, he commits the Holy Taine Holy Tain to connect to his Eucharistic unity, so that the Body of Christ was a particle of my body, my nature, so that the blood of Christ, who, taught for the Eucharist, flowed and in my veins, and from this the logic of my life has changed so that my thoughts were not just a human conclusion, but the Divine Revelation, so that the events around me happen not only because I do that, but because God acts, so that my surroundings were Not to me like, but god-like, teaching me the right meaning, clean, abstaining.

When God is in the soul?

But it often happens that after joining the church, confiring, having occurred, a person comes out of the temple, he immediately forgets who he forgets that he is a Christian. And in this forgetfulness there are days, months, years and even decades. And man says: God is in my soul. But I want to ask a question: where did he come from there, how did you drive it there? After all, God lives only where there is no sin where there is no condemnation and curses, where there is a long-mindedness, where there is a prayer where there is an abstinence of language, mind, hearts, where there is a clear understanding that the meaning, and life, and breathing is God. Where there is this understanding, there are the goals in the life of others. A man who knows that he is eternal that it is different from all the creatures of the highest reason, the philosophical mind, the feeling of the soul, warmth and love in the heart, if he is distinguished by all this, then it is given to him to comprehend the world at all on Another level, to comprehend yourself, why am I here, why I am here that I will continue, and the one who comprehensiles uniquely comes to the conclusion: if from our lives, filled with suffering, difficult labor, disease and short-term, to remove God, then you can come In absolute madness. Then he is asked why all this? Why build something, why learn, why work, if everything passes, and even the joy of creation, especially with age.

Everything passes, everything changes, not only God change. And when a person decided that God is not, then what is the point? He finds sense only in temporary purposes, with the approach to which, or with the approach of illness or death, all loses its meaning. Therefore, the conclusion that Christians make lifestyle. A Christian does not see the meaning of death, there can be no sense in death. The meaning is only in life. And today Christ says: I have the way yours, I have your life, I have your truth.

Each of us has its own truth, and we are all right, on the domestic, public, family. But there is truth, in the light of which it becomes clear that protecting only his truth, a person comes insanely, for can't see the truth. Christ turned to the people not to pick up their personal truth from them, and in order for this truth to fill the truth, and when we fight for our earthly benefits, as we do it every day, remembering that there is God, then these benefits will not be achieved by an unjust path, by infringement of others, by violence over them or deceive them, but they will be achieved by righteousness.

If we are listening to the commandments, if we are thinking into the words that Jesus spoke to people, and including us, then our meanings will find eternal increase, then our mind will be able to defend eternity. And if we want to feel in ourselves, what is God's kingdom, then we must know the laws of this kingdom, take the book of the commandments of him, and live as he said.

And then our life will not pass by the logic of self-crosses, which is what I am smart, as well thought up, but according to the logic of the Divine. And then the man will begin to understand why he lives. And from this understanding, he will begin to see how he lives, it is right, and what is not, then he can know the right goal of his life, can distribute the time of his life so that there is enough time to be a man and God to please, and Do not ruin your soul, and find the resources of the gray matter to think that the whole world around and we ourselves, and all nature is testifies, everything shouts about God, everything is breathing in it.

As far as we need to be blinded and deaf, to stroke the voice of God. That person who says that God has in his soul, often deceives himself. Not God is in his soul, but the voice of God in the form of conscience, this natural feeling given during the creation of a person, feelings of unity with God, reminding from the inside that there is God.

But the person does not cultivate this feeling, he does nothing to be at least a bit like his Creator, and confuses the call of God with God himself.

And here today we are all in the temple, in your hands we have willow as the same symbol, which were for Jews. We do not grow on dates, but the willows grow. And today we came, like those people two thousand years ago to meet Jesus in front of his godfall, saying: Lord, come to our hail, and in our family, and in my wushu. But if we want God to come to us, then we should not demand from him the earthly and wrong, but you need to ask him wisdom to know how to live.

First of all, look for the kingdom of God and the truth of him, and everything you have need, all will be given to you by itself, for before your petition, I know what you have need, the Lord himself tells us. God is a loving father, and everyone gives every aspecting, but will the child give his child to his what will surely harm him? Of course not. Also, we, who on this day came to the temple with palm or with verbal branches, ask God to come to your soul, and listen to what he says, and use it in his life, and then you will see God Living and acting in the world and in you. Amen.

Palm Sunday is the most last Sunday before Easter. This is a holiday of the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem and he is one of the most tragic holidays church year. And all because all those people who solemnly met Christ entering St. Grad, after will demand its crucifixion.

The name of the Verbny week or the week of Wairy, it happened from the fact that Vaiyia (these are the branches of the Palma or Jerusalem Willow) all the people of Jewish met Jesus Christ, just five days before his death.

Palm Sunday differs from other two-month holidays, the fact that it is limited only to one day, since the holiday is surrounded by day of strict post.

The Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem is considered the most important event of the last days of the Earth's Life of Jesus Christ, and this event is a symbol of the future of God.

The worship service of the Palm Sunday begins on Saturday evening. In the evening service there is a consecration of the Verb. Willow Branch, in turn, symbolizes the victory of life over death - Resurrection of the Lord.

Brought on this day from the church of the Willow Spreads, sprinkled by holy water, always put in the front corner behind the icon. And they stored them until the next Palm Resurrection.

A completely all believers who, in turn, respected a 40-day post, you can eat fish and drink wine.
Magic properties of willow

Believed that the willow had pretty magic properties. She prevented people from the goal of evil spirits, protected cattle and crops from any disasters. That's why, consecrated Verq. Stores completely all year.

Also was the custom of hitting each other with a pulmonary vessel. At the same time, saying: "Verba His, Bay to Tears. I'm not Bew, the willow beats. Be healthy like the willow. " Often parents touched the Verba to their kids, so that they were always healthy and beautiful.

They believed that the willbore and her earrings are healing. Considering a good medicine from fever, they always eaten exactly nine verbal earrings. Very sick children, bathed in water with willow sprigs.

Always believed that the consecrated willow can stop a strong summer thunderstorm and help in a fire.

Bad admission, considered to plant the willow. The following was said: "Whoever puts up, he is pretending to himself" (that is, they will die, precisely when from the Willow it will be a shovel).

Strong health and incredible energy emphasized the twig of the willow of all people and cattle, also cleaned from unclean strength and protected from all sorts of diseases.

Signs on Palm Sunday

With verbal resurrection connected a large number of folk admission And also rites.

Will you be a healthy all year, if you knock on the body of a sprig of consecrated willow.

Decides rather important thing, in the event that you eat the kidney of the willow.

If you want a favorite came to you, just think about it on it.

You will be rich enough, in case, put on the day of the Palm Resurrection at home there is a completely any room plant.

There is such a sign on the Palm Resurrection of the weather: the wind on this day, it means that all summer will be windy. The sun shines brightly - there will be a very rich crop of cereals and fruits, and also very warm weather.

There is a very big chance to cure a woman who can not give birth to a child for a long time.

It is on the day of the Palm Resurrection that all the hostess bake the nuts test and give all their loved ones and relatives, and in this case it is also absolutely not necessary to forget about animals.

Conspiracies for Palm Sunday

Poll a headache

In order to speak the headache, it is necessary to comb on the day of the Palm Resurrection, to remove the hair and then put them into the water. To pour the waterproof by this water and say the following: "Water, go to the ground with a headache."

Conspiracy for the world in the house

Scandals and quarrels in the house will stop if the house brought a consecrated version with the following words: "As the Verbal Resurrection was, and the world in this house is restored."

Love spell on the willow

For the love spell on the willow in Palm Resurrection, it is necessary to break the twig and say:

"Until the willow be on the icon to lie down,

Until then, my husband is not blown away, will not forget. Amen".

After you need to put the willow for the icon. And always always remember: by no means under no circumstances to throw a conspiracy twig of the Willow!

Washer from intercept

Completely everyone who tries, to somehow help their loved ones, or to remove the damage, it is very useful to be wanted from interception. On the day of the Palm Resurrection, only an empty stomach eat three kidneys of the willow, while drinking holy water. After that, say the following:

"The Verba Saint Paul Mahal, who distilled themselves from me. As the truth, that the verbal resurrection of the Chetoute, and the truth is that other people's diseases do not stick to me. Amen".

In the event that you orthodox manBefore this rite must necessarily come true.

Palm Sunday calendar from 2018 to 2020:

Make your home holiday recreation in your home, by decorating at home by sprigs willow. And give your loved ones and native bouquets of early spring colors.