
Prayers Morning in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen


Each Orthodox Christian is obliged to pray daily, in the morning and in the evening, before consecuting and after biting food, before starting and at the end of all things. In the morning we pray to thank God for keeping us in the past night, ask for his father blessing and help for the day that began. In the evening, before bedtime, we also thank the Lord for a safely spent day and ask us to keep us during the night. To successfully and safely, the case was done, we must first of all ask God for blessings and help for the upcoming work, and at the end of God to thank God. To express our feelings to God and to the saints of his ascetic, the church is given to us different prayers.

Your first prayers

Prayer of the Holy Spirit

The king of the Heavenly, comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save, our souls.

Prayer for the Blessed Trinity

Most Holy Trinity, nice us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed our gentlemen, the name of yours for the sake.

Prayer of the Lord

Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will take away, and will be your will, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.

Symbol of faith

I believe in the One God's Father, the Almighty, the Creator of the Sky and the Earth, visible to all and invisible. And in the one-piece of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beefish, and from the Father Born himself before all century; Light from the light, the god is true of God is true, born, is irrelevant, the father is unique, right away. We are for the sake of a person and our sake of salvation of Szedshago from heaven and embodied from the Spirit of Holy and Mary of the Virgin, and in the smallest. Crucifago the same as Pilate, and the suffering, and buried. And resistant on the third day by Scripture. And it is worthwhile to heaven, and the stern father's father. And Paki Supilo with Glevai Sudiuti Alive and Dead, the Eagle Centers will not end. And in the Spirit of the Saints, the Lord, the life-gate, and from the father outgoing, and the Father and the Son of Spoklans and Svalivim, Glagolavsha, the prophets. In one, the Holy, Cathedral and Apostolic Church. Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins. The resurrection of the dead, and the life of the future century. Amen.

Virgin Devo

Virgin Devo, Having rejoice, the fertile mariye, the Lord with you; You are blessed in the wives and blessed the fruit of your womb, Yako Sava gave birth to our souls.

Worthy is

It is worthy to eat Yako Valitinna Bunitia, the Virgin, the courtesy and the presets and the mother of our God. Honestly cherub and a nornyless seraphim, without comparing Seraphim, without the evolution of God, the words rising, sowing the Virgin Major.

Sunday Song Reading Gospel

Resurrection of Christ Hosurev, we will bow to the Holy Lord Jesus, a single sinless. Your cross is paying yours, Christ, and the Holy Resurrection, we sing yours and Slavim: You bless our God, don't you know, if you do not know your name. Get, VSI Renius, bow to the Sunday of Christ. Resurrection: Be Coe to the cross with the joy of the world. Always blessing the Lord, sing the resurrection of him: the crucifixion of Bo Pretrapev, the death of the death of destroying.

Song of the Blessed Virgin

Majses my gentlemen's soul, and the spirit of my breath about the bose sacket is mine.
Chorus: A honestly cherub and a sorry without comparing Seraphim, without the evillation of God, the words rising, sowing the Virgin, the Major.
Yako the prize to humble the slaves, Beholde, be pleased with the MDSI.
Yako coat the greatness of the greatness, and his name is His, and His mercy in childbirth fearing him.
Schatvory Muscle Muscle, the rods are proud of their thoughts.
Nicely lowered with the throne, and ascended humble; Achuccia is of the goods, and bending the seizure.
The perception of Israel of his father-in-law, to remember the grace, the verb of the verb to our father, Abraham and his seed even before the century.

Prayer of the righteous Simeon God Drivers

Now let your slave, Vladyko, on the verb of yours with the world; Yako Viosa's eyes My salvation, Yezhu, prepared before the face of all people, the light in the revelation of languages, and the glory of the people of your Israel.

Psalm 50, repentable

Miscellaneous, God, in the greatness of your grace, and the many generaries of your cleanse of my lawlessness. Napa Oph Moon from my lawlessness, and from my sin of cleaning me; Yako lawlessness my Az know, and my sin one is for me there. You have a single sorry and deer before you coat; Jaco and justified your wonderch, and won the fraud is fraud. Beha Bo, in lawlessness they are conceived, and my mother is mine in Gresh. Che Bo, the truth loved the ESI; Listening and the secret wisdom of Tween Yalvi. Okropyishi, Issop, and clean; Omrochemisms, and smelling snow. Hearing my dasy joy and merry; The bones of the humble will rejoice. Write your face from my sin and my whole cleaning is clear. The heart is purely creating in me, God, and the Spirit of Rights upgrade in my womb. Do not reject me from your face and the Spirit of your saint, not by me. The joy of the joy of salvation of your and the spirit of the rule of law. We will teach the scientific way, and your dishusting will turn to you. Get rid of my blood, God, God's save my truth will rejoice in your truth. Lord, the mouth of my openings, and my mouth will praise your praise. I would like the victims, it would have raised the victims, would gave birth to unfortunately: all the offensions do not favor. The sacrifice of God is crushed; The heart is crushing and humbly God will not humiliate. Declauses, Lord, in favor of your Zion, and the Walls of Jerusalemsk will create. Then favor the victim of the truth, the permission and the discovered; Then your Tales will be laid on Olody.

The shortest prayer to the Mother of God

Most Holy Virgin, save us!
In this prayer, we ask God's Mother to save us, sinners, with his holy prayers before his son and God our God.

Prayer life-giving cross

Save, Lord, your people and bless your doctrine; The victories of the Orthodox Christian on the resistance granting, and your persistence of your residence.
In this prayer, we ask God to save us, His people, and blessed the Orthodox country - the Fatherland of Our Great Milutions; Gave the victory to Orthodox Christians over the enemies and, in general, retaining us with the power of the cross of his own.

Prayer Guardian Angel

The Angela of God, the keeper my holy, on keeping me from God with heaven given, diligently pray to you: you are going to enlighten, and from all slander, I will save to the good act and send the way to rescue. Amen.
Every Christian God gives the Guardian Angel, who invisibly protects a person from any evil. Therefore, we must ask for an angel every day to save and pardon us.
The prayer of the Holy Moli of God about me holy [holy] (name), Yako Az diligently for you to resort, the quick assistant and prayer (ambulance and prayer] about my soul.
In addition to the prayer to the Guardian angel, we must also pray to the saint, the name of which we are called, because it also prays about us about us. Each Christian as soon as he is born to the light of God, with holy baptism is given to the Holy Advisors and the patrons of the Holy Church. He takes care of a newborn as the most loving mother, and retains it from all the troubles and misfortunes who are found to man on earth. You need to know the day of memory in the year of your saint (the day of your name), know the life (description of life) of this saint. On the day of the name, we must glorify His prayer in the temple and take the Holy Communion, and if for any reason we cannot be in the temple on this day, it should be diligently pray at home.

Prayer for living

Save, Lord, and mowing my father's spirituality (his name), my parents (their names), the affinities, mentors and benefactors and all Orthodox Christians.
We must think not only about yourself, but also about other people, to love them and pray for them to God, because we are all the children of one Father of Heaven. Such prayers are useful not only to those whom we pray, but for us, since we show this love for them. And the Lord told us that no one could be children of God without love. We must pray for our fatherland - Russia, for the country in which we live, for the father of spiritual, parents, affixes, benefactors, Orthodox Christians and all people, both for the living and for the dead, because God is all alive (onions. 20, 38).

Prayer for the dead

God, Lord, the souls of the deceased slave of your (names) and all the departed affinities and benefactors of my, and forgive their all sinners, free and unwitting, and give them the kingdom of heaven.

Prayer before conching food

The eyes of all on the way, the Lord, and you are giving them to them in the express time: you are rejected by your own hand and execute any animal of favor (Psal. 144, 15 and 16, Art.).
In this prayer, we express confidence that God will send us food at one time, as it is not only people, but all living creatures gives everything necessary for life. Instead of this prayer before consecuting food, you can read the prayer of the Lord ("Our Father").

Prayer after biting food

We thank you, Christ God, Yako sat on the earthly wonts of us; Do not lish us and the celestial to your kingdom.
In this prayer, we thank God that he wrote us to food, and ask him to not deprive us on the death of our and eternal bliss, which we should always remember, getting earthly benefits.

Morning prayer

To you, Vladyko is humanituly, from sleeping, resort, and you will hurt your mercy, and pray for you: Pomping at all time in every thing, and get rid of me from all sorts of harees, and save me, and Enter your eternal kingdom. You boat my coenter and every good blessing and a submitter, about you all hope mine, and you reveal the glory now, and confessed, and forever. Amen.

Evening prayer

My God God, hedgehogped in the days of the Sea, the Word, Affairs and Thoroughness, Jaco, and a Physician, forgiveness; Miren Dream and Demonstrate Darui Mi; Angel of your keeper Ambassading and observing me from all slander; Yako, you are the keeper with souls and the body of our own, and you are ashamed of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Due to the weakness of our flesh, inattention to spiritual life, as well as many temptations of this world, in the evil of the lounge, " we are all sinful(Jacob 5: 2). Sins, like litter, accumulate in the human soul, agar of conscience and remove a person from God. Therefore, the soul must be cleaned with repentance. Ap. John theologian so talks about the power of repentance: " If we confess our sins, then he (Christ), being faithful and righteous, forgive our sins of our sins and cleanse us from all in the wrongness. If we say that we did not sin, we present it to false, and there is no word in us "(1 In 1: 9-10). During the confession, repentant in the presence of the priest tells God about his sins, and the priest on behalf of God lets his sins.

The sacrament of repentance has a powerful reviving force. The Lord himself promised the apostles and their receivers: " Who forgive sins, this is formed, on com, left, on that remain "(In 20:23). It is assumed that a person is sincerely, with pain in the soul, with the solid intention to fight the temptations and live a pious.

Preparing for confession, a person must remember his sins and pray to God so that he forgive him and helped to correct. For confessions are all sins, without self-defense or roller. The list of sins attached here can help the Christian to prepare for confession.

Mysterious and sensual sins. I sinned before you, Lord, thank you for your mercy, the oblivion of your commandments and indifferent to you. I siggled a little, doubt about faith and liberty. I sinned the superstition, indifference to the truth and interest in non-foolish creeds. I sinned with great and bad thoughts, suspicion and imperisibility. I sinned attachment to money and the subjects of luxury, passionate hobbies, jealousy and envy. Sorry and hind me, Lord.

He sinned with sinful thoughts, thirst for pleasures, spiritual relaxation. I was sinned with a dream, vanity and false shame. I sinned pride, contempt for people and arrogance. I was sinned by despondency, worldly sadness, despair and ropot. I sinned irritability, blind and gloating. Sorry and hind me, Lord.

Written in words. I sinned the tribal, unnecessary laughter and ridicule. I sinned the conversation in the temple, in the vain use of the name of God and the condemnation of the neighbor. I sinned the sharpness in words, welded, stinging remarks. I sinned the picky, the insult of the near and barraffsis. Sorry and hind me, Lord.

Sinned indecent jokes, stories and sinful conversations. I sinned with a ropot, violation of my promises and a lie. I was sinned by the use of graft words, insulting the neighbors and curses. I sinned the spread of flawed rumors, slander and denunciations.

Winning business. I sinned laziness, in vain spending time and unwilling worship. I sinned frequent desection on worship, negligent and scattered prayer and lack of spiritual burning. I sinned neglect of your family needs, disregard for the upbringing of my children and the failure of my duties. Sorry and hind me, Lord.

I sinned with vigorous, arrangement and violation of posts. I was sinned by smoking, abuse of alcohol drinks and the use of trustees. I sinned overly concern about my outfit, looking with lust, looking for obscene paintings and photographs. I was sinned by listening to violent music, listening to sinful conversations and indecent stories. I sinned seductive behavior, a robust and blob. I sinned with different sexual perversions and violation of married loyalty. I sinned love for money, hobbies with gambling and desire to get rich. I sinned the enthusiasm with my career and success, self-dedication and waste. I sinned a refusal to help in need, greed and misfortune. I sinned cruelty, worn, dryness and lack of love. I sinned deceit, theft and bribery. I sinned a visit to the fortune-up, calling the evil spirits and the execution of superstitious customs. Sorry and hind me, Lord.

I sinned outbreaks of anger, anger and a rough handling of neighbors. I was sinned by intransigent, revenge, arrogance and daring. I was sinned by a capricious, wayward and whimsical. I sinned disobedience, stubbornness and hypocrisy. I siggled with a careless appeal with sacred objects, sacredness and blasphemy. Sorry and hind me, Lord.

There is no sin that exceeds the mercy of God. The Lord only wants the man to disgust his soul from sin, having hated him. So the Lord calls us through the Prophet: " Omes, clean, remove your evil deeds from my eyes. "And a person, sincerely smoking, the Lord promises: " If your sins are like a bugger, as snowless snow, if you are red, like Purple, like a wave of slaughter "(Isaiah 1: 16-18).

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1 prayers Morning in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Glory to you, God, glory to you. The prayer of the Holy Spirit of the King Heavenly, the comforter, the soul of truth, the same everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from all sneakers, and save, failing, our souls. Holy Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, have mercy. (Three times.) Glory to Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and in the eyelids. Amen. Prayer for the Most Holy Trinity of the Most Holy Trinity, survive us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed the gentlemen are our, the name of yours for the sake. Lord have mercy. (Three times.)

2 2 Prayers of the Lord Father Our Father, others like the Heaven! Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will take away, and will be your will, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, I am, and we leave our debtor; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago. [Yako is yours there is a kingdom, strength and glory, forever. Amen.] Troparies Tropical lighter from sleep, falter, so, and an angelic song of a crying, strong: holy, holy, holy, God, God! The Mother of God has mercy. Glory to Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. From Odra and Sleep, I was erected by Mr., Lord, my mind and my heart, and my spirits, and the saint, the holy Trinity, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, God! The Mother of God has mercy. And now and confessed and forever. Amen. The offset of the pride will enjoy, and the coherence acts are exposed, but in the fear of calling in the half: holy, holy, holy ESI, God! The Mother of God has mercy.

3 3 prayer for the Blessed Trinity from Sleep Welcome, thank you, the Holy Trinity, Yako, for the sake of your goodness and long-suffering, did not hesitate for me, Lenivago and Greshnago, following myself, I ruin myself with the lawlessness, but a man-to-love usually, and In synarchies of Lyzhechko, I erected me, in the hedgehogs and Slavorachi, your power. And now I will enlighten my eyes mental, my mouth, getting off with the word of yours, and you know your commandments, and create your will, and Peta in confession by heart, and chanting your father's name, father and son and the saint spirit, now and are dreaming eyelids. Amen. [Take, bow to the prince of our God. (Bow) take, bow, and fall to Christ, prince our God. (Bow) take, bow, and fall in the most Christ, Tsareva and God to our. (bow)

4 4 Symbol of Faith 1 I believe in the One God's Father, Almighty, Creator, Sky and Earth, visible to all and invisible. 2 and in the unagnago gentlemen of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beggar, and from the Father Born himself before all century; Light from the light, the god is true of God is true, born, is irrelevant, the father is unique, right away. 3 Of us for the sake of the person and our for the sake of salvation of Szedezago from heaven, and embodied from the Spirit of Holy and Mary of the Virgin, and in the case. 4 is crucified by the Pilate Pilate, and the suffering, and buried. 5 and resistant on the third day by Scripture. 6 and expelled to heaven, and the stern father's father. 7 And the Paki of the Friendly with Glevoy Sudiuti alive and the dead, the Eaggent will not end. 8 and in the Spirit of the Saincho, the Lord Lord's life-wagon, and from the father of the father outgoing, and with the father and son of Spoklans and Svalivim, the Glagolaszago prophets. 9 in one Saint, the Cathedral and Apostolic Church. 10 Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins.

5 5 11 Tea of \u200b\u200bthe Resurrection of the Dead, 12 and the Life of the Future Century. Amen.] * * These prayers are absent in the Orthodox intelligent prayer of 1907 in the Prayer Mattures section. The faith symbol is given in the Section of the Gears of Christian Teaching, which you need to know every Orthodox Christian. Prayer St. Makaria Vitagago to you, Vladyko a humanity, from Sleep I resorted, and you hurt your mercy on your business, and pray for you: Pomping at all time, in every thing, and get rid of me from every Mirshi, and save me , and enter your eternal kingdom. You boat my co-creation and every good blessing and a submitter, about you all hope mine, and you reveal the glory, now and in the eyelids. Amen. Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Virgin Delo, rejoice, fertrely marriage, Lord with you; You are blessed in the wives and blessed the fruit of your womb, Yako Sava gave birth to our souls.

6 6 Prayer of the Most Holy Theotoko Oh, the Most of Mrs. Vladychitsa The Mother of God! Highlights of all Angel and Archangel, and all the creatures of the honest, the assistant insidible, unreliable hoping, poor intercession, sad consolation, accurate feeder, naked robes, patients with healing, sinful salvation, Christians of all the help and intercession. [Oh, unfortunately Mrs., Devot Virodok Vladychitsa! It's free to save the sovereign of the sovereign and the Father's Friend, the name of the Lord) * all Russia and the whole reigning house. Save, Mrs., and Verifying Your Slave, (His Holy Synod) Trendy Metropolitans, Archbishops and Bishops Orthodoxy, and the entire priestly, and the inhang rank, (and the bold government, and commander), and the Christ-loving military, and the whole of the Orthodox Christians Treatery for your honestly defense: And the mind, Mrs., of you without Semen, the embodiment of Christ's Christ

7 7 OUR, YES IT IT IT IT SYLICA Over, on the invisible and visible enemies of our.] ** about the united Mrs. Vladychitsa Virgin Mary! Erect us from the depths of sinful, and save us from the glad, degradation, from the coward and the flood, from the fire and the sword, from the invasion of the invalid and interne-friendly strungi, from in vain death, and from the attack of the eagerness, and from dust winds, and from deadly ulcers, And from all slander. Yes, Mrs., the world and the health of your slave, with all of the Orthodox Christian, and enlighten it the mind and eyes of hearty, hedgehogs to salvation: and the sinful slaves of your kingdom of your son, Christ of our God: Jaco Power is blessed and declared, with his original Father, and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving His Spirit, now and are constantly and forever. Amen. * Before the revolution: the pious autocratic, the great sovereign of our IMumerator Nikolaya Aleksandrovich All Rossii, and his spouse, a pious state of IMweath Alexander Fedorovna ** This fragment of prayer about the sovereign is absent in the prayer for Mijan 1907, but before the prayer revolution

8 8 This it was read with this fragment after an akathist or the canon of the Parsley Blessed Virgin. Prayer Angel Guardian of the Angela of God, the keeper my holy, on keeping me from God with heaven, given! I diligently pray to you, you will be enlightened and from all slander, I will save the good act and send the path of salvation. Amen. The prayer of the Holy, whose name we carry the moth of God about me, holy wifth of God (name), Yako Az diligently to you resort to you, a quick assistant and a prayer about my soul. Prayer for the king and fatherland save, Lord, your people, and bless your doctrine, victory to the coming faithful sovereign and our father (the Eagle name you, Lord, Weighs) * on the absence of giving, and your residence permit. * Before the revolution: In the Blessed IMumerter Our NiCola Aleksandrovich

9 9 Prayer about the sovereign * Lord, our God, Great and Multi-facing! In the subsidiary of our hearts, I will pray for you: Save under the blood of your goodness from all sovereign the sovereign and father of our Father, elected to you by the kind of Romanov (Eagle name you, Lord, Weighs) **: Fences his *** on all the ways to Holy Holy Your angels, but the enemy will have time for him, and the son of lawlessness will not attach his ozbobi: will be of his longitude of the days and the fortress of strength, but will make your whole glory and for the benefit of their people. We, by all the best practices about him who rejoicing, blessing and glorify the full name, father, and son and the saint spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen. * This prayer is absent in the prayer for the laity of 1907, but before the revolution was read on Divine Liturgy after reading the gospel on the Sudeuro region. ** Before the revolution: our sovereign of our sovereign, Imeutor Nikolaya Aleksandrov and Ch.

10 10 prayer brief about living handy, Lord, health and salvation of your slaves, the coming faithful sovereign and our father (the Eagle name you, Lord, Weighs) *, Father My Spiritual (Name), My Parents (Names), Slods (Names) , supervisors, benefactors, sorry, or in sadness. * Before the revolution: To the blessing IMumerter, our Nikola Aleksandrovich prayer about living obstacles, Lord Jesus Christ God, the grace and generousness of your century, by the sake of the sake of the sake of the sake of them, and the crucifixion and death, salvation for the right in the believers, the believes were faithful: And risen from the dead, ascended to heaven, and we are looking at the Odessa God Father, and prizeshi on the humble pleads with all the heart of calling the things: it's your ear of your ear, and hear the humble praying of me is not your slave, in the stink of the fragrance of the spirituality, you for all people your belongs . And in the first place the church of your holy, the cathedral and apostolic, the south of

11 11 Honestly Bloody Blood, and Approve, and Strong, and Sharp, Umri, Umiri and the Unproves of Adkov Mortgages and I will save: Togwing the churches of the wrath, tenting pagan Ugashi, and the heroes of heaven will soon be reversed and eradicated, and in any power of the Holy Spirit. . (Bow.) Save, Lord, and Merry Female Party Fame and Father, Chosen by You Romanov (Eagle Name You, Lord, Weighs) * The Blessed Governing Snowfield, military leaders, a Christ-loving man. Fences the world of their power and conquer them in a nose of them all the enemy and the sacrup, and the verbs of the peaceful and good in the heart of their church of your holy and about all the people of yours: and we, in silence of them, quiet and silent lives live in the lawwire, and in every piety and honesty. (Bow) * before the revolution: Piouslyeshago, autocratic, a Vidnigago of our sovereign, I MPERA NAS I Colak Alexandrovich, All Russia; His spouse

12 12 Save, Lord, and Holy Holy Governing Synod, Holiness the Universe Patriarch, and the Hispanic Metropolitans, Archbishops and Bishops of Orthodox, the Jeees and Deacon, and the whole coming of church, I put an echo to the grace of a verbal flock, and the prayers of them hindle and save Grevenago. (Bow.) Save, Lord, and Mother of my spiritual (name), and the saints of his prayers forgive my sinners. (Bow.) Save, Lord, and Pomery My Parents (Names), Brahy, and Sisters, and the Sprinkles My flesh, and the whole neighbor of my kind, and friends, and give them a peaceful and premium blessing. (Bow.) Save, Lord, and Elder and Yuna and Yuna, Nishya and Syarots, and Widowits, and Essentials in Diseases and Pechenech, the troubles of the same and grief, the following prisoners, the dungeons and sharpeners, are fairly in persecution, for you for And the faith of Orthodox, from the language of godless, from the apostate and from heretics, the rustling of your slaves: and the obstacle I, visit, strengthen, comfort,

13 13 and soon the power of the oslab, freedom and reling it. (Bow) Save, Lord, and have a lot of hated and distinguish between me, and I have a victim, and you will not leave them to die for sinner. (Bow) Recovering from the Orthodox faith and deceased heresy blinded, the light of your knowledge of the enlightenment, and the Holy of Your Apostles, the Cathedral Church of the Church. (Bow.) [Frustic and Bogworous Jewish Igo Rubbing, Present by the Russian chosen one and (coming) King to our betray, the lawwrition of Christian and ravine and climb the mercy of your rich. (Bow)] * * The words of prayers in brackets are absent in the prayer for the laity of 1907, but are found in other prayerfulness to the revolutionary publication. The words of the Agarian kingdom are replaced by the Zhoidal Igo compilers of this prayer. Prayer about the deceased [obstacles, Lord, from the lives of one who departed the ruffles of the kings and the queen, the Blessed Prince and Princess, the Holiness Patriarchs, His

14 14 Metropolitans, Archbishops and Bishops of Orthodox, in the organizer and the parable of the church and the monastery of the rank of you, and in eternal villages with the saints. (Bow)] Roman, Lord, the souls of the deceased slaves of yours, (My Father is a spiritual (name), my parents (names) and) of all amplifiers on the flesh: and forgive their all sinners free and unwitting, giving them the kingdom and the communion of eternal yours Good and your own endfree and blessed life enjoyment. (Bow) Look, Lord, and all in the hope of resurrection and life eternal crash fathers and the brotherhood of our, and sisters, and I have been lying, and everywhere the Orthodox Christians, and with your saints, I look at your face, vs. , IKO GOOD AND PERSONALLY. Amen. (Bow) with saints rest, Christ, souls Slave your (names) [all Christians for faith, king and fatherland belly posted], I look at the disease, neither sadness, nor sinking, but life is completely ill.

15 15 II. Prayers for sleep coming in the name of the Father about the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Glory to you, God, glory to you. The prayer of the Holy Spirit of the King Heavenly, the comforter, the soul of truth, the same everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from all sneakers, and save, failing, our souls. Holy Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, have mercy. (Three times.) Glory to Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and in the eyelids. Amen. Prayer for the Most Holy Trinity of the Most Holy Trinity, survive us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed the gentlemen are our, the name of yours for the sake. Lord have mercy. (Three times.)

16 16 PRAYER OF THE LORD FURTHDOW OUR, OTHE EXIS TO THE SKY! Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will take away, and will be your will, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, I am, and we leave our debtor; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago. [Yako is yours there is a kingdom. Amen.] Perp treparies for us, Lord, have mercy with us; Somebaging a response is not smaller, this prayer is the sin of sin, we bring the sin: to have mercy. Glory to Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Lord, have mercy on us, on the boost, Do not proceed at us beer, Below the lawlessness of our lawlessness, but the proud and now Yako prudettake, and save us from our enemy; You bless our God, and we are people of yours, VSI is your hand, and call your name. And now and confessed and forever. Amen. Mercy door holes for us, blessed by the Virgin, hoping

17 17 On the hell it will not die, but yes you will get rid of you from the troubles: you bless the savings of Christianskago. Prayer to God Father St. Makariya Velikago God's eternal and king in any kind of creating, the expellity of it even at the time of this time, forgiveness, forgiveness, Yazh, in this day, the day, word and thinking, and clean, Lord, humble my soul from everyone's bad flesh and spirit. And Lying Mr., Lord, to this dream to give in the world, yes, I wanted from the Smrennago my Lodge, the wake-up of the Holy Name of yours, to all the days of my belly, and I apart from fighting the enemies of the enemies and fearless. And save me, Lord, from Thiege Thiege, Determining Me, and Flying Luxury. Yako is your kingdom and the power and glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are constantly and in the eyelids. Amen. Prayer for Holy Angel Guardian of the Angela of Christ, the keeper my holy and the patron soul and body

18 18 of my, all sorry, I sorry, sorry in the last day, and from all slander the opposites of the enemy to get rid of me, and I don't fuck my God in Coch; But moths for me sinning and unworthyNago slave, Yako, yes deserves me showing the goodness and mercy of all the trinity, and the Mother of the Lord of My Jesus Christ, and all the saints. Amen. Prayers for the Most Holy Virgin Music Nestos, Mati Christ of God, bring our prayer to our prayer to our and God, let you save our souls. All hope for my hope, Mother of God, Save me under your telescope. For your mercy resorted, the Virgin Devo! Our prayer is not despose in the sorrow, but from the troubles to robs us, one is clean and blessed. Oh everyborn mother, having taking all the Holy Word all saints! The current acceptance is offering, from everyone to save themselves to all, and the future of flour, about you yelling: Alliluia.

19 19 Actually Eating Yako Valitinna Bunity to the Virgin, the subjection and foremarital and mother of our God. Honestly cherub and a nornyless seraphim, without comparing Seraphim, without the evolution of God, the words rising, sowing the Virgin Major. Prayer enlightened by my eyes, God, God, but not when I am in death, but not when my enemy counts: strengthened on him. [Muyoy Budi's Soul Intercession, God, IKo, through Many Networks. Get rid of them from them and save me, closs, Yako is a humus person.] Hope My Father, refuge my son, the cover of my spirit Holy: Saint Trinity, glory to you. The prayer of the Oslabi leaves, I leave, forgive, God, the pregnursions of our, free and involuntary, Like in the Word and in the case, but in the jurisdiction, but in the days and in the nosta, Like in the mind and in the Thickness: We all sorry IKO GOOD AND POOT.

20 20 Prayer to the Lord of hated and offended us forgive us, Lord is a good man. Charily wondering. The brethren and the affinition of our giving Yazz to save the petition and the life of the eternal. In the prosperity of Visit and healing Darui. Yazz in Mori helped. With traveling letters. The coming emperor is comfortable. The servants and the sinks of the sins are darouted. Delivered to us unworthy pray for them to survive the greatness of your mercy. The obstacles, Lord, before the deceased father and the brothering of our and regain them, the appearance of your face. Roman, Lord, the brotherhood of our captives and save me from all the circumstances. Roman, Lord, Fruit-seeming and vasting in the saints of your churches, and giving them like an eternal life and life. Roman, Lord, and us, humble and sinful and unworthy servants, and

21 21 Enlighten our mind with the light of your mind, and to imagine us on the path of the commandments of your, prayers, the preching of the master of the Mother of the Virgin and Naznodeli Mary and all your saints: Yako blessed Esi forever. Amen. The prayer is an honest cross and the god will resurrect, and the guise of him will rise, and it beats from his face hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear; Yako melts wax from the face of fire, so the demaths of those who love God and marked the goddan sign and in the fun of the verbal: rejoice in the precessive and life-giving arm of the Lord, run the demons to the power of our gentlemen of our Jesus Christ, to Hell Shedshago and Issue And we have been gratifying to you, the cross is honest, for the defendance of the Sugar. Oh, the precessive and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help with the sacred mistress, the girl of Virgin and with all the saints. Amen.

22 22 III. Prayers in front of the holy communion of prayer of St. Vasily Velikago Vladyko Lord Jesus Christ, God of our, source of life and immediateless, all creature visible and invisible, the original father's sacred son and the Sobannaya, premougheful for goodness in the last days in the flesh and rolling, and the burrs of ungrateful and grieving, and It is a renewed renewed sin with sin nature; Himself, the surname king, and my sinning is repentance, and your ear is your ear, and I hear the verbs. Sigger Bo, Lord, siggling on the sky and before you, and believe in the height of the Glory of Glory: Progels bole your goodness, your commandments to passup, and without listening to your commandments. But you, Lord, innobile, long-sighted, and a multi-cell, did not betray me to die with my defenseless, my every way waiting for the appeal. You Bo Relk Esi, Hummifying, Your Prophet:

23 23 Yako wants not to wish the death of a sinner, but hedgehogs to roll and live to him. No Khosheshi Bo, Vladyko, creating your hand to ruin, Below for the died of humanity, but worship everyone to be saved, and in the mind of the truth. Toky and Az, Thick and Unworthy of Heaven and Earth, and the Say of Lifestying Life, all overlapping sin, and the Slavs Having, and your defilement image; But the creation and creation of your former, I do not despair your salvation dropsyan, on your own immeasurable prudettobia, daring the daze. We will accept the UBO and Mene, the humanity of Lord, the Bludnitsa, Yako Robber, Yako Mytar and Yako Bludnago, and take my grievous burden of sins, the sin of swamping the Mières and the weighters of human healing, wearing and burdened to yourself call and drownish, not to call the righteous, but Siny to repentance. And cleanse me from everyone's bad flesh and spirit, and teach me to commit the shrine in your passion: Yako and clean information of the conscience of mine, shrines of yours

24 24 part of acceptance, connected by the holy body of yours and blood, and I have in me the living and staying, with my father, and the Holy Spirit. To her, Lord Jesus Christ, my God, and yes, not in the courts will be the communion of your] speech and life-giving Taine of yours, below yes I will be impossible to the soul and body, from Yezhu, unworthy of those who are coming up; But Lady Mi, even before the end of my sinking, unfortunately perceatimati, part of the shrines of yours, in the Spirit of the Sainty Communication, in the scarlet of the abdomen eternally, and in a favorable answer to the terrible judgment of yours: Yako and Az with all your favorites, I will be a nonsense Prevented by a loving taste, Lord, in NheWe is declared Esi forever. Amen. Prayer St. John of Zlatoust Lord, my God, Wem, Yako, do not care, is satisfied below, yes, under the shelter, the temple of the soul of the soul, Zayoy, the whole is empty and there was half a place, and not the IMASHI WHERE WITH I WITH THE HOUSE; But it's from the height of us for the sake of Smiril

25 25 yourself, humble and now humble myself; And I was perceived by the Essel in Vertepe and in the nursery of the wilderness, the blue of the soul in Yasnah, and in the desecrated my body of the body. And I did not disadvantacularly dismissed, and there are sinners in the house of Simonovnago, Takso Deli and in the House of Smyshed Moya Soul, leper and sinning; And Yaksa did not hesitate to the damnitz and sinful, who came and touched you, Sita and the sin and about me, the sinner, coming and touched; And Jacns did not struggle with the perfectness of the mouth and the unclean, kissing, below my rush of the fobby of the mouth and indisputable, below the vile and unclean, and the surname and the uncleanishgo of my language. But yes, there will be an coal of the Best of your body, and honestly, in consecration and enlightenment and health of my soul and body, to relieve the weights of many of my sins, in compliance

26 26 From all the diavolism of the act, in the outdation and alignment of my zlago and Lukavago custom, to kill the passions, in the supply of your commandments, in the Divine apparatus app, and your kingdom assignment. Do not Bo Yako despising a fit for you, Christ God, but I can jacu on the inener goodness; And yes, not on the mint, removing your communication, from the thought of the Wolf bell, I will be. I pray to you: Yako is Saint, Vladyko, consecrate my soul and body, mind and heart, chreno, and the womb, and everything is updated, and the fear of your Udeekh, and the sanctification of yours is inherently from me. And Budi Assistant and the Intercession, whims in the world of my stomach, having been in passing me and the most appropriate to you with the saints, prayers and messengers of the Major Mother, your lovely servants and the preching forces, and all the saints, from the century to you in progress. Amen.

27 27 Prayers of Simeon Metaphrate Yako on your scary and unilentness of the judges, Christ, God, and the condemnation of the lift, and the word of creating about the evil-haired: Sita, before not even the day of the condemnation of mine, the saint of your altar comes before you and before scary And your holy angels are worthy of their conscience, I apologize to my and lawless act, are this and expanding. Idigine, Lord, my humility, and leave all my sins: to have, I will be smart, the whale of the whale of Muya lawless iskonia. Some failure not soda evil? Cy sin do not coordinate? Some evil is not imaginable in my soul? Already bo and business soda pride, rustling, rooting, fellowship, laughter incomplete, vague, solidity, in a lie: every feeling and every dtskverniy, raised, obsolency, dealerships for every way. And veam, Lord, Yako lawlessness my excellence forever mine: But you have immensely there are many generaries, and the mercy is inevitable

28 28 Goodness, and to miss the sin to conquer humanly yours. Toky, the rustic king, the nevertheless, Lord, Surprise and for me the sinfulness of your grace, show the goodness of your good strength, and Javi the fortress of the flavorship of the mercy of your mercy, and those of your sinning. We accept me, I am a bludnago, Robber, Bludnitsa. We accept me, prettier and the word and the case, and the thoughts intensely sinless you. And in the uncleliest hour of those who came the bone of Esi, worthy of those who have adopted, Tako and Mena Greshnago: a lot of booster, and the default, and the spirit of your saint and the gloomy spiritual womb and the Word and the Thickness, in Narchi and in the days, Showing the same and impresented, will be wilts and invisible. And Wem, I submit my sins to my prettier, I have been preserved, I have been preserved me, and the word hijacked with me, about the mind of unrearly sinful. But, Lord, Lord, yes, you are not a righteous court, below the yarriasis of your appearance, below your anger

29 29 Perhaps me: Pommuyu Mr., Lord, Yako is not Tokmo unreleased Esm, but also your essay. You're a worm, Lord, approved the ESI fear of your fear: Az Schuvaya before you coordinates, you are a fear of united sinners: but I pray, do not take into court with your slave. More than Bo lawless Nazrushi Lord, Lord, who will stand? Az Bo Emba the margin of sin, and believe it is worthy, the height of heavenly is pleased with the heavenly, from many sins of my sins, including the numbers. Kiima Bo did not raise sins? kiimi no evil? Any sin of soda, any uncleanness to put my soul to my soul, to you, to you, to God, and man. Who will argue me, in the scene evil and tolika padshago sining? My God's God, at the Upopa: Through there is a mi of salvation hope, it wins humanly your many of the lawlessness of my, Budi Savior, and on the agencies of yours and your miles of weave, leave, forgive everyone, Elika Ti Soul: Yako Many My, and accommodate hope of saving hope. Mime, god, grand

30 30 gravity of yours, and not a reproach according to business, and not condemnant on the act of mine: but referring, getting rid of my soul from degradating evils and jubilant perceptions. Save my sake for mercy: yes the earliest sin, he is precrupified by the grace of yours, and praise and glorify you always, all the days of my belly. You bodly god, and saved the sinners, and you are asked to you, with the original father, and the Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen. Prayer St. Simeon of the new theologian from the badly removed, from the nasty heart, from a unclean language, from the soul is defiled, and my soul, my Christ, and do not form my, nor divellion, below the images below. Laying a dazened vercolati, a naja church, my Christ, and teach me, that MI is likely to fit Creit and Glagolati. Sinful wander of the harmnica, Yazh, who lives, where the happiness, banging,

31 31 Doringent Azzlets Your Nosa, My God, Lord and Christ Christ. I didn't hesitate to rejuvenate from the heart, the words: Your guess and keep and kissing, and the jets of the tear, casually fascinated, and tear, squeakly inappropriate. My ohm with my tears, clean them, the word. Leave and my preggie, and the petition of the eight. The weights of the sharp, the weight and scrap, and the ulcers of the zrish, and the faith of the weighing, and the thrust of the seeishness, and the rehabilitation of the hears. It's not lightening to you, my God, my work, my get rid, a drop below the drop below the drop is some kind of drops. Failed my victim of your eyes, in the book of yours and still unmanified is written to you the essence. I will have a humility of my, I will leave the work of my Elik, and the sins are all to leave, God for all sorts: yes, a pure heart, fighting thoughts, and the soul of a crushing, nicely coming and the Most Holy Tyne, Iimo is enlivened and adore the poison and pian your heart; You bo

32 32 Esi Refractory, My Vladyko: Everyone poisoned my flesh, and kick my blood, this is the NEB of this, in the case and AZ EMS. Truly the Word of any Lord and God's God: Divine Bo Comferately and Governing Favoro, do not want to be the same, but with you, Christ, Christ, the Light Triswall, Enlightening the World. Yes, the recruitment is not the same in addition to you the abdomen, my breath, my belly, my joggy, rescue the world. To the sake of the sake of the sake of the sake of seekers, with tears, and soul, sternly, get rid of my lacerations, I ask the pleasant mi, and your vigorous and immaculate sacraments coming out unlucky, yes prebelles, Yaksa Relk Essay, with me Treyokyanny: Yes, not except The charming will delight the scenery, and the prestivation will take away the beneficiaring words. This is for the sake of the sake of you, and the heat of yelling: Jacques the Bludnago, the Bludno, and the Bludnitsa who came, taco, and Schistra and Schistra. Soul crushing

33 33 Now Bo to you coming, Vam, Savior, Yako, Yakzki Az, not the more preference to you, below soda act, Yazz Az Soda. But Sie Paki Wem, Yako is not the majesty of the lacerations, no sins exceed the god of my much long-suffering and humanity is extreme; But having mercy compassionate warm-up, and clever, and light, and the lights are creative, the songs of your deities are promotion, and the strange and angel, and the human thought, talking to them mumps, the other than your true one. This is dyring to make me, this is nasty, my, my Christ. And he dares your rich blessing, rejoice in a couple and tremble, the fires come up with her grass, and strange a miracle, irrigate it is uncommon, I am a lot of ugly bunk, ukhunnay. Today, thanks to the thoughts, the grateful heart, grateful to the rage of my, the souls and the bodies of mine, twitched and greatly, and the Slavor, so, my God, is blessed by land, now and forever.

34 34 IV. The prayers after the Holy Community thank you, Lord my God, I did n'tener, I didn't finish the sinner, but the general generally of the saint shrines did you make anyone. Thank you, Jaco Mena, unworthy of triggering the prechyful and heavenly gifts did the ESI. But, Vladyko is a humanity, for the sake of the dead and Sunday, and giving us a terrible Siah and the life-giving the sacrament into provenation and sanctification of our souls and the television, Dazhi Sim and I am healing the soul and body, in the outdation of the heart of the heart my, in the world of my peaceful strength, in faith, in love with Nel Seyernu, in the fulfillment of wisdom, in compliance with your commandments, in the app of Divine Tweese of grace and your kingdom assignment: yes in the shrines you save, your grace is always remember, and not at that I live, but you

35 35 Our lords and benefactor; And Taco of this life is implanted about the hope of the belly, it will reach peace, the idea of \u200b\u200bcelebrating the voice incessant and endless sweetness, the goodness of your face is inevitable. You boat a true desire, and the ineverance of the fun of those who love those, Christ, God, and the latch sings the whole creature. Amen. Prayer St. Vasily Velikago Vladyko Christ God, the king of the centuries and the promotional of everyone, thank you about everyone, Yazi Mih, filed good, and the communion of the pretum and life-giving your sacraments. I pray to the taste, so close and humans: Save you under your telescope, and in Sonya Krill is yours; And giving a clear consistency, even to the foregoing of my sick, deservedly compete with the shrines of yours, to leaving sins and the eternal life. You boat bread animals, the source of the shrine, the granitor of good, and you are asking for you, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and are dreaming, and forever. Amen.

36 36 Prayer of Simeon Metaphratest Given Food Me Flying Your Will, Lights Sy and Opaliaya Unworthy, but not falling me, I will help mine; We pass into my passage to the Uda, in the whole formulation, in the womb, in the heart. They got the thoughts of all my limits: the soul of clearing, consecrate the thinking, the compositions approve with the bones of the couple, the feelings of the enlightenment of Putias, all sort the fear of yours. Configured the face, observance, and save me from all the way and the words of the distress. Clean, and ohm, and decorated, eagerly, with examples, and enlighten me. Show me your village is one of the Spirit, and not a single selection of sin: yes, I can't your house, the entrance of communion, Yako Fire Mene runs all the villain, any passion. Prayer rooms for you, I bring all the hodges, Chinonacralia, the faithful, the forerunner of yours, the wiser of the apostles, to the sim, your unwairled clean mother, the Moluba, the prudence, accept, Christ, and the Son of Light, prevent your servant. You bo once and

37 37 Consecration of ours, favorable, shower and lordship, and you are lept-like, Yako God and Vladyza, the glory of the WSI, we will be delighted for every day. Prayer is a different body of your holy, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, and there will be a mi in the eternal stomach, and your blood is honest in leaving sins: Budge the same thanks to this in joy, health and merry; In the terrible and the second coming, your sinning sining fellows, the prayers of the preching Mother, and all saints. Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary Most Holy Mother of God, the light is praised by the Muya Soul, Nadezhda, Pokrov, Refuge, Consolation, Jogging My, thank you, Yako did it makes it possible, unworthy, a partary of the life of your bodies and honest your son. But having the true light, the worst of my smart heart of the heart; Yazh Sourceless Source Born, Consummunication Mail

38 38 sin; Like Milostivago God Lyubaglagotrotrian Mati, Pomemuyu, and Lady Mi, and the crushing in my heart, and humility in my thoughts, and appeal in the captures of my thoughts; and controversy, to the end of the sickness, are not hard to enjoy the consecutive secrecy, in the healing of the soul and body; And the passage of tears of repentance and confession, in the Petit and Sita and Sittical Sitticals, to all the days of my belly, IKO blessed and declared the Esi forever. Amen. Prayer after sv. Communion (elder Jeroshimonach SAMPSON) * Your protistant body, your limited blood, Jesus, Savior, you update me: Update my heart, update my soul, update my body, update my mind, update my will, update my mind My life. Take my hard burden of sinful from me. Heal my heart. My passion is mine. Teach me to pray, teach me to repent. Teach me cry, teach me to yeah.

39 39 Smiri My Heart, Smiri's mind my mind, I healed my pride. Lady to me now put the beginning of good. We accept my repentance, do not leave me, not retreat from me. Laying my cry for my sins, my sins to confess my sins, do not leave me, not retreating my criminal sins. Have mercy in the greatness of your mercy. Meach me. Do not reject me. Laying the Mi-Nellobia, Growing Muchness, Ladying Chastity, Lady Mi Patience, Lady Mi Observation, Lady Silence, Dipstroye Affected self-seater and attention to yourself. Laying mi fiery, fiery, stone, clever-clear faith. Laying to wave a sin, to leave a sin. Attach me the fear of yours, your o'ams with your fear of yours, Lying Mi Love with all my heart, I woof my thoughts, my whole mind, all the living people tell you, you, not my sin. Coordinate with me

40 40 Your mercy. In everything, everything will be the will of yours. Amen. Laying the ears to hear the task, guess the taste of taste, guessing the nodies come to you, guessing my heart fearfully, Lady's heart love to love. Take mine from me and give you to the will of your will. Oh, the Old and Laying New, the heart of the Stone and Laming Heart Flame, you are loving, you begging you, you crying, you have a swing, you screaming, you are afraid of you, you will have a living, not yourself, not sin. Lady, the heart is meek, humble, whole-curious, pure, patient, afraid of sin, hateing sin. Buddes soul of my food and beings. Budy the source of my soul. Budy the light of my mind of my mind, my heart. Budy Otrada in my grief. Budy cheerle in my sorrow. Buddes get rid of my passions of my. Budy wisdom anti-madness of my. Budy humility against my pride. Budi strengthening the controstiale

41 41 of my weaknesses. Will the power of the antihiness of my. I believe, to my disbelief. Amen. *** The Blessed Lady of My, the Most Mrs., All-Strengy Devot, the Virgin Marie, Mother of God, incompaired and only my hope! Do not bend me, do not reject me, do not leave me; implit, ask, hear; Wang, Mrs., Pomo, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the prechile! * These prayers are absent in the prayer for the laity of 1907. V. Prayers for daily consumption of prayer of St. My Redeemer's king Nicholas Saint King-Redeemer Nicholas, saving Russia from the Cathedral death, the moths of Christ of God to be saved and souls. Amen. Tropean St. The king of the Redeemer Nicholas (voice of the 4th) victim of Christ in the similarity, / Yako, the Lamb Immovable, Will / Purchase into the Atonement / Sin of the Treason of the People

42 42 Russian, / Kingdom in themselves, separate / in themselves, Daruenes Healing, / Holy King-Redeemer Nicholas, / Suffering Your Mortal Slavim, / they Boy the kingdom is resurrected / in the glory of the king of God is heaven, / and in saving our souls. Russian symbol of faith (prayer of St. Feodosia Caucasian) believe, Lord, in the Orthodox tsarist autocracy, the spirit of the Saint swirl approved for the eternal times by the consecrated cathedral and the Russian people in 1613 from the incarnation of Christ for the world and the prosperity of our Fatherland and to save the soul, as They taught the same and all holy worships of God Russians of the last centuries. Amen. Prayer for the restoration of the kingdom of Russian * Lord, our God, we accept the prayer of your church of your holy, about all the people of yours, I consecrate with such a honest blood. We take a prayer for blessing

43 43 kings and queens, princes and princess, bishophech and priests, monax and Belzekh, warrior and infants, for the faith of the king and the Fatherland of those who have worked, the nearest from Jews and Inhi, the delicate of Satanian sacrificed. And the prayers of their crushes and ravage the victim by the sacrifice, on the land of the Russian demon who brought. Darui [All Orthodox Christians of URSUMETI, Yako for betraying our swirls, you led the king from the people of your own. Outdoor People's Muddy, VSI, from Toya, King Nikolai, Skain, King Nicholas, in the cathedral of the Tsar, in the cathedral of the Country, and Tako from repentance in repentance to come, for that bought from the Cathedral of Death; And give] to us for the last time of the king the autocratic and the Orthodox kingdom of him in the shield and the fencing, the preservation and salvation of the Church of Holie.

44 44 Pomery, and all the people of yours, fathers and brachia our about the next kingdom of Orthodox navigating and strengthening the power of your spirituality in Branch to the end of both the vents and the vents of the heavenly controversy. Your bole is Milizati and Savat, God, and the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are confident, and forever. Amen. * Compilers in square brackets are placed in the texts, which were not in the original of this prayer. Prayer for the Resurrection of the Kingdom of Russia of the Orthodox Lord! Jesus Christ, Son and the Word of God! Prayers for the sake of the Mary's Mother's Mother, Nikolay's Holy Tsar Redeemer Nicholas, Holy Royal Nevallians: Holy Queen Alexandra New, Holy Tsarevich Alexy, Saints Tsareven: Olga, Tatyana, Mary and Anastasia, Saints, Poland: Tsar John Grozny, Emperor Paul First, Saint Righteous Feodora

45 45 Tomsk, Holy Righteous Faith of Novgorod, St. Nicholas World of Lycian Wonderworker, St. Starta Novomartica and the Wonderworker Gregory New, Holy Starf Nicholas Pskovzerskago, Holy New Martyrovikov, for faith, king and fatherland's belly posted, and all your saints, have mercy Save and Sunday tsarist Orthodox Russia! Give us a sovereign, the king of the Orthodox anointed one of your reign house of Romanov. Forgive us for the retreat from the Cathedral Oath of the faithful ministry of the royal dynasty of Romanovs from the kind in the genus. Forgive us that I forgot: "Who will go against this, he will curse in the age of ses and the future, he will be separated from the Holy Trinity." Forgive us for the violation of this vow, and we have repentance for this sin. Help us, Lord! Bring us to the cathedral repentance in the sin of this and give us strength with humility, patience and thanksgiving to endure the Zhid

46 46 Your meadowy for the sin of betrayals to the holy king-Redeemer Nicholas and the entire royal genus of Romanov. Amen. Prayer for the acquisition of the king of Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God! Russian powers without the cover of the Council. The crown of Hero Osapotel, Fatherland shoes without having a father. The foot of the throne of God in the hands of the pupils for the renunciation of Russia from his tallery. The Most Holy Mother of God, our intercession, threshing of the Son of His and God of our Jesus Christ, will send us the sweet hope of all the earth, the Russian king to his heart. Yes, the Sun will be charged over us, the village of Christ, and I will rejoice at the Skolin, the winner of darkness. Amen. Prayer against Kramol God, the king of the reigning and Lord dominant! In the hand of your heart Tsarevo and the power of the All Earth. You

47 47 Suggestions of the kings for the thrones of their and the verbiders about them: "I karia reign, not the presence of a worried ugly." Watching the gracious approach of yours in Luhe's the suffering people, in the more than now for the apostasy from your indassannik, the animals of the innocentages and to be brought to the world, carry the weakens, bring repentance to our domain. Oh omniscient, you will beat our weight. Forgive us sinful, you will mercrate your people, before you, about merciful, tears are sorry! May your name will be glorified by your name, our Savior, and in our dying brethren, and will be brightened by a crap. Yes, we will not be exterminated from the face of the earth, I will bring us the prayer of Uselnnago Tsar-Redeemer Nicholas. And save us from Iga Zhigovskago, Voei Yako Siena There is a lot of yours, Lord, and your anger is for the renunciation of the people from our God-shirt. Gather Russian Earth; Delete everything

48 48 Kramoles, discord and triggers; Omri Hearts, passion to be worn. And now I will save your choice of your slave and King Nashgo; Fences his true and world; Razglagol in the heart of his good and peaceful about your church and your people; Associated by the faithful warriors and advisers, the wisdom of the fulfilled and the will of him is holy than; Inspiration the courage in the hearts of the autocracy of Tsarskago, you, God, is established for the benefit of your people. All of us Ozari with the light of your gosngelskago law, the Hearts of the Hearts of Grace Valia, approve the will of our in the ways to fulfill the will of your will, and give us humility and patience, and I am an army, Tako and now on our lands, and in us, and through us It will become famous for your father, father and son and saint spirit. Amen.

49 49 prayer sv. The faithful king John Grozny oh, the great prayer and the feeding holy of Russia, the branch of the fertile Bogizborannago root, the Christ-loving commercial boring tsar John! You, the House of the Holy Mother of God and faith Orthodox preserved and strengthened; Russia holy united; heresy jigging amazing; demons in the flesh, siren federals of dies, exile; treason eradicated; Agarians, pagans and pagans winning and to Christ their proof; The people are Russian, translucent and to rescue the following; Grades, Weighs, Holy Residents, Creative Temples; Spiritual ruffle and the Orthodox military around themselves collectively and on the resistance of the rampant. We will face to help us, a pride for the deceased Russia and the people of yours, hear the sinful slaves who are praying for you, and the mind of Christ of God and the Mother of God, who appeared to you the Holy Image of the King of the Tsar autocratago,

50 50 Aquie You were the same, John, Russia Holy from the dead rusturience and the military Orthodox fee; Church from heresy, splitting and pharyce of cleansing; from Iga Zhiyovskago, auville, the enemies of visible and invisible to save; people of Russia to repentance, loose female to faith; sins forgive us to give us any virtue of instructing; God, the king and the Fatherland on the Earth and the salvation, and the heavenly kingdom can be removed, the ideal with you, the Terrible Tsar John, and all the saints we glorify the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are also confined and forever. Amen. Tropean St. The faithful king of John Grozny (voice of the 4th) of God, and not the rebellious mankind of mankind, the Russian kingdom embraced the Russian kingdom, and Christ, John Bogomud. The grandeur of the Cross was jerked by people into the world and the truth of instructing;

51 51 Fur and now do you know the one for the truth of God and the God of Dunnago us autocrataging the sovereign. Prayer St. New Martyr Gregory New Oh, Holy Christ pleases Gregory, before the death of the faithful king for the king, from Zhids killed by novice! You are praying, so in infidelity, the king repented and found the thirst, jealousy and the forces to serve the king-winner. Throughout the king of Nikolai-Redeemer to call for us before God, in order to us, you prayed, I returned the Lord grace of Sobornago to the ministry of the king, stubborn, pleases Grigoria, in the rank of friends of Tsareva, with you, with you. Human of God, Study, Prayer, with Tsarevich famous miraculous, mind with the master of Heaven, Christ of the Lord, and the Heavenly King Responsive Holy Tsar will be resurrected in the phenomenon of the king of the autocratic, in order to and we are worthy of God and the king of him in the Fatherland to serve

52 52 You, Grigorie, in the Heavenly Kingdom torele, look at your father and all the saints of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are confronted and forever. Amen. Prayer St. The righteous Nikolai Pskovzero oh, holy waters, the great prayer, the Orthodox faith by the confession, the fertile vessel of the Holy Spirit, Righteous Nicholas! The moths of God about us, in order, and we, the spirit of the Holy Sagraise, the right of God and His fishery found and came to the mind of Truth. The mind of God, Starchik Nicholas, and we will post the Lord the gift of loyalty unfolded and Luva Nelitarying to the anointers of him. Improving the Most Holy Virgin and us, famous for you to give up God's gratefulness, and over us to start your Pokrov holy and we console our blessing. Satisfy us from the Holy Tsar-Redeemer Nicholas Fortress to humbly accept the fishery of God about us; patiently

53 53 Next the orphan cross with a widdenish mother of the Mother of the Earth Church, while the Tsar appears to the Lord; And always thank God for everything. Holy Righteous Hispanic Nicholas, the Savior of the Savior of Almighty, for the prayers of the Mother of God and for the sacrifice of the atoning tsarist, resurrect from the dead Russia holy phenomenon of the Winner Tsar. In order to and we are worthy of God, the king and the Fatherland of the earth and those who were rescued, and to you, Nikolay, to rebel to you, an idea with you and all the saints, I will glorify the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen. The tropear righteous Nikolai Pskovzersky (voice 4) of the Divine Grace of the Preistentable Veser, the Orthodox faith of the confession, the love of the Christ is inexhaustible, the image was the abstinence. On the island, aki in a quiet refinement, instilled Esi, meekness and

54 54 The humility of Christ is unmanned, and now [with the king of the Redeemer and Holy Holys] * linguing, the fourth of the righteousness of Nikolae, the pray of Christ of God to be saved to our souls. * In the tropar shown in the book "Heavenly Angel" of the Father Nikolai Schimonakhini Father Nikolai, it is written [from the angels], but the compilers of this prayer is closer [with the Tsamertist and Holy Holy]. Prayer St. The righteous girl Pelagia Ryazanskaya O, Blessed Device Pelagie, the beloved of the shepherd of Sarovskago Seraphim Plamennago! Even in the earthly life, your currently loved and preserving us for the sake of all the coming on our genus, we get out of your prayers to the Lord in the days of death and retreat from the faith of True Orthodox, strengthened our spirits in the sorcers of people who have thirsty, save us from servants of antichrist, wolves In sheep skins, behind us in hell inhabiting us, handing us breads in the days of smoothness and blood during the days of the Nashgo's flight. Ukroy us from antichrist in the desert in

55 55 Holy Rus of the Tsarist, legged from the century by God, and the mind of the Lord to give us the forgiveness of our gentlemen and the eternal life on the earth new under the sky new. Amen. The spiritual instruction of the father of Nikolai, which was in the prayer corner of his Kelia never forget, even in the darkest days of your life, thank God for everything, he is waiting for this and send you new benefits and gifts. A man with a grateful heart never needs anything. Prayer for learning to create the will of God Lord Mercy, you warn you: not everyone who speaking to me: "Lord! Lord!", Will be in the kingdom of heaven, but only the will of my Heavenly Father (MF. 7.21). I, nice wisdom and your mercy, please heal my soul and teach me

56 56 Customity Will Your. Glory to you, Lord, thank you. Prayer of the Tumsky senior Vladimir Lord, do not let me put there, where I do not have to see! Amen. Vi. Other prayers for daily use of prayer to the Lord to fulfill the will of his Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayers for the Mother of Your Mother, the Holy Tsar-Redeemer Nicholas and all the saints, hunt me sinful! I have a cover from my language and from my passions. Let me think, wish, say, to do just that and only the way, and at such a time, and in such a form, and only that it was the fulfillment of your will, the glorification of your name, contributed to the resurrection of Russia and the salvation of my soul, was in Help and instruction to my neighbor.

57 57 And do not give me the Lord nothing else, but only that all this was the glorification of your name, in the salvation of my soul, to help my neighbor. Lord, without you, I can't do anything! You teach me, you strengthened me, you bless me. You give me grace, understanding, the power of the word, the ability, the strength and jealousy, creativity will be your holy, not my will, Lord, but yours! May will be the will of your will, your desire, your desire, your own way and law. Amen. Or: Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God! Make me the way in my life and give me a calm conscience to follow your good will. The circumstances of my life are accompanied so that I clearly saw your guide hand, directly leading to salvation. Amen. Prayer to the Lord of the Righteous John of the Kronstadsky Christ King, give me the apostolic jealousy and fire of the Holy Spirit in the heart

58 58 mine. Yes, it always begun to be rebeling against the arrogant, especially those who infected many vices [Papizm's heresies and alert] and will not felt the belly of her for the glory of your saint, Lord, and your people's salvation, so that they were not seduced by, seeing the spill of the vice, and did not infected them. Amen. Prayer of the optical elders Lord, let me meet me with peace of mind all that will bring me the coming day. Lord, let me fully induce your holy will. Lord, for this day, in all of the day they will mention and support me. Lord, no matter what I will receive news during the day, teach them to take them with a calm soul and with a firm conviction that everything is your holy will. Lord, Discover to me will your holy for me and those around me.

59 59 Lord, in all my words and thoughts of my thoughts and feelings. Lord, in all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything is not overwhelming. Lord, teaching the right thing, simply, reasonably handle all your home and others surrounding me, older, equal and younger, so that I do not disappear anyone, but everyone contribute to good. Lord, give me the power to postpone the fatigue of the coming day and all events during the day. Lord, you yourself will manage to be willy and teach me to pray, hope, believe, love, tolerate and forgive. Lord, do not let me in the enemy of my enemy, but for the sake of your saint itself and manage me. Lord, enlighten my mind and my heart to understand your eternal and unchanged laws manageing the world so that I, the sinful slave,

Thanksgiving prayers for the holy communion of glory to you, God. Glory to you, God. Glory to you, God. Thanksgiving prayer, 1st thank you, Lord, my God, Yako did not finish me, the sinners, but general

Thanksgiving prayers for the holy communion of glory to you, God. Glory to you, God. Glory to you, God. Thanksgiving prayer 1st thank you, Lord God, I, I didn't deny the sinners, but general

Thanksgiving prayers for the Saint Communion of the SLA \u003d Wa \u003d, Bo \u003d same. Week \u003d Wa \u003d, Bo \u003d same. Week \u003d Wa \u003d, Bo \u003d same. Thank you prayer 1st thank you \u003d you, go \u003d Ski Bo \u003d same, I don't know \u003d zero me \u003d Greek \u003d Shnago,

Sacra: And the lord's controversial, with a daring, not hardening to dare to call you, the Heavenly God of the Father, and speak. Thanksgiving small object (at the end of the liturgy). DIK: become with reverence, and

Morning prayers in a dream, before any other case, become a reverent, representing yourself before the all-seeing God, and, by making a sign of the sign, say: in and \u003d my father \u003d, and sy \u003d on, and holy \u003d thon \u003d ha.

Thanksgiving prayers for the holy communion in Russian glory to you, God! Glory to you, God! Glory to you, God! Prayer thankful, first. Thank you, Lord, my God, that you are not rejected

Saint Martyr John Warrior Saint John served in the imperial troops, during the persecution of Christians secretly helped them, warning about danger and even freeing those who were already in conclusion. Laying

Good morning, young (aya) parishioner of our temple. Have you got up, washed, got dressed? Now is the time to take into the hands of this prayer, approach the icon and read the morning prayers. I am very worried about you. After all

The order of the morning prayer on Sunday preparation grace, mercy and peace from God Father and the Lord Jesus Christ will be with you. Also with you. This day created the Lord. We will rejoice and extend

Save, Lord, and surviving my father of my spiritual, my parents, the affinities, chiefs, mentors, benefactors and all Orthodox Christians. God, Lord, the souls of the deceased slave: My parents,

Associated to the Belarusian Exarchate Publishing Council of the Belarusian Exarchate of the Church (decision 53 of 10/22/2010) ISBN 978-985-511-575-6 Kubarev Yu E., Vitetskaya S. K., illustration,

The Icon of the Mother of God "Kazanskaya" (Penza) became famous for the icon of Our Lady in 1717 the wonderful salvation of Penza from the devastating invasion of nomads. Nogai Horde made a raid deep into Russia, ruining

Virgin Rule Publishing House of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church 2015 UDC 243 BBK 86-372 B74 B74 Recommended for Publication by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church of IP P15-421-1834

Modlitwy Wieczorne prayer for the sleep of coming + in the Iman of the Father, I Son, I Saints Spirit. Ami Lord Isus Christ, the Son of God, the prayer for the sake of the Mother Mother, the reverend I godly the Father of our I SII

Archimandrite Alexander (Mileant) "Fundamentals of the Orthodox faith" about repentance of the Lord Our Jesus Christ, who came to call no righteous, but sinners to repentance (MF. 9, 13), even in his earthly life installed

God loves his creation, loves each of us. "And I will be your father, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty" (2 Corinth. 6, 18). And we are therefore just like to your native father or

The Icon of the Mother of God "Greeting" (Kikkskaya) Memory of the Icon of the Mother of God Christmas (Kikkskaya) is celebrated on November 25 (November 12, on the old style), January 8 (December 26). According to legend, the icon was written

The rule of the five hundredthovels Assumption Church of Sergiev Posad 2012 Year 2 "Many Orthodox Christians know about the prayer of Jesus. But often she does not give such importance as it deserves, and meanwhile it

Daily prayers of the days of the week of the week from the bookbook of Archimandrite John (Peastery) +5 February 2006, the John theological Temple of the village of Theological and Mogiltsy Monday, Lord, Jesus

Prayers Morning in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Glory to you, God, glory to you. The prayer of the Holy Spirit King Heavenly, the comforter, the soul of truth, the same everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good

Symbol of faith. 1. I believe in the One God of God, the Almighty, the Creator of the Sky and the Earth, visible to all and invisible. And in the unagnago gentlemen of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beggar, and from the Father Born himself before all

Went of the glorification of God God, come to help me. Lord, hurry to save me. Glory to Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and now, and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen. Congratulations 1. With Saint Michael

The first Cathedral Message of the Holy Apostle John \u003d\u003d \u003d\u003d\u003d 1 \u003d\u003d\u003d 1 that it was from the beginning that we heard that we saw our eyes that we considered and what our hands tap the words about the word of life, - 2 for

On this day, we wish not only to prevent our departed God, but also to refresh our faith on Sunday with Christ who won death. Our faith is concluded in the words of Lord Jesus, said: "I am a resurrection

Summary of Orthodox faith Publisher of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church Moscow 2015 UDC 268 BBK 86 372 K 786 Recommended for publication by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox

Hours in honor of God's Mercy M.: Jerzy Kosko Morning S.: Jerzy Kosko, Oh. Stanislav Furnum Sac P.: Igor Baranov, Elena Pushkar C. Hurry, God, rid me. V. Huruchi, Lord, to help me. S. Mercy

On the basics of the Orthodox faith of the commandment, the data by God to man in the Old Testament: 1. I am the Lord God is yours, and you will not have other gods ... This commandment teaches a person loyalty to his Creator to God. Unified B.

Military prayers are kept in the hands of a brief prayer of the Orthodox Warrior, published by the Russian club of Orthodox patrons. For centuries, faith in God defined the spiritual appearance of the Russian

Our prayer rule consists of the morning and evening prayers that we must make daily. This rhythm we need, otherwise the soul easily falls out of prayer life, waking up only from the case

政院政院 國家 科學 委員會 補助 專題 專題 計畫 計畫 報告 報告 成果 報告 * 期 中 中 俄羅斯 政治 文化 中 的 宗教 因素 因素 政教 政教 中 中 中 中 計畫類別 計畫類別 計畫類別: * 個別 型 計畫 整合型 計畫 計畫 編號: NSC 98-2410 -H -004-034 -My2 執執 期間: 98 年 08 月 01 日 日 至 100 年 07 月 31 日 執執 機構 及 系 所 所 所 學 學 學 主持 系 主持 主持 主持人

At the beginning there was a word, and the word was from God, and the word was God. It was life, and life was light people. John 1: 1.4 1 again spoke Jesus to the people and told them: I'm the light of the world; Who will follow me, that

Prayers evening, before bedtime in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Prayer Procreather Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayers of the Mother of Your Mother and all saints, have mercy. Glory to you, God,

S. in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. C. Grace of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, the love of God's Father and the Communication of the Holy Spirit will be with all of you. Or: the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ will be with you.

According to the Church, Orthodox Christians should pray in the Church received the following rules from the Holy Father and perform the following rules around the world: 1. By entering the temple and autumn himself with a cross-convection, three small bows are creating, saying:

The Easter Message of the Bishop of the Orsk and the Gayan Irinaway is a hobby clergy, Rev. Monastic and the Bogoly Lady Farm of the Orsk Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church 2012 Christ Risen! These words

The follow-up of prayer singing on the holiday of St. Equal Kn. Vladimir Memories of the Baptism of Russia Singers: Bless Vladyko. God is blessed by our Amen. Glory to you, God, glory to you the king of the Heavenly God of the Lord

Protopresswiter Alexander Schmeman Protopresswiter Alexander Schmeman The importance of preparation for communion in our current situation, in many ways formed by the practice of "infrequent" communion, preparations for

"Stop crying and your tears of your tears. All you did for your children will not be left without award. They will return from someone else's land. There is hope for you for the future. Your children go home. I said,

Prayers for children Publisher of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church Moscow 2013 UDC 243 BBK 86 372 M751 The content of the M751 is recommended for publication by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox

Article 3 of the Holy Spirit We believe in the Holy Spirit, in the Eternal Spirit of God, who was in Jesus Christ, who inspires the Church, who is the source of our life in Christ, and which is sent

Akathist to the Lord God about the world and mutual love among the people of Kondak 1 submitted Voivodo and the Creator of the World, hear us sinners, who are praying to you - the Creator and Springletener, proud from the height of the holy housing

Orthodox family According to the teachings of the Church, the marriage is the mystery established by God, which sanctifies the married relationship, makes a married union inseparable, imposes on the marriage duty

1 Odessa_Exaud_2016 May 8 Ephesus.3: 14-21. "Let you give you, on the wealth of the glory of your own, tightly establishing his spirit in the domestic man, faithfully to accommodate Christ in your heart," (Ephesus.3: 16,17). We often hear

Holiday in honor of the Pskovo-Pechersk Icon of the Mother of God "Uming" Pskovo-Pechersk icon of the Mother of God "Denolation" was written by a certain Hieromona arches on the model of the Vladimir Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Scenario Sunday School performances on the Day of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary on October 14, 2012 Tropear: History, Blessed People, Lightly celebrate, / Osseniami Your, Bogomati, Coming, / And To Your Jumpingly

Prayer singing in the feast of St. Vladimir Protododiakon: Bless, Vladyko. The Primate: God is blessed always, now and is confident, and forever. Lick: Amen. Protodian:

The follow-up to the Holy Communion of Moth \u003d TVs connected \u003d C \u003d C \u003d CHIX, go \u003d SPI Jesu \u003d CE Christ \u003d Bo \u003d same, help \u003d Lui us. Ami \u003d ny. King \u003d sky \u003d sleep, ute \u003d dealer, du \u003d neck and \u003d styles, and \u003d same everywhere \u003d Sy and all

Brief Orthodox prayer for people with hearing impairments Orthodox center of the deaf word St. Petersburg 2005 on the blessing of the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga High Eminence

Gospel Gospel 1. The content of the good news. Often a believer is not knowing how to explain the Gospel and trying to explain to a person about salvation can talk about many important things, but does not give

The follow-up to the Holy Communion of Moth \u003d TVs connected \u003d C \u003d C \u003d CHIX, go \u003d SPI Jesu \u003d CE Christ \u003d Bo \u003d same, help \u003d Lui us. Ami \u003d ny. King \u003d sky \u003d sleep: trisvyty \u003d e. MEDIA \u003d I am TRO \u003d Ice: Glory, and now: our father: go \u003d go,

From the compiler, you hold in the hands of prayers, which is designed for people with hearing impairments, just begin their church life. Currently spiritual and educational work among the deaf

Can Christians now have eternal life and not lose it? Eternal life is "Gift of God in Christ Jesus, our Lord." She is promised to those who believe in her. 25 promise he promised to us

Fullness: the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives and do not drop in wine from which there is a breaking; But by the Spirit (Message to Ephesians 5:18) 53. January 14, 2019 - January 20, 2019 Fullness: the role of the Holy

Matthew's Gospel 156 Great Court of MF 25: 31-46 MF 25: 31-33 When the Son of Human will come in the glory of his own and all the MF 25: 37-40 then the righteous will tell him in response: Lord! When we saw you sharpening,

E $ via PLINTI, RzhcTwno2 GDA BGA and3 SP7SE Named ї) SA HRTA VELIA LEAD. Litjz. POLLYENEZ ќTrenz editorial and compilation to G.Smirnov Temple of the Library Trinity in Ostankino Patriarch of Moscow

Revealing prayer reflections on all days of the week Reflection Eighth (Sunday) as if the terrible throne of your oppression, Lord, I see, convicted, and the boring of the cases of my and your sentence is righteous

Primary prayers: King Heavenly, comforter, soul of truth. Like everywhere son and all

Primary prayers:

King Heavenly, comforter, soul of truth. It is also a son everywhere and the whole perform, the treasure of Good and Izhzni the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save, so much, our souls.


Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Immortal, Pomerize us. (Read three times, with a congestion and belt bow). Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer for the Most Holy Trinity:

Most Holy Trinity, nice us; Lord, to clean our sins;

Vladyko forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed our gentlemen, the name of yours for the sake.

Lord, hindle (three times). Slava Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, and now, and dreamily, and forever. Amen.

End of prayers:

It is worthy to eat Yako truly Bunity to the Virgin, the courtesy and the presets, and the mother of our God. Honestly cherub and a nornyless seraphim, without comparing Seraphim, without the evolution of God, the words rising, sowing the Virgin Major. Glory, and now: ... Lord, Homes ... (Three times), Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayers for the sake of the Mother Mother, the Reverend and the God's Father of our and all saints. Amen.

Our Father:

Symbol of faith:

I believe in a single god Father, Almighty, Creator, Sky and Earth, visible to all and invisible. And in the Unified Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beef, and from the father born before all century; Lights from the light, God is true of God is true, born, unructable, one of the father, they are all the same.

For the sake of the sake of the person and our sake of salvation from heaven and embodied from the Spirit of Holy and Mary of the Virgin, and in the smallest. Consistent with the Pilate Pilate, and Pilate, and in-Comb.

And resistant on the third day by Scripture. And it is worthwhile to heaven, and the stern father's father. And the Paki of the coming with Glovy Suditi is alive and dead. His kingdom will not end. And in the Spirit of Saints, the Lord, the life-giving, izh from the father of the outgoing, and the Father and Son of Spolly and Svalivima, Glagolivsago prophets.

In one, the Holy, Cathedral and Apostolic Church. Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins. Tea Resurrection of the dead, and the lives of the future century, Amen.

Prayer for the Fatherland:

Save, Lord, your people and bless your orphanage, victory to the gratitude people on the resistance of giving, and your perseverance of your residence.

Prayer Angel Keeper:

The angel of God, the keeper my holy, on keeping me from God with heaven given, diligently pray to you: you are going to enlighten you and from any evil to save, to the good act to nasty, and on the path of salvation! Amen.

The prayer is holy whose name is:

The moths of God about me, the holy waters of God (name), Yako Az diligently, resort to you, quick assistant and prayer about my soul.

Before the beginning of all kinds of good matter:

Cottage and the creator of all sorts of God, the hands of our hands, the glory of yours very familiar, by your blessing, correct, and we save us from any evil, Jaco is hersille and a humus person.

Before lunch:

Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, your name will be hidden, yes your kingdom will come, and there will be the will of yours, Yako in the sky, and on the earth.

The bread is our urgent gathering to us, and leave us our debts, Jokese and we leave our debtors: and do not enter us in temptation, but save us from the evil.

Before dinner and in front of a light snack:

The eyes of everyone on Ta, the Lord, and you gave them to eat in the bitterness, swearbread you generously your hand and execute any animal of favor.

Glory to his father and son and the Holy Spirit and now, and dreamily, and in the eyelids. Amen. Lord a lot ... three times. Bless The prayers of the saints of our father, Lord Jesus Christ, God, have mercy. Amen.

After meal:

We thank you, Christ God, Yako sat the earthly wonts of us: Do not lish us and the celestial to your kingdom. But Yako in the midst of your disciples of yours came, the sacket, the world giving them, get to us and save us.

Glory to his father and son and the Holy Spirit and now, and dreamily, and in the eyelids. Amen. Lord a lot ... three times. Bless The prayers of the saints of our father, Lord Jesus Christ, God, have mercy. Amen.

Prayer of St. Macaria Great (second):

Lord, our God, hedgehogped in the days of the Sea Word, Dawn and Thoroughness, Jaco Goods and Hummifier Forgiveness Mi: Miren Sleep and Demonstrate Darui Mi: An Angel of Your Guardian Ambassador, covers and observing me from all slander. You are the keeper of the souls and those Lesters our Les, and you are ashamed of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer before communion:

I believe, Lord, and confessing Yako, you really truly Christ the Son of God Zhivago, who came to the world sinful to save, the first of them the first to Esta Az. I still believe, Yako this is your most preching body, and this is the most honest blood of yours. Pretty climbing you: Meful, and forgive my sorry, liberal and unwanted, LOVE, LIVE, LIKE, LIVE AND JUSTICE: And there is no parties to find the most painful sacraments in leaving the sins of Iv life eternal.

Time Twee Mystery, the Son of God, a partake of me): I don't be the enemy of your mystery, nor the lobsia of teaching Yako Judas, according to Yako, the robber is confessing you: a rumor me, Lord, So the kingdom of yours.

Nine Commandments of Bliss (Blessed):

Bluges of the Spirit, Yako those there are the kingdom of heaven.

Blizheny crying, eagle thieves comfort.

Bligoria Crotties, Yako Tii inherit the Earth.

Bligniya the striking and thirsty truths, Syako Tii will be satisfied.

Blignii of the Milostivia, Syako Tii will be pardon.

Blignii is a pure heart, the Yako Tii of God is narrowed.

Blazhenia Peacemaker, Yako Tii Son of God they will speak.

Blazhenia Exile Pravda for the sake of the sake of the kingdom of heaven.

Blahiyou, albeit you and bent, and the robe of all kinds of evils on you squeezing.

Raduzey and funny, Yako Mzda is your tongue in heaven.


In the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer of the Holy Spirit

The king of the Heavenly, comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere else and everyone performed, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and messed at us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save, our souls.


Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, nice us. (Three times)

Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now also assumed and forever. Amen.

Prayer for the Blessed Trinity

Most Holy Trinity, nice us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed our gentlemen, the name of yours for the sake.

Lord have mercy. (Three times)

Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now also assumed and forever. Amen.

Prayer of the Lord

Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, your name will hire, and your kingdom will receive, and your will will be, Yako in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, I remained and we leave our debtor; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.

Before the beginning of all things, mentally prayed:

Lord, bless!

At the end of the same:

Glory to you, Lord!

Symbol of faith

I believe in the One God's Father, the Almighty, the Creator of the Sky and the Earth, visible to all and invisible. And in the unit Nago of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beggar, and from the Father Born himself before all century; Light from the light, the god is true of God is true, born, is irrelevant, the father is unique, right away. We are for the sake of a person and our sake of salvation of Szedshago from heaven and embodied from the Spirit of Holy and Mary of the Virgin, and in the smallest. Crucifago, and Pi-Late, and suffering, and buried. And resistant to the third day of Scripture. And it is worthwhile to heaven, and the stern father's father. And Paki Supilo with Glevai Sudiuti Alive and Dead, the Eagle Centers will not end. And in the Spirit of the Saints, the Lord, the life-giving, and from the father of the outgoing, and the Father and the Son of Spoklans and Svalivim, the verbal prophets. In one, the Holy, Cathedral and Apostolic Church. Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins. The resurrection of the Merrt, and the life of the future century. Amen.

Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Virgin Devo, rejoice, fertrely marriage, state with you; You are blessed in the wives and blessed the fruit of your womb, Yako Sava gave birth to our souls. It is worthy to eat Yako Valitinna Bunity to Bogoro-Ditu, the prospandal and the presets and the mother of our God. Honestly cherub and a sorry without comparing Seraphim, without the nonsense of God, the words rising, sowing the Virgin Major.

Prayers Morning

Having gotten from sleep, before any other case, become a reverent, presenting yourself before all-seeing God, and, by making a sign of the sign, say:

In the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then wait a little, while all your feelings are not at the silence and your thoughts will not leave all the earthly, and then pronounce the following prayers, without hasty and with the attention of heartfelt:

Prayer Mytarya

(Schiangelie from Luke, chapter 18, verse 13)

God, gracious Budy I feel sinful. (Bow)

Presenter prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, prayers for the sake of your mothers and all saints, have mercy. Amen.

Glory to you, God, glory to you.

Prayer of the Holy Spirit

The king of the Heavenly, comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save, our souls.


Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, nice us. (Read three times, with a congestion and waist bow.)

Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Prayer for the Blessed Trinity

Most Holy Trinity, nice us; Lord, to cleanse OUR; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed our gentlemen, the name of yours for the sake.

Lord have mercy. (Three times) Glory, and now.

Prayer of the Lord

Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will take away, and will be your will, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.

Troprochny Troparies

Sleeping, fallen, and the Angelic Song of the Holyness, strong: holy, holy, holy, God, God, Virginia.

Glory: From Odra and Sleep, Mr. Esi, Lord, My mind is enlightened and the heart, and the sleeping of my hole, in my petition, the holy Trinity: holy, holy, holy Esi, God, the Bogoro-sitsy.

And now: Suddenly, Sudya will come, and the coherence acts will be exposed, but in the fear of calling in the half: holy, holy, holy, holy, God, Virginia, have mercy.

Lord have mercy. (12 times)

Prayer for the Blessed Trinity

From sleeping, I thank you, the Holy Trinity, Yako, for the sake of your goodness and long-suffering, did not hesitate for me, Lenivago and Grevenago, following myself, I ruin myself with my defenseless; But the people's humanity usually and in the imprisonment of the lying erected me, in the hedgehog of Mother and Slavorsiti, your power. And now I will enlighten my ratchi molding, my mouth getting up with the word of yours, and you know your commandments, and you are doing your will, and Petita in confession with a creeper, and chanting your father's name, father and son and saint spirit, now and saint and forever centuries. Amen.

Purchase, bow to the prince of our God. (Bow)

Get, we will bow and fit Christ, Tsarevi to our God. (Bow)

Come, bow and fall in the most Christ, Tsarev and our God. (Bow)

Psalm 50.

Miscellaneous, God, in the greatness of your grace, and the many generaries of your cleanse of my lawlessness. My pucha, my ohm from my lawlessness, and from my sin of my eyes-stuff; Yako lawlessness my Az know, and my sin one is for me there. You have a single sorry and deer before you coat; Jaco and justified your wonderch, and won the fraud is fraud. Che Bo, in lawlessness in Chat, IM, and my mother is mine. Che Bo, the truth loved the ESI; Lightweight and secret wisdom of your man. Okropyishi, Issop, and clean; Omrochemisms, and smelling snow. Hearing my dasy joy and merry; The bones of the humble will rejoice. Write your face from my sin and my whole cleaning is clear. The heart is purely creating in me, God, and the Spirit of Rights upgrade in my womb. Do not reject me from your face and the Spirit of your saint, not by me. The joy of the joy of salvation of your and the spirit of the rule of law. We will teach the scientific way in your way, and dishusting will turn to you. Relieve me from blood, God, God's salvation; WHO is rejoicing my truth is your truth. Lord, the mouth of my openings, and my mouth will praise your praise. I would like the victims, it would have raised the victims, would gave birth to unfortunately: all the offensions do not favor. The sacrifice of God is crushed; The heart co-worn and humbly God will not humiliate. Decorations, states, thanks to your Zion, and will create the walls of Jerusalemsk. Then favor the victim of the truth, the permission and the discovered; Then we will lay on, Oltar Your Tales.

Symbol of faith

I believe in the One God's Father, Almighty, the Creator of Nebu and the Earth, visible to all and invisible. And in the one-piece of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beefish, and from the Father Born himself before all century; Light from the light, God is true of God is true, born, unructable, one of the way, right away. We are for the sake of a person and our sake of salvation of Szedshago from heaven and embodied from the Spirit of Holy and Mary of Virgin, and in the case. Crucifago, and Pi-Late, and suffering, and buried. And resistant on the third day by Scripture. And it is worthwhile to heaven, and the stern father's father. And Paki Supilo with Glevai Sudiuti Alive and Dead, the Eagle Centers will not end. And in the Spirit of Saints, the Lord, the life-giving, and from the father of the outgoing, and the Father and the Son of Spoklans and Saglivima, the Glagolavsha prophets. In one, the Holy, Cathedral and Apostolic Church. Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins. The resurrection of the Merrt, and the life of the future century. Amen.

Prayer 1st, Saint Makaria Great

God, cleanse the sinsmano, Yako Nikolizh coordinate the good before you; But save me from Lucavago, and yes there will be the will of your will, yes, you are not able to open the mouth of my unworthy and praise the name of your holy, father and son and the saint spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer 2nd, the same saint

From the dream of a possession, a surrounding song I bring, save, and falling yelling: do not go to death in the sinful death, but the damages of me, a rolling will, and the lying in the laziness will harve it, and save me in the upcoming and prayer, and in a dream Weekly take a day shaggy, Christ God, and save me.

Prayer 3rd, the same saint

To you, Vladyko, the philanthroper, from sleeping a priest-guy, and you will hurt your mercy, and pushing you: pomping at all time, in every ve-soup, and save me from all sorts of hasty, and Save my eternal in the kingdom. You boat my co-creation and every good blessing and a submitter, about you all hope mine, and you reveal the glory, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer 4th, the same saint

Lord, I also like a lot of goodness and your great generotes gave them to me, a slave of yours, the mimesed time of the Say of the Say without a prostasp of pretty from any kind of evil; You yourself, Vladyko, all sorts of creature, are able to create Will with your true light and enlightened with the heart of your heart, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer 5th, St. Vasily Great

Lord Almighty, God's forces and all kinds of flesh, in the highest and humble prize, hearts, the same and the womb and the secret and secretarious people of Java are the invisible, initial and apparent light, and he has a prevenination, or the delights of the fall; Myself, an immellent king, and our praying, I am in inferior time, in the many of your generotes who are daring, from the bad things to you, we will create, and leave us the pregnursions of our, Yazh, and the word, and thoughts, leading, or the ignorance by us ; And cleaning from everyone's bad flesh and spirit. And give us a cheerful heart and sober thoughts of the whole of the real life of the advantage of the advantage of the coming of the Son, the Lord and God and the Savior of our Jesus Christ, in Ogez, with the glorus of Juda, the Sudie will enjoy everyone; Yes, no false and complainable, but waking and extending to do the drawing prepared, in the joy and divine drawn of glory by His Council, the ideal of celebrating the voice of the neur-ground, and the ineffable sweetness of your face is unnecessary. You bless you are true light, enlighten and sanctifying everything, and you sings the whole creature in the age and centuries. Amen.

Prayer 6th, the same saint

You are blessing, Vyachniy God and the Lord of Milicia, creating a great one and the wrong, glorious and terrible, including the numbers that gave us a dream to restoring the worst troubles, and the weakening of the works of Multi-hard flesh. We thank you, Yako did not destroy us with the lawlessness of our, but people were usually usually, and in the lack of Lying Lying, the Slavslbviti is the power of the state. Moose molim, immeasurable goodness, enlighten our thoughts, screaming, and our mind from the solage of sleep laziness will open up: Out of our mouth, and I will fulfill your praise, Yako, yes, I can disposable petition and confess to you, in Sech, and from all the Scho, and from all the glorious God , The original father, with the only society of your son, and all-in-friendly and good and life-giving your spirit, now and are constantly confident, and forever. Amen.

Prayer 7th, to the Most Holy Virgin

I sneeze your grace, Vladychitsa, I pray, my melting mind. Passage the right to Nastavi, through the Holy Stub Comments. Buddha to the songs of strengthening, the dream is driving away. Connected by the plenty of the sin, your lungs are allowed, Bogonavo. In the novchei, me and during the days they keep it, fighting the enemy of eliminating me. The vital of God is having a birth, killed by the passions of God. Light the light of the ineverance has given birth, my soul is blinded by the enlightenment. Oh, the wondrous laddy of the Palato, the house of the spirit of Divine Mena Schatvor. Doctor thanks, rub the soul of my many people's passion. Worried by the life of Burea, for the paths of my repentance to move. Get rid of the fire of Emnivo, and the worm of zlago, and Tartara. Yes, I do not see a demon of a reason for a reason for many sin of jannik. Nova Schatvari Mal, promising, insensitive, subsensity, sins. Stranger flour, show me, and all the lord of the mind. Heavenly to depreciate cheerful, with all the saints, controversy. The Most Holy Devo, hear the voice of the uncomfortable slave of yours. Let the jet, let me tears, the last, my soul is cleaned. I bring the wedding from the heart, I don't have it, diligently, Vladychitsa. Prayer service my acceptance, and God brought to God. The exceeding angel, Mirskago Mali, exceeding the gluttony. Light-skinned hackney, spiritual grace in me by right. Ruta will remove and satisfy the jumper, the perfectly desecrated. Distillers of bobes of delight, Christ digestly begging; Jested the honor and clone is appropriate, now and in the eyelids of centuries, Amen.

Prayer 8th, Lord to our Jesus Christ

Multi-facing and the god of my God, Lord Jesus Christ, has learned many of the sake of LUVE and embodied Esi, IKO and the sponsings of all. And Paki, Savior, save me by grace, I pray to you; Through how much, I am a grace and a gift, but the debt is puzy. She, many in generous and incomplete in grace! Believe Bo in Me, the River, about Christ, will be alive and the death will be alone. More than a faith, Laja, saves desperately, see a believer, save me, Yako, my God you and the creator. Belief instead of deeds can be immediately immediately, my God, not the hardship of Bo-affairs from all that is justified by me. But that faith, my yes, will love together all of all, that yes he is releasing, that and justify me, that yes it is still a part-time than your fame of your eternal. Yes, it is not a taste of sickness in Satan, and boasts, the word, hedgehogs are rejected by me from your hands and fences; But or chop, save me, or not a worst, my deasses, pre soon soon, soon, darkers: You are my God, my God, Moyya's God. Specifiable, Lord, now lighten to the latch, the same sin's eyes are eapsectable; And the packs to work for you without a tannosta, I am a worker before Satan flattering. I will work the same, to you, the Lord and God to my Jesus Christ, all the days of my belly, now and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer 9th, to the Guardian Angel

Holy angel, the oppression of my soul and a passionate my life, do not leave me a sinner, below retreat from me for the confusion of my. Do not give the place to the deception of the demon with me, the violence of the mortgago television; Inhapping the distinguished and thin my hand and put me on the path of salvation. To her, shot by the Angela of God, the keeper and the patron of the plot of my soul and the body, all I am sorry, I am insulting all the days of my abdomen, and it's some kind of sinful to the preceded nosta, the face of the right day, and save me from all It is opposite, yes, I don't fuck God in any gres, and pray for me to the Lord, but I will approve me in the rust of myself, and it will be worthy of my friend's slave. Amen.

Prayer 10th, to the Most Holy Virgin

The Most Holy Vladychitsa Motherod's Motherod, the saints, the saints and all-plating souls from Mena Smrennago and Okyannago, the slave of your despondency, oblivion, nerazu-MIA, the nerakee, and all the bad, dear and cool thinking from the Okayannagigago of my heart and served my mind; And there is a flame of my passions, Yako Nisch Esm and Okyanen. And save me from many and people of rejo-minnes and enterprises, and from all the evil freedom. Yako is blessed with every childbirth, and the precessive name of yours is famous for centuries. Amen.

The prayer call of the saint whose name is

The moths of God about me, the holy waters of God (name), Yako Az diligently, to you, quickly assistant and Mo Litvnik about my soul.

Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Virgin Devo, Having rejoice, the fertile mariye, the Lord with you; You are blessed in the wives and blessed the fruit of your womb, Yako Sava gave birth to our souls. Save, Lord, and Velikago Mr. Mr. And the Father of Our Holy Patriarch ........., Hispanic Metropolitans, Archbishops and Bishops Orthodoxy, the Jewels and Deacon, and the whole routine of church, I put an essay of a verbal flock, and pray to them. Save me sin. (Bow)

Save, Lord, and nice father of my spirituality (his name), and my saint prayers forgive his saints. (Bow)

Save, Lord, and nice parents My (names of them), brethren and sisters, and the affinations of my flesh, and the whole neighbor of my kind, and friends, and give them a peaceful and premium blessing. (Bow)

Save, Lord, and Hermit Elders and Yunia, Nishchi and orphans and Widowers, and Sushchia in Diseases and Site, the troubles of the same and scuba, the circumstances and prisoners, the dungeons and imprisonments, are fairly in persecution, you for the sake of both Orthodox Language of godless, from the apostate and from heretics, the suspicion of your slaves, and the obstacle, visit, strengthen, comfort, and soon the power of your oslab, freedom and relieving them. (Bow)

Save, Lord, and humbly sent to the service, traveling, fathers and the brotherhood of our, and all the Orthodox Christians. (Bow)

Save, Lord, and hunt themselves Az madly of my temptations, and from the path of savory dismantle, to the case of evil and there is no leadership; Divine your fishery to the path of saving Paks return. (Bow)

Save, Lord, and surviving hate and offensive me, and the creast of mi, and do not leave them to die for the sake of sinning. (Bow)

Having receding from the Orthodox faith and deceased heresy blinded, the light of your knowledge of the enlightenment and the Holy of your apostles of the Cathedral Church of the Church. (Bow)


Looking, Lord, from the life of the His Holiness Patriarchs, His His His His Holiness Patriarchs, His Metropolitan, Archipis-cops and Bishops of Orthodox, in the Hyereystep and at the Church, and the National Monastery, served to you, and in the eternal villages with Vyatimi. (Bow)

Look, Lord, the souls of the deceased slaves of your, parents of my (their names), and all the affinations of the flesh; And forgive them all the warmness of free and unwitting, giving them the kingdom and the communion of eternal good and your unnecessary and blessed life enjoyment. (Bow)

The obstacles, Lord, and all in the hope of resurrection and life eternal, the fathers and the brotherhood of our, and sisters, and the province lying and everywhere, the Orthodox Christians, and with our holy, the appearance of your face, vsi, and rose us, IKO GOOD AND POOT. Amen. (Bow)

Guess, Lord, leaving sins with all the resurrection, father, brethren and sisters and sisters, and create eternal memory. (Three times)

Ending prayer

It is worthy to eat Yako truly Bunnya to the Virgin, the courtesy and the presets and the mother of God on. Correctly cherub and a sorry without comparing Seraphim, without the nonsense of God, the words rising, essentially the Boystroya Major.

Glory, and now: Lord, humbly. (Three times)

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayer for the sake of the Mother of Your Mother, the Reverend and the Godproof Father of our and all the saints. Amen.