
French Bulldog: Description and Standard of breeds with photos, the character of the "Frenchman", pros and cons. Pros and cons breed French Bulldog.

Garden buildings

Today, dogs deserve special attention. In addition to wonderful guard skills, these animals contribute to a person energetic and good notch. Becoming the owner of the dog, a person acquires the faithful, smart and attentive friend. In this article I would like to stop and describe in detail such a breed as the French Bulldog. Believe me, this breed combines incompatible qualities. Interested? Follow us.

Origin versions

The origin of the French Bulldog is no less interesting than, the animal itself.

The history of the emergence and formation of this very popular breed is enveloped by a variety of rumors and a controversy. Of course, the dispute and discussion gave rise to the British and the French. The history of the breed has two versions of the emergence. According to the first version - French Bulldog acts as the brainchild of British breeders. According to them, the Frenchman is painstaking work Over the nature of the miniature variation of classic english bulldogs.

According to the French source, the breed of dogs French Bulldog was removed by using blood and genes of Spanish bulldogs. It was France who was engaged in crossing the British and Spaniards. Since then, many years have passed, however, the discussions do not subside. If not everything is smooth with versions of origin, then there are no problems with the ancestors of these animals. According to historians, the ancestor of French Bulldog is represented by four-legged soldiers and a hunter. For a long time, the dogs of this breed were representatives of the elite. At the beginning of the XIX century, the cost of French Bulldog was $ 750. How much is the French Bulldog today? The price has not changed much, since this breed is popular around the world.

Features of breed

Animals, like people, have their own character, intelligence and temperament. Each dog is a person who has its own characteristics and character traits. Among the bulldogs you can meet both Drachunov and Dobryakov. There are incluses, sloths, ta and energetic and moving dogs. It is especially surprised by the fact that the dog and man is a single system. The dog is a reflection of man. If the host of the animal is an active and movable person, then the dog leads the same way of life. And if the man is a household and likes to stand still, then the animal cannot be raised from his warm and beloved place. Yes, these animals are truly amazing creatures.

Animal intelligence

In fact, French Bulldog, as already noted above, combines incompatible qualities. They are able to quickly understand the teams, but at the same time do not burn with a desire, immediately perform them. So, before teaching the dog to fulfill a command, the owner will have to sweat.

As for communication, they very quickly find a common language with people. Moreover, the Frenchman feels a person on the psychological level. They are suitable for both active people and people with limited physical abilities. They will not only be devoted friends, but also bold defenders. Despite the fact that Bulldog refers to a decorative type, he is clever, heter and strong. After all, not in vain, the French brought this breed to combat rats. At that time, cats could not cope with them. Therefore, there was an animal that would effectively fought with dangerous and light rodents. Fearless Frenchman kept an active struggle against rats.


French Bulldogs belong to representatives who require much attention from human. They do not like loneliness. They are characterized by a soft and quiet character. They do not know what panic is and fear. Despite its temperament, French Bulldog is a calm and balanced creature. However, this breed is intended to be offended by people. But at the same time, they quickly depart if they see that a person takes care of him. They gladly play with children. Moreover, they can perform the role of nannies. The child will always be supervised. It is worth noting that Bulldog is a tender, caring, playful and devoted animal. Despite the fact that the dog with ease comes to contact, a neighbor in the form of a cat, he will not like it. However, if the animal since childhood is in such a company, there should be no problems with the neighborhood.

Unusual creature

When you look at the French Bulldog, it seems that this is not a dog at all, but an unearthly and mystical creature. Mighty lion breast, an unusual form of ears and widely planted eyes - all this is about one animal, the name of which is French Bulldog.

The heart of this small animal is not led by such a concept as fear. Heredity and genes of ancestors make themselves felt. The word "Bull-Dog" is interpreted as a "bull dog". Of course, this animal never took part in this kind of battles, however, in the soul he is a fighter. Moreover, it is safe to say that the Frenchman is a good psychologist. He helps to cope with depression.

What do bulldogs sick?

French Bulldogs are characterized by good health, however, they are diagnosed next species Diseases:

  • . The disease amazes the fold on the face.
  • Allergy.
  • Crowness.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Complex childbirth.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that due to the specifics of the structure of the nose and skull, the French have some breathing difficulties caused by high temperatures.

How to care?

As for the departure, there are no special rules for this breed. Since the bulldog can not boast of lush wool, then the care is minimal. It is enough once a week to calculate the animal. This allows you to get rid of dead hairs. Water procedures are recommended once a month. Frequent hiking in the bathroom can cause itching and dandruff. Caring for the paws consists of a haircut of claws.

Since the ears of the animal are of a specific shape, then brushing the ears is rarely recommended - once every 14 days.

The only feature in the care of the French Bulldog is to care for the fold on the face. The fold itself accumulates dirt, dust and moisture. This, in turn, can lead to the formation of infection. Skin folds need every day care. Clear folds needed with wet napkins. After cleaning, it is recommended to apply a cream to avoid cracks.

Due to the fact that the eyes of the animal are open and convex, they must be kept clean. In this regard, the eyes are wiping with a napkin every day.

In fact, the rules of care are quite simple. The only thing you need to pay a special role is the eyes and muzzle. But after all, the person is washed every day.

As for the habitat, the dogs are able to live only at home.

Life expectancy

For the owners of the French, the question of life expectancy is relevant. How many french bulldogs live? Do they relate to long-livers? We will try to deal with this question. According to statistics, the maximum age of Bulldog is an average of 10 years. Only some individuals live up to 12 years. It is extremely rare to meet a miniature representative, whose age exceeded the mark of 15 years. However, this does not mean that the animal can live to a deep old age. It all depends on health, heredity, physical condition, nutrition and care. Power must be balanced. This topic describes in more detail below. It is possible that it is your pet will become a long-liver. All in the hands of a person.

What to feed the French Bulldog?

Many French are delighted with natural products. What is characteristic, natural feeding by 50 percent consists of meat. Meat products are represented by beef, lamb and chicken. Beef and low-fat lamb can be given both cheese and boiled form. As for chicken, it needs to boil. The meat's adult dog is served with pieces, and puppies are in the form of a bunch. Meat can be replaced with offal. It is desirable to boil or give boiling water. Feeding French Bulldog is not without fish. As for fish, the French is allowed to give only marine fish. The weekly diet should include porridge, in particular, buckwheat and rice and boiled yolk. Dog vegetables give preference to the cabbage, pumpkin and carrots.


The standard of rocks was complemented and changed several times. The last option was adopted in 1995. The adopted documentation indicates the weight of the French Bulldog - it varies from 8 to 14 kg. On average, the Frenchman must weigh 11 kg. However, these data suggest that the animal is not miniature. It's all about the body structure. The body of the French is large, with muscular rear and front limbs.

The breed standard acts as the main standard that is used to assess the representatives of this breed in clubs. According to the Standard, the French are allowed two types of color:

  • The first is a tiger.
  • Second - fawn.

Tiger color combines black and redhead. The color changes from red with black layers to almost black shade with low-challenging red hairs.

For pale colors, a combination of cardinal shades is characterized by a pronounced red to chocolate with milk layers.

Recently, popularity is gaining blue color. French Bulldog Blue color costs a little more expensive than standard colors.

However, such a color is not standard and is considered to be marriage. Thus, representatives with such a color are not allowed to exhibits. It is worth clarity that the blue color is one of the many shades of gray.

In addition to the fact that the dog has an extraordinary appearance, which is manifested not only in the form of the muzzle, but also the ears. His ears are often compared with volatile. A feature of this breed is difficulties with playback. Therefore, a person resorts to the help of artificial insemination. Another problem of this breed is complex labor.

As can be seen, such a breed, as a French Bulldog is characterized by pluses and minuses.

  • Growth in the withers: males: 30-38 cm; Bitch: 28-35 cm
  • Weight: Males: 10-15 kg; Bitch: 9-12 kg
  • Color: white, white-tiger, white-fawn, cream, tiger
  • Life expectancy: 10-12 years old

Pros and cons

  • Patiently refers to a stranger, in the house practically does not bother
  • Quietly refers to different animals, not conflicting
  • Easy to care, including wool care
  • Snoring in a snow
  • Thermo-loving breed, winter need to wear
  • Susceptible to allergies, especially in young age

Description of breed

French Bulldog is a friendly and peaceful character. His peculiar appearance made him a favorite for millions of people. Despite the attractive temperament of the breed, it is impossible to call it a primitive. His features are some inconsistency in behavior.

French bulldogs are calm, sufficiently lazy creatures, in any situation knowing how to keep themselves confident. But at the same time, they are very playful animals and play with their owner with pleasure. In other words, this is not too active breed, but occasionally requires attention and does not refuse a short walk or the game.

He perfectly gets around with all family members, equally comfortable feeling surrounded by a lonely person or in a large family with children of any age. If you have a child before school age - You can safely leave it with a bulldog, leaving the store or hairdresser. Children, as a rule, also love this breed for its calm, phlegmatic, affectionate character, which is often not consistent with a somewhat harsh appearance.

French Bulldog is a smart enough dog that can react to the external environment. If you are the owner relates to a guest with a hostility, the same feelings will experience his four-legged pet. Bulldog is not a cowardly - he comes into battle without delay in the event of danger and fights to a victorious end, even if his opponent surpasses him in all indicators. This feature must be considered: during walks, situations should be avoided when a meeting with a potential opponent is possible. One of the biggest shortcomings of the breed is snoring. But if this is not fundamentally for you, the French Bulldog will become faithful and devoted to you.

Breed Standard French Bulldog

French Bulldog is a small breed of a small size, with a well-developed muscles, compact, strong, proportional addition.


Merry, sociable, playful. The dog is very attached to all family members, including children.


Straight and free, some racisordination is possible.


Square, massive, wide, with symmetrical folds and wrinkles. The skull in the ears area is almost flat, the forehead is convex, between the protruding surveillance arcs there is a deep furrow. Skills with developed muscles, the transition from the muzzle to the forehead is deep and sharp.


Short, massive, wide, with symmetrical folds, moving on the lips. The nose of the nose is strongly flattened. Powerful jaws, square, wide. The lower jaw is moderately nominated. The lips are fleshy, thick, cover teeth and tongue.


Planted wide and low, at a high distance from the ears and nose, rounded, large and slightly convex, dark color. The look is attentive.


Medium size, the base is wide, rounded at the ends. Planted high enough and wide, standing, directed forward.

Short, slightly curved.


The torso is wide, narrowing to the rear. Breast wide, barrel-shaped. The withers are expressed weakly. Cross inclined, back wide, loaf convex and short, belly is fried.


Thick at the base, short, with congenital fades, never rises above the back.


The front paws are straight, short, widespread. Rear little longer than the front, muscular, powerful. Front paws look at the sides. Claws are strong, short.

Hair Pokrov

Smooth, shiny, hair short and soft.


The characteristics of the color, according to the standard, allow the following varieties: a motley or tiger (alternation of red and black stripes), red-faw (from bright brown to coffee with milk), white with stains. There are copies of pure white color. The standard does not allow pure black color, white with black spots, mouse, black and tangible, liven.

Character and features

the main distinctive feature French bulldogs - strictly vertical ears resembling the auditory body of bats.

The nature of the breed is friendly, many believe that the expression of the muzzle of this dog is happy, and even manage to see a smile.

Parts of the body looks flashed and muscular, the legs are short and look very strong. The wool is dense, short, smooth, it is easy to care for it.

French bulldogs are usually easy to train, but there are quite stubborn specimens that should also be considered.

Another feature of the French Bulldog - this breed is divorced with great difficulties. Usually in the brood three or four puppies. Due to the absence of a fluff in short wool, bulldogs are very sensitive to heat and cold.

This is a city dog \u200b\u200bthat does not like to walk for too long. Only in the apartment, surrounded by people, she feels always good.

Care and content

In general, care for the French bulldog at home is quite simple. Wool is necessary to occasionally dedicate a special brush, preferably after each walk, especially in crude weather, wipe the dog with a terry towel. Often to bathe a short-haired dog is not necessary, in most cases there is a sufficiently wet towel. Experts recommend to arrange bath days every three months, when bathing use a special shampoo. It is also necessary to monitor the status of the folds on the face, ears and claws, while strongly pollution wipe.

French Bulldog equally poorly tolerates cold and heat. In winter it is better to wear them warm clothes, in the summer, try to walk in the evening or in the morning when the sun is not in the zenith.

Feeding and nutrition of the French Bulldog

You can feed the French Bulldog by either high-quality dry food or natural food. What feed is better (or more profitable), to solve the owners. For example, in small towns less costly, most likely there will be nutrition of natural food. It is meat, fish, dairy mixes, vegetable products (vegetables, greens, fruits). Do not give Bulldog potatoes, corn and legumes - they are very poorly absorbed and can even cause vomiting in animal. You also need to try to grind any products, and meat is preferably giving in the evening.

On feeding mode: puppies at the age of 1-2 months need to feed six times a day in small portions, then reduce the number of meals to four. At the age of 4 months, it is possible to start feeding three times a day, from 6 months to a year - twice, the adult dog is fed once. Do not try to force the French Bulldog there is that food from which he flatly refuses, and it is very desirable that he goes around at the same time.

Puppies of French Bulldog.

If you decide to take on the upbringing of a French Bulldog puppy, the best age for this is starting from two months when his psyche begins to show signs of instability, and character is highly excitable. And immediately you can proceed to training. From the first days, try to teach a puppy to the hands, this will largely facilitate care for him in the future. Clean the nickname with a small number of syllables, with the predominance of ringing consonants.

Remember that the French Bulldog puppy is active and curious, it can also be inherent in aggression. This should be treated quite seriously, showing the puppy that you are the main, and he should always obey you.

This is especially true when reached a puppy of one and a half-month age. As a rule, a three-month-old dog is already well understood whether it is possible to manipulate its owner.

Buying a puppy, make sure that it is absolutely healthy: its wool should be shiny, the belly is soft and elastic, the skin is clean. If purulent formations are distinguished from the eye - this is evidence of conjunctivitis or viral infection. Puppy's mucosa should be bright pink color: Pallor may indicate a small body.

Feel free to ask the seller about a puppy's pedigree, about the problems with health from his parents. Especially if you want your pet in the future participating in exhibitions.

Training and upbringing

The training of French Bulldog - the occupation is not a challenging, which does not require special training from the owner. Moreover, even a 6-8-year-old child can do this.

Teach a young dog to the teams "sit", "nearby", "lie", "place", "to me", "Fu", "let" quite simple. Raising a puppy should be started from an early age. But one should not be upset if you have already taken an adult French Bulldog - it also easily teach even complex teams.

Of course, if you are planning to purchase a puppy or adult bulldog, it is advisable to thoroughly study the appropriate literature that can be found on the Internet. But you need to prepare and to the fact that there will be situations in life, to decide which will have to go on. French Bulldog's puppies with the appropriate persistence of the owner will quickly remember where their toilet is located, they are easy to reassure to take food from the floor, from the table, in strangers, to teach not biting hands, do not bite things.

Breed history

Unified opinion In kinologists there are no breed of origin. There are several alternative versions. In particular, this is the theory according to which the history of the breed leads its origin from small English bulldogs bred in a foggy albion in the middle of the XIX century. The industrial revolution contributed to the mass migration of qualified workers for the continent, to the neighboring France. Crossing the Bulldogs with the local Burgos dog (some researchers believe that both terriers and pugs), the French and brought the modern breed.

In 1903, the first exhibition of French Bulldogs was held in France. Then this breed was still rare: the puppy cost about 700 dollars (it was the price of a Ford Model X car). At about the same time, the French Bulldog hit Russia. After the Patriotic War, the breed almost disappeared, but the population was successfully revived by individual enthusiasts.

Interesting facts about breed

French bulldogs are no worse than cats can and love to catch rats, without losing this ability even in the current sterile urban conditions of detention.

Dogs of this breed preferred to keep many creative personalities: Mayakovsky, Shalyapin, Kustodiev. But not only in the distant past. French Bulldogs are Pets of Elton John, Iva Saint-Lauren, Leonardo DiCaprio, Dmitry Nagiyeva, Sergey Zhigunov, Malcolm Makdauell, Raisa Ryazanova, Marilyn Manson.

French Bulldog is distinguished by a rare fearlessness, attacking the knowingly larger and strong enemy. During such a Bulldog's fight, it is impossible to drag off the enemy.

Origin and appearance of French Bulldog, features of character and his health, care for the dog, the specificity of the dresser, interesting Facts. Acquisition of a puppy.

The origin of the breed is French Bulldog

They look quite differently than 200 years ago. Its modern appearance, these pieces received relatively recently. About how they appeared on the light, there are two versions. The French say that dogs lead their origins from bulldogs or riders. There are engravings of the XVI-XVII century, where dogs similar to modern type "French" helped in a hunt for boar and other rather large game. In the south of France, there was a popular mass spectacle, by hiding bulls, and oddly enough, Oslov, where they were also involved.

The British argue that they originate from English Bulldog. In the middle of the XIX century, in England, there was a terrible economic crisis. A lot of people emigrated to Europe. To leave memories of the native island, they took their dogs with them. The emigrants were mostly not rich and settled on the outskirts of cities. They lived with them as then called, that bulldogs and we were weighed about 2 kg.

Perhaps in its own way and those and others. Most likely, both attachments take their roots from Tibetan Molossa. During the breeding work aimed at eliminating a less aggressive variety of this breed, individuals have appeared with a smaller size, with a meek character. They were more adapted to the role of indoor peskov.

English club lovers of dogs, did not want to recognize this breed. And why? They believed that these pieces did not aesthetic ears. In 1896, the French club lovers club still admitted them officially. And in 1912, an international canine organization followed the example of France. The British, of course, were very worried, but in the end, they recognized them as a real full-fledged breed.

Popularity in France, these dogs acquired very interestingly. Handsome man, the secular lion, the favorite of women, Leopold de Carnelen La Tour, began to walk along the Champs Elysees and Montmartra, with puppies of French bulldogs. At the time, it was unheard of audacity. Naturally, after such a defile, pets began to be interested in familiar ladies. He was a generous man, and gave them puppies. So, thanks to him, they are in fashion not only in this city, but also around the world.

In France, on Rambuto Street, butcher lived before. People of this profession began the first to use these dogs for catching rats. In fact, French Bulldogs were bred as official. They were taken to the stables and to merchants so that the dogs destroy the rodents in the places of cluster of animals going to the slaughterhouse. Since the Holy Inquisition, cat did not complain, they were afraid of the old memory. IN medieval EuropeMany pieces were used for such tasks.

In 1781, in France, an amphitheater was built. In it, dogs fought with bulls and various wild animals. In the Middle Ages, this type of entertainment was quite popular. Its existence last until 1843, up to a complete ban on such brutal events.

French Bulldog, despite its small size, real Moloss. They are fearless and very strong. There is an interesting point characterizing these animals. They are badly held on the water. But since they have great self-confidence, not afraid come into any turbulent river.

Our predecessors who loved French bulldogs were many famous personalities: English King Eduard II, Russian Prince of Yusupov. Fyodor Shalyapin took his pets with him to emigration. The great artist Toulouse-Lotrek adored his "French". Princess Tatyana Romanova - the daughter of the last Russian emperor was also such a pet. Her four-legged friend, stayed with her, until the last minute of her life - divided the fate of the imperial family with the princes.

From our contemporaries who preferred this breed can be called: actors Leonardo Dicaprio, Malcolm McDowel, Singers Elton John and many others. All these people do not just love their bulldogs, they adore them. That just did not happen to experience this animal. They were in Favor, and in the opal. Helped on the hunt, were beautiful domestic pets, and still enjoy great popularity.

Description of the appearance of the French Bulldog

French Bulldog is a small, choreny, very compact and strong dog with smooth wool. Weight from 8 to 14 kg. Movement light and not forced. She has a strongly reversed profile. Today, it is trying to get rid of the dog to breathe correctly.
  • Head Volumetric, square shape, with folded skin. The frontal part is convex. Arcs protrude over their eyes. Between them passes a deep furrow, not coming on his forehead. The protrusion is poorly expressed.
  • Muzzle Short, wide and shiny. Now breeders work on its elongation, for better breath of PSA. The skin on the face, forms symmetric folds that hang to upper Lip.. The lips are fleshy, black and velvet. The teeth are not visible because of them. Language is also completely covered. Jaws of French Bulldog Powerful, Extended, Square Format. The lower part of them describes a large bend that ends before the upper part.
  • Nose - shortened long, wide, a little bend towards the frontal part. Nostrils are well open, directed back under the oblique angle. The transition from the forehead to the nose sharp and deep. Middle of a nose of black pigmentation.
  • Eyes Low landing. Located at a large distance from the nose. Large, rounded shape, slightly repeated. Color color to black and kargo. Black pigmentation in black. Look alive.
  • Ears French bulldog straight, large, in shape like a bat. At the base is wide, on the tips are rounded. Shed high.
  • Neck Short, slightly curved, without suspension.
  • Housing - strong bone. The chest is slightly open, has a cylindrical shape. Ribs are rounded in the shape of a barrel. The loin is short, croup sharply beveled. The stomach and sides are noticeably discovered.
  • Tail Not big, it is practically no. Located low on the sacrum. At the base thicker. It can be a screw or truncated. When driving, it should remain below the horizon line.
  • Limb Strong, reprehensive. Shoulders are short and thick, muscular. Back legs with powerful, strong thighs - a little longer than the front.
  • Paws - In lump, stable, slightly twisted out. Claws are short, take apart from each other.
  • Coat French bulldog short, smooth brilliant and soft, without undercoat.
  • Color In two types: Tiger and white-tiger. The main color of tiger pieces - redheads with large or smaller stripes, both with specks and without. Maybe a small amount white color on the chest and head. The basis of white-tiger color is a white base with tiger stains. There are also completely white-wide individuals. Among the white and red dogs, they appreciate a completely even color without a single speck.

Features of dog breed characteristics

French bulldogs, pets that are as close as possible to man. They are very clever, smart and sociable. Conditions are able to establish contacts literally with all people: not only with the owner, but also by other family members, as well as guests coming into the house and passersby on the street. In the family, they strictly determine the hierarchy. Excellent understand who is the main thing in the human "flock," and as close as possible to it.

These are those dogs that should always always be in the immediate vicinity of the owner. They cannot be kept closed in a bath or hallway, they themselves determine their location. In which part of the apartment, they would not be, their eyes and ears, are directed toward the owner, so that they can see and hear everything that happens. Do you think they are sleeping? No, they have everything under control.

With children are fine and especially in the game of the game. But still, very little children to French bulldogs should not be allowed, because in the process of communication, reflexively, they may hurt the child.

On the street, pets are movable, actively explore the surrounding environment. Get acquainted with unauthorized people and their fellows. Therefore, they need to be controlled. It is impossible to leave unattended near the store. They can get carried away and move away or a gullible dog can simply steal.

"French" like cats are independent, but kind. Rarely show aggression, very friendly. They are unusual - companions, guards and friends. These are very interesting and extraordinary animals. With all its external clumsion, it seems that they are not very fast and jumped, but this impression is deceptive - they are amazing athletes.

French Bulldogs are very little lated, but at the same time always studying everything around. Listen to your ears-locators all sounds around. Perfectly oriented in time and own the situation. Know when everyone's home come. Very patient, but loneliness tolerate badly. Of course, if you need to leave for a long time, they will sit and wait. But constantly, you should not leave them for a long time, they suffer from it and can take.

Such dogs are suitable for housewives, pensioners, families with children of school age and sports couples. But everyone needs to choose. There are representatives of the breed very sharp, who will not suck in place: jump, play and frolic and at home and on the street. And there are opposite, calm, phlegmatic and sedentifiable pets.

Until now, French bulldogs, amazing guards, perfectly catch rats on farms. The breed became decorative because they are kind and affectionate with their owners. Who at least stroked and looked into her eyes - became a supported dog forever.

Health of French Bulldog.

They are strong enough, wait until 12-14 years. Like each kind, they have their own nuances in health. Their first problem is about which you need to know is an allergy. To secure a pet from such troubles, you need to pick it up proper nutritionAnd strictly stick to this diet. They have a weak liver so, this is another important indicatorswhy follow a strict diet.

The difficulties of the French Bulldog can be attributed to eyes. They are slightly convex, wide open, and foreign particles can easily get into them. From bad weather conditions, wind and snow, they will look and sometimes can be fed. With the age of the cornea of \u200b\u200btheir eyes can more. Problems with vision, occur from the unnecessary stay in the open sun. Therefore, protect the dog from direct sunlight. It is better to walk in a shady.

French Buldogogs are afraid of drafts, and it does not matter tolerate frosts below 15 degrees. It is also poorly cooled into very hot weather, and quickly overheat. In the heat, it is not actively playing on the street with them, because in the PSA from the loads, oxygen insufficiency and snoring breathing are enhanced. But in the frost, on the contrary, you do not need to give them stand still. If they move, they will not cease.

Already half a century in these dogs, problems with generic activities. They themselves are difficult to give birth. Most often, they make a cesarean section.

Nuances in the care of the French Bulldog

  • Wool French bulldogs, does not need any special manipulations. Twice a year they linen. During this period, they must be combeding more often. Do it with a special comb or trime. They rarely bathe them and only gentle shampoos. You can just wipe with a damp cloth. Well, of course my paws after walking is sure.
  • Ears "French" do not create problems. They are open, so well ventilated. Only if necessary, they need to be cleaned.
  • Eyes It will be necessary to inspect regularly. Their structure is such that they are easily contaminated and inflamed. Therefore, if you notice something wrong, immediately take action - wipe or instill.
  • Teeth - It is better to clean regularly. It will eliminate Bulldog from the gums of gums and the deposition of the tooth stone.
  • Claws - Usually with normal walks stepping. If this does not happen, they need to be coated.
  • Feeding French bulldogs should be strictly selected, as they suffer allergies. Natural nutrition is most likely not suitable - even if you try to take into account everything. They are very reacting to the slightest incorrectly chosen element. It is best to find the finished feed that is suitable for your dog. Do not buy concentrates for unknown brands in order not to risk the health of the pet. If you have found what your favorite needs, no additions are required, since there are contained vitamins, minerals and all the necessary substances.
  • Walking. They walk them in the same way as other pieces, from three to two times a day. The company for walking, it is better to choose a constant, from non-aggressive dogs.

French Dresser Bulldog

They are temperamentally, easy to teach, are directed to close contact with man, which facilitates their training. Raising a pet needs to be engaged from the first days of appearance in the house. It provides for the teaching dog to the toilet on the street. Socialization of it in urban conditions, among themselves similar.

The family rules that must be observed are taken into account. It is impossible to allow an excess puppy that later for an adult dog did not have an unpleasant revelation: "Why was it always possible, and later it was banned?"

For better control, French Bulldog, you need to go through a general training course on obedience. Trained four-legged friend will be better to obey. It will save you and him from many troubles. Playing a dog of any breed, you must remember that how to build a pet, so it will be.

In France, there is a cafe called "La Bulldog". The owner of this institution Jean Pierre Ruby. In his cafeteria, he arranged a whole picture gallery, with the image of bulldogs. These works of art scripts acquired in different parts of the world. Enjoying a cup of coffee, you can admire picturesque canvases and graphic sheets. Here you can come with your dog. If there is no cafe to be a cafe, then the company can be two French Bulldog, who live here constantly.

In France, there is also a service for dog rental, called "Dog Gies" in the organization registered about 200 clients. They contain 220 animals. Not everyone can have a four-legged pet. For this, there are such institutions. You can calmly come there, and choose your favorite individual of any breed, for temporary communication. Most four-legged friends take for children.

Purchase and price of a French Bulldog puppy

When you take the "French" puppy, you need to pay attention than it was fed and is herself allergic. This can be done, inspected not only the stomach, the axillary folds, but also looking into the ear shell. If all these places are clean without breaks and rashes, then everything is in order. Knowing such breed nuances, it is preferable to feed it preferably, on which he was grown by breeders.

Never buy a dog in the elemental market. You risk getting an animal with a bad exterior, and serious health problems. You are not only not with saving, but as a result, spend much more money and strength. The price of a purebred puppy will be from $ 150 to $ 800.

For more detail about the French Bulldog breed, see here:

French Bulldog is a charming breed, which will deliver an infinite amount of joy, and although this expression and looks like, in fact, it is fully true.

Dogs with a fun temper, but without excessive well-dotted playfulness, devotees, but without subordinate, obedient, but do not resemble the programmed robot with an extraordinary intelligence, but do not look stupid or smarter than the owner.

The friendly and cheerful nature of the French Bulldog, possessing, smart and obedience, makes it a magnificent companion for every loving animal person.

Attitude to the owner and family members

French Bulldogs are friendly in character, and do not avoid family members of family members. Representatives of the breed love when all family members are at home, and can play with a child, lie next to the owner of the TV is not disturbed by him. But when family members diverge in their affairs, the pet will quietly lie in his place, only sometimes walking into the kitchen to check his bowl. But it is worth it to turn out the sound of the sound turning in the key of the key, all the melancholes with the dog will fly away, and the dog is happy to meet his owners, Julia at the feet of man, periodically getting on the hind paws to reach the gentle hands of the host. The attachment of these dogs to the owner is very strong, and all the benefits of the dog world retreat before his love for the main person in their dog life. For any dog, parting with its owner is a heavy blow, but the French Bulldog, having lost its home and host, is still experiencing the most severe psychological stress.

The calm nature of the French Bulldog is a plus for the owner. An animal loves to play with children, never bites the child, even if the little fidget will be very annoying the pet. The breed has a stable psyche and unshakable benevolence to everyone.

The French bulldogs know how to catch the moment in the nature of the nature when the owners have no opportunity to engage in their pet, and in this case, representatives of this cute breed will calmly wait in their place when they remember them.

Attitude to strangers

French bulldogs are magnificent psychologists, which gives them the opportunity not only perfectly navigate in the situation, but also to unmistakably understand people.

Someone who came to visit unfamiliar people who were kindly met the owner, the dog will also meet benevolently, happily greeting. But to outsiders who are not happy and the owners, the animal will not show interest, will not get acquainted, but will not behave aggressively. In case of danger, fearlessly, despite his small height, rushes to the enemy, and will try to protect people close to him and his home, because in the heart of a small pet there is no place for fear, especially when someone is trying to harm the beloved people. French bulldogs devoted in character, even though small and weigh the whole kilogram of fourteen, and their jaws do not inspire fear, but to put the enemy a tangible injury of bulldogs in a state.

Attitude to other animals

A distinctive feature of the character of the French Bulldog is peacefulness, so representatives of the breed will gladly get acquainted with other dogs, never refuses strangers in the game. Like any breed, the "French" has their own preferences with whom to try to get acquainted and playing a walk, but even if they met during the model of a dog "Giant", they are still a representative large breed Write to play. It is worth noting that if the situation of the meeting with an aggressive dog arose, the French Bulldog's fearless in character will immediately rush to protect his owner, and to stop the battle will be extremely difficult, so you can not provoke fights between Bulldog and other dogs.

Among the French bulldogs there are also the drakens that experience the taste of victory over the enemy will then specifically search for an object for a fight. Small bulldogs retreat, according to their genetics, do not know how, and no matter how difficult it was necessary, they will fight to the end. This is a very dangerous quality for charming bulldogs, since, having fallen in a fight "to the tooth", a stronger, larger and evil opponent "French" can perish.

It is capable of living with other animals, but at the sight of unfamiliar small animals, for example, cats, can show a hunting instinct.

Training and other features

Experienced kennels, of course, are recommended to train French bulldogs under the leadership of professionals, but they believe that children are able to cope with the six-eight years old. The "French" is a bit stubborn, but if the process of training is to turn into a game, then elementary teams they will unrelieved. Early socialization is also important, which will allow the obedient dog to raise.

The peculiarities of the French Bulldog relates the most important quality, a little inherent in other decorative rocks, which allows these dogs to adapt to the living conditions proposed to them, that is, in whatever climatic zone would be their home, and whatever the conditions of life would surround the dog, it is neither Which will not affect her health and character.

  • Other possible breed names: Bouledogue Francais, small french mastiff.
  • Growth of an adult dog: 30-32 centimeters in the withers.
  • Weightfrench Bulldog: from 6 to 14 kilograms.
  • Characteristic colorfrench Bulldogs: Tiger, White, Spotted and Fale.
  • Wool Length:short and smooth.
  • How many live French Bulldogs: 11-13 years old.
  • Departures of the breed: Sociable, like being in the society of people.
  • Breed complexities: stubbornness.
  • average price On French Bulldog: 300-400 dollars.

French Bulldog refers to a group of daugh dogs. His distinctive features are a cheerful temper, a good character and sense of humor. French bulldogs are known for their kindness, attentiveness and patient.

Ancestors of French Bulldog. - English bulldogs. The English bulldogs especially they inherited their structure.

The most popular the theory of the appearance of breed - The migration of workers to France during the industrial revolution, together with which English bulldogs also hit.

On the title of independent breed, French bulldogs began to claim at the end of the 19th century. At first, its owners were mainly workers and prostitutes, which is why the breed was not the best glory. However, at the turn of the 19-20 centuries, French Buldogogs became popular among aristocrats, artists and artists. In 1903 was the first exhibition of French BulldogsIn which 51 representative of this breed took part.

Since then, at our days, French Bulldogs are Popular breedwhich is valued by dog \u200b\u200blovers.

What is the character of the French Bulldog

The main purpose of this breed is dog companion, for guard and for the soul.

French Bulldogs very love children, they have no malice and aggression, but, at the same time, they are fearless. They are distinguished by dedication and affection both to the owner and to his family.

Such a dog is excellent can be kept in not the biggest urban apartment, as French Bulldogs love houses, little bit and do not interfere.

As mentioned above, French bulldogs are known for their kindness, dedication and lack of aggression. They are very love their ownerwill never interfere with you and calmly wait until you yourself pay attention to them. Knamed their manifestations of laziness. You don't need to be afraid of French bulldogs, they are very kind.

Video Breed Overview

In order to be clearly seen, it can be a given breed, you can see this video. It will be shown Breed and character features French Bulldog. As he looks like an unusual and unique in his appearance and behavior.

How to choose a french bulldog puppy

Take the puppy to the house can not be up to how it will be 45 days. Prior to that, it should already be examined by a veterinarian, and the core.

The best thing buy a puppy in the nursery, Moreover, it is desirable to explore several options at once.

During the first conversation need to ask the breederWho were the puppy's parents, how and what it was fed, contained, caught. It is also worth asked about the behavior and character of a particular individual.

It is impossible to iron and take puppies on the hands, for this you need to get permission from the breeder.

Concerning external view The healthy puppy will be distinguished by shiny wool, not swollen belly, clean skin and a small layer of fat.

  • Puppy's eyes must be of one color, odorless and selection. The nose is reported to be black (up to 3-5 months in the dogs of spotted color is allowed a unpainted domestic).
  • The mucous membrane of the oral cavity should be pink.
  • The teeth should be even, and the bite is strong.
  • Paws should be even, and movements - coordinated and not clamped.

As for behavior, healthy puppies must be active, fun and very contact.

If you want to take a puppy, but already adult dog, then you can do it, although there will be more problems than with the baby. The adult dog will already have habits and ways of life of her former owner, so you should have enough patience to re-educate. In the first few minutes after the meeting, it will be clear whether you can get along together on the behavior of the dog and its attitude to you.

Choosing a nickname for any dog \u200b\u200bis a very exciting process. No exception and French Bulldog. Most the best choice - This is a nickname that has at least an indirect connection with his homeland - France.

It is best if the nickname will be keen and consist of just a few syllables. Do not give any absurd names. Choosing a foreign name, you need to be sure that you know its meaning.

For boys It is best to choose nicknames that intersect with male French names or names: Voltaire, Napoleon, Duma, Francois, Chuck, etc.

For girls The situation is similar. Common names: Peter, Bonnie, Aurora, Eliza, etc.

This breed is known for them quite just to care. Wool bulldogs are enough weekly combing. Bathing is enough once a month. If you bathe more often, it can vice versa to damage, causing itching, dry skin and dandruff. Paws' care implies a clawing haircut, and check for the presence of cracked pads.

What you need to regularly care for, so this is for folding on the face. The fact is that dirt and moisture is constantly accumulated between the skin, which can serve as a source of infection. It must be regularly wiped with a collar disc.

Behind the ears you also need to follow and clean regularly. If suddenly in ear depression you will find swelling, redness or selection, then contact the veterinarian immediately. Eyes It should also be wiped regularly.

The peculiarity of French bulldogs is that they can be perfectly living in the apartment, and they frequent walks are required.

Food of french bulldogs

A bowl with a meal for a puppy should be located approximately near the middle of the chest. Two bowls should be provided with a puppy: one for water, the other for food. It is best to ensure the feeding of the French Bulldog 4-6 times a dayand an adult dog about 2-3 times per day. It is advisable to teach the dog to food at a certain time.

What to feed the French Bulldog?You can feed them with dry food, meat, by-products, bones and fish. In addition, it is possible to give from time to time as food cereals, eggs, dairy products, bread and vegetables.

As for the complexity of education can be estimated, as below average. Thanks to the kindness of character, french bulldogs can be trusted even to children aged 6 to 8 years old.

When upbringing should be taken into account stubbornness of this breed, Therefore, you need to be prepared that immediately and quickly will not be able to force the French Bulldog to obey you. If your pet starts to stubborn, then you do not need to interrupt the train, you just need to better give him to understand what you want from him.

  • not conflict;
  • does not smell "doggy";
  • sophisticated.