
How many kcal in baked chicken drumstick. Chicken drumstick: nutritional value and calorie content

Building a bath

baked chicken drumsticks rich in vitamins and minerals such as: choline - 12.2%, vitamin B5 - 17.6%, vitamin B6 - 15.1%, vitamin B12 - 12.5%, vitamin PP - 21.2%, phosphorus - 20 .6%, selenium - 36.8%, zinc - 15.5%

Benefits of baked chicken thighs

  • Choline is part of lecithin, plays a role in the synthesis and metabolism of phospholipids in the liver, is a source of free methyl groups, acts as a lipotropic factor.
  • Vitamin B5 participates in protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism, cholesterol metabolism, the synthesis of a number of hormones, hemoglobin, promotes the absorption of amino acids and sugars in the intestine, supports the function of the adrenal cortex. A lack of pantothenic acid can lead to damage to the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Vitamin B6 participates in the maintenance of the immune response, the processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system, in the transformation of amino acids, the metabolism of tryptophan, lipids and nucleic acids, contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells, maintaining a normal level of homocysteine ​​in the blood. Insufficient intake of vitamin B6 is accompanied by a decrease in appetite, a violation of the condition of the skin, the development of homocysteinemia, anemia.
  • Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the metabolism and transformations of amino acids. Folate and vitamin B12 are interrelated vitamins involved in hematopoiesis. A lack of vitamin B12 leads to the development of partial or secondary folate deficiency, as well as anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Inadequate vitamin intake is accompanied by a violation of the normal state of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, rickets.
  • Selenium- an essential element of the antioxidant defense system of the human body, has an immunomodulatory effect, participates in the regulation of the action of thyroid hormones. Deficiency leads to Kashin-Bek's disease (osteoarthritis with multiple deformities of the joints, spine and limbs), Keshan's disease (endemic myocardiopathy), and hereditary thrombasthenia.
  • Zinc is part of more than 300 enzymes, is involved in the synthesis and breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, nucleic acids and in the regulation of the expression of a number of genes. Insufficient intake leads to anemia, secondary immunodeficiency, liver cirrhosis, sexual dysfunction, and fetal malformations. Recent studies have revealed the ability of high doses of zinc to disrupt the absorption of copper and thereby contribute to the development of anemia.
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Chicken is a popular product that regularly appears on our tables. Many people like fried or oven-baked chicken without oil, while others prefer it boiled or stewed.

As a rule, poultry meat is salted, but sometimes it is eaten without salt, replacing it with aromatic herbs and seasonings. The variety of chicken recipes is simply amazing. But what is the calorie content of chicken cooked in different ways? Let's find out more!

No other type of meat contains as many important substances for the human body as chicken. It contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, as well as valuable vitamins A, B1, B2, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, E and a number of amino acids. But most importantly, it is a source of easily digestible protein, which activates the growth of muscle mass.

Useful properties of chicken meat:

  • activation of muscle mass growth;
  • strengthening nails and hair;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes in the body;
  • a positive effect on the work of the reproductive organs;
  • normalization of the nervous system, reduction of stress and anxiety;
  • maintaining normal blood pressure.

Nutritionists recommend eating domestic chicken, as artificially bred chicken is often reared with hormones and treated with antibiotics. Among all the ways of cooking chicken, it is best to give preference to boiling, steaming, stewing or baking, but in no case frying. The fact is that during frying, protein molecules are damaged, the amount of fat increases, and carcinogens are released.

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It is also not recommended to eat smoked chicken, since, in addition to natural smoking, there is another way to obtain this delicious meat - chemical processing, during which phenols and carcinogens are formed.

It is important to remember that the most dangerous part of the chicken is the skin, as it acts as a kind of garbage can for birds. It is in it that toxins, metals and other harmful components present in polluted air accumulate. Therefore, the skin must be removed.

Chicken calories (per 100 grams)

The calorie content of raw chicken with skin is 190 kcal. At the same time, it contains:

  • proteins - 19.12 gr;
  • fats - 12.10 gr;
  • carbohydrates - 0.30 gr.

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The calorie content of raw skinless chicken is reduced to 178 calories, and the amount of fat is reduced by almost a third - to 7.23 grams. The amount of proteins is 19.55 g, and the amount of carbohydrates is only 0.26 g.

Calorie table of different parts of chicken per 100 grams

The calorie content of various parts of the chicken deserves special attention, since we rarely cook a whole bird. As a rule, many people prefer white meat from chicken breast. Others are delighted with chicken wings or legs (fried or baked in the oven). Let's find out how many calories they contain per 100 grams.

Part of the carcass Calories (kcal) Proteins (gr) Fat (g) Carbohydrates (g)
Chicken fillet 123,18 23,77 2,76 0,55
Boiled chicken fillet 120,52 23,82 2,09 1,01
Fried chicken fillet 128,70 22,69 3,69 0,55
Stewed chicken fillet 121 22,08 3,39 0,55
chicken leg 169,73 21,62 9,28 0,38
Boiled chicken leg 165 20,80 8,80 0,60
Fried chicken leg 249 24,93 17,65 0,88
Stewed chicken leg 188,49 20,31 11,48 1,77
Chicken breast 112 22,58 2,4 0,21
Boiled chicken breast 134 27,00 2,68 0,58
Fried chicken breast 164 30,32 5,08 1,04
Chicken breast stew 110 21,00 2,06 1,51
Chicken drumstick 174,6 21,29 10,29 0,59
Boiled chicken drumstick 159,87 21,82 8,35 0,15
Fried chicken drumstick 208,18 21,07 23,88 0,17
Braised chicken drumstick 172,77 18,96 9,29 0,41
chicken wings 195,52 19,32 12,70 0,36
Boiled chicken wings 179,56 20,40 9,76 0,56
Fried chicken wings 264,31 21,96 17,47 6,67
Chicken wings stewed 185 21,30 11,00 0,10

How many calories are in a chicken thigh? There are 184 calories in a raw chicken thigh. At the same time, the BJU indicators are as follows: 20.3 g / 11.16 g / 0.13 g. Boiled chicken thigh is only slightly below these figures.

Calorie table of chicken cooked in different ways (per 100 gr)

Before compiling your diet, you need to know exactly how many calories are in chicken cooked in one way or another. The easiest way is to present the calorie content of chicken per 100 grams in a table indicating the BJU for each individual dish.

Cooking method Calories (kcal) Proteins (gr) Fat (g) Carbohydrates (g)
Boiled chicken 244 22,97 16,75 0,06
Boiled chicken without skin 145 3,09 28,65 0,38
Fried chicken 281 23 17 2,25
Fried chicken without skin 164 28 5 1,1
Baked chicken 195,97 20,06 11,18 1,39
Skinless baked chicken 148,28 23,9 5,3 0,38
Grilled chicken 184,5 22,29 8,81 1,41
Grilled chicken without skin 135,52 23,17 6,13 1,23
Braised chicken 163,47 17,68 9,04 1,22
Braised skinless chicken 149,75 26,78 3,68 0,72
Smoked chicken 205,19 21,23 12,91 0,50
Steam chicken 140,79 23,80 5,78 0,66

As you can see, the calorie content of boiled skinless chicken is reduced to 145 kcal compared to conventional cooking, and the amount of fat drops by more than 5 times. Naturally, this option for cooking chicken is the most useful.

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If you like fried chicken, then it is better to cook it in the oven. Best of all - without skin, since in this form the calorie content is lower, and the amount of fat is reduced by 15-20%. But chicken baked in foil has only 100 calories.

You can find out which chicken is allowed to eat during a diet from the video:

If you try to determine the most versatile and easy food, then most people will choose chicken. Indeed, it is the lightest and most appetizing appetizer that gratefully accepts seasonings. And the legs are also quite fat, and therefore men also appreciate them. The calorie content of a chicken leg may vary depending on the cooking method, but in any case, the indicator will surprise a losing weight person, for whom calorie content is the main factor of choice. Let's reveal the secret!

Why do we love chicken?

Indeed, why do we love this tender bird so much, if we do not speak positively about her mental abilities? We compare a stupid person with a chicken, and a too loud-mouthed person with a rooster. But almost everyone loves chicken on the table. Chicken meat is a very "grateful" base for any dish, whether it's just roast, cutlets, minced meat or dumplings. Surprises and pleases the fact that the chicken is eaten almost completely. Even the paws and scallop, some housewives adapt and make jelly on their basis. And it turns out delicious! What to say about Sometimes they are compared with seeds, referring to the fact that it is impossible to tear yourself away from fried wings, and you cannot eat them. The calorie content without skin is only 156 calories. This indicator will satisfy the requirements of even those girls who adhere to a very strict diet. But the chicken leg is more fat than other parts of the chicken.

Ah, those legs!

The whole charm of chicken lies in its softness, tenderness and high cooking speed. In addition, the chicken attracts with its affordable price and ease of serving. Chicken legs with skin will complement the daily home menu and decorate the festive table. Their calorie content will be somewhat higher than in the absence of the skin. By the way, even a leg with skin can remain dietary if the meat is boiled, steamed or baked without oil. But if you fry them, pre-marinating in mayonnaise or any other fatty sauce, then the calorie content of a chicken leg can reach up to 210 calories. This part of the chicken is ergonomic, and therefore the meat becomes an excellent buffet dish and a versatile choice for a picnic or barbecue party.

By the way, the legs are the most affordable and affordable, even among other parts of the chicken. Because of this, a huge number of different recipes have appeared. A cook can cook legs daily and never repeat the cooking method. The legs are delicious to fry, boil, bake and stew. They also make an excellent base for soups, appetizers or deep-fried dishes.

taste factor

The calorie content of the chicken leg allows you to supplement the recipe on this basis with a variety of ingredients. Agree, low-calorie meat will be in harmony with vegetables, spices, herbs and even fruits! After all, the legs can be cooked with pineapples or apples. The taste will be unusually original! It’s even easier to beat off the drumsticks and lightly sprinkle them with a mixture of pepper and salt. After that, the legs need to be fried in butter and enjoy the taste. Time spent - nothing at all, but the dish seems truly festive. If the taste is good even in such a primitive recipe, then it is difficult to imagine an extravaganza of flavors in sophisticated dishes!

A little bit of fantasy!

There are a lot of options for cooking chicken, and they are all simple. Well, it's almost impossible to mess up! It is tender, light and delicious. The main thing is not to burn on fire and not overdo it with spices. If a festive dinner is on the horizon, how about simmered drumsticks in a delicious creamy sauce and baked in a sleeve? The calorie content will not increase much, but when calculating the total energy value of the dish, you need to remember about the sauce and garnish. For the marinade, prepare a capacious dish, where pour about 100-150 grams of cream, a large spoonful of sour cream, add grated garlic and onion, cut into half rings. Put the chicken legs in the sauce so that they completely "drown" in the mixture, and leave for a couple of hours in the cold.

After the appointed time, prepare the sleeve; cut a large carrot into it into thin circles and lay out the pickled legs. Marinade can be sent after the meat. Approximately 40-50 minutes in the oven, and the legs can be served on the table. Guests will lick their fingers and be sure to ask for more. You can diversify this dish with stuffing. Legs go well with mushrooms, sweet peppers and other vegetables.


To put it bluntly, dieting is by no means fun, because you have to limit yourself to the most pleasant - in food. And it's so annoying that the most delicious is always banned. However, the calorie content of a chicken leg allows you to fit the bird into any dietary framework. You can even dream up with a side dish! Azerbaijani shins and pepper soup is good for lunch. And a purely Italian recipe - chicken legs in tomato paste - can also be enjoyed for dinner, as it is hearty, but at the same time it does not differ in severity.

Interestingly, not every nutritionist recommends drumsticks for food due to the large number of blood vessels in this part of the chicken. The meat of the legs is darker and tougher than in the wings or breast. The value of meat is also questionable, since not every chicken is kept in good conditions. More cholesterol “settles” in the shins, and if the chicken walks a little, then the fat is not consumed at all. But the harm of meat is manifested only due to excessive eating, and within reasonable limits, the legs enrich the body with vitamins and amino acids, and also treat anemia and affect the state of the blood.

Chicken meat is loved and regularly cooked from it, it becomes the basis of a mass of various delicious dishes. Everyone knows how healthy and easily digestible chicken meat is. It is the chicken that contains the most protein, amino acids, important trace elements for the human body.

Variety of chicken legs dishes

Many dishes can be prepared from chicken meat. Many people prefer to take for them a part of a chicken carcass, which is called a drumstick or just a leg. From it you can cook delicious and healthy dishes. Let's see what cooking options are used and are popular. So, the lower leg can be:

These chicken drumstick options are commonly used for second courses. For the first course, beloved by many chicken soup, broth is prepared from the legs.

In the refrigerator of any family there are always fillets or wings, hangers, backs, etc. Most often, housewives prefer to have shins in stock. And they are inexpensive, and prepared quickly. Chicken leg dishes are always a pleasure to see on the table. Deliciously cooked chicken meat is sure to cause an appetite. Sometimes it is forgotten that there is a danger of overeating, especially if the food is fatty and high in calories. But in the case of chicken, lovers of a tight meal, even if the drumsticks, for example, fried, baked or smoked, should not be afraid to harm their body.

The nutritional value of the product is very high. Now it's impossible to imagine our diet without it. And what attracts people to chicken is its calorie content.

Chicken meat is consumed at any age, with any disease. It is not contraindicated to anyone, unlike other meat products. Chicken meat can be served to the table as a separate dish, or with any side dish. It is rare when a festive feast is complete, for example, without baked chicken. Or salads, in which tender, soft chicken meat is an obligatory ingredient.

Chicken meat calories

Poultry or animal meat is considered dietary because it contains a small amount of calories. It is well digested in the human stomach. The body receives a lot of nutrients and vitamins that are so necessary for a person. For example, chicken contains such very important and micronutrient useful for the human body s like:

  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus
  • other.

Unlike lamb, beef, and even more so pork, which contains a lot of fat, and, consequently, calories, chicken meat is a low-calorie product. Therefore many people prefer to eat chicken, so as not to gain weight. Most often, to prepare delicious dishes from it, they take part of the carcass - the drumstick.

The first advantage over the meat of animals that contain a lot of calories, which makes it difficult to digest food, is that meat from the chicken leg is quickly and easily absorbed by the body.

The second benefit is the presence of about 16 grams of protein in the lower leg, while there are very few calories. This is especially useful for those who decide to "go on" a diet, as well as for athletes. It is best to use the legs in a boiled form.

Chicken drumsticks have different calories. Experts have researched, according to the results of which they concluded that the number of calories in 100 grams of it is not the same for a number of reasons. It all depends on:

  • chicken breeds;
  • chicken weight;
  • folding the chicken carcass.

A very small calorie content in the drumstick of a laying hen. It is only 180 calories per 100 grams, but a homemade broiler, which is gaining weight very quickly, has almost 50 calories more calories than a laying hen.

The number of calories depending on the method of preparation

In addition, the method of preparing the dish from the drumstick also affects the calorie content of the product. When it is cooked in the oven, the fat in the skin on it is burned. That's why the calorie content remains within 180.

The simplest dish and the way to prepare it is, of course, boiled chicken drumstick. Anyone can play the role of a chef. It does not require special skills. And the value of boiled chicken is its low calorie content. For 100 grams of meat, it is only 170 calories. This is the dream of any person dreaming of losing weight.

Chicken meat cooked in a pan is very tasty. Many people like this meat with a delicious crispy crust. Yes, and beautifully decorated with spices, herbs. However, you should not eat such dishes often. Firstly, the calorie content of fried chicken drumstick is 240 calories and above. Secondly, such a dish may not always be useful for the human stomach.

The average calorie content of a smoked drumstick is 190 calories. Especially if it is cold smoked.

Chicken drumstick can rightly be called one of the most popular meat products in our country, so its calorie content is of interest to many people who monitor the amount of calories consumed. Since this product is not dietary, you should consider what is the energy value of bird legs.

The energy value

Determining exactly how many kilocalories each leg contains is not so easy. The fact is that the calorie content of the lower leg depends on several factors: on the breed, weight and physique of the bird. For example, a laying hen gives a raw product with an average energy value of 180 kcal per 100 grams of product, but for a broiler, this figure can reach 230 kcal.

It should be noted that drumstick is a fillet, that is, meat and skin. The latter is significantly fatter, and therefore more nutritious. For example, for a boiled drumstick without skin, the average is 158 kcal per 100 g, and separately the skin already contains 212 kcal per serving of the same weight.

The method of heat treatment also has a huge impact on the calorie content of the product. Boiled chicken should be considered the most dietary option, especially if it is steamed - in this case, the rendered fat drains, so even a drumstick with skin has an energy value in the range of 170-180 kcal. Something similar happens with natural smoking on fire. When using “liquid smoke”, smoked drumstick does not lose fat, therefore the calorie content in such a product is higher. Probably, it will not be a discovery for anyone that fried meat not only does not lose the fat present in it, but also can absorb oil from the pan, so in this case the energy value rises to 240 kcal and even more.

Many supporters of a healthy diet are also interested in specific indicators related to one lower leg, without a clear reference to weight. Statistics show - an average of 1 pc. drumstick weighs from 100 to 150 g, from which we can conclude that the leanest boiled leg of a small size will provide the body with energy in the amount of 150 kcal, while a large fried leg can give 400 kcal.

Why is it worth eating?

Many of the fair sex, who sincerely want to lose weight in a significant amount and as soon as possible, may come to the conclusion that large legs are not for them, at least temporarily. This point of view is based on the fact that most non-meat products have a lower calorie content, and even in a chicken carcass there are dietary parts, for example, the same fillet. But experts do not advise giving up the meat of this bird.

The fact is that chicken (in particular, drumstick) is very useful for the human body. For example, this product is a very valuable source of animal protein, of which 16 g is present in each 100 gram serving. If you want to not only lose weight, retaining all the stretch marks, but also get a toned figure with beautiful muscles, then you cannot exclude such a product from your daily diet.

Considering that most people combine diets for weight loss with active sports, the constant replenishment of the protein supply is simply necessary.

In addition, chicken drumsticks are a rich source of various minerals, including iron and calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, as well as many other elements. The meaning of losing weight often lies not in eating less, but in establishing the correct metabolism, which allows timely removal of all unnecessary from the body without the formation of unnecessary body fat. All of the above trace elements are necessary for good health and the proper functioning of various body systems, so it is possible that weight gain is not so much due to excess calories, but due to the absence of certain minerals. A similar set of substances, of course, is present in pork and beef, as well as in other types of meat, but it is chicken that allows you to get all this with the lowest intake of fat.

Finally, experts in healthy nutrition point to the balanced composition of chicken meat. Due to this, it is absorbed much more intensively than other types of meat products. To extract all the usefulness from the lower leg, you do not need to eat this product in kilograms.

How to cook?

There are few people who purposefully seek to increase the calorie content of a dish, but there are more than enough of those who would like to reduce it. In order for the chicken drumstick to remain relatively dietary, you need to cook it correctly, or at least not make common mistakes.

For example, those who want to lose weight are advised to remove the skin from the legs before use. If a person really loves chicken precisely for this part of it and is not ready to give up the skin, then it is worth restricting yourself more strictly in cooking methods - in fact, you only have to boil the meat, steam it or bake it without adding oil. After removing the skin, you can try cooking in other ways. For example, treat yourself to a fried leg. However, it must be remembered that it is still not worth abusing such delicacies.

In order to taste the drumstick and not overdo it with the number of calories, it is better to prepare compound dishes in such a way that much less high-calorie components provide a significant amount in their composition. Luckily, chicken goes great with a variety of fruits, so it's often served with pineapple or the more familiar apple. The latter, by the way, require even more calories for their digestion than they provide, therefore they are able to slightly reduce the energy value of meat, whose share in the total weight will be relatively small.

It is also worth considering that a huge percentage of calories is provided not even by meat, but by the sauce with which it is often consumed. The same mayonnaise, on average, has a mind-blowing 680 kcal per 100 g, and even relatively dietary varieties of it can be higher in calories than meat.

If the issue of calories is of concern because of the desire to reduce your weight, then you need to pay attention to the fact that salt and some hot spices can contribute to fluid retention in the body, so it is better to be very careful with these ingredients.

How to cook diet chicken legs, see the following video.