
Food mol - causes of appearance how to get rid of the photo. How to get rid of food pray in the kitchen and in the apartment


The most interesting thing is that the insect may appear in any apartment, regardless of whether it is pure or not. To the house they can get along with infected products from the store or from the street in the warm season. The most interesting thing is that cases of infection from shopping products are much more.

The adult part is similar to a small butterfly (about 1.5 centimeters in length), mostly dark gray or brown color. Adult mole practically does not eat, and her larvae can eat everything that prevents their path. These are harmful, spoiled products can not be eaten.

The larvae feed on dry products: cereals, dried fruits, nuts, cookies, cocoa. If you notice mole in the house, be prepared for new offspring. Adults are capable of postpone up to 180 larvae at a time.

Folk remedies for the fight against mol and larvae

The first thing you need to do is conduct a revision of all products. Do not miss anything, moth can even be in animal feed. Carefully inspect food, not only larvae. The sign of infection also serves and the presence of their cocoons, which are like a web or mold. Such products send to the trash can.

Untouched food shifted in tin or glass containers. Either send to the refrigerator or freezing Camera on quarantine. Next, we liberate all the shelves in kitchen cabinet and prepare the solution.

To do this, you will need:

  • hot water;
  • laundry soap;
  • vinegar.

Gently rinse the wardrobe with a hot soap solution. After that, wipe all the wet cloth and wipe again, but now the diluted vinegar.

Do not miss inaccessible places And even loops. It is in such corners most often the larvae is hidden.

For prevention, you can spend the room, but the bag with dust should be on the street immediately after cleaning. The containers in which there was an infected food should be washed in hot water. If it is a glassware, then do not be lazy to sterilize it. Be sure to dry all the containers.

Folk Reviews

Valentina Vasilievna, 65 years old, Moscow
"I have always been against chemicals in the house. Therefore, I use only folk remedies. My mom taught me that mole is afraid of vinegar da lavender. I use only these funds and forgot about mole. "

Ineffective and dangerous folk methods to combat mol

A trap with boric acid is prepared very easily: mix one part boric acid With three pieces of flour. But the danger is that the larvae, eating poison, can transfer it to other products. And this is very dangerous for a person.

Complex destruction of moth

Despite the fact that the adult person does not touch the products, it is able to postpone new larvae, which will reverse the products. Therefore, it is worth considering comprehensive methods to combat volatile insects. This will be suitable for purchased funds, which can be found in household chemicals.

The most popular are: aerosols, fumigators and sections against moths.

General Instructions for Application

  • Be sure to beat and check the whole meal. Roll into spoiled products.
  • Thoroughly wash and dry the container from the products.
  • Treat the surface of the cabinets.
  • Be careful when cleaning. The tool should not get into food.
  • Be sure to get rid of adult individuals from the above methods, or manually.
  • Remember that it is necessary to get rid of the moth.

Aerosols against molia

Aerosol Raptor "Protection against Moli"

Normal and inexpensive aerosol. The advantages include the fact that he kills mole at any stage of development, that is, butterflies and larvae. But if you believe feedback, then its action is not always effective. Also, the disadvantages include its caustic smell. Be careful when used and follow the instructions. Spray the aerosol at a distance of 20-30 centimeters from the object, then ventilate the room.

Catherine, 27 years old, Kazan.
"When my husband and I moved to new apartmentMol did not give us peace, a good gift from previous neighbors. In the store I bought the first thing I was caught, and the name on the hearing is always. But the hurry was in vain. Not only were we almost poisoned from this caustic smell, I also didn't leave the mole. "


Aerosol, not so advertised, and consequently, its price is lower than that of the others. This agent spray about 1 minute to complete surface moisturizing, then ventilate the room for half an hour. The tool protects from pray for about six months. Arch is considered to be more effective aerosol compared to other drugs. The disadvantage of it is considered a caustic smell and a special sensitivity to him in children.

"Clean house"

Standard aerosol, but it is very difficult to find in stores. It is very convenient to use thanks to its spray tube. But he is very poisonous. So, when spraying, it is recommended to use protective gauze and rubber gloves. The tool is quite effectively and demonstrates good reviews.

This remedy for food moth is the likeness of the drug "Arch". "Extra Mit" is simple and standard to use, it has a rather small price, but it is not so common as aerosols from other manufacturers.

Fumigators for the destruction of moths

Such methods of struggle for patient, as their action lasts three days, and not a few hours, like aerosols. But their most important plus that they are not so toxic.

The principle of operation is simple. A plate or a spray can with a liquid is inserted into the fumigator, the machine itself sticks out into the socket. The installation in the locker is problematic, for this it is necessary to stretch the extension.

Fumigator Dick

An ordinary fumigator, and very cheap. But as it turned out to break quickly, so it will last no more than a week.


This remedy is sold by a set, which includes liquid and fumigator. The price is above average, but the result will justify expectations. It is dying both volatile moths and caterpillars. Liquid odorless, which is quite important. Plus, this means is a large radius of defeat. Judging by the reviews about Moskitol, the remedy is popular.

Alexander, 36 years old, St. Petersburg
"Mole is a rather troublesome and freezing problem, so I bought in the store what will require a minimum of effort. He stuck a fumigator in a socket, the benefit was complete, and after three days I didn't even notice how the insect disappeared. "


A copy of the Fumigator Dick, but it is more expensive because of the famous brand.

Trap for Moth "Aeroxon"

Very popular trap a little overpriced price. It is considered absolutely harmless to humans. In the kit go two stripes. It is enough just to tear the protective film and glue moths into the habitat. This is a remedy without smell and serves about 6 months. The only precaution that manufacturers reports, when hitting a sticky layer on the skin, wash it immediately.

Absolutely the same trap as the previous manufacturer, only an order of magnitude cheaper. The only selected disadvantage is that the sticky layer dries quickly. And this is not very convenient if you glue strips for prophylaxis.

Sections from molia

    • The radius of the action of one section is very small, so you have to buy several pieces per locker only.
    • With the help of sections, you can get rid of butterflies only. They are harmless to the larvae.
This tool does not exterminate mole, but only scares away!

Sections from moth "Raptor"

Cheap remedy for moths. Plus in the fact that you can choose a plate with odor or without. But the validity period is very small, just 4 months.

Galina, 34 years old, Tver.
"In the summer, at the cottage from insects there is no rest, the more grateful products from moths very annoying. I needed a reliable option, but what would without harm for children. Sections from moth perfectly approached. "


This manufacturer offers two types of sections. Some, simple paper, like the previous brand, the second in the form of plastic small containers with powder inside, which are attached to the wall of the locker.

Nowadays, food from food moth are very common, both folk and purchased. You can choose any, depending on your preferences.

Prevention of food moth appearances in the kitchen

In the future, the incident with the appearance of moths does not repeat, put the clove of garlic or bay leaf in dry products. The lavender will be wrapped in gauze. The discharge effect can be enhanced with essential oils. For example: mint, lavender, fir oil, Pijmas oil. The smell of these means scares the larvae, and they are unlikely to settle in such places.

Also always remember:

  • Buying dry foods in the store, be careful. Packaging should not be broken, and there should be no insects inside.
  • Store food in hermetic packages.
  • Use elementary preventive tools: folk or purchased.
  • Observe the room clean.
  • In the warm season, close the ventilation channels and windows of gauze to prevent moths from entering the street.

How to get rid of food moths in the kitchen? This issue, without exaggeration, every hostess was asked in life. When these unattractive brown-gray insects are found, the first thing that comes to mind is: it is necessary to buy some drug, and an associatively concern first and foremost a splashing can of dichlorophos. Although, very many readers can reproach that more popular chemical agentWhat naphthalene does not exist. Yes, all this is so, but we would like to tell about how to get rid of food moths forever without the use of these funds, because they are toxic to some extent to a person, it is impossible to use them in the kitchen, and they are not always effective.

Apartment mole can be overcome forever

Where in the apartment takes mole?

Often you can hear the opinion that the mole appears in the kitchens from the unrelated owners. In most cases, this is not the case.

Moles are not cockroaches and dirt does not particularly interest her. Products are important for it.

This malicious insect into the brilliance kitchen can be simply listed in the package with any bulk products or even with candy. It is only worth getting several individuals and their reproduction acquires a global scale. The larvae appear in all that for moth is considered a favorable environment, and to settle in an attractive product, the insect threatens even such materials as cellophane ulles. On the other hand, the food mole (photo below) is not twisted, but very loves the place dusty and dirty. Therefore, the fight against mole begins with general cleaning.

Important! You should not put the lockers and kitchen furniture boxes with newspapers or other paper with contact with glue. They are very attracted by mole.

What is the danger?

Does food mole cause harm to humans? Naturally, first of all moral, since the ubiquitous butterflies of the unattractive species annoy. And also, their ability to breed instantly not only in flour or cereals, but also in any other products, "hits the pocket." It can be such an important for the diet of any person tea, cereals, dried fruits, cocoa, salads, jams, chocolate. The situation is especially unpleasant that I did not have time to bring them to the house, as many products are infected with this home pest.

Mol causes irritation and discomfort

And since the moth can carry dirt and various bacteria, then before use of food, it is necessary to wash even clean dishes every time, because insects crawl and fly where it fell. It takes time and causes a lot of inconvenience. And already in such a situation in the house to invite exactly impossible. In a word, mole in the house is unsafe, uneatetic and uncomfortable.

What grandparents should it be abandoned?

Our bass had their recipes, how to bring edible mole in the kitchen. The most common of them:

  • naphthalene;
  • tobacco;
  • machorka

Maybe at that time these funds were relevant. Yes, only now it is unlikely to resort to them. After all, all of them are characterized by specific very sharp smells, soaking all and everything around. It turns out that in the process of the destruction of insects, we pollute our accommodation.

Important! Eggs and larvae moths under the influence of direct sunlight and in the fresh air die. At first suspicions for the appearance of moths, all products from the "risk zone" should be put on the balcony or on the windowsill of the open window.

What should we take up?


Laming of the household soap scare insects

It turns out that the answer to the question of how to bring the food mole in the apartment "lies on the surface." People's experience states that this pest does not tolerate the smell of fresh economic soap. You can't make it in the kitchen for known reasons, but in the chest and cabinets "fragrant" bars should be decomposed.

Corks citrus

Do not cost to neglect the long-tried facilities - the mole does not endure the smell of garlic and citrus

Another way to get rid of food moths in the apartment is to decompose in different places in the kitchen and wardrobes of citrus cleaning - tangerine, orange, lemon. Periodically, as soon as the smell becomes less intense, they need to be changed. True, as a result, only adult individuals are scared, if they put the eggs and larvae appeared, then simply decomposing the orange peels of them not to expel them.


Perforated packets with lavender - a long-known food moth in the apartment. In addition to this herb, you can use:

  • mint;
  • pIR;
  • carnation;
  • thyme;
  • rosemary;
  • ginseng root;
  • seed horse chestnut, etc.

Lavender seed has repeatedly proved its effectiveness when dealing with mol

After some time, these "drugs" need to be replaced by new ones - they exhale and lose their effectiveness over time.

Tip! Instead of lavender sachets, placed in gauze, you can use lavender oil. However, it is necessary to handle it carefully, again remembering that products can soak in such a smell and their use for cooking can become problematic.

Bite / garlic

Vinegar, Rosemary, Pijma - Intracmise Enemies Moth

Fighting the food mole can be carried out using such elementary tools as garlic, which is laid out in lockers and boxes. But the vinegar is added to the water when cleaning the premises. It should be understood that the characteristic smell will take place.

Important! We want to emphasize that all the listed ways to combat home moth are aimed at scare away the insect, and not kill him. That is this complex preventive Merdesigned to warn in principle the appearance of such an attack in the house.


The people know another secret, how to deal with the food mole in the kitchen - periodically put out products in which moth mole may have hypothetically start or heat. It is known that both eggs / larvae and adult individuals are dying at a temperature of -10 C, as well as at high temperatures from +30 C. Here we consider it necessary to mention clothes, because, the mole applies to the cabinets with things. So here: eggs, pending females, are very weakly attached to the fabric, so the mole is constantly wearable and does not spoil. But things that have been put on occasion to occasion must be periodically shaking and ventilated, in this case, moths will not have the slightest chance.

What modern means are secure?

Food pray trap is undoubtedly the safest method of deliverance method from malicious insects. Its "design" is very simple and understandable: the cardboard strip is covered with a layer of sticky glue with pheromones of moth females produced by butterflies at the preparedness stage of mating. There are also such baits in the market, in which the pheromone component is not present in the glue, but is supplied in a separate sachet and is already glued to the sticky part.

Attention! We want to warn from excessive use of this tool - enough 1-2 traps in the kitchen. Otherwise, the pheromones are impregnated with all air and fixtures will simply lose their effectiveness - the moth will not fall to them.

The moth trap attracts male individuals, thereby stops the reproductive cycle of insects, which ultimately minimizes the risk of new infesses.

Conclusion: Fight mole, if she already started, you need to comprehensively. This means: carrying out general cleaning, laying the same bags with lavender and the placement of preventive trap strips, also present on the market.

To detect an unfortunate event in the kitchen, because they come with it. Food mole is not the best "neighbor" after all our grocery falls under the blow. All that may have kept about the reserve can be spoiled, and it's just unpleasant to realize that someone lives in your products. How from food "lungs" and what we will analyze in this article.

  • Craises - The most favorite place of grain moth. Under the blow primarily hit: rice, oatmeal, Hercules, pasta, etc.;
  • Orekhi - moth loves the hazelnut, peanuts, walnuts, both in purified, and in the shell;
  • Dried fruits - It is often possible to observe the raisins covered with a kind of cob, the prunes;
  • Carton boxes - to discover the food mole can also be in closed packs of tea, all sorts of flakes, oatmeal, etc.;
  • There have been such cases that the insect has long been living in the kitchen - and you can detect it behind the refrigerator, kitchen furniture, in household appliances which did not use it for a long time;
  • There are productswhich mole does not eat, but it may be a salt, soda, sugar;
  • Vegetable oils, vinegar, honey, jam, jam are not subject to infection, the food pest simply dies in them;

Folk remedies against moth

Whatever way of struggle you have chosen, at the beginning there should be a number of activities aimed at detecting the source of infection and eliminate it. Food "Grooming" excited the owners at all times. Previously, when there was a shortage of products and poisoned a lot and for a long time, just asked how to keep all stocks. Various natural repellents were used. Good prevention from moth will be the usual ventilation, it does not like drafts and clean air. Catch up more often your stocks if there are such, ventilation lockers and shelves, wipe the shelf with acetic or soap solution and the inner walls of the lockers.

Homemade Food Moth

  • Garlic - spread on the shelves or directly in tanks with groceries, several peeled cloves of garlic taste products will not spoil, but you are insulting yourself.
  • Leaves lavra leafPacking with pepper and cloves will be well cope with the task.
  • Also help mint and lavender in the form of herbs, if there is aromamasla of these plants, drip to gauze or cotton disk and spread in the kitchen.
  • Citrus peel - it is considered good pest protection, spread it on the shelves or on the cabinets.
  • Geranium on the windowsill scare away unwanted insects.
  • Another smell of a richness, pyrhem, fir, basil or rosemary plants themselves or their oils applied to cotton waders.
  • The smell of wormwood - small bouquets unfolded in the storage places of products scare up uninvited guest.
  • Leaves walnut - Fresh-plated leaves have a specific smell and storage places in the storage places will serve you a good service.
  • The old and proven tool was considered camphor and oil based on it, but now practically not used.
  • The smell of tobacco - tobacco leaves or Mahork chopped up the desire to live like a food and wrapping guest.

Interesting fact: In heated premises, the grain mole can give two - three generations per year. In addition to the reserves of seed, food and fodder grain, it can damage even dry fruits, mushrooms and vegetables, as well as seeds of various agricultural and ornamental plants.

Modern and effective means

Fighting food moth has a number of their limitations compared to it. And the reason for this is the products in which insecticides may fall, so we are limited to traps against adult individuals and natural repellents against larvae.

Pheromone traps

Designed primarily for males, sticky traps attract males to themselves prevent the reproduction of moths. Can be located in the lockers themselves, good way Destruction and prevention. The traps of the following manufacturers have proven well: Argus, Raptor, Aeroxon.

Argus. - Active substance Attractant added to adhesive base, Therefore, the trap works throughout the surface. You can position directly in the lockers both vertically and horizontally. The trap is designed for 3 months of use, in the package 2 pcs enough for 10 - 15 m 2 square.

Raptor Protection against Food Moth - represents 2e sticky plates, calculated for up to 90 days. Many are used constantly as prevention, the basis is very sticky install cautiously.

Aeroxon. - The most expensive trap from those presented, the German manufacturer indicates the service life of up to 1.5 months. But with a 100% guarantee, promises a reduction in the population of the insect.

Spray from molia

Although they do not advise them to use them (chemicals can get into products), but are used quite often. From manufacturers you can highlight such stamps as: Raptor, RAID, Arous, Mosquitall, Clean house et al. When using, use the reserves for the respirator, rubber gloves.

Husband and wife enter the store fur. Wife looks enthusiastically at the fur coat.
Quick saleswoman:
- Are you looking for something?
Husband, solid:
- Food for moth!

Prevention from Food "Letuny"

  • Check the purchased grocery store, packaging integrity, storage time. Brought from Crupes Store, etc. Leave in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 days.
  • Store everything in sealed plastic, glass or metal containers. But remember mole can bother and polyethylene, and cardboard, and thin plastic.
  • Complece more often cleaning the shelves where bulk products are stored, moths are quite a small amount of food for growth and reproduction.
  • Clean each time the containers before the next fill.
  • Do not reserve in the case of the "Atomic War", food ruffles contribute to the emergence and reproduction of moths.

All these simple tips will help you prevent the appearance of food pray in your kitchen. It is always cheaper to prevent the appearance than to fight.

Conclusions from Tikhon: Food moth, like its unfortunate neighborhood. Prevention and once again prevention, sorry if you have to throw a large number of Stocks, and sometimes only it helps.

If you have experience in combating food mole Share them in the comments below, it is probably that it will help someone to take the right decision.

Happiness to you and your home.

Food Mol There are several species, the most common - cocoa firethat loves to wander on "its" places only at night. It looks like a small butterfly of no more than 1 cm. The color of it is inconspicuous, From brown shade, to gray with small dots.

Insect lives a few weeksBut for these days it produces a big offspring. The reproduction occurs only when there is free access to water. Kitchen mole does not use productsbecause it does not have a developed digestive system. Eat food her larvae.

Development goes through three stages, it is the laying of eggs, intensive development, the appearance of the light.

What does the food mole look like, the photo below:

Harm for man

The main harm applied to the kitchen moth - spice of food. If she "visited" the product, it can not be eaten. Also an infected grocery is not recommended for sale.

Insect-infected products sometimes go to the secondary market. After such a purchase, a person risks bring food moth to his home.

Kitchen is damaged at all stages of its development. Eggs infect foodAfter which it cannot be used. The larvae leave their waste in products, along the way, entering them. Adult females, despite the need of food, produce their offspring on cereal.

Among other things, they skillfully jump on the tables and divide infection. If moth appeared, then the dishes that are used for food must be rinsed before each meal. This applies not only to plates and forks, but also all cutlery, which are often used.

Adult sex for your short life leaves after himself offspring whose number can be about 400 pieces. Each subject repeatedly changes the skin. For this reason, hundreds of feces and residual phenomena after larvae are observed on infected products.

If you use such food, intoxication of the body, allergic, food poisoning is quite possible.

What do larvae love?

Harmful insect larvae eat all kinds of cereals. Do not be broken with pasta, bean. They can be found in protected, portion packages with croups.

It turns out that offspring easily penetrates hard-to-reach places.

Also mol can dwell inside a nut shell, more often they are found under the "shell" of walnut. Strange, but an inconspicuous butterfly eat seasoning and lives in garlic.

It turns out that the kitchen mole is hidden in the most unexpected places, so at the slightest signs of its presence in the kitchen, it is worth checking each secluded corner.

Grain Mol prefers grain and flour products. Fruit mole eating sweets, dried fruits. It turns out a general list that includes such types of products as:

  • flour;
  • pasta;
  • cereals;
  • all kinds of nuts;
  • cookies;
  • dried fruits;
  • chocolate;
  • bread products;
  • bakery products.

How and where to store cereals?

For storing bulk products it is not recommended to use polyethylene packages.. Keep the cereals need in pure glass or ceramics. Before closing a filled vessel, you need to view the state of the croup, for this you can throw a laurel sheet on the bottom.

Two pieces will be enough to the balloon. Covers are better replaced with linen rags or two-layer gauze. You can fix them with a rubber flagella. Any product needs air.

How to store cereals so as not to start mol? Rice must be stored in a ceramic jar with salt in the bag. She will remove all moisture and extra smells. In addition, the bulk product will preserve its properties longer.

Flour before clogging is sieved. It is necessary to store it in a bag of flax. For flour for a long time and carefully stored, it is recommended to wash the bag for storing it in a salt solution.

Glass and ceramics can be replaced with a plastic bottle.

If the light falls on the bulk products, they are oxidized. The perfect place for storage is suitable, a dark shelf with cool air.

Bank with cereal should stand below the shelf, not at the top, as everyone thinks. Upstairs humidity and evaporation that interfere with bulk products longer remain in suitable condition. Cold prevents the occurrence of insects, so it is possible to store the croup in the refrigerator, but for this you need to adjust the temperature on the lower shelves.

According to the standards, coarse products must be stored at a temperature of about 6 degrees. At 10 and more, pests will be felt. Flour, cereals and pasta will retain their properties if they store them in the storage room. Some have home special facilities for food supply.

Look at the video about how to store cereals properly, so as not to start mole and mold:

Does the edible mole of clothes?

When grain moth appears in the kitchen, you should not worry that she managed to eat fur coats and sweaters in the closet.

Food mole clothes do not eatHer menu consists only of croup, flour and bread products. Fruit and candy also does not scream.

It is not necessary for things to worry about things, although checking in the closets should not be started

If in the kitchen you opened the door of the locker, where the cereals and other groceries are stored, and there is a small gray moth who started to meet you - it means you started food mole. A pleasant little, but if you have the necessary knowledge, you can easily get rid of this home pest.

Name "Food Mole" Combines several types of butterflies of a family of fires, the caterpillars of which are powered by crits, nuts, dried fruits and other groceries.

Adults different species Food moth is enough differ considerably:

  • wings furious fire have a characteristic drawing in bright brown tones lighter at the base and dark to the corners;
  • color fights mill less catchy, gray-brown, upper wings darker, bottom lighter;
  • wings south barn fire decorated with beautiful pattern, color bright, orange;
  • katica fire It has inconspicuous faded yellow wings color.

But, despite all the differences, any food mole looks quite inconspicuous, since they all have relatively small dimensions - 8-10 mm. And sitting on the surface with folded wings, become almost imperceptible. It is not surprising that a simple man in the street will not be able to notice the difference between different representatives of this pest.

Food mole. Photo

Food Moth Development Stages

In the process of transformation into an adult, the food mole passes four stages:

  • eggs;
  • larvae;
  • dolls;
  • butterflies.


Adults individual not harm Food products, as they have no oral apparatus, and they live no more than a week. Shortly after the appearance, they mate.

Females attract males with pheromones, which are separated from the special glands. The pairing process usually occurs in habitats and eggs are laid there. Even in those rare cases, when fertilization occurs away from the feed base, the female necessarily returns to its food environment.

Food mole It has a rather short cycle of breeding. With sufficient humidity and suitable temperature, it does not exceed two months. Optimal for insect development is the humidity of 50% and a temperature of 25 degrees. With a decrease in temperature, the development of larvae slows down and can be lined for several months.

Food mole is able to endure short-term heat and cold. However, it chooses warm, wet and, most importantly, rich space for reproduction.

Fertilized females lead a low-wear lifestyle. Flying in the kitchen mole is predominantly males.


Through 5-6 hours After mating females postpone from 50 to 100 tiny eggs. It is impossible to notice them with a naked eye. In the length of the eggs do not exceed 0.5 mm. Usually they white color and oval form. So that the offspring did not suffer from crowding and lack of food, the female makes several masonry in different places.

Through 6-7 days from eggs appear draw-shaped larvae, The size of no more than 1 mm.


Harm Our product reserves brings exactly insect larvae. In order to turn into an adult person, it needs to be actively eating. In the process of a weight gain, the larva moves little, overwhelming from place to place only in search of new food.

At this stage, the cycle of breeding insects of different species anything do not differ. By appearance The larvae cannot be determined what kind of fire it belongs. These are small whites, with a yellowish or pinkish tint of the caterpillar, with a brown head.

Moli larvae Look like small worms, but it is only an external similarity. Real worms have no limbs, and caterpillar moths has six par tiny paws. Rota apparatus Larisa is equipped powerful The jaws, thanks to which, the larvae can bother the dense shell of croup.

Caterpillar passes through several stages molting Before turning into a doll. Somewhere over a week and a half, the larvae grows up to 1.5 cm long and gaining sufficient, for further development weight.


Developed caterpillars Plett cocoons, in which they will be pumped. As a rule, it is pisces from threads, similar to web, glued excrement or food residues. For puzzling, the larvae choose dark and hard-to-reach places, only some types of caterpillars are selected from cabinets to light.

External covers of larvae become more dark and solid. Under the protection of this shell, the insect holds 1-2 weeks, during this time, colossal changes occur in its body, larvae. An adult sex out of the pupa is completely ready to fulfill its duty to nature - continue your genus.

Harm and benefit

Despite small sizes food mole can bring Enough big DamageEspecially if the population of these insects is large enough. As noted earlier, the main harm is caused by the larvae of food moths.

Here approximate list of productswhich can be chosen for feeding offspring home pest:

  • flour;
  • cereals;
  • nuts;
  • seeds;
  • dried fruits;
  • pasta;
  • cookies;
  • candy.

You can detect the presence of larvae according to the following characteristic features.:

  • braced cobwebs;
  • lumps in small cereals or flour;
  • scratched tunnels filled with excrement of larvae;
  • skins of eaten grains.

Pest corpoIt is impossible to use in food, or sell, as it is absolutely impossible to clean it from the larvae and their detergents. The flour can be sifted, however, in the conditions of food plants, it is very problematic and expensive.

As it does not sound strange, but the food mole can also benefit:

  1. Wax Molition Caterpillars Feed honey and wax than undoubtedly damage to beekeeping. But, ethnoscience Healing the medical action attributes to the larvae of this insect. This is justified by the presence of a cerebral enzyme in their digestive tract, which has been successfully splitting not only honey and wax, but also phospholipid shells of Koch sticks are the main pathogen of tuberculosis. Finding into the body of these insects, the products of beekeeping, connecting with the enzyme, form a unique substance that destroys pathogenic bacteria. Over time, the tincture of the larvae of wax fire began to be considered almost a panacea. It is recommended to apply for the treatment of lung diseases, cardiovascular and urine - sexual system, gastrointestinal diseases - intestinal tract, allergies and even oncological diseases. However, official medicine is given medicine do not recognize. Certified doctors The tincture of wax moth larvae is not prescribed to anyone.
  2. Moli Caterpillars - Great lagging for winter fishing.
  3. Licketers can be used as live food for those contained in terrariums, exotic frogs.

Important. In nature, the required participant of many biocenoses. Therefore, it is necessary to destroy it, only if it is a danger to our property, stocks and sanitary condition of the dwelling.

How to get rid of food moths in the kitchen

Buying contaminated croup - quite frequent phenomenon. This is due to improper storage of grocery goods in warehouses and in stores.

It is necessary to start the struggle in the apartment with a pest without postponing, immediately after the detection of moths. This process is better Streamy.

Stage 1.
Spend inspection All product stocks. Thoroughly inspect all packages, jars and containers, where products are attractive for food moths. If you find a package in which the moths, larvae, threads, similar to the web, the best solution - throw it away.

Stage 2. Remove all food products from the locker And carefully treat the shelves and walls insecticidal agents.

3 stage. Adults are also subject to liquidation. This can be done with a mechanical way, with the help of baits - traps or sticky tape.


Effective tool prevention of pests in the apartment is careful testing of purchased food. The amount of groceries also need to be controlled. It is advisable to store only a week stock of products. Even these simple measures will already be enough to protect their dwelling from harmful butterflies and caterpillars.

Like food, clothes moth - It is the most common Apartment pest.

Handling mole in size less than food for 2-3 mm. Unlike its food relative, has wings without drawing, yellow brown.

If you consider this insect carefully, it can be seen that all it is like sprinkled with pearl pollen. Handling mole is afraid of daylight and hides in clothes of cabinets and in dark secluded corners.

Lichwood both species similar as twins. They differ in gastronomic addictions. Caterpiles hardman Moth spoil cotton and woolen clothes, carpets and carpets, fur, upholstery soft furniture and even felt pads in musical instruments.

In their clothes, they especially attract swovers, stained places, folds, assemblies, bends under the collar, cuffs. In addition, at this stage of development, handling mole always hinds a thin silk cobweb As it feeds. In consequence, it uses it for weaving cocoon.

Excrement larvae wrapped moths can be multicolored Since they are painted with dyes of fabric fibers, which insects absorb. So if you noticed in places of storage of clothes, color sands, something similar to the color you no longer wear.

Both types I. Harding and Food Usually fly near the place of infection. They are characterized by a peculiar flight model - fluttering and a spiral trajectory of movement.

Useful video

How to get rid of food moths on the video below:

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