
Wallpaper for a small hallway in the apartment. What wallpaper to choose for a narrow and small hallway

Herbs in the garden

First of all, entering the visit to other people, you fall into the hallway, or, as it is still accepted, in the corridor. It is through it that we go to other rooms and facilities. And, as not to say, and the first impression of guests in the guests are precisely how neat and presentable is this space.

Hall - face of an apartment

In this regard, there is one problem: how carefully you would not relate to maintain purity, in any case dust and street dirt will always remain a problem number one in this room.

That is why one of the most important tasks is the right choice of wallpaper for the corridor. Given the weather I. climatic conditions Our country, where frequent rains, snow, slush, and, as a result, mud on the streets, it is necessary to think very carefully before doing the finish and start glue the wallpaper in the hall corridor.

What wallpaper to shove in the corridor? We consider options

Given all the above, it immediately sues the conclusion that the mixing wallpaper will be needed in the corridor. In addition, it is desirable that they are moisture-resistant. The hallway is such a place in which you have to do often clean. That is why the wall covering should also be appropriate.

Without a doubt, those materials that have low moisture resistance, and in general, low durability should not be used. So what wallpaper to choose for a corridor? The answer is simple: those that can serve for a long time, taking into account the complex conditions of their operation.

Vinyl - one of successful options For hallway

An example of such a coating are vinyl wallpapers. Today, many manufacturers in their photocatalogs offer a wide range of colors vinyl wallpaper on a fliesline basis. In addition, they are characterized by a variety of textures, patterns and drawings. It is the blades from Vinyl that are an example of washing moisture-resistant wallpapers. At the same time, their price can also be different, thanks to which any buyer will be able to choose exactly what suits him on the basis of the cost criterion.

How to glue combined wallpapers in the corridor

In cases where you do not want or, for some reasons, you cannot glue moisture-resistant washable wallpapers on all walls, there is a possibility of combining different ideas In the interior design. Often the combination is carried out according to the principle: darker bottom and brighter top. This is a very successful idea from the point of view of practicality, since the lower parts of the walls are always more exposed to pollution.

Accordingly, the lower plot can be saved with moisture-resistant washing wallpaper, and the upper - by any, if desired. In addition, an interesting option for the corridor is pastry of the particulate wallpaper, canvas in flower and having a multicolored contrast ornament.

Cheerful flower with a threshold will raise the mood

If domestic animals live you at home, it makes sense to choose such a combination of wallpaper, in which some areas will be placed with special anti-vandal wallpaper, which can withstand the effects of cats and dogs.

Some of the most popular corridor in the interior are bamboo wallpapers. They are distinguished by a high level of moisture absorption. However, you should not glue them yourself. On the other hand, interesting opportunities appear for the design of the apartment of the apartment with various wallpaper with companguons, which complement each other and are successfully combined. As a rule, in such embodiments, it is better to choose the wallpaper of various colors, it is possible at all - contrasting.

Helpful advice! You can combine bamboo wallpaper in the corridor according to the principle of zoning, when one or more parts of the room are allocated under certain objectives. At the same time, more grate wallpaper is desirable to glue in those places that are less susceptible to pollution. The combination of different colors, as well as wallpapers with different operational characteristics, will be not only beautiful and attractive, but also very practical.

By the way, in the interior of the corridor with combined wallpapers, various design items will look great, which will be able to diversify the interior:

  • Pictures and reproductions.
  • Photos with monochrome frames.
  • Other complementary design details.

By the way, among other varieties of wallpaper, the so-called liquid wallpaper are quite popular. On the one hand, they are absolutely not similar to the classic and all familiar canvas in rolls, and resemble decorative plaster rather.

Liquid wallpaper are good for the corridor

On the other hand, liquid wallpapers are a very attractive option, since it is fairly easily applied and are resistant to pollution. In addition, they are characterized by a wide variety of colors. In case of damage to a separate section of the wall, they are easily repaired, having made all the work with their own hands. Moreover, unlike traditional rolled cloths, the result of repair on liquid wallpaper It will be absolutely imperceptible.

Ideas for the selection of wallpapers in the corridor

Generally before talking about different options colors should be noted that the main condition for better choice Wallpaper in the apartment corridor is the correct selection of the material. He must have such qualities as:

  • Resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Good maintainability.
  • The possibility of cleaning and regular wet washing.

Although, of course, the correct selection of color is also important. It is about this that we will talk to a little lower.

What color is the best glued in the corridor

Immediately, I would like to clarify that when choosing a color for wallpapers in the corridor, it is advisable to be guided by several rules at once. First of all, it is necessary to repel from what size and form has the place itself. So, if the corridor is quite narrow, then dark tones will make it even more gloomy and visually small. Therefore, in such cases it is recommended to stick a brighter tone or combination of shades. In addition, it is possible to use small patterns and ornaments that visually expand space space.

Combination can make a corridor spacious

It should be remembered! Vertical stripes on the wallpaper "increase" the ceiling height, but several "narrow" it. If you decide to make a choice in favor of wallpapers in a strip of horizontal orientation, this will help create the illusion of wider space, but the ceiling will seem lower, as if hanging above the heads. It is also not very recommended to apply annoying bright shades. They are permissible only when combining or fragmentary in the details of the interior.

What color and style is better to choose

As for the choice of color, then you have 2 options:

  1. Use one-photo wallpaper.
  2. Combine various colors.

In addition, there is a possibility to select the surface texture. It is she who largely determines the style of the room. So, you can purchase the wallpaper "under the brick" and "under the stone", and in addition, imitating such surfaces like natural wood, leather and cloth.

So what color is better to use? If your corridor is quite narrow, and its area is small, then the best one will be the choice in favor of lighter wallpaper options. Pay attention to the following colors: white, beige, light gray, blue, salad, as well as their shades.

Light, cheerful tones give airiness to a small space

And there is also the possibility of combining various shades and create combinations from different colors using striped wallpapers, or simply canvas of contrasting color, for example, black and white.

In addition, both wallpapers are fitted with images, as well as small ornaments, with motley, red, blue and white color. At the same time, in small and narrow room It is not recommended to use the wallpaper in a vertical strip, as this may visually reduce the already small area of \u200b\u200bthe corridor. In addition, to create an attractive interior, we advise you to take care of good lighting, because dim light also visually reduces the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. I wonder the transition from the corridor to the kitchen, which is often done with the creation of the arch, but without a door.

Arches and mirrors visually increase the space of the corridor

At the same time, if your corridor is wide and well lit, you can allow some dark tones to use. Of course, they should not be dominant in the interior, but it is quite acceptable to their fragmentary use. You can safely glue individual parts of green, brown or lilac colors.

Every house begins with the hallway. This place is less protected from dust and dirt from the street. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a solid and resistant lining of the walls. The most common material for these purposes is the wallpaper.

Since the walls in the corridor are constantly being contaminated from the street, from children and pets, with time, wallpapers are covered with drips, stains and drops. For this reason, choosing wallpaper for the hallway it is necessary to give preference to those covers that can be washed.

Waterproof wallpapers are three species, they can be distinguished by icons on the label.

Wallpapers, in which:

  • Icon with one wave - love careful care. Sleep up with a soft cloth of suede or microfiber;
  • The icon with two waves - moisture-resistant, while cleaning are wiping with a wet rag;
  • Icon with three waves - washable, care for them is allowed using cleaning products.

The vinyl wallpaper is a good solution for the hallway. They have a solid surface and resistant to mechanical effects. Their texture makes the imperceptible irregularity of the wall and prevents the appearance of cracks.

Fliselin is the basis of vinyl wallpaper. It makes them more resistant to breaking and resistant to fire.

It is also worth paying attention to the recently emerged liquid wallpapers. This is a dry mix that need to be diluted with water and apply onto the walls with a spatula. Such wallpapers have increased sound and thermal insulation, as well as for them very easy to care. Even for an entrance hall, glass boys are used, which can be painted in any color after they were stuck. You can repaint them at any time. Such wallpapers are resistant to the mechanical cleaning of the brush.

What wallpapers are suitable for hallway

Hall - the smallest room In the house, so it is necessary to very responsively approach the selection of a suitable shade and drawing.

Much depends on the design of the hallway. After all, this is the first thing that he sees the guest, entering the apartment. More information in the following material:

Wallpaper design can be different:

  • Monophonic;
  • With horizontal or vertical stripes;
  • With abstract patterns;
  • Textured.

How to choose a wallpaper for a small hallway: features

Before sticking the wallpaper in a small hallway, you need to make sure that they are harmonized with furniture and a shared home decor.

Wallpaper selection principles for little corridor:

  • Try to avoid unnecessary use of dark shades;
  • If possible, do not apply large drawings on the wallpaper;
  • To get rid of the sullave atmosphere in a small dark Hallway You need to use bright colors.

The main thing is not to overdo it with bright colors. It is better to take a few small samples of colors and pre-see how it will look in the overall interior. You can apply wallpapers combined in different colors to finish the hallway, that is, use a combination of two and more colors.

What color wallpaper to choose for an entrance hall

Choose the color of the corridor is not difficult if you know how different shades affect the person. Very bright, such as red or pink can contribute to fatigue, and sometimes even irritation. Good emotions accompanions yellow, and orange - contributes to the feeling of euphoria and raising the mood. Green has a soothing effect, but in some cases causes a sense of fatigue.

The wallpaper is perfect for the hallway of such colors:

  • Yellow;
  • Green;
  • Orange.

Consider that the lighting affects the perception of the color of the wallpaper. For this reason, before their acquisition, you need to take a sample and find out how it will look in the hallway and whether they are suitable for color. If the corridor is small, you should not glue the wallpaper with the images of a large size, it can visually reduce and so not very large hallway. Striped is also not desirable to use. To do this, select wallpaper neutral shades with a conventional ornament and pattern.

Combining wallpaper. The main rule is to combine the color correctly. About this our next material:

Decorative techniques: what wallpaper is better for the hallway

Do not necessarily issue a hallway ordinary wallpaper. To date, there is a lot of different and interesting decisions for every taste.

As an unusual decoration of the hallway, you can use:

  • Wallpaper combination;
  • Wall mural.

To make the hallway more cozy and practical can be used combined wallpaper. Light glue from above, and dark - bottom. The top, made in bright colors, adds lights and clearly expands the space, and the lowest bottoms made in the dark color most protects the surface from the effects of dirt. At the same time, it is necessary to choose the right color so that they are harmonized with each other.

The most optimal placement of photo wallpaper in the corridor is its long-distance part. Shades of warm tones can visually move the surface, and the cold shades of the panorama increase the space.

To make an unusual picture landscape, which will perfectly complement the design of the hallway, you need small photo wallpaper to put into the framework on one side of the corridor.

Visual change in space: which choose wallpaper

Many may not like their entrance hall. You can change the view of the hallway using wallpaper.

With the help of shook wallpapers in the hallway, you can:

  • Visually increase the space;
  • Reduce space;
  • Add light.

Wallpapers of cold color can visually expand the space. Saturated wallpaper or wallpapers with large patterns of non-lass shades make a room greater than. For the hallway, in which there are practically no light, the wallpaper combination is used. Bottom - dark, and from above - light. Thus, you will add light into the corridor and expand the space visually.

Wallpaper selection for hallway (video)

Choosing wallpapers for the hallway is a very responsible and interesting process. What wallpaper to buy is to solve only you. But the main thing is that the wallpaper liked and harmonized with the general mood of the house, and then it will become cozy and comfortable.

Wallpaper in the interior of the hallway (photo)

1. Monophonic wallpaper
What tone to choose for wallpaper? The simplest thing is to save the hallmarks of nonsense and non-smacks. Monophonic gray-brown options are suitable for almost any apartment. The main thing is to take into account the saturation of the color. If both wallpapers and the floor are dark, the plinth is better to make light - so the volume will appear in the hallway.

In the photo: Interior architects Maria Schubina and Anton Atlas.Project, photo 2016

2. Single wallpaper + bright decor
Like many universal and simple solutions, monophonic wallpaper is boring, so it is desirable to add bright in the interior decorative elements: Interactive doors, large mirrors, juicy shades accessories. Then everyone will stop paying attention to the boring wallpaper (which you actually achieve).

3. Single wallpaper + photos and posters
Neutral colors have their advantages. They, for example, are the perfect background for any decorative experiments. Especially good in this plane gray - almost any paints and forms are distinguished on its background. Organize on the deaf walls of the hallway a photo exhibition dedicated to summer journeys.

4. Deep colors
Black and white gamma is, of course, the classic, but this combination is a little cold. Complex, accurate colors will bring nobility and respectability to the interior. They look great in a pair with white moldings and plinths.

7. Light wallpaper + glossy facades + huge mirrors
If there is so little space in your hallway that furniture, doors and mirrors hide almost all the walls, then neutral light wallpapers will probably optimal decision. In combination with glossy facades and huge mirrors in the hallway there will be more light.

In the photo: Apartment on Belorusskaya in Moscow. Project 2016.

11. Mix of Dark and LightFinally, you can not choose between dark and light, but make a mix. So you not only make a variety, but also learn how to control the optical perception of space. Visually light walls "Move", dark - "approach".

12. Wallpapers + panels
Combine monophonic wallpaper and high wooden panels can also be. In the case of an entrance hall, it is also practical: the bottom, where the walls are always dirty, place the panel. They are much easier to wash than the wallpaper. In addition, the breakdown of the room horizontally makes the ceiling visually above.

14. Single wallpaper + prints + view management
Combining bright prints and monophonic sections, you can control the attention of the viewer, having fun in contrasts and non-trivial solutions. Bright yellow hallway sets up a fun way.

15. Striped Wallpaper for narrow corridor
Strip - expressive and bright pattern, which directly with the threshold sets the rhythm. Striped wallpapers are suitable for a narrow corridor - they will bring into a small and close hallway aura of English classic interior.

25. Dark strips, different textures
The dark wallpaper in the striped is also good - they look respectable and dramatically. Usually one of the bands in such a "soft", matte, and the second is a brilliant reflective light. This focus makes a volumetric pattern.

31. Expressive ornament
The hallway zone is a great place for a rhythmic recurring ornament, because here it is necessary to distract attention from interior doors and seasonal things. Dynamic print, volume and graphics as it is impossible by the way. Visual example - wallpaper in the apartment in the photo.

32. Bright prints
Do not be afraid of complex and intricate prints in the hallway. On the contrary, bright decisions will distract attention from some chaos in the input zone: several doors, diverse items that are not in place, a narrow corridor.

34. Thin lines
If you want to get more light and air in the hallway, it is better to choose the wallpaper with a thin air pattern on a light background. Such wallpapers look light, almost weightless, visually do not clutter the space, even if the drawing is large and complex.

37. A large drawing in a spacious hallway
You can bring comfort to the hallway and with the help of wallpaper with a bright background. But then the print must be a major, expressive, contrast. Find the balance between the actual volume of the hallway and the desired visual effect. Light background and thin drawing will make a hallway"Air" . Expressive printing and color contrast will bring comfort, but the feeling of space will take away.

38. White background + thin lines
Wallpaper in the hallway in the photo is an example of a competent balance. White background and thin lines add space, volume and air space. It is not scary that a large and very elegant print is used - there is no color contrast, and the openwork floral lip is not annoying.

Combining wallpaper

Despite the fact that the modern wallpaper market offers a lot of drawings and ornaments, many pasta walls with wallpaper still seems a boring solution. The situation can fix the combination, but this task needs to be approached responsibly, thinking through the combination and their impact on perception.

One of the most successful ways to combine wallpaper - Use for the bottom of darker shades for the bottom, and for the top - light. Thanks to the light top is achieved visual increase The premises, and the lower serves as protection, because there are not so visible spots and pollution. The transition between wallpaper decorate.

Often the opposite walls of the hallway are caught different wallpaper . Another technique also looks impurious: part of the room near entrance door Record with one type of wallpaper, the rest is other wallpaper. Sometimes the junction is organized.

The question remains open what wallpaper can be combined with each other. The most popular and interesting options:

  • combination of close shades or colors, for example, dark green and salad;
  • monthly wallpaper and wallpaper with a pronounced pattern, and preferably in close color tonality;
  • wallpapers in striped perfectly combined with monophonic canvases and wallpaper in the floral ornament;
  • wallpaper with geometric and abstract pattern Also perfectly complement each other;
  • wallpaper of one color and with different ornaments And, on the contrary, wallpapers with identical pattern, but different colors.

Wallpaper and disadvantages of the hallway

Of course, with the help of wallpaper it is impossible to turn a narrow entrance hall into square, but correctly selected colors, drawings and combinations will allow you to adjust the perception of the geometry of the room, and it will become more comfortable. Here are some simple rules:

  • opposite walls narrow hallway You can save different species wallpaper;
  • space near the door in narrow hallway And the rest of the walls is better to separate with different types of wallpaper. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to allocate visually two proportional spaces from one narrow hallway.
  • for small hallsexcept traditional monophonic light wallpapers, you can use wallpaper in a small pattern;
  • for low vests You can use the wallpaper with a vertical pattern, and it is not necessary to glue them traditionally - you can make a nest on the ceiling, visually continuing the wall.
  • Wallpaper with royal lilies, vensels and gilding, but this style is suitable for more or less spacious premises. If selected provence styleT. the best option A light wallpaper with a floral print will be. Small flower will also fit into the hallway in country stylewhere the wallpaper is also suitable in the cage and strip. Modern styles (High-tech and minimalism) cost without wallpaper, but if this type of finish is so necessary, then the best option will be one-picture wallpaper.

    In conclusion

    Taking into account all the subtleties, the choice of wallpaper for the hallway turns into a whole science. But everything is not so difficult, as it may seem the first time. The easiest way to consider several wallpaper options or their combinations for their hallway, and then choose the one that will maximize the requirements, fit into the style and hide the shortcomings.

The modern industry, which produces finishing materials, surprises in the field of interior decoration, offering new ideas for the original, functional design. Our disposal presents spectacular, universal solutions that are already dozens of years. One of these solutions - wallpaper!

This is the most triumphal version of wall decoration, used in most houses, apartments, shops, offices, restaurants, hotels. Wallpapers are very popular, it is not surprising, with their help you can radically change the character of any interior. What to choose wallpapers for hallway and corridor, photo interesting interiorsHow to pick up colors, a design for a small room, how to combine colors, patterns - these questions will be discussed in this article.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on the walls of the hallway?

Wallpaper is an excellent way to decorate any interior, get enough practical, easy to care. Manufacturers, creating modern samples, use innovative methods, technology. Modern wallpaper Extremely practical, decorative, have a lot of useful characteristics:

  • resistant to abrasion
  • available cleaning
  • possess waterproof properties.

Today it is not just a roll of decorative paper, beauty and aesthetics, but also a high level of functionality.

How to choose a wallpaper for an entrance hall, photo

Resistance to dirt, dust

Many believe that this type of wall finishing does not work in rooms such as an entrance hall, where they put dirty shoes, the floor and walls are subjected to pollution that you need to regularly delete. Today, it is possible to choose from a wide range of wallpaper designed for premises with special requirements (corridors, halls).

Of course, there is a fear that dirty shoes, a wet coat, jackets hanging on the wall, a bicycle, which lean on the wall or dirty paws, dog wool stain covered. High-quality waterproof wallpapers just wipe with a damp sponge so that they become clean again, and water flowing down from the upper clothes does not cause damage, as it does not absorb the wall, dries quickly.

Wealth Coloring, Designs

Another reason to decide on the use of wallpaper. The hallway is characterized by a specific design due to the role being performed. Often the owners of apartments decide to make the hall to continue the room in which he comes out, usually this is a living room, a kitchen. There will be no problems with this finishing material, it is easy to pick up in color, type to decoration of the walls of the living room, kitchen. There are also design options, imitating stone, wood, brick. Some additions, the corresponding lighting can make the room warmer, harmonious. In a huge sentence, everyone can find the type of wallpaper, ideally suitable as an ornament of the corridor.

Wallpaper in a small hallway - photo of finishing options

Advantages and disadvantages

Wallpaper on the walls of the hallway have a number of advantages that cannot be attributed to paint, other finishing materials:

  1. Models with a pattern, texture allow to hide disadvantages, irregularities, stains on the wall.
  2. Vinyl wallpaper or fiberglass give a coating with a long service life.
  3. Colors, decorative motifs do not cause restrictions, make it possible to easily choose them to the nature of the classic or modern interior.
  4. With the help of wallpaper, one of the walls can be separated, all the walls, niches.
  5. Protect the walls with a hanger for jackets from dirt.

Interesting options for finishing niches, cabinets in the hallway - Photo

However, this finishing material has drawbacks:

  1. this is a risky solution to the walls of the wall in the apartment where four-legged pets live;
  2. paper options are poorly leaving, quickly contaminated;
  3. poorly selected pattern, drawing, too dark color Violate the proportions of the interior.

What to take into account when choosing?

Walls of the hallway are atypical from the point of view of care, maintaining them in cleanliness requires effort. Choosing a wallpaper for a corridor, hallway, you need to take into account several important parameters. The surface must be:

  • wedge
  • dirt-resistant;
  • abrasion resistant;
  • sustainable damage.

The choice of the type of wall coverage for the corridor should not be the same as the choice for the kitchen, living room, bedrooms. It is from the very beginning to think about the preparation of the wall, the method of sticking, so that there is an opportunity in case of damage to be able to replace them. Some options require a primed base, others - no. Some require adhesion, others only need to moisten. This information is provided by manufacturers in the form of characters on the package.

What are the characters on the package?

Pattern sample is not important when you buy an option with a pattern and the need for its further comparison:

  • little patterns will provide low losses, the economical use of each roll;
  • large patterns give greater flow, more waste.

Wallpaper types, characteristics

It is necessary to distinguish the types of wallpaper. Below is a small classification with brief characteristic Each type.

  1. Vinyl - Widespread, have the following main characteristics:
    • the outer layer of vinyl, the substrate is paper;
    • washable, stable;
    • also used in kitchens;
    • do not require wall alignment;
    • weigh harder than paper;
    • widely used in public buildings;
    • non-flammable;
    • characterized by bacteriostatics;
    • sunday resistant;
    • inexpensive.
  2. From fiberglass
    • characterized by high mechanical, chemical strength;
    • walks of glass yarn;
    • pictures, imitating canvas;
    • the outer layer is characterized by fire resistance;
    • resistant to cracks, irregularities of walls (hide them);
    • located on the wall, act as a reinforcing grid;
    • provide proper microclimate;
    • may be painted during operation (without loss of properties);
    • popular solution in public buildings;
    • suitable for sticking on the walls, ceilings, furniture;
    • usually sold in white color;
    • durable.

What to choose for a small hallway and big?

Creating an aesthetic interior, you should remember - the space cannot be overloaded. Corridors and halls are the smallest room in the home, often narrow, long.

For small hallways, the corridors are better to choose wallpaper, helping to visually enlarge the room. Options are suitable:

  • without unnecessary patterns
  • monochrome
  • optimals are light, warm colors that promote the creation of a cozy interior.

It is important to carefully consider the decision not to achieve an undesirable optical effect. Imitation stone, tree, bricks will make space visually less. If you like brick, wood, it is advisable to choose the white options.

Popular solutions imitating various materials - Tree, concrete. They are very popular, positive effects contribute:

  • give the room a special charm,
  • curl pollution
  • hide the irregularities of the walls.

Wallpaper in a small hallway - Photo

What color choose, pattern, drawing?

The decision should be coordinated with the architecture of the rooms. It is important that the walls not only fit the design of the surrounding rooms if they are open, but also decorated the hall, which is a business card of the apartment.

A good choice for a small hallway - Wall mural, especially with a perspective, creating a 3D effect on a wall that gives a feeling of open space.

If the hallway is large enough, it is worth thinking about the design of walls with decorative drawing. Modern hallway often decorate decors with trendy patterns:

  • geometric,
  • vegetable
  • striped.

Photo modern decoration Scandinavian style walls

With this finishing material, interesting effects are obtained. Wide opportunities gives a simple striped pattern:

  • in a long corridor, horizontal stripes should not be used, it is desirable to choose a vertical or neutral pattern, helping to hide the incorrect persons;
  • longitudinal strips will make the corridor endless, as can be seen in the photo below.

The only wall suitable for using bands is the opposite walls of a small corridor, characterized by a small width. Then the strips are optically expanding the interior, as shown in the photo below.

Optically expand the room will help the longitudinal strips on the floor in the form of a rug, a stylish carpet.


Corridors, hallways - usually small spaces. A small, narrow hallway is difficult to equip. The arrangement becomes more difficult due to the presence of a set door openingswhich are inconvenient to be covered - closed, open. Therefore, the hallway, small or slightly more, worthy of special attention.

In the hallway, the wallpaper looks impressive, it is important to choose the right type, design. With the pattern to choose models or monophonic - depends on the size, the form of the room.

  • large flowers, geometric patterns look beautifully in spacious corridors, adding comfort;
  • in narrow room Large patterns emphasize the wrong forms.

Wallpaper - Great Idea to emphasize decorative niches in the wall. For proper choice They will ensure the interior comfort, style.