
Punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members. Signs of punctuation in sentences with homogeneous members A number of homogeneous members connected only by intonation, without unions

Answers to gardeners

Uniform members of the sentence (The main and minor), not connected by alliances, are divided by commas.

For example: In the office stood brown velvet chairs, bookcases (nab.); After dinner sitelon the balcony, kepton the knees a book (bun); Cold, emptiness, non-residential spirit meets the house (Sol.); Shcherbatova told about your childhood, about Dnieper, abouthow they have in the estate in the spring dried out, oldand you (Paust.).

It is impossible to be considered homogeneous leakage combinations of type verbs i will take and I go, I'll go see. In the first case, this is the designation of one action: I will take and similar In the forest for mushrooms (The first verb is lexically inferior); in the second case the verb seeindicates the purpose of the action: I'll go see New film.

The comma for homogeneous members is not installed:

1. If homogeneous members are connected by non-repeating single connecting and separate alliances and , or , or , yes (\u003d I. ).

For example: Motor ship becameacross the river and Dal to deploy it down in the course(Reception); Supporthe is briducan or will not support? (Pan.). Never ask yourself early: businessi do either trifles? (A.P. Ch.) And training of soul forces maybe yes necessary In any conditions.

2. If homogeneous members are connected using the Union Yes I. :

For example: Take yes I. Leave.

3. If last dick A number of homogeneous members joins alliances and, yes, or, then the comma in front of him is not put.

For example: Through the kilometers stretch thick, high thickets romashki., chicory, clover, wild ukrop, carnations, metcher, dandelions, genziana, podozhnikov, bells, lutikov and tens Other blooming grass (Paust.).

4. Do not put a comma in phraseological circulation with repeating unions and ... and nor ... (They connect words with opposable values): and day and night, old and young, and laughter and grief, and there, and that and the same, and there, and here, neither two or two, nor give either shatter nor a short one, nor ahead, Neither the bottom of the tire, nor the same, nor to become neither of nor alive, nor nor nor, nor a rumor, neither spirit, nor to people, no fish, nor so neither soak, nor Nor Shalko Narco nor the sameet al. Same with paired combinations of words, when the third is not given: and the husband and wife, and the earth and the sky.

Comma with homogeneous members is set

1. If there are between homogeneous members advisory Union a, but yes (in meaning " but »), however, although, but, however ) and the connecting union and also .

For example: The secretary stopped recording and the soul threw a surprised look, but not on the arrested, but at the procurator (Bulg.); The child was cuts but mil (P.); Student capable, although lazy; He visited the library on Fridays, but not always; Mokseevna has already made a wicker basket from the house, however, stopped - I decided to look after apples (Scherb.); Little apartment but cozy(gas.); She knows German as well as French.

2. For pairs of uniform sentence members The comma is placed between couples (Union and Acts only inside the groups).

For example: Alleys, planted sirens and linden, knitting and poplars, led to wooden pop(Fed.); Songs were different: about joy and grief, the day of the past and day coming (Gaych.); Books on geography and tourist directories, friends and random acquaintances We told us that Ropotamo is one of the most beautiful and wild corners of Bulgaria(Sol.).

In sentences with homogeneous members, it is possible to use the same unions on a different basis (between different members of the proposal or their groups). In this case, during the placement of punctuation marks, different positions of the unions are taken into account.

For example: ... everywhere she was having fun and friendly and assured her that she is good, cute, rare (Ch.) - In this sentence of the Union and not repeated, but single connecting couples of two homogeneous membership members ( fun and friendly; Meet and assured).

In the example: No one no longer disturbed the silence of ducts and rivers, did not break off the glittered cold river lilies and did not adversely out loudly the better to admire without words(Paust.) - First and connects dependent on the word silence of ducts and rivers, second and Close a number of fadies (did not violate, did not break down and did not admire).

Uniform members of the sentences, united in pairs, can be included in other, larger groups, in turn having alliances. The commas in such groups are put taking into account the whole complex unity as a whole, for example, the opposite relations between groups of homogeneous members of the sentence are taken into account.

For example: Father Christopher, holding a wide-grade cylinder, someone bowed and smiled not gently and soas always, and respectfully and stretched (C.).

Different level of connecting relationships is also taken into account.

For example: In them [Vegethers] find and Chankor for Savanov and Dellow, and Lollipops and Buru to exterminate cockroaches (M. G.) - here, on the one hand, unite wordforms channel and tar, lollipops and boraand on the other - these groups, already on the rights of uniform members, are connected by the repeated union and .

Compare the option without a pairs of association (with separate design of homogeneous members): ... You can find the Chankor for Savanov, and Delet, and Lollipops, and Buru to exterminate cockroaches.

3. Homogeneous members of the sentences connected repeating alliances if there are more than two ( and ... and ... and, yes .., yes ... Yes, nor ... neither, or ... or ... or if ... Lee ... Lee, Li ... or ... or, or ... either ... either, then ... then ... then, not that ... not that ... not that, then if ... ... then Lie ), separated by commas.

For example: Was sad and in spring air and on the panery sky and in the wagon (C.); Did not have n. Stormy words n.fervent recognition n.oaths (Paust.); Could see her daily thatwith bidon thatwith bag, and thatand with bag and bidon together - orin oil and oron the market, orbefore the gates of the house, oron the stairs (Bulg.).

In the absence of Union and Before the first of the following offers, the rule is followed: if homogeneous members of the sentence are more than two and the union and repeats at least twice, comma put between all homogeneous members (including first and ).

For example: Brought a bouquet of the drawbuch and put on the table, and here in front of me fire, and turmoil, and lights of the bugs round (Zab.); And today rhyme poet - caressing, and slogan, and bayonet, and whip (M.).

The repeated union and alliances should not be confused and, supplied at different bases: it was quiet and dark, and sweetly smelled of herbs (first and worth between homogeneous parts of the main member of the sentence, and the second and joins a part of a complex proposal).

With two-time repetition of other unions except and , the comma is always placed .

For example: Pricks indifferent to me the eyes of Gypsy life or stupid or ruthless (A. sharf.); Lady not that barefoot not that In some transparent ... shoes(Bulg.); Early lieLate lieBut I will come.

Unions lee, or Not always repetitive.

So, in the proposal And not understand whether Matvey Karev laughs over his own words or on how students look at his mouth (Fed.) Union lie introduces an exemplary apparent part, and the union or connects homogeneous members.

Compare unions lee, or as repeated: Gone lierain, orthe sun shines - he does not care; Sees liehe is it ordoes not see ().

4. With homogeneous members of the proposal, except for single or repetitive unions can be used double(comparable) unionswhich are members of two parts, located each with each member of the sentence: as ... and, not only ... But, not so much ... how much, how much ... so, although ... But, if not ... then, not that ... but, Not that ... but not only not., but rather ... than and others. The comma is always placed in front of the second part of such unions.

For example: I have a guide asfrom judge soequally andfrom all of our friends(); Green was not onlymagnificent landscape and plot master butit was still andvery subtle psychologist(Paust.); It is said that in the summer Sozopol put the resorts, that is, not really Resorts, but Vacationers who came to spend a holiday near the Black Sea (Sol.); Mum not that angry butnevertheless was unhappy (Kav.); Fogs in London are if not everyday, thatevery other day will certainly(Rock.); He was not so much upset, how muchsurprised by the situation.

There may be a semicolon between homogeneous members of the offer (or their groups):

1. If their composition includes introductory words: It turns out that there are subtleties. It is necessary that the fire was, firstly, wellness; secondly, not very hot; but thirdin full(Sol.).

2. If homogeneous members are distributed (have dependent words or relating to them supplies of proposals): His respected perits excellent, aristocratic manners, for rumors about his victories; forthat he dressed perfectly and always stayed in the best room of the best hotel; forthat he dined at all, and one day he even had a wellington in Louis Philippe; forthat he pulled with him a real silver nestor and a hiking bath; forthat it smelled with some unusual, surprisingly "noble" spirits; forthat he masterfully played in Vist and always losing ... (T.)

There is a dash between homogeneous members of the proposal:

1. When passing a configuration union: Knowledge of people laws is not desirable - necessarily (gas.); A tragic voice that is no longer flying, not ringing - deep, chest, "Mkhatovsky" (gas.).

2. If there is a union to designate a sharp and unexpected transition from one action or state to another: Then Alexey squeezed his teeth, clogged, from all his strength torn the CNT with both hands - and immediately lost consciousness(B. P.); ... I wanted to always live in the city - and now I finish life in the village (C.).

Homogeneous members of the proposals and their various combinations when dismanting the sentence (parcels) separated by points .

For example: And then there were long hot months, wind with low mountains under the Stavropol, smelling immortals, silver crown Caucasian Gor., fights in forest duties with Chechens, screeching bullets. PyatigorskAliens people with whom it was necessary to keep themselves as with friends. And again fleeting Petersburg and the Caucasus, Yellow vertices of Dagestan and the same favorite and saving Pyatigorsk. Short peace, wide ideas and poems, lungs and taking off to the sky, like clouds over the peaks of the mountains. And duel (Paust.).

Arrange the punctuation marks. Specify two proposals in which you need to put one comma. Write down the numbers of these proposals.

1) The fruits of this plant are useful and delicious and possess an excellent aroma.

2) It became unbearable stuffy and had to open all the windows.

4) the study of the growth of unusual crystals has both theoretical and practical and general scientific importance.

5) Ancient Spanish masters in the construction of locks used either stone or brickwork.

Explanation (see also a rule below).

We give the right writing.

1) The fruits of this plant are useful and delicious and possess an excellent aroma. Two rows of homogeneous.

2) It became unbearable stuffy, and I had to open all the windows.

3) From the window, the trunks were visible and a piece of alley.

4) The study of the growth of unusual crystals has both theoretical, and practical, and general scientific importance.

5) Ancient Spanish masters in the construction of locks were used either stone or brickwork.

One comma need:

in the 5th sentence: His homogeneous members are connected by a repeated union or

in the 2nd sentence: it is complex, contains two predicative parts that do not have a common secondary sentence of a sentence or introductory words And do not have a common apparent part. Before the union and need a comma.

The correct answer is specified at number 2 and 5.

Answer: 25 | 52

Relevance: 2016-2017

Difficulty: Normal

Codifier section: punctuation marks in SSP and sentence with homogeneous members

Rule: Task 16. Changes of punctuation in the SSP and in a sentence with homogeneous members, Task 16. Changes of punctuation in the SSP and in a sentence with homogeneous members



Och - homogeneous members.

For example:

Rows two: two fags, hit and covered; Two additions gusts and moans.


General scheme : LTD .

Example: yellow, green, red Apples.

General scheme: O and / Yes / either / or about.

Example 1.: At the still life are depicted yellow and red Apples.

Example 2.: .

Example 3.

Example 4.

General scheme: Oh, about and about.

Example: At the still life are depicted yellow, green and red Apples.



General scheme: Oh, and Oh, and about.

General scheme: and Oh, and Oh, Io.

Example 1.: At the still life are depicted yellow, and green, and red Apples.

Example 2.: Apples depicted on still life.

More complex examples:

Example 3.:

Example 4.:

Example 5.: Houses and trees and sidewalks were covered with snow


Consider examples.

Example 1.: children and adults And read out loud. How many rows? Two: children and adults; goals and read

Example 2: reread Letter and write an answer.

Scheme: Oh, a / but / yes

Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3: Small spool but precious .

Scheme: O, ILO, or O

Example 1:

Than others.

Examples: I have a guide asfrom judge so equally and from all of our friends.

Green was not only but It was still and Very subtle psychologist.

Mum not that angry but Still was unhappy.

Fogs in London are if not everyday , that A day later.

He was not so much upset , how much

Example1: .

Example 2:

Example 3:

And the snow went and went.

If there is a sentence inhomogeneous definitions


an impersonal part, with a fault in. For example:

[About the tale and about the tale].

Leaves bag, golden

general secondary member.

Example 1.: .

in a year

only the beginning of the sentence

Example 2.: By the evening, the wind of the bitch and beginning to boost. What happened by the evening?

Now more complex example 1: On the outskirts of the city comma delivered

Example 2. the comma is put.

Punctuation marks in a complex proposal and in a sentence with homogeneous members

In this task, the knowledge of two points is checked:

1. commas in a simple sentence with homogeneous members.

2. commas in a complex sentence, parts of which combine writing unions, in particular, Union I.

purpose: Find two suggestions in which you need to put one point in each. Not two, not three (and it happens!) Commas, and one. At the same time, it is necessary to indicate the numbers of those proposals where the missed comma was put, since there are such cases that there are already a comma in the proposal, for example, with an accrued turnover. We do not consider it.

You should not search for commas at various revs, input words and in SPP: On the specification in this task, only the three specified points are checked. If the proposal will need commas for other rules, they will already be placed

It will be faithful to response from two digits, from 1 to 5, in any sequence, without commas and spaces, for example: 15, 12, 34.


Och - homogeneous members.

SSP is a complex proposal.

The assignment algorithm must be:

1. Determine the number of foundations.

2. If the offer is simple, then we find all the ranks of homogeneous members and appeal to the rule.

3. If the foundations are two, then this is a complex proposal, and each part is considered separately (see paragraph 2).

Do not forget that homogeneous subjects and the faugables create not complicated, but a simple complicated offer.

15.1 punctuation marks with homogeneous members

Uniform members of the sentence are such members that answer the same question and belong to the same member of the sentence. Uniform members of the sentence (as the main, so secondary) are always connected by writing, with the Union or without it.

For example: In the "Children's years Bagrova-grandson" S. Aksakov with genuinely poetic enthusiasm describes both summer and winter paintings of Russian nature.

This offer has one part of Pts, these are two homogeneous definitions.

In one sentence there may be several rows of homogeneous members. So, in the proposal Soon hit heavy shower and covered the noise of rainflows and impulses of the wind, and pine boron moans Rows two: two fags, hit and covered; Two additions gusts and moans.

note: in each row, Pts has their punctuation rules.

Consider various proposals schemes with Pts and formulate the rules of comma formulations.

15.1.1. A number of homogeneous members connected by intonation, without unions.

General scheme: LTD .

Rule: If two or several Pts connected only by intonation, the comma is placed between them.

Example: At the still life are depicted yellow, green, red Apples.

15.1.2 Two homogeneous member are connected by the Union and, yes (in value and), or, or

General scheme: O and / Yes / either / or about.

Rule: if two och are connected by a single alliance and / yes, the comma is not put between them.

Example 1.: At the still life are depicted yellow and red Apples.

Example 2.: Everywhere I was encountered fun and friendly.

Example 3.: Only you yes I will stay in this house.

Example 4.: I will prepare rice with vegetables or pilaf.

15.1.3 Last Och joined Union I.

General scheme: Oh, about and about.

Rule: If the last homogeneous member is joined by the Union and, then the comma in front of it is not put.

Example: At the still life are depicted yellow, green and red Apples.

15.1.4. Homogeneous members more than two and union AND repeated at least twice

Rule: with various combinations of the Allied (paragraph 15.1.2) and the non-union (paragraph 15.1.1), the combination of homogeneous members of the proposal is complied with the rule: if homogeneous members are more than two and the union AND repeated at least twice, then the comma puts between all homogeneous members

General scheme: Oh, and Oh, and about.

General scheme: and Oh, and Oh, Io.

Example 1.: At the still life are depicted yellow, and green, and red Apples.

Example 2.: At the still life are depicted and yellow, and green, and red Apples.

More complex examples:

Example 3.: From the house, from trees, and from pigeon, and from the gallery - from all the long shadow ran away.

Two unions and, four och. Comma between Pts.

Example 4.: It was sad and in the spring air, and on the paneous sky, and in the car. Three union and, three och. Comma between Pts.

Example 5.: Houses and trees and sidewalks were covered with snow. Two unions and, three och. Comma between Pts.

Note, after the last och there is no commaFor it is not between Pts, but after him.

It is this scheme that is often perceived for the erroneous and non-existent, consider this when performing a task.

note: this rule works only under the condition that the union is repeated in one row, and not in the entire proposal.

Consider examples.

Example 1.: In the evenings at the table gathered children and adults And read out loud. How many rows? Two: children and adults; goals and read. Union and not repeated in each row, it is used one time. Therefore, the commas are not put according to Regulation 15.1.2.

Example 2: In the evening, Vadim went to his room and sat down reread Letter and write an answer. Two rows: gone and sat down; Sella (why? For what purpose?) reread and write.

15.1.5 Uniform members are connected by the Union A, but, yes (\u003d but)

Scheme: Oh, a / but / yes

Rule: if there is a union A, but, yes (\u003d but) commas are set.

Example 1: The student writes quickly, but inaccate.

Example 2: The baby is no longer a honeymoon, but cried his van.

Example 3: Small spool but precious .

15.1.6 Unions are repeated for homogeneous members NO NO; Not that, not that; Then then; OR EITHER; OR OR

Scheme: O, ILO, or O

Rule: with a two-time repetition of other unions (except) neither, nor; Not that, not that; then then; or either; Or, or the comma puts always:

Example 1: And the old man was pacing around the room and then Psalms flew in a low voice, then the daughter was impressive.

Please note that there are also homogeneous circumstances and additions in the proposal, but we do not allocate them for a clearer picture.

After the taent "packed" the comma is not!But if instead of the Union and that, and that would be just and, the commas were as many as (according to rule 15.1.4)

15.1.7. With homogeneous members there are double unions.

Rule: With double unions, the comma is placed before its second part. These are unions as ... so; not only but; not so much ... how much; How much ... so; Although ... but; if not ... then; Not that ... but; not that ... a; not only not, but rather ...than others.

Examples: I have a guide asfrom judge so equally and from all of our friends.

Green was not only magnificent landscape and plot master but It was still and Very subtle psychologist.

Mum not that angry but Still was unhappy.

Fogs in London are if not everyday , that A day later.

He was not so much upset , how much Surprised by the situation.

Please note that each part of the double union is before Pts, which is very important to take into account when performing a task 7 (the type "error for homogeneous members") we have already met with these unions.

15.1.8. Often homogeneous members are connected in pairs

General scheme: Scheme: Oh and O, O and O

Rule: With a pairing union of secondary members of the proposal, the comma is raised between the pairs (the Union and acts locally, only inside the groups):

Example1: Alleys planted with sirens and linden, knitting and poplars, led to a wooden stage.

Example 2: Songs were different: about joy and grief, the day of the past and day is coming.

Example 3: Books on geography and tourist directories, friends and random acquaintances told us that Ropotamo is one of the most beautiful and wild corners of Bulgaria.

15.1.9. Do not be homogeneous, so do not stand out by commas:

A number of repetitions having an amplifying shade are not homogeneous members.

And the snow went and went.

Simple complicated fags are also not homogeneous

He said so said I'll go check.

Phraseologists with repeated unions are not homogeneous members

Neither one nor fish nor meat; neither light either dawn; no day

If there is a sentence inhomogeneous definitionsThat faces an explanable word and characterize one subject from different sides, it is impossible to insert the union between them and.

Sleepy golden bumblebee unexpectedly rose from the flower depth.

15.2. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence

Complexed complex proposals are called, in which simple proposals are equal in meaning and are associated with writing alliances. Parts of the complex proposal do not depend on each other and make up one meaning integer.

Example: He walked three times in a peaceful, and every time the return home seemed to him the limit of human happiness.

Depending on the type of writing union, which binds part of the proposal, all complex proposals (SSP) are divided into three main discharges:

1) SSP with connecting unions (and; yes in value and; neither ..., neither; too; also; not only ..., but also; both ... and);

2) SSP with separation unions (then ..., then; not then ..., not that; or; either; or ..., either);

3) SSP with interpretation unions (a, but, yes, in value, but, however, but, but only, only).

15.2.1 The main rule of semicolon in the SSP.

The comma between parts of a complex proposal is raised by the main rule, that is, always, with the exception of special conditionsthat limit the action of this rule. These conditions are stated in the second part of the rule. In any case, to determine whether the proposal is difficult, it is necessary to find its grammatical foundations. What you need to consider at the same time:

a) Not always every simple sentence may also be subject to, and led. So, the proposals from one an impersonal part, with a fault in indefinitely. For example: A lot of work is to him, and he knew it.

Scheme: [Worth], and [He knew].

The door was called, and no one moved away.

Scheme: [called], and [no one moved].

b) to be subject to pronouns, both personal and other discharges: I suddenly heard a familiar voice before the pain, and it returned me to life.

Scheme: [I heard], and [it returned]. Do not lose pronouns in the role of subject if it duplicates to be subject to the first part! These are two sentences, each has its own foundation, for example: The artist was well acquainted with all guests, and he was a little surprised, seeing his face unfamiliar to him.

Scheme: [The artist was familiar], and [he was surprised]. Compare with a similar design in a simple sentence: The artist was well acquainted with all guests and was surprised a little, seeing his face unfamiliar to him. [About the tale and about the tale].

c) Since a complex offer consists of two simple, it is likely that each of them can have homogeneous members in their composition. The commas are also put according to the rule of homogeneous members, and according to the rule of a complex proposal. For example: Leaves bag, golden Fallen quietly to the ground, and the wind circled them in the air and threw up. Scheme offer: [Leaves fell], and [the wind is about the tale and about the tale].

15.2.2 Special conditions for setting signs in a complex sentence

In the school year of the Russian language, the only condition in which the comma is not put between parts of the complex supply, there is a presence general secondary member.

The most difficult thing for students is to understand whether there is General secondary sentence sentencewhich will give the right not to put a comma between parts, or it is not. The general means that relates simultaneously to the first part, and to the second. If the general member is - not set between parts of the SSP. If it is, then in the second part can not be a similar secondary memberHe is only one, stands at the very beginning of the offer. Consider ordinary cases:

Example 1.: A year later, the daughter went to school and Mom could go to work.

Both simple proposals can equally qualify for the circumstance of the time "in a year." What happened in a year? The daughter went to school. Mom was able to go to work.

Rearrangement of the general member at the end of the sentence changes meaning: The daughter went to school, and Mom was able to go to work in a year. And now this secondary member is no longer common, but only refers to the second simple proposal. Therefore, it is so important for us first, the place of the general member, only the beginning of the sentence , and secondly, the general meaning of the proposal.

Example 2.: By the evening, the wind of the bitch and beginning to boost. What happened by the evening? Wind subsided. Beginning to boil.

Now more complex example 1: On the outskirts of the citythe snow has already begun to fit, and here it was already quite a spring picture.. In the proposal, two circumstances, each simple one. That is why comma delivered. There is no general secondary member. Thus, the presence of a second secondary member of the same type (place, time, goal) in the second sentence gives the right to put a comma.

Example 2.: By night, the temperature of Mom rose even more, and we did not sleep all night. There is no reason to attribute the circumstance "by night" to the second part of the complex supply, so the comma is put.

It should be noted that there are other cases in which the comma does not become between the parts of a complex proposal. These include the presence of a general introductory word, a common attachment, as well as two proposals of uncertain-personal, impersonal identical in structure, exclamation. But these cases were not included in the tasks of the EGE, and in the manuals they are not presented and in the school course are not studied.

Between homogeneous members connected by single connecting and separation unions, the comma does not put (after the verb there may be a direct and / or indirect addition).

There is a comma (I wanted to come, but fell ill) between homogeneous members connected by opponent unions.

The comma is placed between homogeneous members connected by repeating unions: neither on the right, nor on the left, nor on the water, nor on the shore there was no one (A.P. Gaidar); I am either a robust, or I have important (M. Gorky); At the top of the ceiling, someone does not moan, not that laughs (A.P. Chekhov); ... in your heart there is pride, and a straight honor (A.S. Pushkin).

In the literature you can meet examples, where one performs the function of an amplifying particle, and the second is a single connecting union: it was summer and autumn rainy (V.A. Zhukovsky); The circle was light and green (I.S. Turgenev).

The comma does not put if the first two homogeneous members connected by the Union and form a close group (semantic and intonational), to which, with the help of the same Union, the third dick is joined: it is well folded and strong and (more) is extremely beautiful.

If homogeneous members, not connected by alliances, are followed by homogeneous members connected by repeating unions, the comma is put immediately before the first union: and around were smoke, and the fight, and death (B.L. Gorbatov); He is blind, stubborn, impatient, and frivolous, and kichli (A.S. Pushkin).

Between two non-prolonged homogeneous antonym members connected by repeated unions and the components of the phraseological turnover (and old and young, and laughter and grief, nor here, neither here, nor the end of the edge, etc.), the comma does not put. Between two common homogeneous members connected by repeated unions and components of phraseology, the comma puts (neither God candle, nor the hell of the aoger).

If homogeneous members are connected by paired gradual alliances, the comma is placed in front of the second part of the Union: it is not so much beautiful as charming. Inside the graduation unions, it is not that ... but, not that ... and in front of what and that the comma does not put (it is not beautiful, but charming). Before the words, although, which constitute the paired gradation unions, though ... But, if ... then, in a simple sentence (unlike complex), the comma is not put (it is not beautiful, but charming. It is if not beautiful, then charming).

Between homogeneous members connected by single connecting and separation unions, the comma does not put.

The clock came to the corner and turned back.

I listen, listen and falling over.

I saw only the tops of a slotie yes

winding edge of the opposite shore.

Flowers are best cut off in the morning or in the evening.

Let's go in the summer in the Caucasus or in the Crimea.

Now I will go to the north or at the Far East.

There is a comma between homogeneous members connected by opponent unions.

Now the sea shone no longer enough, but only in several places.

It was light, but in autumn boring and gray.

In appearance, he is good, and green.

Days are cloudy, however warm.

Our shelter is small, but calm.

The question is controversial, nevertheless important.

The case is exceptional, if not the only one of its kind.

The fog diverged, but also closed the tops of the trees.

Moved the tit of glory, and the sea did not care.

There is usually a comma between homogeneous members connected by repeating unions.

In this exclamous, and admiration, and gratitude, and love.

With someone else's either Roblast or I did it.

Upstairs behind the ceiling, someone is not moaning, it is not laughing.

In your heart there are pride and direct honor.

No victim, nor loss, nor suffering from folk love will be slapped.

From a barrel on the pavement and chapel, and thunder, and dust post.

There was no housing nor people on this deserted shore.

If for a homogeneous member (homogeneous members, not connected by unions), the homogeneous members connected by repeating alliances are followed, the comma is put immediately before the first union.

Leaves in the field wish, and circling, and fly.

Other owners have already grown cherries, or lilac, or jasmine.

Luck, and canvas, and yarn carry.

Only Malva, yes nogot, and a twisted panic bloomed in some way around the courtyards.

The whole evening Lensky was scattered, then silent, then wept again.

Between two unpropered homogeneous antonym members connected by repeating unions and the phraseological turnover components, the comma does not put.

From my brother, neither rumor neither spirit.

Come exactly at six, no earlier.

Children returned from the forest or living either dead from fear.

No end, neither the edge is not this forest.

Offend anything good man!

At the holiday were old and young.

Auditated and as well, but did not solve anything.

Someone is sluggish, boring, neither.

None neither the other brother is completely similar to the mother.

If homogeneous members are connected by paired gradual alliances, the comma is placed before the second part of the Union.

I have an order from both the judge, so equal to all of our friends to reconcile you with your friend.

The work is not so complicated how much time-consuming.

The glow spread not only above the city center, but far around.

Professor immediately showed me all the necessary tools as for catching butterflies, and for folding them.

Grass lay not only on the windowsill, but also on the clay floor, on the table, on the shop.

Not so much thank you for the package as for memory and attention.

He is not so much a smart as heter and trapes in handling the bosses.

As far as he dare with others, so robs with Dasha.

The defense came both friends and ill-wishers of the applicant.

Not so hot today, as stuffy.

Task 15.

1.Argument punctuation signs. Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to put one comma.

1) Someone by Terem closed yes the owners waited.
2) Many literary critics and historians again and again argue about the relationship of Goethe with the Great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin.
3) From houses in all directions, rows of trees or shrubs or colors.
4) In the syntactic stroit of two poetic texts, we can find both similarities and differences.

5) Ancient Spanish masters in the construction of locks were used either stone or brickwork.


2. Argument punctuation signs one comma.

1) Life is amazing and beautiful.

2) The struggle taught the tricks and caution of township and courage.

3) The road was failed between the mountain crests, then rose to rounded hills, then disappeared into the grass.

4) Everything shines and is not enough and happily stretches to the sun.

5) Good manners and properly developed behavior will bring a person as a good mood so and respect others.


3. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) He was remembered and only with a brilliance of lightning made steps.

2) The lunar light blew up not only on windows windows but also on the stroit of the river.

3) At night, the wind is angry yes knocking the window.

4) Give me a pencil or handle.

5) In college, he was engaged in hobbies as humanitarian and natural-mathematical disciplines


4. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) Agrona examined the crops of wheat and pea and recorded something in a notebook.

2) The anniversaries congratulated not only employees but also completely unfamiliar people.

3) Anaconda or some other major snake visited.

4) Silver and Zlatto, diamonds and pearls of emeralds and yahonts gave Boyharin to his ladunce.

5) I wanted a lot, but I did not catch anything.


5. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) I sit alone over the cliff and ironing a kind dog with incredibly funny in his false ferociousness with yellow trim eyes.

2) Gray Korshun with Flowing Shevily The wingspins flew over the ridge of the mountain.

3) The entire furniture in the room consisted of a bed table daub.

4) On the holiday, someone in the house cooked jam or pitch cake or prepared something more tasty and necessarily treated neighbors.

5) The intonation always lies on the verge of verbal and inconspicuously said and unpached.


6. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) Visitors to the library or somewhere learn either dream of learning.

2) Cloud in the north grew and captured the West and East.

3) It is characteristic of a person not only to learn before the great but also to strive to surpass it.

4) Everywhere at the top and bottom sang the larks.

5) In the evenings, children and adults gathered at the table and read out loud.


7. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) Siberia has many features both in nature and in human nuts.

2) imperceptibly and quickly lit and began to flary up an orange strip of dawn in the sky.

3) Topot of the sailor feet Yes Light noise of the ropes violated the silence of work.

4) Tractors failed in Fart or ringed in the torus.


8. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) Writing talent will equally manifest itself both in the books for adults and in children's literature.

2) Wings and Dahl and Goncharov were officials and did not lose their bestowings due to this.

3) The magician deceives the viewers however, never gives the illusion for the "pure coin".

4) I wanted to catch the bear somewhere on the clearing or for fishing on the river bank.

5) Ivan was almost always sonarous and lazy.


9. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) The basis for a beaver calch is the old stump or bump or shrub at the edge of the water.

2) Vasily Petrovich reluctantly and almost unacceptably listened to the elderly visitor and even showed impatience.

3) Special wax paints used as in South America So in ancient Egypt.

4) The spouses read them together or played four hands on the piano.

5) The shelter is small but calm.


10. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) Not injured neither pain nor death scared this courageous person.

2) the doctrine is called both scientific theory and a connected concept in external or internal politics.

4) In the evening, Vadim went into his room and sat down to re-read the letter and write the answer.

5) Disputes of hay mushrooms are very small and light and transferred air flow.


11. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) In the pantry smelled of the sea resin, splashing waves and a clock of coastal pebbles were heard.

2) My fellow speaker spoke freely in French and German and English and Spanish.

3) youth does not know the borders in any adoration or contempt.

4) Guests flocked from all over the trees riding and in the strollers and were comfortable in numerous rooms of the castle and its outbreaks.

5) Communions are capable of how to form it describe the subject or phenomenon and submit it a sign in the dynamics.


12. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) I took a piece of bread and a slice of ham and rose again to the deck.

2) He or amused us with stories or played with us or sang.

3) Fogs in London are if not every day, then every other day.

4) Autumn leaves fell and day and night.

5) The face of a radar that frowned that smiled.


13. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) E. Broshevich in the book "The image of love" shows us the greatness of Chopin and his human charm and the breadth of his interests.

2) The deceased uncle was a passionate fan of a dog hunting and traveled with greyhounds, then throw hares that foxes and wolves.

3) We decided to go on an excursion to Pskov or Novgorod to Pavlovsk or Peterhof.

4). GROM has already rumbled and ahead and on the right

5) From him there was neither rumor neither spirit.


14. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) The Russian person confesses in his fate and sadness and rejoices.

2) At the new exhibition are planning to show the works of Levitan or Polenov.

3) Absolved against the background of dark green trees and shrubs, reddish turrets and arbors.

4) Several answers to the questions showed as his erudition so deep mind.

5) The blizzard that pushed us in the back, then flew to the side and unfolded across the street.


15. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) The splashes of water jets are friendly refreshing her face, then took up a multi-colored brand that the gentle rainbow was hung in the air.

2) Winter struck by frost around the fields and forests and skidded out the roads along the roads.

3) The exhibition features not only painting but also graphics.

4) Guests have not seen neither torn notebook or trembling hands and neither tears of little chopin.

5) Clapper and Beloborodov did not say a word and gloomily looked at each other.


16. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) For a schoolchildren, there is not so much a minute of retaliation how much waiting for it.

2) The sky is all clouded by the clouds, then suddenly cleared for a moment.

3) On the calm surface of the water, blinking stars were reflected in the sky.

4) Noisy conversations happened everywhere in the club on the streets in homes.

5) For many books of Dostoevsky or Tolstoy more interesting than any detective novel.


17. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) Kuprin not only did not deceased with glory, but even it was eating.

2) The steppe moved close to the port and to the sea and brought white dust fishing slobs.

3) raves hollow water noise and deaf and long.

4) He stopped and for a long time he considered snow caps on the stump and at the fences and on fir branches.

5) The clouds on the horizon were converged and diverged, it was built into the bizarre castles.


18. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) She was young and clever and considered it necessary to take all the best from life.

2) There are many fussy and funny business and serious and serious.

3) Natasha drank milk and immediately fell asleep on a wide and long bench.

4) Thread scraps patiently sorted and tied them a piece with a piece and wrapped the multicolored thread on long spools.

5) In the morning Nikolai was going to get money in the mail to buy some books yes to go to the buddy.


19. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) the cart was bogged down in thick dirt and did not move back either forward.

2) in the snow were visible both harassing and fox traces.

3) I had to go on dogs or on deer.

4) The meadow smells a hay and grass and lulls the crackle of grasshoppers.

5) It is characteristic of a person not only to bow before Great, but also to strive to surpass it.


20. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) Such a strong passion for the music of the music was not knitted by either his age with his characteristic love for merry games with him with his surroundings.

2) Gushchin is gaining courage and asks a quiet and timid voice.

3) work on planting garden crops is carried out both in the spring and autumn.

4) Tourists made their way among the snowdrifts of a soft and loose snow and jerked in thick dirt.

5) Music was for Chopin as a form of heart output and weapon in his struggle.


21. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) Lightning, then with a swing, they beat into the ground with a direct blow, then weave on black clouds.

2) The doors and windows themselves and slaughtered themselves from the drafts and slammed with an incredible roar.

3) Elephants and rhinos and monkeys participated in this merry presentation.

4) Everything was unattractive and the sky and the lake and cloudy gave and a low island.

5) There was a strange knock in the parquet floor not behind the wall cover.


22. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) Suddenly, behind him boom boots and scream and rzhanne.

2) And the day and night went and went to the west.

3) He came to us from fascinated Dali and took us to the nightingale gardens of their ingenious and sad poetry.

4) After the "fight" of Slava, Kurris acquired not only All-Russian but also by world.

5) Neither the shadow of the envy, nor the intention of the thinner does not yet know this creature.


23. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) In the village, all rural childrens neither the light went to fish on the Volga.

2) Golovin was in her household and shepherd and supplier and cheese.

3) In the game, Chopin has already been felt as a childhood as a dexterity of the fingers and understanding of the meaning and content even the very empty Aryetta.

4) Meanwhile, Kutcher with a lacker and the maid brought baskets and prepared lunch.

5) Fear fuddled yes, he does not know about whom.


24. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) All the days of the host villas sat at home or spent time on a private beach.

2) Snow avalanche could not stop certain explosive work or additional fortifications.

3) Wheels of the wagon, it was complaints about whether they wanted that they walked convulsively and bounced.

4) The river was erased by a bright and clean snake and hid somewhere behind the hill.

5) A varied both in content and on artistic form 156 fairy tales published Andersen for thirty-seven years.


25. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) Dressed so Grigory in the summer and winter in the heat and frost.

2) Apartments F. Sopena as on the highwayAntenat and on the street Tronsh reminded his French friends elegant bonbonnieres.

3) We saw overgrown strawberries and forest raspberries and decided to fill our baskets.

4) Human Milk, then the execution is minimized that it crowns.

5) Neither science either the latest cars neither the best weather will never help grow good harvest manifest


26. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) It was uncomfortable in the garden and in the forest and in the house.

2) The artist must be a historian and poet and philosopher and observer.

3) It is necessary to be equally honest both in the big and small.

4) all around the hut sunflowers acacia and dry grass was covered with this rough dust

5) My life in the Belogorsk fortress was done for me not only to be worn but also pleasant.


27. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) In nature, he loved not only as a contemplator but also as a forestry.

2) The whole life of this restless and brilliant writer was a merciless fight with stupidity and meanness.

3) He was from fear nor alive either.

4) The sun rose and poured light and heat waves and a water surface and a stewed forest and people.

5) Zoya adhered to two fingers the edge of a wide hat and looked at the Block.


28. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) The first Russian scientists were no nobleman and the peasant village Denisovka Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov.

2) In front of the eyes went the ocean and broke and thundered and sparkled and left somewhere in infinity.

3) Baby Polish knew to his only sons both rights and privileges and income from all estates.

4) During the fulfillment of the mother of musical works, the little chopin or quietly laughed or importantly wrinkled his forehead either in sadness and politely asked to play even more beautiful melody

5) Insarov read Bersenev's translation of two or three Bulgarian songs and wished to know his opinion.


29. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) In the VIII century, most of Europe entered the staff of Karl Great Empire, however, after his death, the empire broke up.

2) The imprint of sophistication was on themselves paintings and vases and little things.

3) On the protection of the Motherland stood up and old and young.

4) All furniture in the room consisted of a bed and table.

5) I can be worn yes, you have a non-google.


30. Argument punctuation signs . Specify the proposals numbers in which you need to putone comma.

1) everyone sat down around the disengaged tablecloth and began for pate and other disasters.

2) You are a stone to smack or get on a tree or get on the bench.

3) In cycle natural Sciences Biology and chemistry and physics are included.

4) District with his respect and ughabs with forests and glades possessed dozens of microclimate.



Mark the offer in which you need to put only one
comma. (There are no punctuation signs in sentences.)

1) I took a piece of bread and a slice of ham and rose again to

2) He or amused us with stories or played with us or sang.

3) Fogs in London are if not every day every day

4) Autumn leaves fell and day and night.

1) Over Taganrog darkens the night blowing "Silver" wind and on wide malls
We rustle steppe grass.

2) the steppe moved close to the port and to the sea and brought
White dust fishing lobby.

3) raves hollow water noise and deaf and long.

4) he stopped and for a long time examined the hats of snow on
Stump and in the fences and on fir branches.

1) the whole life of this restless and brilliant writer was
a merciless fight with stupidity and meanness.

2) Green began to write and created in his books the world of cheerful and
bold people.

3) He came to us from the fascinated Dali took us to the nightingale
Gardens of their ingenious and sad poetry.

4) After the "fight" of Glory, the Kurin acquired not only
All-Russian but also of the world.

1) DRID he loved not only as a contemplator but also as

2) there sparkled by the Bengal fire walls of the walls of the snow
Palaces and tin soldiers stood on the clock on one leg.

3) He was either dead from fear.

4) the sun rose and poured the waves of light and heat and water
Sling and across the forest and people.

1) in the harbor lights of the lanterns crowded into a multicolored group and
Claims were visible. 2) And around was smoke and fight and death.

3) slaughte on the leaves birch drops not that dew is not

4) by that time I became
Increasingly and more often to go to his house and met all his family.

1) Waters are beautiful and in the south and in the silence of our northern

2) The reddish swamp is interspersed by rye zhn
Black stripes then bright winter spots.

3) I saw only the tops of a slotie and a winding edge
opposite shore. 4) There were summer and autumn rainies.

1) I'm behind it and in the water and into the water.

2) The blizzard became stronger and stronger and the snow went dry and

3) We do not wait for sunny daynacked.

4) Laughter and talk and splashing batheing.

1) Snegiri flew out of the forest thicket and appeared in the gardens and

2) under the birchs there was a gazebo with a flat green dome
and wooden blue columns.

3) South is the Goligan
Condenser plants of the birthplace of heat and human culture.

4) he posted in
Bonfire of dry grass and a brushwater and swelled the flame.

Test 9.

1) Summer days in the south
In short, the northern and southern plants there is exhausted from the light and cares

From him.

2) in oral and
Written millennia accumulates and thoughts and experience


3) the exhibition of young will open in the fall
Rostov artists.

4) Thin layer
transparent paint could pass on the canvas wet glitter eyes and

Suddenly flashed
Rushes and openwork lace.

Test 10.

1) during childhood
Chekhov All Taganrog was covered with obese grain and money and

Was settled with the Greeks and

2) long evenings
I listened to fairy tales and to
countless stories of yamchikov and


3) Fur in Pat yes does not know about whom.

4) you can not bring up in one word or
Relegate a man