
Wooden booths for dogs. Booth for German Shepherd: how to build it yourself

Garden buildings

Each gavkaya assistant contained not in the apartment, but on street conditions, for a comfortable life is needed its own house - a dog booth. In an effort to provide a pet as comfortable accommodation, the owners are not limited to the construction of a regular booth from the board. Therefore, today no one is surprised by VOLIER images with images of family coat of arms, booths with double-glazed windows and terraces.

The house for a dog can be decorated as you like. But the four-legged friend will not feel comfortable if the booth is installed in an unsuccessful place. Avoid mistakes will help the recommendations below.

So that the housing for the pet did not turn out to be in the pool after the rain, it should be installed on an exalted place. Optimal option - shady corner with a smooth soil surface. It is advisable to place a booth near a large structure, from a leeward side: in this case, it will not be blown up in bad weather. A thick shrub can be a good protection against the wind.

A dog house should not join the garage. In addition, you should not install a booth under the roof, with which ice and snow can fall during the winter period.

Being in a cone or near her, the dog should be able to observe the door at home and the main entrance to the courtyard. Wolter comes with a house with a house, installed in some distance from people.

Build a booth for a dog with your own hands - photo instruction

Using the scheme provided, you will be able to build a comfortable and reliable cone for your dog in just a few hours. And no special materials for this buy do not have to buy.

One of the most important aspects of building a booth is the selection of dog housing. After all, you want your pet felt as comfortable as possible? Therefore, to start making a dog's booth with the definition of its forms, size.

I want to say right away - if you are not a fan of non-original designs, forget about the construction of complex structures. It will not only take your time, but also prevents the dog to quickly sit down in a new house.

The perfect option is a rectangular conserve. The input is advisable to make the side, the roof make a single one. Example of optimal coneers, see the photo.

Tip! Make a roof removable. Subsequently, it will facilitate you manipulating the cleaning of a dog house.

Drawing drawing for dogs do, taking into account the size of the animal. Measure the growth of the pet, its length. Also consider the amount of the chest PSA. See on the picture The optimal booth size ratio regarding the dog breed.

One of the basic rules in drawing up drawing booths for dogs is called "plus five". The essence of the rules in the following - calculating the conera frame parameter, add width, height, 5 cm depth.

With small, but important nuances of the construction of dog housing figured out. Now it came to choose the material. The most popular materials for dog booth are various wood species. This material has many advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • convenience in work;
  • low cost.

Breeding is better to take coniferous.

So that the process does not delay, prepare materials and tools for dogcake booth in advance. You will need the following:

  • sand;
  • nails;
  • lining;
  • plywood;
  • a hammer;
  • pergamine;
  • ruberoid;
  • styrofoam;
  • door hinges;
  • edged board;
  • metal corners;
  • antiseptic impregnation;
  • dry timber 40x40, 100x100, 100x50 mm.

Do not forget to open wood details, otherwise the dog will take the paw. Regarding additional wood processing by antiseptic - it is better not to hurry. Treat the booth when it is ready and only outside, because the sharp smell can scare the animal from the newly dwelling.

Build booth for dog

As already mentioned, the roof of the cone is better to do a single one, because most of the dogs love to lie down on the roof of her house. If you plan to keep the dog in the booth constantly, already at the assembly stage, take care of the careful insulation of the coneers.

Well, proceed to the construction of the coneers! First of all, we are preparing a frame of the bottom. For this, the 40x40 timber is cut into size calculated in the drawing, connect the parts of the bar using metal corners. See how it looks in the photo.

Tip! If you build a booth for a big size dog, a frame can be strengthened with additional cross-bar from the bar. Capture a ready-made frame on one side.

After that, put the frame so that the bars are from above, as in the photo.

The inner surface of the frame will unleash the pergamin. To fix you can use stapler. Then cut the foam in size and paste it between the bars. The height of the insulation must be identical to the height of bars. Put on the foam one more layer of pergamine and enhance. All - clean floor is ready.

The third stage - we collect the framework. Take the timing of 100x100 mm and make four segments. Two will be equal to the height of the cone, two must be done longer than 10 cm. Break with nails, these bars at the corners of the bottom. Long bars will go to the front, short on the back.

This is the basis of a dog booth. After that, cut the pieces of timber in size for top base. You can still fill a couple of vertical bars on the sides. As well as when mounting the frame, use metal corners for fastening wooden parts. Watch in the photo, what approximately the frame should have.

After that, insulate and cover the finished design.

First, the outdoor part in the wagon. Then warm the walls by a method similar to the bottom insulation: Parchment, then the foam, then pergamine, then plywood. Consider the size of nails when fastening the trim. Nails should not be too big, otherwise the dog can be born about the sticking tip of the nail. In the photo of the Wall Booth, prepared for insulation.

The next stage of construction of a dog booth - the roof mounting. Take the already familiar brus of 40x40 and knock the frame. Rama size calculate, given the internal perimeter of the conera. By the already familiar technique, insulate the frame with foam and plywood. The only thing that should be taken into account is the size of the upper sheath, in diameter it should be larger than 10-15 cm from all sides. This will help protect the walls and Lases of Konura from bad weather. Over the finished roof, the reference roofs.

Finished booth treat with antiseptic impregnation, dry. After that, come to the bottom of the conera rooteroid around the perimeter, and it is formed by the bars treated with impregnation.

It should turn out about as in the picture.

In principle, the dog's booth is ready. If there is a desire you can arrange the ends of the crate and LAZ with platbands, lay on top of the tile. In general, to do the cosmetic component.

But even if you all leave, as it is, a dog in any case will be grateful to a comfortable and warm booth, in which you can hide from the heat and cold.

How to make a booth with your own hands (video)

What is worth paying attention to the construction of a cozy conera for a beloved impatience?


Thinking the design of a dog house, it is best to stay on the prefabricated and folding models: if necessary, the booth will easily understand. Coner, built in this way, not only can be transferred to another site, but also quickly dismantle and collect, conducting cleaning and disinfection. Cleaning in a pet house should be arranged regularly.


Separate words deserve the choice of material. The optimal rocks of wood for these purposes will be pine and larch. Pine booth booth can serve 10-13 years old. This means that the dog will be able to dwell in it to old age. Larch is more expensive, which wins in pine in terms of durability. The question of choosing wood owners decide based on financial capabilities.

For the installation of the roof, the same solutions apply as for home roofs. In the construction of a dog booth, it is not recommended to use natural tile.

The floor in the pet house cannot be stone or concrete: these are cold materials, the dog in such conditions risks sick arthritis. Ideally, the floor in the cone is made of dry wooden boards. Important condition: The elements from which the floor consists should be exactly fitted so that the gaps do not appear. Otherwise, the cracks in the floor can cause injuries in the animal. If the flooring is to have an easy tilt towards exit, it will make it easier to clean the procedure.

To prevent the wheels from rotting due to high humidity It is necessary to think over the rainwater removal system from the design. In the wet and rotting booth, the dog can easily get sick. Processing the tree by means against moisture in this case is impossible: this is not recommended by veterinarians.

For a better friend a person, it is important to create optimal conditions Life.

If he will live in an apartment or house - to highlight the place for his conera.

When its content is planned on the street, constantly or from time to time, it is necessary to buy or make a suitable booth.

Such a constant or temporary dwelling is suitable as a large pet like, and, and a small, type or.

General requirements for dog booth

Some prefer to buy ready-made options, for the other booth for the dog with their own hands is a more acceptable option.

And in that, and in another case, it is necessary to adhere to certain requirements for this structure.

  • The location of the booth should not be lower than the overall level of soil, on which the estate is located, cottage and the like. By choosing the desired hill, the booth must be set at least 10 cm above, as if on the legs. Thus, you protect your dog from moisture and insects that can penetrate him into the house from the ground. If it is possible to raise a coneer of centimeters to 50 over the soil, then you will provide a dog to a place protected from summer scoring sunlight.

Design with a duplex roof and an outdoor terrace

With the territory chosen for the booth, the whole courtyard should be watched well.

If you are planning to keep the PSA on the chains, take care to close to the conees there were vegetation or items for which it can cling to the binding.

Take care so that the dwelling of the pet was maximally protected from the wind.

  • The dog house should not be located next to the abdomen of other pets; It can be a chicken coop, soot or a barn for a cow. Evaporation from the products of their livelihoods can strongly undermine the health of the dog.

  • The booth should be spacious enough so that the dog could comfortably keep it in it. How to calculate the minimum domestic sizes for the dog?
  1. For height, we take the growth of the dog, plus 10 cm.
  2. For depth - the distance from the tips of the paws to the withers, when the dog lies on the floor, plus 10-15 cm.
  3. The width is the distance from the nose to the Copper PSA, add 10-15 cm here.
  4. Lases in width equals the width of the chest, plus 5-10 cm, the height can be different, its smallest value is the height of the PSA in the withers, minus 5-10 cm.

If you live in cold latitudes, this minimum is desirable to increase not very much, otherwise the peel will be difficult to warm up in a spacious booth.

To calculate the size of housing for small puppies, you can take the parameters of their parents as a basis.

  • Warming up the booth must be appropriate if you plan to make it a permanent home for your pet. When in the winter the dog will live in the house with the owners, it is not particularly focused on this point.
  • Material booth for dogs should be harmless to their health. During the construction of the coneers, wooden boards and / or metal are used. The first is preferable because the tree is not so heated in the summer. Better to choose the boards coniferous rocksThey are reliable, and the substances allocated by them are scared of harmful insects. Absolutely not suitable chipboard due to toxicity and low moisture resistance. The last characteristic is characteristic of plywood and fiberboard, so they are also excluded. Brick and foam blocks are destroyed over time, they are also not suitable.

Little garden of flowers on the roof of a dog house

It is possible to paint the booth outside outside, because inside the dog can choose from the evaporation of the coating.

For the roof, slate, blackboard or roofing iron fit well.

As insulation - sawdust, mineral wool or foam.

Dog booth varieties

Home option

Design Booths for dogs amazed with their diversity.

They are installed not only in the courtyard, but also right in the house or apartment - for such pets as, and is the perfect option.

The home option is not so demanding by location and, moreover, insulation, dimensions remain relevant for it.

Such a booth can be located, for example, under the staircase or in the storeroom with a separate entrance for the PSA.

And instead of the usual curtain, you can install a beautiful door, or do nothing at all.

Many like home booths similar to coffee tables or dressers.

Others, on the contrary, set the beautiful and original booth like a Barbie house, making it focus on the design of a certain room.

Wooden house

However, most often the booth is necessary in order for your favorite to feel comfortable on the street, in the yard.

Of course, it is preferable to buy or make booths for dogs from a tree.

The classic option is such a miniature house with a single-table or double roof.

This structure is most optimal for those latitudes where precipitation is frequent phenomenon.

If the roof is not flat, then snow and water will not be able to linger on it, creating moisture.

Dog houses can be two-storey two-room or more, if it is planned that more than one owner will live in them.

It is clear that the two-storey is suitable small and medium in size to dogs, such as, and.

Often, you can meet model booths, which provide a terrace with a canopy, and in it - a special place for a couple of bowls.

Economy - Primary Materials

Some are not particularly puzzled about how to make a dog booth. Instead of boards, they use what is in the economy.

For example, wooden or plastic barrels.

Here the moment of security remains important - that they were stored, and there will be no harmful evaporation when heated by sunlight.

If these "models" are properly insulated, they will become a wonderful refuge for your pet.

Some collect plastic or glass bottles And use them to bring the wall of the booth.

The roof is made of boards. However, if such a glass house will be on direct sunlight for a long time, then Pesk can "be frozen".

The plastic loophole, with proper insulation, can even be good as a winter "apartment" of the dog.

High tech

Some firms offer advanced developments, for example, it can be an in-depth model with a built-in microclimate adjustment system.

Of course, at a cost in the area of \u200b\u200b$ 400, it is not possible to enjoy such a dog's house.

Other manufacturers, not curly fish, offer dog breeds, which do not differ from the classic miniature wooden house.

But these apartments are equipped with pre-installed temperature and humidity control systems.

Do it yourself!

So, you measured your peel, decided on the dimensions of his house and found the most for him appropriate place.

Now it is necessary to make a drawing of a dog booth for a dog, in which all its elements should be provided, including the decor.

The construction of the classic version of the booth:

  1. The floor must be double. We take the brucks with a cross section of 10 * 10 cm, of which we make the floor frame. For heavy PSA It seems that or the floor additionally strengthen the 4 * 4 cm brus across the frame. On both sides of the frame, you feed the floor boards as much as possible so that there is no heat loss.
  2. The framework of the walls is also made from 10 * 10 cm bars, we use bars 4 * 4 cm. You feed the outdoor boards.
  3. We proceed with a protective agent; For waterproofing, we turn over and secure ruberoid. Now you can warm the floor inside: parchment / insulation / pergamine, nailed by the stapler. Next, put the finishing floor.
  4. The diagram of the insulation of the walls is the same as the floor. Inside the booth you can shelter with clapboard.
  5. To do flat roof The bars are taken with a cross section of 4 * 4 cm, of which the frame is made, the lining is attached to it. We warm up the same as the floor, then you feed the second layer of lining and secure roof.

Appropriate triangular elements are made for a single-board or bartal roof, nailed to parallel walls of the walls and are fixed on top of the skate.

I make the roof removable so that you can easily clean the booth.

  1. For Laza we make a blind.
  2. The outer wall of the booth is coated with two layers of varnish.

If you have a suitable wooden barrel - this is a ready-made frame of booths with outdoor walls.

To complete the necessary:

  1. Come up with "legs". It can be a rectangle from the boards with the necessary cutouts if the barrel lies on the side. When it stands straight, you can use bricks.
  2. If the barrel lies on the side - make and insulate the flat floor.
  3. Heat walls and ceiling.
  4. Cut a hole for a lazium, strengthen it with bars and close the curtain.
  5. Cover the booth with two layers of varnish; from above - rubberoid or other material suitable for the roof.

Dog booth: Requirements, types, appliances

Some prefer to buy ready-made options, for the other booth for the dog with their own hands is a more acceptable option. And in that, and in another case, it is necessary to adhere to certain requirements for this structure.

If you have four-legged friend, and live in a private house, then keep the dog better on the street. In this case, the animal will feel more comfortable: still a large and medium-sized dogs are longer for street content. Of course, the animal will need a separate house to hide from the weather, the hot sun, to retire during sleep and rest.

The role of such a house is performed by the dog booth, which is quite easy to build own forces. In the article, consider the features of the manufacture of booths for an animal average set, and also learn how to properly select the optimal size of such a building.

We find out, in the booth of what parameters the dog is medium in size as possible as possible.

So, the average is the dog, whose length does not exceed 120 cm, and the width is 75 cm. This animal is not higher than 80 cm. You can navigate the standard German Shepherd: the larger than this animal will already be big dogs.

Of course, when building a booth, it is necessary to watch not only on standard dimensionsAnd first of all - on individual. So, make sure that the PSA chest is fluently through the hole: otherwise he does not want to live in such a house. So that the hole for the entrance is suitable size, measure the chest dog, and add 5-8 cm to the resulting digit: this width and should be LAZ. He should be height 5 cm less than the growth of the PSA in the withers: so animal will be the most convenient to go home.

Inside the same booth must be spacious. The dog should be able to freely stand in the booth in full growth: the height of the construction should be 5-8 cm greater than the growth of the animal.

On the video - the size of the Booths for the Dog of Medium Size:

Of course, the parameters can be changed, but preferably, in the most side, the dog is not guaranteed to be in cramped conditions. Before constructing, remove the measurements from the PS several times to make sure of their accuracy.

How to choose a place

Before building construction, it is important to determine the location of the Booth: the comfort of the animal depends on this, the convenience of the hosts of the house, and the overall ergonomic of the site.

  • First of all, it is necessary to make sure that the booth will not be blown up with all winds: set the construction from the leeward side.
  • Building should not be located in a dark place. It is important to choose a well-lit "Piglet, but at the same time with a closely located source of natural shadow: a tree, a barn, ourselves residential house. In this case, the animal will be able to flee from scorching rays on a hot day. If all the same it will be dark, help
  • It is impossible to place the booth in the lowland: thus the "house" of the animal risks to be flooded during the rain. Best choice - Little elevation.
  • Booth It is advisable to post closer to the entrance to the residential building: Thus, the dog will be easier to feed, communicate with it.
  • Experts recommend placing a dog clock next to the asphalted area of \u200b\u200bthe yard. In this case, the animal may experience wet weather on a solid coating, and not on the Rasky lawn.

So that the booth is located on the site is securely and steadily, it is necessary to remove the turf from the ground along with the grass. To build, it is advisable to make a small brick foundation, which will give the design stability.

In addition, the wooden booth, installed directly on the ground, after a short time will definitely begin to rot, despite the impregnation.

Important moments

What nuances should be taken into account when building a dog's booth with your own hands.

  • Inside the construction there should be no betraying dogs of things or items. An animal should be able to calmly lie down, stretching, so that nothing restricted his movements.
  • Be sure to make a convenient, free and safe entrance to the booth. To do this, keep it in size, and carefully treat the edge edge of the tree so that the dog does not hurt.
  • The structure also need to be inspired so that the animal felt comfortably in winter. The roof of the building must be protected from precipitation, make waterproof. The walls are also important to make waterproofly, since the precipitate can penetrate and through them.
  • Without a doubt, the material for the dog booth must meet safety and environmental requirements. The best way Wood fit for this: natural, breathable, warm material.
  • Mark the booth with a windless side of the site: Thus, the dog will be protected from the cold. But it is important to provide a dog to the maximum courtyard review.

A wonderful solution is the device of such a booth, which has a small attic. In this compartment, you can store PSA toys, its things, dishes.

As for the opening for the entrance, it is in the overwhelming majority of the case on the short side of the booth: thus ensures maximum convenience for the animal.

It is such a "dog house" is considered to be a classic genre: the booths from the duct roof build in most cases the owners of animals. We find out how to build such a booth with your own hands.

Keep in mind that gable roof Much increases the weight of the structure, so it is logical to produce it precisely for a medium-sized dog to make a small area to compensate for weight. Otherwise, heavy construction will be very difficult to move on the site: and this necessity sometimes occurs.

On the video - how to build a flat roof booth, drawing:

For the structure of the duplex roof, you need to take two wooden bars with a cross section of 50 mm, and attach them to each other at an angle of 40 degrees. The billets are fastened with the frame with nails. As a result, a full-fledged duct roof is obtained, which will then need to be coated from above the roofing material that does not transmit water material.

The frame of the booth itself needs to be sewn around the perimeter with clapboels or boards. It is important to fasten the material as tight as possible, providing the tightness of the structure, its thermal insulation. Ruberoid fill on a wooden bottom, providing the protection of the structure from moisture.

Tools and materials

What you need to make your own hands with your own hands.

  • Simple pencil (better flat) and building meter.
  • Wooden hacksaw or electrolybiz. With the help of the latter, it is possible to cope much faster with the work.
  • Shovel, as well as water level.
  • The hammer will be needed to fasten the roof with nails, and the screwdriver is needed when using self-tapping screws. In addition, of course, the nails and self-tapping screws will be needed (screws).
  • A special impregnating composition for wood processing from fungus, microorganisms and rotting is also necessary.
  • Prepare the paint, which will give the booth a beautiful shade, and will also perform the role of additional wood protection against moisture.
  • For insulation and waterproofing of a dog housing, get ruberoid or dense polyethylene, as well as foam or minvatu. Those who know will be able to insulate the dog's booth.


We find out such an important question - how to care for the dog booth after the animal lives safely.

It is important to understand that the hygienic cleaning of a dog "house" must be carried out regularly. Usually just once a month. In the process of cleaning, it is necessary to remove the residues of food, bones, dirt from the booth, as well as the items that the dog ran into their "shelter".

For disinfection of the construction, it is necessary to use safe insecticides without a sharp smell, and the procedure itself is carried out in the warm times a month, and in the cold every three or four months.

ATTENTION: After the disinfection of formalin or cryoline, an animal can not be allowed into the booth until the solution is completely dry.

For dog booths best choose pine wood. This tree variety has unique features: wood breathes, has pronounced heat insulating properties, it is easy to handle, and durable. All wooden elements treat the sandpaper so that the animal does not hurt, and did not get in the paw.

If you want the animal to be kept in more comfortable conditions, build a booth with a tambour. Such a "pre-banker" will serve as an additional protection against wind and cold, and to whom will protect the "bedroom" from a large amount of dirt.

Keep in mind that a metal conserve is an unacceptable option: in summer, this design warms so much that the animal remains only to sympathize. In winter, in a metal building, any reliable heat insulation cannot go.

Too spacious booth constructs meaning and there is no reason. In the spacious room, the dog will freeze, because the heating of the booth is produced only by its own warmth. It is important and not to do too close booth: in it the dog will not be able to fully relax, as she does not stretch out.

It is better if the roof in the structure will be removable: it will provide easier cleaning and other customer care procedures. In the roof, it is possible to build a small window for lighting and ensuring a normal reaction to the light of watchdogs. It is known that leaving the street from the completely dark booth, the animal is getting used to the light, little seeing around.

At the bottom of the structure, it is necessary to lay a rug. You can buy and special, or use an old blanket, dense rags, rags. It is better if the coating is dense, so as not to be knocked into the lumps.

And most importantly - before building a booth, make sure you have a dog from those breeds that the street content is well tolerated. There are medium-sized breeds, which will be better in greenhouse conditions of domestic life: to place such an animal to be placed severely.

We reviewed the features of the device of the Middle Size Booth Dog. As you can see, make such a dog "house" will not be much difficulty, but the pet will acquire a comfortable and suitable housing on the dimensions, for which thanks you by the right service.

For a dog that lives on the street, her booth is an extremely necessary building for a comfortable stay, it is her house where she rests, hides from frost, rain, snow in winter and hid from heat in the summer.

If you want to give a house for your beloved animal, it is not necessary to go to the store and try to choose the most suitable home for it. Build a dog for a dog under the power of anyone possesses minimal construction skills. However, the construction of a dog booth is not quite simple, there are some specific nuances and secrets about which we will tell in this article.

Choosing a Dog Booth Place

Before the construction of a dog's coneura, you need to pick up the most suitable place for its location.

To do this, you need to be guided by following:

  • the location of the coneers should be dry and moderately solar;
  • next to the booth should not be other pets, since their livelihoods negatively affect the health of the pet;
  • the place should be spacious and free for movement;
  • remember, any items located nearby can become a favorite entertainment for your four-legged friend;
  • the dog from the booth should see everything that happens around, all family members and guests, otherwise he will all the time will be excited.

Choose a design booth and material

Dog booths can be the most diverse as inside and outside.

The easiest version of the coneers is a square room, more often than a rectangular shape with a laser, closed with some cloth.

A more thoughtful and comfortable for the dog is a booth with a tambour. It is much better protecting the pet from the cold, rain, snow and wind. Basically, the tambour does not inspire, but if you want to further reduce the heat loss housing, then it is better to fix a layer of foam or mineral wool, and on the entrance to hang the chart, for example, from the old overcoat.

The optimal material for the construction of a dog booth is pine and firboards, it is not only durable and practical, but also capable of scareting various annoying insects with its smell.

Brick, plywood, foam blocks and other, not the best option for the cone, since over time these materials will begin to settle.
For the frame, the bar sizes 40x40 (50x50) or 40x25 (50x25) millimeters will be suitable. For outdoor shelling - wooden lining, plastic eurogram, etc. For internal sheat - lining or waterproof plywood with a thickness of at least 5 millimeters. As outdoor coating For the conera perfectly fit the tipped floorboard. Mineral wool, foam - an excellent option that serves as a heater.

Selection of booth sizes

Booth sizes are selected based on the size of its owner and climate ambient. Conditionally dogs are divided into small, medium and large. Booths are divided by the same principle. For the smallest, for example, Shi-Tzu, fees, comfortable will be a cruar with a height of 600 mm, a length of 700 mm and a width of 550 mm. For medium, rottweiler, german Shepherd, Suitable boat with dimensions 750x1200x800 mm. For medium, for example, the Caucasian Shepherd, the ideal will be the dwelling with sizes 1100x1400x1000 mm.

However, the amendments are also possible on the basis of the individual characteristics of your four-legged pet. The dog should log in without any problems, and turn into a booth. The width of the Laza is done in the width of the chest, adding 50-100 mm. The height of the LAZ is determined at the height of the animal minus 50 mm.

It is worth remembering that too spacious a loaf will be bad to warm up in winter, so it is important to make it the most optimal sizes For dogs.

How to make a booth for a dog - instruction

From the very beginning, decide on the dimensions of the dog dwelling and cut all the details of the intended size. After that, you can move to the assembly of the coneers for your favorite animal.


Start building booths for dogs always needed from the bottom. In order to the booth, the most warmly and cozy the floor need to lift a little over the ground or make it double. To do this, use two 40x40 bars, on top of which and secure the sex board. To claw your favorite pets not stuck in the cream, on the floor of the plywood sheet.


The next stage is the construction of a frame of future booth. Best option To ensure maximum warmth of the dog housing, the structure consisting of double dense walls, between which the insulation is located, for example, mineral wool.

At the corners of the finished base, four support racks 100x100 in length equal to height of the booth plus 4-5 cm, on the top of them, install the strapping from BRUSEV. After that, an input zone should be organized.

Nails need to score on the inside of the frame, for additional strengthening wooden carcass Use screws.

Drawing of a dog for a dog:


The roof should fit tightly to the walls of the cone, but it is not desirable that it is tightly nailed, as it will complicate the process of cleaning the dog housing.

The roofing material is well suited for professional flooring, tile or slate.

For the manufacture of the roof design, wooden bars 40x40 are used, the perimeter is knocked out, on which plywood sheets are attached.

If the dog is a big sizes, then so that plywood has not saved in the middle it is necessary to install intermediate lumps.

The length of the rod of the roof of the roof should be somewhat larger than the dog's konura itself in order to provide a canopy behind and ahead. Fix it over the roof racks. For each side of the roof you need three rafters, the upper ends of which should be cut at the angle of inclination of the roof. Initially, putting rafters to the skate, tick the touch point with the skeleton of the coneres, and then with the help of the knife, prepare triangular grooves. Next, neat the ends of the rafter fasten to the booth. Horizontal planks Couple with frame racks. To the lower end rafted the slap to the bar, a little serving on both sides of the roof.

Cut more four more rafters (2 pairs), their upper ends are nails to the skate, the bottom attach to the straps previously stuffed with frame rafters. As a result, the roof frame must turn out in the form of a triangle.

Then the resulting frame will obey plywood.

In order for in the future, the roof for cleaning can be lifted into the ends of the corner bars to hammer the nails with a diameter of about 10 mm, and the heats of spire. These pins will be put on the frontaths, in which the holes should also be made.

For convenience on the roof you can equip the handles.

If your pet is sitting on the binding, then you must take care of some canopy before the booth so that he can hide in a cool shadow.

Warming Booths for Dog

Wooden boards must be treated with a special solution from the appearance of mold and, accordingly, an increase in service life. It is necessary to impregnate with this liquid to the entire cone, starting from the bottom and ending with the roof.

Initially, the bottom of the Booths put the parchment, which performs the functions of vapor barrier, attach it with a stapler. Then fasten the insulation, for example, mineral Wat or foam plastic, after which the parchment leaves again. It is necessary in order to prevent penetration of the micro particles of the insulation, which can adversely affect the health of the animal. Then fasten the sheet of plywood.

By the same principle and insulate the walls of a dog housing: the steam barrier is fixed, then the insulation, after which the waterproofing is laid and curtain outside.

At the entrance to the booth, it is better to equip curtains from felt or tarpaulin, which forms additional protection of the pet from the cold and heat. So that with strong wind, the tarpaulin did not rise at the bottom of the curtains, attach special polyethylene bags with sand.

Consider the option of additional insulation of the booth. The rule always works: the smaller the room where the dog is, the easier it is to heat it with the warmth of his body.

Take the insulated booth with a tambour. The walls of the tambura, like the entire booth, are insulated, and the entrance is covered with a curtain.

Inside the booth there is another partition with a curtain. It can be done removable, for the summer it is cleaned - it turns out a spacious room, where the dog can lie on the side to the whole height, and for the winter it is mounted, more than half of the room stands out on the vestibule - it turns out a square space where the dog can sleep, curling out the grassland.

Change consists in increasing the space of the tambour and a reduction in the bed.

The dog will now have two beds: a vestibule - colder space, and a small bedroom-nest is warmer. Which one is located, the four-legged favorite will decide.


After graduating from the coneer construction process outside and from the inside with galvanized nails should be seen roofing material. For the inner sewing, the lining, plywood or chipboard is suitable, in advance impregnated with oil or varnish.

The external covering is more demanding on materials, since the booth must combine not only efficiency, but also attractiveness. For these purposes, such lumber as lumbering, a block house, wooden panels, etc. will be ideal for these purposes. So that the water does not fall into the slot. The tree outside is impregnated with the protective composition, if desired, it is painted. Very harmonious and attractive will look at the dog booth, covered with the same material as your home, for example, stone, siding, etc.

The final stage of living home for a beloved pet

For your pet, you must make a soft litter from hay, straw or sawdust.

The most optimal warranty will be used for these purposes of pine and cedar sawdust. They are very soft, perfectly absorbed the surplus moisture and bad smells, in addition, they are not bad to scare various insects. They are environmentally friendly and have a pleasant pine or cedar smell.

Always remember that dogs require special care and home heat, so the construction of a warm and cozy dog \u200b\u200bdwelling should be considered responsibly.