
Very beautiful butterflies and flowers. The rare butterfly

Pests of garden plants

Animal security societies and results scientific research Every day, declare that several new species were added to the list of driving animals. Despite the fact that the butterflies belong to one of the most common classes of the animal world - insects - some of their representatives also gradually disappear from the face of the Earth.

Our material contains information about rare butterflies of the world, which live on different continents of the planet.

Schedule or Rainbow Schrenk (Mimathyma Schrenckii. or Amuriana Schenckii)

The name of the species happened on behalf of the Russian scientist Zoologist Leopold Ivanovich Schrenk, who was the first to describe this beautiful motley butterfly. The rainbow of this moth is called for the features of the color - the upper part of its wings (blue with white and rusty stains) is distinguished by a gentle pearl. These rare butterflies, whose photos can be seen on our website, live in the middle of the Amur region, and are also found in China and Korea.

Brama Wallich (Brahmaea Wallichii.)

Many types of night butterflies of the Brama family are under the threat of extinction, but BRAHMAEA WALLICHII is considered the most small at this time. Opened these insects British surgeon and Botany Nathaniel Wallich, whose name and named the view. If you are lucky enough to see how flutters moth Brama, then our description is probably not needed - the meeting will be remembered for life. You will be amazed by the beauty of this major fluffy moth with a wings of sixteen centimeters.

Yellow tap or Podalirie (IPhiclides Podalirius.)

The title of the Rarest Butterfly, also claims the type of the Sailboat family, named after the hero of an ancient Greek mythology. The legend narrates about the famous handsome doctor named Podaliria, who was the son of Asclepia and possessed the unique gift of healing of internal diseases. Science does not attribute to moths iPhiclides Podalirius any medicinal abilities, but the beauty of these insects will confirm each. Butterfly wings consist of top and bottom paired parts that do not differ in the color - light yellow background with black stripes. However, the bottom pair ends with an atypical elongated spur. For such a feature, the species received the folk name of a yellow tower.

Apollo (Parnassius Apollo.)

Despite the fact that there are already several types of winged insects, the most rare butterflies are certainly snow-white Apollo. The distribution of these moths today is limited, scientists are attempts to deliver them to those places where Apollons extinct without a trace. The ideal conditions for Parnassius Apollo are dry, overwhelmed edges, power lines and open glades in pine forests. The color of the butterfly is changed, but the overall features of the ornament are still saved. You can learn any Apollo on five black spots on the upper and five red with black circles circuits on the lower wings.

Brazilian Morpho (Morpho Rhetenor)

Morpho Rhetenor's rare butterflies Morpho Rhetenor are so often found in the dried form from collectors, which is almost impossible to see them in nature. But if the desire to get acquainted with these bright blue flying beauty closer not to take out simple pictures, then it is to go to Brazil, where these butterflies are under the strict protection of the law.

All rare butterflies, whose photo you see in our material belong to the extinct species of animal planet Earth. Therefore, accidentally seeing them anywhere, just enjoy this perfect natural creation in full, because the second such case may not be.

Butterflies are one of the most beautiful and amazing insects on Earth. They are already more than 250,000 varieties.

The beauty of these fluttering creatures inspired not one artist, sculptor, poet ... many fascinates the collecting of these striking creatures.

We suggest you see photos of the most unusual and magnificent butterflies of our planet.

This is a rather major. The scope of the wings of this butterfly is 14-17 cm. In the photo you see the male. Depending on the angle of review, its wings change from blue-green to violet.

This is one of the most common butterflies in Florida. She has rather long wings - up to 10 cm in motion. Butterfly Zebra loves shaded places, as its wings are overheated in the sun. Due to the highly fluid, this insect is not suitable for eating birds.

This butterfly can be met in the tropical regions. It is distinguished by bright unmatched color on the wings with distinct eyes. Peacock Pansy flies very quickly. The males and females in color practically do not differ.

Look at the wings of this beauty shown in the photo. Two digits are clearly visible on them. The territory of habitat of this winged creation is quite wide: from Brazil, Bolivia and to Peru.

This butterfly is so called because of huge flies on wings, which are similar to the soviet eyes. The habitat of these giants with a wing scale is more than 20 cm - rainy forests of Mexico, South and Central America. Like owls, these butterflies are mostly flying in the dark.

This butterfly with transparent wings is found in Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. In addition to the wings admires its beauty, the tail of this insect, combining green, blue and pink shades. Most of the time these butterflies are carried out under the leaves of plants, and fly out when the sun shines very brightly.

The butterfly was so named after Zeus's son. She has excellent white wings, the tops are transparent having an unusual spotted pattern. This is a rather major. The wingspan is up to 9 cm. It is possible to meet Apollo in Europe and Asia.

Look at this unusual butterfly with glass wings and paws in the form of brushes. Her habitat is the territory from Mexico to Central America.

Green butterflies in nature a bit. You can meet this winged insect in Southeast Asia. This butterfly is also called Emerald Pavlin.

Look at the photo. At first glance, it is not even believed that a living being is depicted here. Its folded wings have striking resemblance to a leaflet that can be seen on the ground in the autumn period. These butterflies may have wings of another shape and coloring. It can be met in the forests of Madagascar, India, New Guinea and South Asia.

Butterflies are a large group of insects common in any region of the world. Together with the moths, they constitute a detachment of Lepidoptera (scaly-tilted). About 12 families of butterflies live. Many mature moths and butterflies feed the nectar that they suck out flowers. In the course of food, they are able to transfer pollen from one flower to another - so, many representatives of the flora depend on moths and butterflies in terms of pollination. Like moths, butterflies have elongated mouth sucking and 2 pair of wings that function as 1 couple. The wings are covered with scales, which shake in the form of dust, if they touch the butterfly.

Butterflies are sobody the evolutionary branch of the moths. The origin of them can be dated with a chalk period, which ran out of 65 million years ago. The earliest testimony of the possible existence of butterflies (most likely, these were crowded) relating to the period of 57 million years ago, and were found in modern Denmark. Live flowers. Fragile and excellent creatures, personifying the limitless fantasy of nature - butterflies. The riot of paints or buying, almost monochrome aesthetics with small masters of the master, very tiny and more palms of a mature man - various. The perfection and uniqueness of wildlife, our world is reflected in the drawings of butterfly wings.

Top 10 of the most amazing butterflies:

The largest night butterfly, the peachanism of the Atlas or Prince Darkness (Attacus Atlas). Its front wings are curved so that they simulate the snake head - scares enemies.

2. Baby Poultry

The largest daytime butterfly, poultry, or the Sailboat of Queen Alexandra (Ornithoptera Alexandrae). The swipe of the female wings of this insect comes up to 32 centimeters. Also, this butterfly can be considered one of the most rare in the world.

3. Baby Uranius

The most beautiful butterfly on the soil is uranium (Chrysiridia rhipheus), which is found in Madagascar. The most beautiful recognized it by M / H Scientific Congress.

4. Gain dead head

ACHERONTIA ATROPOS). The hardest butterfly, and 1 of the most large. Weigh usually about 9 grams. She fell her name in such a way that the drawing on its back reminds the human skull.


The most unusually looking butterfly - Greta Morgane Morgane. In English, it is called Glasswing, an approximate translation: "Glasswork". She has transparent wings!

6. Gabble Admiral

Butterfly Traveler - Admiral (Vanessa Atalanta). These insects produce a flight over long distances: they migrate from Yaroslavl for the winter to Africa, while flying not by flocks, but on their own.

7. Parnasius baby

Butterfly from the genus Parnasius, Parnassius Bannyngtoni (no Russian name) - the most high-mountain butterfly in the world. Lives in the Himalayas, occurs at an altitude of more than 6000 m above sea level.

8. Baby Reapenitsa

The most common butterfly in the world is the reure (Pyrameis Cardui). It is found in all parts of the world, with the exception of Y. America.

Top 10 most amazing butterflies
Butterflies are one of the most beautiful creatures on the ground. The tops contain the most amazing representatives of these insects.

Butterfly Atlas or Prince,

The largest night butterfly, the peachanism of the Atlas or Prince Darkness (Attacus Atlas). Its front wings are bent in such a way that they simulate a snake head - it scares enemies.

Butterfly poultry,

The largest daytime butterfly, poultry, or the Sailboat of Queen Alexandra (Ornithoptera Alexandrae). The scope of the females of this insect reaches 32 cm. In addition, this butterfly can be considered one of the rarest in the world.

Butterfly uranium,

The most beautiful butterfly on the ground is uranium (Chrysiridia rhipheus), which is found in Madagascar. The most beautiful recognized it by the International Scientific Congress.

Butterfly dead head,

ACHERONTIA ATROPOS). The toughest butterfly, and one of the largest. Weigh usually about 9 grams. She received her name because the drawing on its back reminds the human skull.

Butterfly Greta Morgane Morgane,

The most unusually looking butterfly - Greta Morgane Morgane. In English, it is called Glasswing, approximate translation: "Glasswork". She has transparent wings!

Butterfly admiral,

Butterfly Traveler - Admiral (Vanessa Atalanta). These insects make a flight to huge distances: they migrate from Yaroslavl for the winter to Africa, and they are flying not by flocks, but alone.

Butterfly Parnasius,

Butterfly from the genus Parnassius, Parnassius Bannyngtoni (no Russian name) - the most high-mountain butterfly in the world. It dwells in the Himalayas, occurs at an altitude of more than 6000 meters above sea level.

Butterfly Reapenitsa,

The most common butterfly in the world is the reure (Pyrameis Cardui). It is found in all parts of the world, except for South America.

Butterfly peacock eye,

Butterfly with the best sense of smell - night peacock (Saturnia Pyri). The male is able to feel the smell of pheromone females for 12 km!

Butterfly Zizula Hylax.,

The smallest butterfly - Zizula Hylax (no Russian name). This daytime butterfly lives in Africa, in Madagascar, Mauritius, in Arabia, the tropical belt of Asia and Australia. The length of its front wing is only 6 millimeters.

Butterflies look like live flowers. Since ancient times, these winged insects were associated with spring, beauty, eternity, reborn the soul. Italians called them "flowers, torn wind". In Asian countries, the butterfly is not just a beautiful creature, but also delicacy.

The beauty of butterflies is created at the expense of scales covering their wings. Scales have ribbed walls, and when sunlight It falls on them and refracting, various colors appear. It is the external data that erected these insects to the top of popularity from collectors. About 200 thousand types of scales, and the most beautiful butterflies The world presents in our ranking.

10. Peacock eye

Its small wings whose scope can reach no more than 5.5 cm, have a very bright color. On a bright red background, four rainbow stains resembling eyes are located at the edges. There is a peacock eye about 9 months. It is sent to the wintering bark in the crew, where warm pores wait.

9. Greta OTO

Greta OTO or a glass butterfly is one of the most amazing species of winged insects. The second name Greta was received due to the transparency of the wings. In Argentina and Mexico, this is the most common butterfly. One of the smallest creatures has wings with a scope of 5 cm. Crystal-transparent wings are decorated along the edges of red or brown rod. This species plays an important role in the ecosystem, as it participates in the pollination of most local plants. The feature of Greta is that it prefers as food only to poisonous vegetation. Accumulating a lot of toxins in their small body, they become unattractive for insectivores. During the day, the glass butterfly can overcome the distance of up to 12 km.

8. Morpho Peleida

Morpho Pelisida, which translated from Greek means "Beauty", justifies its name. Its brilliant, blue-blue colors of the wings has a framing of black color with pronounced white spots along the edges. A unique shade helps to attract the opposite sex to themselves and scare off hunters. Morpho's life is not lasting and averages 2 weeks. A feature of this species is that males prefer to live with groups.

7. Admiral

Among the most beautiful winged insects is the admiral butterfly, which received its name for bright red stripes on black velvety wings with white spots. This is a relatively small beauty has a span of the wings of only 5-6 cm. The admiral feature is that it makes the fall of flights to huge distances. The period of life is about 9 months.

6. Madagascar Cometa

Madagascar comet is not only a real beauty, but also the longest butterfly in the world. At the back of her bright orange wings with brown eyes are decorated with twenty-salted-meter tails, which have a property of disappearing literally through several flights performed. The life expectancy of the Madagascar Comet is calculated only a few days. This winged insect does not have a digestive system and mouth, as it is powered by the accumulated nutritional funds, which he also received a caterpillar.

5. Glory Bhutan

The mountain butterfly of Glory Bhutan takes the fifth place in beauty among the winged insects. Her amazing forms and peculiar color will not leave any aesthete indifferent. Sleeping of the wings does not exceed 10 cm. Each wing has a rear of three bizarre the shape of the tail, which gives a segmental high highlight. Two bright red spots rear warn hunters for covered in the fact that they are inedless. Slava Bhutan has the property to fold the rear wings under the front, which is why it becomes almost imperceptible. In India, this type of butterflies is under guard.

4. Sailboat Maaka

Maak or Blue Mahaon sailboat lives on Sakhalin. The males have an incredibly beautiful color, transfusing dark green tump, against the background of which black fields appear. Often, males form clusters and settle near the streams and rivers or on wet roads, after the rain. Washed into the sky, the worried pack forms an amazing spectacle from a turbid dark green cloud.

3. Poultry of Queen Alexandra

It is considered one of the most valuable copies among collectors. The insect habitat is New Guinea. The males are considered more beautiful than the females, thanks to their amazing coloring, which attracts attention not only for females, but also aesthetes among people. Their wings are overflowed with gentle shades of green and blue and resemble elegant, narrow leaves of the oscillation plant. Females do not boast such beauty. In size, they are much larger than males - when flying is capable of creating a span of wings to 28 cm.

2. Uranius Madagascar

One of the most beautiful beautiful creatures of nature is the butterfly of Urania Madagascar. This is a rather large bats insects with a wings of the wings to 9 cm. Under the magnifying glass, you can see that the wings of uranium are multicolored flakes that share an amazing rainbow pattern. On the edges of the wings there is a white edging that gives special personality and uniqueness appearance Butterflies. Its bright, unusual coloring is a protective element from those who want to hunt it. Unusual color signals insectivores that these individuals are poisonous. Urania love the bright time of the day and lead turbulent active activities. In the evening, a flock of beauties is going to one place for the night.

1. Atlas

Rating The most beautiful butterflies heads the Atlas or Prince of Darkness. The actively existence of the Atlas prefers in the dark time of the day, which is why he received the second name. It is also the biggest insect from your family. The swings of his wings can reach several dozen centimeters. Coloring and shape of the wings resembles the head of the snake. Thus, the prince scares animals from himself who are not averse to insect. The duration of his life is only a ten-day period. Being more caterpillar, he actively replenishes his body nutrient substancesDue to which it will exist, turning into a butterfly.