
The pace pronunciation is solid or soft. In borrowed words

Cead furniture

For the Russian language, generally characterized by opposition to solid and soft consonants (Wed: mal. and meal, at home and Dima.). In many European languages \u200b\u200bthere is no such opposition. When borrowing, the word is usually subject to the uttertainment standards of the Russian language. So, before "e" in Russian, a soft consonant is usually sounded ( m b ael, n l). Many foreign language words are also pronounced: m and ETR, r b ebus. The pronunciation of solid consonants is usually maintained by all foreign surnames: Chopin [PE], Volter [TE]. The pronunciation of solid consonant before "e" is typically for books, fixed words ( apartheid [TE]. Demark [DE]). The type of consonant before "E" has a certain meaning. For example, the combination of "de" is more often pronounced with mild consonants. And the combination of "those" - with solid. The famous role is played by the source of borrowing. For example, the final impact syllable in words from the French language is commonly pronounced with solid consonants ( pastel [TE], Cure [RE], Corrugation [RE]). But here there are exceptions, for example, the word shinelpronounced with soft "n". We give a small group of words in which pronunciation errors are often observed.

The correct is considered the pronunciation of solid consonant before "E" in the following words: artery, Atelier, Atheist, Bijouterie, Business, Businessman, Beefstex, Brandy, Brucershaft, Bundeswehr, Sandwich, Bra, Waterpolo, Galife, Gangster, Corrugation, Grotesque, Disintegration, Decadent, Decqualification, Decolt, Detective, Dumping, Denuncation, Determinism, de facto, de jure, decryption, identical, impresario, inert, index, interval, integration, intensity, intervention, interviews, cartel, kara, cabaret, condensate, container, tuple, computer, cure, laser, lottery, Madera, Mademoiselle, manager, Nessenter, Nonsense, Pastel, Panel, Panther, Producer, Rugby, Relays, Sweater, Abstract, Tendency, Trend, Temp, awning, masterpiece, chimpanzees, plug, Estet.

In words diet, project, caries The sound is not pronounced [J], that is, they sound like [DI ITE], [Project], [car b IES].

The consonants before "e" pronounces gently: academy, Certificate, Benefis, Taken, Brunette, Bookmaker, Accounting, Breaktell, Gazelle, Haberdashery, Hegemon, Debit, Debet, Debut, Degenerate, Devaluation, Degradation, Disinfection, Demagogue, Democrat, Demisian, Disassembly, Deposit, Depend, Despot, defect, hyphen, deficiency, deformation, dividend, ikeban, investor, intellectual; Congress, air conditioning, coffee, cream, patent, presentation, progress, revision, reglan, registry, reserve, raid, flight, rail, x-ray, referee, term, coin, effect.

In general, the pronunciation of solid and soft consonants in borrowed words is a very movable norm. As a rule, borrowing, the word is pronounced with solid consonants for a while. As it is mastered by the language, loses the "flask" of a foreign, "alien", the solid pronunciation is gradually replaced by the pronunciation of a soft consonant (according to writing). Sometimes this process is very fast. For example, schoolchildren of urban schools, where the computer is no longer perceived by something exotic, usually utter the word a computer With a soft "T", but the overhangivers such a pronunciation has not become.

At the same time, in some cases, the pronunciation of both solid and soft consonants is the same permissible. For example, the pronunciation of "E" and "E" is permitted in words: aggression, Disinformation, Decade, Dean, Credo, Claim And some others.

Attention should also be paid to the social significance of the pronunciation of solid and soft consonants in borrowed words. If the norm is still the pronunciation of solid consonant, then the pronunciation of the soft consonant can be perceived as a manifestation of a low human culture (Wed: Chimpanz b e, honey LEI Yel) The same time to pronounce a firm consonant in the Word, where the norm has already become the pronunciation of a soft consonant may be perceived as a manifestation of meshness, pseudo-sensitiveness. This is perceived, for example, pronunciation of the type Shi [NE], to [RE] M, KO [FE], BRA [NE] T, ACI [DE] Mia, [TE] MA.

Pronunciation [E] and [O] under the stress after soft consonants and hissing

In Russian in the position between the soft and firm consonants, under the stress, usually pronounced "O" (graphically "ё"): sister - sisters, wife - wives. However, in whole groups of words of such alternation is not observed. These are many borrowed words ( bluff, Scamp et al.), Words that came to us from the Old Slavonic language. For example, nouns are usually older Slavonic descent, and the words are si - Russian, so such parallels can be distinguished: genesis - to be, life- Living . There is no alternation and in position between two soft consonants, Wed: hOLOLODbut - hollyedy.

Check yourself:

1. Carefully read the following words, paying attention to the correct pronunciation and put the stress:

but) White, Blood, Blood, Warning, Harry, Golod, Bile, Kiosk, Maneuver, Overall, Smett, Cancer, Receiver, Polygamy, Welding, Welco, Kended, Crankshake, Imprinted, Strest, Hardware, Non-Ship, Nikchimny, Importer, Retushet , Marker, Tapper, Chronicle, Cascader, awared, Starter, Officer.

b)Obstetrician, guardianship, scam, being, live, fisher, lion zev. Grenadier, Carabiner, perception, revenue, settlement, bent, twirl, polygamy, bluff, expired, helper, rod, hornet, bulk, designer, dispensary, meager, croupier, porter, edge.

2. Note the words in which after a soft consonant, under the emphasis, pronounced [E].

Being, affection, stunned, stunned, stunned, grenadier, time, connected, loaded, coarse.

3. Divide the data below the words into two groups, depending on which is solid or soft, is pronounced consonant.

Amp, anesthesia, antenna, beige, bifstex, brunette, sandwich, dean, demon, depression, chapel, caravel, card file, cafe, cupcake, stranded, modern, museum, novel, Odessa, hotel, pastel, patent, pioneer, resonance, Rail, sausage, superman, tavern, thematic, plywood, phonet, saten, chinel.

4. Highlight words in which the consonants before e is pronounced firmly.

Antiteza, Anapest, Grotesque, Aesthetics, Effect, Genetics, Tennis, Pool, Fonmem, Benefis.

In the pronunciation of words, difficulties arise due to non-dissolution in the printed text of the letters e. and e. Since only one graphic symbol is used to designate them - e. . Such a situation leads to distortion of the phonetic appearance of the word, serves as the cause of frequent utterance errors. You need to remember two rows of words:

1) with the letter e. and sound [" e.]: AF e. ra, life e. , Life e. , Grenad e. p, op e. ka, os. e. dear, feud e. nnah, inople e. zh e. nonenavitnik;

2) with the letter e. and sound [" about]: Stretch e. pet, payment e. man e. vra, Bel. e. bl. e. skal, J. e. litch, J. e. lych (option - e. lych), one e. need.

In some pairs of words, various meanings are accompanied by a different sound of the shock vowel: East e. kigh (term) - but: East e. kigh (Blood) shouts as e. - BUT: Decree, announce e. in the morning, etc.

Some difficult cases Pronunciation of consonant sounds

1. According to Staromoshkovsky standards, spelling combination - should always be pronounced as [sN] in words: bakery, damage, copeful, fiddling, creamy, apple and under. Currently, pronunciation has been preserved only in some words: of course, boring, fried eggs, trifling, nesting house, bachelorette party. In the overwhelming majority of other words, it is pronounced [CN], as is written: teddy, creamy, apple, flour, snack bar, sleeve etc.

Pronunciation [ sN] Preserved today also in women's middleifications ending on - Officon: Nikitichna, Ilinichna etc..

According to Staromoshkovsky standards, a combination - pronounced [pcs] in the word what and in words derived from him: nothing and etc.: Currently this rule is preserved (except for the word something[Thu]). In all other words spelling - whatit is always pronounced as [Thu]: mail, Dream, Mast.

2. In words a man, a dedication in place lC, in the form of a comparative degree horse, chleerstorm (and cHLESCH) On the spot sTEP, as well as in place combinations zh. and sch. customer, Sandstone, Hozing and others pronounced [ sh]: mu [Shch] In, interruption [Sh] IK, I [Sh] E etc.

3. When accumulating several consonants in some words, one of them is not pronounced: learning [with "n"] infrared [s "n"] ik on [zn] o, para [zn] IK, Owl [with "L"] Ivy, maximal [ss] cue etc. .

4. Solid consonants before soft consonants can be softened:

a) necessarily mitigate n. Before soft z.and from: face [n "z"] ia, prete [n "s"] ya;

b) n. Before soft t. and d. Suitable: a ["N" T "] Ichny, ka [n" d] idat.

Pronunciation of borrowed words

Many borrowed words have orthoepic features that need to be remembered.

1. In some words of foreign language origin on the site of the unstressed about pronounced the sound [o]: bomond, Trio, Boa, Cocoa, Bostimulator, Veto, Gross, Net, Avizo, Oasis, Renome. Pronunciation of words poetry, Credo et al. With unstressed [o] optional. Iniquiting by origin Names Own also retain an unstressed [o] as an option of literary pronunciation: Chopin, Voltaire, Sacramento and etc.

2. In some borrowed words after vowels and at the beginning, the word sounds quite clearly unknown [e]: aegis, Evolution, Duelist and etc.

3. In verbal speech, certain difficulties cause to pronounce in the borrowed words of a solid or soft consonant in front of the letter E: t [uh] n or [t "e] mp? bass [s] en or bass [with "e] w on? In some cases, a soft consonant is pronounced.

Soft pronunciation:

In other cases before e.solid consonant is pronounced.

Solid utility:

4. Currently, fluctuations in the pronunciation of words are observed:

6. In borrowed words with two (or more) e. Often, one of the consonants is pronounced softly, and the other retains hardness before e: gene. zIS[g "Ene], relay[RAL "E], etc.

7. Solid [ sh] pronounced in words couple shu.t.[Shu], bro shu.r.[Shu]. In a word jury Soft pronounced [ well]. Also gently pronounced names Julien, Jules.

8. When uttered some words, erroneous unnecessary consonants or vowels appear. Should pronounce:

incident,not Inci Dent;

precedent,not Prez [n] dent;

compromise,not Common [n];

competitive,not competitor [H] is able;

emergencynot h [e] resistance;

institutionnot Uch [E] Correction;

future,not i will [Yu];

thirstynot thirst [y]

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Remember some words in which consonants before e pronounced firmly: anesthesia, neckline, grotesque, degradation, decadence, delicacy, detective, computer, manager, mixer, service, stress, thesis, antitiza, nonsense, protection, sweater, thermos, sandwich, Temp, tennis, awning, chaten, extrasens, steak, business, inert, studio, identical, laser, interview, pastel, rugby, timbre, tendency, phonetics, index, interior, meringue, relay, sexy. Words with soft consonants before E: Academic, takes, accounting, debut, anemia, brunette, clarinet, competence, context, cream, museum, patent, pate, press, progress, term, flannel, sinel, essence, jurisprudence, yachtsman. In many cases, variant pronunciation is allowed: [d] EKAN and [DE] CAN, [D "] Ekanat and [DE] Rope, [C"] Esia and [SE] SSIA, but [VE] LLA and [B " ] ELLA, AG [R "] Essius and Add. AG [RE] SSIA, [D"] EP [P "] Esia and add. [DE] P [RE] SSIA, BA [SS"] Ein and Ba [SSE ] Introduction, Eine [T "] Egyiya and Add. Stroy [TE], Lo [TE] Reya and Add. Lo [t"] Ering. Pronunciation [CN], [SHN] At the site of spelling CN, the competition of pronunciations At the site of a spelling combination of CN has a long story, the echoes of which we feel when we have to choose this or that way: SNI [CN] o or SNC [SHN] Oh, Squore [CN] IR or Ever [SN] IR? There is a gradual displacement of Staromoshkovsky pronunciation [SN] and rapprochement of pronunciation with writing, so Corey variants [SCH], Bulo [SCH], Horny [SCH] are outdated. At the same time, it should be remembered that some words retain as a mandatory pronunciation [SN] on the site of spelling CN: boring, boring, on purpose, of course, fried eggs, a tricky, glacial (eyewear case), laundry, mustarder, dummy, candlestick. Regulatory is the pronunciation of [SN] and in women's middleifications: Kuzminichna, Fominichna, Ilinichna. The pronunciation of [e] and [o] under the stress after the soft consonants and hissing in modern speech often have to hear an aftere, occupy instead of the redeemed Round scam, guardianship. Why do such oscillations arise? The long-lasting process of transition [e] in [O], on the letter of the designated letter E, in the position under the stress after soft consonants before solid is reflected in the state of the current norm. In most cases, under the stress in the position between the soft and solid consonants and after the hissing, the sound [O] (graphically) is pronounced. Wed, for example, a lattoon - a lattice, a star - star, tears - tears. Remember the words with such a pronunciation: a variety of, firing, nickel, a dream, a stroke, ackle, marker, starter, forgetting, engraving, driver, xyong, twirl, expired (blood). However, in many words, most often borrowed, in the specified position there is no transition [e] in [o]: guardian (not oracker!), Scam (not afloat!), Deboy, Grenader, Dwyten, Expired (Day), Held , inseract, Carabiner, settlement, dealers, simultaneous. On the oscillation of this orthoepic rate indicates the possibility of variant pronunciation of some words. It should be borne in mind that the main, most preferred are options with ё: white, bluish, horizontal, horizon, maneuvera, maneuverable, turn. Options with E Dictionaries are fixed as permissible, that is, less desirable in use: whiten, faded, bile, bile, maneuver, maneuverable, fade. The grammatical correctness of speech grammatical correctness of the speech is determined by compliance with grammatical norms, that is, the right choice of grammatical forms of words (morphological norms) and the forms of communication of words in phrases and suggestions (syntactic norms). Morphological norms The morphological system of the Russian language is sufficiently studied both with the historical and structural-descriptive side. At the same time, a lot of questions arise in speech practice about the correctness of the use of certain forms of words. Why is the noun "coffee" male genus? What form should choose - "contracts" or "contract", "accountants" or "accountant"? How to say: "Get off with rail" or "get away from rails", "Couple Clips" or "Couple of Clips"? Numerous grammatical disorders both orally and in written speech indicate the need for more close attention to these issues. The difficulties of registration of nouns by the kind of category of the genus is quite stable, and we can easily attribute a "table" to the male family, and the "part" to female. But in some cases, the genus has changed, and instead of the old forms of the film, rail, new film, rail, hall, hall are used. Some nouns are still preserving a variant design by the genus, that is, parallel forms coexist in language: Banknotes - Banknote, Wolter - Woller, Georgine - Georgina, Besser - Burzen, Dashp - Duch, Langust - Langusta, Mongoose - Mongosk, Arabesque - Arabesque , Shutter - shutter. Some options are estimated as permissible along with the main: the key is extra. Keys, prospect - extra. Prosk, Sampling - Extras. Schrot, giraffe -dop. giraffe. The oscillation in the design by the genus is characteristic of many names of the shoes, but only one generic form corresponds to the literary norm: men's genus - shoes, boots, ked, unts, slope; Female race - shoes, sandal, sandale, slipper, sneakers, boots, sneakers, Kalosh. Wrong: shoes, sneakers, slippers, sneakers, sandlet. The difficulties of execution by the genus arise and with the use of a number of other nouns having only one regulatory generic form. The male genus includes nouns shampoo, tol, tulle, pursuit, adjustments, clips, rails (optional design by the genus is maintained only in the form of a genitive case of MN. Numbers - get away from rails and get away from the rail). The female genus includes nouns veil, corn, beans, placentar, cuff. Remember: The form of the female type of tomato common in the speech is not regulatory, and therefore it is necessary to use only the shape of the male type of tomato. Determination of the grammatical genus of the unclean nouns 1. As a rule, the unlock nouns denoting inanimate objects belong to the middle line: show, Alibi, Fiasco, Kashpo, Baroque, interview, jury, variety, anthrash, pensne, rugby, bikini, meringue, communiqué, Amplua, Aloe, taboo, rally, revi, necklace, cliché, dossier, cafe, argo. 2. In some cases, the genus is determined by a more general generic concept: Bengali, Hindi, Pashtu - male genus ("language"); Kohlrabi ("cabbage"), salami ("sausage") - female; Sirocco, Tornado ("Wind") - male sort; Avenue ("Street") - female genus. 3. The genus of the unclean nouns denoting geographical names is also determined by the grammatical nature of the nominal noun expressing the generic concept (that is, by the genus of the river, city, lake, etc.): Sochi - male race (city), Goba - Women's kind ( Desert), Missouri - female genus (river). Wed: Multimillion Tokyo (city), Wide Mississippi (River), Podcious Baku (City), Picturesque Capri (Island), Full-breeding Erie (Lake). So, the generic affiliation can be motivated and from the meaningful side. It is not by chance that many unlocked nouns (foreign-speaking words in their origin) are obtained in dictionaries a dual characteristic. For example, the word "tsunami" can be associated with the concept of "wave" and are issued in Russian in the female genus, and can be attributed to the number of inanimate nouns and obtain design on average. Wed: Tsunami - S.R. (Orphoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language); g. and S.R. (Dictionary of the difficulties of the Russian language); Avenue (communication with the word "street") - J.R. (Orphoepic dictionary of the Russian language), g. and S.R. (frequency-stylistic dictionary of options "grammatical correctness of the Russian speech"); Penalty (communication with the word "blow") - m. and S.R. (Orphoepic dictionary of the Russian language). A literary language can keep non-drug options from a formal point of view (male genus). Dictionaries marked optional design by the nature of nouns (m. Second possible reason - An affiliation of the word to the male family in French, from which it was borrowed. 4. Unlock nouns denoting animated objects belong to male genus: Funny pony, funny chimpanzee, big kangaroo, beautiful cacatoo, old marabou. The exception is the words that are determined by the generic concept: Hummingbird is a female genus (bird), Ivasi - female genus (fish), Tsetz - female genus (fly). Some animated uniform nouns may have parallel design by genus depending on the context. Wed: Old Kangaroo cautiously looked around. Kangaroo protected his cub. 5. Unlocking nouns of foreign-speaking origin, denoting persons relate to male or female related to the floor of the designated person: famous conferences, rich Earlier, old Cure, talented travelers, beautiful panies, Mature Lady, Great Maestro, capable impresario. The courses are such words as protege (my protege, my protege), visa, incognito, hippie. Determination of the grammatical race of abbreviations and comprehensive words 1. The grammatical genus of the abbreviation (comprehensive word) is determined as follows: a) if the abbreviation is inclined, then it is determined by grammatical sign: university - male genus, NEP - Male genus, registry office - men's race (lost correlation with the genus of the rod word "record") "; b) if the abbreviation does not inclined, then its genus is determined by the main (rod) word of the decoded component: ACS - female genus ( automatic system Management), GEK - Female Rod (State Examination Commission), HPP - J.R. (hydroelectric station), SSU - m. r. (Saratov State University), PBX - J.R. (Automatic telephone exchange), HEU - m. r. (housing and operational plot), ZhSK - M.R. (housing and construction cooperative). The difficulty of etymological decoding of abbreviations, their formal similarity with holistic words (such as the cat, house, cancer) lead to loosening general rules speech practice and to the appearance of options. Wed: Vak - J.R. (Higher Attestation Commission) and permissible M.R.; MID - S.R. (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and permissible m. R. Roe - J.R. (Erythrocyte sedimentation reaction) and add. S.R. However, the oscillations of the norm of determining the grammatical genus of the abbreviation on the rod word are not evidence of the abolition of this rule that continues to act in Russian. 2. The grammatical genus of complex words such as a sofa bed, a shop-studio, a museum-apartment is determined by the semantic relationship between parts of a complex word - the lead component is a word with a more general value: the Library Museum is the Library. husband. kind (the word Museum means a broader concept, with the second part acts as clarifying); Chair, a rocking chair of the middle kind (called one of the types of chairs, and the second part of the word is only refined). As a rule, in the first place is the leading word: exhibition-view, exhibition-sale, showcase-stand is nouns for women; review competition, sofa bed, theater-studio, evening meeting, lecture lesson, rematch, factory-laboratory, car-workshop, Salon-Atelier, Scene-Scene-Mozhsky; Dress-gown, cafe-confectionery, studio studio - medium. In some cases, the order of arrangement may not correspond to the meaning value of the words of the word - the alpha decay - a husband. r., Gamma radiation - cf. p., Cloak tent, cafe-dining room - Woman. In the case of difficulties, it should be referred to an orthoepic dictionary or the dictionary of the difficulties of the Russian language. Difficulties in the use of case forms of nouns. Essential forms of nominative case of a plural number of M. V. Lomonosov at one time unconditionally recommended only 3 words with the end-in-alone in the set of multiple numbers: Boca, eyes, kind and gave a small list of words that allowed Two ways of the forms are on-and on -a: forests - forests, takerolets - coast, bells - bells, snow - snow, meadows - meadows. Ordinary for literary language in the XIX century. There were forms: travel, houses, sails, professors. Development trend in development is clearly evaluated: the number of forms on the strike-like - (s) is steadily increasing due to forms with unfortunate (-s). To the formation of forms of the nominative case of a plural number on -A (s): a) Single chipped words: running - run, forest - forests, century - century, house - houses, silk - silk, tom - Tom, etc. BUT: Cakes , syllables, soups, fronts, ports. Wrong: Cake, Slog, Soup, Front, Port. b) words having a single accent on the first syllable: order order, pearls - pearls, cook - cooks, address - addresses, watchman - Storam, Wennzel - Monzel, boat - boats, stack - stacks, ham - ham, skull - Skull, Order - Order, etc. But: Hand writing, Konya, Valves, Lekari. Admissible, taking into account their colloquial, parallel forms on -a (s) of the following nouns: Turner - Tokari - Tokary, Locksmith -Sleari, locksmith, cruiser - cruisers - cruiser, tractor - tractors, tractor, etc. in some cases on - A (s) and they differ in value: Images (artistic) - images (icons); Tones (shades of sound) - tone (color shades); Breads (in the furnace) - bread (in the field); Body (Machines) - Body (Mushrooms); Pass (Nepases) - Pass (Documents); Order (signs of differences) - orders (knight); Bellows (blacksmiths; Burdyuki) - fur (selected skins); Sheets (paper) - leaves (on trees). To the formation of forms of the nominative case of a multiple number of (-s), words: a) words with an emphasis on the final syllable of the foundation: Associate Professor - Associate Professor, portfolio - portfolios, incision - cuts, auditor - auditors, percentage - interest, steamer - steamers and Dr. (single exclusion of the type of sleeve - sleeves, overall - wrapped); b) words of foreign-speaking origin with the final part -er: officer -Ofitzers, driver - driver, engineer - engineers, director - directors, conductor - Conductors, actor - actors, etc. C) Words of Latin origin with the final part of the inverter, denoting inanimate Items: detectors, condensers, reflectors, transformers. Words of Latin origin on -tor, -Su, -News denoting animated objects may have in some cases ending-ours (designers, lecturers, rectors, censors, authors, dispatchers), in other -a (director, doctors, professor) . Admissible, taking into account their colloquial, variant forms on a number of nouns: Proofreaders - Corrector, Instructors - Instructor, Inspectors - Inspector, Editors-ATTOR; d) three-sided and multiple words with an emphasis on an average syllable: accountants, pharmacists, speakers, librarians, composers, researchers. The form of the pharmacist, the accountant are spatrical, and not regulatory and are not recommended for use. Using the forms of the PAID case of a plurality of difficulties associated with the use of the Multiple Padge forms of the Multiple Paddle, arise quite often. What form to choose - grams (with a formally pronounced end) or gram (with zero end), hectares or hectare, nursery or yaserel? To the formation of forms with zero ending, noun male genus with the basis for solid consonants of the following groups: a) names of paired items: (pair) shoes, boots, stockings, (without) pursuit, epole, (shape) eye, legs, hands. Note that in the orthoepic dictionary, variant shapes of socks and sock are noted; b) the names of persons by nationality (words with the basics on the "P" of Ina "N"): (several) Bashkir, Tatars, Moldava, Georgian, British, Turks, Bulgarians, Roma, Romanian, Ossetian. But: Kalmykov, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Yakuts, Uzbeks; oscillations: Turkmen - Turkmen; c) Some names of units of measurement, usually used with numerical: (several) volts, amps, watts, hertz, oscillations: microns - microns, pendants - pendant, carats - carat, x-rays - x-ray. Only in oral colloquial speech can be used in parallel with the main options and shorter forms: kilograms and kilograms, grams and grams, hectares and hectares; d) names of military groups: soldiers, partisans, hussar, dragoon. But: miners, sappers. Please note: for the names of fruits and vegetables with regulatory parents in the parental case of a plural, usually forms with endings: oranges, tomatoes, tangerines, pomegranates, bananas, eggplants. Forms with zero flexia (kilogram of tomato, grenade) can only be used in oral speech. For nouns feminine, the following forms are the following forms: Seryog, apple trees, waffles, domain, drops, gossip, roofing, nanny, candles (Candle option is found in sustainable combinations of the type "game is not worth the candle"), sheets (permissible simple, "but Not PR` Satin), share. The existence of morphological options can be determined by the variability of stress or sound composition: BA "RJ (T Barzha") and Ba "Rzhya (from Ba" RJA), sazhe "Zhenya" "N, soot" of it (from Sazh'an), hassled (from the "Rshnya) and at the" Most (from the "Most). For nouns of the medium regulatory, such forms of the major case of a plural, like shoulders, towels, saucers, mirrors, lace, mirrors, mirrors, coopers, coasts, drugs, apprentices. For nouns used only in a plural, in the parental case, the regulatory form: twilight, attacks, descendants, everyday life, `nursery, frost, gr" ablay and robel, stuff and stilt. Difficulties in the use of some surnames 1. Foreign names on -O , "In the arterial case, they have the ending-one (Darwin, Chaplin, Cronin, Virhov), unlike Russian surnames, having the ending-one (Petrov, Vasilyev, Sidorov, Sinitsyn). 2. The surnames ending on -o are not inclined: Vasilenko, Yurchenko, Petrenko - Vasilenko, Yurchenko, Petrenko, before Vasilenko, Yurchenko, Petrenko. 3. Russian and foreign language surnames ending on the consonant sound are inclined if they relate to men, and are not inclined if they relate to women: with Andrei Grigorovich - with Anna Grigorovich, at the Lion Gorelika - Irina Gorelik, Igor Corbuta - faith Corbut. The difficulties in the use of adjectives do not correspond to the literary norm of the form of comparative and excellent degrees of adjectives, formed by type are more humane, more beautiful, the most beautiful. To form form comparative and excellent degree There are two ways in the language: analytical (more humane, most beautiful) and synthetic, when the value is expressed using a suffix (humane, beautiful). The desire to connect both of these methods leads to errors. Remember correct options : Thinner or thinner, the thinnest or thinner. In no case do not eat such forms of adjectives as more thinner or the finest. As used in speech, numerals from all names (nouctive, numeral, adjective) are not lucky more than others: they are increasingly used in speech incorrectly. For example, they in their eyes lose the forms of indirect case, and they simply stop inclined. Let's remember some norms of use of numeral, and you will make sure that they are not so difficult. 1. In challenging numeral, denoting hundreds and dozens and end-in-mail (one hundred) or - in the nominative case, each part is inclined, as a simple numerical one. It is just important to understand the logic of the formation of case forms. I. Seven Ten (connect) Seventy R. Seven Ten Seventy D. Seven Ten Seventy V. Seven Ten Seventy T. Family Ten Seven Seventive P. About Seven Ten Seventy As you see, everything remains just like when the prolonged simple numeral. Please note: both parts of the numeral will end equally: seventy, seven-day. In composite numerals, all the words forming them are inclined: with two thousand five-year-old seven-day three rubles, to own eight-sixty seven-year-old seven hundreds of ninety-five hectares of land. 2. Numerical forty and ninety are only two cases: I. and V. - Forty and ninety. The rest: forty and ninety 3. The correct combinations of 45.5 percent (not percent), 987.5 hectares (not hectares and the more hectare). With a mixed number, the shot of the shot: five tenths of percent or hectares. Options are possible: forty-five and a half percent, nine hundred and eighty-seven and a half hectares. 4. Collective numerals are used in the following cases: a) with noun male and common kind, calling male people: two friends, three soldiers, four orphans along with two friends, three soldiers; b) with noun having only the shape of the plural: two scissors, four days (starting from five, the coincided numerical five days are usually used, six scissors); c) with personal pronouns: we are two, there were five of them. Remember: collective numerals are not used with nouns of female, denoting female people, so you can not say two girls, three teachers, five students, but only two girls, three teachers, five students. Difficulties in the use of some forms of verbs 1. From the forms Gas-groaned, mocking, kept (with a suffix - or without it in the past time) more than the first, short form. 2. In pairs, determine - to determine, focus - focus, summarize - submit, empower - to authorize the main options, and the second forms (with root a) are conversational. 3. Of the two parallel shapes of the splash - splashes, Iznuts - rinsing, purrifs - purr, growls - I dig, bitch - causing, waving - waxed by dictionaries as basic options, and the second - as permissible, conversational. 4. Some verbs, for example, to win, convince, feel, sense, cannot be used in the first person forms of the singular. Instead of them, descriptive forms are used: I will be able to defeat, I can convince, I want to feel, I hope to find yourself, I will not become a lot. The syntactic standards of the difficulty of agreeing to the subject with the subject to be difficult to coordinately associated with the choice of the form of the number of led in sentences with a subject, pronounced combination. Most books are dedicated - most books are dedicated. Several students performed - several students performed at the seminar. Which of the forms of communication is correct? The shape of the plural number of the preferred combination is preferable, which includes an animated noun, in the following cases: a) the composition of a few managed words in the form of a birthday case: several students, teachers and faculty staff attended the conferences; b) subject to expressed animated nouns and emphasizes the activity of the action attributed to each person separately most of the diplivers showed excellent ownership of the subject of research; c) There are other members of the proposal between the main members of the sentence: several student graduates in the preparation for the scientific conference conducted a serious research work. If we put the taught in the plural, then the subject is considered as separate items, and if in the only one - as a whole. In some cases, syntactic variation is possible: thirty graduates received a direction to rural schools. - Thirty graduates received a direction to rural schools. If a quantitative combination is part of the quantitative combination, it includes an inanimate noun, then the fault, as a rule, is used in the form of a single number: fifteen student work is marked by the Commission. Several reports are prepared for a student seminar. Most of the books received the library last year. A number of coursework are considered by the teacher. Part of the reports are included in the conference program. With numerical two, three, four faithful usually put in a marked number: three books lie on the table. Four students entered the audience. Two student reports received a higher assessment. With homogeneous subject to the legend, as a rule, consistent with the multiple number: the planned repair of learning audiences and the cleaning of other premises are carried out simultaneously. The rector of the institute and several professors were elected to the Presidium. With a pronounced noun, denoting profession, a position, the title, traditionally failed in the form of a male race: a graduate student worked in a card file, the Associate Professor read the lecture. However, the modern literary rule allows both ways to agree on a faithful, if the latter refers to the female face Floor: the doctor wrote down the recipe and the doctor wrote a recipe, the professor spoke to students and the professor spoke to students. In the presence of the person's own name, the facial is consistent with his own name: Associate Professor Nikolaev successfully performed at the Scientific Conference - Associate Professor Andreev read the introductory lecture, Ivanov's graduate student read the report - graduate student Sergeev read the report. Difficulties of coordination of definitions 1. With noun, depending on numerical two, three, four, the definition is consistent as follows: when male and medium-sized words, it is put in the form of a multiple case of a multiple number (two large buildings, three new buildings). With the definable words of female kind, it is preferable to the form of matching in the nominative case of a plural (two new audiences). If the definition is faced with a numerical case, it is put in the form of a nominative case regardless of the kind of nouns: the first two lectures, the last two semesters, every three tasks. 2. If there are two or more definitions with a word, then this word can stand both in the only and multiple number: a) the multiple number emphasizes the presence of several items: Moskovsky and Saratov Universities, students of historical and philological faculties, synchronous and comparative historical methods; b) The only number emphasizes the relationship of the defined objects, their terminological proximity: the right and left wing of the educational building, nouns of male, female and medium kind, scientific and educational work. If there is a definable word between the definitions of the separation or adilation union between the definitions of the separation or adverse union: a humanitarian or technical university, not publicistic, and artistic text. 3. When coordinating the definition with a defined word, a pronounced nouns of the general kind, the form of communication can be both in the female race with the designation of the female face and in men's - with the designation of the face of the male: Petrov - full of ignorant of this issue, from ignorant in this area. Girl - Round orphan. Alexey - round orphan. Modern rule allows a two-way coordination of the definition in the form of a male and female kind in the designation of a male face in a living spoken speech: Vasya such a sludge and (add.) Vasya such a sludge. 4. When agreeing with complex names, consisting of two words of different grammatical genus, the definable word is consistent with them, which expresses a broader concept: a new cafe-dining room, an interesting exhibition-view, a well-known museum of manor, wet cloak tent, useful Book-directory, folding chair-bed. Note that the word denoting a wider concept and the determining nature of the approval is, as a rule, in the first place. Difficulties in choosing a management form An important indicator The grammatical correctness of speech is the exact choice of the case and the pretext, that is, the right choice of management form Control is such a type of verification, in which the main word determines the case of the dependent word. It is erroneous that use in the book a lot of examples that ... since the main word "example" requires the form of a genitive, and not an efficient case of a dependent word. Therefore, the correct form of the case - in the book there are many examples of what ... There are no cases of incorrect choice of prepositions: an abstract, written along the same topic instead of the same topic, which is also explained by the violation of the proposed-case-case. When choosing an exclusion, sometimes you should consider the inherent shades of value. So, the prepositions in mind, due to the reason, they have a stylistic painting and are appropriate in formal business speech, and the pretext is neutral. The pretext due to not lost its lexical significance, and therefore can be used, if we are talking about the reasons that cause the desired result. That is why there will be an inappropriate to use the pretext: thanks to the illness, the student could not pass the offset on time. Prepositions due to, contrary to being used with a dutient case, so the erroneous are used: thanks to the skillful scientific guidance; According to the instructions of the supervisor. Cf. Proper use: thanks to the leadership, according to the decision of the Commission, contrary to the instructions. Of course, it is impossible to give a complete set of recommendations for the choice of management form, so we limit ourselves to a selective list of structures with grammatical control, often incorrectly used in speech: pay attention to anything, but pay attention to something; superiority over something, but the advantage over something; based on something (on concrete facts), but justify anything (your response to specific facts); offended by anything but offended by something; Purchase something, but is pleased with anything; report on something, but make a report about anything; Monument to someone: a monument to Pushkin, Tolstoy; Review of what: review about the graduation work Review for what: Review of coursework; Annotation What: Abstract Book, Articles; Control over than and over than (by whom): quality control, control over the expenditure of funds and control of what: control of the activity of the student council, quality control; distinguish that from what: to distinguish the insecurity from an excessive demanding to yourself, but distinguish between something: distinguish between uncertainty and excessive demanding to itself; Address to someone: Address a letter to a friend, but addressed to someone: addressed to the reader; pay for something, but pay something (pay for delivery, for travel; pay for work, passage); represent: the discovery is a new page in the history of science; The form of communication is not strictly regulatory and permissible only in oral informal speech; Trend of what and what: growth trend, tendency to increase; Confidence in what (incorrectly: what): confidence in success, in victory; The limit of what (and add. The limit of what): the limit of patience; The limit of my desire; To be amazed, wonder what, but admire what, by whom: To be patient, persistence; Surprise kindness, skill; admire courage, talent; Waiting for what: wait for the train, meetings, orders and add. wait train; Characteristic who and to whom: characteristics of student Petrov and give a characteristic on the laboratory assistant Vasilyeva. Difficulties in the use of involved and height turns in the use of involuntary revolutions are most often found two errors: 1. Out of the involved turnover from the defined word, for example: Students are distributed by groups enrolled in the first course instead Students who entered the first course are distributed in groups. 2. The defined word is inside the involvement: This exam passed by the student was the last instead of this exam, surrendered by the student, was the last. Does not correspond to the literary norm and such proposals in which the involuntary turnover and the definition of the appropriate part are combined as homogeneous components. Wrong: Students who have successfully surrendered sessions that decided to go to a sports and health camp should receive a direction in the trade union committee. Right: Students who successfully surrendered the session and decided to go ... or students who successfully surrendered the session and decided to go ... Particular attention should be paid to the use of particle effects. Examples of grammatical disorders associated with incorrect use of verbalism in writing, and especially in oral speech, for which these forms are not characteristic, a set. They involuntarily cause memory phrase from the humorous story A.P. Chekhov "Complaint Book" "Drinking to this station and looking at nature to the window, I flew the hat." As it is known, the verpriction denotes an extension action that corresponds to the main, pronounced verb-tajamp. Hence the two conclusions: 1. The designer is indicating the effect of the same person or subject matter as the legend. For example, Students, listening to reports at the scientific conference, discussed them and called the best. The person performing both the main and additive action is students. They listened, and discussed, and called. The subject of all three actions is the same, that is, subject to. Thus, the proposal is built correctly. Otherwise, the following fragment is the following fragment of the essay of applicant on the entrance exam: Seeing the heroic battle of ordinary soldiers, Pierre [Bezuhov] mastering a sense of pride for his people. There is a fuzziness, ambiguity: What does need a verprephere of seeing - to the word Pierre or the word feeling? You can correctly build a proposal like this: Seeing the heroic battle of ordinary soldiers, Pierre experiences a sense of pride in his people. It is also possible to replace the perpetual turnover of pressing time: When Pierre sees the heroic battle of ordinary soldiers, they master the sense of pride in their people. For the same reason, it is impossible to use verbal turns in impersonal proposals, where there is no indication on the face, that is, on the subject of action. Wrong: After reading the Roman Bulgakov, it became clear to me that this work goes beyond the clear time frames. Right: After reading the Roman Bulgakov, I realized that ... 2. If there is a verbalization in the proposal, there must be a verb leap, denoting the main action. In the following syntactic construction: he hoped that would be allowed to the exam session. While not passing the last offset - the second part of the proposal is not, because there is no grammar BasicsAnd the verbatility can not be sure. Correctly: while not passing the last offset, he still hoped that it would be assumed to the examination session.

1. A certain kind of difficulties may occur during pronunciation in foreign language words of consonants before E.

Some book words and terminological words are pronounced with solid consonants before the E: in [TE] RVU, tone [NE] L, Sin [TE] Z, [TE] Art, [Manese] Jer, [TE] ZIS, Kok \\ TE \\ yl.

In modern Russian, the main tendency of the pronunciation of borrowed words is to transition from a solid variant of pronunciation to gentle. Some words that used to be uttered only firmly now allow and soft pronunciation: artery, Waterville, Devaluation, Deduction, Deodorant, Dismantling, Criterion, Panther.

2. As a rule, remember: in all borrowed words, the sounds [k], [g], [x] and [l] are softened under the laws of Russian phonetics: \\ K "E \\ COP, with [x" E \\ Ma, [g "E \\ Nevis, Suf [L" E], Ba [g "E] t.In most cases, the soft pronunciation of consonants becomes the main one, and the option with solid pronunciation Studies and characterized by dictionaries as permissible, for example: aggression[R "E and Extra. RE], dean[D "E and Extras], depression[D "E, R" E and Extras. DE, RE], hyphen[D "E and Extras. DE], congress[R "EI add. Re], progress[P "E and Extr.Re], express[P "E and Extra. RE].

It should be especially noted by the pronunciation of comprehensive words (abbreviations): they are pronounced as the names of the letters that make up them are pronounced: VAT [AN DE ES], FSB [EF ES BE], CIS [ES EN GE].Properly pronounced names: Lodeynoye Field(district center of the Leningrad region) [d] pronounced gently Lo [d "e \\ yna,and not [DE]; O [d "e] ssand not about [DE] of the SSA, as sometimes hearing.

However, many foreign names and surnames, as well as geographical names, pronounce with solid consonants: \\ DE] cards, VOL [TE] R, GE [TE], MA [NE \\, RO [DE] N, Ba [DE] n-ba [DE] N, Manhat [TE] Nand others. The norm in relation to the borrowed names was still in the XIX century and is associated with the habit of pronounced the names of themselves as they sound in the original language.

3. It is necessary to distinguish between the sounds [e] and [o] after soft consonants. I should remember: a) only [E] pronounced in words: af e.ra, life e., inople e.nnah, east e.cheshe, op e.kaand etc.; b) only [about] pronounced in words: fall ë smya, Novorothan ë nytip ë Pr. ë sysh and etc.

Consulting options can be noted: equal ( bel. e.sly and bel. ë sy, sol e.tended and solid ë tended), semantic ( n. - N. ë bo, jerking e.zKA - Zappa ë zKA), regulatory-chronological ( akush e.r - Akush ë r (statute), stretch ë row - Stretch e.row (statute), etc.).

Pronunciation of combination of CN.The combination of CN requires special attention, because If it is pronounced, errors are often allowed.

In modern Russian, a combination of CN is pronounced in most cases as [h "n], especially in the words of book origin: al [h "n] y, anti \\ h" n \\ y, poro [h "n \\i, removal [h" n], interlor [h "n] Outstanding, commanders [h" n], Matri [ h "n]and etc.

In some cases, the same word can be pronounced in different ways depending on portable meaningwhich appears in sustainable combinations: heart [h "n] oh diseaseand friend heart [shh] hay, pen [h "n] coinand sPEE [SHN \\ Aya Soul.

At the beginning of the 20th century, many words with a combination [CN] were pronounced with [SN], and not [h "n]: bulo [SHN] Aya, weekdays [SHN], Molo [shn \\ wing, lump [SHN]et al., in modern language Such pronunciation is characterized as an outdated or even spaticrophe.

Now the pronunciation of this combination corresponds to the writing [h "n]. Only in some words should only be pronounced [SN]: kONE [SHN] Oh, SPE [SHN] Oh, Naro [SHN] Oh, Ya [SHN] \\ Its, Squore [SHN] IR, Prake [SHN] Aya, Ocho [SHN] IK, Mustache [SHN] IR, Empty [SCH]The same pronunciation is preserved in women's middleifications: Ilyini [SHN] A, Lukini [SN] A, Nikiti [SHN] A, Savvi [SHN] A, Fomini [SHN] a.This is a traditional retreat from the general norm, which is legalized by dictionaries, so it should be adhere to in his speech.

Combination pronunciation Thu.Combination th Usually pronounced as written, for example: ma. tha, P. th, pro thand and etc.; But only a combination [PC]pronounced in Word what and its derivatives (with the exception of the lexeme something). In a word nothing Two pronunciation is allowed.

Pronunciation of double consonants.It is necessary to correctly pronounce double consonants in Russian and borrowed words. Here, follow the following recommendations: 1) Double consonants in Russian words at the bog of morpheme are usually stored in pronunciation, for example: b. zzash bBrod, Co. nN.b. Bee sSoverall etc.; The same thing in the submissive priesthoods: sweeping nN.oh, exclude, neutralized nN.oh et al. In the smashing communities pronounced one sound n. : wound foot, heat oil potatoes; The exceptions are those cases when words like purchase nN.borosh nN.oh, yes nN.oh and others are used as adjectives; 2) in borrowed words and in Russian words having foreign-speaking morphemes, the double consonant is usually pronounced long if it stands after a shock syllable: bA nN.a, KÁ. sSa, GÁ. mM.a, CAPE lLa, MÁ. nN.a (heavenly) and others. Double consonant is not pronounced in cases where it is: a) before the shock syllable: but sSambleya, ko pp.esspondant, Mi. lLjard, Gra mM.actika, A. kkredisting; b) in the end of the word: meta lL, gra mM., Gr. pP ; c) before consonant: gRU. pPka, kla sSny, prograin mM.nyu et al. In some words, a variant pronunciation is allowed, for example: but nN.ala, A. nN.outtitude, A. sSimilation, di fFusi, Ka sSet and etc.

Pronunciation of vowels and consonant sounds in borrowed words.Certain difficulties cause the pronunciation of vowels and consonant sounds in borrowed words: 1) In some words of foreign language origin (including in the names of own), an unstressed sound is preserved about , eg: vet about, Kred. about, from aboutno, FL aboutber, Z. aboutla and etc.; At the same time, at most well-masted words, Akane is observed: r aboutman, Ar. aboutmat, K. aboutmalt. et al. In some cases, variable pronunciation of unstressed about : in aboutcalism, P. abouteSIA and etc.; 2) at the place of letters e., e. After vowels in foreign language words, the sound is pronounced [E] (without preceding [th]): pro e.cT, Piru. e.t, P. e.zia, Audi e.nation and etc.; 3) lifts consonants before e. in most cases, it is pronounced gently ( b. ungali, b.enefis, pelerana inspruce al.), but in some cases e. remain solid: b. et, business m.eN, CAR. m.eN, sho peN and others. Dental consonants t, d, s, s, n, r More often than others retain hardness before e. (an. t.enna, G. n.satika, Polo. n.yez, Fo n.eMA, GRU t.eSK, d.e. t.sensation et al.), but only soft tooths pronounce e. in words: bULLEL t.phana, Clar., t.eNOR, F. n.era, Shi n.spruce, O. d.esse et al. in many words before e. Optional option (solid and soft) pronunciation of consonants: d. ekane, pre t.enjey, t.erapia t.error, t.river and etc.

Accentological norms (stress standards). Emphasis - highlighting a syllable in a word with various means: intensity (in Czech language), durability (in the Novogreic language), tone movement (in Vietnamese and other tonal languages). In Russian, the shock vowel in the syllable is highlighted by durability, intensity and tone movement. In many languages, the staging does not cause any difficulties, because The emphasis in them is fixed. In Polish, Latin, emphasis falls on the penultimate syllable, in French - on the last; In English - on the first syllable. Russian stress is viewer , since it may fall on any syllable, for example, on the first - etc butvYLU, On the second - wall but , on the third one beauty but and so on. Variousness allows you to distinguish between grammatical forms of words: art - walls s, R - hand andus sto pump - mound butt.etc. Emphasis in Russian can be characterized as movable and fixed. Stationary it is called such an emphasis that falls on the same part of the word: g. aboutspital, G. aboutspital, G. aboutspeatal, G. aboutspeethal, about g aboutspeatale -the emphasis is fixed in the root; ringing yu, ringing andm, ringing andthose ringing andsick andt ringing it -the emphasis is fixed. Emphasis changing the place in different forms of the same word is called movable : NA. butt, N. butchal, started but; Right, pr. butyou, right but; Could w., M. aboutwear, M. aboutgut; Pon. it, P. aboutnyal, understood but.

Within the literary norm, there is a significant amount of emphasis options. There are, for example: 1) equal options (interchangeable in all cases, regardless of style, time, etc.): rJ butvein and rust e.t., tV abouthornand creature aboutg., b. butrust and Barz but ; t. e.fitheliaand Teft. e.lee; simply e.mennoand at the same time e.nGO I.etc. Of such words in Russian about 5000. 2) Non-equivals: a) semantic (vary by value): sharp but (blades) and acute abouttA (ingenious expression); tr. w.sit(fear) - coward andt.(run); pogre. w.jewish(placed in transport) - submersible into water); b) stylistic (belong to different language styles), in particular, book and conversational ( balov butt. and b. butrow, contract aboutr and d. aboutsay), common and professional ( to aboutmpas and comp butfrom, and scratand spark but, but languid and aT. aboutmeful; excited about And Vek w.veno); in) regulatory-chronological (manifest themselves in time of their use), for example, modern and outdated: apartame. e.nTU and apart butmenty, ukrainian andnsky and ukr butinsk.

A certain difficulty represents staging in derivative forms of words. Here should be guided by some rules.