
The largest breed of dogs.

Garden buildings

Finding out which breeds of dogs are considered the largest, we have made a rating based on medium weight and height in the withers. Also in this article you will learn about the biggest dog of Russia and the world as a whole. You may be interested in the opposite record - you can read about the smallest dogs here.

The largest breeds of dogs in the world

Dirhaound (Scottish Borzaya Olen)

Dirhaound is a rather thin dog (up to 45-46 kg), but due to their high growth (from 71-76 cm) they deserve to wear the title of the giants of a dog world. The advantage of the breed consists in speed capable of moving with reindeer speed. Thanks to this, dirhaounds are used during a deer hunting without weapons.


The name of the breed originates from the German city of Leonberg, on the old coat of arms of which the lion was depicted. It is believed that the breed was derived precisely as a recognizable symbol of the city.

The creation of Leonberger "put a hand" immediately several largest breeds: Senbernar, Newfoundland and the Pyrenean Shepherd. As a result of many years, crusting proud beauties not only hit the largest rocks, but also discouraged the reputation of an excellent "family dog". Calm and even gentle, sociability and goodwill to all family members are the distinctive qualities of Leonberger. It is this breed that the Hollywood actor of Scandinavian origin Alexander Skarsgard adores.


This good-natured aristocrat arrived in Russia from the Canadian province of Newfoundland, bordering the waters of the Atlantic. It is not surprising that representatives of this breed swim perfectly. And not only - on their native island, they shifted the responsibilities for pulling out networks with fish from the water, the transfer of heavy items for quite long distances and even the work of the nannies.

The quiet character of Newfoundland gave a guarantee that the dog will not turn the boat. Some owners argue that Newfoundland is able to determine which side is the coast when the horizon is biting fog.

Newfoundland - a huge dog, but not a record large: an average height - 66-61 centimeter, weight - 54-68 kilograms. However, the largest newfownland from the famous weighed 117 kilograms, and its length from the tip of the nose to the tail was 182 centimeters.

Tibetan mastiff

In general, there are several varieties of mastiffs, and almost every one of them deserves to be included in the top of the largest dogs. Tibetan's mastiff and to this day is hott enough of the mysteriousness by a halo, because it is one of the most ancient, rare and expensive breeds in the world.

The first mentions of this breed in the literature are dated the IV century to our era. Clearness, strength and endurance of these dogs admired another Aristotle. In the old days of one Tibetan mastiff, they changed to some of the 20-25 greyhounds - so highly appreciated their hunting skills! Amazing and "migration" of this breed in a new light - in the second half of the 20th century, Dalai Lama himself presented such a puppy to President Eisenhower.

"Planet Dogs": Tibetan Mastiff

Nowadays, due to the mysteriousness of this breed, many people who are far from cynology have the impression that the Tibetan mastiff is the biggest dog in principle. But this is not the case, and to make sure that it is enough to visit the exhibition (if you are lucky, and this rarest breed will be present on it). The weight of these dogs can vary from 60 to 80 kilos, the growth is about the same - from 60 to 77-78 centimeters (depending on the floor).

Irish wolfhound

One of the highest dogs in the world, Irish Wolfhound has a long-standing, full of greatness. Even in four centuries, the Celts used them (more precisely, their ancestors - Celtic greyhounds) for hunting. Outstanding sizes, the strength and speed of Irish wolfges marked the beginning of massive injury to wild animals with their help. Alas, it led to a reduction in the livestock of the breed to a critical mark.

By the beginning of the XIX century, the breed was practically disappeared, and only thanks to the enthusiast on the name Richardson, who traveled the island of the British crown along and across in search of the "old-facing" female of the Irish Volkodawa, today we can enjoy these couch muscular lapes.

Pyrenean mastiff

Although the age of this breed has more than three thousand years, officially, the Pyrenean Mastiff was recognized only in 1946. According to experts, this breed was bred was still ancient phynicians - first of all as a shepherd and watchman. Males reach 80-81 centimeters in height, bitches - 72-75. Middle weight ranges in the area of \u200b\u200b70 kilograms.

"Affectionate giant" - so called the Pyrenean mastiffs of their owners. This dog is distinguished by truly dog \u200b\u200baffection, very patiently refers to the practitioners of the smallest family members, although it often may not be deliberately dumping a child with legs during the game. At the same time, in the presence of strangers, the Pyrenean mastiff always keeps the onset. The dog perfectly understands that he inspires the fear of one species, so usually in communicating with strangers is limited to lamin, but does not pass to the "combat" actions.


Senbernar is undoubtedly one of the strongest, brave and kind dogs. Senbernard's males can grow to 90 centimeters in the withers. Curious history of this breed is known to many. In the 9th century, the monasters who lived in Switzerland hidden in the mountains of Switzerland were brought from Asia Tibetan mastiffs. Over the years of crossings with European breeds, they brought a faithful companion for dangerous mountain travel.

The dog was distinguished by thick wool, saving her from frost and wind, an excellent scent, allowed to find people buried under avalanche, clarity and excellent learningability.

One of the most famous pets of the monastery of San Bernard - Senbernar Barry, who at the beginning of the XIX century found the boy buried in the snow, heats him with his tongue and on his back to his back to the monastery.

German dog

Dogs recognized by the giants of a dog world, in the breed standard even there is no upper growth border: Girls do not have to be below 72 centimeters, and boys - 82. It was to this breed that belonged the highest dog in the world - Dog George, about whom it will be speaking slightly lower.

The powerful, not deprived of the body, the nobility, expressed in every movement, combined with congenital delicacy make the German daughter a beautiful companion of life for responsible, active people.

The German dog's pedigree is so closely connected with the pedigree English mastiff, which disputes about which of these two breeds is larger, do not stop so far.

The largest breed of dogs in the world - English mastiff

This ancient English breed has the status of the largest among the whole manifold of dog species. Standards for this breed are as follows: males reach about 0.9 meters in the withers and weigh approximately 100-110 kilograms. However, the largest English mastiff, Hercules, Doros up to 94 centimeters and weighed as much as 155 kilograms.

English mastiff is trying to climb the sofa

Despite the inspired by the thrill, the English mastiff is distinguished by a good-natured temper and is an excellent companion.

The biggest dog in Russia

The record holder among Russian dogs is Alabai Bulldozer. His owner, Alexander Khudyakov, adored dogs as much as he remembered. And the preference man has always given to large breeds: boxers, rottweilers, shepherds. But Turkmen wolfeds became the strongest attachment, they are the Central Asian Shepherds - Alabai. Therefore, moves B. a private house In mineral waters, he immediately acquired to try himself as a breeder of this breed.

The puppy, who entered the story as the largest Alabai, was born in December 2003. At first glance, the massive breast of this kitten was clear that the dog would grow out outstanding. By the way, he was called a bulldozer for a similarity with snow removal equipment - so intensely and stubbornly, the baby helped Alexander to clear the tracks from the snow.

Legendary dog \u200b\u200bbulldozer

By five years, the bulldozer, a daily eating five kilograms of pure meat and ten liters of porridge, reached a weight of 125 kilograms, and standing on the hind paws, he could easily put the front on the shoulder even the highest man. He was already a recognized star of dog fighting, Grand Champion of Russia. Every day the owner had to walk with him for six hours to support the bulldozer in shape.

Unfortunately, in February 2012, the bulldozer died. As a reason, the press indicated poisoning.

The biggest dog in the world

Although the DOGs are not in the first place in our ranking, the biggest dog in the world still belonged to this noble breed.

For a long time, the big dog in the world was considered the German Dog of the Blue Colorpiece named George. By four years, it reached 110 centimeters in the withers (213 on the hind legs) and weighed more than 111 kilograms.

His owners, Dave and Christie Nasser, acquired a puppy in 2006 and could not even imagine that from this baby (according to the standards of dogs, of course) will grow a real giant. Already by the first day of the birth, the Persian bed has been releasing and was transferred to a personal double mattress. It was spent by approximately 50 kilograms on his monthly food of the Nasser family - every month George has eaten about 50 kilograms of feed.

Blue Dog George

In 2010, Giant George got into the Guinness Book of Records as the largest dog in history, after which it was even invited to the Oprah Winfrey show and handed the certificate that officially confirmed the title of the biggest dog in the world.

Alas, because of the Grand Weight, the Dog began to have health problems. Veterinarians strongly recommended the owners to plant the PSA on a special diet. But it did not help - in 2013, George left his life, without having been literally a week before his eighth birthday. Soon after the death of George, a new record holder was announced: German Dog Zeus, who passed George just one centimeter.

Dog Zeus - the biggest dog in the world

A large dog is a big responsibility. Almost all owners of overall pets know about it, and often they are faced with this already in practice. A group of large breeds of dogs is quite extensive and here you can meet, both good-natured individuals and serious combat and. But, in any case, the owner must know in advance that it can grow out of a funny puppy and evaluate their own capabilities.

Today, this Turkmen breed is gaining popularity, because its representatives are excellent guards and guard. These are powerful, large dogsWith a frightened look, which, in fact, corresponds to their character - it is better to not surpass.

The homeland of these dogs consider national heritage, in addition, there is a ban on the removal of purebred individuals. But - this is not only a prestigious, but also a difficult animal that requires a hard hand and serious work on socialization and upbringing.

Dogs of this breed are the result of crossing Japanese Akita with larger representatives - Mastiffs and German Shepherd. It turned out a large, proportional animal, with the appearance of his relatives from Japan.

It has a balanced psyche, but at the same time not lost vigilance. It is used to protect, serving service, as a guard, guide. In addition, such a pet is an excellent companion - devotees, calm and most often silent.

A major representative of Rakes, which has all the qualities necessary for the working hunting dog. Indana is a hardy, fearless, physically well-developed pet, capable of working even in harsh conditions. Yes, it needs intense exercise, but at the same time a cheerful dog, a company and sociable.

English mastiff is the largest breed of dogs in the world. Once used to hunt large predators and hoofs, as guards and watchmen. Today, this dog is mainly a companion, and does not like excessive activity. He will be glad to walk through the park, and after relaxing at home.

Despite the formidable appearance, kind and responsive, still shows suspicion of strangers, so early socialization is required.

The breed appeared when a falcon hunt was at the peak of popularity, the dogs were unmistakably found and marked the nests of birds. The English setters were immediately distinguished by a pretty appearance, and now they are considered the most elegant representatives of her friendliness.

Today, these dogs are more often acquired as a companion for an exhibition career. It doesn't matter whether the pet is a working dog or a domestic pet, it needs regular physical exertion. Experts are still not advised to acquire a puppy for the apartment accommodation from the working line - their excessive activity can cause a number of problems.

Multidisciplinary animal that can perform the most various work - Guide, search engine, guard, hunter, rescuer, used for police and guard service. No wonder in the homeland, this white healthy was established a monument, and this is given that the breed appeared only in the first quarter of the 20th century. Representatives were used for her removal different appointmentsAnd the dog took the best qualities from each of them.

The breed was removed on the territory Soviet Union In the 30s of the last century. In breeding work used german shepherdTrying to get more enduring dogs capable of working in any climatic conditions. The breeders succeeded, and in the 60s the standard was approved.

Eastern European Shepherd Dog is a major, hardy animal, infinitely devoted to his owner, performing almost any official work. It has pronounced security and watchdogs, but does not show power, avoiding bullless conflicts.

The oldest breed whose history has more than 5000 years. Like most, contained aristocratic, rich houses that could afford the hunt with the sophisticated sophisticated, beautiful dogs.

If the representatives of the racing most often need a hunt, then you can't tell this English greyhound. Pet is enough 2-hour walks per day and a couple of longer walks a week to get enough load. Do not trust the speculations that Greyhaound is difficult to teach, they absolutely assimilate the program, if properly approach the process.

In Motherland, the breed is considered the property of the country, and in the UK, its representatives serve at the Royal Yard. There were from Celtic greyhound - huge pieces that wish with tribes in the territory of modern European countries.

These dogs are aristocratic, but at the same time they have a harsh character. It is not recommended to train them for the service and guard service, as the Irish are able to exercise excessive aggression. For his own, this is loved to Milach, for strangers - a potential threat.

One of the most common breeds is a huge, massive dog with a powerful bone and rich wool. Refers to the ancient shepherd breed, and today the role of Storam and the guard played successfully. Already at one glance at such Makhin, the attackers will disappear to invade the territory entrusted to the PSU.

Those who wish to have a puppy Caucasian Shepherd should evaluate own forces And future prospects, the dog will be zealously guarded by the house, and any strange thing, whether it is a person or an animal, will pay, if it does not care, even say hello to the owners.

Italian universal dog, with developed territorial instinct, statist and self-confident handsome man. For his family, he becomes an excellent friend and manifests patience to children, with strangers does not descend the eye, assessing their behavior. For the dog just looked after the guests and showed aggression in incomprehensible situations, early socialization and upbringing is required.

It is not worth the puppy to isolate from society, he must learn the territory and get acquainted with those who are strangers, and who is yours and how to behave. On Canoe Corso can be said that he will not regret life to protect the owner and households.

A rather colorful representative of the shepherd breed, causing respect. Its appearance is difficult to call the ordinary, as the dog has long wool twisted into dense harnesses resembling ropes. He is somewhat similar to Bologna, but too large, volumetric.

Modern use as a guard and security guards, they coped perfectly with their responsibilities. They are excellent shepherds, getting lost in Otar sheep, suddenly attack predators, industrially dispersed. Like other security breeds, these giants require socialization.

The breed was shown in order to become a symbol, a "business card" of the city of the same name, and one of the requirements for the breed is associated with the appearance of the pieces - they were to be as much as possible to Lviv. The breed has undergone plenty of attacks and falls, but the breeders still managed to save it.

- A large, powerful animal causing trepid and admiration. By character, the dog is calm, balanced. Despite the pronounced security qualities, it will not be aggression to those who came to people, if the owner made it clear that these are friends.

These descendants of warlike mastiffs look impressive, which is only worth their head with multiple folds and luxurious balls. Once they fought on various arenas with bulls, gladiators and other dogs, but over time, their appearance and character somewhat modified.

Mastino neapolitano obtains excellent guards, guard and bodyguards, in addition, they are not alien to hunting. Somehow they went to large game, and one such a dog could cope with a large boar or a bear. Only, it seems that these dogs are slow and intense, with the slightest danger, the dog is lightningly reacts and causes heavy injuries with teeth.

One of the young workshops obtained by crossing several breeds of different plan. Senbernary, Newfoundland, Pnight Brozy, Pouring Hounds and Caucasian Shepherds participated. The work came with all seriousness, and the result is worthy of attention. The dog borrowed the appearance of Senbernar and the Caucasian Shepherd, turned out to be very movable, hardy and efficient.

Despite the fact that the Moscow watchman is positioned as a family dog, such an independent and large pet is not suitable for everyone and requires serious training and early education.

Static handsome man, Apollo among dogs, the German dog is never without attention, appearing in a crowded place. Their ancestors were real fighters, bold and fearless, but modern dog has a more good-natured character and deprived of that, primitive aggression. But, despite this, the owner must teach a pet "good manners", because it is a rather large animal that can cause problems.

Inexperienced dog breeders can also start a dog, but provided that a professional cineologist, taking into account the breed features, will take part in her upbringing.

Canadian dog breed, whose representatives are distinct character, endurance and extraordinarily pretty appearance. When looking at them, there is no feeling of anxiety or fear, but only admiration.

Once there were excellent assistants for fishermen, they could even dive in ice water and get not only networks, but also people who fell people. By the way, and modern dogs Feed weakness to water and have not lost a membrane between your fingers.

Perhaps this is one of the most common major breeds derived in Germany, but won fame worldwide. What is her representatives able to earn it? First of all, its representatives are very clever and digested, devastable to Dresser and can perform both official duties and guard, watch.

Such a hardy pet, how does not require special careHowever, he is able to show cunning, experiencing his master on "weakly." The dog needs training and upbringing, otherwise you can get a dog that will not be obeyed.

The breed was obtained due to a wavy, silky coercion, before it was called "pinsman". Like other greyhounds, these are elegant, not devoid of dog aristocraticism, very fast, with good hunting qualities.

The bikes that these are absolutely necessary animals with low intelligence, have long been round in the fly. In fact, certain narrow specialization - they are pool psa, and here it is difficult for them to find equals. Naturally, Russian dogs are not universal dogs that perform many functions, and it's stupid to demand the impossible.

- Large dogs, with thick wool, closing even eyes intended for the service and guard service, need special training, since without it are dangerous animals.

They are considered the pride of Russian cynology, because a special mission was prepared by the breed - to participate in military operations. But when wars remained in the past, the dogs were still helpful. In addition to the army, they began to be used for agricultural work.

The ancestors were rescuers dogs that lived in monasteries in the Alps and could find people buried under the thickness of the snow. Such responsible work taught animals to act independently, according to circumstances, not to break and not be afraid.

Many Senbernarov consider human-lithuance, calm and devotion. Despite the large size, representatives of the rock are not aggressive, do not just love, but adore children and understand the owner with a half-clow.

One of the most expensive breeds that appeared on Tibet several thousand years ago. Due to the fact that Tibetan monks lived secludedly, the dogs practically retained their impressive appearance, because due to the bulk wool and large sizes of the dogs resemble Lviv.

This is a serious breed, requiring a special approach. Telling to dominance, possess powerful security instincts and are able to show aggression even to accidentally walked on their territory. In the house he will find a common language with all family members and will be fiercely defended them.

Already at one glance it becomes clear that in the family, these powerful fixes were fighter dogs. Yes, they were inherited by an awesome appearance, but the character has undergone a lot of changes. Today it is a phlegmatic, a calm dog that loves his family. Very seriously tolerates separation, it is wary of the stranger, but without reason it will not become.

When training it is worth considering that this giant will not quickly run and execute the team, he initially considers the solution to his task, and it is not impossible to pull it.

June 25, 2017 Zanachca

The biggest dogs attract the attention of others not only with their spectacular appearance, but also good nature. Almost all the giants breeds with proper education have a very calm temper. They are also very easy to train, which allows them to use them not only as loyal and kind friends, but also as reliable defenders of the house or territory.

The weight of the largest dogs exceeds 60-70 kg, and their height in the withers is from 70 cm and above. These include representatives of a wide variety of breeds. But, as a rule, all of them combines one common feature very persistent attachment to the owner and balanced psyche.


Also known as deer greyhound. Disposed specifically for deer hunting. Dirhaound is one of the most ancient breeds of large dogs, its history is conducted from the 16th century. But it was officially recognized only in 1892.


  1. Weight about 45 kg.
  2. Height in the withers 70-75 cm.
  3. Well-developed musculature.
  4. The body of the elongated form.
  5. Long slender legs.
  6. Small head.
  7. Wool is long and tough.

Depending on the variety of dirhaounds, there may be gray, sandy or brown.

  1. Excellent flair and almost lightning reaction.
  2. Endurance and ability to long work.
  3. Balanced character without manifestation of aggression.
  4. Pressure attitude to strangers.
  5. Ability to memorize commands.

Buy Dirhaound puppy on the territory of Russia is quite difficult. We have no club admirers of this breed, so almost all dogs in Russia are venered from Europe. The price of a dirhaound puppy fluctuates within 30-40 thousand rubles.

Russian Borzaya.

In the photographs of the breeds of large dogs, it is very often possible to see another dog giant, his name is Russian psov. Up until the 17th century, Russian greyhounds were known as the Circassian greyhounds. On the territory of Russia in the 20s of the 19th century, they could be found almost in any estate. Sometimes wealthy landowners contain several hundreds of these dogs. As a result, on the territory of individual areas began to create their types of greyhounds.


  1. Narrow physique.
  2. Supply Constitution.
  3. Height in withers from 70 to 85 cm.
  4. Long narrow head.
  5. Small tightly pressed ears.
  6. Unbroken breasts.
  7. Long saber tail.
  8. Wavy and long wool.

The color of the Russian greyhound is very diverse: from white with the transition to fawl to different shades of black.

Behavioral characteristics:

  1. Aggressiveness in relation to other animals.
  2. Calm temperament.
  3. A sharp mind.
  4. Goodwill in relation to all family members.
  5. High level obedience with proper education.

To buy a puppy Russian greyhound in Russia is not difficult. There are quite a lot of nurseries specializing in the breeding of this breed. The price of puppies in them ranges from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles.

One of the most ancient work breeds. The mastiffs initially performed the role of guard dogs in Tibetan monasteries, and accompanied the caravans of nomads in the Himalayas. When the content of this breed is very important to pay due attention to its adaptation to human society. Otherwise, the dog becomes too closed and aggressive.


  1. Height from 60 to 70 cm.
  2. Weight from 60 to 80 kg.
  3. Very thick smooth wool.
  4. Powerful physique.
  5. A large head with a well-pronounced occipital hill.
  6. Medium-sized eyes.
  7. Ears of triangular shape.
  8. Powerful muscular neck.

Color Tibetan mastiffs varies from brown to reddish-red. The name with the photo of this large breed of dogs is very often found on specialized breeder forums.

Behavioral characteristics:

  1. Calm discreet character.
  2. Adequate manifestation of aggression.
  3. Independence on the owner.
  4. A sharp mind.
  5. Stubbornness, which without relevant training develops into aggression.

Tibetan Mastiffs do not recommend raising those who do not have the experience of the content of large dogs. You can buy a cheek of this breed in specialized nurseries. The price for it, depending on the title of parents hesitates from 50,000 to 150,000 rubles.


Central Asian Shepherd Dog (or Alabai) is one of the largest and most good-natured breeds. It is not the result of artificial elimination. Historically, it was distributed in Central Asia where was used by shepherds for the protection and grazing of livestock.


  1. Massive head with flat forehead.
  2. Rounded eyes standing apart from each other.
  3. Small hanging ears of triangular shape.
  4. Powerful torso with short neck.
  5. Rough and rigid wool.

Color can vary from white to black.

Behavioral characteristics:

  1. Congenital aggression towards other dogs.
  2. Independent and timely.
  3. Distrust of unfamiliar people.
  4. Infinite loyalty to the owner.

In Russia, there are a lot of breeders of this breed, which you can buy a puppy. The price starts from 10,000 rubles.


Leonberger are large dogs from Germany. Were received as a result of crossing Senbernar and Landcirov. The purpose of the breed is universal. They can be both excellent guards and family dogs.


  1. Convex large skull.
  2. Very strong jaws with scissor bite.
  3. Hanging medium sized ears, tightly adjacent to the head.
  4. The neck, smoothly turning into the withers.
  5. Wide chest.
  6. Long well adjacent wool.
  7. Height from 65 to 75 cm.

Color can be from lionic yellow to sandy. Small spots white color Invalid and cause for chosen.

Behavioral characteristics:

  1. Almost complete absence of aggressiveness.
  2. Goodwill in relation to children.
  3. Readiness to obey the owner.
  4. Good learning and ability to memorize.
  5. Lack of reaction to loud sounds.

You can buy Leonberger's puppy on a specialized exhibition or in the nursery. Its price is at least 30,000 rubles.


Senbernar is another biggest dog in the world, a video with him can very often be found on the Internet. This breed distinguishes short-haired and long-haired varieties. These dogs were obtained in honor of the Monastery of St. Bernard in the Alps. It was there these dogs that the monks used to save people who fell under snow avalanches.


  1. Height from 65 to 75 cm.
  2. Large and wide head with a convex forehead.
  3. Dipped upper lips.
  4. Brown eyes close to the bridge.
  5. High-size hanging ears.
  6. Shiny wool with thick undercoat.

The main color of Senbernarov redheads with white markings, but also allowed white with red spots.

Behavioral characteristics:

  1. Very high level of obedience and devotion.
  2. Very strong dislike for dogs of small breeds.
  3. Highly developed love for children.

To acquire a healthy Puppy Senbernar, you should contact specialized nurseries and breeders. The price begins from 25,000 rubles.


Newfoundland is a major breed of working dogs from Canada. In Russia, it is sometimes called diver.


  1. Powerful muscular body.
  2. Massive head with a wide skull.
  3. Little ears of triangular shape.
  4. Strong well planted on the shoulders neck.
  5. Wide back.
  6. The tail is strong and wide at the base, while swimming serves as a steering wheel.
  7. Wool with water-repellent properties and soft thick undercoat.
  8. Height from 60 to 70 cm.
  9. Weight from 55 to 70 kg.

Newfoundland red color saturated or brown without the slightest presence of white hair and spots.

Behavioral characteristics:

  1. Complete lack of hunting instincts.
  2. Quickly reacts in difficult situations.
  3. The complete absence of aggression towards people.
  4. Almost complete absence of fear for public transport and travel by car.
  5. Sociable social character.
  6. Curiosity to everything new and interesting.

To purchase Newfoundland's puppies, it is best to contact specialized nurseries. The price of small divers largely depends on the qualities of parents and begins with 25,000 rubles.

German dog is a giant dog breed. Can be used as a satellite, guard or bodyguard. Friendly breed, but quite often they do not realize their sizes and when communicating with people they can sow them to Earth.


  1. Long narrow head with well-developed abnormal arcs.
  2. Well-developed nose with large nostrils.
  3. Wide jaws.
  4. Highly planted medium sizes.
  5. Long neck.
  6. Short and dense wool.

Behavioral characteristics:

  1. Friendly and kind.
  2. Loyalty to the owner.
  3. Constant distrust of other people.
  4. Self-confidence.

The price of German dog puppies begins from 25,000 rubles. The final cost depends on its breed qualities. Purchase puppies are best in proven nurseries.

English mastiff

Antique breed from England. With constant content in the conditions of the urban apartment requires stable physical exertion. Of the disadvantages it is worth noting constant slumbiness and loud snoring.


  1. Volume-angled head.
  2. Wide long housing.
  3. Height from 70 to 80 cm.
  4. Weight from 60 to 100 kg.
  5. Wide head with flat forehead.
  6. Thin high-ranking ears.
  7. The arched neck of moderate length.
  8. Life expectancy is not more than 10 years.

The color of the English mastiffs is varied: from the apricot to the fawn with a mandatory black mask in the face of the muzzle.

Behavioral characteristics:

  1. Good nature.
  2. Calm and obedient temper.
  3. The ability to truly get along with children.
  4. In the absence of socialization, the tendency to closure and suspicion.

There are quite a few nurseries in Russia where you can buy a mastiff puppy. The minimum price is 40,000 rubles.


Kuvas - the shepherd breed of dogs from Hungary. Once he guarded the herd of sheep and other livestock. Currently, it can be used not only as a guard, but also as a satellite for the whole family.


  1. Head with a well-pronounced occipital ridge.
  2. Well developed jaws and teeth.
  3. Dark Brown is almond-shaped eyes.
  4. Short muscular neck.
  5. Wavy white wool.

Behavioral characteristics:

  1. Absolute courage and ignorance of fear is neither before.
  2. Pride and self-confidence.
  3. Loyalty to the owner.

Kuvas puppies are quite expensive, the price of them starts from 40,000 rubles. On the territory of Russia, this breed is practically not diluted, so the puppy will have to go to Hungary.

In the world there are dogs that can themselves grow to huge sizes. Objectively compile the top 10 largest dogs in the world is quite difficult. What is the biggest breed of dogs? Different sources provide various information by analyzing which we received a single picture and the top 10 is offered to you.

The largest and most, which are famous for their size, unprecedented force and are included in the photo list. The leader will be only one representative. It will be not enough to look at the picture to estimate the parameters. We will analyze the average growth and weight of the animal. With the help of a book of records, more accurately define what the largest dog in the world.

Pictures of large dogs from the list will show their dimensions. The top 10 largest dogs in the world will help to deal with large breeds of dogs.

If you look back, we can see that the biggest dogs in the world were divorced as ferocious hunters, dwelling defenders or in order to simply emphasize the high position of the owner in society. For example, royal powers had large breeds of pieces at the court. In such cases, the size and force of the animal was of great importance. Nowadays, a large dog is breeding, increasingly, ordinary people for whom it becomes a pet and a good friend. In today's ranking, the top 10 of the most vast dogs of the world are presented the largest breeds. We will remind, our top 10 is quite subjective, due to the fact that some representatives have a strong body and impressive weight, while others are quite thin, but with high growth rates.

Scottish Dirhaound Breed opens the top 10 largest dogs

This hunting hunting is designed to escape animals and deer hunting without weapons. This category is better than the rest adapted to catch up with the beast on the ground and kill it. The average growth of the dog from 76 centimeters, and the weight of 45 kilograms. PSA body elongated with developed muscles. His legs are long and slim, small elongated muzzle. Wool is tough and so long that hangs from the body. Western are gray, sand and brown. Dirhaound is one of the largest and most oldest in the world. She appeared in Scotland in the XVI century. And after three centuries, the whole world flew out about Dirheynde. Official recognition was obtained only in 1892.

For a long time, Scottish Borzov kept to know exclusively. And today this breed remains rare (see pictures). The noble soft boosane is quite elegant and tied to its owner. Large sizes of pieces prevent them with widespread.

9th place Top-10 - Akita Breed

Akita is a huge Japanese.

The breed of these animals was removed in the province of Akita Japanese Island Honshu. Her ancestors are Mastiffs, which were crossed with Chinese spitzen. Akita is considered the biggest Japanese breed of dogs. At first she was called Akita Matagi, which means a "good hunter". Akita was used to hunt a bear and like fighting PSA. Male can grow to 70 centimeters and higher. Middle weight 54 kilograms. These indicators affected participation in the top 10. As we see in the photo, the pits of dense addition with a slightly elongated body. Behavior is balanced, easily leaving for training. The breed is proud, discreet, with an independent temper and loves to run.

8th place Top 10 Big Dogs - Irish Wolfhound

This is the world's largest Irish dog from hunting. Known due to its major sizes. This national pride of Ireland was led by Irish Celts that needed large-scale breeding.

It has a muscular, strong physique, is distinguished by light, rapid movements. In addition to the fight against wolves, he took part in the hunt for deer. Today Irish Wolfhounds perfect option pet. He likes to idle, lying on the sofa up the belly and feel the owner's affection. However, this relaxed and calm dog will be able to make a company during jogging in the morning.

Looking at the photo of the Irish Wolfhound, it can be assumed that this is the largest breed. However, even though they are also the devals, but are not the most huge in the world. Dogs of this type are a little fidgeted with unfamiliar people. They are more pleasant to spend time, playing with familiar people - family members. And even despite their impressive sizes, Irish wolfhound is not the best watchman. They live eight years old.

Height in an adult male withers from 80 centimeters. The minimum growth of a male from 79 centimeters, and the weight of the average PSA 55 kilogram.

The biggest dog from the Caucasus is the Caucasian Shepherd. 7th place Top-10

This is one of which has more than 2000 years. It was bred in the Caucasus specifically to guard the herd of sheep, from where and got its name. It has thick wool with a dense undercoat so that for a long time it was possible to be in the cold. Dogs with fighting and watchdogs. is large. Possessing average growth, in the withers it reaches more than 70 centimeters, and the weight of the dog is up to 85 kilograms.

For Americans, she is not very common, so seeing a photo, in the comments puppies got a lot of laudatory reviews. But those who liked these fluffy bears in the picture should be understood that such a ps need a serious owner, which will be in education and training very seriously, so that the greeted puppy guarded the family.

Newfoundland is a large Canadian dog. On 6th place Top-10

This popular breed in the world was originally used in Canada as working force. A huge dog of long thick wool could have white spots on the chest and paws. Interesting the fact that has a membrane. In the CIS, such a breed is called diver. This type of Newfoundland was bred in the USSR. Male has a weight of 70 kilograms and growth from 74 centimeters. Newfoundland is a very gentle dog. It combines the power of a large Pyrenean dog and the kindness of Labrador. This dog is cheerful and friendly, with a huge warmth refers to family members. Newfoundland positively refers to children and strangers. The nature of the PSA is suitable for the purposes that were initially attributed to him - this is the salvation of people on the water, and in the fire. This dog has a real talent, which allows her to keep people away from trouble.

Neapolitan Mastiff from Italy on the 5th place Top-10

Or was popular from ancient times in the south of the Apennine Peninsula. Mastino was exclusively watchman. Neapolitan Mastiff is a descendant of combat dogs who fought fighters and Ancient Rome Beasts. Mastino-Napoltano is a large animal of a strong and coarse type of constitution, has a powerful backbone and a short face. Adult dog in the withers reaches the length of 75-80 centimeters and weighing 75 kilograms.

A devotee calm dog, loving its owner and beautifully related to children. Dominates over other breeds, fearless, incredulous to someone else's people. His and so frightening appearance becomes even more terrible when the dog is angry. Training in this category of puppies needs to begin pretty early. In no case is not recommended to train puppies attack on a person, otherwise adult dog can be aggressive.

Leonberger on 4th place Top-10

The breed was named after the city of Leonberg, which in the south-west of Germany. Herry Essig, who was engaged in breeding, brought a new breed, Crossi and Landcira. After that, I was admitted to the blood of the new breed, the Pyrenees Mountain Dog. As a result, having a shaggy dog, which became the embodiment of the coat of arms of the city of Leonberg. For the first time, Russia saw these pieces in 1989. Representatives of this breed have a balanced character and temperament. They are used as a security guard.

Male has an increase of up to 70 centimeters and weighs 80 kilograms. It looks huge due to his thick, long and abundant wool, which forms a collar on the neck, reminding the mane of Lviv. However, despite the very impressive sizes, the dogs are very clever. Leonberger is too big to live in the apartment. For him, a spacious courtyard with a cool climate will fit. This breed does not need significant physical exertion.

Soft, surviving character makes these gentle lions patient nanny for children. The kindness, however, does not interfere with the PSAs to serve in the police and help pull out people from water, snowy avalanches and other troubles.

3 place Top 10 Big dogs occupies English Mastiff

- This is the hardest breed that achieves impressive sizes. British mastiffs have hanging cheeks and sad eyes. The biggest dog in the world (in the photo above) is a dog Zorbro, who weighed the whole hundred fifty-six kilograms. Although, according to some, the dog simply had overweight. On average, the weight of the male can be from 75 kilograms and above, and bitches from 70 kilograms. The growth of the Mavel of English Mastiff reaches 75 centimeters.

Mastiffs are big dogs that have an incredible self-esteem, which is accompanied by its own greatness. Massive and clumsy, however, very responsive. Animals with a priest, soft character, smart and intelligent. A kind giant will immediately turn into a burning devil when it affects the protection of his family.

Senbernar takes 2nd place top 10 largest dogs

Senbernar is a very large and large dog in the world. There are two varieties of this breed - long-haired and short-haired. It is believed that Senbernara, like English mastiffs, originated from crossed with local rocks.

In another version, Senbernard ancestors were Roman combat mastiffs that were delivered by the Romans during the conquests in the Alps.

Male growth reaches 70 centimeters, weight 90 kilograms. However, this is the average data on representatives. There are cases when that individual representatives can grow to huge sizes and fall out of general statistics.

Senbernara is very large and friendly healthy with a sustainable character. Although they are very powerful and feel confident, but soft, which makes them kids wives with whom they perfectly find a common language and play in nature.

Senbernara is the strongest dog in the world. In 1978, 80 kilogram Salo-Senbernar was able to move the cargo, weighing almost three thousand kilograms, for a distance of four and a half meters per minute and a half.

The biggest dog in the world is recognized German Dog

This breed is so big that is considered one of the most huge in the world. With impressive sizes are quite calm. Representatives of these rocks can easily kick a person to Earth, just putting his paws on his shoulders.

German dog is a combination of an incredible feeling of self-esteem, strength and sophisticated elegance. Very clearer and physically healthy dogs Will be gentle with their owner. Although German dogs are a lot, they will be very loyal and brave watchdogs.

German dog is perfectly protected with children. Need strict. This is a representative of dogs with late maturation, so it remains a child for a long time, loving a little shake.

Lives this type of dogs on average nine 9 years old, however, with a caring owner and thirteen years not the limit. German dog is an unsurpassed dog Apollo. Having a majestic appearance and power, strength and elegance of lines, the grace of forms is expressed by force, beauty and pride. On the viewer, he gives the impression of an accurate statue. Pots of such a breed have a calm, friendly and affectionate, balanced character, incredulous to a stranger. Break and energetic, not quite timid.

The representative of this breed named George glorified its owners from Arizona to the whole world with its impressive sizes. In six years, his weight was 113 kilograms, having the length of each paw of 110 centimeters, the length of George from the nose to the tail was leveling 221 centimeters. In 2010, this blue dog was officially received the status of the biggest dog in the world, hitting the Guinness Book of Records.

George got into his current owners to his current hosts. Of course, no one could assume that he would grow to such sizes. As soon as the puppy grows a little, in the old house it became closely. The family moved to a new dwelling. Blue dog eating more than 50 kilograms of dog food monthly. He was hardly placed in the car.

After the death of George in 2013, the palm of championship itself big PSA In the world, he moved to a three-year-old German dog from school, Michigan, named Zeus. He was noted in the Book of Records Guinness 2013. The growth of the PSA from the legs to the withers is 111.8 centimeters and in a height of 2.2 meters, standing on the hind legs.

Watch the photo of this handsome - well, isn't it a miracle? Zeus just a couple of centimeters bypassed the previous record holder of the same breed.

A giant dog from Michigan eats a daily fourteen kilogram of food every day, weighs 70.3 kilograms.

Many breeds from this list you have seen more than once in the photo or on the street, but it will be nice to know that some facts you heard the first time.

The attention of others always attract big dogs, peacefully walking next to the owner on a leash and obediently performing his teams. A group of large pieces is quite numerous. These include dogs whose weight exceeds 45 kg, and height in the withers is more than 60 cm. They are easily leaving for training and with proper education are wonderful.

Middle old growth english breed Dogs ranges from 60 to 90 cm in the withers. The weight of males can be from 65 to 110 kg, bitchs hang from 54 to 91 kg. Pet size is impressive even in the photo. The name of the breed into Russian is translated as a dog-horse. Mastiffs are different:

  • strong posture;
  • powerful muscles;
  • tighted view.

They are excellent hunters and devotees. Over the centuries, the breed was used as guards. And to compare with them in this can little what kind of dog. Obedient, responsive and slightly clumsy Mastiffs are usually very calm. But when it comes to the protection of the family, the kind giant turns into a real watchdog.

Good Newfownlands - Photo

Large dogs of this breed all over the world are known as good nannies., Rescue dogs and faithful friends. A large pet is different:

Loving, calm and obedient Newfoundland are easy to teach and always try to please the owner. They are very sensitive, so you need to train them. A large animal loves to swim, and to swim, take advantage of any opportunity.

Assembly, you need to remember that in small apartments it is worth containing only under the condition of frequent walking.

Brave Spanish Mastiff - Photo

Spanish mastiff nobled by courage and excellent watchdogs without thinking able to rush into a fight with a bear, a boar and wolf. With proper upbringing and training, the pet will be a magnificent companion and a family friend. To the peculiarities of the breed belongs:

Puppies of Spanish Mastiff look like cubs outlined on thin legs. Adult dog it has amazing performanceAnd will perform everything that will require the owner from her. The big dog needs love and understanding, then he will become a reliable friend and faithful assistant.

Strong and Fearless Alabai

Many seen on the Internet a photo where a man holds a big red dog in his arms and claims that this is a puppy of Chelyabinsk watchman. In fact, this is, of course, a joke. No it is watching, but adult dog breed Alabai. Large dogs were tentained in antiquity, as they are perfect defenders and guards. The breed is different:

A large pet is always fighting for a leader's place, therefore, in a puppy age, Alabay needs to show who is the owner in the house. The upbringing and training of the dog is best to do with a specialist, since uncontrollable and uncomfortable dog can be a threat to others. The main characteristics of the breed can be attributed to the owner, equilibrium and alertness to strangers. However, Alabai gets used to permanent guests and friends, and willingly takes into his "flock."

Big dogs

Kompaniy healthy senbernar

Friendly big dogs are confident, have a stable and, surprise, mild character. They love to be frozen and become excellent children's friends. Capable of moving from place weight weight of 3000 kg Senberry belongs to the strongest dogs in the world. To the peculiarities of the breed belongs:

A large dog is perfect for families with children and active people. But you have to be prepared for wool, drooling and snoring pet.

German dog - the highest dog

The bright representative of the breed is a dog whose height reaches 111 cm. When weight from 55 to 90 kg, the minimum pet growth can be from 80 cm. Dog combines strength, sophisticated elegance and self-esteem. The features of a big dog belong:

Multicious to dominance and aggression of the dogs are perfectly soldered with children. They differ in late maturation and love to stalk from time to time. therefore large dog perfectly flies in the family of active peopleAnd it will be happy to accompany you on the morning jog.

Ancient service dog Tibetan mastiff - Photo

The history of the watchman has always been surrounded by legends and myths. According to one of the legends, breed belonged to the BuddhaAnd was also loved by Genghis Khan. Nomads used pietes as pack animals and for safety.

Tibetan mastiff is known to many thanks to his mace around the head. In addition, the breed is different:

  • high rise in 72-85 cm;
  • weight of 60-82 kg;
  • thick, smooth wool, calm and restrained character.

Tibetan mastiffs are very smart and are not inferior to German dogs. Raising a watchdog dog need to be undoubted leadership. With poor training and the absence of strict discipline, a large pet can become dangerous and unpredictable.

Leonberger - dog with a severity character

Thanks to the gentle character, this breed of dogs love everything. Loving is different and pet itself. It may be reliable protection family, patient nanny for children and nightmare for enemies. The distinctive characteristics of Leonberger refers:

Despite the large dimensions, the breed is very clever. Muscular, strong, and at the same time, an elegant dog combines a living temperament and calm temper.

Beautiful and strong Caucasian Shepherd

An derived in the Caucasus is one of the major breeds exist for more than two thousand years. Caucasians defended from the attack of wolves of sheep herds, but are ready to protect against the danger and their owner. Pets clearly share everyone on "their" and "strangers"Therefore, it is necessary to lead their behavior and reaction. The peculiarities of the appearance of the rock include:

Having worried and strong, unpretentious and sensitive Caucasian Shepherd is an excellent guard and guard. She is can adapt to any conditions of content and feeding. For greater growth and indifference, loving heart and kind soul hidden.

Self-sufficient and independent big dogs need a strong host, which should be the leader for them. To their upbringing and training must be approached with full responsibility.. Only in this case the pet will obey and become an excellent defender and a sure other.