
Paraskeva Roman about what pray. Paraskeva's martyr's life set by Friday

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Paraskeva's martyr, Paraskeva, was born in Rome, in the family of pious Christians of Agafon and Wonning. For a long time they did not have children, and only after the hot prayers, the Lord gave them the only daughter of Paraskeva named so because she was born on Friday. Parents brought up daughter in the spirit of true Christianity, and the upbringing did not disappear for nothing.

After their death, Paraskeva handed out all the property and devoted himself to the apostolic works - the preaching of the Gospel. Paraskieva Paraskian's presented to his preaching was first in Rome, and here was also undergoing their first suffering. The Emperor Antonina entered the denunciation to the brave Christian.

He ordered to bring the Motographers to himself and tried and caresses, and threats to make her renounced the faith in Christ. Paraskeva was unshakable, and the angry emperor ordered to betray her torment. On her chapter was entrusted with a hot copper helmet, but this terrible tool did not bring any harm to his holy.

Then a new order was followed - to throw Paraskeva to a copper boiler with boiling resin and oil, but the holy and here remains unharmed. The emperor doubted whether the resin was really melted, and imprudently ordered Paraskeva to splash into it with liquid. She scratched his hand from the boiler and splashed him into his face.

Strong burns and blindness were punished with a cruel ruler. Taking care of the unbearable pain, seeing nothing, the recent tormentor begged his sacrifice: "The servant of the true God," he asked, "I hover and return the light of our eyes to and I could believe in that God you preach."

According to the prayer, the Holy Emperor immediately was healed, he was preparing and together with his close, Christianity accepted. Released with the world of St. Paraskeva went to other edges to preach Christianity. Once she came to places managed by a man named Tarasias. And here the Holy spoke with the preaching of Christianity, for which it was predicted by terrible torment. Tarasius, seeing that the holy unshakable, ordered to cut off her chapter. So the Holy Prescantician Parashen crowned his apostolic works by the martyr's death in the name of Christ.

The relics of the honest chapter of St. Paraskeva's presovicaries are in Athos, in the Russian Panteleimon monastery. In the gorge Tempi, at the foot of the Olympic Range, there is a cave temple of the Paraskeva Paraskeva Rev.. Not far from the temple, in a deep cave, the source of healing water forms a small underground lake.

Once it was found in it miraculous icon Saint Paraskeva, in connection with which the cave temple was built. Holy Paraskeva has special assistance in healing from eye diseases. On icons, it is depicted with a dish in hand, on which the eyes lie.

Paraskeva Rima
Tropar, voice 1

Touching the property according to your name, thesoimenate, / Equal imaginary faith in the cohabitation elected Esi, / Parasivo victorious, / darkly pouring healing and praying for our souls.

Kondak, voice 4

X Far Your, all-way, / Iko's medical soulful, / in him VSI VIRNI / TELEGLASNO WEST THE TREE, / PRAKHENICS Paraskevo Glorious.

Other Kondak, voice 8

With TrustRepice, Vermina, Paraskeva's Song, take, according to I can, / plunges Bo miracles in the world, / distinguishing the charm to darkness, / feeding faithful grace of the wrong, inviting: / Rejoice, Martyr Multi-sharing.

In contact with

Of course, such an abundance of temples in the name of one holy on a relatively small area and has no analogues in the whole Crimea - not a simple coincidence. It is explained by the fact that the locals have long had belief that it was in these places that Paraskeva's pretext was undergoing his last suffering and perceived a martyr's crown, and the healing source scored on the spot of her execution.

The livelihood of Paraskeva's Holy Prescription narrates the following: She was born in Rome, in the family of pious Christians: Agafon and Policy. For a long time they did not have children, and only after the hot prayers, the Lord gave them the only daughter of Paraskeva, named because she was born on Friday (Paraskeva - Friday, Greek.). The dates of her birth and death are definitely not known. Its lifetime was related to the reign of the Roman emperor Antonin. In Rome, two Antonina - Antonin Pei (138-161 N. E.) and Antonin Philosopher (161-180 AD) and on the board of which Paraskeva lived, unknown.

Parents brought up daughter in the spirit of true Christianity, and the upbringing did not disappear for nothing. After their death, Paraskeva handed out all the property and devoted himself to the apostolic works - the preaching of the Gospel. With his first sermitch, she performed in Rome, and here was also underwent his first suffering. The Emperor Antonina entered the denunciation to the brave Christian. He ordered to bring the Motographers to himself and tried and caresses, and threats to make her renounced the faith in Christ. Paraskeva was unshakable, and the angry emperor ordered to betray her torment. On her chapter was entrusted with a hot copper helmet, but this terrible tool did not bring any harm to his holy. Then a new order was followed - to throw Paraskeva to a copper boiler with boiling resin and oil, but the holy and here remains unharmed. The emperor doubted whether the resin was really melted, and imprudently ordered Paraskeva to splash into it with liquid. She scratched his hand from the boiler and splashed him into his face. Strong burns and blindness were punished with a cruel ruler. Taking care of the unbearable pain, seeing nothing, the recent tormentman begged his sacrifice: "Slave of the true God," he asked, "I melt me \u200b\u200band return the light of our eyes to and I could believe in that God you preach." According to the prayer, the Holy Emperor immediately was healed, he was preparing and together with his close, Christianity accepted.

Mesle with the world of Paraskeva went to other edges to preach Christianity. She came to the city, where a certain asclipphy rules. And this ruler, like the Emperor Antonina, tried to reject paraskeva from the gospel preaching, but without achieving the desired, condemned her to death. According to custom, suicide bombers gave rise to a terrible zmia, who lives near the city. The saint remembered the words of the Lord: "Zmiah will be commemorant, it is more likely to eat, it does not harm them" (MK. 16:18). She fearlessly approached the monster, he painted him with a congestion, after which it was broken in two and disappeared. This miracle entered the pagans, and the entire local people believed in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Finally, Holy Paraskeva got into places managed by a person named Tarasius. And here the Holy spoke with the preaching of Christianity, for which it was predicted by terrible torment. Tarasius, seeing that the holy unshakable, ordered to cut off her chapter. So the holy plastering of Parashen crowned his apostolic works of the martyr's ending in the name of Christ. The relics of the honest chapter of the Saint Recovers of Paraskeva are in Athos, in the Russian Panteleimon monastery. Particles of these relics had no time in the monastery.

And the local Crimean residents firmly believed that it was here that, in the deaf tract, the holy Paraskeva met her death, and the source scored at the time when the Earth was taken by the blood of the presented. The holiness of these legends was confirmed by the fact that this source was healing, and annually on July 26 (according to old style) not only from the surrounding area, but also people flocked here (it is interesting that local Tatars on a par with Christians honored the source and called him chokrak- Sagly Su is a source of living, healthy water). A prayer service was served with a water construction, the water was gained in the vessels and worn home. There was no way here, nor a single building, only the source flowed among the thick forest, and people, with difficulty making his way through the ravines and forest poslos, carried their prayers, their hope and aspirations, comforted and cured and it was the best evidence of that the Holy Prescription Paraskeva does not leave these places with his grace. And, of course, the irrefutable confirmation of this was the acquisition of the icon with the image of the Holy Prescription Paraskeva, which the Greeks took with them during the relocation in the Azov region in 1778. The acquired icon was in Mariupol, in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin, and enjoyed special respect - legend, she saved Mariupol from cholera. Since then, in the day of the accomplished miracle (July 26, on the old style), only women were gathered in the church and celebrated a kind of "female Panair".

Russian Orthodox Church has many holidays and days of memory of the saints, which says about great History Churches. But there are martyrs, about whose life is not known as many and their names often cause bewilderment among people who do not often visit the services. For example, the life of the Holy Parasis Friday is not familiar to everyone, but her name is surprised by Christians.

Paraskev's life

The life of St. Paraskeva is filled with events that make Christians not only think about their own life and trials, but also inspires to completely renounce everything worldly and fill in the Holy Spirit for the Lord.

Icon of the Holy Martyr Paraskeva

Miracle of birth

In the III century, in the Roman Empire, during the rule of the cruel emperor Diocletian (he was a torment and persecutor of Christians), a rich senator lived in Icon. This family was deeply believes Christians, they not only sincerely believed in Christ, but also tried to fulfill all the prescriptions of the Church and abide by the sacraments and rites.

In those days, Christians were especially honored Friday as the day of the week in which Lord Jesus was crucified. Therefore, the family of Senator observed post on Friday and Wednesday. Since Senator had no children, they also made prayers with his wife on Friday, so that the Lord gives them children. God heard their prayers.

On one Friday, the wife of Senator gave birth to a girl who decided to call Paraskeva in honor of Friday.

About other Orthodox Saints:

  • Life of St. Rev. Alexander Oshevensky, Igumen

Serving Lord.

Paraskeva at the younger age remained orply, but was committed to the Christian faith and decided to become bride Christ. Therefore, all woven to her grooms, she gave refusal.

The state left for the parents, she distributed to everyone who needed, while praying and preaching the gospel. She served a lot of Christ, preaching him, many of her neighbors and citizens appealed to Christianity, but there were those who envied the girl. Such people slandered on her and oppressed her every way. As a result of a constant slander, the girl was thrown into the dungeon.

It was a period of persecution of Christians, since the emperor decided to completely eradicate faith in the Lord and give a place to paganism. The city of Icona referred to Laconia, where the rules of the Epara, who decided to carefully fulfill the order of the emperor about the destruction of Christianity and paid his attention to the preaching Girl Paraskeva.

Despite the fact that she was accused of witchcraft, the Epara fell in love with an excellent virgin and offered her to become his wife in exchange for renunciation from Christ and the worship of the pagan gods. But Paraskeva answered with a decisive refusal. The Epara refusal is extremely angry, and he ordered to punish the girl - her naked should have been taking off raw veins.

In the process of torture, ATEYY stopped the executioner several times and again made the girl a proposal, which she contemptuously rejected and prayed to Christ. Aeriy began to blame all Christians, and Paraskeva spared him in his face. This is so angry the ruler that he gave the order to torture the virgin by iron claws, hiding it upside down.

The girl suffered all silently, but her tormentors did not allow her death right on the square, but they were thrown into prison, so that she dies from blood loss.

Violence of the Holy Martyr Paraskeva


The Lord revealed his mercy and sent it to the consolation to her and for the healing of the angel, so the guards came in the dungeon, they saw a corpse, but a blooming young girl who sang hymns to her Lord. There was no trace of wounds on her body.

Aeri decided that this gods were healed by Paraskeva and again offered her to worship the East. The girl asked to take her to the temple, which was accepted for consent. But in the temple of Virgo touched the statues and ordered them to turn into dust in the name of the Lord. At that time, the Earth shook and the capital looked under the ground.

For this, the girl was repeated repeatedly tortured: they burned the fire, hung on the pouch, cut the knives. The girl did everything silently and with humility. This led to the fact that a lot of people who were observed by torture, repented and adopted the Lord by their Savior.

In the end, Aery decided to execute it by cut off the head to avoid a popular uprising. At the moment when the head of Paraskeva separated from the body, the aroma of flowers was spilled in the air, which became the symbol of the Lord of the presence in the place.

The aerities did not live for a long time, the Lord suffered the punishment and he went to the hunt, and the horse rose to the raised and overturned the ruler, who broke her neck and at that very moment I was emptied the Spirit.

Same start

Many people consider Paraskeva Friday of the pagan goddess, but it is not. In fact, they confuse the holy of the goddess Macošoy, which in pagan legends was a patronage of water and household. There are echoing and with the pool, which was the goddess family and fertility. That is why people consider the Holy Paraskiev as a patronage of agriculture and family.

In addition, people mistakenly mix the memory of the martyr with the cult of the week. In response to these erroneous opinions, the sacred synod made a ban on mixing the holy image with pagan goddesses. But folk traditions Strong, so people continue to sanctify vegetables and fruits on her day.

Read about popular beliefs and superstitions:

The image of the martyr is reflected in the mythology of other peoples:

  • tajiks have a myth about the image of Mrs. Tuesday, which patronizes family and agriculture, in particular cotton processing;
  • in the Germans, this goddess Frigg, who helped the gods and infants;
  • greeks are Moires;
  • icelanders - Norna, etc.

People's performance draws Friday a high powerful woman who has a big breast and a long braid. This representation and makes it similar to the images of mermaids, Slavic goddesses and a fraction. But it is mistaken.

Important! Holy Paraskeva has nothing to do with the pagan goddesses and is a martyr who died for the name of Christ, so it deserves worship as any holy.

Holy Paraskeva, named Friday


In the ancient Russian monthly months, it is possible to meet her name, recorded as follows: "Holy Paraskeva, a mashable Friday", five, Petka, so you can find many temples that were named after Fridays. Usually it was small roadside chapels.

The memory of the Holy Paraskeva in the Orthodox people is clothed with special love, they with trembling it will be honored by many customs on her memory day - November 10.

The icons of the Holy Parasis were revered: the girl was depicted on them as a harsh high maiden with a crown of shining light on her head. There is a certain canon - to depict the mouse on the icon. Such images thoroughly decorated and enjoyed in beautiful carved frames. It is believed that the image is patronized by families, contributes to the world in them and happiness.

Important! Church chronicles argue that Paraskeva patronizes fields and cattle breeding, therefore, on the day of her memory, people bring to the temples to consecrate the fruits of fields. She prayed for a rich yield, about increasing the livestock and success in farming.

There is a custom to sanctify the saint linen fabric on the memory day, which then cover the icon. It is believed that if you put such an icon with water tank, it will become consecrated. The herbits are sanctified on this day of grass and roots, then to cook therapeutic decoction rags of them on the basis of holy water. In the village temples on the day of memory of the Holy Girl, they usually decorate her image of herbs and ribbons and devoted to her the first swapped stem flax.

The femoirs hang the icon of the holy on the chest in front of childbirth to be easily and quickly developed.

On Friday, girls are trying to postpone her needlework in memory of the Holy.

But the most wonderful tradition is observed in the Finno-Ugric peoples. They believed that after Easter each 9 Friday is the day of patients, when the image of Holy Friday heals people.

Temples and icons in honor of the Holy

In honor of the Holy Parasis, Fridays call many temples. Usually such temples are at roads or water bodies, some of them were also called in honor of the martyr.

Some temples are very ancient, as the church in Northern Butovo, the construction of which is dating from the 16th century, and the last restoration is the 20th century. This is a unique example of church architecture, since the entire temple is made in the form of a ship and carries the thought that the Church is the flagship of the world.

Temple in honor of the Holy Parasis Friday (Butovo)

In addition to this unique temple, there are other Pyatnitsky Churches:

  1. In Yaroslavl there is a Pyatnito-Torvsky Temple, built in the 17th century.
  2. In Suzdali - Pyatnitsky Nikolsky Temple of the 16th century.
  3. In the Voronezh region, near the stream "7 keys" (considered healing), erected destroyed in 1940-1945. Paraskeva temple.
  4. In the Yekaterinburg region, the temple of Friday, in which its icon is stored.

There is a peaceful saint icon - it is kept in the women's monastery (Komi Republic). And the relics of the martyr are stored in several places:

  • the church of the prophet Elijah;
  • Russian Panteleimon Monastery on Saint Athos.

You can buy a holy image in the church shop for home iconostasis, you can pray to the saint in the temple or at home, but sincere prayer will always be heard.

Prayers and petitions to Saint Paraskeva

Sincere prayer Lord will always be heard, it does not matter in front of how she is pronounced. But people usually be prayed in front of the work of the Holy Virgin about:

  • pious and loyal wife;
  • well-being born baby;
  • family;
  • the world in the family;
  • healing psychological diseases;
  • healing from pain and physical ailments:
  • female health;
  • the patronage of agriculture;
  • prosperous road;
  • healing soul and rescue spiritual.

Since the martyr is considered the patroness of the house and family, in antiquity in each hut there was her icon, on a par with the images of the Holy Trinity. And today you can read prayers in both the temple and at home.

Troparians of the Great Martyr Paraskeva Friday

Whether the Martyr Parashev's Martyr, / Woman's Muzha Fortress, / Women's Having rejected, / the devices of winning and tormented by the persons, / scribercive and verbal: / take, the body my sword skeus and fire, / Az Bo, rejoicing, go to Christ , My bridegroom. / Thyu prayers, Christ, God, / save our soul.

Other tropman of the Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva

I feel faithfully and the courage of spiritual, the aochimenitory, / Diazole, the Esi / and the Martistan's Guide and the wounds won the Esi, / Martyr Parasivo, aq.: / Smead Cheese and Fire Help My Body, / Jaco Yes, I am glad, I will bring God to God to God. / The easiest moths are escalating our souls.

Prayer of the Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva, a mashable Friday

Holy Bride Christ, Multi-Thawned Martyr Paraskevo! Voei, Yako, from youth, you all the soul, and with all our hearts loved you by the king of glory, Christ the Savior, and he was united by the same, having tried the estate of your poor and poor. You will force your piety of yours, your chastity and righteousness, Yako Rays Sunny, noticed, you are holy among the wrong and daily preaching Christ of God. You, from the days of youth, who, scientific of your parents, always reverently honored the days of the redemmer's passions of our Jesus Christ, the Esgent for the sake of and herself voluntarily suffered. You, the desire of the Angel of God from the inexpressible wounds diily healed and who has perceived non-unrelated lordship, was mistaken by the wrong tormentors. You, the name of the Lord of our Jesus Christ and the power of prayer, in the chapter of the pagan all idols, the dolt plot, in the dust I crushed Esi. You, puzzled by the minor, one of the prayer to the All -olest Lord, fastened the natural flames, and the same flame, wonderful through the angel of God, fell by frantic flaws, many people led to the knowledge of the truth of God. You, in the glory of the Lord, taking a swearing chapter, the truncation of the tormentors, graciously crushed the soul to heaven with the soul, in the title of your bridegroom Christ of the king of glory, "Raduyuya, Righteous, Jaco, Paraskeva Hang! " Tormy and we will be welcome to you, long-suffering, and, looking at the holy icon, with a dignification of yelling: allone Parasivo! Vechi, Yako, Imashi to the Lord: The mind of His, philanthropy, and we are upcoming and praying. Yes, it will give us, it is for you, patience and grace of troubles and mournful proceeds; Yes, he gives, the petition of yours and the intercession, joyful, graceful and peaceful life, the health and salvation, and in all the good hasty of the beloved of our Fatherland, and the Holy Blessing and the world, and all orthodox Christian May I give your holy prayers a statement in faith, piety and holiness, the survey in Christian love and every virtue; Yes, it will cleanse us sinning from all sneakers and vice; Let us protect us with Holy Angels, let it stand, will preserve and raises all the holy since the grace and makes heirs and participants in his kingdom. And tactically increasing the salvation of your holy prayers, the concept and intercession, the Allworn Bride of Christ Parasivo, we glorify all the presenter and magnificent name of the Divnago in the saints of our truth of God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, always, now and are confused, and forever. Amen.

Kondak Great Martyr Paraskeva Friday

High and immaculate tormenting, / Yako Voo, the presence of a freezmerous fiancé Christ, / Angelic staff exposed to ESI / and defeated the demonstration of the goats. / This is honestly faithfully faithful, / Martyr Parasivo Multi-shaded.

Prayer is another holy Great Martyr Paraskeva, a mashable Friday

Oh, holy and preheated martyr christian Parasivo, Krasoto Devic, martyrs praise, purity of the image, generous grazing, wisdom wonder, the faith of Christian Keepers, an idolism of the desire, the gospel of the Divine to the Burning Committee, the commandments of the Lord Jealous, who really liked to attach to the pier of peace and in the thistle of the groom Your Christ of God is lightweight, a daughty crown of virgin and martyr decorated! Molima, Holy Martyr, Budi about us sadness to Christ, his own vision is accurately awesome; moths of the global opening, and the word of the eyes blind opening, it will save us from the illness of our products, bodily coupled and spiritual; Raised by your holy prayers Dark march who arrived from our sins, as soon as the Father Light is the light of grace with spiritual and bodily farming our; Enlighten us, overshadowed sins, the light of God's grace, and your sake of holy prayers will give any sweet eyesight. Oh, the Great Hall of God! Oh, the courageous devo! Oh, strong martyr Holy Parasivo! The holy prayers would be a sinful assistant, petitioning and praying about the appearances and the animals of unrelaxed sinners, speed up to help us, for the most disgraces of the ESMA. Moths of the gentlemen, a clean girl, moths of mercy, the holy martyr, the moth of your bridegroom, bridhene immaculate Christ, and your prayers of the perpetrators, the darkness of the sinwhno, in the light of the truth of the faith and acts of the Divine in Nowadays, you are now Lightly Blosschi, I am gladless and having funless, Slavorovyovy and chanting with all the heavenly forces, a trizzy one deity, father and son and the Sainry Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Despite the fact that the unusual name of the martyr and her life is familiar not to all Christians, she always enjoyed love and reverence among Russian Orthodox. In her honor it is called temples, many rites and sacraments are held.

Life of the Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva

From October 3 to October 18, inclusive in our monastery will be a peaceful icon of the Great Martyr Paraskeva Friday from the temple of St. Apostle Andrei First-Called Vladivostok. Today we are publishing the lives of the Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva, a story about honoring it in Russia, as well as a brief information about the C-I-Men's connections.

Four Saints Parasows

EU-Whether we are omitting the right-rav-lava ka Leng Dar, then see Dim that in the Saint-Tsh, they are canceled by Che-the-Rea-Ra-Ke -You: pre-in-kind but-Mu-Na-National Para-Ke-Va Rims-Kai (II century), pre-in-graded Para-Ke-Va (Pet- ka) (XI century), Mu-Che-Niclea Pales-Ke-Va Rims-Kai (I century) and Ve-Li-Co-Mu-Che-National Path -New (III-IV ve-ka).
On-Pom-him, that in the Li-Basy Pros-Love-Love-Love-Love, and Mo-Hea and Mo-Hey, in the Li-Ke Noby - those who pre-ter sang countries and death for the name of Christ-in. Ve-li-ko-che-ni-ki, those connected Mu-Che-Ni-ki, who, ry, as well as connected Ras-Ke-Va Pyat-Naic, Iso-Pu-Ta-Lee Oso Ben-Baew and Pro-Doubt-Lyuby Mu-Che-Viva, at the same time - Vi-tel Mu and St-C and Tel-Destinations in Ve-Re. Their sub-viga at-shelter on the first vessels of Chrysa Ti-A n-property, and that would be time-in-on-kih-niyi on chrys -An-on-ray-ore-tongue-ni-cow-pra-te-lei Rims-Koy im-Pe Rii. Sre-di-Li-Co-Mu-e-ni-cubes we are from the vessels of the joint-up-and-no-e-or-guy, Tel Pan-Th -Le-and-Mont, Fe-O-Dor Stroll-Lat, Di-Mit-Riy Co-Lu-Ns-Ki, Communicable Var-Va-Ra, Eka-Te-Ri-on , Anas-Ta-Sia of the Uzo-re-Shi-Tel-National and Mona and Mena.
Ve-Ko-Mu-Che-Ni-Tsu Pa-Ras-Ke-Wu ... Pu-ku-ku, with her tes-ka-ki, and yes in church Li-Ta-Tu-repetition from the life of one Pa-Ra-Ke-you is foreign-di-si-vasy-smi friend. E-e-Mu is pre-de, than to perform a raz-tale about PA-Ra-Ke-ve who would be to dedicate non-Kohl-ko words and co-and- She is connected to us.
PRI-DOW-NO-MU-NA-NAC PA-RAS-KA-VA RMS-KAY (26 J-LA / 8 AV-GUS) Zhi Li-Kom early -Oku-Che-Ni-Tsya Pa-Ras-Ke-you and also the apos-tolse-ki pro-in-pre-pre-Va-La Chrysa Ti-An -Ob. According to the Ve-lesion of the im-pea-Ra-Ra An-Eh-Ni-on-La Bro-She-on in Kohl with Ki-Pyasch, but Os-Ta- Nes-re-di di my. Im-Pe-Ra-Tor Usum-Nil-Sia, Action-Tel-Li SMO-LA in Côte-Love-Love-on, and non-Os-Mot-Ri-Tel-but The Hall of Ples is noted in non-fluid. Pa La Chi Is-Paul-Ni-His invere, but Ras-Ka-Lena SMO-La Para La-Vi-Liu in Glasm, and He is instantaneous, but Os-Lep. Im-Per-Ra-Tor began to need a Mu-Che-Ni-TSU about IS-Tse-les. According to the Mo-Lit-Veh, the Pa-Ras-Ke-you, to the Acid-Ni-well, Vermo-Elos, he uve-ro-shaft in Christ-Ta and at the Nail Creation "This is the IST-Riah-bar-but often attributed to the PA-Ra-Ke-ve-ni-ni-tse).
The boome of all-go pre-in-kind-ni-ni-tsu Pa-Ras-Ke-Wu knows also in chi-tait. The hour-ti-cmy of her on-ho-dyat-Xia on Afo-not, in Rus-Skom-Pan-Te-Le-and-my-but-in-Mo-us-you-re. In Kry-Mu, at Sea-Li-in-lev-ka, there is a TRO-I-TE-PA-RAS-KE-VI-E-SU-Cue Gens-cue Mosa-Tyr, which ry-na-van names-but in honor of the pre-in-kind but-mu-ni-tsya Pa-Ras-Ke-you. Su-stupid pre-yes, that names, but here the connection of the meeting, and in that Mes-Thom, where Zemla Obag "Littered her blood, a go-leb nickname appeared.
Pre-in-grades (Pet-ka) (14/27 OK-TYAB-RAM) OSO-Bo Loua Bi-Ma in Ser Bi and Bol-Ga Rii. RO-Di-Ga-Goy-Ches-Ti-Ga-RS-Coese family, Pos-le Ti-Di-Lee Post-Riga in Mo-na St-in and Uda-Li-Nas in Ior-da ns-Kui Di-well, where Slav-but under-Vi-U-lasted to the de-Koi Sta-Ros. Names - but its Mo-soup, and not ve-ly-co-che-ni-tsya Pa-Ras-Ke-you (so schoo-bar-but pi-jester in non-other book Gach), in-co-yat-smt-pen in a hundred-rhine ru-us-ns-komo-de-de yas-symbol. In the serbi, the connection of the Pos-Vyazh and the same-st-in-school.
Mu-Che-Naica Pales-Ke-Va Rims-Kaya (20 Mar-TA / 2 AP-RE-LA) La Roda Sis-Roy Fo Ti-Sa-Ma - Nor, with a SPA-CE-CE-DO-TAM SPA-TEL at Ko-La Isa-Cup. Under those with the pho-thieves and other sesters, she is at Nya-la-Che-Ni-Cy, Kaz-Nen, Kaz-Zu-Zu IM-PE-RA-RA NOT-RO-A - JES-KO-th-NI-La Chrysa-An.
All the people of Para-Ke-You have been in force whether the ve-Li-Vi-Gi and agency for the name of Christ-Way, and they are all equal We are in his silence, but the names, but the name-Ko-Mu-Che-National But he came across the heart of Rus-Ski-Mu on-Ro-du, names, but she was bothering, in the Dos-Liu-Liu-Ko-Lai Chu-dot-thieves CSU, to become a so-how "Rus-Skoy" is connected.

Revision of the Holy Parasis Friday in Russia

Communion Ve-Li-Co-Mu-Che-National Para-Ke-Va-Va-Da-Zo-Vasha on the RU-SI OSO Boy Liu-Bovy and ni. De Vushu-ki was about her about the lucky per-e-st-ve, Ma-Te-Ri - for his de-Tay. In many de roasters there was a form-tea on the day of the PA-Mi-Tie Lie-Co-Mu-Che-Ni-Ni (de Sia-Taya Pyat-Nationalau for PAS-HE; 28 OK-TYAB-RAM / 10 but-yab-rod) of the Ho-Ra-and-to-give the Cross Ho-dy, the Mo Lebr, the holidaysq. And Nin Ning on this day would be very many, Poshest-ku in the midst of every single-child family of OD-on from the de-check but La Name Praszka (Las Co-in Pa-Ra-Shen-ka, Pa-Shen-ka, PA-RA).
It was believed that according to the Mo-Lit-Yea-Ky-Ko-Mu-Ni-Ni-Ma-Rosh, happiness. Before Na-Cha-La XX, IO-Ca Whether the PA-Ra-Ke-you would be in each of each Rus-SKOM. The peeler is not killed by their Len-Ta-Mi, Cea-Ta-Mi, you, Yeh-You Rush-Ni-Ki, under-Weight, Du-Shis- You are the tras and so much-si-whether on the Cross Ho-dy.
Communion Ve-Lee-Co-Mu-Che-National Calibium in Chi-Ta-las so the same Po-Vi-Tel-Ni-Tori Tor-Gov Li: Names, but on the fifth - HTE-RA-I-Vasa Tori and Yar-Mar-Ki. On these tormenters, Ned-re-men-but-ta-na-va-vasa-nas-na-ni-ni-ny.
In honor of the ve-Li-Mu-Che-Ni-Tsy, Pa-Ras-Ke-you and the stroke of the stroke and the CHA-OS Claims with her IO-Noi, and on-ours and na-zy-vassed "Pyat-Ni-ki". Yes, San Mi-Vil-Ki, the PE-RUSS-RE-CRA DO-HOR TO WHAT-SAVED "PY-NE-CA MI". Would be a while-native way to "Pyted Ni-Tsi", or, on-bol-mouth, meeting to "Pyted Ni-Tsy " In the same "Pyat-NIC" de Vi-Tsy, you-Ma-Li-Vashe Sea-Boe Ho-Roshi-Nichi.

Paraskeva - Patron of Monastic

Ho-ka to the connection of the PA-Cae-ve on the Ru-si Po-She-Tel-Ni-Tel family and the Brand, her but to watch and poko-vi-tel-ni-tsei lamen - SA-MA Communion of the pre-so-La Become a non-weaving of that Christ, about living his life in numbers -To and tse-lo-mud-ria.
In the life of the bosom-Li-La Gri-go-Gos-Lo-Lo (IV century) there is a layer that Vi de Nie - It is at the beginning of a non-riche and tse-lo-mud-rhenic life. This is what Rask-Zy-Zam is about his meeting - Che with the Ve-Ko-Mou-Che-Ni-Cay, from the vessel-stn-a hundred-retal, Skhi-IHU-Men PE-CH-RS-KO-MO-ROM-YOU-RYA SAV-VA (OS-TA-PEN-KO) (1898-1980): "At night, Mo-Lil-Say, I rest myself Dot-thieves ICO-NO-NS-Koy Ma-Te-Ri. In addition (on-yo-Wu or in a tone-com, the god of the news!) Javi-las suddenly communicate, on the non-o-bull-no-ven, So-you. Who she is, I did not know. She scrapes the whole Kra-So-Tu-Tu-Na-St-Va, the Nas-Ni-La-Ni-TSU between the life of Mo-on-six Coy and Sea-Noi. She is Ska-La, which can be saved in the Sea-Mei life, but Mo-on-school. "
Square Pos-les of this-go Vi de Nie Father Sav-Va (and Tog-yes he was still a prominent or-Ko-Lai) see in the temple of IO-well-well Li-Co-Mu-Che-Nits Var-Va-Ry, Eka-Te-Ri and Pa-Ras-Ke-you. In the provider of the pa-raf, he is a comma-owner, the sau-one museum de-Wu, who-paradise Yavi was in Vi de Nii and Ga-in-La Path to Mo -He-neck.
Thief of us-Ta-la in Ra Ra-Ska-Tow on who she is Taiya - Communication Ve-Lee-Co-Mu-Che-Na-Cae-Ca in Lu-Chiv-seaman from the state-yes, the gift of Isocy-lesya do-Shevny and those-forest non-do-gov, Ho-da Tai-uch All who are talking about to her with a warm Mo-Lita.

Life of the Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva

Communication of PA-Ra-Ka-Wa-Di-Di-Di-Dy-Di-Ra-Ra Di-Ok-les-Ti-on (Co-Nez III - Na-Cha-Lo IV vessels) in go-ro de Ichi (owl-dance, we are not at-above-les-lives of the turret) in the family of Bo-ha -To-go-on-ra. Her Rh-Di-whether would be the Tai-Ni-Ti-A-Mi and Li-Li in Stroy-HE, the stroke -The-di state-under-nor, but the Dol-Goy of the OS-Ta-Vasa was without children. SU-RU-GIE-BO-CHIE-TA-WHE-WHAT-FIR-NI-NI-TSU, and a pro-di-di in the poster Mo Lit-ve, whistered RO in Da-Waa Mi-Los Nu. For their ve-ru and ter and terror, God fell to them the daughter, which-paradise Ro-di-la names, but in Pyted Ni-Tsu. They are also the names of her pa-raise, which is in the Great Ki-Chit "Pyat-Niche".
Rh-di-whether Para-Ke-Wu-Wa-Vas-Ke-Wu in blah-horses and the number are. BLU-GOS-LO-VIA-NAU-TU OKO-LA KOZ-DO-DO, COG-DE DE-VUSH-KA LI ALL ALL-MA YOUNGY. Since childhood, PA-Ra-Ke-Wa, all the hearts of WHO-Li-Bi-La Chrysa, and, Dos-Tig Nav, Socy-Ver-Song-No-Yela, WHO Ras-Ta -Al under-ray ve-re and de-lalaces of their own ro-di-lei. It is a stroke of Iso-Pol-Nya-La-in-ce-di state-under-either, Evgeg-Yob-Guo-Weei-La-La Pyat-Ni-Tsu and at Ni-ma -Al-ni-cov in their own before-me. BLA-WOMEN PA-RAS-KE-VUT-RO TRA-LA His Key-Chi-Tel-Sas-Ya-Nie, Unas-les-Du-Van Te-lei, not on the Mercier and Ros-Kosh Life, but on the pro-Pi-Nie and clothing-du for trouble.
De Wush-ka from-Li-Chahsky Red-Ki Kra-Co-So, but not about the Roshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh on the young-sow -Gap-shortly of her ru ki: it is a un-weight-ti-lady-latch-okh-e-e-ni-hu, for which-ro and zhi-la in the number -To and tse-lo-mud-ria. DOOR-DO RABLY-A-PRAH TOLNE-NEMA-NAVE, PA-RAS-KE-VA RE-SHI-LA POST-VY-TIME OF HIS LIFE Christ-Ti-a-ns-ko-ry-di of their own Sog-Razh-Danyuzych-Ni-Ned-Ran-Tan-but-in-Va-La Red on-Ro-House Name State-Due Ii-Su-Ca Chrysa. To everyone who is the forces of the forces in the horsepower, you are a sick-kim bo-gam, she is a year-in-ri:
- Va-Shi Bo-gi - Besu-Chu-in-country and delah of id!
Part of the go-Ro-Jean, the case of PA-Ra-Ke-Wu, Uve-Ro-Va-La in Christ, one-on-one with a non-na-pre-va-ni Opole-chi was a prior to her, on the Para, on Isa-Ved-Ni-Tsu and Ra-ni-whether it. But the PA-Ra-Ke-Va Protmä Lo-Lo-Lo-in-De-to-put a layer-in bouquet and WA WHO.
COG-YES-DI-OK-LE-TI-AN A-CHAL EGREST-AN-NE-NEA on Chrysa Ti-An, he -Le-ka-ohi anemium in the Press-La-Dah-Dah-Dah-Dakh-Dah-Dah-Na-Mi and Mu-Che-Ni-Mi East -Ru-beat the Christ-Ti-a-ns-ku Ve-ru. AE -YOV SPO-RA-VIL-SIA IN IKO. GO-RO-ZHA-NO TOR-ST-VOZH-BUT-VI-LI-LA. They are experiencing it in the temple - at a non-ti-ti-woo of IDO-Lam and Wasify Hwa-Lu-Pier-Rum.
The time of the next day of the day Ae-Cius is a break on three-bu-on-le. He is a pre-hall of the honor of im-per-ray-RS-Ki, decree on the NE-Nii to Christ-An. Pagan-ni-ki Sch-Sha-Lee G-Sha-Taya and Ra-Du-st-and-butt-ta-tena:
- Dos-Toy, but in Ve-les, and the Gen-Den Court of Sa-Mo de Rzh-Ca!
Tog-yes pra-v-tel pro-from-carried:
- Be, those friends-I-Mi-Per-Ra-Ra and you - give us all so on-zy-va-e-th Christ-An, who did not want Tyat with the bottom of the foil bo-gam.
- Light-lei-rag-vi-Vi-Tel, - from the ve-Ti-Ra-Rey-Shi-us, - in on-Shem Go-de-de Lov-Reta Sea-on-Ra . This de-vush-ka is-in-ve-to-five Christ. She is a di-ti-la-ma-lo-dei from Pok-Lo-Ni-Shim Bo-Gam and Hu-Lita Sa-Mo de Rzh-Ca. As for us, before us, there was a rumor about your idea for the ICO for the IC-co-re-non-NS-Ti-Ns-Koy, we are - Did it in the one-ni-tsu.
GRA-VI-TEL-KA-HALL PREVIOUS DE-VUSH-KU. COG-YES, V-I-I-LE PA-RA-KE-WU to Aerification, a connection of the Spirit-Nile, Blad-Woman Iso-Ved-Ni-Tsu. Her Li-Lio-Lyo-Lyome, that Lu-di with Fish-les-ni-rom-river each other:
- Pos-Mot-Ri-Those! De Viana is not a b-IT Su-yes, thunderstorms. She is not UD-Ru-Che-on Per-Calle, and Si-Yet from Ra-Dos.
- Taspers of the genus of Christ-Ti-Ns-Kiy: He is Stere Mit-Xia to Mortulle, than to life - pro-from-carried one of the foresters.
AE -Sii, Pos-Mot-roar on de Vushu-ku, South-Vil-Xia Kra-Co-same and Sk-Hall of the Sta-Rei-Shi-us:
- Doesn't the Cle-Vasche you on this de vo-tsu? Nel-Zya Gu-beat Tu-Kui Sol-stupid Kra-So-Tu!
Needane, he will ask Para-Ke-ku:
- How is your name, de vo?
- I am Christ-An-ka, Ra-Ba Isa-Tin-but-thro-ha, - from-ve-Ti-La-Ras-Kea.
- CO-Zas-Kra-Co-CO-YOU-E-G. Li-Tos-Tos-Tos-Tos, - pro-from-carried the ruler - and is-ho- Introduction from your mouth of the WA-Mu-Food to the depth Du-Shea!
- Spra-Whee-Lie Judge is glad of the Us-Lya-Schit Ru-Ras-Ke-Va. - You, Uz-Na-Du, River shaft-sm.
- I will ask your first name and not a must-should from-ve-ta, in E-MU and GNE-Va-Yus, - Lu-ka-to the SK-Hall of Aezii.
"The pre-de all-go, I called Wa La my name in the ever life of Christ-An-ka. My name is in the life of the time-Men, Zemota - Pa-Ras-Ke-Ba. I ro-di in Pyted Ni-Tsu. Names - but in honor of this day of the Men Naz-Vashe Pa-Ras-Kie. My ro-di-whether ever-kim and Liu-Kim Stih and Liu-Bovi in \u200b\u200bChi-Ta-Lee Pyat-Ni-Tsu and Pro-Di-Di-Die Mo Lit-Wah.
- How can one-na-re-men-but-na-dance and Lu-bov? - Pra-Vi-Tel's strength.
- Pyat-Ni-CA - the day of the country and the Summary of State-Due-yes, Jesus Christ, for the genus of Che Lo-Vosh. The country of Christ-Ta-Wa-Vay-Vae-go-thieh fear, and his IS-Ku-Pi-Tel-Naya Zhert Va is still in on-sh -This liu-bovy. Chrysa Tos post-Ra-gave for us, and I am Ra-Di didn't have a mind-tort, - from-ve-Ti-la Pa-Ras-Ka.
- PE-RES-Tan go-to-rita as be-zozy-naya! With a non-si tie-wo b-gam, and Tog-yes, for your Kra-So-TU, I take those in the same time. You are a hundred-lit-na-da-tel-ni-tsei of the majority of bout-ga-t-sv, MNA BU-Dut Te-Bia Ve-Lie and UB-La-Ham ...
- Me-Nya has on the non-Boe - Chrys-Tos, - from-ve-Ti-La Svyasya Pa-Ras-Ke-Wa, - and in another I do not need jus.
- op team, PA-Ra-Ke-Wa, and from-ka-joy from his e-th chrysa! I am not a ho-Chu from-to-deploy those of Pa-La Chu for Muzhi, because you are very interested in your youth and Kra-So-Tu! - Wax Lick-Zul-Vi-Tel .
- Non-ze ley-men-like Kra-So-you. Sea-year-nya is Cea-Tet, and Zave-Ra Uva-no. Du-Maja Du-neck ray-neck: Te-Bi waiting for eternal mues!
Pos-les of these words GRAV-VI-TEL. He is in place-llag of Ra-Zod-Raint on de Vusho-ke of clothing and beat her symbols of in-catch-I-Mi Li Li, and Ras-Ti-Raint Vla-Sia-Ni-Tsei. For a pa-la-Chi Is-to-Will, she is not a pro-ro-ni-la n no one-nine sound. VSI-Paradise on non-Bo, the connection of the Slah-Vi-Li-Due and the pro-Si-LI of him in a mevel of Peestos. Tsco-Rea Aezi, SchA-Dia Kra-Co-Tu de Vushi, Os-Ta-No-Villa Pa La and Las Co-in Ská-Hall:
- Uve-Rui, De Vicle, in Bo-Gov, and I Sava-Ra-Nu Te-Bé life.
But Pa-Ras-Ke-Va Mol-Chah.
- Do you not from-ve-eat, evil chrys-ti-ns-kid s birthway? - with GNE-VOV Wax Lick-Zul-Vi-Tel.
Upon silent, connected to him in Li Tso.
AE -Sii Strash, but Ras-Sw-Pel. It is a sub-site of Para-Ke-Wu on the table and non-straightener to the build-up of her bo-ki-lez-ours. Blood Strasse-Tere-Pi-Tsy Abyoul-but Obag Ri-La Earth Liu, and those would be-Lo Isode Row to Kos-Tay. One of Pa La Chely, Du-May, that Mu-Che-Ni-Cae died, Ska-Hall of Gen-Wi-Liu:
- State-in Dean, de Visa Merrt Va. In - What are you dubbeds us so strong, but her terr?
One-on-to-ka-ka-la would be-la zhi-va, ho-va-va-la-la. Pra-Vi-Tel re-sewed that she is a mind-Ret. It is a bottom-in-room from the Town-Ba-Ba-Ba-Bar, Bro-Broa-Ku, and Der-to-Ku there, not Mo-soup. Communicable was-carried to the Tu-remnoy ka-me-ru. From the same-ri-cro-vi and gesture, she would have been so Slah-Ba, which could not-la and a hundred-of-Nat and Le Mr. La Merrt-Waa.
In the case, no, the state is not Os-Taha-Vil, His Ran Ni-Tsu. In the half-night to her, I revealed the en-gel. His Ple-Chi and breasts would be the chairs - about once, but the pre-ya-Say-Som-Lo-Som-Som. In Ru kakh, he is der-shock-si-fi: a cross, a ter story, Spear, a cane and lip.
- Get up, de Vian, the soci-no-a capital of the Niy of Christ. I am pos-lan jean-sew te-bia! Take a look at the cross and the ter sho-new ve-nez-Len-but-go-ni-ha; Pos-Mot-Ri on a spear, Ra-Niv-neck, a--like Rear-RA, on a cane, on-pi-saven, the pro-scent of the Glavovs of all-th Mi-Ra , and on lip-ku, which-paradise Sri-La Ada-Mov sin. Get up, Pa-Ras-Ke! Chrysa Tos Isquita-La Te-Bia! - Pro-from-carried an-gel.
Mu-Che-no Words - but pro-bu-di from sleep. An-Ghel Lip-Koi Ru-Tshai. And, about Chu-up! Te-Lo de Vushi-Ki Sde-La Elk Kim and Hedo-Ro-Vym, and Kra-So-she is still more in Ra-Za-Tel-Noi. PA-RAS-KE-WA with blah-th-ve-la-la-Lo-La-La-Diya of Chrysa Esta-Dae and Pros-la-vi-la -Ga. The non-Bo-Ly-Tel Is-Paul-Nile in the state of the state-under-no and became non-Vi-Dim.
UT-ROM Ya-Rem-Naya Stri-Jes de la, which on those-le pa-koe you are not wounds. Communion would be-la s-ver-shen-but health. She is a hundred-ya la and a rest Mo Lit-you. Guardian-ni-ki-Pu-Gas, SP-Ra-Wix to Pra-Wi-Te-Liu and from the weight-Ti-Him about Chu-de. AE -Sii at the Ka-Hall of Non-Med-Len, but at the weight of Pa-Ras-Ke-Wu. See Devo-Ku-Ko-Ro-How, Neu-Re-Di and Nesh-Ta Tea-but Kra-Si, he is with a surprise-le-ni-ech wax Zero:
- As terrier, you are on-shi-gi! They are the media-los-ti-vow over your youth and Kra-Co-Toy, Pa-Ras-Ke-Va, and Isquitube Li-Lie!
- Cales, AE -ii, Bo-gov, saved me nonsense, - pop-ro-c-la-che-no.
"Go to the temple and see the bog-gov," from-ve-Tyl pra-vi-tel. "
Communion Vosh-la in Sith School Church. Behind her Posh-Du-Vashe Lesz-Tsy and the pain of Tol-Pa Lu-dei. In the temples would be a thorough-st-in in the Ellinski Sta-Tuy. All Du-Ma-Lee is that Pa-Ras-Ke-Wa-Wa-Chet Pok-Litty-Sia Bo-Gam and the prejury to them. But the connection of Obra-Ti-las with the Go-of-Chimes of the Mo-Tin-no-Mu Bo-Gu. At-Kos-Nuv-Sakes to the hundred Apol-Lo-on, she pro-out-of-Nes-la:
- Has, II-Su-Sa Chrysa, in Ve-Le-Wash Te-Be, the Les-Ti-Mu Apol Lo-well, and all on the Ho-grandfather in this temple -We is the Super Bo-Gam: Let Va-Shi Sta-Tui UPA-Dut on Earth Liu and Ra-Zob-Xia Vra-URSI!
According to Social Communication of the pro-and-Zosh-Lo, the Silen-na-na-year-old. All ID-lies of Upa-Lee and Ras-Say Pashes. Lu-di you-run-whether from the templea. Men, Vi-Devoshi is Chu-up, uve-ro-va-whether in Chrysa and Sta-Lee Wax Li-Tsate:
- Ve-Lick God of Chrysa-Ti-Ns-Ki!
The nonsense of the priest is the priest to Pra-Vi-Liu and Plak-chase to him:
- About Pra-Vi Tel! We go-in-river te-be - Kaz-Neither this Column: she is generally a good-rh-jean. But you are not Posh Lu-shaft us, and the first Pa-Ras-Ke-Va-Wa-Shi-La-Da-Schi-Shi-La is all a hundred-tui in the temple! Kill this vol-Sheb-ni-tsu!
AE -SION in vellen SNO-VA at the weight of Pa-Ras-Ke-Wu and with the GNE-Nom on Chage Dop-Ra-Shi-tob her:
- Skai me, kaim wolf-va-na-ni you are juice-ru-shi-la on-shih bo-gov?
"I am a low-ve-RG-LA, their boots are no ox-va-va-ni, but there is a state-in-da-oh-su-sa-sa-sort of Christ. In the temple, I'm talking about non-Mo-Lita: "Two, SPA-SA-Tel, Da-Rho-Wave I live." And my state-pom reveal, and your boutique, only Tol-ki see him, set-re-la-tri, Upa-Lee to earth and races . Wi-dish, Va-Shi Bo-Gue is not able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to go - how are they in Mo-Gut's friend?
WHAT WHAT WHEN WHO RAKE TO THIS DO-WATER PA-RAST-KE-YOU CHEST LIR-VIR-TEL? Upon silent, he is a soul of SNO-VUSH-VUSH-BA on the table, and burn her rear-rod-soup-silence ki. Oops-La-E-May Og is, communicating Obrah-la-la look at non-bu and sta-la-pintage:
- State and God and God, COP-Da-Tel and Pro-Cape Li-Tel's all-friendly! You gave a speed-like Torma Va-Va-Lo-Kim from Ro-Kam in Og-Neu-Neu-Nya and Opa-Lil Hal de European, you saved from Oghe Nia -Mu-Che-Ni-Tsu Fek Lou. We are not pro-shu Te-Bi, state-di, yes, yes-zoy-kids on me, non-dos, your ve-li-kaya si-la and from-ba-wit From the non-connant hands of the Mu-chi-lei, for the non-che-thieves of the Muzhi-gay of my te-lo.
According to the Mo-Lit-ve Superniki, the plague of the Pie-Lyam - the fire became very strong and opa-lil pa-la-whites. Part of the Go-Ro-Jean Isk-Pu-Ga-Ga and Bro-Ca Las Be-to-press. But many of those who vio-de-sau-ka-ku, uve-ro-va-whether in Chrysa and Wax Li-Ca.
- Ve-Lick God of Chrysa-Ti-Ns-Ki! We are ve-ru-it on-pen in this throa!
Aesen Bo-Yal-Xia, as if on the wrong not-raised, the whole year, and at the ka-hall of the non-honey-flasher, to hone with the GO-LO-WU Ke-you.
COG-yes bubbling at the age of the Kaz-NO, ve--ko-mu-Che-Nationalau, in Ver-Nosh, Li-Tsom -Ra-ti to bo-gu:
- State-di, Pros-Lav-Live Mo-Gok-Val Name Your Name! You, the state-di, not Os-Ta-Vil Mesh and gave me, the Slah-Fight, the Si-Lians of the Pros-Break-Break. I am not a member at this hour and bla-state-lo-vi-tort for those-bia. In my city to all Loua, Pok-Lo-Yu-Yu-Yu-Yu-Mu Cross-No-Mu Pod-Vi-Gu and Stroke Poshy-Kya on Your Day And a country. In the Mo-ki and the same at the s'y-va-Yu, in the power of my name, from the Bav of them from all the troubles and the Sorrow and from-Pusa, they are, because you are not ho - Do you mean sin-ni-ka, but-la-it all come to the pos-native of Isasch and saving. You are our God, and those in advance of the chalka in ve-ki. Amen.
With non-Ba from the Light-Lo-La Poster-Shal-Smi-Los:
- Der-Zai, PA-Ra-Ke-Va! I am-half-nu everything, what are you talking about. Many has it, it is your SPA SUT-SUT from the troubles and Sorrow. I am a hundred, well, to see everyone who Bu-Children Blah-Go-Wei-Way-Way-Mi-Nat Your Mu-Che-Che-St. At the Mo-th, Ot-Central Committee will revise the Obi-Tel with Musi De-Va-Mi. Cry-Tog Kingdom of non-Besh-na-th-th, Tov-Len, Paradise Out-Ryt for those-bia!
Strassen-TO-TER-PI-CC-Li-Li-la-ha and Ra-Du-St-Lo-Lo-Lo-Lo-Lo-Lo-Lo-Lo-Lo-Lo-Wood. COG-DA PAR-LACH OT-SECH GO-LOO-WU SUPM, WHO ON-POL-NIL-NIL-SIR NO-O-BUB-NO-VOV-NOD-GO-YA-HAY , and GO-LOS with non-Ba Wen Web-Til:
- Ra-Du-Te-Xia, Pra-Ved Ni-Ki, for languid-charen Mu-Che-Na-Ka-Wa-Wa!
So the MNO-ST-Ra-Dales of Slavnya Pa-Ras-Ke-you are pre-raised. Pre-Ras-Nei-Waja-La-La-La-La-La to his e-mu non-eu-no-either-either-hu.
School-re is not sta-lo and mu-chi-la rule-visa ni-csy. At the next day, the UT-ROM Ru-Vi-Tel Ae-Ra-Ra-Vil-Xia on Oko-Tu. Out-of-zak, his horse bending-forces-Sia, I would have stood on dy-ka-ka-ka-ka forces. AE -Sii once-beat us-to measure and so Zlos-Cha-St-but-pus-til his Oka-Yang do-shu.
Dob Rho-Po-Ras-Ke-Wu-Ni-Ti-Ah, with blah-th-ve-ni-hoo whether in her pre-Mo-bashel. At Mes-Those of Her Po-Re-Bearing Sagli, Chu-D. Schu-Schuty, Chu-D. -ed Isocy-Lea. Many, who is at the Ho-Dil and Isocy-Lyal-Sia, Uve-Ro-Vashe in Christ and the at-na-if. VOS-LE-D-S. Men-Ky-Ko-Mu-Ni-Ni would be rose-yes-gam-gim-us-you-ria and temples, former All the fact that on the holy grief afo-n.
The hour-ti-tsya of her connections of this iso-nyat-Xia and in Ros-Siya: in the Community-Tro-Iz-Koy of the Ser-Yeh Lav-re, as well as in Mos-Co. -VS-KOMS-MEA Wax Ree-Sea-Ni-Pod-nya in So-Kohn-Ni-kah in Lar-Tse, before-Lena-Nom with AFO-on in the XIX ve-ke, and in other places. In Ka-In-Nor (Chu-Ya-Skye Epar Chia) in the temper of the Boy-go-di-di, there are Ra-go-ro-di Ti-Tsi of my ve-Li-Co-Mu-Che-Ni-Tsya Pa-Ra-Ske.

August 1 - the acquisition of the relics of Rev. Seraphim, the Sarov Wonderworker (1903). Joy is our father Seraphim Shepherds on how to consume love and affectionately to all the attitude of the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the acquisition of the relics of Rev. Seraphim Sarov. The wonderworker seraphim met the exclamation "My joy! Christ is Risen!" Next to the father thawed the hearts, the faith in the living God was born, repentance came. The priests of Dimitri Shishkin and Nikolai Bulgakov told the correspondent of Love and affectionately to all the attitude of the portal portal of "If we do not have complete love, we will do the affairs of love" Priest Dimitri Shishkin Priest Dimitri Shishkin, abbot of the temple of the Intercession of the Most Holy Virgin in the village. Mailing Bakhchisarai district (Simferopol and Crimean Diocese): - When we are talking about a Christian attitude towards neighbor, it is necessary to remember that storm can easily go into a stiffery and humanote. It is possible to destroy the excessive caress and "condescessment". This is especially seen in our time, when it is "person-humid" justify the extremely consensus to human passions and vices. The holy fathers have always distinguished the attitude towards the person himself, no matter how low it does not fell, from the relationship to the spirits of darkness, to passions that one or another possess. We lack those who, comforting us, would not shine our pride and selfishness of the affectionate of the welfare of the seraphim - special properties: it stems from the depths of the Virgin Heart. And this is Bogolyubie, the dressed and acquired as a sensible gift, allows you to truly love a person in the awareness of his actual calling. Love and Lask Rev. Seraphim will be meditated by the whole person, facilitating not alone by his mental and bodily calm, but most of all - salvation in eternity. How we lack such people who, comforting and inspiring us to spiritual life, at the same time they would not shine our vigorous and egoism. And it is the following that Rev. Seraphim! I caress it, extremely hearty warmth and love spread, as a rule, on those whose soul was softened by repentance or at least a tendency to him. It is to repentance and encourages even greater degree true love and spiritual caress. But if the pretended and proud man met, hacked in sins and did not want to change, we see completely different examples - a considerable severity and even accusatory rigidity. However, this rigidity is actually executed by love and extreme anxiety for the eternal future of man for his salvation. Of course, we need to have a good and affection for each other, but also mainly true and unlimited brother-in-law. It was commanded by the Lord himself, repeatedly the holy apostles spoke about it. But brotherly not acquired immediately. It is fed by the Lord as we are looking for love, learn to turn it out. Therefore, the Lord says: "Request, and will be given to you" (MF. 7: 7). Does not say "ask", but "ask", that is, in my good desire, in a delete-minded request, persistence and patience should be extending, stretching even to the last moment of earthly life. So the spiritual life is arranged - it is impossible to stop on anything here, nothing can be considered solved. Everywhere requires extreme sobriety and attention. And in the case of the hardship of love - too. But even if we do not have the very heart and complete love, from which there is really a spiritual and affectionate appeal to the neighbor - will, at least, to make the affairs of love. Already among the good deeds committed by Christ, we will try to please God. And the Lord, seeing our need, our heart request, seeing our constancy in void - will certainly serve us spiritual love for him and neighbor, and this is the greatest treasure of Christian! This is in this constancy, in this everyday and thorough fulfillment of the commandments of Christ, in a crushed and attentive prayer, and is prisoner, probably the main "recipe" of the tie of love from Rev. Seraphim. *** "Faith makes a good attitude towards any person" priest Nikolai Bulgakov Priest Nikolai Bulgakov, abbot of the temple of the main icon God's Mother In the village of Kratovo, Moscow region: - "My joy!" - So affectionately met the Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky everyone who came to him. Affectionateness is needed, of course, and we. We all love when we are affectionate about us. "Bay of all caresses and love," this advice gave his sisters the younger contemporary of Rev. Seraphim Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. But where does it come from, this storm? It should be sincere. Laskov do not really pretend. If you try to runningly talking "My joy!", And in your words there will be a cold, it will not be any sense. The main thing is not that outside, but what inside. On the external will not pass. How did this seraphim succeed? As we managed to speak with a frail voice with everyone - although it was probably visited by those that they talked to him not fraudulently. And after all came to him were sinners! Batyushka Seraphim knew everything about them - more than even they themselves. The Lord opened him. Why were they joy for him? What did they please him? And the fact that they are people. What they live in the world. That their God created. What he loves them, industries about them, tolerates, forgives, cares: he sends to his desire for advice, but it gives the idea of \u200b\u200bgood - which will be useful. It will be easier to live, happy ...