
Story about amazing-beautiful butterflies "Parking Butterfly Giants"

Pests of garden plants

To admire, and you can admire them infinitely and probably nature awarded them for something! Multicolored butterflies, Parish as bright lace, is a real paradise, watching how millions of brightest butterflies slowly, rising somewhere in the air prostament of bright blue the sky, they warm them and nicely warm the sun and butterfly of various breeds and coloring, almost somewhere they are going to their great fun, who loves looks and admire, and someone simply watches for such playful flying insects that practically live themselves -Seb of your own life and probably little about what they think about them and for them the world is always beautiful, they want to see in our world a sea of \u200b\u200bpleasure, but it is a familiar lifestyle for them, butterfly for us is a despicable natural beauty.

Who is this butterfly? Yes, it is difficult and expressing your feelings at the sight of such unique and never repeat colors, butterflies have a property to create on their "skirt" patterns and coloring, which will never make any talented painter and none Artist Animatist.

Beautiful butterflies, almost very rarity, but there are rarest species such as the royal butterfly, it is truly amazing giant butterflies!

And you are a wonderful reader, how do you feel about butterflies? Do you like your breath at the occasion of breathing, look at so rainbow and filled with all the colors of the boards of the brightest on the right of creating the very nature of their majesty butterflies? Do you like it? The process of their cute and quiet flight , butterfly flies flies and somehow it wants to get somewhere, but where, to the nearest leaf or even further, it seeks, far away and completely far. Who of us, II from you love to travel a lot around the world, he probably was in hot countries and felt there all the charm of local, beautiful, bright, painted as specially butterflies, then know that you are very lucky and you were born a happy man, because you see the most real miracle of nature, and it is, it exists in the distant Russia , Ukraine, Belarus and other countries where the climate is not quite tropical, it is often very surprising to observe such amazing creatures.

And now we will tell you as one creative Biologist-nerd, I decided to devote my trip to the beautiful world, where the butterflies live, where there are a lot of and armed with a lot of them and armed with a camera, practically committed the unique discoveries, let me and, together with him let down in this amazing a fairy tale and we will see in the optics and reveal how beautiful this world is and how much in it can be the brightest representatives of flora and fauna, because the plowing miracle is, and there is our earthly pride, we have been nicknamed "butterflies", and butterflies are very Different both in size and their color color.

Australian photographer Bernard d "Australian photographer Bernard D" Abrera arrived at the deaf corner of New Guinea. The purpose of his travel is to make one of the most amazing and "rare pictures in the history of our century, in the entire hundred central history of the photo.

Students 1 Klass

Work is of interest to a wide range of readers and contains information about the etymology of the word "butterfly", about metamorphoses taking place with it, and in the "Creative Workshop" section of the description of the work on creating models from paper, plasticine, beads, embroidery make it possible to get your own Beauty-beauty, not harming nature.




Butterflies must be one of the most beautiful living beings on Earth! They look like revived flowers, fancy and brightness of painting their wings truly fabulous!

Many of the magic fairy tales and legends are folded about the butterflies, which scientists call "scrapers".

What is the etymology of the word "butterfly"? What is the story of their evolution? Why is this miracle of nature? What is "metamorphosis"? Do butterflies need to protect? How can you get your own beautiful butterfly, not harmful in nature?

We will be responsible for these and other issues during our study.

Many butterflies need protection. They bring great benefits not only as pollinators of plants. Protect them, attracting public attention to the image of these insects makes our studyrelevant.

Hypothesis of research - If you learn about the butterflies in more detail and tell others about them, as well as learn to make them from materials using various techniques, it will allow you to attract the public attention to the problem of the disappearance of entire types of insect data and thereby preserve their number in nature.

Object research is the literature on the butterfly and recreation of their image from materials using various techniques.

Subject of study - Butterfly.


  1. Explore and summarize theoretical material on the topic of research;
  2. Expand the idea of \u200b\u200bbutterflies as beauty and miracle of nature;
  3. Attract the attention of the public to the problem of the disappearance of types of butterflies;
  4. Learning to recreate images of butterflies from materials using various techniques.
  5. Develop the intellectual gifting of the student, the ability to allocate the main thing, generalize the analyzed material;
  6. Increase social knowledge status;
  7. Enter schoolchildren into the world of scientific issues.

The implementation of the goals is carried out through the decision of the followingtasks:

  1. Promoting the formation of a person through research activities. Assisting a schoolboy in the development of the need and ability to self-development;
  2. Acquisition of children younger school age, prone k. scientific activity, to planned research; bringing them to the real result;
  3. Formation of skills public speech, scientific controversy.

The main methods This study is:

  1. analysis and synthesis;
  2. climbing from abstract to concrete;
  3. observation;
  4. comparison;
  5. visualization of data.

Expected results: Ownership of information about butterflies as beauty and miracle of nature, the ability to manufacture them from materials using various techniques, as well as attracting public attention to the problem of the disappearance of entire types of insect data and thereby assistance in the preservation of their number in nature.

Work in this area includes the followingstages:

  1. General acquaintance (fluent viewing of information sources);
  2. Processing of information, allocation of the most significant;
  1. Making discharges and their further processing;
  2. Comparison and comparison with various sources of information;
  3. Carrying out the practical part of the study;
  4. Analysis and synthesis of assembled material, addition to their own observations;
  5. Conclusion;
  6. Conclusions and offers.

Main part

"Butterflies - Beauty and Miracle of Nature"

1. The history of the appearance of the word "butterfly"

How interesting is - penetrating the amazing and multicolor world of the word, disassemble and study it on bricks, consider, feel it warm and mysterious shine.

Surprisingly dear and naive history of this wonderful word "butterfly", originally meant the "soul of grandmother", "Spirit of the Prattel".

Our distant ancestors, watching flight beautiful insects, watching how they are circling near the windows and doors of the housing, stubbornly fly to the world, thought: yes, does it not flute around the soul of the deceased degree of those who live in it now? So it was the adorable insect butterfly1 .

2. What is metamorphosis, or how the caterpillar turns out a butterfly

But the most striking is butterflies, as in a real fairy tale, have a complete transformation! Many insects change the appearance in the process of growth. Such changes are called metamorphosis2 .

Butterflies are not the only "insects with a complete transformation," as scientists say, but here the difference between the worm similar to the worm is a voracious caterpillar and bright, fluttering in the sky, especially striking. From the jacket, pending butterfly, tiny caterpilts appear, who eat their own lives and grow, grow and eat, mainly leaves of plants. Then the grew caterpillars "okubley" - turn into fixed, but live dolls. Some of the caterpillars, before the "Point", will be spinning oval strong cocoons from durable threads. And finally, the Cold Butterfly-Beauty appears from the doll!

3. What is a red book, or whether butterflies need in our defense

Nature has created many different creations. Plants, insects and animals in it occupy a special place. However, many of them threaten the danger to disappear from the face of the earth. Since 1600, about 150 species of animals have died out on our planet, and more than half of them are over the past 50 years. Many plants, insects and animals, which previously met often, have now become rare.

In many ways it happened due to the fault of people. And now Nature asks for help. This applies to all people of the Earth, all mankind. Therefore, states enclose international agreements in order to fight for the salvation of nature. Created and creating various international organizations that serve the case of nature conservation. One of them is the International Union of Nature and Natural Resources. It is this organization that makes an international red book.

  1. V.V. Woline. Where did the words come from: an entertaining etymological dictionary. - M.: AST-PRESS, 1996, p. 9
  2. Large children's encyclopedia.-M.: Mahar, 2006, p. 302-303

This book is called so because the red color means the danger signal. It forces its brightness to all pay attention to the specified danger, in this case warns people about the possible serious consequences that will occur with the death of whole types of plants and animals. The Red Book was established by the International Union of Nature Protection in 1966. She is stored in the Swiss town of the walker. All data on plants and animals are entered into it, which urgently need care and protection.

Currently, more than a hundred species of butterflies in our country are already listed in the Red Book1 .

Much hurt them and we, funny kids, chasing the butterflies with gauze saccha in their hands. One who is seriously interested in butterflies can, of course, collect and correctly arrange a collection - the right and useful tutorial. But nonspecialists are better just to admire the butterflies in the summer and in early spring. Let fly!

No collection with dead insects with dead insects will not bring the living joy that gives the alternating flowers of the Lugo to the Lugo or Polyanka in the forest, where they fly, flute, dancing in sunny air bright, wonderful butterflies. Nature has developed many adaptations from them, reliably protecting natural enemies. Only against man butterfly are powerless. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to admire and watch. Do not exterminate, and guard! This is an important person on earth.

4. Can the butterflies make harm?

Is there no harmful butterflies? Of course I have. Insect ability to multiply in very large quantities, as if to give a "outbreak" of breeding during certain years, is dangerous for forests, gardens, gardens. In such cases, they are conducted with a special struggle.

Frozing, pine, siberian and ring cocoon peasants, gold juses, scoops, spiders and annoying in houses moles - Here are a few of harmful butterflies2 . Contributes and cabbage. Her caterpillars spar the birds and homemade chickens. But in order to successfully deal with harmful butterflies, it is necessary to create stable, healthy breeds of plants, observing the correct agrotechnik, and at home - cleanliness and order.

Creative workshop

Butterfly from plasticine1

Insect torso models are molded using devices that will not keep the model with their hands.

Bowls of butterflies are such a huge amount that it is very difficult to stop for some one. Butterflies can be with different outlines of the wings.

Taurus for them will be the same. Of course, its form is very conditional. We hope that entomologists will be forgiven.

When modeling the model, it is more convenient to arrange it vertically.

Cook wings. Insert them into the cut.

A mustache make out of the wire. To portray the thickening on the butterfly mustache, start the end of the wire or secure the bead on it.

Butterfly Beads and Wire2

You will need:

Packaging of a dark blue shiny bead with a diameter of 2.6 mm

Packaging of a red shiny bead with a diameter of 2.6mm

Shiny bead packaging with a diameter of 2.6 mm of green

Black metal wire 0.28 mm thick



Take 40 cm of nylon thread and along the scheme on the right, start the volume weaving. After the 25th row, it is again to thread one end of the thread in 1 bisper of the 24th row and the second end - to another bisper of the 24th. Tie both threads knot.

Upper wings

Take 50 cm of black wire and according to the map on the right. Start flat weaving of the first wing. Attach this wing, traveled to the end of the wire in Beerin, located at the end of the 19th row.

In the same way, the second end of the wire in Beerin at the end of the 17th row. Scrub both ends of the wire and perform the second top wing in the same way.


Take 15 cm of black wire and grid in 2 bispers of the 25th row of butterfly calf. Having traveled 15 bisper of the dark blue, again the wire to the wire in the first 14 bearer. Print the wire in Beadin, located at the end of the 25th row. In the same way, work from the other end and connect both ends of the wire and hide them inside the butterfly taurus. Apply the shape shape.

Lower wings

Take 60 cm of black wire and along the diagram on the right, start the flat weaving of the first wing. Attach this wing, traveled to the end of the wire in the bead, located at the end of the 17th row.

In the same way, the second end of the wire in Beerin at the end of the 15th row. Two wire ends and perform the second lower wing in the same way (Appendix 2).

Butterfly on flower

Type of work: Applique

Section: artistic creativity, technical creativity

Raw material:colored paper, scissors, white paper A4, PVA glue, simple

Pencil, gel with glitters.

Work description:

First stage:

Choose a background of colored paper. We chose green, grass color. First cut out of white paper petals for our flower, and from yellow paper the core of the flower. Then the stalk with a leaf of light green paper.

Second phase:

We glue on a green flower background in the very center, then the skeleton. We glue so that the flower is volumetric.

Fourth stage:

For the frame, we twist white paper A4. Cut the ends at an angle of 90 * and glue with each other. Our frame is ready. It remains to stick it to our applique.


  1. The word "butterfly" is formed from the "grandmother", "grandmother" and is based on the pagan ideas that the soul of the dead truth continues to live in the form of a butterfly;
  2. Insect butterflies with complete transformation, in their development they pass four stages: larva, caterpillar, doll, butterfly;
  3. Currently, more than a hundred species of butterflies in our country are already listed in the Red Book;
  4. To successfully deal with harmful butterflies, it is not necessary to destroy them, it is necessary to create stable, healthy breeds of plants, observing the correct agrotechnik, and at home - cleanliness and order.
  5. Created from paper, plasticine, beads and embroidery of the model allow you to get your own butterfly-beauty, not harming nature.

Offer: Create with pleasure!


  1. Beltyukova N., Petrov S., Kard V. Learn to sculpt: Papier-Masha. Plasticine.-M.: Eksmo Press, 2001
  2. Big children's encyclopedia.-M.: Mahar, 2006
  3. V.V. Woline. Where did the words come from: an entertaining etymological dictionary. - M.: AST-Press, 1996
  4. I. Kassap-Selle. Volumetric figures from beads.-Tver: Content, 2009
  5. What. Who is: at 3 t. T.1.-M.: Pedagogy-press, 1999
  6. Encyclopedic dictionary of a young naturalist / Sost. A.G. Rogozhkin.-M.: Pedagogy, 1981

Shortly after the appearance of the first flowers, multicolored butterflies begin their flight. The first wakes up the urticaria, and a week later, lemongrass. These are the only butterflies in our region, which winter in adults. Other species in the form of a pupae or are in pending eggs, a few weeks will pass before they begin to smooth over the colors.

The first butterflies originated from the moths living even during dinosaurs. Their representatives survived all sorts of climatic changes on earth, and reached our days. Depending on where they dwell, they had to adapt to local conditions.

So there were various types of their. At Madagascar, the butterflies have the longest trumps through which flower nectar drinks, their length comes to 28 centimeters. And the biggest butterfly (Attacus Altas) has a 30 cm wings span, it is so huge that it seems to be afar that it is a bird. But there are also babies (Johanssonia Acetosea), with wings in 2 mm.

Each butterfly has its own color, but if you touch the wing, it will become transparent. Since Rainbow colors are on a peculiar scaway, creptable when touched. Before you start racking a new flower, the butterfly tries the nectar to taste the legs. Among the entire abundance of colors, painted beauties, there are only three: yellow, red and green.

Where new butterflies come from

After the butterfly appears on the light of the pupa, a few hours later she is looking for a partner. Some species feel their pair at a great distance. After their meeting and mating, the female puts the eggs, it is just the first stage of formation, and the butterfly has four of them.

  1. Egg.
  2. Larva.
  3. Doll.
  4. Butterfly.

Some butterflies are laying up to 1000 eggs over the summer. So that the eggs are not destroyed, the female hides them: in the soil, under the leaves, in special capsules from their glands, under multicolored flakes and even transmit to storage of ants.

The last method is the most unusual, it enjoys a certain kind of butterflies - Gulads. Their larvae ants hide for the winter in their anthill, and when caterpillars appear, the ants give them their larvae to the excitement. They suffer such a neighborhood of the ants are not just like that, they feed on a special liquid, which the caterpillars are distinguished.

Butterfly larva

The larva appears from the egg, the shell of which it eats, as soon as it leaves. After that, the newborn caterpillar starts eating a leaflet. Most often, the caterpillars live separately, but some remain their family before turning into the doll.

Link caterpillar

In the process of growing, the caterpillar resets the skin several times, practically like we are clothes when we grow out of it. In this case, the skin from the head does not lose the form, as if it took off the carnival mask, and the skin of the torso comes into the harmonica.


When the caterpillar reaches the desired size, the reinforcement process begins. Externally, it looks like she clung to the branch and froze, with the time the larva will turn into a doll and will be in such a state until it becomes a butterfly. It is the doll that herself is frozen, the larva itself reacts inside her for foreign movements, but it is not necessary to take it specially.

In the state of the pupa, it is located from the pair of weeks, up to several months. It is impossible to break the pupa, from this butterfly will not crash. In the cocoon, it changes, her wings grow, and the skin changes. If you break her shell ahead of time - the butterfly will die. After the changes are completed, it will destroy the cocoon and get out.

The first clock of the life of the butterfly

Before flying, the butterfly should straighten your wings. While staying in the doll, they were tightly pressed to her body. As soon as they disappear and completely dried - she will fly to search for their pair and will also put eggs. Giving life to new butterflies.

What eating adult butterflies

The leaves are no longer "gnawing", and not because the butterfly is more sophisticated creatures than caterpillars, but because they have no rodent oral apparatus. But they appear the proboscis, which they drink various liquids, almost like we through the tube. They drink not only nectar, but also water with puddles, juice of trees and fruit, and some even blood buffaloes.

Pasta Panel "Butterfly Life"

To make an application showing all the stages of the butterfly life, we will need such things:

  • pasta in the form of a bow, spirals and shells;
  • cardboard plate or circle;
  • twigs with leaves 3pcs;
  • rice grains;
  • flower.

The plate is separated by the lines into four parts, for beauty, the background can be frowning in different colors. Next, glue the elements on the part.

  1. Twig with rice grains (egg).
  2. Spiral macaronic with leaves (caterpillar).
  3. Shell "suspended" on a branch (doll).
  4. Bow with flower (butterfly).

Story about butterfly for first class


Mini-essays on the topic "Butterfly" Option 1 I often see in the garden of urticulous butterflies. They are small, but noticeable. These butterflies have brick-red wings with large black spots. They call the urticaries, because their caterpillars grow on nettle. The stripper of the historical shape, the upper part performs them compared to the bottom. And on the gear edges of the wings there is a beautiful black and white pattern. Thanks to these signs, the urticaria does not confuse with any other butterfly. If the butterfly sits on the flower, you can see the lower part of her wings. But it is completely neuropric, gray-brown color with a wide yellow stripe. I love to watch the butterflies of this breed. Especially when several of the garden flies them. Or when the butterfly sits on the flower, smoothly placing the wings. It seems to stretch your hand and take it a miracle. But it is worth reaching her as the urticaria is already trembling with wings in the air. Warrant 2. Description of the butterfly 5 class from the most interesting butterflies is a "peacock of the eyes." It is called so, because four spots are located on her wings. These specks are very similar to the eyes. They even tinted blue colorAs if the rainbow shell of the present eye. And also - exactly the "peephole" on the tail at Peacock. When the "peacock of the eye" turns his wings, it seems as if he looks at you intently. There are bright wings of this butterfly, red-brown. There are red-orange butterflies. And the butterfly tank is gray-beige, inconspicuous. Two straight long mustache sticks in front of an invisible head. The same gray-beige, like a body, strips are bordered by bright gentle wings butterflies. From this contrast, it looks even more beautiful. Warrant 3. Writing about the butterfly 2-4 I want to tell about an exotic butterfly. She even has her name. This is Greta from or a glass butterfly. It is so called, because she has transparent wings. On transparent wings, we can see the cobweb of veins. Oparatic roof edges. They are brown or reddish, with a white spot at the top. Butterfly shoulder very thin, long. Greta is an amazing, elegant butterfly. It is found in the tropics. Warning 4. Writing about the butterfly 2-3 classroom I want to describe a bright blue butterfly. It is called Morpho. I saw her photos on the Internet. She is very beautiful. Her wide wings are blue, like water ocean. I would like to see this butterfly alive. But she does not have it, but lives only in the tropics. I hope that someday I will go to the exhibition of butterflies. Or go to travel and see in the rainforest bright blue beauties

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