
Why the dock is better breeding dog? Why docking - Best dogs

Garden buildings

Most people are chasing the aristocratic origin of dogs, their breed. Everyone needs selected animals, and not ordinary, which are whole sites on the street. Often, this is due to professional interest, often due to prejudice. There are also such people who appreciated the dignity of docks, such smart and interesting. In this article we will try to bring the arguments in favor of the latter.

Since the docks are a mixture of a huge number of dogs that have developed generations, they are less susceptible to various diseases and have very strong immunity. Many people do not even think about vaccinations and live without problems with their pets. In addition, diseases are often transmitted among thoroughbred dogs. If the dock and will suffer somehow hereditary diseasesSo it means her close relatives - thoroughbred.

If you consider such a moment as the generic features and features of dogs, then it can be noted that certain breeds are created for hunting, others - for life in the north and so on. That is, a certain list of features and accessories of a dog is fixed behind the breed to some kind of activity.

This moment concerns the mongrels in a special way, since, in fact, the ancestors in all dogs are alone, and therefore, mixing in generations with representatives of different breeds, the karanykhi are practically versatile. And indeed, if you picked up a homeless puppy - you can teach it to everything, not limited to the properties of the breed. And this multitasking and versatility is also a huge plus and speaks of high intelligence.

No wonder because the statistics says that the level of training of the mongrel is very high, as well as the level of intelligence. As for active thinking and adaptability, the courses occupy the first place for these parameters. The only rocks that can overtake the courtyard in terms of training are Caucasian shepherds and risenshnuzers.

Distinctive features of migratory dogs

Stamina, which can help a courtyard in various situations, helps and in the protection of the house. If you are the owner of a large mongrel, then there will be no better in all the worst parameters for your home than she. A distinctive feature of all the karany is a completely different level of love for the owner. Of course, there are special breeds of dogs - guard, which in sum is ahead of the mongrel, but the fact of the matter is that you can crash with a close relatives of such a breed, and then you become the owner of a better security guard for home or cottage.

Devotion is a distinctive feature of dogs in front of the other animals, tamed by man. If you bring up the dog correctly, you will become her friend, but you will not be too soft if you give her enough attention, then you will be the most devoted and hotly loving friend to your death. Speaking that absolutely all dogs devotees can be concluded about the wrongness of the advantage, for example, shepherds before the mound in this context.

You can not speak about caressing and playfulness, because everyone knows about the strict and right aristocratic dogs and about jumping, spinning and "coming crazy" courses. All this indicates the presence of character and souls by the mongrel, and special and unique in its kind. By the way, you did not think about how much cheaper to take a powerful dog and keep it than to buy a purebred? And do you imagine how exactly your jook can be unique and unique?

How many dog \u200b\u200bbreeds are: very ancient and recognized quite recently, often found in our country and real exotic. Dogs are very beautiful and insecured, huge and very small, which easily fit in your pocket, with beautiful long wool and completely without it.

Is there private view Dogs - docks or dogs without breed. But, many of them are so pretty that famous animals can envy them. It is believed that it is they who have a good health, because they have a much tougher examiner than that of dog dogs. In addition, it contributes to this high degree of heterozygosity, while the purebred dogs are the product of inbreeding (closely related crossing). Of course, deciding to start the dog, we choose the breed for a long time, which will suit us more than others. But, more and more often you can see the owners, proudly strolling with dogs, which are not similar to one of the famous breeds. It seems that this is a setter, but for some reason too small. Or - Doberman! But why then the tail is not stopped?

Why do you have a dock?

Yes, just people, seeing a puppy, could not leave him on the street - these are a dock. And they will give them, notice, often those who completely could afford a dog with a pedigree. But, people who spoiled a mongrel love her no less than many thoroughbred. And be proud to be protected by the fact that they can guard, and with children to swim in the river. They are also capable of performing teams, and how they are tied to the owner, and it is difficult to convey. Whether this gratitude for salvation, whether there is an unprecedented kindness, or the natural mind and intelligence. They are not practically inferior to the dogs titled: they are also well trained, no less dying, devotees, clean.

In Soviet times, when it was difficult to buy a purebred dog, almost all the work was performed by migratory animals. They were border guards and rescuers, guard and artists, customs officers and companions. And such their high qualities of workers cannot, in no way, diminish the advantages of "purebred", but will not allow them to not notice their advantages.

Advantages of docks

By buying a dog noble blood, a man knows exactly what to count on. If this is the Caucasian Shepherd - she will grow in a beautiful guard, if - Pekingese will become an excellent companion. With a porony in this matter it is more difficult. She can grow incredulous to a stranger or, on the contrary, too friendly and affectionate. But, many of us, deciding to start a dog, do it from pure user considerations? Still, most are looking for a faithful friend who will be near. And the mounds in this respect are far from the worst option. In addition:

  • thanks to the innate immunity, the courses are less ill, and they rarely suffer from hereditary diseases;
  • in terms of intelligence, they deservedly occupy far from recent places;
  • the courtyard is perfectly trained, because it is a clean sheet, in contrast to the thoroughbred animals, excluded for many years with a certain goal, with already fixed by instincts and trained therefore on a specific scenario. From the karany, you can sculpt, anything - there is no laid scheme;
  • many know that in a private house It is advisable to take a dog without a certain breed, i.e. a poop, which is more worn and less arrogant in food;
  • compared to dogs of office breeds, according to the ability to protect the owner and its property, they may and inferior, but, nevertheless, the worshi and guards from mongrel dogs are better than from collie, boxers or mismans;
  • about devotion - a special conversation: a former unworporn, who was lucky to find a house, will forever keep gratitude to a person who saved him from Naj., so his devotion will be limitless;
  • the love of migratory dogs is a feeling in which the owner can be 100% sure. If you make friends with the four-legged family member, he will adore you until recent days. It does not matter whether it is a small bolon, a huge wolfhound or a migratory sympathet;
  • according to nature, migratory dogs, as a rule, funny animals, playful (in any case, in comparison with shepherds and rottweiler), they are more affectionate than terriers and risenshnuzers;
  • for uniqueness and uniqueness - they are the first: not to find a different specimen.

They live next to us. Sorry and proud, cute and not very, evil and kind, obsessive and imperceptible all sorts. Many problems are associated with them, from ethical to epidemiological, among which the problems of cynology occupy a special place. From the point of view of the cinologists, the existence of a mongrel in our house is undesirable. The courtyard occupies the most ecological niche, which the pionee dog could take.

But kennel exists for a person, and not by itself, and to live us quite a long year of dog life with an exterior, but with a dog personality. In addition, now the cost of the puppy is several times more than the average wage. Therefore, the mongrels appear in our hearts and apartments.

Cutle of manless dogs.As you can see, the courtyard is a dog like a dog, no better, but not worse than its tribal fellow. Therefore, with the club "Elite", it was decided to create a cube club, which is the purpose of providing assistance in education and training. The Training Center at the Elite Club offers preparation of dogs on the general course of training (OKD), IPO-1 obedience rate, the educational training course for puppies at the age of 6 - 8 months and special courses (ZX, markup, dog bodyguard, Dog watchman). At the exhibitions of the club "Elite" will necessarily have a ringing of hymonible dogs.

We will be especially happy to people who are ready to engage with their dogs with circus training in the group of demonstration speeches or fascinating sports - Adzhiliti. There will be sports sections on flag and dogs on dogs.

1. Damn it is not allowed to jarny because there was not enough money for a "normal thoroughbred dog", but because we are incredibly like our exclusivity and the need to help a living being in trouble is quite natural. And their treatment and rehabilitation with a filmologist, after a shelter and the street, always surpasses the price on any puppy, so we can hardly save.

They are not distinguished by fabulous immunity, rarely can "digest nails" and in the same way need good nutrition, vaccinations, care and learning. The docks are not the smartest of nature and very different, but all of them should be trained in the same way, they are not worse and no better dog dogs, but no less loved ones.
2. Breeding dogs are not at the sake of Ponte and not because the money chickens do not peck, but because they want to see the exterior and work qualities in the dog. No pedigree can be a complete guarantee of the mind, health and dog talent, they are all different.
Even with the most gifted puppy from good parents, you need to do a lot.
3. Show - Perspective This is generally myth, show dogs are 30% good genes and 70% of the labor of the host, filmologist and Hendler. Even the most wonderful dog can be turned into a stupid evil shaw, if you have little walking and not to do it.
4. It is not always possible to precisely predict in puppies future health problems and not in all the troubles with your puppy you are to blame the breeder. Bad care and nutrition can outweigh even gold genetics!
5. If you buy a dog on the bird market or Avito for a third of the average price of the price, you do not need to talk about the degeneration of the breed and breeders.
6. Mini-breeds - ordinary dogs, and not accessories in a handbag, they have to walk and do all their affairs on the street, and only cats and small puppies go to the tray; they can also eat raw meat, gnawing cartilage, play sports and make long walking, they need to raise, like all dogs, and not grow an evil brachia, who have everyone in a row, for this there are mini-OKD, mini-ajiliti and they are not We need to be enough to grab.
7. Fight breed There is no, there are only unfortunate victims of hooching to cheap media scandals and other people's complexes and ambitions, people who do not understand anything in their breed and who do not want to do with their dog.
8. Working breeding is not a fashion trend, but complex high-active dogs that require knowledge and time.
9. Jack Russells and Beagles are not mimicious, and workers hunting breeds requiring good active walking.
10. Husky is not the simplest breed for the dresser and it must be understood, and not to take for wonderful eyes.
11. Staffa and Petes are luxurious breeds in the hands of experienced people, do not take them only for the sake of fashion, read the breed.
12. Birth to no one add health, even women, for a small exception.
13. And yes, Kudad * I, not a stupid naughty dog, just he is special and loves adventure.

Choose the breed with the mind, but listening to the heart.
Do not compare your dog with others, appreciate her strengths! Do not treat her consumer, the dog is a friend, and we love friends not for something, but in spite of everything

The dog accompanies a person for not one hundred years. The efforts of breeders were created by a great set of different breeds, which differ in the structure of the body, color, wool length, temperament and purpose. Some have huge sizes, others can be worn in your pocket. But there is another kind - noble dogs, or so-called docking. They do not have pedigree and documents, but they know how to love, be devoted and correctly serve the owner is not worse than titled relatives.

Who are the docks

This is the most numerous detachment, representatives of which experts are called "complex polygibrid", and people are called just pointers. Thornish dogs are derived for decades, collecting the best qualities in each offspring. For some of the primary importance, the flair is, for others - power and endurance. Any puppy from the thoroughbred dog is predictable - always in advance it is known that it will grow out of it. For example, only spaniel can be born in spaniels, and not any other breed.

Puppies Poranging - the result of free crossing, so neither appearanceNor the characteristics of the character are not fixed at the genetic level. From a small fluffy lump, a charming and smart dog may grow, although it is not excluded that such that neither external qualities, nor his mind, will not meet expectations. This, however, happens very rarely. Most of the owners of the mongrel will not exchange their pet anything, even the most beautiful thoroughbred, dog. Classify docks are very difficult, so diverse.


This is another type of a numerous detachment called "Monglebless Dog". They are the mixture of different breeds, and possibly in several generations. It often happens randomly, but sometimes sometimes planned. Having received all the best from their parents, metises are distinguished by excellent health. They, as a rule, there are no genetic diseases. But the character does not always turn out to be perfect. It is difficult to predict what features will inherit a puppy from parents. Small migratory dogs often show aggression towards children and animals. With large in size, difficulties may arise in management and training.

Nevertheless, such dogs are in demand in people who cannot for financial reasons to afford the acquisition of a puppy. The price of methots is much lower, and sometimes a unclean puppy can be obtained as a gift. Recently, the labrador, obtained from crossing with a poodle becomes very popular. He was displayed specifically and even received his own name - Labradudle. This is an excellent guide capable of working even with disabled people with special difficulties. Labradudl is suitable not only to people with disabilities, but also those who suffer allergies for animal wool. These dogs are excellent nanny, so they are happy to take families with children.

Not uncommon today and the metis of Labrador, obtained by crossing the dog of this breed with german Shepherd, with husky, with Shareham. Having inherited the best qualities, such dogs have a very unusual appearance in addition.

The character of a powerful dog

Rare breeds of dogs are distinguished by the same sociability and playfulness as karany. Zoopsychologists argue that the latter has almost no aggression, in relation to their fellows. A prayerless dog belongs to a large share of distrust. Sometimes she can show some tensions against children, but it does not mean that the dock is dangerous of the thoroughbred dogs. According to the degree of aggressiveness, it is significantly inferior to German and Rottweiler and black terriers.

Working Quality and Training

On the ability to teach the pedigrims of a dog undoubtedly has a positive effect. Purebred Shepherd, Boxer or Risenshnauzer, much faster assumes new teams than a mifless dog. But despite this, most of the owners of the mongrel are quite satisfied with the behavior of their pets at the training ground. These dogs are well trained, as well as well assist the rules and norms of behavior.

It is possible that in most cases, the mongrels are inferior to purebred collections on some working qualities, such as acute scent, discipline, etc. But not a rarity, when the poiring perfectly manifests itself as it can be a reliable guard or guard, never in anything Landfasting a ps.


There are significant advantages in the health issues, compared with purebred dogs. They are less susceptible to a number of diseases inherent in a certain breed. Immunity is more stable. A mighty dog \u200b\u200beasily tolerates temperature differences and adverse weather conditions. In the conditions of the street where a hard screening occurs and the strongest survivors, a sufficient strong health is formed by the mongrel.

The advantages of the mongrel

People who want to acquire a reliable friend and companion for themselves, donate, and in something they even exceed the thoroughbred dogs:

  • They rarely suffer from hereditary diseases. Puppies porabs, born on the street, survive almost everything.
  • Knocks are well leaving for training. They do not have a laid scheme with fixed instincts, as in purebred dogs.
  • Mongrel dogs are distinguished by endurance and unpretentious food.
  • They are unique - it is difficult to find two identical mongrels.
  • The devotion of these dogs to its owner does not know borders. Until recent days, they will adore it, expressing a huge sense of love and affection.
  • In the role of a guard or a security guard of the mongrel in anything is not inferior to the purebred psam.

Of course, in turn, each individual dog has its own specific advantages and disadvantages.

Cups of migratory dogs

Today, there are more and more organizations and clubs that help the owners of mongrel dogs correctly raise their pets. Specialists carry out general training courses, obedience, guard and trace work. An excellent opportunity to show his unique pet public is the exhibition of migratory dogs, which has become an already familiar event in both large and small cities of our country.

It does not matter much, what kind of breed in PSA, when you see his devoted look and willingness to fulfill any team. And bad and good dogs, like people, are found, no matter what titles and the titles have their ancestors.