
Sayings about spring and life. Quotes about spring

Billets for winter from tomatoes

In the spring melting all obstacles and blooming desires.

The intellectual, when in the spring goes to the forest for birch juice, does not stick into the trees of the tube: he reads Yesenin, and birchs themselves cry to the bank.

On the street, according to which she walked, spring was already warm, as if someone kissed her neck, but it was worth looking back, no one, except for sunlight.

"Rinat Valulin"

Spring! Who doesn't love her! The most disgusting, the lousy bully in the spring hurts, Dobret, hopes his own on anything there.

"Tatyana Tolstaya"

In the spring, when the Earth is fattened, people also seem to be softer.

Only now suddenly it came out that in a half weeks the spring will come. And by the spring, everything is always incredibly fabulously, you can ask any schizophrenic.

Miguel Grace

Spring will come soon, which brought me with you ... Spring will soon come without you.

Love does not add to the spring, Spring - ordeal For love, the great rival to her.

"Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva"

Every winter I am surprised how you can live in the city, and I begin to understand each spring.

"Paul Palmer"

Spring is an artist, paints the world around us with bright, juicy paints!

Meanwhile, Spring came, beautiful, friendly, without waiting and deceptions of spring, one of those rare veins, which are rejected by plants, animals and people.

"L. N. Tolstoy "

If there were no spring, we would not have known how fun to squat the snow in the spring ankle boots!

Every spring when the kidneys swell, my breasts breathes more fully, it seems that my feelings flourish, stretch to the world, and in May I already hardly manage to cope with me: Eh, to play higher, to heaven, to shoot down a couple of stars!

She has already laid down several times with him. Every year - in the spring and autumn - her, as if a migratory bird, hesitated the desire to fly away.

"Erich Maria Remarque"

It happens, something is not glued, it turns out badly, and at the same time you feel something good. You remember good and understand: it is spring.

"M. Sentain "

Spring is a victory over hunger, over winter, and if you want, over death.

Spring came! And I again slept in her!

Spring always carries change.

Spring is a real revival, a piece of immortality.

"Henry David Toro"

Spring is the time of year, when you can feel a complete idiot and stupid, smile can be unfortunately. And on very legal grounds.

Plans made up in the spring, look like this: Love, Love, Love ...

Ahead is a whole spring to learn to appreciate what will happen, and not what passed ...

Let life brings happiness to people - in my soul of love Spring.

"Alexander Blok"

With the beginning of spring, I wish the enchanting wonderful mood, and family happiness!

All new spring! Yes, and the Spring themselves are always such new - no one is similar to another, in each there is something in his own, which gives it a special, unique charm.

"Lucy Montgomery"

If there were no winter, spring would not seem to us so beautiful; If there were no poverty, wealth would not be so desirable.

Oh, spring, what romantic time! .. Everyone is happy, smiling and happy ... Flowers in the hands of friends, love reigns around!

Spring is a sufficient reason to commit significant nonsense without any good reasons.

White is a whiten shades. Happiness, like spring, varies his appearance every time.

"Andre Morua"

In each of us lives a small, very gentle little man. In the spring he wakes up to get his dose sunlight and love!

Waiting for spring is like Waja Waiting.

"Stephen King"

Spring is this time of year when it is very good to start something new.

"Haruki Murakami"

A gentle watercolor spring came to replace the landscape with shrouded snow trees.

"Arthur Golden"

Spring is a great time to re-open love in your own heart, learning it in the views of people, in the cries of birds, in the sprout, breaking through the thickness of the Earth ...

"Delia Gusman"

The largest and most great artist on the globe is not Leonardo da Vinci and Picasso, but spring.

"Feng Jizzai"

Spring - time of plans and assumptions.

In the spring, even boot boots whispering something gentle.

"Emil Krotky"

Spring soon, Spring soon, soon these nights of restless sleep, again spring, again love, again in our veins will play blood.

Winter kills life on Earth, but spring comes, and all living things will be born again. But it was difficult to believe, looking at the ashes of a newly living city that sometime Spring would come for him.

"Elizabeth Butler"

Spring Previously, you will recognize the smell.

"Feng Jizzai"

Spring coffee is the best reason to be happy at that morning!

"Maria Berestova"

Why, spring is in the yard. In the spring, he always becomes shalhes and eager for new.

"Erich Maria Remarque"

The offseason is always on the verge of a nervous breakdown: autumn breaks down the leaves, spring-roofs.

"Rinat Valulin"

And again stands up with an unresolved question - about women and love.

"Vladimir Mayakovsky"

It is always necessary to go forward, remembering that after winter it always comes in spring.

Spring is not just a time of flowering, this is the time of hope, the awakening of the spirit.

Thomas Foster

In the spring, everything is different - the sky is blue, people are kindern, the days are longer, happiness brighter!

Live, keeping peace. Come spring, and the flowers bloom themselves.

Spring - It's time for madness, only being disturbed by which it is possible to enjoy happiness. Let the most fleeting.

Spring and people affect. Impretches the backs of those who lowered the shoulders. Smoothes wrinkles on faces. Makes to breathe deeply air drunk to dizziness.

Albert Likhanov

Not in thought of spring to catch a spring cold.

Elena Yermolov

If there were no winter, spring would not seem to us so beautiful; If there were no poverty, wealth would not be so desirable.

Not in thought of spring to catch a spring cold.

Elena Yermolov

Spring is approaching every day. Perhaps it is worth going to meet her.

"Yuri Tatarkin"

When apple trees and pears flourish, there are so many Katyusch, that no wife will save.

"Georgy Aleksandrov"

Spring! Who doesn't love her! The most disgusting, the lousy bully in the spring hurts, Dobret, hopes his own on anything there.

In the spring, the weather is changing as often as the mood of the pregnant beauty-curtains.

Let life brings happiness to people - in my soul of love Spring. "A. A. Block »

Even inconvenient somehow. Now the birds come soon from the south, and here we have a solid mess: fields in the mud, and the trees are still not decorated with leaves.

Waiting for spring is like Waja Waiting.

"Stephen King"

Spring will come - then it is restored. And both perch, then we will be completely disturbing to live.

"Yuri Tatarkin"

Spring - It's time for madness, only being disturbed by which it is possible to enjoy happiness. Let the most fleeting.

Some ladies are in bloom, other - only at the stage of buds.

"Harry Simanovich"

From the April air always so. He is saturated with an unspoken promise unknown what. Usually at the end of May it becomes clear that it was an ordinary seasonal hormonal failure in the body. But until the end of May I, perhaps, I will have a gullible fool. It is stupid to deny yourself in such a pleasure.

Let in your life feeling love and happiness flourish the same lush and beautifully as snowdrops in the spring

Happiness for which he climbed, stopped; April This day froze forever, and somewhere in another plane, the movement of days, urban spring, rustic summer - vague streams, barely touching him.

February is always full of hopes. February is practically spring! And in the spring it is absolutely everything.

And the old stump of the spring day about the young birch girl ...

"BUT. V. Ivanov "

Winter is a good thing when this is a real winter - with ice on rivers, hail, wet snow, cracked frosts, blizzards and all other things, but spring is not good - solid rains, dirt, slush, one word - longing, and more It would end.

"Mark Twain"

Spring is when the entire planet in colors, a miracle, given to our God to feel and see paradise, while life.

"Viktor Gresenko"

This is not the same April, May not the one, already that year, in a row all the same thing, and therefore, maybe the wind does not kiss, but he grows his face, and even if I disappear, no one will notice the loss, no one except that I disappeared with me, we erased the names, give us new, spring.

In the spring, when the Earth is fattened, people also seem to be softer.

"Maksim Gorky"

It happens, something is not glued, it turns out badly, and at the same time you feel something good. You remember good and understand: it is spring.

"Maksim Gorky"

Only now suddenly it came out that in a half weeks the spring will come. And by the spring, everything is always incredibly fabulous, you can ask any schizophrenic. "

Once in the spring suddenly came autumn.

The girl on the city runs barefoot, the girl does not notice traffic lights and wires, the girl passes through the trolleybuses and trees, and the world becomes color - it is spring ...

It is impossible to say in the spring: "There is as much as much as you need." You can only say: "Come, autumn me grace hope and stay with me as long as possible."

"Paulo Coelho"

Spring pouring on the heart of the rods of parks and divine alleys.

"Valery Kazanzhanz"

Perhaps I never met such a supper and unpredictable Woman, like spring weather.

Spring water has come. It is difficult for spring water.

Elena Yermolov

According to the depths of the hydrometector of information that leaked from the depths of the Hydromet Center, this year will not be, but in next year There will be two more. And the second spring will come instead of summer.

Spring is the time of dreams, inspiration and of course love! Spring is so beautiful that it is simply impossible to be silent. We offer you a selection beautiful quotes and aphorisms, funny statements and statuses about the spring. Add them to your pages and charge a spring mood.

Spring, as a woman, she either comes suddenly, or makes himself wait. In the spring, not only nature comes to life, but also feelings. In the spring, everyone overwhelms love. In the spring, more than ever, I want to talk about your feelings of your feelings and soar on the wings of love. Spring comes no matter how snow melted or not. In the soul of spring comes back at the end of February, it can confirm even cats.

Spring is the time of mini skirts and studs. No woman will miss the opportunity to boast of their figure and attract the attention of men. But for those who have not denyed themselves to the New Year holidays, Spring is a kind of marathon "Vleu or not to get into your favorite dress."

Spring is impossible not to love. She gives life and hope for happiness, so what is there to talk, spring is and there is happiness. Spring is striking with its colost. There is nothing more beautiful than to realize that life is boil around. Wake up in the morning - and you see how the leaves were blocked on the trees overnight, you go with work - and you realize that the birds have already returned from the south. By the way, about the work ... Here it is in the spring, then it seems superfluous! Probably, there is no wonder there are many spring holidays and weekends.

Beautiful quotes and aphorisms about spring

While spring flowers on this planet,
And the beauty of green groves - in bloom,
And the mercy of God is given to everyone in the world,
Let these beauty flowers bloom for us!

Spring is the only revolution on this light, worthy of being taken seriously, the only one, which at least always has success.

Waiting for spring is like Waja Waiting.

The brightest of all veins is the one that in the shower.

Live, keeping peace. Come spring, and the flowers bloom themselves.

Plans for the year are in spring, plans for the day - in the morning.

Spring is this time of year when it is very good to start something new.

Spring and love quotes

Spring is increasingly flourishing, forcing the trembling of the human heart.

Spring ... She always aggressively smells love ...

Spring came, shining magic. It is possible to compare it with the deity. Hurry to breathe, hurry to hug it, your love to take her ...

Spring is a light cocktail from thoughts in the head, with barely audible light and tart notice of hope ... for love.

Let all this spring be bright and happy, in the arms of her beloved.

Love is a disease that every time - new symptoms, but they always appear in the spring!

Spring sign - if the palm itchs, perhaps the Love line is formed on it.

Spring came, and with her love ... at the sight of the holidays!

Funny quotes

Spring - she is like a woman. Just 3 long, picks up a beautiful outfit. And as it comes, so by its presence will make a little bit of a little happier.

Either spring, or really in you something is ...

People who helped go spring and fir snow! Why do you warm up with snow and asphalt?

Spring, you generally know that you should be warm and clear, and not with a pile of snow, water and mud?

Nothing paints the spring as the weekend on the May holidays!

In the morning, early awakened from sleep,
Outside the window rages a junior spring ...

Spring ... Girls solve the problem: how to dress a miniskirt on a maxi ass and pull high boots on the foot curves ...

Status about spring

Spring! It became warm. On the street, two types of originals were determined. The first are still walking in the down jackets, and the second already in T-shirts and shorts.

Well, all, girls, spring has come. It's time to do sports: walking on the studs, shooting through the eyes and jumps through goats.

March stop thinking that you are January!

I know why spring does not come ... because they still do not lose weight!

Nothing is annoying in the spring as winter!

On the street, everything is warmer and warmer ... the computer is turning on more and less ... Here it is, vaccine from Ineta - Spring!

Spring came, learn laziness, I sit at the desk as a deer.

Spring is the most beautiful time of the year. She wraps all with blond feelings, love and tenderness. In the spring, everything is fine without exception: and warm sunny rays, and primroses, and spring thunderstorm. When spring comes, I want to shout about your feelings and the desire to live!

The most spring statements of people who felt this phenomenon with all my heart.
The value of the spring season in the life of each living being is difficult to overestimate. We all feel it, but not everyone does not know about it.

2. "Spring is such a season when it is very good to start something new." Haruki Murakov Haruki Murakov
3. "Spring - time of plans and assumptions." Lev Tolstoy
4. "All new spring! Yes, and the Spring themselves are always such new - no one is similar to another, each has something his own, which gives it a special, unique charm. " Lucy Montgomery

6. "The beauty of spring is known in winter, and, sitting by the stove, compose the best May songs." Heinrich Heine
7. "Every year something dies in you when the leaves fall out of the trees, and their bare branches are defenselessly swinging in the wind in the cold winter light. But you know that spring will necessarily come, as well as you are sure, the frozen river will again liberate from ice. But when the cold rains lily, without stopping, and killed the spring, it seemed that young life was afraid. " Ernest Hemingway
8. "You, of course, know what it is? This is a spring fever. This is what it is called. And if you caught her, you want - you don't even know what exactly - but so I want that just the heart of Suret. " Mark Twain 9. "Spring - it's time for madness, which is only distinguished by which - perhaps full of happiness. Let the most fleeting ... "Elchin Safarley

11. "Tulips and daffodils are an orange-golden storm of spring." Erich Maria Remarque
12. "It happens, something is not glued, it turns out badly, and at the same time you feel something good. Remember the good and understand: this is spring. " Mikhail Svtain
13. "Spring cannot be said:" There is no way as much as you need. " You can only say: "Come, autumn me grace hope and stay with me as long as possible." Paulo Coelho
14. "Spring is the only revolution on this light." Fedor Tyutchev
15. "Sleep - she one must be alone. The fact that people call the spring, loneliness I call. ".Anna Akhmatova
16. "Judge about your health on how you are happy about the morning and spring." Henry David Toro.
17. "The charm of spring is known only in winter, and, sitting by the stove, compose the best May songs." Heinrich Heine
18. "Spring - Winter Solvent". Louis Jerzy Kern.
19. "Spring, when the Earth fatters, people, too, seem to become softer." Maksim Gorky

The wind brought from the population of the Spring Hint song, somewhere light and deep sky opened a block.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok.

Mentally change the winter on the spring and fall in love.

"E. Safarli "

Spring - time of plans and assumptions.

With the beginning of spring, I wish the enchanting wonderful mood, and family happiness!

Spring justifies nonsense. After all, to be fruitful, you need to bloom, and you can not flourish without breaking.

Elena Yermolov

Spring breaks the hearts, in the heart of everyone beats ...

In March, the Amours work out archery on cats.

If we are in something obey, then in our own trunks. Life promises to be long as this spring.

Deep autumn looks like a cool summer, and the winter approach gives itself to know the smell of spring.

Elena Yermolov

While winter will not leave spring will not come.

"Silovan Ramishvili"

Spring - Dream, smile, enjoy every moment!

Why, spring is in the yard. In the spring, he always becomes shalhes and eager for new.

Red eggs, ruddy face, pink light. Well, how not to rise here!

"Valery Krasovsky"

What do you think the snow turns when melts? - Of course in the water. - Invalid! It turns into a spring.

Spring will show who how many fought in winter.

Every winter I am surprised how you can live in the city, and I begin to understand each spring.

Spring came, the roads float!

"Igor Krasnovsky"

Those who have the head of garden, the most efforts begin.

"Yuri Tatarkin"

Spring came! And I again slept in her!

It happens, something is not glued, it turns out badly, and at the same time you feel something good. You remember good and understand: it is spring.

"Mikhail Svtain"

Spring appeared on time.

Unfortunately, this spring will not return to us what we are about * Bali!

Let spring in your heart live regardless of what is outside the window now!

Earth is afraid of spring. Ice melts, breaking the veins. The kidneys are strained and burst - it's pain ... these are childbirth. Old, who did not have time to settle his, clogs with young, who did not have time to enter into force ...

"Mikhail Svtain"

There are signs of the revolutionary situation: the Earth does not want to live in old, the snow cannot.

Elena Yermolov

This is the Major, this is the Major Fit Freshly Hispay!

Judge about your health by how you are happy in the morning and spring.

Plans for the year are in spring, plans for the day - in the morning.

No, enough - without spring I can not!

"IN. Vysotsky "

In the spring, even boot boots whispering something gentle.

Spring is such a season that even pants can not hide your fallen mood!

Spring in full swing. So soon summer. And behind him, autumn, autumn melancholy - and so far until spring!

Elena Yermolov

In the spring, everyone becomes a handsome man, if in a hurry to meet with his dream.

It is in the spring that people suddenly notice how the four-legged themselves behave in the street, although the animals are pairing year-round.

"Stas Yankovsky"