
Russian language and speech culture. Orphoepic and accentological norms: Orphoepic standards

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The literary pronunciation of unstressed vowels is based on the phonetic law of the modern Russian literary language - reduction of vowels. Due to the reduction of unstressed, vowels are reduced by duration (by quantity) and lose a distinct sound (quality). All unstressed vowels are subjected to reduction, but the degree of reduction of their non-Ray. So, the vowels [y], [and], [s] in an unstound position retain their main sound, and vowels [a], [o], [E] change efficiently. The degree of reduction of vowels [A], [O], [E] mainly depends on the place of vowel in the word in relation to the stress, as well as on the nature of the preceding consonant. In addition, the reduction of vowels is influenced by the tempo of speech: the faster the tempo of speech, the reduction is more significant.

In the first estate syllable, vowels [a], [o], [E] are reduced to the smallest degree and their pronunciation is subject to the following standards.

After the solid consonants in place of the letters A, the sound of [λ] is pronounced with a somewhat less wide solution of the mouth than with the sound [A] hit: gardens, shafts, vines, braids, heat, balls, jockey, chauffery, kings - [Сλды] , [Lyuly], [Lhλz], [kλc.], [ZhλRA], [SHλRA], [ZHΛK "E], [SHλF" OR], [TSU "and]. In place of the letter E after hissing [W], [ Ш] and after [C] pronounced [s], prone to [e] - [s e]: yolk, cruel, sixth, sixth, price, chain - [zhi e-stock], [zhu uh Stock], [shy uh Stoke], [seed e), [tsy e n], [tsi eh pnto].

After the soft consonants at the place of the letters A, I, E is pronounced the sound, the average between [and] and [E] - [and E]: the clock, theirs, sparing, sorrel, removed, took, sand, fishing foresters - [h "and e s], [h "and e juice], [" and e d "ût"], ["and e in" êl "] ,, [in" З "and ei], [p" and e juice], [L "and e juice]. The pronunciation in this case is distinct [and] is perceived as a spurant: [h "Ivo].

The pronunciation of vowels in proclaiming syllables is mainly similar to the pronunciation of vowels in all transparent syllables, except for the first. The reduced sounds, pronounced in pronounced syllables, do not differ in quality from the corresponding vowels of the state syllables and in phonetic transcriptions have the same designations [ъ], [b]. However, the pronunciation of pronounced vowels is characterized by a number of private features relating to the pronunciation of vowels in the composition of various morphemes.

After solid consonants, the sound of [K] is pronounced at the place of the letters a, o, e [s] and [a]. For example: I gave out, the word, tin, cats, spoons, and a finger - [extended], [scaled], [Word], [Olv], [Koshk], [Fallen], [Pal "Zom].

After soft consonants, the following cases differ:

  1. In place of the letters A, I pronounce a reduced sound in two varieties [b] and [ъ], depending on which morpheme is pronounced sound.

The sound [Kommersant] is pronounced in the end: 1) p. h. nouns of female and medium kind; 2) Rod. p. h. noun male and medium kind; 3) it. p. MN. h. noun male and medium kind; 4) in the suffix of the verbality of the imperfect form; 5) they. p. h. adjective female kind. For example: Will, cloud, grove, name; Vara, grief; brothers, links; seeing; evil - [ox "ъ], [clouds" ъ], [RO "Kommersant] [to them" ъ]; [Varia], [Mountain "Kommersant]; [Brother" Kommersant], [s "in" êin ъ]; [in "ID" ъ]; [Evil Kommersant].

The sound [b] is pronounced in the final syllable, if it does not represent the ending, before soft consonants: Memory, the area, fate, understood, began - [PAM "BT"], [PO "LT"], [uk "... "], [PON" BL "and], [NCH" BL "and].

The transition (s) in (s) in place of the letter and at the beginning of the word, when merging in the pronunciation of this word with the previous one, which ends on a solid consonant, as well as on the site of the Union and under certain conditions, is pronounced vowel [s]. Transaction [and ] The [s] occurs: 1) at the joint of the consoles on the consonant and root, starting the sound [and] (the second prefix with the initial [and]) is also possible: the [s] run, non-¬ [s] link; 2) when the pronunciation of two independent words connected by the Union and not delivered by the pause, if the first word ends, and the second begins hard consonants: the table and the house [table-s-house], as well as in phrases, if the first word Ends with solid consonants, and the second begins with [and]: Son Ivan [Son-Yvan], but the daughter of Ivan [DOch "-Ivan]; 3) After the prepositions included, as a rule, the following words: to Ivan [k- Вана], from the game [from izhri]; 4) at the junction of parts of comprehensive words: politicization [Poult "Ittyzdat].

The pronunciation of the combinations of unstressed vocabulary of unstressed vowels are formed in the fusion of the utility of the official word and the subsequent significant, as well as at the junction of morpheme. The literary pronunciation does not allow combinations of vowels. The pronunciation of [CHIBRUM "IL] (realized) has a spacious character. The pronunciation of combinations of unstressed vowels is characterized by some uniqueness relatively with the pronunciation of single unstressed vowels, for example, combinations of AA, JSC, OA, OO are pronounced as [AA]: N [AA] Bazhur, З [A - A] Kean, p [Aa] RBUZ, D [AA] Strovk.

The pronunciation of the sound and deaf consonants in the speech stream, the consonant sounds of the modern Russian literary language, paired on the deaf bells, change in their quality depending on their position in the Word.

Two cases of such changes are distinguished: a) at the end of the words before the pause and b) at the end of words, not before the pause, as well as inside the word. Changes in consonants, pairs over the ringing-deafness and pairs of soft-hardness are explained by the action of regressive assimilation.

  1. Stunning ringing consonants at the end of the word. All the voiced consonants at the end of the word are pronounced as a pair of deaf (except sonorous p, l, m, n); Two ending calls go to the appropriate deaf: club, temper, horn, lie, elm, clang, olk, sober - [club], [nrap], [rock], [HOSE], [in "AS], [L" ASK ], [isp], [TP "ESF] (see § 57, p. 1).

The stunning of the final ringing consonants does not depend on the quality of the initial sound of the next word and occurs in the speech stream in front of all the consonants and vowels.

Pronunciation of solid and soft consonants

Distinguishing when the pronunciation of consonants, pairs of hardness-softness, has a phondermatic value, since in Russian solid and soft consonants distinguish the sound shells of words (Wed. Was - a friend, brother - to take it, etc.). The pronunciation of soft consonants differs from the pronunciation of the corresponding solid consonants by the "iotry" articulation, which lies in the fact that the middle part of the back of the language is highly rising to the corresponding part of the nose.

At the end of the word and before some consonants, as well as in front of the vocal sounds [a], [o], [y] the hardness and softness of consonants clearly differ. The softness of the consonants in these provisions is indicated in the written speech: at the end of the word and before some consonants - the letter b (cf. Ryab - ripples, treasure - sting, blow - hit, daw - pebbles, housekeeper - economy-ka, etc.) , and before vowels [a], [o], [y] - letters I, E, Yu (cf. Mother - Mine, Tuk - Bay, nose). Eating the letters after hissing [F], [Ш], [h], [uch] is not reflected on the pronunciation of these consonants, as it has a morphological importance, indicates the form of words (cf. Knife - Multiply, our - you give, bream - A thing, weaver - jump, cry - strik, etc.).

  1. Softness of consonants denoted by the letter (B and letters I, E, E, YU): Brother - Take, Galka - Pebble, Shaft - Vyazhm, Nose - Ness, Tuk - Bay - [Brother - Brother "], [Galk - Gal" Ke], [shaft - in "al], [nose-n" OS], [Tuk - T "UK].

The final lips in accordance with the writing are pronounced gently: the chain, the blood is blood, the slave - ripples - [CEP - CEP], [CROF - CROF "], [RAP - R" AP "].

Soft lips in front of me, E, Yu are pronounced without additional articulation of softness: Five, Mine, Mel, Vyul, Engraving, Mashed - [P "ät"], [m "ät"], [m ol], [in ol ], [Grav "Ur], [P" YPE].

Software [m] in words seven, eight persists in complex numbers: seven - seventy - seven hundred, eight - eighty - eight hundred - [with "EM" - with "EM" D "LC" - with "and E M" COT] , [Bos "L." - Bos "L" d "Lo" BT - VA "and E M" COT).

  1. Softness of consonants not denoted by writing. In the position before consonants, the hardness and softness of consonants often has a non-admonishing, assimilative character, i.e. Depends on the hardness and softness of the subsequent consonant. The softness of consonants in this case is not denoted in this case.

Mitigation of solid consonants before soft is depending on different conditions: What kind of consonants, in front of which soft consonants are, in which part of the word there is a combination of consonants, to which style of speech is this or another word:

a) inside the word before the sound [j] consonants in some cases are softened: fish, leaves, judge, guest - [fish "ъ], [l" ûС "T" ъ], [court "JA], [state" t " Kommersant;

b) dental consonants [s], [s], [d], [t] before soft dentals and lumps are pronounced softly: Grub, sadness - [Grussa "T"], [Hare "T"], Wall, Song -, [P "ê" with "n" ъ]. In some words, the mitigation is variable: a ripe, star, hard, door - [with "P" Elava] and [JV "ELY], [s" in "and e zda] and [zd" and e zda], [t " "Horde] and [TV" Horde], [D "in" and Ein] and [DV "and Ein];

c) consonant [n] before soft [d], [t], [n] (less often before [s], [s]), and also before [h], [Sh] pronounced gently: Cintik, Bandit, Connon, Pensioner, claim, chick - [Kan "T" IC], [B.ND "D" IT], [KO "IC], [P" BN "with" I.NN "EP], [pr" and e ten "s" and b], [PT "ê ê" h "IK];

d) the consistent console and consonant with her pretext, as well as the final consonant consoles on the s and consonant with them prepositions before soft dental and separation kommersant, are pronounced soft: slacker, without affairs, products, out of business, remove - [b "and e s "d" êly "bk], [b" and e z "-el], [from" d "êl" and b], [from "-d" ate], [from "Jat"]. In other cases Softness of variatives: removed from it - [with "al] al] and [al], [c" -n "and e] and [sn" and e];

e) Lights in front of the backs are not softened: rates, breaking, chains - [Stafk "and], [broken" and], [CEPK "and];

e) finite consonants [t], [d], [b] in the prefixes in front of the soft lip and separation ъ are not softened: the exhaust, to fade - [λtjel], [λtp "IT"];

g) consonant [p] in front of soft dentals and lumps, as well as before [h], [uch] pronounced firmly: Artel, Cornet, feed, samovarchik, welder - [λrt "êl"], [KUMN "ET], [KOMMM "ût"], [LDVCH "IR], [weld"

Pronunciation of combinations of consonants

With regard to literary pronunciation, some combinations of consonants are allocated, strictly defined in their composition. Such combinations are found on the morphological joints of the words (the final consonant console and the initial consonant root, the final consonant root and the initial consonant suffix), as well as in the locations of the pretext of the pretext with the initial consonant of a significant word.

tC, DS (in combinations of TSC, DSC, TSK, DCS) at the junction of the root and suffixes are pronounced as [C]: Bratsk [Braft], the factory [zvіtskoi], kinship [pt).

9. Summary of the GC, the GC is usually pronounced as [HC], [HF]: Soft [M "AKK" and], lighter [L "EXC" B]. Unprofitable consonants

During the pronunciation of words, some morphemes (usually roots) in certain combinations with other morphems are losing one or another sound. As a result, letters devoid of sound values \u200b\u200bare in writing words, so-called unprofitable consonants. Non-pronounced consonants include:

1) T - in SN combinations (Wed: Kosya and Bone), SPL (happy), NTSC - NDK (Wed: Giant - Inrigan, Dutch - Hooligan), STSK (Wed: Marxist and Tunisian);

2) D - in the combinations of ZDN (Wed: Holiday and Uglynik), RDC (Wed: Heart and Door);

3) B - in combinations (Wed: feel and participate), buds (silent);

4) L - in combination of LTS (Wed: Sun and Window).

Phonetic laws (Sound laws) - the laws of functioning and development of sound matter of the language, managers, both sustainable preservation and regular change in its sound units, their alternations and combinations.

1. Phonetic word end of the word. Noisy ringing consonant at the end of the word is stunned, i.e. Pronounced as the corresponding pair deaf. Such a pronunciation leads to the formation of mistakes: threshold - vice, young - hammer, goats - Kos, etc. In words with two consonants, at the end of the word, both consonants are laughing: Gruss - sadness, the entrance - pushing [p.djest], etc.

Stunning final ringing occurs in the following conditions:

1) Before the pause: [pr "Ishol injust] (a train came); 2) Before the next word (without a pause) with an initial not only deaf, but also vowels, sonorous, as well as [J] and [in]: [Poho he ], [Satur Ob], [Sign JA], [Your mouth] (he is right, our garden, we are weak, the genus is yours). Sonorny consonants are not exposed to stun: Sor, they say, com, he.

2. Assimilation of consonants on the bells and deafness. The combinations of consonants, of which one is deaf, and another ringing, not peculiar to the Russian language. Therefore, if there are two different consonant in the word in the word, the first consonant second is likened. Such a change in consonant sounds is called regressive assimilation.

By virtue of this law, calling consonants before the deaf pass into the pairs of deaf, and the deaf in the same position - in the ringing. Soviemaking of deaf consonants is less common than stunning the beams; The transition of the calls in the deaf creates the Omophones: [Dusk - Dusk] (a handle - Dushka), [in "Iz" Ti - in "Hes" t "and] (Vesti - lead), [FP" и рр "We" Eshku - FP " Ir "We" We "Eshku] (interspersed - intention).

In front of the sonar, as well as before [j] and [in], the deaf remain unchanged: a clutch, plow, [λtjest] (departure), your own.

Writele and deaf consonants are assimilated in the presence of the following conditions: 1) at the bog of morpheme: [pλhotk] (gait), [zbor] (collection); 2) at the junction of prepositions with the word: [GD "ELU] (to the case), [HD" ELG] (WITH A DECOM); 3) At the junction of the word with a particle: [Goth] (one year), [Dod'an`s] (daughter); 4) At the junction of the significant words, pronounced without a pause: [Rock-Kλλzi] (Horn of the goat), [Ras-P "AT"] (five times).

3. Assimilation of consonants in softness. Solid and soft consonants are represented by 12 pairs of sounds. By education, they differ in the absence or presence of palatalization, which is an additional articulation (the middle part of the back of the tongue is high to the corresponding part of the nose).

Softness assimilation has a regressive nature: consonant softened, liketing the subsequent gentle consonant. In the specified position, not all consonants, paired hardness-softness, soften and not all soft consonants cause softening the previous sound.

All consonants, paired hardness-softness, are softened in the following weak positions: 1) in front of the voice [E]; [B "Eli], [in the" EU], [m "ate], [with" ate] (Bel, weight, chalk, villages), etc.; 2) before [and]: [m "Il], [p" Il "and] (MIL, drank).

Before the unpaired [F], [W], [C] soft consonants are impossible except [l], [L "] (cf. end - ring).

Mute dental [s], [s], [n], [p], [d], [t] and lip [b], [p], [m], [in], [φ]. Do not softened before soft consonants [g], [k], [x], as well as [l]: glucose, key, bread, fill, silently t.p. Softening occurs inside the word, but is absent before the soft consonants of the following word ([if "EU]; cf. [λ t op]) and in front of the particle ([Ros-L" and]; cf. [Rλli]) (here is the forest , Otter, Ros, grew).

The consonants [s] and [s] are softened before soft [t "], [d], [s"], [n "], [l"]: [M "êС" T "], [in" IEZ " D "E], [F-ka with" b], [casn "] (revenge, everywhere, at the checkout, execution). Mitigation [s], [s] also occurs at the end of the prefixes and consonant with them pretexts before soft lumps : [RъZ "D" IT "IT"], [Rъ "T" Yenut "], [b" дез "-n" ievo), [b "ies" - "Il] (divided, stretch, without it, Without strength). Before soft lifting, mitigation [s], [s], [d], [t] is possible inside the root and at the end of the prefixes on-for, as well as in the prefix S- and in the exclusion consonant with it: [with "M" EX] , [s "in" êr], [d "in" êr |, [t "in" êР], [C "P" êT "], [C" -N "them], [IC" -pach "] , [RλZ "d" êt "] (laughter, beast, door, tver, sing, with him, bake, stray).

Lights in front of soft dentals are not softened: [PT "ê ê" h "bk], [n" EFT "], [Pz" AT "] (chickper, oil, take).

4. Assimilation of hardness consonants. Assymimization of consonants on hardness is carried out at the junction of the root and suffix, which starts the hard consonant: a locksmith - a plumbing, secretary - secretarians, etc. In front of the lip [b], the assimilation of hardness does not occur: [PRΛС "IT"] - [Pros "BJ], [MULT" IT "] - [Mal.D" Ba] (ask - request, threshing - throat), etc. Assimilation is not subjected to [L "]: [Paul" b] - [zλpol "us] (field, filled).

5. Assimiation of dental over hissing. This type of assimilation is applied to the dental [s], [s] in the position before hypers (protesters) [sh], [f], [h], [sh] and lies in the complete approaching of the dental [s], [s] to the subsequent hissing .

Full assimilation [s], [s] occurs:

1) at the junction of morpheme: [zh at "], [Рλ И А"] (squeeze, break); [sh is "], [Рλ Ш ит"] (sew, squeeze); [sh "from], [pλ w" from] (account, calculation); [R / W "IR], [IC" IC] (Performer, Machine);

2) at the junction of the pretext and the words: [s, in Arm], [with armm] (with heat, with a ball); [BESS-JR], [BES-W AR] (without heat, without a ball).

The combination of the ZZH inside the root, as well as the combination of LJ (always inside the root) addresses the long soft [g "]: [by g"] (later), (I go); [In g "and], [tremor" and] (entrance, yeast). Optionally, in these cases can pronounce long solid [F].

The species of this assimilation is the assimilation of the dental [d], [t] with the following [h], [C], resulting in long [h], [C]: [λ h "from] (report), (Fkra Ts ] (Briefly).

6. Simplify combinations of consonants. The consonants [d], [t] in combination of several consonants between vowels are not pronounced. Such simplification of groups of consonants is consistently observed in combinations: STN, ZDN, STL, NTSC, STSC, VFS, RDD, LSTs: [WITNES], [POSN], [W "PHESILS], [G" Igansk "and], [h" Sots], [heart], [Sonz] (oral, late, happy, giant, feeling, heart, sun).

7. Reducing groups of identical consonants. During the track of three identical consonants at the junction of the preset or consoles with the next word, as well as at the junction of the root and suffix, the consonants are reduced to two: [RA Sorrow "IT"] (once + quarreled), [with SLK] (with reference), [ n s] (column + n + ha); [ΛDe from KI] (Odessa + SC + IY).

The main phonetic processes occurring in the Word include: 1) reduction; 2) stunning; 3) sponge; 4) mitigation; 5) likelihood; 6) Simplification.

Reduction is the weakening of the pronunciation of vowels in an unstressed position: [home] - [d ^ ma] - [dъ ^ voi].

Stunning - the process in which the ringlets agree before the deaf and at the end of the word are pronounced as deaf; book - book [sh] ka; Oak - Du [p].

Sviscondium is a process at which the deaf in the position before the ringing is pronounced as ringing: to do - [s "] to do; selection - o [d] Bor.

Mitigation is a process in which solid consonants are soft under the influence of subsequent soft: depended [s'], ka [s'] n, le [s'].

Looking - a process in which a combination of several heterogeneous consonants is pronounced as one long (for example, the combinations of the SC, ZCH, SHC, ZDCH, SThch are pronounced a long sound [sh "], and the combinations of the vehicle (s), it is pronounced as one long Sound [C]): volume [sh] IR, spring [W] ATHE, MU [W "] Ina, [t"] Astye, and [C] a. Simplification of consonant groups - a process in which in combinations of consonant SNTs, Zdn, eats, DC, individuals and others are the loss of sound, although the letter is used in the letter, denoting this sound: the heart - [with "E" RC], the sun - [Sonz].

8. Glow reduction. Change (weakening) of vowels in an unstressed position is called reduction, and unstressed vowels - reduced vowels. There are positions of unstressed vowels in the first estate syllable (a weak position of the first degree) and the position of unstressed vowels in the remaining unstressed syllables (a weak position of the second degree). The vowels in a weak position of the second degree are subjected to greater reduction than vowels in a weak position of the first degree.

Vowels in a weak position of the first degree: [lies] (shafts); [shafts] (oxen); [BIAD] (trouble), etc.

Vowels in a weak position of the second degree: [Parʌvos] (steam locomotive); [Kargvent] (Karaganda); [Kylich] (bells); [P "BL" IE on] (Pelon); [Gols] (Voice), [Major] (exclamation), etc.

Promotive speech - the most perfect in terms of speaking on this language The combination of sounds, convenient for pronunciation and pleasant for hearing. Communication requirements must be agreed with the phonetic features of a particular language. The division of languages \u200b\u200bto "frantic" and "intact" is devoid of scientific foundation and is usually associated with subjective assessments. For example, unusual for the Russian person conceaving in such words as Beatles, Hijra, Niscoori, Papaianna, seem intact.
- It is achieved by alternating consonants and vowels and a minor use of consonutary combinations, i.e. combinations of several consonants. In our phonetic system, consonutary combinations are more often twisted (friend, brother), sometimes threened (explosion, system); The combination of four and more consonants, which may appear at the junction of two words, violates the colawering speeches (adult competition ...).

Supported most characteristic of the language relationship in the text of vowels and consonants. In Russian speech, vowels on average are 42.35%, consonants - 53.53%, the sound of 4.12%. The vowels give rise to fragrance only in conjunction with the consonants, the confluence of several vowels, or the gaping, distorts the soundtroke of the Russian speech, makes it difficult to articulate (remember the word Eui invented by V. Khlebnikov). The gaping can be inner - when several vowels stand next to one word (radio jelly, punctuation, audio-seal), and external - when the cursing of vowels appears when the words (in Tanya and Olya). Insensitive arises usually with external gaping.

Causes of discrepancy:

1) in the word of consonants more average norms or their sequence is broken

2) Moving combinations from two consonants at the beginning \\ mid-word to the end of the word - makes it difficult to articulate

3) Sonorny Sughdle. precede noisy (crest, pretzel)

4) the appearance of the propulsion of vowels when connecting words (OLI and Alina)

Removing unreserved intact:

1) the introduction between the two SHL. Fucked ch. (Spring - Spring, interesting - interesting)

2) Useful options for prepositions: K-Co, C-CO, in-B, O-OB-OH and TP.

3) alternation of ch. and Sogl. Sounds and insignificant consonant combinations

The main law of orthoepia in the pronunciation of vowels of the Russian language - law of reduction (weakened articulation) of all unstressed vowels.

In Russian speech, only shock vowels are pronounced in full compliance with the phonetic norm. All unstressed vowels are pronounced with weakened articulation, less clearly and for a long time, and sometimes even replaced by other vowels, also reduced. So, vowels a and about the beginning of the word without emphasis and in the first estate syllable are pronounced as [a]: the ravine is [a] the enemy, autonomy - [a] W [a] nomium, milk - mol [a] ko.

In the remaining unstressed syllables (i.e. in all unstressed syllables, except for the first estate) at the place of letters o and a after solid consonants, a very short (reduced) obscure sound is pronounced, which in different positions ranges from pronunciation close to [s] to pronunciation close to [A]. Conditionally, this sound is denoted as [b]. For example: Head - g [k] fishing, watchman - STOR [Kъ] g.

UPR. 55. Say the following words in accordance with the norms of the literary language: without opening the widespread mouth when pronouncing the sound [a] in the first estate syllable and without increasing its duration, as it is often done by the inhabitants of Voronezh.

MOL aboutko, gov aboutryat, SC. butzh, H. aboutchu, Z. butthan, M. aboutrKOV, Art butkan, B. aboutronezh, P. aboutdaughter, P. aboutwound, P. aboutyears, liter. buttour, B. butrAS, T. butva, R. butjon, M. aboutsCMA, SL aboutvA, B. butlance, D. aboutverity, K. aboutnotrand, M. aboutral, N. abouttarius, aboutcASIS, P. aboutslynik, R. butlist ..

UPR. 56.. Say the following words, mark the phonetic transcription sign, which sound is pronounced on the site of the selected letter.

P butrum, B. aboutdoy, K. aboutmake aboutstunt, H. aboutbar aboutgon, D. aboutbych, S. aboutsleep, N. buttall, count aboutnumber butx, aboutblava, R. but, BAT butreya, K. aboutnessent, Del. about, aboutperaration aboutpekun, juice aboutl, Khalatn. aboutstep, adequate about, Multi about, butrend butrend buttM aboutsphere, B. butg. abouttV aboutresults, K. butndid buttura, K. butt. butstanfa, pr. aboutin aboutcommon.

Akane(i.e., indispensable in the unstressed syllables of sounds transmitted by letters about and a) is bright a distinctive feature Russian literary pronunciation. A pronunciation other than the literary is found in territorial dialects, dialects. So, in the North-Russian dialects, the sound of [o] in unstressed syllables is possible (in this case, the pronunciation coincides with the writing of the letter O). This pronunciation is called okanem.

Pronunciation of vowels [e] and [o], denoted by letters E and E after soft consonants, it sometimes causes difficulty, because it is usually in print and on the letter the letter it is depicted without points. The pronunciation of shock vowel after soft consonants in place of the letter E or I has to memorize

Remember the pronunciation of the following words:

E [, E] [, O]

blood athlete

scam Syelikh

genevra Bee

warred platituate

zev Sveokla

flooded edge

sheet dariane

smeashed Nichkhemny

the successor of the newborn

difficult mercenar

UPR. 57.What kind of sound ([o] or [e]) is pronounced under the stress in the following words? When performing the exercise, use an orthoepic dictionary. Say words several times.

Hopeless, faded, grenader, bile, noctile, simultaneous, connected, successor, dysfremity, maneucer, maneuver, whitish, lattice, athlete, being, guardianship, dyed, tip, enhancing, inclined, brought, glider, prime, newborn, settled, solvent.

UPR. 58.Determine the meaning of words depending on the pronunciation. Make a phrase with them.

Piece of iron - groom; Expired - Exterior; Sky - Nybo; Padezh - paddle; Announced - announced.

Orthooepic standards are based primarily on the main phonetic patterns in the field of vowel and consonant sounds: accommodation of shock vowels under the influence of the soft consonants neighboring with them, the reduction of two types (quantitative and qualitative), all cases of assimilation and dissimulation of consonants, stunning consonants at the end of the word. However, these issues are rather subject to consideration in phonetics in a narrow understanding of this term (as a science of sounding speech). Orthooepia is most interested in those cases when it is possible to use two options for the utterance rate when "variation of the sound implementation of the same phones and the phonam composition of the same morpheme is possible in the absence of positional differences." Such options may differ or stylistically (guardianship - overhangly, occurrence - conversational; [PLE'T] - neutral,

[Po't] - high), or semantically (heart [CN] attack - heart [SHN] BY friend).

The greatest difficulties arise from speaking in Russian as native in the following cases.

1. Pronoming the shock vowel [˙ ˙] or [e] after soft consonants. Without the lack of justifiable, the letters of it often serves as an incorrect pronunciation of words. How do you say words: ice, guardianship, maneuvers, wool, grenader, settled? With such difficulties, it is necessary to contact the "Orphoepic Dictionary", where it is indicated that the words of the hopeless, ceremony, firing, maneuvers should be pronounced with the sound [˙O], and maneuvers (additional option - maneuvers), bluish (and add. Becles). The impact sound [e] should be maintained in the words of the Hollyanta, guardianship, the Grenader, adeple, avoidped.

2. Difficulties can occur when choosing a vowel after solid hissing in the first estate syllable at the place of the letter A. According to modern standards, a vowance of the first degree of reduction of the lower rift of the middle row should be pronounced in this position, unbelivated, i.e. [L]. However, those who were still in the middle of our century, the norms of Staromoshkovsky pronunciation demanded that the sound [EE] was used in this position, i.e. It was considered true to this pronunciation of words:

heat - [zhyra'i], balls - [Schears'],

shalun - [Shyl'n], blackmail - [shyantash].

This rate can be considered obsolete. However, none previously acting in speeches does not disappear, without leaving exceptions, a kind of speech atavisms, in which the tradition of the old pronunciation is preserved. This exception in Russian was the pronunciation of words:

sorry - [Jeale '], Jasmine - [Jies] Min,

horses - Lo [Schye] dei, jacket - [zhy] ket,

as well as numeral 20 and 30 in indirect cases:

twenty - twenty [TsYE] TI.

On the contrary, after soft hissing, as after any soft consonants, in the position of the first degree of reduction, the sound [l] should not appear, but only [IE]. Therefore, it is necessary to pronounce words in this way:

Spelling position correct pronunciation incorrect pronunciation

Sorrel [Sh'Iev''l '] [w' lv'l ']

Watch [Ch'Ies'i] [Ch'lsi']

CHASHES [Ch'Ies '˙o'B] [Ch'LS' ˙O'B]

Often [Zych'Iest'iu] [zych'lstu'iu]

3. In the field of consonants, orthoepic norms regulate such cases of pronunciation:

a) replacement in some words [g] frictionative (as in Ukrainian). The sound [υ] is recommended to pronounce an accountant, Lord, God, Yeah.

b) the pronunciation of long solid consonant [F] on the place of the letters of LJ, the urges. Only in some words from a number of native speakers (most often among older intellectuals), the Staromoshkovsky version of pronunciations with a long soft consonant is preserved [Well, in such words like yeast, splatters, squeeze, rattling, grinding, burning, go, later, rains , rain. It should be noted that such pronunciation options are increasingly out of use.

c) pronunciation of a combination of CN as [SCH] or [CN]. In modern Russian, there is a tendency to approach the pronunciation of writing, and the option [SCN] on the site of a spelling CN as a mandatory and only orthoepic rate is observed only for some words: of course, boring, fried eggs, a nesting house, laundry, mustard, on purpose (cf. outdated for modern language Pronunciation options marked in the "Russian language dictionary" D.N. Shushakov: Milk - Molo [SCH] IR, brown - measles [SHN] Eve, buckwheat - Gre [SCH] Eve).

Since the old orthoepic rate disappears from the language slowly slowly, there are parallel utilities: Horny [CN] Aya - Horny [SHN] Aya, Selyo [CN] IR - POLUNO [SHN] IR, two [SHN] IR - Two [CHN] IR, order [CN] - order [SCH]. IN last years There was a tendency to pronounce the female patrimonies: Ilyinichna, Kuzminynna, Nikitichna, and others, which were recently recommended to pronounce only through [SCH].

In some words, a different pronunciation distinguishes the words semantically: Pere [CN] ITSA - ' cutlery', Old re [SHN] Itza (break-spacious.) - Sustainable turnover with disapproving facial assessment; heart [CN] drops, heart [CN] bout - 'related heart like internal organ', Heart [SHN] friend -' Close, native '.

With the sound [sh] pronounced and a combination of what in the words that, so that, something (but: mail, mast and many other words - only with [Thu]).

d) the pronunciation of soft consonants at the end of the word, which sometimes under the action of the spacious or dialective speech are illegally replaced by solid consonants: seven, eight, very, now, boar.

e) the pronunciation of consonants on the site of double letters may be long (Cashier [C] a) or a brief (Saturday - Su [b] OTA).

Long consonants should be pronounced in the following cases:

At the site of the intervocal group of consonants after the emphasis: Va'nna, Ha'mma, from Claus;

At the junction of the prefixes and root, preposition and a significant word: angry, unlobs, with dogs.

Short consonant pronounced:

In the intervocal group, before emphasis, except the cases noted above: Saturday, Illumination, Terrace, Territory;

On the site doubled consonant in the Regulations before consonant: cool, software, group.

12. Features of the pronunciation of borrowed words in Russian .

Most of the foreign language words included in the nationwide language are phonetically already mastered by the Russian language, and their pronunciation is no different from the words of the original Russians. However, some of them are technical terms, words of science, culture, politicians, their own names - still stand out by their pronunciation.

In a number of words of foreign-speaking origin in the first and second estate syllables, a clear unsigned sound [O]: B [O] A, B [O] MOND, B [O] RDO, to [O] Ktteyl, [o] Azis, [o ] Tel, d [o] Siery, b [o] Lero. Vowel [o] pronounced in some words and in a proclaimal position: Vet [o], Kred [o], Aviz [o], for the sake of [o], Kaka [o], ha [o] with.
Unteracted sound [O] is maintained in an unstressed position in many foreign eigenvalues: B [o] Deller, in [o] Lex, 3 [O] LA, W [O] PEN, M [O] Passan, etc. However, such cases Comparatively a bit. In most words of foreign-language origin, O and A in an unstressed position are pronounced in accordance with common standards. somewhat weakened, with reduction: [b / \\] Cal, [b / \\] moan, [k / \\] Neszrt, [b / \\] tank, [k / \\] Stum, [pr / \\] Gress, [P / \\] Yal. In words that are firmly included in the Russian language, consonants before the letter E are pronounced gently.

Incorrectly pronounce solid consonants before E in such words as affect, swimming pool, takes, concrete, correct, coffee, museum, Odessa, Pioneer, Professor, topic, plywood, effect.

However, in some cases, there is still a pronunciation of solid consonants. This norm applies primarily to the dental consonant [T], [d], [n], [s], [s], [p].
Solid [t] pronounced in such words as Adap [TE] P, AN [TE] NNA, anti [TE] for, and [TE] change, and [TE] Lie, BIFSH [TE] COP, O [TE] l, with [TE] ND, ES [TE] teak, etc.

In a number of geographical names and the names of their own, the solid [t] should also be pronounced: AMC [TE] RDAM, GVA [TE] Mala, Vol [TE] r. The pronunciation of solid [T] is preserved in the iNoazy-speaking one -inter: in [TE] rnationalism, in [TE] Rvei, in [TE] rpretation.
Solid [d] pronounced in words: Vun [DE] Rkind, [DE] Colt,
[DE] Lta, [DE] NDI, KO [DE] COP, Cor [DE] ballet, MO [DE] pH, [DE] -Yura, [DE] -Facto, MO [DE] LE and others.
In difficult cases, you should contact orthoepic dictionaries.

Lecture material

on the subject Russian

Theme "Orphoepic norm"

Soldatova E.N.

Lebedyan, 201_

Orphoepic norms - These are the rules of sound design of words, parts of words, proposals, i.e., the rules of pronunciation of sounds, staging, using intonation.

Among the orthoepic norms are allocated:

    norms of pronunciation(utilities) - Sound pronunciation rules(scam, but not aFER, BU [TE] Rbrod, but not a sandwich);

    strength standards (accentological norms) - the rules of staging(alphabet, but not alpha "WIT, DOSU" G, but not to "song);

    norms of use of intonation(intonation norms) - Intection rules, speech.

Oral speech orphoepic standards studiesorthoepy (Greek. orthos. - Right I. epos. - speech), the subject of the study of which are patterns, literary pronunciation. With orpoepia, such a section of linguistics as phonetics is closely connected.Phonetics (Greek. phonetike. from phone - Sound) studies the sounds of the language.

Compliance with uniformity in the pronunciation of sounds and staging is essential. Orphoepic errors always interfere with perception of the content of speech: the attention of the listening time is distracted by various miscalculations of pronunciation, and the statement is not perceived with sufficient attention. Pronunciation, corresponding to orthoepic standards, facilitates and speeds up the communication process. The regulatory pronunciation of words is fixed in orthoepic dictionaries.

The regulatory pronunciation of words, regulatory emphasis and intonation of the speech are governed by certain rules that must be adhered to not to go beyond the generally accepted, and therefore the generally a common Russian literary language.

Norms of pronunciation vowels

The main law of orthoepia in the field of the pronunciation of vowels of the Russian language -law of reduction (weakened articulation) of all unstressed vowels.

In Russian speech, only shock vowels are pronounced in full compliance with the phonetic norm. All unstressed vowels are pronounced with weakened articulation, less clearly and for a long time, and sometimes even replaced by other vowels, also reduced. So, vowels and oh at the beginning of the word without emphasis and in the first estate syllable are pronounced as [a]:ravine - [a] enemy, autonomy - [a] WT [a] nomium, milk - mall [A] Co.

In the remaining unstressed syllables (i.e., in all unstressed syllables, except for the first estate) at the place of the letters about and and after solid consonants, a very short (reduced) obscure sound is pronounced, which in different positions ranges from pronunciation close to [s], To pronunciation, close to [A]. Conditionally, this sound is indicated as [kommersant ]. For example: head - g [b] fishing, watchman - stor [Kommersant]

Akane (i.e., indispensable in the unstressed syllables of sounds transmitted by letters about and a) is a bright distinctive feature of the Russian literary pronunciation. A pronunciation other than the literary is found in territorial dialects (dialects). So, in the North-Russian dialects, the sound of [o] in unstressed syllables is possible (in this case, the pronunciation coincides with the writing of the letter O). Such pronunciation is called Okan.

Difficult cases pronunciation of vowels sounds

Pronunciation [O] without high-quality reduction

In the modern Russian literary language, there are cases when it is not possible at the site of the unstressed vowel about the pronounced [A], and [o]. This refers to the pronunciation of some foreign language words.

Borrowed words, as a rule, are subject to the orthoepic standards of the modern Russian literary language and only in some cases differ in the peculiarities in pronunciation. One of these features is the preservation of the pronunciation of [o] in unstressed syllables.

In the state position sound[about] persists, for example, in such words asf [o] ye, p [o] fl, [o] Azis, D [O] and in foreign eigen names:FL [O] Ber, W [o] Pen. The same pronunciation [O] may be observed in proclars:kaka [about], for the sake of [o], three [o]. However, most of the borrowed vocabulary, which is words, firmly learned by the Russian literary language, subordinate general rules Pronunciations[about] and [a] in unstressed syllables:p [a] man (novel), b [a] Cal (wineglass), to [A] Stum (costume), p [a] Yal (piano), to [ъ] Bines (Cabinet), [A] Rator (Speaker) and others.

Pronunciation of sounds in place of letters E and I am in the state syllables

The letters E and I in the estate syllable indicate the sound, the average between[E] and [and] . Conditionally, this sound is indicated by the sign [and E]: point - p[ and e. ] so feather - p[ and e. ] RO.

Choosing a shock vowel in place of letters E and E after soft consonants

The pronunciation of vowels [e] and [o], denoted by letters E and E after soft consonants, sometimes it is difficult, because it is usually in print and on the letter the letter E is depicted without points. The pronunciation of the shock vowel after soft consonants in place the letter E and E is necessary to memorize. Remember the pronunciation of the following words:

E ["E] [" O]

scam maneuvra

genesis Newborn

topier guardian

sewaged platitage

Pronunciation of consonants sounds

The main laws of pronunciation of consonants

The main laws of pronunciation of consonants - stunning and liketing.

In Russian speech there is a mandatory stunning of the voiced consonants at the end of the word (for example:bread - xle [n], garden - sa [t], dividend - divide [T]). This stunning is one of the characteristic signs of Russian literary speech.

In combinations of ringing and deaf consonants or deaf and ringing, the first one is likened to the second, i.e. There is either a stunning of the first sound (for example:bung - about [n] ka, leg - but [sh] ka), either his sponge (for example:passing - [z] cottage, grow - [s] to root). Before consonants [l], [m], [n], [p] and [in], does not occur. Words are pronounced as they are written:st. [TL] about [Shv] like

Sound pronunciation in place letter G

In place of the letter M can pronounce different sounds: [k], [g], [y], [x] or [in]. The choice of sound depends on its position in the word and the effects of neighboring sounds.

[to] Pronounced at the end of the word, for example:laught - le [k], threshold - poro [k], meadow - onion]

[g] A ringing explosive consonant is pronounced in a position before vowels and ring consonants, for example:but [g] but , per [g] tax [g] valt

[x] pronounced in combination of GK and GC, for example:soft - me [HC] about , easier - le. [HF] e, and in the word God - Bo. [x]

Letter G.

[γ] Pricative posterior consonant, is the affiliation of a dialective speech and is characteristic of South Russian govors. In the literary language, we will admit in a few words, Starroglavansky by origin:God - Bo [Γ] A, Lord - [γ] oSR, benefit - blah [γ] about - and derived from them

[in] Pronounced in endings-Oh, -eo (eg: red - krasno [in, first - first [in] oh, he has - n. [in] about), as well as in the word today - ce [in] one.

Pronunciation combinations of CN and Thu

In the pronunciation of words with a combination of CN, oscillations are observed.

CN pronounced [CN] in most words of the Russian language. This is especially true to the words of book origin.(greed, careless) as well as to the words that appeared in the recent past(camouflage, landing).

CHN pronounced [SN] in the following words:of course, boring, scrambled eggs, on purpose, nesting, trifling, laundry, mustard and some others, as well as in women's midmship- Officon (Lukichna, Fominichna).

Some words with a combination of CN in modern Russian literary language have pronunciation options:bakery and bulo [SN] Aya (statute), sPE [CN] and sPE [SCH] (statute).

Combination Thu in modern Russian pronounced as [pc] in the wordwhat and derived from it(Nothing, something to something and the like) but wordssomething [Thu]. In all other cases, spelling thus pronounced as [Thu Thu]:dream, mail, insignificant.

Pronunciation of foreign language words with the letter E after the consonant

In most borrowed words in accordance with the rules of pronunciation before e, consonants are softened:ka [t "] eT. , pA [t "] ePHON [from"] jeria [R"] ector.

Always in front of E soften the posterior consonants g, k,X.: pA [to"] et, [g "] yerzog, S. [x "] eMA. The sound [l] is also commonly pronounced in this position gently:[l] sail, Moscow [l] ekla, Ba. [l] eT. etc.

However, in a number of ways of foreign language origin, the hardness of consonants before e is preserved: o [t] fir,ko [d] eKS, Biz [n] eU [t] eats, B. [t] yerbrod, Svy. [t] eP and etc.

In some words of foreign language origin, the consonant in front of the letter E can be pronounced. Thus, the pronunciation of soft and solid consonant in words should be considered a variant pronunciation in words.congress - cong [R] eSS. and cong [R"] esse, consensus - kon. [from] ensus and kon. [from"] ensus. Two pronunciation options exist also in wordsgangster, Depression, Management, Manager, Temp, Dean, Dean, Pool, Crater, Terror, Terrorist. In many such cases solid pronunciation obsolet and preferable is soft pronunciation according to: [t "]eMP , [d "] ekan etc.

In some cases, the violation of the orthoepic standards occurs as a result of insertion into the word of superfluous vowel or consonant sound.

You should pay attention to the correct pronunciation and writing the following words:

Unprecedented [n] dent n [b] yans

I will [Yu] it [d] to slip

Derma [N] TIN PO [D] puckuck

WITHOUT [O] Braz Prez [N] Dent

Thirst [Yu] HT [E] resistance

Comprome [N] Consult

Competitor [N] Aselves-in-law Bess [E] Rebet

const [n] Correction

Remember regulatory pronunciation of these words.


pronounced gently: pronounced firmly

academy [de] Antitz [TE]

devaluation [de] Genesis [NE]

decade [de] dispensary [EE]

demon [de] Interview [TE]

cream [Re] Cottage [TE]

coffee [Fe] Lottery [TE]

museum [Ze] Mayonnaise [NE]

Odessa [de] Hotel [TE]

patent [those] Pategory [TE]

pioneer [No] Service [SE]

pRESS [RE] Thesis [TE]

press conference [RE] Tombre [TE]

press Secretary [Re] Trend [TE, DE]

session [CE] Dash [RE]

theme [those] Phonetics [NE]

tenor [those] highway [SE]

term [those] eczema [ZE]

shinel [not] Extern [TE]

jurisprudence [de] Estet [TE]

Note ATTENTION on the hardness or softness of consonant in front of the vowel, indicated by the letter E.





[DE], [TE]











a computer





Strength standards

Among the orthoepic norms, the norms associated with the correct setting in the words of stress occupy.

Emphasis - This is the allocation of one of the syllables in the word amplification of the voice. The assimilation of the right stress is associated with a number of difficulties explaining by its features in Russian.

The first feature of the Russian stress is that the emphasis in Russian words is not attached to a specific syllable in the word (as, for example, in other languages: in french It falls on the last syllable of words, in Polish - for the penultimate, in Czech and Hungarian - for the first). Such an emphasis is calledfree it can be on any syllable of the word: the first(Will, city, sharp), second (freedom, nature, writing, beautiful), third (young, milk, watchmaker) etc.

The second feature of the Russian stress is hismobility, the ability to change its place depending on the word form. For example, verbunderstand in an indefinite form, he has an emphasis on the second syllable, in the past time in male genus it moves to the first syllable -by "Nat, and in women's birth - on the last -understood. " There are many such words with moving stress in Russian. Usually, the transfer of the emphasis is associated with the use of a certain grammatical form.

To remember Words with fixed stress:

hospital - go "Spitali; Soil - GRU" NTU; quart "l - quart" lies; Swat - Sva "You.

The third feature of the Russian stress is hisvariability over time. In the works of Krylov, Griboedov, Pushkin, Lermontov you will find many words with a completely different emphasis than now. Compare:

Went out the bottom "Bowls;

At sea blue evening feet (A. Pushkin).

We, old men, now do not dance,

Muses "ki thunder does not call us (A. Pushkin).

The words ghost, symbol, autograph, bus, agent, agony, epigraph, plowing, disarm, store, case and many others inXIX. A eyelid had another emphasis.

The process of changing the emphasis is happening in our time. As a result of this process, some words have two variants of staging. Variants of the word, differing staging, may be equal and unequal.

Equal options the same is correct, regulatory:the loop - loop ", ba" rye - barge ", your" horn - creative "G, those" Fithely - tefte "Lee. Similar equal options in modern Russian language.

Non-equivalent options there are two types. In the first case, one option is recognized as the main, preferred, and the second is estimated as an additional, less desirable, but still located within the literary language. Such permissible options are used in colloquial speech or outdated. For example:culina "Riya - Add. cooking "I. (progress), gave - Add. gave (progress); ukrainian - Add. ukrainian (statute), industry - Add. industry (statute), collect "Lyya - Add. gathered " (statute).

It should be borne in mind that words with a conversational version of the emphasis are unacceptable in official speech and official communication situations. Cf., for example, optionscontract "p, contract" (lit., Used in various communication situations) andbefore "talk, contract" (R., Invalid in official speech).

The second type of non-equivance options concerns cases when one option is a literary, normalized, and the second is beyond the limits of the literary norm. Non-uniterated (incorrect) are the spaticred and jarniic versions of the emphasis. For example:document - document (simple), quarter - quarter (simple), to begin - to begin (simple).

The discharge of non-vetertains includes options, specific stress in which traditionally accepted only in any narrow-professional medium. In any other setting, such options are perceived as an error. For example:spark - spark" (engineers), epilepsy - epilepsy (from doctors), compass - compass (in the sailors), chassis" - chassis (at the pilots).

Emphasis in Russian in some cases has a senseless function. Wed:armor - Consolidation of someone. for someone-n., as well as a document on such a fixation (armor to rail ticket);armor" - Durable protective shell (tank armor) orlock - Palace and Faudal Fortress (medieval castle);lock - Device for locking something. key ( door lock). Cf. also:language - relating to the language as a means of human communication and to human speech activities;poor "out - related to the physical organ of a person or an animal or to a certain Kushany.

Questions to discuss theoretical material

    What is called the norm of the literary language?

    List the types of rules of the Russian literary language. What rules regulates each type of norm?

    What is included in the concept of "Orphoepic standards"? What are the species of orthoepic standards?

    What are the basic laws of pronunciation of vowels?

    What are the difficulties of pronunciation of vowels?

    What are the main laws of pronunciation of consonant sounds?

    What are the difficulties of pronunciation of consonant sounds?

    What dialectic peculiarities of pronunciation of vowels and consonant sounds do not correspond to literary standards?

    What is the emphasis?

10. What are the features of Russian stress?

11. What is the role of stress in the word?

12. What could be the options for words that differ in the staging?

13. What is such equal and inequal imagination options? What are the options for emphasis are outside the literary norm?

Orphoepic standards (pronunciation of vowels and consonants).

Features of Russian stress.

Norm - This is the generally accepted consumption of a variety of language funds, regularly repeated in speech speaking.

4. Generally accepted modern wording;

5. The results of linguistic studies.

The concept of the norm applies to all levels of language. In accordance with the level correlation and specificity, the following types of language regulations are allocated:

· Lexical - ensure the correctness of the choice of words;

· Accentological - provide for the correct stagnation;

· Orphoepic - describe the correct pronunciation of words;

· Morphological - the rules of the opinion and word formation described in grammar;

Morphological and syntactic norms are included in the number of grammatical norms.

Literary norm is different properties: It is one and communicative for all speakers in this language; It is conservative and aims to maintain funds and rules for their use accumulated in this society preceding generations. At the same time, it is not static, but a change in time and provides for dynamic interaction in different ways Language expression Depending on the conditions of communication (the property of communicative feasibility).

The unity and obligation of the norm are manifested in the fact that representatives of different social sections of society are obliged to adhere to traditional ways Language expression, as well as the rules and regulations, which are contained in grammar and dictionaries and are the result of codification. The deviation from the language tradition, from dictionary and grammatical rules and recommendations is considered a violation of the norm and is usually assessed by negatively carriers of this literary language.

With relative stability and stability, there is still a mobility and variability of the language norm, which is due to its historical character. This manifests itself in certain historical and time segments for the same language phenomenon there is not one single regulated method of expression, and more, i.e. the former norm is not yet lost, but along with it there is a new norm. In this case, we are talking about variability of language normsThe variability is fixed in dictionaries. For example, in the "Dictionary of the Modern Russian Literary Language" How Equal Fixed Acquities In Words 'thinking and thinking. However, in the "Russian-language dictionary" and in the dictionary of the difficulties of the Russian language "the use of the word thinking indicated as preferred and word 'thinking Fixed with the litter "permissible".

There are three degrees of language norms:

1) the first degree (strict, rigid, not allowing options) for example, a quarters, but not 'quarter.

2) The standard of the second degree (neutral, allowing neutral variants) for example, eradicate and necessary.

3) the norm of the third degree, (movable, allowing conversational and even outdated forms) for example, cottage cheese and 'cottage cheese.


1. Language norm variability // Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State University. - 2013. - № 35 (326). - Philology. Art history. Vol. 85. - P. 8 - 10.

2. Izkovich Norm. - M., 1968.

3. Norma and social language differentiation. - M., 1969.

4.Sheterba system and speech activity. - M., 1974.

5. Gorbachevich modern Russian literary language. - M., 1978.

6. Panov Russian literary pronunciation of the XVIII-XX centuries. - M., 1990.

7.Yu-language norm. Typology of normalization processes. - M., 1996.