
With what hand and how is it correct to be baptized? How to be baptized correctly for Orthodox Christians.


Recently, many "visitors" have been asking the same question: is it possible to be baptized with a second name? And these, as a rule, are not Rustems and Timurs, who in one way or another need to be baptized with a different name (after all, there are no such names in the calendar), but quite ordinary Ivans and Maria. There are variations of the question: is it possible to be baptized again or change the name given in Baptism. The reason for this phenomenon is very simple: the Internet is now very common advice from various "white magicians" and other occultists about the fight against corruption by ... re-baptism.

Let's start with examples. Here are some useful tips on the Internet for those who want to be baptized themselves or have a child baptized. You cannot baptize a child immediately after the funeral service in the church, you cannot wipe the water that splashed on the floor during Epiphany, you need to invite an even number of guests to Epiphany. We read these and many other tips both on a variety of esoteric sites and on quite decent sites for young parents.

“Most likely, you will be refused to perform the ritual if you reveal the whole truth. So you have to cheat "

But the most outstanding advice is the following: "If you take a different name for yourself at Baptism, it will become much more difficult for you to spoil, because" the address has changed. " We read further: “The vast majority of church priests do not approve of the idea of ​​re-baptism and will most likely refuse to conduct the ritual if you reveal the whole truth to them. So you have to cheat and say that the Baptism will be performed for the first time. And immediately call only the new name that you picked up! If you are required to have an official document (for example, a passport) to verify your name, just go to another. "

That is, in order to be baptized with a different name, you need to lie! And lie in the temple. Let's assess this advice from the point of view of Orthodoxy: a person tries to fence himself off from corruption by performing a magical action. And in order for the ceremony to “work” exactly, they advise to commit a sin, advise to lie in the church. As we know, the evil one needs one sacrifice - human sin. And this sacrifice must be made to the evil one.

All this reminds of advice on how to "correctly" guess at Christmas time: you have to steal a candle in a church, and so on. That is, in order for the evil one to answer your questions, you need to commit the sin of theft. Well, or any other sin. The main thing is sin. The main thing is to make a sacrifice to the devil.

Orthodoxy knows only one way to change the name - monastic tonsure. But this is a way only for those who really want to change their lives.

I have already written in more detail about choosing a name for Baptism and will not repeat myself.

Baptize one more time

There is one more, very terrible manifestation of the “fight against corruption” - attempts to be baptized again. The logic of these " useful tips»Is the same: if a name was damaged during Baptism, then it must be changed. The best way is by the second Baptism. Let me remind you of one interesting expression: "the devil is the monkey of God." That is, the devil, as it were, parodies everything that the Lord does. In the traditional Orthodox understanding, Baptism is the beginning of a new life, the second birth of a person from "water and the Holy Spirit." The devilish parody of Epiphany - the second baptism - sets itself one goal: to solve some everyday problems. " Do you not know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? So we were buried with Him by baptism into death, so that, as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we also can walk in a renewed life.» ().

A Christian is baptized into the death of Christ in order to suffer with Him in life and then be resurrected. The Lord Himself calls upon His disciples to take His yoke upon themselves: "For my yoke is good, and my burden is light" (). Please note that we believe in Baptism as a call to follow Christ in a difficult but true way. And the "second baptism" is an attempt to be baptized for the sake of solving earthly problems. That is, the real satanic path.

And in conclusion, I would like to remind you of one moment from the lives of the ancient saints. Many martyrs of the first centuries, when asked about their name, said that their name is Christian, and this name is the most important thing for them in their life. So important that they went to death for his sake, and certainly did not try to change him for the sake of receiving earthly benefits.

Archpriest Dionisy Svechnikov

Recently, the site has received many letters from people interested in the possibility of re-baptism. This desire is usually motivated by several reasons. People sincerely believe that re-baptism can get rid of induced damage, evil eye, ancestral curse, solve life and even financial problems. Sometimes the desire for re-baptism is motivated by the desire to change the name. Many people think that if they receive a new name during baptism, which “only God will know,” this will save them from magical influence. Enemies will "conjure on the old name" and therefore all their spells and incantations will "fly by." But sometimes the reason for re-baptism is expressed as a very good, at first glance, goal. For example, some people who were baptized as children and lead sinful lives suddenly come to believe in God. It seems to them that re-baptism will wash away this "sinful growth" on the soul and cleanse of all bad things. I think that it is high time to understand in detail all these superstitions and consider them from the standpoint of the canons and traditions of the Orthodox Church. Which is what I will try to do in the article offered to the readers' attention.

I'll start in order. First, it is necessary to determine where the desire to be baptized again comes from. The motivation for rebaptism is overtly occult beliefs. Damage, evil eye, ancestral curse, celibacy crown, love spell, etc. - This is an occult terminology widely used by all kinds of magicians, sorcerers, psychics, healers and other figures of the occult sciences. Therefore, it would be quite logical to say that the belief in the "cleansing power" of re-baptism was inspired precisely by these "compassionate comrades" who want to solve all the problems of their clients for a certain fee. I have repeatedly had to talk with people who came to church with a desire to be re-baptized. To my question, why do they need it, as a rule, the answer follows that the need for this action was indicated to them by a psychic (fortune teller, magician, sorcerer, etc.). Once I happened to see an advertisement on one of the Russian TV channels, in which one occultist claimed that re-baptism is the most powerful remedy for damage and the evil eye. I think that these facts are enough to understand that the superstition about rebaptism has an unambiguously occult origin.

Having dealt with the source of superstition, it is worth assessing it from the standpoint of church canons and traditions. According to the doctrine of the Orthodox Church, baptism is one of the seven church sacraments, in which a believer, when his body is immersed in water three times with the invocation of the name of the Most Holy Trinity - the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, dies for a carnal, sinful life, and is reborn by the Holy Spirit for Eternal Life ... Rebaptism by itself is not possible. Baptism is a spiritual birth, and it, like physical birth, can only be one. It is necessary for a person for salvation, for "He who is not born of water and the Spirit cannot enter the Kingdom of God" (). Christ clearly says in the Gospel: “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; and whoever does not believe will be condemned ”(). The Savior speaks of faith in God. This Gospel passage has no other meaning and cannot have. After all, sending the apostles to preach, Christ teaches them: “Go, teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you; and behold, I am with you all the days until the end of the age ”(). Thus, based on the words of the Savior Himself, necessary condition for baptism, it is a belief in the Trinity, not an occult belief in baptism as the solution to all problems. Baptism does not at all solve everyday and financial problems and is not an "instrument" for removing corruption.

So why do occultists send people to be baptized? After all, they send not only baptized people for re-baptism, but also unbaptized people for the first baptism. However, the meaning does not change from this. It is no secret that to attract people, occultists widely use Orthodox paraphernalia - crosses, icons, incense, church candles, Orthodox prayers. Why do they need it? The answer is obvious. Not every person will go to a fortune-teller or psychic if he says something like this to him: "I am engaged in black magic, I am in direct contact with demons, and you need to serve the devil in order to get help from me." In order to attract a client, you need to hide behind something sacred that does not cause any suspicion in a person. And even pretend to be a saint! This is the key to success, for a person always reaches out to the holy, divine. A person comes to a psychic, and his whole house is filled with Orthodox icons, lamps are hanging, incense is being burned, church candles are burning, and the minister of the black cult, hung with crosses and even episcopal panagias, with a blissful face, is receiving clients. Sometimes one has to deal with people whom the occultists send to the temple for candles, incense, icons. It is difficult to convince these people that they are seriously sinning, following the lead of fortune-tellers and psychics. After all, they are sent to the temple of God, and not to the satanic temple. Unfortunately, only a few people manage to reason with them. for most of these people, visiting fortune-tellers and psychics becomes commonplace and even the norm of life, and the opinion of the occultists themselves becomes an indisputable authority. These are the fruits of spiritual illiteracy. After all, turning to the occult is turning to the devil. The occult is about communicating with demons and serving them. Scripture is replete with moments that clearly speak of the sin of turning to the occult. Even in the Old Testament, it was forbidden to contact such people or to practice magic and witchcraft on pain of death. This is what the Scripture says: "Do not bewitch and do not guess" (), "Do not turn to those who summon the dead, and do not go to wizards, and do not bring yourself to desecration from them" (), "Do not leave sorcerers alive" () , "And if any soul turns to those who summon the dead and to magicians to walk prodigally after them, then I will turn my face on that soul and destroy it from her people" (), his own through fire, a soothsayer, a fortuneteller, a sorcerer, a sorcerer, a charm, summoning spirits, a magician and inquiring of the dead; for everyone who does this is an abomination to the Lord ”(),“ And you do not listen to your prophets and your fortunetellers, and your dreamers, and your magicians, and your astrologers ... for they prophesy a lie to you ”(Jerem. 27: 9-10). But what is said about their fate after death: "But the fearful and unbelievers, and the nasty and murderers, and fornicators and sorcerers, and idolaters and all liars, their fate is in the lake burning with fire and gray" (), "Blessed are those who keep His commandments, so that they may have the right to the tree of life and enter the city by the gate. And outside are dogs and sorcerers, and fornicators, and murderers, and idolaters, and everyone who loves and does a lie ”(). Thus, occultism is a godly and disgusting deed, and turning to occultists is an undoubted sin. Sadly, many people do not understand this at all, for they are spiritually illiterate. Therefore, they cannot discern the deception veiled under the shrine.

But what is actually the use of consecrated objects by occultists? For them, covering up with Orthodox paraphernalia is a blasphemous act for which, as they believe, the devil will give special strength. Church candles, incense, icons and other consecrated objects are used by occultists in magical rituals, and not at all for their intended purpose. Sometimes, in order to complete a magical ritual, a person is invited to take a charmed candle to a temple and put it there. It is difficult to imagine a more blasphemous action. A person who follows the lead of the occultists and fulfills their orders is an actual participant and performer of magical action. But for him this action is presented by occultists as a kind of good, divine revelation, unequivocal help from God. Needless to say, this is far from the case. But if some occultists limit themselves only to the desecration of consecrated objects, others go further and send their clients to participate in church ordinances. As a rule, these are the sacraments of baptism, communion and unction. It is interesting that the sacraments of the Church are presented as some steps on the path to the full achievement of the ultimate goal proposed by the occultist. The steps following the sacraments of the Church are the continuation of the "work" of the occultist. In fact, it is the desecration of the holy thing, the desecration of the sacrament performed in the Church. This is the basis of the occult "doctrine of rebaptism." But the goal achieved by repeated baptism can be anything. Starting from the removal of damage, the evil eye and the ancestral curse, healing from diseases, up to the solution of all everyday and even financial problems. But if the church sacraments can really help a person to be healed from spiritual and physical diseases, then the actions of the occultists can in no way lead to this, for there can be no good from the evil one. Many people only get worse from "treatment" by occultists, the diseases that they tried to cure with the help of occult methods begin to progress, chronic diseases that have been dormant for decades appear in an acute form, completely new, sometimes incurable diseases appear.

As I said, both baptized and unbaptized people are sent to be baptized. Sometimes, having learned about a person's desire to be baptized again, it is possible to turn him away from committing such a grave sin. But for the sake of achieving the goal, some are deceived and are baptized again. Sometimes occultists themselves instruct their clients not to say that they have already been baptized. There is a clear sinful act of both the occultists themselves and their visitors. In addition, a person who has come for baptism, even if he has not been taught to deceive a priest and has not yet been baptized, has an incorrect, distorted opinion about the sacrament of baptism (as well as about other sacraments). Such a person, not without the participation of an occultist, thinks that baptism will surely relieve him of all problems, heal from diseases, remove damage, the evil eye, bring good luck, and even instantly make him rich. It is quite clear to a churched person that this is far from the case, and baptism is not a cure for all diseases and does not lead to a solution to all the problems described. But the fact of the matter is that churchgoers almost never become clients of occultists. On their bait of "holiness" unchurched people get their knowledge of church sacraments, canons and traditions not from the Law of God and the catechism, but from tabloid, occult newspapers and magazines and TV shows like "The Battle of Psychics".

Thus, considering the "doctrine of rebaptism" from the position Orthodox faith, we come to the conclusion that this desire or action is sinful, because it is a voluntary acceptance of the devil's suggestion, and from the standpoint of church canons, it is simply unacceptable. In addition, repeated baptism does not save a person from the above problems, does not solve his everyday and financial difficulties, but on the contrary, as an obviously sinful and blasphemous action, only adds sorrows and worries.

From the occult "doctrine of re-baptism" follows the opinion that the change of name guarantees a person the futility of the efforts of sorcerers and magicians, causing damage to him, the evil eye, etc. You could even say that they are interconnected. I will not find out what appeared earlier - "chicken or egg", but I remember that people began to turn to churches with a request to change their name much earlier than with a request for re-baptism. What is the essence of this occult belief about the benefits of changing the name? Occultists claim that a person's name is used in magical rites. This action, apparently, is similar to the remembrance of Christians by name during divine services. A priest, making a bloodless sacrifice, performing a prayer service or a requiem, commemorates the living or deceased members of the Church by name, praying for their health or repose. It seems that a similar action is performed by an occultist during magical rituals. But, instead of calling on God in prayers, the devil is called here. These can be simple conspiracies using a person's name, or magical ceremonies and rituals that are much more complex in their structure, up to human sacrifices.

According to ancient magical beliefs, with the help of names, you can subdue spirits or get rid of their influence. It is this formula that bears in the reading of conspiracies that contain the names of fallen spirits. Reading a conspiracy, a person enters into direct communication with the demon, calls him by name. And if the conspiracy is read "on any person", i.e. with the pronunciation of his name, then, according to the same magical belief, it is possible to establish control over a person or a certain magical effect on him. In fact, a person or an occultist, reading a conspiracy or performing a certain magical ritual, asks the demon, whose name he calls, to influence the person in relation to whom the magical action is performed. This action is the basis of all magical rituals. It would be quite logical to assume that this was the "technique" used by demons in relation to the Lord Jesus Christ, whom they called by name. This "trick" obviously had no effect, for the demons had no power over the Savior, but, on the contrary, asked not to torture them: "What do you care about me, Jesus, the Son of the Most High God?" I conjure you by God, do not torment me ”(). From the Gospel account of the healing of the demon-possessed Gadarene, we know that the demons, at the command of the Savior, left the unfortunate man and entered the flock of pigs, which immediately threw themselves off the cliff into the sea: “And all the demons asked Him, saying: send us into the pigs, so that we can enter them. Jesus immediately allowed them. And the unclean spirits went out and entered the pigs; and the herd rushed from the steepness into the sea, and there were about two thousand of them; and drowned in the sea ”(). Thus, we can say with confidence that without the special permission of God, demons cannot even enter pigs, let alone a man. Without the permission of God, demons can neither enter into a person, nor leave him, or even harm him in any way. Therefore, knowing the name cannot give power over a person. Accordingly, the occult doctrine of the name change must be recognized as untenable. Let a person have at least ten names, but knowing all of them does not give him any power over him, if there is no permission from God. An Orthodox Christian who lives according to the commandments of God, who is under the blessed protection of church sacraments, is not afraid of any damage, evil eyes, generic curses and other occult filth. The Lord Himself protects it! And if you get carried away with such beliefs, then the Lord can really let go of sorrows, sickness and many problems. Therefore, an Orthodox Christian should have a negative attitude towards any occult teaching, for it is demonic. “What does light have to do with darkness? What is the agreement between Christ and Beliar? " (Cor. 6: 14-15). An Orthodox Christian should not be subject to demonic teachings!

But I wonder why the occultists send their clients to the temple? The answer is simple. According to the tradition of the Orthodox Church, the name is given to a person on the eighth day from birth. For this, the priest reads a special prayer for naming a name. Because this good tradition is now undeservedly forgotten, and many people simply do not know about its existence, this prayer is read immediately before baptism. In the Orthodox Church, there is also a pious tradition of giving a name to a child in honor of one of the saints of God. This saint is considered the heavenly patron of a person, to whom he will resort for prayer help throughout his life. In follow-up morning prayers, which every Orthodox Christian reads, having risen from sleep, there is a prayer for the invocation of the saint, whose name you bear. It seems that every church-going Orthodox Christian prays with special zeal to his saint. Occultists who teach about the benefits of changing the name cannot but know about all this. Therefore, they send people to the temple. Giving a name is a common practice for a priest during baptism. But the naming of a name occurs only once in a lifetime, just as baptism occurs once.

What happens when a person falls under the influence of the occult "doctrine of the change of name"? In fact, a person neglects not only his own name, which his parents gave him, but also neglects his saint, after whom he is named. Instead of calling on his heavenly patron for help in difficult moments of his life, a person begins to run around fortune-tellers and psychics in search of a "magic wand" that will instantly relieve all problems. In fact, the "doctrine of name change" carries the same blasphemous function as the "doctrine of rebaptism." But from the occultists, acting at the instigation of the devil, nothing else can be expected. It is a pity that many people fall under their pernicious influence. As I said, all these are the fruits of spiritual illiteracy.

Another fruit of the spiritual ignorance of some people is the desire to be baptized again for a seemingly good purpose. At the beginning of the article, I have already cited one example when some people, baptized in childhood, but who have lived in sin for a long time and at some point have come to believe in God, want to be re-baptized in order to get rid of the bondage of sin and cleanse themselves from sinful filth. Well, the wish is very good and commendable. The baptismal font really washes away all the sins of a person who, having repented of his sinful life, expresses a desire to live in Christ. For him, baptism becomes a sacrament that cleanses from sinful filth and gives an opportunity for a new, spiritual life. And an already baptized Orthodox Christian, in order to cleanse himself of his sins, must resort not to re-baptism (which is generally unacceptable under any circumstances), but to another saving church sacrament - the sacrament of repentance, confession. During confession, a person is forgiven his sins, the Holy Spirit acts at this moment on him. And the priest, according to the promise of God, “Truly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth, it will be bound in heaven; and what you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven "() reads a special prayer of permission over a person. Through confession, the sinned person continues (or begins) his path to God.

I would like to remind the reader that re-baptism is for Orthodox Christian impossible under any circumstances. This saving sacrament is performed once in a lifetime and is a birth for spiritual life in Christ. Well, and how each of us lives it, let the Lord judge. May God give us all reason to understand His holy will and discern demonic wiles, which in modern world great variety!

Many parents decide to baptize their child as early as infancy. There is an opinion that the sooner the baby learns the Church and God, the sooner the guardian angel will begin to protect him.

What is the sacrament of baptism?

The child must be baptized. First of all, it is the rebirth of a person. They immerse the body in water three times, while addressing the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. On a sinful earth, a person dies, but appears and is reborn for eternal life... There is an opinion that if a person has not passed this mysterious rite, he cannot calmly attend church.

As a result, it turns out that at baptism, a person is saved from everything evil and unclean. From that moment on, the guardian angel does not leave people, but follows them everywhere. Even if a person has trouble, it means some kind of warning. Then you need to stop and think about what you are doing wrong.

Many are interested in whether it is possible to baptize a child without godparents. After all, not every person has such friends who can be trusted with the fate of their baby. For some reason, each church has different answers. Let's talk about everything in order.

At what age to baptize a child?

Almost all parents think about this immediately after the birth of a baby. We figured out what the baptism of a child is. What else do you need to know? Parents often wonder at what age a child should be baptized. There are absolutely no restrictions for this.

There is an opinion that it is best to baptize a baby as early as possible. The church accepts children from the first days of life. Sometimes there are cases that the baby was born weak, and he needs help. Then the priest is asked to come directly to the hospital to the mother and the baby. Often, after baptism, the baby quickly recovers.

As for the mother, after giving birth, she should not visit the temple for 40 days. A little toddler needs a loved one at the time of the sacrament of baptism. Therefore, parents baptize the child when the mother can attend church, that is, on the 41st birthday of the baby.

If the parents trust their little gods, then it is better to christen him without a mother on the eighth day. It was at this age that Jesus was given over to the service of God. As it became known, in any case, the baptism of the child must take place. What you need to know about age is described in the article. Now you need to figure out what is needed for this sacrament.

Preparing baptismal supplies

First of all, a cross is needed, which indicates that the child has passed the necessary rite. By tradition, it is given by the godfather. Today there is a large selection of cross stitches. These can be purchased at the temple. Crosses can be as simple as silver or gold. If they are bought in a simple store, then before the ceremony, they must first be consecrated.

The godmother purchases a kryzhma (a special towel for baptism) in advance. They don't sell it in the temple. As a rule, parents choose clothes for baptism. It should be made of soft, pleasant fabric. Remember that the godparents will undress and dress the baby before and after the ceremony. Therefore, clothes should be such that they can be easily removed and put on.

Kryzhma is a child's relic that will last a lifetime. Therefore, it must be made of high quality material. There is an opinion that there is an invisible force in the Crimea, which helps to heal in case of diseases. If your baby is not feeling well, then take out a baptismal towel and wipe off the baby after bathing in the evenings.

If you are wondering if it is possible to baptize a child without godparents, the answer is yes. That is, this does not mean that the baby will not have anyone. Godfathers can be chosen by the father.

Baptism of a child

The rules are the same everywhere. Previously, parents were not allowed into the church for baptism. Today it is impossible to cross the threshold of the temple only to the mother. The father, on the other hand, can film the entire ceremony that takes place with his child. If you do not have a suitable pair, ask the priest if it is possible to baptize a child without godparents. The priest will tell you where to find suitable parents for this rite.

Parents with babies need to appear for baptism ahead of schedule. The child must get used to the atmosphere. Then he will be calm and easily endure the sacrament.

At the time when it is time to enter the temple, the godmother should bring the boy, and the father - the girl. The child should be placed in a specially designated place for babies and undressed completely. Sometimes it is allowed not to remove the diaper. Then the godparents wrap the little man in a canopy.

When the dressing procedure is completed, the godparents bring the baby to the font for the ceremony. The priest reads prayers, and the godparents must repeat some words after him. Father tells everything, so don't worry. At the moment of prayer to the godparents, it is necessary to repeat the renunciation of the devil three times. Before God, they vow to fulfill all the commandments and take care of the godchild.

After reading the prayers, the water is consecrated, in which the priest dips the baby three times. Sometimes it just gets my head wet.

Surprisingly, children do not get sick after such a ceremony. After all, water is holy, it can even heal a sick person.

Then the priest cuts the child's hair with a cross, and the parents carry the child around the font 3 times. Only after that, the godmother and father dress the baby and carry it to the parents. This is how the rite of baptism of the child ends. The rules are the same in every temple.

Is baptism possible without a godmother?

Every priest can answer this question. If you baptize a boy, then he must definitely have a mentor who will replace his father. Therefore, he needs a godfather.

As for the girl, she needs a mentor when her mother is not around. So she needs a godmother. Choose a second mother for your daughter consciously. The girl must trust her and be able to ask her godmother for help at any time.

Now you know the answer to the question of whether it is possible to baptize a child without a godmother. However, there is an opinion that the church should take care of every person. Even if there are no godparents, they should not deny the child Baptism.

Is it possible to baptize a child in absentia?

As mentioned earlier, children and their parents undergo the sacrament of baptism. They read prayers, take vows. That is why there should be no baptism in absentia. After all, if a person is not next to the child during the ceremony, does not hold him in his arms, he cannot rightfully be considered a godfather or mother.

If you have no loved ones to whom you can entrust your child, go to the priest and ask for help. He will not refuse you. The priest can offer strangers for baptism, so that the ceremony takes place according to tradition. If you do not agree, then the priest himself may well become a father before God to your baby. In this case, baptism will take place, then godparents are not needed. The father will christen the baby, only the ceremony will be a little different.

What godparents need to know

If you have decided to take this step consciously, then you must understand all the responsibility that falls on your shoulders. This does not mean that you should only celebrate once a year at your baby's birthday. Godparents are obliged to spiritually educate their son or daughter.

After the baby is baptized, you become the closest person to him after biological parents. Even grandparents fade into the background. You must understand that if a trouble happened to the biological parents, the godparents are obliged to take care of and continue the upbringing. In no case should you renounce your godson. This is a great sin.

Parents who have made a commitment to God should instruct the child on the true path, help him in difficult moment both morally and materially. Try to teach your child to pray. He must know the commandments of God and keep them.


In the article, we tried to figure out whether it is possible to baptize a child without godparents. Now you know that the church accepts any person.

However, remember that your child's godparents must be baptized. Not everyone understands why children are baptized, what it is for. Remember, God can help when the sacrament of baptism of a child has passed. From that moment on, the guardian angel is near and helps to overcome difficulties.

What do you need if you decide to accept the sacrament of Baptism or to baptize a child?

NS Before planning the date of the sacrament of Baptism, in order to avoid refusal to perform this Sacrament, please pay attention to the following:

I. Conversations

According to decree(click the link) Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, baptized(from 7 years old), and also,godfather and parents child needs to pass free conversations (at least two) .

If someone does not want to prepare for Baptism, if they want to “just baptize the child (or be baptized) as before,” then one should think ... why? Baptism only makes sense when a person radically changes his life, when a child is introduced to church life. It is noticed that people who are baptized, but not enlightened, fall into even greater sins than even those who are not baptized, and "for that person the last is worse than the first." (Gospel of Luke chapter 11, verses 24-26).

In our temple conversations held regularly , according to the schedule

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday - 1 conversation - 13.00, 2nd conversation - 16.30

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - 1 conversation - 16.30, 2nd conversation - 13.00

  • Attention! If The baptism is planned to be performed in our church, and the conversations were held in another church, then one of the parents child, (as a rule, they live near our temple), we still ask come to our temple for any of the conversations they find convenient to test their level of knowledge. The same applies to those who have already had conversations in our church, but it was a very long time ago (more than six months). The requirements for the level of training in our temple can be found below.

II. Homework is given in our temple at the end of the 1st conversation (which is necessarily checked at the 2nd conversation):

  1. Understanding every word from prayer "Symbol of Faith"(Orthodox Niko-Tsaregrad) and reading the text itself without mistakes.
  2. General understanding of the teachings of Jesus Christ. This requires read the Gospel of Matthew(Orthodox in synodal translation), and also, in writing make upnot less than five questions on the "dark" passages from the Gospel.
  3. Pass the Confession, (that is, to repent of their sins), from a priest in any temple of the Russian Orthodox Church.In our temple, Confession can be done dailybutin the evening after18.30 and, also, in the morning, after the Divine Liturgy (except for the period of summer holidays and the period of Great Lent, when in the evening the Confession may be canceled).
  1. In case of failure homework, will have to come to us again and again, until a person honestly not prepare to participate in the sacrament of Baptism, (including as godfathers or parents of the child).

III. Baptism

  • Date of Baptismdiscussed during the last conversation.
  • Our baptism is performed on a voluntary basis donation(including completely free).
  • Usually in our templebaptize two people at a time... But they can baptize and individually if about it warn in advance , when registering for Epiphany.
  • Over women NOT it is supposed to be baptizedduring your period or within 40 days after the baby is born,except in special cases.The same rule applies to the godmother or parent, that is, during the period of uncleanness, they cannot take part in the Baptism of the child.

IV. Epiphany Memo (what you need to take with you):

1. Child's birth certificate(passport) or their photocopy. It is given before the beginning of Epiphany in the temple behind the window of the candle box.At the end of Baptism, the documents can be taken back together with a new document - the certificate of Baptism.

Documents are required to make an entry in the temple book with proof of identity: who, when and by whom was baptized. This book is kept and, if necessary, you can always confirm that a person is really baptized.

2. TOrestick with ribbon or chain. (Such a cross can always be purchased at the icon store at any church).

3. Baptismal kit: shirt / shirt / undershirt - the main thing is that the clothes are clean and light. (The priest puts on the person to be baptized after immersion, and in the future, as a shrine, it should be thrown away it is forbidden ).

4. Towel to wipe off lightly after diving.

5. Select patron saint name and write down the date of his memory. (

*6. D for immersion: men - swimming trunks, women - a swimsuit, babies - nothing. You can also wear a shirt for diving (but not baptismal). (There is a dressing screen in the Chapel). In the future, all this is like a shrine to throw away it is forbidden.

*7. Slippers(preferably slippers) to stand during Epiphany.

5. In what cases you CANNOT become godparents (the most common cases are considered):

  • In absentia, because godparents need to personally participate in the sacrament of Baptism. In the same way, you cannot participate in the sacraments of Communion or Wedding in absentia.
  • B l and the closest relativesbaptized:father or mother.
  • For married couples the same person being baptized, as well as, potential spouses,because having become godfathers, according to an established tradition, they do not have the right to create a family with each other, since spiritual ties are incompatible with marital ties.
  • For the same reason , spouse, including potential, the most baptized... (The same rule applies to baptized).
  • Teenagers up to 14 years old (in some cases even older).
  • The mentally ill.
  • Not baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church or in the Local Orthodox Churches.
  • NS ravoslav baptized, butnot recognizing Russian Orthodox Church led by our patriarch (freethinkers, schismatics, sectarians and others).
  • Orthodox baptized, who recognize our Russian Orthodox Church, but non-christian... Especially those living in such grievous sins as abortion,unregistered marriage, adultery and other forms of fornication, drug addiction, gambling addiction, drunkenness,recourse to magic, blasphemy, murder, attempts at suicide, incitement to the above sins, denial of any provisions on the Christian faith from the prayer "Symbol of Faith", as well as those living in other grave sins... (But you can repent of them with an Orthodox priest in Confession and never commit them again... In such cases, you can become godparents).

Edited by Priest Sergiy Ayupov.

In the New Testament, the thought is clearly traced: only those who believe are to be baptized. Scripture says that salvation is solely through faith in Christ. Romans 10: 9 says: ... If baptism were the final salvation mechanism, then we would be guilty of baptizing unbelievers.

Here are some of the misunderstood scriptures:

1. Acts 2:38 "Peter said to them: repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins ...". The key to forgiveness is repentance, not baptism. Baptism identifies the believer with Christ in much the same way that circumcision symbolized God's relationship with the Old Testament saints. Circumcision did not save, but faith did. "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him for righteousness."(Rom. 4: 3). Baptism does not save, it reflects what has already happened in the heart.

The Jews knew the baptism of John, as well as the conversion of the Gentiles to Judaism through water immersion, but certainly not the baptism in the name of Jesus. Peter explained the essential difference "Baptism in the name of Jesus Christ"... Being baptized in the name of Christ was a radical step. Unlike the current state of affairs in America, then this could lead to the loss of relatives, social status, and work. The person who was baptized took his transformation seriously. Then the words of Jesus were correctly understood: "But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father in Heaven"... (Matt. 10:33)

2. Another misunderstanding is found in 1 Peter 3:21, "Likewise, baptism similar to this image now also saves us by the resurrection of Jesus Christ." . "A promise to God of a good conscience" means we turn away from sin and turn to God.

Again, I am in no way minimizing the significance of baptism; Jesus instituted this important ordinance (Matt. 28:19). If the Bible teaches renewal through baptism, then I accept it, but this teaching minimizes the importance of Christ's death and diminishes God's redemptive work by adding “our” work to it. Instead of stating what Christ has accomplished, salvation is thus tied to what we have done (baptized).

Consider this: Is the sacrificial death of Jesus enough? The answer is either yes or no. The theory of the necessity of baptism, albeit subtly, still hints that "no".

Please do not misunderstand me; I don't want to stir up controversy. My heart's desire is to give Christ His rightful place in salvation. If baptism is essential to salvation, then why did the apostle Paul say: "Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the Gospel"?

What is the root of our desire to be baptized, because unbelievers do not have it? This is the result of a right relationship with God after conversion. This is why I do not believe that babies should be baptized in order to save them. If parents wish to consecrate their child to God as a confirmation of their covenant with Him, then I welcome it.

Romans 1: 18-20 says that God's wrath is revealed against anyone who suppresses the truth with unrighteousness. From the creation of the world, the invisible eternal power and divinity of God is clearly manifested, for all this is visible in everything that was created by God. And therefore there is no excuse for people in the evil they do. Guilt involves responsibility - "There is no excuse for people" because God's features are clearly visible; they testify to the Creator.

Although babies have original sin, I still don't think that "There will be no excuse for them"... The judgment is based on what a person has done with the truth - people will be responsible for their choice. This is why theologians such as John Piper do not believe that babies go to hell. And I agree with them, because a baby cannot answer God's call in any way. This is consistent with the nature and character of God. For example, 2 Samuel 12:23 says that David will see his child again. Let me remind you that this child was conceived as a result of adultery.

3. Another misunderstood verse is Mark 16:16. "Whoever believes and receives baptism will be saved, and whoever does not believe will be condemned.". Here Jesus connects condemnation with unbelief, not baptism. The word “believe” is used 43 times in the Book of Revelation and has nothing to do with baptism. If both factors were needed for salvation, then both would be mentioned equally.

In addition, Matthew 11:20 says, "Then He began to rebuke the cities in which His might was most manifested, because they did not repent."... And Luke 13: 3 states: “… I tell you… if you don’t repent, you will all perish as well”... Repentance (turning from sin and turning to the Lord) is the key. Just ask someone who has actually experienced God's redemptive work — they were filled with the Spirit of God and loved His word even before they were baptized. This kind of love for God is not typical of unbelievers.

In Acts 22:16 Paul taught: "... be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord Jesus"... Calling on the name of the Lord - this is repentance, which washes away from sins, and not water immersion.


What about the criminal on the cross? He was not baptized. What if a person turns to God a minute before a fatal car accident, on the way to baptism, or on his deathbed, or a second before an airplane crash? Are they lost for eternity? Of course not. Remember Romans 10: 9: "For if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."... His completed work on the cross was and is enough.

Shane Idleman - Founder and Senior Pastor of the Congregation Westside Christian Fellowship in Lancaster, California, Los Algeles. Recently I published my seventh book, “Thirst for More from God”.

As a kind of obligatory ceremony. Since the baby lives in an Orthodox country, then he must be baptized immediately after birth. At the same time, they do not think about what the baptism of a child is really for.

A bit of history

Baptism, that is, immersion of a person who wishes in water is a very ancient ritual. It has been known since pre-Christian times. John the Baptist preached and baptized on the banks of the Jordan, and the people of Israel were not at all surprised at this. They came and confessed their sins, repented, wanted to become better, and as a sign of this washed themselves in the waters of the Jordan. At the same time, immersion in water was only a symbol. After the Resurrection of Christ and the founding Christian Church on the feast of Pentecost, everything changed. Now this is not just a formality, but a sacrament during which a new Christian enters the Church. In ancient times, it was perfectly clear to everyone what the baptism of a child was for. After all, the whole society was religious, everyone went to church, prayed, participated in the sacraments. We can say that church life, the rhythm of religious holidays were the core of the entire life of society. After the revolution, any church sacraments began to be treated in a completely different way.

Now, while performing the sacrament and the rite of baptism of an infant, parents greatly risked their social status and even freedom. Churches were closed, and children at school were actively taught atheism. Now going to church is not dangerous, but not everyone understands why it is necessary. It is not clear to most of what the baptism of a child is for, why come to service on Sunday, why pray, whether it is necessary to get married.

Are there any children who are better off not baptized?

(opinion of Deacon Andrei Kuraev, Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov and some other priests)

It turns out that there are such children. A baby is a sinless being, but as it grows, sin will be closer to the baby. Believers mom and dad will teach their child what sin is and how to overcome it. And unbelieving parents cannot and will not want to do this. They will not take him to church, to Sunday school (they would rather prefer a pool), they will not explain who God is and how He needs to pray. After baptism, the baby is provided with tremendous opportunities for spiritual growth, but he cannot use them on his own, without the help of adults. If the parents do not understand why the baptism of a child is needed, they are not at all familiar with the basics of faith, if the crumbs do not have Orthodox godparents who are ready to take on their upbringing, these opportunities will remain unused. Therefore, it is better not to baptize the children of atheists. Not all priests hold this opinion, but it is quite common.

Is it all that serious?

During baptism, a person interacts directly with angels and demons. He renounces demons, joins the angels in his desire to serve God. Baptismal prayers, in which the denial of the devil occurs, is read by the priest on behalf of the baptized person, in this case the child. Any Orthodox understands that a baby who has renounced demons should regularly receive communion, parents and godparents should pray for him. The child must have a cross, and the room where he lives must have icons. All this will protect the baby. But people who do not understand why a baby is baptized and what happens during it leave the baby unprotected. He is baptized, but he may never become a convinced Christian, and for all the sins he commits, he will give an account. Therefore, perhaps, parents should be more careful about the issue of baptizing their children. Perhaps it would be wise and honest to decide not to baptize?